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t1oui · 18 days ago
im in rarepair hell rn but hey, the fact that adrian pucey/theodore nott has multiple oneshots where they're the main/only couple on ao3 is a blessing on its own, right? especially the fact that one of those is really exactly how i think of those two... but ANYWAY if anyone else is stuck in my situation it's adrian/theo headcanon time!
first of all im a dumbass and didnt realize theo is canonically in draco and harry's year so i write him as a year younger than percy weasley and just in percy's year bc... idk man he's smart and started school early okay. adrian is the same age as percy btw. ok now to actually start the headcanons
theo is basically a cat. if he could be a cat just sleeping for 20+ hours and then getting cuddles, eating, and biting people he 100% would do it
adrian on the other hand is an extrovert, a very hufflepuff/gryffindorish slytherin who nobody dislikes
adrian falls first and then they both trip and fall down one of the moving staircases
your typical "everyone knows they're dating but them" couple (their friends actually cry happy tears when they get together)
btw their friends are penelope, marcus, percy, and oliver. they're in percy's year for a reason !!
adrian participates in penelope/marcus/percy/oliver's shenanigans bc penny and percy always find a way to drag him in, theo is just tired and wants to sleep (he's always there to help if he's really needed tho)
adrian always stays back in the dorm with theo to make sure he gets up on time and doesn't miss breakfast
theo is shorter than adrian. he's not short and adrian is pretty tall but yeah
(perfect height for forehead/nose kisses and leaning his head on adrian's shoulder)
which he does bc theo would never admit it but he is CUDDLY. adrian loves it
they're not really a pda couple but when they're with their friends... they're kinda a pda couple. not kissing or anything (they really don't kiss super often, and they almost never kiss in front of people bc theo's uncomfortable and doesn't really like the sensation of kissing that much) but just cuddling and always touching in some way
adrian loooooves hugging theo from behind and theo always kinda ignores it but he wraps his arms over adrian's and uGH i love them
they cook together
theo steals adrian's sweatshirts/clothes in general and it's so obvious bc all of adrian's clothes are too big on him
theo is ace, or at least on the asexual spectrum somewhere, and he struggles a lot with this even before he and adrian get together
even before they start dating adrian is always there to help theo talk through stuff and make sure theo knows he is and will always be loved and being ace won't change that
they truly are such best friends to lovers
theo is seriously injured during the war, hit with a spell of some kind, and he and adrian just hide out in a safehouse together (i won't say more bc i have a lot of very canon-deviant headcanons for the 2nd war but i do have a oneshot w those headcanons that focuses on draco malfoy & has a lot of percy cameos + some mentions of adrian and theo)
adrian is the only person allowed to call theo theodore other than penelope
theo used to think that adrian had a crush on percy and/or penelope and that there was something going on between them and he was soooo jealous
he really bottled it up but he was pissed
theo bottles up most of his emotions and he really only expresses his emotions w adrian
bc of all this repression expressing any emotions makes him pretty tired so adrian is always ready to take care of theo when he's emotionally worn out (this usually means candy, blanket forts, books, movies, etc.)
adrian loves reading to theo and theo loves being read to, it really calms him down
theo almost never smiles but he actually has one of the prettiest smiles known to man
(one of the first times his friends see him smile is on his and adrian's wedding day)
adrian and theo elope right after the war (they have a big ceremony for the sake of their families later on. theo doesn't like it nearly as much as their first wedding, but he's still marrying adrian, so he smiles there too)
btw penelope officiates their first/original wedding... idk i just think yall should know
she probably just shouts "now kiss!" when they say "i do"
whenever theo misses a social cue adrian explains it to him in a way that doesn't make theo feel bad
tbh my theo is generally very neurodivergent/autistic coded so yeah adrian is generally making sure theo is comfortable and everything
as i said earlier theo doesn't really like kissing and hates making out/anything with tongue bc he doesn't like the feeling and so adrian always gives him lots of forehead, cheek, nose, top of the head etc kisses
(theo loves it)
(he looks annoyed but he's very clearly leaning towards adrian to ask for more)
theo feels bad for not really kissing or having sex bc he thinks he's not enough for adrian and he's keeping adrian from these experiences. he especially struggles w this when they first get together and adrian is always quick to give theo a hug and remind him how loved he is
theo gets overstimulated really easily (part of why he doesn't socialize often, aside from him being a massive introvert) and he also has adhd so he often forgets to bring things like noise-cancelling headphones or a soft sweatshirt with him
so adrian carries this stuff around and gives it to theo when he needs it
sometimes theo is nonverbal/feels more comfortable being nonverbal but he feels pressured to talk or type or write or whatever and adrian helps him relax and remember he can take care of himself and take breaks
theo wearing adrian's quidditch jersey (even before they start dating)
something something theo stealing adrian's blankets/pillows bc they smell like him
listening to music together
always being sooo excited for each other when one of them accomplishes something/is generally happy or proud of something
i've never thought about trans theo but i recently read a masonyew fic where michael is feeling super dysphoric about having a fem body and jake is gay panicking all over again bc michael's even more attractive somehow and it makes michael have an easier time accepting himself and. THAT BUT THEO/ADRIAN OKAY where theo is michael and adrian is jake
idk just generally trans theo where adrian carries around pads/tampons/painkillers/chocolate
have i mentioned how much these two cuddle. RAHHHH
theo runs cold adrian runs hot = theo in a blanket burrito while adrian cuddles him but doesn't participate in the blanket burritoing (not that theo would share the blanket anyway) bc otherwise he will 100% overheat
also just. adrian cuddling theo to warm him up and theo randomly accosting adrian bc personal heater
adrian giving theo back/shoulder massages (theo has terrible posture and it does not help his chronic back pain)
idk man they just love each other so much
soz guys this was probably really nonsensical and ranty i just need to talk about them or i will combust. PLEASE PLEASE ask me about them i need to get more people on the adrian/theo train
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yuttikkele · 9 days ago
hey gamers I’ve started watching star trek does anyone else see the romantic tension between captain kirk and mr. spock
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mintbees · 6 months ago
if i was a popular minecraft youtuber id just tweet "hey guys stop drawing shipping fanart of me and my friends/coworkers, i only fucked one of them and seeing me paired with anyone else is kinda weird and crosses my boundaries" and then i'd turn my phone off
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piratepolls · 2 years ago
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pouletpourri · 3 months ago
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giving myself pomni/gangle interactions since idk when we'll have more of that again
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iwasbored777 · 3 months ago
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itsmeezra · 4 months ago
what’s gayer:
actual lesbian sex scene
rewriting the fabric of the universe because you as a man were destined to meet one (1) man in every dimension that has ever existed across time and space
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buggachat · 3 months ago
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MERRY CHRISTMAS @alazic02!!!
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amikoroyaiart · 4 months ago
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Lest and Mel
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myszkaa · 11 months ago
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Girl who wants her friends to live long and healthy vs guy who sucks at taking care of himself who wins
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indigonite · 1 year ago
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There’s a lot you can learn about it, trust me
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kakushusband · 2 years ago
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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prest0allay · 2 months ago
Jizzie but as Odysseus and Penelope
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I've finished listening to Epic the musical and man....
The ending got me very very emotional
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zkyeline · 2 years ago
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a couple of eepies
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shrews-art · 13 days ago
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A bond made of fire and spider webs
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