#shipping support centre
shippingivalueplus · 10 months
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derelictdumbass · 1 year
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kissy kissy mwuah 💕
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regal-bones · 18 days
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The Captain’s Blade, of doomed voyage and unwavering compass 🐋🩸 Presented to the captain of the THESPA-02 on the day of its maiden flight, this ornate piece is a ceremonial sword modelled after the look of the ship itself. This blade cut the ribbon the day visitors first stepped aboard the interplanetary cruise liner, and is now proudly on display just outside the captain’s quarters, like a ship in a bottle. If at any time during your visit you wish to see the model, passengers can take the elevators from the leisure centre up to the control deck, where you can spy on the inner workings of our cruise from a distance. Perhaps you might spot our loyal captain on its way to the command centre, ready to steer us into the great night sky. Be sure to wish it luck! It’s a long journey ahead!  Middle Quark Cruises: off-world travel, done in style 
Another sword from @last-sprout , this blade is found in the grand wreckage of the cruise liner THESPA-02. Excited for you guys to one day be able to explore those ruins, and find where this weapon is now.
Yesterday’s sword!
You can support me on Patreon for £1 and help me make stuff like this!
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myladysapphire · 3 months
The Dragon and the Wolf (I)
You had been betrothed to Cregan stark at the start of the war. He was the noble and honourable stark that he was he supported your mother claim without restraint. So much so your mother saw it fit to betroth the two of you. So when disaster strikes and you and your younger brother are the only two survivors, you a shipped of north in your grief, leaving only Cregan to heal your wounds.
word count: 2,305
CW: angst? depression, religious imagery, not proofread!
Cregan Strak x Veleryon(strong)!reader
Masterlist | series masterlist | prologue | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my Original characters
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Winterfell was a truly beautiful place, it spanned acres of land, and at its centre stood the gods woods. The gods woods were truly the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. You were lucky that your rooms, in a tower touching the clouds, faced out onto the woods. Allowing the view to be one you woke up to day and night.
Though it was the only view you saw, as you rarely left your rooms, rarely ate, and said even fewer words and grew a cold exterior.
You at first were visited often by both Creagan and Sara. Though the visits and constant nickering had caused an outburst from you, anger you had never once felt or shown spilling through. You had demanded space. And Cregan had listened, Sara had not.
Sara tried everything in you to leave your room, but her attempts feel on deaf ears
Until today.
You often stood watching out of your window, though it had the spectacular view of looking out onto the gods woods, you could rarely see anyone between the endless trees.
That was until you saw him.
He stood kneeled before the heart tree, deep in thought and prayer. He seemed so peaceful, as if the woods were the one place he could find the peace and quiet he deserved.
A smile graced your face as a memory brushed your mind.
You had been at Winterfell less than a week before you had the chance to see the gods’ woods. Cregan had taken you there himself, he seemed like an egar puppy when you had asked to see it, standing up from his seat and instantly taking your hand, nearly running down the halls as you made your way to the entrance.
A calming breeze had hit your face as you entered the woods, the feeling of the hot springs between your feet, instantly warming your whole body. The woods were covered in a soft layer of snow, the floor almost entirely untouched as it seemed the only footsteps were that of your own and Cregan’s.
You walked for a time, walking through thick layers of untouched trees, before you finally reached the centre, and the heart tree stood in all its glory.
With red trees and white bark, it allowed the faces carved so naturally in it to appear so clearly, they seemed to watch your every move, and as Cregan knelt before the trees, you swear you saw there faces move and there mouths moving to answer whatever prays Cregan was saying.
It was a funny feeling, never before had you felt the presence of the gods, never in the sept or before a septon. But here, in a natural place, land untouched and no alters erected to honour said gods, you felt them. A calming presence but also the fear of complete superiority over you. They seemed to welcome you, enough so that you yourself moved forward and knelt before the tree. You did not pray as you felt no need to, and the gods did not demand it of you, they simply welcomed you and made you feel there warmth. You closed your eyes beside Cregan, basking in there presence, and when you opened your eyes, you came face to face with a smiling Cregan.
“It is beautiful is it not?” he asked
“Spectacular” you replied, “ I have never felt or seen anything like this…the gods woods at the red keep is a mockery to this”
He smiled softly “it is an experience that is hard to explain, is it not?”
You nodded, moving to stand, “do you spend much time here?”
“as much time as I can with my duties”
You nodded, “a shame, I feel as if I never want to leave”
He laughed softly “then perhaps you shouldn’t”
Looking back on it apart of you is glad the rest of your life will be spent here, with the gods woods as you view, and had the circumstances been better you were sure you would love Cregan by now, be happily married even.
Instead you haunted the halls, depressed and yet to marry. Speaking little to no words, eating little, and spending your days writing endless letters to your only surviving brother Aegon, and you sisters Baela and Rhaena. You missed them so dearly and yet you could not bare the thought of seeing them.
It had been months, they had moved on, there letters expressing happy lives, contenting in the life they now had. And you, you had simply stopped time and lived in and endless loop.
You dressed quickly and stormed out of your rooms. You didn’t know where you were going, but it seemed your feet had made up their mind as before you knew it you were striding into the gods woods, startling Cregan from his thoughts.
He said you name Softley, moving to stand “you’re here?” he asked in a question, as if he couldn’t believe it.
“i-“ you started, through your mind when blank, a trait not new to you, but this time you seemed scared to speak, the last time you had truly spoken your mind, was when you watched your mother burn and that only ended in screams. You did not speak one word for moons after that and only after did you speak sweet lies, painting the yourself to be the picture of love and loyalty, and now all you wanted was to speak the truth, to say the words breaking you from the inside out, and yet all you could say was “I’m sorry”.
“what?” he asked softly, “what are you sorry for?”
“for months I have ignored your and Saras efforts to help me, taking your kindness for granted and giving you nothing in return-“
“its okay” he interrupted kindly, “I only wanted to help you, I never expected anything in return”
“except to marry me” you replied, it was the truth, a clear point in the alliance struck between the north and your mother.
“I am in no rush to marry” he moved towards you, “you have been- we have been through so much, I am sure the lords of the north will understand waiting however long you need”
But that wasn’t the case, you both knew it. In fact just the other day Sara, in one of her efforts to annoy into speaking, had stated how the lords were in uproar of your lack of a union, House Bolton at the for front of the complaints.
Once you longed for the days you and he would marry, though things between you then had turned sweet and shy, you craved the days he would marry you.
The first time you saw him you were in awe of him. He towered over you, his face cold and blank, but his eyes held a warmth to them. He welcomed you formally, though it lacked warmth. You both knew why you were there and yet all you could do was stare at him. Tracing the outline of his face with your eyes. Wondering how his hair might feel between your fingers.
You had smiled shyly at him as he walked you through the halls though neither of you spoke until you reached his solar.
“I have come on the behest of my mother, Queen Rhaenyra of house Targaryen” your proclaimed, stating your mothers name and title proudly.
“queen?” he had hummed.
“yes, King Viserys sadly passed in his sleep” you spoke with sadness lacing your voice, “my mother has requested me to remind you of your of your fathers Oath”
“the north remembers, princess, and there is no Stark who forgets his oath.” He looked at you quizzically then “though I must ask why you have been sent here, has the north caused mistrust with he crown?”
“no, my lord, it is quite the opposite” you had shook you head, “my uncle has usurped the iron throne, naming himself King Aegon II, I have only come to show the north the crown lies with the rightful heir, my mother”
He had nodded, “then I must ask if it is war you ask of us, princess”
“for know all I ask is your loyalty, we do not crave war, but if it comes to it we ask for the north support” you had remembered then that your mother had given you a script, she knew of your nerves, how you often stuttered, something that had never happened with Cregan, despite it being common even when you were only surrounded by family.
“you have my loyalty, but o shall need terms if it is war that is to come” you had nodded, kindly, agreeing.
Politics had never been an interest of yours, and yet the hours on hours you had spent talking treaties and alliances, not once did you wish to leave, in fact it seemed both of you had dragged it on for as long as you could, neither wanting to leave the others company.
You had accompanied each others every meal, even if no words were spoken, and only kind looks exchanged.
You had felt the warmth and welcoming feeling you lacked at first, and you had hoped that after your return to Dragonstone and the declaration of your betrothal with Cregan, the feeling would stay.
And despite a part of you wanting to feel cold and alone in the north, you had not once felt that way, and as Cregan looked at you now you realised that Winterfell had felt like home ever since you had first arrived, and the only coldness you raved was the one you felt in your heart, the one that you feared Cregan would melt.
 “that’s not true” you sad softly, replying to his statement on the lords agreeing with his decision to wait to marry. “it will be near to a year since my arrival soon enough, my brother even writes that we soon must wed” you moved towards him now, you bodies now only a breath away from each other “I…as much as I miss them, I must move on with life and we must marry” you spoke it sternly, why the realisation of you sisters being happy and content made you want to move on was unclear, you knew you would never stop mourning them, but you didn’t want to mourn what could have been with Cregan.
You had liked him so much at first, always blushing in his presence, even more so once Jace had noticed and pushed the two of you together, though you had both used him as a shield to your fancy of the other, making things turn even shyer between the two of you.
You had been happy with he match, and so had he, with shy smiles and longing in your gazes as the news was announced.
You wanted to marry him, not just for duty, and not just to sate your old self, but as Cregan smiled at you, gaze deep with care, you realised that perhaps the only happiness you would find would be with him.
He nodded, “sara spoke to you?” you nodded “ah, very well, but only if you are sure.
You smiled, reaching for his hand, “I need to marry you Cregan, it is my duty” you saw a slight drop in his smile at the word duty, so you continued, “as well as my desire”, his gaze grew heated, a heat you were a stranger too.
“very well, I will not deny my own…desire to marry you, princess, I have long admired you” he coughed awkwardly “it was me who asked your mother for your hand, after all”
You gasped slightly, “really? I had no idea.”
He laughed softly, “Of course, I had hoped my intentions were clear during our stay at Winterfell, I never left you alone”
“I never would have thought-“
“you have encompassed my every thought since I first laid eyes on you” he caressed your hand in his as his tone turned serious, “seeing you in pain these past months, has caused me agony, I am glad you wish to wed me soon, and I can only hope this is the start to the end of your tournament”
“I believe that marrying you is the only way I will be able to end it” you confided in him.
You had had nightmares non stop, your memories on repeat. Fire and blood, your house words and yet they were the very thing that brought you torment. The faces of your brothers, Jace and Luke lying dead at the bottom of the sea. Of Joffrey being torn to shreds, your mother burning. And of Viserys, sweet Viserys she dreamt of him to be alive, only to return home in anger at being abandoned by her and Aegon. The thought had filled her with dread. And fear for Aegon had the same dreams, and dreams like those were said to come true in your family. Your torment was of what had already happened, and the knowledge you could never change it, so the sudden need to pull yourself from the endless misery all from Cregan kneeling before the hearts tree confused you apart of you wondered if Cregan had been praying for your happiness for you torment to find a release, and the gods had answered.
You hoped they had, for you had no nightmares, only dreamless sleep after the day in the gods woods.
You had started to dine with Cregan for dinner, and Sara to break your fast.
Though your rooms were still the place you stuck to, Cregan’s and Saras demands for you to leave your chambers were answered, with walks and hours spent in the library or gods woods.
All as going well for you, until a letter from Aegon came.
Viserys was alive.
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gg-ladybug · 4 months
Apparently, desktop can support 30 images in a single post… I could become 3 times as insufferable if I wanted to be. (Take another group collection while I find frames for a Husk centred version.)
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Alastor: (Part 1)
Lucifer: (Part 2)
Random Groups / Duos / Ships: (Part 3) (Part 7 - Here)
Charlie: (Part 4)
Adam: (Part 5)
Angel Dust: (Part 6)
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five-flavor-soup · 6 months
i genuinely, really like aang, but keeping his writing in book 3 and his writing in the comics in mind, i don’t think it’s all that implausible for him to get the sort-of-antagonist role in fics depicting katara-ships other than KA.
reiterating, i like aang: he’s adorable, he’s funny, and he’s nice. but i believe there’s something to be said about how his ‘niceness’ is written and seen as being The Reason he ‘deserves’ a love interest. his thinking is self-centred, and though that’s a believable flaw for a kid who’s, like, twelve, we’re shown that it’s a consistent character trait which is never treated as an issue… even though it is. (and if he’s mature enough to start dating the girl he’s going to marry and have children with, he should also be mature enough to be criticised for his less-than-savoury parts of his personality, no?)
it’s not OOC to write him as being possessive of katara even when they’re not dating, because he canonically is. it’s not OOC to write him as not respecting and/or noticing katara’s boundaries, because he canonically blows past them. the ideas that he might not mature much later on, that he might be wilfully and forcefully oblivious to any discomfort in the KA relationship, that he might continue shoving katara(‘s culture) aside—none of that is necessarily OOC, because aang does not go through significant character development in book 3 + the comics.
in The Promise, there’s that weird moment wherein aang is briefly anti-miscegenation and doesn’t change his mind until katara reminds him supporting that would affect him (him!!! his relationship with katara alone!!) personally. in TLOK, there’s the suggestion that aang never actively pushed for bumi & kya to learn about air nomad culture and there’s the heavy implication that aang never told the air acolytes about bumi & kya’s existence. additionally, tenzin doesn’t even have a hint of water tribe heritage anywhere in his house to honour katara’s side: he’s all air nomad (though?? nuclear family dynamic), in spite of being mixed.
don’t get me wrong, i vastly prefer fic and hc’s in which aang is a katara supporter first and foremost, and that’s also how i prefer to move through a fandom space barring meta and analyses. but i also don’t think making him jealous and petty when she dates someone else is a misinterpretation of the text we’ve been given; canon!aang shows the signs to become that way, and it’s not wrong to read his future self that way nor is it incorrect fandom-ing to highlight these traits
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yinlotus · 1 year
the smoke from the wildfires in canada are crossing the atlantic and is now bringing a haze to the nordic countries
it's said that the soot from the smoke will deposit onto the snow and ice of the arctic which will in turn increase local warming (i.e worst wildfires, ice sheets melting, oceans warming and rising, stronger tropical cyclones, etc. etc.)
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From the NY Times (and other sources):
Ways to Help
The Canadian Red Cross: Every $1 donated to the Canadian Red Cross will become $3 to support those affected by wildfires. The funds will be directed to people living in Nova Scotia and other Atlantic provinces, some of the hardest hit areas, for immediate and ongoing relief and recovery efforts as well as community preparedness initiatives.
United Way: The Canadian federal government joined the government of the Northwest Territories in a similar matching program to support disaster relief and recovery efforts. The funds will be used to support nonprofit community groups who are helping local residents.
Donate a Mask: This volunteer-run charity ships free N95-equivalent masks to anyone in Canada who requests them, with priority to Canadians who cannot afford or do not have access to high-quality masks.
Firefighters Without Borders: This Ontario-based nonprofit donates equipment and training to communities across Canada and in other countries.
Odawa Native Friendship Centre: The Odawa NFC is a nonprofit organization serving the Indigenous community in the Ottawa-Carleton region and is currently collecting donations for First Nation evacuees (with “wildfire evacuees” as the donation type). On Facebook, the NFC noted that it can no longer accept clothing donations.
Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC): Live map of the fires. Updated daily.
APTN National News: Newspaper on the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Can be used to understand how the climate is affecting the Inuit, Métis, and First Nations.
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vashtijoy · 11 months
shido's conspiracy is big: koenkai (supporters associations) in japanese politics
How do you take over Japan, if you're a corrupt piece of shit?
On 11/25, when the Shido's Palace mission starts and you're finally released from captivity in Leblanc, the Modest Housewife in the Shibuya underground mall suddenly becomes the Not-So-Modest Housewife. And what does she tell us?
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shido has a what now
What's the "supporters association"? In Japanese, it's a 後援会 kouenkai. From Wikipedia:
Koenkai (後援会, lit. "local support groups") are an invaluable tool of Japanese Diet members, especially of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). (note: in P5, this is the "Liberal Co-Prosperity Party" or LCP, Shido's original party and the original ruling party.) These groups serve as pipelines through which funds and other support are conveyed to legislators and through which the legislators can distribute favors to constituents in return.
The article is fascinating; do give it a read, as I can't possibly do it justice here. These are massive organisations, and relay vast amounts of cash to their members. They organise endless activities for their members—that meeting at the Wilton Hotel on 5/5 is one. They often require a personal connection to be invited, which is why the Housewife says this to her friend:
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... she knows she wasn't invited.
Though koenkai are weaker in modern times, there are many examples of them being involved with corruption; here are a couple.
"The Asahi reported in the mid-1970s that the [koenkai of former Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei] "virtually controls… agricultural committees, popular welfare committees, election management committees". This thorough penetration of Tanaka's koenkai into all important facets of Niigata's people's lives propelled him into becoming the father figure of the district. After his arrest in 1976 on corruption charges, many of Niigata's residents still expressed deep respect towards him."
"Due to the huge support [former Prime Minister] Takeshita Noboru enjoyed as a result of his koenkai, his electoral district in Shimane came to be known as ‘Takeshita Kingdom'. Despite being embroiled in many political scandals, related to insider trading and corruption (for which he was never charged), Takeshita's immense local support never waned."
so what does this tell us
In short, Shido's conspiracy is not a few corrupt high-level officials. It's not just Shido, Akechi, the SIU Director and those people on the ship. It is a vast organisation.
It recruits people by reputation (remember those five recommendations in the Palace?) from all levels of society—and those recruits then operate as a bloc, networking, doing favours for each other, advancing their mutual interests, connected via a hierarchy to Shido at the top. This is why Shido can control everything.
It also explains why everyone seems to be linked to the conspiracy—including the hapless Principal Kobayakawa. Did you think it was unrealistic for him to be involved? It seems likely that he was just a low-level member of Shido's koenkai.
When Shido needed someone at Shujin to investigate the Phantom Thieves, Kobayakawa was there—because they have people everywhere. A quick phone call from a higher-up in the organisation—the SIU Director, most likely, who we know Kobayakawa speaks to—and he's eating out of Shido's hand. And will do anything he wants....
So Kobayakawa wasn't anybody at all. He wasn't important. He wasn't somehow part of the deep state. He was just one of likely hundreds of thousands of paid-up Shido supporters looking to advance themselves, getting the vote out, and funding the cause.
He was in the right place at the right time. After all, the koenkai got Kobayakawa his job at Shujin. All his hopes for advancement are centred on it:
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Because just like the two housewives in the underground mall, and probably like everyone else in the koenkai, Kobayakawa is a desperate social climber, impressed by wealth and fame and power and flashy titles.
I hope he thought it was worth it.
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/10/31)—first posted.
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tevanbegins · 4 months
So this is about the BoBs hacking Lou's twitter account. (Def not regretting leaving twitter 2 years ago, though that was for different reasons.)
Absolutely vile and disgusting behaviour no doubt, but then you can always expect worse from these cretins. There's no limit to how low they can stoop, the centre of the damn earth wouldn't be enough.
But please know that they are doing this only because they feel extremely threatened by Lou.
Because of the fact that he is so terrific in his portrayal of Tommy + the endgame potential his storyline with Buck has.
Because the chemistry is so magical that the canon queer ship generated a whole new gigantic fandom overnight, when the BoBs had become complacent in the belief that they were always going to enjoy a comfortable majority as they had been for the past several seasons.
The fact that Tim Minear had originally signed Lou up for just a 4-episode arc, but extended it because of the vastly incredible response to Lou's comeback and the storyline from the audience.
The fact that he was invited to do press with Oliver towards the season end, when they thought the ship was going to be bones.
The fact that none of their insane predictions about the episode plots ever come true.
The fact that 911 abc social media handles keep uploading posts including Lou/Tommy.
Imagine the power and hold the man has, and it is just growing. So it's not a shocker that rabid haters are losing their minds, pulling out their hair, stomping their feet, stabbing themselves in the eyes with forks. Let them. Don't lose sight of the power you have because of their nastiness and insanity.
These toxic, nefarious elements will never have the class and grace Lou Ferrigno Jr. does. They can spread all the dirty shit they want about him. But we fans adore him and always will. No explanations required. And we won't hold back our love and support for him no matter what fake allegations they keep bringing up against him. The more they hate, the more we'll love. They want to call us shits for liking and supporting him? Let them. We all know who the actual little toxic shits are, and it's not us, and it's not Lou. It's these BoBs, and Tim & Co. are not a bunch of amateur teenagers to not see or understand who the real problem is in this.
Anyway, these BoBs can't stop our power. They can't drown our voice. We will always rise above them. And so will Lou, because he is a badass king. 👑❤
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Atp what is the point in resisting stolas becoming a villain?
Blitzø doesn’t have any consistent major antagonist directly tied to his story other than stolas. Different to an outright villain, antagonists create obstacles conflict and turmoil in the protagonist. And no, stolas’ ex wife and stolas’ in-laws who want the house and child support hardly count. Because if they’re the stories main villain, that makes stolas the protagonist. The story already uses his feelings, his goals his troubles and his conflict as the focal point. That’s what a protagonist is. Blitzø would just be his supporting character.
If stolas becomes villainous it’s a well paced journey. His flaws of grandiosity, self centred attitude, his own ingrained supremacist thoughts, the weight of his duties, they all overcome him. Overpower his shy kindness. He falls into madness. “Your sweetness has gone foul” might actually work.
Does it make the abuse he suffered less sympathetic? No.
Does it make his love for his daughter less genuine? Absolutely not.
Does it make him not a victim of Stella’s torment? No.
Would he stop being a fan favourite? No
Will people stop shipping it? The most part, absolutely not. People love foe yay. Villain x Hero stories are massive in the shipping world.
Will there be opportunities for dark music numbers, dark symbolism, descent into madness, incredible fight action scenes between the main two, painful tragedy and shocking plot twists? Hell yes.
Will the villain fanart be incredible? Yes.
Would Bryce Pinkhams voice create a good villain song? Yes. His deep register would work beautifully. and he has delivered two maniacal laughing scenes that the audience loves. The angry way he sings “what kind of monster does that make me” was chilling.
So what is going on here? As a Broadway fan surely Viv would know how beloved and powerful villain songs can be. And the discourse would end. “Stolas seemed nice but he did this terrible thing!” “Yes that’s the point he was the villain in the making all along” “wow Viv what a twist!”
Agree with every last word you've said here, with the exception of "As a Broadway fan surely Viv would know how beloved and powerful villain songs can be." It implies that Viv is willing to engage with the stories she consumes in a way that goes deeper than the immediate gratification they give her...that she cares enough to learn what works, what doesn't, and apply it to what's supposed to be her craft.
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shippingivalueplus · 10 months
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So have any unpopular opinions about the owl house? Mine is that Gus should gotten more recognition in the show and the fandom.
i agree honestly, gus was a character with so much potential and they completely squandered that. but at least he got a few episodes centred around him, unlike bow who had no role in the story apart from being the emotional support and the occasional comic relief.
my unpopular opinion is that.. the fandom blames the disney executives too much. don't get me wrong, they definitely screwed over the show and refused to let dana give us the entire story she had planned out. but a lot of the bad writing in s2b and s3 (and heck, even in s1) was the entirety the writers' fault.
unlike some other shows, the creators toh actually got the opportunity to wrap up the story. there were a lot of shows that were just cancelled with no warning, and the creators never got to write a conclusion. in that sense, the writers of toh got lucky and they should have used that to their advantage.
especially in s3, all three episodes together had a longer runtime than that of a movie. and i believe disney announced the decision to cancel when s1 was almost over, so they had all the time in the world to plan things out and make a coherent plotline instead of focusing on rushed ships and fanservice.
i was so excited for s3 and it was sorely disappointing. belos went from being a complex three-dimensional villain to just your standard Big Bad™ with no motivation outside of pOwEr. hunter was given trauma after trauma to deal with, and none of it was addressed properly afterwards. huntlow was rushed and unnatural, and screwed over both characters involved. luz's whole epiphany and the palisman was extremely lackluster, and her palisman didn't even play a huge role in the narrative afterwards. titan luz was just a deus ex machina and went against the original message of the story, which was that “there is no chosen one”.
overall, i feel like the creators did a bad job of handling the story and fans should stop blaming everything on the show's cancellation. it's an easy excuse because they don't want to hold the writers accountable for their bad writing decisions.
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somedayillbepeterpan · 5 months
The hype is so high that I need to lower my expectations.
I open my instagram every single second so as not to miss anything #Polin related. I honestly so appreciate Luke and Nicola who are the greatest ship captains I’ve met thus far. It’s obviously not easy to be the centre of insane attention and the way they support each other through it all is admirable.
Grips my heart. Just like Polin did to me.
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tinydefector · 6 months
*jumps in again* i love how you write and im starting to feel like a bother to request some more😭 but but if you don't mind, ultra magnus x gn! reader where he's scolding them for being reckless and sneak off to go meteor surfing with Rodimus. He's not mad, just worried sick for em then reader just storms off and he didn't bother to chase after em, wanting to give them space.
Later, he bumped into Megatron and had a lil chat when Megs pointed out how Magnus is treating reader like his kid(sparkling). Mags denies it but then later connects the dot, like "omg, he's kinda right" que to him went off to find reader which in their room, distracting themselves with some work and he apologize for yelling and vice versa with reader for sneaking out.
Also, if you want, you can add like a bonus bit at the end where Mags praise reader for the excellent report they turned in and reader accidentally say "thanks dad" make it worse if some bot was around when they said that *cough* roddy *cough*
Took me longer than expected to write this out.
Platonic/ Parent and child with Ultra Magnus and Cybertronian Reader. Slight hints to Megatron x Ultra Magnus as a treat.
Other information I decided to write the reader as an Outlier but their ability, form and everything else is left up for the reader to decided themself. Other than the fact they are the youngsters on ship and smaller than the larger bots nothing else is stated.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: none
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Ultra Magnus Masterlist
laughter comes from around the corner, Rodimus and his friend bolt through the ship. "Keep up Rods!" The younger bot yells out. Their hoverboard is servo while they both bolt towards the shipping bay. It wasn't often the two got the opportunity to go asteroid surfing.
Rodimus hurries after, pushing his engines to keep pace through the twisting ship corridors. His intake splits in a fierce grin.
"Hey, wait up!" he calls back, At the threshold they transform, Rodimus jumps onto his board, taking off into the asteroid field. "Alright runt, you asked for it!" Blue optics glint with loving malice. "First to finish a loop and back wins! Loser takes the others reports."
He peels out with a throaty roar, engine howling, not waiting for the start. Cheating? Maybe, but racing was war, and all was fair in love and circuits blown! Let the games begin.
"Your on Roddy!" They shout back at Rodimus before taking a leap out onto their hoverboard. "Wooooooohhhhhoooo" the shout out. They both tear out of the shipping bay on their hoverboard, darting nimbly between support struts like a razorwing on the hunt. Their wild grin is audible even without comlink.
Rodimus bellows a rival cry, engine snarling as he rockets through the asteroids in a shower of blue sparks. Every sensor hones to the night-shadowed chase before him, picking out the board's glints between outcroppings as their rider zig-zags across the field like liquid mercury. Shouts of challenge fly between them over the comms, goading fierce competition.
Adrenaline sings in Rodimus' lines as he closes the gap, swerving within reach, laughter falls from the two as they race and chase each other. Two kindred spirits living utterly within the moment, simply living for the speed and freedom the stars grant.
From the command centre, Megatron observes the asteroid field feed with keen optic. Movement on the edges draws his gaze - two familiar signatures darting nimbly amid the tumbling rocks, weaving hazardous loops and stunts with the heedless abandon of youth.
A low growl rumbles in his powerful frame at their recklessness and endangerment. But watching closer, caught by flickering motions on the monitor, even his hardened spark must soften.
Laughter crackles through the open commlines as they toss chunks at each other in joyful battle, dancing dangerously along the rim. It sparks memories of ages past, when he himself was prone to such reckless ventures in the mines.
He returns grimly to his charts. But the ghost of a smile still plays about unyielding faceplates, echoing wild laughter across the stars. The loud steps of Ultra Magnus making his way towards command has megatron debating. "Rodimus, I'd recommend you both make your way back to ship, less you want Magnus to lecture you again" He calls out, trying to make sure Ultra Magnus doesn't catch them.
Through the open comm, Rodimus and the other bot share a look of mingled dread and mischief at Megatron's ominous warning. Their daredevil games come with risks.
"Slag it, it's Mags," hisses Rodimus. "We better scram before he throws the book at us!"
Their laughter follows, swerving nimbly aside as Rodimus roars past in a spray of grit. "Like he ever lets us have any fun! Race you back, slowpoke!" With that taunt, they gun their board, kicking up plumes of dust under newly ignited thrusters.
Rodimus snarls a challenge, punching his engine into overdrive to give chase. Though his massive frame handles with ungraceful power, the Captain drives with a fearless intensity rivalled only by Megatron himself in his glory days. "You're on!" He shouts at them.
From the bridge, Megatron watches their mad dash with a derisive snort. Fools to the last, but at least they snatched excitement where they found it, consequences be damned. A trait he can almost respect, Rodimus is a wild sparked bot and the young bot wasn't much better taking after the Prime as if they were batch mates. But Rodimus was fiery protective of them and that's all Megatron could ask.
As Magnus walks in he glitches out when he sees the two bots bolt across the asteroids on hoverboards. Magnus' commanding boom fills their comm channels, causing them both to flinch. "By Primus What are you two doing!, Do you understand the danger you are putting yourself in, not to mention protocol!" He shouts
"That sounds like Big Mags alright," chuckles Rodimus, danger-circuits alight. He guns his engine recklessly, tempting providence with stunts that wring pained static from Magnus' voice.
Beside him, the other bot is all bravado, doing tricks that ought to terminate mere mortals. "Lighten up Mags, we're just having fun!, Megatron's providing supervision" Their laugh is wildly carefree as they swerve through spiralling space debris, back to the shipping bay.
Magnus' reply is a wordless warp of wrath and protocols violated. On the bridge, Megatron observes with sardonic amusement.
Their elated whoops echo into the sullen ship as the two bots land, laughter is passed between them both, they knew they were in for a lecture but neither of them could really care at that moment. They both make their way through the ship.
Megatron watches as Magnus starts having a meltdown, seeing the smaller bot out in the asteroids.
From the command deck, Megatron observes Magnus' escalating tirade with sardonic amusement.
The security director paces like a caged turbofox, field frothing with protocol violations as he excoriates Rodimus and his cohort.
"Reckless endangerment of themselves! Disregard for safety protocols!, I expect this from Rodimus but not from them!" Magnus huffs, massive hands clenching and unclenching. His plating vibrates with barely contained voltage.
Megatron's red optics follow the scene with cynical mirth. It seems some things never change, no matter the millennia - law-bound enforcers and daredevil upstarts will always clash.
He cuts off Magnus' tirade oft. "Let the youngsters play. A little uncontrolled chaos now and then builds character. They aren't causing any harm, primus knows they could be doing worse things, circuit boosters, waging wars" His chuckles.
When Rodimus and the young bot make their way through the halls Megatron and Ultra Magnus are making their way towards them. And Rodimus decides to tease them over getting in trouble.
"Well well, look who's in trouble now," he rumbles, teasingly as he nudges the other bot. One massive hand snakes out to gently tweak an audial fin, eliciting a stubbornly stifled giggle.
They try to swat him off, armour fluffing out in a mock display of aggression. "Back off toaster, you're one to talk!" But their field reflects only playful antagonism toward their mismatched partner in crime.
Rodimus laughs, low and smooth. "Oh, I'm not the one Magnus has his pelts in a twist over. You're the lawbreaker here, delinquent." He buffs their chevron condescendingly with a knuckle plate. 
Magnus' grumbles as moves closer. The younger of the two delinquents makes a startled peep, ducking behind Rodimus for scant protection. Their field sparks with mischief and apprehension in equal measure.
Rodimus' engine rumbles a chuckle. "Face your punishment like a mech, squirt. I'll see you in the brig... cause i know thats where im heading" And with that, he steps aside, leaving the young to the Security Director's.
"Rodimus you sell out!" They hiss, Rodimus takes off running before transforming and disappearing around the corner.
Magnus begins going off over both their stupidity and the danger that they had put themselves in.
"Rodimus! When i catch you!" Magnus bellows, at the retreating autobot. His field boils with tightly restrained indignation.
The younger spreads their servos innocently, though poorly banked fires still smoulder behind their smug optics. "What? I was just having a little fun."
"Fun? You call endangering yourself and flouting safety protocols fun?".
"Do you have any idea the liability you've incurred with your selfish stunts?" Magnus huffes, he's not angry just disappointed.
"We were just blowing off some steam. No harm done" they try to defend themself, it was harder when Rodimus wasn't here to back them up.
Magnus optics bulging. "The rules exist to protect life! One mistaken twist could've terminated you both. Do you not understand that" He looms over them, servos gripping their shoulder plating. "Explain yourself. What do you have to say for putting yourself in harms way like that, this is something i expect from Rodimus but you, im drawing a line, no more hoverboard"
"Magnus I'm not a sparkling!, I can have fun, you can't just take my board!." The huff out in anger, "we didn't do anything bad, we just went asteroid surfing, what's the big deal!, Megatron was watching the whole time!" They shout stopping their pedes on the ground as they squint at the enforcer. Magnus' jaw works soundlessly, circuitry spluttering at such blatant insubordination.
Megatron's low rumble cuts through the charging tension.  "Easy there, scraplet. Magnus they are right they aren't sparkling, let them enjoy their youth" he states trying to calm down the situation.
"That is NOT the point!" Magnus hisses through clenched denta, glowering down at the insolent youngster. But the outliers field remains resolute, tiny hands fisted on hip joints. A sigh like rupturing turbines escapes Megatron where he observes, unseen, from command. Stubborn fools the both of them.
Magnus flashes incandescent, but dares not defy a direct order. With stiff, grinding steps, he departs, field boiling.
Only the younger bot and Megatron remain.  "Rules exist to guide, not imprison. Life's greatest lessons often arise from...bending them, on occasion. Try not to give Magnus a spark attack please" Megatron states while standing waiting for them to walk with him.
"I know Megs but he's been up my Tailpipe over everything I do, reports not being right, having fun, primus I can't even hang out with Rodimus without him getting grumbly at me, 'don't do that, don't do this, no you can't go out on this planet it's too dangerous ' he's not my Sire! "  They hiss out in anger, plating rattling lightly from pent up frustration.
Megatron chuckled. He strides the corridor in heavy, purposeful pauldrons, field enveloping smaller frame protectively. "Take it from one who knows - authority stems more from fear, you're the youngest on board, it's only natural that older mech's will try and protect you. Though I do believe Magnus does need to take a step back"
Red optics regard the young mech keenly. "Stand tall. Pursue your passions . And should he overstep, remind him in no uncertain terms who you are. Your strong sparked"
He crouches fluidly before them , digit gentle as steel beneath a chin. "You were made for greatness, little one. Never forget, don't let him stifle your youth, but try not to make him short circuit" A ferocious grin spreads across their face before they take off down the halls.
Ultra Magnus sits in his office, the enforcer's helm is pressed to his servos as he lets out a groan, he has overstepped.
Megatron's mass fills the security office like encroaching gloom, eclipsing what little light permeates the sparse, regulation-bound space. Magnus senses the ex warlord's intrusive field and looks up wearily through digits.  
"What do you want, Megatron?" The enforcer's usually stalwart voice holds only exhaustion. Heavy pedes carry Megatron before the desk, where he looms over Magnus imperiously. Yet when he speaks, his tone resembles dark mirth more than threat.
"Come now, Director. Is one impudent youngster truly more than you can handle?" Crimson optics gleam with sardonic amusement. "Your methods lack finesse. Rebellious sparks respond better to understanding than oppression."
Magnus' field flares defensively. "With respect, keeping order is rather outside your expertise. Some of us prioritise crew safety over spectacle."
One of Megatron's digits raises Magnus' chin, forcing optic contact. "Order through fear is a leash, not leadership. True power stems from willing allegiance, not force alone. It took me along time to learn that Ambus"
"Energon for thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more orders I need to read through to make sure Swerve isn't trying to order EnerGULP or Biofuel to try and fake as Energex " he states while beginning to type away on the data pad.
"Megatron, they are reckless and going to get themself off-lined or worse" Magnus tried to argue back.
"Ambus you'd be rather harsh to them, they are young, I'm aware of that, but you're treating them as if they are your sparkling" Megatron states. As the enforcer's optics go wide Megatron stifles a chuckle.
Magnus meets Megatron's scarlet gaze with quiet defiance. "My role is keeping order on this ship, not coddling delinquents." 
"Yet it seems you have been coddling one rather too much, they are at that stage, if you keep a lock and chain on them they are going to rebel,be glad it's only Rodimus, Tailgate and Drift they tend to be with. Would you rather they be around DJD" Megatron asked with a raised optic.
"Absolutely Not!" Magus shouts.
"My point stands Ambus, perhaps spend some time with them, learn what they enjoy doing, they are rebelling because they don't have the option, they are stuck in a ship with nothing to do, they see Rodimus as friend, batch mate." are his parting words. Magnus watches Megatron's departing form with troubled optics and churning processor. His counsel, however cryptic, raises discomfiting points...
With a heavy ex-vent, Magnus pulls up files on the youngsters in question. The youngest and Rodimus - one a scrappy outlier, the other a wild spark flouting authority at every turn a prime. Opposites yet drawn together like magnets. Why was he so invested in protecting this little outlier
They young outlier sits in their suite, sulking. After the fight with Magnus they had decided it was easier just not being around other bots, they had shot Rodimus a quick message stating that they wanted to be left alone for the rest of the cycle.
They fidget with their data pad huffing in annoyance as they try to fill out their reports.
When the doors open and they see Magnus they grumble. "What do you want?"
Magnus stands silent in the doorway, emanating not wrath but uncertainty. His field broadcasts a cautious olive branch amid pulsing regret. "May I enter?" His tone holds none of the usual stern command, 
When they shrug off tired assent, Magnus steps within cautiously, a massive frame filling the space.
Optics rove the bare walls and solitary form, glimpsing an existence circumscribed not by choice but necessity. His tanks churn anew. How had he failed to see the cages, invisible yet profound, binding errant sparks aboard this vessel?
Gingerly Magnus lowers himself to one knee, meeting their averted gaze evenly. "I came to apologise," he rumbles slowly. "My conduct toward you and Rodimus has been...regrettable, I'm sorry."  
The young outlier watches guardedly, searching that earnest regard for signs of tyranny or deceit. Magnus also acknowledges his protectiveness and worry over the younger cybertronian.
A sigh escapes Magnus' vents, massive shoulders slumping. "You must understand, my role demands ensuring all under my protection remain safe and functional."
"Then why do you treat me differently?" They shoot back. Magnus goes quiet for a moment. His optics hold a gentle light as they find the younger bots. " When I see you, youthful audacity, venturing into dangers I endured long ago...it stirs memories best left buried. I watch the war wipe out so many sparklings,  outliers taken and used for war"
His field pulses rueful ghosts of harsher times. "I never meant to curb your spirit, only shield you from hard lessons learned too soon." Massive fingers lightly brush an audial fin in a gesture both paternal and penitent.
"Perhaps...I allowed duty to eclipse my function as guardian to all aboard." A bittersweet smile tugs at plating. "Megatron, of all mechs, said i needed to step back"  
Optics meet in earnest appeal. "If you'll permit it, I wish to walk a new path, try and be better, it won't stop my worry but you don't deserve to be caged ." His field pulses only patience, regret and stubborn care worn soft by wisdom's dawning light. Care for the future of this young bot.
"I know I'm a young spark, but I'm not a sparkling Ultra Magnus, I know I'm the youngest on ship but I'm not a sparkling " they states quietly. The two sit beside each other.
Magnus nods solemnly, settling beside the young mech and curling his field around their smaller frame protectively.
"You are right. I treated you as one much younger, when your spark burns as fiercely as any aboard." A massive hand rests gently on a plated shoulder.
His gaze holds Tiny's earnestly. "From this moment, consider me not a jailer but guardian here to ensure your path remains lighted, not bar it. To advise and shelter, if you'll have me, I... I will try not to short circuit over your dangerous activity." A beat of silence as understanding passes unspoken between them. Then Magnus offers a small, indulgent smile.
"I've much to learn as well, little one. I'm sorry, I have been as Rodimus calls it a stick in the mud" he states and it makes the younger burst out laughing.
"Can you help me with these reports, I'm struggling with understanding what you want, the words keep moving around and I just don't understand" they state while holding out the data pad. Magnus leans in closer slowly reading over everything before trying to break it down for the outlier.
Things are peaceful for once between them, he helps with the small things and realises a lot in that time. But when he does eventually leave he catches a small slip up from them. "Thanks Sire" they call out, it makes him stiffen but a smile crosses his face as he leaves, he wouldn't tell anyone how it made him feel. 
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myladysapphire · 2 months
The Dragon and the Wolf (III)
You had been betrothed to Cregan stark at the start of the war. He was the noble and honourable stark that he was he supported your mother claim without restraint. So much so your mother saw it fit to betroth the two of you. So when disaster strikes and you and your younger brother are the only two survivors, you a shipped of north in your grief, leaving only Cregan to heal your wounds.
word count: 2,291
CW: MDI, 18+, smut, p in v, depression, mentions of miscarriages, stillbriths, love confessions, family reunion, marital difficulties, angst, not proofread!
Cregan Strak x Veleryon(strong)!reader
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
dividers by @zaldritzosrose
authors note: the timeline does not follow the book so don't come for me for changing things. sorry if this seemed rush honesltyi dont like it but i think it works well and makes a good chapter to lead into the epilouge.
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In the year of 134AC, 3 years after the end of the dance of dragons, and three moons into your marriage with Cregan stark you finally made your way to kings landing after years apart from your beloved brothers.
Viserys and Aegon were no men almost grown, with Viserys a wife and child on the way and Aegon, now married to Daenaera Velaryon, though their marriage remained unconsummated.
The reunion had been a sad one, with many tears shed as you finally saw your brothers after years apart.
“Aegon! Viserys” you cried out as you ran out of the carriage to greet your brothers, your arms wrapping tightly around them, scared to let them go. Tears filled your eyes as you kissed their cheeks.
“I have missed you so dearly” you said to Aegon before looking over at Viserys, your mouth stuttering as you tried to find the right words “Vizzy, I have…oh gods-“ you cried out pulling him in for a hug once more “your all grown up!” you said, “a man grown” shaking your head as you hugged him closer.
He cried on your shoulder as you did, his arms never leaving you even as you introduced him to Cregan.
“This is Cregan…my husband, and the new lord hand.”  
“An honour to see you again” Aegon greeted, moving away from slightly from you to shake Cregan’s hand.
“As it is for me, my king” Cregan replied to Aegon head bowed.
And though Kings Landing had changed much, filled with new faces and on the rare occasions a familiar one, you still hated it.
You had thought seeing your brothers here, your sisters, it would feel like a home again,
But no.
You despised the viper pit.
There was more scheming and ploys than before and you were now at the centre of it.
with Cregan as hand and the death of your grandsire as regent, new faces took the role of councillors you had only just grown to trust.
Many of your mothers’ own advisers, advisers you had made Aegon promise to keep on his council had died in the winter fever the year before.
And perhaps that was why you hated Kingslanding, though a fifth of their population was taken, and 90% of that being the smallfolk, so many you had known, trusted and cared for had died and you never even knew.
The halls seemed more haunted now.
Not just haunted of by the faces of your family, of your uncles and brothers.
Of your mother.
But of them also.
You regretted coming with Cregan, and you hated yourself for it.
You had though and thought to stay here, arguing with him before the wedding for just this, to stay.
You know whished to take Silverwing and ride her to Winterfell and never return.
It was only the love you had for your brothers and Cregan that made you stay.
The memory of when first admitted your love for each other playing over and over again, as if it would somehow make you love this place once more.
“Cregan” you had sighed, now alone in your shred tent after a hard long day of ridding, the bath water doing little too sooth your joints.
He sighed your name in return, turning to face you as he undressed for bed.
“Do you love me?” you asked, trying to keep a casual tone to your voice, though you couldn’t hide the hope in your voice.
He smiled softly, moving towards you, taking your hand in his, “I have loved you since I first met you, and I do not think I ever will”.
You smiled, kissing his lips softly, “I love you, I have for so long, even when I hid behind my grief.”
“Really? I did not think you liked me much, after the war.”
“I did! And I hated it, I wanted to through myself into my grief and yet a part of me felt pained that I loved you and you did not know. I hated ignoring you, there always seemed to be a tether tying me to you.” You said shyly. “I hated that you were the reason I was pulled from my grief, I didn’t want my happiness to depend on you, but now…I am glad it is”.
She was glad to have him, he filled the whole left by her family’s deaths, though it was a different kind of love and wholeness she was glad for it.
But it did nought, not as you became and aunt, you fell back into the slow misery you felt before.
Feeling lost and haunted. Surrounded by ghosts talking to you day after day, ghosts you could not hear but faces haunted your dreams.
You didn’t tell anyone though.
Your family was happy, despite the death of Corlys or Baleas husband.
They all seemed happy here, laughing and enjoying the feasts.
The only person who could see your misery was Aegon, but even then, he didn’t understand.
It was clear he was haunted by your mother, of her death. But his was misery was he could push aside, and when with his family all he had was joy.
And yet you still felt that death followed you even more.
More as you felt the death of your child, spending hours, days on the birthing bed only to be greeted with a still born child.
More so as you felt the blood trickle down your legs time after time as you tried and tried to carry another pregnancy to term.
Your heart continued to break and Cregan could see your misery and so he insisted on you retuning to Winterfell, and you agreed.
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Being back in Winterfell made you lose the feelings you had in Kingslanding, made you feel safer.
Made you feel at home.
And you felt lighter here.
Then Cregan was called back to Kings Landing and the emptiness found you again.
But you forced it to the side, hoping if you ignored it long enough it would go away.
And gods were you wrong.
You had plunged yourself into work, trying to help the north recover, from its weakened state following the famine caused during the winter fever.
 A year passed, now 136AC, a year away from your husband, from your brothers.
You became a ghost once more; all healing had vanished and the person you said you would become if Cregan sent you here alone had come.
 “Without you I will…I will only find that hollowness I felt for moons, the sadness will return without you to…to comfort me, to hold me and cherish me. I cannot be alone, I may rely on you a little too much, but I cannot bear to…”
And it had, you were hollow, and you were sad. But instead of letting it spill out of you as it had before, you kept it hidden.
Putting on a strong front, you wanted to be the fierce lady of Winterfell no matter how much you were breaking inside, no matter how much you wished for Cregan to see through your flowered words on paper and to come back to you.
And though he did come back to you, it was not because of you, but of Sylas the Grim.
A wilding chieftain who led a large force of 3,000 south of the wall and was plundering the lands of the gift.
Cregan arrived soon after you sent news of Sylas attacks. You yourself had tried to scare them off, using Silverwing to burn their trail. But they continued their plundering.
And so Cregan led the rallied forces of the north and attacked the wildings, leading yet another victory.
You had watched from the sidelines, sat atop Silverwing awaiting Cregan’s signal. But he never gave it, never looked over to where you waited. Only greeting you as you made your way into the festivity’s hours later. Having taken Silverwing over the wall and burning down all trees beyond the wall, within a 100-mile radius.
He had been surprised but grateful for your actions. But his gratefulness was soon overlooked as the drunken men of the north started to sing.
And you once again sat in your seat and let the hollowness within you start to show.
Later that night, after going to bed hours before Cregan, you and him finally spoke.
“Cregan?” you muttered, lifting your head from the pillow as he tumbled into the room.
“Wife!” he replied, his tone joyful, “I have missed you” he sang, “you’re going to come back with me to kings landing!” he spoke, looking at you expectantly, as if expecting you to dance in joy.
“no” you said, sitting up.
“No?” he said, suddenly sobering up. “Why not? Do you not miss your brother? Or me?”
“Every second of everyday”
“Then come to kings landing”.
“Why not?” he said, his tone almost aggravated.
“It is haunted” you spoke, your voice in hushed whispers as if the ghosts would somehow appear in your chambers.
“Everywhere haunted, even Winterfell” he said, looking at you, truly looking at you.
He took note of your sunken eyes, your dead eyes.
You looked just as you had those first few years here, and he hated how what you had said would happen had come true.
“no” he muttered, moving towards you “no…my love my sweet wife…what has happened?”
You broke down in tears, telling him what you felt, a years’ worth of emotions spilling out of you and the tears never stopped.
You must have spent the night crying in his arms, begging him to stay and never leave you again.
“please” you begged, “I can’t…I can’t go back there, and I can’t be without you”.
“okay” he said, thinking hard, “I will give up my place as hand”.
“I can’t ask that of you- “
“You can, and I must” he shook his head, cradling you in his arms “I have neglected you for too long and I am so sorry, I love you, I hope you know that” he said, hand caressing your cheek.
“you’ll stay”.
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Giving up the position of hand of the king had been like a wight had lifted of his shoulders.
But seeing the state of his with had placed a heavier weight on him.
Feeling his heart break and his own betrayal fill him as you cried in his arms he felt he was a disappointment.
He had seen your loss, her grief and in his own he had pushed you away.
And though he had recovered, he should have known that you couldn’t, not by yourself, not when you still had so much grief left from the war still.
you had always been soft and gentle, always so Intune with your emotions that they overwhelmed you, and he had somehow overlooked that fact and sent you away.
And unlike last time he didn’t have the wedding or retuning to kings landing to look forward to. There was nothing really to look forward too, other than the one thing the gods had deprived you off.
A babe.
You had tried and tried, but three miscarriages and one still birth had wrecked you.
In truth had he not had the lords breathing down his neck once more for an heir then he would never have made you try in the first place and yet it was what you craved, despite the duty you wanted a babe.
And now as his cock filled you and hit all the right spots, this moment were their was no grief, no death no duty to fulfil, just you and Cregan.
“Cregan” you moaned, your face falling into the pillows as he pounded into you “please” you begged into the pillow, you felt your peak approaching as he entered you out, hitting your sweet spot again and again.
He held onto your hips, his cock focusing on that spot as his finger moved down to your clit, bringing you to your second peak of the night, as he filled you with his seed.
You collapsed on the bed, as he pulled you into his arms, holding you tight.
You relaxed into a comfortable silence, a silence you both often found yourself in.
‘I love you” he whispered, kissing your forehead.
And for the first time in a year you said it back, “I love you, too”
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You fell into your roles as lord and lady of Winterfell easily. Finding you rather enjoyed your duties even more when they were not used as a distraction.
And even though there was some tension between you and Cregan still, you found the love you felt for one another made everything easier, especially when you had spent nights crying in grief and regret at refusing your brothers request to return to Kingslanding even if only for a few days.
You hated saying no, but they seemed to understand. Your duty was to Winterfell now, and they understood.
Egg had understood your need to leave before, himself feeling the same as he told you he considered moving to Dragonstone but fearing hell find more hurt in those halls than that of the red keep.
And now with news of Aegon’s tour around Westeros you were excited to see him once more, too show him your home.
A home you did not regret him having no place in, and as the years passed with a few visits here and there form your brothers you found you rather liked the distance.
Finding that perhaps your grief weas in the guilt of only them and you surviving and not Jace, Luke or Joffrey. The boys who were truly your brothers before they were ever kings or princes.
authors note: next part is the epilouge!
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What are your thoughts on bc united dropping out of the provincial election and Keven Falcon throwing his support behind the conservatives how do you think it will affect the election?
Its pretty bad.
Before this announcement, the BC Conservatives were polling just below the NDP.
It wouldn't take many Centre-Right voters to jump ship to the right wing to flip the election to the Conservatives.
I just hope the substantial portion of Centrists in BCU grows a conscience and votes NDP instead of Conservative, because if the Conservatives win, this province is cooked.
They're Transphobic, misogynistic, racist, capitalist, climate change deniers.
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