#shut the fuck up sol
soliloquysilver · 2 months
Struggling really hard with the Bad Thoughts™️ lately. I thought going to the doctor was supposed to make me feel better but ever since I started going I only feel worse. All I want to do is starve and hurt myself because of my stupid fucking blood pressure. I'm already sick of dealing with this shit, I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to just keep suffering in silence and not ask to go to urgent care because yeah I felt like shit physically but at least my mental health wasn't so far down the toilet it was clogging the pipes. I'm sick of being poked and prodded every couple weeks, I'm sick of having to monitor my stupid blood pressure and wanting to sob every time I check it because the medicine the doctor gave me won't do its fucking job and keep it down. I just want to die so I don't have to deal with it anymore.
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ryuubff · 1 year
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you ever think about how much strain is prolly on the mc … although you think you’re somewhere familiar, with people whom you know and love. they don’t actually know you like You know them … and you only have one person who you truly do know and trust.
extra mimir sleeping peacefully:
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i got brainworms of hc that perhaps mc getting terrorizes by nightmares and going to solomon about it sicne theyre prolly. A. Little fucked up from whats been going on esp when it happened outta nowhere 😭😭😭😭😭 like the new card got me thinking abt how maybe solomon has comforted them before….. SORRY SOLOMON ALSO GOT ME FUCKED UP!!!!
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neon-vocalist · 7 months
oh you know what we’re not gonna do? we’re NOT gonna use hatred for nijisanji management as fuel for our fucking hatred for nijisanji talents BY VIRTUE OF BEING NIJISANJI. popular ≠ bad. agency ≠ bad. affiliated with an agency with predatory management? IN WHAT WAY IS THAT FUCKING THE TALENTS’ FAULT?! this info didn’t go public until recently. they’re fucking stuck there. they didn’t go into this with the knowledge we have now. i will NOT stand for niji talent slander just because management fucked up. i hate vtuber antis i’m going to burn this place to the motherfucking ground
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Me the entire episode: Girl don’t trust him!! He killed your bestie and your masters padawan!!
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fembutchboygirl · 7 months
I just learned something so incredibly fucked up
#i am trembling#i cannot let this enable my issues with paranoia further! haha! oh my fucking god#im not joking btw im literally physically trembling. how did this happen oh god oh GOD nononono dont let it get to you#i just need to know. was someone like. double dealing? was someone telling him about it#i wouldnt give a shit if they were stalking me online occasionally (well id care a little bit but honestly itd just be kinda fucked)#but if someone was telling him about me and my personal stuff?#stop. i dont want to think about it. i dont want to think it happened. i have to get this out of my head#but still. absolutely fucking deranged.#ESPECIALLY bc apparently he's been saying i “made him think he was abusive'' and that doing that was shitty of me bc he actually#just has bpd??????#sol if you're reading this listen closely: one of my best friends has bpd. diagnosed and everything. so shut the fuck up#much like you've been saying i blamed my adhd for being neglectful (read: not meeting your sky-high standards for Truly Loving You 24/7)#you cannot blame your bpd for what a shit person you've been#repeatedly asking you to work on a flaw that's been hurting me is not telling you you're abusive you fucking prick#get a life‚ learn to care about other people away from what they can do for YOU‚#and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.#p.s. imagine being mad that people who were friends with both you and your partner didnt suddenly cut the other one off after you broke up#like actually angry at these people. what the actual fuck. you're like a divorced parent upset that their child still talks to their ex-wife#my posts
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sol-shines · 10 months
no one on the internet knows how to be fucking normal about mixed race people istg.
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crimeronan · 1 year
tell me something horrifying about nova and sol
yesterday i answered this with something earnest and in-depth but the self-hatred won so i deleted it i apologize anon. thank u for the interest in my nonsense. i did just think of a sillier answer so i re-sent the ask to myself
anyway. sol is one of those girlboss hashtag sociopath influencers who makes tiktoks telling women they need to harness their inner divine goddess bitch to get anywhere in the corporate landscape. doubles as an "is your boyfriend LYING to you about his salary?? 3 key tells!" account
nova is a pyramid scheme crystals divine feminine energy witchtok influencer. who self-identifies as a "Hyper Empath" .
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nostomannia · 1 year
Since my brain will not let go of Abandoned Solita right now, like this post for some good old plotting with that verse
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newjenns · 2 years
sol the timing is ruthless i agree but it was planned? don’t turn one fucking nice thing we have left into something horrible
girl i didn’t even say anything that fucking serious i just can’t stand him uploading and using technoblade’s name at a time like this which i think is fair e fucking nough all things considered.
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rowanwiccae · 9 months
I am reminded again why, despite how much I WANT to join groups and clubs and fandom discords and chat with ppl and make friends and share fun art and explore exciting subjects..... I shouldn't. My social skills are just garbage and I make ppl awkward with my apparent hot takes and interest in too many other subjects than the 1 and only subject allowed to be talked about and I'm just not good in group spaces. Sometimes I hate how much I can't just be normal....
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soliloquysilver · 1 year
sometimes mental illness is kinda funny. im currently having a breakdown to fucking copacabana of all things lol
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achromatophoric · 2 months
It’s late night at Nevermore Academy. A quietly seething Enid leads a disheveled Wednesday back to their room.
Wednesday: So you see, mi amor, there was never anything to worry about. I have returned unharmed and Weems suspects nothing, precisely as I had planned. As some would say, “no harm, no fowl.”
Enid: *shuts door and glares at Wednesday*
Wednesday: Not even a smile, Querida? Did you not notice that I made a joke?
Enid: Yes, Wednesday. You were investigating werechickens. Ha. Ha.
Wednesday: Werecassowaries. They are significantly more dangerous and… uh…
Enid: *upgrades to death glare*
Wednesday: *swallows* So. Ah. I did not mean to disturb your sleep. Why don’t we—
For the first time, Wednesday notices the mess on her bed. Feathers and fluff in ghastly mimicry of an animal ruined beyond recognition.
Wednesday: What. What is this?
Dark eyes study the mess, then shift to explore the rest of the scene. They alight upon the bird plush that sits atop her desk. The doll, one of a pair of ravens that Enid gifted Wednesday after their first date, is in its assigned location, but its twin? Missing.
Wednesday: Muninn? Where is— oh. Oh no.
Enid: *watches*
Wednesday: What befell Muninn? Who— *breath catches* —who would perform such an appalling act of vandalism? Why??
Enid: Poor, poor Muney. This is like, so tragic. Ya know, I think I might have an idea of what happened.
Wednesday: You… do? *stares at Enid*
Enid: Sure! You see, I heard from the other stuffies that Muney was being a bad raven.
Wednesdays: Oh?
Enid: Yuppers. Muney was being naughty. Muney had promised his best friend Fenrir that he’d stay out of trouble. *nods towards her bed*
The aforementioned wolf plush is perched atop the pile of its cuddly brethren. Enid pauses for effect, then continues.
Enid: Muney swore up and down that he’d at least like, stop lying so that Fenrir wouldn’t stay up all night worrying about him.
Wednesday: Omission is techni—
Enid: *snarls* Don’t. EVEN.
Wednesday: *shuts the fuck up*
Enid: So what was cute, sweet, and endlessly patient Fenrir supposed to even do? When she discovered that Muney had, once again, broken her promise to KEEP me IN the FUCKing LOOP!
Wednesday: *pales*
Enid: *deep breath* So. Poor little Muney fucked up. Poor little Muney was so proud and thought she was so smart. Now look at her! All bits and pieces. Broken legs, broken body. Her entire supply of exotic poisons, flushed down the toilet.
Wednesday: M-my—
Enid: SHUT IT.
Wednesday: *honest to God cringes*
Enid: Muney is fucking lucky that Fenrir is so damned generous, because, why look that, Hugey is still in once piece. Hugey and her fancy. Antique. Knife collection.
Wednesday: *totally whimpers*
Enid: So if Muney knows what’s good for her, she’ll what?
Wednesday: Sh-she’ll be honest with F-Fenrir and uphold her p-promises.
Enid: And?
Wednesday: And she is tr-truly and deeply sorry for ever worrying her beloved wolf. Mi sol furiosa, upon m-my honor as an Addams, I shall endeavor to never malign your trust again.
Enid: 🤨
Wednesday: … and I love you?
Enid: Aw, Willa! I. Love. You. Too! And of course I accept your apology. C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up and into bed. You look beat!
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irishmammonagenda · 4 months
"Solomon." You glare at the sorcerer in question, arms crossed against your chest. "Solomon what the actual fuck is this?"
Solomon just gives you one of his signature closed-eyed smiles and turns away, moving to fix the growing problem in his lab with a calmness you didn't exactly like.
"It'll be fine MC, that's just Alkalis for you."
You watch in abject horror as the massive wad of potassium floats around the surface of the big bowl of water, massive lilac flames sprouting from the exothermic nature of the reaction. You step back, even with safety goggles you worried Solomon would still find a way to turn you blind. You turn away as the 'experiment' comes to a stop.
It wasn't even an experiment. That rat bastard of a sorcerer just had too much extra potassium and wanted to get rid of it.
"Solomon-" You hiss. "That was not cool."
"Yeah it was. Those flames were quite lovely, wouldn't you agree?" The ivory-haired man says relaxedly, bringing his arms over his head and stretching, his shrit riding up just enough that you catch a glimpse of a fraction of one of the Sorcerer's Society symbols he has tattooed on his hip by his T-bone. Solomon yawns before smiling, although it's more of a smirk. "It would truly be beautiful if fire was purple instead of orange in the usual sense. Don't you think so, MC?"
"I mean...maybe, but that doesn't excuse you doing dumb chemistry things because you ran out of magic materials!"
"Uhhh....yes it does."
"Nuhuh Sol, you're wrong."
"Because this is stupid." You huff, on edge seeing as you thought that massive wad of potassium would end your life.
Solomon laughs, arms sneakily wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him. "Chemistry...is a big part of alchemy, my dear. Which, you guessed it, is used in magic."
You squirm in his hold, pouting. "Doesn't mean you have to try to kill me."
"Yes it does." Solomon replies playfully, "Besides, chemistry can be fun, for example, water of crystalisation is water that is chemically bonded into crystal form."
You deadpan. "That is the most boring shit-"
"Don't swear in the lab you bastard. It makes Jeremy sad."
"Jeremy the venus flytrap?" You raise an eyebrow, Solomon swats you on the arm, though not hard, never hard, he couldn't risk hurting his darling apprentice, now could he?
"He's from Neptune, actually."
Solomon takes advantage of your confusion to give you a gentle, yet sneaky kiss on the lips. Which effectively shut off your brain power for an hour or so.
Worst magic/chemistry/alchemy teacher/tutor ever.
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demilypyro · 4 months
YOU'RE LISTENING TO *bike bell sound effect* DEMILY PYRO RADIO *various sound clips of giggling* where we only play ROCK SONGS FROM VIDEOGAMES *videogame gun reloading sound effects* shut the fuck up and listen to THIS *Sol Badguy theme starts playing*
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 11 months
Yandere! Idol! group x F! Reader
Honey 🍯
TW: Buttplugs, kidnapping, noncon, food kink, throat fucking, gangbanging
Pt. 2
A/N: This idol group is entirely made up and not based off of any group in real life.
"Haneul, you've been staring at your phone for a while. Are you ok?" Sol, Haneul's groupmate, asks, tapping Haneul on the shoulder.
Haneul's beige skin shines in sunlight, his black hair blowing in the wind, and his cheeks blushing so heavily that there are two red dots. Haneul had been stalking you since he became a trainee. 
"Is it that coffee girl again?" Jason questions, leaning his head over the passenger's seat. "Dude, you've been stalking her since she was 15. We're both 22 now. Just ask her on a date already and make her ours. Besides, it would clear up the nasty rumor saying that she's a sasaeng."
"I suppose I should. We do have to write a love song for our album, right, Jason?" Haneul suggests showing Jason, Sol, and Honey a photo of you walking home.
"Driver, turn at this road," Sol says, looking at your location from the GPS tracker in your earrings.
"Yes, sir," The driver says, making a hard right.
"Stop next to the girl in black," Haneul says, seeing your earrings glimmer in the sunlight.
A black van screeches to a halt next to you, and suddenly, you're pulled inside. You try to scream for help, but a hand goes over your mouth, preventing any sound from leaving. 
"Shh, sweetheart~ You're ok now," Sol whispers, rubbing your head.
Haneul shuts the door and rubs circles into your thigh.
"How are you doing, sweetie?" Honey asks, buckling you and wrapping a tight arm around your waist.
"Who are you people?!" You scream, making Jason disappointed.
"How could you not recognize us? We've been around you since we were trainees. We even wrote several songs for you. How could you not notice us?" Sol rants, making you cling to Haneul's arm.
"Sol, stop it. You're scaring her!" Haneul scolds, holding you in his arms.
Sol's navy blue hair practically stands up, and he turns away from Haneul. 
"You brutes are all scaring her. I can't believe you guys couldn't get her in the van besides kidnapping her. Don't worry, baby, I'll keep you safe," Hani says, kissing your tear-stained cheek.
"Don't touch her like that! I saw her first!"
"Shut up, Sol! Does the word OURS mean nothing to you?!"
"I don't want to hear that from the punk who tried to ask her out!"
"Neither you nor Haneul can talk, Sol! Especially when one of you had plans to keep her chained up in your room!"
The idol's argument turns into a physical altercation, and soon enough, they're pulling hair and throwing punches. All you can do is cover your head and cower near the car door.
"ENOUGH!" The lady in the passenger seat screams, turning around to face the idols. "EITHER YOU SHARE Y/N, OR NOBODY HAS HER, AND I LET HER GO!"
There's an awkward silence in the van, and the idols slowly let go of each other.
"Yes, Manager Choi," The boys say, fixing themselves up.
"I knew letting you guys move to America was a mistake," She says, turning her head around. "Hey, stop crying. You might as well get used to them. You've become the fifth member of the group."
You cry harder and feel your heart sink.
"Ta-dah! Welcome to the Hive!" Honey says, opening the door to their three-level house. "Upstairs is your and Haneul's room. To the left of yours is mine. Then, to the right are Sol and Jason's rooms. We have our own bathrooms, but feel free to come use ours if you want company."
You shuffle into the room and see the memorabilia from award shows and events. The air has a sickening sweet smell, almost like honey, that makes you nauseous. You feel the bile in your throat build up until you can't hold it anymore. You run to the nearest bathroom and vomit until your throat burns.
"Our queen is sick. I'll get her a spoonful of honey to make her feel better," Hani says, walking to their kitchen.
"Get it all out, sweetie. You'll be okay," Haneul says, rubbing your back and pushing your hair behind your ears.
Your face rests on the toilet seat, and Hanuel moves you so you're on his chest.
"Hani, hurry. Her face is turning pale!" Sol yells, running to your side. "Haneul, get her near the toilet again."
Your eyes roll into your skull, and your vision goes dark.
"Mm," You groan, waking up to Hani rubbing your feet.
"Hello, my queen. Are you feeling better?" Jason asks, moving a piece of hair out of your face.
The smell of honey overwhelms you, and then you see the bee pajamas you're wearing. 
"Don't worry, we didn't do anything dirty. Sol only changed your clothes and brushed your teeth," Haneul says, kissing your left cheek while Jason kisses the right. "How does our queen feel?"
"Let me go!" You scream, only to have your limbs restrained by each group member.
"Aww, I think our Queen Bee needs a good fucking to calm her down?" Haneul says, climbing on top of you and unbuckling his pants.
"Stop it!" You scream, making Haneul silence you with a kiss.
Hani hands Haneul a honey jar, and the black haired member covers his cock in the golden sweet treat. He opens your mouth and sticks his dick into it. Haneul slowly thrusts and has to restrain himself from throat fucking your mouth off as he feels your tongue unconciously lick the honey off his cock. Drool goes down your chin as Haneul deep throats you, and the lustful male thrusts faster, hitting the back of your throat. He sends cum straight down your throat, and slids his dick out of your mouth.
"How cute. Our queen is all calm now that she has some honey in her," Hani says, wiping some cum off your mouth. 
The sweet taste stays on your tongue, and you stare into space, not noticing the other boys unbuckling their pants. Soon after, another cock enters your mouth, followed by another one. They move in synch as they thrust into your mouth. Sol and Jason grunt as the friction from your mouth and their dicks touching each other. Their hands wrap around each other's waists to steady their pace, and they thrust faster. 
"Come on, Jason, Sol. Your cocks need to fill up our queens mouth," Hani says, spanking Jason and Sol's asses. "Come on, cum like the mindless sperm drones you are!"
The two members twitch in pleasure, and they cum from your mouth. A pool of cum forms in your mouth, and you swallow it. Hani hands Jason, Sol, and Haneul a stinger butt plug, and they cum, putting it in as it goes further. Hani does the same, and his cum spills out of his pants.
"Us busy bees need to get to work creating more honey," Hani says, leading the boys away as they try to mess with the butt plug for another round of cum.
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