#shisui crossover
x-authorship-x · 9 months
Hi Torship! For the new tag game, Sentinel? 💖
Hi Ellory! Happy New Year!
Sentinel is about Shisui falling through the 'gaps' of Kotoamatsukami shredding reality in a last-ditch panic response to dying, and splutters back to life on the shore of an underwater lake in the kyber caves of Ilum in Star Wars. Shisui then proceeds to accidentally gaslight the Jedi into thinking he's an established Knight wandering in the outer rim and he ruins the entire Sith plot because noone thinks the blind weirdo maybe once had eyes that could tear through illusions like wet paper :3
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 7 months
'Itachi-in-Middle-Earth' is more popular than I thought
Red Istari has Shisui, but seens to be unable to read?
Now I found this too with Tobirama
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syanaaa31 · 12 days
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Spoiler : Shisui for my MHA x Naruto fic!
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sakurasfallingstar · 1 year
ShiSaku Week: Day 3
Sakura could only sigh as her training with Annabeth was interrupted by one of her siblings. Especially after they told her "favorite patient" was waiting for treatment.
"You'd think being one of the fastest sons of Hermès, he'd be less injured," Annabeth said.
Rubbing her temples, the pink haired girl apologized the daughter of Athena. Of course her sparing partner understood, as this kind of interruption was not uncommon between the two. It's just on of the many flaws of being head if their cabins.
It also doesn't help that Sakura here, has medical abilities that could rival her father's, Asclepius. It made her a very popular request in the infirmary. It was got the point, that she put a ban on her patient load unless it was really serious (i.e. an arrow to the eye).
However, there was only one person who somehow alway managed to get her to heal him. That man, Shisui Uchiha, son of Hermès.
He was one who didn't let any of her cabin members come near him. Especially when it came time for his vaccinations.
At first she thought it was because he had already known her, being that dhe was childhood friends with his cousin, Sasuke. Then he just became problematic for her siblings. All the way from using his winged shoes to pinn himself to roof, or using his enhanced speed to evade them. In other word he was her siblings worse nightmare of a patient, and the newcomers to her cabin were quick to presudade to dump him on her.
Thus there was a rule in in her cabin; no matter what, whenever Shisui Uchiha showed up at the infirmary the youngest would be sent out to get her to rein him in.
"You know Sakura ," her sibling began, as they walked to the infirmary, "if I didn't know any better I'd say he has a thing for you."
She could see the concern on her siblings face at how fast she turned her head to look at them.
Of course Sakura was shocked at her sibling's hypothesis. In her mind, it seemed preposterous that Shisui would have taken a liking to her. In fact, thing far back as to when she'd be over at Sasuke's home to play, he'd alway pull at her pink locks, and say the most observed things to get a reaction out of her. He'd also poke her forehead a lot which he knew she was self conscious about.
" Trust me when I say this, Shisui does not like me. I am just a familiar to him. The reason being that we knew eachother when we younger, and that's it. Nothing more. Nothing less," she made clear.
Her sibling only shrugged and just came to the silent conclusion that Sakura was oblivious.
By now, every camper knew of Shisui's infatuation with Sakura. That is, every camper besides the woman of his affections.
They'd all seen the way he watches her at she trains with the daughters of Athena. They way he always made room next to him during celebrations.
Even during their interaction with each term, he'd be dropping hint, obvious ones and they'd just go over her head. It was painful to watch for all campers.
Percy remembers when Shisui used a funny pickup line on Sakura, and well, it got her to laugh. That was about it.
Later on he'd find out from Annabeth, that her half sister, Ino, repeated said pickup line that Sakura told her. Though, Ino made it clear that Sakura one hundred percent thought it was a joke.
After telling Annabeth who Sakura heard the pickup like from, let's just say she was pretty annoyed.
Pretty much every camper wants them to just kiss and end their missery...
Walking into the infirmary room that contained the Uchiha, Sakura crossed her arms. There he was, laying down all comfortable in the bed, with messy bandages wrapped around his head.
" So Shisui, what bring you intoday," she asked, as Shisui sat up from the bed.
Now despite, everything Sakura is very fond of the Uchiha. Don't get her wrong, he can be annoying, but he always made her smile in the end.
"Well Doc, you see I was helping the children of Demeter harvest their apples."
Oh no. This us going exactly where she thinks this is going.
Sakura could not help the smile that grace her lips.
"Well, one of them dropped their basket full of apples. The apples where going to hit their sibling holding the ladder steady, and I just couldn't let them. "
"So your in here cause you got clobbered by apples," she said, with amusement.
"What can I say, Doc? I'm proof that an apple doesn't  slways keep the doctor away,' isn't true."
With a chuckle, she walked over to his bed. Allowing her plans to glow green, she placed them on the side of his head. Her eyes closed, as she concentrated; scanning for any for and signs of head injury.
Shisui couldn't help but to relax in her touch. He even brought a hand up to clasp one her own.
It startled her to open her eyes, and for once it felt like they where really seeing eachother.
Time stopped.
Emerald eyes locking with onyx. Their heart beats somehow becoming in sync. Then suddenly they where leaning in, lip centimeters apart when-
"Sakura! We got a code 33," one of her siblings informed her, bargaining into the room.
Sakura had quickly pulled away from from Shisui, and a silence had settled into the room.
"A-am I interrupting something," they asked, looking between the blushing duo.
"No. Anyways, lead the way, and Shisui, you're good to go. I'll see you later at dinner," she said, rushing away to her next patient.
Meanwhile, Shisui was grinning like a fool.
By the end of the day, everyone knew what transpired between the two. So when dinner finally rolled around, and the two were holding hands; the whole camp lost it. Ino even fell to her knees as the rest of the camp cheered.
It was about damn time in everyones opinion.
I want to thank @athelise for their imput on who Shisui's godly parent should be. It really helped a lot.
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
I had once this weird dream (but that I really liked tbh) where TBOAH world was going to end but, like, not for the White Star nor anything.
It was just going to die spontaneously and everyone there was going there was just going to join the flow of souls (think of it like the rukh in Magi, because my unconscious likes to add Magi hints to everything. Love that anime tho).
But due bad timing synchronization, the flow was already too filled and if it happened, souls would collide against each others and the sequels would cause massive amounts of chaos and stuff in the other worlds from the sane section.
Which was obviously bad.
So the gods in charge of that section decide that the best action course (and the only plausible one) is getting a conductor to direct the energy and souls of this world smoothly into the flow. Of course, the conductor has to be a living being with a strong will to be able to drive a whole ass world's living essence into a single path.
Ideally, the conductor also had to have a connection with Time. After all, time and space were linked and redirecting life into the flow was separating it from a time-space and releasing it into a river where time and space worked different (if it did. Work, that is.)
A regressor, they decided. The conductor has to be a regressor.
Then, the God of Death— because of it was him— nominated a human child. A god from a different section, but who also was responsible for a world in this one, seconded it.
After inspecting said human, the gods agreed he would be a good choice.
So, Eruhaben went on a trip— his last one in this life— to Rain City, because the world tree requested him to find a person.
A child that was supposed to bring an end and a new start to this world and its people.
Well, the world tree had said that this human was technically an adult. But for Eruhaben who had lived for thousands of years, a human who wasn't even on his second decade was practically a little kid.
Cale Henituse.
What was special about him, that the gods believed him capable of accomplish such a task?
It went longer but I'm stoping there now. It was a Naruto crossover btw. And that Cale is Og!Cale. He did succeeded leading the world into the cycle, then everyone got reincarnated in Naruto.
Cale was born as his mom's son again and they were both Uzumakis because my brain said that it fits them (my brain it's not wrong, tho). Eruhaben was his dad this time and Karin was his little sister. I don't know if biologic or if she was Cale's relative that they adopted.
I'm pretty sure that the Soo's appeared and CJS was a Hyuuha or an Uchiha (but that could be because I would like him and Shisui to be friends and my brain went with it), KRS was a Nara (no surprises there), I don't remember what about LSH antecedents, and I think they were planning on opening a store together.
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
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Shisui and Momo having a chat!
This is for my Epoch au, a three way crossover with Naruto, MHA, and Miraculous. The general idea is that it’s very post post ghibli-esque apocalypse, where a long time in the past, something happened(probably something akin to Jurassic park) and dinosaurs were released across the globe. Humans managed to collect in protected cities in glass pods, which eventually evolved into their current form, still cities in glass pods, but now arranged in pod groups with a protected area in the middle for farming and raising domesticated animals without the threat of dinosaurs. Or as much threat anyway. The cities are protected by magical girls(not actually always girls, that’s just the job title, like fireman).
Shisui is a magical girl, and if you check his eyes, they have multiple white eyeshines in them while my typical eye style only calls for one, like in Momo’s eyes. This is because his eyes are actually augmented, the name for robotic parts. His hands up to his forearms and legs up to just above his knee are also augmented, but those aren’t visible because they’re pretty good at mimicking human skin. It’s much harder to mimic eyes, they always are a little oddly shiny. The wings are also augments, hooked into a spinal augment. They’re whats referred to as a bonus augment, something outside human standard. The red part of the wings is pure energy, which he can make look however he wishes. The red glowy thing in his chest is what powers all of this, a gem taken from a dinosaur and carefully chipped and carved into the right size and shape. It provides the magic to power all augments. It normally would just look like a red gem implanted on his sternum, but he is currently using it to make his outfit look like that. He’s actually wearing a simple protective bodysuit, which is standard for magical girls. They just generally like to make their outfits look more fun with magic. It’s manipulating light and energy. It does have an actual function, in that it can help shield them a bit better, and makes it easier to actively use the magic and shift it into other forms. Shisui specializes in what you would expect an Uchiha to expect in, making fire. He’s also quite skilled at boosting his own physical performance to make him significantly faster, as well as forming hard energy weapons using a similar technique to the outfit thing. Most magical girls cannot do all three methods of magic use with anywhere near as much skill as Shisui can, he’s just special like that. As one would expect from Shisui.
Now onto Momo! This also heavily involves Shisui, whoops, as you may note she is wearing an Uchiha symbol, and her clothes are also Uchiha colored. The navy in her shirt and pants matches Shisui’s navy. She is still a Yaoyorozu, for now anyway, her family is a small but powerful family in the noble class, the Uchiha clan, who leads the pod city they both live in are very fond of the Yaoyorozus. As such, Momo’s been promised her pick of the three heirs, Shisui(Mikoto’s nephew), Itachi, and Sasuke(sons of the current leaders) basically since she was born. She’s grown up with the three of them as well, so they’re all pretty good friends. She is closest with Shisui though. Technically Shisui should be out of the running as he is technically cast out from the noble class, but well, if Momo really wants to marry him, then nothing’s going to stop her.
To clarify on the Shisui is technically cast out, I have to mention a special tick of the noble class. Namely, that they consider augmentations to be a lower class thing. I’ll expand on the fashion bit in a second when I cover Momo’s outfit, but the thing with Shisui is that he ended up with an infection or something similarly bad in his eyes, they had to be removed. He didn’t want to be blind, so he elected to get augmentated eyes(they look like the sharingan right now, but he can turn that effect off and just make them normal black). The ‘correct thing’ according to the noble class would have been to just be blind and adapt to the new situation. Shisui said screw that, he wanted to see. So he was cast out. Which left him free to become a magical girl, something nobles are generally forbidden from being, as the nature of the job requires augments. He is over here living his second best life, it is only second best because Fugaku forbade him from becoming a courier magical girl, which would have been his best life. That would have been too risky though, cast out or not, he is still technically third in line and the only one left from his family line.
Now Momo’s outfit, so I don’t keep infodumping on the structure of noble society and how augments work. The big cut out on the chest of her shirt is deliberately exposing the sternum, the only place a gem can be placed. It’s basically a flaunt of not having augments. The noble class is more likely to have cut outs, while the commoners tend to just prefer plunging necklines to show off the gems, which come in a variety of pretty colors. There are clothes without the plunging necklines or cut outs, but they’re fairly uncommon, and usually if someone feels like covering that part of their chest they just wear an undershirt under their top shirt. Cut outs are less common in men’s clothing, but just because an entirely open shirt is more common. You do still see cut outs though, usually on married or engaged men to match their partner. The low slung belt is also pretty common, as is attaching feathers to it like Momo did. Feathers are a little more common on hats or in hairstyles, but Momo likes just wearing them either in the outfits, or on a belt. The feathers are red and blue for Uchiha colors again, although much brighter. They are dinosaur feathers, which are almost exclusively something for the noble class. They’re generally the only ones that can afford to have them. Some common families will have them, but they are either involved with dinosaur meat smugglers and the underground market for that stuff or they’re the families of magical girls, who can get dinosaur feathers very easily due to the fact that they come into conflict with them regularly.
The majority of dinosaurs are feathered, are all brightly colored, and males are usually sparkly when sexually mature. Yes the blue feather is sparkly, I’m sad its barely visible. The brighter colored a dinosaur is the stronger their magic is going to be, and in territorial and non-family based groups the shiniest and brightest dinosaur leads. Male or female, they tend to be equally bright even if males have more chance of being sparkly, iridescent, or another over-top effect.
Also can I say that Momo looks like a spaceship captain in that outfit. I swear that’s not the only vibes of the fashion of this au.
The other fashion vibes are pirate. It works better then you’d think.
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trashyangelic · 10 months
catergory : Naruto pairings : Izuna x OC crossover : Honkai Star Rail summary :
ㅤㅤいᒢ ) #𝓡𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐓 ✩ !! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤִ ✹ ˙ ❪ ☁︎❫ ⑅ 𝒰chiha Cats x ℋSR ㅾ ℱanfiction
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ᅬ❪!𝓢ummary ❫ A flash of light appeared in a box with group of cats namely Madara, Izuna, Shisui, Obito, Itachi, Sarada, Sakura, and Sasuke all trapped in a box on the desk here in the Astra Express it label the named Ganyu. Himeko brought the box into Ganyu's room. She was in the same world as Dan Heng when they first found him. Ganyu happen to be a former cloud knight of Xianzhou Luofu she is a close friend of Qingque and Sushang. But Yukong was a mother figure to Ganyu ever since her sister disappeared when she was very young.
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FYI I will be posting it here as well so don't worry about it.
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tsukuyomii45 · 2 years
Naruto x Genshin Impact Crossover: Uchiha Clan
Obito Uchiha - DPS
Vision: Pyro
Weapons: Sword and Kusarigama
(The same way Childe/Tartaglia can switch from his bow to his melee weapons, Obito would be able to do the same).
Elemental Skill: Katon - Goukakyuu no Jutsu
Elemental Burst: Uchiha Art: Katon - Bakufuu Ranbu - a large area of damage, with a wall of large flames swirling in a vortex manner.
Nation: Inazuma - belongs to the noble Uchiha Clan, and former student of the noble Minato Namikaze. Obito is very much against the Tenryou Comission. Just like Ayato, Obito rules his own secret organization which is known as Akatsuki, which stands against the Tenryou Comission. Ever since the Vision Hunt Decree had been implemented, Yahiko was the leader who wanted to rise against the Raiden Shogun, but Raiden managed to take his Vision away and kill him - and he entrusted the Akatsuki to Obito. (The members are the former Akatsuki, not the one that Tobi ruled, but Nagato and Konan are included). Obito wishes to duel with the Raiden Shogun.
Itachi Uchiha - DPS / Support
Vision: Pyro
Weapon: Sword (Totsuka)
Elemental Skill: Yasaka no Magatama
Elemental Burst: Uchiha Hidden Art: Susanoo - His Susanoo would emerge and shield him, and every strike of Itachi's sword, his Susanoo would follow, striking with its fiery blade - causing extra damage.
Nation: Inazuma - An elder of the noble Uchiha Clan. While he does his best to remain diplomatic, Itachi dislikes being involved in political affairs, and wishes to experience a sense of freedom where he is merely considered to be an ordinary swordsman. He especially loves dango, and bonded with crows, as he is often seen alone sitting in remote areas, with a crow on his finger, or on his shoulder as he looks over the sea.
Shisui Uchiha - Support
Vision: Hydro
Weapons: Sword
Elemental Skill: Water Shield
Elemental Burst: Uchiha Art: Shunshin no Jutsu - Water clones are formed as an illusion to distract the enemies, and this allows Shisui to strike them down - and every swing of his sword splashes water. Other team members can also join in and use elemental reactions while the enemies are attacking Shisui's water illusions.
Nation: Inazuma - Loyal to the noble Uchiha Clan; and is the best friend and right hand of Itachi Uchiha. While Itachi dislikes political affairs, Shisui tends to be more involved in them, acquiring as much information as he can in order to be able to advise Itachi and support his clan. Like Obito, Shisui was also against the Tenryou Comission.
Madara Uchiha - DPS
Vision: Pyro
Weapon: Claymore
Elemental Skill: Uchiha Reflection
Elemental Burst: Uchiha Art: Katon - Gouka Mekkyaku - Madara charges flames into the blade of his claymore weapon, and once he slams it into the ground, large flames burst out of the ground, and then pillars of fire keep sprouting. His burst has a large area of damage.
Nation: Inazuma - The head of the Uchiha Clan and general of the Inazuman army. He was known to be the first of the clan to face Raiden Shogun in a duel in the past, after consistently challenging her. Their duel lasted longer than the Shogun expected, but in the end, she would be the first person to defeat him. Madara leaves the diplomatic affairs to Fugaku and the other group of elders, while he trains and takes care of the armed forces. Madara is known to be zealous over battles, and this intimidates many enemies. While he takes the role of a general in Teyvat, Madara Uchiha has a mysterious past that only Ei and Yae Miko are aware of...
Sasuke Uchiha - DPS
Vision: Electro
Weapon: Sword (Kusanagi)
Elemental Skill: Chidori
Elemental Burst: Uchiha Hidden Art: Kirin- He would raise his sword to the heavens, and energy gathers onto his blade, then one swing would summon a kirin in the form of his lightning energy, that would float around the area of damage, striking the enemies.
Nation: Inazuma - The younger brother of Uchiha Itachi, who tries to be more involved with political affairs. He is the student of Kakashi Hatake, and best friend of Naruto Uzumaki of the Uzumaki Clan, and Sakura Haruno. Kakashi, who also has an Electro Vision, trains Sasuke personally to learn how to hone its powers and use them - hence his Elemental Skill is also Chidori.
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
A Crow's Eye View
A Crow's Eye View by Chaotic multifandom disaster
Uchiha Shisui, 16 years old and jounin of Konohagakure, drowned in the Naka River, alone and blind.
A dimension away, a few seconds later, Nakagawa Hana and Takeshi welcomed their newborn son Suihei, in a small rural hospital in Shizuoka prefecture, a few hours away from Musutafu.
These events surely must have no relation. -- Shisui gets reincarnated.
He's having surprising amounts of fun (disregarding the soul-crushing sadness and melancholy).
Words: 761, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Uchiha Shisui, Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks & Uchiha Shisui, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Uchiha Shisui, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Uchiha Shisui Needs a Hug, Uchiha Shisui Lives, Kinda?, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Uchiha Shisui - centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Break, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shisui was basically Itachi's older brother, And then by extension he was Sasuke's honorary big brother, But this time around!, He gets big-brothered by Hawks, Crack Treated Seriously, I think?, Uchiha Shisui is a Little Shit
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47873389
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
Update - Ch 8 - Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy
Chapter summary: In which Sakura takes a walk with Shisui at wand point - ok, maybe a minor exaggeration but she was coerced! Excerpt from chapter 8: Sakura stared into the black orbs watching her in curiosity, but no, Shisui’s mouth had drawn a much sharper smile that was cruel, crueler than Itachi’s. His top lip stretched even more to reveal his top row of teeth. She’d seen the smile before in her 2nd year, as he’d swooped by on a broom, picked Sasuke up by the armpits, and dropped him in the lake. Title: Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy Rating: T Genre: Fantasy, Humor Story Summary Fourth-year Ravenclaw, Sakura Haruno, must navigate a changing political climate in which war is on the horizon. Every child attending Hogwarts has signed a blood contract to get access to schooling that will likely force them on the frontlines of a battlefield, including her. If that’s not stressful enough, she’s somehow attracted the attention of the cutest boy in school, Itachi Uchiha.
Hogwarts x Naruto crossover [Sequel to: Restricted Section - In which Itachi Uchiha stumbles upon a rabbit with interest in the Dark Arts. ]
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Tease! How about some fic idea spoilers???
Hmm I'll do a selection? ✨
So I've already mentioned Jedi General!Shisui, next up is "hired as a Kamino Clone Trainer because he's an insanely good bountyhunter and they did NOT realise that he's feral for loyalty and kids and now all the Clones are using the Force weird and unionising under their new Biggest Brother"
Then! (Very excited) Shisui goes undercover at the Senate to hunt down the local Sith Lord and EITHER accidentally woos Padmé into making good choices and kills Palpatine with his new Clone besties
Then, because I couldn't not, Kisame and Shisui get caught in a mysterious chakra event whilst escaping a misadventure and suddenly, between the two of them, its not the blue guy with the sentient sword thats the weird one but the guy with crazy eyes and impossible speed! Cue these two disaster BAMFs absolutely ripping through the Battle of Geonosis (and getting mistaken for a couple lol)
Then... Accidental Sith Shisui! Like with The Red Istari, Shisui wakes up with a red lightsaber and disjointed memories and proceeds to add 2+2 and get 172718 (which is okay because everyone scrambling in his wake is also getting stupid answers) (I'll write this idea a million times, I don't care THE ENDORPHINS ARE WORTH IT)
For non-crossovers, I'm really enjoying building some world building surrounding why exactly Agen Kolar is such a bamf swordsman and what he did to get on the Council etc, lots of Zabrak culture building and language nuance. Fic idea is that he's hired as a bodyguard for Padmé during the Naboo Crisis (Qui-Gon etc are diplomats ffs give them more backup) and is therefore there to intervene (and connect) with Maul....!
Finally, good ol' civilian OC who's the Chancellor's secretary and manages to track down the Sith Lord because of strange comlinks and disappearing paperwork (and it's poly with the Coruscant Clone Guards teehee)
I'm having a lot of fun haha
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malignedaffairs · 2 months
So, hi!
It's been over two months since I've drawn anything! I don't think such a break ever happened before. I've been so busy moving and then I had considerable trouble with Photoshop to the point I can't use it for now and then Shadow of the Erdtree came out. Bad times for drawing.
I installed CSP and I like it so far, even though I yet have to find out how to use the brushes in a way that suits me. At least the muscle memory is unchanged when it comes to my blorbos <3
Speaking of, I know it must look like I completely forgot about my utter love for Shiita, but since I've turned them into my player characters in Elden Ring they've practically been with me all this time.
Yes, I outed myself in multiplayer having named my character Itachi so everyone instantly recognized me as the narutard.
Shisui is an elegant sorcerer and Itachi stabs the bosses with a spear while darting around them, his braid dancing in the wind. Well, most of the time anyway, when they aren't having their asses beaten because I'm too lazy to learn the game. At least they look so pretty getting beaten up and moaning from the pain! Maybe I need to draw that crossover p**n soon because the inspiration is unending.
Anyway, I'm so happy I've now kind of broken the ice around drawing in CSP and in my new flat, and I already feel again why I need to draw to be happy. So, I'll try my best to get back into a routine. Thank you so much for being here!
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
I know you already did a dungeon meshi x naruto au, but think with me
I was listening to the "I'll let the world burn for you" song and, while thinking on kakaobi, I realized that's SO farcille coded
So now I thought "crossover au where kakaobi is farcille", but idk who would be marcille bc, honestly, both would use dark magic to resurrect the other, mr. Hatake "Don't use rinne tensei even if it means not saving many lives" Kakashi and mr. Uchiha "I'll destroy this world and create a dream one to have my loved ones again" Obito
Mm,, alternate dungeon meshi AU with obkk my beloved,,
I think Marcille Kakashi fits best if we really wanna play off that "star student turned you're worst nightmare" angle, hes my favorite rising star prodigy who tried to run too far and too fast and crashed and burned for it
Also just Chimera Obito, cmon, come on. If nothing else, I am now committed to seeing Uchiha as chimeras, it's fun
Mad Mage Madara and ruler of the golden kingdom Izuna fits alarmingly well actually, both for the roles and like, narratively from multiple angles. Madara going mad bc of his brothers death, him turning Obito into a monster, his general monstrousness coming from a place of love. It works scarily well
Maybe Tobirama can take the role of that Yaad has, cursed to be immortal and lord of the golden country hidden within the dungeon in Izuna's absence. Madara visits him sometimes and insists it'll all be ok once Izuna is back as Tobirama calls him insane to his face
Anyways; back to the party.
So Marcille Kakashi and Falin Obito. Rin has to be on their team for obvious reasons, but I reeeeally wanna see Itachi, Shisui and Tenzo on it too bc I'm such a sucker for Team Ro.
Alternativley tho, if we make Kakashi an elf, what if we have Team Ro kind of take the place of the Canaries, and say Kakashi was once part of it but bc reasons eventually left and did his own thing? ANBU/ROOT -> Canaries pipeline or smthn idk
(I just want to see team ro somewhere around)
Anyways, Kakashi turning to black magic to save Obito, only inadvertedly managing to make him into a monster, both of them effectively dragging eachother down more and more and further and futher in their unwillingness to let eachother go.
I bet it'd do awful things to Kakashi's guilt complexe too, that'd be fun
Doing smthn fun, let Hashirama be a ghost wandering around trying to talk Madara down from his usual bullshit, but confined to the lower floors or else he risks losing himself. Now let him posess Tenzo bc they have similar magic and let it give him a cool plant magic power up, and also let this mean he can now move between floors as long as he stays inside of Tenzo. Maybe he can help guide them through the dungeon
Let Madara see Obito or Itachi for the first time and realize that his family somehow continued to exist outside of the dungeon walls, and let him feel smthn about it. Let him call him turning Obito into a chimera as something like love, something like welcoming him home, and let him try to offer Itachi something similar.
I have a couple other thoughts but Imma hit post on this bc its been sitting in my drafts for too long now, might come back to add more later but idk
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mysteriouscrimsoneyes · 9 months
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Wow! I’ve drawn a lot this year! These are only some of them including one I forgot to post (Itachi x Izumi - I wanna colour it first). Next year I wanna draw more Uchiha (already have plans for Izuna) and give my drawings more detail like the Shisui and Sakura drawings I did earlier in the year. I also wanna draw more Persona maybe even crossovers, but whatever happens I’ll continue posting my drawings and challenge myself to draw outside my comfort zone. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year Everyone!
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Hi Ray, while scrolling through your fic rec tag I realized I do have some fics that are my favourite that haven’t been mentioned yet.
These are all Naruto fics.
to heal a wound
This is one of those rare well written fics where Tsunade takes Naruto as her apprentice even before he is done with academy. The Tsunade-Naruto angst is top notch.
Love On Your Skin
Shisui/FemNaruto Soulmate AU. It’s one of my absolute favorites. Tiny smol Naruto writes on her skin so that she can befriend her soulmate. Apart from how adorable both these disasters are, I love, love, the friendship between Ino, Sakura and Naruto.
On Becoming a Sensei (AKA - How to Ruin a Life) 
This has Tenzo panicking something fierce over getting his senpai’s Genin team. Its hilarious.
The Warrior & The Wolf
Its an HP x Naruto crossover where Kakashi is reincarnated as son of Sirius Black. Its a Kakashi/FemHarry pairing.
Beginners Luck
It’s a Modern Day Itachi/FemNaruto fic where Naruto has decided (as a kid) that she was going to marry Itachi when they grow up and spends the entire fic pursuing him relentlessly with Shisui and Izumi cheering for her from sidelines.
The Roots That Nourish the Trees
Post Mizuki betrayal, Danzo devices a series of test for the genin students who passed to gauge the damage Mizuki did and have an accurate database of them. This is one of those few fics where I've enjoyed Danzo’s character. Its all about detailed character analysis of Rookie 9.
Brother To You
Just wholesome slice of life series where post-massacre Sasuke ends up living with Naruto and they learn how to build a live together.
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