mustsleepzz · 1 day
Chapter 17 - Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy
Snippet from chapter:
“Who?” Naruto asked.
Sakura sighed. “She’s the Hufflepuff who charmed your noodles to crawl onto your lap. I can’t believe you shoved it all in your mouth; that was gross by the way.”
“I was hungry! And it was about to escape to the floor!”
“You know all their names?” Sasuke asked.
“Yes?” Sakura said, a little unsure. "Don't you?"
Sasuke scratched his chin. “There is power in names.”
Naruto’s gaze raised from his wand to Sasuke. “Usage of names in spells is dark magic.”
“Yeah, that would be crossing the line, wouldn’t it."
Title: Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy
Rating: T
Genre: Humor / Fantasy
Summary: Fourth-year Ravenclaw, Sakura Haruno, must navigate a changing political climate in which war is on the horizon. Every child attending Hogwarts has signed a blood contract to get access to schooling that will likely force them on the frontlines of a battlefield, including her. If that’s not stressful enough, she’s somehow attracted the attention of the cutest boy in school, Itachi Uchiha. He has a terrible tendency to pinch her hiney when she gets stuck. Wait. That’s only when she’s a bunny so don’t get the wrong idea! Oh yeah, ssshh. That part about being a rabbit, that’s a secret...
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mustsleepzz · 7 days
3am and I must be lonely
Includes a table flip, some tea and my two favorite shinobi. Synopsis:
For the record, the Hokage did not appreciate being awoken at 3am. Neither did his Anbu guards. And if Sakura hadn’t just gotten off a double shift at the hospital she might have realized this.
A one-shot AU NonMass in which Itachi is Hokage. Rating: G Genre: Humor (in case the table flip didn't register) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58863736
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mustsleepzz · 7 months
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I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 
I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
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The first one:
The dance coach joins hands with protégé to compete happily. As for who is the coach and who is the protégé, it is up to your imagination.
The second one:
Patriarch and his time-traveler matriarch. When Madara is deep in thoughts he is more passive to any interaction, Sakura always take adventage of it, by roaming her hand all over him or lie/lean on him in any form she can manage to. 😛 Then, when Madara finaly done with his thinking, Sakura will happily accept her consequences of teasing him.
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
!! ❤️❤️ They are the cutest!!!
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Just 2 Ravenclaw nerds bonding over the Dark Arts, nbd.
I recently started reading Mustsleep's A Bunny in the Halls of Hogwarts series and I love it so much you have no idea.
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
🍡 ItaSaku week 2023 🌸
Welcome friends to ItaSaku week 2023 hosted by the ItaSaku discord server ❤️
What is ItaSaku week?
A week dedicated to our favorite couple in the Naruto fandom. We'll be posting fanfics, arts, and everything else related to ItaSaku and the prompts that were selected for this year! Speaking of which...
🍡 Prompts 🌸
1. Trapped together
2. Genjutsu
3. Back in time
4. Akatsuki!Sakura/Hokage!Itachi
5. Found anonymous letters
6. Unexpectedly expecting
7. I don't need your help/I want to help you
Backup prompts
1. And they were roommates
2. Mission gone wrong
3. Could you please stop that? That's driving me crazy.
4. Black tie affair
5. Immortal/reincarnation
6. Handcuffed/stuck together and about to go boom
7. Great. We're stranded. Now what?
🍡 WHEN 🌸
August 21-27 2023
🍡 How do I participate? 🌸
Use a prompt and start creating! Upload during ItaSaku week 2023 with the tag 'itasakuweek 2023' (please be precise otherwise I might miss your tagged work!). To be sure I see it, feel free to send me a DM. We'll be reblogging artworks and fanfics on Tumblr and collecting all fics on AO3 in a collection!
Please don't upload any works before the 21st! And note that the prompt is tied to the day. Ie prompt 1 is the 21st of august, etc.
🍡 Queries? 🌸
Feel free to send me an ask or a DM! Good luck and I can't wait to see what beautiful stories we'll have this year! 🍡 🌸
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
Chapter 10 of Bunny: The Scarlet Sealed Letter
Sakura's ears drooped back down as Itachi filled her in. 
His fingers found the tips of her left ear, the spot always hard to scratch. 
She gave a purr. 
He absently began talking, "Their disagreement had to do with the Dark Arts. With Madara, you cannot separate the man from the magic. He'd be nothing without it. It doesn't make him a bad person..."   
And then his hand was gone, leaving an itchy ear in his wake. He should have remembered to scratch the right one! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Story: Concerning a Book, a Bunny, and a Boy In which Sakura may be a bunny, and Itachi Uchiha the boy. And the book... well... it might get our bunny friend expelled. Fandom: Naruto / Hogwarts AU Genre: Humor & Fantasy Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44460742/chapters/111829906 Fancy Link
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
Update - Ch 8 - Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy
Chapter summary: In which Sakura takes a walk with Shisui at wand point - ok, maybe a minor exaggeration but she was coerced! Excerpt from chapter 8: Sakura stared into the black orbs watching her in curiosity, but no, Shisui’s mouth had drawn a much sharper smile that was cruel, crueler than Itachi’s. His top lip stretched even more to reveal his top row of teeth. She’d seen the smile before in her 2nd year, as he’d swooped by on a broom, picked Sasuke up by the armpits, and dropped him in the lake. Title: Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy Rating: T Genre: Fantasy, Humor Story Summary Fourth-year Ravenclaw, Sakura Haruno, must navigate a changing political climate in which war is on the horizon. Every child attending Hogwarts has signed a blood contract to get access to schooling that will likely force them on the frontlines of a battlefield, including her. If that’s not stressful enough, she’s somehow attracted the attention of the cutest boy in school, Itachi Uchiha.
Hogwarts x Naruto crossover [Sequel to: Restricted Section - In which Itachi Uchiha stumbles upon a rabbit with interest in the Dark Arts. ]
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
Update: Broken Ch 17
Ch 17: Abyss Excerpt:
Sakura follows Madara's gaze, keeping him in the corner of her eye. When the wind dies, she hears water lapping, likely against sharp jagged rocks far below. The darkness feels like an entity, ready to leap and pull them over and into it. 
If she tries, would she really be able to stop him? Was this the gun on the staircase, this time with bullets inside? Title: Broken Rating: M Pairing: Sakura x Madara Story summary: Because we are all broken in one way or another, and in our mere humanity we hope for a happy resolution to our lives even if we believe we will never get it.
AU Modern Day. In which a young woman's life becomes entangled with that of Madara Uchiha, her best friend's uncle https://archiveofourown.org/works/39953697/chapters/100049814
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mustsleepzz · 1 year
First Sentence Tag Game
I was tagged by the amazing @kendochick-moor Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Concerning a Book, a Bunny, and a Boy (Itachi x Sakura - Hogwarts AU) If someone were to tell her last year that she’d be facing down the hottest boy in school — as a twenty-pound, thick-boned monster made of fluff — she wouldn’t have believed them. 
Kaw-Kaw (Shisui x Itachi)  The earliest memory Shisui had was of having a baby in his arms.
Broken (Madara x Sakura - Modern AU)  He is much older than her and far more experienced in life. 
Untitled (Kisame x Sakura - Modern AU)  The world ends on a Friday. 
Sink (Kakashi x Sakura)  She sank below her bath water, letting her nose peek just above the surface in the hole she’d carved out of the bubbles just for it. 
Soulmate AU (Itachi x Sakura) When Sakura Haruno hit puberty at fourteen years and eight months, cramps and blood were the least of her worries.
Sleeping Beauty (Itachi x Sakura - Nonmass AU) I awake from the dream of you and me, of us, once again.
Love is Sweet and Kind (Shisui x Sakura - Nonmass AU)  “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, propping half my bum on his extra-large, important hokage desk full of paperwork.
Restricted Section (Itachi x Sakura - Hogwarts AU)  She flopped down the hallways, shivering and ears twitching at every noise in a castle full of magic, moving staircases, and sleeptalking paintings.
10. Join a Crew, Learn Some Magic, Keep Flying (Tom R. x Harry P.)  Harri had been born on Ophiuchus X792, a floating mechanic station on the outskirts of a steel alien made planet known as Maru - the largest commerce hub in the Selven Galaxy. 
XD If they read moor for smut, then the only redeeming quality of my fics is humor and even then only 60% have it. Tagging: @paigekend!
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy
Chapter 4 - In which Kakashi Hatake is Kakashi Hatake, regardless of what universe he is in. Snippet from chapter:
The professor leaned casually against the wall, his dark gray and green dueling robes hanging loose upon his frame. He held a romance novel in one hand. A different one than last week. The witch on the cover held a wand with the tip pressed against her lip as if she were in thought, but her eyes were a bit too wide – as if there was another meaning to her pose. Her robes, they were slipping off her shoulder to reveal an inappropriate amount of skin – at least in a stuck-up pureblood society.
For a good moment, all Sakura could do was stare. This was a lot edgier than the last cover. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44460742/chapters/114619384
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
Release of Concerning a Book, a Bunny, and a Boy
Imagine a large rabbit, mushing through the aisle of a library attempting to steal a bookbag.
Sequel to Restricted Section
Title: Concerning a Book, a Bunny and a Boy Rating: T Genre: Humor / Fantasy Summary: Fourth-year Ravenclaw, Sakura Haruno, must navigate a changing political climate in which war is on the horizon. Every child attending Hogwarts has signed a blood contract to get access to schooling that will likely force them on the frontlines of a battlefield, including her. If that’s not stressful enough, she’s somehow attracted the attention of the cutest boy in school, Itachi Uchiha. He has a terrible tendency to pinch her hiney when she gets stuck. Wait. That’s only when she’s a bunny so don’t get the wrong idea! Oh yeah, ssshh. That part about being a rabbit, that’s a secret...
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
Broken Chapter 15
Fluff :check: Angst :check: Madara's hair mentioned :check:
Title (and link to A03): Broken Rating: Mature Type: MadaSaku Summary:
Because we are all broken in one way or another, and in our mere humanity we hope for a happy resolution to our lives even if we believe we will never get it.
AU Modern Day. In which a young woman's life becomes entangled with that of Madara Uchiha, her best friend's uncle. Chapter blurb:
With a sigh, she lays back down on the couch. The orange scent that lingers with Madara fills her nostrils. Warmth spreads to her cheeks at the memory of this morning. After she signed the papers, she probably would never see him again.  
Also available on FF.net
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
Broken Chapter 14
If you were randomly imagining a pink haired someone vomiting in a toilet. Bingo, you got it in one. You've got a super power.
Title (and link to A03): Broken Rating: Mature Type: MadaSaku Summary:
Because we are all broken in one way or another, and in our mere humanity we hope for a happy resolution to our lives even if we believe we will never get it.
AU Modern Day Blurb from chapter: Madara is like a mother hen. He props her pillows, pops the can of soda, inserts a straw, points it towards her and hovers, waiting for her to take a sip.  
Writer's Reality: When I realized it was Madara's birthday from tumbler, it became a mad rush to assemble the chapter. It probably could have and should have baked a bit more. T.T
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
ItaSaku Discord Server Opening
Follow this link to get to the ItaSaku Discord server:
This link is valid until January 1st 2023! After which, the server will close down again until summer 2023.
Let's gooooooo!! ❤️
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
The Nano experience
October 30th: Me - Totally am going to tackle my own work for once this Nanowrimo. Finally get a rough draft of a fantasy novel out the door. I've plans, a great many plans. I got this. I'm gonna stick to it. *fist pumps* Reality as of Nov 5th: Personal work = 500 words Fan fiction = 7,704 words Me - At least I'm writing *cries*
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mustsleepzz · 2 years
ItaSaku Week! Oct 27
imagine: A rather large rabbit, thumping about the Hogwarts Library. With a suck of its gut it squeezes through the bars of the Restricted Section and makes a beeline for the dark magic aisle. From the shadows, two sharingan eyes observe the spectacle. The fur looks soft, soft enough to touch. Title: Restricted Section Summary: Sakura sneaks into the restricted section, only to be caught pink paw’d by a handsome Ravenclaw prefect. Platform: AO3 and FF.net Prompt: The Library's Restricted Section A/N: Cough, there may be a theme to my naming conventions for ItaSaku week. Genre: Humor and Fantasy Chapter 2 of 4 out - the rest will be out by end of ItaSaku week.
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