What if an openly gay Peter asking Tony to prom? Tony has never really thought of Peter in that way, but loves the kid to pieces (platonically) and damnit if he isn’t going to make this the best night of Peter’s life! He never went to prom considering he graduated at 14 and didn’t start dating until he went to college, so he’s going to do this right for the both of them in a sense. He sends Peter a bespoke three piece suit and picks him up in a white limo and takes him out to dinner and Peter is on cloud nine, blushing and smiling the whole night and Tony is so happy he’s happy, feels like maybe he did something right that evening. Tony is a gentleman the whole time too, never flirts with Peter, only pays him a couple, politely spaced compliments, never leads him on. Then finally at the dance, they make their grand entrance and everyone who was ever mean to Peter or didn’t believe him about knowing the Tony Stark are dead ass silent and in shock as they walk in with Peter on Tony’s arm. They take the classic prom photo and Tony refuses every request for a selfie with random kids (and a few teachers) because this is Peter’s night. Peter is too shy at first to dance but MJ and Ned drag him out onto the floor to some booty popping number and Tony just grins and tells him to go have fun, he’ll be right here when he comes back. He watches Peter dance with a smile on his face because damn, kid’s got some moves. The next song is slow and Peter comes back over with Ned and MJ and all four stand around chatting. Again Peter is too shy to ask Tony to dance with him even if he’s his date and that’s kinda part of the whole deal. Cue Tony requesting some lovely, floating waltz and leading Peter out onto the dance floor. Peter is staring wide eyed like “Oh god, Mr. Stark I can’t waltz!” And Tony just smiles and shakes his head “Use some of your spidey sense and follow my lead.” And Tony leads him through the waltz and Peter somehow manages to pull it off gracefully. They’re looking into each other’s eyes, Peter occasionally glancing down to make sure his feet are doing the thing and when he looks up, finally feeling confident enough to let Tony just lead him his eyes sparkle and he smiles so beatifically up at Tony, Tony feels his heart pound like ‘Oh no. Oh shit. I caught the feelings. When did I catch the feelings?’ After the waltz ends, Tony asks to go outside for some air. Peter follows after him, leading him to a more quiet, secluded part of the courtyard, concerned he might be panicking or something. And honestly he is a little over what he’s about to do. He looks at Peter for a long moment and Peter looks back still a little worried. And Tony’s like “I’m sorry if I’m reading this wrong, but uhm, would you like me to kiss you?” And Peter’s eyes are bigger than the moon and his cheeks are so red they’re radiating heat and he nods slowly. Tony steps in close, cups his cheek in one hand, the other stays in his pocket and he watches Peter’s eyes as he leans in, only closing them as their lips very lightly touch and it’s the most innocent pure kiss Tony has ever shared with anyone and it’s the best because of it. Peter doesn’t know what to say at first as the pull apart. Finally he asks what that meant to Tony and Tony is like “I’m not exactly sure, but I know I like you a hell of a lot, Peter and I hope that’s an okay enough answer for now.” Peter laughs quietly “yeah, that’s enough.”
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@anon could it be Wasn't built in a day or Berries and Cream? Let me know ;) It's probably the first because Berries and Cream is the one with the established relationship
Bruh can u pls help me find this certain Starker fic?? I found one like it but they have an established relationship and that’s not in the fic I remember reading. Basically, peter has to sit in Tony’s lap because their isn’t any room in the car for him and shit happens.
I left this ask alone for a bit because I had to look around, and unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it. Hopefully someone sees this and pops in a link or something for you, my good friend. I’m sorry I have failed you :((
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Thanks so much for the fics recs I love them and I’m really happy you looked into polyshipping for me!
You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear I was useful ;)
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Hi! when you have time I would love Starker recs with abo dynamics Preferably a polyshipping pack dynamic! They can be incomplete and if you can’t find many that’s totally understandable :) thank you
I was actually thinking of making a rec list for a/b/o fics, so this ask comes at the right time.
I tend not to read polyshipping stuff, but I did some research just for you, Anon! I’m gonna start with my favourite fanfictions though, I hope you don’t mind ;)
Reassurance by AnonymousI’m gonna be honest with you, chief: I haven’t finished this one, I don’t even remember why. Possibly because I’m an idiot, but we’ll never know. I remember it being good, though, and I would feel bad not putting it in the list just because I haven’t finished it. It’s based on Homecoming, with Peter trying to hide the fact that he is an omega from Tony and the rest of the team in an attempt to be taken more seriously.
Help Me, Fix Me, Heal Me by Mid_Nightmare Oh my God, this one’s so good, I hope the author updates soon! The setting is a bit different than usual: Tony and the rest of the Avengers live in the woods as a pack of shape-shifting wolves (the characters stay in human form for the majority of the story, though). One day, Tony finds an injured Peter and nurses him back to health - and I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort, so obviously I love this story with all my heart
Starker Resolutions by dela_chaisse The only fanfiction in this list with Omega!Tony and Alpha!Peter. It was refreshing to read, even if the dynamic between Tony and Peter is still the same: a suave and charming (but still struggling with a lot of personal issues) Tony and a starstruck Peter. I really enjoyed how IC Tony’s distrust for alphas and desire for independence felt.
In Heat by Atanih88 Peter is in heat, that’s the whole plot, but the rating doesn’t go past Teen and Up. I do wish the author had written the actual sex scene instead of stopping right before, but I guess I can’t have everything in life. On an unrelated note, Tony is so IC that his thoughts reminded me a lot of the way he talks in the movies, and I really love when that happens. (Oh, and he’s also a Beta, not an Alpha).
Call Me (A Thief) by RaisonDetre This is the pwp that every rec list needs and deserves. I think the tag “The scene on the roof top but they just angrily fuck instead” explains the plot pretty well.
Body Electric by GryffindorGirl94 You thought I was gonna put only one pwp? Ah, syke! Here’s another one, and the premise is the same as the one above: that scene on the rooftop, but they end up fucking. You don’t need to know more.
Dear Heart by TempestRisingCan I cry because of how good this fic is? The author had me had “Tony Stark has a heart” and “Hurt Peter Parker”, but I never expected to love an angsty coffe shop AU this much.
Here’s all the polyshipping fics I found! I didn’t read them all completely, but I made sure that they are not, you know, horribly written or something like that.
Because It’s Us by confessionsofabibeauty (WIP)This one has an OC as a main character, so if that’s not your cup of tea you’ve been warned. Also, it’s a wip but it has been updated fairly recently.Ship/s: Peter/Avengers team; Peter/OFCTags on Ao3: civil war fix-it; soulmate aspects; eventual mpreg; pack dynamic
Modified for Pleasure by professional_benaddict (One-shot)Dude, this one is dark - the title is self explanatory, really. Not something that I would read for fun, but hey! I think it’s well written so I don’t feel bad recommending it (and also I’ve read worse thing that turned me on in the past, who am I to judge?). Ship/s: Tony Stark/Peter Parker/Stephen Strange Tags on Ao3:dom/sub; body modifications; slightly dubcon
Me and Mine by sleepsick (WIP)Again, not something that I would read for fun. But the author definetely knows how to write, I can’t deny that. Ship/s: Peter Parker/almost every Aenger; Peter Parker/Wade WilsonTags on Ao3: peter parker whump; possessive behavior; pining; dubcon
You’re the One I Want by Goofatron (One-shot)I actually read this one before, and I have to admit: fucked-up, but hot. Ship/s: Peter Parker/Tony Stark; (almost) Peter/Thor, Peter/Steve and Peter/BuckyTags on Ao3: virgin!peter; attempted rape/non-con; scent kink; daddy kink
The More the Merrier by hchollym (WIP)Oh boy, this is just 23.000 words of porn. God bless the author, tbh, this i a gift to humanity.Ship/s: Peter/Tony; Peter/Thor; Peter/Steve; Peter/Bucky Tags on Ao3: porn with feelings; everyone loves Peter;mpreg
Asunder by pansley (WIP)I’m gonna trust the 500 comments on Ao3 and say that fic is a good one!Ship/s: Peter Parker/Tony Stark; Peter Parker/Avengers Team; Peter/Wade Wilson; Peter/Harry Osborn; Peter/Norman Osborn; Peter/MJTags on Ao3: dubcon; drug use; group sex; sexual slavery
That’s all I could find for you, Anon! Hope there’s something here you haven’t read yet :)
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Thanks for the mention! I don't have many fics listed because I started few days ago, but @anon send me an ask you want recs about something in specific ;)
Do you know of any Starker blogs that could give me a list of fic recs? Or could you?
Heyoooo the blog @starker-fanfictions is pretty solid. Tbh I don’t read much starker fan fiction, so I’m not the best judge. Happy trails 😉🖤🖤
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Rec list - “Loss of Virginity” fics
 I have a soft spot for virgin!Peter and I realized just how many fanfictions revolving Peter’s first time I’ve actually read, so I might as well make a list of my favourites 
These are mostly one-shots where the focus of the whole fic is the sex:
you think too much (of me) by doveslayer
This one is my all-time favourite. It’s a standard sex-pollen, and written so well I might have cried a bit tbh. Also Peter fucks Tony up a wall, I honestly don’t know what else you could possibly need in a PWP
Start-Stop by airebellah
In the author’s words: “In which Peter comes a little too quickly, and Tony finds a way to help.” God, I love awkward!Peter with every fiber of my being, and Tony is such a sweetheart in this. 10/10 would reccommend reading.
Problem-Solving for Beginners by Saperli_Popette
Tony doesn’t want to hurt Peter in bed, so Peter ties him up and has his way with him (and Tony loves it, duh). That’s it, that’s the plot. Why are you still here? Go read it, you won’t regret it.
talia by intoxicatelou
As of today this one is still a wip, but the next chapter should be the last so I assume it’s not left unfinished. Also, it’s so good I had to reccommend it. It starts with Peter drunk, dancing in a club, and a worried Tony coming to his rescue because he thought Peter was in trouble. The sexual tension is strong with this one - can’t wait for the last chapter where the sex finally happens!
what i'd say if i had the words by sadonsundays
This is just 6000 words of angst tbh, and I loved every second of it. I read the summary (“It’s in his eyes.It’s always in the eyes”) and knew that I was in for some tragic romance - and I wasn’t dissappointed. Just do yourself a favour and read this one, okay?
you are surrounding my surroundings by sadonsundays
Another fic by the same author, because they write so well? Like, I love their style so fucking much. This fic is shorter and more focused on the sex, but just as sweet as the last one. Tony and Peter look so profoundly in love with each other, it’s always a pleasure re-reading this story <3
wasn’t built in a day by unstuckintime 
The summary promises “just 6.k of pwp“ and I was not disappointed.  In the first scene the Avangers are all crammed in a car and Peter has to sit on Tony’s lap the entire ride - and if you can believe it, it just gets better and better from there ;)
The Edge by Ofred_crate
This is one less sweet and, more...how do I say this... I mean, the tags are “face-fucking”, “coming untouched” and “gentle-dom Tony”, so you can draw your conclusions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Six Years by sublightsleeper
Tony sees Peter again after six years, because he’s a hot mess and can’t stay away from Peter a minute longer. If you like emotional sex scenes and Tony being desperately in love with Peter, this is 100% the fic for you
There are also much longer fics where Peter has sex for the first time with Tony at a point or another, I’ll just list the major ones:
Scaling the Walls by Stark1975 
Baby Monitor Protocol by thugcorpseinc  (still a wip)
see you again by intoxicatelou (again, still a wip)
And So We Spiral by DaScribbla
Give Yourself a Try by Stark1975 
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I have feelings about Peter at MIT okay fight me
“You’re very fuckable, you know.” said Tony evenly, assessing Peter over the top of his StarkPad. “Have I ever told you that?”
“Define fuckable.” Peter replied, not looking up from his textbook. “I’ve got work to do, Tony.”
“Sweetheart, you’re sat there in nothing but a hoodie and boxers, and it’s making me want to bend you over that desk and fuck you. Hard.” huffed Tony. “And yet you’re cockblocking me. You’re cockblocking yourself.”
Peter sighed, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead as he spun round to face his boyfriend, who was lounging on the tiny twin bed in his dorm room. Tony grinned laviciously at him, and Peter rolled his eyes.
“Babe, I gave you a blowie like, half an hour ago.” complained Peter. “And I really have to study for this exam next week, you know I do.”
“I also know your professor, and could totally convince him to let you skip out on it.” said Tony with a leer. “Don’t you wanna break the bed in?”
“If you got your dick in my ass, I think we’d break the bed full stop. Now let me work.”
“You’re killing me here, honey.” groaned Tony, flopping back onto the bed. “I come and visit my handsome, sexy boyfriend whilst he’s all alone in his college dorm, and all he does is decline mind-blowing sex with literal Tony Stark in favour of studying.”
“They’re making us study the Vasiliev theory, Tony.” Peter groaned, a hint of desperation in his voice. “Trust me, I’d rather be making out with you than figuring out the quantum-mechanical property of spin.”
“So come make out with me.” Tony shrugged, sliding off the bed to stand behind Peter’s desk chair. “It took Vasiliev and Franklin their entire careers to even come up with the theory, you can put it off for an hour. Or two.”
Tony knew he’d won when the pencil Peter had been holding dropped from his hand and rolled across the desk, landing on the carpet, and the boy made no move to pick it up. Instead, he spun around in his chair to face Tony.
“You’re a menace.” said Peter, sliding his hands up Tony’s chest. “A pest.”
“It’s for the best really.” agreed Tony. “We wouldn’t have nearly as much sex, otherwise.”
With that, Tony was yanked down by the front of his shirt and met Peter’s lips in a hot kiss, slighly too much teeth and heat to be the precursor to a lazy makeout session. Tony groaned as Peter ran his hands down the man’s arms, feeling the built muscle underneath.
Peter broke the kiss, looking up at Tony with wide, doe eyes and swollen lips, slowly rising to his feet until he was pressed bodily against the older man. Tony’s eyes fluttered shut as he felt Peter’s erection pressing against his own, and couldn’t resist cupping the younger boy through his underwear. A breathy moan escaped Peter’s lips, and he bucked up into the heat of Tony’s hand.
“I believe you promised to fuck me over my desk?” quipped Peter.
“I believe I did.” replied Tony with a smirk, spinning Peter around until he was pressed up against the unforgiving wood.
“Then get on with it.” said Peter with a cheeky grin, rummaging in the desk drawer until he produced a bottle of lube.
Tony wasted no time yanking down Peter’s boxers, and he fisted Peter’s hair, damp with sweat, pulling his head back.
“How do you want it, sweetheart?” breathed Tony, grinding his clothed erection into Peter’s bare ass. “Talk to me.”
“You’ve got me- ah! -got me bent over my desk in my dorm room.” stammered Peter. “I think we can assume I’m not- fucking hell -not looking for sweet and sensual.”
“Fair enough.” chuckled Tony, pressing two slick fingers to his boyfriend’s hole. “Hard and fast it is.”
With that, he firmly pushed in, running a hand down Peter’s back as the younger boy keened at the stretch. Tony immediately crooked his fingers, rubbing hard when a breathy moan told him he’d found the boy’s prostate.
“Ah, Tony I’m ready, shit, I need you in me.” Peter gasped, grinding back. “Get your cock in me right now.”
“Impatient little twink.” Tony grinned, pulling his fingers out. “You sure?”
“Yes, yes, please!”
Tony quickly pulled his hard, weeping dick out of his jeans, not even bothering to pull them down before he was running the wet head across Peter’s hole, gasping as he caught on the tight ring of muscle. Peter was letting out breathy moans and needy whimpered, keening with pleasure as Tony pushed the head of his dick in.
“You’re like a virgin every time, so fucking tight, shit.” groaned Tony, pushing forward until his hips were flush with Peter’s ass. “So gorgeous.”
“Sure know how to flatter a boy.” chuckled Peter breathily. “Now get on with it, old man.”
“Experienced, I think, is the preferred term.” grinned Tony, before pulling out and thrusting back in with enough force to shove the desk against the wall with a thud.
Peter let out a broken cry as Tony kept going hard, deep, quick thrusts that nailed his prostate and had him scrabbling for purchase on the wood of the desk as it slammed against the wall.
“Okay, maybe you are- ahhh -useful for something.” Peter whimpered, which gained him a tight fist around his weeping cock. “Shit, Tony, I’m so close, talk to me, please.”
“Yeah? You need me to talk dirty just to- uh -just to get you off?” grunted Tony, thrusts getting sloppy. “Makes sense, you’re- fuck -letting your rich, older boyfriend fuck you over your college desk, you dirty, dirty boy. Come for me, baby boy, come all over your desk.”
Peter cried out as he came, Tony’s fist working over his dick, stripes of white painting the wood. Tony kept thrusting into his sore hole, chasing his own release, and Peter whimpered, clenching around him.
“Come in me Tony, come on, want to feel you, want to feel you all hot and wet inside me, dripping down my legs-”
“Fuck!” Tony grunted as he reached his own release, burying himself deep inside the younger boy, head falling to rest on Peter’s neck.
The two stood in silence for a few seconds, panting, before Tony was pulling out and Peter was grabbing a washcloth, cleaning each other up before wriggling back into underwear and joggers and sweaters. They fell into Peter’s tiny twin bed together, Peter flinging a leg over Tony’s stomach and curling around him, resting his head on the older man’s chest.
“So, how’s that Vasiliev theroy coming, honey?”
“You’re an ass.” mumbled Peter, shoving Tony’s shoulder. “I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too, kid.”
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ummm i think you'll find starker is pEDOphilLIA (plz give me peter studying whilst wearing a SI sweater and Tony just raws him) IT'S DISGUSTING you should all ne AshAMED
Is a gentle rawing okay? I’ve got a gentle rawing for you.
It the early days of their relationship, it isn’t uncommon for Tony to just hang out in Peter’s room with him while he does homework, usually under the guise of helping him with more difficult topics. May never questions Tony’s constant presence, and is actually pleased to see that Peter has a positive male role model that is so invested in his education.
The truth is, while Tony is more than willing to help Peter out, Peter usually refuses. He just likes to have Tony around, piled up together on his bottom bunk, while he studies. Tony doesn’t mind either, never unwilling to drop a meeting or a previously scheduled engagement in favor of dragging his fingers through Peter’s hair and reading the material over his shoulder.
From here, cuddled in together and the door pulled to the frame, it’s nothing for Tony to pepper kisses onto Peter’s shoulder. It’s easy for Peter to turn his head and catch Tony’s lips chastely. Nobody would be concerned to see Tony’s fingers dusting Peter’s collarbone, and Peter’s fingers laced in Tony’s beneath the blanket would go undetected.
That’s not to say that things always stay squeaky clean. Some days, not unlike today, when Peter is swallowed up in a sweater with his school’s logo on the front, basketball shorts barely clinging to his hips, Tony can’t keep his fingers above Peter’s shoulders. There are times when Peter is sometimes not satisfied with a simple press of mouths.
Those days consist of Peter pretending to read on his laptop while Tony’s fingers tease his hip bones beneath the covers. They might involve Peter’s nose wedged into Tony’s jaw, tasting Tony’s pulse under his skin. When they’re feeling brave, Tony might scoop Peter’s face in his hand and pull him impossibly closer, stealing the boy’s breaths in heated kisses.
This seems to be the way Peter prefers things to be. He is always allowed to go to Tony’s house. The doors are always open and May would never tell him no. They would never have to check the door before they kiss, Peter would never need to tuck his arousal into the waistband of his pants when things get a little hot. But Peter prefers the comfortable familiarity of his home, his bedroom, the overused sheets and blankets covered in bobbles, over the guaranteed privacy of Tony’s place.
Whether that is because Peter isn’t quite ready to make the jump to more serious sexual experiences or because he is just more comfortable at home, Tony hasn’t figured out yet. And he isn’t in a hurry to, either. Right now, Peter’s head rested on his shoulder and fingers dancing absently over his knee, Tony can think of nothing he would rather be doing.
Though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t always up for Peter turning his head and placing and open-mouthed kiss to his neck, like right now.
Peter carefully places his laptop to the side, a sweater-clad hand raising up to rest on Tony’s shoulder. His lips move timidly, making their way up Tony’s neck, over his jaw, onto his lips. A warm hand cups his cheek, and Peter peeks at the door before he offers Tony his tongue through his teeth.
Tony hums quietly, licking the tip of Peter’s tongue as he opens his mouth to let him in. Peter’s movements are clumsy, his tongue a little too wet, his teeth clicking softly into Tony’s, but Tony gently guides Peter through the motions. Peter pulls away to take a few breaths, his cheeks tinted with nervous energy. “What’s this about?”
Peter smiles sheepishly at Tony’s quiet question, dipping back in to his mouth. “I really missed you today, Mr. Stark. I’m really happy you came over today.”
Tony smiles into Peter’s mouth. He doesn’t bring up the fact that he comes to Peter’s house almost every day after school, and spends the better part of his weekends watching him do homework in his bed. Peter is more sure of himself when he asks to enter Tony’s mouth again, and Tony raises a brow when Peter’s hand slides from his shoulder into his lap. Thin fingers play over the belt threaded through Tony’s slacks.
Peter sighs quietly when calloused fingers tease up his stomach, coming to rest over one of his pecks. Feeling a little more confident after Tony’s response, Peter allows his other hand to join the first, pulling Tony’s belt open with a dull clink, his button and zipper coming open as well. He ghosts his fingers over the waistband of Tony’s underwear, again passing a quick look to the door.
Transitioning Peter from his place beside him to his lap is easy enough, long limbs moving with surprising grace to straddle Tony’s hips. Warm digits dipping beneath the elastic on his boxers has Tony’s fingers tugging at the string of Peter’s basketball shorts. They slip smoothly down Peter’s pale thighs, and the fall to the floor with similar ease once Tony coaxes them off Peter’s calves.
Asking for Tony’s cooperation in the form of insistent tugs to his slacks, Tony raises off the bed just enough for Peter to shimmy his pants and underwear down. Just a bit. Just enough. Soon Peter’s underwear join his shorts on the floor, and Tony is easing his back onto the bed.
It’s Tony’s turn to check the door, pushed to the frame and threatening them, and he pulls Peter’s blanket to cover their hips. He turns his attention back to Peter, their mouths no sooner pressing together before small hands are disappearing beneath his pillow, bringing a small bottle with them. “Oh, naughty boy, you planned this.”
Peter flashes a toothy grin, pushing the bottle into one of Tony’s hands. “Ah, I’ve only done it to myself, um, a couple times, so, be gentle, please?”
“Of course.” Tony says softly. He shuffles their position a bit, spreading Peter’s legs open and letting them spill over his thighs, Tony propping himself up on his knees and squeezing his slick fingers between his and Peter’s bodies. Peter’s body flexes when Tony presses a finger to his entrance, and Tony uses his free hand to pet gentle strokes over the outside of Peter’s thigh. “I need you to relax, sweetheart. And if it’s too much, if it’s more than you were than you were thinking, if you have any second thoughts, anything, please let me know.”
Peter exhales slowly, relaxing against Tony’s finger. “Okay, I will.”
Tony smiles fondly when he presses his finger into Peter’s body and receives a quiet whine in return. Tony watches Peter’s face carefully, searching for any sign of discomfort as he moves his finger in and out. All he sees is Peter slowly getting used to the intrusion, his brows tipping upward when Tony curls his finger exactly where he knows he should.
“Oh…” Peter huffs. “That. That’s good.”
“Yeah?” Tony asks as he repeats the motion a few times, eventually adding a second finger. It is clear that Peter hasn’t gone this far yet, his body locking down with fear at the stretch. “Hey, hey, remember, relax. It gets so much better, let me show you.”
Peter swallows and nods, his eyes squeezed shut as he forces his body to go lax. Almost immediately, that great feeling from before is happening again, this time stronger, Tony working with more surface area. “Oh God, Mr. Stark…”
From there, Peter fully trusts Tony to be slow and make him feel good. When Tony eventually works up to a third finger he talks Peter through it, achieving the stretch without a hitch. He is able to pet Peter’s spot with maximum control, watching Peter arch involuntarily at the jolt that runs through him. He can tell Peter is fighting back a noise, threatening to give them away as soon as Peter slips and gives off a just-too-loud sound of approval.
He manages to contain it, through, and soon Tony is settling himself over Peter’s body, cock slick with lube and mouth returning to Peter’s. Peter’s hands snake up to hold onto Tony’s shoulders, humming quietly into Tony’s lips. When the hot skin of Tony’s head presses against Peter’s entrance, Peter is made to look into Tony’s eyes.
“You alright?” Upon received an affirmative nod, Tony asks, “/This/ alright?”
Peter sighs when Tony uses his hand to swirl the head of his cock around Peter’s hole, and he nods again. “Yeah, it’s okay, I’m okay.”
Tony kisses Peter as he slowly, slowly pushes inside, stopping any time Peter stiffens beneath him. In a short time, Tony is fully seated and he is scooping an arm under Peter’s body to pull him in closer, holding him tight as his body gets used to the intrusion. One of Peter’s hands grip at his slacks, still hugging to Tony’s thighs, while the other cups Tony’s cheek, Peter’s mouth doing its best to keep up with Tony’s.
“Move.” Peter murmurs into Tony’s lips, his mouth falling open when Tony pulls back slightly, pushing in again. Tony repeats this movement several times, barely moving at all, testing to make sure Peter is good. The hair on Peter’s neck stands on end when Tony kisses down his throat, the scratch of his beard contrasting with the smooth push and pull of his hips.
Slowly, gently, Tony lengthens his strokes. This seems to be easier for Peter to relax into, and soon, Tony is picking up an easy rhythm. Peter makes choked noises each time Tony’s head passes over a certain spot inside him, and Tony tilts his hips to try to maximize that feeling for Peter. He knows he’s on the right track when he pushes in and Peter gasps sharply, body jolting.
“Like that, like that!” Peter chants quietly, his body starting to tremble with effort to hold himself still and not drill himself down into Tony’s lap.
Tony lies Peter flat on his back, legs hooked around his waist, and balances himself on an elbow. His other hand weaves between their bodies, taking Peter’s cock in his hand for what he realizes is the first time. “So good, Peter, you feel so good, fuck.”
Between Tony’s hand on his cock and praises in his ear and cock in his ass, Peter is having a really hard time keeping quiet, his hips canting as he whimpers, “M-Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark-!”
“Shh,” Tony soothes, stroking Peter’s cock in time with the quickening pace of his thrusts. “Gotta try to be quiet, Petey. Why don’t you use my shirt, that’ll help you out.”
Peter doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around Tony and bury his face in his chest, releasing a debauched sigh he had been holding back for a while. Tony’s movements start to become less rhythmic, more of an animalistic rutting than anything. Heat floods Peter’s stomach when he realizes that he is the one causing Tony to lose his cool, that he is making Tony start to fall apart, and before he can give a proper warning, Peter is sobbing wetly into Tony’s shirt.
Tony grunts harshly when Peter’s body pulls tight around his cock, his hole fluttering as he spills over Tony’s hand. That’s all it takes for Tony to follow suit, his hips stuttering and planting himself deep inside Peter as he comes, huffing out a harsh breath.
They finally land among Peter’s sheets, kissing gently, muttering tiny “I love you”s as they pant into each other’s mouths.
When May pushes the door open a few minutes later and sees Peter and Tony curled up under the covers, asleep, it doesn’t occur to her that anything non-platonic had been happening. Peter’s shorts lie on the floor, blending in with all of his other dirty laundry. May can’t see the come drying on Peter’s sweater, or the come dripping out onto Peter’s thigh, or that Tony didn’t even pull his pants back up before lying down and pulling Peter into him.
All she can see are Tony and Peter, faces soft and hair mussed, wrapped up peacefully in each other’s arms. She clicks off the light and gently closes the door, decidedly not willing to disturb them.
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ummm i think you'll find starker is pEDOphilLIA (plz give me peter studying whilst wearing a SI sweater and Tony just raws him) IT'S DISGUSTING you should all ne AshAMED
Is a gentle rawing okay? I’ve got a gentle rawing for you.
It the early days of their relationship, it isn’t uncommon for Tony to just hang out in Peter’s room with him while he does homework, usually under the guise of helping him with more difficult topics. May never questions Tony’s constant presence, and is actually pleased to see that Peter has a positive male role model that is so invested in his education.
The truth is, while Tony is more than willing to help Peter out, Peter usually refuses. He just likes to have Tony around, piled up together on his bottom bunk, while he studies. Tony doesn’t mind either, never unwilling to drop a meeting or a previously scheduled engagement in favor of dragging his fingers through Peter’s hair and reading the material over his shoulder.
From here, cuddled in together and the door pulled to the frame, it’s nothing for Tony to pepper kisses onto Peter’s shoulder. It’s easy for Peter to turn his head and catch Tony’s lips chastely. Nobody would be concerned to see Tony’s fingers dusting Peter’s collarbone, and Peter’s fingers laced in Tony’s beneath the blanket would go undetected.
That’s not to say that things always stay squeaky clean. Some days, not unlike today, when Peter is swallowed up in a sweater with his school’s logo on the front, basketball shorts barely clinging to his hips, Tony can’t keep his fingers above Peter’s shoulders. There are times when Peter is sometimes not satisfied with a simple press of mouths.
Those days consist of Peter pretending to read on his laptop while Tony’s fingers tease his hip bones beneath the covers. They might involve Peter’s nose wedged into Tony’s jaw, tasting Tony’s pulse under his skin. When they’re feeling brave, Tony might scoop Peter’s face in his hand and pull him impossibly closer, stealing the boy’s breaths in heated kisses.
This seems to be the way Peter prefers things to be. He is always allowed to go to Tony’s house. The doors are always open and May would never tell him no. They would never have to check the door before they kiss, Peter would never need to tuck his arousal into the waistband of his pants when things get a little hot. But Peter prefers the comfortable familiarity of his home, his bedroom, the overused sheets and blankets covered in bobbles, over the guaranteed privacy of Tony’s place.
Whether that is because Peter isn’t quite ready to make the jump to more serious sexual experiences or because he is just more comfortable at home, Tony hasn’t figured out yet. And he isn’t in a hurry to, either. Right now, Peter’s head rested on his shoulder and fingers dancing absently over his knee, Tony can think of nothing he would rather be doing.
Though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t always up for Peter turning his head and placing and open-mouthed kiss to his neck, like right now.
Peter carefully places his laptop to the side, a sweater-clad hand raising up to rest on Tony’s shoulder. His lips move timidly, making their way up Tony’s neck, over his jaw, onto his lips. A warm hand cups his cheek, and Peter peeks at the door before he offers Tony his tongue through his teeth.
Tony hums quietly, licking the tip of Peter’s tongue as he opens his mouth to let him in. Peter’s movements are clumsy, his tongue a little too wet, his teeth clicking softly into Tony’s, but Tony gently guides Peter through the motions. Peter pulls away to take a few breaths, his cheeks tinted with nervous energy. “What’s this about?”
Peter smiles sheepishly at Tony’s quiet question, dipping back in to his mouth. “I really missed you today, Mr. Stark. I’m really happy you came over today.”
Tony smiles into Peter’s mouth. He doesn’t bring up the fact that he comes to Peter’s house almost every day after school, and spends the better part of his weekends watching him do homework in his bed. Peter is more sure of himself when he asks to enter Tony’s mouth again, and Tony raises a brow when Peter’s hand slides from his shoulder into his lap. Thin fingers play over the belt threaded through Tony’s slacks.
Peter sighs quietly when calloused fingers tease up his stomach, coming to rest over one of his pecks. Feeling a little more confident after Tony’s response, Peter allows his other hand to join the first, pulling Tony’s belt open with a dull clink, his button and zipper coming open as well. He ghosts his fingers over the waistband of Tony’s underwear, again passing a quick look to the door.
Transitioning Peter from his place beside him to his lap is easy enough, long limbs moving with surprising grace to straddle Tony’s hips. Warm digits dipping beneath the elastic on his boxers has Tony’s fingers tugging at the string of Peter’s basketball shorts. They slip smoothly down Peter’s pale thighs, and the fall to the floor with similar ease once Tony coaxes them off Peter’s calves.
Asking for Tony’s cooperation in the form of insistent tugs to his slacks, Tony raises off the bed just enough for Peter to shimmy his pants and underwear down. Just a bit. Just enough. Soon Peter’s underwear join his shorts on the floor, and Tony is easing his back onto the bed.
It’s Tony’s turn to check the door, pushed to the frame and threatening them, and he pulls Peter’s blanket to cover their hips. He turns his attention back to Peter, their mouths no sooner pressing together before small hands are disappearing beneath his pillow, bringing a small bottle with them. “Oh, naughty boy, you planned this.”
Peter flashes a toothy grin, pushing the bottle into one of Tony’s hands. “Ah, I’ve only done it to myself, um, a couple times, so, be gentle, please?”
“Of course.” Tony says softly. He shuffles their position a bit, spreading Peter’s legs open and letting them spill over his thighs, Tony propping himself up on his knees and squeezing his slick fingers between his and Peter’s bodies. Peter’s body flexes when Tony presses a finger to his entrance, and Tony uses his free hand to pet gentle strokes over the outside of Peter’s thigh. “I need you to relax, sweetheart. And if it’s too much, if it’s more than you were than you were thinking, if you have any second thoughts, anything, please let me know.”
Peter exhales slowly, relaxing against Tony’s finger. “Okay, I will.”
Tony smiles fondly when he presses his finger into Peter’s body and receives a quiet whine in return. Tony watches Peter’s face carefully, searching for any sign of discomfort as he moves his finger in and out. All he sees is Peter slowly getting used to the intrusion, his brows tipping upward when Tony curls his finger exactly where he knows he should.
“Oh…” Peter huffs. “That. That’s good.”
“Yeah?” Tony asks as he repeats the motion a few times, eventually adding a second finger. It is clear that Peter hasn’t gone this far yet, his body locking down with fear at the stretch. “Hey, hey, remember, relax. It gets so much better, let me show you.”
Peter swallows and nods, his eyes squeezed shut as he forces his body to go lax. Almost immediately, that great feeling from before is happening again, this time stronger, Tony working with more surface area. “Oh God, Mr. Stark…”
From there, Peter fully trusts Tony to be slow and make him feel good. When Tony eventually works up to a third finger he talks Peter through it, achieving the stretch without a hitch. He is able to pet Peter’s spot with maximum control, watching Peter arch involuntarily at the jolt that runs through him. He can tell Peter is fighting back a noise, threatening to give them away as soon as Peter slips and gives off a just-too-loud sound of approval.
He manages to contain it, through, and soon Tony is settling himself over Peter’s body, cock slick with lube and mouth returning to Peter’s. Peter’s hands snake up to hold onto Tony’s shoulders, humming quietly into Tony’s lips. When the hot skin of Tony’s head presses against Peter’s entrance, Peter is made to look into Tony’s eyes.
“You alright?” Upon received an affirmative nod, Tony asks, “/This/ alright?”
Peter sighs when Tony uses his hand to swirl the head of his cock around Peter’s hole, and he nods again. “Yeah, it’s okay, I’m okay.”
Tony kisses Peter as he slowly, slowly pushes inside, stopping any time Peter stiffens beneath him. In a short time, Tony is fully seated and he is scooping an arm under Peter’s body to pull him in closer, holding him tight as his body gets used to the intrusion. One of Peter’s hands grip at his slacks, still hugging to Tony’s thighs, while the other cups Tony’s cheek, Peter’s mouth doing its best to keep up with Tony’s.
“Move.” Peter murmurs into Tony’s lips, his mouth falling open when Tony pulls back slightly, pushing in again. Tony repeats this movement several times, barely moving at all, testing to make sure Peter is good. The hair on Peter’s neck stands on end when Tony kisses down his throat, the scratch of his beard contrasting with the smooth push and pull of his hips.
Slowly, gently, Tony lengthens his strokes. This seems to be easier for Peter to relax into, and soon, Tony is picking up an easy rhythm. Peter makes choked noises each time Tony’s head passes over a certain spot inside him, and Tony tilts his hips to try to maximize that feeling for Peter. He knows he’s on the right track when he pushes in and Peter gasps sharply, body jolting.
“Like that, like that!” Peter chants quietly, his body starting to tremble with effort to hold himself still and not drill himself down into Tony’s lap.
Tony lies Peter flat on his back, legs hooked around his waist, and balances himself on an elbow. His other hand weaves between their bodies, taking Peter’s cock in his hand for what he realizes is the first time. “So good, Peter, you feel so good, fuck.”
Between Tony’s hand on his cock and praises in his ear and cock in his ass, Peter is having a really hard time keeping quiet, his hips canting as he whimpers, “M-Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark-!”
“Shh,” Tony soothes, stroking Peter’s cock in time with the quickening pace of his thrusts. “Gotta try to be quiet, Petey. Why don’t you use my shirt, that’ll help you out.”
Peter doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around Tony and bury his face in his chest, releasing a debauched sigh he had been holding back for a while. Tony’s movements start to become less rhythmic, more of an animalistic rutting than anything. Heat floods Peter’s stomach when he realizes that he is the one causing Tony to lose his cool, that he is making Tony start to fall apart, and before he can give a proper warning, Peter is sobbing wetly into Tony’s shirt.
Tony grunts harshly when Peter’s body pulls tight around his cock, his hole fluttering as he spills over Tony’s hand. That’s all it takes for Tony to follow suit, his hips stuttering and planting himself deep inside Peter as he comes, huffing out a harsh breath.
They finally land among Peter’s sheets, kissing gently, muttering tiny “I love you”s as they pant into each other’s mouths.
When May pushes the door open a few minutes later and sees Peter and Tony curled up under the covers, asleep, it doesn’t occur to her that anything non-platonic had been happening. Peter’s shorts lie on the floor, blending in with all of his other dirty laundry. May can’t see the come drying on Peter’s sweater, or the come dripping out onto Peter’s thigh, or that Tony didn’t even pull his pants back up before lying down and pulling Peter into him.
All she can see are Tony and Peter, faces soft and hair mussed, wrapped up peacefully in each other’s arms. She clicks off the light and gently closes the door, decidedly not willing to disturb them.
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some good fics where Peter or Tony think the other doesn't like them?
I haven’t read many, but here’s what I found:
Unrequited by  Kewlmint34
I got you something? by lavenderlotion
The Missing Hours by Sparcina
With catatonic mind and lips by  moshelle
Also, there’s Not in that way by Samioli but I’m waiting for the secon part to write a review ;)
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 by Kewlmint34 - Read here
Summary: Peter finally asks a good question. Was Tony worth it?
Are you looking for something sad and dark? Well then, look no more. This fic might be short (just above 1000 words), but it sure hits right in the feels like a punch to the stomach. It’s all about power dynamics and emotional manipulations, so don’t read if these are touchy subjects for you.
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I Got You Something?
by  lavenderlotion - Read here
Summary: “-anks Friday! I’ll see ya later,” Peter’s voice rings out in the silence of the workshop, and Tony’s heart fucking flutters.“Kid,” Tony says, though it’s more of a reminder than a term of endearment.“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter calls out, voice as bright as sunshine and Tony ignores the nervous feeling in his stomach, firmly tells himself he’s too old to have a crush.That’s not what he’s feeling, anyways.He’s rather good at lying to himself.
Oh God, this one is so sad and sweet. I have a soft spot for every fic where Tony is super in love with Peter, because usually it’s Peter the blushing mess in front of him. Not that I don’t enjoy that, but reading about the opposite situation is refreshing. 
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The Missing hours
by  Sparcina - Read here
Peter wakes up after Tony Stark’s welcoming party severely ill and confused. Soft smiles, warm eyes and caresses are all he can remember from the night prior. The problem, he soon discovers, is that he’s not merely hangover: his current state is infinitely more frightening... and the most precious gift life has to offer.
This is, at the moment, a WIP, but the “Chapters: 8/18″ on Ao3 gives me hope the author won’t give up on this story. 
I can see how this fic could be not everyone’s cup of tea - considering the fact that, you know, Peter is pregnant. But I think it’s very well-written and I enjoyed it even if I’m not a big fan of Mpreg. Definetely a good read! 
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With catatonic minds and lips
By  moshelle - Read here
Summary: As Peter gazed at Tony sleeping before him, he thinks about all the times he had come to wait for him to notice before he realised how undoubtedly fucked and far gone he was in falling in love with him. 
A sad, poetic one-shot to read if you’re in the mood for some pining!Peter and a good dose of hurt!Tony.
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This will be inspired by the beginning scene of one of my top 5 favourite movies of all time. The Babysitters. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. :)
Continua a leggere
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More Tags
>> Rating
>> About the relationship
(Seemingly) Unrequieted Love
Mutual Pining
>> About Peter
>> About Tony
Sugar Daddy!Tony
>> Tropes and Situations
Road Trip
Coming Out
(Temporary) Amnesia
Unresolved sexual tension
>> Kinks and Warnings
Shower sex
(Attempted) Sexual Assault
Heat (a/b/o dynamics)
Dirty Talk
Praise Kink
Daddy kink
Drunk sex
First time
+ reblogs of Tumblr ficlets
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And so we spiral
 by DaScribbla - Read here
Summary: Tony Stark knows he should be acting as a mentor, as the responsible adult, the referee. But if he can barely handle his own problems, how can he also juggle Peter Parker’s, all the while pretending that he doesn’t notice the way the kid looks at him? He never was much good at following the rules.
Are you in the mood for angst and pining!Peter? And also, maybe, for a painfully realistic take on statuatory rape (don’t worry though, Peter is 100% consenting)? Well, then look no more. The story gets kinda dark near the end, so mind the tags before reading.
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