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theladyvalkyriecosplayer · 2 years ago
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My little Simon's first trip to the beach. He loved it!
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abnormallynice · 7 months ago
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Dog-ified Giant Alien Friend!
I stole my bud @yuun1c's OC Rayet and turned them into a Giant Schnauzer. Their design is already chefs kiss so this was so fun to design~ These comms are available! Check out my commission sheet. Or Fiverr for speedier delivery~
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tommysrandomworld · 1 year ago
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Here's my baby boy Charlie. He's been my rock! I love him so much.
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dhampir-dyke · 1 year ago
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sunnysmiles · 2 years ago
Small freakish dogs love me
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idekwthmuistb · 1 month ago
Ok so I got started on dog breeds for the batfam and I know that there have been thoughts abt it before so here are mine! (Also fair warning I go off a mixture of vibes, looks, and basic breed temperment AND im not a dog breed specialist or anything like that, im pretty much just using the akc website for these breeds)
I'm gonna start with Alfred, honestly I was at first thinking a burmese or standard poodle but they just weren't really clicking right. Eventually I settled on him being either a schnauzer or terrier which helped narrow my options greatly! Looking through them all I decided the Giant Shnauzer suited him best in the end. The breed is very loyal, hard-working, and can be quite the guard!
Alfred - Giant Shnauzer:
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I saw a post saying Bruce would be a Belgian Sheepdog and at first I completely agreed due to their looks but when I learned a bit more about their personality i was like hmmm so I went looking for something more in line with how I see him. Belgium Teruven popped up right after, and though similar, I thought it fit him better. Honestly could have just been due to the different wording but I like them better for Bruce regardless lol
Bruce - Belgian Teruven:
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Dick was surprisingly a LOT harder than I thought he'd be. There were three breeds I got stuck between: the Dalmation, Mudi, and Norwegian elkhound. All very different dogs by all means yet each fit him quite well. I dismissed Dalmation first, though they're agile, they weren't quite friendly enough. Mudi was next for much the same reasons. It was around this time that I had also started considering a Great Pyrenees for him, seeing as they are known as both loving and vicious–though I ended up not going with it because they're a bit too calm (hm maybe alfred should be a Pyrenees instead?). That left me with the Norwegian Elhound. The breed is very dependable, friendly, and just fits his vibes looks-wise.
Dick - Norwegian Elkhound:
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I know most people give Jason a mixed breed or just say he's a mutt because he came from a lower-income household but honestly that doesn't sit well with me, especially when we're giving the others their own breeds. As soon as I found the Anatolian Shepard I was like YES THATS HIM!! They're a large breed that is fiercely protective of their herd and are very loyal and independent. They'll protect what's theirs and are surprising nimble!
Jason - Anatolian Shepard:
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Cass was honestly quite difficult for me. I quickly crossed out any typical herding breeds (Shepards, Collies, ect ect) and sight-hounds because she was raised to be LETHAL and I know that any breed can be deadly if trained right (or wrong) they just weren't what I was looking for. I played around with a few breeds like the akita, or a basenji, but they weren't quite right. But then, I came across a breed named Kai Ken. They're a medium sized dog, originating in Japan and used for hunting a wide range of animals in Japan's mountains. The Kai Ken are extremely versatile (they're known to CLIMB TREES) and loving of their family. They are also born completely black but develope a subtle brindle coat that helps them camouflage and I just think that's SO COOL???
Cass - Kai Ken:
Now, I'll be real with yall, I don't know much about Duke and wasn't really looking for a breed for him because of that but I came across one that clicked with him in my mind? The breed is called Large Munsterlander which is just a wild name BUT they're very cooperative and calm. This breed is very versatile and are meant for hunting–they're sense of smell is impressive and they're quite determined when it comes to hunting and retrieving any game.
Duke - Large Munsterlander:
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Tim Tim Timothy, though high-class, I honestly thought at first that he'd be a Border Collie. However, as I was perusing dog breeds, I realized that the Collie was only representing half of him, as it didn't really match his looks or vibes, merely his personality. So I thought and thought and then–BAM, my brain gave me two choices, the Ibizan Hound or the Pharoah Hound. After figuring out that they were quite similar in personality, I decided to go with the Ibizan Hound. Funnily enough, they can be very attached but not prone to overtly showing it!
Tim - Ibizan Hound:
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Now, Damian is a little trickier because I could fully see him taking after Bruce in having the same breed both bc they're blood related and just the vibes but, though I couldn't find much information on them, based on my personal experience with them I do think the Black Mouth Cur would be a good match up to Damian. They can be very territorial of people and things they think is theirs if not properly socialized. Otherwise they'll be very loving and protective of those they've deemed family and are built for hunting large game that are common around farms.
Damian - Black Mouth Cur:
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And then here's some miscellaneous people
-Talia and Ra's I could see being Salukis
-Stephanie is perhaps a Portuguese Podengo, scrappy
-Barbara is a Redbone Coonhound all the way
-Roy is a Finish Spitzin my eyes
-Clark gives Dogo Argentino
-Diana feels like a Leonberger
-Oliver is possibly a Berger Picard
-Hal is definitely a Ridgeback, stubborn lol
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onnahu · 7 months ago
My insomnia hit hard this week so here are
Batfam as dogs based purely on visual vibes bc I don't know shit about dogs
Alfred is a St Bernard dog
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Bruce is a Doberman
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Dick is a Welsh Terrier
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Babs is a Beagle
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Jason is a mutt with like a German Shephard heritage or how it's called
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Cass is a black Labrador. Honestly if my brain wasn't dead I would do reaserch about the 'aggressive' dog breeds that are mostly set up for dog fights or something. Bc it's fitting i guess. A good person made to fight even if she doesn't want to. So yeah.
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Tim is a Shnauzer
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Steph is also a mutt, but with like an English Setter
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Damian is Dalmatian. Almost only bc I can't let go of a vision of bb Dami as a puppy Dalmatian
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Duke is a Water Dog (now that i think of it this specific photo is totally jason coded. Like the white on the head? Cmon)
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Also an honorable mention of baby Jay, who is a corgi/german shepherd mix. Can't add more photos so go search it. It's fucking adorable.
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krumpkin · 29 days ago
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A cuddly little Shnauzer 😊😊😊😊
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absolutedaisy · 2 months ago
🌺 <- flower for a cool haiku (its cool because everything you write is cool!! ^^)
AWWW THANK YOU!! just for that my favourite one, in honor of the scruffy little shnauzer named Donut I met once
look at that dumb dog
he looks like he has eaten
two tonnes of cement
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 6 months ago
Onceler the Great Shnauzer with his best Friend Scott the Dearhound
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Onceler the Giant Shnauzer, The Giant Shnauzler
Scott the Deerhound
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firefly5000 · 7 days ago
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My weird dog, Baby. She's a Schnoodle, that's a half Shnauzer and Poodle. She was only 4.5 lbs and the weirdest dog I've ever known, still, I was her daddy and she loved me and only 2 other people. I miss her, I had to give her up when I moved from Florida, she's in a good home...
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theladyvalkyriecosplayer · 2 years ago
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my fur baby being the cutest thing ever
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mosscomics · 9 months ago
At long last we meet the next door neighbour's dog, Rockie! He is a miniature shnauzer, about the same age as Moss, and Moss's new instant best friend.
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ratt-teeth · 1 year ago
I- I HAVE to ask: is your dog-creature a Shnauzer/"unspecified Terrier" mix? Cuz I SWEAR he looks like he could be my dog's long lost brother, and we only have our shelter's word on what kind of beasts he originated from gdhsjgdhsj
i ALSO got him at a shelter i used to work for, so i don't know exactly what he is either kdhskdhs they had him listed as a "long hair chihuahua" which is absolutely not the case lmao
i believe he might be either a schnauzer or scottish terrier mix, but i haven't had the chance to get a dna test for him yet. Hes def SOME kind of wire hair terrier
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healingcorvid · 1 month ago
It COULD be a shnauzer. I have only seen grey ones though.
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Why do right-wing memes make us look so cool. I support these gay anarchists and their dog backpack
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kingofthemonkel · 2 years ago
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More dog stickers!
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