animatorweirdo · 25 days
Hogwarts Student In Middle Earth
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Requested by Anon
Hi! Sending you a request for headcanons (?) of a Hogwarts student landing in Middle Earth and meeting the elves? Thank you!
(Author note: I couldn't figure out what kind of reaction you were hoping for, so I made another analysis like fic to go through all the ages of Arda and the elves' reaction toward a Hogwarts student. I hope you enjoy it. )
Warnings: some mentions of the first age events, the first age, mentions of dangers, and trauma, some elves being nice, some not, possibly getting stuck in a world, some nice moments, and adventures.
- If you were a Hogwarts student and ended up in Middle Earth. The reasons for that could be a failed group project, messing up with a spell, or going somewhere you were not supposed to go and falling through a magical crack in time and reality that dropped you off in Middle Earth. 
- How you manage will depend on your age and knowledge of magic, If you are somewhere in the sixth or seventh year, you would probably do fine. If you are somewhere in the third or fifth year, you will have challenges but will manage. However, if you are a first or a second year, you are a literal child in a dangerous world. 
- For the sake of this fic, let’s make you either a sixth or a seventh-year student. 
- If you dropped off in Middle Earth at the age of the trees, there is a high chance you ended up in Aman. 
- You would cause a small shock among the high elves as they have never seen a human, especially a child capable of magic. You might be a small teen, but in their eyes, you would most likely be considered a toddler and they would not be able to comprehend your age. 
- However, you will most likely be safe among them after explaining what happened and that you made a magical mistake.
- The Valars would likely give you some help, and some elder elves who are familiar in the ways of magic. 
- You would be given a chance to get familiar with different elven clans and their cultures, and in return, you would share a little of the human world and the world of magic there. 
- I think they would feel intrigued by your charms, and if you struggled in Astrology, they would likely be more than happy to help you learn— taking their appreciation toward Varda’s stars. However, don’t try to fly on the broom in front of them, they would likely get a heart attack. 
- They would likely teach you a few things about their magic so that you could show off to your friends in your world. 
- The chances are that you would be returned to your world before any of the darkening and schemes of Melkor began. However, if you appeared in Aman when it happened, you would most likely be kept at a safe distance. 
- You could offer your magic to make light through the darkness and help the injured with your potion skills, but otherwise, there would be very little you could do to help. 
- You would be traumatized if you witnessed the kin slaying and then you would be sent back without another word. 
- Overall, depending on when you appeared in Aman during the age of the trees, your experience wouldn’t be awful and there is a chance your eyes might end up glowing after seeing the two trees. However, you might want to stay away from Melkor and the drama between Feanor and his family. And no, the elves would still treat you as a toddler even if you were a teen by human standards. 
- If you appeared in the first age, then you would most likely have a rough time and would have to find a way back to your home on your own. 
- Personally, I think the safest places and elves for you to meet are either the Falathrim or the Doriath elves. I think Cirdan would easily take lost children under his care and offer help to you in magical arts, and you would be more safe from the dangers. If you appeared in the woods of Doriaths, the Sindar would be slightly skeptical of you but give you a chance to explain your situation, and if you do not turn out to be a danger, then they would allow you to stay and seek help from Melian. 
- I think with the Falathrim you could make use of your potion skills during your free time, and with the Doriath elves, you could make use of herbology and knowledge of magical creatures. 
- They would be more open-minded to your magical abilities and since you are a child in their eyes, they would let you stay safe from danger. The chances of you finding a way back are way higher and they could teach you a thing or two in magic. 
- I think the Noldor would be the least safe people for you to meet. Since they are mostly located in the north, you would face more dangers, and they might be the most suspicious of you and your magical abilities. If you manage to convince them, then they might allow you to remain with them for safety. However, some of them might find use in your magic against Morgoth, so your chances of going home would be low and you might get put into danger, depending on which elf you meet. 
- If you are somewhat involved with the war against Morgoth, then you would be in much more danger. You would have to count on your specialties to survive, and there might be a chance it would take years before you found a way back to your world. You also might want to watch out for those who try to sabotage your progress and prevent you from ever returning home. 
- With them, you would need a wide knowledge of potions and defense against the dark arts because they will be most useful to you. If you weren’t the best at those subjects, then you would be in the first three weeks of your time there. 
- No matter what, you will return home with some trauma. The first age was a time filled with war, so there would be a little safety for you there.
- If you end up in Middle Earth during the second age, there would be dangers of their own, but the elves would be least dangerous toward you. Your chances of going home would be moderate, and that might be because of the lack of knowledge, but if you work with them, then it would be successful. 
- The third age would probably be safest out of the previous two. The elves would offer you safety in their homes, and help you find a way back home. I think even a first-year would be safe in their care. You would be safe and allowed to learn a thing or two. Finding a way back to your world might take some time, but by then you would have learned new magic, made friends, and returned home. 
- And if you met that one wandering wizard, then there is a chance you enjoyed a few adventures. 
- Overall, the age of the trees and the third age would probably be the safest time for a Hogwarts student to appear in the world of Arda. 
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lamemaster · 3 months
From One World to Another
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Request: Please spin the wheel for Aegnor 🛐🥺
Pairing: Aegnor x Reader
Genre: Hogwarts au (yaaaay)
AN: Thanks for requesting 🥹I am befuddled by how well this fits (What in the Hell is Happening Event) Last day tmr
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"The mudbloods are at it again," Celegorm snorted, a sneer twisting his perfect features. Aegnor rolled his eyes and glanced out the window, where you stood under the shade of a towering oak with your friend.
You were lost in one of those strange dances the humans called TikToks, your movements surprisingly graceful despite the odd rhythm.
Aegnor couldn't help but admire it. Unlike the elves, bound by tradition and cautious with their magic, humans like you embraced life with reckless abandon.  He longed to understand that world, a yearning that gnawed at him despite his upbringing.  A world he could only glimpse through stolen glances at the strange glowing device you called a phone.
Elves, with their long memories and deep respect for tradition, found themselves drawn to Slytherin.  Though some outliers existed, like Elrond, a Ravenclaw scholar obsessed with elven lore, Slytherin's green banner often fluttered above elven dwellings.
Humans, with their fleeting lives, burned brighter.  Gryffindor, the house of the brave, housed the vast majority.  But there were exceptions – a cunning Hufflepuff pioneer known for his loyalty to his coven, and a Ravenclaw witch whose fascination with magical flora rivaled any elves. 
This Gryffindor bravery, however, wasn't always viewed favorably by the elves.  Many elven elders often scoffed at their recklessness, a stark contrast to the calculated actions favored by his people.
Dwarves, with their insatiable thirst for knowledge and mastery of craft, naturally gravitated towards Ravenclaw. Their halls echoed with debates on engineering marvels and the secrets hidden within the earth. 
Finally, the Hobbits found a home in Hufflepuff. Their love for community, loyalty to their kin, and dedication to the simple pleasures of life resonated deeply with the house known for its badger sigil.
A pang of longing twisted within Aegnor. He yearned for a glimpse into your world, a world documented on those strange glowing rectangles humans called "phones."  He knew it was a forbidden desire, an act frowned upon by most elves. Only his Uncle Feanor, a surprising and rare elven Gryfindor dared to dabble in such human contraptions.
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Sitting in the back row, the only sliver of sunlight stubbornly fighting its way through a cracked window was Snape's nemesis. Aegnor sighed, flipping through his well-worn textbook filled with elven script that seemed to dance before his eyes.
The acrid scent of burnt Bubotuber pus mingled with the sweet aroma of gillyweed, a constant reminder of the strange concoctions brewing around him
Snape's incessant droning about cauldron safety did little to alleviate his growing boredom. Suddenly, a cacophony of crashing metal and sputtering flames erupted from across the room, followed by Snape's scathing pronouncement, "Five points from Gryffindor!"
Aegnor winced, his gaze briefly flickering towards the source of the commotion.  There, you stood, exiled from the Gryffindor table amidst a chorus of giggles.
You were a whirlwind of Gryffindor red and mischief, your hair escaping its usual braid.  Without a moment's hesitation, you marched towards Aegnor, a mischievous glint sparkling in your eyes.
"Mind if I join you guys?" you chirped, settling down on the empty stool beside him before he could even formulate a response. 
Before he could stammer a response, his sister, Galadriel, cut in with a frosty, "How about no."
Aegnor felt the urge to glare at his sister. He stole a glance at you, half-expecting you to wilt under Galadriel's icy stare. 
Instead, you met her gaze with a playful glint in your eyes, a barely suppressed smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "Cool, glad that we agree," you replied shaking his hand. 
A sheepish grin spread across your face as you leaned closer to Aegnor, your voice barely a whisper. "Mind sharing the textbook?" you pleaded, a hint of desperation lacing your tone. 
Your own copy lay abandoned on the desk, its pages marred by a splatter of what could only be some sort of disastrous purple goo. 
For a moment, Aegnor felt a flicker of surprise, a jolt of something akin to shyness as you invaded his personal space. He wasn't used to such casual closeness, especially not with someone from Gryffindor.
He stole a glance at his sister, Galadriel. Her lips were pursed in disapproval, a silent reminder of the boundaries he was teetering on.  
But something, perhaps the endearing lack of inhibition in your eyes, won him over. With a barely audible sigh, he shifted the book closer to you, his voice a low murmur as he mumbled the instructions Snape had droned on about mere moments ago.
And that is how his world collided with yours. Reforming itself for the eternity of his life.
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dalliansss · 8 months
Hogwarts AU by me and @skaelds
Let’s start with ✨Finrod✨ of course
Part-Veela (Indis is a Veela)
Same year with Curufinwë
Wand: rosewood, 14”, werewolf fang core
Prefect and eventually Head Boy (much to Curufin’s chagrin)
Has friends from all Houses
Not into Quidditch
From a purely magical family
Specializes in: potions, muggle studies, occlumency
Other good subjects: herbology; care of magical creatures, defense against the dark arts, charms, history of magic
Best skills: potion brewing, occlumency, charms and enchantments
Eventual job: ministry of magic; muggle liasons department (1st job out of school)
We’ll add the rest of the family later hahaha
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scatteredlight1 · 6 months
Chapters: 1/9 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter & Sons of Fëanor Characters: Harry Potter, Maedhros (Tolkien), Maglor (Tolkien), Celegorm (Tolkien), Caranthir (Tolkien), Ambarussa (Tolkien), Curufin (Tolkien), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Additional Tags: Magic, Memories, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Humor, Read the fine print guys, Spellcasting, Original Spells and Potions (Harry Potter), Backfiring Spells, Sometimes it's better to not have help, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Not Beta Read, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Series: Part 1 of Consequences of not reading the fine print Summary:
“Terrifying dream or not, it definitely didn’t go away. He didn’t sign up for this. Next time, honest to Merlin, he’s checking every inch of every page with a magnifying glass, and then referring to every other book with the spell and inspecting those pages as well. Why, you ask? That’s excessive, you say! Imagine Lucius Malfoy lounging on your couch, three years after he practically killed you and two months after he supported your arch-nemesis. It was very, very creepy.”
Harry uses a spell that transfers memories from powerful historical figures into people living in the same century as the spellcaster. He expects Merlin, or even the founders, to appear. What he gets are the seven sons of Feanor. He is not even slightly prepared.
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aotearoa20 · 1 year
So I’m sorting all of finwe’s grandkids into hogwarts houses for moodboards, as one does. And you know there’s not a lot of Ravenclaws in the royal family of the ‘love learning and making things’ people
which explains some things but is also kinda sad. Like Finrod and Maglor would definitely be in the loves learning house if they weren’t hopelessly following people into doom because of their stupid oaths. Dad jr ought to be in ravenclaw but he is too busy starting a coup to be doing to do any actual making stuff
just feels like there’s so much exploring and creating potential that’s lost cause everyone’s fighting themselves, each other and the freaking Lord of Darkness
anyway if anyone want to weigh in on whether Fingon is a hufflepuff or griffindor please do, cause I’m at a loss?
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sampungmgadaliri · 1 year
I have a new ship: Galadriel x Minerva McGonagall. I cannot explain. I hope you get what I mean.
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saintannatar · 3 months
Thank you for tagging me @narisz !! ❤️❤️❤️
Favourite colour: Besides black, I'm really into deep turquoise right now.
Last song: Blessed Be by Spiritbox 😍
Last movie/TV show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Fucking hilarious, though some of the jokes have aged poorly.)
Next on my watch list: Either House of the Dragon or finishing up the last couple seasons of HBO's His Dark Materials.
Last game: These days I watch the hubby play while I knit. Last game he finished was Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Currently on Elden Ring. Last game I myself played was Hogwarts Legacy (I know...I know. Fuck JKR and bring on the hate.)
Sweet/savoury/spicy: EVVVERYTHINGGG. I'm a sucker for a thoughtful sweet/savory blend. Like salted caramel or chocolate cheddar. (Trader Joe's sold that for a while and it was awesome.)
Relationship status: Happily Married and it's complicated :)
Last online search: How Brooklyn Nine-Nine is spelled out.
Current obsession: Still the Silmarillion/the rest of the Legendarium. Currently trudging through LOTR for the first time 😅 and I do intend to finish it! New mini-fixation right now is total solar eclipses; already excitedly planning for the 2045 one!
Greatest flaw: Definitely my overuse of emoji Probably my people-pleasing.
If you feel like it my dears @rufyshinra @dontclimbonthat @keyknows @ofstarlightandbows @transsexualhamlet @ughtumno
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herashifts · 1 year
Ghost: Cardinal Copia 🥰
Mystic Force: Necrolai
Neverland: Captain Hook
MCU: Loki
Hogwarts Professor: Severus Snape*
The Mighty Nein: Mollymauk Tealeaf
Encanto: Bruno Madrigal
The Arcana: Nahara Satrinava
Justice League/Danny Phantom: Jason Todd (Red Hood)
CaFae Latte: Currently unnamed fem demon
Hellboy: Prince Nuada
Silmarillion: Fëanor (one night stand only 💃)
God of War/Tolkien: Manwë and Varda (the royal throuple 😌✨)
Labyrinth: Jareth
Hadestown: Hades and Persephone (royal throuple pt 2)
*With a lot of scripted changes. I only started getting ✨vibes✨ after I altered his characterization for my DR hdjdhdndbf
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Scribbles and Drabbles 22 breakdown
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So, I've caved and made a comprehensive, exhaustive list of my entries. They will be organised according to rating. Inside each rating, you'll find the characters/pairings. Sorry for not tagging all the artists, but I think there's a limit to how many people one can tag 😝
It's rather long, so the list will be under the cut!
Love you all!
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All hands on deck
Blood of my blood, bone of my bone
Melkor shenanigans
Heresy (how WAP ruined everything) (Melkor; Varda/Manwë)
The first marring (Melkor x Melkor, I guess)
Utumno Power Hour with @z-h-i-e (Melkor x Balrogs)
Prey and Predator (Maglor x Ungoliant)
Under the cover of darkness / Someone else (multi Finwëan ships)
A blade's tale (Túrin & Anglachel: NSFW for violence)
Temper (NSFW for violence)
💖SFW - Shippy
Crown Jewels
You're an ocean, beautiful, and blue...I wanna swim in you AND Red, the blood of angry men!
Copper and crystal memories
New, and a bit alarming...
A tale of ice (cream) and fire (SFW-ish)
The Golden Flower Emporium
Flowery Words (SamFro)
One day (Daemags)
Moth & Flame (Andreth/Aegnor)
Coming back (Elwing/Eärendil)
🤗SFW - Gen
Eru's instrument (Manwë & Eru)
A good day's work (Manwë & Yavanna)
Lord Oromë in His Forest
Lord Ulmo’s Sea
Feline Frustration (Námo & cats)
I'm Not Locked in Here With You, You're Locked in Here With Me (Námo & Fëanor)
"The JuDgler" or "Ball and chain" (Námo & Fëanor)
Like a satellite (Melkor & space)
The Contest of Finrod and Sauron (Finrod & Sauron)
The House of the Green Siren (Modern!AU Sauron)
Prometheus or the flame that stole itself away (Fëanor)
Full brother in heart (Fëanor & Fingolfin)
Presentation Practice (Fëanor/Nerdanel & baby Mae)
Like bubbles trapped in crystal (Nerdanel & Anairë - sadness)
I know I've loved you before (Maedhros & Maglor)
This is my fightsong (Caranthir & Angrod)
Up and away (Celegorm & Curufin & Celebrimbor)
Postcard from Eregion (Celebrimbor & Galadriel)
Bits and bobs and a tooth (Elrond & cursed objects)
A distant glimmer (Kidnap fam)
Healing (Elrond & Maglor)
Shipwrecked (Voronwë)
Elwing and the Silmaril
A fateful question (Díor & Lúthien)
An ocean that could burn (unknown Noldo)
Campaign 1.0 : The Silmarillion (Túrin, Sauron, Maeglin, & Thorin Oakenshield)
Another forest (Three Hunters -> Hogwarts)
A toast to the groom (Glorestor) 🔥
A sunny day (Russingon) 💖
The Tirion Tattler (Russingon) 💖
Treatises and Truths (page 54) (unknown baby & elves)🤗
Maglor's Masterplan (Maglor & Elrond) 🤗
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sweetlog · 3 months
Five Remarkable Fanfictions That Will Steal Your Heart
1. “Build Up A New Us” by Harp_of_Gold (Silmarillion Fandom):
This ongoing fanfic delves into profound redemption stories for characters like Sauron, Maeglin, and even Morgoth. It explores themes of trauma recovery, accountability, and justice. But it’s not all serious—there’s also polyamory, healthy BDSM practices, and joyful queerness. The author masterfully weaves deep insights with feel-good moments, reminding us that everyone deserves a happy ending.
2. “Splint” by helenamarkos (The Lord of the Rings Fandom):
Set in the 4th Age, this captivating fanfic introduces an intriguing cross-species relationship between a ranger of the North and a lonely orc shamaness. The story beautifully explores love, culture shock, prejudice, and genuine feels. The characters are all original, yet the storytelling is incredibly compelling.
3. “Fantastic Elves and Where To Find Them” by evansentranced (Harry Potter Fandom):
In this heartwarming tale, Harry is abandoned by the Dursleys as a child. Instead of a dark street life, he carves out an unconventional existence. Hogwarts is absolutely not ready for the unconventional wizard he becomes. The humor and heartfelt moments make this fanfic a delightful read.
4. “Purple Days” by Baurus (Game of Thrones Fandom):
Imagine Joffrey, the notorious tormentor, stuck in a Groundhog Day-like loop until he becomes a far less terrible person. Eldritch secrets, redemption, and unexpected twists await in this well-written fanfic.
5. “The Alexandra Quick” series by Inverarity (Harry Potter Fandom):
Set in wizarding America, this series features an original cast of characters. The world-building, character development, and storytelling are exceptional. Although incomplete, the published books showcase the author’s dedication and talent.
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mxmia · 2 years
Because it's always great to see your progress. If future me reads this: go and write something. Total Completed Works: 15 out of 16 works posted in AO3 LMAO.
Word Count: 29,657. It's not a lot but it is, and that is all that matters. Fandoms I’ve Written for: Encanto, The Hobbit, The Lord Of the Rings, The Silmarillion. I hope to branch out a little more while still writing for my favourites in 2023, let's see!
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? I wrote way more. I started 2022 with practically 0 hopes of writing anything because I just wasn't in the place mentally and I'm really pleased to see I've managed to overcome all of that and more or less write quite a bit. What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? The series Finwëohíni itself is something I'm proud of and hope to keep writing; but if I had to choose I'd choose he was a fire burning down a forest, my dear Findis & Fëanor fic because it was something that I hadn't written at all before and it turned out quite well, I'd say! Any Plans for 2023? I'd quite like to write more for the series Finwëohíni, and I'd like to try and write for more fandoms as I get into them instead of feeling scared about posting those. I have a longfic/adaptation of a videogame (Hogwarts Mystery, which is probably not the best choice but I still really want to do it) that I'm working on to improve my writing, even if I don't know if I'll finish and or post it. :D I also have a Silm longfic(ish) that is just retelling the Silmarillion from an OC's point of view, but I'm not sure if I'll ever finish that either, haha. Happy new year, everyone. For the last time in 2022 -mxmia
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
And Then There Were Eight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3VSYy5O
by TimAllPowerful_xX
The first year of Hogwarts is now over for Harry Potter, and he dreads returning to the Dursleys at Privet Drive. However, new revelations will find Harry thrust into a whole new part of the wizarding world. There he will find new hardships and ancient foes, but also friends, family, brothers, a step-mum, and a father.
Seven had always been the magic number, but being the eighth son of Fëanor will prove to be most interesting.
Words: 4793, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fëanor | Curufinwë, Nerdanel (Tolkien), Sons of Fëanor, Maedhros | Maitimo, Maglor | Makalaurë, Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Caranthir | Morifinwë, Curufin | Curufinwë, Amrod (Tolkien), Amras (Tolkien), House of Finarfin, House of Fingolfin - Character, Sauron | Mairon, Annatar (Tolkien), Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore
Relationships: House of Fëanor & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore & Annatar, Harry Potter & Nerdanel, Harry Potter & House of Finarfin, Harry Potter & House of Fingolfin, Fëanor | Curufinwë & Sons of Fëanor, Fëanor | Curufinwë & House of Finwë, Nerdanel & Sons of Fëanor
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Family, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Dysfunctional Family, Father-Son Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Sauron Being an Asshole, Harry Potter Gets the Love He Deserves, Good Parent Fëanor, Ron Weasley is a Good Friend, Elves are Wizards, Nerdanel is Best Mom, Death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3VSYy5O
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
@tolkiengenweek July 9–Day 5–Culture
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Some priests from the Temple of the Eye in Umbar, with obligatory cat familiar, provided to each acolyte upon their ascension to novice, as set down by the foundress of the School of the Eye, (Queen Beruthiel) which is attached to the temple and trains the postulates and novices. Each family of Umbar is required to give up their first born child to train at the School upon their 10th year. From there if they prove their aptitude they are taken into the Temple to serve the priesthood of the Eye. Those who do not…well people don’t like to talk about them.
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sauronnaise · 2 years
Time to document my dreams again
I dreamt that I had to go to Hogwarts to lure Sauron, but this Hogwarts strangely looked like a hospital. On my way, there were many constellations floating around the city like fog, and there was a bull head. It knew it was Oromë's sygil, so I screetched in an attempt to imitate Lugia's call to summon him. Oromë appeared in the distance, he was quite the giant (and was some sort of a faun with huge antlers and a spear). He raised his hand in salute and said I was safe to go, I had his blessings.
I went. The plan was to play dumb and befriend Sauron, but he had the same idea to play dumb. Both of us agreed to go to a calm room, so we flew together in a tower and we went somewhere. Nothing really happened. Someone came in, a tall Dobby the Elf kind of person, and I pretended I was Sauron's servant, so I kneeled and rested my head on his lap. Sauron shoo'ed Dobby away (he was in a foul mood). I had already decided his lap was comfortable, so I settled myself. Sauron didn't mind and petted my hair.
The hospital!Hogwarts had a Manwë/Dumbledore figure that was in the facts Dupont from Tintin. And Sauron was being a spy of Morgoth.
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
My OCs masterlist
(mainly for my own reference so I can keep track of them and what I’ve posted for them here, will get edited constantly)
Turunís (also called Aíra or Hûriel)  {Part Noldo, part Teleri}  |Wife of Curufin, mother of Celebrimbor, Lady of Himlad, glass-blower, alchemist|  [Dark brown wavy hair, medium brown skin, freckles, grey eyes, tall and muscular]  (Proud, clever, competitive, patient, commanding, shortspoken, protective)  {ENTJ} Raen  {Of Arnor}  |Lady of the Blue Brooch, last leader of the people of Cardolan|  [Dark brown hair, light brown skin, brown eyes, very small and slender]  (Gentle, kind, loyal, strong-willed, enduring)  {ISFJ} Nilûphêl {Of Numenor} |Lady-in-waiting of Tar-Miriel, not one of the Faithful but against the deeds of the Black Numenorians| [Dark brown skin, black hair, dark grey eyes, short and agile] (Quiet, clever in her own way, secretive, stoic, a bit cynical, but kind) Idis (Textual ghost)  {Of Rohan} |Daughter of Theoden, princess of Rohan, rider, woodworker, raised Eowyn and Eomer|  [Pale skin, dark blonde hair, green eyes, freckled, tall and stoutly built]  (Loving, imaginative, loyal, funny, principled, compassionate)  {INFJ} -Grey ace- Tára (also called Lócëwen or Isthíril)  {Noldo} |Soldier, lore-master, Feanorian follower|  [Black hair, pale skin, grey eyes, sharp features, later scarred on her face and shoulder]  (Proud, ambitious, strong, cunning, stubborn, rebellious, determined, passionate)  [INTJ]  -Aroace- Lopowen {Teleri}  |Wife of Maglor, poet, storyteller|  [Tightly curled silver hair, medium brown skin, green eyes, short] Aurlea Darling (my lotro character)  {Hobbit of the Shire}  |Hunter, dreamer, cook, and sampler of fine drinks|  [Light brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, short and stout]  [INFP] Faenel (nicknamed Wren)  {Gondorian}  |Tailor, of Minas Tirith, friend of Boromir|  [Long lack hair, medium brown skin, brown eyes, short and curvy]  (Hardworking, compassionate, protective, motherly, responsible, creative, brave)  -Ace and demiromantic- Elineth (mainly created to explore Edain and Elder relations in the first age) a girl of the House of Beor, refugee who fled to Himring after the Dagor Bragalloch with her younger sisters and pleaded for asylum Aursili (my lotro character)  {Dwarf}  |Of Erebor, ministrel, healer|  [Black hair and beard, light brown skin, grey eyes]  (Gentle, poetic, optimistic, friendly, thoughtful, open) -Aroace- Sage Button Tali of Khazad-dum
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psychedaleka · 4 years
I wanna hear about Mairon in Hogwarts... please...
oh absolutely!! this is a semi crack treated seriously plotbunny that turned into a 12k fic (i am currently 3/7 done)
the summary i have for it is:
“When the One Ring is destroyed, Sauron is not sent to the void. He is, instead, reborn as a human child in a world where magic is a little more… every day.
In which The Last Archangel: Firstborn lives rent free in my head and I continue to stan Sauron.”
(the last archangel: firstborn is a supernatural and harry potter crossover which i absolutely love, and if you’re part of those fandoms i would 100% suggest you go check it out)
featuring: mairon finally making friends (and dealing w/emotions in a semi productive way), encountering goblet of fire era dragons, and wannabe dark lord voldemort.
snippets under the cut!
Ravenclaw, Mairon thought, hard.
No need to be so loud, the Sorting Hat said. Are you sure? You’d do quite well in Slytherin.
Not Slytherin, he thought. They’d insult my parents.
Such loyalty, the Hat remarked.
I’d fit in more with Ravenclaw, Mairon insisted, thinking of his charts and rankings. I’m curious, I’m studious— I’d fit right in.
Perhaps, the Hat said, then with an odd note: But sometimes what you are is not what you need. So I’d better sort you in:
Professor Trelawney started the class with some ominous sounding predictions, and Wayne snickered at them, but they rang true to Mairon. He didn’t know how.
Professor Trelawney turned to Mairon, with sympathy in her eyes.
“Oh, my dear,” she said. “So much fire. I see so much fire.”
“Are you saying his house is going to burn down? Justin said.
“”Fire and,” she said, ignoring Justin, “gold, so bright, the light of a soul fracturing.”
Mairon couldn’t breathe. Even the cup of tea couldn’t stop the lump in this throat. Her words had shaken him, because they were true, but he didn’t know how.
Fire and gold: that was him. Not him, not this him— the other him, the one that had been erased like a palimpsest and was bleeding into this him.
“Huh,” Justin said, turning Mairon’s cup around. “Doesn’t look like there’s much. Looks like tea clumps.”
Mairon stared at Justin’s cups, willing the globs to make shapes.
“I see,” Justin said, “what is that? The sun? The moon? Are those symbols?”
He flipped through the textbook, as though reading it another time will somehow force the words to make sense.
Mairon set down his cup. He had given up on it a long time ago.
“I know what I see in your future,” he said, wryly.
“Really?” Justin looked excited.
“A failing mark.”
Justin pouted.
“How could you do this to me,” he said. “Just because I can’t decipher your squiggle—”
“Let me see.”
“I think it’s the sun,” Justin said.
No, not the sun.
The tea leaves clumped along the edge of the cup: a ring.
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