#shikaku (headcanon)
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animeomegas · 2 years ago
I wanted to ask if you can do a more in-depth, for Shikamaru in his obsession. Like, A more in-depth look at everyone’s reaction when they found out and a more in-depth look at how they treat each other. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I am obsessed with Shikamaru and his obsession
Hehe, I think lots of people love Shikamaru and his obsession~ I decided to write about what happens just after they met for the first time, hope you enjoy~
Omega!Shikamaru x Alpha!Reader
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Summary: Meeting his obsession at only age 5, Shikamaru is lucky enough to have his entire lifetime with his obsession at his side. Shikaku doesn't feel quite so lucky.
Word count: 1.25k
Warnings: None.
Shikaku didn’t know whether to be proud, irritated or resigned at the situation that had been suddenly dumped in his lap. The burn of your parents’ suspicious eyebrow raises had him leaning towards the latter two emotions, but the happy purrs his son was letting at his feet, massaging his baby Obsessions hands in his own, tipped the scale back towards proud.
He still couldn’t believe that his son, barely five years old, had already found his obsession. He had been dreading the day this happened, remembering the way his own father had had to reign him in when he fell for Yoshino, and anticipating an older Shikamaru giving him some good old-fashioned karma. But it happening this soon wasn’t something he had predicted, nor something he was ready for. Even in his worst-case imaginings, he had thought about a hormonal fifteen-year-old Shikamaru, never a five-year-old that had only just started learning how to control his emotions.
Shikaku sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. The whole situation was troublesome.
“I understand that this is shocking, it is a surprise to us as well, Naras rarely find their obsessions this young,” his wife explained to your parents.  He was so glad she was here to help him handle this. “But it isn’t something that can be taken back, nor something that can be stopped, so our best course of action is to figure out how we’re going to move forward.”
“This isn’t our first-time hearing about the Nara obsession instinct,” your mother said, seemingly the more relaxed one of your two parents, if the way your father was perched on the edge of the sofa like a tightly coiled spring was anything to go by. “But we had planned on only allowing sleepovers once they turned eight, so hearing about the expectation of sleepovers so suddenly isn’t easy to digest. I don’t understand why playdates can’t suffice.”
Shikaku tuned out Yoshino’s response, knowing that she would handle everything while ruffling as few feathers as possible. Well, provided your parents remained civil and open-minded. If they started demanding things that would hurt Shikamaru, Shikaku would have to pull her back before she decided violence was the best way to solve the problem. But seeing as the coast was clear for the moment, he turned his gaze towards his only son.
Shikamaru still had a tight grip on your hand, but his full attention was on your face now. He was leaning in just a little too close as you spoke, but you didn’t seem to mind. At least the silver lining was that Shikamaru had picked a relaxed baby alpha to obsess over.
“Your hair is very pretty,” you said quietly, a little smile on your face. “I like it.”
Furious purrs erupted from Shikamaru, his little face flushing in pride. Shikaku watched with amusement as Shikamaru immediately used his free hand to try and pull his hair out of his ponytail. His tiny fingers fumbled for a moment, but he eventually got it loose and yanked it out, pulling a few strands out along with it without so much as a flinch.
Shikaku remembered that feeling all too well, the way the desire to please Yoshino, make her happy with him, overshadowed everything else, even pain. When he first chose her, he would have been able to walk over a field of glass without flinching if he thought it would make her smile.
“You can touch it if you want,” Shikamaru said, practically vibrating with excitement as he leant his head forward, his now loose hair falling forwards towards you. “I don’t mind.”
“Wow, so soft!” you exclaimed, running your fingers through his hair. “Do you wash it with fairy dust?”
“No, just shampoo, but I also use conditioner,” Shikamaru announced proudly, pushing his head into your hand like a cat.
Shikaku smothered a snort. He imagined that Shikamaru would no longer roll his eyes and try to get out of using conditioner at bath time, something he was sure would delight his wife.
“We just can’t agree to that many nights with them away from home, away from us, they’re our child,” your mother said, just as Shikaku turned one ear back to the main conversation. “We might be able to divide the four nights in half though. We could have Shikamaru stay with us for two nights, but we’d need support navigating their relationship because we don’t know what’s normal or-“
Confident that things were going well enough that he wouldn’t have to restrain his wife, Shikaku turned back to his son and the baby alpha sitting on the floor beside him.
“Can I plait your hair, please?” you asked his son, still idly petting him.
Only yesterday, the same question had come from Ino, although the tone had been a little more demanding, and his son had rolled his eyes, refused, called Ino troublesome and gone to hide upstairs to take a nap.
His response now was like night and day. Shikaku watched his son’s face light up, his head bobbing up and down instantly.
“Yes, yes, whenever you want,” he said, falling over himself to turn around and present you with the back of his head. He scooted backwards until he was almost on your lap and then folded his hands together on his lap, waiting with barely contained excitable energy.
It was so strange seeing his son like this. He was used to his lazy petulance when face with chores, the competitive gleam in his eyes when they played shogi, his thinking face when he was presented a new puzzle or mystery, but this tidal wave of genuine, open affection and eagerness for companionship was something Shikaku had never seen.
“Thanks! You’re the best, Shika!” you said, separating his hair into three parts.
His son looked ready to ascend to a different plane of being.
This whole thing was a mess, Shikaku though, rubbing at his eyes. He wasn’t looking forward to the hundreds of tantrums he’d have to diffuse, the weird impulses he’d have to redirect or having to host another five-year-old in his house all the time. However, the pure happiness radiating off his son was more than worth all the bad. He was glad that Shikamaru would have his obsession with him for his entire life, and maybe it was wishful thinking, but hopefully Shikamaru would be used enough to his obsession and coping mechanisms that the hormonal nightmare of teenagerhood wouldn’t be so bad.
Shikaku gave the two children one more glance, vaguely amused to see Shikamaru silently mouthing ‘my alpha’ over and over again as you focused on plaiting his hair, before properly turning back to the conversation he was supposed to be a part of.
Everything would work out; he would make it so.
“Well, we should probably head off now,” your father said, standing up, holding the newly drawn up custody arrangement. “We’re having dinner with my parents tonight. Darling, time to leave, go and get your shoes on, please.”
“WHAT?! NO!”
“Here we go,” Shikaku sighed, trying to intercept Shikamaru before he got a hold on the baby alpha. Too late.
“Shikamaru, let go, they have to go home,” he said, kneeling down on the floor with them both.
“No!” his son whined, tears gathering on his water line. “They’re my alpha! Mine!”
“Shikamaru, that wasn’t a suggestion. Let them go.”
Shikamaru only growled at him, so Shikaku just started pulling him off you by the scruff.
“Shikamaru, stop struggling, stop- Ow! You little- He just bit me!”
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tikapaprika · 10 months ago
He couldn't find it in the sky.
Today's clouds were perfectly white and fluffy, painted onto a pure blue background, flawless, so close to perfection.
It was a perfect day to be lazy and just watch like usual. But something was bothering him, this amazing scenery didn't feel right.
Was it because the peaceful blue wasn't enough?
Was it because he carved more? He wanted to reach beyond blue, to see colors that trespass the perfect sky and meet vivid leaves of numerous trees.
"What are you doing here? Isn't your mission objective arriving soon." The deep voice called to him, forcing Shikamaru to notice the scared face, to look into his eyes, and to see the same color he remembered from that morning, staring back at him through a mirror.
Quite a boring sight, sadly, not the one Shikamaru carved.
"What's the color between blue and green called?" Shikamaru asked without a reason. He already knew the answer.
"Turquoise maybe, why?" The scared man said with a raised eyebrow, indulging his son.
"You can't find teal in Konoha." Shikamaru said, his eyes shifting back to the sky. He was thinking, saying dumb things, entertaining himself with this stupid philosophy.
"I'm sure I saw the building painted quite similarly somewhere around here."
"Nope, it doesn't."
It didn't exist naturally, didn't move similarly, and didn't change its glow in the light's way.
It didn't stare at him as intently or directly.
Teal only existed in Suna, it came and went, but it resided there only. Shikamaru decided on that.
Shikaku didn't say another word and left the kid to ponder. He smirked, guessing the reason for all this thinking, although letting time to work its way was better in his humble opinion. Waiting will be worth it when he sees the look of realization on Shikamaru's face.
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senjutsunade · 9 months ago
|| We all know that Tsunade was completely left to her lonesome once her brother, grandmother and Dan passed. Unable to count on the support of her friends and teammates, she was forced to leave the village with Shizune in tow. Writing prompt on Tsuna-chan's support system when she returned to the village and how she deals with the difficulties of being the Godaime and reworking the leaf's flimsy medical structure. ^^
Note: You and CI just love giving me the hard tasks, don't you? This will make my arms hurt AGAIN! Be glad I adore you both as much as I do - on days you don't deserve it. u-u'' I'll incorporate a bunch of my headcanons we discussed in this too. I will do this in two parts though. I will work on the second part - reworking the medical structure as a separate post.
Godaime's Support System Head Canons
Returning to Konoha, Tsunade felt a profound sense of displacement. The village she had once known, the streets she had walked, were now a blend of familiarity and alienation. The buildings had changed, the faces were different, and the few that she did recognize were either children she had once known, now adults, or people who had aged so much they were barely recognizable. Twenty-five years away from Konoha had left a significant gap, one that was starkly apparent as she took on the mantle of Hokage.
Being the Godaime Hokage was a struggle. She is suddenly in the role of Hokage in a village where generations are used to seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage - apart from the short sparkly Namikaze interlude (then stupid flake went and died and probably cursed Tsunade with his dying breath to become the godaime). She was an enigma to the villagers—a line in the history books, known but not known. They had no choice but to accept her leadership, but trust was a different matter. The first few months were challenging. She felt unfit, an impostor in the role she had chosen. She had chosen to stop running, even though it is in her very nature to do so. But that was where her loyalty to Konoha really shone - though her instinct screamed at her to leave and never look back, she stays. All her loss and pain still has done little to stifle the love for her home.
Support comes to her in the form of Shizune - ever loyal and the caretaker. Their relationship, though, was fraught with underlying tension. Shizune had always been the responsible one, the caretaker, despite being younger. She had seen Tsunade's brokenness, even when Tsunade tried to hide it. This created a deep sense of guilt in Tsunade. Though their love for each other was deep, their relationship never became one of true confidants. Tsunade, lost in her own head, believed she was protecting Shizune from her darkness, not realizing she was doing more harm than good. Shizune wanted to help Tsunade get back on her feet, but Tsunade, due to her pain and guilt remained blind to Shizune's strength, and kept her at a distance, unconsciously denying Shizune the chance to get closer. This strained their relationship, creating a painful distance despite their closeness. It was Tsunade's biggest failure. Despite all these underlaying issues between their relationship, on their return to Konoha, Shizune became a constant source of support and helped streamline Tsuande's administration in a manner that had the system up and running smoothly in a matter of days.
Jiraiya, the fool, could read Tsunade like an open book. He saw her struggles and stayed in the village during those first few weeks, lending his silent strength. She would never admit it—her ego wouldn't allow it—but she deeply appreciated his presence. The Sannin had always been a team, against the world, and having one of her teammates by her side was a comfort as she navigated this new chapter of her life.
Next to join the circle was Kakashi. Seeing Kakashi was jarring for Tsunade. Adult Kakashi looked so much like Sakumo that it was almost painful, yet hard to connect with the sullen, glaring toddler she remembered. The toddler she had spent a number of afternoons with after Sakumo's passing and the one whose memory had haunted her many a time over the years once she left Konoha - his being the last face she saw before she left (how many loved ones had she disappointed by now?). Over time, they struck the oddest friendship (*), loss and bitter experiences acting as the bridge between the two separate generations; kindred spirits who came to rely on each other. Kakashi started filling in the gaps the absence of Jiraiya and Orochimaru had left. This friendship was an integral part of Konoha starting to feel like home again. Kakashi quickly became her right-hand man, his reputation in ANBU and among the jonin turning the tide in her favor. His loyalty was unfaltering, making him a central figure in her support circle.
Inoichi Yamanaka(**) was another key figure in her support network. As her third-cousin(**), their relationship had roots in their shared past and their mutual connection to Minato(**). When she returned, they picked up their relationship easily. Inoichi, along with Shikaku and Choza, formed a bond with Tsunade during a mission when their sensei was injured(***). Shikaku, with his respect for Tsunade's skills and beliefs, was the natural choice for Jonin Commander, a position he held with distinction.
With Kakashi as her right hand, Shikaku as her left, and Shizune managing both administration and the hospital, Tsunade's inner circle was complete. Kakashi and Shikaku's advice equipped her to handle the village's disastrous state, while Shizune's unwavering support helped her stay grounded.
An unexpected addition to this dynamic was Shikamaru. From their first meeting, there was a sense of understanding between them. Shikamaru's brilliance and strategic mind made him a valuable consultant. His involvement allowed Tsunade to influence the younger generation, reinforcing her belief in the Will of Fire.
Note: This is her inner most circle. In time she develops strong relationships with other jonin and chunin, like Anko (who she had known before leaving Koniha so it was was another shock - which became a migraine once she learned exactly how unhinged and at times annoyingly clingy the kunoichi is), Izumo, Kotetsu, Genma, Iruka, and Asuma.
* Headcanon shared with @konohagakurekakashi.
** Headcanon: Tsunade is cousins with Inoichi and Minato, with Tsunade having a Yamanaka mother and Minato having a Yamanaka grandmother. Due to their age and similar ideas, Minato and Inoichi are rather close growing up. The two genin often end up bugging Tsunade because Minato has developed a fascination with fuinjutsu. This is a headcanon I share with @minaa-munch.
*** Headcanon: During a mission, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio's sensei was injured and needed a few months to recover. During those months, the trio was placed under Tsunade's temporary supervision. Her devil-may-care attitude and wit (the looks certainly helped—as obvious by his words when he declares her the world's most beautiful woman on her return to Konoha) led to Shikaku developing a crush on her, much to Inoichi and Minato's horror ("She's our cousin!!!").
Inspired by: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6698337/1/Regrets
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vinodiriso · 9 hours ago
One of the greatest dark secrets in the Nara's head bloodline is that one of the clan heads, Nara Shikahiko, Shikaku's father, could not use the clan's signature jutsu, Kagemane.
Shikahiko was officially enlisted as a shinobi, although most of his time was spent in bureaucracy given his severe handicap. This being said, he was never able to learn Kagemane and use it proficiently in battle.
Being his father unable to teach him, Shikaku had to learn from a different source. It was his uncle Kadorou (ref. to here) that taught him how to utilise Kagemane, often commenting on the boy's drive to learn and excel as a ninja fuelled by his burning need to be recognized and loved by a demanding, emotionally shunned father.
After Shikaku perfected Kage-Kubishibari (his own spin on the clan's traditional technique), his uncle praised him for his talent and dedication, while his father failed to acknowledge his merits. This resulted in a huge fight between father and son, where Shikamaru threatened to expose Shikahiko to his fellow clansmen and clan heads for his shortcomings in Kagemane, calling him "the Shadow-less Half-Ninja" and a disgrace to the family name.
This was the first of the three huge falling-outs Shikaku and his father would have during their lives. The second would happen after Shikaku announced his choice of marrying outside the clan, and the third (the one that completely broke their relationship) was when, after his wife had fallen into a coma from the trauma of giving birth to their son, his father would suggest taking the child under his care and leaving her to die to marry a more suitable match.
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thottyimagines · 2 years ago
Who are sugar daddies/mommies
(I vote tsunade)
Tsunade can't be a sugar mommy because she has crippling gambling debt.
But I could see Tobirama, Madara, Sasuke, Shikaku, and (hilariously) Hinata coming to some sort of comfortable money-related arrangement with someone.
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konohadaddies · 6 months ago
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward?
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
🫶what does after care look like for them?
(For Shukaku and Inoichi ~)
Most definitely, kissing is amazing to him. Cuddles are nice but will usually lead to a snoring Nara eventually.
When he finishes, you can watch stress just wash out of him. Its the one time that his mind quiets fully, just for a few seconds, and he can let go of some of his stress,
For receiving after care, water, a smoke, maybe a light snack, cuddles and preferably a nap. But he's happy to give his partners anything they need.
Absolutely. He will give up air in favor of more connection with his partner. Cuddles are important to him, ending the intimacy too quickly causes him anxiety and a emotional/hormonal drop.
When he's finished, Inoichi turns into a cat lol he is all nuzzles and tender kisses and clinging to his partner for just keeping that intimacy long enough for his body to come down.
Cuddles, touches, maybe something to nibble or drink so long as it doesn't make him give up touching his partner. It takes him a while to soothe himself back to a normal state.
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wranri-hallon · 1 year ago
Naruto Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
Konoha Genin and Jonin Part 2/2
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Iroha Hyuga is an aroace cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Jiraiya is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Kizashi Haruno is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Might Duy is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Mikoto Uchiha is a straight ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Sakumo Hatake is a straight cismn who goes by he/him pronouns
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Shibi Aburame is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
Shikaku Nara is an ambiamorous, straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Shizune is a lesbian ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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splatbandcanons · 1 year ago
Trick or treat for, uh... probably any of the Chripy Chips
I can't decide so I'll just do all of them (also I'm counting general festive treats as candy )
Raian would go as classic vampire and his favorite candy is Carmel apples
Noiji though would have an over the top vending machine costume complete with snacks. His favorite is unapologetically candy corn
Shikaku would go as a cowboy,his favorite candy is those little balls of Carmel popcorn
Harmony/ paruko would show up as a sheet ghost. She's a sour skittle type girl
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loudstrawberryblizzard · 8 months ago
Izumo and Kotetsu need way more love and recognition they deserve especially the headcanons and boyfriend scenarios like these. 😊
Naruto boys Dirt talk headcanons
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Nara Shikamaru
Shikamaru loves to talk dirty to you. All the time. He's gotten in trouble at the mission desk and the office for saying dirty things to you in front of others. He would definitely have a degrading kink and does it on purpose because he wants you to punish him. He has many kinks and is definitely a brat. 
Hyuuga Neji 
Neji would say he’s not into it and wouldn't be a huge fan but he melts every time you whisper praise into his ear. He's way too uncomfortable to stay anything dirty to you and would be too uncomfortable to roleplay.
Kotetsu may seem like the one more into dirty talk but he's only into it if you are. He's very easy to embarrass but will like when you talk dirty to him during sex more because you enjoy it. He would be willing to roleplay if you're into it.
Izumo seems so sweet and innocent but when you're in bed with him, he's so dirty. He loves talking dirty and when you talk dirty to him. He would be very into kinks and roleplaying.
Yamato would be uncomfortable at first but very into it. He probably won't say anything but loves when you talk dirty to him. He would definitely have a praise kink and is very into wood puns. 
Gemma loves teasing you all the time. He would also get in trouble for saying dirty things in front of his superiors. With him its in bed, out of bed, and even in public. He’ll love it even more if you tease him back.
He may seem so straight lace while he's working but once you two are alone, is another story. He would like some light roleplaying and talk during foreplay but hes not as vocal during sex. 
Hatake Kakashi 
Kakashi would be very into dirty talk and he would have a huge praise kink. You tell him he’s a good omega and he would just melt under you.
Shikaku would definitely be into dirty talk. He would also definitely have a degrading kink and be a brat only he keeps those things private for the most part. He would be very into kinks and willing to try anything you were into as long as you were willing to try things he’s into. He would also definitely send you notes during the day with dirty things in them for you if you worked in the hokage offices near him. Everyone knows that they are dirty but you know not to read them in front of people after the first few times, as they quickly get worse and more detailed. 
Inuzuka Kiba
He would be very into it. Kiba would have a huge breading kink. All he wants you to do is tell him how pregnant you’ll make him and how hot he would be pregnant. 
Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto would be very into it. He’s loud and proud about it too, though he’ll tone it down once he’s hokage. 
Rock Lee
He gets very confused by dirty talk. He likes it and tries to talk dirty back to you but it's either really sweet or doesn't make any sense. 
Maito Gai 
Gai would have a youth kink (is that even a thing? It would be for him at least.) he would talk a lot during sex, not exactly sure you could call it dirty talk.
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martialartslover7 · 4 months ago
Weird Wednesday Headcanon: Outside of Team 7, Neji, Shikamaru and Kiba sympathize the most with Sasuke's fall from grace after the Five Kage Summit.
Alright, this is another headcanon of mine that can be written off as "mental", but hear me out, this has so much potential.
I'd like to think that, outside of Team 7, Sasuke wasn't just closely acquainted with Naruto, Sakura or Kakashi, but also:
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Neji (whom we even got a small teaser hint of a rivalry between him and Sasuke for, which sadly, never came to be, because Byakugan VS Sharingan is a question in the community, that truly needs answering)
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Shikamaru (shogi rivals, nuff' said, the only guy, that managed to corner Shikamaru at his own game, I mean, Sasuke is meant to be a genius too, so, why not?)
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Kiba (just being around him, Sasuke's IQ just automatically decreases, but in a fun way, like Renji and Uryu from Bleach, considering, Kiba had lived most of his life, surrounded by moody, dominating women, and he might be Sasuke's "stay-in wingman", when it comes to Sakura, or they would just talk about how tiring women can be, but they do manage to get best results out of you with their motivation, and he would be way easier to handle for Sasuke, because unlike Naruto, Kiba ain't braindead)
These are the three main players, but if you want, you can also put Choji and Rock Lee into the mix, considering that, later down the road, Sasuke's and Choji's daughter would end up becoming besties, and if Might Guy wouldn't survive the war, he and Lee can become the new Kakashi and Might Guy, the next generation, if you will. And this is ironic, because...
...just by coincidence, who else was sent to get Sasuke back, to prevent him from defecting to Orochimaru? Ah yes.
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But now, I get to the meat and bones of this thread. And that being, the reason why I believe personally, it was a wasted opportunity to not give Sasuke more personal allies that sympathize with his actions, after he joined the Akatsuki.
Like, NO ONE can tell me, that the Uchiha weren't the only ones, who were under close observation within Konoha borders, by the elders. Sure, they were the biggest target, but it leaves you asking, especially in regards to those clans, who are either the strategist faction, or possess sensory type abilities: What about them? Wouldn't they suspect that something was going horribly wrong over there, at the Uchiha compound? Did absolutely NO ONE hear the screams, or blood splatters? I am just not sold on the idea that EVERYONE in Konoha blindly agreed to Tobirama's discriminatory policies, some had to know better than most. The select few, who weren't exactly fans of just distancing themselves from another clan, all because some frankly racist piece of garbage for a Hokage said so, along with the useless shitstains, that are the Konoha elders, especially Danzo.
And now, three people come to mind, where I truly felt like, they could have been there that night, when the Uchiha clan was being slaughtered, and they were either too late to stop it, or Itachi had knocked them out with his Genjutsu (which purposely contradicts Madara's propaganda about "no one in the village cared about the Uchiha, and only saw them as tools"). And ironically, they are probably the very select few of the adult shinobi, who weren't complete sub-human trash.
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Hizashi Hyuga.
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Shikaku Nara.
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Tsume Inuzuka.
Just picture these three adults being the only ones, who caught on to what was happening, through not just the screams of terror, the smell of blood, or seeing through the walls with the Byakugan from Hizashi. But sadly, by the time they arrive, most of the Uchiha were already slaughtered. And right before they could even act to evacuate those, who may have survived, Itachi arrives, and knocks them clean out with his Tsukuyomi, not killing them, as their passing would just cause an uproar throughout the village, the following day.
And once Danzo learns, that three non-Uchiha, Leaf shinobi, were actually present that night, and they may or may not have caught a glimpse of who else was there that night, Hizashi, Shikaku and Tsume were forced to stay silent on the matter, as Danzo threatened them, through the lense of the ROOT Anbu:
"Dare to let a single word about last night's events slip, then your clans will be receiving severe repurcussions."
I mean, sure, it's kind of silly to try and silence three unrelated Leaf ninja into keeping silent, but considering how paranoid the elderly can be, especially Danzo, I wouldn't put it past him to actually go there.
And how convenient, because as the story progressed, two of these adults would wind up deceased. Shikaku died in the 4th Great Ninja war. One piece of the puzzle, gone.
Hizashi would actually be the first one to die, before all two of them, because the Hyuga clan was trying to mend their security blunder that one fateful night, when someone from Kumogakure tried to kidnap Hinata. But keeping in mind everything I just said, it just adds another layer to how corrupt this shinobi system truly is. Who is to say, Danzo basically bribed the Hyuga elders to sacrifice Hizashi, in place of Hiashi, because he couldn't possibly risk that one defiant Hyuga showing lip to the Hokage? Something to think about. Even if Hiruzen remains a useless piece of shit. You can never be TOO careful, right?
Tsume would probably be the only adult to keep on living, to tell the tale, and through her, does Kiba learn, how deep the rabbit hole with Danzo actually goes, and how Sasuke's hatred for the village MIGHT be """mildly""" justified. Especially if Neji and Shikamaru were to approach him about their own clan blunders, involving Danzo, right after his passing at the hands of Sasuke.
But especially Neji, man... If everything I said gets applied in practice, it would mean, outside of Naruto, he might also be considered worthy of facing Sasuke in battle, after the Five Kage Summit. Because, not only does he more than understand how it truly feels to lose family and loved ones, but also, how this entire shinobi system is essentially screwing over those, who were unfortunate enough to be born into families, that get treated like dirt by the government, that is supposed to protect them. Just imagine their exchange, while Kiba faces off against Jugo, and Shikamaru holds Suigetsu at bay.
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"A slave to your own family... I really don't need another moral lecture from a man, who willingly decided to stick to his own kin, despite them viewing you as nothing short of cannonfodder. And yet, despite it all, you still side with them... Run, Neji. Run and hide with your insignificant existence weighing you down, before I tear you to pieces." --Sasuke
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"No, Sasuke. You're wrong. If it's any consolation, I am more than able to sympathize with your current state of mind. As of recently, I had to learn the hard way, that you and I, at the end of the day, are not so different. Believe me, you're not the only one, who was royally screwed over by the same village that you once swore to protect. The only reason, why I am not defecting, is because I still have family left to protect... Which is something I cannot say on your behalf, as much as it saddens me to say this. You have every right to hate us. Especially considering, we believed the rumors first, leaving no room for you to speak up and defend yourself. I didn't come to lecture you. And I won't run... because I am going to make you listen." --Neji
Pretty epic, isn't it? I am sorry, Neji is just the GOAT to me, and anything to make him and Sasuke spiritual broskies, I am here for that. Just visualize how adrenaline-driven their encounter would end up being, if you add the Bankakyo Byakugan into the mix. This is how Neji's Bankakyo would look like (source by Aleister Brown):
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And for context on what this eye gives Neji for busted abilities, which make him a more or less equal match to Sasuke, after he got Itachi's eyes implanted:
Left eye: Foresight (he can look 10 seconds into the future, to predict Sasuke's moves, before he could even pull them off)
Right eye: Timeskip (improves his Taijutsu, by basically freezing time all around himself, and teleporting, at anything his eyes can see for time)
And, to make it even, with the Bankakyo, you can even summon a chakra avatar, similar to the Susano'o called, Sarutakahiko, take a look:
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And because it's me, this is the music that plays in my mind, every time I am trying to visualize their fight, with these conditions being met:
...and to end this thread on a more comical note, when I said, Sasuke's IQ lowers around Kiba, and I compared the two to Renji and Uryu, here is why. It's even more ironic when you consider, Uryu and Sasuke have the same seiyuu! Noriaki Sugiyama! Check it:
OK, OK, enough with that. Have a nice day.
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innerchorus · 26 days ago
@tired-reader-writer turns out I had some Arslan Senki: Senshi no Shikaku Isfans on my laptop! Google Translated images because I'm lazy and it looks good enough, lol.
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Before the fight with Gieve.
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Different scene; pretty sure this is from the anime scenario where Gieve playing his oud lead to Team Arslan coming to his aid when he, Zaravant and Tus rushed ahead.
(I have a headcanon that both Shapur and Isfan intensely dislike feeling indebted to others.)
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This was new.
(Honestly, I don't think Isfan or his brother take well to mockery. He's obviously feeling the sting of his poor decision here and assumes Farangis is about to rub salt in the wound. Sadly I don't have any more screencaps to see what was said next!)
Also, I did finally go and check Book 9 to see whether Tanaka truly did retcon/add that Isfan was suckled by a wolf, and yes, it appears that he did! The specific phrase used is 狼の乳, 'wolf's milk'. After being abandoned he was kept alive with wolf's milk until Shapur turned up to rescue him. Makes me wonder how much time passed between him and his mother being abandoned and Shapur finding him? I assume not long (like, not multiple days) because he was still out in the open. Even being wrapped in almost all of his mother's clothing wouldn't protect him from the temperature for long, though if the wolves curled up with him that would have helped.
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animeomegas · 2 years ago
If it's okay, could we see how shikaku was with yoshino as his obsession pretty please ❤️
Well, my requests are closed at the moment, but I can give you some quick thoughts.
Warning: injury and blood descriptions (very vague)
His obsession wasn't as strong as Shikamaru's, but he still did some crazy shit of course.
For example, Yoshino heavily used swords when she was an active ninja, but Shikaku never used swords, but really, really wanted to spar with her.
He overhyped how good he was with swords, and invited her to a sword only fight, where she thoroughly trounced him and accidentally stabbed him pretty badly in the thigh. She thought he would be able to block the hit because he hyped himself up too much, so didn't hold back.
(Normally, Nara can't spar with their obsessions but Shikaku was so confident that he'd lose and be unable to even scratch Yoshino, that his instincts allowed it lol)
This idiot tried to convince her he was fine while he was bleeding out, and only agreed to go to the hospital if she came with him.
He spent the entire time intensely fixated on Yoshino seeing his bare thigh for the first time. Did she like it? Did he have good thighs? Maybe he should flex them a bit?
All the while he's literally covered in blood.
Embarrassingly, the mednin had to ask him to stop flexing his thigh.
Shikaku is funny because he always downplays how attached he is to Yoshino when he's around others. He's with Chouza and Inoichi, and he's like "it's fine, I'm fine, totally normal about her."
And Inoichi and Chouza just look at each other like, should someone tell him that he's had his eyes glued on the kitchen door for 7 whole minutes, waiting for Yoshino to come back through with the tea?
Shikaku also lives for being bossed around by his obsession.
Shikamaru definitely misunderstood their relationship when he was a kid and thought his mother was just nagging extraordinaire. He didn't get the joke of their relationship, where Shikaku actually loves it.
Because if his obsession tells him to do something, the chore automatically becomes 1000x easier because his instincts know he's pleasing his obsession which floods his brain with all sorts of nice chemicals.
Idk, that's all I have for now, but they're cute, these two.
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leixo-demo · 10 months ago
Any raian headcannons? :3
Surprisingly I love Abxy but not on the way you guys imagine, its a different kind of loving and vision of this band, i wont explain, here are some headcanons:
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-They/he kind of alien.
-Shikaku was his neighbor when he moved to the surface at the age of 8, he was also a quite guy but his love for gachapon brought them together. They are best friends
-They later met Paruko and Noiji, they all have the same age.
-He makes random tutorial videos under another name, along with his music, both accounts are separated. He doesn't like attention he does stuff cus he likes it.
-He went to a different highschool than Shikaku and Paruko but finally joined the same class as Noiji. Later he developed a mutual crush to him.
-He wasn't part of BariBari but helped them with the audio, he's pretty good with that, all the cable management and sound correction yada yada...
-Collect tote bags of different places.
-No fingers, he has lego hands, Nintendo can't lie to you.
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cebwrites · 2 months ago
relationship headcanons (yamato)
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oc x canon (taezo) | hurt/comfort word count: 1.4k
Yamato and Tae are both strong-willed shinobi dedicated to their work and will always prioritize their duties first, they're quite reserved in public at first - to the point where you wouldn't assume they had any connection to each other outside of work - but they never stray too far from one another; as time passes and their relationship strengthens and changes, the space between their passing interactions slowly start to shrink
Only close friends are able to notice initially, but they all enjoy watching the gap between these two men slowly close until they're more or less always hovering over or around each other; Kakashi, Kotetsu and Izumo seem to take the most glee in pointing this out and teasing Yamato about it (since attempting to with Tae would only yield a dry nod of acknowledgement and that's no fun)
As the gif implies, Tae does just that - only it's "Tenzo-senpai" instead, since Yamato was his senior at the time of first meeting - Yamato has gone by a handful of other aliases in the time they've known each other, going on passing missions and pretending like they're strangers all over again, but "Tenzo" is the one Tae has known him for the longest, and the name he can't quite wipe from his memory for various reasons
Yamato chastised him for it at first, much like he does with Kakashi, reminding Tae that they're equal peers now and not to mention the different code name, but eventually he grew sweet on hearing it come out of Tae's mouth in his soft monotone so Tenzo lets it slide when they're in the privacy of just each other; and later on, after the war, other close friends and members of Tae's family that Yamato's been graciously accepted into
Tae still calls him "senpai" when he wants to be coy about something, but "Tenzo" very much is a term of affection
It states on his wiki that Yamato could be named after the legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty, coincidentally, even though he goes by Tae to almost everyone, Tae's name on his papers is "Takeru" since he had it changed to make legal nonsense go easier - both these names respectively make up the prince's full name
Additionally, "Tenzo" means "heavenly creation" and Tae's quite fond of it for reasons relating to Yamato's mokuton since to him it's rare to find anyone with jutsu that creates life rather than destroys, Tae also secretly thinks of Tenzo as his angel when he's feeling particularly sappy, but he doesn't really speak that part of his mind aloud
But speaking of underlying feelings - I think Tenzo has a hard time crying, or rather dealing with deeper, vulnerable feelings as a whole
While he isn't as completely shut down as a lot of ANBU tend to end up, there's still a substantial disconnect between himself and his emotions (especially negative ones), as if there was a literal barrier between him and his true feelings despite the polite face he puts on for daily interactions
He feels it's not particularly disingenuous, since Yamato does value courtesy and respect between hierarchies as we've seen, but he just has trouble accessing and/or expressing what he really feels, it's all just very numb to him on the rare occasions he tries
Tae is similar in a lot of ways, post-T&I incident with Shikaku and Danzo, there was a period of a few years where he couldn't cry at all no matter how hard he tried, like the tether to his emotions was completely severed by his brain in an attempt to reconcile and protect himself from the trauma he endured; many times when he attempted to let those feelings out the only thing he could manage was throwing up from the strain
It takes a long time with lots of support from his inner circle (Kotetsu and Izumo in particular, with Mizuki's second imprisonment being the thing to break Tae out of his depression stupor) to bring him back to something resembling "semi-normal"; this included rekindling Tae's relationship with his sibling, especially Genma, after Danzo had managed to convince him that everything he was doing only ended up as a hindrance and a burden to them
So while Tenzo is definitely the more "put together" one between the two of them, Tae's the one with a modicum more connection to his emotions; this ultimately benefits them both from being around one another, Tae has someone to help regulate his feelings and in return he coaxes Tenzo into being a little more vulnerable every now and again - there's still some degree of separation, though, because for a long time they were "just coworkers" who fooled around every now and again
As hard as Tae seems to be to read, Yamato gradually picked up on certain, seemingly invisible, tell-tale behaviors that helped lean his inclinations one way or another - so despite his flat affect, Yamato never had much trouble deciphering what his playmate was feeling
They were content with that, being assigned to missions that would work well with them on the same squad, go out once or twice during and after, spend time with one another, yet start to drift a little when their schedules got inconvenient and in a month or two the cycle would repeat
Neither of them were beholden to each other, they were free to take on other partners if they wished, but they knew that they had a safe place to land in the other if the opportunity called for it - it was a nice, if maybe not the most honest, little arrangement; they were both highly ranked, powerful, busy, shinobi with responsibilities to Konoha, anything that could jeopardize that couldn't be entertained
But they still sought each other out, comfort in their field was few and far between so they yielded to the small pockets of physical indulgence that happened upon them every now and again, neither really wanted to bring up how the frequency of these meet-ups gradually began to increase over the years
Being with Yamato, with Tenzo, made feelings well up in Tae's chest he hadn't felt since Shisui - soft, tender things that made his chest ache with the familiarity of a love so strong, so bright that it left him nothing but ash and cinders when it ended prematurely - so he got scared and hid his hand, intentionally letting doubt cloud his vision and second guess the ways Tenzo interacted with him, ways that he'd never seen this man act with anyone else
Yamato, likewise, had his own qualms about getting into a relationship he had no way of guaranteeing would last - whether they'd crumble through an archetypical falling out or the nature of their work cutting their courtship short just as Tae's previous flame died out
But the longer he spent around him, the more in Tae's presence he finds himself, the harder Yamato found it was to eventually pull away again, to act like they hadn't formed some bizarre, inexplicable connection the day he failed to assassinate this man because of what, a few chance encounters before that? It wasn't love at first sight, Tenzo was sure it wasn't even love yet back then, but something drew him to Tae and it seemed like with each passing day, he yearned to bask in more of whatever it was
It's the destruction of Konoha when things reach a breaking point for the tension between them - Tae dies but is brought back with the rinne-rebirth alongside everyone else who lost their lives during Pain's Assault - Yamato returns from his recon mission to the news; his first instinct is to switch into autopilot, but his feet take him to Tae's hospital room before the numbness can fully take over his body
Yet the bastard has the gall to breathe a sigh of relief, bruised and bandaged up, at his safe return, "thank god, you're okay" Tae says - sitting up with a little wince, Tenzo can't hold back the emotion threatening to spill from his eyes despite the semi-rehearsed distant excuse on his tongue, held back with the bite of Tenzo's lips
Tae was lucky to be afforded the luxury of a single room, perks of being related to the Gallant Hero that fought to obtain critical information about Pain in the first place, he supposed, but the bed was still like any other hospital bed - not built for two and definitely not extremely comfortable with a severe chest injury and an arm in a cast on Tae's part, but he was still happy to squeeze over to let his partner sleep there for the night
Takashi, finding them tangled together awkwardly in the morning (fully clothed, mind) wasn't as pleased
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twnj · 3 months ago
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Headcanon (but now probably GM canon?) inspired by @notquitejiraiya Grandmaster fic on ao3.
Shikaku: It's a blessing she doesn't know Finnish...
(If you know, you know...)
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senjutsunade · 8 months ago
Do you think Tsunade made Kakashi her successor because all of the Kage expected it, Shikaku advised it and he was pretty much the shoe in when she was out for the count, a choice that everyone just settled on in the moment. Or do you think he would have been her own choice as well. If not Kakashi who else would Tsunade nominate in Kakashi's stead. Or would she just have continued on until Naruto was eventually ready.
Anon-san, you are one evil creature, okay?! pointed look
Anyhow, for the sake of the fandom, let's tackle this one.
The simplest answer to this is, there was no one else. Ironic, right? And pretty sad too.
But the same was true for Tsunade's own turn.
After the Second and Third Wars, too many high-ranked shinobi died.
Let's talk about all the ones who had the potential to be Hokage.
Since Sarutobi's own Team 7 adventures, it seems like he was orchestrating a grand narrative with a recurring motif.
The trend started with the Sannin—his own team. From his three students, Orochimaru was considered to be the 'successor' for the longest time. How that story unfolded is another tangled web.
Following having one potential successor, Sarutobi did not stop there. He needed more. And who better than to have Hashirama's own blood? Again, Team 7 came into play, this time led by Orochimaru (see the tradition?). Another idea linked to this, which used to be a headcanon for Skye, was that Fugaku used to be on that team alongside Nawaki. The idea of having a Senju and an Uchiha on the same team, that too under Sarutobi's own student, was almost like bringing the two clans under his control. Yet fate, of course, had another plan—Nawaki died a genin, and Fugaku (and the mystery teammate) were placed on another cell. This disbanded Team 7.
Sarutobi, of course, couldn't help but try again—where Orochimaru had failed, Jiraiya was expected to succeed. And so the toad sage was the new sensei of a new Team 7 cell. This one had an unexpected prodigy—one Namikaze Minato. This time, Sarutobi's experiment was successful. A new potential Kage rose to fame. The sparkly brat burned too bright and then ended up a martyr.
But before that, his own Team 7 cell was put to the test, and from that, we get one Hatake Kakashi. Curse of Team 7 may be as strong as Shodai's necklace, honestly.
Other candidates who had the potential to be Hokage were a quite a few, starting with Uchiha Fugaku. His performance in the war was legendary. Had events not played out as they had, Fugaku would have been the ideal candidate.
Kato Dan was another potential candidate—for my muse's sake, he should have been Hokage. Maybe we would have had a better Konoha, after all. But the curse got to him too. He died before he could reach his dream.
Hatake Sakumo was another shinobi who had the potential to be Hokage. Another tragedy. Had he lived, Tsunade and Kakashi would have been spared a lot of backaches caused by paperwork. Maybe he thought the alternative was better? Cough.
Anyhow, Tsunade became Hokage because, with the situation Konoha was in, there was a need for someone of the Sannin's level. With Orochimaru as the enemy, it made sense to have another Sannin take the lead. Jiraiya was considered, but Jiraiya is more loyal to the prophecy than the village—sue me. But that is what I believe.
That left Tsunade. Kakashi MAY have been considered, but he was still too young, and the memory of Minato was still too fresh. The role fell to the last Senju.
For her own successor, from early on, it was clear it would be Kakashi. It wasn't about wanting the position anymore. The one who wanted it didn't survive. So the responsibility fell upon the ones who had never wanted to have anything to do with the position. Kakashi was Tsunade's right-hand man from the get-go. They both knew their roles and both filled them because they saw the position as not a dream but a responsibility as well as a burden that was theirs to bear. As if it could make all their sacrifices worth it. Fools.
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Kakashi was the successor because who else could it be?
Gai had the skills but not the political mindset.
Nara Shikaku had the brains for the job but not the physical skill to match it.
Kakashi checked all the boxes.
His reputation in all of the shinobi nations was strong. Enemies feared him. Allies respected him. The Hatake clan itself was known for its loyalty to Konoha. His record is second only to the Sannin themselves. He may have never wanted the post, but that was what made him good at the job. And he had a very successful 12 years, right?
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