sicl5 · 4 months
Final Fantasy VII: Alternative World CRISIS CORE
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justn0t · 1 month
I haven't seen anyone talking about the parallels and themes between silent salt and white lily so I'm putting my ideas here
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Silent salt's themes seem more obvious when he's put next to white lily. White lily clearly represents nature, tying in with her virtue of freedom. In contrast, I think silent salt represents humanity and its contrast with nature. His metallic, jagged corners next to white lily's swooping leaves. This might be a stretch, but the smoke(?) coming from his helmet could also be pollution.
It also works with freedom and silence which could be the oppressor (silence, humanity) and the oppressed (freedom, nature)
There's also the obvious part, where white lily's soul was split in half to make dark Enchantress, and silent salt's 'thing' is cutting people in half.
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
Cannot stop thinking about transformers courtships because my thought for mecha with sirens is them blasting them at top volume like those very loud extra mega birds
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57sfinest · 2 years
Are there any flaws in the story of Disco Elysium that you would change if you could?
honestly in terms of narrative and structure? no, not really!
i think a popular answer to this question would be to say "make them not be cops!" but that feels to me like something you'd say to try to absolve yourself of the "guilt" (or whatever you want to call it) of liking characters that are cops, because the fact that they're cops is an intentional and meaningful part of the narrative, not just a lazy or convenient character decision.
however i will say that i would definitely change the inherent racism in just... everything about seol. yes the isolas are not a 1-to-1 copy of earth continents/countries but many of them are meant to be strong representations, and seol- which is both an isola and a nation, somehow- is just, like, all of asia. so not only does *every asian country* just get thrown into the same basket, it also happens to be a racist-isolationist culture that's Mysterious and Fascist and Closed-Off and Hostile and Exotic etc etc. it feels like they couldn't be bothered to be even the tiniest bit more culturally aware in that regard, didn't feel like talking to any asian people about how to go about things, and just took the western view of north korea and threw "asia" into it and called it a day. it's a really disappointing thing to see in a game that seems otherwise aware of those kinds of issues.
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kachiyaa · 3 months
im so scared if koz debuts a gg fuck i donf know what I'll do if zico takes care of female idols it s not good for my mental health 😭😭🥺😭🥺🥺🥺😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭 him doting on bonedo was damaging enough to my psyche. ENOUGH
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“Aklındaki seslerden biri bendim…”
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confinesofmy · 4 months
i think disco elysium patched out the mysterious pair of eyes asking you if you're bicurious? it's not there for me. but maybe i don't have the right build for it, idk.
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wanderingtycho · 2 years
By far one of my favorite things about the way Disco Elysium handles politics is that Libertarianism is treated as an absolute joke. Like the game is obviously sympathetic towards communists, but there are elements of sympathy towards the moralists and fascists as well. Not sympathy in the sense of “oh can’t we all just get along, we’re all human” BS, but sympathy in the sense that you are able to understand a persons thought process that would lead them to embrace moralism or fascism. Even if that thought process is deeply flawed, and leads to horribly off kilter conclusions, going through the centrist and fash quests gives you meaningful insight into the appeal of those ideologies.
But Ultraliberalism? The game just laughs at you, repeatedly and mercilessly. As it should, you’re a cop so poor a guy you’ve known for one day has to pawn some fancy hubcaps so you can afford rent, yet all you talk about is your grindset. Your hustle, how you’re gonna disrupt the market and groove your way into the lap of luxury. It’s delusion, utter stark raving madness, and characters treat you as such.
Kim is at a loss for words whenever you crank on your libertarian spiel, Evrart calls you a retard, you have to *trick* the mega-rich light bending guy into giving you mercury mining stocks because he’s simply too perplexed by you. Joyce, last of the self identified Ultras, doesn’t take you seriously. Sileng just goes along with it the same way he goes along with any of the other nonsense you can spout, because he’s on his own hustle, and there is no loyalty among charlatans. The only character who is wholeheartedly onboard with the money engineering and the visionary wave making lifestyle is literally named IDIOT DOOM SPIRAL.
But you see, all these things are just incidental, where the game makes it most potent jab at libertarians is when the vision quest stops. Notice I said *stop* not *end*. The communist quest line ends with a Rhetoric check in order to ask The Most Important Question about Communism. The fascist quest has you look yourself in the eye with an Endurance check to see if you can stomach the truth about yourself and your Vöws. The moralist quest ends with a heart wrenching Empathy check as you beg the iron grey and soulless enforcers of the status quo to please god help this district before war breaks out in the streets. There’s real personal stakes for Harry in all these disparate paths he can walk, what does Ultraliberalism get?
You and Kim look at a statue covered in tinsel and disco balls, Kim asks you why you went through with all this, and no matter what response you pick he’s like “Right, yeah, okay. Anyway, let’s finish the case.”
That’s it, no grand moment of pathos, no red Savoir Faire skill check to see if you really are the baddest hustler in the neoliberal hood after all. It’s completely limp, flaccid, lackluster. The game treats all the effort you put into this as exactly what it is: sad, cringe fantasies of a poor old man who’s huffing copium over the embarrassed millionaire mythos.
Disco Elysium doesn’t give libertarianism a poignant, profound conclusion because it’s an ideology undeserving of such treatment. It’s a hyper-capitalist cult mentality of toxic positivity and confirmation bias, a way for desperate people to trick themselves and other chumps into thinking they can bootstrap their way into wealth and prestige. It goes past wishful thinking into pure delirium, the game doesn’t engage with it seriously because it doesn’t have to, the only people who sincerely believe any of its tenants are morons and the clowns who sucker them.
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turisiancom · 3 months
TURISIAN.com – Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif  Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, melanjutkan rangkaian visitasi ke 50 desa wisata terbaik dalam ajang Anugerah Desa Wisata Indonesia (ADWI) 2024. Kali ini, Desa Wisata Wanurejo di Magelang, Jawa Tengah, menjadi tujuan kunjungannya. Setibanya di Candi Pawon, Dusun Bronjolanan, Menteri Pariwisata Sandiaga disambut dengan tarian tradisional Kang Gareng. Ia berkesempatan menjajal berbagai atraksi wisata yang ditawarkan desa ini. Salah satu yang menarik adalah pengalaman membuat rengginang di UMKM Rengginang Bu Yatin. Salah satu oleh-oleh khas Wanurejo. BACA JUGA: Desa Wisata Lawang Rebut Juara 1 ADWI 2023 Kategori Toilet Sandiaga mengendarai VW menuju lokasi tersebut dan menyaksikan langsung proses pembuatan rengginang, camilan berbahan dasar beras ketan. Selanjutnya, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke Balkondes Wanurejo. Di sepanjang perjalanan, panorama sawah berlatar belakang Bukit Menoreh dan Gunung Merapi memanjakan mata. Keindahan alam ini menjadi daya tarik utama yang memukau setiap pengunjung. Di Balkondes Wanurejo, Sandiaga disambut tarian Topeng Ireng yang mengisahkan tentang sejarah Wanurejo. BACA JUGA: Kemenparekraf Dorong Tren Baru Sektor Pariwisata di 250 Desa Wisata Melalui Program ADWI Di pendopo, ia melihat berbagai produk UMKM, mulai dari kerajinan, kuliner, hingga fesyen. Tidak ketinggalan, Sandiaga turut menanam pohon kelengkeng di area paling barat Balkondes. "Dari 6.016 desa wisata yang tergabung dalam Jadesta, Wanurejo memiliki banyak keunggulan. Saya melihat langsung mulai dari rengginang hingga ke Candi Pawon," katanya. "Saya berharap semua pihak dapat berkolaborasi untuk mendukung Wanurejo," sambung Sandiaga setelah visitasi. BACA JUGA: 22 Desa Wisata di Cirebon Ini Didorong masuk ADWI 2023 Sembilan Dusun Sementera itu, keberhasilan Wanurejo sebagai desa wisata tak lepas dari kolaborasi kuat antara sembilan dusun yang menghadirkan ragam daya tarik wisata pedesaan. Mulai dari penginapan, atraksi, kuliner, kerajinan tangan, hingga budaya. Semuanya terintegrasi dengan kearifan lokal sebagai dasar utama. Desa ini menyediakan sekitar 63 homestay yang nyaman dengan harga terjangkau, sekitar Rp350.000 hingga Rp450.000 per malam. "Saya canangkan Desa Wisata Wanurejo sebagai desa wisata terbaik Indonesia. Mudah-mudahan ini akan menjadi destinasi wisata kelas dunia, yang akan kita promosikan di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan mancanegara," tambah Sandiaga. BACA JUGA:Sandiaga Optimis Target 1.25 Miliar Wisatawan Domestik Tercapai Desa Wisata Wanurejo terletak strategis sebagai pintu gerbang masuk ke kawasan Borobudur. Diapit oleh sungai Progo dan Sileng, desa ini berada di kaki Pegunungan Menoreh. Untuk mencapai desa ini, pengunjung perlu menempuh perjalanan sekitar 1 jam 30 menit dari Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). Selain atraksi wisata yang telah dijajal oleh Sandiaga, pengunjung juga dapat menikmati wisata sejarah. BACA JUGA: Bupati Wakatobi Bertekad Ciptakan Banyak Desa Wisata, Ada Dukungan Kemenparekraf Seperti Masjid Kuno dengan beduk misterius peninggalan Pangeran Diponegoro, sumber air suci Umbul Tirta, dan makam Kyai Wanu. Dalam kunjungan ini, Sandiaga didampingi oleh Staf Khusus Menteri Bidang Pengamanan Kemenparekraf Ario Prawiseso, Direktur Tata Kelola Destinasi Kemenparekraf Florida Pardosi. Dan Direktur Utama Badan Otorita Borobudur (BOB) Agustin Perangin-angin. ***
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kozykricket · 2 years
ive been sileng about my opinions on mining and caving and ores in general. expect a post soon. on how 1.18 caving is great, but how it could be even better
tldr i dont wanna add tedium but also exposed ores are boring but also the non exposed ores are all just good luck luhmow
whether it be hints in generation towards where the ores might be SO YOU ACTUALLY JAVE TO MINE FOR THEM or metal detectors
caves would still have massive value by decreasing the amount you need to mine to expose more areas to search for nearby ores from
more ores in biome specific places doesnt help. the placement is still entirely a guess besides y level. and y level is lame.
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cherrysnax · 5 years
i feel as though I’m being punished. and like, fair; i am legally the worst, but cant i get struck by lighting or something, anything but this?
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serv0z · 5 years
Fuck it I'm going to sleep
If my mom has an issue with that she can talk to the place I'm at for 9 hours 5 days of the week; my school
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airsignvenus-remade · 6 years
me: makes (1) post about the fact im tired of fandom moms talking about saving their nsfw blogs with cp on it bc its ~censorship~
anon: are you racist and homophobic and a completely ignorant person
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breathingliifearc · 4 years
o.o hi I just woke up e.o but GOOD MORNING!!! Will be around in work breaks hopefully, if not later to finish memes too!
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lesbrarians · 3 years
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[image credit: Joshua Jenkins (@thehandunseen), check out more of his DE design assets on his website!]
So I’ve already talked about my thoughts on this piece of DE design/concept art with some great folks in the DE server I’m in, but I wanna record them here too for.... idk, posterity or something?
Been thinking a lot about the in-universe applications of this since seeing it, and the first thing that came to mind when I read about Novelty was: “oh, huh. now I'm wondering if calling Neha a Novelty Dicemaker was an intentional decision on ZA/UM’s part.”
We know that radios pick up on CCP -- we see it in action in the moralism quest. Kim wincing when he hears his own voice: “It’s been a long winter... long and cold.” It’s assumed to be entroponetic crosstalk, pale interference from the past, like with the Tricentennial Electrics lady, but Noid’s surprisingly perceptive when he says its from the future:
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Kim’s bothered by it though, he can’t remember what he was talking about... because he hadn’t said it yet. And then he repeats the words exactly when you examine the generator on the island, and doesn’t even realize it...
Anyways. I’d like to think that Neha the Novelty Dicemaker is a prime example of a Magpie who uses CCP to manifest uniquely original concepts. She listens to her milieus all day, gets so completely absorbed in them, and she listens to stations that “teach her how to swear in different languages” as well as Interesting stations... She may very well be picking up on CCP without even realizing it, thinking it’s just a foreign language station or some kind of experimental station, and unintentionally channels that into her pwn unique artistic endeavors.
And we know her dice aren't normal dice, they're all special and tailor-made to her customers. When Harry picks up one of her dice, it gives him Shivers: “It feels icy. Just holding this die in your hand sends a jolt of cold down your spine.”
It could be rationalized away as Harry getting caught up in Remote Viewers Divison woo-woo bullshit, seeing and feeling things that aren’t really there, but... Kim, ever the rational skeptic, does mention at one point that Harry is more sensitive than he is, and not in a mocking way.
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What Harry’s feeling is the Pale Latitude Compressor up ahead, he physically senses it well before Ruby blasts him and Kim with it, while Kim -- and most everyone -- would feel nothing. I think Harry’s naturally tuned-in to the pale. It explains a lot of his Shivers and Inland Empire feelings. But if the die Neha made was an act of Novelty, which creates Pale, I think Harry's sensation of it being icy is less him imagining things and more his level of sensitivity to pale-adjacent things.
This could also explain why he picks up so many items as part of his Jamrock Shuffle -- when he’s rummaging through Sileng’s boxes of clothes for sale, there’s only a few items he’s drawn to, if you succeed/fail at the checks. It’s possible he’s naturally drawn to Novelty items, and why he believes they enhance his abilities (if we decide to take the “stat boosting armor” thing beyond simply being Video Game Logic and a tongue-in-cheek nod to DND and similar RPGs, that is).
I should wrap this post up, it’s getting long lol. But yeah. I absolutely think Neha’s a Magpie -- I think there’s a lot of Magpie humans out there. Like Fortress Accident -- especially given that they were planning on using call-in stations like the ones that Neha listens to, they were Radio People who could have picked up on CCP. As Kim said, no one’s ever attempted to create an interisolary game like theirs before -- definitely Novelty-worthy material there. Given his sensitivity to the Pale, Harry could be a Magpie too, especially an Art Cop Harry. And I mean, he is a magpie for picking up everything he comes across like... well, like Kim says here lol:
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TL;DR the Pale is ever-growing, because the world is full of Magpies creating Novelty like Neha the Novelty Dicemaker. This is all theoretical, especially given that this is based on concept/design stuff that didn’t necessarily make it in game... but I have a feeling this isn’t the last we’ve heard of it. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for the future of Disco Elysium!
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gemstone-gynoid · 3 years
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i like sileng. the kind of smarmy salesman he is.
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