#( i need to get my boyfriend & i off their phone plan ASAP ... )
fizzyrph · 1 year
i was going to go ahead & close my comms for the time being ; but as my phone service has just been shut off & my mom has half of the money needed to pay them , i'm just trying to help her cover the rest & anything at all will help !! i'm on my brothers patchy hotspot rn , but my activity will be slightly spotty due to that but if anyone could help out in anyway at all it would be IMMENSELY appreciated ♡♡
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hwaslayer · 5 months
after hours (jwy) | one shot.
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—summary: an invitation to wooyoung’s event leads to the unexpected— a night of revelation that deeply blurs the lines between harmless fun and the thrill of exploring something more.
—pairing: dj!wooyoung x f!reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) fwb to lovers | smut, fluff
—word count: 5k
—content/warnings: cussing/mature language, dj wooyo playing his first club event!, songs in wooyoung’s setlist can get pretty explicit so pls proceed with caution, throwing some ass back at the club lol, alcohol consumption and intoxication, hella chemistry between these two, friends with benefits but with lots of feelings lol, oc x woo are in denial tho hehe, lots of teasing and flirting, kisses, making out, praising, marking, pet names (baby, babygirl, love), unprotected sex, oral (f. & m. receiving), hand job, woo gets slightly rough, nipple play, missionary, doggy, sorry if i missed anything!!
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—a/n: this piece came super randomly, but i was inspired by needs x tinashe / after hours x kehlani and needed to whip this baby out ASAP. enjoy!!
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💿 wooyoung's setlist 💿
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“Thank you.” You sweetly smile at the security guard at the door, brushing your way past the hefty line that ran down the block with your bestfriend, Yeosang. The club is already incredibly packed from wall to wall, the music’s vibrations felt at the base of your feet. For a minute, you didn’t actually think you’d make it inside in time. The security guard at the door wasn’t taking your sweet smiles, frowning as you bat your eyelashes in hopes of letting you skip the line simply because you knew the DJ. He definitely didn’t believe you, nor was he trying to give you the time of day. You didn’t let up though, and as if on cue, he received confirmation from the team inside that you and Yeosang were a part of the DJ’s crew.
Thank god.
Because that line was not it.
“It’s so fucking loud in here!” Yeosang yells as he turns back to look at you amidst the crowd chaos.
“We’re almost there!” You squeeze his hand as he platonically holds onto yours, leading you to the front of the crowd and up to the DJ booth.
“Never invite me out again if you just plan on seeing your boyfriend or whatever.” 
“Not my boyfriend.”
“Yeah, whatever. Close enough.” You laugh when you finally approach the steps up to the stage, the security guard letting you slip through with Yeosang right at your hip. Heading up to the stage, you greet your friends Mingi, San and Yunho as they dance around with a few other familiar faces and sip on their drinks. Wooyoung is the main DJ for tonight’s event, and he’s having the time of his life— doing what he loves to do, with the people he loves most around him. The crowd is feeding into his energy as he smoothly transitions into the next song, dancing and singing along before finally breaking contact from his mixer and glancing over at you.
“Whattup! You made it.” He smiles, bringing you flush against him for a hug and a chaste kiss to the temple. You blush at his attempt to subtly squeeze at your side, biting on his bottom lip before shifting his headphones enough to partially cover his ear. The thing about Wooyoung is that you adore him. You adore him because he’s been one of your good friends for some time now. You adore him because he brings you happiness, because he’s a good time. You adore him because of these unspoken feelings, that unlabeled ‘friends with benefits but everyone knows you two are feeling each other so why hide’ kinda thing. You haven’t done much besides innocently flirt around, make out a few times, dance at events together, engage in a few heated conversations over the phone, full send with the thirst traps. The chemistry is well and alive; you suppose by now you and Wooyoung would’ve figured things out since it was too obvious to your friends already, but the both of you seem to brush it off, still shying away from it— afraid of ruining the dynamic that’s already there with said label. Something that started off so fun, so innocent, ended up digging a little space in your heart, making you feel things you shouldn’t for your ‘lil past-time.
But, Wooyoung would move mountains for you, just so you know. He’s dying to make this different. Different from the others, different from anything he’s ever dealt with. Because you are different, and he’ll show you every chance he gets.
“Aw, look at you supporting Woo at his event.” Yunho pinches your cheek, his own painted with a red tint from the alcohol he’s been downing.
“Of course. He was so excited about it, ever since he started planning it out and everything.”
“You guys make things so complicated for no reason.” Yunho laughs. “Despite the friends with benefits bullshit, you know we can tell you two actually have feelings for each other, right?”
“Wow, I didn’t know I came to the club to be lectured by Jeong Yunho.” You laugh, gently pinching at his arm. “We don’t like each other. That’s all we are.” He rolls his eyes.
“Continue to convince yourself if that’s easiest, Y/N. Just want you two to be happy.” You lick your lips, jolting at the sudden roar that comes from the crowd when Woo transitions into another hype, upbeat song.
“Aye, can we get some shots, please? Gotta take one with Yeo and the pretty ‘lil thing right there.” He signals by making a glass-shape with his hand, tilting it back a few times until the bartender off to the side throws him a thumbs up. He looks at you with a smirk, quickly winking before he’s grabbing the mic and hyping the crowd up some more.
The shots turn into two, three, five maybe, before the world is spinning a little more than usual; off-balance and vision slightly blurry. You’re still coherent, and you’re still able to make sense of your surroundings. But the one thing you do find yourself struggling with is how good Wooyoung looks at the table. You try to brush it off, dancing around with your friends and loudly singing along to the songs that blast through the speakers.
“Having fun?” Wooyoung sets the headphones off to the side and steps back from the table to enjoy some company for a bit.
“Yeah, you’re not so bad after all.” You playfully punch him on the bicep and he laughs.
“You look so good tonight.” He says in your ear, pulling you flush against his body again— hand resting on the small of your back. “Gonna give me a bit of your time?”
“I don’t know, should I?” 
“Tease. All those pictures and you can’t even spare me a minute.” He taps your nose and heads back to the table. It’s a few more minutes of Wooyoung hyping the crowd, San and Mingi both welcoming lapdances from a few cuties they met throughout the night while exploring out on the floor. Before you know it, you’re pulled mid-conversation with Yeo and Yunho— familiar hands resting on your waist. You feel Wooyoung push against you, guiding your hips against him for a dance. You love dancing with Woo because it’s fun, and there’s no pressure or expectation to be a certain way with him.
You live for that shit.
And tonight, you need him a little more than usual. In more ways than usual. Tippy-toeing into dangerous territory that makes you wanna act on your feelings.
You’re having to hold onto the edge of the table as Wooyoung bends you over ever so slightly, letting you work your ass against him to the music. He bites onto his bottom lip as he focuses on you, only you, matching your rhythm to the beat. You change your position, no longer leaning onto the edge of the table; back only inches away from Wooyoung. You lean to the side in order to get a better view of him from over your shoulder as you work your ass in slow, circular motions against him. The both of you let out a few laughs in between, focused on each other as if no one else was around. The grip on your hip tightens when Wooyoung’s free hand glides down your back in an effort to bend you over again. Your hands fall to your knees, picking up your pace to match the new song that comes on. 
Wooyoung matches your energy so well it’s no wonder you never want to dance with anyone else the same way you do with him.
The dancing with Wooyoung continues for a bit more before he’s tapping out, tapping your hips once the song finishes. You stand to put some distance between you two, but he keeps you close; arm wrapped around your waist when you turn to look at him.
“I swear to God, Y/N.” He leans into your ear. “You make everything so difficult for me.”
“Doubt that.” He chuckles.
“Oh, you have no idea.” 
“The DJ is being fake and forgetting his set!” San teases. You blush and push him away, allowing him to get back to his craft in the meantime.
The next two and a half hours go by with a breeze, and you find your energy diminishing as the night continues to go on. You find yourself hugging closer to the wall behind the stage, leaning your head against Yeo’s shoulder— watching as San and Mingi continue to dance around and find a few pretties to get to know. Wooyoung turns over his shoulder a few times, tugging on your hand, flirting with you in a way he knows will get you to fold so quick; buckle at the knees, shyly giggle against him from all the cute ‘lil compliments that slip from his lips.
“Tryna go soon?” Yeosang asks near your ear. “Kinda over it.” He laughs.
“Yeah, I am, too! Let me just say goodbye to everyone.” You head to Yunho first, giving him a bear hug before letting San and Mingi playfully hug you and spin you around. “Hey.” You tug on Wooyoung’s hand, causing him to shift the headphones up so he could hear you.
“You’re leaving?” He frowns a bit.
“Yeah! Time for us to head out.” You smile, but he pouts.
“Where are you going?” He looks down at you, brushing the hair away from your face. “Don’t wanna stick around to grab a bite to eat with everyone after?”
“No, I’m tired. Yeo and I are probably just gonna grab something quick on the road before he drops me off.” He pouts even more.
“Gonna make me miss you.”
“Don’t say stuff like that, Woo.” He continues to pout anyway, hand coming to squeeze your side again in an endearing way.
“Can I text you later, then?”
“If I’m up.”
“I need you to be up. Please?”
“For what, exactly?” You chuckle.
“Your company.” He puckers his lips. “Tryna give me a kiss before you head out?”
“Get out.” You laugh.
“Just fuck and get together already!” Mingi says loudly with a hearty laugh. Woo turns to flip him off before shifting his attention back to you.
“Okay, please?” He repeats. “Promise me you’ll be up?”
“Get back to the crowd. I’ll be up.” You reassure him, gently pushing him towards the table. He nibbles at this bottom lip before heading back to his set. You nod over to Yeosang and start making your way out of the club, holding onto his hand as he leads the way again. Once you get outside, the cold air feels good against your sticky, warm skin. You let out a deep breath, keeping your body close to your bestfriend to keep some kind of warmth. 
“I don’t know why you just don’t tell him.” Yeosang says as he continues to walk alongside you on the way to the car parked on the opposite end of the block.
“I have nothing to tell him.”
“Y/N, please.” Yeosang chuckles. “We know.” You roll your eyes and sigh.
“Why is everyone on my case about him tonight?”
“I don’t know, maybe because you two should just quit the act and get together already?” He snorts. “You should at least try when you guys get some alone time later.”
“Who said we will?”
“I know you, you’ll stay up for him.” Yeosang gives you a look before gently nudging you. “Until then, what do you wanna stop by for?”
“I don’t know, I’m not too hungry. Truthfully, I’d be satisfied with some good ol’ fries and an ice cream cone.” You laugh and Yeo nods while swinging his keys around his finger.
“Got it.” He unlocks the door. “Get in princess, we need to get your fries and ice cream before Woo comes over.” You scold him as you settle into the passenger’s seat, recalling some events from the night as he drives off to the nearest fast food joint for the best fries nearby. 
When Yeosang finally drops you off at home, you’ve completely devoured your fries and ice cream cone, and you find yourself slowly dragging yourself up to your studio. The club had just closed, so you weren’t expecting to hear from Wooyoung for awhile. You let out a satisfied sigh when you slip out of your shoes, kicking them off to the side before tossing your bag and keys onto the table. You make a beeline for the shower, more than ready to wash off the club and get into something comfortable. It’s a quick one, though; a good 10 minutes under the hot water with that coconut body scrub you love so much before stepping out and lathering up with some body cream. You toss on an oversized shirt and crash onto your bed, feeling incredibly happy to be in your own safe space.
You wonder what Wooyoung is doing.
It’s crazy because at this point, it feels like the universe is listening closely to your thoughts— especially when a ding comes through on your phone and puts a big smile on your face.
wooyo: cutiepie
wooyo: are you up 🥺 say yes
you: lol yeah i am.
wooyo: fuck yeah! you kept your promise!
you: excuse, since when did i ever break a promise with you?
wooyo: never, that’s why you’re perfect for me
you: shut up lol
wooyo: lol 😙 can i slide through and hang out for a bit?
you: mhm! what happened to eating out with the boys?
wooyo: bruh san got too fucked up so we all ended up going our separate ways
you: wooooow hahah hope he’s good though?
wooyo: he’ll be fine. did u and yeo actually get some stuff to eat?
you: yeah we did. you should grab something for yourself before heading over
wooyo: nah it’s all good. i don’t care too much for it, just need your company. be there in 15?
you: sounds good! front door’s unlocked
wooyo: hot, she can’t wait either
you: stop while you’re ahead jung wooyoung
wooyo: oop hehe woops 🤭
It wasn’t anything new to have Wooyoung come over, but he usually comes to hang out for an hour or so before he’s leaving to head back to his own place. The good thing about Wooyoung is that even though there’s this deep chemistry, this longing for each other, he never forces anything. Never pressures you.
So, he comes through. He gives you a few kisses and gives you a few laughs from his jokes. He cuddles you for a bit before he’s saying his goodbyes and struggling to get himself out of the door.
It’ll probably be the same tonight, maybe.
It feels different because you loved seeing him in his element, and you loved having fun with him. It also feels different because your friends were all up in your case about him— now, you can’t really get the idea out of your head. That maybe, you do really, really want something with Wooyoung and you’re afraid to admit it. Afraid he might not feel the same even though he’s never done anything to hurt you or show you otherwise.
Maybe, you’ll finally take that leap tonight and just go for it.
Say fuck it.
In the end, at least you could say you tried, right?
Amidst all your overthinking, you surprisingly do fall asleep in those 15-20 minutes. You’re awoken by your front door closing, along with Wooyoung’s loud ass keys dangling from his keychain and hitting his thigh with every step he takes. 
“Did you fall asleep?” He giggles when tosses his belongings onto your desk and plops onto your bed.
“I did fall asleep for a bit.” You yawn and fix your position a bit, Wooyoung laying next to you on his tummy.
“I didn’t even take that long, did I?”
“No, but I can’t be tired?! Damn.” He snorts.
“Sorry, sorry.” He kisses the tip of your nose, his arm draped over you. Hand caressing your side under your shirt. His hand is warm, but it tickles against your skin and raises a few goosebumps at how smooth his touch is. He looks at you for a split second before he leans in to peck you on the lips, smiling into the kiss just as he pulls back. “So, did you have fun?”
“I did. You played a good set tonight, Woo.”
“I did, huh?” You laugh.
“Did you have fun?”
“It was so fucking fun.” He laughs. “I just wished you stayed ‘till the end. Everyone seemed boo’d up and I was just the lonely ass DJ playing for the crowd.”
“Please. I’m sure you still had fun until then.”
“I did, but it wasn’t the same without you.” You give him a tiny, toothless smile, hand brushing through his soft black hair. 
“When’s your next one?”
“Why, huh?” He smirks. “An excuse to dance up on me again?”
“Excuse you, you pulled me for a dance!” You playfully swat him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, and? I’ll do it again at the next one.” He pulls out his phone. “I’m doing something next weekend with a few other DJs. Wanna come?”
“Sure. I don’t think Yeo would go, though. I practically dragged his ass out for this one.”
“Okay.” Wooyoung types something on his phone before tossing it aside, full attention on you again. “Promise me you’ll actually stay until the end. Gimme a chance to show you off, too.”
“Wooyoung.” You giggle. He tickles your sides, causing you to squeal and kick your feet before he lets you breathe. You find Wooyoung staring at you again, and it causes your heart to do major flips.
“You’re so pretty, Y/N. You looked so damn good tonight.”
“You did too, I guess.” You tease and he bites onto his bottom lip, leaning forward for another kiss.
“Tease. Hate it.” He presses his lips against yours, holding it for as long as he can before he pulls back. “Why don’t you wanna kiss me in front of our friends, hm?” He presses another kiss to your lips, edging closer to your body so he could comfortably throw his arm around you.
“Because we aren’t together.” You giggle.
“Shouldn’t we change that?”
“Don’t say shit like that, Wooyoung. I told you.”
“I mean it. Why can’t we be? I don’t necessarily have anything to hide.” Wooyoung kisses at the corner of your lips. “Unless you do?”
“I don’t.”
“So, tell me. Why can’t we be?” He asks again, close to a whisper, lips grazing the surface of yours. You don’t say anything, no. Instead, you feel like your actions could do the talking for tonight. Your actions could tell Wooyoung what you’ve been feeling all this time, your actions could tell Wooyoung how much you’ve been longing for him— longing for something more, longing for something deeper than the surface.
You make the first move and push into his lips, instantly deepening the kiss. Your hands tug at the ends of his hair as the two of you fit in each other’s molds so perfectly; teeth clashing against each other in a fit of desperate need, tongues fighting for dominance. Hoping the answer would be evident in the way you move so well with him.  “Fuck, baby.” Wooyoung breathily responds as you bite onto his bottom lip. He moves down to your neck and licks across the surface, gently nipping and sucking faint marks down the column. You feel Wooyoung’s hand squeeze at your hip before he pauses at the material of your panties, threatening to slip them down and toss them off. Everything suddenly feels so heated, too intense, too quick— you’re afraid there isn’t a way to come back from this anymore. “Y/N, if you tell me to stop right now, I’ll stop.” He feels your hesitancy, almost hears you thinking outloud. “Whatever you wanna do.”
“N-no. Keep going.”
“You sure? Cause if I keep going, I won’t be able to stop, you know that, right?” He gently nips at your chin while teasing the edge of your panties. “Been wanting this for so long, I won’t be able to help myself.”
“I want this too.”
“Yeah?” He smirks while finally pulling your panties down and tossing them onto the floor. “Gonna let me finally take care of you?” He kisses you once more before shifting his position to be in between your thighs, hands gripping at ‘em while he presses light kisses in your inner thighs. He smirks to himself and bites onto his bottom lip when he sees you bare underneath the shirt, causing the heat to rise to your cheeks.
“Woo.” You shyly throw an arm over your face.
“Don’t do that.” He chuckles and gently tugs on your elbow. “You’re so fucking beautiful, shit feels too fucking good to be true right now.” In a blink of an eye, Wooyoung presses a light kiss against your pussy— sending tingles straight down your spine. He indulges in how reactive you are, gently easing himself back down onto your heat to give you what you deserve. You let out a breathy moan when Wooyoung latches back on and continues his work on you; tongue working up and down, licking in between your folds. The pleasure makes your back arch in response, another moan slipping from your lips and sounding like music to Wooyoung’s ears. 
“Oh my god.” You let out with a silent moan. You whimper when Wooyoung slips in two digits, pumping into you at a quick pace while his mouth continues to lap at your clit, sucking in between to taste every single drop of you. When he pulls out, you take the opportunity to grind against his mouth; aching to feel the friction you so desperately need, want, from him. “Oh fuck, Woo.” Your moan is a little louder this time, causing him to groan against you as a way to egg you on towards the finish line. “Just like that, please. I’m gonna—” You whine, repeatedly cursing to yourself until you feel that coil within you suddenly snap and throw you off guard. Your moans bounce off the walls and Wooyoung is sure the couple upstairs can hear it loud and clear.
Oh well.
“Did so well for me, pretty girl.” He kisses your inner thigh, leading a trail up to your knee. He sits back onto his knees and removes his shirt, the tent in his sweats making you drool the more you fixate on it.
“Woo.” You look at him with a tiny pout. “Can I?” You sit up in order to reach him and palm hin gently.
“Mm, baby.” He lets out a small moan. “You don’t have to, I just—”
“Please?” You beg with those eyes and Wooyoung can’t help buckle at the knees. You’re already helping him out his sweats, and he feels the urge, the desire, to find out how your pretty lips feel wrapped around his dick. 
The image alone drives him to insanity, and he can’t wait to see you sucking him off like the good girl you are. 
He swallows the lump in his throat when he watches you pump him slowly, taking your lips to his tip. He hisses when you lick away at the pre-cum pooling at the top of the head before lowering your mouth down his length. 
And, fuck.
Wooyoung feels like he’ll lose himself right at this moment. He tilts his head back in pleasure, letting out a small, guttural moan when you work your mouth [and hands] on him. He gently tugs at your hair, pushing you a little further down his length just to test the waters. But, you take him anyway, and Wooyoung wants to fucking combust. You look so, so pretty with your lips around him, and it doesn’t help his cause when he feels his dick hit the back of your throat; pushing him to the highest of highs, purest ecstasy. 
“Fuck—fuck.” He groans. “Baby, wait. You’ll make me cum.” He lets out a breath, eyes focusing on you. He pulls you back just a bit, caressing your cheek when he sees a faint tear streak coating the surface. “I need to be in you. Now.” You bite onto your bottom lip and settle back onto your back as Wooyoung slots himself back in between your legs. He takes your shirt off at the same time, tongue licking a stripe up your cleavage before leaving wet kisses along the swell of your breasts. He quickly pops a nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around the puffy bud before repeating the motions with the other. 
“Shit.” You hiss. “Wooyoung, please.”
“Please, what?” He teases. He has that shit-eating smirk on his face as he sits back and watches you squirm, pumping himself slowly while he waits for you to respond. “Hm, sweet girl?”
“Need you.”
“Where? Care to tell me again?”
“I swear to God if you aren’t fucking me in the next 2 minutes—” He laughs as he lowers himself back down, just enough to hover over your body and plant a feathery kiss on your lips.
“Say please.” He smiles. “Besides, do you have a condom? I swear I haven’t been messy or anything, you know this. But I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m on the pill, so please.”
“You sure?” You nod, hands resting on his shoulders. He does a subtle nod before he lines himself up at your entrance and eases in— the both of you letting out gasps while adjusting to the feeling. It already feels too good with the way he fills you up and makes you feel full. For Wooyoung, it’s the way your walls wrap around him so nicely that makes him truly believe you were made just for him.
Only him.
Once he bottoms out, he sits in the position for a second before he slowly rocks against you. Wooyoung begins to pick up the pace when he feels a little more comfortable, pressing kisses on every inch of your skin that he possibly can while whispering sweet nothings against the surface. He praises you so, so well, it has you whimpering a mess underneath him— only wanting more of Wooyoung, only wanting to feel every bit of his soul intertwined with yours at this very moment.
Only him.
“God, you feel so good Y/N.” He lets out a breathy moan into your mouth. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you. Everything about you is so perfect.” He moans. “So pretty and so perfect.” He picks up his pace, hips working a little sloppier, a little harder. “Just for me.” He sits back and rests his hand on your hips, pounding into you in such a majestic way, it almost has you seeing stars right then and there. You continue to praise him, letting him know how good he’s making you feel, and how you need him just like this. 
Only him.
“Switch for me.” He removes himself quickly and directs you to your fours. He wastes no time slipping himself back into you, the new position and angle enough to make you two crave more and more of each other. Once he buries himself to the hilt, he keeps a steady pace as his hands explore every curve of your body, pressing kisses against the base of your neck;
Tracing your spine.
“Feels too good.” You mewl, Wooyoung’s name slipping from your lips repeatedly like a song, a mantra. He continues to pound into your from behind— ass cheeks sore and red from the impact, from Wooyoung’s hands. 
“Wanna make you mine.” He moans in your ear as he thrusts a ‘lil harder, a ‘lil rougher than the last. “Can I, babygirl?”
“Y-Yes.” Your response is almost broken by a cry that’s released, an immediate reaction to how hard Wooyoung is fucking into you.
“Say it louder. Can’t hear you. Can I make you mine, baby?” He repeats, thrusting even harder than the last. His hand glides down your back as you fall onto your chest with your cheek deep into the pillow; ass up and pressed against him so beautifully every time he fucks into you. 
“Yes, fuck!” You let out, hand coming down to rub at your sensitive nub to push you over the edge one last time for tonight.
“Oh shit, gonna cum—” Woooyoung pants. “Where do you want me?”
“So fucking hot—” He groans while sloppily working his hips until the very end. You feel him fill you up, coating your walls so deliciously it’s enough to push you to your own high. Wooyoung hisses and grunts a few times when he feels you squeeze him, feeling a bit sensitive from his own release. 
“God.” You try to regulate your breathing when you come back down from cloud nine, body falling limp against the mattress with Wooyoung plopping next to you.
“Come here, pretty.” He chuckles, swooping you onto his chest with his hand coming up to stroke your hair and massage your scalp. ��Let’s get cleaned up.”
“Okay. But, first. Can you stay tonight?” You look up at him and he smiles brightly.
“Why would I leave my baby’s side?” He kisses your forehead. “Let’s go. If you’re good, I’ll let you take me in the shower.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“The real after hours after party.” Wooyoung wiggles his eyebrows as he watches you climb over and start making your way to the bathroom.
“You’re so sick for that.” You laugh, squealing as he smacks your ass and follows you into the bathroom, getting his way with you once more under the steaming hot water.
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💿 taglist: @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts
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imwetforyourmom · 8 months
my first fic posted on tumblr!! hope yall like, and if you do lmk if I should make more or js stick to edits
warnings: fluff ig, swearing and idk
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christopher.sturniolo 🏀
Y/nn And suddenly I have the desire to be a chris girl
christoper.sturniolo oops
matthew.sturniolo What the fuck
User y/n really said "switching sides..."
nicolassturiolo damn thats gotta suck @matthewsturniolo
christoper.sturniolo my bad bro
User I can hear matt crying in a corner
nicolassturniolo real
User damn bro, I was joking but ok
y/n was sitting with nick on the couch, both were scrolling on their phones. that was before matt came into the room, dragging his feet on the cold marble floor. y/n looked up at the sound of footsteps, and saw her boyfriend, whom was clearly bothered.
matt walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, glancing around the fridge. y/n felt a little disappointed that he didn't acknowledge her, didnt even look at her once. she threw her phone to the side and got up from the couch, she walked to matt and wrapped her arms around matts waist from behind. his body tensed at this, and y/n couldnt help but notice.
"what's wrong baby?" she asked, her face nuzzled into his shoulder blade. he shook his head in return and continued looking through the fridge.
y/n wasn't happy with that answer but if her boyfriend didnt want to talk, then she wasnt going to force him. he'll talk when he wants, she thought.
there was no denying matt didnt want to relax into y/ns touch and give her all his love, but he was upset with her and he was planning on showing that he was upset.
he grabbed a pepsi and closed the fridge door, before subtly moving out of y/ns grasp. grabbing gently onto her wrists and removing himself from her warm and comforting embrace.
once he had gotten out of her arms he sighed of relief, of no longer having to fight the urge to hug her and pepper her with kisses. the overwhelming urge was soon to get him but he wasnt going to let it get to him that fast.
y/n put her arms at her sides and looked up at him, slightly confused but also understanding that if he wanted to move she'd have to let go.
matt glanced at her, then at his pepsi. fighting every fiber in his being not to kiss her head and tell her how much he loves her. he shook his head before looking at her one last time, taking in her features. how beautiful she looked, wearing one of his hoodies paired with his sweatpants and her hair down and slightly messy.
he muttered "fuck" under his breath before leaving the kitchen, needing to leave asap to hide the fact he wanted to shower her with all his affection.
y/n stood awkwardly as matt walked away, feeling rejected, but also a little relieved that she was no longer under his gaze as she was getting slightly insecure of how she wasnt dressed up and her hair was messy.
she stared as matt walked away, she thought about what all she could've done wrong. maybe he didnt want to be bothered? or maybe he didnt want to be touched, and she had just touched him.
but it didnt cross her mind that maybe what she commented on chris' instagram post might've hurt his feelings.
y/n followed matt, she felt she needed to get to the bottom of this. what had hurt matts feelings?
she opened matts door quietly, she took a peek and saw that matt was sitting at his desk, headphones on and on his phone. matt wasn't facing her, but rather facing his desk. so honestly, if y/n wanted she could creep up on matt and scare the shit out of him. but she decided against it, speaking of how it'd only make him more upset than he already was.
y/n shut the door behind her and walked to matt, she placed her hands on his shoulders, rubbing and massaging them. at an attempt to make herself known and also try not to scare him.
matt jumped slightly, but quickly recognized the hands currently touching his shoulders to be y/ns, as he knew her body more than he knew his own.
he took off his headphones and placed them on the desk, in case y/n wanted to talk. so now she knew he was listening.
"matt, sweetheart. tell me what's wrong. please." she asked, her hands keeping a pattern on his shoulders. rubbing her four fingers into the top of his shoulder and lower while her thumbs dug softly into his shoulder blades.
she knew this action both made him feel good, but also kept him at ease, like she'd want him this whole conversation. at ease.
matt let out a deep breath before leaning his head back into the chair and spoke quietly, "im- I just dont like what you said on chris' instagram post." even if it was something small and stupid that he knew for a fact he could get over easily, he felt a little jealous and insecure.
"I love you sweetheart, I can delete it and- and- ill do anything to make you feel better," she spoke with her tone gentle and calm. understanding that what she said on the post must've been wrong and matt didnt like that.
"im sorry baby." she kissed his cheek, and continued rubbing his shoulders. matt felt better and reassured, knowing his girlfriend didn't actully like like chris.
"thank you, y/n. I forgive you." matt leaned his head to the side and looked into y/ns eyes, seeing that guilt was clearly evident in her facial expressions. y/n looked down at him and smiled, she glanced down at his lips and pressed a small kiss to them, then she pulled away and kissed the tip of his nose.
989 words.
tags for my favorite ppl
@luverboychris @worldlxvlys @hysteria-things @gamermattsgf @inlovewithmattstur @plasticferal
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dumbseee · 1 year
noticed pt2.
f1 au/fic: having her celebrity crush as her boyfriend was something y/n didn’t expect to happen, which she also didn’t expect is the hate she would’ve receive.
lando norris x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
part 1.
note: i wasn’t planning on doing a part 2 but you guys asked so you shall receive :) (i wrote that very quickly so it’s not that good i’m so sorry)
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and 230 997 others.
y/n: lil photo dump because i’m living my best life with my loved ones <3 have a nice week guys!
landonorris: pretty girl <3
liked by y/n.
francisca.cgomes: had the best time with you baby
yourfriend: you’re shining girl
fan1: who tf is y/n? why is she even so popular?
fan2. @.fan1 bc she’s fucking lando and people have an obsession with wags
fan3: ew such a whore
fan4: why is she always half naked?
fan5: i’d be so embarrassed if i were lando bc wtf is she wearing?
fan6: lando RUN
fan7: y’all see a pretty woman dating y’all favourite driver and decide to hate her for no reason
fan8: y/n get behind me
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you couldn’t stop crying, you didn’t know what you did to deserve that. you deactivated all your socials so you won’t receive any messages from people with bad intentions, and turned off your phone that kept buzzing with notifications from friends and family. you tried to call lando, to make sure he knew that this was bullshit and that never would you even think about cheating on him. you did go to neymar’s party but only as your friend’s plus one. you talked with the footballer but for literally five minutes. the girl in the picture wasn’t you and you prayed that lando knew that. but he wasn’t answering his phone and that actually made you panic even more. your whole body was shaking, you were having a panic attack and you didn’t know how to calm it since you never had one before.
this situation was horrible for you, you didn’t even know how to fix it, of course it was all a lie but would the internet believe you? deactivating all your socials could be seen as suspicious by fans. they hated you anyway so whatever excuse you’d come up with, they’d never believe you. would lando even believe you? that thought made you sob even more, you struggled to breath and fell on the ground, resting your head on your knees. you could hear your heart beats going way too fast and you prayed for someone to help you because you were going to die from that damn panic attack.
"y/n! hey y/n!" you heard a voice, but it was faint, as if someone was calling you from very far away. "y/n, please baby! breath!" lando. it was lando’s voice. you opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend, shaking you to make you come to your senses, his eyes were glossy and he looked worried, when he saw you open your eyes and look at him he sighed softly and smiled at you. "welcome back, baby." he kissed your forehead before putting your hand on his own heart while he did the same to yours. "breath for me. we’ll do it together, okay?" you nodded slowly and started to follow his breaths. "one. two. three. yeah, you’re doing amazing my love." he smiled again and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "you scared the shit out of me." he whispered, still against your forehead. "i am so sorry, lando, i swear it’s not-" he shushed you and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a long and soothing embrace. you felt silent tears roll down your cheeks.
"don’t say a word, i already know." he says, he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed your tears away. "those pretty eyes can’t be drowning in tears, love." he added. "i trust you y/n. i love and trust you with my life, i know that you’d never do such a thing." he finished by kissing your lips. "then why did you ignore my calls?" you asked. "because i needed to get back home asap to confort you." he smiled and you swore that your heart exploded.
that was the moment where you realised how deeply in love you were with lando. he was so perfect with you, always taking care of you and putting you first. you sometimes wondered if you deserved that kind of love.
"we’re going to watch your favorite tv show, order some food and take a bath later. today is y/n self care day. and don’t think about that rumour, i’m going to take care of that." he kissed the top of your head and helped you get up from the ground.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 1 790 007 others.
landonorris: i’m going to say this once and for all: y/n l/n is the sweetest most loving and respectful person i’ve ever met in my entire existence. she’s the light that keeps shining during my darkest days, she’s the presence i crave after a long day away from her. y/n has been the victim of disgusting rumours and death threats, i’ll be taking action against every single ones of you who even just commented one single bad emoji under her posts, i’ll come for you. you made her cry, i think it’s fair enough that i make you pay back for every single tear that she shed because of people like you.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 9 months
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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*Gabriella is aged up obvi*
Warnings: None
Summary: Gabriella wants to introduce the reader and Miguel to her boyfriend and the reader has to help calm Miguel down during the whole ordeal
Quote: “Fine, but I’m only giving that boy one chance. If he breaks her heart once, he’s going to regret ever even thinking about hurting her”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was a normal day in the O’Hara household, well.. almost normal. You could tell that there was something bothering Gabriella. She looked really nervous and constantly checked her phone 24/7.
You were currently helping Miguel dinner, chatting and laughing about the past. Gabriella suddenly appeared in the kitchen, fiddling with her fingers, and looking at the ground. You and Miguel both turned around to give her a smile.
“Is everything alright love? You look like you’re constipated” you joked, which Miguel elbowed you for.
“Uh- I- uhm- I don’t know how to put this, but I have a boyfriend that I’ve been dating for a two years and I want you guys to meet him” Gabriella confessed.
You were shocked, but not nearly as shocked as Miguel was. His jaw dropped to the floor, eyes widened, you swore it looked like he was about to faint on the spot.
You were more shocked about how you and Miguel didn’t notice. But I mean to be fair, Miguel is constantly saving the city, and you worked full time.
Miguel on the other hand was more shocked about how his sweet little girl grew up so fast. He could’ve sworn she was 9 just a few days ago. Oh how time flew by.
Gabriella looked nervously at the two of you as you both got your thoughts together.
“Who is this boy and what is he-”
“What your father means to say is why didn’t you tell us about this boy sooner?” you said as you cut Miguel off.
“I was just really nervous how you guys would react” Gabriella said.
“We will always support you no matter what sweetie” you smiled.
“When will we be meeting this boy” Miguel grumbled.
“I was thinking that we could have a family dinner with him here next weekend” Gabriella responded.
“That sounds amazing sweetheart” You smiled as you covered Miguel’s mouth with your hand.
Gabriella was really happy with your response and excited walked into her room to what you suppose was her texting her boyfriend about this.
“What the hell y/n?! Our daughter is bringing a random boy over to our house and you’re okay with it?! What if that boy breaks her heart!” Miguel scolded.
“Oh come on Miguel. Gabriella seems really happy about this boy. Give him a chance, remember when you met my family for the first time?” You reasoned.
“Fine, but I’m only giving that boy one chance. If he breaks her heart once, he’s going to regret ever even thinking about hurting her” Miguel huffed.
“Hey, that’s the same thing my dad told you” you chuckled.
It was the day that Gabriella was planning to bring her boyfriend over. Everyone was feeling a bit nervous that day. You and Miguel put on your best outfits and sat patiently on the couch while Gabriella was coming home with her boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but notice Miguel tapping his feet against the floor, while fidgeting with his hands nervously.
“Feeling nervous babe?” You asked Miguel.
“How could I not be?! Gabriella is already old enough to get a boyfriend! Next thing you know she’s going to be moving out with him and getting married!” Miguel said as he paced the room.
“That’s why we have to make the most out of the time we with her now. But no matter how much she grows, she will always be our little girl, and you need to remember that” you reassured.
Miguel pulled you into a deep hug as he gave you little kisses on your neck. You could feel his breath against your neck as he huffed.
“I love you so much mi amor. I don’t know what I would do without you” Miguel sighed.
While you and Miguel embraced you both heard a knock on the door and Miguel immediately stood up straight. You saw Miguel was fixing his posture to seem more “scarier” and “intimidating”, which made you chuckle a bit.
The door opened and there stood Gabriella standing there happily, hand-in-hand with her nervous looking boyfriend. It kind of reminded you of the first time Miguel met your parents.
“Hi, sirs, I-uh-I brought you both a gift! Gabriella told me that you guys would like these” the boy said nervously as he handed you and Miguel a gift basket.
You could already tell that the boy was good guy, and would be perfect for Gabriella. Miguel however, still wasn’t convinced yet. You lead Gabriella and her boyfriend to the dinner table while Miguel got the food ready.
“You seem like a nice young man, what’s your name?” You asked the boy as Miguel handed placed the food down on the table and sat next to you.
“N-Noah” The boy said as Miguel stared into his soul.
“How did you meet our daughter and when did you start dating her?” Miguel asked bluntly.
“W-well, we have the same class together, and I thought she was really cute, so I started talking to her. After a few weeks of talking, I asked her out on a date and I’ve loved her ever since” Noah replied.
“So you’re saying you didn’t love her before you started dating?” Miguel confronted
“Miguel” you scolded as you kicked his leg under the table.
“Sorry about him, he’s just very grumpy today” you apologized.
“So do you do anything for work?” You asked.
“I’m currently working on starting my own business” Noah answered.
“What kind of business huh? A drug dealing business? An illegal hacking business? A weapon trading business?” Miguel questioned.
Noah looked really flustered with all of Miguel’s sudden accusations.
“Papa, you’re scaring him” Gabriella said.
“Gabriella would you excuse me, me and your father need to have a talk” you said before pulling Miguel into an empty hallway.
“Seriously Miguel?! It’s normal to question the boy not interrogate him!” You scolded.
“I’m sorry! It’s just- Im really protective of Gabriella, I just don’t want her heart to be broken” Miguel said.
“Come on Miguel! Noah seems like a nice guy, he’s perfect for Gabriella, now would you please just calm down a bit and try to at least get to know the boy” you said.
Miguel nodded and you gave him a kiss on the cheek before going back to the dining room with Gabriella and her boyfriend. Miguel calmed down a bit and actually started talking to Noah. Turns out they had a lot in common! They shared the a lot of the same Hobbies and interests!
Of course, Miguel still had to take Noah down to a private space to give him the “shovel talk”. But he didn’t worry as much as he did before about Noah as he did before. He knew his daughter was in safe hands.
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binniebakery · 8 months
Late Night Kisses
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♡kai x fem!reader established relationship suggestive fluff(?)♡ ♡ Summary: Your lover surprises you with a late-night visit while your parents are fast asleep, what will happen when the growing tension between you becomes too much to bear? ♡ Warnings: make-outs in bed, reader gets called princess/my love, large kai hands agenda teehee, not necessarily smut but very suggestive so minors dni!
♡ A/N: I sadly wont be able to upload the rest of thornless rose tonight due to complications! ill get to the final chapter asap! :( i apologize so take this fic i was already working on instead! I was feeling a little silly and was listening to doriko's romeo and cinderella (my vocaloid fans know this banger) so heavily inspired by that!
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Your knuckles were almost turning white from the way you clutched onto the doorknob. Breath soft and quiet as you listened for any sound coming from downstairs. Not a single voice could be heard, everything was going perfectly to plan. Your parents were finally asleep and Kai was on his way to see you. It was late into the night, the autumn air crisp and cold outside but you wore your cutest and shortest pajamas regardless. A short slip dress in your favorite color draped across your delicate skin as you sat in your bed, anxiously waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. After what seemed like forever, you received a text. Immediately picking up your phone, you smiled as soon as you read the message. Kai<3: I'm here! Should I climb up now, princess? You swiftly lifted your window open as the brisk fall air entered your room, along with your boyfriend. Kai had already figured out how to get to your room as he'd visited you late at night before. His cute smile especially bright as he lifted himself up into your room. The moment he was fully inside and the window had closed he pulls you into a warm hug. "God I missed you.." Kai mumbled as he rested his head on your head, deeply inhaling the lovely scent of your shampoo. "I missed you too, you feel so cold let me warm you up" you giggled and sat on your bed. Kai nodded and dropped himself on top of your pillow as you got comfortable laying your head right on his chest. "I'm alright, sorry for showing up so late.. I just haven't seen you in so long, need to feel your touch right now" he whined as he stroked your head. You looked up to see that his face was flushed. His eyes were staring down your legs up to the end of your silky dress that barely reached your thighs. Kai's eyes meet yours and you notice a hunger begin to build in his orbs.
"Can I kiss you?" Your face heats up at the question, even when he was on the verge of losing control Kai always managed to be cute. You lean in and stop millimeters away from his lips, taking in his shaky breath and soft scent. The both of you could feel the radiating heat through the thin clothes you were wearing. Kai places a hand on the back of your head and gently pushes you towards him. As soon as your lips connect he sighs longingly, pulling you closer by the waist. As your lips moved against his, your need began to grow and you climbed onto his lap, now fully sitting on top of him. You tilt your head and the kiss deepens further. You feel his tongue lightly trace the line between your lips, silently asking for permission to go further. You open your mouth silently, granting him entry and he groans in response. Your kiss was passionate and grew more heated by the second. You place your arms around his neck as you kiss. The thin strap of your dress now slowly falling off your right shoulder as Kai's large hand rubbed your back, the other firmly placed on your waist as if you would somehow disappear if he let you go. He held you so firmly yet so tender as if you were a flower. "Kai.. need more.." you softly whispered as you finally separated for air, a small string of spit connecting both your lips. Kai's face was completely flushed, dark eyes now filled with more desire than before. "I can give you more princess, let me take care of you" he whispered as he placed gentle kisses from the corner of your lips to across your jawline. His long fingers tilt your chin as he lovingly spoils your skin. Your breath hitches as you feel his soft lips suck purple flowers into your delicate skin, your neck receiving the proper attention it deserved. You feel him smile against your tender skin as your breath becomes more ragged with need.
"Forgive me for saying this but I really can't control myself seeing you wear something so beautiful," he says as he presses his forehead against you, his fingers now tracing the black lace that rested on your thighs. "I wore it for you, do you like it?" You smile teasingly, Kai chuckles and places his lips on your exposed collarbones, licking and sucking more marks onto the delicate skin. He was too embarrassed to say it but you knew he was absolutely enamoured by you. You couldn’t take it anymore, the room was no longer chilly from the outside air and the only thing on your mind was having Kai’s skin on yours. As if reading your mind, he fully slips off the strap that was once falling and kisses your shoulder softly. You take this as a sign and gently begin to unbutton his shirt, fully revealing the smooth skin underneath.
“How far will we go tonight?” You breathed as he gently slid your dress down. Kai hums and looks you in the eyes. “However far you’ll let me my love” he replies, his breathing was now shallow and slow in an attempt to control his desire. That was all you needed to hear, you pulled your lover in for a kiss once again, fully passionate as your tongues danced. You moan softly and Kai pulls away “We can’t let them hear you now can we?” he teased and you blushed into his neck in embarrassment. “Look at me, let me see all the faces you make” he softly spoke as he once again lifts your chin so your eyes were now locked with his. Your face couldn't possibly be any more red.
He pulls your waist in impossibly closer, groaning at the feeling of both your bare chests finally connecting. The warmth of your skin began to drive him more mad by the second. As he holds you close he swaps positions with you, your body now under his larger one to his mercy. Hushed moans and sloppy kisses continued as Kai roamed his large hands on your body. The rest of the night you spent together was a mystery to the world outside. You and Kai being the only witnesses to the love you shared.
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xeenybobean · 1 year
"The Secret." Earth-42 Miles x (F)Reader
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Was requested by an anonymous through Google Forms!
Word count: 5k
Summary: You are Miles’s girlfriend and throughout your whole relationship you start to notice Miles’s absences whenever it came to date night, movie night, or any date plan that happened at night. Whenever he leaves he would text you right away to tell you he couldn’t make it because of his "work" saying he would make up for it later. But what was his “work?” that question would always make you wonder what does your boyfriend do?? Whenever you brought the subject up he would act cold and icy towards you and now you know why... You grew curious whenever your boyfriend went off with his uncle. Curiosity killed the cat you may say, as you decide to explore the mystery of your cold-hearted boyfriend Miles but you didn't think what you'd discover in his room could change your life forever.
⚠Warning⚠: Angst to somewhat fluff |Cussing|Some Spanish between reader and Earth42!Miles|
{I do not speak Spanish nor do I take the language, I am using a translator so if there's anything wrong with my grammar or spelling please tell me and I’ll change it ASAP!!}
Edit!: Credits to my friend who helped with with the Spanish translations love you girlie 🫶🫶
“Sometimes we all need to make sacrifices for the ones we love. Even if it means to change entirely.” 
Waiting was all you did as you stared at your phone watching the time tick one by one. The sound of the clock in the background drove you insane to the max. With each tick, you grew more anxious. You bit your lip and sighed as you looked at the delivered messages you sent your boyfriend Miles but nothing..
Nothing at all.  It was 9:30 PM. Miles was supposed to be at your place by 8:30, but it's been 1 hour. 1 whole hour, and nothing from your boyfriend not one text or call from him telling you he wasn’t going to come to the date at your place. Stress and sorrows began to fill your body as you slowly lost hope and gave up drawing in the towel. 
Everything was set up and ready to go, you bought extra pillows, took blankets from your room that were extras, and bought more of Mile’s favorite snacks and drinks just for him to not show up. Stacks of movie tapes were piled on the side of the TV that was off. Tonight was supposed to be movie night but Miles was a no-show once more. 
“Better start cleaning up..” you mumbled to yourself as you turned on the lights in the living room as sadness engulfed your body. This wasn’t the first time Miles bailed out on you, it's been more than you could count on both your hands. You sighed as you began to put the movie tapes back in their covers one by one then closed them putting them back in the cabinet under the TV.
You then stood up and began to grab all the snacks you’d made and bought to put them back in the pantry. While you were in the kitchen you heard your phone buzzing, you dropped whatever was in your hand and ran from the kitchen to the couch where your phone was resting. You quickly picked it up to see Miles's contact name. 
“Call from Mi Amor.”
Your phone spoke as it began to vibrate loudly as the sound of your ringtone echoed through your apartment. You quickly picked it up and put him on speaker as you sat down on the couch sighing. 
“Yes my love?..”
You said bluntly, Miles could tell how tired you were from the other line as you heard him sigh on the other line.
“I’m guessing you are not gonna make it. Again.”
You spoke as you began to fidget with your nails picking at them gently.
“Hi mi amor..just wanted to check in on you. I’m sorry mi corazón.. Work called in again I swear I’ll make it up to you ok?.. Please don’t be mad at me..”
He spoke softly, you could hear his voice trembling as you stared at your phone humming a response as you let out a long sigh. You knew he meant well but you were tired, you barely get to see your boyfriend due to this “work” he spoke off. You began to wonder if he was actually at work or if he was doing something else to avoid you. You shook your head and cleared your mind away from that thought as you looked at the bright screen wishing it was your boyfriend who was talking to you instead of a device. 
“It’s alright Miles…just get home safe.”
Before he could say anything you hung up and placed your phone downwards on the now-empty coffee table. He sighed, he knew he messed up but how could he tell you what his actual work was? When he was a villain. That he might lose you due to just the fact he was The Prowler. He heard his uncle calling to him as he hid his phone following his uncle's commands. You began to rub your temples and ran your fingers through your messy tangled hair as you got up once more to continue cleaning up the mess on the kitchen floor.
You crouched down to pick up the candy bards and the other snacks that you dropped on the floor to rush to your phone. You stood up with your arms filled with snacks as you leaned against the counter to put everything down. You sighed and looked at your empty appointment as you continued to feel sad..it was empty and quiet with the love of your life. Without him you felt dreary and alone..but why was he gone? Why was he always gone?? You started to ponder as you slowly began to put the snacks back into the open cabinet one by one. 
Your mind wasn’t in your mind, your brain was wandering from place to place everything all at once, you were first worried about your boyfriend as your mind began to travel to why he wasn’t here right now with you. As you put the last snack back in the cabinet you accidentally grabbed a box of cereal that was opened and it spilled all over the floor. Your mind soon went back to reality as you felt and heard the pieces of ce3ral dropping onto the cold marble flooring. You looked down and picked the box up. 
“Miles’s favorite cereal... Great now I have to buy another one..” You chuckled slightly as you looked at the box but heard something moving. Something heavy... It wasn’t cereal, right? You then heard a sudden beeping sound coming from the box as you looked at the opened flaps to see something blinking. You reached your hand and grabbed the object. It seemed to be a watch. You tilted your head slightly as your face began to illuminate in different colors as the watch began to blink purple and red LED lights. 
You grew curious and placed the empty box down and put the watch on. The minute you put the watch on a hologram of a map popped up in front of you, there was an arrow where you were standing it began blinking slightly as a pair of directions began to speak to you. It piqued your interest... You wanted to know what your boyfriend was truly hiding from you so you grabbed your phone and house keys as you put your shoes on and left your apartment complex. 
You followed the directions given to you as you looked up to see you were now in front of Miles’s apartment complex. 
“Why would you take me here?..” You asked yourself as you began to walk in, you walked up the long staircase until the beeping stopped. You were now in front of his family's apartment door. You knocked gently and took the watch off and stuffed it into your pocket as Mile’es mom opened the door. Her eyes lit up to see you as she began to place kisses all over your face. 
“Ah! Mi novia!! How are you huh? Bienvenida bienvenida!” She said as she welcomed you into the apartment. “You have to forgive me the house is a little bit messy!” you laughed slightly, you loved how warm and sweet Mile’s mom was towards you like you were her child as well. You began to take your shoes off and closed the door for her. 
“Gracias señora..” You said softly as you looked around and she instantly knew who you were looking for and frowned softly as she wiped her hands on her apron. 
“Lo siento chica, Miles went out with his Uncle a while ago... He should be back soon. You can stay as long as you’d like until he gets back ok?” She said softly to you as she caressed your face and placed small kisses on your forehead. With each kiss, she placed you melted and felt loved. You smiled lightly and thanked her once more as she went back to the kitchen.
You looked towards the kitchen to make sure Mile’s mom was distracted as you quickly began to speed walk down the narrow hallway to Miles's room you pulled the watch and saw it blinking once more. You slowly opened his door and stared at his dark room... You gulped slightly as you heard the door squeaking open revealing the darkness in your boyfriend's room. You slowly pulled out your phone and turned on the flashlight as the bright white light showed revealing his somewhat clean room. You looked from the GPS on the watch to where you were standing as the beeping grew louder and louder. You begin to walk to where the sound grew loudest the most as you were now standing in front of his desk. 
You placed your phone down and turned on the desk light, it seemed like an ordinary desk but something didn't seem right..you could feel knots growing in your stomach like you weren’t supposed to be there and you weren't supposed to follow your conscience... You felt your heart racing faster and faster as your breathing picked up. You looked around to make sure no one was there as you sat down on his chair.
You felt the watch close to see there was an outline that matched the watch to the drawer under the desk. You gulped slightly and inserted the watch into the outline. And it matched perfectly. You heard a loud click as the door behind you shut closed, everything locked instantly, the windows instantly shut and locked as the curtains closed automatically.
You tried to get out of his seat but you were practically glued to it. You were so scared. What was your boyfriend hiding... That question was what you’ve been wanting to unearth for so damn long. You sat in the chair and watch as your boyfriend's regular room turned into a villain's liar. The bed turned over to reveal a purple and black motorbike, and the cabinets and drawers in his room flipped over to reveal sharp weapons that had a symbol on each one of them. You felt your heart racing as his closet flipped to reveal another version of the prowler's suit. It shows bright neon purple... You slowly got up and felt your legs shaking as you looked at the transformed room. 
“What the hell..” You whispered to yourself as your legs began to move on their own towards the Prowler's suit that was on display... You reached your hand to touch it and it was real... You began to look around the newly transformed room to see what your boyfriend's secret was. Why he never showed up to date nights, why he made up excuses, why he never told you. Your emotions came rushing through your body as you gripped the prowler's mask and stared at it. You felt your whole body freeze as you could only hear your racing heart beating faster and faster like no tomorrow. 
You finally discovered what your boyfriend had hidden from you all along. He was the Prowler. 
This made your heart stop you felt your breathing growing faster and faster as your hands began to shake holding the bright neon magenta mask in your hands, you couldn’t believe it... The sweet, kind caring, soft person you knew and loved so much... Was a villain let alone the Prowler... Someone who kills people as a living. You didn’t want to believe it but you had no choice…this just proved to you why he never came or showed up all those date nights. You felt tears brimming your eyes as they slowly rolled down your cheeks onto the mask that your boyfriend wore. You couldn’t believe what you saw in front of you... It was all real, he has hidden this from you for the amount of time you'd been dating... 
Your eyes remained wide as you couldn’t grasp the information you just figured out. He’s been lying to you all this time keeping this secret away from you but why. You couldn’t understand... This had to be a joke... Right? Your sweet Miles would never do something like this right?.. You felt your whole body shaking as you continued to stare at the mask your vision doubling due to the tears that stung your eyes. Your mind was racing nonstop thinking, wondering, and worrying, you were filled with sadness, rage, and anger. You were lost in your mind and emotions so much that you haven’t noticed the sound of Mile’s mom greeting her son, that you didn’t hear someone walking down the halls. 
Once Miles got home and walked towards his room he noticed a purple hue glowing from the gap under his door. His heart stopped, and he quickly pulled out the keys to unlock his room, once he unlocked it you noticed everything went back to normal, a bed, a closet, and his desk. Like nothing you just saw was there. You gulped and watched the doorknob jangle back and forth as you heard the familiar screeching door open to reveal your boyfriend looking at you in shock as he stared at you holding his mask. 
He was shocked, he felt like his whole world was crashing down as he felt a large lump in his throat, he didn’t know what to say to you or how to even start, you just unearth a secret he has kept from everyone he loves besides his uncle. 
He stared at you and dropped his duffle bag as cans of spray paint rolled out onto the wooden floor. You instantly snapped out of your thoughts as your head snapped to see your boyfriend staring at you. You couldn’t bare to look at him so you looked away back to the mask you were holding in your shaky hands as you took a small breath to try to compose yourself as you heard the door close. 
“Que es esto Miles? Por favor dime que esto no es verdad” (what is this miles? Please tell me this isn’t real..) you felt your voice shaking as you gripped onto the mask tighter, but you didn’t get an answer... He didn’t know what to say, how could he say you were crazy and that you didn’t know what you were talking about when you saw everything you needed to see to put the pieces together? 
The room was silent, you could hear a pin drop, you bit your lip harshly and waited for an answer that ever came. “Answer me, Miles.” You said sternly as you felt your voice getting shaky as you felt your tears rushing down faster and faster, “How could you.. why..I..” you didn’t know how to form words. You didn’t know what to say. You were disappointed, to say the least, but overall you were upset and angry at your boyfriend, you could feel the fire burning in your chest, how could he just not tell you something as serious as this? 
Miles began to take a few deep breaths as he clenched his fist tightly. He began to grit his teeth slightly as he made sure the door was closed, his shocked expression turned into an anger filled one. It was written all over his face, the aura in the room shifted as he punched the bright red opunching bag that was in his room causing you the flinch slightly as you stared at him in confusion he didn’t have the right to be angry no he didn’t tell you so you dind’t understand why he was so mad. 
“Te dije que no vinieras aquí” (i told you not to come here.) Why did you go behind my back huh? You care to tell me that? How many times have I told you to never go in my room without me yet you go behind my back and do it anyways!” He was trying to compose himself the best he can as his eyes were filled with rage. You couldn’t help but laugh as you clenched onto the mask as you walked up to him, anger and rage filling each of your steps as you looked in in the eye. 
“Oh don’t turn this towards me now do not tell me what i can or cannot do. I did not go behind your back! Are you fucking kidding me!? Your the Prowler for god’s sake! How the hell is me going into my own boyfriends room worse than this huh! “Ándale usa la cabeza” (Cmon use your head!)
Miles looked at you as his chest fell and rose over and over again as he tried to compose himself, you both were a mess and you both were filled with rage and anger, you both were upset at eachother, whether the reason was stupid or not. He was quiet as he looked at you, his emotions slowly disappeared to see how upset you were but he couldn’t bare to look at you. His expression was blank as he pushed you away. You were taken back as you looked at your boyfriend to see him walking away from you, his back was now facing you. His head was down as he tried his best to not let his anger get the best of him. 
“Sometimes we all need to make sacrifices for the ones we love. Even if it means to change entirely,” he spoke softly, you could hear his voice breaking down by the second as the room grew quiet once more. You then felt your boyfriend's gaze on your small saddened figure, he couldn’t deny or lie to you anymore about his identity you knew and he couldn’t change it. You were about to say something when you felt a rough calloused hand on each side of your face as Miles moved your face allowing your gaze to meet his, you felt his thumbs brushing over your soft cheeks to wipe your tears that continue to roll down them.
You searched his eyes for an answer, you didn’t want to believe it..maybe it was all a dream? You thought to yourself but no.. this was real. His eyes were glossy..never in a million years did he ever think you’d find out, he did everything in his power to make sure that no traces or evidence would lead to this moment.. his nightmares were now coming true and he didn't know what to say to you. 
“My job is to protect you, you hear me? vamos mami tu eres todo mi mundo ese es mi trabajo. “Ándale mami tú eres mi mundo completo es mi trabajo. Nunca dejare que algo malo te pase.” (Cmon mami you are my whole world that is my job..I would never let anything bad happen to you.) You looked at him and tried to compose yourself your pride wouldn’t let you give into him fully.. You just couldn’t there were so many things going on in your mind at this very moment you didn’t know where to be mad.. Sad or disappointed, they all rolled into one emotion.  
He continued to stay silent as his thumbs ran over your cheeks wiping your tears over and over again as he just stared at you, he could tell how upset you were..the tension in the room was high. It took you a second to register what he was doing but you slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me.” You said as you began to move away from him, you instantly notice the pain in his eyes as he swallowed a lump down his throat as he watched you turn your back to face him. 
“Mi amor deja me explicar por favor ” (my love please let me explain.) he spoke softly as he moved closer to you. You didn’t know what to do were you supposed to just hear him out? No, he was a villain a person who killed people who showed no empathy for the weak. You couldn’t believe that your boyfriend..someone who was always so kind and caring towards you could do something so bad without a second thought or glance. 
“Explain what Miles. That you are the Prowler that you’ve been lying to me this whole time!? Huh! You think I-I’m just supposed to take it with a grain of salt!? I mean how could you hide this from me? How could you do this!? “Que mas tienes que explicar” (what more do you need to explain?) huh! Cause I'm pretty sure I get the whole thing!?” 
You yelled at him as you threw the mask, he caught it on instinct and looked at you. What was he supposed to say... That he's sorry... No, he couldn’t he knew you wouldn’t buy it... He placed the mask down and stood in front of you as he held his face in your arms. As much as you hated that he held your face you couldn’t help but melt into his touch, your chest was still burning with anger that you wanted to let out..you wanted answers... An explanation..but he couldn’t form any words..all he did was stare and held your face to wipe your tears. He was hurt... He hated to see you cry... He try’d everything to make sure you would never see the bad side of him but now you have and he was scared to lose you because of it. 
You turned away and stared at the ground and it just broke his heart... You felt him sigh as he finally spoke once more. His voice sounded shaky and scared... His mind was racing with what to say and how to say it... He didn’t want to lose you. He’d do anything to make you happy to make you stay with him and if giving up being the Prowler will do that he would do it in a heartbeat. 
“Y/N ..Tu eres mi alma completa mira me por favor te lo pido mi amor mira me te lo ruego” (you are my whole heart please don't turn away from me.. please look at me my love I'm begging you.) You felt a tug in your heart as you slowly turned to face him, you can see a small smile on his face as it slowly faded away. He removed his hand from your face and held onto your hands as he brought your knuckles slowly to meet his lips kissing them over and over again. 
“Miles “Que me estás asiendo orita porfavor dime que no es verdad” (What are you doing explain to me right now..please tell me this isn't true.) You pleaded as you felt the soft kisses on your hands stopping. His eyes met yours as he squeezed your hands tightly. 
“Ya no te puedo mentir. Ya te enteraste. No tengo otra opción.” I am the Prowler.” (I can't lie to you anymore. you found out. I had no choice.) He spoke softly as he continued to squeeze your hands, you could tell how this was eating him alive. You felt your tears stopping as you looked at him and caressed his face lightly. 
His eyes grew wide as you noticed tears rolling down his face one by one. He expected you to slap him... Scream at him. Leave him. But nothing like this.
“Mami porfavor no me dejes eres la única que tengo eres lo unico que me queda te tenia que aver dicho porfavor perdona me.” (Mami please don't leave me you are all i have left. I should've told you to forgive me, please.) the ends of his braids began to come undone as you stared at him..
You finally got a good look at him and boy was he tired.. Very tired..you stared at his knuckle he used to punch the punching bag to see a rash on it.. You looked at his face to see bags under his eyes.. You felt him resting his head in your chest as you stared at him leaning against the wall for support.. How could you just leave him like this?..
Your heart began to break slightly as you saw the state he was in..your hands slowly began to rub his scalp gently and he instantly melted into your touch as cried into your chest. You could hear him apologizing to you over and over again as he begged you to stay..this was just horrible..you didn’t know how to feel. Your boyfriend was a villain but yet you still loved him and wouldn’t want to leave him. Ever. 
You stayed silent and watched as your boyfriend began to unravel as all his emotions came out. You hated to see him like this and you could tell this was eating him alive. The amount of time he wanted to tell you but couldn’t because he was afraid to lose you and because you weren’t allowed to. He felt a weight being lifted off of his chest for the wrong reason..you watched him cry into your chest as he dug a hole into your shirt trying to hide from you. He was ashamed and weak in your presence.
You held him close to your body as you continued to rub his forehead gently trying to calm him down you felt his eyes slowly meeting yours as he rested his chin on your chest to look up at you. You slowly wiped his tears and looked at the mask that was on his bed and then at him. This person who was in front of you wasn’t a villain he was a baby..your baby..you never wanted to see him like this ever again.. This just broke your heart and ate you alive at this point. You continued to wipe his tears as his tears stained your shirt but you couldn’t care less. 
The lighting in the room shifted as the moonlight peeked through the windows..the atmosphere and aura began to grow calm, Miles felt like it was just the two of you in the universe at this very moment.. He could’t sop saying sorry..with each sorry broke your hardened demonor of being mad at him..you forget how sensitive he was sometimes whenever he thought he’d loose you.
You slowly shifted the position so that you were holding him as he instantly clung to you..but what he said broke you. 
“Are you scared of me?..” he asked as he dug a hole in your neck. You slowly pried him off of you to get a better look at him as you caressed his face and pressed your forehead against him. As your hands slowly made their way to his back tracing circles and other shapes on his thin purple tank top as you sighed chuckling slightly at the question he asked. 
“No. I would never be scared of you..look at you. You have a kind heart..one wrong doesn't mean a person is truly bad. You know how I feel about you miles and I will never be scared of you even if you are the Prowler. te quiero mucho eres mi familia..” (I love you very much you are my family.) You said softly pressing kisses all along his face and with each kiss Miles became putty in your hands as he hid his face in your neck once more as he breathed in your scent to calm him down. 
You both stayed in silence as you continued to use the wall for support as you felt your boyfriend going limp on you. You chuckled slightly as the both of you slid down to the cold hard wooden floor. He groaned softly and went into your lap wrapping his legs around your waist and clung to you like a baby.. You smiled at the state he was in and the bond between the two of you grew stronger.. You slowly began to redo the ends of his braids as you felt him placing soft kisses on your neck not moving an inch.
“Nunca te dejare. Tu siendo el malo no va a cambiar mi amor por ti te lo prometo"(I'm never going to leave you. You being a villain will not change my love for you.. I promise.) he reclaimed in your lap as you felt his grip tightening around you. You smiled lightly and rested your head against his. No matter what happens you were never going to leave him..ever, you loved him too much to even think about life without him. The thought scared you and you hoped to never ever go down that path. No matter what storm came your way you knew the both of you would do anything to stay together forever until eternity. He needed you as much as you needed him that's for sure. 
“Te amo Y/N..” he whispered into your soft skin pressing a long passionate kiss in the crook of your neck which made you smile. 
“Yo también te amo Miles..” 
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
I NEED a pt.2 to college fvckboy Yoongi!!! ASAP!!!
You know I got you, girl!
Title: Those Damn Lips (Part 2 to 'Those Damn Eyes')
Warning(s): C*cktease!Y/N, Jealousy S!x, Talks of Cheat!ng, D!rty talk, Curs!ng, and FLUFF!
Author's Note: Hope you enjoy!
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"Are you gonna speak, or are you just gonna keep staring at me?" You finally ask as you keep your eyes glued to your textbook. The five-foot two girl with short brown hair and bangs sits up straighter, as if not expecting to have been caught by you.
You finally look up from your studies and eye the girl. "Mm... You don't know me, but my name is Isabella." She says finally, nose scrunching as if apologetic by that information she'd just shared with you. Completely unprovoked, mind you.
"Ok..." You say slowly as you sit back now, crossing your arms. "And that means..." You trail off.
"That means... Yoongi and I... Used to... talk." She says and you find yourself breathing heavy. Not again.
"And? What are you gonna do? Threaten me? Pull the 'he's not gonna treat you good' card? Try and act like you two are still talking?" You ask, unamused by this girl's presence.
Public dating Yoongi meant constantly being reminded of the fact that your now tamed boyfriend once had a past of being a reckless fuckboy. And there was no end to that fact.
After the frat party, you two agreed to actually try dating. Which was easy since you were still roommates as well, but the line of scorned ex-lovers was becoming tiresome for you.
"U-Uh... No! None of that. But... I just... Look, I should tell you-" You cut the girl off.
"Tell me that he's never gonna change, that I'm wasting my time, that night or day you can call him to hook up and he'd come running at the chance..." You recite, knowing the show and dance by heart now. It was messed up how many girls assumed doing this little speech to you would change your mind on Yoongi.
"Would you let me speak?!" She squeaks in frustration before fixing herself up a bit more. "I just thought that... From girl to girl? I should tell you... He's still talking to girls." She says and you snort.
"Honey. I read YA books for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know this damn trick. You're gonna say this, probably show me a picture, and it'll be something taken out of context-" You're cut off by her showing the picture on her phone.
You pause to examine the picture and see it's Yoongi hugging some girl. They're somewhere off campus and they're in front of a hotel building together. Isabella swipes to the next photo and you see the girl, who you can't see the face of, being kissed by Yoongi on the cheek.
You shift in your seat, but don't let the confusion show on your face. Instead, you snort. "That's his best friend, dumbass..." before getting up. "Better luck next time." You say shortly before walking off, confused as to who the hell that girl was!
When you get back to your shared apartment, you hear just how quiet it is and realize Yoongi must still be sleeping. You walk into your bedroom that he spends every night in now, only using his bedroom to work on projects or new songs.
As you watch him snore away, the anger of being confronted by yet another girl from his past takes over. You knew you shouldn't blame him for having a past, everyone did. But you hated that these girls felt they had the right to bother you whenever they wanted! And who the hell was that girl he was hugging in the picture?!
You shift your weight from one foot to the other as you continue to watch your boyfriend. Finally, a plan pops into your head.
You silently gather the supplies needed and get to work...
You straddle your boyfriend and begin planting soft kisses along his shoulder. He hums, slowly stirring in his sleep and you smirk. "Baby..." You sing softly in his ear, and he hums again, a soft smirk playing on your lips as you begin nipping at his ear lobe.
"Mm..." He murmurs and slowly opens his eyes, smirking as he sees you on top of him in just your underwear. He goes to grab you and pauses as he realizes his hands are tied to the headboard.
"Whoa. This is a nice wakeup call..." He jokes, voice deep from just waking up. You hum in a false pleasant tone.
"You like?" You ask as you rub his chest and he nods fast. You move to his neck and kiss and lick different areas of skin as he shivers in pleasure.
"Baby?" You whisper as you softly grind against his bulge. It doesn't take long to get a full reaction from his 'friend', thank god for morning wood...
"Fuck. Y-Yes, honey..." He pants softly as you go back to playing with his ear, sucking softly on his earlobe.
"Do you like me?" You whisper as you pull back a bit to eye him.
"I sure do, baby girl..." He groans happily as he lifts his hips to press against you. You moan the way you know he likes.
"Yeah?" You pant as you grip his chest and sit up so he can watch you use his bulge, wetting his boxers the more you grind down.
"Oh fuck, yes, baby, get it wet..." He moans as his head rolls back.
"Yoongi?" You pant as you grab his chin. He looks up at you and licks those damn lips. The lips you'd become addicted to kissing, the lips that whispered sweet nothings to you while he played with your hair, the lips he used to kiss that girl's cheek!
"If you like me..." You stop grinding and move to his ear again. "Then why..." You whisper in his ear, voice soft and seductive. "Were you spotted... WITH ANOTHER GIRL?!" You snap in his ear, and he winces at the volume change. You sit up and cross your arms, glaring.
"What?! What other girl?! There's no other girl!" Yoongi says fast as he yanks at the scarves, to no avail.
"Oh? So, you weren't at a hotel yesterday, kissing some girl's cheek and hugging her?" You ask and he opens his mouth before closing it, as if realizing he was caught.
"Who is she, Yoongi? Hm?" You ask before grabbing a pillow to swat at his chest.
"Ow! Hey! Who even told you?" He asks back and you laugh humorlessly.
"Oh, that's the kicker!" You laugh sarcastically. "Some spiteful ex-lover that you played with before running off to me? Yeah, she showed me pictures of you and some random girl. You love messing around that much that you'd hurt ME, Yoongi!? What. The. Fu-" Yoongi cuts you off as you keep swatting him with the pillow.
"That's my sister!" He says and you glare.
"Sister?! That's the oldest trick in the book, Yoongi!" You huff as you get off of him.
"Y/N! I'm being serious! She's visiting from South Korea; I wanted you to meet her tonight!" He rushes out and you cross your arms as you eye him. "She's my twin sister. I swear. I'd never hurt you like that. I-I... I want this. This relationship, you, this... All of this. I love it. I-I love YOU." He rambles and you pause in surprise at the confession.
"I can prove it. Look through my phone. Call her yourself. That's my sister." He says and you keep your arms around your bare chest as you hum slowly, shifting. The original plan was to leave him tied up in bed with a boner, but the thought of you having overreacted kind of... Put a damper on things...
You grab his phone, playing it cool, still acting mad as you put in his pin and go to text messages, seeing the first chat log is labeled 'Sis' with a black heart emoji next to it. You click on the log and read a few texts that make it extremely clear this is his twin sister. Last text was from her asking what your favorite flowers were so she could surprise you with a bouquet when she comes over for dinner tonight.
"Huh. Uh... Well..." You slowly set the phone down as Yoongi watches you closely. "Still." You finally say, not wanting to admit any wrong doings in this moment. "I shouldn't have to deal with your gang of exes always bothering me!" You state and Yoongi huffs.
"That's not my fault!" He argues and you raise an eyebrow and set down the phone.
"It's not... You're fault?" You repeat and he nods.
"That's what I said. It's not my problem that girls are obsessed with me. Now let me out, Y/N." He orders as you hum slowly.
"I... I don't know. I don't think it's my problem." You state.
"Ha-ha. Funny..." He says sarcastically as he tugs at the scarves around his wrists.
"No. I'm serious. I don't think I want you untied just yet. I kind of... Like you like this." You smirk at him as you straddle him. He stops his tugging and eyes you. "You're so right. It's not your problem. I'm just your girlfriend, and I'm just getting harassed by your damn exes, but you're so right. It's not your problem at all." You state.
"Y/N, that's not what I mean-" You cut him off.
"But..." You say and slowly put your feet flat on the bed on either side of him with your legs bent at the knees. "If it's not your problem when I feel upset, then... Why should I make it your problem when I feel... Other things? Like... Horny." You say innocently.
"Y/N... I..." Yoongi pauses to lick his lips as he eyes the wet spot on your underwear.
"Yeah. If I'm feeling turned on... Why should I ask for your help? I can just..." Your hand travels down the front of your body slowly as Yoongi breathes shakily and shallow.
"Baby... Let me-" You cut him off again as your hand dips into your underwear.
"Mm... No. I can take care of myself..." You pant softly as you start to rub your own clit.
"Fuck, Y/N, that... That's not... Fucking fair." He huffs as he watches you closely with dark eyes. You smirk and focus on your own pleasure, grinding down on your hand as you gasp and moan, panting like a dog in heat. You were putting on the best show you could manage, just wanting to break the five-foot-nine, Korean man under you.
"Okay! Okay. Y/N, I'll handle those girls." Yoongi finally says as you remove your underwear seductively and softly press against his lower abdomen with a soft moan. "Fuck, you're dripping..." He groans, head going back into the pillows.
"You're gonna make sure they don't bother me again?" You ask innocently as you make Yoongi look at you.
"Fuck yes. I'm... I'm sorry they've been bothering, baby. I'm gonna make sure they stop." he nods fast as you sigh softly.
"It's stupid. I shouldn't let it bother me so much. You... Have a past. So what. But-" He cuts you off.
"But it does. And it should. But... Those girls were my past. You're my present, Y/N. And... hopefully you'll be my future." He whispers as he gives you gentle eyes. You pout a bit to fight off a smile.
"You're such a sweet talker..." You mutter and put a hand on Yoongi's face. "Fine! Fine, I'll... Be your future. As long as you don't give me problems in the present." You tease and he leans up to peck your lips. You sweetly kiss back before brushing your pussy along his cock, making it jolt a bit at the attention as he groans softly.
"Sweet talkers can get some lovin..." You mutter against his lips, and he groans happily.
"Bless you. Kind soul..." He whispers. It makes you laugh as you grab the sides of his face to kiss him. You slowly sink down on his semi-hard on, feeling it start to harden more as it snuggles between your walls. You shiver at the feeling and start riding him as he pulls at the scarves.
"Y/N... My hands..." He moans and you smirk.
"I said I liked this position..." You taunt as you bounce up and down, making him moan as he gives up fighting against the scarves.
"Fuck, so do I..." He groans as he watches your breasts bounce while you ride him. "Hop on my dick, baby. It's yours..." He whispers and you moan happily at that.
"Who makes you feel this good? Hm?" You whisper as you grab Yoongi's face so he's looking at you. He groans at your dominate side coming out.
"You! Only you!" He moans as he thrusts his hips up to meet yours, making your head roll back as your hands grip his chest, nails digging in. "Fuck, Y/N! Deeper! Dig in deeper!" He grunts out as you comply instantly, scratching his chest.
He hisses and moans at the slight pain all while you fuck yourself on his hard cock. "Mine! Mine! My cock..." You pant over and over as Yoongi moans your name.
"Fuck baby. You use it so good. No one can fuck me like you..." He whispers in a thick voice of pure desire and lust. The praise brings you closer to the edge.
"Yoongi!" You cry out as you cum, riding out your orgasm with a breathless giggle. The pleasure never got old...
"Oh fuck, baby. Little more. I-I'm so fucking close, baby..." Yoongi gasps as he keeps thrusting up and you smirk. You wait till he's right at the edge to pull off and jerk him, making him cum all over his stomach and some droplets hit his chest too. "Y/N!" Yoongi complains, always a fan of cumming on or in you. You laugh and smile innocently at him.
"Now we're even..." You taunt and get up, undoing his hands.
"Nope. Not yet." Yoongi says, grabbing you the second he's free. You squeal and he carries you to the shower. "You're cleaning up the mess you made." He smirks and you blush hard and giggle excitedly.
"Yes, sir!" You tease.
You jump a bit and breathe deeply to try and steady your head. "I'll get it." Yoongi says, getting up from the table where he'd been watching you set up dinner for the past half an hour already. You nod fast. To say you were nervous would be an understatement...
Yoongi had called his twin sister to come over for dinner to officially meet you and you just wanted things to go smoothly. You set down the bread bowl and then walk over to the front door where you see Yoongi hugging his sister. They pull away and the girl looks your way. You have to stiffle a gasp since this girl really just looked like Yoongi in a black bob cut with bangs wig!
You walk over. "It's so great to finally meet you!" The girl says excitedly, moving to hug you and you hug back, giving Yoongi a look over her shoulder and he chuckles.
"It's great to finally meet you... Uh..." You pause as you two pull away.
"Oh! My name is Yoonji." She says with a giggle and you chuckle before you can help it.
"Huh. Parents really had to think hard about the names, am I right?" You joke and Yoonji giggles at that. "Well... Welcome to our place, Yoonji. Come on in." You nod and she does just that. Yoongi smiles and pulls you close to his side as you walk into your apartment together...
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
New in Town - Ch. 4: First Cookout
Sarah invites you to Joel's place to celebrate the last night she's in town. A continuation of New in Town chapters 1-3 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Best Friend's Dad!Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Smut. Because obviously smut. It's these two, they fuck. No use of Y/N. Age gap (reader is 35 Joel is 47, not a focus of the fic). Minors DNI, 18+ only
Length: 5.8k
AO3 | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“And this is going to be your desk,” you smiled, excited but keeping your voice down. Sarah made a quiet squeal back at you. “See, I can see you from my desk so you can make faces at me while I’m dealing with the boring accounts people. I’m manifesting it, I swear I am.” 
“I’m seriously about to make a fucking moodboard if it’ll help,” she sat on the desk, her legs dangling over the edge. “I miss Austin. I didn’t think I’d miss it this much but I really do. Seattle was way more fun when you were there, now all I do is try to convince myself that my job is totally worth the 500 days of rain we get every year.”
You laughed.
“Something tells me it’s not quite that many.” 
“Feels like that many,” she rolled her eyes. “Now please. I need BBQ.” 
You shook your head and laughed before heading to the elevators to go to lunch with your best friend. 
Joel had texted you a warning with his usual good morning text that day. 
“Good morning, Beautiful,” he wrote. “Really miss feeling you right before I fall asleep. Please tell me you’re not busy tomorrow night. Heads up, expect Sarah to drop in on you today. I have to be at a site for a few hours and she mentioned stopping by your office. She’ll probably invite you to the cookout we’re having tonight - up to you if you want to come.” 
You frowned when you read it. “Up to you if you want to come.” What the fuck did that mean? 
“Miss feeling you too,” you added a heart emoji. “Only plans I have for tomorrow night involve you ripping my clothes off.” 
You rapped your nails against your phone, waiting to see if he’d text back before you started getting ready for the day but he didn’t. You sighed. He probably had to be on site early and couldn’t use his phone. 
“Goddammit,” you muttered, putting your face in your pillow and groaning. How were you supposed to navigate this? 
Did Joel want you to come but was trying to keep the pressure off? Did he not want you anywhere near him when Sarah was in town? 
Yes, he’d spent a fair bit of time fucking your brains out over the past few weeks but, in reality, he wasn’t anything to you. He was a guy you’d gone out with once, he wasn’t your boyfriend, he didn’t have to invite you over for anything let alone something that might make him feel uncomfortable because you were friends with his kid. Even though, to you, he felt like so much more than some guy you were fucking. So, so much more. 
And also your best friend’s dad. 
Because fate was a cruel, cruel thing. 
You checked your phone every few minutes as you got ready for work but the messages sat on delivered. You sighed and resisted the urge to text again and just kept checking your phone every few minutes in your office, too. 
“Wouldn’t argue with some help in the clothing removal department,” he wrote. “I’m going to want you naked fast. Requesting something with easy access so I can get inside you ASAP.” 
You smiled and shook your head a little. 
“Still warm enough for a sundress,” you sent a winky face emoji with that and briefly considered going to the bathroom to take a selfie that involved an unprofessional amount of cleavage. 
“Jesus Christ,” he sent back. “Pull me in a restroom wearing one of those and we’re not stopping at you humping my leg.” 
“Counting on it,” you wrote, smiling a little wider before deciding to just bite the bullet. “Did you want me to go tonight? If Sarah asks?” 
“What’s go you smiling so big?” 
You almost jumped out of your skin when you saw Sarah leaning against the doorframe to your office. 
“Good lord, girl, we gotta put a bell on you,” you smiled anyway, being sure to lock your phone before getting up to hug her. “What are you doing here?” 
“My dad had some client issue so I figure I’d come visit my bestie,” she gave you a squeeze before stepping back from you. “Plus I’m dying to see where I’m going to commute to every day once they finally let me come here.” 
Sarah picked the restaurant, a BBQ place that wasn’t far from your office and only offered wooden picnic tables sitting under a rusted metal awning for seating. 
“Oh this is going to be good shit,” you said, taking a deep breath, the smell of smoked meat heavy on the air. “I can tell.” 
“Knew you’d love this place,” she smiled. “Kind of surprised my dad hasn’t taken you here already, actually.” 
You froze for half a second before regaining your composure. 
“We’ve only gone out the one time since the first time we met up,” you shrugged. “Can’t exactly show me the entire city in that time.” 
The two of you got in line, the place starting to get crowded now that it was pushing noon. 
“I know,” she rolled her eyes. “I just really thought you guys would hit it off I guess.” 
Well you’d definitely done that. 
“Does it really bother you that I’m not hitting the town with your dad more?” You asked, teasing. 
“Kind of, actually,” she laughed. “You know those stupid TV episodes they do where the cast of one show goes on another show?” 
“The crossover ones?” You frowned.” 
“Right,” she nodded. The line moved and the two of you stepped forward. “This was like… my real life crossover episode and it just kinda flopped. Like my two favorite characters finally were in the same place and just didn’t have the chemistry for good TV.” 
Yeah, chemistry? Not your issue with Joel. 
“I’ll be sure to lodge your complaint with the writers,” you said dryly. “Tell them to get their shit together.” 
You talked Sarah into ordering the meats you didn’t so you could try at least a bite of everything and you were almost uncomfortably full when you dropped your final wet napkin on the butcher paper covered tray in front of you. 
“Oh, hey, meant to ask you before,” she said, polishing off her Dr. Pepper. “Did you have any plans tonight? My dad caved and is grilling out. My Uncle Tommy is coming over, his wife Maria, a few neighbors who have known me since I was in diapers and who can tell you every embarrassing thing I’ve ever done…” 
“I don’t think they can tell me about the time you got drunk at karaoke night and tried to take the mic from that guy who was making an ass of himself,” you smirked. 
Sarah groaned, throwing her head back and laughing.
“Oh my God, I forgot about that!”
You laughed, too, and took a second to check your phone to see if Joel had gotten back to you. 
He had. 
“Love for you to come,” he wrote. “Just going to be hell keeping my hands to myself all night. But would rather do that than not see you.” 
You smiled a little and put your phone down. 
“Yeah, I’ll come,” you said. “Just tell me what I can bring.” 
You were almost giddy by the time you got home. It’s not like you’d seen Joel every day since you’d met him but the option always felt like it was there. You’d only texted a bit since the phone sex Sunday and it felt like it had been eons since you’d gotten to touch him. You wondered if it would be weird if you gave him a hug when Sarah was there. You could get away with a hug, right? 
You pulled out a few outfit options, trying to find something that would make Joel want to check you out but not look like you were trying to get him to check you out. You pulled the shirts out and hung them on your floor length mirror so they were next to each other when you got an idea. 
You stripped out of your work clothes and changed into your favorite matching bra and panty set, standing in front of the mirror with the shirts still hanging on it, arranging yourself so you could see your body between the clothes. You took a picture. 
“Which shirt for tonight?” You typed, sending the picture to Joel. 
He responded while you were jumping into your jeans, the denim tight on your thighs and hips. 
“You’re cruel, you know that right?” He wrote. “I vote green. Feel like you’ll cause less trouble in the green.” 
The green was a little tamer, you supposed. The v-neck wasn’t quite as low, the eyelet lace softer and almost girlish. You smiled a little. 
“You’re right,” you wrote back. “Black it is.” 
Black was a wrap top, with a deeper v-neck, something that would highlight your curves even more. And give Joel easy access.
“You’re a menace,” he texted. 
“I know :)” 
You got dressed and stopped by HEB on your way over, picking up a dozen bottles of Shiner. You’d had to consciously toe the line of trying without trying too hard and you stomach was in knots as you walked up to his front door. What if your hair or your makeup or your shoes or the tightness of your jeans screamed “I’m fucking the man who lives in this house”? 
But you took a deep breath and rang the doorbell anyway. It didn’t take long for it Sarah to rip it open with a squeal, pulling you inside. 
“I’m so glad you came!” She said, jumping a little as she pulled away from you. “This is going to be so much fun, I promise. See, we’re going to do shit like this all the time when I move down here. We gotta manifest it, girl, I’m telling you. It’s even more fun when it’s summer and people want to swim because getting drunk in a pool that’s not open to every other idiot in your apartment complex is seriously the best pass time.” 
“I can only imagine,” you smiled. “And, I brought beer!” 
You held up the six packs just as Joel went rushing past, on his way to the kitchen. But he doubled back and stopped, a slow smile spreading across his face as he looked you up and down from over Sarah’s shoulder. You smirked just a little and he shook his head slightly, smiling. 
“Good to see you,” he said, stepping around Sarah for a somewhat awkward hug. He lowered his voice, his lips next to your ear, speaking so softly you could barely hear him. “Menace.” 
He stepped back and you smiled wider. 
“Good to see you, too.” 
Joel took the beers from your hands and his eyes lingered a little too long on your chest - not that you were arguing. 
“Come on,” Sarah slipped her hand into yours. “I want you to meet everybody!” 
She tugged you along behind her to the backyard, you giving Joel an apologetic smirk over your shoulder, people standing in little clusters around the pool. You spotted Joel’s brother immediately, the resemblance hard to miss. He was standing next to a beautiful woman with braids half way down her back, his arm around her waist. You smiled a little. You remembered dropping Sarah off at the airport when she flew down the year before for her uncle’s wedding. 
“Have fun!” You said, putting her duffle bag on her shoulder as your car sat with the emergency flashers on in the loading zone. 
“Yeah, this is going to be a disaster,” she said. “There’s no way they’re making it down the aisle. I haven’t met Maria but it’s Tommy. He’s jumped from woman to woman since before I was born, the day he settles down is the day hell freezes over.” 
When you picked her up again three days later, she had a different story. 
“So did they actually get hitched?” You asked as she flopped heavily into the passenger seat. 
“Holy shit, they did. She is the only woman on the planet who could actually get him to settle down,” she said. “And by some miracle, she wanted to. No accounting for taste with some people…” 
You laughed and headed to your favorite bar to hear all about it. You hadn’t really expected to ever really meet him except maybe in passing at Sarah’s wedding one day. Now you were meeting him in your - boyfriend’s? Fuck buddy’s? Who knows what’s? - backyard. 
“Tommy, Maria!” Sarah called as the two of you worked your way around the pool. “Got someone for you to meet, she’s new in town and in desperate need of social contacts.” 
She made the introductions and Tommy laughed when he heard your name. 
“The infamous best friend,” he smiled, pulling you in for a hug. “She as bad an influence on you as she was on me?” 
“Oh shut up,” she rolled her eyes. 
“She talked me into grand larceny once,” Tommy said, pointing accusingly at Sarah with the beer bottle in his hand. 
“Did she now?” You asked, brows raised. 
“Oh yes,” he nodded, smiling cheekily. “She was seven and Joel said she couldn’t have all her Halloween candy on Halloween…” 
“A crime, really,” she smiled, grabbing Tommy’s beer and taking a drink before giving it back. 
“And she was so cute, these big eyes and her little princess costume and her hair going in about a million different directions…” 
“Yeah, Dad hadn’t figured out how to handle that yet,” she laughed a little. 
“I caved,” Tommy said. “I put up a valiant fight…” 
“You said yes immediately!” Sarah scoffed. “I barely even had to pout…” 
“She was a monster,” Tommy cut her off. “I was at her mercy, I swear!” 
“And then what happened?” Joel asked, joining your little circle with two beers in hand. He wordlessly pressed one into your palm. You smiled a little at him and he brushed his hand down your spine on his way to putting it in his back pocket. “C’mon, you two partners in crime, finish that story. What happened?” 
“Nothing that bad,” Tommy waved him off. 
“Yeah, it was fine,” Sarah said. “No lasting damage…” 
“For you two maybe,” Joel laughed. “I was the one who was up until 3 in the morning washing all her bedding and scrubbin’ the wall of her room because she projectile vomited three pounds of candy like she was starring in the damn Exorcist.” 
You laughed as Sarah and Tommy both tried to downplay it and Maria just lovingly patted her husband’s shoulder, rolling her eyes. While everyone was distracted, you snuck a look at Joel. Just a second to actually look at his face as he laughed and smiled with his family. It was a little unfair, how good looking he was. Somehow both rugged and soft, handsome and beautiful and you had to resist the urge to reach up and twist your fingers in his slightly unruly curls. You looked back at Sarah before anyone said anything and took a sip of beer. 
Sarah got sidetracked talking with Tommy and you took advantage of it, leaning in to whisper in Joel’s ear. 
“You’re really hot,” you said quietly. “Also, I got you a present, it’s in my purse.” 
“Oh really?” He raised his eyebrows, a devious look on his face. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Not that exciting,” you said. 
“What are you two conspiring about?” Maria asked and you almost flinched as Tommy and Sarah turned their attention to you. 
“Just how to get this one to stop meddlin’,” Joel said smoothly, nodding to his daughter. 
“I do not meddle,” she replied. “I just nudge people in the right direction. Because I’m smarter than them.” 
You got along well with Joel’s brother and sister-in-law. Tommy seemed more like a big brother to Sarah than an uncle, which made sense when they talked about her childhood years. Tommy was six years younger than Joel, just 16 when Sarah came into the world. So while he adored his niece, he wasn’t exactly mature enough to be a parent-like figure. It sounded like he’d helped his brother out a lot but had been more of a friend to Sarah than anything else. 
You liked watching her and Joel with their friends and family, the easy familiarity of it all, the comfort of having history with people. It was something that was missing from your life. 
Sure, you liked your life. You liked it quite a bit, actually. You had a job you enjoyed that paid you good money, you’d lived in some interesting places - Seattle, three years in New York City, an internship in Chicago, even Washington D.C. for a bit - and you could do just about whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. That was the beauty of not having anything to tie you down. The cost just meant not having roots and, sometimes, that hurt. 
Joel disappeared inside at one point and, after taking quick stock of the backyard to make sure no one else was inside with him, you followed. You slipped into the entry and grabbed your purse, pulling out the bag of Fire Sour Patch Kids you’d seen in the candy aisle on your way to grab beer when you stopped at the store earlier that day. 
Joel was in the kitchen cutting vegetables for burger toppings and you climbed on the counter next to the cutting board. He looked up at you out of the corner of his eye, trying to hide his smile while he shook his head. 
“Meant what I said about you bein’ a menace,” he said, his eyes on the knife. “You’re torture. Beautiful torture but torture.” 
“We aim to please,” you smiled, holding out the candy. He frowned for a second, drying his hands on his jeans, before he laughed and took the bag. “Warned you it wasn’t exciting…” 
“This is great, Beautiful,” he leaned in and kissed you lightly, like it was an automatic thing, as though you did this in his kitchen all the time. “Been wantin’ to try these and then I never buy the damn things….” 
“I’ll help you eat them if they suck,” you smiled. “And you can help me eat them if they don’t.” 
He smiled again and moved in front of you, nudging your legs apart so he was standing between your thighs  and he leaned in and kissed you - really kissed you. His tongue dipped into your mouth, his hands sliding up your legs to your waist as he tugged you closer. You draped your arms over his shoulders and pressed yourself against him and savored his touch. Fuck, you’d missed this. It had only been a few days but it felt like an eternity of him being out of reach and it was almost reassuring to feel the way his hands fit against your body even after some time apart. 
“Fuck, you’re trouble,” he was breathless when he pulled away from you, his hands still on your body. “Just couldn’t wear the green, could ya?” 
“And miss out on this?” You teased, running your fingers through his hair. “Never.” 
Sarah sat between the two of you at dinner, the best spot for you and Joel to be in when you thought about it. Next to you was too much temptation, you’d end up touching each other and then not be able to help yourselves and that was bad. 
Across wasn’t great, either, as you’d discovered at dinner the other night. If you could just check each other out the whole night, that wasn’t the safe way to go. Not to mention the opportunities for playing footsie under the table. 
No no, you needed a better way to keep your hands to yourselves and Sarah was a great barrier for that - both literally and metaphorically - and you managed to get through the meal without any big slip ups. Something you were pretty damn proud of, if you did say so yourself. 
You excused yourself to the bathroom as things were in that easy after dinner conversation stage of the evening, everyone pleasantly full and a little drunk, Sarah laughing with a neighbor from down the street whose name you’d forgotten. But when you opened the bathroom door to head back outside, Joel was there, pushing you back into the room and closing the door behind him. 
“Joel!” You hissed, his hands on your waist. 
“You really can’t expect me to wait when you show up lookin’ this damn good,” he growled, boosting you up so you were perched on the edge of the sink. “Everyone’s too busy to even notice we’re gone…” 
His mouth found your neck and your chest as he untied your top, his tongue and teeth ranging over your skin and you couldn’t help but moan at his attention, your body already feeling warm and wanting. Joel stepped back from you a he fully opened your shirt, revealing your body to him as though it were some wondrous thing, moaning as he did. 
“Fuck Beautiful,” his hands trailed up your exposed skin to cup your breasts through your bra. “Ain’t fair how one person can look this damn good…” 
“Had to pull you away from the grill somehow,” you smiled, tugging him back against you and kissing him. He kissed you back, getting more and more desperate as he did. He pulled your breasts free of their cups so he could suck at them and hold them in his large hands, moaning into you. Your hands ran down his body to find his cock hard in his jeans, feeling him through the fabric, desperately wishing you could just rip all his clothes off and get him inside you. 
“Think you can come from just your clit?” He asked, breathless, as he licked and sucked your neck. 
“Yes,” you moaned. “Think you can come from just my hand?” 
“It’d take less than that,” he panted as he opened your jeans and slid his hand inside as best he could, his finger finding your clit quickly. He ghosted over it with his finger, making you squirm and moan. “Fuck, Beautiful, you close already?” 
“Maybe,” you panted as he pressed a little harder against the sensitive nub. You reached down to pull out his cock to start jerking him off but he caught your hand. You whined a little. 
“Not yet,” he kissed back up to your mouth, holding his lips a fraction of an inch away from yours. “Lemme take care of you…” 
He kissed you then, his tongue slipping into you as his finger pressed into your clit. You groaned and rocked your hips on him and you felt him smile against your lips. He started rubbing you in slow, aching circles, adding a little pressure every time around, matching his kiss to the pace of his fingers. You moaned desperately against him and he picked up his pace, working you over until you were gasping into his mouth while you came from his fingers. 
“Fuck,” you panted as Joel slipped his hand from your pants. “How are you so goddamn good at that?” 
“You’re so pretty when you come it’s easy to remember what does it,” he replied, stepping back from you. You slid off the sink but, instead of fixing your bra and closing your shirt, you dropped to your knees and started unzipping his fly. “Baby…” 
“I can be quick,” you said, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you freed his cock. You never really got used to hot big he was - thick, heavy, long. But you’d be fine choking on him if it meant making him come. 
You started by licking his head and he let out a shuddering little moan and you smiled a little, lapping at the dripping pre-come at his slit like he was your favorite flavor of ice cream. Which, he kind of was. Heady and masculine and Joel, knowing that he was dripping because of you made you want him even more. 
Instead of taking the more gradual route, you took him into your mouth and throat all at once, having to swallow around the head of him as he pushed past your gag reflex. His hand flew to your head, fingers twisting in your hair and sinking into the thin layer of flesh over your skull. 
“Oh fuck,” he panted. “Oh my fucking god…..” 
You sucked him and moaned, the vibration of your vocal chords working the tip of him as it was lodged in your throat. You pressed your tongue against the thick vein that ran along the underside of him before you started pulling back, his grip on your head relaxing just enough to let you do it. You worked is cock up and down, sucking and licking and taking him into your mouth until you started to cough. He panted and moaned as you worked him until, eventually, he was clinging to the sink to stay upright. 
“Fuck, please Baby, I need to come,” he groaned. You smiled as much as you could when your mouth was full of his thick cock. “Lemme… can I…” 
You looked up at him, eyes wide, as you slid down him so he was buried in your mouth to the root and you hummed your approval. His hands immediately flew to your head and he started fucking into your mouth. You took it, swallowing past your gag reflex with each deep stroke. He didn’t last long, just a few pumps, before he was spilling into you, moaning quietly as he did. You swallowed it all, his cock so deep in your throat you could barely even taste him as he pumped his come into you. 
“Fuck,” he all but collapsed against the sink and you carefully slid his cock from your mouth and got up, wiping your mouth on the back of your wrist. You adjusted your bra and tied your shirt again. 
“Worth it?” You teased. 
“Jesus Christ woman,” he groaned. “You’re gonna kill me.” 
You smiled and kissed his cheek before you went to leave the bathroom but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back against him to kiss you deep and long. You tried to hide your surprise. Other guys you’d been with weren’t huge on kissing you after you went down on them. Joel didn’t seem to mind. But then, Joel just wasn’t like other men. You smiled as you pulled back from him and he laughed a little. 
“What?” You frowned. 
“We made a mess of your makeup,” he jerked his head toward the mirror, tucking his cock back in his pants as you checked your reflection. Your lipstick had smeared and you laughed a little, too. 
“Good thing I have more in my bag,” you said, grabbing a sheet of toilet paper and cleaning up what you could. “See you back out there?” 
“Once I remember how to walk again,” he teased. 
It was sheer luck that Maria came in to use the bathroom as you adjusted your lipstick in the entryway mirror and not a few minutes earlier and you popped a breath mint so you could think about something besides the fact that the last thing in your mouth had been Joel’s cock when you talked with Sarah. 
You left only about an hour later, giving Sarah a long hug as she walked you to your car. 
“I’ll be back again soon for Thanksgiving,” she smiled, squeezing you tight. “Just manifest with me!” 
“I’m manifesting so hard I might break something,” you smiled back, trying to ignore the knot of guilt in your stomach about hiding something so big from her. 
“And seriously,” she said, stepping back from you. “If you need a friend before I get down here…” 
“Call the whole Miller clan,” you smiled. “I got it.” 
“Good,” she said. “We’ll just make a Miller out of you yet.” 
You tried to ignore how your heart skipped a beat at the thought of that. 
“Sounds good to me.” 
Joel came straight to your place after dropping Sarah off at the airport the next night. You answered the door in a sundress - as promised - expecting to go to dinner. 
Which, in hindsight, was foolish. 
“Fuck,” you said, looking Joel up and down. He had flowers. He was in a plain, dark t-shirt that was tight around his biceps, his jeans hanging just right on his hips. 
“What?” He frowned. 
“Just get in here and let me fuck you,” you said, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into your apartment. 
The flowers were quickly abandoned on the breakfast bar in your kitchen as you kissed him, tugging his shirt off and casting it aside before you dragged him to the bedroom. 
“We gotta eat at some point tonight, Baby,” he said between kisses as you shoved him down on the bed. 
“That’s fine,” you panted, stepping out of your panties and casting them aside. “We can do this twice.” 
“Fuck, you’re fucking perfect,” he said, lifting his hips so he could slide his pants down a little and sitting so his back was against your headboard. He started working his cock, already hard in the palm of his hand. You straddled him, the skirt of your dress hiding your dripping pussy and his leaking cock from view. He kept one hand on his cock but the other went to your hips as you lowered yourself toward him until your pussy brushed his thick head. “Oh shit, fuck Beautiful, I need… Fuck, need inside you, I need to be inside you…” 
“I know,” you breathed before sinking onto his cock with a shaking moan. His other hand flew to your waist, too, pulling you down on him so his whole length was sheathed within you. You panted for breath as your body adjusted to the intrusion. “I need you, too.” 
“Fuck,” his head fell back against the headboard. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good every time, s’like I belong in this pussy, like your pussy was made to take this cock.” 
“Made to ride this cock,” you moaned, starting to rise and fall over him with a satisfied groan. Joel somehow hit all the right angles inside you, the thickness of his shaft stretching you deliciously, his head finding the sensitive place deep inside you and pressing against it, making your pussy start to tighten around him. 
“Oh shit,” his grip on you got firmer, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh of you. “Want you to come on this cock, Beautiful. Want you to use me to get yourself off, fuck, Baby, make yourself come on my cock…” 
You buried your face in his neck and breathed in his deep, clean, masculine scent and started riding him harder, adjusting your hips so your clit was leaving an obscene, messy streak of your slick up and down his bare stomach. You licked and sucked at his neck as you rode him, fucking down on him hard and fast and grinding your clit against him. As your body tightened, you sat up straighter, pressing your forehead to his own so you could see his face, the liquid heat in you centering around where he was inside you until you came with a desperate moan around him. 
“There we go,” he almost sounded like he was in pain he was so desperate. “Fuck, you come so fuckin’ pretty Baby, so goddamn pretty. Feel so good, coming on my cock, better than anything else, fuck Beautiful, I can’t…” 
Joel took control of your hips then, pumping you up and down his shaft and you tried to help as best you could as you rode out your orgasm. His hips fucked up into you hard and fast until he was emptying himself into you, moaning as he did. 
You collapsed on top of him, panting for breath and he went from holding your hips to wrapping his arms around you, holding you close to him. You stayed like that for a few minutes, your breaths synchronizing as you both came back down from our highs. 
“So,” you said, breathing not quite back to normal yet. “Dinner?” 
He laughed. 
When you fell asleep in Joel’s arms that night, all naked and entwined with him, you were starting to think that you could get used to this. That you wanted to do this all the time, every day. Do all of life’s stupid little things with him, go grocery shopping with him and pay the water bill with him and deal with traffic jams with him. 
You just weren’t sure how to talk about that yet. 
But that was OK. You were getting there, you could tell. 
When Joel kissed you goodbye in the morning, he brushed your hair back from your forehead so he could kiss you there too. 
“Leaving already?” You mumbled. 
“‘Fraid so,” he said softly. “Need to get an early start at the job site. Can I see you tonight?” 
You just hummed in response. He frowned. 
“That’s a yes, I hope,” he said. You nodded and you opened your eyes just enough to see him smile broadly. “I’ll text you. Have a good day, Baby.” 
“You too,” you mumbled into your pillow. 
When you got up an hour later, there was a sticky note on your coffee maker, telling you to check your fridge. Inside was an iced latte from the coffee shop down the street and you smiled so big it was hard to do your makeup as you got ready to go. 
You were still on cloud nine when you were getting ready to take a client to lunch that afternoon, doing a last check of your makeup when you got a call from the reception desk downstairs. 
“Someone’s here for you,” the receptionist sounded skeptical. “I’m not letting him back without you.” 
“No problem,” you laughed. “We’re going off site for lunch, tell him I’ll be down in a minute.” 
You went to the lobby, looking for someone who at least vaguely resembled the headshot from your client’s website when you did a double take. 
The man sitting on the couch in reception smiled when he saw you and your heart sank into your stomach as he headed for you. 
“Hey Angel,” he smiled. 
You couldn’t smile back. 
Next Chapter
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junekissed · 2 years
a boyfriend for christmas
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member — best friend!wonwoo x reader genre — friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, fake dating, angst, fluff, maybe a teeny bit suggestive if you read it upside down and backwards word count — 2.5k warnings — oh boy there's a bit of Angst, but it's resolved asap don't fret, possessive wonu (but it's healthy i promise), feat. coworker!mingyu who kinda gets thrown under the bus oops notes — requested by @glowonu — for my winter wonderland event: wonwoo + "a boyfriend for christmas". it is entirely possible this one may have an nsfw sequel but i make no promises!! hope you enjoy, please lmk if you do :)
one reblog = one best friend turned boyfriend
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“won, i need a favor.”
your sweet voice spouts from the speaker on wonwoo’s phone, and he grins. it’s always a good day when he gets to hear your voice. “what kind of favor?”
“i need you to be my boyfriend for christmas.”
he raises his eyebrows. “excuse me?”
“listen, just hear me out. please.”
the desperation in your voice is enough to make him pause and wait for you to explain. he’s known you long enough to know that you wouldn’t call out of nowhere and make a statement as crazy as this without good reason, but he still can’t say the offer isn’t… interesting.
when you realize he hasn’t hung up on you yet, you rush to tell him what happened.
“so, you remember i told you about kim mingyu, my coworker?” you start hurriedly.
“mhm,” he says, tone deadpan. he’s never liked mingyu, since the first time he hit on you at the party you held when you were first hired. it was your dream job, one you’d been working towards your whole life, and he was so incredibly proud of you. and you were proud too; you loved your job, except for one thing: your prick of a coworker, mingyu. sure, maybe he’d never technically done anything other than annoy you, but wonwoo had a bad feeling about him from the start.
“well, you know he keeps flirting with me and he wanted me to be his—date,” you whisper the last part, as if it’s a terrible secret, though wonwoo can’t understand why, “for the office christmas party, and—”
“why didn’t you tell him yes?” wonwoo interrupts, almost bitterly.
you frown into the phone at his response. why would he want you to say yes? “because? i don’t like him that way and he makes me vaguely uncomfortable? what more do you–”
“so why am i involved, then?” he interrupts again.
you narrow your eyes, though he can’t see you. “why are you being so bitchy?”
the silence you’re met with makes you furrow your eyebrows even more. “fine, i don’t need your help,” you huff, slamming the ‘end call’ button.
an awkward few seconds pass while you attempt to process what just happened, fighting back tears you’re too angry to cry.
the sound of your ringtone startles you out of your annoyance, and you hesitantly accept the call.
“what do you need me to do?”
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wonwoo still feels a little guilty about how he responded. after you’ve explained your plan, but it really isn’t his fault.
you want him to go with you to the annual christmas party and pretend to be your boyfriend so mingyu might finally get the message you’re not interested and leave you alone. take a couple pictures together to post online, get cozy at the open bar, go home together at the end of the night where wonwoo will drop you off at your house like nothing ever happened. a simple plan, over and done with in a few hours, max.
it really isn’t his fault because of the massive crush he’s had on you, his best friend, since you were teenagers. and yeah, maybe he’s been working up the courage to ask you out for the last six years and you basically doing it for him was a blow to his pride and he reacted badly. he doesn’t want to be your fake boyfriend, he wants to be your real boyfriend.
but you had asked him because you trusted him, and he wasn’t about to let you down, especially when someone like your bratty coworker was involved. maybe he’ll finally get it through his thick head that you’re too good for him, wonwoo thinks, maybe a bit more cruelly than the man deserves.
it had been a tuesday night when you’d called him, and as the days inch closer to the friday night party, he can’t help but grow more and more anxious.
would it be too forward if he treated this one-time thing like practice for the future (if he can ever bring himself to actually ask you)? or should he act stoic like he always does and pretend his heart isn’t beating out of his chest when he thinks about people seeing him with you and thinking you’re together?
he knows it’s not that formal of a party, more like after work drinks among coworkers, but some part of him wants to look his very best. maybe it’s some man thing, needing to show off in front of mingyu that might get him to back off. but maybe it’s not for mingyu at all; maybe it’s for you, like if he proves he’s attractive enough, then you might want him like he’s wanted you so badly all these years.
and yeah, maybe it’s crazy that he spent half his savings account on getting a custom-tailored suit for just a couple hours at some cheap bar in the city, but he’s never been one to back down from a challenge and he’s not about to start now. even if the challenge is only in his head.
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friday night rolls around before you know it, and as the clock counts down the minutes until wonwoo is supposed to show up at your front door and take you to the christmas party, you’re still standing frozen in front of your closet, struggling to find something to wear.
do you go all out and wear your sexiest cocktail dress? is that trying too hard? wouldn’t that have the opposite effect of what you’re trying to do here?
or, do you go for the wallflower approach and wear a simple, modest pantsuit, hoping you won’t be so boring you push wonwoo away for good?
unbeknownst to you, somewhere on the other side of town, wonwoo is having the same dilemma, wondering if all that money on a fancy outfit was really worth it.
you both sigh, anxious to get the night started and for it to end.
truthfully, the situation with mingyu isn’t nearly as massive as you’ve played it up to be. you wouldn’t dare admit it, but the crush you’ve had on wonwoo for ages is partially (totally) what inspired your not-so-genius plan to fake-date your best friend. in reality, what had happened was you’d let mingyu down gently, telling him you would rather just be friends because you were in a complicated situation with someone else. to his credit, he’d graciously withdrawn (not without a sly wink and an offer to call him should your “situation” fall through, of course.)
you finally decide on a dress in between the two extremes: not too flashy, not too plain. wonwoo sticks with the suit.
car lights shine through your front window fifteen minutes later, your cue of wonwoo’s arrival.
you smooth the folds of your dress down and take a deep breath, finally hearing the knock on your door.
wonwoo sucks in a breath when the door opens, revealing you standing there looking the most beautiful he’s ever seen. sure, he helped you get ready for senior prom, his aunt’s wedding, and that one frat party your junior year of college, but none of those times even come close to how amazing his best friend looks in front of him right now.
“hi,” he mumbles shyly, feeling as awkward as a teenager again.
“you look… really nice.” you stumble over your words, eyes fixated on the lapel of his suit. when did he get this hot? and where the hell has he been hiding that suit? it looks expensive...
“ready to go?” he asks, his low voice interrupting your thoughts.
your eyes shoot up from where you’d been staring at the way the suit accentuates his broad chest, embarrassed to have been caught.
“mhm,” you nod, following him out to the car. you really, really want to invite him in, but you don’t know if you’re strong enough to have him inside your house looking like that and not do something you’ll regret.
the drive to the bar is quiet, the car stereo barely audible in the background.
halfway there, wonwoo’s hand finds your lap, resting tentatively on your thigh, almost hovering over the exposed skin. when you settle back into your seat and make no moves to push him away, his grip gets just a little bit tighter.
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the bar is loud. that much you know from the second you first step inside.
you glance around, eyes immediately landing on mingyu talking to a group of women, all laughing exaggeratedly at something he said. you smile. maybe tonight will be easy. he won’t bother you again, not when he has so many other, better choices fawning over his every word. and maybe if you’re lucky, wonwoo might finally see what you’ve been trying to tell him all these years.
he leads you to the bar, swiveling a stool for you to sit as he leans against the counter next to you.
“so this is him, huh?” a voice calls from behind you.
you spin around on the barstool as wonwoo turns his head, imperceptibly narrowing his eyes.
none other than mingyu stands with a drink in his hand, grinning devilishly at the two of you.
wonwoo causally slips one arm around your waist, pulling you just barely closer to him. your heart races at the touch, but you keep your face stone still.
“yeah, this is… wonwoo,” you struggle to say.
“her boyfriend,” he adds after you, and you have to fight the urge to shiver in his arms. hearing him say those words feels like a dream, after so long imagining it, all the failed tinder matches you always pretended were him.
there’s a split second where you’re afraid one of the men might do something rash, but almost as quickly as it arrives, the tension dissipates as mingyu beams and sticks out his hand for wonwoo to shake. “nice to meet you, bro. heard a lot about you, you’re a lucky guy.” he looks him up and down casually, letting out a low whistle. “nice suit, by the way.”
your jaw drops, and wonwoo’s ears turn red next to you. he plasters on a smile, reaching over to shake the man’s hand. “funny, i’ve heard a lot about you, too,” he says, a little too calmly. your face flushes, and ooh boy you’re not looking forward to the conversation you’re about to have with him later.
sensing it might be best to leave, mingyu flashes another million dollar smile, nodding at wonwoo. “hope to see you around again, my man.”
“sure,” you squeak out, though he isn't even talking to you.
mingyu walks away, leaving you alone at the bar with your fake date. the building is full of chatter, but the silence between you feels deafening.
“this party’s kinda boring,” he says finally, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “why don’t we go somewhere and talk instead?”
all you can do is nod, unable to form any words as you follow him back outside to his car.
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the parking lot outside the bar is quiet as you both sit in silence, waiting for the other to speak.
“so… what did you wanna talk about?” you ask innocently. as if you don’t know exactly what went wrong.
“this wasn’t about mingyu, was it?” his deep voice shatters the silence, and you freeze.
“it wasn’t,” you confirm.
“so what is it, then? you just wanted some arm candy to show off for your coworkers?”
you choke out a ‘no’. hearing him say the words “arm candy” with a straight face is something you never thought you’d live to see. maybe you fainted in wonwoo’s car on the way to the bar at how pretty he looks and this is all a dream, and you’d never even met mingyu tonight.
but he continues, reassuring you this is, in fact, not a dream. “then why’d you lie about mingyu? because he clearly wasn’t as bothered by you turning him down as you said he was.”
“i don’t know…” you manage to whisper.
“i don’t believe that.”
you stare at him, finally reaching a tipping point. “fine. what do you want me to say, that i made up this whole elaborate plan just so we could play pretend and i could live out my fantasy of us being together for one night? is that what you want?”
his eyes widen, clearly not the words he was expecting to come out of your mouth. “you don’t mean that.”
“how would you know?” you retort, starting to get upset. “god, can you just— reject me so i can move on already?”
he blinks a few times, his jaw hanging open in shock. “what?”
“do i really have to spell it out for you, wonwoo? i’ve liked you since we were kids! i thought it was so obvious, but apparently, you just like leading people on!”
“when was i ever leading you on?” he sputters, his face starting to grow red. “why do you think i even agreed to this stupid plan in the first place? you think i’d do this for my friend?”
you open your mouth to fight back, but you stop suddenly, gears turning in your head. “wait. say that again?”
he furrows his eyebrows in annoyance. “say what again?”
“‘you think i’d do this for my friend’,” you repeat back to him. “if i’m not your friend, then… why are you doing this?” you pause, letting the words digest. “what am i to you, wonwoo?”
his mouth opens and closes, searching for words but none come out.
you stay quiet, waiting for him to figure out what he needs to say. you’ve said your piece. now, it's up to him.
“will you go out with me?” he says out of nowhere, breaking the silence.
it’s your turn to be surprised. “what?”
“i… i’ve been trying to figure out how to ask you out for years. that’s why i agreed to do this. because–” his voice cracks slightly, and he clears his throat before continuing, cheeks growing steadily pinker. “because i thought maybe if i did this, you’d see me as… more than a friend.”
he wants to look away, to avoid your piercing gaze, but he can’t draw his eyes away from yours.
your voice is much softer when you finally speak again. “i’ve always seen you as more than a friend,” you say gently.
you clear your throat, sitting up straighter in your seat and turning to face him better. “wonwoo, will you go out with me?”
it takes him a moment to process, but he recovers quickly, breaking into a wide grin. “well, technically i asked you first.”
you roll your eyes and rest a hand on his shoulder, gently pulling him towards you. “will you just kiss me, please?”
and he does, and it’s everything you daydreamed of, everything you waited all these years for, everything your elaborate plan was meant to achieve but almost ended in disaster for. you’re kissing your best friend, and he’s kissing you, and everything is exactly how it should be.
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thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
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willalove75 · 1 year
Could you make a fic of Rebecca Welton x fem!wife!reader where the team knows Rebecca is married but she never specified that it was to a woman, so when reader and their daughter (I am a firm believer in mom!rebecca) come to take her to out to lunch every one is super surprised. (I hope that made sense.)
Also your fics are amazing!!
Are there other requests in my inbox I should do before this? Yes, absolutely. Am I doing this one first? Also yes because I'm OBSESSED with this and came up with a really good idea for it yesterday and I'm too excited to wait. mom!rebecca 4ever 🥺😭😍
And thank you SO much I'm so glad you like them!!💕
Ps. this was getting SO long I need to make a pt. 2 that I will post ASAP!! I love this and I feel like it needs a series dedicated to it heheh
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Rebecca is standing in the boys locker room pacing, she keeps checking her phone and muttering unintelligible words to herself. Ted walks in and sees her.
"Well either I'm late or you're sure down here early! Mornin' boss!" He says.
Rebecca is a little startled and turns to Ted.
"Oh! Ted, good morning." She gets distracted and looks back down at her phone and Ted gives her a look. "Oh sorry, I wanted to ask, do you have lunch plans today?"
"Well, Beard and I were going to do a sandwich switch but I ended up givin' it to one of the kids playin football this morning on account of they forgot their lunch at home and-"
"Great!" Rebecca cuts in. "I will meet you by the front door at 2."
"I think this is great, I think we should do lunchtime with the boss more often! We can play," Ted stops to think for a second and snaps his fingers. "Worst movie you've ever seen in theaters and best movie you've seen! Speakin of which, I went to the movies this weekend and-"
Rebecca cuts him off.
"Ted, I am also inviting Higgins and Keeley so there will be no 'lunchtime with the boss'."
"Ah! Great! Love me some Keeley and Higgie in the afternoon! So, what's the occasion?"
Rebecca is distracted by her phone again and doesn't hear Ted.
"Boss?" She looks up at him "You good? You seem a little wired for this early in the morning."
"Yes, I'm fine, not wired at all. And I have some visitors coming this afternoon I'd like you to meet." She looks back down at her phone.
Ted goes to speak and Rebecca cuts him off.
"I have to get going, see you at 2!" She says briskly walking out of the locker room.
Up in her office, Rebecca is still pacing, her eyes glued to her phone and Keeley walks in.
"Good morning!" She says, excitedly. She notices Rebecca is distracted and raises an eyebrow at her. "OI! What are you looking at?" She walks over to Rebecca and tries to look at her screen.
Rebecca quickly locks her phone and pulls it away.
"Oh come on!" Keeley pleads
"I'll tell you later," Rebecca says. "Are you around this afternoon for lunch?"
Keeley pauses to think.
"Good, I have some visitors coming I'd like you to meet. Front doors at 2, okay?"
Keeley's eyes light up.
"Who's coming?! Is that what you're looking at! Is it a new boyfriend?!"
Rebecca gives Keeley a glare, she doesn't talk about her love life with anyone, as hard as Keeley tries.
"2 o'clock." Rebecca says as she sits down at her desk.
Higgins walks in and greets Rebecca and Keeley.
"Higgins, you're coming to lunch with Keeley, Ted and myself. Front doors at 2." She says without looking up from her computer screen.
"Oh I'd be delighted!"
"Rebecca has some guests coming she wants us to meet." Keeley says playfully and gives Higgins a wink.
"Oh," Higgins says with a curious smile on his face.
"I'm very busy this morning so I will see you both at 2." Rebecca gets up and ushers them out and closes the door. Once the door closes she takes a deep, nervous breath and checks her phone again.
That morning and early afternoon were less than productive, Rebecca locked herself in her office and couldn't do anything but obsessively check her phone.
2pm rolls around and Rebecca checks herself out in the mirror, fixes her hair and smooths out her dress a few times. She takes a deep breath and exhales trying to calm her nerves. She grabs her bag and jacket and heads downstairs.
At the end of the hallway she sees Ted, Keeley and Higgins standing around waiting for her. The door behind them opens and they turn to see who walked in. Rebecca hears a voice politely say "Hi there, I'm looking for Rebecca,"
Ted looks down the hall and points to her. "That there would be the boss."
You walk through the crowd and your eyes meet hers from down the hall. Tears begin to form in both of your eyes when you see each other. The moment is interrupted when you hear tiny footsteps run down the hall accompanied by "MUMMYYYY!!!"
Sophia, your four year old daughter, runs to Rebecca and jumps into her arms. Rebecca picks her up, spins her around and squeezes her and litters her face with kisses.
"Oh I missed you." She says quietly into her ear as she holds her close.
You walk up to the both of them, a few tears fall from your eyes as Rebecca wraps her free arm around you and you wrap your arms around the both of them. You see tears falling from her eyes as she pulls you in for a kiss. You feel a wave of relief wash over the both of you as your lips meet for the fist time in nearly six months. Rebecca looks lovingly at Sophia and you can't help but feel like your heart is whole for the first time in a long time.
"Mummy, are you and mommy sad?" She asks puzzled.
"No love," Rebecca says "we're very happy." She says as fixes Sophie's shirt.
"Then why are you crying?" She asks.
"Sometimes baby," you say "people cry when they're sad, but, they also cry when they're happy."
"Oh, okay!" She says as she wraps her arms around Rebecca's neck and squeezes her.
You can see Rebecca's body relax as she closes her eyes, places her hand on the back of Sophia's head and hugs her back. You wrap your arm around Rebecca and place your hand on her hip and place your other hand on Sophia's back. You look up at Rebecca and look at every inch of her face. Her beautiful smile, the way her eyelashes gently brush against her cheeks when her eyes are closed. The little lines around her mouth and the corners of her eyes, her soft blond hair, her smooth skin. You take in every single thing you possibly can and try to commit it to your memory.
You hear a squeal from down the hall and look, you completely forgot there were other people watching your reunion.
Keeley is digging her nails into Higgins in excitement as he tries to keep squeals of pain back. You chuckle at them and look back at Rebecca, who opens her eyes and sees the group gawking at the three of you. She reaches her hand out and you take it into yours and you walk towards them.
"Ted, Keeley, Leslie," Rebecca begins, "this is my wife, y/n," Keeley lets out squeals of excitement as she lets go of Higgin's arm and he sighs in relief. "And this here," she gestures to the toddler in her arms, "is our daughter, Sophia."
"YOU'RE MARRIED?! WITH A KID?!" Keeley screams "But you don't wear a ring!!!"
She smiles and shrugs her shoulders and looks at you and you smile back. You both knew it would be easier and there would be less questions if she didn't wear it, and you didn't mind.
"Well I have about a million and one questions" Ted speaks, " but lets start off with, what's the best movie-"
Rebecca cuts him off. "Why don't we save the questions until we get to lunch? Y/n and Sophie are probably starving, they just got off of a long flight and I'm sure they want to go sit down."
"Yes please" you say, looking lovingly at your wife.
"Leslie, do you mind driving Ted and Keeley, I'm afraid there's not enough room in my car with the car seat."
You look up at Rebecca and your face is beaming. Even though having the car seat is a bare-minimum kind of effort, you know she spent a good amount of time last night getting it ready, making sure every strap was perfectly in place. You know how excited she was for you guys to come and you know she spent the whole ride to work this morning staring at the car seat, wishing the day would move faster.
"Sure, not a problem at all."
You walk to the car and you hear Higgins mention something about ignoring the mess and pushing aside dirty socks and gym bags as you get into the car and Rebecca puts the baby in her car seat and hands her a new toy to keep her preoccupied for the ride.
She walks to the other side of the car and gets in next to you, closes the door and the driver pulls away. You both look at each other for a moment and she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in, nuzzling her face into your neck. She inhales deeply, the scent of your skin filling her nose as you feel tears on your shoulder. You pull back and look at her, she looks up at you with bright green, teary eyes. God, you missed looking into her eyes. You wipe tears away with your thumb as she purses her lips and studies your face.
"I missed you, so much." She says as she looks deeply into your eyes.
"I missed you too." You say as your eyes fill with tears.
You look back at Sophia and see that she's distracted by her toy and the city whizzing by. You turn back to Rebecca and you both lean in and your lips connect. She slides her hand up your neck to the back of your head and gently holds onto your hair as you hold the back of her head and pull her into you as closely as possible. You feel her tongue caress your bottom lip and you part your lips to let her in. Her tongue explores your mouth as if it was the first time and you do the same. You feel her heartbeat increase as her chest is pressed against yours and you begin to breathe heavily. The kiss becomes more passionate as Rebecca puts her other hand on your hip and pulls you in closer. You slide your other hand up the side of her dress past the middle of her thigh and hold her tight. The whole world fades away, it's just the two of you and your love for each other that exists for this moment.
You're interrupted when you hear Sophie's little voice.
You slide your hand out from Rebecca's dress and your lips part, your foreheads rest gently against one another as you both smile and chuckle lightly.
"Yes love?" Rebecca says, looking over at the toddler who's looking out the window.
"Why do they drive weird here?"
You both look at each other and laugh. Rebecca looks at Sophia and you see guilt in her eyes.
"She's gotten so big," she says quietly.
"I know" you say as you look at Sophie whose attention hasn't left the window.
Rebecca looks at you, more tears and guilt in her eyes.
"Oh honey," you say.
"I missed so much," she starts to say as tears roll down her face.
You pull her in for a hug and gently rub her back.
"Don't do that, it's okay," you say trying to comfort her as she gently cries. "I know, but it's not forever, it's just temporary.
"Three and a half years doesn't feel temporary." She says as she pulls back and looks into your eyes.
You bring your hand up to her face to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks and look into her eyes.
"I know." Your heart breaks seeing her filled with so much guilt and sadness, tears begin to form in your eyes. "But soon it will just be a memory and we'll all be together."
She nods, not convinced, but you can tell the hope is all she has to cling to.
You pull up to the restaurant and Rebecca quickly wipes away her tears, you wipe away a mascara mark from under her eye and she smiles at you as you hold her face.
"You look beautiful by the way." You say, your thumb gently stroking her face.
She gently blushes and goes to get out of the car. You reach over into the car seat and begin to unbuckle Sophia. Rebecca opens the door on the other side and takes her out and puts her on the ground and takes hold of her hand. You get out of the car and the three of you walk into the restaurant.
"Table for 6 for Rebecca." She says.
The hostess brings you to your table and Rebecca slides into the U shaped booth. Sophia hops in next to her and you sit next to Sophia at the end of the booth. You hand Sophia her drawing pad and crayons and she excitedly grabs them and starts drawing.
Ted, Keeley and Higgins walk in, Keeley slides in next to Rebecca, Ted and Higgins follow.
"Okay can we ask questions NOW?" Keeley exclaims as she settles in.
Rebecca looks at you and you give her a nod. Rebecca playfully rolls her eyes and looks at Keeley.
"Yes, now you can ask questions."
Ted, Keeley and Higgins all begin to talk at the same time and Rebecca cuts them off.
"One at a time! Christ." She laughs as she looks at you. "Keeley, you go first."
"How long have you been MARRIED?! How did you meet?!" She lowers her voice a little and leans in "what's the sex like?! It has to be hot."
Rebecca's face turns a little red and you burst out laughing. Rebecca looks at you and you can tell she's asking you if you want to answer the questions or to let her.
"Go ahead" You say smiling at her.
"Three years, we met in New York and I'm not answering the last question."
You make eye contact with Keeley and give her a thumbs up and nod your head, making the three of them laugh. You see Rebecca begin to turn around and you stop but can't help yourself from laughing.
"You're a little prat!" She says to you with a laugh as she playfully shoves you.
She looks over at Ted and gestures to him.
"How 'bout we do an ice breaker!" Rebecca rolls her eyes as he continues "okay y/n, best movie you've ever seen in theaters and worst movie you've ever seen in theaters?"
You pause to think. "Best movie, Spider Man, No Way Home, opening night."
"Oh opening night, you gotta see those kinda of movies on opening night, the crowd gets crazier than a road lizard. Gotta love seeing the multiverse gettin' all mixed up so they can beat their respective enemies together." Ted says.
"Worst movie," you say, thinking, "Vampires Suck."
"Well I don't know that one,"
"You're better off, it sucked. No pun intended." You say
"Well I love intentional puns, like that one time-" Ted continues as Rebecca cuts him off.
"Uh, which one of you, you know," as he gestures to Sophia.
"I gave birth to her" you say with a laugh "Sophie was about six months old when Rebecca and I met."
You look down at your daughter, still scribbling across her pad, unaware of everything else going on around her.
"So how did you really meet?" Keeley interjects. "Saying New York is a bull-" she stops herself and looks down at the toddler. "Bull crap answer." She says carefully.
Rebecca looks over at you and you take the reigns.
"Well I had just given birth to Soph about six months before, so my girlfriends wanted to take me out for a girls night since I hadn't done literally anything since having her. So we got rooms at a crappy hotel, dressed to the nines and went to the bar in the Ritz-Carlton." You say jokingly emphasizing the fancy-ness as Rebecca rolls her eyes at you with a chuckle.
"So we were having drinks, and having a good time and I see Rebecca walk in and sit at the bar. Immediately I was like 'damn, she's a good looking woman.' And of course my friends saw the way I looked at her and were teasing me about it. Then whoever she was meeting came and sat with her and I stopped looking over because a) I didn't think I had a chance in hell with her and b) she was with someone so, that was that. So we hung out, had a few drinks, laughed, had a great time and I notice the person she was with leave money for the bartender and leave. She looked disappointed and I felt so bad. So one of my girlfriends went up to the bar and chatted her up and she came over and hung out with us."
You look at Rebecca, she seems satisfied with your response as she puts her arm around you.
"Oh come on!! I need the WHOLE story!!" Keeley begs.
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noellawrites · 2 years
Isolation - Yandere!Rafael Barba x reader
requested by @detectivebarba
summary: After you are shot while on duty, Rafael manipulates both you and the SVU squad to get what he wants.
warnings: shooting, bullet wound, reader is hospitalized, angst, lying, manipulation
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A single shot rang out, causing you to turn your head towards where the commotion was coming from. Your service weapon was drawn, but you didn't have time to shoot. The bullet hit you right below your chest.
You slammed into the ground with a groan. Pain ricocheted through your body, but you knew you were lucky. Your vest had caught the bullet.
"11-41, we got an officer down. I need a bus to Irving and East 17th ASAP," you heard Sonny call over his radio.
Liv was on the ground next to you in a flash. She had pulled your vest off and was examining the damage.
"It looks like the vest caught most of the damage. You're going to be fine, (y/n)," Liv assured you.
You watched from the ground as Amanda and Fin apprehended the shooter and wrangled him into the backseat of the squad car.
"P-please c-call Raf," you rasped, and Liv nodded. Your breathing sounded erratic and you were coughing and wincing in pain. Sonny turned around, bending down to the other side of you.
"I think you've got a punctured lung, (y/n)," Carisi explained.
Your eyes widened and tears threatened to spill from them. You couldn't speak, so you only shook your head vigorously.
Liv stood up and dialed Rafael's number. She wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to him, as he was extremely protective of you.
"The vest caught the bullet, but it looks like they have some broken ribs and they're having trouble breathing. I know, Rafa. We'll meet you at Mercy."
Everything became a blur once you were loaded into the ambulance. Liv rode with you while Sonny drove the squad car to Mercy. Fin and Amanda were booking the shooter and finishing the paperwork, but promised to come to visit as soon as they could.
A flustered Rafael was already sitting in your room once you were brought back from your emergency surgery. He stood up as soon as he saw the nurses wheeling your hospital bed back in.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, concern thick in his voice.
"Better, now that I can actually breathe. Hey, where is everyone else?" you asked, looking around your private room. There were already four vases of flowers, but no one else was there besides your boyfriend and the two nurses hooking up your IV bags.
"They'd only let one person in at a time, so I told them I was your husband. I'll go out and tell everyone that you're awake and out of surgery, though," Rafael promised.
He leaned over, kissing you on the forehead and smiling at you before he exited the room.
Rafael was stunned at just how many NYPD employees had showed up to support you. He walked into the lounge and guessed there had to be at least thirty people. There were lots of beat cops, mostly people he recognized as old friends and co-workers of yours.
He spotted Liv and Sonny standing in a corner with Chief Dodds and IAB Captain Tucker. Rafael approached them and took a deep breath.
"They're out of surgery and conscious. They don't want any visitors, though. Any idea why that son of a bitch would do this?" Rafael said, clenching his jaw in anger.
"Fin and Rollins are workin' on it, but we got nothin' so far," Sonny explained.
"No visitors? Any idea why?" Liv asked, narrowing her eyes.
"They said they didn't want to see any of you. I'm pretty sure they're planning on leaving the squad after this. I'm sorry."
" Well, give them these if you could, counselor. It's from all of us down at 1PP," Tucker explained, handing Rafael a bouquet.
"I will, thank you," Rafael nodded, taking the flowers.
"And these, my ma made an emergency cannoli batch when she heard," Sonny added, shoving a Tupperware container into Rafael's other hand.
Rafael couldn't wait to get back into your room, take your phone and block each and every one of them. He would take care of you and nurse you through your recovery without the squad to bother him.
He was quite proud of this plan he'd set into motion. He paid the shooter handsomely, as he would be serving a few years in prison. It was airtight, nothing could be tracked back to him. And now, you were all his.
You woke up from your nap and turned to your left side, where Rafael was sitting. He was texting something on his phone and hadn't noticed you'd woken up.
"Rafa?" you mumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"Hey, baby. You have a good nap?"
"Yeah. Did anyone come by to visit?" you asked. You wanted to see your friends more than anything.
"Just Tucker to drop off some flowers," your boyfriend explained.
You frowned, glancing out the window at the New York skyline. You got shot, broke two ribs and your lung collapsed, and your friends couldn't even bother to come see you in the hospital?
"I'll call Liv, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Maybe they think I'm still in surgery or something," you said, grabbing your phone from the tray table beside you.
You clicked on Olivia's contact and tried to press the call button, but your call was immediately rejected.
"That's weird," you remarked, and tried again. Again, the call rejected.
You narrowed your eyes and tried Sonny's contact. Then Amanda. Then Fin. All rejected calls. You turned your phone off, tears welling up in your eyes. Why would they ice you out like this?
"I'm sorry (y/n), but they don't want to hear from you or see you. I tried to call them earlier and only Liv answered. She said you're off the squad. I'm really sorry," Rafael explained, standing up from his seat and moving to stand over your hospital bed. He wiped the tears from your eyes and looked at you with an expression of pity.
"Why would they do this?" you sobbed, covering your eyes with your hands.
"Once you get out of here, I'll move you into my apartment. I'll take care of you, okay? I promise," Rafael said, smiling at you and bending over to give you a hug. He would always protect you, and you would never have to know the truth.
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modevernon · 1 year
asap # yoon jeonghan
pairing: bf!jeonghan x gn!reader genre: fluff, drabble, a bit of humor warnings: none! word count: 0.85k
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8%. that’s how much battery was left on your phone after having called jeonghan for 2 hours straight. unfortunately for your phone, your heart had no intention of hanging up any time soon, neither did your body have any desire to move to the desk so that you could charge it. you were simply in heaven chatting with your boyfriend like this, his voice groggy from dawn in his time zone and yours drawling and sleepy as late evening crept up on you. but god, you could lie here listening to him forever.
“—so seokmin and i are going to, like, the biggest chocolate store ever tomorrow, and i’m pretty sure there should be ones you like with caramel inside, but if there aren’t, what should be my plan b?”
“hannie, you get me candy every single time, i promise i don’t need any more. i didn’t sign up to date willy wonka,” you replied humouredly.
jeonghan pouted across the screen. “you’re saying you don’t like my gifts?”
“of course i love your gifts, baby, i’m just saying you don’t wanna pay my dental bills when i get all the cavities that are bound to come.”
“fair,” he mumbled, “cavities are no fun. but let it be known i’d definitely pay your dental bills if things came to that.” and i’m definitely getting you chocolate this time too, hinted the cadence of his sentence.
“hmm… hey, baby, i can only see your forehead.” the camera had shifted slightly upward and you were already missing his face. damn.
you could hear his smile as he exhaled. “my bad,” and he tilted the phone back to its rightful place. “speaking of cavities, did you brush your teeth yet? i can’t have you falling asleep with bad breath.”
only because you loved him so much did you find his nagging cute, but you still weren’t moved enough to walk all ten steps to the bathroom. “it’s not like you’re here to sense it,” you grumbled.
“y/n, only one person in this relationship gets to be lazy and you and i both know that person is me.”
was your boyfriend allergic to being wrong? “fine,” you relented softly, “but then i’d better go charge my phone too. so call you tomorrow?”
“good girl.” askdfhgkjhl— “tomorrow it is.” jeonghan blew you a little kiss and you caught it in the air. “good night, my angel.” and he was off.
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the rush of butterflies from talking to jeonghan helped you muster the energy to roll out of bed, brush your teeth, and charge your phone, but you didn’t expect it would last once you were tucked under the blankets. echoes of his good night, angel were running through your head without pause, taking up every corner and vowing to never leave.
even though you had been dating jeonghan for almost half a year, you still were somehow harboring the biggest crush on him imaginable. you felt more awake than you had the entire day, and suddenly thoughts that hadn’t passed by your mind before began to flow in:
i didn’t even ask what he was going to have for breakfast! what if he skips it like he did on monday last week?? wait, how was his hair parted? i can’t remember! is he going to shower before going to the salon? and is he going to the salon before going to the chocolate store? what’s the name of the store? whe—
this simply wouldn’t do. you had to call him back.
so you practically jumped out of bed, yanked your poor phone from its dear charger (17%? that’s plenty), and dialed the number at the top of your contacts list.
he picked up after 5 seconds — 5 seconds too late. “i’m back!” you exclaimed.
his eyes were wide with a blend of question and concern, but all of your concerns had washed away at the sight of him. he’s so pretty why is he so pretty he’s fucking gorgeous he’s the prettiest being on the planet his eyes hold the whole universe in them they’re so pretty ugh he’s so pretty he— “y/n?”
“w– it’s way past midnight, aren’t you tired?”
you beamed in response. “i was, but i just had to see you again because i completely forgot to ask what you’re having for breakfast and when you’re going to the salon and also when you’re going to the chocolate store and what’s it called an—”
“y/n, y/n, y/n,” he halted you gently. “while i’m thoroughly flattered that you missed me this much in the 20 minutes we weren’t on call, you really do need to sleep. we can always talk once you wake up, you know.”
“hannie, at this rate, i’m never gonna fall sleep,” you whined. “come on, baby, just for a minute? please?”
now it was his turn to go weak at the sight of your pleading eyes and the sound of your effortlessly sweet voice, tinged with the slightest hint of aegyo. “okay, baby,” he replied, trying to control his exhilaration.
“just for a minute.”
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a/n: OBSESSED with hanni’s little line in asap, that’s the inspo for this in case you were wondering. also this is my first time ever writing, let alone posting something here, so hope you enjoy !!
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87435678753256732 · 1 year
manifestations + new stuff
what will be happening this year:
will start grad school (3 years)
possibly moving out?
I had talked to my mother about moving out about a year ago. It was just contemplation. What she said to me was nicer than what I imagined it would be. basically, she stated that she would support me, as she knows that I would eventually move on with my own life. this was way better than what I thought it would be. I had internalized the guilt of a first gen daughter, and assumed that I would get hit with a guilt trip. Now that grad School will start in august, I have been starting to actually look into it. the guilt mostly came from how my mother would pay rent. who would cover my portion? I did remember that she told me one of her friends was interested, so maybe she still is? I brainstormed and rehearsed what I would say for the entire day basically. if I said ONE wrong thing, she would easily twist that and use it against me.
The conversation I had with her was tough, but I wasn't attacked which was nice. basically said that if I wanted to do that, I have 30 days to do it and I would have to figure out my own bills that I go half with her. I was taken a back, especially because i didn't state a definite day that I would leave. im hoping it is just a test, lmao? I would have to figure out 1. rent 2. cell phone bill 3. car insurance 4. internet 5. light (utilities) + other expenses like food. I am going half on our car insurance, so that'll be interesting to figure out. it feels like she wants to completely cut me off, which I understand if that is what independence looks like, but it is a very hard transition. my sister will start college soon, so hopefully she can get a job and help my mom with rent + the additional person that will rent my room which I assume will be her friend that was interested.
as for myself, im kind of winging it. I would like it to either be by work, or by school. I should be able to find a decent deal in oc, but lb def has cheaper prices. if I go to lb, I will be leaving oc which I don't think im ready for? my boyfriend has been having issues with his roommate, mostly bc of their differences in lifestyles. based off what he told me, I think his friend may be autistic, which makes it difficult for him to communicate and adapt to change. I feel a bit bad bc it was me coming over that caused this. my bf feels bad bc they've been friends for so long, and he's not sure if he has ruined their friendship. I tried to comfort him and went over how to present his feelings to his roommate, without making it sound like a guilt trip. his roommate said he needs to leave asap, but is open to paying his part until the lease ends (oct) which is interesting. the rate that they are paying is what a 1b1b is going for, which is wild? if his roommate does leave, the possibility of us living together increases. I would feel more comfortable living with him than with new people. it seems very fast, I am aware of that, but I really do love him and don't have a bad gut feeling about this. I still haven't told my mom that I am contemplating living with him, mostly bc I do not want her to see him as a bad person, bc she easily splits. when we had the conversation, she did not bring him up which was a little surprising. there could also be the possibility that she likes him compared to my past partners. I will talk to him about this later today, and what my plan is. im not exactly sure how serious my mom was when she told me she wanted me to have it figured out by may (two weeks?), but she could also be testing to see if im as capable of being an adult as id like to think I am. welp!
income wise, im doing pretty well. I make 25/hr FT, around 4000. my partner makes around the same as well. he's currently doing a certificate program that could bump up his income once he has the certificate and takes advantage of the career center program available for folks in tech classes. based off the stuff he's doing, income will most likely go up (tech related), especially in OC where there's so many companies looking. remote work is also a possibility. I would def not be contemplating moving if we both worked service jobs. but I should be good as rates go up. what im not too sure about is my moms income. she works two jobs, and brings in around 2500/mo. my sister could pitch in around 500 if she gets a job. the roommate (prob her friend, Bee) will prob be looking at 1-1.5k. making it 1k mom, 500 sister, 1.5k roommate. so looks like it should work out? I was also thinking abut my dog as well. initially, we got her for me as an ESA, but she has become super close with my mom and probably likes her the most. so she'll most likely stay here.
im very excited to see what my next steps will be. it will be hard, esp adjusting after being with my mom for so long. but its okay, life goes on and I guess my start will be in 2023.
easter went good! I spent Sunday with I and his family. there was a good chunk of them, around 10-15??? they were all very nice and welcoming! this was his hispanic side, which he basically grew up with. his aunt liked that I spoke Spanish, and they probably liked that I was latino and visibly brown as well LOL. my bf was trying to enjoy the event, but it was hard when he was just thinking about his friendship in the back of his head. I got home early that night bc he was feeling tired, which I understood. it was cool to finally be around a lot of cool people/family. my family is small, and with my moms personality disorder, she always has beef with them so we have NEVER had a gathering that I can remember (23 years? lol) mostly because of her pride and individualistic selfishness. I understand why she would think that way. to her. she's closer with her sisters in Mexico, but due to her status, she cannot see then unless she gets documentation or if she just decides to go back. we have had the convo before, and she has said that her hopes are to go back to Mexico and live in the home that she was been putting money in for the past two decades. ive been aware of this, especially when many of my own clients born in Mexico that have shared that their end goal is to be in Mexico bc they don't want to pass away here. I don't think that will be any time soon. maybe once my sister goes her own way. anyway, thats it for now. I will practice some manifestation bc tiktok astrologers are saying its important
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btsbabe7 · 2 years
I rewatched Nightmare of Elm Street (1984) and something about Nancy always calling out for Glen gave me Y/n calling Yeonjun because she can’t sleep vibes, so here’s a bit of fluff!
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Also, just Yeonjun as your boyfriend. 😊
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You had spent the last hour tossing and turning in bed, tediously counting the minutes that passed by on your alarm clock. You knew Yeonjun planned to be out with his friends tonight, but unable to sleep without him by your side and unwilling to stay up alone, you selfishly reach out for your phone. His number is the very first on your speed dial and you know that no matter what, Yeonjun will always come to your rescue.
Only two rings in and the phone picks up on the other end. The howling laughs of Soobin and Beomgyu echo in the background at the tail end of something Taehyun had said before Yeon picked up.
“Babe, is everything alright?” Yeonjun responses sweetly.
Soobin and Kai mock him in the background, but you quickly bring your attention back to your boyfriend.
“I know you’re out with the guys, but do you think you could come home early? I can’t sleep…”
Lets his friends know that something came up and you need him
Leaves immediately after, but was already halfway out the door the moment your voice rang through the receiver
Rushes home to be by his baby girl’s side
Just needs to be next to you ASAP
Simply cannot get enough of you
“Are you having nightmares again? Let’s get you tucked in.”
Gives you his hoodie to sleep in because it always looks so cute on you
Makes sure you’re hydrated before climbing into bed with you
Sings your favorite slow song in hushed tones to help you relax
Absolutely cannot resist kissing you—he’s so, so in love with the feeling of your lips against his
Eye smiles and soft grins :,)
“I’m sorry for making you leave your friends.”
“It’s fine. I missed you anyways.”
Lots more kisses and him going on and on about how much he loves you while pulling you in closer and nuzzling into your neck
“I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Gently sweeps your curls off your cheeks and forehead after you finally fall asleep
Whispers that he loves you (again) before turning the lamp off and drifting off to sleep next to you
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Photo Credit: Official TXT Twitter//Yeonjun
Credit for the Prettiest Dividers: @saradika ♡ (I’ll be permanently you crediting on my navigation page since I’ll probably be using your cute dividers forever ~as long as it’s okay ofc!~ Also, so you don’t have to get constant notifications of my cheesy fanfics! 😆)
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Thank you to everyone who reads! ☺️ Please be sure to check out my other latest fics:
- In the Heat of Summer | KNJ
- Closer | KNJ
- Who I Am With You | JJK (18+ Only)
~ Navi: masterlist (all fandoms) & (bts imagines/drabbles)
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction! Please do not compare it to the actual member(s) and their daily lives. Also, please don’t copy! Please only repost w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
Lastly, thank you so much @findingillyria & @bastard--bunny for the kind comments left on my last drabble! I was having a rough day at work when these came in and these made my day so much better! Thanks for giving me motivation to keep going! ☺
2022 | btsbabe7 (formerly bangtanbabe2/bb2/bb7)
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wishingyouback · 3 years
just call me.
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warnings: none
the walk back to campus would've been short, if it wasn't for the uncomfortable presence of your ex right beside you.
normally, you would've found any type of silence comforting, you would have even preferred it actually, but unfortunately your ex-boyfriend didn't get the memo, and had even got the extra (unnecessary) mile of walking you back to your class after bumping into you during lunch at your favourite, just across the street.
at first, you thought he was just being nice, being a little formal as it's been a while since you two have hung out, but apparently he wasn't, and was genuinely planning to walk you back as if it wasn't making you uncomfortable. after you had voiced out that it wasn't needed, at all. yet here you were, passing through the usual crowd of people with your arms wrapped comfortingly around yourself as you smiled at students you recognised. some who lounged around campus, sitting on the steps and some walking out of their class to sleep in the library -- it was a normal thing.
except for the fact that you noticed a figure making their way up to you, hands tucked coolly in their pocket as they effortlessly slung their leather backpack on one shoulder.
"you got a minute?"
the somber tone you've known minho to have is now hidden behind a more serious one. your ex halts whatever it is he's blabbering on about, staring at you then the raven-haired boy who patiently waits for your answer, not showing any emotion on his face to hint how he's feeling.
"dude, you mind? we were in the middle of a conversation."
in the midst of your surprise, you turn to minho to watch his reaction, but all he does is let out a heavy sigh and lazily turns to face the boy next to you.
"my bad, i thought for it to be considered a conversation there would have to be two people, talking." all you can do is watch the exchange by the side, glancing from one boy to the other. minho smiles sarcastically, then turns back to you, "do you have a minute?"
"i-i," you compose yourself, "i do."
"see," minho turns back to the boy who you once dated during sophomore year. "this is how it's done. see you, dude."
before you can register what is going on, minho subtly slips his calloused hands into your softer ones, trying to ignore the fact that your hands with his, do fit so perfectly together.
you let minho pull you away, taking note of how gentle he's being even when his face shows nothing but pure annoyance of the presence of your ex. when he reaches the quieter side of campus that you're familiar with, he let's your hand go. the both of you stand quietly together, -- this silence, although unexpected, was bearable -- comforting even. you were unsure of what to say. you're not used to seeing minho pull such a stunt, especially out in the open when he had made it clear many times, that he wanted to keep your friendship with him a secret. 
something to do about having to introduce you to too many people if he were to start hanging out with you, which you found amusing since minho had a handful of friends he could tolerate.
he wasn't fond of most people here.
"you were with him," he finally breaks the silence. "why?"
minho doesn't sound judgemental or harsh, in fact he sounds more concerned.
"with him?" you echo back the question, already being able to see minho roll his eyes despite his back still facing you. "it wasn't deliberately... we bumped into each other at Haven and he offered to walk me to class."
"and you said yes?" he finally turns to look at you, eyes carefully scanning your face to see if he's crossing the line.
"no," you sigh. "i said no, but he insisted and then waited 'till i was done so he could pay for my lunch too." you say with deep regret.
minho listens; he nods. he lets it all sink in until suddenly, he rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
"well," he shrugs. "if he tries doing that again just call me."
you furrow your eyebrows. "i thought you didn't like talking on the phone--"
"-- i changed my mind." he says nonchalantly, trying to brush it off but you notice the change in demeanour and bite back a smile. "i'm making an exception, alright? if there's an emergency or anything; just call me."
you’re a little stunned, “you consider this as an emergency?” the bored look he gives you makes you rephrase your sentence, to ask him something else.
"what if you don't pick up?" you genuinely ask.
minho wasn't the best texter, so you couldn't imagine how he'd be like with phone calls.
"i will," he says a little too quickly. "i mean, i will. just text me beforehand or something," he scratches the back of his head before clearing his throat and once again, avoids eye contact.
"lee minho, are you going soft on me?" you tease, deciding to use the moment right now to joke with him before you two part ways and go back to acknowledging each other with quiet nods around campus.
"you wish," he exaggerates a scoff, trying to cover up the pinkness of his cheek with his carefree attitude but he doesn't think he does a good job with it. not when he sees the cute smile you have on your face. "stop having shitty exes, then maybe i wouldn't have to be doing this."
"sure," you respond mockingly. "maybe you should try finding the right guy for me then, you know, since i have shitty exes." you quote with a roll of your eyes.
minho had his own share of ex girlfriends too, some you weren't sure how they ended up with him, but still, he was always picking at your somewhat horrible taste in men. for what reason, you aren't too sure.
"like you'd take my advice," minho scoffs as you two start walking back to the main area.
as you two reach a crowd, you're ready to do what usually do which is, walk away from minho, pretend you didn't see him and continue on with your day. but when you make your usual turn and still feel minho's presence next to you when you start walking up the steps to your class, you raise your eyebrows at him.
"this isn't part of the arrangement?"
"what arrangement?"
is he being serious.
"the one you made about us not being seen together? now shoo!"
minho stifles a laugh at how you try to get rid of him as if he's one pesky fly, but shakes his head instead. he places both of his hands onto your shoulders then directs you to to your next class, which you coincidentally have together.
"i guess i changed my mind," he grins. "let's go, you're gonna make us late."
tag(s): @brokenwigglyline
author's note: can you tell i absolutely missed writing, and posting? :,) hahah but! again, i hope you enjoyed this and if you've read this far; thank you so much x
written roughly under an hour, so i apologise if it isn't any good, again.. but if there are any errors i'll try to fix them asap!
you're loved, always
ily, always x
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