#shitty art alert
drathe · 1 year
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the cycle
Enver and Urge had really shitty childhoods ngl
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murphychips · 11 months
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You Found An Extra Bullet!
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lennsart · 5 months
fic updates to a cave like a net make my day <3
And anon, you made mine 💜
Here, Wild has a treat for you :
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krystal-blossom · 9 months
I just read about what Tara Strong did
What the fuck [tw: genocide in Palestine]
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thekingofallrats · 5 months
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xxdigitaldream · 1 year
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some old Don in his neighborhood scenes
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chemigram · 2 months
chris burden didnt drag himself thru glass, marina abramovic did not carve a pentacle into her WOMB for yall to be making this basic ass performance art with a ball of yarn. and it's red yarn nonetheless.
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devildom-moss · 1 year
PDA - kissing their cheeks (the demon brothers)
What happens when MC decides to kiss their cheek around others? It couldn't possibly go wrong, right?
(Lucifer x gn!MC) (Mammon x gn!MC) (Leviathan x gn!MC) (Satan x gn!MC) (Asmodeus x gn!MC) (Beelzebub x gn!MC) (Belphegor x gn!MC)
Word Count: +4,200 (oh no wonder it took me a while. Mammon got a longer one because things occur, I guess)
Lucifer had another late night in his study yesterday, and it left him a tired husk of a demon. He was even nodding off in the middle of his meeting with Diavolo and Barbatos. Asmo and Mammon were in attendance as well, and their pointless questions gave Lucifer a cover to send you a message.
Your screen lit up: Could you bring coffee to the student council room for me at your earliest convenience? Black, iced if they have it. I’ll make it up to you later. You sent back an “ok” sticker and informed him that your class would end in 15 minutes.
When you arrived at the council room, the meeting had temporarily concluded while Diavolo held another meeting with the head of the art department about an upcoming student showcase. In Diavolo’s absence, Asmo had decided to paint his nails while Mammon was on his phone – no doubt attempting to check his recent bets. Barbatos was the only one getting any work done.
Mephisto, who had entered shortly after Diavolo departed, had taken the opportunity to whine to Lucifer about the newspaper’s budget, despite Lucifer’s half-conscious attempt to inform him that Satan had approved the paperwork that Diavolo signed off on. This had nothing to do with Lucifer. Luckily, Mephisto was too wrapped up in his complaints to notice that Lucifer had once again nodded off.
You walked straight to Lucifer – not even stopping as you returned Asmo’s cheery greeting with a soft, “good afternoon, Asmo.”
Mephisto turned around at the sound of your voice. “Second human.”
You assumed he intended to rank you under Solomon. While it was true that Solomon was more powerful than you, Mephisto could at least learn to use your name, so you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. “Ugly tie demon.”
If Lucifer was awake, he would have chuckled. You noticed his even breath and his closed eyes. It was a rare and rather adorable sight, but you figured you should wake him up before anyone noticed. This was the sort of sight Mammon would try to exploit for money (and Asmo for likes, and Barbatos would share a picture with Diavolo just because he could). You set the drink down to the side and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
A soft moan left Lucifer’s mouth as he reluctantly opened his eyes. In a daze, he smiled at you, attempting to look seductive, but he only managed to appear cuter than before.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” you teased, but it didn’t wipe the smile from his face. What did that was Mephisto’s subsequent annoyance upon realizing that Lucifer had been ignoring him.
“You no-good, arrogant bastard. How dare you fall asleep while I’m talking to you about important matters!”
Lucifer had enough of Mephisto for the day. He got to his feet and walked to the other side of his desk. Grabbing his coffee in one hand and your hand in the other, Lucifer sighed and turned towards Barbatos. “I need some fresh air. I’ll be back in 20. Alert me if Lord Diavolo returns before that or if you find my presence is necessary.”
“Understood.” Barbatos nodded.
Lucifer ignored Asmo’s whining about how jealous he was and Mammon and Mephisto’s insults as he pulled you out of the room with him. With their noise in the distance, and comfort in the fact that Barbatos would not allow anyone to disturb his break unless necessary, Lucifer chuckled.
“Thank you for that. You went through the trouble of getting me coffee, but nothing restores my energy like you do. Will you help me wake up until I have to return?”
It had been a long, shitty week, and Mammon could tell you were running on empty. The way you walked to school was as if every movement was an unimaginable effort. He wanted to ask if you needed to take a break, but he didn’t want to bring any unnecessary attention to your slow pace that morning; if it was him, he would be mortified – but he would also be so happy that you noticed. That made his decision even harder. Maybe he should just say something? Or maybe he should just do something to help you out? He could try to carry you the rest of the way to school. Hell, the Great Mammon could carry Beel when he needed to – certainly he could handle his favorite human. His mind raced in his indecision.
To his absolute awe, you both arrived at school – on time and without a single complaint from you. If he was having a bad week, no doubt he would be talking your ear off about it. Did you not trust him? No, just chill Mammon, he thought to himself. Focus on them today.
After you completed your classes, you returned home with Mammon. He had been almost suspiciously well-behaved today – he even stopped a fight between Asmo and Levi. You could question him, but you were too grateful to care. When you stepped into the entrance of the House of Lamentation, Mammon dragged you directly to his room and pulled you into his bed. It smelled like him.
“Why?” you asked, only half-concerned about the answer.
“Shush. I want ya to take a nap for me, ‘kay?” Mammon laid you down on his pillows and gently stroked your hair. “You’ve done such a good job. The Great Mammon’s gonna show ya a good time tonight – but ya gotta rest first.”
That would have sounded like such a lewd offer if he hadn’t said it in such a tender voice – and if you weren’t so comforted by his touch. Mammon eased you into sleep, and when you woke up, there was an outfit laying at the end of the bed. All the clothes appeared to be yours, but Mammon had styled it for you.
Mammon entered the room with a sandwich and a large bottle of sparkling water. “Happy to see ya awake. Ya hungry? Eat this before we go.”
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere fun – just trust me and stop askin’ questions, alright?”
“Okay,” you nodded, “I trust you.”
Mammon tried to hide his smile as he handed you the food and unscrewed the cap on the bottle before giving it to you. As you ate, he changed – noticeably grabbing clothes that would match the outfit he picked out for you. He glanced back and saw you staring at him. Something about having your eyes on his half-naked body delighted him, but this wasn’t the time.
“Oi, if ya want a show, pay up. Otherwise, finish eatin’ and get changed.”
You followed his orders. Upon further inspection, not all the items laid out on the bed were yours. Mammon had set a gold bracelet on top of your clothes.
“Mammon, this isn’t mine,” you told him.
“Lemme see.” You handed him the bracelet. He gently grabbed your wrist and put it on for you. “Is now.”
Mammon was careful to sneak you out of the house without anyone noticing. You held your questions until you arrived at a club. You heard music blasting from outside the door.
It had been a while since Mammon had taken you out – and even longer since you had danced, especially with him. Maybe the movement was cathartic. Maybe watching Mammon dance by your side – and occasionally feeling him grind on you – simply made you happy. Maybe you felt adored when he kept his eyes and hands on you. You couldn’t stop smiling, and Mammon noticed.
“Feelin’ better?” he asked.
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek in the middle of the dance floor. “Thank you, Mammon.”
Someone had to have seen that, right? Mammon was as thrilled as he was embarrassed, but he tried to play it cool.
“Good.” Mammon offered you a shy smile. “Wanna get outta here?”
“Are you bored or something?”
“Nah. Nothin’ like that.” Mammon shook his head and brought his lips right up to your ear so only you would hear him when he whispered, “I wanna take ya back to my room and show ya an even better time.”
A kiss on the cheek wasn’t enough. He needed more of you.
“Why did I have to come to school today?” Levi asked – rhetorically, of course.
“Because you can’t do a lab from your room at home,” Satan replied, annoyed by Levi’s complaining. Levi knew the drill by now, so there was no point in asking.
“How is it my fault that RAD isn’t equipped to do remote labs? We should have more otaku-friendly courses.”
“How ‘bout you shuddup and do classwork like the rest of us?” Mammon rolled his eyes.
“If I did classwork like you, I’d be failing all of my classes.”
“I mean, you’re not too far from that,” Belphie added, only half awake. That was uncalled for, but Levi took it without protest. Belphie was the only slacker with good grades, after all.
“Enough,” you sighed.
You sympathized with Levi for not wanting to show up in class. He was an indoor-demon – so long as the “door” part of “indoor” was his door specifically and maybe your door on occasion. Maybe you were being soft on him, but you didn’t care. All you really cared about was Levi not feeling bad about being a shut-in. The longer this conversation went on, the more likely it was that someone was going to say something cruel.
Determined to cheer Levi up and reward his effort, you pat his head and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I’m very proud of you for coming into class today, Levi.”
Levi’s eyes widened and his face burned. He screamed – and he was only partially muffled when he buried his face into his arms at his desk. You kissed him. You kissed him – in front of an entire class of demons and Solomon, no less. Levi wasn’t sure if he was going to die from embarrassment or if he just had his social battery supercharged. His arms were hiding his huge smile as well as his blushing cheeks.
He could nearly taste the jealousy in the room. For once, it wasn’t coming from him. It had been so long since anyone was jealous of him that he forgot how amazing it felt to be envied, especially when he was being envied because you kissed him. Just a minute ago, Levi was anxious and upset about having to leave the comfort of his room today, and now he was overjoyed and wouldn’t change a thing about the day so far – although he knew he still had plenty of time to ruin it.
While Levi took a minute to calm himself down, you waved off any protests and complaints about you kissing Levi’s cheek. You also had to shut down the incoming requests for a reward from you – including Asmo telling you that if you offered him a reward, he would be such a good boy.  
Levi clung to your side throughout the lab, glaring at anyone who got within a foot of you. He wondered what kind of reward you might be willing to give him if he went to school for the rest of the week – or if he got a good grade on this lab. He wanted to make you proud. He wanted you to kiss and touch him more.
It was a rare sight to see Satan not reading in the library. He was on his phone, and that look of joy on his face meant one thing: he was watching cat videos again. You came up behind him and leaned over his shoulder before wrapping your arms around his neck. If it had been anyone else, Satan would have been irritated – and a violent outcome would have been a possibility.
“Having fun?” you asked him.
“MC, I was just about to send you this video. Have you ever heard of a sand cat?” Satan didn’t even wait for your response before he restarted the video for you. “Look at their big ears! Do you think that the person filming was able to pet them? I wouldn’t be able to resist.”
You watched the adorable beige cat scurry across the screen. Normally, you would entertain Satan’s love of cats, but that grin on his face distracted you.
“There are so many cats that I want to pet. I wonder if I could summon one,” he mused.
“So cute,” you whispered into his ear before placing a kiss on his cheek. You could hear him gulp hard.
“The cats or –” Satan paused, choked up on his shock and embarrassment, “or me?”
“Both.” You kissed his cheek again.
He was comfortable with you wrapping your arms around him, but he hadn’t expected you to kiss him. Twice, even. His face burned as he felt a demon, who had previously been studying, staring at him.
From behind you, you heard another demon ask her friend, “did that human just kiss Satan?”
“Oh my, how scary. They must be brave to attempt that.”
“I think that’s Solomon’s apprentice.”
“I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.”
“Me either, but it makes sense, right? Someone like that has to be brave.”
“I don’t care how hot Satan is, I’d never have the nerve.”
“He must like them a lot.”
You wondered if they knew how loud they were speaking. You turned their conversation topic to Satan, teasingly, “well, do you?”
“What do you think?” Satan set his phone down on the table and made room for you to sit on his lap at the desk. He pat his thigh, expectantly. “Well?”
Ignoring your concerns about the library chairs not being built for two people (luckily, they were surprisingly sturdy) and the few added stares from demons around you, including someone who was definitely in your Seductive Speechcraft class, you took Satan up on his offer. His arms engulfed you, and his chin came to rest on your shoulder.
“You didn’t answer me. Do you think I like you?” Satan whispered seductively against your neck.
“Of course.”
“Wrong.” Satan clicked his tongue. “I don’t like you – I adore you. I love you more than anyone. Now, can we watch cute cats while your cute lover holds you?”
“Of course,” you repeated your previous answer.
“Good. But MC?” Satan dropped his tone and whispered, “when we get home, it looks like I’ll have to show you exactly how strong my feelings are for you.”
You were comfortably settled into a window nook in a quiet part of the library, trying to read the book that Satan had lent you the other day, but when Asmo stumbled upon you, he decided to disturb your peace. You couldn’t really be annoyed with him, though, when he took a spot next to you and gave you that charming smile of his.
No, what annoyed you was that as you continued to read, Asmo was trying to get a picture with you. You didn’t want your picture taken.
“MC, lean in, come on! You could be at least a little affectionate with me,” Asmo demanded. He was usually spoiled with affection; it wasn’t as if you had been particularly neglectful of him. His whining – and his presence in the library in general – was starting to attract attention.
Eager to appease him, and in the hopes of not attracting anymore onlookers, you pulled Asmo a bit closer and rested your chin on his shoulder. As he adjusted the angle of his camera, you kissed his cheek. Asmo managed to snap the picture, and he immediately checked it – in part to see if it was good, because this was definitely going up on Devilgram, but also to make sure that you had really just kissed his cheek. He wasn’t just dreaming.
He turned with a smirk and hopped into your lap. If you had been in a chair, you probably would have fallen. Instead, Asmo pushed your back gently against the wall and started kissing you all over your face and neck, whispering about how adorable you are between kisses. It felt impossible for Asmo to hold back. He kissed your lips once. Twice. He couldn’t seem to stop, and it wasn’t long before he was making out with you.
One of the problems with Asmo was that he was an amazing kisser – which usually wasn’t an issue. But right now, the feeling of his lips on you made it hard to care about any onlookers. He was all you could think about – until his phone rang next to your leg on the seat.
Asmo pulled away, irked by the interruption. His fingertips teasingly traced down your thigh as he lowered his hands to grab his phone. The name on the screen didn’t ease his annoyance, and he reluctantly accepted the call.
“What do you want, Mammon?” Asmo placed one hand on the wall behind you and held his phone to his ear with the other. As irritating a distraction as this was, Asmo was determined to shower you in affection, so he lowered himself to your neck and began to kiss and suck at your skin.
“Get the fuck outta the library, Asmo.” You heard Mammon screaming through the phone. Did Asmo have to keep the phone so close to you? You were already trying to keep it down because you were in the library, and now there was a chance that Mammon would hear even the smallest moan you made.
“Why?” Asmo asked between kissing your neck.
“Someone’s live streaming you and MC! It’s up on DevilTube right now. 500-some people are watchin’.”
Still focused on your neck, Asmo wanted to shrug it off with a “let them watch” and keep going – as long as you were into it, at least. However, another voice boomed in the background of Mammon’s call. “Meet me in the student council room, immediately – both of you.”
Lucifer. Now it was serious. The line dropped and Asmo sat up.
“Show’s over,” Asmo said – mostly to you, but also loud enough for anyone nearby (especially a particular live streaming voyeur) to hear. He helped you to your feet and sighed. “Sorry, darling. I got us in trouble again. I couldn’t resist.”
You had a long lecture ahead, but Asmo promised to make it up to you. At the end of the night, you both were of the same mind: worth it.
Beelzebub was determined to win his match when you told him that you were coming to watch. It wasn’t like he would have been embarrassed to lose in front of you – he had lost in front of you before, but knowing you were going to watch him lit a fire in Beel. He wanted to win more than ever.
All his effort was worth it when he spotted you among the cheering crowd. He rushed to you after the final whistle blew.
“You were amazing, Beel.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. Don’t worry, if you can’t reach, he’d pick you up. “Congratulations.”
Normally, Beel would feel self-conscious about you touching him after a match when he was coated in a layer of sweat, but right now, he was all smiles. You were so proud of his victory that you kissed him. He didn’t mind that his team members and the entire audience could see – that might have made it better. Sometimes, even Beel wanted to show off that you loved him.
His chuckle rang out in your ear. “Thank you, MC. Do you mind waiting up for me?”
“Of course not,” you held Beel’s face in your hands. “I wanted to go home with you.”
“Thanks,” Beel grinned. “Wait for me outside of the locker room. I’ll try to be quick.”
Beel was true to his word. He showered, changed, and hurried out to see you – taking just enough time to quickly congratulate his teammates before leaving. His teammates were used to a bit more talk about the ups and downs of their match from Beel, but after they saw you there, they knew exactly why Beel was in such a rush.
He spotted you in the hall immediately.
“Ready to go?” you asked with a smile.
“Yes – well, no. Not yet.” Beel furrowed his brows, and a faint blush painted his face. You tilted your head in confusion. “MC, can I kiss you back?”
He melted your heart. “Of course, you can, Beel.”
You expected a kiss on the cheek, but his lips met yours, instead. His hand slid up the side of your neck to your cheek. Beel had a tender touch that caused your skin to burn. Even when he caught you off guard, he was so sweet that you would let him do whatever he wanted. His tongue teased you slightly. The footsteps and chatter further down the hall didn’t cause either of you any hesitation. Both of your minds were clouded with desire, and who knows what would have happened if Beel’s stomach didn’t interrupt you with a loud growl.
Beel pulled away, embarrassed that his own stomach had betrayed him. There goes the mood. He gave you a sheepish, apologetic smile. “Sorry, can we get something to eat on the way home?”
“Don’t apologize. You must be starving after all that exercise.” You caressed his arm. “We can get food on the way back.”
“Good. I wanted to take you out on a date, anyway.” Beel took your hand and headed towards the exit.
“You did?”
“Yeah. You made me so happy when you kissed me earlier. I wanted to spend more time with you.”
“Beel.” You could feel your heart melting all over again.
Beel stopped in his tracks, and with his free hand, he tilted your chin towards him and ran his thumb across your lip. “Besides, we have to eat while we’re out. Once we get home, I want to focus all my attention on making you just as happy.”
No one could get Belphegor to wake up that morning. Beel had gotten him dressed in the same way one changes the clothes on a doll. Lucifer was determined to get him to school on time – even if that meant that he or Beel had to carry Belphie there themselves.
It was lucky, then, that you arrived to walk them to school. Lucifer pleaded (or at least in his own, prideful way, he was pleading) with you to help him wake Belphie up. He was already dressed, so there went the option of dumping water on him. Sometimes Belphie was a hassle, even for you, but other times, all it took was a simple trick.
Despite everyone watching on in anticipation, and Mammon rudely trying to make a bet against you – one which Levi and Satan gladly took him up on, you leaned down towards Belphegor’s ear and whispered, “it’s time to wake up, Belphie, please?” before you placed a kiss on his cheek. The protests came flooding in, as you expected. Belphegor moaned sweetly into your ear as he stirred from his sleep. He sat up to drape himself around your neck.
“Carry me, please?”
Asmo shrieked in response. “Belphie is so cute when he’s sleepy, but this is so unfair. Stop clinging to MC like that!”
“Don’t compliment that jerk for cozyin’ up to MC!”
“I’m so jealous. If I knew MC would kiss him, I would have stayed in bed, too.”
“If you spoil him MC, everyone in the house will start refusing to wake up,” Satan scolded you to mask his own jealousy.
“All of you, shut up and head downstairs,” Lucifer shouted. “We’re leaving in a minute – and if any of you attempt to sleep in tomorrow, I will tie you up and drag you to school myself – and we’ll take the roughest, most jagged paths to get there.”
That sent them all running, except for Beel. “I’ll grab you a snack from the kitchen before we go. You have to eat breakfast, Belphie.”
“Make it quick, please Beel,” Lucifer sighed. “Can I trust you to get him down the stairs and out of the door?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you,” Lucifer offered you a guilty smile – the kind a parent gives when someone else soothes their crying child in their stead.
Belphegor pulled you in tighter and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Oh no you don’t, you have to get to school.” You made a half-hearted attempt to push him away, but you caved and allowed him to snap back into the warmth of your body.
“I know. I was just thinking,” Belphegor hummed and nuzzled into your neck, “I wish you could wake me up like this every morning. Getting up wouldn’t be so bad if you were the first person I saw. It’d be even nicer if you were the last one before I went to sleep, too.”
You placed another kiss on his cheek. “That’s very sweet, Belphie. If you hurry off to class, maybe I’ll find a way to sneak you into my bed tonight.”
“You mean it?” Now he was alert. An adorable smile formed on his lips. You really knew how to incentivize a demon.
(the dateables version) | (the side characters version)
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seat-safety-switch · 7 months
Recently, I was alerted to the fact that folks are shoving perfectly good playing cards into chunks of plastic and then having those cards valued. That seems like the kind of scam that I would normally be into, but the business is way too crowded. All I know about is cars, and cars already have several "appraisal" scams going on as well. No: where I saw money was in the plastic slab business.
You might not realize this, but making things out of plastic is insanely cheap. It's part of the reason why we're all drowning in little gewgaws and shitty strawberry clamshell containers we can't safely get rid of. Spend a few grand making some moulds, then press cheapo squashed-flat dinosaurs into them for years and years, and sell them at a thousand-times markup.
Me, I don't have "a few grand." I don't even have a grand, most of the time. Actually, I just lied to you (force of habit.) I do have a grand: a Plymouth Grand Voyager with no wheels or suspension. And it's got lots of little enclosed spaces that we could make into low-pressure plastic moulds. After a quick trip to swap some pricetags at the local Hobby Lobby, I was in business pouring huge amounts of high-grade synthetic craft resin into the nether regions of my van. And watching that resin pour right out onto the ground, through the gaping rust holes. Right. Now I remembered why I didn't fix this thing.
Don't worry, though: there's a customer for everything. You see, art buyers are also very interested in speculation that inflates the value of their holdings. And if you wear a different hat when you appraise "modern art in semi-clear epoxy resin," then you can sell that pile of goop on your driveway to someone who surely isn't just using it to launder money for the CIA. Everyone wins! I love the new economy.
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tocomplainfriend · 6 months
Reminder Norry is still petty and stupid
TW: SA, Rape mention, exposing kids and random people to inappropriate sexual objects (at the end) specific I know
No matter what you think of Chai and all the stuff said about them (I don't like the content they create when it comes to shipping, art, etc. nor agree with things, present or pass from chai.), that doesn't delete how much of a baby and idiot, Norry it's. Nor anything about Viv being shitty.
Norry is around 30 btw!
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Also remember anything said about Chai (or anybody) doesn't delete anything of all the gathered information about Viv being transphobic, racist or otherwise.
Norry btw:
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yippee-boi09 · 1 month
Another big alarm wee woo
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Guess who came back? Them! (This is the same person who had the "chokeanddiebitch" blog which was deactivated) I usually wouldn't post about someone I've blocked and reported but this person is pathetic... and annoying... in full honesty I was on the toilet, taking the fattest shit of my life when I got this???
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I was planning on answering it but I saw the username and the gears clicked when I checked their page... "HOLY SHIT I GOTTA SHOW EVERYONE THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID LMAO" is what I thought and I laughed as the turds fell from my butthole... like the turds they're spewing out of their mouth and into my asks and everyone else's life lmao. Anyways, they're still being hateful, rude, spiteful, and... made their blog lbgt friendly??? Yeah they're trying this thing where they try and separate trans people with neopronouns and affiliate agere and petre with a fetish???? Even though just a week ago they were spewing homophonic nonsense??? Yeah lmao it wasn't working so I reported and blocked them... if you see this blog, DO NOT INTERACT, YOU'RE FANNING THE FLAME THAT WILL NOT BE PUT OUT BY OTHER'S WILL. Simply block and report them like I did... also since they seemed to see my blog post about them being reported, Imma dedicate this next part for when/if they come back...
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Haaaiiii!!! Hello! How are you? Shitty? Great! What's your problem? Don't wanna hear it lmao, you don't hear out psychologists and professionals and every other person with their brain still attached who tell you neopronouns and furries and age regression is fine... you think I'm therian now cuz I'm a furry, right? No, I'm not a therian, I'm a human being with surprisingly thick skin but zero tolerance for your behavior. Think I'm a neopronoun user? Sorta, I mainly use He/Him (but am fine with anything but she/her) and I'm transmasc! I'm a trans guy... just a guy... you said you like trans people, right? I'm one of them! I'm also aroace! So no fetishy content here! I'm strictly sfw except for gore art! And horror stuff! I don't see why you'd hate me... hmm? Oh? What's that? You- you think I'm fat? Okay??? And??? What's your point with that? You simply put yourself under the spotlight once again and can have you taken down AGAIN. It's gonna happen again and again as long as you keep trying to platform yourself on my blog... you're really bad at this hate thing... I hadn't thought about you at all until you sent me the strange ask... thanks for the heads up! See you on your next blog... or never!
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Okay that's over, to anyone who's harassed by this asshole, my condolences, don't worry about this person... Block and report them! They are not mentally stable and need to get off of social media! Stay alert!
Edit: I should mention that this is the last time I'm calling out this guy, they don't deserve more attention then they're getting and I don't want to dedicate my blog to this stuff...
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ananxiousgenz · 3 months
hey @percymawce-arts i wrote my thoughts for the first scene of a cowboy au out, it's short and kind of thought out, but lmk what you think lol <3
The sun rose high over the plain and the mountains at its edges, and beneath it all, John Doe was chasing his prey.
He’d been trailing them since they both left town, the Sheriff and his Deputy. According to Larson, they’d been sent out on a mission to destroy a Shoshane camp a day or two away. He hadn’t needed to elaborate. That sentence was all the convincing John needed to pack his saddlebags and ready his rifle. The Shoshane were his people, even if he couldn’t remember all of his life with them, and he would be damned if he let some more idiot white men kill any more of them. Yellow had wanted to come with, of course he had, his thirst for vengeance was nearly as strong as John’s own, but John insisted that he could handle this one on his own. After all, how much trouble could two lawmen alone in the desert be?
It had taken a bit of bribery to find out where the Sheriff and Deputy were staying, but once he found them, he’d taken care not to alert them to his presence, watching from windows and corner tables in rowdy bars. When the two left town at last, the routine continued, with John staying far behind their trail and trying his damndest to be utterly invisible. But after a day, he realized they had begun to notice his not-so-subtle tailing (not like there was anywhere for him to really hide himself and a horse on the plains), and this morning, they decided to make a break for it.
As annoying as it was to not have this be quick and easy, John had to admit that this was his favorite part of Larson’s shitty assignments: the chase. The wind in his hair, the sun on his face, his beloved mare Akke galloping beneath him, the rush of outsmarting his quarry, his movements like liquid mercury, smooth and practiced and polished to a blinding shine. It was where he was meant to be, and he knew it with every fiber of his being. 
The men turned suddenly to the right, a sharp motion that John almost wasn’t able to copy. A feral grin crept onto his face beneath his yellow kerchief. He realized they were trying to make it to the mountains, probably so they could lose him in a canyon or cave. That was a stupid choice on their part. Very easy to get backed into a corner and have no way out in there. But that didn’t matter much. They weren’t going to make it that far anyway, for two very important reasons. 
The first being that Akke was fast, one of the fastest mares in the region, and she was beginning to close in on the two men fleeing like mice before him. 
The second, that John hadn’t earned the nickname “Little Coyote” from his peers at boarding school for nothing. 
As the men continued to flee, willing their horses to run faster, John was forming a plan. Larson hadn’t cared about the Deputy, but he wanted the Sheriff alive. Or, at least, mostly alive. With a slow, wicked grin, John whispered his brutal plan into Akke’s ear. She huffed and snorted from the pace they were keeping, but knew exactly what to do and kept running like the wind. Such a clever girl. John smiled at the thought. 
John dropped her reins, swiped his rifle off his shoulder, and loaded it with one smooth motion. Holding the sight up to his left eye and closing his right, he let his upper body go still, and his hips conform to the rocking motion of Akke’s gait, moving like he’d been born in the saddle. He adjusted his aim until he caught his prey in its sights. 
John’s breathing slowed. He could hear the jackrabbit rhythm of his heart pounding in his ears as time turned thick and viscous. The world blurred and vanished beyond the outline of a man atop a horse at the end of his rifle. 
John took a breath in, and said a silent prayer.
See you in hell.
He pulled the trigger.
The gunshot echoed across the plain like a crack of summer thunder. He watched the man crumple and fall from his still-fleeing horse, hitting the ground like a sack of old potatoes. His companion let out an agonized cry, calling out a name that John couldn’t hear over the pounding of Akke’s hooves and the blood in his ears, but made the smart choice to keep running for the hills. John’s smile never moved an inch. One down, one to go.
In a perfect, practiced motion, John reloaded the rifle and raised the sight to his eye again. This time, however, he noticed something strange. The last man riding seemed to be fiddling with something in his hands. Something shiny that glinted in the high light of the sun. 
A tinge of dread snaked its way into John’s gut as he lowered the rifle ever so slightly. Some instinct deep inside said that something terrible was about to happen, but he ignored it. He was too high on adrenaline from the hunt and the near-satisfaction of a job well done to care about a bad feeling. He brought the sight back up to his eye and slowed his breathing as he prepared to pull the trigger.
His finger began to press down. Then he realized his quarry had turned around in the saddle, and was aiming a rifle right back at him. But it was already too late.
Twin gunshots rang out beneath the wide blue sky, so close in timing they could have been mistaken for one.
John watched as the Sheriff crumpled around his left shoulder and slowed his horse to a halt. A perfect shot, as always. But then there was a sharp pain in John's left side, just below his ribcage. He looked down to see poppy red blood blooming through his shirt and staining his vest. 
Well. Shit. Apparently, he had underestimated how much trouble this man would be.
He slowed Akke to a trot as the blood began to stain his hands and his ears began to ring. The mountains were spinning a dizzy dance before his black-spotted eyes and he knew he needed to get down before he fell down. Akke stopped next to the Sheriff’s horse, where the Sheriff himself sat, hissing lightly as he examined his shoulder wound. His face paled as he heard John’s approach.
“So. You’ve come here to finish the job?” he asked with gritted teeth.
His accent was surprising. Here they were in the north of Nevada, and this man sounded like he had just hopped off a boat from London and was about to ask for afternoon tea. The thought made John’s dizzy mind giggle a bit.
“I… I don’t- What does that mean?” the Sheriff asked, his eyes searching for but never seeming to settle on John.
John swallowed down the laughter. His head was beginning to hurt from how much the world was moving around him. He dimly wondered if Akke was running again.
“I need help…” he choked out.
“Help? Help with what? You just shot me!”
"You shot me too."
"Oh. Oh, Jesus Christ," the Sheriff said, eyes wide in sudden realization.
The world moved in one final, great swoop as John slid from his saddle and crashed against the hard, dry earth. Then everything went blissfully, mercifully dark.
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shittyjadedaily · 1 year
One of those lists of shitty/daily/character/homestuck/gimmick accounts*
*Some of the links aren't there because otherwise the post wouldn't save :/ If you know any others (especially ones that are active) go ahead and tell me about them so I can add them too! (Thank you all so much for the additions already!!)
@shittyjadedaily - You are here!!
Friends!! (We have lore) :D
@dailycaliborn My archnemesis, we play pony town together!
@shitty-yiffy-daily Discord penpal from another timeline!
@shittyjunedaiiy June!
Go Follow them now! They updated recently!!
Multi: @your-nerd-alert (Daily beta kids & trolls(?)), @dyke-stuck (Land of transfems and lesbians), @queer-quadrants (Rarepairs), @autisticaradiamegido (Lots of Aradia), @exilestuck
Ships: @dailyjadekat, @semifrequentdavetav, @consistantaranep, @rajiroxygen, @dailyfefnepz, @biweeklydavekat, @dailysolkat, @dailykatnep, @dailyvrisrezi, @dirkuu-daily, @rosemarydiely, @vativrisrezi,
Single(s): @dailycrappymspaintdavestrider, @dailypolishstriders, @ask-lilcal, @ask-sollux (Text posts), @autoresponderdaily, @daily-joey-claire, @eridoodles-daily & @fight-me-fuckboy, @shittyroxydaily, @shittyjunedaily (June), @kanayatherainbowdrinker (Text posts), @i-give-people-tavrisprite, @findgamzee, @cherubsdaily, @badlydrawnkankri, @crappykarkatvantas, @nepeta-daily-doodles
@carcinoarmageddon (EarthC revolving around Sollux & Karkat, updates slowly, April)
Daily Reblogs: @vriskaserketdaily (Reblogs & original art), @daiily-2ollux (Reblogs & original art), @janecrockerdaily, @dirkstriderdaily, @jakeenglishdaily, @dailyrosemary, @alphasesh, @dailygrims (Reblogs & original art), @dailyarasol
Other: @incorrect-hs-quotes, @lowqualityhomestuckedits, @grub-karkat-in-strange-places, @homestuck-screenshots-daily
They updated earlier this year!
Multi: @midnight-stuck (Midcrew & Felt(?), June), @shipstucks (Rarepairs, June)
Single(s): @shittydirkdail (May), @daily-fiamet (May), @jadeinplaces (May), @ask-jadeharleyy (May), @askultimatedirk (May), @stuck-in-the-bubbles (May), @ask-another-jade (April), @shittyvodkamutinidaily (April), @nepetablog (April), @casanovasaqueduct (February), @feltfreaks (February), @shittydavepetadaiiy (January),
Daily Reblogs: @fillmyquadrentslanddwwellers (rp & reblogs, may), @dailyjudeharley (February), @dailyvriskas (Feburuary),
Last Updated 2020-2022
Ships: @shittymituladaily (2022), @askmeteorbros (2022)
Single(s): @jadeharleydaily (2022), @shittystriders (2022), @shittyjanedailyy (2022), @ask-unapologetically-homestuck (2022), @shittykanayadaily (2022), @shittysolluxdaily (2022), @shittyhandmaiddaily (2022), @shittyrosedaily (2022), @shittytavrosdrawings (2022), @shittyfeferidaily (2022), @karkatvantasdailybutshitty (2022), @shittyeridandaily (2022), @shittydirkdailyy (2022), @shittycronusdaily (2022), @askthattimeguy (1 post in 2022), @fishyaskblog (2022), @shitty-ghostaradia-daily (2022), @ask-that-one-lonely-kid (2020), @dailyvriska (2020),
Uh yeah they're probably dead...
Single(s): @askdavechick (2014)
Daily Reblogs: @daily-betas (2019), @dailyprospit (2019)
202 notes · View notes
syrupfog · 4 months
The Tang explodes and the crew swims to safety. It takes days to find a habitable island, much less some place they can stop and rest and start to rebuild (and wait for Law). 
They end up on a small island with a large population, because this island is built to be one thing;
It’s a college town. 
They have to enroll to be given a loan, and that loan is how they’re able to afford a shitty little frat house, recently vacated because of a rat infestation.
Nineteen crew members. Five rooms. There’s already a beer pong table up when they move in. 
None of these guys have completed secondary school. Sure, most of them could pass a medical entrance exam, but they couldn’t write an essay on why the curtains are blue. Or do geometry.
Everyone has to find jobs. Penguin, Shachi, and Jean Bart end up at a coffee shop. Ikkaku works at the textbook store. Hakugan flips signs on a street corner. 
Penguin actually really enjoys latte art. The job doesn’t call for it, he just likes it.
Because no one has any university experience (why would they?) they try to all take the same major, to help each other out. After an argument they end up split down the middle; half of them go for history, the other half go for agriculture.
Penguin and Shachi, agriculture majors, end up pulling shifts on the school’s farm before the sun comes up, THEN working at the coffee shop when it opens at dawn. Jean Bart managed to make manager. 
The Tang isn’t FORGOTTEN, but… they need to get good enough grades not to drop.
If they drop they have to pay the loans back. 
So for a few months, everyone goes to class and works and studies. The house smells like beer and piss no matter how hard they clean. 
And then, one day… 
Kid and Killer wash up onto the island.
Kid refuses to sign up for university. That’s how Hakugan finds them— he hears the yelling from where he’s flipping a sign for pizzas. He alerts everyone else. 
Killer does not have such reservations. He signs up on the spot. Poetry.
After a quick house meeting, the Hearts offer for Kid and Killer to sleep on their sofa. The two of them look… worse for wear. And a familiar face is nice. Everyone here at uni is… well, they’re very normal. 
Kid doesn’t want to. But Killer accepts for the both of them.
Penguin helps Killer learn the bus system AND gets him a job at the coffee shop. It’s almost impressive there were so many free positions at this place, but… Penguin’s been sprayed in the face with hot espresso from the machines and yelled at by customers. A lot. He gets it.
He shows Killer how to make latte art, though. Killer turns in a poem about it. His professor calls it cliche but it gets him a passing grade. And so, three more months pass. The winter solstice arrives. Everyone goes home for the holiday, veritably abandoning the island.
Suddenly it’s just the Hearts and the Kids. 
They make snowmen and snow angels and exchange terrible presents because they’re poor university students. 
And on the day of the winter solstice, two new people wash up on the shore.
The Heart pirates only know because Penguin and Killer are taking a, ahem, private walk. 
But there they are, passed out on the beach. Rough, but alive. 
Penguin screeches, cries. Killer carries both bodies, hanging over his shoulders, back to the house.
Thus, when the next semester starts, Law and Bepo enroll in class. 
Because, like, while they’re hiding out and rebuilding, Law might as well get a real medical license, right?
(He doesn’t; he shambles a student to pieces two weeks into the semester because she was insulting the new pirate king, and then they have to beat a swift exit before the loan sharks come, but Jean Bart at least has been working on the Tang 2 and at least its sea worthy).
(Kid and Killer come along for the ride, because hell if Kid is going to STAY in a UNIVERSITY it fuckign SUCKS THERE) 
(Also cause Penguin and Killer kiss a lot)
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Please read for your own sake
So I have received word that Tumblr will be partnering with Midjourney. Probably to utilize our art for it's shit machine, awesome.
As I am in Tokyo and have no access to a computer, uploads on Tumblr will be briefly halted, (uploads on webtoon are still up and will continue all month!) until I get the chance to nightshade and glaze all my pages for protection.
This is absolutely batshit insane that I and other artists cannot just upload our art to the internet safely anymore. It just insulting.
But I'm sick of feeling sad about it so fuck em. Just make sure you glaze and nightshade your artwork! Even if your small and have zero followers DO IT. Your art and style needs to be preserved and the glazed artwork that gets fed to shitty AI will severely fuck up their algorithm.
Let them cannibalize themselves. Let them destroy themselves.
This is NOT the future of art. It never will be. Grit your teeth and outlast the bastards, we have NO room for desperation anymore. Fight fucking back.
Most important, spread the word. Doesn't have to be this post you reblog. Make your own, tag a shitton of artist communities, tag your favorite artist, just don't let anyone get blindsided by this.
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littlelightfish · 6 months
I decided it would be good to have all my dungeon meshi related posts linked here, to organize a bit.
🍳Dungeon Meshi🍳
Like father like daughter
Why they don't nickname Chilchuck
Chilchuck's nightmare
Chilchuck angst (nightmare post related)
Yeet the child
Where his ears?
When he's a dwarf
Chilchuck's family photo
Awkward hug
Heights analysis
Shitty meme
Senshi stinks
Silly boys
Holm struggling
Mickbell & Kuro analysis
Holm appreciation post
Chilchuck doesn't like skirts
Folke family
Old man jumscare
What's he eating
Animation studio mistake (related to what's he eating post)
Common occurrences
Mickbell + Holm screenshots
Marcille is a furry
Kabru alerting Holm
Kuro carrying the baby around
Holm apreciation post pt.2
Mickbell cares so much
Holm and his undine
Proud family
Happy feet
Rabbit trauma
Chilchuck angst material
Ghost honest reaction
Random Mick & Kuro + Chilchuck
Chilchuck's love chart
The best canon couple ever
Rice balls
Holm appreciation post pt.3
Bricks×Chilchuck is real
Request from a fish
Achoo sequence
Funny chapter 14 stuff
Chilchuck only has 3 moods
Catching Marcille
Episode 5 scene analysis
Hand Mick to Senshi
Holm nation was fed today
Miss Frog
Holm voices
Manga-Anime ep. 16
This lil' fella
Mick's scream
Messy hair Holm
Un-messy hair Holm
Episode 17 sillyness
Senshi's thoughts, apparently
Dad coded Chil
Peak dad behaviour
I wanted to see him sad
Dandan analysis (why not)
The best canon couple ever (2)
Thoughts on art
Holm's Sister
The same picture
Holm's back
Pretty boy Holm
The cutest boy ever
Contribution to other nations
Mick and Kuro
Holm <3
He eeping
My girl
Mick&Kuro's age when they met
Dwarven miners
Senshi's clothes
He be rollin'
Spot the diference
Stop tall-man exploding
Where his ears? [Colorized]
No. Fucking. Way.
The fall of the dwarves
My favorites (ep.26)
Patting the blonde
My Holm drawings :D
Once again, Holm
The fluffiest guy ever
Daughters ages when she left
Marcille's torture
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