#signal boosts highly appreciated!!!!!
lampyri · 2 months
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Hi! I finally have the capacity to be doing something like this so I'll be drawing a sketchy headshot (see above) in exchange for $7+ donations to any of the gfms linked below:
Donation campaigns - May 20
Vetted fundraisers from Gaza & Sudan
Gazaesims (1 9$ eSim = 1 headshot, 1 $16 eSim = 2 headshots)
All I'll require is a receipt/proof along with the timestamp sent through DM and I'll draw you a headshot of any character of your choice!
In case you're unable to donate please reblog this post to spread the word!!!
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beskarprincessjenny · 5 months
Hi all! I am going to be selling my collectibles because, what's the point? I need the $. I have some interviews, but bills amirite? Anyhow, here is a few below. If interested, let me know, I don't know $, but I'm desperate, so money is money at this point. I just need to be able to "live"
You can also send $, PayPal @JenniferBartscht or Cash app $PeachyGal19
but I'll gladly just take reblogs. The more the merrier, seriously.
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fizzyrph · 11 months
i was going to go ahead & close my comms for the time being ; but as my phone service has just been shut off & my mom has half of the money needed to pay them , i'm just trying to help her cover the rest & anything at all will help !! i'm on my brothers patchy hotspot rn , but my activity will be slightly spotty due to that but if anyone could help out in anyway at all it would be IMMENSELY appreciated ♡♡
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ymirrelleno · 1 year
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Hello everyone!  We are now opening our Valentines-White Day themed YCH commission~
From soft little thoughts to deep affections, our little bundles are perfect gifts for your loved ones, or yourself, for this wonderful season!
This YCH commission order period will end on the March 24th 2023 or earlier once our slots are full! 
May we all celebrate this wonderful season with our loved ones!
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hyruleshop · 2 years
        my dear customers i am sorry for doing this but i am facing some financial issues at the moment, as i mentioned a few days back i moved to mexico with my parents and i am the only one currently working, my parents work at a school selling ice cream but due summer vacations they were no longer needed, my next payday for rent is on august 15th and i am 100$ behind of the total amount, if anyone can help, it would be incredibly appreciate it, there is of course no obligation to do so, but if anyone can spare a dollar or two ... it would truly make the difference, also my customers on the waitlist, if they want to send payment upfront that would be appreciated as well, i’m ashamed to ask because my rules state i only accept payment after i finish but due my current situation i might need to change that rule at least during august ... i am really sorry. but if anyone wants to help HERE IS MY PAYPAL, and again i am really really sorry .... 
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(This bright and colourful poster is courtesy of our lovely host, @sazanes! The following have been used to make this poster:
Model: Adobe Stock
Transparents: @cassiopeiacorvus, @korgbelmont, @kaitloyalist, @farizrz. Thank you all for the amazing work you do providing transparents for us!!)
Get ready for our second edition of Lily Spencer Appreciation Week!!
Last year, we kicked off Halloween with this week. This year, we celebrate Lily's love for gaming by hosting it on Video Game Day - July 8th!
Smart, funny, sexy, resilient...there are a whole range of words one could use to describe Lily. She is the bright spot in a story that can turn very dark very fast. She's also brave and willing to fight for people with less privilege, as we can clearly see from the way she chooses to be part of the Shadow Den rather than any of the Clans in BB1.
We hope you can join us in celebrating this wonderful character! Here are our themes for the days during the week:
Day 1 - July 8th - Video Games/Character Appreciation
Day 2 - July 9th - Supernatural/Throwback
Day 3 - July 10th - Pop Culture/Missing Moments**
Day 4 - July 11th - Relationships*/AU
Day 5 - July 12th - Shadow Den
* By "relationships", we mean both platonic and romantic.
** By "missing moments" we mean scenes that weren't shown from the MC's perspectives and are only implied, eg. what did Lily and Kamilah do when the MC travelled with Adrian and Jax to Paris?
Any and all content is welcome!! Fic, art, edits, moodboards, gifs, meta, headcanons... everything goes! Our only requirement is that the pieces should be centered around Lily, and feature her in a positive way. WIPs and Throwback pieces are also welcome.
Be sure to tag @lilyspencerappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your posts. Also make sure that you tag your posts with #lilyspencerappreciationweek and #LSAW, along with the day you intend the posts for. This is to make sure we don't miss any of your posts!
A lot of fan community blogs will be running some great events around this time, and we highly encourage you to check them out! @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesholidays, @choicesprompts, @choicespride, @choicesflashfics, @choicescommunityevents. If there are any other Choices fan content blogs you would like us to tag, let us know!
For those who would want to take a look at last year's AW masterlist, here it is!!
Hope to see all you Lily fans next month!!
✅✅signal boosts are always appreciated!!!✅✅
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sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
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- Updated Commission Sheets as of January 2023 -
Happy new year! 🎉
I’m a little nervous charging this much after prices have been fairly low for so long but I felt like I was deeply undercharging, especially for bigger and more complicated pieces/character designs. And since it’s the new year, I figured I’d do em now :) There might be adjustments later on for things like additional characters or backgrounds, but with work around the corner and eventually losing a lot of the time I would normally dedicate to commissions, I felt more comfortable sacrificing the frequency of them if it meant I could be paid more for it.
As for other changes, I wanted to introduce a rendered color option for customs. Commission quality coloring and getting a character designs for you, it seemed like a great idea 😌 I also now take Venmo as a payment option since I got it set up months ago so if you prefer that, go for it!
I’m still doing the 5 slot system but they might be the only slots I’ll be taking around February when commissions become a lot more scarce. I will say though that large payments (like $300+ in the rare case anything EVER goes that high) can be separated out into smaller payments, you just won’t get the file until it’s fully paid for.
If you have any questions, just let me know and signal boosting is highly appreciated while I get work sorted out 😌
And here’s a clickable link to my kofi :)
Oh and if you don’t wanna DM me, you can always email me at [email protected]
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scarlettroubles · 1 day
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opening up my commissions again!!
Commissions are first come first serve
I will be taking 5 slots
I have the right to deny any commission request
If interested please either contact me through my email, [email protected] or DM me here
You are free to DM me any additional questions regarding my commissions
Please include in your message the kind of commission you’d like, and as many details as you can when discussing the kind of piece you’d want i.e expression, pose, characters, picture type, clothing preference etc. as well as the email you’d like the paypal invoice sent to.
All Commissions will have a simple background
In your message/email, I will require you to provide me with a visual reference for the character(s) you want me to draw
Payment is upfront and is through Paypal Invoices Only
The invoice will be sent from [email protected]
Commission will not be started until it is paid
I reserve the right to cancel & refund a commission if I cannot complete it in time
The client will be provided WIP previews throughout the sketching and lining process of the commission in order for adjustments to be made if needed
All commissions will have a watermark on them and the customer is not allowed to ask for a watermark-free version
Commissions can be used and reposted by the customer but must give me proper credit.
Commissions may NOT be used by anyone else but the customer
Signal boosts are highly appreciated!!
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transexualpirate · 8 months
This is a post for our friend Moise. Moise is Trans. Moise does not know yet if they are male or female, because Moise has not yet been given the opportunity to figure it out for themselves.
They are in a difficult and dangerous situation. Moise is living in a refugee camp with a group of activists who are currently being persecuted and even attacked for their beliefs, about gender and sexuality.
Money is scarce and Moise is struggling to buy food and supplies in the refugee camp currently. They can use any and all help that we can give.
Below is Moise's story in their own words:
"Hello friends,
I am Moisse ,a member and an activist of the LGBTIQ refugees in the community of Kakuma Kenya Refugee camp located in the northern Turkana region, looking for support to help the LGBTIQ family and also children .
We are LGBTIQ also living with kids in the refugee camp starving and passing through the homophobic situation.
Unfortunately the environment of the camp is so hostile for us, we are having regular attacks and injuries inflicted upon us .
We desperately need your help in order to survive and thrive in this situation please.
Me as a transgender I moved from my mother country Uganda because I was facing alot of hatred and for me I wasn't ready to change who I am and our president doesn't allow lgbtiq persons in my country .
In Uganda my family was killed by the community members ,I managed to escape death and I had no other option other than joining a camp in Kenya to seek for asylum .
We shall appreciate any hands that will decide to support us please ."
Anything you give will be highly appreciated. Even $5 helps a ton. Thank you. We will be sending proceeds directly to Moise. If you wish to reach out to Moise yourself to donate, click here for their Tumblr link. Sharing also helps! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Thanks again for anything you can offer!!!! It means a lot!! <3
Thanks for love , kindness and solidarity.
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(this beautiful poster is the handiwork of our wonderful host @sazanes!)
Welcome to our third edition of Sloane Washington Appreciation Week!! This gorgeous, adorable, kick-ass, incredibly relatable woman with her love for science, her admiration for ambitious, knowledgeable women and her endless capacity for bravery - she's been such an integral part of the Perfect Match story 💜
Every year, we try to celebrate her around Feb 11th, which is International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This year's themes are a mix of some of the previous years, along with some exciting new ones! We hope you're inspired by them.
This event will be held from February 11th to 15th. Any content is welcome, as long as it is Sloane-focused and shows a positive depiction! Fanfic, fanart, meta, edits, moodboards, playlists, headcanons, interactive media - even simple appreciation posts and screenshots of fave scenes will be great!
Here's a list of the themes we have for SWAW 2024:
Day 1 (Feb 11th) - Women in STEM/Girl Power
Day 2 (Feb 12th) - Written in the Stars
Day 3 (Feb 13th) - Throwback/Character Appreciation/Friendships
Day 4 (Feb 14th) - Happy Valentines Day!
Day 5 (Feb 15th) - Hobbies/Pets
It isn't absolutely necessary to post content only on the day of the theme! We often accept pieces even when sent on a later date, and also keep a bonus week in case you couldn't finish your pieces during the week. We also don't mind WIPs, so if you have one that is Sloane-centric... we'd LOVE to see it!! We also love throwback pieces, so if you have any that you made previously, do reblog them and tag us!
We also will be accepting pieces after the event is over, and all year round until the next SWAW! So even if you have your post ready much later, please don't hesitate to tag us! 🤗
Blogs to Tag: @sloanewashingtonappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes
Tags to Use: #SWAW, #sloanewashigtonappreciation, #SWAW 2024.
There are some incredible fan-community blogs that work tirelessly both to promote creative fandom works and make the experience fun for their writers! Do check them out!!
@choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicesflashfics, @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays, @choicespride, @wordwarriors, @wip-wipeout-weekend, @moodmusicmonday
If you know any others who would like to be tagged, please let me know! Here are the amazing works sent in for 2023 and '22 if you'd like to get more inspired!
SWAW 2022 | SWAW 2023
See you all next month, and we hope to see some amazing Sloane content from all of you!! 🤗🤗
✅✅ Signal Boosts will be highly appreciated! ✅✅
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in Edmonton, there's going to be another two protests tomorrow. one is at the University of Alberta's South Academic Building (at 12:00 PM) and one is at Edmonton's city hall (at 12:30 PM). support & signal boosting for these would be highly appreciated.
the Instagram post I'll be linking (https://www.instagram.com/p/C67jBlfJ_o6) explains this more, but U of A students + staff are being asked to support the SAB rally first. otherwise, attend the city hall & city council meeting protest.
this meeting is tangibly related to the U of A encampments, as they were broken up three days ago by the Edmonton Police Service who used violence & tear gas against people. EPS wants more money from the City of Edmonton.
also, there will be a sit-in at the U of A on Wednesday! I will send more details about that in a separate ask.
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bg3fansurvey · 7 months
BG3 Fan Survey - Update #1
Hello folks!
It's been almost 24 hours since the survey went live and already I've gotten 772 responses as of checking it at the time I'm making this post.
So far, I've gotten the most responses for it from the Tumblr post, my Reddit and Twitter posts have not gotten much responses. I would highly appreciate helping to give my twitter over at @bg3fansurvey a lil signal boost so I can get more responses. I would also appreciate sharing on any other social media I've not mentioned, especially since I don't have a public tiktok and I'm not in every bg3 discord server that's out there.
compared to the analytics that larian themselves have publicized, where a total of 1.3 million players have completed the game,
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the data I've gathered so far is by no means completely representative of the player base as a whole.
With that said, thought I'll share the data I've managed to gather so far.
From the 772 responses received, 6 responded no to having completed BG3 beyond Act 1
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which means only 766 of the responses received are viable.
moving on, the demographics so far is overwhelmingly cis women
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this pretty much reflects tumblr's demographics more so
as for sexuality, majority are bisexual / pansexual
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now we get to what most people are interested in, companion romance preferences
in terms of total companion engagement, astarion is currently in the lead, followed by gale in 2nd and karlach in 3rd
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as for favourite companion to romance, astarion is also currently in the lead, followed by gale in 2nd, and shadowheart and karlach tied for 3rd
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my hopes is that as I receive more responses and data to work with, i can do more specific analysis such as which companions are popular among which demographic
thank you for entertaining this nerd and I would appreciate any help in signal boosting the survey in my attempt in getting the most representative data possible.
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beskarprincessjenny · 2 months
Hey besties! My job is going great, been working since April 18th. Only problem? I will not see my first paycheck until the 10th. I am out of food, and I'm not going to have enough to get me to work until then, which I need. PayPal below.
Any help or reblogs, signal boosts, anything works.
Thank you
PayPal @JenniferBartscht
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planforgoodcooking · 15 days
Hello ! I am a Palestinian academic educator from Gaza, seeking your urgent support in time of bad need. I am trying to reach out to generous donors or contributors to help get my family out of the hell of the war to safety and peace. The war turned our life up side down and turned us from having everything to having nothing. Our house and livelihood business have been lost due to the war and my whole family became homeless and displaced in a very small tent under the sunny hot weather. No place to shelter my family and no income to live on. Life has become unbelievably harsh and tough. That is why I am asking your kind support. Please don't leave us alone in such tragic and catastrophic circumstances. My family is in bad need to your contribution, either through directly donating whatever you can or through sharing my link. Your assistance is highly appreciated and welcome.
I'm publishing your ask here, and I've added the link to your campaign in case it doesn't publish through your ask. Please help them out if you can -- and please signal boost either way. Hopefully we can help get Mr Ayyad's family to safety!
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(this gorgeous poster is the work of our wonderful co-host @sazanes!!)
Welcome to our second edition of the Hana Lee Appreciation Week!! We celebrated it in the first week of October last year, but this time - such World Music Day falls on 21st June - we've decided to shift our appreciation week to a slightly earlier date. After all, music is one of Hana's first great loves! 💞💞💞
Last year, we held our first ever HLAW, and every single entry we received for it was a sheer slice of perfection!! We just can't wait to see what Hana stans have in store for us this year!!
As always, this week is about celebrating Hana Lee in all her glory and her complexity - her passions, her kindness, her confusions, her own journey to healing and confidence. We love every facet of her, and this week is dedicated to showcasing ALL of them!
Certain days will have two themes - you can choose either one for your content, or even do a combination of both! Any content is welcome - fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, meta, playlists, icons...even screenshots of your favourite scenes of Hana!! We also accept WIPs so if you're not able to complete the piece on time, you can always show us a WIP of the piece you were working on! As long as the content is focused on Hana and shows a positive depiction of her, the sky's the limit!
These are the themes we have in store for HLAW 2023:
19th June - Throwback
20th June - Skills vs Passions/Chocolate!
21st June - Music/AU
22nd June - Relationships*/Homes
23rd June - Hana's Perfect Wedding! (Small note about this theme here)
For Throwback typically, we accept old pieces on Hana, and invite the creators to briefly tell us about the process of creating their piece. Here's a throwback questionnaire you can use if you like!
The themes are meant to be inspirations for your writing - it isn't completely essential for you to send content for a particular day only specifically for that day. You can always send it later as long as you tag it with the day you meant the work for!
Make sure you tag @hanaleeappreciationweek in your content as well as co-hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes. Tag your posts with #hanaleeappreciationweek and #HLAW (along with days #HLAW Day 1, #HLAW Day 2, etc) as well so we don't miss any of your pieces!
For inspiration, take a look at our HLAW 2022 masterlist!!
Various fan content blogs also enthusiastically promote our events and have tons of fun events of their own during these months, so we highly recommend you check them out: @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesflashfics, @choicesholidays, @choicespride, @choicesprompts, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @drake-walker-appreciation, @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation.
Once the week officially ends on 23rd June, we will keep the blog open for a bonus week, for anyone who struggles to finish their content during the week itself.
More than a month is left before HLAW begins, and we are SO excited to see what Hana fans will come up with!! See you all in June!
✅✅ signal boosts will be greatly appreciated!! ✅✅
*(Relationships in this context could refer to romantic, platonic or filial relationships!)
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winterrrnight · 5 months
rant + potential renewal of new beginnings
hello <3 so, something has been bothering me a bit for the past few days now, and I need to let it out. (more below the cut!)
I have seen people express their concern here regarding Rafe being written “wrong”, that is when he’s way too much of a softie, a romantic, etc etc. That really struck a chord in me because if you’ve read any of my content, you’d know I write a lot of soft!rafe/fanon!rafe. And even though no one has ever said to me directly that I’m writing Rafe “wrong”; when I read the post, it really hit me for some reason.
I totally understand if that isn’t your cup of tea. That’s okay. I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that I do write Rafe very differently from how he is shown canonically. But, I unfortunately don’t have an explanation as to why I do it (and now that I think about it, I don’t essentially owe one either). To add, there are so many authors for Rafe on here, so you can engage with all sorts of Rafe content; fluff, smut, dark!rafe, etc etc. I don’t read or write dark, nsfw content because it’s just not me.
I’ve been writing for months now, and never did I ever stop and question my writing the way I’m doing right now. Which leads me to really doubt everything I’ve ever written – even though the said post was never ever directed to me, it was a public announcement, it still felt like such a personal jab. (I am not even mutuals with the one who made this post, so honestly I don’t even know why it is affecting me so much).
I guess this is why my requests plus really old 300 followers celly requests are piling up, and I’m really really sorry for that. It’s a weird slump I’ve hit, and honestly I am not able to make my way out of it.
I was attempting to work on future chapters for New Beginnings, but failed miserably because I realized how fanon that Rafe is. And even though I have had so much love on New Beginnings so far (which I so so highly appreciate), it just isn’t sitting right with me right now, and I can’t find myself with any motivation to work on it. I also fear that the more the story ascends, I will lose engagement.
So, at the moment, I am not taking the story down or anything!! It is right there, but here is what can potentially happen:
-> I may never resume it, and have its three chapters up on my blog just like that.
-> I may take it down, renew it, and post a better version of it, one that suffices me.
-> I take it down (which, let me add, has minimal to no chance of happening because I don’t want to make any spur of the moment decisions).
The trope of the story has my whole heart, I just think I can take a better approach. So the chances of the second one happening are really high at the moment.
Thank you so much for reading, thank you so much for understanding <3 writing means the whole world to me so I wish for nothing but to escape this horrible slump :(
I hope you all are doing okay, please keep on taking care of yourself, drink water, eat some food, and just enjoy living 🤍🎀
Signal boost to spread within my moots (who are the literal reason I live and breathe 🥹 + people who have been so supportive of new beginnings it is crazyyyy): @runningfrom2am @maybankslover @totalswag @chenslucy @wallsdreams @sadfury @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @rafeinterlude @congratsloserr @bejeweledreverie @tortured-poets-depxrtment
(no pressure to interact!)
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