#shop Best Deal books online
whatsinyourstory · 1 day
Buying and Shopping Best Deal Books Online
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hebrewbyinbal · 2 years
Click the link http://kck.st/3H8kvGC and choose the course from the rewards list for $197 to save your seat!
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divabandits-blog · 1 year
Amazon Kindle Book Deals under $5- 4-3-23
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discow1tch · 2 months
Nightcrawler Comic Recs (for beginners)
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This list is designed with fans who have little to no knowledge of X-Men comics in mind and with an emphasis on what I would call "fangirl appeal". Each title is listed in chronological order with descriptions, a reading order, and my reasoning for each of them under the readmore for those who need it. In my opinion, all of them are good places to start!*
I primarily read comics on Marvel's official app (marvel unlimited) but hoopla (free through many public libraries) and comixology are other good options for online reading. If you want physical copies you'll get the best deals at your local comic shop or on ebay.
If you have criticisms, additions, or continuity question feel free to hit up my ask box!
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SERIES: ❥ Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont (1975) ❥ Excalibur by Chris Claremont (1988), Alan Davis (1991), and Warren Ellis (1994) ❥ Uncanny X-Men by Joe Casey (2001) ❥ Nightcrawler (2004) ❥ Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender (a controversial choice since this isn't main universe/616 Kurt) (2010) ❥ Amazing X-Men (2014) ❥ Nightcrawler (2014)
OTHER RANDOM ISSUES**: ❥ Guardians Team-Up #6 ❥ Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #17 (2017)
*with the exception of Uncanny X-Force. I wouldn't read this until you have a grip on 616 Kurt's characterization.
**these are primarily team ups I discovered through my habit of buying random comics with Kurt on the cover. I'll add more if I remember them.
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Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont (1975) was an ongoing team book. The sixteen years of it that were written by Claremont are the iconic building blocks upon which all other X-Men comics are built. It's the book Nightcrawler was on from 1975 to 1988 (#94-227) after he was recruited by Professor X. Unfortunately, Kurt is rarely the main character. He has a lot of standout moments but is more likely to just be part of the team. If you like a sweet, sarcastic, curly haired Nightcrawler with terrible fashion sense this book might be for you!
How to start reading it:
Giant-Size X-Men #1 (his introduction, basically a series pilot that rebooted the X-Men).
Uncanny X-Men #94 (directly follows giant-size)
From there you can read numerically.
Read as much uncanny as you want. If it gets boring/isn't for you try Excalibur!
Specific issue recs if you don't want to start at the beginning:
#110: The X-Men fight a villain of the week who traps them in the danger room with the safety controls off. It's also the first (I think?) time the X-Men play baseball together. Kurt is really fun in this issue! #123 & 124: The X-Men fight Arcade for the first time. The issues are split pretty evenly between the whole team but Kurt has some really good moments. #139 & 140: Kurt goes to Canada with Wolverine. They fight a Wendigo with the canadian super-team Alpha Flight and he becomes the first X-Man to learn Wolverine's real name. The art in this is really expressive. Kurt makes a lot of good faces. #168: This issue isn't primarily about Kurt but it is the one where he does the Burt Reynolds cosmo centerfold pose for his girlfriend. #169: Continues from 168. Opens with Kurt in the bath with his girlfriend. He then teleports around the city naked to save someone. #183: Kurt and Wolverine take Colossus out drinking after he breaks up with Kitty. Kurt is there as "mediator" because he knows Logan is mad about the way Piotr treated Kitty. They end up getting into a fight with the Juggernaut at the bar. #204: Kurt restores his faith and self confidence by taking on Arcade solo when he sees a woman being kidnapped off the street.
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Excalibur by Chris Claremont, Alan Davis, and Warren Ellis (1988-1998) was a self-contained ongoing comic that ran through the late 80's up through the mid 90's. Excalibur is the British X-Men adjacent team that Kurt joined and then became unofficial leader of when he thought the other X-Men had died. Excalibur is more magic and fantasy based than X-Men usually is. As written by Chris Claremont it's also basically a sex farce. I consider this book a definitive characterization of the character. The art by Alan Davis in the first ~50 issues is the sexiest Nightcrawler has ever been and probably ever will be. If you like a classically handsome, confident, overtly sexy Nightcrawler this series might be for you.
How to start reading it:
Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn (shows the team being formed, basically the series pilot). There's a ton of Deep Lore and callbacks in it but if anything is important it will get explained more directly by narration.
Excalibur #1
From there you can read numerically
The first 67 issues are pretty consistently good but you can always stop After the Cross-Time Caper story if you want something more modern
If you want to keep reading after #67 I suggest skipping the issues written by Lobdell and going straight to the Warren Ellis era
Specific issue recs if you don't want to start at the beginning:
#4: The beginning of the Kurt/Meggan/Brian love triangle. Includes the infamous page where Kurt and Meggan nearly kiss. #16: Another infamous issue. The team land in a new universe and get separated. Kurt fights some air ship pirates before getting seduced and fucked just barely off panel by an Evil Queen. He also ends up wearing some really skimpy "battle armor" towards the end. It's truly incredible that this was even allowed to be published. #23: Judge Dredd parody. The team land in a new universe and get separated (again). Kurt has some really great fight scenes against an alternate universe human version of himself and a really heartfelt story with that universes version of Meggan. #44 & 45: The british government asks the team for help investigating a series of strange robberies in London. Everyone but Kurt is out of town on personal business and his leg is broken so he decides the thing to do is recruit the chaotic aliens helping rebuild the light house as a substitute team - his "N-Men"! If you read these issues by themselves just skip over the sections about the other characters.
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Uncanny X-Men by Joe Casey (2001) (#395-409) was part of the ongoing Uncanny comic. It primarily follows a team of X-Men tracking down the Church of Humanity cult as they try to eradicate mutants. This run had a lot of different artists on it but they're all good. The aesthetics and vibes of this run are some of my favorites. Casey writes Kurt a bit more grounded and less jokey but without sacrificing any of the witty banter which I like. If you like a less human-looking Nightcrawler with glowing eyes and pointy teeth this series might be for you!
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Nightcrawler (2004) is a twelve issue self-contained mini-series. It's the second of three Nightcrawler self titled minis and it's also my favorite! Kurt gets enlisted as basically a supernatural investigator by Storm after a group of children die mysteriously. He has three different love interest in this which the story even calls him out for at one point. The art is more grounded than the usual marvel house style which isn't for everyone but I personally enjoy it. If you like a softer nightcrawler or a Nightcrawler in street clothes this book might be for you!
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Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender (2010) (#20-35) was an ongoing team book. It's maybe my most controversial pick because it's the Nightcrawler from the Age of Apocalypse but I'm gonna count him because he's hot. He jumped universes to join X-Force (the X-Men's covert black ops team) in issue #11 during the period of time when main universe/616 Kurt was dead. The first arc he's in is all AoA stuff so you can skip it and start at #20 (the Otherworld arc) if you want. AoA Kurt is a darker, more violent version of the character who's only interested in revenge. A lot of Nightcrawler fans hated his inclusion on the team but I personally think he's great! It also helps that the art in this is done in this gorgeous almost abstract digital watercolor style. This version of Nightcrawler ends up dying in an event comic when the series ends but don't even worry about it. Also, maybe don't start with this one. If you like the idea of a star trek-style mirror universe Kurt try reading this!
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Amazing X-Men (2014) was an ongoing team book. It's the series that brought Kurt back from the dead after his death several years earlier in a crossover event. It's a really good jumping on point for modern Nightcrawler but the plot is kind of bonkers. If you read it try not to think too hard about the implications of that first arc. Most of the weirder stuff in it doesn't really matter outside of this book anyway. The art is really good - Kurt is very pretty in this. In the early issues he also has great romantic tension with Storm and Wolverine if you're in to that! It's very intertwined with the 2014 solo so if you like this definitely read that! If you like a lanky more cartoony Nightcrawler try this series and the 2014 miniseries!
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Nightcrawler (2014) is a twelve issue self contained mini series. It takes place after the first arc of Amazing X-Men but can be read independently since narration explains everything that happened. I'll be honest, this series is fun but not very memorable. The art is nice, though. If you like a lanky more cartoony Nightcrawler try this series and Amazing X-Men!
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
In somewhat humorous news, my mother got into a quandary today involving some former coworkers.
Before Hunger Pangs broke containment, I asked my mother not to tell people back home what my author name was because I didn't want to deal with the homophobia I'd get from certain family members if they knew I was writing queer romance. I also didn't want certain people to know because I knew they'd find my social media and fucking doxx me. Not out of any maliciousness, mind you, but just sheer fucking Internet safety incompetence.
Like we're talking the type of people who'll go onto your Instagram and use your full birth name-- regardless of your preferred name -- while asking if you remembered hanging out that one time near your parent's house-- you know, the place with the [RECOGNIZABLE LANDMARK] next to the [PRACTICALLY A GPS LOCATION.]
Anyway, my mother was cool with that because she also, quite frankly, didn't want people to know her only daughter was writing queer filth for a living. (Does anyone else remember when she told me I should apologize to @mothman-etd's mother for writing sex in my stories? Because I sure do.) That was until Hunger Pangs broke containment, and my mother, to her own shock, decided she was proud of me.
I think it was when she logged onto Amazon, expecting to see people one-starring it and calling it degenerate filth, but instead found over 300+ 5-star reviews screaming about how much they loved it and how much it meant to them, that she realized that maybe, sometimes, sex stories are okay.
(Amazingly, she pivoted and latched onto Vlad smoking being the worst thing about it and how I should be ashamed to write about characters that smoke, lol.)
Anyway. She bumped into an old coworker today and was so excited to tell them how well I was doing she forgot that a) she doesn't like telling people what I write about and b) I'd asked her not to tell certain people that it wasn't until she'd gotten through the whole "oh yes, doing very well, living in America writing books" spiel that she realized what she'd done and clamped her mouth shut.
She didn't name me or the book title, but it was too late because said former coworker went and told everyone else she used to work with, and now my mother's been invited to tea at the local church village tea shop with an ensemble of formidable gossips, specifically to talk about my book.
So, anyway, I may or may not be about to get accidentally doxxed, but my mother is the one about to walk into the local church and tell everyone the kid they threw out 20+ years ago for being a disobedient pain in the ass with Views about Christianity is now relatively popular online for writing best-selling queer romance novels about vampires and werewolves fucking in a soft BDSM dynamic, featuring blatant magic use and a prologue which talks explicitly about imprisoning and killing God(s).
*jazz hands*
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bi-bard · 1 year
The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted" - Aziraphale & Crowley Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted"
Pairing: Aziraphale & Crowley X Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 2,071 words
Warning(s): headache, mention of break-up
Summary: In which a struggling college student stumbles upon a demon and an angel, who agree to help in any way they can.
Author's Note: to celebrate the announcement of the release date... and give a little comfort to those who are having a rough time in college right now.
I had gone to that small bookshop for something to work on a paper.
I had been looking for it online, but nothing was affordable. My best option was going to be to find a small bookshop that didn't charge as much. I simply had my fingers crossed that it would work out.
I must've been walking around with my eyebrows furrowed for a little while because a man walked up to me. He was wearing a beige suit with a-little-too-perfectly white hair. He seemed friendly enough though.
"Can I help you find something," he asked. I paused for a moment. "Sorry, I'm the owner. I can tell you where everything is."
"Oh, okay," I chuckled. I pointed at a part of my paper where my potential sources had been scribbled down. "Um, yes. I'm looking for this... it's for a school paper."
"I see..." he muttered. "Wait here."
I nodded.
I watched him walk behind a set of shelves. There was maybe a minute of waiting before the man walked out again with the book in his hands.
"Oh, you are a lifesaver," I said excitedly. "Thank you! How much?"
He hesitated, staring at the book. As if he grabbed it without thinking about it but now was realizing that he was going to have to part with it.
"How about a deal," he offered after a few moments. "Once you're done with your paper, bring it back here in largely the same condition. No charge and you have no additional clutter to take up space in your home."
I grinned. "Sounds like a deal."
"Well, then, I wish you luck on your paper," he handed me the book
"Thank you," I said. I only took a few steps toward the door before stopping. "I didn't get your name."
He hesitated for a moment before replying, "A.Z. Fell."
"Oh, I thought... Sorry, I assumed this place had been open for a while, so I thought the name on the front was your father or something."
"Afraid not."
"Well, thank you again. I'll see you in a few days."
Which I did.
A few days later, my paper was done, and I walked back into the little bookshop.
"Mr. Fell," I called.
He rounded the corner. "You're back."
"I'm here to return your book," I held up the book as evidence. "Perfect condition."
"Thank you so much," he said as he grabbed it from me. "I hope you get a good grade on that paper of yours."
"Me too," I chuckled. "In all honestly, I don't think I've read it without just a little more of my brain frying."
"Oh no," he mumbled. "I... I could read it over for you. If that would help, of course. I won't force you to give me your paper."
"I... I can't ask you to do that."
"Well, that's precisely why I'm offering," he grinned at me.
I grinned back. "Okay. When would you like me to bring it by?"
"Do you have time now?"
"Um, yeah, sure."
"Here," he led me into a corner of the shop with a small table. "You get your paper put together and I'll make us some tea."
"Okay," I nodded.
As he walked out, I sat down and unzipped my bag, grabbing the binder that held my paper. I also grabbed a red pen just so it was more convenient.
When he came back, he placed a mug in front of me. I grinned and thanked him.
"You can go find a book to enjoy if you'd rather that than watch me read..." he looked at the paper in front of him. "(Y/n)."
"Thank you."
I took his advice. I took the mug of tea and started pacing around the collection of books. I was scanning the spines of the books when the doors of the shop slammed open.
I jumped at the sound, looking over at whoever had stormed in. Another man, dressed in all black, sunglasses sitting on his face.
"Who are you?"
"(Y/n)," I said. "Who are you?"
"I have told you to not run in here shouting like that," Mr. Fell walked out of the corner that he had been hiding in.
"Who is this," the other man pointed at me.
"I just told you my name," I replied.
"How am I meant to trust you?"
"Why would I lie about my name?"
"Don't know, you tell me-"
"Stop it," Mr. Fell cut him off. "This is (Y/n). I am reading over a paper that they wrote for school."
"Because it's kind," he turned back to me. "(Y/n), this is... Anthony."
"Nice to meet you," I nodded to Anthony.
"Yeah, you too," he muttered, barely paying me any mind as he spoke to Mr. Fell. "We need to talk."
"I am busy-"
"Do I look like I care?"
"I can come back later," I spoke up.
"No, no, please, I promised to read your paper," Mr. Fell stopped me. "Anthony will simply have to wait."
"Excuse me," Anthony snapped.
"You heard me perfectly well," Mr. Fell mumbled. "Please, stay. I'll finish this paper."
Anthony glared at me as Mr. Fell turned around and went back to the table he had been sitting at.
If you had told me that day that the little bookshop was going to become such a place of comfort for me, then I am not sure that I would have believed you.
But it did.
I continued going to that little shop whenever I had the time. I would study, read, or just help with whatever I could help with. Mr. Fell was not a fan of me doing "so much" work around the shop, but I insisted. He had given me a safe space. The least that I could do was help him maintain it.
I grew closer to him as time went on. I even grew closer to Anthony.
Or Crowley, as I soon learned.
I still chuckled from time to time over how they told me their real names. I had been sitting at the table, scribbling notes for one of my courses.
They both stood in front of me silently until I noticed them. I raised an eyebrow at them. That's when they confessed that their names were fake.
When they told me their real names, I felt bad for chuckling. They both looked a bit confused.
"I'm sorry, but... your fake name just used your real name as a last name," I pointed to Crowley and then to Aziraphale. "And yours was your real name with a couple of letters taken out."
"Alright, we get it," Crowley grumbled.
"Thank you for telling me," I added. "I mean it."
"You're welcome," Aziraphale replied. Crowley didn't say the same until Aziraphale looked over at him with a somewhat grumpy look.
The three of us were only closer after that.
It was nice. Having that small support group that I could turn to.
Aziraphale was always ready to help. As soon as I opened the door of the shop, he was ready for whatever assistance I asked for. A hug, an extra set of eyes on an assignment, a quiet place to read a new book.
Crowley acted cold, but I could tell that he cared.
I came in one day with one of the worst headaches I had ever experienced. Aziraphale was gone, but Crowley had been waiting for him. I walked into the building with the heels of my hands pressed into my eyes. After grumpily explaining what was happening, I walked off to put my bag down and hide in the corner.
He waited for a moment before following me.
"Come here," he said.
"What," I asked.
"Come here," he repeated, holding his arms open.
I kept my eyebrows furrowed as I stepped forward. Once I was close enough to him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward into a hug.
"Oh," I mumbled before slowly hugging him back. "This is nice."
"Don't call me that."
I chuckled. "I didn't call you nice."
"Oh...," he muttered. "Well... don't get any clever ideas."
"Yeah, sure, whatever you want, Crowley."
I closed my eyes for a minute, holding onto him a little tighter.
I don't know what happened, but I could feel my headache slowly fading away as we hugged. It felt like it was there one minute and gone the next. I let out a sharp breath when it was gone. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my head.
"Thank you," I said after a while.
"Yeah, whatever."
That may have been the closest I ever got to a you're welcome with him and I was okay with that. For the time being.
I don't know if I truly realized how much Crowley and Aziraphale cared for me until I walked in crying.
I felt like a child. I was crying as I walked down the sidewalk.
When I made it to the shop, I almost sprinted inside.
Aziraphale jumped at the force I used to open the door. Any scolding died as soon as he saw me.
"Oh, dear," he muttered, walking over to me. "What happened to you?"
He pulled me into a hug as I cried. I hid my face in his shoulder, clinging to his suit a bit as I did. I saw Crowley walk out from around the corner.
"What's going on," he asked.
I stepped back. I went to speak but nothing came out.
"Come on," Aziraphale guided me to my normal corner, guiding me to sit down. I dropped my bag on the floor and wiped my eyes. "Take your time."
Crowley sat in the spot next to me while Aziraphale stayed standing.
"There's... There's this guy," I explained. "I... We were seeing each other for a little while. We went on a few dates. I thought... I thought it was going well. And then, he just... changed. And he sent me this."
I tossed my unlocked phone on the table. Aziraphale grabbed it first. I heard a disgusted sound escape him.
"That is just... despicable," he muttered, placing the phone down.
Crowley reached out and grabbed the phone. I saw his face twist in disgust as a reaction.
"I think he sounds like a waste of time," he said as he placed my phone down. "It's stupid to waste an ounce more of your time on him."
"Crowley!" Aziraphale was fast to scold him.
"Now is not the time to insult (Y/n) about their relationship!"
"I'm not! I'm only insulting them if they decide to spend any more time on this person. What I did was just an example of bluntness."
Aziraphale gave Crowley a look before turning back to me with a soft grin. "I am going to make you some tea. You just relax. And Crowley..."
Crowley smirked at him, an eyebrow raised.
"Be nice."
"I am not nice."
"Well, maybe now is a good time to try."
Aziraphale turned around and walked away from the pair of us.
There was a pause between the pair of us before I could speak up.
"Do you actually think that I'm stupid for wasting time on this guy," I asked quietly.
Crowley let out a sigh as he sat up a little bit straighter, tilting his head so he was looking me in the eye. "Not as stupid as he was for leaving you."
I felt a grin form on my face. He leaned over and kissed my head before standing up.
"I'm going to get you something a little stronger than tea."
"I don't drink-"
"And I clearly meant chocolate."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Thank you, Crowley."
"You're welcome."
He walked out of the little nook in the corner.
As he did, I leaned my head on my folded arms on the table. I felt my eyes slowly shutting. I felt bad because of what the pair were off doing, but I couldn't help it. It had just been such a long day. I couldn't help it.
As my blinking got slower and slower, I found myself thinking about how lucky I was to be in that situation.
I had never felt as safe as I was when I spent time in that little bookshop.
I would never be able to thank Crowley and Aziraphale for that.
But I would never stop trying to do so.
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Some Original Characters
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What if Price got migraines, so he came to your piercing shop to get a Daith put in to help (because he hates taking meds). But then, he decides to get more done....
"Sweet Relief" (AO3 Link)
The shop had been quiet all winter. It started with No Ink November, an inside joke you and your business partners laughed about every year. Money was tight, that was for sure, and no amount of Instagram deals or tell-a-friend coupons were going to dig you out. So, you’d been practicing with your piercing skills. Your shop had plenty of tattooists, and one girl was even a specialist in scarification, but no one did piercings. You decided to work hard and fill a niche. 
It was a cold January morning, and you rolled into the shop around noon, setting up your station for your three o’clock appointment, a daith piercing. The guy had booked online with some generic disciple name like Mark or Luke or something. You checked the sheet. 
Based on his questionnaire, it was his first piercing, but he’d been tattooed by your shop partner, Caitlyn.
“Hey, Cait!” You called into the back of the shop. 
She shouted back,
“You know a John Price?”
She poked her head around the door and came over to your station,
“Sure do. He’s a total hunk. Some army guy. Comes in about two or three times a year for work. Is he cheating on me?” She laughed, ribbing you. 
“He wants a daith,” you showed her the sheet. 
“Huh,” she shrugged, “Cool. Enjoy it, babe.”
Winking and laughing to herself, Cait ducked back into her station and you waited for the man to show up. 
Then, like he had been summoned, the shop’s door bell tinkled and an enormous, bearded man stepped through. He was in casual clothes, and he wore a wool beanie to keep out the cold. He looked around the space calmly, giving a polite nod and a wave to Cait. When his eyes found you, he smiled, 
Goddamn if his voice wasn’t like a warm fire on a snow day. It rumbled, low and deep through the room, hitting you right in your chest, surprising you. 
“Hey!” You recovered, “You must be John. Come around.”
“Yeah,” he made his way over to you and sat in your chair, “I’m here for the daith piercing.”
“Gotcha. I’m all ready for you. I’ll clean the site, mark it, and I’ll show it to you before we commit.”
You got to work, studying his face as you worked. There were little scars here and there, and a big one near his temple, ragged and rough. You rubbed cleanser on his ear and asked him,
“So, why this one? You get headaches?”
“Sure do. Don’t always have meds out in the field, so I needed something a bit more permanent.” 
You gave him a curious look,
“The field?”
“Army. Special Forces. That’s where I got this beauty you were admirin’.” He thumbed the large scar on his brow.
You blushed a bit. He sure was observant. 
“Ouch,” you said, “I promise this won’t hurt half as bad. Here, have a look.”
You held up the mirror to let him see the mark you’d made. He shrugged,
“You know best, love. I trust you.”
His words stirred something in your belly. You liked the pet name, and his ease with trusting you went right to your head. 
“Alright, hold still, John. You wanna count?”
“No,” he smiled and turned his eyes on you, watching you work on him. 
You shoved the needle into his skin and watched his eyes close as the pain washed over him. He took it in stride, smiling when you finished with the hard part. He opened them again to watch you, and he almost seemed to look at you with some level of desire. So, you tried out a pet name of your own.
“There you go, handsome. All set.”
“Cait should’ve warned me. Had no idea my pain would come at the hands of such a pretty artist.”
“Careful, soldier. Gonna get yourself a tongue ring on the house if you keep buttering me up like that,” you showed him the barbell you’d installed, and he took a cursory glance at it. 
“Maybe that’ll be my next one. I heard they work wonders.”
“On migraines?” You laughed, confused by his tone. 
“No,” he leaned forward, putting himself in your space, “On pretty artists.”
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just-a-ghost00 · 16 days
Advice on manifesting your desired reality
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Group 1 🌸 Group 2 🌷 Group 3 🌼
Group 1 🌸 Oh I never meant to brag ~
Shufflemancy : Rollin Limp Bizkit, The Search NF, Misery Business Paramore
Cards : King of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles
With all this emphasis put on earth related cards the major theme here is grounding. You need to ground yourself in your current reality to be able to see it clearly. Another think I’m picking up on is consistency. You may have a hard time focusing on one task at a time or being consistent in your efforts. It is really important that you deal with that. You are encouraged to work in cooperation with people around you. Isolating yourself is not the best strategy for you at the moment. You are encouraged to rely on your community and exchange with others, especially when it comes to your career. Teamwork makes the dream work. You are encouraged to study, to rely on your mentors. Their could be a masculine figure around you that can provide constructive criticism and help you improve in the areas you are wishing to work on. Standing your ground and being in your grounded masculine energy will help you manifest your desired reality. That would be true especially if you have major earth placements in your chart. I’m mainly picking up on Taurus energy. There needs to be more balance in your energy exchanges with people and situations. If you are currently spending more time and energy in one area of your life you are asked to focus on other priorities to restore the balance. Also, be confident about yourself. Spirit is saying you need to put an end to that impostor syndrom or modesty. I feel like some of you do not allow yourself to be successful because of how others would perceive you. You’re afraid that people around you will not appreciate you being more successful than them so you maintain yourself in a position that does not suit you. Your guides want to warn you that dimming your light for others won’t make them love or respect you more. It is time that you express your true power and claim your throne.
Group 2 🌷 Do whatever we want oh we don’t give a…
Shufflemancy : Stray Kids SKZ, Galaxy Kid Travis, Eye on you Wonho
Cards : ace of pentacles, Chariot, 7 of swords
You are advised to keep your projects and ideas to yourself and move swiftly forward without a sound. Take the opportunities that come your way if it feels right to do so without giving notice to anyone around you until you make it. I am getting that many of you are often times deterred from doing something that would benefit them because of the pessimism of others. There are people around you that do not have your best interest at heart. These people might not realize it or some may be very well aware of what they’re doing. Under the disguise of wanting what’s best for you, they prevent you from moving forward and manifesting your desired reality. You have to move past their illusions and one way to do that is to keep your intentions a secret. In some cultures they say that the more you talk about what you plan to do the less you’re gonna act on it. Don’t be just all talk and instead let your actions speak for you. Get going. Write that book you always had in mind. Create that online shop, go to that dance class, buy those shoes you really wanted. Don’t deprive yourself of good things. Don’t second guess yourself. You know what to do. You have what it takes. You just need to get moving. Some of you are encouraged to start a physical activity to help you deal with possible mental health issues. It is time you stop self sabotaging and also it is time that you don’t let people’s negativity rub off on you.
Group 3 🌼 You take the pain, make it feel good
Shufflemancy : Bad habits Ed Sheeran, Middle finger Bohnes, Lil psycho Kid Travis
Cards : 7 of wands, The World, 3 of wands
There were a lot of eyes on these cards in the deck that I used. So that could be a sign to work on your vision and visualization skills. If you have psychic abilities, honing them will be beneficial to you. Try to get yourself out of the daily drama of others and rise above it all. You need to gain a higher perspective of what is going on around you. If you are currently surrounded by pessimistic/toxic people and things, get yourself out of the eye of the storm. Traveling could be needed. Turn your gaze on the future, not the past. Keep your focus on your expansion. Maybe find inspiration in other cultures, in people that are very different from you or that have already gotten out of the storm and try to learn from it. Don’t get into petty fights. Don’t mingle in people’s business. If they try to grad you in it set boundaries. You are encouraged to plan and script your next steps. If you resonate with scripting as a manifestation method then definitely do that regularly. Write your daily intentions, your daily gratitude list, write your letters to the Universe. Write your desired reality on a paper and cleanse it with sage or any other purifying herb. Keep that paper with you wherever you go. Don’t put it under your pillow. You don’t want to sleep on your dreams, do you? However, you can whisper your intentions and affirmations to your water and drink that water. The good vibrations of your words will then circulate in your body.
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kiragecko · 10 months
A few weeks ago, I flew to visit my grandma with my little brother and sister. My little brother had never been on a plane, and my sister only has once, almost a decade ago. It was an experience.
All three of us are in our 30s and neurodivergent¹. My little brother has Down’s Syndrome² and is probably autistic. He communicates mostly through echolalia³.
I suspected there might be challenges, so I tried to contact the airline before purchasing tickets. This did NOT work. The Westjet agents weren’t allowed to discuss anything with me until I had booked a flight. I was purchasing nonrefundable tickets. The website was quite clear that they could kick us from the plane if they couldn’t support our needs. And they wouldn’t tell me if they could support our needs!
I ended up calling around 8 times. Finally, after purchasing tickets and jumping through all the hoops, someone was willing to talk. They mostly said that everything was up to the people letting us on to the flight, but at least they talked to me!
My main concern was the pacing. My brother’s favourite activity is pacing in circles and repeating movie/song quotes to himself. Once we got on the plane things would be fine (we had movies for him to watch), but I was concerned that other passengers waiting to board would find this stressful. Like - that isn’t our problem, it’s their’s - but flying is hard! If there was a way for us to not add more stress, I wanted to find it!
The airline was zero help, so we did our best to prepare on our own. My uncle died the day before the trip, and that increased stress levels. My autistic sister was dealing with that, a sense of responsibility for my brother, and also anxiety about a mostly-new experience (flying).
And then the plane gets delayed.
By an hour, at first.
The airline said we should be there TWO HOURS early for domestic flights. Which is ridiculous. TWO HOURS??? Especially since everything before security can now be done online? But we obediently turn up two hours before the new flight time, and are immediately directed to the priority security line. Which is good. Even the short line is boring for my brother, and I can’t let him pace in the few open spaces. But ten minutes later we’re at our gate, ready to leave.
Now we just have to wait for an hour and fifty minutes!
We had hoped my brother would want to watch his first movie. But he's riled up from lines and crowds and gets right to pacing. A few people have to slow down as they pass, but he’s not hurting anyone, so I let him be.
I’m more worried about my sister, now. She lives with the aunt that found my uncle. She hasn’t slept in days, worrying about the trip. She isn’t handling the noise and crowds. So I keep an eye on my brother (at least 50% to make sure he doesn’t take some of the chocolate he keeps eyeing when he passes the gift shop), occasionally ask if he wants to watch a movie, and watch my sister slowly descend into a panic attack. Not fun. Eventually I send her to the bathroom, hoping that it will be quieter and she can calm down.
BUT! Events have happened during this time! The plane has been delayed another 15 minutes! It is explained that they have had to replace the plane with one they haven’t yet finished retrofitting. This new plane doesn’t have as much overhead baggage space. They need at least 15 pieces of carry-on luggage to be checked. If the passangers aren’t willing to do this, there will be large delays once loading starts, as people are FORCED to check their luggage. Also, there’s no first class on the new plane. Or charging ports. Or meals. Or in-flight entertainment. First class passengers can request some money back. And if anyone misses their connecting flight due to the delays, tickets to their new flights will be provided upon landing.
People start to get tired and stressed. The intercom keeps threatening them. Now it’s 30 bags that need to be checked. Delays will be even longer if this doesn’t happen!
At this point, security shows up. They ask if anyone will take responsibility for the pacing guy. I do. They show visible discomfort with the situation, and his disability. Can I make him stop pacing? I can try, but probably not. Please do that, it is bothering the other passengers. Oh? Really?? Who could have guessed that?!
My brother is NOT willing to sit down. We stand in the concourse, while I talk to him about sitting down and he makes annoyed sounds at me. I’m not about to force him. I don’t want us to get kicked out of the airport, but can they do that for something as minor as acting weird in public? Mostly, I’m worried about all our electronics, which I abandoned in the open when security showed up. I’m not sure if security will try something with my brother if I leave him to pace while I clean things up.
And now, the hero shows up. The head of security has been called, and he comes over and asks me if there’s anything my brother needs. No, there isn’t, he’s quite happy to pace. It’s everyone else that is being bothered.
“I don’t care about them. He has just as much right to this space as they do. I just want to make sure you guys have everything you need. Would he like a sensory package?”
He wouldn’t like a sensory package, but this guy’s offer of the chapel as a quiet space IS interesting. Mostly because my sister is off in sensory shut-down somewhere, and needs a quiet space. But also because I could relax a little nobody would be watching us, and I could relax if my brother had an enclosed room to pace in. (No chocolates!)
As I’m agreeing to this, my sister returns. Head of Security respectfully tries to explain the situation to her. I look at her hunched body language and tell him to just talk to me. Then I send her to pack up our stuff. He wants to Include Her. She really, really does not want to be included.
He also wants to Include my brother. It’s kind of cute. He’s overflowing with good intentions, but obviously hasn’t had a lot of chance to put them into practice yet. He’s incredibly respectful, but in ways that would work a bit better for people who are more interested in their own decision making than my brother. I’m charmed.
Another person shows up. She is introduced as the Accessibility Specialist, and we are asked if we’re okay with her support. Oh yes, I am very okay with this. After she gets caught up - and she reiterates that everyone else can suck it, my brother is allowed to inhabit this space how he wishes - we get ready to head for the chapel. But the plane is about to land. There probably isn’t enough time to transition there and then back. So instead, we all wait around and listen to our two heroes conspire.
Accessibility Specialist has had the job for a month. Or, at least, she's been PAID to do this job for a month. She's been doing it unofficially much longer. She has IDEAS. So that’s where all the unpolished We Respect Everyone energy is coming from. Head of Security is one of her co-conspirators!
In-between plotting, Accessibility Specialist asks me questions. She hears about the amount of phonecalls, and the unsatisfactory answers. The complete lack of support. The fact that I had told the airline that this exact situation was likely to happen, and then got security called on us anyways. She tells me that this information is very helpful. Her plans will benefit from specific examples.
She tells me how unsatisfactory it is to have to send people to the chapel. They're pushing for a quiet room. I agree that this would have been helpful. My brother would probably have been calmer in a quiet space, which would have helped us AND reduced the stress for others. (Also, both me and my sister would have benefited from the quiet. But I didn’t say that.)
In all the commotion, I’ve forgotten to talk to the boarding people about priority boarding. But Accessibility Specialist is on the ball! We stand off to the side, behind a rope, while the plane disembarks. (My brother starts off pacing RIGHT in the way of the disembarkment, so sneaking into the roped off area is a good idea.) We’re going to be the very first ones to board, even before the people in wheelchairs. I pray that my brother is willing to walk onto the plane – he hasn’t been willing to follow me since we got out of security.
The boarding people are on their best behaviour. They make a special trip over to us to scan our tickets. They send someone down the ramp to check on the plane’s status. We are now VIPs. And we seem to have made the Accessibility Specialist’s day. She is so SMUG as she whispers with the Head of Security!
They ask if we’re okay with them accompanying us to the plane. Sure! I’m having a great time watching their excitement. It’s changed a very difficult experience into a pleasurable one. (For me. They are thankfully respecting my sister’s desire to be ignored. She is still not having fun. And my brother is pretty done with this experience. He’s found some quotes about ‘going home’ and ‘not doing this’ to share with me.)
Finally, we get the nod. My brother calmly follows us down the ramp. We get to the plane and are asked to pause for a moment while they finish moving some storage carts around. Seems reasonable to me, but Accessibility Specialist darts forward and takes photos, documenting SOMETHING. And then we get on the plane.
The plane itself would have been great. My brother happily took a seat. Enjoyed looking out the windows. And was excited to watch Shrek. My sister relaxed. And I LOVE flying. But, sadly, electronics must be stowed during liftoff and landing. My brother did NOT take these unreasonable demands from me well. He eventually forgave me for the take-off misdemeanor, especially after I put on my own headphones and quoted the movie with him. But my sins at landing were too much. For half an hour after he left the airport, he kept repeating, “NO more flying!” and “Not like this!” Any comments about flying for the next day got his hackles up.
So, I won’t do that to him again. But it was a very interesting experience for me! I am glad I got to have it.
And if anyone has flown through Winnipeg’s Richardson International Airport⁴ in the last while, and wants to tell them about any good or bad accessibility experiences, I think there’s someone there that would appreciate it. I want to see what she can accomplish.
PS. She’s also started a program where you can practice getting ready to board a plane! You sign up and they take you through the whole experience, from signing in to walking the boarding ramp. (Or, possibily, just whichever portion is concerning you.) I wish I had thought to contact the airport itself, rather than just contacting the airline and looking at the government’s resources. Good things are happening there.
¹ neurodivergent – brain works in a non-typical way
² Down’s Syndrome – an intellectual disability
³ echolalia – communication by repeating/echoing things heard, either right after hearing them, or a long time later
⁴ Winnipeg is in Manitoba, Canada
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itsagrimm · 2 years
Niche König headcanons
He hates going shopping but he loves a good bargain for groceries. You will find him planning a weeks meals, cutting out coupons and doing serious research by flickering through advertisements & flyers at the kitchen table. He is also a hardcore Aldi and Lidl fan.
The only time König has cursed outside a battle situation was when Soap tried to convince him toast is bread in the mess hall.
König knows the rules for Fußball but does not particularly care much about it. However, he does care about how it's called. (It's Fußball so football, Not Soccer!)
At home his go to anti-anxiety-measures are going on hikes and visiting the climbing gym. Also, he owns one of those colourful outdoor raincoats because he got those for the hikes but definitely wears them for any other too many occasions. It tends to look slight off so he looks like a lost tourist with it.
As a kid he went to the library a lot to get new fantasy books. As an adult he does not have the time for that anymore but he still likes fantasy stories. So he listens to audiobooks bc the gear for that fits better into his duffle bag than a bunch of books.
Has opinions about Vienna. If you ask him about it, it will trigger a surprising tirade about the austrian capital and some numbered quartiers. However if someone says something negative about Vienna he will firmly defend Vienna as the bestest of best cities ever.
Contrary to popular believe he does not think too much about his height. He grew up in Austria and surrounded by fairly tall people. Also while he is exceptionally tall, he is not much taller than most people he interacts with on a regular. But he does struggle with his strength and is insecure about the space he takes up in a social sense.
Massiv metal fan. Yes, he had longer hair as a teen for head banging purposes in his bedroom, plastered with posters from his fav bands.
König kind of does not know how to use his body outside of the familiar battle movements. It's awkward at the beginning. He is like a deer caught in headlights. And he needs instructions, explanations and feedback for what he does, otherwise he feels kind of lost.
Is not very experienced. Obviously.
Once he does learn how you like it, he draws immense joy and pride from seeing you squirming and moaning. It fills his heart with a calm he rarely experiences. He did this. He made you cum. And he has a hard time enjoying himself and cuming before he took care of you at least once. He also might evolve into a pleasure dom one day.
That man is curious but also shy. Get ready for online shopping a bunch of sex toys to try out.
Speaking of online orders. He needs the extra large condoms without latex, which he orders as well bc he would have a hard time dealing with the cashier at the check out. The poor man does not only have anxiety but also a latex allergy and a huge dick.
The hood stays on.
König gives off bi vibes but is confused by it. It will take him a long time to figure that out.
He is kinky but does not know how to phrase a lot of it or ask for certain things. Watching porn together to show what he likes is one of the ways he tries to articulate his desires without actually saying it.
Absolutely into getting pegged. Absolutely not into giving someone anal. He does not want to hurt his partner.
Likes his partner on top of him. That way he can touch them better and caress their skin. Also really into holding onto their hips. He likes how his hands look like there.
Into getting scratched, bitten and having his hair pulled. After overcoming that surprising realisation he might discover that he very much likes doing that to his partner as well.
Not down for one nightstands. The whole sex and emotions situation is hard for him. So, having one set partner gives him a feeling of stability. And while from the outside that might come off as a bit traditional he is not opposed to opening up the relationship once he worked through his own bisexuality.
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whatsinyourstory · 2 days
Navigating the World of Online Book Buying and Selling
During a time where comfort rules, the capacity to buy books online has changed the scholarly scene for perusers and dealers the same. Whether you're a bookworm on the chase after the most recent delivery or somebody hoping to sell books online, the web gives a stage that takes care of all your understanding necessities. This blog will dive into the delights and advantages of both buying second-hand books online and selling your own, guaranteeing you capitalize on your artistic undertakings.
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The Joy of Buying Books Online
One of the main benefits of purchasing books online is the availability it offers. Here are a few justifications for why this choice is so engaging:
Perpetual Determination: Online book shops frequently include broad indexes, from standard hits to specialty sorts. This huge range permits perusers to investigate and find new creators and stories that may not be accessible at nearby retailers.
Accommodation: Envision perusing innumerable titles from the solace of your home, without managing swarms or long queues. With only a couple of snaps, your number one books can be headed to you, saving time and exertion.
Client Audits and Proposals: Online stages give admittance to client created surveys and appraisals. These experiences can assist you with pursuing informed choices while choosing your next read, guaranteeing that you put resources into books you'll genuinely appreciate.
Embracing the Second-Hand Book Market
The notoriety of purchasing used books online has flooded as of late. The following are a few justifications for why this pattern is on the ascent:
Cost-Adequacy: For economical perusers, used books offer a reasonable other option. You can frequently track down top notch writing for a portion of the cost of new duplicates, permitting you to construct your library without overspending.
Eco-Accommodating Decision: Selecting utilized books is a feasible practice. By deciding to purchase used books on the web, you're partaking in a pattern of reuse that decreases squander and advances ecological cognizance.
Tracking down Unlikely treasures: Utilized book deals frequently incorporate uncommon finds and one of a kind releases. The excitement of finding a dearest exemplary or a dark title can add a special flavor to your understanding experience.
The Benefits of Selling Books Online
In the event that your racks are spilling over with books you at this point not read, consider the benefits of deciding to sell books online:
Clean up and Benefit: Selling books you've grown out of or never again appreciate permits you to recover space in your home while making some additional money. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement for any book darling!
Share the Adoration for Perusing: By selling your books on the web, you're offering individual perusers the chance to appreciate titles you once cherished. This trade encourages a feeling of local area among book lovers.
Investigate New Commercial centers: There are various stages accessible for selling books, from committed sites to virtual entertainment commercial centers. This assortment makes it simple to track down the right crowd for your books.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Can i please request a flufftober fic where kate has planned out a nerdy date for reader? Comic shops and maybe a cute japanese bakery or retro arcade? Some friendly competition with some of the arcade games and some crazy fluff? Kate x fem!reader please. I love your writing so much :) thank you for considering
But I Didn't Win?
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
Summary: Kate finally asks you out on the perfect date!
Warnings: None, all Fluff! | 1.3K
AC:I missed Kate so much!! I hope you enjoy this!! x
October Special Masterlist
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Kate was more than nervous as she approached your door, 15 minutes earlier than she told you  she'd be here to pick you up. Her palms were sweaty and her mind running with "please let this be the perfect day!". It took a lot of confidence for the archer to finally ask you out, after learning just how much you loved Japanese food and comics, she planned the perfect date. 
A loud knock on your door alerted you that your date was early but you expected that and you thought it was rather sweet. You opened the door and smiled, "you're early" you greeted the brunette. 
"I'm sorry, if you're not ready, I am happy to wait" Kate replied trying her best to kind her nerves. "Oh no, I'm ready, lets go!" you smiled, grabbing your purse and pulling the door closed behind you. Kate's growing smile made you blush at just how adorable she was, it was no secret that you both had had an eye on each other but of course you were both too nervous to act on it. 
"What's the plan bishop?" you asked, linking your arm around Kate's. She blushed but acted normal, "I thought we could go to the arcade first then to this bakery I know of, I think you'll like it! Then after that, if you aren't bored of me yet, I thought we could go to the comic book shop" Kate replied with confidence. You chuckled, "I doubt I'll get bored of you Katie! But I do hope you're not a sore loser because I am going to kick your butt at these arcade games" you teased. 
"Wanna bet on it?" Kate looked at you with a raised brow. 
"Of course! If I win, you have to win the giant Lucario plushie that I've been saving my tickets for!" you replied with a playful smirk!
"Deal! And if I win, I get to take you on another date on Friday night" Kate said with a boost of confidence in her tone. 
"Deal!" you shook her hand gently, trying to hide the fact you were blushing. 
The arcade was one of your favorite places to go, Kate was more into playing video games online than coming to an arcade, but this wasn't the first time you both spent a few hours here. Playing a couple of rounds of hoops first, of course Kate won at that game, and she was sure to boost her win! 
Next was a ride on motorcycle racing game, which to the proud smile on your face, you won! You had the advantage of Kate being somebody who walked around the city rather than driving. Then it was off for a couple of rounds at the air hockey table, it was a close game full of giggles and playful insults, but you won at that by 1 point.
The afternoon followed with a one-on-one match on Street Fighter, an army shooting game, taking in turns on Pac-Man, playing multiple other games before ending the friendly competition with Dance Dance Revolution. Unfortunately for Kate, she lost, making you the winner of the bid. 
"You look a little too happy with that Lucario plushie" Kate playfully rolled her eyes as you teasingly snuggled the large stuffed toy while walking to the next stop on your date. Kate didn't even get close to enough tickets to win the plushie, so you kindly donated your saved tickets and the ones you had won today. "Look at him! He's adorable!" You pouted at her before snuggling into him a little harder. Kate chuckled, shaking her head, "I hope you're hungry because we're here!" she replied. 
"Oh my god!" you gasp, "I've heard of this place online but I haven't had a chance to check it out!" you added with a smile. The small traditional Japanese bakery just opened up a few months ago and you've been dying to try the delicious foods that you saw advertised on their Instagram page. 
"I remember you talking to Yelena about it" Kate smiled softly, "I booked us a table" she added. 
"A table, at a bakery?" you cocked a brow, your cheeks red with blush. You found it adorable that Kate had booked a table for you both even though booking wasn't necessary. 
"Well I really didn't want to bring you here and it be too busy so I wanted to be sure you could really enjoy yourself" Kate explained, hiding her own blushing cheeks with a smile. 
"That was pretty smart thinking! I'm starving!" 
Kate chuckled before opening the door for you, "after you" she gestured with her hand for you to go walk in first. 
The bakery welcomed you with the smell of freshly baked goods and the smiles of the workers as they greeted you and walked you to the booked table Kate made. "All of this looks amazing!" Your eyes scanned the menu unsure of what you wanted to try.
"Order whatever you like, don't be scared" Kate looked up from the menu at you, "I'm paying" she added. "Oh Katie! No!! You already paid for all the games we played!" you replied, shaking your head. Kate ignored your reply and looked back down at the menu, not taking no for an answer. 
"Fine, but you find any comics at the comic store, I am buying them for you!" you cocked a brow at her once more before your eyes went back down onto the menu. Silence was shared between you both as you looked over what you wanted to eat, after a few moments you finally settled on three different things to try and so did Kate.
After the bakery, both you and Kate wandered to the comic bookstore only a few blocks away with your stomachs full and red blushing cheeks, slightly to scared to reach for each other's hand. "Thank you for lunch Katie!" you broke the shortly lived silence between the two of you. Kate turned to you and smiled softly, "it's nothing" she replied. 
Once at the comic book store, you couldn't help but really take notice of the type of comics that Kate was picking up, which ones she carried around the store with her and the ones she silently hummed and arred at before putting it back.
"Look Katie! It's you!" You held up at comic with an illustration of Kate on the cover, "I'm getting this one!" you added with a cheeky smile on your lips. Kate just chuckled and shook her head before making her way to the counter to pay. "Hey!" you playfully slapped her hand away from her purse as she went to pull out her bank card, "I said I was paying" you reminded her, your hand reaching for your purse. 
The date went even longer after the visit to the comic book store, Kate took you for a walk through central park, stopping for ice cream before walking you home. "Do you want to stay and watch a movie or something?" you asked as the two of you came to a stop at your apartment door. "I would love too but I have to get home to Lucky, it's dinner time for him" Kate replied with another playful eyeroll. 
"Well, in the case" you paused, smiling softly as you took a step closer to Kate, dropping your new plushie to the floor. "Thank you for today, I had a really lovely time" you added, your eyes dropping to her lips. You gently ran your tongue over your lips before slowly pressing them against Kate's, kissing her softly but deeply. The dark haired girl kissed you back without hesitation, her hands found your hips and pulled you closer into her. You smiled against her lips, "I'll see you Friday, right?" you asked as you pulled away. 
"But I didn't win?" Kate questioned with a slightly confused look. 
"To me you did" you smiled softly at the blue eyed girl before unlocking your front door, "I'll see you Friday at 7 then" Kate replied, trying to hide her growing smile.
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tacosaysroar · 5 months
I’m finally painting the living room. I stalled out when my first round of potential colors was too dark, but I got an email yesterday about a 40% off sale at a local paint store and that was just the kick in the butt I needed. Painted two more swatches, picked the one I liked best, and bought two gallons of paint today. Et voila.
Adelaide had her first unchaperoned DATE last weekend: Kung Fu Panda 4. This new boy is into acting instead of sports like the previous boy. The one before that was a musician. Seems like Adelaide is sampling all the different sorts of boys. And why not.
I need to buy a new bathing suit before this summer, probably before Las Vegas next month, and ooooof. I don’t wanna. Ugh. The worst. I think I’m going to order a few different options online so I can be horrified in the comfort of my own home.
Speaking of, I went dress shopping today for that Vegas wedding, and dear god. We MUST all band together and fix dressing room lighting once and for all. I mean, do you want me to buy something or spend the rest of the day despising myself? It’s very unclear.
Last night, a VERY large spider crawled over Adelaide’s book as she was reading it and then ran across her bed and under her pillow. She . . . was not brave about it.
I made a very impulsive decision yesterday. A jewelry store here was having an inventory reduction sale (moving locations) and Saturday was an additional not-insignificant percentage off on diamond stud earrings. So I bought a nice pair in a very respectable cut and clarity to save for Adelaide’s college graduation or when she turns 21, etc. It feels a little silly considering she’s only 13, but it was a good deal (according to my hasty googling) and I figure by the time she’s done with college I may not have much money for an expensive gift. Now I just have to figure out where to keep them until then.
NFA is the absolute best. (And yet somehow keeps getting better?!) He’s ruining the curve for all other men. Absolutely destroying it. I get to see him in Vegas in three weeks, here and Asheville at the end of May, and then (as a post-birthday present) he’s taking me to St. Martin/Maarten in July and I. CANNOT. WAIT. There will be monkeys (MONKEYS!!!) and tropical birds and nude beaches and we’re staying in this beautiful little place way up in the rainforest with amazing views and have I mentioned how excited I am?!?!
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nanowrimo · 1 year
Writing Tips for Every Age and Mental State
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Not every piece of writing advice will apply to you —  and that’s okay! Sometimes, your writing strategies will change as you go through life or learn more about yourself. NaNo Participant Clara Ward shares writing advice that they've learned over time.
There’s no right way to write. Writing—like life—is about finding your best fit. What follows are tricks that worked for me. Please borrow what works best for you right now. (Then save a few ideas for future you!)
I wrote my first novel four decades ago, when I was thirteen. I’ve written while juggling three jobs or zero. I’ve written as a kid, a parent, and an empty-nester. I’ve learned from my own neurodiversity and mental health challenges along the way.
Each struggle taught me how to customize my writing practice. Here’s a list of what worked for me at different stages. Adapt as you see fit.
Stage 1: Meet Yourself Where You’re At
Outline - For my first novel, I sketched furtive notes on the back pages of a school notebook. I created headings for each page that became section or chapter titles later. Numbers helped me order the scenes and letters delineated details.
Note: Leave extra space for fun facts or snippets of overheard dialog. Years later, I heard a NaNoWriMo buddy joke, “Careful, or you’ll end up in my novel.” My apologies to my high school geometry teacher, who received no such warning.
Avoid Distractions - I needed a closed door to write at first. I couldn’t read other fiction during the week or two when I frantically converted my outline into a rough draft. Luckily, I wasn’t in charge of meals back then!
Stage 2: Find Your People
Give Yourself Permission - I first heard about NaNoWriMo in 2004, when I was parenting, working, and volunteering as if there were two extra days in each week. I hadn’t written a story, an outline, or notes in over a year, but I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I signed up for NaNoWriMo and opened a family meeting by showing the webpage to my spouse and kids. I explained how I’d budget four hours a week for writing in November.
Note: I didn’t complete 50,000 words that first November. But the next year, my kids enthusiastically joined the Young Writers Program!
Enlist Support - Eventually, my kids and I designated one hour each day for writing. There were many distractions, but it felt great! We attended NaNoWriMo write-ins at a donut shop to build community, and my kids each persuaded a friend to join. (Yes, donuts are a sometimes food, but at least they weren’t asking for coffee!). With support and determination—and for me, a bit of sleep debt—we all met our writing goals most years!
Stage 3: Embrace Your True Strengths
Emotion Mapping - In the last couple decades, as attitudes and terminology evolved, I’ve learned a lot about my own neurodivergence and mental health. Oddly enough, the self-knowledge I gained by masking and compensating before I knew those words, informed both my writing and the tips given above. As I became more honest with myself, I brought more emotion to my writing.
Note: Sometimes it helps to skip scenes I’m not in a good headspace to write. I jot down key plot and character points inside curly brackets and skip to a scene that suits my current feelings. Since I don’t used curly brackets anywhere else in my writing, they’re easy to search for when I’m ready to go back.
Fascinations - After years of being warned about “info dumps,” I realized that my own fascinations (neurodivergent or otherwise) were assets that could serve my writing. At the beginning of 2020 I did a deep dive into researching sea creatures and ways to protect our oceans. At the back of my research notebook, I gradually outlined my 2020 NaNoWriMo Novel, Be the Sea. Parts of that outline cross-referenced pages of ocean research or articles I’d saved online.
Note: The system above worked well enough for me that I now have a book deal for Be the Sea, which will be published by Atthis Arts in early 2024!
Seriously though, this isn’t a post about how to get published on a 40-year plan. By matching your writing practices to your ever-changing self, you give all your stories the chance to be told. I wish you and your stories that success!
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Clara Ward lives in Silicon Valley on the border between reality and speculative fiction. When not using words to teach or tell stories, Clara uses wood, fiber, and glass to make practical or completely impractical objects. Their short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Decoded Pride, The Arcanist, and as a postcard from Thinking Ink Press. Clara’s 2020 NaNoWriMo novel, Be the Sea, will be available from Atthis Arts in early 2024. For updates on this and other projects, follow Clara on their website. Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels
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infoactionratio7 · 1 year
(you) on my arm - s. adamu
summary: sydney is at a wall, she has no ideas when it comes to the new menu at the bear. she decides to go to a bookstore for some new inspiration, she finds it, but not in the way she was expecting.
pairing: sydney adamu x fem! bookseller! reader
word count: 2,514
note: annoying! carmy bc he literally is insane, kinda fluffy meet cute vibes, reader just moved to chicago, inspired by the song (you) on my arm by leith ross cause the song is rlly cute! also sydney gives me sapphic vibes, she definitely would have a crush on a girl!
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monday morning -
Sydney was pissed, she had sent at least ten messages to Carmy in the last twenty minutes. Some about the new menu they were working on together, some about the fact that he had been a bitch the night before when he kicked everyone out because Claire just had to see the new restaurant. She ran her hands down her face in frustration as she sat at her dad's kitchen table, the sun streaming in through the blinds into the apartment. It warmed the floor as she got up from the table, debating what to do. She had no ideas left, everything was either not working out, or it just didn't fit the menu for the new revamped restaurant.
"Sydney, where are you headed off to today?" Her dad walked into the room with a steaming cup of coffee, freshly brewed from a new coffee blend she had found shopping the day before.
"Uh well Carm is not responding so I'm gonna head over to The Bear and meet up with him for a little then see where the day goes from there I guess." She walked out of the dining area and put her breakfast dishes away.
"Okay honey, have a good day. Hope he stops being an ass." She laughed, "Me too... me too."
Sydney grabbed her shoes out of the closet she had thrown them in last night, slipping them on and grabbing her bag. "I'll see you later dad." She grabbed her keys, and started making her way to the restaurant where she could deal with Carmy in person.
You looked around the bookstore, you had only been open for a month but it had been a hit within the community. You had almost any book anybody could want. There were teens coming from the school a few blocks away to get some cheesy romance novels to bring to the park and read with their friends, and there were grandparents coming in to get their grandchildren a new picture book about god knows what. You even had some people come in and request books you had never heard of before, you promptly ordered two copies of any book you didn't have. One for the customer, and one for you, to read and explore the pages.
It was a beautiful space, tall ceilings strung with fairy lights and lanterns, trying to bring some sense of whimsy to the dull days in Chicago. The books were arranged in every which way, requiring the customers to truly search for a book they wanted to read. You had tables full of recommendations, from people online and the employees of the bookshop. You really enjoyed curating all the titles you had in your collection. Tourists looking for a cute little magnet or souvenir adored the hole in the wall place, a safe space to just cuddle up and read a book.
You had a few customers that day, a mom and her son looking for his first chapter book to read. You had suggested he read The Magic Tree House, a series, about a brother and sister and their time traveling tree house. There was a tall guy with a buzzcut, who said he worked just down the street and was looking for a book about how to get rid of mold in the structure of a building. He seemed in dire need of some help, so you found the best book possible, The Toxic Mold Recovery Guide. You had no idea you had the book but it was meant to be. He thanked you immensely, leaving his name and number just in case you ever needed anything. His name was Richie, he seemed pretty nice.
Low music played as you restocked a shelf, you hated the idea of having Colleen Hoover books in the store but they were a big source of income. They absolutely flew off the shelves. The least touched section of the store were the cookbooks, it seemed like everyone in Chicago was moving too fast to just dedicate one hour of their day to making a meal from scratch. It was disappointing, because you had a large selection, from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child to Momofuku by David Chang and Peter Meehan. You knew that someday it might come in handy and you would be lucky to have all the cookbooks.
Sydney walked into the restaurant in a sour mood, Carmy had still not responded to any of her texts and she knew he was here. She walked straight into the office, passing the locker room, sans lockers and covered in black powder. Richie furiously flipping through a book that said something about mold on the cover. He glanced up at her
"Shut the fuck up." She was taken aback
"I didn't even fucking say anything Richie," he scoffed at her
"Well I was preparing for you to say something dumb as hell, and you did so I stand by my first statement." He looked back down at the book and mumbled something unintelligible to himself. She rolled her eyes and made her way into the office.
"Carm are you here?" Turning the corner she saw the chef, surrounded by papers and various file folders. He had his phone in his hand and was about to dial a number, "You little bitch, you fucking had your phone this entire time." She couldn't believe what was right in front of her.
"What do you mean chef?" Carmy looked confused, "Of course I had my phone, I'm about to call the fridge guy."
Rolling her eyes she brought her hand up to her face, holding her forehead in her palm. "I texted you at least ten fucking times, you couldn't even bother yourself to respond!" Shaking her head she sank down into the office chair Carmy had abandoned an hour ago.
He looked around the room, trying to get her to understand how much work he had been doing, "Syd I've been trying to make sense of this paperwork for hours, I haven't had time to respond to your messa-"
Fak's head popped into the doorframe, "Carmy I got your text about helping Richie clean up the mold but he's being mean to me." Sydney turned from Fak to the red faced chef sitting on the floor. He had been caught in a lie, of course Fak came in at just the right time for this to happen.
"Okay fuck you chef, I'm leaving." Sydney shrugged, stood up and left the room. She heard heated words from Carmy as she walked out of the office and passed the locker room again, now he was pissed at Fak, as usual. She heard her name as she turned around,
"Sydney, wait a sec come here."
"What do you want Richie, I thought you wanted me to shut the fuck up." She crossed her arms tight and shot him a pointed look.
"You should go to that bookstore a few blocks down, I got this damn mold book earlier and saw a shit ton of cookbooks. You should check it out." She sent him a tight smile and turned her back to him. "Thanks Chef."
You had just finished restocking the shelves for the day when the little bell above the door rang. You went behind the desk and called out, "Welcome to The Book Worm, If you need anything let me know!"
You heard no response so you just busied yourself cleaning up the case that was behind the checkout, it housed all your special edition signed or first edition copies of books. It needed to be dusted pretty often because you wanted to keep the quality of the books at their highest, just in case anyone would ever want to purchase one.
You heard a thud come from behind you, and turning around you looked down at the counter. There was a stack of six cookbooks placed on the counter in front of you. Looking up you saw one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen since you had moved in to the city. Her hair was long and perfectly braided, her eyes a beautiful shade of umber catching the light in a hypnotic way. She had a grimace on her face, yet still looked stunning. You had no idea how to react, so instinctively you started to enter the books into the register as you made some small talk,
"So how has your day been," She sighed and looked up to meet your gaze, "If I'm being honest, shitty. My fucking partner wouldn't respond to my messages and when I went to talk to him he had is phone in his hand about to call someone. So yeah really fucking shitty." You looked back down at the book at disappointment, of course she had a partner and of course she was straight.
Awkwardly smiling you tried to think of a good response"Oh, um, wow. That's pretty shitty I'm sorry." She seemed to sense your disappointment, trying to save the conversation, "Shit uh, my business partner I mean, he's a little bitch sometimes. We're uh, opening a business- or I should say um," She rubbed the back of her neck, "We're kinda rebranding his brother's old restaurant, its a lot." You had finished entering all the books into the system, your chest had filled with warmth when she rushed to clarify that he was her business partner. You thought that maybe, just maybe it might be because she wanted to make sure you knew she was single, and not exactly straight.
"I guess that explains the cookbooks then," You looked at her, she had been staring at you in a flustered state of shock. "What, oh, uh, yeah! I'm kinda stuck making the menu so wanted to get some inspiration."
Sharing an understanding smile, you read her total out to her. She grabbed her wallet and pulled out some cash, as she handed it to you her fingers brushed along yours. It sent chills down your spine, no matter how cliche it might be, you knew that she was someone to keep close. Your face flushed red as you took the cash and put it into the register, printing her receipt and giving her any change she needed back.
You decided that since she got so many books you would give her a free tote bag, just so she could carry all the books out of the shop. You pulled one off of a hook behind you and started to put the books into a bag. You decided to quietly slip a business card with your cell number and a little note into a book so she could find it and contact you. A subtle way of screaming, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen I want to spend the rest of my life with you, without being too forward. As you finished packing the bag, the two of you both happened to say something at the same time.
"Do you wanna come see my restu-"
"Do you work at the restura-"
You flushed
"No you can go-"
"No you can go - sorry um. Do you want to come to the opening of the restaurant. It's uh, the one down the street, we're not opening for a while but, if you want to come to the friends and fam-"
You cut her off, wanting her to know you really wanted to go to her restaurant, "I would love to go... what was your name?"
"Sydney, It's uh Sydney" Her face got hot, nervous about the fascinating bookseller she just had the pleasure of meeting.
"Well Sydney, I would love to go. Just let me know the details," You softly smiled as you gave her the bag filled with books. She looked to you and grabbed a bookmark you had as a display that happened to have the shop's phone number on it. "I'll call you, um when we get closer to the open date, promise." You smiled, hoping that she would get in contact with you sooner than she expected to. She turned to leave.
"Thanks for coming in, really good to meet you Sydney." The door rang again and she sent you a wave through the glass, walking away quickly.
You were frozen, you had just given a random girl you just met your number, and had openly flirted with her for all the world to see. You crouched down onto the small stool you had behind the desk, tucked your head into your knees and screamed. You were feeling rushes of emotion and didn't think you would ever recover from that interaction. The bell rang again just as you finished screaming, you shot up and saw a group of teenagers heading to the new books you had just set out.
"Welcome to The Book Worm, If you need anything just holler!"
Sydney rushed back to The Bear, she was so utterly mortified, she had never seen someone so radiant and in their element. The chef couldn't contain her emotions as she stormed into the restaurant, Richie was the first person she saw, he started to say something,
"Not right now Richie I swear to God" The tall man was taken aback but threw his hands up in surrender, not wanting to get involved.
She might as well have ran into the office at the speed she was going, throwin the bag of cookbooks on the ground and closing the door, sliding down the back of the door she groaned,
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, fucking, fuck," dragging out the last word as she hit the floor.
Carmy stared at her from the floor a few feet away, "Yo Syd what happened to you? Looks like you just ran a marathon." He chuckled at the expression on her face.
"I just met the most beautiful girl and totally fucked up my chances with her cause I left so quickly." Sydney put her hands into her face and just sat there marinating in her embarrassment.
Carmy had some strong suits, his attention to detail one of them. He noticed something poking out of one of the books. He grabbed it, hoping that it was something that would change Sydney's mood before he had to work with her for more hours than they could count. He grinned taking the note out of the book and reading it,
"Hey Syd," He reached out to give her the note.
She looked up from behind her fingers, "What?"
He shook his hand, implying he wanted her to take the note from his grip. She groaned, then leaned forward to forcefully take it out of his hand.
She read the note, and smiled. Thank God you slipped her this note.
cookbook girl -
i hope you enjoy your SIX cookbooks, i have some more you could borrow for some inspiration. text me
Sydney's face heated up as she leaned back into door and scoffed.
Carmy had saved the day, one again.
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stargalaxxy · 3 months
𐙚Comic Lover!Lloyd x 𐙚Shoujo Lover!Reader
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ This happens after Skybound, so reader and Lloyd are 17-18??? I need ninjago fans to calculate that for me its been so long since I've actually sat and watched the series from beginning to present and make any senes of it. 𖦹ᯅ𖦹
So to be on the safe side Lloyd and reader are 17-18....
˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆Now Playing: Still Into You by, Paramore。☆
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Tw. Protective Lloyd bcs reader get's harassed oml
✧˖° Imagine ✧˖°
Comic lover! Lloyd invites shoujo lover! (y/n) to Doomsday Comix to read the next volume of the new Starfairer comics. 
You go for the new releases of romance manga; you both happily sit together in the aisles as you read quietly enjoying the silent company that you both desperately needed from the countless missions you both are called on. 
Lloyd doesn’t mind your different interests; he likes how you ask if you could read with him. He was happy at how open you were to other genres of reading; in return he’d read any recommendations that you give him.
Your overly imaginative mind would dance with scenarios of you and Lloyd experiencing half of the love stories you read. Those moments when you are alone, you’d play lovecore music on your radio just to enhance your scenarios as you read along the panels imagining you and him together.
You knew you liked Lloyd when you were younger, when you both grew up from the Tomorrow’s Tea your love for him only grew. 
But you put your feelings on hold so that Lloyd can focus on his prophecy, you knew he was dealing with a lot so confessing might not be the best of idea. Advised by Nya who you told your feelings to when it got to be too much to hold in. 
So, you two remain friends as you hide your feelings, you slide your fingers along the spine of the pastel-colored books choosing one last book before leaving back to the Monastery for dinner.
You gasp as you take a book from the shelf flipping it to its back as you hold in a squeal, Sailor V volume 2!! Finding it in shops was hell, you were starting to cave in to buying it online. 
Your smile grows as you move your head to try and find Lloyd to share your excitement, moving from the romance aisle to find the blond. Finding him in the Starfairer section not having moved from his spot as he had a new issue in his hand. 
You happily skip over to him until you feel a hand on your wrist, you jump in shock as you turn around to see a guy your age. You don’t hide your cringe as you huff, it was happening again,
Since your change you’ve noticed how guys would at times come up to you and compliment your looks, it was harmless at first, even making you flustered.  But then it started getting a bit much, some of the flirting turning inappropriate. Pushing for a date even after clear refusal, you bring this up to Nya, who says it’s unfortunately normal for some girls your age to get hit on. She says it’s nothing to worry about when it is harmless giving the advice of saying “thank you” and move on, she then informs of when it isn’t giving advice on what to do.
However, as it keeps happening you find it harder to speak up for yourself, ironic how you can take on armies of serpentine. Come face to face with the Great Devourer, and Lord Garmadon, ghosts a genie and countless other enemies but you can’t tell a powerless guy to buzz off. 
“Hey girl, I just wanted to say how cute you are~” his hand kept on your wrist as you shift your weight to your other foot as you try slipping your hand away. You put on a polite smile, “oh, thanks, I appreciate that” the guy’s hand was still on you.
“Woah there, what’s the rush, pretty girl. Lemme keep looking at you~” you hum in annoyance as you gave a face of wanting him to go, “uhm, n-no thanks, I’m busy right now” you spoke quickly as your stomach starts to knot and hands start to shake. 
The guy in front pay’s no mind as he tries to pull you closer, “c’mon babe, how about this? You come with me, and I show you a good time if you catch my drift~” he winks as you cringe, the guy starts walking with you as you look back to find Lloyd gone.
You start freaking out as you try planting your feet to the ground however his grip tightens, “c’mon, don’t embarrass me you-“ “I think you already accomplished that on your own.” You look over to see Lloyd beside you with his arms crossed his brows connected in a scowl.
The guy in front of you scoffs as his grip tightens hurting you, “dude, back off I called dibs” wow, this guy is a piece of work.
“Excuse me?” Lloyd leans into him as his glare turns threatening, his red eyes shining as he squints at the guy daring him to say it again. 
Okay now it’s time to think of something, you desperately look for something, anything to help you out of the situation. Catching a glimpse of the romance section you thought of an idea from a cover of a book, you act fast as you rip from the guy’s grip.
Lloyd’s shocked expression was evident as you shoved your form into his, wrapping your arms around his torso in a possessive manner blush on your cheeks as you glare at the guy. 
You swallow hard as you commit to the role that you decided to play finally speaking, “h-he’s, my boyfriend! And we’re onna date!” your voice squeaks as the patrons from the shop looks your way embarrassing you even more.
The guy seemed to feel the same way as he looks to the people’s eyes, shoving his hands in his pocket he kicks the ground in frustration, “whatever, you’re annoying anyways, hope you enjoy each other” he rolls his eyes as he shoves his way from the crowd.
Both you and Lloyd stare at the door that the guy walked out from, the crowd soon dispersed as you look to each other. Your faces pink as you look away finally letting go and looking down at the floor, 
“D-don’t worr-“ you both jump at Lloyd’s phone ringing. He struggles to get it out of his pocket, almost dropping it, 
You start moving your foot on the carpet as you awkwardly wait for Lloyd to finish up his phone call, you hear a button assuming he had hung up as you look to Lloyd. “That was Zane saying, dinner was ready, we better head back” Lloyd smiles as you follow him out the door.
There was silence for a couple of blocks before Lloyd breaks it, “so, what was that about?” You look down at your hands as you begin to feel on edge again, “it was nothing, just some guy” you answer as he continues. “Did you know him?” You gave Lloyd an unamused look making him chuckle, “that answers it then.”
You sigh as you two keep walking, “I know none of the guys that walk up to me, yet they seemed to think they do when they call me all these names and try to ask me onna date.” You cross your arms in a huff,
“Woah, wait-what?” Lloyd looks to you flabbergasted having not known that this was a regular thing for you. It made you cringe as you hadn’t meant to say all that, not wanting to worry Lloyd or your brothers you kept this secret. Only confiding in Nya to get some girl advice,
But now Lloyd knows, and he didn’t look happy, “why didn’t you tell us, me?” he looks to your ashamed face trying to make yourself smaller to avoid the conversation.
“I told Nya” you mumble, you knew he could hear you as Lloyd sighs, he looked like a disappointed parent, “I’m sorry” you look away unable to face him as Lloyd looks to you feeling bad for making you feel like you had a apologize to him.
Placing a hand on your head as he glides his hand through your hair affectionately, “you don’t have to apologize, (y/n), especially for this.” Tears start to collect as you hug Lloyd, he pauses for a moment as his heart spikes, he soon shoves his feelings down and hugs you back rubbing your back. 
Lloyd smiles as you look up to him feeling better, you pull away, but your hands stay connected noticing you gush silently. “That was good thinking, telling him I was your boyfriend” Lloyd grins as you blush, likely teasing you bringing back his playful nature. “Whaat? I was rushing to think of something!” you playfully whine as you shove him with your shoulder. 
“No, it was good, the guy really bought it” Lloyd smiles as you smile as well with him, you look to the building to your side as your smile drops. “I was so nervous, I thought you were going to fight him” “I was” Lloyd responds quickly with zero hesitation as you look at him with a shocked expression. 
“Lloyd!” You scold him as Lloyd rolls his eyes, “he totally deserves it anyways, he was a jerk” you huff, “your stronger than him he’s just some guy, what if it went bad and you got in trouble?” you reason with him, you’d feel devastated if Lloyd got in trouble for protecting you.
Lloyd huffs stubbornly as he looks to you, “I don’t care, he hurt you, (y/n)” he points to your wrist a red mark slowly making its way on your body. Not enough to bruise but you knew you would feel it tomorrow. “Still Lloyd, you’re a hero, don’t get in trouble for my sake.” Lloyd looked offended, “don’t talk like you don’t matter (y/n), I will always defend you because your worth the trouble, you’re not just someone you’re my friend.”
The ’friend’ stung you but you appreciated his words feeling Lloyd’s grip tighten it was comforting unlike the guy that grabbed you, “so yea, (y/n), when I see you in trouble or someone talk bad about you, ‘m gonna do everything in my power to protect you.” 
Lloyd stops as you do the same forcing you to look at him, he had a smile as he cups your cheek, something new that made your heart flutter. “You understand?” you stare at him as you swallow hard finding the words, “yea, I do.” You smile as he mirrors yours.
He continues walking with you until you stop making him raise a brow, you then start running in the opposite direction, “Hey! Where are you going?!” Lloyd calls as you look behind still running. “I’ll meet you at home, oki? Save me a plate!” you wink as you continue your track. 
Lloyd stares as you soon leave from his field of vision, his face contorts into confusion at your crypted sentence. He sighs, an amused smile on his face as he starts his walk again fueled by hunger to question you anymore.
Lloyd soon arrives telling the others of your disappearance saying that you’ll be back. That was enough to get the rest to eat as Lloyd makes your plate along with his own.
You arrive a little later as you huffed inside sweating stopping to your room before coming to the table to eat. “fwhere fwr you?” Kai asks as he shovels food in his mouth, “eat more talk less, Kai” Nya rolls her eyes as she takes another bite. 
You giggle as you go to take your regular seat next to Lloyd, he looks to you with food in his mouth as he slides you a plate covered in plastic wrap. You gasp excitedly as you clap your hands unwrapping the plate happily, it was still warm.
“Thank you, Lloyd~” you ruffle his hair as he looks at you, much like when he looks to his mom when she displays affection to him, embarrassed. Everyone chuckles at you display of affection as you start to eat thanking Zane for the food.
“So, where were you?” Lloyd asks having finished the food in his mouth, looking to you the rest wondering as well as you were never late for any meals. Especially made by Zane. Even master Wu looked curiously as he peaked an eye open.
You look away, “oh y’know, just wanted to get something before they ran out in stock~” you wave off the questions as Kai laughs, “probably one of your cute kawaii, Tokyo Mew Mew books” Kai teases as he stuffs food into his mouth much to Nya’s disgust. You gasp offended as you point your chop sticks at Kai, “take that back you hair gel abuser!” you defended your love as master Wu looks to you, “(y/n), chopsticks” you suddenly remember with an oh as you place them down. Kai’s shocked expression at your insult made you laugh, “that’s all you read (y/n), you should broaden your horizon” Kai wags a finger playfully as you snicker, “oh hoho, you mean like your ecchi~” you grinned like a cat blushing as you had the unfortunate encounter of his stash under his bed when you were little.
The table erupts with laughter as Kai’s face turns red, “wh-who told you about that?!” Kai shouts as you laugh harder it was starting to hurt your back. Kai chuckles threateningly taking advantage of your distracted form as his hand mushes the food on his plate.
“Haha, Kai-yo-Ack!!” You instantly fall back as mush from Kai’s plate lands on your face. “That’s it, you perv!” you grin as you grab your own throwing it at him causing the entire table to throw food at each other thanks to a chain reaction. 
Zane sighs as he smiles, master Wu had left a little bit ago quietly, the giggles kept coming as you guys continue to goof off.
Later that night you finished cleaning the kitchen with Kai, masters’ orders, when you both finished you stuck your tongues out at each other before going your separate ways. 
You stop at your room walking over to your desk to switch on your desk lamp.  looking to your chair you grab a bag that rested on the back of it, you open it and pulled out a Starfairer issue that you saw Lloyd reading. You wanted to give it to him as a gift for saving you today, as you knew he probably didn’t get to finish it. 
“Hey” you jump at a voice behind you turning quickly to see Lloyd at your door, a tight fitted black shirt and green plaid pajama pants, oh my goodness that shirt was not helping subdue your feelings for Lloyd at all. Seeing his muscle protrude from inside the shirt, 
“Oh, hey” was all you could say in the moment as you tear your eyes away from his form. You smile as you hide the comic behind you. The lamp light on your desk wasn’t enough to light up the entire room, but it was enough to see your blushing face.
Lloyd smiles as he walks over his back leaning against your desk with his hands holding him up the muscles on his arms showing clear veins run up his forarms.
Forgive me FSM for staring. You force yourself to look away as you chuckle, “uhm, I wanna thank you for helping me today.” You smile as you finally face him, Lloyd held a confused look his smile stays strong, “you don’t have to thank me, I’ll continue to help you out no matter what” you look down bathing in his words as your cheeks turned pink. 
You knew how oblivious Lloyd was of your feeling, however, every time he spoke to you with such care you can’t help but feel like,
Does he only view you as a friend?
You contemplate for a second before shaking your head, no, you had to keep your promise. When everything calms down, then you will tell him your feelings.
But when will that time be? How long can you conceal your feelings?
You look up to find Lloyd had gotten closer to you, you squeak as you took a step back his hand on your forehead. “Are you okay? Your face is red?” you squeak as back away completely flustered. 
“N-no, I-I’m fine really!” your voice squeaks higher as you force your hands in front with the comic in hand, “th-this is for you! I know you didn’t finish it so I bought it so you could!” you look down unable to face him too embarrassed that he’ll see your face.
“Aw, (y/n), thanks! You’re right, I didn’t get to finish it!” Lloyd smiles as he takes the comic completely dismissing your nervous exterior. You hum as he takes your gift, still looking anywhere but him. You fiddle with the ends of your shirt as Lloyd looks at the cover with excitement. 
“W-well, it’s been one busy day, so I should go to bed, see ya on the training mat tomorrow!” you start pushing him out as Lloyd looks back confused. “What, but it’s only 7:30?” Lloyd looks to your digital clock not moving his feet as you huffed, “well y’know Lloyd, early bird gets the worm~” you wink as you finally got him on the other side of the door. Before you could close it though something came into your mind as you look to Lloyd’s confused face.
You lean over and kiss his cheek; it was quick and looked more like a greeting cheek kiss if anything. But your actions made your face explode and seeing that Lloyd’s did the same made you smile like crazy. 
“Yelp! S-see you tomorrow!” and with that you shove the door closed. 
You stand on the other side in a starfish position blocking the door, why did you do that? You place your hand on your lips as you thought about Lloyd’s expression, the accusing thoughts moved to the back of your mind as you started hopping around your room fangirling at your sudden courage and Lloyd’s cute face. 
You fall onto your bed as your heart pounded, it felt like it was dancing along with you. You never felt so happy, as you wiggle in your bed rolling around. You finally rest as your legs were the only thing moving as you swung them back and forth. You were so happy.
Lloyd walks into the gaming room where he could hear curses and his brothers argue with each other, “left hook, LEFT HOOK!” Jay shouts as Lloyd sees him swing the controls in both hands. Cole laughs as he kept his composure, he leaned forward his elbows on his knees.
Kai was the one to notice Lloyd as he silently waves him over, “what’s up” he asks as Lloyd sits next to him. “I-I think, I like someone.” Lloyd finally spoke as he places his hand on his cheek feeling the ghost kiss you left him.
Kai’s jaw drops as Cole pauses the game making Jay groan likely not hearing Lloyd, “woah what, y’gotta crush?!” Cole smiles as Jay snaps his head over his attention finally caught, “for real! Who?” Jay smiles as well leaning over Cole.
Lloyd blushes as he scratches the back of his neck, “(y/n).” the boys gasp as they excitedly look to one another, Cole and Jay then put their hands out in front of Kai making a beckoning motion as Kai scoffs fishing in his pocket pulling two fives. 
“Wha- you betted on that?!” Lloyd looked dumbfounded as Kai rolls his eyes, “yea, and I lost” Kai then waves them off as he continues with Lloyd. “So, how’d it happen, when did you realize?”
“Are you gonna confess?” Jay chimes in as Kai nods his head quickly. Cole just sat as he listened in as well.
“What are you all talking about?” Zane pops into the room as Lloyd thanks the first spinjitsu master for his interruption, “noth-“ “Lloyd hasa crush on (y/n)!” Jay shouts as the rest shush him harshly. 
“Look I’ll tell you just, don’t be weird” Lloyd huffs as they nod their heads, huddling up together like kids ready to hear their grandfathers’ stories. 
After Lloyd explains, the guy’s smile, “aww, that’s so cute” Jay gushes as Kai pats Lloyd’s shoulder. “It’s alright Lloyd you got, four amazing wingmen to help you~” Kai smirks as the boy’s chuckle nodding. “Yea, we’re here to help you man” Cole shrugs as he agrees with Kai.
Lloyd blushes as he looks away, “thanks guys, but don’t do anything dumb” Lloyd threatens as he points his index at them. 
Lloyd had feelings for you since you two were kids, being stubborn he’d always run away from you. Screaming he hated you because you were a girl. As he got to know you more when he joined the team, he started to like you, as you were always with him playing games with him and training alongside him.
After the Tomorrow’s tea incident his feelings grew for you, as he would invite you to come with him on book hunts. Saying it was a benefit for you to get new manga and for him to get the next issue.
But he knew what he wanted, Lloyd just wanted to be close to you, sharing your common interests in reading and have none stop discussions about plots that had you both excited for the next volume or issue. But now his brothers were involved as they talked amongst themselves of how to push you two together. 
He didn't want to loose you as a friend.
But he can't stand just seeing you as a friend, he wants more.
Lloyd sighs as he looks to the guys with a defeated look a smile then finds his lips as he once again presses a hand on his cheek of where you kissed him. Staring at the comic you gifted him for saving you. 
He hoped that getting his brothers involved won’t be a bad idea. Because he really likes you.
Boyfriend? He liked it when you called him your boyfriend….
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Okii so I always liked the idea of reader being in love with Lloyd,٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و being a romantic and having interest in shoujo manga while he likes old school comics. I thought it was a cute dynamic and how they would talk to each other. Bcs oml Lloyd is a talker and I think their conversations would be so cute as they would geek out together. ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა But when I wrote it I didn't like how short it was so I added a shortishhh protective plot in the beginning.... idk if I like iiit but maybe someone can give me advice idk haha...✿ But I hope you guys like it bcs I really like the concept maybe I'll revisit it for my scenarios.ᯓᡣ𐭩
Love, ⋆˚࿔ Karrots 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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