#ship name.. Please spare some ship names in these trying times
icecreampizzer · 10 months
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Woahg... What are they talking about... World domination? Or kissing each other? Who knows truly
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sinning-23 · 11 months
Serenade (Zoro x Siren!Reader)
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Warnings: none really, mentions of touching and like ONE kiss. reader wants to eat zoro but fails successfully?
Pt.2 Found Here
He had dozed off on the main deck, the sun hitting his face just enough to warm him up as he rested. The rock of the boat had him in somewhat of a trance and the song from below had lulled him into a false sense of security. That voice. So beautiful, so heavenly. Like a warm embrace, the notes wrap around him, the feeling of hands trailing up his forearms towards his shoulders.
Nails, sharp and threatening trace the lines of his neck with ease, coming up to caress his jawline, his heart swelling at the action, like a dream. A heavenly dream, that voice lures him into slumber. Your voice lulls him to rest.
On the ship's edge, you clawed your way up the side, slithering between the bars. You can see his chest rising and falling as your song pulls him closer and closer to rolling off the edge. You didn’t want to devour him…we’ll you did. You wanted to taste him, touch him, have him.
Own him.
And so far, for the last 5 days, your voice has done that. Every day and at the same time for 5 days he would ‘doze off’ mistakenly, the low tones of your song making him drowsy. You’d sneak into his dreams, making him hallucinate your touch, the way your body feels wrapped around him.
Zoro had never really felt inclined to act on feelings like lust before…but when it came to this unknown force (you) he felt…almost uncontrollable. You would have been successful if the orange haird woman hadn't stomped her way towards him, agasp leaving her lips when she spotted you, puddle of sea water beneath you as you reached to pull him by his swords.
"ZORO!" She calls, his eyes opening just as you retreat back and try to escape.
Lulling your prey was easy, going for the kill, not so much. Your tail flops and smacks against the wet wood, your nails leaving indents beneath you when he grabs you by your wrist with a scowl. Your hunger is replaced with fear, not truly knowing the gravity of your situation. You had gotten close to killing one of the most skilled swordsmen, and he looked like he was about to turn your goofy ass into sashimi.
"P-Please," You pleade, voice lulling him right back into compliance.
Resorting to begging had gotten you out of more tough situations than you'd admit...so why not try now? Your serenade was strong enough to make him let his guard down, maybe it would get you out of being killed from essentially trying to get some lunch.
Perhaps you could flip this and make it seem like you were only trying to seek help.
"Please help me." You let your free hand trail up his shirt, caressing the skin there as your nails left a bit of an indent. He swallows hard, pupils blown wide.
It's working.
The ginger speaks but it only falls upon deaf ears as you try and convince your victim you're innocent.
You sit idly at the table, the rest of the crew you had successfully avoided up until this point simply watching you. Your pleading had managed to get Zoro to spare your life and the captain who you learned to be named Luffy, insisted on helping you since you asked. Help with what? You had no clue, it was a lie to get you out of a mess and now here you were sitting silently as their eyes glazed over cautiously.
The ginger who you leaned was named 'Nami' was less than fond of you and the two men who came to be known as Usopp and Sanji only stared on awe, trying to figure out whatever they could about you simply based on appearance.
The oversized shirt you had borrowed was sliding down your shoulders, revealing part of your back and the very real dorsal fin down your spine.
He notices how your eyes blink both vertically and horizontally, most likely something to do with your mythological abilities as a mermaid? siren? He didn't care. Well, he did but that wasn't what the main focus was. He wasn't to know how you'd gotten him so relaxed like that.
He was nonchalant and calm in chaos but...never relaxed like that. Where he felt like he was floating. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the illusion of you caressing his hair and his shoulders, pressing soft lips to his temple, or along the skin of his neck. He swallows hard, trying to refocus on the conversation at hand instead of how you'd had him entranced.
"I'm just hungry is all." You speak, eyes piercing his when you say it. He feels his stomach sink.
As if waiting for the okay to begin prepping, Sanji makes haste to get to the kitchen, exploring you follow him, only to be stopped by Nami who whispers a warning into his ear. He seemed more cautious now, telling you to wait where you were instead.
"So, like, what are you?" Usopp questions, still taken with the sight of merfolk in front of him. Unknown to you, you'd definitely be part of his rather aggrandized stories.
Zoro's eyes don't leave your form, the conflicting feelings of what he hoped wasn't some immature crush and adoration brewing in his chest. As far as he could tell you handt opened your mouth to sing or convince anyone of anything to save your own life. So why had you gotten him so...attached. He dismisses himself quickly. Nami knows that look and shakes her head no, following after him when he opts to leave the front deck.
"She tried to kill you, you know that right? And of course, Luffy is gonna help her because she asked and used her stupid siren powers or whatever the hell!" She scoffs, arms folded over her chest.
"Your point? Plenty of people try and kill me."He shoots back, only making Nami throw her hands up.
"Fine, but when shes got her teeth in your neck, I'm not coming to save your ass."
He knows he should have listen, but how can he when you've god those beautifly sharpy pearly whites grazing right over his jugular, your tongue slinding over the spot instead.
"Let me taste you." You command, voice sweet yet venomous, and all he can do is nod, capturing your lips.
or is this another illusion he's so stupidly fallen for?
Pt.2 maybe? i hope yall liked this lol. sorry for any spelling errors too.
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skellish · 2 months
Please help a disabled (seeking disability) trans woman keep her apartment!
Hi everyone, my name is Delia, I’m a 25 year old trans woman with several disabilities, such as ADHD, possible autism, BPD, depression, anxiety, CPTSD, chronic fatigue, et cetera. I need real help in order to keep the apartment that I fought so hard to get. I am seeking disability right now, but it is going extremely slowly and I don’t know when I’ll see any help from the government. Let me explain a bit of my situation.
Medicine has never really worked for me, and I recently decided I needed to come off wellbutrin because it was making my anxiety a lot worse, as well as depleting my ability to really feel anything at all, so my doctor recommended I stop and try a new med. I can’t afford to go to the doctor very often so I stopped the medicine a month ago and am going back in September to try something different that will hopefully help.
Essentially, I live in income based apartments and lately, my disabilities have been either preventing or seriously hindering me from getting to my job. I used to work basically full time at my deli job and it became too much due to me being burnt out for like the last 5 years, so I had to cut down. I work three days a week now, and it’s already becoming too much again because of said perpetual burn out and medication withdrawal. I have either been missing work entirely or been late every single day, and they haven’t fired me yet but I fear the worst is coming soon.
Right now, my rent is $372, my water bill is already behind, power bill still needs paying, and I only have ≈$100 in my bank account right now. I am planning to yard sale both this Friday and Saturday, and next, and get some more cash before it is due, which is on the 10th of August. On the 10th, they will serve me an eviction notice to get out by the 20th unless I can get the money.
I am asking here if anyone could spare anything, any amount is immensely appreciated. I have been on my own for a few years now with little to no support, and I've always despised needing or asking for it, but the fact of the matter though is that this is my last Hail Mary to save my sinking ship, and I'm desperate.
I know most folks here are also struggling though, and I hate to make this post, but I am kind of at my wits end in regards to keeping this apartment. This has been my first somewhat stable home in pretty much my whole life and I'm terrified of being forced to move yet again. If I can just get this month’s rent paid, I will be able to find a new, more tolerable job in the meantime while I am seeking disability benefits, and then hopefully keep the ball rolling.
Any amount will help, I am honestly begging and I will appreciate anything anyone can spare, be it a donation or a share.
Update 8-12-24: so we have made some good progress here and I am thankful. Sadly some unforseen expenses had come out, so not exactly where I'd like it, but it is coming along. I've just got 8 ish days left to come up with the rest though, so. I am considering selling my Playstation, and that was unconscionable previously, so things are fairly dire.
V3nm0: @Skellish
C@sh@pp: $Skellish69
Goal: $372
Current: $110 / updated: $190, (still need $182)
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see-arcane · 5 months
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I figured I should interrupt everyone's dash for some notes on current real life things.
This is a hefty one, so I'm tucking everything below:
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A little good news. As of this writing, I’ve sold 74 copies of The Vampyres, in eBook and paperback! That’s 74 more than I thought I would ever sell! Thank you to everyone who picked up a copy or asked your library to grab some. Especially when I know I haven’t been the most stellar self-marketer. I can’t remember the last time I opened the septic tank formerly known as Twitter, so it’s all been down to this little corner here and a skinny appearance in Goodreads. Which means I owe any attention this short and sinister tale has received to you all and plain old word-of-mouth.
That said, thank you x100000 to you and any new readers yet to take a look. (And doubly so for those of you who go out of their way to leave comments and reviews around for me to reread ad infinitum.)
For those not in the know, all the info on The Vampyres can be found here, and all my author odds and ends can be found on my website here.
On a less heartening note…
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As I’d already expected, the market for career writers is…rough. Copywriting—and writing in general—is technically a big open field (full of caveat descriptions about having to work with/teach AI programs to eventually swallow your job)! Tons of open positions! Most of which either pay you in pocket change while you’re working full time or expect you to singlehandedly run the entire marketing of a business for slightly more pocket change. Everything else is bloated with contract and/or freelance work*.
*Read: Gig economy schlock trying to pass for an actual job position with payment being a coin toss. I’ve also seen one too many listings on the job boards that are volunteer positions. Plenty of exposure to rake in though, right? Ha. Ha ha.
I’ve still been applying like clockwork, same as the rest of my fellow creators trying to get by in a field that seems to actively punish trying to be a professional in said field, and still no bites further than an interview. I have years of experience and a degree, but everyone’s chasing the same crumbs, so. Yeah. I’ve got to start padding things out.
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Reminder that I do have a (barely peddled) Ko-Fi. It’s there for art commissions and chucking a few spare bucks at. Which is an increasingly big ask these days, I know. You can’t scroll two posts down without hitting someone else’s Ko-Fi, Patreon, GoFundMe, Kickstarter, et cetera. We’re drowning in arting starvists here. And although I have been asked before whether I would consider going full Freelance Storywriter on top of selling art, I’m still a little hesitant on it. I do occasionally send out story submissions and have even gotten published a few times, but I get nauseous thinking about:
1) Putting up a paywall on the scribbles that assail me like a baseball bat wielded by an unmerciful Muse. 2) Putting up a ‘Stories for Sale!’ sign only to wind up disappointing prospective buyers because I didn’t do their blorbos justice even after researching X background for the piece. 3) Getting duped into being a nonconsenting ghostwriter and discovering someone else has published my work under their own name.
So, still a bit iffy on that. I’ll chew on it. But what else is left?
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Before you click the button!
Before you click, please know that I am being serious about this as something to potentially make 1) something of good quality and 2) earn more money than it loses. Looking around at the merch-making/selling options, there are fees involved with making an account just about anywhere in the online store game, give or take the price tweaking needed for shipping and manufacturing blah blah blah.
With that in mind, please do not automatically hit ‘yes’ because you want to be nice. I appreciate it, but this isn’t the same thing as the Ko-Fi where there’s no real loss in just leaving it up and drawing something once every few months. This will take new designs, another subscription to pay for, more logistics to untangle for quality and pricing and all the rest of the mess. Only hit ‘yes’ if you, personally, genuinely, would like to purchase some nefarious See Arcane wares beyond a book or a digital drawing.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
I have no excuse for this.
Have some non-fic related Cato and ambassador porn. Not the same timeline this is just absolute straight smut.
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: straight smut with no plot, degridation, praise, size kink, semi-public sex?? Think that's all
Did not run it through any spellchecks/ grammar checks besides my phone keyboard so may have mistakes
“Unhg-” you gasp, grasping at the sheets.
“Shhhh, shhh…” Cato cooes into your ear, “You said you'd be quiet, right? Hush now, we cant have anyone finding us…” he murmurs sweetly as he bucks into you again.
You try to muffle a whimper, legs shaking and fists balling around sheets. “C-Cato-” you gasp as he thrusts again, “Yes- like that-” you whisper moan as his fingers reach under you and find your clit, circling it in languid motions as he pumps into you with a matching tempo.
He hums a pleased noise into your ear and uses his free hand to cover your mouth. You hear people walking past the door and talking as he does.
He'd led you into a spare room and told you if you were very good and quiet, He'd fill you with his cum. You couldn't pass that up, even though you were supposed to be on a ship to a meeting right now, with him as your escort.
He burys himself in you again, so deep you feel him fully pushing your cervix forward, distending your stomach around him a bit. You let out a muffled whimper against his hand as he shushes and soothes you, picking up the pace of his fingers around your clit and the pace if his hips burrowing his cock into your stomach.
“Good girl, so quiet and obedient today” he purrs in your ear. “No more stubborn fighting and whining, just taking your place as a good little cocksleeve, hmm?” He murmurs as he slams into you a bit faster.
Your eyes roll back. You know in the back of your mind how he's treating you is wrong and degrading- but right now you are his fuck toy, and its all you want to be. It wouldn't be so bad if he kept this mindset strictly to the bedroom…
You moan into his hand as he starts speeding up his attention on your clit, massive fingers increasing their pressure every circle. “You like that, little toy? You like being pushed into dark rooms and used?” He growled quietly, his hips making wet slaps as they met yours now.
You whimper an *mm-hm* against his hand, legs trembling and walls fluttering around him with each new push. He growls and removes his hand from your mouth, pushing you down against the bed with a strong hand between your shoulder blades.
“Good girl-” he grunts, “taking me so good-” he thrusts harder, “Such a sweet toy-” he starts hammering into you, and you have to muffle yourself with a pillow, desperately trying to hold back your cries of ecstasy.
His finger presses your clit harder and speeds up, and you lose yourself, coming hard. You soak him and the sheets, gasping and moaning into the pillow as your legs shook so hard they threatened to give out. You spasm around his cock, making him groan and move both hands to hold you around the waist and hold you up.
“Thats it- come for me- come little toy-” he growled as he fully pulled you forward and back onto him. After a few more pumps using you like a cock sleeve, he hilted himself so deep in you your vision blurred a moment, slamming hard against the opening of your womb. He twitched in you, and slammed a couple more times as you felt him fill you with his cum.
It was all you could do to stay concious as he filled you, and after a few more hilting thrusts, he groaned and fell over you, pulling you down onto your side, his cock still burried in you. He hugged you with one arm arounf the waist to his chest, shuddering out a moan of your name. “Good girl…” he murmured, leaning down to nibble and kiss your ear.
You whimpered im satisfaction, comfy in his arms, held like a teddy bear and stuffed with his cum.
As your eyes fluttered closed and drowsiness took you, you tiredly decided you'd make an excuse as to why you missed that meeting later.
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authoreetea · 2 years
two birds
sullys x sully f!reader
summary : two birds by regina inspired this so bad, lo'ak is your twin brother and you were his world but instead of neteyam, it was you.
warning: ANGST, lo'ak being so sad and desperate.
note: avatar has made me so depressed istg every time i remember nete dying i SOB. THEN I REMEMBER THIS SONG AND I SOB EVEN MORE. i used to think people lie when they say they cried while writing something they made BUT NOW IK ITS REAL CAUSE I'M SOBBING 😭
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sullys stick together. that was the shared motto of the sully family and you all lived by it.
you and your siblings were close but you and lo'ak are closer, probably comes with sharing a womb together.
neteyam was like your mentor, he was always there ready to help you with anything. while kiri wss your confidant.
jake always thought you were a miracle child, being so different compared to nete and of course, your twin brother. you were his princess
lo'ak adores you, he was always so over protective of you and as were you. usually lo'ak does the rash and impulsive decisions while you kept him on his feet to think rationally
yet right now, you were the one making rash decisions.
as you stood on the ship that was filled with sky people, lo'ak had dragged you three into saving spider, after you guys grabbed some guns for protection.
once you guys have finally retrieved the human boy, you sighed in relief thinking all would go well but quite the opposite happened.
you were steps ahead of neteyam and you saw someone about to shoot him by his neck, and you didn't spare any time to think when you yelled
"nete! look out" you yelled as loud as you could, and jumped in his way. you felt the impact of the bullet hitting right above your heart, it took the air out of you as you and your big brother jumped down to the water with everyone else.
"y/n/n! you're bleeding, why in eywa's name did you do that!" neteyam was panicking, trying to put pressure on your wound as you bleed out, painting his hands crimson.
you coughed out, "i couldn't let them hit you, nete." your breathing became shallow and your pulse slowing.
you see lo'ak was already crying as he went to carry you to the rock nearest. "dad! help, they shot y/n. please come help" lo'ak cried for help, his voice was shaking and he was scared for his life.
he can't lose you, you were his best friend. you were two peas in a pod. two birds on a wire.
you smile at him. "oh lo'ak, i'm so proud of you, tsmukan (brother)." you said, your voice hoarse.
this just made his eyes tear up more, he was crying a waterfall at this point. "y/n please. you can't do this to me. to us." he pleaded with you as he noticed you were getting drowsy
neytiri and jake got to where you were and the yell your mother let out made you wanna reverse everything. "no, no no, y/n. stay with us, princess." jake whispered, his eyes blurring with tears as he looked at your form.
neytiri rested you on her lap as she cried and prayed to eywa.
"everything's gonna be fine. i love you guys." you whispered, your eyes getting tired and starting to close.
lo'ak yelled no and tuk and kiri were sobbing by your side. tsireya was crying, she finally had a new friend and she was gonna lose you.
"come on y/n! you can make it, please you can't leave me. who will stop me from my stupid decisions if you're gone? my tsmuke." lo'ak cried, his head on your chest and he hated how he could hear your breathing slowing and your heartbeat decreasing.
you smile, looking around at everyone. memorizing their faces as you knew this was it.
"i'm sorry brother, i am tired. but i do not regret doing this at all. sullys stick together." you said, looking at lo'ak and brushed your fingers through his hair.
lo'ak cried into you as he felt your last breath. looking up at your face, he saw you have closed your eyes and he yelled.
neytiri kissed your forehead and sobbed as well, jake rubbing her back to comfort her.
jake was trying to keep a strong face for his family but his own waterfall of tears betray him.
he caresses your lifeless face and his tears fall. he whispers, "i'm sorry baby girl. rest now."
"oh dear eywa, why do you do this to me." neytiri cried out loud. she was tired, she had lost so many and now you.
everyone was mourning as they lost you
no room will ever shine as bright as it did when you walked in. no place will be ever as joyful without you.
lo'ak felt as though he just lost half his soul, and he hated the feeling. the empty feeling as his heart just keeps dropping.
tsireya tried her best to comfort him but she herself was bawling.
this was really it. they hated it but they knew they'd had to live with it.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
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My weird roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
Alternative title: Midoriya Izuku’s weekly shenanigans!
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
Well, yes. You’ve never been a lucky gal and you are also quirkless. Jirou, your pro hero friend decides to help you out of your misery and give you an opportunity to live beside a mysterious man for barely any rent. The mysterious man is ends up to be the pro hero you’ve been obsessed with for ages! After a few days you realize that Izuku Midoriya is an absolute weirdo… in a really adorable way.
Week by week, the reader explores Midoriya’s weird habits and slowly falls in love with all his flaws. (Eww, so cheesy.)
Genre: Comedy, romance (no smut, sorry! Might get a bit suggestive, but that’s it!)
General info and warnings (each chapter will have their own): swear words, blood, injuries, potential other hero ships, tooth rotting fluff and extreme amount of awkwardness. No real angst! Reader is 23, Deku is 25.
Other minor relationships in the story: Kirishima x Bakugou, Denki x Shinsou
16+ for safety!
About the author: English is the potato’s second language, please be kind to the potato.
Check out the potato’s Master List!
UPDATE: The story is now being translated to Vietnamese! Click here to read it! Thank you @izukuslittlekitty 💚
Week 0 - Just go with the flow!
“So you are telling me that you lost your job and got evicted on the same day?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Jirou. I still have a month to pack my stuff and I wanted to resign anyway. No biggie, really.”
Yeah, no biggie. The bottle of wine in your hand is only for pleasure, not to soothe your broken heart.
You’ve never been the luckiest gal if it comes to… well… anything. First, you were born quirkless, then you ended up helping your family financially for years after the family business went to shit, then right when you were about to be freed from the responsibility as your parents started a new business which actually made money this time, you lost your job and your really cheap apartment. You are not really stressed about the money part as you do have a side hustle; well, if you can call doing Pro Hero fan arts for commission a side hustle; and thanks to your upbringings you always made sure to have some spare money in the bank.
Your main problem is the fact that you just can’t have anything easy. Maybe you do have a quirk after all; one called “Forever Unlucky.” Quite a catchy name, actually, you might make a character based on this in the manga you’re about to draw.
“Bestie, I have an idea. I will sort out all your life problems. Give me one day.” The call cuts off and you are left alone with your thoughts. Oh, well. At least you can start your manga today… Or write a silly fanfiction about Deku being your roommate. You haven’t uploaded anything new to Tumblr in the last few months anyway.
“I’m not going to beg you, but this is a really good opportunity. You should take it. You’re the only one I trust enough to ask. Take that as the biggest compliment of your life.”
Oh well, this is such a lovely opportunity indeed; Move out of your place and move in with a random guy you can’t even check on social media because Jirou is a secretive little shit and doesn’t tell you his name. This person is also a guy, if that wasn’t obvious. There are so many things that can go wrong, it’s actually ridiculous.
“Sounds like this is a really great way to end up in a ditch, Jirou.” You sigh. You know she’s just trying to help you, but this is shady business. What if the guy is a pervert? Or a murderer? Okay, a pro hero like Jirou wouldn’t hang around a murderer but this guy can still be a pervert.
“Y/N, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the guy is a pro hero. You love pro heroes, right?”
“Well, I do love them, but until Grape Juice is in the business this doesn’t make me feel any better about this.”
Oh, little Mineta. The fact that he’s still alive and rocking is beyond you. The guy had more scandals than rescues in the last few months.
“Y/N.” Jirou tries his best to sound authoritative. “You don’t have a job, you have nowhere to live, your parents live in the middle of nowhere. You also wanted to take time off to make a manga and get rich and famous. I’m giving you an opportunity to basically live in a fancy ass apartment for free and all you have to do is take care of a fucking cat and pay electricity and water. I know it sound like a stupid fanfiction, and to be fair, this is one, but bitch, let yourself be lucky for once. If everything goes to shit, I’ll let you sleep on my sofa until you find a place.” Jirou takes a deep breath after saying all of this without taking a single breath.
“I’m taking your bed. For 3 months.” You negotiate, clearly about to make the riskiest decision of your life.
“Deal.” Jirou answers and your phone beeps. “Call this number for more info. He’s waiting for your call.” The phone cuts off again and you can’t help but freak out.
You really wanted to sleep on this, give it a second thought, make a plan, get your thoughts together but oh well, you really can’t have it easy, can you?
If this would actually be a fanfiction, it would suck balls; there’s nothing but phone calls, jumping from one person to another, and the plot is way too unreal to be believable. What a shame.
The main character is also really lame; she’s a 23 years old who still reads and writes fanfictions and she lives in a fucking bubble where being a mangaka is still a legit dream to have. *
*the one writing this fanfiction is 28, so in case it wasn’t clear, this part was supposed to be a joke.
You sigh and grab your phone to make the last phone call of the day; you’ll definitely turn that shit off for the rest of the day after all this trauma.
“H-hello?” A shy voice comes through the phone.
As a pro hero enthusiast, you are absolutely ashamed of yourself; you have zero idea who the fuck you are talking to.
His voice is comedically high, his stuttering is absolutely adorable, but feels kinda fake; or is it the voice that’s fake?
“Hey man, Jirou gave me your phone number…” You are just about to explain your reasons for calling when the mystery man interrupts you with a high squeak. Is there a hero who’s quirk is being a rubber duck? With your luck, this is Grape Juice. Yeah, it’s definitely him.
“Yes! Y/N!” He squeaks again, this time, in pain. “Sorry, I just got back from patrol. I got hit by a quirk, so excuse my voice.”
Yeah, how original. The mystery man suddenly gets hit by a voice changer quirk right before a really important phone call, so this way the mystery man stays mysterious until the first, dramatic encounter. This smells extremely fishy.
“Let me guess, a random villain called Helium Man?” You ask, clearly not believing a single word. Is this really fucking Grape Juice lying about his voice to clear the suspicion?
“It was a child, actually. He wanted a picture and a hug but his quirk just manifested and he hit me with it by accident. I should be fine in 24 hours.”
Oh, a pro hero with a big heart who loves children and animals and stops in the middle of his patrol to hug a child? Yeah, sounds legit. Well, it really does sound legit, that’s something a hero would do. Fuck.
“Uhm, that’s a really nice story, yes.” You grumble, absolutely sure this is a stupid April fools joke. You can’t stop thinking about Mineta.
“Ahh, sorry to bother you so late at night with my rambling, I tend to ramble a lot actually.” A self deprecating laugh leaves the mysterious man’s mouth, and even with the annoying high voice, it sounds absolutely adorable. Fuck, are actually falling for this prank? “Long story short, I’m barely at home and my cat is really lonely and the flat is way too big for the two of us so I want to have a trustworthy roommate who can take care of the flat and my fluffy little son when I’m away. I’m not in need of money, hence why there is no rent and if it comes to the other bills, if you can’t pay them, that’s fine. I asked my friends to ask around in case someone in their close proximity is in need of a new home and Jirou recommended you. She spoke really highly of you.”
That was a really long short story for the fuck’s sake, but that’s fine. After all the Pro Hero Deku interviews, you are kinda immune to this kind of thing. You try to think about who else is prone to rambling in the hero world, but you honestly can not think of a single person.
“And if I understand this right, I won’t be able to pry any information out of you about your identity until I actually say yes and move in for… safety reasons?” You cut the bullshit for him and get to the main reason of your anxiety. The guy on the other side squeaks again.
“I’m really sorry about that. To tell you the truth, my name is well known in this country and I want to make sure the person moving in with me is not after my fame or my connections.” The guy says, then starts to ramble again. “I mean, there is no problem with someone being a fan of me or anything, it’s not about me feeling like a bigger person and not wanting to mingle with the crowd, I really don’t mind that kind of thing, I just want to make sure the person associated with me on such a personal level isn’t trying to use my name as a stepladder? Ahh, to be honest, these aren’t even my words, these are manager’s, she’s a little bit overprotective, because apparently I’m really naive if it comes to the real world… Ahh, I’m rambling again!” The guy makes another squeaky noise, clearly giving up on landing a good first impression with you. You kinda want to hug him.
“Well, I’m definitely not after your fame and it’s not like you are the number one hero Deku, so don’t worry too much.” You try to sound reassuring to calm the mysterious man down a bit.
“Do you not… like Deku?” He stutters, his anxiety obvious even without seeing his face. Is he also a Deku fan?
“Oh, I do. I really do. But I’m not sure Deku would appreciate me bringing a life sized cardboard cutout of his into his own flat together with my 10 limited edition figurines, then walk out of my room to get a glass of water in my Deku pajamas.”
“You can’t have 10 limited edition figurines, there is only 5 available.” The man giggles, and fuck, he’s adorable.
“Well, I have two of each. One in a box one without it, duh.” You roll your eyes, even though no one can see it.
“Fair play.” The mysterious man replies. At least your obsession won’t be a problem then. “So do you want to give my flat a try? I’m only home one day a week so even if you don’t like me, I won’t be too much of a bother to you.”
Fuck, you can’t say no when he sounds so sure you won’t enjoy his company. You don’t know this man but you want to show him he’s good enough to be your friend. If this is Grape Juice, he’s doing a really good job in deceiving you.
“Yes, I’m in. Please, don’t be a weirdo.”
This might not help with the guy’s anxiety, but for your own safety you decide to not tell this man that he actually made your heart race faster already.
“I can’t guarantee that, but I’ll try my best. See you soon, Y/N! Don’t be a weirdo!” He hangs up, his giggles getting more and more muted as he moves his phone away from his face to turn it off.
So let’s sit down and think about all the new information you got during this phone call.
This mysterious man has a high voice, apparently from a quirk related accident, but he might be lying to get brownie points.
He’s indeed a pro hero and a really well known one, which means he’s probably a UA graduate.
He knows Jirou and by your knowledge you are the only one in her friend group who’s not connected to her old schoolmates in some way, so this person might be an old classmate of hers.
This person knows what to say to make himself be more likeable but that doesn’t really mean much as Grape Juice is also really good at first impressions. His true self usually comes out after a few days, but until that point the guy is smooth as fuck, apparently.
Grape Juice also has a high pitched voice…
You: It’s fucking Mineta isn’t it?!
Jirou: Did you call him?!
You: Yes! He sounds like Grape Juice in those interviews when the interviewer is hot! His voice was also high!
Jirou: I need more information, wait.
Jirou: I can’t believe I’m friends with someone so stupid.
I swear on Denki’s life, it’s not Mineta!
Pack your stuff as soon as possible, the sooner you move in the sooner I can laugh in your face when you realize how fucking wrong you were.
You can’t believe you are doing this. Who in their right mind would move in with someone they know jack shit about?!
Well, apparently that’s you. You might need to get another appointment with your old shrink as something is clearly wrong with you.
“So, this is the building.”
“You are absolutely shitting me, Jirou.”
Today is the day. All your life is in boxes, your new place is a few steps away, your Deku cutout is resting under your arms because you won’t let anyone touch your husband with their filthy hands.
You almost drop the poor guy when you take a look at the area around you; this is the fanciest part of the city, nothing but skyscrapers with massive bulletproof windows; this area is so posh that people come here for sightseeing. You can get a massive mansion anywhere else for the price of one single flat in this part of the city. Only the biggest pro heroes and celebrities can afford this. You are quite sure you read on a gossip site about this area being the one where the top 10 probably resides.
That means, Deku might live close by. Or… he might be your neighbor.
Fuck, you are such a fangirl.
“Close your mouth and let’s go.” Jirou takes your free hand and pulls you into the lobby; yes, there is a massive lobby in the building just like the ones in fancy hotels. There is a fucking Starbucks in there, only for the residents which might sound absolutely ridiculous and a waste of money but seeing the size of the building (and the fact that the people living in it are loaded) they probably make enough money to keep it going without any loss. It might also be really helpful to the residents as going into a busy coffee shop while your face is all over the high street billboards doesn’t sound like the most pleasant feeling at 6AM in the morning.
Jirou waves to the guy sitting behind the lobby desk. The guy’s eyes scans Jirou’s full body; like literally scans it, sounds effects and all, then moves to you. He does the same thing and pushes a button; a massive door opens on the side of the lobby which leads you to a row of elevators.
“Mind to explain what just happened?” You mumble, while Jirou scans her fingerprint and presses the highest numbered button on the wall.
Fingerprints? Really?
“Oh, that’s Josh, he’s from America. He has an X-ray vision. He checks everyone new before letting them into the building, except the actual residents. I’ve been here a lot of times but he doesn’t like me so I get scanned every time since I tried to go up with a knife hidden in my boots that one time. I tried to tell him I left it there by accident, but he didn’t buy it.” Jirou sighs, like it’s a common mistake and to be fair, as a pro hero it probably was, but damn, these people live in another world for sure.
“But most pro heroes have weapons, don’t they?” You ask, really interested to hear more about this as it doesn’t really make sense to you.
“He doesn’t question it if you are in your hero suit, and he doesn’t bother the actual residents, but I was in my casual clothes and he was new back then. Don’t worry, you live here, you’ll be fine once he gets used to you.”
Well, you have a feeling that this Josh guy will be your new reason to feel self-conscious for the next few months. “Oh, also, remind Zuku to put your fingerprint on the system so you can use the elevator…” Jirou suddenly slaps her palms on her mouth.
“Zuku?” That name doesn’t ring a bell. Jirou let’s out a long, relieved breath.
“We are literally about to meet the guy, shut up and see it for yourself.”
That’s fair.
The ride to the 43rd floor is long and excruciating (it was 2 whole minutes!), but eventually the elevator dings in a pleasant voice and the door opens to a hallway with only one massive door.
This is the highest level of the building. And there is only one door.
“Does he live in a fucking massive penthouse?!” You literally shriek. Your little peasant ass can not process this shit. If buying a flat in this area was expensive, a penthouse is basically the price of a full office building. Whoever this guy is, he is loaded.
“It’s not that big actually, half of it is a rooftop garden with a pool and a hot tub, you’ll love it.”
“Oh, I see, so the flat is not a big deal, there is a fucking pool there instead, yeah. No biggie.”
Jirou is just about to give you a snarky reply when the door opens up; green curls poke through the small gap, shy and embarrassed from not being able to keep it in his pants and wait until the two actually knocked.
After a few seconds, he opens his door properly and…
The one standing in front of you is no other than…
“Pro Hero Deku?!”
The green haired hero scratches the back of his head, his self-deprecating laugh even more adorable than the last time; which isn’t really a surprise as back then he had a voice of a gummy bear high on crack.
“Uhm, hi, I’m Midoriya Izuku.” He waves awkwardly and comes over for a hand shake but you are frozen in place. This is not real. This is a fucking prank. No fucking way…”Can I take the cutout? I made some space next to my All Might one, they will be besties!” The greenette laughs awkwardly and slowly takes the cutout from you, looking at you the way you look at a stray, aggressive dog when trying to pet them for the first time.
“His name is Izu-Izu, Y/N’s husband, please treat both of them well.” Jirou says with a straight, but extremely red face and jumps into the elevator, her loud laughter resonating in the walls as the doors close on her.
This is the most awkward moment of your life. This just can’t get worse. You are on the top of the most expensive building in the country, in front of the hero you’re absolutely obsessed with since you first saw him in the UA sports festival. That said hero is now gently holding your fucking cardboard cutout of himself, looking at you warily, probably contemplating if he needs to take you to a hospital.
“Show me my room, I’m too mortified to speak.” You mumble, looking at a dark spot on the fancy marble. “There’s blood on the floor.” You inform the green haired hero like that’s a perfectly normal thing; and to be fair, it probably is in this household; and make your way after the hero.
You really hope the ground swallows you whole and you’ll never need to look into Deku’s eyes ever again.
You: I hope your guitar amp short circuits.
Jirou: Rude.
… Next Part!
Yay, I hope you enjoyed the first part!
If you would like to be added to the taglist, just ask! 💜
Random fun facts:
- I actually googled the average size of a skyscraper in Tokyo for this ficc and I also googled how long it takes to get to his floor, just to be “realistic.” 😂
- The whole voice changer thing was my boyfriend’s idea! We love a good, supportive boyfriend! 😂
- If you like the style of this story and you fancy some Reader x Bakugou Katsuki, check out my other ficc, Bakugou Katsuki’s daily Shenanigans! These two are basically twins.
See you in the next chapter! Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated, they keep me going! 💜
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thefairywithboots · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
Hi there! ;)
Welcome to my fanfic blog. My primary places to post are AO3, Wattpad, and Dreamwidth, but I have moved a lot of my stuff over here to Tumblr because I love the community and friends I've made over here!
All of my NSFW work fics will be labelled as such. I am not responsible for any minors who ignore the warnings and read such fics anyway.
Requests are closed
About Me
Hi there! ;) You have managed to somehow stumble upon my little corner of the internet. So welcome!
My name is Rita, and I have written fanfiction ever since I was 11 years old - by hand in spare spiral notebooks that I had - back before I even knew what fanfiction was. I’d just sit scribbling alternative endings to video games whose canonical endings had left me emotionally traumatized (Twilight Princess, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) But I didn’t start writing fanfic to post for the public to read until a full decade later.
I have always used writing as a form of escapism, to create worlds when I felt like the one I am in was too restrictive. This blog will be my safe space from the world, and I want it be just as much as an escape for others as it is for me. I want this to be a positive vibes only blog. 🌻
I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and spend a lot time trying to spread positivity, peace and love. ❤️ 🌻
My other interests include crochet (I often post pictures of clothes that I make,) painting/drawing, video games, fantasy/mythology, and most importantly music. Music is my catharsis. The reason I am alive.
I usually keep to myself in fandoms to avoid drama and fights, but am a really nice person as long as you are not an asshole, so please don’t be afraid to slide into my DMs if you want to chat.
Fic Requests
Stuff that I write:
• Fluff
• And most importantly, angst because I love torturing my characters/muses as well as myself.
•X Reader inserts
•x OC
•FxM (fluff and smut)
• FxF (fluff and smut)
• MxM (fluff)
Stuff that I will not write:
•Obviously icky stuff (pedo/necro/rapey shit)
• Jimbert - nothing against people who write or enjoy these kinds of fics - there's actually a few fics of this ship I enjoy myself - and people can write whatever fictional scenario they want. It's just that a very small handful of people on here take things way too far insisting that this is not fantasy, and these two had very real feelings for each other. So... yeah. That shit ain't for me. So I won't be writing this ship. I'll read others' fics though, and any other MxM ship is open for requesting. :)
So... yeah. Other than that, I'm willing to write anything. So feel free to send in requests.
My Fanfic Library
Iron Maiden
Dave Murray x Janick Gers
Fates Warning (Book 1 of Into Darkness) a Dave x Janick fic that follows their relationship throughout the 1990s.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Led Zeppelin
Robert Plant x Reader
Your Most Sacred Place (Smut)
Submissive Robert (Smut)
Aftercare (Smut)
Fire At Midnight
A Little Deal (Smut)
Way Down Inside (Smut)
Who’s In Charge (Smut)
Daddy, I Just Can’t Wait (Smut)
Far Too Long (Smut)
If You Wake Up With The Sunrise
Just Pretend
Robert and Evanna (OC ship)
Depollute Me, Gentle Angel
Steal Away Now (Smut)
I'm Gonna Put You Down For A While (Smut)
I'm Gonna Crawl (Smut)
Song Fics
Tea For One
Crack Fics
What Is And What Should Never Be
Legend of Zelda
Link x Malon
Welcome Home (Smut)
Recommended Blogs
@bijouxcarys writes incredible Robert Plant fics, is such a prolific writer, and is also the sweetest person ever. So check her out. ⚔️🌈
@firethatgrewsolow @brownskinsugarplum76 and @nature-and-music have also written some of my favourite Robert fics, and just overall extremely talented writers who inspire me to get better at my own. So please check them out. 🌻
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gremlin-bot · 1 year
Messages From the Formally Deceased
This was Beta read by my lovely platonic spouses @half-dead-ham and @bewitched-forest!!! This was suppose to be for Ship week but it got way out of hand! So enjoy some soulmates with multiverse shenanigans!
Ao3 link: Here Master List: Here
Summary: The Fenton children have always been different, even before the increased ecto-contamination and ghost hunting. Not that most would notice the ink on their skin that they couldn’t have drawn on themselves. They're kids, they get messy. By the time they got older all other factors in their lives overshadowed the messages exchanged in ink on their skin. After all who would notice a discussion on literature scribbled in two sets of script on Jasmine's arm, or the compliments tucked under drawings of constellations crawling across lanky limbs.
Chapter 1: How did we both become vigilantes‽‽
Danny has always loved the writing on his sister's skin. He would trace the curly letters next to his sister's chicken scratch handwriting when he was upset and his parents were too busy to comfort him. He didn't think he would get his own writing, or that's how Jazz explained it to him. She said that she had a soulmate and because no one else had one, she was a special case and it would be very rare that it would happen again. 
Turns out Danny was special as well. On his 7th birthday his parents gave him markers but no coloring books to use them on. So like any kid who has older siblings would do, he copied Jazz and drew on his arm. He drew Saturn as he found the rings around the planet to be cool. He was outlining it in a dark blue when he noticed the shaky lettering. 'That's pretty' is now sprawled under his drawing. Danny couldn't barely contain himself as he grabbed the marker tighter and wrote 'Thank you' underneath the other's message. He spent the rest of the afternoon drawing on himself, covering his body in planets, stars and unsteady letters. By the time Jazz got home from her friend's house, his arms were covered completely and his legs were no better. He didn't give her time to scold him before showing her the writing on his skin. 
"Jazz, look!! I'm special just like you!!" Danny shoved his arm into Jazz's hands. Her eyes widening as she takes in the drawings and childish handwriting. Slowly, a smile spreads across her face. 
"It seems like you are! How about next time you borrow my markers? I'll even give you some of my old ones. It'll be easier to wash off." She leads Danny by the hand up the stairs.
"Okay! Can I get my own markers like yours, too?" Danny's excitement was infectious as he all but hopped behind Jazz into her room.
"I'll ask mom about it later, but I don't see why not," Jazz said while grabbing her spare set of markers and handing them to Danny. "Here they are. Please don't lose them, okay?"
"I'll be careful, promise!!" Danny takes them carefully, like they are the most precious thing in the world, and for him they are. He is finally special like Jazz! He has someone he can always talk to! 
Danny was never without a marker or pen after that day. He often has several of both on his person and even more in his bag. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't fill his skin with stars for his soulmate. Over the years he's learned more about them, him. 
They talk about everything and nothing, all around Danny's drawings. His soulmate's name is Tim and he loves taking pictures and solving puzzles. He can't draw to save his life but he's good at math. His city has real heroes and villains that fight each other. Danny thinks that's cool but still wishes that Tim would stop following around the vigilantes. He knows Tim can keep himself safe but he still worries. It's not like Tim would ever try to become a vigilante.
Danny really should have known Tim would prove him wrong. Danny was working on an essay in his room when, after not hearing from the other boy for 4 months, Tim's blocky handwriting slowly crawled across his arm. Each line being placed with increasing speed. This happens sometimes; the long gaps of replies followed with a reply written too fast, or a message that takes days to slowly show on his skin. Tim has a theory that time changes based on their universes shifting closer or farther from each other. Danny doesn't have time to think about theories or even a reply before his inner forearm is covered in Tim's handwriting.
'Danny you got to promise me not to be upset when time decides to work. You know how I was looking for Nightwing so he could come back and be Robin for Batman again. Well I found him and he said no, but I did convince him to help Batman again. Unfortunately that meant that he still needed a Robin. So, I may or may not have become a Robin…' 
'Tim wtf, why are you like this,' If Danny could rip a hole into Tim's universe and shake some common sense into him, Danny would be doing that now.
'Because someone has to. I've gotten tons of training from Batman and he's not letting me out of sight when on patrol. I'll be fine,' Tim's reply was written at his normal speed. Time seems to be on their side for a little while.  
'Okay, but if anything happens, write as soon as you can. I want to know that you're okay.' 
'Of course! Even if I couldn't write to you myself I would make sure someone did!' Danny shook his head. Not like there was anything he could do about Tim. Maybe he should tell Jazz, but no. Jazz looked sad whenever he talked about the writing on his skin recently. He remembers her mumbling about goodbyes when he asked. He just doesn't know and really doesn't want to make her any more upset.
Danny does what he always does when Tim is considered, he draws galaxies on to his skin. He decides that his thigh would be the best canvas for the drawing of the Andromeda galaxy he has been planning. Essay completely forgotten for the stars he wants to show the other boy.
Danny was going to fight his arm. It wouldn’t stay tangible long enough for him to write a message to Tim. This sucks, he just wants to tell the other boy about him maybe also being a hero now, but his dumb powers will not work with him. He takes a deep breath and holds it. Letting it out slowly, using what Jazz taught him to calm down. Getting frustrated won’t help him. 
Gods, he was tired. The fight with the lunch lady ghost was just the beginning of the hoard of spirits that would come through the portal. He started to skip classes and hasn’t gotten more than four hours of sleep since. Tonight was one of the rare nights that nothing came through. It would be perfect to write to Tim, If only his body got the memo. 
The green marker dropped to his desk as intangibly flickers through both arms. Danny almost topples forward, but regains his arms in time to catch himself. Holding his position he waits for his powers to activate and… nothing happens. Relief washes over him, he can finally write to Tim! He’ll have to clean the marks left on his desk from this incident later, but that isn’t important. 
‘I have good news and bad news. What do you want first?” Danny decided that it was best to start with this. It will be better than the info dump Tim did to him.
‘Let’s go with the good news first.’ Seeing Tim respond was calming for Danny. The other boy was there for him. He’d understand.
‘I can no longer make fun of you for being a teen hero.’
Tim definitely figured out that he was a hero from that. Well, time to rip off the Band-Aid. Danny takes a deep breath as he grips the marker more firmly. Writing as fast but neatly as he could. ‘Bad news, I may have died and come back to life leading to me becoming half ghost and my town’s hero.’
‘Danny what the FUCK‽‽ Are you okay now?’
‘Kinda… I spent the last hour fighting my arms trying to make them stay tangible enough to write to ya’ ‘Dude, that doesn't sound okay. What exactly are you dealing with? I want to help.’ Danny can't help but melt a little at the words the other boy had written to him. Tim was so caring in his own way that the other boy rarely recognized. Gods, Danny might be a goner for the other boy if it wasn’t for the fact that he would never get to see him. He spent the rest of the night explaining to Tim about what happened to him and the powers he got because of it. Falling even more for the boy with a sharp mind and caring heart through it all, no matter how he denies it.
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tacharie · 2 days
HEY GUYS SO SO SORRY IVE BEEN LATE BUT IM HERE… ROGHT BEFORE EPISODE 9 😭😭😭. guys but for realsies I don’t really have much to say for episode 8 cause I mostly forgot what happened. TIME TO BRING OUT THE SCREENSHOTS. As always, spoilers ahead of you have not already read Tokyo Debunker Episode 8, and these were written in the order of my reactions, so you will be seeing how my reactions progress. There will be no more spoiler warning ahead of this soooo pls don’t blame me DANKE :3
ohhhhhh ok ok I see this and I’m kinda not liking it!! They’re pretty and all but like… I hate auctions cause it’s like geez louise. I’ve read so many zombie manwhas where they start selling people at auctions and it makes me so uncomfortable now that I see auctions.
ANYWAYS staring off strong with my boy RITSU!! I haven’t seen you in forever my lizard looking friend what’s happening !!!
this bitch is no longer my friend. WHAT ARE YOU BEING SO MEAN FOR DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF US TURNING INTO AN ANOMALY LIKE DANG. Like Ik you’re all head first into work or whatever but geez Louise, part of being a lawyer is being empathetic to understand how to get evidence from witnesses dumb dumb.
why is this LOSER. Not listening to my glorious queen. Just because it don’t follow the charts does NOT mean that it isn’t plausible like cmon think logical here. Also, when he’s like getting mad at Taiga without actually talking to him, I can just see him shaking his fist in the air lmao. Moving on from him… ROMEO CALLED US :3!!
HAIIII ROMEO MY NEW FAVORITE OF SINOSTRA WHATS POPPING!!! Also, NEW FACE!! NEW FACE FROM ROMEO I THINK. He has an angry one all the time last time, but now this one is more like… concerned?? Idk MOVING ON!! Also, I’m starting to like Romeo and I really want to know his lore for now. Cause look at this:
Tumblr media
Like who is doing this to you BBG!!! I kinda feel bad for him he’s js a lil guy sometimes :(
(NOT IN LIKE THE FANON MIDORIYA WAY BUT IN LIKE A he’s very pitiful sometimes)
Also dang what is with this tension between Taiga and Romeo bruh. Like they’re legit acting like exes. I DONT SHIP THEM DONT GET ME WRONG. But like… there was DEFINITELY SOMETHING. Especially since Taiga remembers his name/nickname.
Yuri and Jiro :(!!! I MISSED YOU TWOO HAIIIII!!! Guys they’re so cute lmao Yuri getting worried like a friend awwwwww… though I’m pretty sure it’s because Jiro is still his subject. ARGHH OMG 😭💕 “I was only there cause I was looking for you” AWWWWWWW THATS SO SWEET!! The whole vomiting scene was so funny and silly and cute of them I hope we see them more!!
WOAHHHHHHHHHH!!! AWOOGA HELLO 😍😍😍!!! GUYS THEY LOOK SO PRETTAYYYYY!! Dang Romeo hand selected them, no surprise there. They’re sooooo cute AND THE MC AHHHHHH SHES SO SILLY 😭😭💕💕💕!!!
“try not to be discreet” immediately grabs Taiga’s ear. Oh wow. Also Imma need Taiga to STOP WOTH THE KITTEN TALK. IVE HAD IT 😡😡. ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
WHAT. NO. NONONONONONONONONO PLEASEEEEEEE SPARE ME WHY ME 😭😭😭. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH THESE THREE LUNATICS. BRUH TAIGA’S PROBABLY LIKE A SLEEP BITER. UH UH I REFUSE 😡. You guys are rich aren’t you?? Can’t we have separate rooms pretty please. Also besides from sharing, I don’t like the idea of staying overnight. Cause they told us nothing!! We ain’t got toothbrush, deodorant, NADA. It’s gotta REEK in there.
Ok so… Romeo knowing the password is not rubbing me the right way. I hate it actually. Romeo please don’t be TOO sketch!!! Please please please I BEGGGG!! Also woah… I don’t like how it looks!! Like the AI is so obvious with this one PLEASEEE INVEST IN A BACKGROUND ARTIST. It’s not that difficult I promise you. The music is hella nice tho MEAH MWAH LOVELYYYY!! Also if you screen record a video with the background, you can see they added a shaky effect which was cool!!
alright Romeo. How’s you come up with the name. Guys he might actually be in some dark shit uh oh. Chat I think my fav sinostra character is cooked. Taiga pointing that out makes js confirms my suspicions. Like guys. Sighs. Also, I highly doubt Gojo teacher is gonna bail us out of this one taiga 🙁… he’s … NOT THAT GREAT!!
Ok so we split up anddddd… Taiga went to a bar. Naturally. RITSU, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. Like, I know he’s not personally insulting anyone, but like getting compared to Romeo is bad?? I mean, I guess they’re kinda opposites so IG!! Gulping down Taiga’s drink is WILD LMAOOO 😭😭.
ok moving onto their little exploration, Taiga, leaves his three blind mice looking glasses alone. It’s actually kinda cute that Ritsu is so sweet for his mom. ALSO HOURS??? FOR GLASSES?? I thought I was indecisive geez man. And oh!! They found the mask right? NOT TAIGA SUGGESTING THEY GANK THEM WHAT 😭 WHY IS HE SHOOTONG THE PLACE UP HELLO?? WHY DID HE SHOW RITSU TO WHACK THINGS WITH HIS BOOK OMG 😭.. IM DEADDDD.
alrighty now our side. Romeo and queeny let’s gooo!!! Romeo scamming some guy is actually crazy lmao. But like, he knew this guy?? Then why is this guy acting like he doesn’t know Romeo? That’s … STRANGE!! Anyways, AHHHH THAT ONE ART OF HIM HOLDING THE PAINTING WAS EVERYTHING :(!! So sweet so cute!! Other than the fact he scammed someone but I digress!!!
“There’s only a handful of people in this world that know the true vale of things.” Such an odd sentence to add, that’s more of an inner dialogue thing but he said it aloud. Maybe he meant smth else by it but like IM NOT THAT DETECTIVY GUYS!!
Romeo please leave my Boy Yuri alone 😭😭. They got that little man stressing fr. But I wanted to point out a few things from their conversation:
-“ Someone’s gotten cocky” (Romeo to Yuri) The word gotten changed the entire meaning of THSI sentence. They knew each other before… from Frostheim maybe?? Cause we know both of them have personal beef from frost heim, maybe they both transferred but were once close back then. Sounds kinda cliche but. Further evidence: “I remember when you ran off crying to the grubby old lab, now you’re playing king of the castle?” So maybe not together, but just what kind of connection did they have? Maybe Romeo was a bully :(
BUT WAIT !! THERES MORE!!! “ha ha. Fine words coming from a has-been like you. Why, I hardly hear anyone speak of you these days. I suppose your accomplishments were only possible before you relinquished your brand name. Oh, I suppose it’s more accurate ‘before it was stolen from you?’ “. … WOW!! Ok!!! So yeah Romeo was popular, he was .. maybe forced out of Frostheim because of his family situation… or maybe bullied out of it. With Romeo, a lot of times someone mentions something being stolen from him, which is probably why he’s so obsessed with wealth. Their relationship is so strange, I need to raise their affinities to see more lore.
Aw yeah, my queen got the lobster and pasta she deserved for her dinner!! I’m so glad that we don’t have to sleep with each other bro like legit JUMPING FOR JOY 😆😆😆!!!
Aw shucks Romeo is being shady once more ; “ Just relax by your little fireplace and I’ll bring you a nice souvenir. I’ll bring you back that mask so don’t forget our deal.” PROFESSOR HYDE. IK ITS YOU. WTF ARE YOU UP TO. Why does he want that mask, why does he need a mask, is he doing this against Darkwick or for them? Guys I need answers like urgently.
Oh no. It’s Taiga. Everyone smile and wave. Bruh why is he talking to us like he don’t know us m. It’s us, your kitty patootie. YEAHHHH HE RECOGNIZED US!! PROGRESS GUYS!! Omg wait he might actually remember the train… HE DID !! HE DID YES 😭😭!! TAIGA YOU ARE THE GOAT MY GLORIOUS KING TAIGA. Wait but he forgot where the monster went. Man… can’t do nothing fr 🙁. Uh oh :3 Romeo caught us!! DAMN TAIGA BEING SO MEAN FOR WHAT. “We were just talking about how gross you sound buttering someone up” like dang. We think that, not say that. What power does Gojo teacher hold to control Romeo so easily… I don’t get it :(.
phew day 2, auction day!! Taiga sleeping in the ceremony is so real. WHY IS HE SO READY TO SHOOT EVERYBODY GEEZ. Oh!! Romeo comes busting in… AHHHHHH MY GLORIOUS QUEEN MC IN THE BACKGROUND SUCH A CUTIE. Oh he actually started shooting ok!!! Awesome!!! OH WHAT THE… THEYRE ALL GLITCHING. RUN MC TUN. DONT LET THE OTHERS SLACK YOU!!
Ok so they got to the exit, and they won’t let us out… AWESOME. JUST AWESOME. Bruh Taiga is going on some riddle shit JS TELL US PLEASEEEEE. Bruh. Romeo. My guy. My pall. WHY TF DID YOU HAVE SO MUCH TREASURE 😭😭😭. WHY WOULD YOU THROW IT RIGHT AT RITSU. RITSUUUUU GET YO ASS HOME!! Oh wait his stigma nvm. He’s chilling. That panel of Ritsu saying his stigma goes hard though.
Oh we’re back at the Diner with Ritsu. WAIT CAN WE SEE OUR BOY REN :3??? BRUH WHAT. TAIGA ATE THE FUCKING MASK??? HUH??? Another probation is actually crazy dang…
Oh shit Taiga and Hyde. “Lay off Lulu” AWWWWWW HE CARES ABOUT HIS FRIEND. AWWWWW!!! Bruh Hyde is actually pissing me off bro tf you mean “The stage is nearly set” FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT PURPOSE??? Guys 😭
ok so that’s that. Uhhhhh I might have skipped a few parts but this is merely going off on the deleted screenshots I took the time I read it. The only thing I do remember is what I was thinking on each scene. Honestly, not much was given in this one for like DARKWICK lore, except for the fact they work with underground connections as well as governmental. That’s actually so wild how powerful they are. I’m actually so excited to see more of Ritsu’s emotional side, and Romeo/ Taiga’s backstory, not just tightened but their personal ones too. Still don’t have Taiga’s unique magic womp womp :(. Hyde… is freaking me out a bit too. And nothing has been explained about why Hyde called Sho for a “special mission”. It doesn’t look like he’s gonna be a part of the next chapter too, so it’s making sho SUPPERRRR SUS rn. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed and I will make another one of these VERY soon for Episode 9 :3!! Ciao , until next chapter!!
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trashytoastboi · 1 year
Hello good and generous Senpai!! I hope loadshedding eased by you, as it did by us :) if senpai has a moment to spare.... And would grace us with their amazing writing skills of perhaps a Killer Hard Dom x Reader? 👉👈 Thank you! Keep up the amazing work💖
Aw shucks when senpai calls me senpai it really hits different. You got me feeling all bashful and stuff 🤭 Its been such a long wait and I apologise dearest senpai, hope you enjoy ^^
NSFW Scenario: Hard Dom! Killer x F! Sub! Reader - A Hard Brat to Tame.
(Female Pronouns) 
Warning: NSFW {Dom/Sub dynamics, Spanking, Fingering, Oral, Mating Press, Doggy, Punishment, Bondage (kind of), Orgasm Denial, Body Worship.} 
Word Count: 3,006 words
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🍜 Killer 🍜
“Looks like fun, can I join in?” {Name} mused, her hands perched on the arm of a stranger who dealt the cards for this game. Killer twitched uncomfortably at seeing how close and flirtatious she was acting with a complete stranger. Her smug little glaces accompanied by a smirk told Killer that she knew exactly what she was doing in trying to make him jealous. He had been dealing with her acting like a brat the entire day and struggled immensely to keep his patience and composure even in the face of her obvious provocations. Despite his multiple instances of what some may call mercy, she refused to cease her warpath. 
{Name} had complained about being neglected by Killer, it wasn’t the case and she knew it. She delivered the practiced sob story and he could only muster a sigh on every repeat. The real story without any of her choice embellishments is a simple situation of Killer rejecting her advances the previous night because he wanted some well deserved rest. Being the usual brat {Name} is, she expected a snap of her fingers to make Killer pamper and please her. Sometimes he was kind enough to indulge these exorbitant demands, other times he put his foot down and disciplined some sense into her. This was one of those times where she wanted to be pampered, and Killer, who had spent an entire day fighting and running around with the crew trying to keep the peace or letting hell break loose just wanted a rest after. 
Killer now suffered {Name’s} ‘wrath’, and her revenge came in the form of taunts, jeers and repetitive prodding. Anything in her arsenal she could use to intentionally irritate him, she used. Now Killer sits, gripping his tankard tightly while seeing {Name} hang on the arms of strangers who obviously ogled her. 
Hours passed, and they were back at the ship. The crew sat around some talking, some drinking, others passed out and a few sat around the table trying to master a new gambling game. Killer was the reliable one who remembered all the rules and was teaching the others to play. {Name} sauntered over to the table where Killer was sitting. She asked the table if she could fetch more drinks. Her smile seemed friendly on the surface, yet Killer couldn’t stop his feelings from building. He offered to help her carry the drinks and excused himself from the table. He stops {Name} in her tracks, “Behave yourself.” Killer lowered his voice and sounded threatening. She just smiled at him, whipping around as she strutted back to the table of half drunk pirates. 
An utmost act of defiance, she persisted with her disobedience. Finally Killer had enough and his patience snapped. He walks over to the table, “{Name} my room, now.” He demands. She scoffed and ignored him. Killer shook his head, he lifted her easily and threw her over his shoulder, taking long strides through the ship to go towards his cabin. He didn’t care about all the odd or knowing stares that came their way. {Name} kicked up a fuss about being carried like this, of course in her mind she was more than happy to finally get the reaction she wanted out of Killer. 
Despite her various complaints and protests, Killer would not relent. He arrived at the last stretch and finally had enough of the bratty attitude. He clicks his tongue. SMACK. He spanked her, hard. A surprised yelp fell from {Name} who seemed so shell shocked at the sudden spank, she settled quietly without any further fuss now seeing how serious Killer is. He typically would have given a warning first, and a little more leeway. Considering the extent of her behavior he realized he had been far too lax.  
Killer walked inside his room and kicked the door closed behind him. He set {Name} on her feet and combed his fingers through her hair. “I hope, for your sake, you’ll behave and take your punishment like a good girl.” Killer’s voice sounded sweet, even with the phrasing it was not a hard insistence, he told her to behave and nothing else. Even though her pride wanted to fight against him more, the atmosphere suggested that he would not be messed with any further. {Name} shut her mouth and agreed. Killer smiles slightly under his mask, “Take your clothes off and have a seat on the bed.” He instructed. She did as she was told and looked up at Killer, he looked down at her both in the figurative and literal sense. The way he towered over her made him seem so daunting and intimidating. 
Internally she cheered seeing how commanding and straightforward Killer is acting, he may have called it punishment but he is giving her exactly what she wanted. Oh poor {Name}, she is so very mistaken. Killer cradled her face with his hands lovingly, before moving them down to her neck, “Is this what you wanted? Me to touch you?” He probed for an answer. “Yes, I want it.” {Name} responded quickly, enjoying the light touches of his hands on her body, he pulled away abruptly. “Then touch yourself.” He snickers. 
{Name’s} eyes widened, “But-” his hands cupped her face again. A warning. “Just be good and listen.” She shook her head “I don’t want to!” 
Killer sighed, still to the bitter end she would not relent. “If we were doing what you wanted, it wouldn’t be a punishment then.” {Name} could see he had no intention of budging. “Fine…” she muttered. Killer takes a seat in front of the bed, “Come on little one, you have to spread your legs more.” She shuts them, {Name} didn’t want to waste time on punishments she wanted what she wanted and unless Killer was giving that to her, she refused everything else. 
“Even now you won’t listen. I thought you were going to take your punishment like a good girl.”  Killer is disappointed, {Name} walks over to him “I’ll be good, I promise.” Bold words considering she disobeyed him not even a minute earlier. Killer switches the situation and bends her over his lap. “Since you can’t be trusted to do it right, I will do it myself.” The palm of his hand rubs her back, drifting down to her ass and the backs of her thighs. He just runs his hands along the skin. “Do you know what you did wrong?” Killer asks sternly. {Name} takes a moment to think, “I was bad…” SLAP. The first hit lands, the sound resonates in the room and she yelps with the sudden sting. Killer keeps a firm grip to prevent her from squirming out of his grasp. 
“So you are aware that your behavior was unacceptable?” He asks, met by silence in her stead. “Tell me exactly what you did wrong.” His hand soothes the previous smack, “I was flirting with other people.” SLAP. “What else?” {Name} tries to steady her trembling voice. “I was rude and disrespectful towards you.” SLAP. “I didn’t listen to instructions” SLAP. “I didn’t accept m-my first punishment.” SLAP. {Name} starts crying from the relentless stinging that barely had a moment to recover before the next smack landed, harder than the last. She stopped listing off her misbehavior, “There is one more baby.” Killer informs her, she panics slightly “I don’t know…” 
“You have yet to apologize.” He states coldly, “I’m sorry sir…” SLAP. “You will be sorry baby.” 
He ceases the spanking, soothing over the heated skin with his hand. “Is my punishment over now?” she asks softly, with a hint of hope in her voice. Killer sits her up and wipes away {Name’s} tears, “You’re not allowed to be a brat then cry about it.” His voice held no sympathy for her plight. “Oh my pretty baby, what a misunderstanding. How can this be a punishment when you enjoy it so much?” 
{Name} flinched at his words. “So this is what we are going to do.” Killer picks her up and lays her down on the bed, he removes his mask and sets it down on the bedside table. He lifts her hands and pins them above her head. Killer lets go, which surprised {Name}. She awaited the ropes, the cuffs, or something. There was nothing. She is evidently confused by his actions, he only chuckled at her expression. “You are going to stay very still. You are not going to move. While you sit still, I am going to touch you, in all the ways you like. If I find your behavior to my satisfaction I might let you cum. Is that clear?” 
“Yes sir…” {Name} meekly replied, Killer could see how subdued she was, “Now, that’s a good girl.” he hummed with approval. {Name} sighed a little, now finally accepting that this really isn't going to go her way. As if the remnant stinging on her ass wasn’t enough to make her realize. Killer practically saw the moment she decided to give up and just obey him. Killer rubs his thumb against her lips, running down to her chin, then wrapping his hand around her throat while he gives her a curt kiss. 
His hand continues further down, giving a firm squeeze to her tits, and chuckling as he hears that soft gasp when he pinches and pulls her nipples. His lips place kisses on her neck, as he sinks his teeth in. Leaving a trail of marks down to her tits, he replaces his fingers with his mouth. Her whimpers and little moans are music to his ears. His hands held her waist, firmly “So pretty.” He murmurs, kissing down her navel. Killer gripped her thighs and pulled them apart, he shuffled lower and sank his teeth into her thigh. {Name} twitched and raised her arms slightly, Killer flashed a sharp glare in her direction and she instantly dropped her hands back to their spot. 
Killer smirked seeing how wet she was already for him, “And here you said you hated punishments.” He said in such a condescending tone that caused {Name] to feel utterly embarrassed as she averted her gaze from his. “No. Keep your eyes on me.” {Name} looked back towards Killer who held that devious look in his eyes. He licked his lips, he knew what he had planned for her. He flattened his tongue giving one long lick against her slit, {Name} jolted, it wasn’t enough for her and he knew it. But he is determined to relentlessly drive her mad. His tongue alternated between delicate kitten licks and wide laps against her, occasionally taking his time to softly nudge and suckle on her clit. Her voice grew louder with each movement, he could tell {Name} was desperate and getting closer. “Hmm, getting a little close there baby?” He chuckled. {Name} nodded frantically. She wanted to grab his head and pull his hair but she stayed as he instructed her too. “Sir…!” She huffed, on the edge of approaching bliss, her legs began to shake as the build up was finally going to reach its perfect climax…It all disappeared. Killer pulled away, leaving her utterly high and dry. “What…?” {Name} looked shocked, “Why’d you stop!?” She whined. Killer smiled, feigning an innocent expression. “Oh? Were you expecting something?” 
He lifted his hand to her mouth, “Open up.”, she obeyed. He slowly slid two of his fingers into her mouth, feeling the warmth and wetness it had to offer as he felt her sucking his digits and still glaring with discontent. “Since you look so miserable, I’ll give you something else.” Killer pulled his fingers from her mouth. He smiled, and leaned down for a kiss, the moment his lips met hers he slid his fingers inside. The sweet gasping moan that stifled from the kiss was a reward in itself. 
Killer slid his fingers in and out, moving them with a practiced precision that had {Name} whining and begging. She moved her hips wanting to feel more. “So greedy.” Killer commented, keeping his constant pace exactly the way she wanted it. “Please, don’t stop.” {Name} begged, knowing that he was planning to keep bringing her to the edge without satisfaction. Killer didn’t make any jeering commentary otherwise and she believed that maybe he would be merciful, she allowed herself to enjoy every moment. Her head leaned back, {Name} felt that familiar pleasure inching closer, the high that built up once again. So very close, and in another disappointing instant, all gone. 
“No…no…” she babbled over again. Killer shrugged in response, she felt the anger getting to her. “Such a bastard” {Name} muttered under her breath. Killer chuckled, “Well you only have yourself to blame.” He pulled her down and closer to him, readjusting their position and throwing her legs over his shoulders. He gave his cock a few strokes while watching her impatience grow, {Name] was truly weak to her desires. He slowly, forcefully began to push inside her, making sure he could get as deep as she could take. 
That burning stretch as he inched further inside drove her wild, {Name} wanted to grab him and pull him closer but she stayed conscious of keeping her hands and arms in the imaginary bondage. He kept a languid pace, going in deep and dragging out making sure she felt every little thing. Full well knowing she was already sensitive from being worked up without release. “Faster please” {Name} moaned, Killer shook his head. “No baby, just be patient while I enjoy myself.” Killer grunted between his words. “Sir please, I can’t please.” she sobbed. “Shhh baby, just behave.” Even if she wanted it faster, the build up eventually became noticeable. Her begging subsided as she got closer, tears began to well up and fall from the frustration. Just needing any form of release, Killer kept his slow pace and the moment he felt her getting close, he pulled out and laughed at her outburst of being upset. {Name} whines but still keeps her arms in place, Killer could appreciate her obedience even in the height of her discontent. “You’re behaving so well baby, just a little more and I'll give you a reward, alright?” Killer spoke so sweetly, {Name} just nodded strung along on every word.
Killer’s hand cradles her face, he shows somewhat of a relieved smile when he thinks that {Name} finally learned her lesson, punishment is effective but reward is even more so. Killer slid his cock back inside listening to her relieved sigh. {Name} eagerly waited for him to start moving but he stayed still. Killer leaned down and began kissing her neck, his thumb rubs small circles on her clit and she moans. The sensitivity played in his favour. She babbles incoherently about how close she is. {Name} doesn’t even beg for it, she anticipated further disappointment. Killer doesn’t stop even when her hips start bucking against him trying to feel more. {Name’s} vision blanks for a second as her climax hits hard, leaving her a shaking mess from her desperately earned release. “There we go…” Killer hums happily, it only took one orgasm to have her so fucked out, although he didn’t count all the ones he previously denied. 
{Name} mumbled her thank you’s over and over again, Killer flips her over and pulls her onto all fours. “Now that your punishment is over, I can really enjoy myself.” He thrusts back into her hard, practically leaving {Name} breathless, he slams into her repeatedly holding nothing back. Her body gives in and she collapses to the bed. “No baby, too early to give out on me.” Killer pulls her hips back and holds her steady as he relentlessly fucks into her. “Wait-!” {Name} whines, still recovering from her previous orgasm as another approaches quickly. Killer kisses her shoulder, his thrusts are accentuated by his grunts and strained voice “Give me another baby, you can do it.” {Name} could barely think, just feeling every harsh thrust that drove her mind even more blank. 
Her hands weakly clutched at the bed, SLAP. Killer spanked her, the surprise sent her over the edge and once again she came undone. Killer chuckled at the pathetic display of how easily he could toy with her body. His hand pushed her body down to the bed as he held her in place, his own release building. He shut his eyes and just focused on thrusting as hard as he could. “Fuck!” He exclaimed through gritted teeth as he came inside her, holding her still while he filled her up. Killer needed a moment to find feeling in his body again, he tried to catch his breath as he finally let go of her hips and laid down next to her. 
Both had a moment to gather themselves when Killer pulls {Name} close and kisses her on the forehead, his thumb wipes away the remnant tears. Moving to comb his fingers through her hair. “Are you alright?” His voice asked, barely above a whisper. She nods and nuzzles into his touch. “It wasn’t too much was it?”, she shakes her head. “‘I’m sorry for how I acted.” {Name} uttered a sincere apology realizing that even if it had been a prerequisite to a scene, there were still limitations that she shouldn’t have pushed as hard. Killer kisses her softly, before sitting up and taking some time to address all of the little bruises and marks. He is firm, and often gets rough but is constantly aware of how much {Name} could take. She shifted and plopped her head into his lap while looking at Killer, He flashed a gentle smile that she had gotten used to seeing, and feeling it a treasured secret and many others probably never had the pleasure of seeing it. His fingers ran through her hair and {Name} could feel herself drifting further into a strange asleep yet not quite asleep state, listening to all the loving affirmations Killer muttered while believing she had already fallen asleep. 
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understandableparadox · 10 months
The homestuck oc tournament poll! Round 1 winners!
the time is up, the results have been tallied, we now look through our list of round one winners. if you did not know, then please know that you are still appreciated and loved, all of the charecters that you have shared for this round are astound, amazing and fantastical and we thank you for particpating. now, without further ado...
Block one winner:
Auiwyn Trasyl
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The silliest, most self deprecating emo you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. His favorite movies would be the troll twilight saga, and they would make fanfiction of his rainbow drinker oc and Troll Edward. They have such a large obsession with rainbow drinkers that it’s consumed almost everything in his life. They would geek out if they ever met Kanaya, it would be so bad they’d probably faint. Would bite people to taste the blood and then gag when it tastes bad.
Block 2 winner:
Nahlee Rovian
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He is just silly.
He is just a guy who would eat a slice of cheese off of the floor, cheese of unknown origin. 
He is a sweet and funny guy and is way too easily trusting. 
If this guy was a playlist it would be "weird al" and "ninja sex party".
He smells funny.
No rizz.
Tamidn K'sazze
Block 3:
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Rhanek is the husband of Viiveh YEARS in the future. He's a very large blueblood that was once a bookish nerd, but got forcibly drafted into the Alternian military. They erased his old self and molded him into a perfect soldier, so once he finally got away from the military he couldn't remember his old life anymore, all he had was his military experience. So he became a bodyguard, putting his skills to good use. He eventually crosses paths with Viiveh who is trying to run from the Condesce and offers to protect him, and they eventually hit it off <3
Block 4:
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Atroxx lives in a swamp full of boiling tar, lurking in the dark and serving as something of a dark legend to the locals. They fear her and often leave her sacrifices, believing her to be a monster or some sort of demon. She just likes getting free things out of it and sometimes toys with the minds those who wander a little too far out of the torchlight, taunting them from within the darkness. If you survive an encounter with her, she's not very eloquent, and is quite stubborn and impatient, unpredictable and almost wild in behavior. She is also, however, incredibly resourceful and clever.
Block 5 winner:
Lollie Gravez
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Your name is LOLLIE GRAVEZ and you use ne/nem/nir, sh3/h3r/h3rz and h3/h1m/h1z. You are a SCENE KID first and foremost, and a troll second.
You love COMICS, CARTOONS, and SHIPPING, and listen to way too much ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. You send a lot of your spare time SEWING CLOTHES, both for yourself and your PLETHORA OF PLUSH FRIENDS. You spend way too much money on VIDEO GAMES, that you never get around to playing. When you aren’t hiding in your room away from the world, you love watching shows with your friends, then making self inserts for all your friends. Your squad loves the troll anime SUGIO QUEST FOR KOKORO, despite it being outlawed for rebel imagery.
Block 6 winner:
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
Block 7 winner:
Garlik Femara
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A 9ft tall purple blood
She isn't the brightest (bimbo energy) and is all around friendly
She was "brainwashed" by the clurch because they saw her as a useful asset but she did not want to be a subjugulator and was showing signs of rebellion.
She is a killing machine but the circumstances are very specific, he trigger is a list. Most specifically a list of names but if given any list something in her brain is triggered to bring forward the highblood rage.
Block 8 winner:
Anomal Conspi
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One of the most brilliant, anxiety ridden queens on her whole planet. She’s so paranoid that she has a backup plan for just about anything. She predicted the world was going to end via meteors and had a ship fully ready to go for several years, and had a mental breakdown when she ended up being right. Overthinking is her strongest skill, making plans for her plans just in case something she didn’t think of happened. Her ship, despite being made of old and ruined tech, is so heavily equipped with safety features that she should probably be in charge of OSHA because ain’t no one getting hurt on that thing. Would go outside in a hamster bubble.
Block 9 winner:
Aauron Tarven
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He's a former mafia member on the run, and now he lives out on the edge of the sea. He heckin loves birds, and spends most of his time studying and drawing them (mostly sea birds now because that's mostly what's around him) and he's also head over heels in love with his best friend who is also in love with him but they're both idiots and keep dancing around one another lol.
Block 10 winner:
Baxtin Nyswud
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Baxtin used to be part of a semi-popular lowblood boyband called Sequence, though they fell out of popularity and while they aren't officially broken up... It's been a couple sweeps since they toured or even met up. Instead Baxtin spends his nights farming melons and gourds from seeds he kinda just found and decided to cultivate. Luckily his lusus, Timber, loves them. Timber is a huge south alternian longhorn bull and has cartoon physics for no known reason. He is actively a problem for the resident of Baxtin's town. This is upsetting for Baxtin cause he's incredibly socially anxious and scared of... well everything. He tends to be very spacey and doesn't listen to retain things very well outside of his music, but he's got major artistic blockage atm. His neighbor and best friend Vivsy keeps him grounded, though they don't see eye to eye very often (mostly on Vivisy's side- and not cause he's shorter!!)
Block 11 winner:
Rudy Webster
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Rudy is a 21 y/o guy(?) who lives in the small town of Junebug. he lives with his 2 moms and service dog and is dating his childhood best friend. he works at the local library and is all around seen as a nice, albeit introverted, boy. but... his true passion lies on the Internet, where he boasts a kinda-small but kinda-big youtube subscriber count. his main claim 2 fame are his MLP:FIM reviews, which are as opinionated as you'd expect but a bit more positive than most bronies at the time. the other half of his content consists of delving into lost media. (which happens to be his second important special interest. the first is mlp g4) Other interests include internet archival, html coding, piracy, and DOOM. 
online/in videos rudy presents himself as sarcastic, quick to yell at inconsistencies, and Very emotional at times. in reality he definitely is all of those things but dialed down a ton. he's sensitive to rejection and very hard on himself because of that. he hates when people complain about the things he likes and takes lots of shit that doesnt have anything to do with him personally (thats the anxiety talking) he's been hit with the ol' depression + GAD + autism combo so his life can be a living hell sometimes, but his girlfriend and dog help calm him down when he's stressed. there's  also some toxic masculinity + gender crisis going on in that brain of his but  he'd rather die than admit any of that. even though he has all these negative traits, he's helpful in his community (online and irl) and affectionate towards the closer people in his life. most people just dont see that side of him.
Block 12 winner:
Atorva Yaoshi 
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A very progressive highblood that is too anxious for his own good. He tries his best to overcome his anxiety and talk to other people, but to no avail; either he gets shunned for being too progressive by other highbloods or his anxiety is too offputting for lowbloods. Loves to cook and bake.
(also unrelated u don't have to include this part it's just some fun trivia: i made a tumblr sexyman as a troll but i think atorva is more tumblr sexyman than him)
Block 13 winner:
Viiveh Telore
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Viiveh is a fuchsia blood in an abusive relationship trying to forge his own destiny. He tries to stay positive and is unlearning some classist traits. He goes to the surface and hides his blood color by dressing like a robot. He really loves tech and the mechanics of it, since the seadwellers can mainly only use bug-based tech underwater. He takes the name Vexxin during his hiding. Don't get him started on troll Daft Punk.
Block 14 winner:
Persep “Perse” Rhiali
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She streams, she draws, she always has a knife on her, with a small size and big personality Perse WILL either be your friend or A Problem (TM)
Block 15 winner:
Contra Aurela
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Sweetheart Violet, and Alternia’s Beloved Final Girl (an actress!)
Block 16 winner:
Zapika Zapity
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Zapika is a self-proclaimed inventor and infamous local mad scientist. Her voice quirk is that she speaks like early season BlackButler Mei Rin. She is a Prospit dreamer, Mind-bound, iceskateKind, and psiioniic! Her design started as a joke when I randomized troll doll maker in 2020. Been my fave HS OC since! 
"Best darn inventor on this side of the space-rock, aint no-one gonna tell ya otherwise, they aint!"
Block 17 winner:
Turpen Cansoi
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Turpen Cansoi is an indigo blood that owes money to higher bloods, and because of this he’s been DEMOTED TO LOWER CASTE STATUS. Now he lives his life as a low caste blood and tries to make a Quick buck for a living. Turpen is either a maid/Page of breath And a derse dreamer.
There’s Not that much about Turpen other than that. Except the casino theme and being The Session starter, thus Why his trollian Tag is “wheezingCoupier”
Block 18 winner:
Chylia Merian
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Handle: achromaticAdversary
Classpect: Sylph of Doom (Derse)
Pronouns: she/they
Chylia is a hemoanonymous limeblood troll (dancestor ghost) who is great with survival and fighting thanks to the sabertooth lusus that miraculously saved her from culling. She's very competent and was the only member of her Sgrub team to reach god tier. But they also take themself too seriously in such a way that they wind back to being silly! Like half of the things they do are for the aesthetic, to be honest. They wear a dramatic black mask and cape, and they use a giant machine gun to feel powerful and edgy. They used to dye their hair fully black, but now they partially dye it so the white roots can be partially seen. Chylia is a total edgelord and I love her and I hope you do too after reading this!
Full information and backstory here, as well as more art: https://toyhou.se/23778562.chylia-merian
Block 19 winner:
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Block 20 winner:
Shafan Nishal
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Shafan has been around since 2015, making friends in the tumblr ftc! They're a Brer Rabbit pastiche, a laid back traveling musician, trickster and occasional smuggler, and they love nothing better than sharing a smoke, swapping a story, and stealing from rich folks. A more or less homeless vagrant they wander from place to place, breaking hearts and singing songs. They make friends wherever they go, but they have a powerful fear of commitment that keeps them from getting too close to anyone. As soon as someone starts looking too attached, they skip town, and boy can they run! Shafan is faster on foot across open ground than just about any troll alive, at least according to them, and they're always happy to prove it with a race. So if you've got a story to tell, a song to share, or you just need someone to deal you weed for a (mostly) fair price, look for the white haired rusty playing banjo on the corner and come say hello!
Block 21 winner:
Kris Blackwood
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After an incident during take your child to work day where he ended up fused with a husky puppy, Kris was taken into custody by his father's employer, Skaianet Labratories. He doesn't remember much of his time before then, and spends most of his time trapped in a room watching movies on his laptop or reading ebooks about grand adventures. Kris always keeps an eye out for the timer on his wall, as he hopes that once it hits 0 it'll mean he can finally leave his room and see what life is like outside the walls of the laboratory. Unknown by him, he's been cast to play a role in an experimental sburb session.
Block 22 winner:
Soyuka Detoxa
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Soyuka was a former escort in a corrupted church, with the help of Taluco (First Character Entry), she was able to turn the once brothel into a proper place of worship. She managed to be quaded with a Death God and a Rebel Leader...so...bonus bragging points for her. She speaks Alternian Spanish.
Block 23 winner:
Luciol Lanten
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Limeblood, mutant, based off a firefly. The stripes on her body can glow. She/it, nonbinary. Enjoys stargazing. Matesprits with Vichtr Unikke
Block 24 winner:
Wessun Ghunne
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Oliveblood living out in the desert since birth, Maid of Void, you know those background applications that you never see pop up but are vital to the computer running? that's him
Block 25 winner:
Alemap Occurd
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Alemap is 6.5 sweeps old and just your average purple blood! She loves bright colors, silly jokes, and taxidermy! She's an exlaughassassin, murder for hire, but left that life behind when she met the love of her life: Punkin Pyrper, a nerdy lime with a heart of gold. Sure, she was *supposed* to kill him, but he's so sweet and cute and interesting!!! She's autistic and love learning about biology and poisons specifically and she's bisexual, though technically she's not interested in anyone but Punkin. He's her world! Her lusus, Sweetbaby, is a semi-aquatic possum with three tails that she uses to propel herself through water.
Block 26 winner:
?????? Achlys
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19 yo Mage of Void hemoanon, Achlys is a air-headed party girl who likes to take it easy, life is definitely too short to be worried about every little thing. She's quite friendly for a troll and always knows what to say to please people. She changes quadrants pretty often.
However when SGRUB begins she seems to know just where to look to learn all the rules and easily makes herself the leader before anyone notices. Not to mention her fake lusus and dreamself that seems to be puppeted by horrorterrors…
Block 27 winner:
Popahv Arlech
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Popahv came from an amazing homestuck ttrpg campaign called Binary System, which we even tried turning into a fanventure for a little bit there! Popahv is just a sweet little guy with some serious attachment issues. He loves his friends more than anything and thinks it's his responsibility to take care of them, whether they want him to or not. Add this to an exploit in the game giving him some extremely overpowered mind control powers, and Popahv becomes just a little problematic! He means well, honestly. He just wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and never ever leave him. Meet the original Friendship Yandere, Popahv!
Block 28 winner:
Fendir Sanqui
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fendir's a bronzeblood adventurer who idolizes troll indiana jones! hes got a pretty large collection of artifacts and loves learning about history. he also really likes myths and legends!! hes a very emotional guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, though he often (unintentionally) ignores the emotions of others. he's very very silly.
Block 29 winner:
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Shes a battlebrarian! She actually follows a religious doctrine worshiping the concept that the events of the world can be predicted through literary devices, and religiously records everything that happens in her life as a historian. Shes a mage of light! She never actually got accepted into the convent because shes a pirokenetic and they didnt want her around the books.
Block 30 winner:
Emegon Gehana
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Emo goth *and* catholic! Saying Emegon is weird is an understatement. Her interests goes against what her cloister believes in and she's seen as somewhat of an outcast because of that. She likes anything creepy and horror-related, and is very interested in early creepypasta stories and videos.
part two in reblog
21 notes · View notes
illarian-rambling · 5 months
🐈 and 🖌️ for the OC explorations game?
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Izjik: Instant death. She's throwing hands immediately, unless it's a hot lady, in which case she'll pretend to be angry, but secretly be kinda into it. I'm not gonna pretend she has the highest standards in the world when it comes to women. Or standards at all.
Sepo: For such a generally angry guy, Sepo tends to get very flustered when he's catcalled (which happens the most often to him out of the group because the man's stunning). Usually, he's happy to let Izjik handle it with the power of a thousand, angry, bitch-seeking missiles.
Twenari: Her go-to is, "Sorry sir, I don't have any spare change."
Djek: Catcalls them back in a much worse way until they get uncomfortable and leave. Or he'll just point and scream as loud as he can.
Astra: I think she'd be a little confused at first because she's a bit hard of hearing, but once she catches on, she'll get right up in their face, even if she has to stand on her tip toes. She'd then proceed to thoroughly chew out the catcaller, insulting everything from their shoes to their dog. This is usually far more intimidating when Mashal is standing behind her like the shadow of death itself.
Mashal: I think he'd also be really confused at first, then really concerned because why is this person catcalling a robot? He'd probably just walk away and ignore them.
Ivander: He'd be astounded that anyone would talk to him in such a way. Just utterly shocked. I think he'd also just walk away, though not out of any desire for peace, he's just at a loss for what to do.
Elsind: If they're wearing a specifically attractive form, I think they'd just be pleased their disguise is good. However, if it's been a rough day or he's walking around in his true form for some reason, he'd probably put on the most horrifying visage he could think of to scare them off, then go have a cry about it.
Avymere: Jail, immediately. They'd honestly be impressed by whoever has the gall to catcall the heir of Salis, but not enough to not have them arrested on the spot.
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
Izjik: A very messy catfish with a silly expression. She'd try to sign her name, but it'd be illegible.
Sepo: A beautiful and frightening oceanscape featuring a ship caught in a storm. In one corner, painted very tiny, would be two siren boys. There'd be no words, but it's in memory of Saius.
Twenari: A set of whimsical floating islands with runes that make them bob up and down faintly.
Djek: "D Wuz Here" written in black letters that spread out in tendrils. He'd strive to get his graffiti into the weirdest, most unlikely places he could.
Astra: Written instructions on how to make a runic engine and alchemical formulas for otherwise expensive medicines. She'd put them in the center of town and repaint them brighter every time they get taken down.
Mashal: If he was given express permission or Astra managed to talk him into it, he'd make an incredible mural featuring mechanical horses galloping across a field of flowers. Out of all these chucklefucks, his art would be the most technically skilled.
Ivander: He'd paint some scandalous revelation about an authority figure for all to see. He'd also probably sign with the name of a person he doesn't like.
Elsind: She'd do flowers or something else simple and cute. Under it would probably be a motivational quote about everyone being beautiful.
Avymere: If they could somehow be convinced to do this, they'd probably just do a star or other easy shape. Creativity is not their strong suit.
Thanks for the ask, these were fun ones!
9 notes · View notes
wanderinginksplot · 2 years
Refuge Chapter Four
Continued Delta Squad x fem!reader fic
Sorry for the late update, guys! I've had crazy writer's block, plus I'm trying to work through getting my sideblog un-shadowbanned. Anyway, here we go!
Word Count: 5,700
Warnings: Discussions of the Separatist occupation of Voubos, a condescending GAR officer, and more self-indulgent plot devices.
Previous | Next | Masterlist
A Proposal
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Barriss Offee was a kind girl, if a little quiet. 
She had taken you directly to the Jedi’s clothing… supply. She hadn’t actually given the room a name, now that you thought about it, but she had brought you there first. You were grateful for that. The sonic shower on Delta Squad’s ship had removed most of the physical contaminants from your skin, hair, and clothing, but there was a film of river scum on everything and your tunic smelled like you had been wearing it for a month. 
Which, to be fair, wasn’t far from the truth. 
In any case, the Jedi Order had some spare clothing they let you have. The items were simple and well-worn, but your new leggings and tunic felt nothing short of luxurious. Barriss even managed to find a pair of soft boots for you.
When you were fully dressed once more, Barriss led you all to an expansive room filled with tables. A delicious smell came from a long table on one side of the room, but your guide seemed distracted by the group of people - made up largely of teenagers - calling greetings to her.
“There are only limited dishes at this time of the day,” Barriss explained, “but you have several options. Please, feel free to help yourselves. I will be nearby if you need anything.”
Delta Squad lingered uncomfortably, but you didn’t need a second invitation. You hadn’t eaten anything other than ration bars for two days, and they didn’t make the most appetizing meal. You had missed real food. 
Most of the dishes on the table were unfamiliar to you, but you made several choices based on scent and ended up with an overloaded plate before you knew it. Fighting the urge to take even more, you retrieved utensils and scurried off to a table while Delta Squad was still choosing their own meals. 
The tables were long and lined with benches of equal length. The Jedi scattered around the room seemed to have formed small groups. Most groups contained beings of similar ages, but there were more than a few pairs of older Jedi and younger students, or a single Jedi surrounded by a handful of fascinated younglings. You shook your head, still floored by the new realization that the Jedi were not only real, they believed you to be one of them.
No, not one of them, you internally edited a moment later. Your abilities weren’t strong enough to be those of a real Jedi. You just had some sort of connection to their mystical Force… That sounded strange and off-putting to you, but your instincts had saved your life more times than you could count, so you couldn’t be entirely ungrateful. At least, not until you learned what conclusions the Jedi Council had drawn during their private conversation.
The thought made you nervous enough that your stomach twisted, so you pushed it away and focused on your meal. You were halfway through the pile of food by the time anyone joined you: Boss and Sev on either side of you while Scorch and Fixer took spots across from you.
Your table manners were terrible, but you were too busy eating to worry about that. Some kind of spiced meat disappeared from your plate, followed by roasted vegetables. The spoonful of unidentifiable fluff you had taken turned out to be a type of starchy vegetable. You found that you didn't enjoy the long slices of herb-crusted fish. Whether that was because of the spices or because it reminded you of vomiting up river water and half-digested fish, you couldn't be sure, but you pushed it off to the side regardless.
When you finally slowed, Scorch was grinning at you. "You eat like a clone."
"My apologies," you said, wishing you had thought to grab a napkin only seconds before Sev handed you one.
"You don't need to apologize for that," Boss told you. "You must have needed it. What I do want to know is why you left the ship when we specifically told you not to."
You ducked your head, which gave you an excellent view of Fixer moving some of the starchy fluff from his plate to yours. You sent him a quick smile in thanks and turned to face Boss once more.
The intensity you had noted in him before was even more pronounced when you were sitting this close. You looked directly at him, then away again, unable to hold direct contact with those eyes.
"My mind was too loud," you admitted, shifting uncomfortably in your spot on the bench. "I couldn't stop thinking about Voubos and everything that happened there. I had to leave or have a breakdown. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't get you into any trouble."
Boss continued looking stern until he sighed and passed you the piece of bread from his plate. "Let us worry about the trouble. You had to get out. Did you find what you needed outside?"
"Not really," you admitted, then laughed. "Though when you're looking for a distraction, nothing beats being told your instincts are actually part of an ancient religious system."
"Do you think they're gonna give you a lightsaber?" Scorch asked. It was so far from the other questions on your mind that you could only stare blankly at him.
"The real question is whether she'll be tried for treason or if we'll be the only ones," Sev scoffed.
“They can’t!” you denied immediately. Your voice was too loud, and you choked on the bread you had been in the middle of eating. Sev thumped you between the shoulder blades a few times to help dislodge it. “I won’t let them.”
“You aren’t a general or a Jedi,” Fixer pointed out. “Technically, you aren’t even a citizen of the Republic. What could you do to stop them if they decided to court-martial us?”
“I’d…” you trailed off, having not really thought this far ahead. “I’d do something.”
Scorch snorted. “Leave the plotting to us, nattie. We’re better at it.”
Boss shook his head at him. “And you’re the worst of the whole squad, Scorch. Lay off.”
“Ouch, Boss,” Scorch tossed back, though his broad grin showed exactly how seriously he took his sergeant’s censure.
“What are you going to do if they do decide to accuse you of treason?” you asked, breathless with the idea alone. You were struggling under a surge of guilt at referring to it as their problem rather than one you had a share in, but Scorch had made a good point. Technically speaking… you were no one. “I mean, I would fight for you, but I don’t think it would mean very much. Oh! I could try to-”
“Easy, nattie,” Sev told you, half-laughing with his harsh voice. “I wasn’t being serious.”
“You-? Oh. So you… You’ll all be fine?” you summarized weakly.
“More or less,” Fixer replied with a shrug. “We might get a slap on the wrist for picking you up from Voubos, but we knew that was a risk.”
“You knew?” You frowned, suddenly realizing that you had done nothing but repeat things, ask questions, or ramble for the past few minutes. “I just don’t understand why you would take such a chance for… me.”
The men exchanged glances, something you pretended not to see while you paid attention to your nearly empty plate. 
“You helped us,” Boss told you. “And you did it when there was no benefit to you. You tried to keep us from danger on your world. And then the Seppies arrested you, burnt down your house, and were going to-”
He cut off what he was going to say and you glanced up at him curiously, that curiosity only deepening when you saw him shake his head. You glanced over at Sev and found a muscle dancing in his jaw, but he didn’t offer an explanation, either. 
“I never did find out exactly what they were planning to do with me,” you admitted carefully. “Execution, but… was there more?”
“Yes,” Sev said sharply.
“What was it?” you asked. “I don’t really know what more they would have done.”
“It’s better that way,” Fixer told you.
“Oh, but-”
“No, nattie,” Scorch said, cutting off your protests with a tone that was shockingly firm for someone who spent so much of his time making jokes. “Don’t ask.”
You closed your mouth and gave a small nod, but there was nowhere for the conversation to go after that. The table fell silent, and that silence stretched until Barriss reappeared just behind Fixer’s shoulder.
“The Council has not finished their deliberations yet,” she announced, “but I can show you some of the Temple if you would like.”
“Yes, please,” you agreed instantly, pushing yourself away from the table. 
When Delta Squad had gathered behind you, Barriss gave you all a measured look. “What exactly would you be interested in seeing? There are certain sections of the Temple to which you do not have access, but there are meditation rooms, study areas, extensive gardens…”
“We’re just following along, Commander,” Boss said, before you could ask what Delta Squad wanted to see. “Ask her.”
Barriss nodded thoughtfully, then took a step closer to you even as she lowered her voice. “If you’ll excuse me saying it, you seem… I believe you are off balance. I mean no offense, but you seem to need some peace. You may benefit from meditation.”
“I don’t really… meditate,” you admitted, feeling like that was an insensitive thing to say to a Jedi. You were struggling to think of them in a setting outside of a story, but they were often portrayed as defenders of the peace who meditated to retain or strengthen their connection to the Force.
“Perhaps now would be an ideal time to start.” Barriss’s smile was kind, even when faced with your hesitation. “Or we could find a later opportunity. Is there anything that puts your mind at ease? Any activity that allows you to concentrate while your mind rests?”
“Sewing,” you admitted, your face heating at her curious look. “Sorry, I just- The movements are simple and they just let me think about things when they don’t feel so… close.”
The silence that fell was thoughtful, but you still shifted your weight uneasily, worried you were making a bad impression. A presence stepping up just short of your shoulder gave you an odd sense of comfort.
“Do you have a room for sewing in this temple?” Sev asked from just behind you. “You’ve gotta fix these clothes somewhere.”
“We do,” Barriss agreed eventually. “It is far from the most impressive place, but I can show you if you wish. Are you sure you would not prefer to visit the library? Or the music room, perhaps? They are much more popular with outside guests.”
“I’d love to see the sewing room, myself,” Scorch told her, laying it on thick. “What about you, Fixer? Boss?”
“It would be interesting to see how much work goes into supporting the clothing needs for a group this large,” Fixer mused.
Boss took longer to reply, but he only said, “Whatever she wants.”
“Very well,” Barriss said, clearly doubtful but trying to hide it. “Follow me.”
Fixer hadn’t been lying; he did think it was interesting how the Jedi Order recycled clothing to meet the needs of such a large and diverse group of beings. Granted, a lot of it was probably born of necessity. The Jedi Order only gained financial support through donations from outside parties and a modest governmental stipend. The group didn’t earn credits in any way.
Not that they would be incapable of it, if they tried. The Jedi could farm out their skills to the highest bidder and be richer than anyone could dream. They would be persuasive lobbyists for the highest-paying politicians, frightful mercenaries for anyone rich enough to afford their skills, or unprecedentedly efficient thieves working on behalf of any organization who hired them. Hells, the natties on Coruscant would line up for blocks to have their future read by a real Jedi - anyone who could prove that their skills were more than just bravado and cleverly-concealed mechanisms.
But the Jedi did none of those things. 
Instead, they existed on what they had access to. They accepted donations of clothing from generous civilians and made sure that clothing lasted long enough to be used by generations of students from younglings to adults. The Jedi took their limited funds and used them to purchase what they couldn’t find or make for themselves, somehow finding enough spare to help anyone in the galaxy they could.
Even now, with most Jedi masters working as generals in the Grand Army of the Republic, they didn’t collect payment. They could charge insane amounts of credits to use their talents on behalf of the Republic, but they didn’t. For all the unfairness that the clones weren’t paid for their work, at least they knew that their superior officers weren’t collecting a paycheck, either.
Whether that made the Jedi more sympathetic or utter fools, Fixer couldn’t be sure.
Either way, he couldn’t help but appreciate the Jedi just for this room alone. You were happier than he had seen you since they had all been sitting in your comfortable home as you taught them all how to knit. Actually, you were happier than Fixer had ever seen a civvie, especially over something as trivial as a sewing room. But, considering you had lost your comfortable home so recently, you could use some happiness.
It didn’t hurt that your joy made your face glow. You weren’t beaming or even smiling more than usual, but there was a deep contentment that had settled over you as soon as the doors had opened to reveal the room. 
Scorch had given a slight exhale through his nose; that was as good as an exclamation of surprise for a clone trooper. Fixer privately agreed with his brother’s assessment. Commander Offee had been dismissive of the room, clearly of the opinion that they would find it underwhelming, but Fixer couldn’t see how. 
It was an expansive space, filled with small tables holding machines that whirred with flashing needles and rotating spools of thread. Light filtered down from the ceiling, though there were small lamps at every workstation that offered more direct illumination. A few beings, presumably Jedi, were scattered around the tables, working on garments. Some of them sewed in silence while others held soft conversations brightened by occasional laughter.
Overall, it was a peaceful setting. Even Fixer could concede that much.
Ahead of him, you were already speaking excitedly to Commander Offee: “Do you simply alter the clothes you have or do you create new ones?”
Commander Offee looked taken aback by the question but, fortunately, she gave a real answer. If she had been dismissive or mocking, Fixer would have been forced to say something that would have broken - or at least intensely bruised - the chain of command.
“We decide that on a case-by-case basis,” she explained. “Certain members of the Order come from a heritage that determines how they would dress, and their clothing needs are taken into consideration when deciding how to prepare clothing. Master Luminara and I are Mirialan. Our cultural background means that we need clothing that offers more coverage, along with additional cloth for our hoods and hair coverings. If items come from the Mirialan community - and they often do - they are offered to Mirialan Jedi before they are added to the bulk clothing storage. If pre-made items cannot be found or altered, we are allowed to create the necessary pieces from cloth that is donated to the Temple.”
“That makes sense,” you agreed easily. “Your cape is beautiful. Did you make it or was it donated to the Temple?”
“Neither,” Commander Offee admitted, running her fingers over the patterned fabric with a soft smile. “When I first became a padawan, one of my early assignments was to accompany Master Luminara to Begamore as she offered aid to a group of our people who had begun to steal from a nearby community. They were simply trying to support themselves in a place that had become hostile. The group accepted our aid, but we offered to help them build a better community so that their troubles would never be repeated.”
“Clever,” you murmured, your voice low and soft enough that the commander wasn’t pulled from her reverie.
“The assignment was meant to be a simple one, but we stayed for several months as we worked to create a place where our people were not only tolerated, but accepted.” The commander was still smiling, tattooed face alight with warmth. “Even in such a short span of time, my master and I watched as the community began to thrive. Eventually, we were called away, but one of the women gifted me this cape. She said I should have something from my own culture to carry with me.”
“That’s a lovely gesture,” you remarked.
“It was,” the Mirialan agreed. “We were summoned back to Coruscant to discuss the Secessionist Movement with Chancellor Palpatine, which of course, led shortly into the war. Master Luminara and I have been fighting ever since, but I have never forgotten the joy that stems from offering aid to those across the galaxy who need it.”
The air of peace that had been emanating from you dimmed slightly and Fixer frowned, but you only said, “With any luck, the war will end soon and the Jedi will be able to take up old practices again.”
“Yes, with luck, skill, and a great deal of training,” Commander Offee agreed. “But while we fight a war, there are still younglings who need clothing. This room remains as it ever was - filled with donations and Jedi working to shape them into necessary items. Would you like to see anything else in the Temple, or would you rather stay here?”
You hesitated, glancing around the room before admitting, “I would like to stay here for a little while. I don’t need any clothing, but I could help out if anyone needs it?”
Commander Offee smiled. “There is always a need for someone to mend tears in clothing. It is often torn from use or by excited younglings learning to augment their abilities with the Force. If that is truly what you wish to do, the repairs section is here.”
She led you to a section of the room with clothing piled high, small tags detailing what had been damaged. As you settled in to sew fastenings onto clothing or neatly close rips in fabric, Boss took a step toward Fixer.
Immediately, Fixer’s attention was on his sergeant. Boss didn’t keep him waiting long. “If it comes to an investigation about why we went to Voubos, I’m taking full responsibility.”
“Respectfully, no,” Fixer told him. 
Boss’s eyes narrowed, and Fixer couldn’t really blame him. He wasn’t typically one to argue, but this was something he didn’t intend to let slide… even if his sharp mind helped him guess exactly what Boss was going to try next.
“That’s an order, Fixer.” 
Fixer almost smiled despite himself. That had been exactly what he had expected from Boss. However, he managed to keep an even expression and a firm tone as he said, “No, sir. No disrespect meant, but I won’t let you take responsibility for something we all wanted. As your second-in-command, I could have argued and I didn’t. At best, you can claim half the punishment, but the other half belongs to me.”
“The other half of what?” Sev asked, dark eyes suspicious as he glanced between Boss and Fixer. “What’s going on?”
Scorch followed closely behind Sev. “Yeah, we wanna be included, too!” He tossed an arm around Sev’s shoulders.
Sev pushed Scorch’s arm away, making a disgusted sound. “I don’t want to be included in anything with you, Scorch.”
“Men,” Boss said tiredly. “Fixer and I were discussing how to handle the possibility that we’ll be held accountable for our side trip to Voubos. I want to take full responsibility. I’m the squad leader and the ranking officer. Any repercussions should be mine. I’ll make it an order if I need to.”
Sev snorted loudly and, for once, Fixer didn’t mind the display of insubordination. In fact, he agreed whole-heartedly that their Sergeant was being ridiculous. 
Scorch seemed to agree with Sev’s nonverbal dismissal. “Make it an order if it makes you feel better, Boss. We’ll just disregard that one, too. We’ve got the practice.”
Boss didn’t laugh… not that anyone had really expected him to. Instead, his jaw tightened and he tossed a firm look toward the rest of the squad. “There’s no reason for all of us to be reprimanded when I can take the blame.”
“Kark that,” Sev told him lowly. His rumbling voice held enough venom that it drew attention from the closest Jedi, along with Boss’s ire. In a concession clearly aimed toward placating the Jedi rather than the sergeant, Sev reluctantly tacked on, “Sir.”
“None of us agree, Boss,” Fixer summarized. “But maybe we should just see what happens. We don’t even know if the Jedi are going to go for formal discipline.”
“‘See what happens’?” Scorch repeated incredulously. “You feeling okay, Fixer? You always like to have a plan for everything, and a backup plan for that, and then a backup backup plan in case something goes wrong with the backup…”
Sev dug his elbow into Scorch’s ribs. “He’s helping us for once, di’kut. Don’t let your personality ruin it.”
Fixer glared at both of his brothers, but couldn’t deny that the comment had stung. Maybe he was tough on Scorch and Sev, but it was only because that was the best way he could find to keep them safe. Though he couldn’t deny that the ‘wait and see’ method was extremely out of character for him. He did prefer to plan everything down to the last detail. 
Now that it had been pointed out to him, though, Fixer couldn’t help but wonder about his own change of heart. What could have happened that changed a fundamental part of his personality so intensely?
Fixer’s eyes were wandering as his mind whirred, a common habit for him, but his gaze paused in its journey around the room when you glanced in his direction and offered a smile over the pair of pants you were mending. His lips quirked in response without his permission, and he stifled the emotion as a comlink beeped.
Commander Offee answered the comlink, listened intently to a conversation too quiet for Fixer to hear across such a long distance, then glanced over at Delta Squad. “The Council has asked us to return.”
You weren’t going to let the Jedi punish Delta Squad.
You had decided that much almost as soon as Sev had mentioned that repercussions were a possibility, but your determination had only grown as the squad insisted on going to see the sewing room. The men probably knew how to sew, if only for injuries or clothing emergencies out in the field. They might even enjoy it; you had never asked, so you couldn’t be sure. But you had a suspicion that none of them had a strong interest in sewing. In that case, they had pushed to visit the room purely so you could see it.
Even through the fear of being summoned in front of the Jedi Council once more, your heart warmed at their casual kindness to someone who could offer them nothing in return.
You frowned. On the subject of having nothing to offer them, you weren’t sure how you would keep the Jedi from punishing Delta Squad. You would have to come up with something, and you needed to come up with it soon. The doors of the Jedi Council chamber were already in sight.
When you entered, the buzzing preoccupation of worry was filling your mind, along with a distinct lack of galaxy-shattering epiphanies. And, as you stepped into the center of the room and glanced around at the gathered Jedi, it seemed you were out of time.
Earlier, many seats around the room had been empty, but most were now occupied. Even places that didn’t hold a physical occupant had been claimed by holoprojected beings. 
It was intimidating, standing in front of that group. The semicircle of chairs in front of you were filled with people watching you. None of them looked cruel or harsh, but all of them were serious, and your stomach twisted with nerves. 
Before your fear could shift into panic, you heard the shuffle of someone settling into place in the back of the room, along with the soft clearing of a throat. Boss was here, you could feel it. Even if the sergeant of Delta Squad wasn’t thrilled with your earlier disobedience, you had no doubt that he would speak on your behalf if the situation called for it. You weren’t alone. Your shoulders eased down slightly, and you finally felt as if you could take a full breath.
“Council members,” Master Unduli announced, drawing the attention of the seated figures. If any of them had been speaking before then, you were sure they would have stopped to pay attention, but they seemed to already be focused on the meeting. “We have gathered to discuss the woman Delta Squad found on Voubos. Or, rather, we have gathered to deliver the results of our discussion.”
The man from earlier, Master Windu, leveled his steady gaze at you. You did your best to return the look without fear. ���Your Midichlorian levels are high. They are not high enough to grant you entrance into the Jedi Order, but we would like to offer you the chance to train with us.”
“What?” you gasped out inelegantly. “Why?”
Master Unduli spoke again. “There is a chance your Midichlorian levels will continue to climb. More importantly, you’ve been through a trauma. In a heightened state of emotional upheaval, there is a strong possibility that your abilities will appear in unexpected situations. We can help teach you control.”
“So…” you trailed uncertainly, trying desperately to gather your thoughts even as you spoke. “So I would stay here and learn how to control my… abilities?”
“Yes, in part,” an unfamiliar man with reddish hair agreed. “But we could also teach you to use your abilities to do certain things. From the point made by Padawan Offee, it seems as if you could aid the Republic with missions that require strategy and secrecy.”
“She is not a citizen of the Republic,” a male countered. “Why should she feel any real desire to aid us?”
“Actually,” you interrupted, glancing over your shoulder as subtly as you could. To your surprise, Boss wasn’t alone. The entirety of Delta Squad was standing in the back of the room. Scorch gave you a thumbs up and a wink. “I would like to help any way I can.”
“Why?” Master Yoda asked, not unkindly. 
You shrugged. “I lost my home and my planet, and nearly lost my life. We on Voubos were loyal to no one, but the planet fell to the Separatists anyway. I’ve learned a hard lesson about the price of neutrality - specifically, that there is no one to back you up. If it comes down to it, the Republic sent the men who saved my life. That already puts you ahead of the Separatists for me. I’ll help you because you’ve helped me. Simple.”
There was a beat of silence, a heavy one.
“As it happens,” a human male with a yellow stripe trailing across his nose said, “we’ve already come up with a way you can help the Republic. If you’re interested, of course.”
“I’m interested,” you assented immediately. 
A few Council members glanced around at each other in a way that put your nerves on-edge, but you waited for someone to speak. Master Windu was the first.
“We have a lot of missions that require what Master Kenobi said earlier: strategy and secrecy,” he told you. “We have a few Jedi who are gifted with those abilities, but they’re busy leading armies. Or, in some cases, busy with missions here on Coruscant.”
The man with the yellow tattoo met Master Windu’s eyes, inclining his head with a smirk. Windu didn’t smile back, but he gave a short nod before he finished, “We could train you in the basics of control and subterfuge, then send you out with squads who are working missions that line up with your abilities.”
“Squads-?” you started.
Master Unduli cut in. “I sense you share a bond with Delta Squad. They often go on missions that would require the abilities you’ve already shown. We could partner you with them for any secrecy-driven assignments. Is that something you would be interested in?”
“Train in the Temple, she should,” Master Yoda told her, his eyes traveling to you a moment later. “Much to learn, have you. Vicious and desperate, this war is, but no reason is that to send an inexperienced soldier out into the thick of a battle that belongs to us. Before you answer, think it over, you should. Whatever your answer… have a place with the Jedi, you will.”
“I- thank you,” you said after a moment. “I would like a day or two to think about everything.”
“In the meantime, you may stay here in the Temple,” Master Windu told you. “Padawan Offee  will show you to your temporary quarters. Delta Squad, you are dismissed.”
“One moment, General Windu,” someone interrupted. You glanced over to find a man wearing the gray uniform of a military officer. “There is an open investigation into Delta Squad’s conduct. I would like to collect this woman’s testimony before she disappears into the depths of this… temple.”
“Of course, Investigator Nylirk,” Master Yoda said, bowing his head slightly. “Proceed, you may.”
Nylirk turned his searching gaze on you. “I understand these men freed you from your home planet of Voubos. Is that correct?” 
You searched for a way to refute that, but came up with nothing. “Yes, it is.”
“Did they ever mention why they came to help you?” Nylirk asked. 
“They found out Voubos had fallen to the Separatists and were worried about my safety,” you reported. “If they hadn’t returned for me, I would have died.”
Nylirk seemed unimpressed. “Then they brought you back to a secure building run by the Grand Army of the Republic and let you wander the premises unsupervised. Did they ever offer an explanation for that?”
“No,” you said shortly, listening intently for any hint from Delta Squad about what you should say.
“I thought as much,” Nylirk said contemptuously. He directed his next comment over your shoulder, to Delta Squad. “There will be a full investigation into every part of this, then we will discuss disciplinary action.”
He had already started toward the four commandos by the time you found your voice. Maybe you wouldn’t have said anything, but the resignation on the men’s faces spurred you into action. “I made them do it!”
Nylirk paused, glancing back at you with disbelief written across his face. “You made these highly-trained men disobey orders and general security protocols?”
“Yes, I did,” you told him, stubbornly kicking your chin up.
Nylirk frowned. “Impossible.”
“Not impossible, Inspector,” Master Windu denied. “Improbable, perhaps, but she has demonstrated an impressive amount of skill in evading notice. Who is to say that she didn’t influence them? The Force can grow stronger in those who fear for their lives. Perhaps it grew strong enough for her to influence them.”
“Yes, that’s what happened,” you repeated firmly. “Sergeant Boss said earlier that it felt like he was being pulled to the spot I needed him to be. Who can really say when I started pulling? Maybe I wasn’t just directing them to a river, but to the specific planet.”
“And you’re admitting that you did this?” Nylirk asked.
You took a beat to give that question full consideration. “I didn’t do it on purpose, but I often thought about Delta Squad as I was being held captive by the droids. I… I wished they were there with me. Maybe that was enough to influence them, even over the distance between us. I’m new to this, you know.”
Scorch laughed at your joke and Fixer cracked a smile. Sev gave a small nod. But what really struck you was the look on Boss’s face. He looked… stricken by your admission. His dark eyes held more than a hint of guilt, and you hoped he would let it pass. There was no way he or Delta Squad could have helped you any more than they did. They had saved your life. As far as you were concerned, that was far more than you had expected.
“General Yoda,” Inspector Nylirk redirected. “Your best guess: is it possible that she influenced Delta Squad to come back and help her?”
Yoda sat quietly for a moment as your stomach twisted with nerves. If he didn’t back up your story, Delta Squad would be punished and there would be nothing you could do to stop it. You would have failed to uphold your promise to the commandos, and repaid them poorly for helping you.
When Yoda finally spoke, he said, “Mysterious, the Force is. Possible, it is, that she influenced them. Yes, very possible.”
Nylirk’s face twisted in displeasure. He bit out, “Very well. Report back to GAR headquarters for a full debrief and an update on your next mission.”
Barriss approached, gesturing toward the door of the Council’s chambers. “I’ll show you to an available room.”
You hesitated a moment. There wasn’t time for you to say goodbye to Delta Squad and you knew that, but you wanted to apologize for getting them in trouble. However, with Nylirk still watching you closely and the entire Jedi Council looking on, you had to content yourself with giving the ghost of a smile.
Delta Squad looked serious and coolly professional as they watched you leave with Barriss, but Boss gave you the barest hint of a nod, eyes warm. You fought back a smile. It was a drop in the lake you owed them, but you had done something right for these men.
Author's Note - Thanks for reading! Extra thanks to all of those who have said kind things or asked questions about this fic. It has been a HUGE motivating factor for continuing to write!
Have a great day! 😊
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Day 4- Black Paladin
I cannot for the life of me remember when they find out about Zarkon and Haggar's whole quintessence backstory, so let's just assume that the team already knows about it.
Keith changes a lot in the time he flies the black lion. Not because he wants to, but because he is expected to. It's an honor to lead Voltron, right?
Ever since he first set foot in the lion the day Shiro disappeared, he's been hearing whispers. They come from Black and infect the whole hangar.
Sometimes it sounds like someone calling out to him. That one he does not fear. Whoever it is sounds just as afraid as he feels. Honestly, that voice can be almost comforting at times. If he sinks too far into his thoughts, he'll even feel something like a ghostly but firm hand on his shoulder.
Yes, he can now officially say that he knows what a ghost's hand feels like. It's warm only on the very surface but cold seeps out from within it, like someone tried to wrap an ice cube in a warm paper towel.
Other times, the voice is deeper, more like a growl than anything else.
Keith isn't stupid. He knows that this was Zarkon's lion and that there's still some of the emperor in it. It worries him to think that he is being spoken to by a Galra like that. He's grown to like the blades, but Zarkon is just a bitter husk of a person, and Keith doesn't know if he'll be strong enough to resist, should Zarkon try to manipulate him.
He notices the concerned looks he gets from his friends. He can't blame them, seeing as he spends all of his time now training and sparing off into space.
Sometimes, when he's too afraid to go to his room, which is placed directly next to Shiro's vacant one, he'll wander the halls aimlessly.
Well, he never really has a destination in mind, but he always ends up in the same place.
Tonight, he's been up for a while. He just couldn't deal with waking Lance up and giving him some pathetic reason for bothering him for the 500th time. So instead, he decided to smash some robots.
He is lying sprawled out on the training deck. His limbs finally locked up and refuse to move after a solid 6 hours of training. Even a twitch of his feet sends pain stampeding all over his body, but he doesn't mind it. He feels accomplished. At least now, he has no choice but to get some rest, though he'll get yelled at for this later.
He thinks he's all set, no one's going to bother him in here. His eyes start to droop and his mind finally stops chasing itself in circles. He'll just take a quick nap and then spring right back up...
His eyes fly open. Why is it that everyone on this ship must have the worst timing? Right when he was finally getting tired.
He sees someone lean over him, taking in his eye bags and wild hair. Keith is sure he looks utterly fantastic right now.
The person conveniently places their body so that they are silhouetted by the bright lights above, and Keith can't figure out who they are through his bleary eyes.
"Ugh, you idiot." Hmm, this seems familiar. The only person who calls him that more often than they use his actual name is a certain blue-eyed paladin.
"Hey Lance," he yawns out.
Lance sputters for a second before finding a response. "Hey? That's all you have to say? Why are you here? When you didn't turn up at my door I figured that you just fell asleep in your room, but then I realized that you're too hard-headed to take care of yourself." He sighs heavily and shakes his head. "I was right, wasn't I?"
Keith just blinks up at the light. He still can't get up on his own, and he desperately hopes that Lance will figure that out himself or just leave Keith behind.
Oh wait, Lance isn't capable of either of those things, is he?
"Fine. Yes. You're right. Can you please help me up now, your royal righteousness?"
Lance laughs at that. Keith hears him mutter out something like, 'It's about time' but he ignores it.
"Alright Red, let's get you out of here."
Keith smiles a bit. Lance is the only one who still calls him that, they both prefer to ignore the lion switch when talking to each other.
Lance pulls Keith up and his brow furrows when he sees Keith cringe in pain. His mother-hen mode is activated as he checks Keith over for injuries. "I thought we talked about this. What is it with you and overtraining?"
Keith just leans most of his weight on the taller boy. They stumble forward a few steps before Lance gives up and scoops Keith up into a bridal carry. Keith shrieks in a very dignified way and wraps his arms around Lance's neck, despite his protesting muscles.
They are silent as Lance walks down the dimly lit halls until Keith notices they are headed in the opposite direction of his room. He raises an eyebrow at Lance, who just continues until his own.
Keith is placed gently on Lance's bed while the other boy grabs an extra set of nightwear. This one is more of a shortened sleep gown than anything, but it's better than his tight jeans and jacket.
He changes quickly while Lance stops by the bathroom, probably for some kind of complicated skin care that Keith will never understand.
The lights switch off, and Keith feels the bed dip as Lance settles in next to him. Before, he would have found this embarrassing, but it's become routine for them. It makes them both feel a lot more relaxed with a team member close by.
Lance slides closer until their legs touch and bring his arm up to drape it over Keith's side. They face each other in the dark and Keith knows his face is flushed, he's come to accept it.
It's Lance who speaks up first.
"Why are you doing this? Can't you see that we're all worried about you ? That I'm worried about you?" He whispers it out like a prayer, soft and sweet, like he's afraid to shatter the silent air around them.
Keith makes a questioning noise, even though he knows exactly what Lance is talking about.
"Please Keith. Let me know what's wrong. I've tried giving you space, but you're only getting worse. You know I only want to help. Talk to me."
Lance's hand slide up to rest on the curve of Keith's cheek. He knows Keith is about to break, he knows that there's only so much hiding the black paladin can do before he spills.
And still he does.
He sobs out about how he doesn't want this role, it's too much, how he doesn't know what to do. He tells Lance that he wants to go home, wherever that's supposed to be, that he's too tired. He whispers out that he just misses his brother, that he feels lost, that all he wants is to have Shiro's strong presence there to guide him. He tells Lance about how he's been spiraling, that he's been having darker thoughts than ever, and how purely afraid he is. He even talks about the voices that have almost constant.
"Do you- do you think I'm going to turn Galra?"
This is the first thing that catches Lance off guard. "What you you mean, Red?"
Keith fumbles for the right words. "I fly the Black lion now. It's first paladin was Galra, and look what happened to him."
"Shiro isn't Galra though. That was just one paladin."
"Shiro is entirely human. Not only half," he huffs out.
Lance's eyes seem to glow for a moment, and Keith can make out his pointed gaze. "You know what? Yes. You are Galra. Keith, you are Galra and you have to accept it sooner or later. Either way, you don't have to worry, because no matter who you are, I'll always be right here. Okay? You could be Zarkon's long lost brother for all I care, it will never matter to me. You're still you."
Lance pulls Keith up to his chest tightly, and their breathing falls into a pattern so that their stomachs rise and fall smoothly.
"It's always going to be you. Just like I'll always be me."
He pauses to think for a moment before saying, "And if you want to talk to Allura about the Black paladin thing, I'll back you up. Someone else can take Black and you can go back to red. Or we can stay like this and I'll make sure to be better at supporting you."
Keith feels a happy giggle building up.
"Thanks, Blue."
"No problem, Red."
They fall asleep together like that, and Keith feels a whole lot safer trapped against the other paladin, safer than he's felt in years.
This planet is jagged with mountains and it's people can dance like you've never seen before. They throw great parties, too.
Keith walks among the crowded room, thankfully not too stressed out by all the people.
Someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns to see a small alien child holding out a pretty pink flower.
"Hello. Are you the Black paladin?"
Keith smiles softly, but before he can answer, someone places a hand on the small of his back.
"Well, you can't forget about his dashing partner! I'm Lance, and this is Keith. We're the Black paladins."
Shhhh I know this concept is iffy but I like Keith and Lance sharing Black. Allura would take Red, and Coran is the perfect fit for Blue.
I tried to spell disappeared as dissapearded. I actually went through and fixed most of my errors for once, WOW I have bad grammar. I think it's because I type this one finger really fast. I hit the wrong keys a lot. Oops.
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💬 Continuation to Eugene's text one if you can please.... also i decided tht can the sender be like a close, really close friend of eugene and yuseing that goes to the same school and knows what shit he does (i am trying so hard to not make an actual story for this seriously, i feel like i will and ship this y/n and eugene hard🥲)
》Oi foureyes! I have some spare so tell me!
》please damnit! Tell me...
》 Even tho i have known you for ages you only eat/ drink things me or yuseong choose
》 you never tell us your preferences! Like 'just choose whatever yoh want I'll payand eat whatever it is' and you actually eat even the shittiest of combo i could come up with!
》 Also you know i met this guy in our school named yeonwoo and he might be your tripket y'know, you might know him he is good looking, smart, on top of his classes, wears glasses like you and is actually quite famous, a newtuber.
》 I think i like him... he also has a good personality unlike someone... he is really nice as well
》actually you know what if you don't wanna hang out this weekend should i ask him out for a date?
》 before you say anything like 'go get him a gift and leave me alone'
》 i already did and bitc* please you knew what you were getting yourself into when you became my friend now deal with it.
》 You have to deal with it. No other options
》 also can i get that hot guy's no. Who is always with you, the one with the nice personality, the 3rd and 4th affiliate prez i think?
》 oh, and that weird mask one whose hair are blond and is always with neko
[Eugene will be grumbling about his phone notifs going off cause of this and that is what y/n wants]
(Can i have a jealous eugene and yuseong....? And you can decide whether eugene likes the reader or not, or whether yuseong likes her or not)
[a/n: omg if u do end up writing a story please tag me !! i would love to read it <3]
"That's funny. President Eugene always lectures us about keeping our phones on silent mode and yet his phone isn't."
After turning said silent mode on in his phone, Eugene slowly turned his head to smile at Eli. "Yes, well, this is a one time mistake. Why don't you try to remember to keep your remarks to yourself?"
The sharp tension stayed in the room even as the meeting continued, so when the meeting ended, it left Eugene in a somewhat bitter mood.
He decided to check who was texting him so much earlier, only to see it was you.
"What nonsense are they texting me now...?" As he read through the texts, he was originally amused but then began to feel... well, he refused to acknowledge the j-word. It was a childish emotion to him.
Softly exhaling, he texted back:
I have a nutritionist and whatnot on hand, I swear to you I eat well. You don't have to worry and my preferences mean little because often you and Yuseong pick things I like. Just continue what you're doing.
And about that boy... we may be similar in many ways but I've paid no attention to him. Also, no need for snarky remarks, I've had enough for the day.
You must know me so well if you knew I was going to reply, "Get him a gift and leave me alone." Just go on that date.
I'm glad we're such good friends you're happy to be insufferable towards me. And no, I'm not giving you the numbers of any of my subordinates.
Before Eugene closed out of his conversation with you, he felt a tap on his shoulder and just noticed Yuseong, who apparently had been quietly peering over his shoulder this whole time.
"What is it?" he asked his twin, who just frowned. It didn't take him long to realize why, and oddly enough he felt the slightest tinge of that j-word again. "Oh. If you're sad about our friend going on that date, feel free to make plans with them so they can't go. I can get you time off, if that's what you want."
Upon hearing his words, Yuseong eagerly nodded and Eugene took a mental note of it. Maybe he should hang out with you, too... but he didn't want to interrupt Yuseong, and he still had work to do. Another day, he supposed.
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