#shut up Vince
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I know this is supposed to be Tech teaching Omega flying, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look like someone railed him extra hard in the cockpit of the HMS Search Warrant.
My moneys on Batman, they love each other ok. If I got banged by Batman in a cockpit I’d be fucking delighted. But no.
I drunk but it’s okay. My boss is a talentless hack name Vince and I hate him and his obsession with the idea that insubordination exists lol bite me Vince.
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dougielombax · 5 months
Holy SHIT!
No way!
New shit has come to light! (To quote The Big Lebowski)
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Somebody found the original source for the backrooms image!
(Screenshot is from the backrooms subreddit, credit to the uploader (I forgot their username))
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And an additional pic from Tw*tter as well.
Holy shit!
I’m gonna include a few web links for good measure.
I knew it would happen eventually but still.
This is incredible.
To me at least (shut up).
Feel free to reblog.
Apparently it’s an indoor racetrack now or something like that. Somewhere in Wisconsin.
Backrooms Kart when? (PLEASE DON’T! THIS IS A JOKE!)
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deeloveskiss · 9 months
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stephen and vince for lifers
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I am so sorry but this is giving porn star like that’s all it’s giving….. canonically vince should’ve been a porn star sorry!
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hahskeleton · 1 month
I have no idea what to put here
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Uhh so this is one of my new characters- her name is Mae-
She’s not the maaain person of the storyline but she’s pretty up there and I also liked her design the most so I drew her first
So Maelynn, or Mae, Brooks is a 21 year old criminal. Yup.
Growing up it was just Mae and her dad, and he was a pretty good dad but he had no money and that was not good for them living in a big city. Mae met a boy named Martin and they instantly became friends, but one day she found out Martin had a big secret. He could grow plants and flowers and vines and such out of nowhere, even from his body itself.
From then and on Mae vowed to never tell anyone otherwise Martin would probably be detained by the government or something. When she and Martin graduated high school, a big thing happened and Martin did end up getting detained by the government. He was now locked up in some distant city all alone just because he was different.
After that was when Mae started to get into trouble, making deals and talking to wanted men, trying everything in her power to figure out where Martin had gone and how it break him out. Over the years, she grew into a wanted criminal, still the same old laughable, sweet Maelynn Brooks everyone had always known, but she had just committed a few crimes to try and find her friend. She had been to jail three times and broken out successfully all of those times and is now wanted in a lot of places. She had certainly made her mark.
She had been fighting against the government and police for years, getting off track of her original plan to find Martin and started to take care of things police weren't taking care of, practically being a vigilante.
But wait, who’s this policeman chasing her down now? Is that Martin? Oh shit
I won’t reveal anymore about what will happen to Mae and Martin bc you’ll find out over time :)
pleaaase ask if you have any questions theories or goofy things to say about my characters!! My ask box is always open, please use it if you’d like :D
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bbpuckdrop · 10 months
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an-inspired-eternity · 11 months
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epic valenwind W at tga
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dombrianoteretto · 1 year
Vince after he hears Brian say “I’m officer Brian O’Conner” even though he’s bleeding out but he still wants everyone to know he was right:
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edoubunny · 1 year
I'm now taking commissions through Artistree!!
Of course it's also linked in my Carrd, which got a massive overhaul!! It's still in my bio if you wanna check it out!! This'll still be the new pinned post as of today!!
I'm also updating some of my slides on my streams so my Artistree will be seen on some of them!! And even a new graphic will be shown!! Ko-fi donations are still greatly accepted, but as of today, Artistree commissions are now taken!!
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hey also the implication of the chip on his tattoo...... cuz remember... he was the joker.... and it got revealed......... to set up cmjf 2............
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Remember the Name… and You Will… GOLDUST 
By Vince Russo 
If you’ve ever been to the corner of Hollywood and Vine, you know exactly what I’m talking about. As darkness blankets the sky and the warm glow of the moon filters the earth below, they all crawl out from under the marble stars. Who they are, or WHAT they are, I have no idea! Hollywood’s children–I guess. Green hair, purple hair, HIGH, STIFF hair, kabuki makeup, black lipstick and pierced EVERYTHING! They claim to be the “real” stars of Hollywood. Not the fictitious celluloid legends that are born and eventually die on the big screen, but the living, breathing souls who inhabit that sacred boulevards of Tinseltown. They’re the unknown stars of the street that literally “live to be seen.”
Goldust. Hollywood. In his mind, he is unquestionably the greatest star that the world has ever known. He has seen all the “so-called” legends come and go, but none–NONE–even come close to the glamor, the glitz, the grace of… SSSSSSSSSSSSS, GOLDUST. Fact or Fiction? You have to make the call yourself–but not until this editor throws his two movie stubs in! 
Will Goldust be successful in bringing his legend to the World Wrestling Federation, or will he simply be a box-office bust? That is the question that both moviegoers and Federation fans across the country are asking. However, in order to come up with the ending of this movie, you first need to see–AND UNDERSTAND–all of the scenes that precede it. 
Act 1–In the opening, you must first understand that Goldust is indeed a MAN. Not a man wanting to be his Aunt Edna, but a real, true, bona fide MAN! Based strictly on his appearance, many of you reading this column have called him many things–from a Liberace wannabe (who chooses to have long, golden hair rather than the stiff, hairsprayed pompadour look) to the president of the “To Wrong-Fu, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar, Fan Club!” Do you understand what it is that I’m trying to say? I mean, I’m saying it in the nicest way that I know how! Goldust is neither of those things. He IS a MAN! A 100 percent male Caucasian! 
Act 2–So then, if he is a man, then what type of man is he? Good question. I like to explain it by saying that Goldust simply has a SEVERE case of “Hollywood on the Brain.” If you understand that, then you will have a much better hold on his outrageous personality. Granted, on the surface it appears that he may be a few stars short of Hollywood Boulevard, but according to him, not only does he have it all together but that star-studded street isn’t even big enough to carry his precious star! So, now if you understand the first two acts–MAN with HOLLYWOOD ON BRAIN–we should be able to go on. If not, go back and study the lines! 
Act 3–OK, so now we know he is a MAN with HOLLYWOOD ON BRAIN–BUT the mystery remains: Can he wrestle? Well, based on his In Your House premiere where he slew the “villain” Marty Jannetty and his “Battle of the Legends” match where he edited out Savio Vega, I would have to say that I give his wrestling ability rave reviews! The MAN with HOLLYWOOD ON BRAIN can PERFORM! Don’t be fooled by the golden locks, Mr. DeMille. Once Goldust rips off that bleached blond hairpiece, he becomes a ruthless, vicious actor–or wrestler. He’s menacing, evil–what every big-screen bad guy WANTS to be! He punishes his opponents in much the same way that Siskel and Ebert punish B-rated films! He literally TAKES NO PRISONERS. In my opinion, the Survivor Series will be no different. Bam Bam Bigelow may simply serve as just one of the “projects” on the 14K road that leads to the inevitable Goldust BLOCKBUSTER!
Conclusion–I’m one who hates to give away endings, but in this case I will. In the opinion of this editor, Goldust will soon be wearing yet even more gold! He may not have yet reached “leading man” status here in the World Wrestling Federation, but the Intercontinental Championship may be only a few scenes away. 
Lights, camera, action–remember the name–AND YOU WILL–GOLDUST!
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howlinghunters · 2 years
Fuck Vince McMahon and anyone else who put him back in charge.
Your TALENT, your fans, HELL YOUR OWN FUCKING COMPANY was better off without you around.
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restingbuchface · 2 years
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hahskeleton · 1 month
i have decided that after i finish Martin’s design page i must make a new meet the artist thing because i want to
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howardvince · 2 years
ATTENTION FREAKS (affectionate) its me. i made a video
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vincess-princess · 2 years
in darkness shall you be reborn: masterpost
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Fandom: Motley Crue
Pairings: Nikki Sixx/Vince Neil, background Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee, minor Tommy Lee/Vince Neil
Characters: Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars, Axl Rose, Slash, Duff McKagan, minor cameos of other 80s rockers
Rating: Explicit
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 15/?
Word count: 50 102/?
Warnings: violence, heavy non-con, sexual slavery, suicide attempts, unsanitary practices, washing the dishes
Summary: A pirate raid leaves Vince Neil Wharton, an heir to a noble and wealthy family, a slave aboard a pirate ship and an object of unhealthy attention from the captain and his first mate.
A/N: this is getting out of hand lmao, it's been over a year since I posted the first chapter and it doesn't seem to be anywhere near the end. oh well it's huge enough to warrant its own post now. bear in mind that historical accuracy is definitely not the focus of this work
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
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