#shifter Steve
italiansteebie · 1 year
steve harrington has a bad habit.
he takes in the dogs and cats no one wants anymore.
he's had elderly dogs, disabled cats, puppies that have grown and lost their sparkle, kittens that had been left in the dumpster. he's taken dogs that families can't handle anymore, and he does it with love. he uses his parents huge house to home animals that deserve it, animals that fill the emptiness.
so what happens after vecna is all said and done, and eddie's dead and gone, and a mangy dog crawls out from under eddie's old trailer while steve's there helping max do some minor repairs? and what happens when steve takes the dog home, names him ozzy, curtsy of eddie taking up every inch of his brain, and nurses the skinny thing back to health, along with the other strays he's taken in.
but ozzy never really liked to be around the other animals, always choosing to curl up next to steve, and maybe it was because he knew how much bigger he was than all of them because, damn. ozzy was a big ass dog.
until one night, steve shoots out of bed, drenched in sweat, chest heaving as he's recovering from a nightmare, and he catches a glimpse of none other than eddie. eddie, who's supposed to be dead. eddie who's supposed to be dead in the upside down, nonetheless, peering at him through his doorway. "what the fuck," he breaths, watching as eddie flinches nervously, "surprise," the metal head cheers flatly.
"what the fuck."
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ronearoundblindly · 1 month
weird crack fic thought this morning:
what if Bucky's little best friend/feline, Alpine, is a shapeshifter who's too afraid to become human again?
he's just so moody and broken like she is, and it's too nice to have someone who simply talks to her and takes care of her. he expects nothing, not even the comfort she so willingly gives (and takes), but they always are respectful and find their way back.
ok, now what if Alpine only considers changing back to human form when she falls in love with Steve, the utterly awkward guy who might be mildly afraid of her because he can't get her to do 'soft paws' like Bucky can. every time Steve spends the night at Buck's, she snuggles up to Steve (which Bucky finds highly amusing). there's a certain sort of adoration in her gaze and a sweet territorial fervor in the way she stretches all across his body.
what would make her break to reveal she's a shifter? would she tell Bucky first? how many times does she try before getting it right?
ANYWAY, happy thursday, I guess...
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sunnysideprincess · 5 months
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Bucky was supposed to be getting married (to Sam). Instead, he was stuck in his cat form inside a cat shelter.
Luckily, the Cat King-his best mate-was looking for him. Unluckily, this miserable human found him first.
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moonythejedi394 · 30 days
nobody asked for this snippet and nobody deserves it either
The pups start to settle. Steve is distracted by his hunger and weariness and the weight of his season blooming, however. As he's tucking in one of the two-year-olds, a draft comes through the nursery.
Steve looks up and sees the door open.
"Oh, no," he whispers.
He quickly runs outside. He sees small footprints heading towards the center of the village. Steve shuts the door behind him, making sure it latches, and then hastens in the wake of the footprints.
One of the five-year-olds has reached the edge of the party and is trying to sneak food. Steve runs up behind them and snatches them up.
"No!" they wail. "Mama!"
"You're going to get us both in so much trouble!" Steve snaps at the pup, who begins to cry.
Steve tries to get away before the noise attracts attention, but he never has good luck.
"Oh, gods, no," Peggy gasps as she sees them, "Steven! You ungrateful little wench, what do you think you're doing?!"
"I –” Steve tries to begin.
"The dragon is going to see you!" Jasper snaps, hurrying up to usher Steve away. "You'll ruin everything!"
"It's not my fault!" Steve says desperately.
"Liar!" Dolores accuses, snatching the wailing child from his arms. "I'll take the poor thing to their mama."
"They ran out!" Steve insists.
"Get back to the nursery!" Peggy snaps at him.
A shadow falls over Steve and the two irate Omegas. Steve turns slowly towards the fire and his eyes go wide.
The dragon stands before them, his face darkened around the eyes with black paint. He is still shirtless and now Steve can see that he is also barefoot; he wears only a heavy fur tasset and wide belt and braces on his forearms and calves. He stands head and shoulders above the Omegas and Steve barely sees Chief Alpha Garrett and Alpha Rumlow standing behind him, their eyes just barely on level with his shoulders.
Steve just blinks up at the dragon. The top of his head barely matches the dragon’s solar plexus.
"My apologies, good sir," Chief Alpha Garrett says as he hastens to stand between Steve and the dragon. "This child is an orphan, rescued from another pack. He's meant to be resting in our nursery with the other pups."
The dragon pushes Chief Alpha Garrett aside. Garrett stumbles from the force of the dragon's hand. Jasper and Peggy shrink away, their eyes wide. Steve is frozen where he stands, hands gripped close to his chest.
"There you are," the dragon murmurs in a deep, gravely voice. “Finally.”
Steve can only blink and gawk.
"My friend," Garrett starts.
The dragon throws up a hand, immediately causing Garrett to fall silent. The dragon takes another step nearer to Steve, coming so close that there's hardly a finger's length between them and Steve has to crane his neck to look up at him. The dragon stares down at him and somehow, Steve can see the fire reflected in his eyes.
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you, little one?" the dragon says softly.
The dragon touches Steve's face with a gentle hand. Steve sucks in a gasp, his whole body shuddering at once. Not from fear or even arousal, but at the sheer heat emanating from the dragon's hand and how utterly chilled to the bone Steve is. He impulsively grabs the dragon's wrist, clinging to him to hold him in place. His eyes are wide as he looks up at the dragon.
"You can call me Bucky, sweet boy," the dragon says. "What is your name?"
Steve jolts; he starts to stammer, unsure how to respond as his brain starts whizzing with want and need and cold and so hungry just at being called sweet. No one has ever called him something so nice.
"What is his name?" the dragon – Bucky – says to Chief Alpha Garrettt.
"His name is not important," Garrettt says hastily. "Sir, I assure you, this is not the one you are looking for, this child is infertile, defective. He isn't truly an Omega."
"Did I ask what you think of him?" Bucky growls. "I asked what his name is."
"It's Steve," Steve whispers.
Bucky's eyes snap back to his. Steve is frozen in place still, heart hammering in surprise at the sound of his own voice. Bucky smiles, lips curling away from his teeth to show sharp fangs, longer and more pointed than any wolf's.
"What a pretty name for a pretty Omega, Steve," Bucky murmurs. 
Bucky takes Steve's hands, then. He lifts them and tucks his nose into Steve's wrists. He inhales deeply and Steve gasps, ears and cheeks flaming hot as his body responds with immediate need in his lower belly.
"It seems I've arrived just in time," Bucky says in nearly a growl. "Don't worry, my pet, it won't take long to reach my mountain. You should pack your things now."
"What?" Alpha Rumlow snaps as Steve’s eyes widen. "Barnes, you can't possibly be serious! Don't you see what he is!"
"I see that he is beautiful," Bucky says in an abrupt snarl as he twists around to look at Rumlow. "I see that he is perfect in every single way the gods could have intended. And I can damn well also see that he's fucking starving! Go fetch him something to eat!"
Rumlow gulps and looks to Garrett. Steve also looks to Garrett, positively mortified. Garrett clears his throat.
"My Lord," Garrett says with great humility, a tone Steve's never heard from him, and Bucky turns to look at him. "Not that I doubt your senses, but perhaps you are tired. You have been traveling a very long time, after all. Possibly the treasure you've been tracking is simply near Steve?"
"It sounds like you doubt my senses," Bucky snaps. "Do you think I would be able to follow a scent trail across ten thousand miles and then not be able to pinpoint it once it is right under my nose?!"
Steve looks hopelessly to Peggy, silently begging her to explain to him what's happening. Peggy doesn't even notice him.
"You're tired," Garrett tries again.
Bucky growls at him. Garrett shuts his mouth with a snap, his face going red. He looks like an Alpha pup that's been snapped at with his sire's Alpha voice. Steve is amazed.
Bucky turns his gaze back on Steve. He tucks both of Steve's hands into one of his, easily covering both with his large palm, and once again brushes a gentle hand against Steve's cheek. Steve gulps.
"I'll have them give you something to tide you over for the flight home," he says. "I can imagine you will have no fond memories of this place, yes?"
"Um," Steve whispers, his voice barely leaving his throat.
"What is it, sweetheart?" Bucky asks.
"I –” Steve begins. "I'm –”
He stops again, just shaking his head. Bucky cups his chin. Steve feels the cold all over the rest of his body and then he feels a strong urge to dive into Bucky's arms. He's sure it will feel like in his dreams. Bucky puts out heat like a fire. And of course, he does. He's a dragon.
"Yes, baby?" Bucky prompts.
Steve shakes his head jerkily. "I don't understand," he croaks out.
"What don't you understand?" Bucky asks calmly.
Steve blinks several times. He glances over at Chief Alpha Garrett, but he's never gotten help from him before and has no idea why he anticipates it now. He looks back to Bucky, who is frowning.
"Do you have a chosen Alpha already?" Bucky asks, his voice nearly begging for Steve to answer no.
"Of course not," Steve blurts. "Why –? Why are you asking that?"
Bucky relaxes into a smile and he chuckles. He steps even nearer and Steve sucks in a breath. Bucky bends low at the waist and tucks his forehead against Steve's. Steve struggles to control his breathing, but now all he can smell is Bucky; a rich, sweet smoke and enticing Alpha musk and sweat. Steve feels lightheaded.
"I would hate for my treasure to be promised to another Alpha," Bucky murmurs to him. "That would be… Unpleasant."
"Treasure?" Steve repeats in a whisper.
"Yes," Bucky answers. "Your pack chief tells me that your people call their treasures their mates instead."
Steve's eyes go very wide. 
"No," he whispers. "No, no, I'm dreaming. This is a cruel, awful dream!"
"It's not a dream, honey," Bucky says quickly, his hand now moving around Steve's back, enveloping him in such warmth. "I'm here, I'm really here, baby, I promise."
Steve just shakes his head. Bucky frowns down at him.
"My Lord," Garrett cuts in. "I'm very sorry to tell you this, but Steven – Steven is a runt, he cannot be mated!"
"Did anyone ask you?" Bucky snarls at Garrett, flashing his teeth at him as his eyes glow orange. "Is this how you've treated my treasure all these years? Starving him, insulting him, demeaning him!"
"Certainly not!" Garrett answers with some aggression, though it seems childish in the face of Bucky's. "He is our nursery-maid, we keep him well and we care for him like one of our own!"
Steve feels tears pricking at his eyes. So this is how Garrett will save the pack from losing the opportunity to have dragons born into it. Convincing the dragon that Steve is some abandoned child from far away rather than born in the same village as everyone else.
Bucky whips around, ignoring Garrett, and he lets out a soft coo as he looks into Steve's eyes. Steve sucks in a shaking breath, trying to control himself.
"Don't cry, my sweet, don't cry," Bucky whispers to him. "I'm going to take you away from these horrible people, you'll never hear a harsh word spoken against you ever again."
Steve shakes his head with a jerk. Bucky frowns and he draws Steve in closer, pressing him against his chest with firm hands at the small of his back, and Steve feels so warm.
"Why do you shake your head like that, darling?" Bucky asks, stroking Steve's cheek. "What's wrong? Do you not want to leave?"
"Of course I do," Steve admits in a hoarse voice. "But – But my chief is right! I'm just a runt, I can't be mated!"
"That's a filthy lie," Bucky says, a growl nearing his voice. "I'll take you to my mountain and show you just how easy it will be for me to bond with you. I can prove it tonight."
"You can't!" Steve insists.
"I can," Bucky says, now actually growling. "What other disgusting lies have they been feeding you? Is that all they've been feeding you? Where's that damn brat with your meal?" he adds, turning around.
Rumlow is still standing behind them.
"I told you to get him something to eat," Bucky growls.
Rumlow jerks and hurries off, like a little mouse. Steve shakes his head.
"Please, lord, you must be making a mistake!" Garrett tries again. "Surely there are other, better Omegas –”
"If I hear you say one more word about my treasure I will cook you where you stand," Bucky snarls at Garrett, smoke even trailing from his lips.
Garrett backs off. He looks defeated.
"He's right!" Steve tries desperately. "You – You must be looking for a different Omega! I can't be your mate!"
Bucky fixes him with a gentle look. Steve feels very brittle all over, like the second Bucky puts him down he will simply shatter into a million pieces.
"I have been tracking your scent for three years," Bucky says softly. "I know exactly who my treasure is, and it's you."
Steve shakes his head. Three years, he thinks. He’d only just presented three years ago. How could Bucky have picked up the scent of your first heat. cups his cheek and touches their foreheads together again.
"My sweet boy," Bucky murmurs, "you've been so badly mistreated. I'm so sorry it took me so long to find you, precious."
"I –” Steve whispers uselessly.
"Your scent is like cinnamon and vanilla and allspice," Bucky murmurs to him. "When you're sad or frightened, it turns into a scent like vodka, like it is now. When you're happy, it's rich and spicy. When you're needy, it's so sweet. I know exactly who you are, Stevie."
Steve blinks away tears. Bucky's hands go to Steve's waist and then he's lifting Steve off his feet. Steve's stomach flips upside down and then he's being tucked into Bucky's firm chest, a beautiful heat wrapping around him and settling into his very blood. Steve shivers anyway. His stomach grumbles in hunger.
"Rumlow!" Bucky calls out. "Hurry up!"
Bucky carries Steve in his arms up to the bonfire, to a bench in front of a large, polished table. Rumlow puts a plate of rabbit stew and bread down in front of Bucky and backs off. Steve looks down at it in awe, not even touching it.
Bucky picks up the bread and offers it to him. Steve's hands tremble as he takes it. He hesitates, however. He knows once Bucky leaves, he will be in so much trouble for taking advantage of this situation. He might be denied food for weeks. They might finally banish him.
Steve has a sudden thought. So what if Bucky is confused by who his mate really is? If he can hold up the pretense long enough for Bucky to take him away, perhaps he'll be allowed to serve in Bucky's household once he finds his true mate.
Steve digs into the bread with abandon. It's so delicious he can't help but groan in appreciation. He can feel every eye of his packmates on him, staring with hatred. He doesn't care. He hates them, too.
"There, pet," Bucky says. "You have some supper and then we can collect your things and leave."
"I don't have anything that belongs to me," Steve tells Bucky, his mouth partially full still. "Not even these clothes, really."
"Don't you have a nest?" Bucky asks.
Steve swallows, feeling shame grip his belly.
"Runts don't nest," he tells Bucky.
"Ridiculous," Bucky answers, however. "I can smell it on you, you've been nesting for weeks, your heat is barely a day away."
"Runts don't have heats," Steve insists, mortified.
Bucky suddenly presses his face into Steve's neck, making him drop the bread as he gasps. Bucky growls softly and Steve feels himself shiver internally.
"You're going into heat, sweetling," Bucky says firmly. "Whether these pieces of shit say you can or not."
Steve, trembling, picks up the bread. He resumes eating it, not wanting to really answer Bucky. He quickly finishes it, but his stomach growls still.
"Here," Bucky says, picking up the plate of stew.
Steve looks at it for a moment, surprised. 
"What are you waiting for?" Bucky prompts.
Steve goes to take it, but his hands are shaking so badly he nearly spills all of it. He whines and draws back, pressing into a Bucky's chest and hiding his face.
"Aw, baby, it's alright," Bucky murmurs. "Here."
Bucky puts the plate down, but lifts a spoon and tucks it into the rich stew. He raises it and holds it near Steve's face. Steve slowly lifts his head, then glances at Bucky, eyes wide again.
"Go on," Bucky encourages him.
Steve looks back to the spoon, then grasps Bucky's wrist and opens his mouth, leaning in. Bucky tucks the spoon past his lips and Steve closes them, taking the portion of stew from the spoon and beginning to chew. He moans again, his mouth overwhelmed by the rich flavor of it.
"You sure are hungry," Bucky says with a chuckle.
Steve swallows quickly. "I can stop," he whispers.
"No, no, you don't have to," Bucky answers, cupping Steve's chin again. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I didn't mean like that. I just meant you must like the stew."
Steve glances at Bucky's face, then away and nods. Bucky leans in and rests his forehead against his temple.
“Eat your stew,” Bucky says softly. “Then, you can get anything that is yours and we can go.”
Steve shakes his head. “Nothing is mine,” he repeats.
Bucky casts a glance over at Alpha Garrett, his lips pressed thinly together. “Well,” he says. “You will want for nothing from now on.”
Steve looks down into the bowl, not sure how to answer. He just eats.
When the bowl is empty, Bucky stands up, still holding Steve.
“Bring me a thick cloak,” he tells Garrett. “We will be leaving now.”
“Please, my lord,” Garrett tries one more time, “at least speak with our unmated Omegas one more time, perhaps –”
“I have found my treasure and I will leave with him,” Bucky snaps. “Bring me a cloak.”
Garrett deflates. If Steve weren’t so worried about what will happen to him once Bucky realizes he can’t be his mate, he’d laugh. Garrett waves to someone, who hurries off. They return with a large, thick cloak a moment later, which Bucky takes.
“Wrap in this, my sweet,” he says. “Then I will pick you up and we’ll leave.”
“Shouldn’t we wait for morning?” Steve asks.
“My home isn’t far by wing,” Bucky says with a smile. “Five or six hours. Get some sleep if you’d like.”
Steve’s eyes widen and he quickly dons the cloak. People begin to back up and Bucky moves into a more open space among the tables. He shakes himself, then cracks his neck. Steve watches, his mouth open in awe, as Bucky exhales a heavy plume of smoke from his nose. His body then begins to shift. A wolf shifts in just a tremble of the body, but Bucky shifts with a roar and a quake that shakes everyone from their footing. His body stretches and extends, his limbs become black and scaled, wings unfold behind him, a massive tail whips out and wolves jump out of the way in fright. The dragon lands on his front feet and growls, looking around.
Steve takes in a deep breath as Bucky approaches, his eyes glowing a light blue. He huffs out smoke and bumps his muzzle into Steve’s shoulder.
Steve reaches out and puts a hand on his snout. Heat comes from him, even more than when he wore skin. Bucky’s gaze meets his and Steve feels almost pinned.
“And you said you couldn’t be my treasure,” Bucky says in a deep voice.
It resonates from inside his chest. Steve almost jumps back.
“Only another dragon or my treasure could hear me like this,” Bucky then says. “Put up your hood, then hold still, little one.”
Bucky rears up onto his hind legs again. Steve quickly puts up his hood and closes his cloak, just in time for Bucky to grab Steve with his claws and launch from the ground. 
Steve shouts as they cut into the air. He clings to Bucky’s claws, afraid of falling and the cold, but heat still seeps from Bucky’s limb into Steve, and his claws are cinched tight around him. 
Below them, the dim ground speeds by. In seconds, Steve sees the lights of the neighboring village pass underneath, and they’re passing it and then another village.
Steve ducks his head against the biting wind, holding onto Bucky’s large claws. His heart is pounding in his ribs, then he laughs, exhilarated.
He feels Bucky rumbling and figures he’s laughing, too.
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huffelpuff210 · 7 months
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Dark Bucky, Light stalking, Forced relationship.
:Where Werepanthers and other shifters exist the rarest is Were leopards the reader is used to being on her own until she runs into Bucky Barnes. 
You were used to being on you’re own ever since you were a teen when you ran away from you’re parents. You’re parents were Lion’s And when you’re first shift happened they were utterly shocked, But after that they started treating you coldly and abusing you so the first chance you got you ran away, You kept yourself in the mountains where you liked it. 
You had about a thirteen mile hike to town and You didn’t mind that either, You didn’t like being around people especially Men, Since you’re father was the one to dish out the abuse, You avoided the opposite sex as much as possible.
You were in the middle of the market when a scent hit you’re nose, It smelled like pine and ceder, It made the hairs on the back of you’re neck stand up, it made you freeze, You looked around trying to pinpoint the smell. You brought you’re food and left the market as fast as possible, You walked back to you’re house as fast as possible. You knew you had to get home, You could feel eyes on you, You didn’t like the feeling you started running you knew whoever had been at the market was following you. 
You.You felt as if you were being stalked being another predators prey. You finally arrived at you’re cabin in the mountains. Unlocking the door and slamming it shut.You’re back pressed against the door, You could feel you’re heart hammering against you’re chest. Locking the door, You peeked out of the curtain, You don’t see anyone the snow starting to fall. You’re eye sight was excellent being a leopard you could see in the dark and far away.You’re hearing excellent and so is you’re speed. You let out a breath of relief. You look down and see you’re claws out of you’re fingers even though you were terrified the Leopard in you was ready to fight. 
Sometimes you can’t contain it. Sometimes it forces it’s way out when you are backed into a corner. 
That night you couldn’t sleep you kept smelling that smell. You could sense the presence You tossed and turned all night, You just knew deep down something was very wrong. 
Bucky knew the moment he caught you’re scent in the market that you were special, sure he hated the Colorado mountains, It was to cold being a tiger shifter he hated the cold. But he and his pack of shifter’s were on a mission, HYDRA was capturing weaker shifters and experimenting on them. They carried out the mission and were about to head back to New York But now that he got a whiff of you’re scent he knew he had to have you, You smelled like freshly bloomed cherry blossoms, and the smell drove him wild, But as soon as you bolted he decided to follow you staying in the shadows, Not wanting to risk being seen and spooking you, but he could tell by you’re body language that you knew you were being followed. He knew he had to be careful, Something told him if you knew someone was following you. You would run do anything to escape. 
When you finally arrived home he was surprised how far you walked to town on you’re own, And how far away from civilization you were, He was thinking you might be a smaller shifter that’s why you lived so far away from people, But the tiger inside of him told him something different, After he knew you had fallen asleep he snuck into you’re  home, the powerful scent almost knocked him down, driving him and his tiger mad. He crept into you’re bedroom where you were sleeping peacefully curled up into a ball almost, You’re back to him, 
“Soon sweetheart, You will be my mate.. Soon.” He whispered his knuckles brush
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kittythelitter · 3 months
Thinking about a stobin focused shifter au where anyone who spends a little too long in the upsidedown becomes a shifter to a slightly demo/unsettling/vaguely off version of whatever animal they're most like, and control is hard, and amount of time spent in the upsidedown correlates to how much time you can/need to spend in shifted form.
So like Will, even after he gets control, needs to/wants to spend like half his time shifted but can't be shifted full time.
After getting stuck in the tunnels Hopper is like. Needs an hour/day on average and can stay shifted for up to 6 hours at a time.
After the tunnels Dustin, Lucas, Max, Steve, and Mike need a few hours a week/can stay shifted up to 3 hours at a time ish.
And then after season 4, Steve is up to Will levels because he got double (or even triple depending on how you look at it) exposed.
Robin, Nancy, and Eddie are like. Slightly more than Hopper. Like maybe need 1.5-2 hours a day can stay shifted for like 8 hours if necessary.
Dustin is now almost Hopper level because he got exposed a second time.
It takes time to learn control and obviously Will gets the most control quickly followed by everyone who got exposed in season 2. When the younger teens are going through puberty their control fluctuates enough that they all have to take time off from school to work on it. Steve is the best of the Season 2 Crew at getting and maintaining control because he has a lot of practice with physical activity and conditioning and personal discipline when it comes to sports and body control. El can help to a certain extent.
Anyway. All this to say. I can't decide on animals for everyone and I'd love input.
Steve is very much dog. He's loyal and protective and all that good stuff. And he mostly seems like a normal dog maybe with a little bit of a skin condition that makes his skin under his fur a weird texture but mostly normal except when he gets protective sometimes his mouth opens too big and he has too many teeth and bigger claws.
For Hopper I'm thinking also Dog but like. A dog that is Off. There's something weird about that dog like those dogs that look like they might be people in fur suits from certain angles.
Will I'm thinking something small and good at hiding. Like a burrowing rodent maybe. Like a rabbit or a hamster or a mouse or a Rat.
Henry/Vecna/One is a turkey or maybe a turkey vulture because turkeys are ugly and evil.
Dustin I wanna say small predator mammal like a weasel or a ferret or a stoat but IDK.
Mike is i think a very similar dog to Steve and HATES that they're so similar but I'm open to suggestions.
Max is a cat.
Lucas is also a cat because I don't have a better one for him except maybe also a dog like Steve because he and Steve are also similar and he looks up to Steve but I think it would be cute if he and Max were both cats but like very different kinds of cats but I'm very open to input here.
Robin is also a Cat (can you tell cats are my favorites?)
Nancy is some kind of persistence predator I think. Maybe a cat maybe something smaller and cuter but also deadlier. Like those super cute tiny wild cats that are the most deadly predators you know? I'd love input from people who know more about Nancy I love her but I don't get her like I get Robin yk?
Eddie is a raccoon or a bat but I will take feedback on this
Please let me know what you think and if you have other ideas for what animals they should all be.
Really tho I'm just. Imagining the cuddle piles and also Robin and Steve being inseparable in all forms but particularly Robin getting one of those tennis ball chuckers to tire Steve out when he's in a Mood and like. Everyone who doesn't Know thinks Robin has a pet dog and her parents are like. We think it's actually Steve's dog but it likes Robin more and she is more of a cat person but she loves This Dog in particular.
Also. Eddie having a compulsion to dig through everyone's stuff including dirty laundry piles and trash. And Eddie accidentally instinctively washing his weed and being like. Oh shit. Shouldn't have done that.
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ghostlynimbus · 3 months
Probably going to change my mind about these again in the future
But as of rn a few shifts I have decided so far for my shifter au:
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Steve Harrington - Anatolian Shepherd
I debated a few options for Steve (lion, deer, etc) and definitely went back and forth more than a few times on this decision. But I think this feels right for the story I want to tell.
Anatolian Shepherds are livestock guardian dogs, they may not be as individually formidable as some large wild predators, but they protect their flock and they are far from weak.
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Billy Hargrove - Jaguar
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Max Mayfield - Bobcat
I'm definitely not sure about this. I also like the idea of a fox for her.
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Eddie Munson - Manned Wolf
Did you know Manned Wolf pee smells like weed? Zoos have been raided by police bc of this.
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Chrissy Cunningham - Deer
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Dustin - African Painted Dog
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Jim Hopper - Grizzly Bear
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Benny Hammond - Bison
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Bob Newby - Pig
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Tommy Hagan - Timber Wolf
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Nesting Bond
An Alpha Steve x Little One one shot
Summary- 1.3k You are in the shared nest and presenting for your bonded Alpha.
Warnings- A/B/O dynamics, knotting. Probably poorly written because it isn't proof read.
A/N- I miss these two being together the way they were when bonded. So again, self-indulgent because I'm writing what I'm in the mood for.
The Pack Masterlist
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His sweet Little One. 
Your back was dipped as your]r hips were arched up, offering yourself to him in the middle of the nest you had worked so hard on. It was full of things that made you relax and feel safe. Steve even spied one of his shirts pillowed under your head, half your face buried in it as your eyes were closed, letting your senses fill with his scent because, for you, he was home. 
His cock had never been harder before, he had to squeeze himself at the base just to keep himself from losing control, a harsh reminder that he was in charge. 
But that was a lie, you were. You presented yourself so willingly, wanting his knot that Steve knew he would do anything to keep you at his side, feeling safe and wild as you should be. 
His Alpha howled an all too familiar mating song, singing for his Little One while they ran in the wilds of your bonded minds. 
Yours was all sensual sensations in the bond, your desire to be full of him, to feel his bites, to be pinned under his weight, to carry his marks bared for all to see and know that you were a mated wolf. 
He knew you were opening yourself for, his onslaught of feelings and sensations, how he wanted to be the one and only one to give you all those things and more, so much more. He wanted to swell your belly, give you his pup to nurture and love as much as you loved him. To fill you drenched with him. 
His hand slipped from the base of your back and down to slide against your spine, feeling you shiver in his touch. “Does this still bother you Little One?” Steve questioned softly as his lips moved to travel along your back. So many raised scars he skimmed his lips over. Others bites, wolves that tried to take you as their own. He wanted to rip those wolves throats out for how they tried to break you, make you give them what you so freely gave to him. 
Your head tipped back to show the back of your neck for him as his tongue started to caress against your shoulder into the hollow space that smelled so good Steve buried his face there, breathing all of you in. His chest filling out with you, making him press against you, molding himself against you because he couldn't stay away another moment. His chest pressed firmly against your back while his belly brushed against the dimples in your lower back, his hips pressed firmly against the curve of your ass, your own hips rocking back to push against his throbbing cock while his thighs pressed between yours, spreading you wider apart. It caused a whimper to escape you, feeling your mate press his entire self against you. “No Steve, touch me everywhere.” You twisted your fingers into the bedding of the nest to secure yourself while you let your head dip back down, offering him your entire submission. “Yours is the only one that means anything to me now.” 
Now that did his head in, giving him a sense of power and respect for his mate. His hands rubbed along your sides and slipped to palm your breasts, circling his thumbs over taunt nipples and pinching lightly as you continued to grind backward, pressing your heated pussy against his cock. Sharp nips were lashed against the curve of your neck, making you squirm with being pushed to the edge. 
You wanted him, deep and demanding you to come for him, wanted to feel him pin you below him because you were his good submissive omega, his mate, his. 
Steve didn’t do that though, his hand slipped up from your breasts to cup around your neck and he pulled you both up to a kneel, your back pressed to his chest and his hard cock pressing between your thighs, barely pushing into your heat. Just starting to open you for him. 
“You might be mine Little One, your song is all for the Alpha, your cries of passion, mine. But make no mistake…” He nipped sharply at your bonding mark, making you gasp at the heated sensation that had you clenching around his tip, wriggling to push him deeper. Your hands shot to his strong forearms wrapped around you to hold you up, digging your nails sharply into tensed muscles. “I am yours too. You own me Little One, don’t forget your power.” 
He buried into you, finally connecting you both body and soul, and you soared, your bonds humming with the sensation, and you felt all of your Alpha, his unending passion and need for you, how he would always strive to keep you safe with him. You scrambled to keep up as he growled, digging his bite deep into your bond that it had you snapping your teeth together with a cry of his name, your body arching with his as you two rolled together, keeping the two of you filled with each other. 
The rush of the wolves filled both of you, the mating bond burning each other's need for the other. 
Steve pumped into you, snapping his hips harshly against you while you lost sense of the here and now. It was just Steve, all around you. He filled your senses with his love, making you lost in his storm. You crashed over and over as the Little Wolf howled her song to her Alpha, your moans of Steve's name becoming a chant filling the room. 
Steve growled while he tasted your blood running hotly from his bite, his tongue lapping gently over the bond before tilting your head, catching your mouth to swallow your cries for him. 
He wouldn’t ever get tired of the feeling of you wrapped around him, your walls pulsing for him to fill you with his spend. 
His balls tightened with the same need as the rest of him, and he refused to come before you. Not when your little clit was so neglected with him fucking you from behind. Dropping his hand, he slipped his fingers through your wet pussy and teased you. “Steve-” 
“Give it to us Little One, I’m here with you.” 
You nodded, tilting your head to find his lips again, panting against them while the need of your orgasm flooded your belly in white heat, pulsing through your body like a drum, so close, you were so close and when you finally welcomed it, Steve roared against you, slamming you onto him till his knot made it impossible to pull away from him. 
He kept going, for long after you went slack in his hold, his body hard and tense around yours while his cum made you feel like you were going to burst like he shot it into your belly, The Alpha growled in his release with you, the sound a deep praise that made you preen and chirp happily in response. 
You both sank into the comfort of the nest to recover, Steve hugging you against him while he continued to throb in you, not able to safely pull out yet. You let him support your back while you dug into the nest to pull a blanket over the two of you, enclosing you away from the world while you were tied with your mate. 
It was all quiet for several moments, Steve’s face hidden against your shoulder, inhaling against you deeply and you just let yourself fall into the very physical sensation of your Alpha’s affection. You sank in the feeling of his hands stroking over your chest and down to your belly, over your hips, and smooth over your thighs to relax the tension in you. 
“Steve.” You broke the silence and he hummed from behind you, rubbing a hand under your breasts and pulling you all that much closer to him. “I'm guessing you approved of the changes I made in our nest.” 
“Little One,” Steve growled affectionately, nipping at your bonding mark and making you shudder at the feeling of him still thickly buried between your thighs. “As long as your nest is in our space, I'm going to approve of whatever you make for us.”
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nessieart · 1 year
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A story of finding yourself and finding love and friendship along the way. Navigating a world you've known all your life to a world of superheroes and foes alike.
A Tony Stark x Shifter!Reader story. Supernatural/Soulmates AU.
One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven || Twelve || Thirteen || Fourteen || Fifteen || Sixteen || Seventeen || Eighteen || Nineteen || Twenty .
Part 2 AoU
What If...?
Tony and Poppy will return!
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The Bear ch 5
Pairings: Wanda x R
Word count: 3.9K
Summary: You join your uncle tony in the avengers, it wasn’t your original plan but you never planned for your powers either so here you are. Now your at the avengers tower and falling for the girl of your dreams. With a haunting past and interesting abilities can you navigate your way through the challenges of being a hero? After a mission gone wrong and a cruel twist of fate the team starts digging for answers. Can tony keep them from finding out the truth?
TW: none really, canon typical violence (I guess?)
A/n Sorry this took so long im already working on chapters 6 and 7
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4 || PART 5 || PART 6 || PART 7
You stood with Nat and Wanda at the front of the meeting room. Eyes downcast you fidgeted with your fingers only stopping when nat took your hand to hold it in order to stop you. Nat begun to explain squeezing your hand as your eyes were trained on your shoes. Wanda and nat carefully studied the face around the table. Taking note of the different reactions for later.
Steve just looked confused. Clint looked happy that he had someone else to sign with. Tony looked proud. Sam looked unbothered. Bruce looked excited about something new to study. Thor looked busy with his pop tarts. Peter smiled at you softly which you didn’t see. He was kind and understanding. Bucky looked sympathetic knowing how it felt to not be able to talk due to his own past with hydra torture. Wanda looked protective and nat just looked slightly exhausted.
After she finished explaining there was a brief silence in which peter shot you a thumbs up which you responded with the same thing still not wanting to talk.
“So is she nonverbal right now?” Steve asked not fully understanding and you nodded. “So how does she communicate then?” He asked and you signed a quick joke about Steve being old and confused to Clint who laughed. “Oh she does the hand thing too?” Steve said having seen Natasha and Clint signing before in the past.
“Yes the ‘hand thing’” Nat said “or sign language is what she uses when she doesn’t want to talk”
“So she doesn’t want to or cant talk?” Steve said.
“Depends.” Nat shrugged.
There were a few more questions mainly from Steve and some from Bruce as he wanted to make sure he had all the medical or mental accomodations he could have there for you if you needed them. Peter was eager to learn sign language now and had already started to bother tony into getting him a tutor. Bucky was now explaining it again to Steve who was still confused and tony and Bruce were now discussing alternate methods for coms now it was more than just Clint that needed a new method. While the team was engaged in their own little conversations about you and the new topic, Wanda noticed you starting to struggle under all the attention. It wasn’t bad but you simply hadn’t expected such a kind reaction and acceptance to come so easily.
When she saw tears gathering in your eyes she assumed the worst. Unable to know how grateful you were. Gently she took your hand and motioned for nat to follow as she broke off her ASL conversation with Clint. Carefully Wanda led you from the room with nat in tow. The two women led you back to the room and Wanda grabbed you sketchbook while you sat on the bed. They knew what you needed and you drew while snuggled in Wanda’s arms. Wanda lifted your chin gently to look at her.
“Are you ok my love? Was that too much?” She asked concerned at the tears still glossing your eyes. Without responding you held up the drawing. It was the team in the meeting room. But instead of seeing anything bad Wanda saw the looked of love on the faces you had drawn.
“Never expected them to be so kind about it.” You whispered and Wanda pulled you into her.
“Always my love. Always. We are your family and we love you.” She kissed the top of your head as she felt your small tears dot her sleeves.
the rest of the day you stayed in your room with Wanda. nat went to go brainstorm with tony how to tell the team about your past.
You were sat on your bed cuddling with Wanda and watching some sit com, but you weren’t really paying much attention. You were curling Wanda’s red hair around your finger and fiddling with the strands, she didn’t mind she quite liked it really. You were laid against Wanda side with your head resting on her chest.
“I love you Wanda.” You said. After a moment you realised what you said. “Shit sorry that just kinda slipped out. I get its a bit early and I-“ you started rambling but Wanda quietened you with a chaste kiss to the lips. She placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled the rest of your body so you were now laid on top of her looking into her eyes with your chin resting in her middle chest.
“I love you too Y/n/n” she said and placed another kiss on your nose which responded with a twitch that was like a bunny. Wanda grinned at the cuteness and proceeded to pepper your face with small kisses. You squealed and buried your face in her neck feeling her chest vibrate with her laughter. Playfully you lightly slapped her arm which one encouraged her laughter you were bright red now when Wanda peeled you away from her neck and cooed at the redness in your cheeks.
“I love you pumpkin.” She said and you squealed when she flipped you over and began tickling your sides.
“I y-yield. I-I yield.” You said through a fit of laughter. Wanda pulled you in and kissed your forehead.
Once more you found yourself in the crook of her arm after you formed a truce and you were dozing lightly in her arms when there was a knock on the door. Wanda frowned as she saw you rub your eyes with your fist.
“Come in.” You said. The door opened and Nat walked in. “Hi Natty.” You smiled and Nat greeted you and Wanda.
“So i spoke to tony.” She said and you groaned.
“Nothing good ever follows the words ‘I spoke to tony’” you whined and Wanda giggled. Nat rolled her eyes.
“Well he wants you to stay in the compound or with someone at all times. He’s worried now hydra knows your alive they’ll attack and try to get you back.” Wanda felt you stiffen against her when Nat said hydra and she hugged you tighter to ground you.
“T-thank you Nat.” You said neither of them missed your nervous stutter. Nat placed a soothing hand on your thigh and used her thumb to rub up and down to calm you.
“It’ll be ok Y/n/n Wanda or I will be with you at all times. Your safe here.” Nat said and you gave them a weak watery smile. “Alright enough sadness who wants to train with me?” Nat asked standing.
“I could use some training.” You said.
“Me too.” Wanda echoed the sentiment.
“Alright I’ll meet you both down there in fifteen.” Nat said smiling and closing the door behind her as she left.
“Are you sure your up for training?” Wanda asked.
“I need to use my powers it’s been a while and I hate not using them regularly especially the shifting. It’s comforting to be able to hide in small places as small animals or feel safe being a bigger thing like a bear.” You admitted and Wanda nodded.
“You know you can take whatever form you want around me or the team we don’t mind.” She said.
“Really?” You asked perking up.
“Of course. Is that why you haven’t been using your powers more? You though we wouldn’t accept you?” Wanda asked mildly concerned.
“A little yeah. Its also force of habit. You know, trying not to draw attention to yourself and all that. Lately I’ve been teleporting more than shifting.”
“Im curious can you teleport while shifted?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah but it takes a lot of concentration to stay as an animal when i teleport. I often end up human again mid jump.”
“We can work on that.” Wanda said. “Right we should probably get up and dressed.”
After changing into active gear you stood by Wanda.
“Hey wands wanna try something?” You grinned.
“Oh god I’m scared. What?” She asked eyeing you.
“Take my hand and find out.” You said extending an arm palm up.
“You better not kill me.” She said and once her hand was in yours you grinned and teleported you both down to the training room surprising Nat.
Wanda stumbled and you held her upright.
“That was cool and all but next time a little warning would be nice.” Wanda said and you shrugged.
“Wheres the fun in that.”
“Nice to see you two made it. Neat trick Y/n/n I imagine you can play some pretty great pranks with that.” Nat smiled and you grinned.
“Could. Have. Same thing.” You said and winked at Wanda.
“Right lets start. First I wanna spar with Y/n to see where your at before we get into some drills.” Nat said stepping into the ring. Wanda stretched and sat on the bench to watch she was also curious of how well you could fight especially against Nat.
“Y/n before we start i want to say this isn’t like hydra training. You can tap out at any time if somethings triggering or too much for you. No maiming or grievous injuries. I’ve seen you fight in Tony’s tapes of your earlier missions.”
“He showed you those?” You asked.
“He did.” Nat nodded.
Wanda stayed silent she also knew about your time doing missions with Tony pre avengers and you had shared your history with her and Nat plus Tony already knew.
After your fight with nat you had impressed both her and Wanda with you. Abilities. You were an avid fighter with good technique and pose. You didn’t rely on your powers to fight but when you used them they bled seamlessly into your tactics.
After a hour of so of training the three of you were hot and sweaty and exhausted. You had been using your powers with Wanda, mainly teleporting which could be draining if used too much. As the three of you left the gym and got in the elevator yo steadied yourself against the wall. Nat shot you a worried look.
“You ok there L/n?” She asked.
“Peachy.” You responded.
“And how are you really?” She asked again.
“Fine just a bit dizzy, sometimes if i use my powers too much this happens. But I’m fine.” You waved off her concern and once the three of you reached you shared floor Wanda steadied you and walked you back to your room.
After a quick shower to get rid of the sweat you and Wanda went back down to the kitchen where you ran into nat who was going through the cupboards like a raccoon.
“Dammit. Friday add peanut butter to the shopping list.” She said sighing and running a hand through her hair.
“I can make you something if you want?” Wanda said and nat spun around looking sheepish.
“Thanks wands.” She said.
“You and Y/n/n go sit at the counter and I’ll whip something up.” Nat and you did as you were told taking seats next to each-other at the bar on the island kitchen counter.
“So Y/n earlier you said you like being shifted and you haven’t had much chance to.” Wanda said as she pulled out some pans. You squirmed in your seat glancing at nat and relaxing as she looked unbothered.
“Yeah.” You said a bit flatly.
“If you want its just us. And I’ll tell you a secret Natty’s a big softy for animals.” She said and nat glared at her with no real heat behind it.
“Really now?” You asked and nat turned to glare at you. A second later you turned into a small black and white ferret and crawled into her lap taking her by surprise. Nat looked down at you in shock before relaxing and cautiously lifting a hand to scratch behind your little ears. You made a happy squeaking noise and nuzzled into her stomach and nat couldn’t hold back her grin. Wanda watched amused and excited to cuddle with you later. Turning back to her cooking nat began to play with your little paws as you curled up and began to doze in her lap. She cooed at how cute you were and tony walked into the kitchen.
“Um have you guys seen Y/n Friday said she was here?” He said looking around and Wanda wordlessly pointed to Nat’s lap. Tony broke out into a grin.
“I love when she does that.” He said and went over to scratch by your ears as you stayed half asleep. You let out a tiny yawn and nat tried hard not to squeal at how cute you were being. Tony chuckled at Nat’s expression and patted your head softly.
“Just tell her for me that me and the team have to go on a mission for a few days. We leave tomorrow. You, her and Wanda are staying here.” Tony said and nat nodded watching him retreat back to his lab.
“She really is adorable like that.” Wanda said and you stretched yawning again. You lifted your paws and placed them on Nat’s chest so you were almost upright and squeaked.
“What do you want y/n/n?” Nat asked and Wanda chuckled.
“I think she wants you to pick her up.” Wanda said before turning and flipping the pancakes.
nat carefully placed each hand under your front legs and lifted you at arms length from her. You cocked you head and she wiggled you side to side chuckling at how your limp body wiggled like it had no bones. After a second your tiny nose twitched and you let out a small sneeze. Wanda cooed and you squirmed and crawled up Nat’s arm and curled around her shoulders and began to doze again. When Wanda finished the pancakes you jumped back to your seat and shifted back.
“You make a very cute ferret like that.” Nat said and you smiled at her.
“Its fun and relaxing.” You said.
“Good you should do it more often I’m sure Nat and I would love to have cuddles with more soft tint creatures.” Wanda said and you blushed slightly and ducked your head to keep eating.
Nat chuckled and the three of you ate together. When you were done Wanda used her magic to clean the kitchen and nat posed the idea of watching a movie together. You hopped up.
“Race you guys.” You said before seamlessly shifting into a wolf cub and bounding around the corner and out of the kitchen. Wanda chuckled.
“That was too cute.” She said and followed you with nat trailing behind. When she entered the lounge she couldn’t see you until her eyes fell on a small prickly ball curled up on a pillow.
“Is that what I think it is?” Nat asked.
“Yep. Y/n/ns a hedgehog.” Wanda laughed. And Nat pouted.
“I wanted something fury.” She said and you squeaked and shifted into a ferret again knowing it was Nat’s favourite based on her reaction earlier. You ran up and down the length of the couch before settling on the pillow. Nat and Wanda came and sat next to you and you got up and crawled over into Wanda’s lap chittering and walking in circles on her thighs before settling into a small puddle.
Wanda ran a hand through your soft fur as nat scrolled through Netflix to find something to watch. You started to doze again and Wanda chuckled.
“She sure does sleep a lot when she’s a ferret.” Wanda said.
“Yeah but its cute though so i’ll allow it.” Nat said and Wanda laughed again.
After picking something and settling down the three of you curled up together and you moved between the two of them over the course of the movie so they could both have turns to pat you. You knew it was therapeutic for them both as much as it was calming to have their hands running through your fur. When the movie finished Wanda picked you up carefully as you were sleeping and told nat she was going to go to be bed so you could take a nap while she read. Nat nodded and began looking for something else to watch. After Wanda left she got into bed and set you down on her chest as she picked up her book and started to read.
It had been maybe half an hour when she began to feel you twitch on her chest. Looking down she felt your breathing speed up as you began panting against her. She carefully ran a hand through your fur and you seemed to still before relaxing. After a moment you settled and sent back to a calm sleep.
Another fifteen minutes later you woke up a and Wanda smiled down at you. You crawled off her and shifted before burning your face in her arm and wrapping your arms around her. She scratched your head and smiled.
“Hey sleepy head how was you nap.” She asked and you yawned making her chuckle. “That good huh?” She grinned and you nodded against her arm.
“Well if you’d like to join me i was about to start making dinner soon my love.” She said and you nodded again. After she helped you off the bed you sleepily followed her to the kitchen where nat was sat drinking hot chocolate. Sensing something off with her Wanda started to cook and you shifted and crawled into her lap. Nat stroked your fur and looked at you with misty eyes and soon you were breathing was slow and rhythmic as you slept again. Nat chuckled.
“Your right wands i think being a ferret makes the little thing tired.” She said and Wanda laughed.
“Yeah she could use the sleep. I think it calms her down to be small and on top of someone it makes her feel safe and protected helps her sleep.” Wanda explained and nat smiled.
“Im glad she feels safe around us.” Nat said Wanda hummed an agreement.
“She loves you very much nat. You make her feel safe.” Wanda said and nat nodded. you let out a small squeaked of agreement in your sleepy state that made nat chuckle and scratch behind your tiny ears.
The next morning you woke and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee. you were in a bad mood. you hadn’t slept much and everything was either to bright or too loud. the sound of the coffee machine made you dig your nails into your palms to ground yourself. the lights seemed to bright over head and you desperately wanted to go back to bed but you knew it wouldn’t do anything. you couldn’t sleep. nightmares plagued every minute you weren’t awake and the only thing that seemed to stop them was being with either Nat or Wanda but you didn’t want to both them when you woke around three to a cold sweat and fast breathing. you only really slept for about two hours and now it was half past four and you needed some coffee.
when it finally was done you drank it quickly needing the kick to wake up. after a small breakfast of cereal it was now fifteen past five and nat wandered into the kitchen looking surprised. she was dressed in active wear obviously heading to the gym.
“Y/n? what are you doing awake?” she asked and began making her workout shake. you grunted and waved a hand dismissively already feeling annoyed without any real reason to be. Nat frowned and went to say something but you stood and left the kitchen. electing not to follow you nat headed off to the gym.
You needed some time alone. desperately. your social battery could only withstand so much and you had been living with the team for almost a week now. Your room seemed to easy, Wanda or Nat would come find you later and coax you out but that wasn’t what you needed right now. You had and idea and grabbed a hoodie from the drawer in your room. throwing it on and shoving your sketchbook and pencils plus some snacks and your phone in the black backpack you had by your desk you slipped down the hall almost silently. Once in the lift you asked Friday your burning question.
“yes Ms L/n”
“is the treehouse still around?” you asked praying it would be.
“Tony Stark and Ms Y/n L/n’s tree house is still intact. Mr Stark his made improvements over the last few months in anticipation of your return.” Friday said and you grinned. Tony and you had built the tree house deep in the woods near the compound a long time ago and it had since become your safe haven. A place you could hide if you needed some space to yourself.
“what kind of improvements Fri?” you asked.
“Mr Stark has installed Myself into the house as well as a new Tv, Wifi, more snacks, updated lighting and a microwave.”
“um Fri?”
“yes Ms L/n?”
“can you hide my location from Wanda and nat please?” you asked, you wanted to keep this space a secret for as long as possible.
“yes Ms L/n however i cannot hide your location from Mr Stark.”
“thats ok Fri just Wanda and nat are fine for now.”
“ok Ms L/n”
you walked through the foyer and out the back door. Sure Tony had said not to leave without an escort because of HYDRA but this was different he would understand and the treehouse had almost as much if not more security measures as the compound, it was built by tony after all.
after the long walk you climbed the ladder up into the mossy tree. It was old and beautiful with the branches hiding the treehouse nicely. it was large to say the least as the tree was huge. tucked deep into the woods off the beaten path if you weren’t looking for it you would not find it by chance. climbing up into it you typed in a small code and pushed open the trap door and crawled into the space. the lights flickered on and it had defiantly been upgraded. it was a single room with a door to a small bathroom on one side. how tony had managed to get plumbing this far into the woods you didn’t know but you thanked him none the less. the room had a beanbag chair in the corner with a blanket and a pillow. on one wall was a flatscreen Tv. there was a counter that turned into a desk with three shelves above it for storage. a microwave was set into the wall and a cupboard was above it that supposedly held the snacks. the lights in the roof could be dimmed and the colour changed. large glass windows lines the walls looking through the branches into the surrounding woods. large curtains could be drawn and there was a small deck you could sit on with just enough room for about three people to sit on with their legs hanging off the edge.
throwing your backpack on the desk you started by investigating the snacks. tony had bought all your favourites and you mentally thanked him. pulling out some chocolate you dragged your backpack over to the beanbag and clicked on the TV. you put on your comfort show and threw the fluffy blanket over yourself and pulled out your sketchbook and pencils. this was what you needed. exactly what you needed. some off-grid time alone to recharge. A few hours passed and you had watched the sunrise through the windows.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
secret shape shifter Steve who everyone thinks dies in the upside down, only he doesn't but he's having a fantastically peaceful time shifting into a small brown cat and bugging each of them at their houses.
he keeps it his own little secret until robin and eddie come close to a fist fight over who he belongs to, and the peace he felt once is gone. "he's my cat. buck! his name is oz, and I found him first." Eddie sneers, waving his hands theatrically. "uh, no. he crawled out from under the rubble at my house, his name is rubble, obviously, and he is mine."
their heads turn to the cat that had been resting lazily on the worn couch, as he screamed at them, seeming to want them to stop arguing. "shush, cat. we're trying to argue," Eddie says, swiping a hand over his face, to which he hisses at, rolling his eyes before stalking back to eddies room. he can still hear them arguing, he shakes his head, "dummies," he thinks as he flicks his tail. he flops down, rolling on his back and stretching until his bones pop and snap back into his human form. (he shifted every night after he went home, he had some practice by now). Steve groaned as he stood, ruffling his hair, picking up some clean-ish clothes off of eddies floor, before slipping them on.
"can you guys shut up?" he said, walking into the living room where his two friends were still arguing. "no- steve? are you real?" Eddie whispered, poking his face, "hey!"
"what the fuck Steve, we thought you were dead!" robin cried, tears streaming down her face as she launched herself into his arms. "I've been around, robs."
"what are you talking about?" Eddie whispered, still staring at him as though he's an apparition, and well, he kind of is... "im the cat," Steve said simply, tacking on a 'meow,' for emphasis.
"what cat? my cat? rubble?" robin asked, jaw dropping when Steve nodding. "I changed in front of you! oh my god, Steve."
"prove it," Eddie said, eyeing him carefully.
Steve rolled his eyes, rolling his shoulders before beginning the shift once more. he stared up at his friends for a moment before shifting back into his human form carefully, as to not flash either of them.
"Oh my god. I told you about my crush on- that was private" Eddie cried, scrubbing a hand over his face.
and Steve remembers that night, how he softly curled around Eddie after uttering those words. "and I hate him," he'd sobbed, "because I never- never got to tell him how I felt," and Steve had never wanted to shift more in a moment, than right then and there.
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dizziedupthegirl · 18 days
yall who should my s/o be for my mcu dr
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neonponders · 1 year
To @kittyphoenix12-xx​  for Harringrove for Turkey!! Thank you so much for donated and a big thank you for your endless patience!! 💗
~ read on ao3 ~
• • •
Steve Harrington smelled. That was Billy’s current problem.
Because Harrington smelled good. Like the gold and amber warmth in sunlight that has soaked into a slept-in, pine-green blanket sort of way.
Billy didn’t like thinking of smells in terms of colors, but here he sat. Smelling colors while being stuck on Steve Harrington because their last names were right next to each other. Hawkins was so small that even outside of school, Billy felt like he was playing bumper cars.
And he could always find Steve. That proved to be a boon and a curse at this very moment, because Billy swung wide between feeling deliciously warm and satiated on Steve’s lap, and absolutely furious and indignant at being on four legs instead of two.
“Ow! Jesus shit, I should’ve known you were a cat,” Steve griped after a claw sliced his palm open. The smell of salty blood was gratifying, at least. Billy yowled deep in his chest as Steve picked him up like a heavy towel, dumping him onto the passenger seat. “I’ll apologize to you later. For now, try not to piss on the upholstery.”
How in gods name a party in bum fuck Hawkins had turned into Billy riding in Steve Harrington’s car…more specifically, how a piss in the woods had turned into Billy writhing in the most itchy, burning, bone-piercing ache, and then staring up at Steve…who seemed weirdly larger than Billy remembered.
Steve wasn’t larger.
Billy had turned into a cat.
And his excursion to the woods had been too successful, because he would very much like to give Steve’s car exactly what it deserves.
“Are you still Billy in there? Because you’re not speaking English right now, dude,” Steve said as he drove through the winding suburban roads. Billy stood on his passenger seat with his front paws on the window ledge. He was vaguely aware that his voice—his fucking meow—was deeper than a standard cat’s whine, but he was too overwhelmed to give a shit.
Night vision was nothing like movies made it out to be. Instead of really being able to see through shadows, his eyes snatched onto every moving detail. Hawkins had a lot more rabbits than Billy had previously noticed. And deer. Why the hell were deer strolling around backyard pools and flowerbeds?
Sound moved differently around his ears than it did for a human head. But on top of it all was Steve. All of his car. Every variation of scent that one human teenager could saturate within the interior of his stupid BMW. Behind it all, Billy could distinguish what must have been the aromas left behind by the original driver, Harrington Senior, but Steve had long since moved into this vehicle.
Billy could smell the days he landed in the car after basketball practice. The mornings he drove after a fresh shower. He could smell the moist soil on Steve’s shoes now and the salty freshness of new sweat and outdoor air on his skin—
“Jesus Christ,” Steve groaned. “I always knew you got mouthy when you were full of yourself but this is something else. Someone’s going to think I cat-napped you.”
Billy cast a silent glare at him, willing Steve’s brain to blow a fuse as Billy fumed, Worse, you gave me paws, asshole!
Almost like he had heard this, Steve sighed, “I assume you didn’t know you were able to turn into a cat, huh? We’re here.”
Billy’s smaller body sagged with the car turning into a driveway and rocking with the brakes. In record speed and agility, Billy sleuthed out of the war when Steve stepped out on his side—
“Wait a second, Billy! ” Steve shouted, and to Billy’s acute annoyance, he paused. Steve took advantage of the moment and stretched his arms out before they fell to slap against this thighs. “Where are you gonna go? I know you don’t think much of it, but Hawkins is dangerous at night. Can you at least let me take you inside and explain?”
Billy hissed, ears pinned back against his skull. In the back of his mind, he felt his earring weighing down the thin pinna of his ear. You’re not carrying me like a fucking pet.
Steve huffed tiredly. “I know you understand me. At least let me help you get back on two legs.”
Billy growled again, but even he could hear the annoyed tolerance in his yowl. Relief infused Steve’s features when he realized Billy’s slow footfalls were in the direction of the house. He pressed his thumb against his house key as he teased, “I won’t make you eat cat food—Hey!”
Billy swiped at the back of his ankle, catalyzing Steve’s pace toward the front door. Despite being a witch, Steve used his key to unlock the house and toed his shoes off on the welcome mat. Billy didn’t have clothes to remove. They were bunched up under Steve’s elbow—after Billy had zapped into a smaller body and Steve used the clothes like a burrito to wrestle Billy into the BMW.
Billy’s ears swiveled toward the sound of Steve rubbing his hands together. For a long moment, Billy processed how Steve’s fidgeting meant nervous, alongside Billy’s own desire to claw his way up Steve’s body so he wasn’t standing below knee level anymore. Considering this would result in Steve carrying him, Billy grumbled a low growl and started walking down the length of the foyer towards what he presumed would be a living room—
“Here, we’re gonna need to burn something.” Billy froze, Steve’s jogged steps making the floor tremble on his way to the sliding glass door. As soon as he looked back at Billy, he realized this and winced. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
Billy yowled on his way past Harrington’s stupidly large feet. Steve followed him out but left the door open. The backyard was…too much. The landscaping was all fragrant herbs and then there was the pool. Thankfully the saltwater was not as pungent as a chlorine pool, but Billy found himself retreating back to the carpet just inside the door. From there, he observed Steve ripping leaves off of one plant, and then flowers form another.
When he noticed Billy sitting inside, he barked, “What? Get out here.”
Billy pawed at his nose. He and Steve stared at each other until Billy chirped at him and touched his nose again. Steve’s large eyes drifted down to the herbs in his hand, before he pivoted to look at all the criminals in his smelly yard. “Oh. Okay.”
He came inside and, to Billy’s relief, shut the door. Like he was wadding up a ball of paper, Steve crushed the leaves and flowers in his hands before sprinkling them over the carpet. To Billy’s surprise and fondness, he recognized the flowers.
No wonder Harrington’s never with the weed kids behind the bleachers. He grows his own stash.
Billy filed this away for later, under the caveat of how, if this went well enough, he might hit Steve up for some of this later. Preferably free, at the expense of Steve’s guilt for getting him in this situation in the first place.
Billy’s mind infused with the familiar sour fragrance, as well as the neutral bitterness of green things. His ear twitched, making him vaguely aware of Steve going to the kitchen. Not having a pair of eyes on him helped him relax after what felt like a long night. It had only been perhaps half an hour, but Billy lowered himself over the carpet all the same, sniffing at the leaves and petals, wondering distantly what kind of spell Steve could do. Didn’t witches need cauldrons or something? Steve had just dumped everything on the floor…
The kitchen began to smell like spaghetti sauce. The telltale oven door sounds before garlic bread infused the air. Billy let his back legs flop to the side as he blinked slowly, one side of his skull drifting on sour kush, and the other tickling with the promise of spaghetti and bread…
Perhaps the pain brought his mind into clarity. Or simple hunger. Either way, Billy distinctly thought, Why the shit is Harrington cooking dinner instead of helping me? the same time he found Steve watching him over the island counter.
What’s more, Steve grinned like a teenager after experiencing his first tequila sunrise. “That was easier than I thought.”
Out of some whim of annoyance, Billy stood up—
All the way up.
Blood rushed to his head and he teetered, heavy, human feet loud and clumsy underneath him. All of a sudden, Steve’s hands were around his ribs, holding him up like a child. In other circumstances, Billy would have knocked his hands off and shoved him to the ground, but he had never faced this kind of nausea before. It was like all of his limbs had gone numb and his blood was too slow getting back to his fingertips and toes.
“Come here, sit down. I’ll get you a soda. You’ll feel better in a few minutes. I hope.”
“You’re a ray of sunshine,” Billy groaned. He couldn’t say that Steve was wrong, since with every step toward the couch, he did feel more clarity. Clear enough to notice Steve jerking the throw blanket down to spare the couch from Billy’s naked ass. “I’ll try not to be insulted by that.”
“You can wrap up in it, asshole,” Steve remarked on his way to the fridge. When he came back, he poured the ginger ale into a glass. Billy huffed at the gallantry, causing Steve to warn, “Don’t make me prefer you as a cat. Do you want food or not?”
“Oh, I’d love some. Do I get a placemat too?”
“No, but I can get you a bib,” Steve smiled.
“The faster you feed me, the less likely I am to beat your ass…unless you’ve got other tricks up your sleeve that you’ve been holding out on me.”
Something behind Steve’s eyes lit up, visibly processing that as a compliment. Billy frowned a little, since his track record over Steve was still one to zero.
Instead of answering, Steve worked on getting two heaping piles of pasta to the coffee table, with half a baguette, each, slathered with garlic butter. Billy nursed his soda, taking one, wrapped up forkful at a time. His stomach had just shrunken to the size of a cat’s, after all. And now that he thought about it…
“After drinking at the party, why haven’t I thrown up yet? My stomach has just accordion shifted between sizes.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as he worked on chewing through the lump of food in his cheek. “Wishful thinking? Please don’t barf.”
Billy’s lashes fell to half-mast. “So you don’t know anything about turning into a cat even though you forced this on me?”
“I didn’t force anything! You can turn into a cat on your own.”
“I’ve never run on four paws, Harrington,” he argued tiredly. Billy resigned himself to beat his ass tomorrow. For now, he just wanted this meal and a heavy night’s sleep.
Steve sighed and set his pasta on the table. “I take it your dad and stepmom don’t go for moonlit runs in the woods?”
Billy grimaced at him. “The hell are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about how you don’t know anything about this. Which means your mom is a big freaking help—”
“Don’t talk about my mom,” Billy said quietly. Like one monotone warning.
Steve took it. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
Billy pursed his lips into an impertinent line as his nostrils flared with his inhalation. “If I can turn into a cat, why haven’t I? Plenty of nights behind me to have discovered that party trick.”
The air crunched with Steve’s bite into his bread. His cheek refilled as he shoved the bite to the side and enunciated, “Well, you’re not a werewolf. If no one prompted you to change, I guess, why would you?”
“Then what were you doing in the woods, Steve?” Billy accused. “You were awfully available to scoop me up as soon as I went down.”
Steve countered, “What were you doing so close to me?”
“Taking a piss. Regular woodland activities. Last I checked, Hawkins was way too Christian to have Wiccans.”
Steve shook his head. “What are those?”
“It’s like witch religion. California’s full of them. They own half the incense stores that front for weed sales.”
Steve’s brows lifted, absorbing that with a chirped, “Huh.”
Billy’s eyes widened. “Explain, already! Don’t make me leave you bloody on the floor again.”
“Christ, okay,” Steve cursed under his breath. He rubbed his hands over his face and took a deep breath. “I’m a witch but an atheist one, I guess. All the practice but none of the…pagan stuff. We don’t needs god mojo but we still need energy for spells. The party was like a power plant.”
Billy plunged his fork back into his food, feeling like this was even enough footing for his stomach accept nourishment. Even if Steve sounded like a crackpot. “What sort of spells? Trying to get Wheeler to take you back?”
“No, we’ve been over for months.”
“New girlfriend?”
“I’m too busy getting rejected from colleges and job applying to have one right now.”
“So, what, then? A spell for good fortune? What does a rich boy like you need help with?”
Steve exhaled heavily again. His large hands rubbed over his knees, making Billy glad his heightened ears and nose were gone. “Witches don’t need Satan or gods…but familiars are real.”
“What is that? Familiar what?”
“An animal familiar,” Steve reiterated, and the light bulb went on above Billy’s head.
“You cast a spell to get a dog?”
“I cast a spell to invite a willing animal to keep me company. That’s the whole shtick about witchcraft: consent. I can’t just go into a pet store and buy one. I can put out an invitation, but that’s about it. And then you showed up.”
“I’m not a damn animal, Harrington,” Billy growled.
“I know, but unfortunately for both of us, you’re the one who answered the invitation.”
“I didn’t answer shit, but you’d be damn lucky to have me.”
A laugh sputtered out of Steve. And then of all the questions to ask, “Do you even like me? Outside of all the bullshit you throw at me, do you actually have an interest me? If you can answer honestly, I’ll make you a stronger drink.”
Billy frowned at him, staring hard enough that Steve squirmed, “What? What? ”
“Who was the one who lied to my face?”
Steve cleared his throat, having the grace to look ashamed. “Me.”
“Who was the one trying to make you suck less at basketball?”
“Your coaching needs a lot of work. I can’t tell the difference between harassment and advice from you.”
“Tommy was right there, giving you shit about Wheeler and Byers. You were an easy target, but who tried to remind you that girls don’t matter?”
Steve’s face scrunched up until he licked his lips with a popping sound. “I can’t tell the difference between a guy who hates women and a guy who’s just gay. Especially when you’re both—is that what I’m supposed to get from that?”
“I didn’t say shit about being gay,” Billy fumed. “That’s like me assuming you wanted something disgusting from those animals.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being gay,” Steve recoiled. “Relax, jesus. I mean, I don’t know a lot about it, but realizing you were the one in the woods wasn’t the worst news I’d ever gotten.”
Something diffused in the air between them. Like a coiling wire had finally relaxed and unwound. Billy’s eyes narrowed at him as he processed that. “What exactly is a familiar supposed to do?”
Steve shrugged. “Nothing, really. Just keep me company. Maybe act as a lookout and an alarm bell while I’m distracted with spells.”
“And you’d…want me to keep you company.”
For the first time tonight…not the first time in a while, though, Billy noticed how tired Steve looked. His posture was bad, and he looked like he hadn’t had any wind in his sails for a long while. Frankly, he looked lonely. Billy knew what that looked like. Every time he saw it in the mirror, he smiled at whoever stared at him the most and got them in his bed.
Steve rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah. I guess I would. If you could get your head out of your ass long enough.”
“No, I’m gay, we can’t do that.”
“That’s impressive. You should put that flexibility to better use.”
Billy couldn’t help the smile warming his features. “Like what?”
“Like practicing being a cat. It’s as much a part of you as running or swimming. I’d love to hear you purr.”
“Over my dead body.”
“Or mine,” Steve huffed, and Billy grinned.
“Yeah, or that. What did you use to make me change back?”
Steve had to get another bite down before he answered, “Weed and catnip. I was trying to make you relax long enough for your body to do the rest.”
Billy shook his head. “You’re lucky I’m sore like a car wreck.”
“That’s why you should practice,” Steve chimed encouragingly.
“I’m not going to sit on your lap so you can pet my fur. Get over yourself.”
Steve shrugged, unbothered. “That’s a shame. You smell nice as a cat.”
Billy froze, and whatever grimace he wore made Steve clear a laugh out of his throat and say, “I didn’t know cats smell good. Like a clean, salty breeze. It suits you better than those awful colognes you use.”
“You know what? I’m not sore enough to hit you.”
They had a long night ahead of them. And against all odds, many nights to come.
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huffelpuff210 · 7 months
Running Part 3
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Dark Themes, Stalking, Kidnapping, forced relationship,
:You've been on the run, You thought you got away but it turns out Bucky is more resilient than you thought.
It had been six months since the incident you have been on the run from the psycho who thought he would keep you as a mate, the guy was insane and he had help, he looked familiar but you didn’t want to know, it took a few hours to loose him and his pack, you covered you’re tracks in the river so they would lose you’re scent, you stayed in the river for a few miles and thankfully it worked, You decided to keep running the look in the man’s eyes told you he wouldn’t give up, No matter what and you needed to keep running. 
You escaped the states and now are in Canada, in the snowy regain, You never stayed more than a week somewhere, 
You cut you’re long hair it is now just above you’re shoulders You put in blue contacts to mask you’re green eyes, So if they would find you they wouldn’t recolonize you, At least that’s what you hoped would happen. 
You were sitting in a cave, Eating some cooked peasant you hunted, In you’re leopard form or human you were an excellent hunter, 
You weren’t one for fighting though the night you attacked you’re kidnapper that was you’re leopard did that backed into a corner and she attacked. it was her instinct to attack when you are in danger. 
After eating you’re meal, you rested you’re head on the wall of the cave, they snow was falling heavily and You loved it, the wind was blowing, You loved it, the bitter cold never bothered you you welcomed it, 
You smile as you look at the snow falling. 
You knew it would be hard for them to try to find you in a storm like this, the snow masks you’re scent it covers tracks, And you left no paper trail, You could live you’re entire life off the land and still live happily and comfortably. 
That’s when a smell hit you’re nose, and you knew exactly who it was, You quickly got up and ran out in the storm, you knew you had to stay a few steps ahead of him, and you are sure that tigers have a hard time in the snow, since they aren’t built the way you are, 
You listen in, 
“It’s freaking freezing.” You hear
“Shut up Tony this is for Bucky.” You hear another voice, 
“But why the snow and Canada?” You hear another voice 
“Just keep going.” You hear Bucky’s voice 
You decide to keep going actually running you’re heart pumping a mile a minute, You needed to get away, By any means possible as you ran the snow got heavier and harder to run in, You either had to shift, or hide out somewhere, You couldn’t hear anyone anymore. You were starting to get out of breath which was rare for you. 
You look behind you and don’t see anyone You thought you were in the clear when the wind was knocked out of you, You were tackled to the ground into the snow. 
“Caught you kitten.” You see Bucky hovering over you You glare at the man knowing you needed to get away by any means possible.
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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“Every dog has his day. Today is Steve's.”
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fizzigigsimmer · 8 months
but for WIP game: Dragon Shifter AU
(purely because i asked Add for same. you can never have enough dragon shifter aus)
tagging @medusapelagia as well in this one.
This was born of a few plot bunnies I jotted down here.
The human world and the land of fae have always been intertwined and closer than humans know. Only a thin barrier keeps wild and dark magiks from consuming everything else, and the fae lords have maintained that barrier since the dark age. The lords of the great houses, excepting the dragon lords, founded a school hidden away from human eyes to train young fae folk in the tenements of good magik in order to carry on the tradition.
Elfin fae have always been some of the most powerful and have ruled over the other great houses. Steve is a popular if unextrodinary elf from a great house. A middling student, nothing to suggest he's going to be the next great hero of the age - he hasn't even earned his wings. Not all elves are strong enough to reach winged flight, but if he's ever going to join his father on the fae court he's gonna have to figure it out.
Dragons are powerful fae too but are notoriously self serving and have a long complicated history of straddling the shadows. They've been known to produce dark trickster magik more often than not. Billy is a dragon under a curse - when he was a baby his father asked for a witches blessing to make him strong enough to best his enemies. She did but witch Magik always comes with a cost. He gets stronger with every year of life but eventually, he's not going to be able to contain it. Cursed to die before his twentieth birthday consumed by his own magik.
Intrigued by his magik and sensing his importance in the ever looming conflict between those fae who would protect the natural world and those who would conquer it, the Grand Master invites Billy to train at the school - the first dragon in a couple hundred years to do so. Billy agrees to go in the hopes that his studies will lead him to a cure for the curse.
Billy & Steve's worlds collide at magic school. Steve learns to love an insufferable dragon. Billy learns to love himself, Steve, and gives an uppity elf boy wings. And in between classes they and their ragtag assortment of fae friends stop a powerful new enemy who is stalking humans for a nefarious purpose.
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