#should I add the other marauders?
doodlecrumb · 20 days
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Marauders fandom!! You have been summoned. Look! It’s a James! Feast thine eyes! (I’m sorry, do what you want. I’m not the boss of you. Have a nice day.)
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Part 5 - Sock's Fame Au
- Part 5: Tarty Crouch Jr
Part 4 <- -> Part 6
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brokenmenswhore · 11 days
I hate to do asks but like just imagine this! At hogwarts there is a group that’s kinda like a polyamorous relationship but just for s*x and it’s like slytherin and gryffindor students and they decided they wanted someone from like a year younger so they start to slowly talk to innocent reader to get them comfortable around them before starting to get touchy with her (maybe she is a hufflepuff? That’s my house)
i’m a hufflepuff too 🫶🏻 thanks for feeling comfy enough to send me this ask if you don’t usually like doing that!
a proposition | poly!marauders
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pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader (james, remus, and sirius, featuring alecto, dorcas, evan, lily, and mary)
warnings: none!
a/n: i don’t even realize my sirius favoritism until i proofread a poly story and i’m like damn okay then WHORE
part 2
────── ☾ ──────
Everyone knew about it.
Even though it wasn’t spoken of in the presence of the students not involved, everyone knew about it.
It wasn’t exactly a polyamorous relationship, because a relationship implies more than just physicality, which is what it was. It was purely for sex.
It was started, of course, by Sirius Black. He had a casanova reputation, and after a while, he started looking to the same group of girls when he was in the mood. His best friend, Remus, unknowingly slept with quite a few of the same girls, and a lot of those girls slept with each other.
James didn’t have as much sex as his two best friends, but he quickly became involved. After a while, a group was established.
All of the students involved knew one another well, and were all somewhat close friends that had not romantic desires toward one another, but unashamed lust. It was a sex positive group, and was essentially just a group of students who fucked each other whenever.
Despite the unofficial, non-relationship standing, they all agreed to only have sex with each other. If they wanted to add someone into the group, they all had to agree to it. So, in a way, it was a relationship, but, in a way, it wasn’t. There wasn’t really a label on what it was, but it worked for them.
Everyone in the group was in the same year at Hogwarts, so they all related to each other well.
However, a few of them began to crave something new- someone not so in line with everyone.
Everyone sat in the Gryffindor common room at an hour late enough that most others were asleep. James sat on the floor, his back resting between Dorcas’s legs as she played with his hair, tying small braids from the curly strands.
“We wanna bring something up,” James said.
“We’re doing we’s now?” Sirius scolded, taking a drag of his cigarette.
“I just mean, there’s something Dorcas and I talked about, and now I’m talking about it with all of you,” James clarified.
“Fair enough, what’s up?” Mary asked.
“I’m wondering how everyone here would feel about inviting someone new into the group.”
Everyone looked around the room at one another, attempting to gage the energy of everyone else before speaking their own opinions.
“I vote we should bring in someone younger,” Evan added.
“Younger like what? Like wouldn’t that be weird?” Remus asked.
“No, idiot, like a year under us,” Evan retorted.
“Where the fuck are we gonna find someone a year younger than us who would be down to do this?” Mary questioned.
Sirius flicked a spark off of his cigarette, clearing his throat and sitting forward a bit. “I have someone in mind.”
“Has everyone been trying to scope out prospects? Am I the only one who hasn’t thought about inviting in anyone new?” Alecto asked.
There was another shared look, and everyone shrugged. They had all thought about a change.
“Who’d you have in mind, Sirius?” Dorcas brought the attention back to his statement.
“There’s this hufflepuff a year below us, seems super innocent though,” Sirius said, taking a quick hit of smoke, “blushes every time I look at her.”
“Is she hot?” Remus asked.
“No, I’m proposing we all fuck her because she’s not hot,” Sirius snapped, his voice laced with evident sarcasm.
Sirius told them your name, and a few of them already knew who you were.
“She’s super cute!” Dorcas exclaimed, “I’m super down for that. Anyone disagree?”
Everybody was on board with the idea.
────── ☾ ──────
“Go on, then.”
James turned to Sirius and Remus, saying, “why does it have to be me? You go do it.”
“Fine,” Sirius replied, “Remus, go talk to her.”
Remus threw his hands up. “What happened to being set on making James do it?”
Sirius shrugged his shoulders. “She’s not gonna be sitting at that table forever. You nervous or somethin’?”
“No,” Remus quickly replied, “this is just, I don’t know, weird.”
“How’s it weird?”
“Because I’m about to go interrupt the poor girl in order to talk to her with the intention of later asking her to fuck me and all my friends,” Remus explained, “I don’t know, it’s just a weird thing to do.”
“Fuckin’ hell, I can’t stand you two,” Sirius said, flicking a spark off of his cigarette and walking over to you. He sat down across the table from you, watching you intently as you scribbled notes off a textbook.
You didn’t look up because you didn’t even consider that he was sitting near you for a reason.
You looked up, and Sirius was looking directly at you. The familiar tint of red crept into your cheeks. “Hi.”
He took a drag of his cigarette, kicking his feet up onto the table. “Seen you around quite a bit.”
You couldn’t help but stare at his lips as they wrapped around the cigarette.
“We do go to the same school,” you quipped, smiling to show it was lighthearted.
Sirius smirked, happy you were responding well to him. “I usually don’t get on with anyone that isn’t in my year.”
“Why talk to me then?” you asked.
“Don’t know,” Sirius said, swinging his feet off the table and leaning his torso over the table a bit, “guess somethin’ just caught my eye.”
He knew his flirtations would make you blush, and they did just that. You smiled as you tilted your head back down, pretending to look over your notes in an attempt to calm yourself.
Sirius’s smile only widened watching you squirm under his gaze. “Whatcha studying?”
“Fwoopers,” you responded, “but understanding seems to evade me sometimes.”
“You know who’s super smart? My friend James.”
“Wh-“ before you could even stop him, Sirius signaled over James, who approached you with Remus in tow.
“This is James, James, say hi.”
James sighed. “I’m not a dog, Sirius, unlike some people.”
“Funny,” Sirius retorted, “do you think you could help my new friend with some Care of Magical Creatures work?”
“Oh, I don’t- I’m all good, I-“
“Course,” James lit up, sitting down directly next to you, “lemme see.”
He pulled the textbook toward him, familiarizing himself with what you were reading as Remus took a seat next to Sirius.
You watched a few girls walk past your table, shooting you dirty looks when they noticed that the boys were otherwise occupied with you. Sirius, Remus, and James has grown to be quite popular, and them speaking with a random, younger Hufflepuff was odd. Remus noticed your shift in energy.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, I just- I’m a year under you, I can’t do your schoolwork for you or anything.”
Sirius furrowed his brows in confusion. “Why would we want you to do our schoolwork?”
“I don’t know, is that not why you’re all talking to me?”
James diverted his attention from your textbook, looking at you in understanding. He felt a pant of guilt for springing everyone on you at once, and a pang of sadness for the fact you didn’t think they would actually want to talk to you just because.
“You forget James is top of his class,” Sirius said, but James didn’t think the mood called for quips. He shot Sirius a look, taking over the conversation.
“We’re sorry if we came off a little strong,” he started, “we all just wanted to say hey. We see you around a lot and think you’re cute, it’s as simple as that.”
“Oh,” you said, suddenly turning weak.
Sirius was smiling and relaxing back into the chair, amused to high hell with how innocent and blushy you were from such a small little compliment. He was so happy he suggested you.
────── ☾ ──────
The following day, Remus and Lily caught you walking down a corridor during your free period.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” you asked, directing the question toward Remus as they caught up to you.
“Didn’t feel like going,” Remus said, nonchalant.
“You can’t just not go,” you laughed, assuming he wasn’t serious.
“Be careful with this one,” Lily said to you, gesturing to Remus, “he’s a horrible influence. You wouldn’t have caught me dead skipping a lecture last year. He can be very persuasive.”
Something about the way she said it made you swallow hard, suddenly extremely aware of your presence and appearance.
“I’m Lily,” she finally introduced herself, throwing a piece of hair behind her shoulder. She was beautiful, and you became self conscious in her vicinity.
You didn’t respond, just smiled, so she took the opportunity to continue. “My friends and I are all headed to Hogsmeade later. You’re welcome to join if you want!”
“You’d want me to join?” you questioned.
“Don’t be silly, why not? Remus will be there too, and a ton of other really cool people.”
You contemplated your options. You had no reason to believe that Remus and Lily were not genuine in their invitation, and you were excited at the prospect of new friends. “Sure,” you responded.
Lily squealed and gave you a small hug. “I’ll go tell everyone you’re coming!”
“Why would you need-“
Lily scrambled off down the hallway, leaving you alone with Remus.
“She tends to get excited,” Remus explained, “she’s the friendliest people-person I know. Can get quite annoying, actually.”
You giggled at his statement, and he took the opportunity to brush his hand against yours. You took it as an accident, so you didn’t even react, but then he intertwined his fingers with your own.
You didn’t retract your hand, but instead looked to where yours met his, and then looked at him. He continued looking forward, walking alongside you and not acknowledging what he did. He wanted to see if you would pull away on your own, but you didn’t. It felt comfortable.
You got ready for your trip with your new friends alone, since all of them were in Gryffindor or Slytherin and stuck to their respective common rooms. You caught Lily and Mary outside of their common room, and you walked with them down to Hogsmeade.
Now that you were outside of the castle walls, you noticed a shift in how everyone acted with one another. They were all very touchy, making sexual innuendos at each other and allowing themselves to have fun without restriction.
You followed as they immediately went to Honeydukes. Alecto informed you that Sirius had a serious sweet tooth, and always made everyone go there as the very first stop on their trips. No one complained, though, because they all wanted to anyway.
As you all exited the shop, Dorcas made a show of sucking her lollipop, staring Evan in the eyes as she did so. You felt your cheeks go hot, almost feeling like you saw something you shouldn’t have.
The next stop was the Three Broomsticks, and James saw your confusion as you reached the entrance.
“You okay?” he asked you.
“Yeah, just- didn’t you all just get a whole bunch of sweets?”
James laughed, “and?”
You smiled toward him. “Fair enough.”
“We don’t like to shy away from the pleasure of life, darling,” Dorcas said, imitating a very english accent. Everyone laughed in unison at her impression.
You all crowded around a table, and you remained silent, your hands in your lap for fear of obstructing the space Sirius had to your left and Mary had to your right.
You listened intently as everyone joked and talked about their current courses and professors, when suddenly a question was directed at you.
“So tell me, which professor do you like the least? I just know it’s Professor Bins. I mean, you’re crazy if you don’t say Bins,” Lily said.
“If I had to pick, sure,” you said.
“He’s never done anything to drive you crazy?”
“I mean, there was this one time he assigned so much work over the holiday that someone threw a desk out the window,” you started.
“Wait what? What exactly happened?” Lily asked, enthusiastic that you were finally opening up.
“It was just all textbook readings and analysis, especially about the Ministry and MACUSA and all that, and he said it had to be done by the time we came back from holiday. A few students protested, and he just got more and more angry until someone stood up, picked up a desk, and chucked it out the window. It happened so fast I don’t think anyone had the time to levitate it before it hit the ground.”
Everyone chuckled at the story, and you felt at ease now that you were becoming more and more comfortable with the group.
“And did he…”
“Faint from sheer stress? Oh absolutely,” you added, smiling as you spoke, your posture adjusting to mimic your growing comfort.
You didn’t catch it, but Sirius and Remus exchanged a look, nodding their heads upward at one another as Sirius gently placed his hand on your thigh.
Your body jolted a slight bit as you flinched, startled by the unfamiliar feeling. Sirius immediately pulled his hand away, but you turned to him, and spoke low enough that only he could hear. “It’s okay, you can leave it there.”
Sirius put his hand back, resting it low on your thigh. As time went on, and you continued talking, he began to rub his thumb on your leg. It felt unfamiliar, but soothing and intimate.
Of course you were attracted to the people at the table: they were all insanely attractive and kind to you, but you hadn’t felt this feeling before. Someone was touching you, and so intimately, and it was doing something to you.
Sirius began to slowly creep his hand upward, rubbing your inner thigh under your skirt, only a few inches away from your most sensitive area.
You shuddered and your breathing hitched in your throat, but you didn’t stop him.
You were suddenly snapped back to reality when you noticed everyone watching you. You looked around the table, slightly embarrassed and slightly confused.
“We have a proposition for you,” James said.
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ellecdc · 3 months
hi mother i love ur writing !!! i was just wondering if you could write something with any ship that has james in it, where they're proud of reader bc she cleaned her room? i have really bad adhd and im cleaning it rn and im pretty proud of myself :) anyways its okay if not ! i love youuu !!!
thanks for your request, lovie (and congrats on cleaning your room!!!) here's a little baby blurb for you <3
marauders x roommate!reader who cleaned her room [500 words]
CW: platonic but could be read as something else, fem!reader, hints at non-platonic feelings but nothing outward
“One second, I’ll ask.” James says before he’s knocking on your bedroom door.
You had hardly raised your head to answer before he was pushing open the door door, his knock unanswered.
“Hey angel! Sirius and Remus are wondering if we want them to pick up- OH MY GOD!” He cut himself off, shouting as he looked around your room in…horror?
No, he was looking around your room in shock.
“What!?” You could hear Sirius shout from the other end of the line; a conversation that James had seemingly abandoned as he stared around your space. 
“What did you do?” James asked you breathlessly; finally moving his disbelieving stare from your belongings to yourself.
You suddenly felt horribly aware of yourself. You’d been cleaning all day; you had moved every piece of furniture and hoovered underneath and behind them, you had sorted out your closet and dresser, and you had finally organised the things that you had stashed under your bed to ‘deal with later’.
All this to say: you were sweaty, likely dirty, and you were sure your hair was in a right state.
“James what the hell is going on!? Is everything okay!?” Sirius’ muffled voice shouted from James’ phone. 
“James, you’re giving Sirius a fright.” You chided instead of drawing more attention to yourself.
James seemed to remember himself at that and brought the phone back up to his ear. “Sorry, sorry. What was that, Pads?”
Sirius’ response was quieter than before, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was still worked up.
“No, no. Sorry, everyone is fine. It’s just…bloody hell Pads, she cleaned her room!”
Another hot flash of embarrassment surged through you.
“It wasn’t that bad.” You mumbled as you folded your last shirt.
“Of course it wasn’t, angel. That’s not what I meant.” James offered; significantly softening at your worried expression. “I just know this had been on your list for a long while, and I also know how fucking hard this must have been.”
You hardly had a moment to wave him off before you heard Sirius shout “we want to see!” from the other end of the line.
Protests meeting deaf ears - because it apparently didn’t matter that they’d be home in a measly half hour - James was quickly turning the call into a facetime and pointing the camera around your room.
“Oh my god!” Sirius echoed James’ earlier sentiments. 
“It looks great, dovey!” Remus chimed in. “You must have been in there all day!”
“It looks amazing.” James agreed quickly, bending over to survey under your bed. “Think you can do mine next?”
“Prongs!” Remus was quick to admonish. “No, she’s done quite enough for the day I’d say.”
“Forget I asked anything Prongs; we are getting pizza and we are celebrating.” Sirius decided. 
“We don’t need to celebrate the fact that I cleaned my room, you sods.” You scolded.
“Oi.” Sirius called with faux severity. “Let us celebrate our sweet girl if we so please.”
“We should get a cake, too.” You heard him add as he and James ended the call.
“It looks really good, angel.” James repeated; no longer looking around your room in awe, but rather at you with a peculiarly soft expression. 
“Thank you Jamie.” 
James spent a moment longer smiling at you before he was turning to leave your room. “I’ll set up the living room for us. What movie do you want to watch? Don’t answer that; I already know!”
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fuckmymunson · 2 years
Dom poly marauders x sub reader who can’t take anything seriously and always jokes around (not being a brat, maybe, kind yes)
One of them is pounding into her and asks “Who’s pussy is this?” / “Who this pussy belongs to?” and reader replies with “It’s my pussy, but we can share.” / “It belongs to me but we can have shared custody if you want.”
And they can’t get mad at her with that because damn, she’s lying there, propped on her elbows and making them laugh while being irreplaceably sexy and pretty, suddenly they all slip from their serious role and have a sex with only dom/sub dynamic vibes
Ugh yes— plus I can see it as a constant teasing and so many punishments!!!!😵‍💫. Send me asks/thoughts/blurbs! Airport time!
18+, smut, poly!Marauders, Dom/sub relationships, mwah. Ofc not proofread.
You moan around Remus' hard cock while you feel Sirius literally rearranging your guts from behind. They both groan in pleasure and mock you endlessly, calling you names, making fun of your blissed out state… anything to break you from that petty bratty attitude.
"What was that, whore?" Remus asks as he yanks your hair back, removing his cock from the back of your throat.
"We asked you a question" Sirius adds with a harsh slap on your thigh, making you yelp. "Who this fucking wet pussy belongs to?"
You smile, almost wickedly.
"It belongs to me, but I'm generous enough to share it with you, just don't ask for custody"
Remus rolls his eyes, huffing annoyed. He hates the passion you have to push their buttons. Sirius on the other hand, a big hothead, only takes your answer as an offense. His hand slaps your ass so hard, that the teasing grin on your face falls and your eyes water quickly.
"I swear you are gonna regret those words" He whispers, snapping his hips against you again, harsh, fast, over and over.
The door opens, and James walks in. He's holding his tie in one hand and looks tired, he hated to clean the trophies room. But the moment he sees you naked on Remus' bed, moaning against his thigh, drooling and getting your pussy completely ruined, he feels like a new man. He throws his tie to his bed and quickly starts to remove his clothes, smiling.
"What's the punishment today?" He asks.
"Bitch won't stop being a brat" Sirius groans, wrapping a hand around your neck.
"Is that true?" James tilts his head, taking a seat at the edge of the shaky bed and tracing one of his fingers on your back, fingertips sliding over the bite marks all over your skin.
"Not m–my fault Sirius is a pussy" You mutter, mischievously. "But I g—guess you are what you eat"
"So under that logic, you are a dick?" Remus laughs, anger already far behind. He yanks your hair and guides his cock to your mouth again.
You nod, sucking him dry. Your left hand sneaks under the covers to wrap itself around James' cock, already rock hard. He hisses in delight and lets his head back.
You take a moment to breathe, tears falling down your eyes. "I am a huge dick, so big even Sirius would be jealous of me"
James and Remus bark a laugh, almost coughing. Between moans and giggles, the air changes a bit. Sirius shakes his head and hold a laugh too. He can't believe you sometimes.
"Good fucking luck you are pretty as hell" Sirius says behind you, caressing your sides. "I should slap the shit of you for those words"
"You w–wont" You moan, challenging him. "Pussy"
"He won't but I will" Remus breaks in and squeezes your cheeks, making you raise your head a bit to look at him. The position is a bit uncomfortable and you can feel your neck sore at the effort. "You think you are so funny, maybe you are, maybe not. You should be grateful I even let you suck my dick"
You gasp, offended. "I am—"
"Shut up" He interrupts you. "I'll let this little bratty outbreak slide this time, this time only" He pats your cheek gently. "Now open up, gonna spit inside that filthy bratty mouth of yours"
I know it sucks im a whore—
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alwaysmoncheri · 6 months
hiii would u be open to writing remus lupin x reader with the prompt *x put head on y’s shoulder* “just don’t leave…” with either remus saying it or the reader? no worries if not <3 🦌🦌
hi, my love!! thank you for requesting! i hope this is what you’re looking for! i was in a little bit of a writer block last night so this may not be my best work, i apologize for that, honey </3
cw: fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, mentions of remus being a werewolf, remus feels insecure, the marauders not being very helpful, established relationship, crying, 0.9k
Remus isn’t one to hide who he is, you know he’s a werewolf, he’s been vulnerable with you before, so when he starts to become a little distant from you, you know exactly why. The past few days have been rough for him, you know. Leading up to a full moon is almost always worse than the aftermath. But this time, Remus seems particularly bothered. He still holds your hand to classes and reads to you at night, but something about the way he always is distracted, like loosely holing your hand without knowing and constantly losing his place while reading makes you feel like his mind is truly elsewhere.
The Marauders aren’t helping the situation either. Sure, they’re supportive of their friend and you know they’re always there for him, but the pitying glances don’t go unnoticed by both you and Remus and you don’t presume he is very fond of those looks. You don’t blame him.
At dinner, the night before the full moon, James, Sirius, and Peter keep repeating the same set of motions. Their eyes dart from each other, their food, to Remus, and back to each other. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at their obvious display of concern because Remus doesn’t really need that right now and they should know that after all this time. After tolerating the silent glances for the majority of dinner, Remus shifts uncomfortably, his eyes not leaving his food. You gently slide your hand into his, hoping offer some comfort, and when he accepts you take it a step furthur and draw small circles with your thumb on the back of his hand. This doesn’t last long. When the other three boys offer sympathetic smiles, Remus notices and stands from his seat, dropping your hand and walking out of The Great Hall with quick strides.
“Would you guys quit it?” you hiss at the boys across the table who’s eyes widen at the abrupt snap of your head in their direction.
“What?” They reply in unison and share a few nervous glances before returning to your harsh gaze.
“Remus clearly isn’t doing well,” you say, pointing out the obvious, “the least you can do is not look at him like he’s dying.” you add gesturing in the direction of the door, where Remus had walked out of.
“We’re not—”
“Save it,” you cut James off, who makes an attempt to defend the three of them. You roll your eyes, standing from your seat, “I’m going to check on him.” you state before following the previous path of your boyfriend, out the door and to your dorms.
When you arrive in the common room and head towards the boys’ dorm you hear quiet sobs echoing through the door. Your throat tightens and you hesitate to move towards the sound, but you do anyway because you know Remus needs somebody and you’re always willing to be that somebody.
“Remus?” you call out before pushing the door open and are met with a sniffling Remus, eyes red and puffy. Your heart almost breaks in two, the sight enough to make you feel the clenching in your chest and for a moment, you unknowingly hold your breath.
“Hey, lovely.” Remus greets and his voice cracks with the attempt to cover a sob that might’ve escaped his lips.
“Oh, honey.” you whisper and Remus bows his head, with shame or just to wipe the tears off his face, you don’t know. You walk towards the bed before sitting next to him, hand rubbing his shoulder, slowly sliding down to hold his hand, once more, “Do you want to talk about it?” you offer, bringing Remus to lift his head up and meet your gaze, a lump grows in your throat at his broken expression and you try to keep it together for him.
“I’m just so tired—” Remus starts, before a sob escapes his lips. He reaches out for you and you don’t hesitate to bring him into your arms, his head rests on your shoulder, your hands cupping the back of his neck, while his hands wrap around you waist, “ —I don’t want to be like this anymore.” Remus admits, his voice breaking and you feel your shirt dampen with tears.
“Hey, I’m here.” you say, gently running your hands through Remus’s hair and up and down the length of his back, “James, Sirius and Peter are here.” You add and you feel Remus’s sobs turn to sniffles against your shoulder. “Even if they get on your nerves, they mean well.”
“I know…” Remus says, the sound muffled against your shoulder. He lifts his head, your eyes meeting his puffy ones, “Is it okay if we just stay like this?” Remus asks hesitantly, as if you would ever say no to him.
“It’s more than okay.” You whisper, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. You start to shift your body further onto the bed before Remus’s tight grip around your waist prevents you from doing so. Your eyebrows furrow with confusion before hearing Remus’s desperate voice.
“Don’t leave me, please…” Remus begs, clinging onto you.
I’m never going to leave you,” you reply and Remus nods continuously against your shoulder, his hair falling into his face and brushing yours, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Remus says, his voice shaky but calmer than before, “I don’t know what I would do without you.” He admits and your heart warms with his words.
You smile, pulling the both of you back onto his bed in a more comfortable position with his head still tucked into your shoulder, “And you’ll never have to know,” you whisper before you close your eyes and allow yourself to rest.
masterlist . remus lupin masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
tags: @googie-jeon, @annoyingmidgetwhowrites, @jordie-gvf, @marauderswhxre, @vixparker, @moonsupremacy01, @enamoredwithbella
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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techhasmjolnir · 7 months
Dealer's Choice
Plot: You and the guys are enjoying some downtime in between missions, and one night you all decide to kill some time by playing a game. Things quickly take a bawdy turn.
Author's Notes:
Many thanks to @zoeykallus and her wonderful “Truth or Dare” story as the inspiration for me to finally craft a poly Batch tale.
Unlike my other works, there's a general description of the reader as someone that's into body modifications (piercings and tattoos). Additionally, assume the reader has a contraceptive implant. No other description of the reader is implied, nor should it be inferred. This story also assumes that the interest is there between the reader and the boys, but they're not yet in a relationship.
Sit back and set aside some time to read this one, for it comes in with a word count of 14,009.
Important Notes:
This content is strictly for audiences 18+. The roles in this story assume female readers and all members of the Bad Batch. Concepts introduced include: creampie, cum eating, cum swapping, dirty talk, female ejaculation, M & F masturbation, M & F oral (giving & receiving), PiV, toys
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A collective sigh of relief comes from you and the men you've spent the past year working with, the specialist troopers of Clone Force 99. After bouncing endlessly between missions, the word is finally given that all of you are to take a standard Galactic month off for much-needed R & R, and to spend time overhauling the Marauder. You look forward to going home to your countryside villa on Naboo, and extend the offer for the guys to stay with you instead of spending their nights on the ship.
“This is some place you've got here, Y/N,” Wrecker says, his head swiveling around to look at the large vestibule into which everyone is gathered.
“This is nothing,” you reply, groaning as you let your heavy backpack slide off your shoulders. “You should see some of the villas out in Lake Country. This place? It's modest, by Naboo standards. I did the best I could hoarding credits away for years during my time as a bounty hunter in order to be able to afford it.”
“Bounty hunter? I suppose that explains how you ended up with us,” Tech chimes in as he pushes his lenses back in place. “Mercenary work is a natural extension of bounty hunting, in terms of a general skill set.”
“You're not wrong about that, Tech. I may not have enhanced tracking abilities like Hunter, but I more than make up for it elsewhere. All right, since all of you are going to be crashing here for the next month, you're more than welcome to occupy any of the spare bedrooms on the second or third floors. It looks like the housekeeper was here just recently, so everything should be cleaned and in full working order. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been dying for a real shower ever since we were holed up in that dump on Tatooine!”
“Don't remind me,” Crosshair remarks. “I think I still have the stench of bantha on me.”
“I thought it was obvious it was their breeding season,” Tech slyly adds, never missing the opportunity to get digs in on Crosshair whenever possible.
“Enough, you two,” Hunter interrupts. “Grab your gear and head upstairs. Y/N's been gracious enough to let us stay here instead of being miserable in the Marauder every night, so let's at least try and act somewhat civil.”
You let out a cackle and painstakingly re-shoulder your backpack. “All right, you guys. Go upstairs and get settled. How about we reconvene in a few hours for something to eat, and maybe start unwinding with a game or two?” You start walking off to your bedroom, stopping to turn around when you hear Echo.
“Where are you going, Y/N?”
“Oh, my quarters are down here. I don't think there's enough room in there for all of us,” you tease.
You disappear down the hall toward your bedroom as the guys start making their way to the second floor, completely out of earshot as Crosshair casually says, “you want to make a bet?”
“All right, guys, the rules are simple. All you have to do is spin the bottle, and whoever it points at is the one who will be asked “truth or dare.” If you pick truth, just answer the question honestly. We're all adults here, so there's no need to be embarrassed about anything. Same goes for dare. The only rule about dares is that you don't have to do them if it violates your personal ethics, or is a violation of whatever you consider to be your hard limits. You can rescind consent at any time and ask for a pass, or change it to truth. I just have a hard time believing you guys have never played this game before...I think almost every culture in this galaxy plays some version!”
“Remember, Y/N, we're from Kamino. “Fun” and “games” are two words that are not in the Kaminoans' language,” Hunter offers. “We did our best to amuse ourselves when we were boys as a means of escape from our harsh reality...but not with anything like this.”
“She doesn't need a trip down your memory lane, Hunter,” Crosshair sighs irritably, shifting his ubiquitous toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. “Are we doing this, or what?”
You roll your eyes and set an empty wine bottle on the floor. “Since you are my guests, one of you can spin the bottle first. Mmm, Wrecker, you want to do it?”
“Absolutely! Let me at it,” he says cheerily.
“Wrecker, mind your strength,” Tech warns. “We do not need you launching the bottle into the wall, or one of us.”
Wrecker's huge hand closes around the wine bottle and he gives it a deft spin. It slows and comes to a stop, the neck pointing at Crosshair. He chuckles and narrows his good eye as he looks at his brother's seemingly constant sour expression. “Oi, Cross...truth or dare?”
There's an audible crunch as Crosshair snaps the toothpick, hastily plucking the broken pieces out of his mouth. “Do I have to?” he grumbles.
“Do you have to be so disagreeable all the time, Crosshair?” you reply, half jokingly. Quiet laughter from the others ceases when you hold up your hand. “It's a harmless game. Just relax and play along. You might just have fun.”
“All right, fine. Truth,” he says churlishly.
Wrecker's face breaks out into a huge grin, and you have the feeling he's up to something. “Yes or no – do you have a crush on Y/N?”
Crosshair's eyes widen, heat stealing its way up the back of his neck and into his ears. You look around at the others, surprised that Wrecker would lead off with a very revealing question. Hunter is trying not to smile, and Echo and Tech share a knowing glance. You won't be surprised if Crosshair answers yes; it wouldn't be the first time someone admitted they had feelings for you while working closely together. The reactions of the others suggest your prediction is correct.
“Well? Do you?” Wrecker asks again, grinning madly.
Crosshair digs his fingertips into the arms of the chair in which he's sitting, his face slightly reddened. “Yes! Yes, all right? For fuck's sake, Wrecker, did you have to do that?” He turns his head away, not able to look at anyone, especially you.
Uproarious laughter fills the room as everyone finds it hysterical their normally unflappable brother is quite humiliated. The only one not laughing is you, because while you find it fitting that Crosshair is temporarily subdued, you're empathetic. You've always known Crosshair is a very private person, and admitting something like this represents a serious loss of control.
“Guys, please. Crosshair, it's your turn. Spin the bottle,” you say gently.
He sighs softly and turns to look at you, his cheeks tinged red. His dark eyes bore into yours and don't break your gaze as he leans down and forward, speedily grabbing it and setting it in motion. The bottle wobbles for a moment before it stops and points at you. You can hear Tech muttering something to Echo under his breath and for a split second, you have a feeling of apprehension. Crosshair's pride is hurt, and now that means he's unpredictable.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?” he sneers, completely evaporating whatever embarrassment he just felt.
Everyone's eyes are on you, keen to see if you'll accept a challenge from him. You look around and grin, chuckling softly. “Well, I hate to disappoint you, boys, but for the first round, I'm going to have to go with truth.”
One look at Crosshair's expression tells you exactly what he plans on doing; he's going to try and retaliate in an effort to fluster you. “Have you ever fantasized about any of us in a sexual way?”
You feel your heart start to race a little and you do your best to stay calm. Heat flows into your cheeks and as your expression softens, a little grin is riddled upon your lips. Ever since you became part of the squad, you've done your best to try and maintain an air of professionalism, but you're only human, and with five handsome men always in close contact with you, you certainly entertained thoughts of what it would be like to be with any one of them.
“Hey, are you in there?” Wrecker asks.
“I'm...thinking,” you reply slowly, the grin becoming a big smile. Finally you end up laughing, rolling your eyes as you speak. “Of course I have. Anyone with eyes would end up fantasizing about a group of incredibly attractive guys like you. There. Are you happy, Crosshair?”
He smirks at you, sitting back in his chair as he taps his cheek idly with his finger. “Not just yet, but give it some time. I think I will be.”
“Are you ever going to accept a dare?” Crosshair complains. “I think you're playing coy on purpose.”
The game has been going on for awhile now, and it's been highly entertaining. The bulk of the racy questions have all been directed at you, and the only reason you've hesitated opting for a dare is because you know the minute you say yes, someone is going to get really creative, which will result in you losing an article of clothing. You're no stranger to being in various states of undress around men out in the field, and the guys are no exception, but you've never been completely naked around them.
“All right, all right! Fine! If you're that keen on it, I'll take a dare. Just make it a good one, Crosshair,” you say, feeling your heart starting to beat a little faster.
Crosshair grins and runs his hand through his hair, pausing briefly before speaking. “I think we've all learned quite a bit of...shall I say...interesting things about you tonight, Kitten.”
“Cross, don't call me that. You know I don't like it,” you sigh, rubbing your forehead. “Where are you going with this?”
“You wanted a good dare? I've been thinking about this all night, and it's something I think we're all going to like,” he says, a disconcerting grin emerging. “As long as you consent, of course.”
It doesn't escape your notice that Hunter flashes him a questioning look, and both Tech and Echo moved forward to the edge of one of the couches they're sitting on, clearly interested as to what could possibly be this good. Wrecker glances over at you, puzzled as to what Crosshair's about to do, and as you look over at him, you shrug. As you look back at Crosshair, he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, a very hungry look in his eyes.
“I've consented to everything you boys have thrown at me tonight. I can handle whatever you come up with.”
“That's good to know, because you're going to strip down to nothing and stay that way the rest of the night.”
You flash him a look of defiance, momentarily catching him off guard. “Fine by me! I've got nothing to hide, and besides...” You pause and look around at the guys, all of whom have the tiniest of grins on their faces. “The likelihood of all of you not wanting to see me naked is precisely zero.”
Tech clears his throat a little nervously. “I do believe she's got us, there. Statistically speaking...”
“Tech, shut up for a moment, will you?” Crosshair snaps. “Y/N, you accepted the dare, so follow through with it.”
You slowly rise and roll your shoulders as you stretch. Sighing softly, you pull the tie for the lower back of your top, letting the ribbons flutter loosely around your hips. The guys have all gone quiet, watching with you with rapt interest. Closing your eyes, you let your head fall back a little as you reach up to loosen the ribbon at your neck, pulling away your top and letting it fall to the floor. You can hear someone's breath hitch in his throat as your chest is on full display. Heavy tattooing spans the area over your breasts and down your sternum, prominent steel rings in your nipples.
You open your eyes and Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker are looking at you completely awestruck. Glancing over your shoulder at Tech and Echo, you wink and flash them a sexy grin, chuckling as you see color beginning to creep into both their faces. “You won't be left out, boys. Just be patient.”
Might as well give them a little show, as long as I'm doing this, you think. Really give them something to get off on, later...
Sliding your thumbs under the waistband of your soft, loose pants, you start to roll your hips in an enticing manner, purposely making eye contact with Crosshair. You slowly begin to slide the material down, the silky shimmer of your black panties coming into view. He stares, completely enamored, shifting uncomfortably in his seat in an effort to disguise the fact he's starting to grow hard. Despite the fact that Tech and Echo are sitting behind you, they're getting as much of a show as the other three, and the moment your muscular ass comes into view, one of them accidentally lets slip a tiny groan. You grin and step out of your pants, casting them aside to join your top.
“Mm, someone's enjoying the view, am I right?” you say, your voice lowering seductively as you turn to look over at Wrecker, who's got his hands in his lap, trying to cover up his growing arousal. “Please, big guy, I'm not stupid. If anything, it's pretty fucking hot.”
You bring a hand to your chest, letting it linger between your breasts, as the other slides down your stomach and lightly grazes your pubic mound. Letting out a content sigh, you hook your index fingers in the band of your panties and begin to lower them almost agonizingly slow, stepping out of them carefully as you drop them with the rest of your clothes. You're careful not to reveal too much of yourself, but you can't help but part your legs just a little so that the ring in the hood of your clit is plainly visible.
“By the Maker...” you hear Tech utter quietly.
You raise your hands above your head and lazily turn yourself around in a full circle so everyone gets a full look at you, coming to a stop in front of Tech and Echo. The two of them can't stop themselves from looking you over head to toe, with Tech's attention turning to your hood piercing. A broad grin crosses your face as you take your index finger and let it rest under his chin, tipping his head up so his golden brown eyes meet yours.
“My eyes are up here, honey,” you laugh. “It's all right. You like what you see. There's no shame in that.” You look at Echo, his normally pale skin now flushed pink with arousal. “I think the same goes for you, too, dear.” You turn around to face Crosshair, a look of smug superiority on your face. “Well? I did it, and I managed to render you speechless. I consider that a rare victory...and I do believe it's my turn to spin the bottle.”
You sit down on the floor, keeping your legs closed and to the side. Giving the bottle a hefty spin, it eventually stops and points to Wrecker. “Truth or dare?” you ask, a little smile on your face. He looks over at you, blinking slowly as he makes up his mind. Heat floods his cheeks as he feels his cock twitch heavily under his hands. “Which one, Wrecker?”
“Truth,” he says hesitantly.
“Hm. If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?”
His mind immediately goes blank trying to think of something plausible, because he's embarrassed to tell you the truth. “A giant bowl of Mantell Mix would hit the spot,” he mumbles.
Crosshair bursts out in derisive laughter. “Wrecker, you're the worst fucking liar. Really? Mantell Mix? You're going to have to do better than that!”
Hunter rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, turning to look at Wrecker. “Just tell her the real truth, vod. The smell of it rolling off you is getting to be a bit much.”
Wrecker groans and closes his eyes. “All right, fine. Honestly? I'd love to have you sitting in my lap with my cock buried in you, while I play with your clit.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, a mixture of amusement and intrigue on your face. “Well...I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that out of you.” The idea of having him splitting you in half with what is probably quite a thick cock is tantalizing. You feel the stone of arousal forming in the pit of your chest, along with a tiny pulse in your clit.
This gets a rise out of the rest of the guys; they're all laughing quietly and Echo gently pokes Wrecker in the arm playfully with his scomp-link.
“Come on, everyone. If Wrecker is brave enough to say that, then I'm betting the rest of you are having some pretty sexually charged thoughts, too,” you gently chide.
Wrecker takes the bottle from you and a brief look of appreciation passes between the two of you. It spins wildly before ultimately pointing to Hunter. “Truth or dare?” he rumbles.
Hunter's dark eyes lock on yours before he speaks. “Truth.”
“I wanna ask you the same thing Y/N just did. What's the one thing you want most right now?”
“I really want Y/N perched between my knees, letting me fuck those perfect tits of hers,” Hunter replies quietly, shifting just a little so you can see the bulge forming under his blacks.
Now it is abundantly clear to you where the rest of the game is headed. The heat building between your legs is growing stronger, wetness beginning to seep from you. The pulsing in your clit becomes constant as the sensitive flesh begins to swell. There's absolutely no hiding from Hunter that you're fully aroused now, and the look he gives you is one of sheer desire. You wonder if the rest of them are all sporting massive erections by now, but you don't dare to move your head to look around to check, lest you give away your intentions.
“I think you like my idea, Y/N, don't you?” Hunter asks with palpable amusement in his voice.
“She's turned on?” Crosshair murmurs, idly scratching his chin with a fingertip.
“Without a doubt, she is,” Hunter replies, giving the bottle a quick spin. It lands back on you, and your heart starts to race again. “Truth or dare, ad'íka?”
Your mouth goes dry and you manage to keep your voice from quivering with apprehension. “Dare.”
“I'm willing to bet that you've got an absolutely gorgeous little cunt. It's a shame you've kept it hidden away from us for so long. Spread your legs so we can all see.”
You feel your cheeks go hot, but not from shame. Hunter's never used language like this with you before and all it's doing is casting more kindling into the roaring inferno of your arousal. More wetness seeps from you as you carefully unfold your legs and rearrange yourself into a position on the floor where everyone can see you from the front. Slowly, you comply, leaning back on a hand to balance yourself as you part your legs. With your other hand, you take your index and middle fingers, spreading them into a V shape as you spread your outer lips, showing the guys the slickness between your cleft.
“You look so fucking tasty, Kitten...” Crosshair rasps as he slowly starts touching himself through his blacks, already soaked through with pre-cum.
Ignoring Crosshair's use of the epithet, you look at the others to see them all nodding in agreement, their eyes all seemingly darkened with lust. Tech leans over to whisper something to Echo, and the two of them chuckle softly, Echo biting his lower lip for a brief moment. You steal a quick glance at them, and like the others, they're concealing prominent bulges under their blacks. Tech looks over at you with a gentle smile on his face.
“If you are willing, Y/N, would you consider letting us all have a taste?”
It takes you a moment to figure out what Tech means by having a taste, and you realize it goes much further than wanting to eat your pussy. You choose your words carefully, making sure there's no room for any misunderstandings that could end in regret. “I know it's been a really long time since any of us have gotten what we want, or need. If we're going to do this, I want you to know that I trust all of you explicitly, and yes...you may all share me. Let's just have fun, and enjoy each other.”
“Then I believe a modification of the way this game is played is necessary,” Tech declares, pushing his lenses back into place. “Instead of asking truth or dare, we will tell Y/N what we would like to do with her, and she can choose to accept or decline. This way, there will be favorable outcomes for us all. Y/N, is this agreeable?”
You smile at him winningly and nod. “Works for me, everyone.” You exhale forcefully and send the bottle spinning. As it stops on Wrecker, you look and see him grinning like he's won the best prize in the galaxy.
“Can we do that thing I said earlier?” he asks a little shyly. “And will you let me have a little taste of your pussy, too?”
“Absolutely, big guy,” you chuckle as you get to your feet and stop in front of him. Even though you're roughly at his eye level when he's sitting, it still feels like he's towering above you. “How do you want to do this?”
“Climb on my lap, sweetie, and let me do the rest. I'll be gentle, I promise.”
As you straddle his massive lap, one of his huge hands rests on your back and the other comes under the back of your leg, suddenly pulling you off your feet so your legs are slung over his shoulders, your pussy so close to his face you can feel the heat of his breath. You let out a yelp and try to figure out where to put your arms so you're comfortable. Balancing your forearms on his thighs as his hands close on top of your knees, you look up at him, catching him wink at you with his good eye. You've watched people eat you out before, but never from this vantage point.
“Just relax, mésh'la. It's all right,” he reassures you.
You let out a surprised, quiet moan as he lightly kisses your clit and then your outer lips. His warm tongue delicately trails its way through your folds, gathering up all your juices as it makes its way up to your now swollen clit. When he closes his lips over it, you groan and let your head fall back, shutting your eyes as he alternates between suckling lightly and flicking the tip of his tongue along the underside of it, and over your piercing. When your legs start twitching involuntarily with each stroke of his tongue, Wrecker lets out a deep, rumbling moan of his own against you, the vibrations tickling every nerve ending.
His cock twitches against your back and you moan his name softly, thinking about what it's going to be like to have him inside you. Wrecker turns his attention from massaging your clit to slipping his tongue through your outer lips all the way to your entrance. His strong tongue probes deeply as he tastes another flow of your juices, and his grip on your knees tightens.
He starts to gently rock his hips up into your back, silently telling you that he's just about ready for the next step. As he pulls his mouth away, one hand comes back under your back to support you as the other brings one of your legs down. Once you're back in an upright position, you climb off his lap, your legs visibly trembling.
“I hope that was all right, Y/N,” Wrecker says. “Been a long time since I've done that with anyone.”
“All right? I think that was more than just a little all right,” you reply breathlessly, feeling like your legs are going to give out.
He laughs and takes your hand, placing it right over his thick, meaty cock, straining to be let out of his blacks. “That's all for you, mésh'la. Why don't you show everyone how beautiful you look when I've got my cock stuffed inside you?” His hands slip under the waist of his pants, easing them down to his ankles. His cock lies long and straight against his stomach, and as your eyes fall upon it, he flexes it for you, a little bit of pre-cum clinging to the tip. “Come sit and keep it warm, Y/N,” Wrecker coaxes.
You turn around and see the wanton expressions on the others' faces as they patiently wait their turns. Wrecker takes his cock in his hand and starts stroking it gently as he waits for you. As you back up and straddle his lap once more, you let out a loud gasp as you feel the head of his cock slip through your outer lips, positioning right at your entrance. Resting your hands on his thighs for balance, you start to carefully ease yourself down on him, exhaling slowly as you feel him start to stretch you out.
Wrecker wraps an arm loosely around you, resting a hand on one of your breasts, gently thumbing your nipple. “Take all the time you need, Y/N. I know this is an awful lot,” he murmurs.
“Y-yeah, it is,” you reply shakily. “You feel incredible, already...”
You lower yourself down onto him, inch by inch, moaning continually as his girth stretches you to what feels like your absolute maximum. Wrecker buries his face in your hair, groaning loudly the farther you sink. As he bottoms out in you, his strong hands slide under your legs and lift you up just a little so that instead of your hands on his thighs, now your feet rest there. He takes you by the ankles and you take a hold of his forearms as he starts to slowly rock up into you.
“How's it feel, Wrecker?” Hunter asks as he strokes his cock idly through his blacks. “Usually women are scared to death of that thing,” he chuckles.
“So tight...hot...wet,” Wrecker groans through his clenched teeth. “Ride me, mésh'la, please...”
You oblige, and start bouncing on his cock, deep lusty moans springing from you with each successive stroke. He starts bucking up into you a little harder, passing over your sweet spot repeatedly, sending white hot bolts of pleasure through your pussy. One hand leaves your ankle and works its way between your legs, where the flat of his thumb falls upon your rosy pink pearl, swirling in tight little circles. Wrecker is notably dexterous, switching with ease from rubbing your clit to flicking his thumb over it, loving how you're responding to his touch.
Riding him faster, you feel yourself getting closer to your peak, unable to combat the fiery combination of Wrecker's cock ravaging your pussy and the determined stroking of his thumb. Your clit buzzes pleasantly, tiny little contractions starting to multiply, and a deep growl rolls out of Wrecker as he now lays into you, feeling his own orgasm on its ascent. His cock begins to tighten even more with each upward stroke, and the electricity in your clit becomes more concentrated.
“Don't stop, Wreck...I'm so fucking close,” you gasp.
“So 'm I, mésh'la...come for me,” he moans.
A few more well-timed strokes of his thumb against your engorged clit is all it takes before he hears your breath hitch in your throat, his name falling from your lips in tiny gasps. The lightning in your clit spreads quickly through your core, sharp cries of unrestrained bliss spilling from your throat as your walls constrict around him. Wrecker's thrusting becomes erratic as his cock swells to maximum within you. He lets go of your other ankle and you lift yourself off, sinking to the floor on your knees with your back to him, chest heaving wildly.
Closing his hand around his cock soaked with your juices, he strokes himself hard. It's only a few moments before he lets out a choked gasp followed by a deep moan as he comes, painting your back with thick, ropy strands of his seed. He sinks back in his seat, covering his face with a hand, panting heavily. Utterly spent and basking in the afterglow of his long overdue orgasm, Wrecker slowly gets his pants back on. He looks down at you, sitting back on your feet, admiring his handiwork as his spend trickles its way down your back.
“Go clean her up, dí'kut,” Crosshair hisses. “She doesn't deserve to be left a mess.”
Wrecker gets up and heads to the kitchen, returning a short while later with a warm, damp towel. He attentively wipes down your entire back, then takes his hand and ruffles your hair affectionately. “Sorry about that, Y/N...I didn't ask if I could do that,” he says apologetically. “Are you okay?”
You get to your feet and reach for his chin, standing on tiptoe as he bows his head. Your lips meet his for a soft, loving kiss. “I'm fine, big guy. Might be walking funny for the next day or so, but...” The entire room erupts into laughter as Wrecker returns to his seat, blushing slightly. You wait for everyone to calm down before picking up the wine bottle. “All right! Who's next?” you say playfully, giving the bottle a spin. This time the bottle comes to a stop in front of Tech and Echo, pointing at neither. “Hm, well, this is a conundrum, indeed,” you muse.
“If I may, Y/N,” Tech interrupts, “there is a perfectly reasonable solution to what you perceive as a problem. Let us both gratify you, thus eliminating your need to choose. Echo, why don't you show Y/N the modifications to your scomp-link that we made? Perhaps we can also show her that new attachment I created. I am most eager to see it in action.”
“I'm not surprised you two have been up to clandestine operations,” you say, rolling your eyes. “But you've piqued my curiosity, and...I very much want to have both of you.”
“Excellent. I will return shortly, Y/N. Echo, help her get more comfortable on the floor; we will need the extra space,” Tech says as he rises from the couch, purposely readjusting himself so you can get a better sense of what he's got hidden under his blacks. “This will be worth your while, cyar'íka...I promise.”
As Tech heads upstairs to gather all the necessary equipment, Echo takes all the pillows off the couch and lays them on the floor. You walk over and sit next to him, his good arm wrapping around you. Slipping your hand down between his legs, you run your fingers gently over his fully primed cock, loving the little moan that escapes from him. His lips seek out yours as he lightly pushes himself into your hand, moaning once more when your tongue collides with his for an impassioned kiss.
“Oh, mésh'la, if you only knew how long I've dreamed of doing something like this with you...” he whispers hotly against your neck, planting a few open mouthed kisses there.
You let out a soft sigh at the touch of his lips, his kisses working their way down your neck to your collarbone. He lowers you just a little so he has easy access to a breast, his tongue gently licking a nipple, sending shivers down your spine. Echo grins as he closes his mouth around it, sucking lightly, relishing the sounds of your moans. You squeeze his cock firmly in return, his eyes tightly shut as he groans deeply.
“You want me to suck your cock, Echo? I can't wait to see what you have for me,” you purr, feeling the material of his blacks dampen under your fingertips.
“I do not think he wants to wait any longer to show you what he has in store for you,” Tech calls from the entrance to the living room. He's carrying a case and a small drawstring pouch with him. “Y/N, if you please, spread your legs for Echo so he can begin.” He pauses, and you see his brow furrow for a moment. “I...know we already have your consent, but I feel it prudent to ask you regardless...” He stops again and you see one of his hands tremble slightly.
Crosshair snickers as you get up and walk over to Tech. “What, now you lose your nerve, Professor Highbrow? She already said you can take her, so what the hell's your problem? Got limp dick syndrome, or something? You should forfeit your turn and let me –”
You whirl around, fury written all over your face as you approach Crosshair, who looks supremely amused with himself. As you stop in front of him, you grab the collar of his blacks and yank him up until he's a hair's breadth away from you, eyes locked on his. His eyes widen in genuine shock; he's never seen you this angry before. Hunter is about to spring into action to pull the two of you apart, but Wrecker puts a hand on his shoulder, curious to see how this is going to play out.
“Crosshair, shut your fucking mouth! I am so sick of you constantly ripping on Tech, trying to tear him down. Is it really necessary to try and destroy your brother's self-esteem?! You dare...in MY house?!,” you seethe. “Just for that, when it's your turn...I've already decided what you're going to do with me...and you'd better fucking follow through!”
You shove Crosshair back into his seat hard, letting go of his shirt. You look at the others, and they're all staring at you in disbelief, especially Tech, who remains rooted to the spot. Walking back over to him, you reach your hand up to gently cup his face, his eyes seeming larger than ever. “Now, what were you going to ask me?” you ask softly.
“Cyar'íka...” he starts, trying to regain composure and find his voice. “I would very much like it if you would orally pleasure me while Echo takes care of you. Would you also let me take you from behind?”
“For you, Tech, anything. You know...you didn't need to ask me for permission, but I'm happy you did. I just want to enjoy both you and Echo in every way possible.”
You retake your seat on the floor next to Echo, with Tech coming to sit beside you, putting the case and the pouch off to the side. “Spread yourself for me, Y/N, and relax. I think that beautiful pearl of yours needs some more loving,” Echo says as he positions himself between your legs. “This might feel a little strange at first. I'll start with this, then switch over to the new attachment.”
Tech leans down and rests a hand on the back of your neck as his lips graze across your cheek and down to your mouth where your lips meet his for a delicate kiss. Echo lightly rests his scomp-link on the hood of your clit, then activates it. You gasp as you feel gentle vibrations emitting from it, and Echo smiles, glancing up at Tech. “I'm glad you suggested we rewire this thing...I think she likes it!”
Echo swirls the scomp-link around your clit attentively, listening to you moan deeply as he touches every part of it. He can see you beginning to swell and grow harder for him with each pass, the sides of your clit especially sensitive. You lift your hips up into him, craving more stimulation and he obliges, upping the level of vibration. With his good hand, he pulls his blacks down enough to free his cock – thick, hard as durasteel, and craving your attention.
“Please, Y/N,” Echo softly moans. “Touch me...let me come for you,” he pleads.
He shifts a little so you can slip your hand down between his legs, taking his cock to slowly stroke it in an underhanded position. Echo sighs in pleasurable relief as your hand glides over the hot, turgid flesh, taking time to swirl your thumb over the head as more pre-cum steadily seeps from him. Tech, not wanting to be left out, takes your unoccupied hand and you look up at him, his eyes glazed over with arousal. He guides you down between his legs, and as your hand covers the conspicuous bulge, you squeeze gently, making him shut his eyes and let out a shaky breath.
“Are you ready for me, cyar'íka?” Tech asks as he takes your hand, kissing your palm as he frees himself from his blacks, revealing the sublime and statuesque curvature of his lengthy cock. “I will let you set the pace,” he reassures you as he lets your hand go, shifting close to your mouth.
Closing your hand around his cock, the tip of your tongue gently trails its way underneath the head, earning you a stifled moan. Slowly, your tongue swirls around its entirety, getting a taste of pre-cum as you slip him into your mouth, letting your tongue glide along his shaft. You expertly corkscrew your hand around him as you find your rhythm, sucking and stroking him with vigor. “If you only knew how many times I imagined doing this with you...” Tech murmurs as he lets his hand rest gently on the back of your head.
The grasp on Echo's cock tightens as you stroke him a little faster, feeling the pulsing in your clit intensify with each pass of the scomp-link. The constant low moaning coming from Echo sends a fresh wave of arousal coursing through you, and you feel your juices seeping out, dampening the pillow you're sitting on. You moan heavily around Tech's cock, the vibrations rewarding you with a hard flex and the sound of him choking back a deep-seated moan of his own. He rests a hand on your cheek, then pulls his cock out of your mouth, leaving you feeling strangely empty.
“You're too good at this, cyar'íka...I am already getting closer than I would like,” he pants as he sits back down, blinking heavily as he tries to recompose himself.
Echo's hand covers yours as he pulls himself back from your grasp, breathing hard. “I'm close, too, mésh'la...still want to...show you the best part...”
He takes the scomp-link away from your throbbing clit, taking the case lying next to Tech and opens it, revealing an instrument with two distinct curved parts to it – the larger part is considerably longer and thick, the smaller one much shorter and thin. Echo nimbly unscrews the scomp-link and replaces it with this new creation, holding his arm up so the others can see.
“The larger part goes inside you, and the smaller part stays outside and rests on your clit,” he explains once he catches his breath. “Both parts vibrate, and they also have a small range of movement to them, so they can simultaneously work your sweet spot and clit at the same time.”
Tech picks up the small drawstring pouch and opens it, taking out a bottle. “You may want to use this,” he advises, handing it to Echo. “It will make Y/N's entire experience that much more pleasurable.”
Echo applies a few drops of the lube to the attachment, spreading it evenly. He drips a little bit more onto your clit, letting it run down between your outer lips before he takes a finger and traces it around your entrance. As his fingertip makes its way just inside, a content moan rises from you, and Echo smiles. Satisfied you're ready to accept this new toy, he withdraws his finger and smears the residual wetness on his cock. He carefully nudges the head of the large end up against your entrance and eases it fully inside you. As promised, the head of the smaller end is flush with the underside of your clit – a perfect fit.
“I really want to see you come before Tech fucks you, mésh'la, but if it gets to be too much, tell me and I'll stop immediately.”
“Oh, fuck!” you gasp loudly as Echo activates the toy. “This isn't going to take me long!”
Echo keeps the level of vibration on its lowest to get you used to the feeling, the tip of each segment moving in tiny circles, alternating with a gentle upward massaging movement, perfectly mimicking someone's fingers and tongue. Involuntarily, your walls clench around the toy as it teases your sweet spot. You let out a lusty moan as the outer piece flicks gently under your clit, sending waves of fresh heat through your core.
Your eyes close as Tech's brilliant new toy works its magic, biting your lower lip as your hands come to your breasts, cupping them as you gently pull on your piercings. Echo increases the speed just a little more, a sharp cry coming from you as the pressure increases in your cleft and the buzzing in your clit becomes stronger, drawing you close to your peak. Tech smiles proudly, knowing his little invention works perfectly and is driving you wild.
Echo's hand strays between his legs once more to close around his cock, his arousal at a hair-trigger. He finds his rhythm quickly, his eyes locked on yours as he strokes himself hard, bucking his hips as he goes. Your head drops back against the couch cushion, arching your back and suppressing a small scream as Echo increases the intensity a third time. Tech takes one of your hands in his and squeezes it as your other hand remains on a breast, rolling and pinching your nipple.
Your clit becomes the epicenter of searing heat and electricity as the manipulation of your sweet spot triggers your inner walls to contract around the toy. Your legs begin to tremble, toes curling as you're nearing your climax with everyone watching you in fascination, waiting to see you come. Breath catching in your throat, you manage to utter, “So fucking close, Echo...you're going to make me come...”
“That's it, mésh'la, let it all go,” Echo groans as his cock pulses in his hand. “Come for me, Y/N...”
As your orgasm breaks, his name cascades from your lips in a heaving sob, a riptide of pleasure crashing violently through your body. The walls of your pussy constrict forcefully around the toy as you bear down. Rolling your hips madly, you cover your face with your hands as you keep riding the waves of your high. “No more, Echo, pull out...pull out...pull out!” you wail.
Echo shuts the toy off and removes it, a lewd wet sound following in its wake as a spring of your juices ejects all over his hand and cock. “By the Maker, Y/N,” he says, looking down in disbelief. Using the newfound wetness to his advantage, he strokes himself hard, moaning your name. You watch his balls tighten as he starts to come, spilling a considerable amount of his seed all over your stomach and pubic mound. Chest heaving with exertion, he sits back and gets himself tucked back into his blacks.
“It appears the toy did exactly what I designed it to do,” Tech says with a satisfied grin on his face. “You performed flawlessly, Y/N...how do you feel?”
“I'm...not sure I have the words, Tech. It's been a long time since I've come like that,” you admit sheepishly.
Wrecker passes the damp towel to Echo, who lovingly wipes you clean. His parting gift to you is a gentle kiss between your legs just above your clit, then he leans in to plant another kiss at the corner of your mouth as he lightly strokes your hair. “Thank you for everything, mésh'la...that was extraordinary,” he says, his voice laden with adoration. “I can't wait to watch you with Tech...you're in for a real treat,” he chuckles as he returns to your other side. “She's all yours, ner vod...”
Tech smiles and takes your chin in his hand, turning your head and leaning in to kiss you tenderly. You bring your hands up behind his neck, enticing him to leave a trail of kisses along your jaw, down your throat, all the way to your breasts. One of his hands reaches for a breast, closing over it as he traces his finger over your firm nipple, taking hold of your piercing. You let out a breathy moan as his eager tongue snakes out and flicks quickly over the other, holding the ring in his teeth. As Tech begins to gently pull on your piercings, your arousal renews with strong pulsing in your clit and an insistent fluttering deep in your pussy.
“You are hungry for all our attention tonight, aren't you, cyar'íka?” Tech says as he lets go of you, his silken voice low and sultry. “Get on all fours for me, and I'll share something else with you that is in desperate need of attention.”
As your rise to your knees, Tech pulls away the pillow soaked with your juices and replaces it with a larger one, wanting to maximize your comfort. You get into position for him and he reaches out, tracing his fingers down your spine, making you shiver and lift yourself up toward him as his hand reaches your ass. Taking both cheeks in his strong hands, he kneads them firmly, letting his fingers roam down a little until his thumbs are on either side of your outer lips. He gently parts your folds, looking down upon your entrance, moist with fresh wetness.
“Both Wrecker and Echo did an excellent job preparing you for me,” Tech states casually as he draws his index finger between your glistening lips. “Now we've learned that even something simple as playing with your nipples leaves you a soaking...” He slides his finger into you slowly, grinning as you let out a tiny moan. “...wet mess.”
Tech finds your sweet spot easily, teasing it in short strokes with his fingertip. Your eyes close and you let out a quiet sigh, a hand straying down between your legs to gently touch your clit, still partially swollen and sensitive from the last orgasm . Tech feels your pussy gently contract around his finger and he lets out a small groan as his cock stirs heavily. He pulls his finger out of you and slips it into his mouth, sucking it clean and marveling at the delicate balance of sweetness, salt, and acidity.
“Are you ready for me, Y/N? Will you come as violently for me as you did for Echo?”
You push your ass back toward him and he meets you halfway, letting you rub yourself along the front of his blacks, dampening them with your juices. Tech slides his pants past his knees, guiding his cock through your folds and over your clit, holding back a moan as your hand passes along the underside, your fingertips deftly caressing the tip, feeling a small amount of pre-cum emerge. He withdraws and then aligns himself with your entrance, taking your hips in his hands as he slowly pushes his way in. He's nearly as thick as Wrecker, and as he sinks himself deep into your succulent heat, Tech lets out the moan he's been trying to suppress.
“Fuck me, Tech,” you mewl, swirling your hips around him once he's fully seated within you. “You feel so fucking good...”
Tech feels pleasant heat rush to his face from your praise and he smiles, proud of himself for being able to please you like this. Now he starts to slowly rock his hips fore and aft, watching his cock effortlessly slip in and out of you, listening to your fervid cries growing steadily louder. You reach down to start rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts, fingertips dancing lightly over it, making your legs twitch uncontrollably again. A shuddering groan comes from Tech as he feels your walls quiver around him, feeling like tiny kisses all along his cock.
You softly moan as Tech leans over you, propping himself up on one hand as the other comes up from underneath to cup one of your breasts. His long fingers easily manipulate your nipple and piercing, gently rolling and pulling the hardened flesh and its adornment. You feel another strong pulse in your clit and Tech groans quietly in your ear as the contraction that follows makes your walls squeeze against him tightly.
“Cyar'íka, move with me,” he whispers as he begins to sit up, pulling you with him. “Let me show you what you and I have done together in my dreams.”
As the two of you rise, Tech carefully shifts himself back onto his feet, not wanting to slip out of you. One of his arms is slung loosely around your hips with the other around your torso, his hand resting between your breasts. Resting on your knees, you straddle his lap with your hands on his thighs as he pulls you flush against him, the hand on your chest sliding up to gently close around your throat. His mouth comes to your ear and plants a tiny kiss, followed by more along your jaw. A deep moan emanates from your parted lips as Tech's other hand comes down between your legs, his graceful fingers brushing over your hot, swollen clit.
“I always wondered what it would feel like to fuck you while you sit in my lap,” Tech mumbles into your hair as he starts to buck his hips up into you once more. “Granted, I wanted to do this with you while in the cockpit of the Marauder...but this will suffice.”
You start to ride him, timing your descent perfectly with each hard upward thrust. Tech lets go of your throat and lets his hand gravitate down to your chest, cupping a breast as he begins to play with your nipple and piercing again. His fingers skillfully swirl over your clit at the same time, stoking the fires of arousal once more. Tech lets out a muffled moan against your neck as his cock is greeted with renewed wetness.
Your hands dig into his thighs as you bounce on his cock a little faster, the fingers working your clit keeping time. Luscious, tingling heat pools in that tiny singularity, begging for release. Tech turns his attention to your neck, hungrily nibbling and kissing the soft flesh, sending shivers down your spine. You gyrate your hips when he's nestled fully in you and he moans unabashedly as his cock begins to swell.
“That's the way, cyar'íka...such a good girl, letting us fuck you,” Tech says, his voice pouring into your ear like liquid silk.
He lets go of your breast and trails his fingertips up your chest before wrapping his hand lightly around your throat once more, holding your head steady as his hips snap up into you briskly. As you match his pace, you feel him getting tighter as he stretches your insides to their limit. He rubs your clit in tight circles, your moaning constant as he starts to shorten his thrusts, the head of his cock perfectly massaging your sweet spot. Tech squeezes the sides of your neck slowly and you shut your eyes as your breath hitches in your throat, every nerve ending in your clit ready for the ultimate liberation.
“So close, Tech...make me come,” you gasp.
“I thought you'd never ask,” Tech replies flippantly.
He buries himself all the way in you and holds still, his fingers flicking over your clit as you near your peak. His thighs tremble against you as he feels your pussy clutching his cock like a vise, requiring every ounce of his restraint to not release before you do. Tech takes your clit between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the flesh of your hood over it as he strokes firmly, drawing out a few last gasps from you.
As he loosens his grip on your throat, an intense cry bursts from you as the floodgates open and he tips you over the edge, your nails digging into his thighs as the nectar of euphoria flows through you. Writhing your hips madly, Tech wraps his arm around your waist to hold you steady, unable to hold himself back any longer. He swiftly withdraws, then cants his hips up into you, relishing at the obscene wet sounds his cock is making as he drives himself in deeply. Mouth at your ear, Tech's low moaning sends shivers down your spine, knowing he's just about to come.
“May I...” he grunts, and you feel his cock swell and stiffen.
You bring a hand up around the back of his neck and turn your head towards his, pulling him down for an ardent kiss. “Do it,” you command. “Be my good boy and fill my pussy...”
Tech hides his face in your hair as he thrusts hard for a final time, letting his breath out forcefully as his orgasm overtakes him, moaning your name repeatedly. His cock flexes heavily in your cleft, and you whimper as you feel the sudden heat of his seed coating your walls. At long last, Tech releases you. Falling forward onto your hands, he backs out of you, juices steadily dripping between your legs onto the pillow underneath.
“Y/N, are you all right?” Echo asks, reaching out to take you by the shoulder and help you upright.
“Better than fine,” you reply breathlessly as you shift around to face the others. “Here's a little something extra for you, boys. Consider it an encore...”
You part your legs enough so they can clearly see between them, your outer lips swollen and spread wide. Biting your lip as you bear down, everyone watches transfixed as Tech's thick, creamy load slips out of you. You look over at Tech, now sitting back on the couch as he recovers from his high. Unsteadily, you get to your feet and go to him, taking his chin in your hand as you look into his beautiful golden brown eyes. He reaches up to touch your cheek with his finger, a relieved smile on his face.
“That was...extraordinary, cyar'íka. Thank you for letting me –”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss. “No need to thank me, Tech. If anything, I should be thanking you.” You pause for a moment, a grin creeping across your face. “However, I think you and I need to have a chat about an escapade in the Marauder's cockpit sometime...”
Wrecker snorts and bursts out laughing, causing Tech to immediately start blushing. Everyone else joins in as you sigh and shake your head, reaching for the towel to wipe yourself down. You look around for the wine bottle, stopping as your eyes meet Hunter's. He's sitting calmly in his seat, watching your eyes as they travel down toward his groin. As if he's read your mind, he spreads his legs apart for you a little, resting his hand on the mouthwatering bulge under his blacks.
“There's no need, ad'íka. It's my turn,” he says, pulling the waist of his blacks down just a little so the head of his cock is visible. “I'm serious about wanting to have those exquisite tits of yours squeezed around my cock. But first, be a love and let me have your mouth for awhile. Seems to me your pussy needs a break,” he chuckles.
Hunter swings his legs up onto the generous couch on which he's sitting, stretching out as he lies down, sliding a thumb under the waistband of his blacks. Looking over at you, he smiles and starts stroking himself through the material, closing his eyes as he starts thinking about sliding his cock into your mouth, watching your tongue swirl around the tip. You make your way over to him, wedging yourself between his muscular thighs. Curling your hands into his pants, you start sliding them down his hips, your lips curled into a seductive grin.
“Show me what you've got for me, Hunter,” you say as you get his blacks down to his thighs, holding back a moan as his lengthy cock is unveiled, thick with a gentle upward curve. Once you get his blacks off, you lay your palms on his thighs, running them up toward his groin as you lean forward to gently kiss his tip. “Just as beautiful as your brothers,” you murmur.
Starting at the base, your tongue draws its way up his shaft, tenderly swirling along the underside of the head. Hunter moans softly and rests a hand on the back of your head as he spreads his legs wider for you, resting one foot on the floor. Taking his cock in one hand, you bring him to your lips, kissing the tip once more before you guide him into your mouth, sucking lightly on the head. You ease him farther into your mouth as your free hand cups his balls, palming the firm, swollen orbs carefully.
You pull him out of your mouth with a slight pop, licking your lips. “Mm, look how full you are, honey. I bet you want to blow a huge load all over my tits, don't you?” Now you squeeze his balls just a little, a deep groan rolling out of him. “Gotta say, Hunter, I figured you would have wanted my pussy, but your creativity is fucking hot...”
Sliding him back into your mouth, your tongue flattens out along the underside, letting you inch him in slowly. Your eyes meet his, pupils fully dilated and shining brightly with fascination and arousal as he watches his cock disappear around your lips. Taking in as much of him as you can, one hand closes around him again to start stroking, twisting its way along as you hollow out your cheeks, sucking on him hard.
Hunter groans and lifts his hips up into you as you pull away, a long strand of saliva connecting your tongue to the tip. You close your index finger and thumb firmly around his cock, swirling up and over him, taking time to massage the head as your tongue lavishes attention upon his length, flicking over the small slit as a bead of pre-cum oozes its way out. Back into the hot confines of your mouth he goes, this time picking up the pace to stroke him a little faster while you give most of your attention to the heated, swollen flesh.
“Fuck,” he moans softly. “I thought you'd never do this for me, Y/N...”
One of his hands comes to rest on the back of your head once more, and now he begins to gently buck his hips as you let him fuck your mouth, pushing in deeper as you close your hand fully around him. Your other hand returns to give his balls attention, rolling and squeezing them while your index finger strokes the fine, soft flesh of his perineum, evoking a gasp and a choked breath from Hunter.
You can feel his leg starting to tremble against you a little as you draw him closer to his climax, and you chuckle with him in your mouth. The vibrations travel along his shaft, causing him to flex in your hand, and when the head tightens and swells, you exhale sharply through your nose, pulling him out. You're slavering all over his cock, curling the tip of your tongue as you withdraw, showing Hunter just exactly how much you love giving sloppy blowjobs.
You shift yourself back a little, placing a hand on Hunter's thigh as your head dips down, your tongue lovingly passing over his balls. Your other hand comes to rest on his other thigh, and reflexively, Hunter encircles his fingers around yours, while his other hand reaches to take a hold of your hair. Slowly your lips close around one of his balls, sucking a little to pull it into your mouth. Hunter closes his eyes and grits his teeth as he tries to restrain a deep-seated moan of pleasure.
He's so full that you almost can't fit it in your mouth, but as you engulf him completely, you suck on him tenderly, filled with anticipation over how much he's going to come for you. Hunter lets go of your hand and takes his cock, still wet with your saliva. He starts stroking himself, watching you intently as you let him go with a wet smack of your lips. As you take his other testicle in, he comes undone, moaning deeply as you sensually tease him. You can feel him beginning to tighten up in your mouth, and you release him, sitting back on your feet, flashing a sassy grin as you wipe your lips with a finger.
Hunter pulls himself up and you hear a low growl building as he suddenly reaches for your shoulder, pushing you down onto your back. Quickly, he climbs on top of you, his cock pulsating as he gets himself into position. Your heart races with excitement over his powerful show of dominance, but also with curiosity over how it will feel to have him gliding between your breasts. Hunter takes a breast in each hand, massaging them softly as he takes in this new vantage point.
“Do you have any idea how fucking hot you are, Y/N? You're like something out of a wet dream,” he confesses as his thumbs trace over your nipples, mesmerized by the gleaming steel of your piercings. He looks up and over at Tech, holding out his hand. “Gonna need that lube, vod. Throw it over here.”
Tech pitches the small bottle of lube across to Hunter, who catches it easily. He flicks open the cap and drizzles the lube generously onto your sternum. You let him rub the lube between and all over your breasts, groaning happily as he massages your heated flesh. As he finishes, he takes his cock by the base, rapping it firmly on your chest, a wicked grin on his face. You start pushing your breasts together until they're just touching him, a little unsure of how close you should be.
“Always wondered what this would feel like,” he murmurs as he starts to rock his hips slowly, pushing his cock between the cleft, letting out a soft sigh as he easily glides through.
Hunter looks down at you, seeing the enthrallment on your face as he pushes his cock closer to your mouth. Briefly, he pulls himself out and holds himself within reach of your mouth, easing just the tip in a little as you suck on him gently. Back between your breasts he goes, and you push them much closer together this time to create more friction. He teases you, the head of his cock coming close to your chin and mouth, and you let your tongue hang out a little, trying to lick him.
“Tech's right, ad'íka...you're starving tonight...you want me to feed you?” he questions, voice smoky with passion.
“Give me everything you've got, Hunter,” you reply.
Hunter smiles and licks his lips as he continues driving his cock between your breasts, this time adjusting himself so he can push his way into your mouth easily. You take him in and he watches as your gaze meets his, an incredibly arousing sight to see you suck his cock so easily. His heart goes into overdrive as he feels you press yourself tightly around him, and he wonders if your pussy feels anywhere near as good as this.
Faster he begins to thrust, and low moaning progressively becomes heavy as Hunter feels himself rapidly approaching his edge. Your eyes are locked on his and again, you open your mouth to show him your eager tongue. Seeing you so willing and trusting turns him on even more, and he holds his breath when his balls begin to tighten, knowing his orgasm is imminent. You can see his thighs beginning to shake slightly as he comes close and you push your breasts against him as far as they'll go.
“M-mésh'la, hold still, I'm gonna come,” he gasps, surging forward a few more times before you feel his cock flex, watching as he starts to unload.
Hunter moans loudly as thick streams of his hot seed launch all over your chest, neck, and chin before he pulls his cock from between your breasts and strokes it a few more times, sending the rest into your mouth. You swallow every last bit, your tongue slightly tingling as you taste the salty, slightly bitter profile of his spend, momentarily grateful he chose not to come solely in your mouth. He carefully climbs off you and reaches for his pants, tugging them back on before he leans down and kisses you affectionately.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he says quietly, moving your hair out of your face, kissing your forehead. “That was incredible...I would love to do that with you again sometime.”
You take his face between your hands, bringing your lips to his for a few velvety kisses. “Any time, Hunter...never done anything like that before, but it's getting added to the “must do” list,” you laugh.
Hunter gives you one last kiss before excusing himself to the kitchen to get another clean towel. You're sitting propped up on your elbows when he returns, and you close your eyes, letting your head loll back as he cleans you up. The warm dampness of the towel and Hunter's tender ministrations leave you feeling relaxed and perfectly sated. You inhale deeply, collecting your thoughts before you finally finish this game and set Crosshair in his place.
Without opening your eyes, your voice takes on a startling edge. “Crosshair, be my good boy...come over here and kneel before me. Now.”
The chatter among the others stops and Hunter retakes his seat on the couch, his attention fixed on Crosshair, who's looking across the room at you. As you bring your head back up, your eyes slowly open and you turn to look at him, his normally bitter expression erased and replaced by one of uncertainty, his cheeks red with uncharacteristic embarrassment. He's rattled by the glacial look you're giving him, and he swallows hard, looking at his brothers one by one, especially Tech.
“I strongly suggest you comply, Crosshair. It would be unwise to arouse cyar'íka's anger once more,” Tech says with a vein of mirth in his voice, a sly grin on his face.
As you sit up, you move to the edge of the couch, spreading your legs so Crosshair can get a good look at what he's been coveting all night long. The roseate bloom of your pussy lay before him, his longing for you coming to its summit as he sees your glistening folds, his cock throbbing insistently. Resting a hand daintily upon your knee, you reach out and beckon to him, smiling sweetly. But Crosshair is no fool; he sees through your façade, knowing you're up to something.
He gets up out of his chair haltingly and does as he's told, stopping before you and sinking to the floor on his knees. You can see his breathing becoming shallower, his dark eyes shining brightly with deep yearning. You bring a hand under his chin and lift his head up as you lean in, your other hand running through his silver hair. Your lips brush softly over his, and he doesn't bother trying to hold back a small moan. Now your mouth seeks his, tongues sparring as you converge for a fiery kiss.
“That's my boy...” you whisper heatedly. “You're going to learn a little humility and accept the consequences of your earlier transgression...starting by licking my pussy until every trace of Tech is gone.”
A brief look of disgust flashes across his face at your choice of words, but the desire to please you and be praised for it is overwhelming. As you look down at him, your expression softens as his hands make their way up your legs slowly. Crosshair never takes his eyes off yours, his long fingers caressing your silky skin as they rise over your knees and over your inner thighs. The corner of his mouth turns upward into a tiny crooked grin, knowing you're enjoying this.
Crosshair gives pause as he reaches your pubic mound, suddenly not wanting to proceed lest you think of something else to deflate his ego. His eyes search yours pleadingly, looking for the sign that he should continue. He wants nothing more than to touch you, let his tongue work its magic on the tantalizing swell of your pearl, and draw you to another orgasm. Hesitantly, his fingertips stroke the soft flesh of your outer lips, and when you don't stop him, his thumb rests on your piercing before he retracts the hood of your clit.
You let out a pleasurable sigh as you watch him close his eyes and lean in, his mouth closing over your clit. He wastes no time in showing you how skilled he is, sucking firmly while his tongue teases and massages the hypersensitive underside. His index finger makes its way to your slick entrance and slides in with no resistance. It's quickly followed by the middle, and you let out a gasp as he carefully threads in his ring finger, your pussy feeling like it's about to split in two.
Crosshair opens his eyes and looks up at you for signs of discomfort, but sees none. He starts moving his fingers in and out, the wet sounds coming from you are almost profane. He knows exactly where to touch you, curling his fingertips upward to manipulate your sweet spot as he pulls his mouth away, letting his tongue flick expertly across your clit. The divine heat and pulsation start you anew on the path to your climax, and he feels your walls starting to close around him.
“I think someone's hungrier than I am tonight, boys!” you exclaim, exhaling sharply as your needling leads Crosshair to pull out his fingers, coated with both your juices and the remnants of Tech's. “You're desperate, Crosshair. Lick them clean,” you order.
Jeering laughter erupts from Wrecker, clearly enjoying watching his brother being put in his place. “She's got you there, eh, Cross?! About time someone taught you a lesson!”
Crosshair's eyes narrow as heat spreads like wildfire through his face, blushing furiously. He sticks his index finger in his mouth, sucking it clean, the commingling of salt and bitter acidity not as vile as he expected. He licks his middle and ring fingers, watching your face for the sign of approval he aches for. You smile and point down at your pussy, slick with fresh arousal. Choking on a groan, his hands fly to your thighs and grip hard as he buries his head between your legs once more.
He licks a wide path with the flat of his tongue through your slit, gathering up everything he can. You rest your hand on the back of his head, encouraging him to do it again. Moaning softly against your folds, he makes another pass before his lips close around your clit and piercing once more. This time he suckles gently, feeling his cock twitch hard underneath his blacks as you utter his name. He brings a hand down between his legs and feels how damp the material is, badly wanting to sink his cock into you in any way possible.
Crosshair gives your clit a loving kiss and looks to you once more. “Was...that all right?” he asks. You don't answer right away, instead moving in to taste yourself on him, licking at the corner of his mouth before lightly kissing his forehead. “C-cyaré, please...are you satisfied?” he implores.
His words from earlier in the night come back to haunt him as you chuckle softly. “Not just yet...but give it some time. On your feet, Crosshair...show me that cock of yours and let me make fantasy a reality.”
He rests his hands on your knees as he slowly rises, his lithe, muscular body seeming taller than ever as he looks down at you. Your eyes lock on his as your hands slide their way up his thighs, and you feel him tremble slightly in anticipation. You palm his cock through the fabric, feeling how hot and impatient he is as you lean forward, strategically planting ethereal kisses as your hands take the waistband of his blacks and ease them down. The graceful curve of his impressively thick length is unveiled, the head glossy with pre-cum.
Crosshair licks his lips as he watches you take him by the base, your tongue emerging to lightly trace its way over his frenulum before it swirls over the tip, drawing in his wetness. His breath catches in his throat as you take him in your mouth, his level of touch starvation evident as you feel him beginning to swell a little from the most basic attention you're giving him. You suck on him gently for a few moments before withdrawing, and he brings a hand to your face, cupping it tenderly. Closing your eyes, your hand comes up over his, letting out a sigh of contentment.
“Cyaré, tell me how to please you,” he begs, inwardly cursing himself for feeling so needy and vulnerable.
You let go of his hand and slip it between his legs, taking him by the balls and squeezing firmly. Crosshair groans and bites his lip, moving his hand to the back of your head as your other hand grasps his cock. “Begging is beneath you, Crosshair,” you coolly reply. “Here's the deal. You're going to blow your load on my face, and then you're going to lick it up.”
Hunter raises an eyebrow in surprise as he looks over at you, and you hear Echo mutter, “oh, Maker,” as Tech covers his face with his hand, desperately trying not to laugh. You look over at Wrecker and he's sitting there silent, mouth agape and eyes wide. Crosshair feels the heat of embarrassment crawling its way up his neck and into his ears and face. He didn't expect this from you, and now he finally regrets his egregious behavior.
“Just one more thing, love...don't swallow!”
With that, you release the grip on his balls, rolling them in your palm as the hand on his cock moves it way up his length, closing over the tip to gently massage it. Crosshair moans softly and his fingers wind around your hair as your lips close around him, slowly easing him in. Your hand slides up his shaft, joining your mouth as you move your head to and fro, sucking tenaciously. He can't tear his eyes away from you as more of his cock disappears, chills running down his spine as you moan deeply around him. Cautiously, he starts to thrust into your mouth, curious to see how much of him you can take.
You accommodate him easily at first, your hand controlling the depth of his progress, but he soon starts to push in more aggressively. Tears prick the corner of your eyes unbidden as he moves in too deeply, triggering your gag reflex. You pull back, salivating wildly all over the head of his cock and for a split second, you catch just a hint of smug satisfaction on his face. Squeezing his balls roughly in retaliation, he lets out a hiss as your hand picks up the extra wetness and grips around him tightly, stroking him hard. Crosshair's thighs tense up, his arousal mounting exponentially as he starts bucking his hips toward you, wishing it was your pussy he was fucking instead of your hand.
“That's the way, baby,” you croon gently. “Such a good, obedient boy, wanting to come hard all over his cyaré's face...”
Crosshair moans heatedly at your words, especially the Mando'a term of endearment. He pumps his cock through your skilled hand, groaning deeply as his tip pushes through the tight ring of your fingers. Visions of having you all to himself and feeling how tight your pussy is for him race through his mind, and it's not long before his other hand joins yours, grasping his cock as his thrusting intensifies. You slowly ease your hand off him until he's fully in control, stroking himself vigorously as he chases his climax.
Now with both hands free, you turn your attention to his balls, which are already starting to tighten. You take one in each hand, rolling your thumbs over them, massaging lightly as Crosshair's breathing becomes rapid and shallow. As you squeeze his balls again, this time with care, his free hand gravitates to the top of your head to hold you steady. A low groan builds deeply in his chest as he feels himself drawing close to his orgasm, cock swelling firmly in his hand. He closes his eyes and brings his hand up to start quickly stroking the first few inches, moaning your name ardently.
“So close, ner cyaré... Let me come... Please let me come,” he gasps, legs trembling as he forces himself to hold on until you grant him permission.
You shift back a little to give him space and close your eyes. “I release you, Crosshair!”
He deftly strokes his cock a few more times and feels the coil in his pelvic floor unwind, a deep moan pouring out of him as he begins to come. Hot streams of his seed eject all over your forehead, nose, lips and chin, covering your face like a spectral mask. Breathing hard, Crosshair pulls away from you, hastily pulling his blacks up and tucking himself back in. Not forgetting the other half of your directive, he gathers his courage and sets aside feelings of revulsion, leaning forward and taking you by the shoulders.
He's never tasted himself before now, but curiosity and the driving need to satisfy you get the better of him. His hot tongue starts at your lips, licking them clean with a single pass. Hunter chuckles quietly as he watches Crosshair grimace, the salty bitterness an unpleasant surprise. He returns to your chin, then quickly passes over your nose and forehead, lapping up the remnants of his spend. You open your eyes and see he's pulled away from you, a look of serious aversion on his face as he's fighting the urge to spit out his load.
“Have you learned your lesson, Crosshair?” you say with great merriment. “Judging by that sour face, I'd say you have. Am I correct?” He nods, and you get to your feet, wrapping one arm around his slim waist, the other around his shoulders. He looks down at you and you can see his eyes silently beseeching you to hurry. “Feed me, love...I want to know how you taste.”
You open your mouth, tongue resting on your bottom lip as Crosshair lowers his head, opening his mouth when he's within reach. A quiet moan emanates from you as his tongue touches yours, the creamy pool of his seed passing from him to you. Curling your tongue back into your mouth, you swallow all of it as Crosshair closes his eyes and sighs softly. Your hand trails its way up the back of his neck until you're cradling his head, and you moan faintly into his mouth as his lips connect with yours for an amatory kiss.
“Now...I'm satisfied. See, I knew you would bend to my will. All it took was the proper motivation. Well behaved boys will always be rewarded...miscreants will not. It's that simple.” Your fingertip traces its way along the lines of his tattoo, his eyes meeting yours. “Such a good boy you are, Crosshair. My good boy.”
Crosshair's hand passes down your spine until he reaches your ass, squeezing one of your cheeks firmly as he seeks out your mouth for a passionate kiss. You hold onto him tighter as his tongue and yours meet, his hunger for you not yet slaked as he takes your tongue between his teeth and gently nips at it. You groan softly as you start growing wet again, and you can feel Crosshair's cock stir once more. A soft cough behind you interrupts the moment, and you turn to see Hunter looking at you with a gentle smile of approval.
“Oh...right. Game's over, lads. Everybody wins,” you laugh.
“What, no second round, mésh'la?” Wrecker jokes as he stands up and stretches. “I think I'm ready for another go!”
“No way, big man. Not until I've had another shower and a little sleep...you've all worn me out. So if you'll excuse me, I'll –”
You let out a yelp as Crosshair reaches under your legs and picks you up. “Then let's get you cleaned up and in bed, cyaré...as far as we're concerned, the night is still young,” he says devilishly, turning to walk out of the living room with you.
“Crosshair, wait.” He stops as he gets into the main hallway, and you look over his shoulder. “I don't want to sleep alone tonight, boys. Come on.”
As you exit your bathroom still combing out your hair, you see Crosshair and Tech already under the covers of your gargantuan bed, waiting for you to occupy the space between them. The other three are all sitting at the foot of it half undressed, their shirts slung over the back of a nearby chair. You stop and flash all of them a flirtatious grin, and all of them return it with carnal smiles of their own.
“You said there wasn't room for all of us in here, Y/N,” Echo remarks with amusement.
“I was being facetious, Echo. This bed can support half the Hutt family, and then some!”
“Then we are in no danger of having it collapse,” Tech interjects. “Come to bed, cyar'íka...we all very much would like to continue the bonding process with you.”
He holds up the covers for you, and you see that both he and Crosshair are fully naked and partially aroused. You slip between them, Crosshair pressing himself against your side as he nuzzles your neck contentedly. Tech slings his arm around your waist, kissing your cheek softly. Echo and Wrecker reach for Hunter as they all lie down, settling in the spaces between you and the twins.
Crosshair closes his eyes, laughing quietly. “You owe me 10 credits, Tech. I told you we'd all fit.”
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moutainrusing · 2 months
missing scene
332 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Putting the Weasley twins and two Marauders in the same place was something the Order should have expected to erupt into chaos.
The twins had put glue in Remus and Sirius’s shampoo, Remus and Sirius had dyed the twins’ hair green. George had charmed buckets to follow Sirius around and empty gooey slime over his head at random intervals, Remus had charmed Fred’s dinner plate to dance over the table, looking away innocently while Molly yelled at the twins for it.
“We’ll get you for that,” Fred hissed at the Marauders, after vehemently defending himself from his mother’s accusations.
“Oh, yeah,” George smirked. “I already have so many ideas.”
“Ooh, Georgie, I see you,” Fred tapped the side of his brain. “Twin telepathy.”
“True…” George nodded, turning to Remus and Sirius. “Do you two also have some telepathy going on? Your pranks are so coordinated.”
Remus shrugged, while Sirius threw an arm around his shoulder, grinning, “Remus and I are in sync.”
“Oh,” Fred realised, “That’s why you’re almost as good as us. This is a brothers versus brothers war.”
Sirius mimed throwing up, and Remus only pulled Sirius closer into his side. “We’re not brothers,” Remus stated.
George eyed them sceptically. “But you’re in sync? Freddie and I are in sync, and that’s ‘cause we’re twins.”
“Oh!” Fred raised a knowledgeable finger in the air. “This is a twins versus twins war!”
Sirius made the most disgusted expression ever, and Remus laughed, “We’re not related in any way.”
“You’re not actually related,” George explained.
“You just think of each other that way,” Fred insisted.
Sirius shook his head severely. “If I were to ever think of Remus in that way, I’d add myself back onto the Black family tree.”
Remus clarified, “It’s never happening.”
George narrowed his eyes. “But then… what are you?”
“Werewolf,” Remus replied easily.
“Fugitive,” Sirius casually glanced at his nails.
“No,” Fred shook his head. “What are you to each other?”
“Fugitive,” Remus smiled.
“Werewolf,” Sirius grinned.
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
things about the marauders i think should be explored more by the fandom:
sirius' love for motorbikes (him being drawn to a muggle creation, but specifically a muggle creation that has connotations to ideas of rebellion and freedom and alt culture, but also he then adds magical components to his bike, like he is not only interested in muggle culture but in combining the two and learning from both worlds, as well as showing his creative side)
the way remus talks/thinks about other werewolves (i think we want him to be fighting for werewolf rights and supporting other people like him, etc. but he does adhere and adjust who he is in order to fit into the wizarding world and does look down on other werewolves don't conform. and it is so interesting to explore that and the depths that that goes, and whether he does actually think like that, or just says that stuff to further fit in himself)
sirius having his own apartment at 17 (he's a rebellious, troublemaking teenager with his own place. shenanigans galore guys.)
lily giving slughorn a petal that turned into a fish as a present (it's obvious why slughorn like her- hardworking/smart/talented in potions, but lily clearly liked him if she gave him a thoughtful present. why?? it's very obvious slughorn picks favourites and shows off the famous ex-students he 'mentored', why would she like him?? did he help her adjust in first year? did she let him spend breaktime practicing potions in his classroom? was it purely because he thought she was talented and she was being favourited by him?)
sirius not destroying the portrait of his mother (there was a sticking charm to it, but there are ways around it. and him 'not coming up with muggle solutions' I've seen as an excuse on why, doesn't make sense since he's extremely smart and knows quite a bit about muggles. so is there still a glimpse of love towards her despite everything? did she feel the same to him?)
peter's death (what does that say about him as a character? in hesitating to harm harry, is there still care towards james and lily? or regret? did he look at harry and see james? the idea of him being killed by his hand, is interesting in thinking about peter as a puppet, perhaps manipulated in every action he takes? or forced to always be the right hand to someone else?)
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cc--2224 · 3 months
Late Night Caf
Pairing: Tech x Jedi!Reader
Summary: From the ask found here; You were recently made a jedi knight and as your first assignment, you were placed with Clone Force 99. A sleepless night on the Marauder turns into late nights watching Tech work.
Warnings: A ton of fluff!!! Brief mentions of insomnia?
Notes: Thank you for the request and I'm sorry it took so long!! As a reminder, requests are open if you'd like to make one!
Word Count: ~2.1k
Tags: @lady-violet @booksandtitts-blog
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future fics!
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It hadn't been long since you had gone through the trials to become a Jedi Knight. With the war in full swing, there was a need for knights more than ever, so while you didn't feel ready, you were able to pass.
You were given your first assignment almost immediately following your appointment. You were to accompany a squad of clones on their missions.
It was easier than being assigned to an entire battalion, but when you heard some of the other clones' comments about the squad you were assigned to, you began to feel anxious.
Clone Force 99 had a reputation of not following the rules and doing things their own way. They weren't like the clones you had gotten to know during your time as a padawan, and that intimidated you – not that you'd let anyone know.
On the day you were meant to meet them, you stood in wait on the landing platform in front of the Jedi temple. They were late. You sighed to yourself and did everything you could to avoid pacing. In fact, you could almost hear your former master's voice echoing in your head, telling you to be patient.
Finally, you saw their ship approach. It landed on the platform rather harshly but by now you were just ready to meet them, rather than criticize their flying ability.
When the four of them disembarked their ship, you had to do a double take. Not only did their reputation define them as unlike most clones, but so did their appearance.
You looked at each of them from right to left, starting at the tallest one.
"You must be the new general!" He said, his voice echoing across the platform.
"Oh no, I'm no general, just a jedi," you corrected. "What can I call you?"
He grinned, "Wrecker."
"Nice to meet you, Wrecker." You told him, then looked at the next one, the one with a tattoo covering half of his face.
"Hunter." He informed you before you could ask. "What should we call you? If you're not a general."
"You can call me by my name." You told him before providing them your name.
The next clone looked down at you with a sour expression on his face. A crosshair tattoo adorned his right eye, and a toothpick was slotted between his lips.
"And you are?" You asked.
He said nothing else, instead just stared at you before your attention shifted to the final clone.
"I'm Tech." He said before you could ask, adjusting the goggles he wore.
Your gaze lingered on him longer than you had intended, before you looked away, growing embarrassed.
It wasn't like you to be bashful, and yet looking at Tech seemed to erase any confidence you had. You didn't speak; all you could do was give him a small smile and a nod before Hunter spoke up again.
"Now that we've been introduced, I'm sure that you have questions."
"I've heard reports about your squad, how much of it is true?"
"Hah! All of it, I bet!" Wrecker said, a bit too enthusiastically.
"Depends on what you've heard." Hunter added.
"I have read the reports that come through regarding our squad. Most of them are accurate," Tech began, then held up his datapad to gesture to the reports he had available. "However, some disciplinary reports come through with slight embellishments. We do not start every fight."
"Usually finish them, though." Crosshair adds in with a shrug.
"Despite the reports, you will face no difficulty to fulfill your duties, and we will ensure your safety remains a priority."
You smiled at Tech's reassuring tone, and soon the others started boarding the ship once again.
"If that was your only question, c'mon up, we'll give you the tour." Hunter offered as he walked up the ramp. You followed after him with Tech following behind you.
– – –
Your first night in the Marauder was strange, and unfortunately, sleepless.
You could never fall asleep comfortably in a new place. You had this problem as long as you could remember. It was a hindrance on all the planets you visited with your master as a padawan, he had tried to teach you meditation techniques to help with insomnia, and you used them, but the unknown always kept you awake.
You used to joke about how it was residual anxiety from when you were first brought to the temple as a toddler, but the council was not very pleased when they heard that joke.
After giving up on your meditation, you decided to roam the ship silently. You exited your bunk and walked through the empty corridor, now much more quiet than it had been when you were first shown around. The only sound that could be heard was the hum of the engine and the muffled snores of one of the clones.
You walked toward the cockpit and the door wooshed open, revealing that you were not the only one still awake.
Tech turned around in the pilot's chair to see who was there, and he raised an eyebrow when he noticed it was you.
"It is late, you should be asleep." He chided.
"What about you?" You countered.
"I am often awake much later than the others, this is the best time to focus on any tasks I need to complete."
It sounded like he was hinting that he'd prefer to be alone right now, so you turned back toward the door.
"You do not have to leave, if you do not wish to."
You looked over your shoulder. "I thought you wanted silence?"
"Yes, however you are much more quiet than my brothers. You are welcome to stay."
A smile tugged at your lips, and you crossed the cockpit, sitting down in the co-pilot seat next to him. He was typing into his datapad, and there were open crates next to him.
"Inventory." He explained, noticing you raising your eyebrow. "I am just about finished."
After a few moments, he turned and closed the crate before standing up to put it back where it belonged.
When he sat back down in the chair, he swivelled the chair to face you.
"So, why are you still awake?"
You shrugged, "I've always had a hard time sleeping in new locations."
"Is that not difficult considering you are a jedi?"
"Only when I go to new planets. It's not like I never sleep, I'm just most comfortable with places I know."
"I suppose that makes sense. Eventually, you will get accustomed to the ship."
He turned back toward the console and began to tinker with some of the panels, unscrewing the plates and fixing the wiring beneath them.
You watched him as he worked. Your eyes trailing from his hands delicately holding the tools he needed, toward his arms; his armor had been discarded so you could see the way that his undersuit wrapped around his muscles– he looked much stronger without his armor, and eventually up to his face; his look of concentration behind the goggles he wore, his lips pressed in a firm line.
You were mesmerized watching him work. There was something about him that was so inviting and comforting. You wanted to get to know him better, but you weren't sure how that would be possible.
As you continued to watch him, you didn't notice yourself beginning to drift off to sleep in the co-pilot chair. The engine humming and the quiet whir of the hydrospanner must have lulled you into a place of comfort. Tech glanced over at you once, noticing your arm perched on the armrest, holding your face in your hand, your eyes closed, and your breathing steady.
He quietly said your name, checking if you had really fallen asleep, and when you didn't answer, he smiled slightly to himself before standing up. He gently scooped you into his arms and brought you back to your bunk.
– – –
Late nights spent with Tech had slowly become the norm during your time with Clone Force 99.
Even after you had gotten used to life on the Marauder, it had just become a habit to sit with Tech as he worked long after his brothers had gone to sleep.
Tech didn't question it, he seemed to enjoy being able to ramble on about his latest projects, even if he had to take a break from them on several occasions to bring you to your bed after you had fallen asleep in the chair next to him.
One evening, you had left your bunk and stopped at the caf machine before making your way to the cockpit.
You left a mug in front of Tech before sitting down next to him with yours in hand.
"Oh, thank you." He said, reaching out and eagerly sipping the hot beverage. He glanced over to you, noticing the mug in your hand. "You do not wish to be carried back to your bunk this evening?"
You felt your face heat up slightly. You were mortified when he told you about that, and the fact that it had happened multiple times, and it had never become less embarrassing. His teasing tone did not do well to ease your embarrassment.
"Really, I do not mind," He said, a smirk tugging at his lips.
You shook your head and took a drink from your cup without answering him.
Silence soon overtook the room. You looked out the viewport, watching the stars as they passed, and Tech continued drilling into a panel, fixing something that likely wasn't even malfunctioning to begin with.
He said your name, pulling you from your thoughts, and when you looked over at him, his focus remained with what he was working on.
"I have been wondering. Are you still uncomfortable being here?"
"What do you mean?"
"You had told me that you had trouble sleeping until you were comfortable, and you still spend most nights out here despite the time in which you have spent with us." He looked over at you now. His expression was new to you. His normal confident demeanor had seemed almost sad. There was something in his eyes that you couldn't quite place. "If you are not comfortable, you can request a transfer. None of us would be offended."
You offered him a reassuring smile. "I don't want to transfer, Tech. I'm comfortable here."
His eyebrows furrowed slightly. "You are?"
"Of course. Why do you think I fall asleep so easily out here? You make me feel comfortable and safe."
His head snapped back to what he was tinkering with, trying to hide his flushed face from you.
After a moment, he spoke again. "I see. I am glad for that, then. It would have been... regrettable if you had chose to leave."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why is that?"
His jaw clenched slightly. You could feel the tension as soon as you asked, but eventually, he sighed.
"I just meant that I would feel responsible if, after all this time, we did not make you feel welcome." His tone was resigned, and you knew there was something hiding behind it.
Part of you had hoped that what he was hiding was in line with what you had felt since the first time you had met him, and you figured now was as good a time as any to finally talk about it.
"Tech." You began. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you did all you could yo avoid focusing on your anxieties. "I don't think either of us are very good at this, if I had to take a guess. But I... Enjoy spending time with you, I have ever since the first night I spent here. I would not choose to leave the squad, I wouldn't choose to leave you."
He stared at you wide-eyed. This may be the only time that you'd see Tech completely speechless.
In his silence, you stood from your chair, setting your mug down on the console and quietly stepping toward him.
You reached out a hand, gently resting it on his cheek and tilting his head up to look at you before you moved in and kissed him softly.
His hands hesitated before one of them held your free hand, squeezing it gently as he deepened the kiss.
You smirked at him. "Maybe it's a good thing that I was placed with your squad then. You don't follow rules either."
Before long, he broke the kiss but stared up at you, finally speaking, "I did not know you felt as such. I thought that the jedi had... rules to follow, that they could not..."
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starrystormwritings · 11 months
Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/n: this started strong but I started to loose it towards the end tbh
Summary: You and Remus hate each other, but what happens when he sees you with someone else?
Warnings: fake dating, swearing, jealousy obi, kinda ooc, Slytherin reader, reader wears a dress
Word Count: 3244
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"You need to add rosemary and oak bark professor." Remus answered Slughorn with a smug smirk on his face as the teacher praised him.
It was an obvious answer he just happened to put his hand up quicker.
"Okay last question, this one's a little tougher. What are the main ingredients in a wit sharpening potion?" Slughorn asked causing both me and Remus to shoot our hands into the air.
He looked between the two of us for a second before nodding toward me.
"Scarab beetles, ginger roots, armadillo bile and newt spines sir." I say with a smile, watching Remus roll his eyes as I smile at him.
"Well done Miss L/n, ten points to Slytherin."
A mix of groans and cheers echoed the room as the class was dismissed.
I gathered my books up into my arms and wandered out of the classroom.
I was looking down at my notes as I felt myself bump into a sweater covered chest, my notes and books falling to the floor.
"Crap." I dropped down onto my knees to try and gather the books and loose parchment without looking at who I bumped into.
"Look where your going Jesus,"
I rolled my eyes at his comment, of course it's Remus I walked into. He helped me gather the rest of the stuff before giving me another cocky smile.
"Haven't you got anything to say to me?" He said with a smirk, leaning against the stone wall.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"A thank you maybe? Considering after you rudely ran into me I still stopped to help you."
I scoffed slightly and just looked at him dumbfounded.
"Cmon then, I'm waiting."
I rolled my eyes again.
"My knight in shining armour, thank you so much for taking a minute to pull your head out of your own arse to help me. Appreciate it." I scrunched my nose at him whilst plastering an obviously fake smile across my face.
He chuckled slightly and stood up straight again.
"Your welcome sweetheart."
He laughed again and stopped for a second as if he was going to ask me something before just walking past me, causing me to inhale angrily before walking in the other direction angrily.
Me and Remus had always bumped heads during our time in Hogwarts, him being the smartest in Gryffindor and me the brightest in Slytherin theres always been some competition between the two of us.
His fake shyness paired with his cocky personality made my blood boil and I wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with, I was aware I was a stubborn smart arse.
I made my way to the library, wanting to get ahead of the homework Slughorn just set.
I find my way to my usual table in the back corner of the room, sprawling my parchment and books over the table as I began work on my essay.
After a long hour of uninterrupted working I jumped as someone pulled out the chair next to me, snapping me out of my focus.
I look up to see James Potters smiling face looking at me, causing me to laugh slightly.
Me and James got along surprisingly well despite his hatred towards Slytherins and us both being captains to opposing Quidditch teams.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask with a laugh, putting my quill down as I turned my attention to the curly haired boy.
"I have a favour to ask." He said with an awkward laugh, fiddling with his glasses.
"Should I be scared?"
"A little bit, it's a strange one."
I quirked an eyebrow at him, gesturing him to continue.
"Will you pretend to be my date for the ball?"
I laughed and shook my head slightly "Why on earth would you want me to do that?"
"I overheard Lily say she wanted to go alone so I wanted to take someone else. Y'know, try and show her what she's missing." He awkwardly fiddled with his fingers whilst speaking, despite his normal confidence he always got awkward talking about Lily.
"I don't get how that would change her mind on you, surely you should just speak to her."
"You think I haven't tried a million times? She doesn't want to hear it, I just need one shot to show her what she's missing, and that I'm not always going to be waiting around for her."
I gave the defeated boy a small smile and sighed slightly as I braced myself for what I was about to say.
"Okay maybe. What's in it for me? I was supposed to be going with Reg as friends but I don't think he was too keen on going anyway."
His face lit up as he sat up in his chair happily "Really? I'll give you my word that you can have the Friday morning training slot for the rest of the year. Promise."
I smiled at that, enthusiastically nodding.
The Gryffindor and Slytherin team have been constantly fighting over who gets that practice spot all year, it's the best time to practice and James' friendship with the coach got him an unfair advantage.
"Thank you so much, I promise to be the perfect gentleman."
I laughed softly at him, rolling my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Does that mean I have to spend all night with your friends?" I asked with a small groan, causing him to chuckle lightly.
It's not that I hated the so called marauders, or most of them anyway. But my friendship with Regulus stops me and Sirius from ever being very close and spending any time with Remus made my blood boil.
Peter was a sweetheart though.
"Unfortunately for you yes, I'll tell Remus to be on his best behaviour though, promise."
"I'm shocked he's onboard with this, seems like such a stupid plan he'd talk you out of it." I say with a small laugh, picking up with quill again to twirl between my fingers.
"Oh he doesn't know. No one can know or it won't work. I love them but those idiots would give it away in seconds."
I nodded slightly, makes sense the three of them weren't exactly the most inconspicuous people.
"Okay well you've got yourself a deal. I'll see you on Saturday."
He smirked at me as he stood from his chair, hugging me for a second from behind my chair.
"Seriously I can't thank you enough. I'll see you at the great hall at eight."
I smiled up at him with a small nod.
I play with my hair in the mirror, feeling like I couldn't get it to sit just right no matter what I did.
"I don't get why you care so much about how you look, it's not like you actually like the guy." Regulus said from the other side of the dorm where he sat on the edge of my bed.
"It's not about James, I just want to look nice it's a ball." I smoothed down my long green dress again before turning to fix my lipstick.
"Hmmm sure, or is there another certain Gryffindor that your trying to impress?" Regulus said with a snort.
"I have no idea what your implying."
"Yes you do. Lupin this, Lupin that, your smitten with the boy." He said with a laugh.
I scoffed, turning my attention away from my reflection to the dark haired boy.
"I have no idea what you mean, I hate Remus with every inch of me. He vexes me."
"Yeah sure, you can't deny that you like him a little. He's all you talk about."
I rolled my eyes at him again before going back to finishing how I looked.
"Talking about him and complaining about him are two completely different things so zip it. Okay I think I'm ready to go."
I couldn't lie a part of me understood where he's coming from, which was obvious to Reg as he laughed at the obvious blush that had covered my face.
It's not like I'd say I was in love with the boy, but I can't deny that every time we argue, debate or on the rare occasion engage in academic discussions, my heart always skips a beat.
And a very very very small part of me sort of hoped that it's not just Lily that got jealous tonight.
Regulus jumped up from the bed and offered his arm out to me.
"Let me escort you to your date, make sure he's treating you right."
I snorted at him and threaded my arm through his as we walked out of the dormitory's and up to the great hall.
My hands were a little shaky as I took a few deep breaths.
I understood that this stunt James wants to pull is going to draw a lot of attention, it's the last thing people would expect not to mention that gossip spreads around here and the awareness of all the attention that was about to be on me was spiking some anxiety.
Regulus leaned into my ear as we approached the hall,
"Don't worry, you look beautiful. Everyone's going to be jealous."
I smile at him and stop to give him a brief hug before looking over my shoulder to where James stood at the entrance of the hall.
I took another deep breath before nodding goodbye the Regulus and walking over to James.
He offered out his hand as I approached, pulling me closer to him.
"Don't worry, we've got this. You ready?"
His confidence caused a smile to creep onto my face as I nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
As we walked into the great hall I could feel eyes on the back of my head, the two of us was a completely shocking thing I guess, James has always been so outwardly smitten with Lily nobody would ever expect him to show up with anyone else.
James led us towards the back of the great hall where I could see the other marauders stood around a table chatting, they smiled and waved as they saw James approaching, their expressions all changing slighting as they saw me on his arm.
Peter smiled wildly as I waved at him "Y/n hey! You look amazing."
I smiled back at him with a little laugh "Thanks Peter, you look wonderful as well."
I saw Sirius quirk an eyebrow from the corner of my eye before he cleared his throat to get our attention.
"James this is your surprise date?"
James nodded, giving Sirius a 'behave yourself' look.
"Yes, this is Y/n L/n, I don't think you two have properly met."
I smiled awkwardly at Sirius, hoping he wouldn't freak out on me because of my friendship with Regulus but the boy just smiled sweetly at me, pulling me into a short hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you, I hear your friends with that brother of mine."
I nodded slightly "Me and Reggie are close yes."
He clenched his jaw slightly and nodded back at me "It's nice to know there's someone looking out for him."
I notice Remus leaning against the wall next to Sirius being uncharacteristically quiet for him, he was stood with his arms crossed looking at me with an unreadable expression I hadn't seen on him before.
I hate to admit it but over the past few years of knowing him I've picked up on smaller habits of his. For example when he genuinely smiles his lips sit lopsided to the left, and when he's laughing he always throws his head back a little. When he was stressed he'd pull his hair, and when he was angry or frustrated he'd normally grip a pen in his fist and clench his jaw so hard it sometimes looked as if he was physically biting his tongue to stop himself from speaking out.
But this expression was something I hadn't seen from him before, he was intensely looking straight at me almost as if he was shocked but also with a small smile on his face which I'd never seen directed toward me.
I smiled at him as I looked over, causing him to look away and go back to the usual monotone expression I was used to from him.
If it wasn't the fact I was talking about Remus Lupin I'd say he almost looked in awe.
"Remus you didn't end up bringing a date?" James asked from behind me, causing his friends head to snap up from the spot on the floor he'd turned to.
"Hm? No I didn't ask her after all, decided it wasn't going to work out anyway."
James gave him a sympathetic smile and Sirius snickered from next to him, causing Remus to nudge him hard with his elbow.
"What about you Sirius? Flying solo?" I asked, trying to make myself included within the friend group.
Sirius laughed and shook his head "I always do these kinda things as a bachelor Y/n, it would break everyone's heart if I tied myself down to one person."
James laughed slightly and shook his head at his friend "On that note, care to dance Y/n?"
I nodded back at him and took a deep breath "Might as well put on a bit of a show since everyone's looking anyway."
He laughed at me and took my hand, leading me onto the dance floor.
We swayed back and forth together to the waltz music with some laughs as neither of us could take it seriously.
I could see Remus from over James's shoulder, he was looking directly at us with a cold expression.
It mirrored his usual habits he showed when he was angry but there was something else about it as well, I had no idea what was wrong with him but it was puzzling me that I couldn't read him as easily as I normally could.
As James spun me around I caught a glimpse of Lily stood on the other side of the room, her expression mirroring Remus's.
As the song neared to an end James bent down to my ear "I think it's working, she looks jealous. Would you mind if I kissed you? Just to put the nail in the coffin."
I looked at him for a second before nodded slightly.
He smiled at me before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.
It wasn't bad, he was gentle and soft but neither of us really wanted it and the awkwardness was obvious.
He pulled away suddenly and as I opened my eyes I saw Remus pulling James away by the sleeve of his jacket.
"Outside, now." Remus said as he pulled James out of the room, leaving me stood there alone with half the room staring at me.
I looked around awkwardly not knowing what to do before I felt someone touch my shoulders.
"Care to dance?" Sirius asked with a charming smile, taking my hands.
I took a deep breath and gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you so much."
He nodded and swayed to the side with me "I wouldn't let a beautiful woman stand alone unlike my idiot friends."
~ Remus's pov ~
"What's wrong?" James asked as I pulled him over to a quiet corner or the hallway.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What are you talking about?"
"What are you doing with Y/n? What happened to Lily? Since when did you even like Y/n?" I huffed at him, angrily balling my hands up.
I was supposed to take her, I was going to ask her but every time I tried I just couldn't get the words out, going for a cheap jab at her instead.
I've had a crush on her for the last year, our arguments after class was becoming one of the driving forces for the effort I was putting in and our little interactions somehow always managed to make my day.
I was stunned when I saw her in the Hall, she looked gorgeous and I went to compliment her. I finally gathered the courage to say something and then James put his arm around her.
It's always been Lily for him, just like it's always been Y/n for me. So what the hell was he doing.
"She agreed to come with me to make Lily jealous, I gave her the Quittich field on Fridays if she came with me. Why are you so bothered?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me, placing his hands on my shoulders to slow the pacing I didn't even realise I was doing.
"Oh." Shit I've made it so obvious "I was just worried you were making a mistake that's all."
He looked at me for another second before he connected the dots, his confused expression turning to shock.
"Merlin it's Y/n you were going to bring? You like her! Why didn't you tell us we couldn't helped you!"
"Shh your shouting, she might hear you."
He grinned excitedly at me.
"Remus you like her, that's so out of character for you. Why didn't you ask her?"
I shrugged at him "She hates me, she would've said no anyway."
He shook his head at me with a chuckle "God your both so stupid, she was staring at you all night. Just tell her how you feel, you might be shocked."
"What tell her how I feel so she can laugh at me? We might not be friends but I don't want to ruin the little interactions we do have. If she shot me down it would change everything, I don't want to loose her."
"You like me?"
The timid voice coming from next to us caused me and James to both spin around quickly, seeing Y/n and Sirius stood a few feet from us.
Y/n looking insanely confused and Sirius trying to keep his laughter as quiet as possible.
"This is such a shit show." He said with a laugh, causing Y/n to back hand his shoulder, still looking at me with an unreadable expression.
James rolled his eyes "Sirius maybe we should give them some privacy and go find Peter Hm?"
I looked at him with a silent thank you as he dragged a still laughing Sirius back into the Great Hall.
"You like me?" She repeated, walking to stand where James previously was.
I awkwardly tugged at my sleeves with a sigh, not knowing how to respond.
"I know it's stupid okay, I understand that you hate me and this is probably hilarious but yeah I think I do. I don't mean to be so mean to you I just don't know how to talk to you and I was going to ask you to be my date tonight but I whimped out and you probably don't care anyways but I think your the most brilliant, intelligent, beautiful and funny person I've ever met and-"
My rambling was cut off when I felt her hand touch the side of my face, the tips of her fingers going into my hair as I lent into her touch.
"Are you want to just kiss me or keep talking?" She asked with a giggle causing me to laugh a little bit as well.
"I think I'm gonna go with kiss."
She nodded with another laugh "Right as always Remus."
I admired her face for another second with a smile before finally leaning down.
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starry-crossing-zone · 6 months
Nail Polish - Hunter (TBB)
Summary: After Omega shows an interest in some nail polish, you steal some for her. Hunter pretends to be annoyed. Length: 1816 words Warnings: Female Reader; Former Bounty Hunter Reader; No Physical Description of Reader; No Y/N Used; Pickpocketing; Mentions of Dark Pasts (Reader)
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Walking through the busy streets of a Mid Rim planet, you kept a close eye on Omega as you made your way back to the Marauder. The Bad Batch had split up to gather supplies and you and Omega had been sent to get a new water purification filter, which was securely strapped to your chest.
“Come on, Meg, this way,” you directed, resting a hand on Omega’s shoulder.
“Wait, what’s that?” Omega asked, pointing at a stand to the side.
You glanced over before slowly leading Omega over to the small stand. A group of merchants greeted you as you approached, and you quickly sized them up. Glancing down at what Omega was curiously examining, you bent down to Omega’s height.
“That’s nail polish.”
“What’s its purpose?” Omega questioned, turning to you.
“You paint your fingernails or your toenails with it. It’s pretty to look at,” you explained to her.
“Is it permanent?”
“No, just temporary. It’ll last longer if you add more layers of it,” you continued, glancing over the various colors at the stall.
“And can you only pick one color?”
“No. You can pick as many as you want. In the Inner Rim, there’re artists that spend their whole day painting people’s nails.”
“Really?” Omega gasped, causing you to nod.
“Where are you two from?” the vender asked, eyeing the two of you.
“Outer Rim. Just passing through,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly. You stared down at Omega, who was still curiously studying the vials of nail polish. You paused for a moment before nudging Omega in the side. “Come on, Meg. Let’s get going. The boys will worry if we’re late.”
“Alright,” Omega agreed, setting the vial of nail polish back.
Bidding the venders goodbye, Omega and you turned to head back to where the Marauder was docked. You waited until you were a few streets over before sliding two vials of nail polish out of the hidden compartment in your vambrace.
“I thought that you liked these colors the best,” you stated quietly.
Omega’s eyes widened in surprise when she spotted the two vials of nail polish in your hand. She quickly grabbed them, smiling giddily, before she quickly connected the dots. Turning back to you, Omega frowned.
“When did you pay for these?”
“That’s not for you to worry about, Meg,” you dismissed, pushing Omega forward to stay on schedule. Omega hissed your name, looking around nervously.
“We can’t do that," she insisted.
“Why not?”
“It’s illegal.”
“Well, I can think of quite a few other illegal things that we’ve done,” you replied evenly, leading Omega into the docking bay. “We’ll just add it to the list.”
“How did you do it?” Omega asked curiously.
“That’s far from the most impressive move that I can pull off,” you stated, shooting Omega a smirk. “Come on, Meg, give me more credit than that.”
“Can you show me?”
“I don’t think that Hunter would approve of that,” you mused. After a moment, you added, “We can start tomorrow.”
Omega grinned, but you shot her a look to keep a low profile. Omega stowed the nail polish into her pockets as the two of you walked towards the Marauder. Tech looked up from his datapad and perked up when he spotted the water filter.
“Ah, just what I was waiting for.”
“Sorry, got a little sidetracked,” you replied, tossing it over to Tech.
“What kind of sidetracked?” Hunter asked, stepping off of the ship. “Imperial trouble?”
“Just some window shopping,” you spoke evenly, folding your arms over your chest. “Don’t get your bandana all in a twist.”
“We now possess all of the items that we needed to acquire on this pitstop. We should depart shortly, if we want to return to Ord Mantell for a new mission,” Tech announced, causing the Bad Batch to make their way onto the Marauder.
You were about to take your seat in front of the computer when Omega gestured for you to follow her to the back of the ship. Smiling, you headed back, missing the way that Hunter turned in his seat to look back at you. He heard the clinking of glass earlier when Omega and you approached, but now he was certain that it was coming from the two of you.
“Can you show me?” Omega asked quietly, holding out the vials.
“Give me your hand,” you instructed, sitting across from Omega.
Opening the nail polish bottle, you gently grabbed Omega’s right hand and started to apply the dark gray nail polish. Omega watched, fascinated, as you worked to carefully paint her nails.
“Where did you learn how to do this?”
“I used to paint nails. When I was about your age,” you explained elusively.
“For who?”
“A lady.”
“Did she paint her nails like this too?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head as you switched to Omega’s thumb.
“No, she preferred this weird green color. It looked horrible but apparently it complimented her eyes.”
“Can I paint yours next?” Omega questioned, causing you to look up.
“Course you can. Maybe if you ask nicely, you can paint the boys’ nails too,” you mused, dipping the brush back into the polish.
“They didn’t have nail polish on Kamino,” Omega continued, causing you to nod.
“I wouldn’t expect the Kaminoans to have much need for it. Do they even have fingernails?” you snorted, working on Omega’s left hand. “But a lot of species use this stuff. And there’s other types of polish or things that people put on their nails. But you have to be really rich to get those.”
“Like what?”
“Some people get gems and other valuables embedded into their nails,” you explained, causing Omega to frown.
“The same reason that why rich people do most things. Because they can,” you stated a bit blunter than you intended.
“Did you ever get your nails painted?” Omega asked, causing you to shake your head. “The lady whose nails you painted, she never painted yours?”
“No,” you replied, placing the brush back into the vial and screwing the bottle shut.
“Why not?”
“She wasn’t as nice as I am,” you responded, not meeting Omega’s confused gaze. “Now, keep your fingers apart and don’t touch anything. You have to let the paint dry first. It could take some time, but I didn’t put too thick of a layer on it.”
“And then what?” Omega asked, looking at her newly painted nails.
“Then we can put another layer on, or I can start with the red,” you explained kindly. “Your choice, Meg.”
“What did you do when you painted nails before?”
“I would put another layer of the gray first,” you stated, causing Omega to nod. “It could make the polish a little more durable.”
“What do we have here?” Hunter drawled, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He noted the nail polish bottles on the floor and paint on Omega’s nails. And even if she hid them, he would have smelled it. “I didn’t realize that we had a salon back here.”
Hunter’s gaze drifted over to you, and you stared back at him with some measure of defiance, knowing that the edge in his tone was directed at you. But Omega got in between the two of you.
“Look at my nails, Hunter!” she called, causing Hunter to turn to her. He bent down to her height and reached out to grab one of her hands, but Omega quickly drew them towards her chest. “Careful! The polish is still drying!”
“I’ll be careful,” Hunter assured Omega before looking down at her nails. “Dark gray, huh?”
“To match your armor,” Omega explained, causing Hunter to nod. “We got red too. She said that she’s going to do designs on my nails once the layers dry.”
 “Anything specific picked out?”
Omega turned to you with a questioning look, but you simply smiled and casually leaned back against your hands.
“It’s whatever you want, Meg. You get to pick,” you assured her.
After the top layers of the nail polish dried, you got to work on the red nail art that you promised Omega. You did a horizontal stripe to represent Hunter’s bandana, two adjacent dots to represent Tech’s goggles, an ‘H’ to represent Wreaker’s lula, and a ‘V’ to represent Echo’s kama. And then a '99' symbol too.
“They should be all set now,” you stated, causing Omega to smile and get to her feet.
You watched with an amused smile as Omega ran around and showed off her nails to every member of the Bad Batch. Wrecker seemed most excited for Omega, though the others offered her their praise in their own ways. And it wasn’t long before Omega was going around and painting all of their nails.
You walked over to where Hunter was sitting in front of the computer, watching as Echo offered Omega his hand. Wrecker was blowing on his nails, not wanting to disappoint Omega by ruining her hard work. You folded your arms over your chest, as Hunter had done earlier.
“You going to give me a lecture on pickpocketing again?” you asked him, not taking your eyes off of Omega.
“I’ll make an exception. This time,” Hunter replied, slowly turning to look at you. “I still don’t like it though.”
“Yes, I’m aware,” you stated, pushing off the computer table.
“Then why do you keep doing it?” Hunter asked, causing you to raise a playful eyebrow.
“Well, someone has to teach her how to have fun,” you responded, brushing past Hunter. He turned slowly in his chair, watching as you kneeled down beside Omega. You smiled at her work and offered some praise. “You’re getting the hang of it, Meg.”
“You think so? It’s still sloppy compared to yours,” Omega replied, glancing down at her own nails.
“With practice, comes perfection, as with everything else,” you assured her before standing up.
Walking past Hunter once again, you could feel his eyes on you, but kept walking. Hunter shook his head and turned around to find Wrecker staring at him with a grin. Nudging Hunter in the arm with his elbow, Wrecker let out a teasing laugh.
“Did you want her to do your nails, Hunter, huh?” he teased, causing Omega to pick her head up.
“She’s the best at it,” Omega vouched innocently.
“I’ll just wait for you, Omega,” Hunter replied awkwardly, sinking in his seat.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Things I think marauders aus can utilise more to add more depth and references:
Disclaimer: I'm not criticising people or telling them what to do I just think these aspects would be really fun to focus on
- Peter's silver hand. Yeah in canon he only gets it in 1995 but modern aus aren't going to follow the canon timeline! If you care enough to keep Remus disabled in aus I think Pete should be allowed his prosthetic, we can have more than 1 disabled character. He could've been born without a hand or gotten some form of illness or into an accident, there are so many ways you can cover it. If you feel weird about keeping his hand but getting rid of the way he got it, he could've had a messy past in organised crime that led to him losing his hand before his friends found him and helped him to pull out of it. He needs more background in general so that's a really cool way to cover two things in one,
- Regulus being a huge fucking martyr. We get a bit of this but I would love to see him making even more gigantic, unproportionate sacrifices, including his own life. It's one of the main things we know about him, he's all or nothing on everything so I think it's fun to look into how different situations can bring out that intrinsic part of his character.
- Dorcas' anger. She had so much rage and strength that she was able to take on Voldemort himself. She destroyed large parts of his army. If she gets angry, that rage in uncontainable. I feel like people shy away from that too much and aim to make her too palatable but her anger is so fun to explore and completely changed her character and motivations. She doesn't have unpredictable rage, it's very calculated and directed, but it's there. She probably carefully considers everything before it happens and that's why she's so powerful. She knows her skills and she knows how to use them.
- SIRIUS' ANGER AND UNPREDICTABILITY! He is so changeable and instinctive. He doesn't often think about consequences before he does things and tries to move on from situations in which he may have wronged someone with shocking swiftness. He never really considers how his actions may effect others and it will take a really strong word to get that through to him. That man is so damn stubborn. Let him be unreasonable, he doesn't need to be perfect all the time. He was raised in a house swarming with pride, you don't just suddenly abandon that.
- Marlene's connection to her family. We know her family are all killed together so what's her bond with them? A lot of people say she didn't get along with them -especially not her father- but is it more deep than that? Does she still have a sense of duty to them that draws her to visit them in the hopes things will fix themselves?
- Remus' self-preservation and self-pity. Does he do things because he wants to or because the people around him influence him to? He's more passive than active and given the choice, he'd remain in hiding during times of struggle.
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regregregulusblack · 2 months
My official intro post . ⋆✮ ˚ . ✩°。⋆。
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘. My name is Regulus Black, and no, you are NOT allowed to call me Reg or Reggie.
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A photo my friend Evan took of me without my permission. I will never forgive you, @barbie-wants-to-be-me-fr !!!
I am intersex and I go by he/they pronouns. I don’t like to label myself, but at least I am not straight. I am single and not looking for anyone at all at the moment. I am also autistic and have ADHD. NOT the wild sort. The fucking-tired-bitch-stfu-sort.
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My interests:
• Art
• Quidditch (I’m a seeker)
• Poetry (both reading and writing)
• Reading books
• Defence of the Dark Arts
• Analysing every single lyric in every single Taylor Swift song and crying about it
• Makeup
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On this blog I will be posting quotes, poetry, art, photographs and selfies and just silly little things that I feel like sharing. If I see any posts about me, I will read them and BEWARE, I will be critical. So you might see me around :) You have been warned.
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You will also probably see me having chats with my friends, @remus-lupin-offical is one of them but I’m still waiting for my other idiot friends to finish making their bloody accounts. I will add them here as soon as I can! Update: Took as them long enough, but now they’re also on Tumblr! People you will see me interacting with:
• @sirius-thesstar (Ew)
• @remus-lupin-offical (Why’d you choose my idiot brother as your boyfriend? You’re better than this.)
• @the-real-marls-mckinnon
• @xxcassiexx Dorcas Meadows, a Slytherin I have deep respect for. Say hi to Dorcas!
• @barty-not-barry (My batshit crazy friend)
• @pandora-notyetalovegood (Fellow Slytherin, say hi!)
• @lily-evans-for-ya (In a world of annoying people you are a nice person. Take it as a compliment or don’t. It’s up to you.)
• @captainjamespotter (Annoying Gryffindor)
• @stolemyheelsfromlegolas (DO NOT CALL ME REGIANO FFS) (MARY YOU HEAR ME?!)
• @barbie-wants-to-be-me-fr (Another lovely Slytherin asshole, he and Barty should just shut up and kiss by the way)
• @ur-local-peter-pettigrew (Gryffindor)
• @itty-bitty-bella (Cousin)
• @therealcissyblack (Cousin who loves me :))
• @andro-black (Cousin AS WELL)
• @the-best-slytherin (Luna, a fellow Slytherin)
• @yourfavouritehufflepuffgirl (Ew Hufflepuffs) (Ooc: I love Hufflepuffs)
You will see me arguing with my brother, @sirius-thesstar. Like, a lot. Don’t mind Sirius, he’s an idiot. If we’re arguing in French, do NOT translate if you’re a scaredy cat…
Do not interact if:
• You’re Sirius and you’re mad at me
• You’re a Gryffindor (yeah that goes for you too Sirius) (Slytherin is the best Hogwarts house)
• You’re transphobic
• You’re homophobic
• You don’t like me for some other reason
• You’re a Taylor Swift hater
I love Taylor. Don’t you ever disrespect her. Her new album only further proves that she’s a true poet. Even @sirius-thesstar agrees with me on that.
Other things I love are:
• Cats (I dream of having two black cats and naming them Phoebe and Ruby)
• The sea (It’s so calming to watch, but I HATE swimming. It’s too cold. And wet. Yuck.)
• The rain
• Conan Gray (No one can take his album “Superache” from me. Don’t ever try or I’ll bite you.)
Hope I’ll see you around! (Or not. Depending on my mood)
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My tags: #regregregulusreg, #thetorturedpoetofthecave, #regussy, #regulussy
Random edit: Ooc: Eh so I’m a minor and I’m a victim of actual physical and mental abuse and I’m still going through stuff, so eh, “Reggie” might be talking jokingly about abusive parents and a tough upbringing on here and stuff like that… just know that that is my fucked up coping mechanism okay, and I don’t mean any harm, and please if you’re joking around with me about abuse don’t take it too far since it might be triggering for me. Thank you.
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wisteria-cherry · 11 months
in which you decide to make a list of all the nicknames sirius calls you
sirius x reader, jealous sirius if you squint
although you had been friends with the marauders for quite a decent amount of time— not so much as each other, but still considerable compared to the other few people they chose to hang around— it had never really crossed your mind just how many nicknames sirius used for you. the only natural solution to this was to take a tally.
at the beginning of the day, when you were sitting in the common room waiting for the boys to arrive, sirius was last down. this wasn’t uncommon; sirius spent the most time getting ready of the four (james a close second).
“morning, dove,” sirius greeted you, stretching his arms up above his head. you smile in reply, scribbling down the name in your notebook (a muggle invention that was far more practical than keeping scrolls of parchment. lily had given it to you as a gift). “whatcha writing?”
“yeah, what is that, huh?” james looked over your shoulder curiously.
“nothing.” you wave dismissively, standing up as you shut the notebook to properly greet the boys. “hurry up, we’ll be late.”
“yes, mum.” sirius groaned dramatically (as always).
your first class was history of magic— which was unfortunate, really, because the tiring class did nothing to help your already tired state. sirius and remus were on either side of you, and you were sitting with your head resting in your arms.
“tired, darling?” sirius whispered, snickering under his breath.
“who wouldn’t be?” you mumble, adjusting your arms on your desk. ah, that’s right. you made a mental note to add “darling” to the list.
“go ahead and sleep.” remus mumbled as he scribbled down notes. “you can copy my notes later.”
“this is why you’re my favorite, rem,” you bury your head deeper in your arms, letting your heavy eyelids finally close.
“excuse me, love,” sirius whispered indignantly, poking your bicep. “i’m hurt.”
“you, too, sirius, i guess.” you groan indifferently. you hear sirius exhale, satisfied with your answer, before feeling the weight of what must have been his robe across your shoulders. your shoulders relaxed as you felt his hand following, scratching gentle circles on your back.
“that’s what i like to hear, hm?”
sirius woke you up seconds before the end of class. you weren’t sure how he kept track so well— he probably only did it so he could count down the minutes til he was free (at least until his next class)— but you found it useful, as you were more so the type to cope until class ended as a pleasant surprise.
“wake up, love, class is nearly over.” sirius poked your head, maybe a little too hard, before brushing the hair out of your face carefully, probably to compensate. “oi.”
“m’up, black.” you lift your face slightly to eye professor binns finally wrapping up the lecture. “merlin, already?”
“yeah, already.” sirius hummed.
“where’s moony?” you tiredly look to sirius before looking the other way to see if remus was there.
“finishing your notes for you.” remus replied, eyes glued to the board as he scribbled down dates from it. remus set his pencil down with a satisfied tap and rolled up the parchment just as professor binns dismissed the class. you stood up and stretched before gratefully taking remus’ notes to copy down later.
“thanks, rem. this is why you’re my favorite.” you exhale.
“oi, i thought i was your favorite!” sirius protested. you cast him an amused glance.
“you didn’t copy notes down for me.”
“i would’ve given you mine if you asked.”
“your handwriting is horrid.”
“come on now, you don’t really mean that, don’t you, pretty?” sirius slung an arm over your shoulders as you roll your eyes.
“yes, i do. come on now, i’ve got to get to class.” you tell him, following as remus began to walk out.
“you should skip.”
“and do what?”
“hang out, obviously, sweetheart!” sirius groaned. “merlin, you’re dense sometimes.”
“i’ll keep that in mind.” you raise an eyebrow.
as soon as you sit down in your next class (sirius and remus had indeed skipped, much to remus’ annoyance, as he had charms, which he quite liked. you and sirius had potions, so you couldn’t blame him for skipping), you whipped out your notebook, scribbling down the names before you forgot.
darling, love, pretty, sweetheart.
you hummed contentedly. a considerable list. you decided not to add mum. you look up from your notebook as professor slughorn studied the room.
“(l/n), child, where is mr. black?” the pudgy professor frowned.
“erm,” you hesitate, startled by the sudden question. “in— in the library, sir.”
“do fetch him, won’t you?” slughorn tutted. “such a rebel. but i do enjoy him; his family are fine people.” you sigh. sirius was one of slughorn’s favorites, even though sirius wanted nothing to do with him, as a conversation with slughorn meant talking about his family.
“yes, sir,” you stand up, leaving the room as your classmates stared after you.
you found sirius in the library with the other marauders. you had been expecting this; you knew that remus’ condition for skipping classes would be that they go to the library. sirius was slumped dramatically over the table.
“moony, this is horrible! what’s the point of skipping class if we’re just going to go to the library?” sirius was whining as he caught sight of you. he brightened immediately, and, upon seeing sirius’ face light up, the other three boys looked up as well.
“finally decided to join us, eh?” james grinned.
“in your dreams.” you roll your eyes. “i’ve come for black. professor slughorn wants his star student back.”
“i’m failing potions on purpose, i’m not his star student!” sirius groaned.
“that’d be lily.” james nodded solemnly.
“pushover.” remus snorted quietly. james punched remus’ shoulder.
“his words, not mine.” you shrug. you watch as sirius packs up his things for a moment before turning to leave, assuming sirius would follow after.
“aw, come on, pads, stay!” james protested.
“yeah, you don’t really wanna go to potions, do you?” peter added insistently.
“nope. gotta go, the missus calls.” sirius said, popping the ‘p’ as he slung his bag over his shoulder. “so long, mates.” remus waved goodbye politely as the other two continued to protest, until madam pince gave them the same withering glare that they had found you also had sometimes— the one that shut them up.
“the missus?” you raise an eyebrow as sirius falls into step with you (somewhat, as his long strides were no match for your short, quick steps).
“yeah, the missus.” sirius hummed, looking ahead as he answered. he seemed to sense through your silence that you wanted clarification. “what about it?”
“that’s new.” you shrug. sirius only grins, slinging his arm over your shoulder.
“well, i had to start getting creative since you’re writing them all down.” he says smugly.
“wh-“ you sputter, stepping out of his grip to look at him in shock. “you knew?”
“you’re not very discreet, lovely.” sirius snickered. you sighed. this was true.
“fine.” you groan, reluctantly allowing sirius’ arm to snake around your waist as you continued to walk.
“y’know what else i reckon you ought to add to that list?”
“what?” you ask halfheartedly, knowing full well it’d be a foolish answer.
“i’m all yours.”
“quit it, black.”
“as you wish, darling.”
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The one With The Heat Wave
Wolfstar x reader      Sirius Black x reader      Remus Lupin x reader      Sirius Black x Remus Lupin      Sirius Black x reader x Remus Lupin 
Established couple (throuple), Hint of possible Poly!marauders x reader to come?
Summary: Reader is very (sexually) frustrated, it’s also far, far too hot out
Warnings: Sexual Content (but no smut)
Some fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
The heat wave started a week ago. And it had been a week since either of your boyfriends had touched you. 
You’re sitting in between them in one of Bins’s history of magic lectures, right at top of the cascading auditorium, both the farthest row away from the ground - and your terribly boring lecturer. Everyone’s breath is coming out in tight puffs and long sighs, and that smell of sweat hangs heavy in the air. 
‘You’d think they’d take pity on us’, Sirius says, aggressively fanning his face. He’s more pink than he should be, and his face is dotted almost entirely in perfectly round baubles of sweat. 
‘Surely this classifies as youth endangerment’, James chimes in from the row below you, and you can almost imagine the steam sizzling up from the top of his head. It’s far too hot, and everyone in the room but the ghost is feeling it. 
‘Didn’t McGonagall say something about a charm on the walls to cool the air down?’, Sirius asks to no one in particular.
‘We’re in bloody Scotland Padfoot, there’s no way she was being serious’, Remus pants, sparing Sirius a glace that somehow manages to be equally sympathetic as it is exasperated. The heat has got everyone on a short fuse. But worst of all neither of the boys have touched you beyond tight chaste kisses, and gentle pats to skin in almost a week. Since this hellfire decided to settle above ground. 
Remus has got his sleeves rolled all the way up. His muscles and vascular veins are more than poking out from his now near-translucent white school shirt. You know some of the Hufflepuff girls two seats over have noticed too, most definitely fanning themselves over more than just the hot air. It’s almost as nauseating. The smell isn’t helping either. The perspiration of the other 30 students in the room pales in comparison to the men right next to you. Their smell, the heavy breathing, and the undoubtedly sticky bodies beside you keep your mind entirely unsettled. Drawing your thoughts helplessly back to nights, and days spent in beds, bathtubs and broom closets. You hear your overworking heartbeat in two places at once, as blood rushes to your head and then all the way back down again.
‘Shhhh quiet, I can’t hear what he’s saying’, you chastise, motioning to Bins, your only hope is distracting yourself long enough to wait out this dry spell.
‘Sweetheart, no one can hear what he’s saying, he’s been mumbling for the last half hour’, Remus says.
‘And even if he wasn’t with the way everyone seems to be breathing like rabid dogs in here that would surely drown him out regardless’, Sirius adds, placing a gentle hand on your exposed thigh. The head rush is instant, like huffing a pack of cigarettes, or being doused in ice cold water. Then Sirius is retracting his hand back to fan his face. Leaving you to contemplate the newfound wetness between your legs. These slivers of contact were all you had to go on over the past week. Light touches, grazes and slip ups here and there. Far too minimal and devastatingly un-satisfying. It made your head spin, and your fingers tingle. You'd put on a brave face, but the waiting game was finally catching up to you.
‘I really don’t feel well’, you say, furrowing your brows together, gripping the wooden chair beneath you tightly. Desperately trying to bring balance to your very out of balance mind and body.
‘You and me both Y/N’, Sirius says under his breath, before turning to take notice of your genuinely sickly state. In an instant he’s fanning you instead, desperately, and with both hands.
Remus turns to look at you, and he isn’t able to hide his concern. 
‘Ohhh, my baby’, he coos, clasping his hands on either cheek to wipe your sweat away. You cross your legs in an instant.
‘Is it all too much for you?’ he continues, and you nod desperately between his hands, gripping onto his wrists to keep them there. It’s strangely counterintuitive. It’s the hottest week the Scottish Highlands have seen, probably ever, and you’re in despair to be touched. When you should really be shrinking away from any skin-to-skin contact. Somehow their attention is your salvation, the eternal cool to the blistering heat. 
Remus leans down to nip at your neck then, stealing a sweet kiss and a quick bite to the skin, soothing it with his tongue. And you fucking moan in your history of magic lecture. You’re reaching delirium, you really can’t be held accountable. Thank Godric, amongst the room full of overheating, whining students it isn’t particularly out of place. But even if someone pulled you up on it, you’re not sure you’d be embarrassed. Sirius’s hand returns to your thigh, gripping much tighter than before, sliding the tips of his fingers ever closer to the hem of your ruffled school skirt. Oh, they've definitely caught on. You start whimpering, practically shaking with need. ‘How about we head back up to the dorm? how does that sound?’, Sirius whispers in your ear, and you nod frantically. Remus is just looking at you, his hands still softly clasping your cheeks. His eyes gone black; pupils widened beyond belief. 
‘Just a reminder, public indecency is a crime’, James quips sharply from the row in front, his body contortioned to look at you from behind him. He sounds more frustrated than he does humorous in his remark, quite out of character for him. You’re not sure how long he’s been watching you three. Lost in your daze. He looks more out of it than he did just a minute ago, and his eyes lock onto yours. His lips are bitten, with sly traces of shredded skin, and he’s most definitely panting, as Sirius put it earlier: “like a rabid dog”. Your two boyfriends glance between each other, subtle knowing smirks gracing their lips.
‘Jealous, Prongs?’, Sirius tests, leaning forward endearingly, so the ends of his longer hair fan over James’s face.
‘Oh fuck off’, James whispers in defeat, and the tinge on his cheeks looks more like embarrassment than a just hot flush - as he turns his head back to face Bins at the front of the hall.
Remus and Sirius keep their eyes on one another for a little while, taking in James’s outburst. Some sort of silent communication takes place between them, and from the way you read them oh so easily you know they’re saying: ‘we’ll talk about that later’. 
Their attention returns to you. ‘How about we head up then, dove?’, Remus says, and you know it’s not really a question. 
‘y-yeah…’, you whimper, moving to stand as Sirius has already hastily packed up all your things on your behalf, slinging your bag over his shoulder. Remus keeps a firm hand around your waist, guiding the three of you out through the back of the lecture hall.
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