#shes observant and brave and humble
surielbonecarver · 2 years
I think I realized something that's been bothering me about Elain... I can't stand how the IC coddles her
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faeprincesswarrior · 3 months
Who is Elain Archeron?
Elain is the seer for the Night Court, as well as sister to the High Lady, Feyre Archeron, sister-in-law to the High Lord, Rhysand, and sister to Nesta Archeron, warrior.
She is one of 2 cauldron made individuals in the entirety of Prythian and the mortal lands.
She is someone who sees the good in everyone, volunteers to help others, lives with kindness, and embraces change.
She works to help others after the second war with Hybern in an effort to bring more joy to the world through teaching people how to cultivate and tend to gardens.
She offers a helping hand and nurtures others, such as when she saddles up Feyre's horse in ACOTAR and packs supplies for her.
She welcomed Feyre back home despite the fact that Feyre was now high fae, and Elain had been taught to fear high fae her whole life.
She is humble, despite being noted as a great beauty, and is gracious towards others, often making friends everywhere she goes.
She is highly observant and makes use of her observations in important moments such as when she encouraged Feyre to be kind about Winter Solstice and noted that people had died to preserve the right to have those traditions.
She is thoughtful and on several occasions goes out of her way to get gifts for people that she thinks might help them or make their lives better, such as when she gives the twin wraiths, Nuala and Cerridwen, plush blankets in ACOSF. She also gives Nesta a book from her favorite bookstore and gives Azriel headache potion, which she had made for him, based on her observation that everyone always gives him headaches.
She is also able to meet the moment when needed. She was the one who convinced Nesta to help Feyre and the IC during ACOMAF and allow them to meet the human queens at the Archeron Manor.
She is the one who shouted a warning to Feyre during ACOMAF that Tamlin was trying to forceably take her and winnow away despire the great danger she was in and fear she felt.
She was the one who offered to go to Grayson to ask for his help in providing safe haven for the humans in her former village, despite the pain of seeing him.
She used her visions to kickoff the search for Vassa, who was integral to winning the war.
She was the one who offered to use her sight to find the Suriel to help Feyre during the war in ACOWAR.
She kicked the hounds off of Azriel despite being chained and encouraged Briar to jump on his back to escape the war camp.
She was the one used her visions to prevent Hybern from killng Cassian and Nesta by stabbing him in the neck using Truth Teller. She may have also wielded shadows and used Truth Teller to its full capabilities in order to clear the battlefield and make it to Nesta and Cassian in time.
She shows her love and care for her family, even when they are unkind or when it is difficult for her. She often prepares meals for them, and she designed Feyre's birthday gift and made a point to acknowledge Feyre's role as the foundation of their family, which further shows her observation skills and humility.
She volunteered to continue scrying to help the IC find the Trove despite the Cauldron luring her away to danger in ACOWAR because she wants to help her family and her court. Even after Nesta interfered to disallow it, Elain confidently asks that they find her when they are ready.
She is brave and has shown a willingness to act for herself, take the reigns of her own life, be independent, and free herself of patriarchal traditions that dictate she is another fae male's property due to a mating bond she did not ask for and actively does not want. And she does this all while recovering from being groomed by her mother and trained to be a people pleaser.
She will not let a mystical, corrupted cauldron control her life or make her choices and will take risks to live her life on her terms.
She processes her trauma, her pain, and her sense of loss after being turned against her will and having her bodily autonomy violated by taking her time to feel her emotions and grieve in her own way. She healthily makes it out on the other side of her pain and settles into her new life even though it is not the one she chose for herself.
Her visions about heartbeats are widely believed to be about the Dusk Court, and her visions about a black box are theorized to be about Koschei, both of which will be integral to future ACOTAR books.
She has shown a keen ability for stealth and secrecy, both traits that are highly prized for spies and by the spymaster of the night court.
She is not afraid of people's darkness and often makes friends with people who are surrounded by shadows.
She can make Azriel feel seen, calm, and understood without needing to say anything, and even he notes that she knows how he feels and why he does the things he does without him needing to say. She makes him laugh with a joy and fierce happiness in his eyes that one of the people closest to him had never even seen.
She brings light and joy to his eyes, and he has stayed up all night to listen to her talk and has chosen to sit with her in companionable, comfortable silence. She is who he wants, who he thinks of at night, and who he will choose.
She makes Azriel question his religion, his customs, and his high lord.
She is who he will beg on his knees for. She is who he will fight for.
She is the woman that calms his shadows and makes him feel safe and brings him peace.
She is the one he will choose, his chosen mate and life partner, and together they will change their culture and their lives.
And that my friends is facts. Sorry but a ribbon and a sassy one-liner is not erasing this.
Elain Archeron, kindness incarnate and Azriel's future.
Art by Termesart
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peaches2217 · 4 months
Here’s a headcanon. Whats Mario’s favorite thing about Peach (both personality-wise and… physical 🤭)
Bless you Vee 🥹
Personality-wise, his favorite thing about her is her faith in people and her unflinching ability to trust. Mario’s a very kind person who believes that most people are inherently good, or at least contain the ability to be good; however, he’s also from Brooklyn and has a brother who’s been hurt one too many times, so while he’s open to giving everyone a chance, actually coming to trust someone is more difficult for him. He’s always happy to help or hang out! But you have to earn anything beyond that.
For Peach, however, it’s much simpler: you have to earn her loss of trust. She’s cautious, make no mistake, you have to be when you’re the leader of a nation. But she can look at someone, speak to them for a moment, and decide right away whether she trusts them or not, and her intuition is never wrong. That sort of insight and faith is something Mario admires deeply… not least of all because she extended that trust to him and his brother when they first met.
She had every right to be wary of two dazed, lost, and extremely confused humans stumbling into her kingdom, yet when they were brought before her, instead of throwing them out or placing them under supervision/observation, she heard them out and gave them food and shelter. Mario can’t say with any level of certainty that he would have done the same in her shoes. Some call her reckless extension of trust naïve. He calls it brave and humbling.
Physically, I think he’s so overwhelmed by her everything that there’s no one attribute he can single out as his favorite. Her eyes, bright and soft and full of cheer; her lips, plump and pink; her hair, long and thick enough to frame her body yet fine enough to sway in the breeze; and that’s just what’s on her head. Don’t even get him started on the neck down. Every last part of her is wonderful, both in their own merits and because they make up the whole entity that is Princess Peach, his best friend, the love of his life, and the most beautiful woman in existence.
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Title: Love & War Fandom: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Rating: M Status: Complete (19/19) Main Characters: Knight-Commander Cleo Ironbark, Queen Galfrey Supporting Characters: Yozz, Arueshalae, Woljif, Wenduag, Ember, Irahai, Nocticula, Hand of the Inheritor Ships: Knight-Commander/Queen Galfrey Additional Notes: Complicated Relationships, Angst, Rivals to Enemies to Lovers, Demon to Legend Mythic Path, Canon-Typical Themes, Minor Character Death Word Count: 72.8k Summary:
Galfrey was a queen, a paladin, an icon for all that was righteous and just in the Crusades. Cleo was a barbarian, a tiefling, a personification of demonic chaos. By all rights and logic, the two should have been at each other's throats- and often, they were. But somehow, through war and struggle and sacrifice, they ended up finding more in each other than either ever expected.
read here on ao3
Chaper 1 Below:
The first impression Queen Galfrey of Mendev formed of Cleo, warrior of the Ironbark tribe, was not a kind one.
To be completely fair, the Queen’s opinion was not wholly condemning, either. It was quite impossible for Galfrey to condemn the woman who had pulled Kenabres from the burning jaws of the demons. Every report given to the Queen repeated the same story: Cleo of Ironbark had bravely led the charge against the evil cultists and demons who threatened the city. Cleo of Ironbark had stormed the Grey Garrison and saved them all from the poison of the corrupted Wardstone. Cleo of Ironbark was a hero.
But Cleo of Ironbark was also…raucous.
“Another round!” the warrior cried, holding her tankard aloft, and the celebrating soldiers cheered along with her. The tankard was refilled without a moment’s hesitation, and after taking a long drink, Kenabres’s champion resumed her dramatic recounting of the day’s battle. Her voice carried across the tavern, rising above the din of the crowd and filling the large room with echoes of her bravado. Irabeth and Anevia sat at her side, listening to the tale with fond weariness and open amusement, respectively.
Galfrey kept to the corner of the tavern, holding her tongue and a humble mug of ale as she watched the theatrics unfold. Her retinue was waiting outside; she’d ordered them to give her fifteen minutes of peace before following her in. The guards were always so touchy about letting her out of their sight, as if she couldn’t handle herself perfectly well.
The Queen sighed at herself. That was unfair; they were merely doing their job. Under normal circumstances, she would have been content to let them do so. But a procession of guards was something that tended to be noticed, and in this instance, she’d wished to make her observations from a place of relative anonymity. She’d feared she might be noticed anyhow, but no; the people’s attention was centered solely on the sword-bearing storyteller who had already nearly drained her third serving of ale. This could only be the famous Cleo- who else would be drawing such adulation from the victorious crusaders?
Yet, she was not quite what Galfrey had expected.
For starters, Cleo was clearly not of Kenabres. Not a fact all that odd on its own, perhaps, but she was no ordinary traveler, either. She wore the furs and leather armor of the northern barbarians, and when she called out to the crowds, a Kellid accent made itself clear in her words. As if a lone tribeswoman in the middle of a Mendevian city wasn’t odd enough, the people’s new hero was also a tiefling. With skin of deep green and small horns that poked through her dark, close-shorn hair, her abyssal heritage was impossible to miss.
Even so, the notoriously suspicious Mendevians around her watched with high-spirited adulation as she spoke, her tail lashing enthusiastically behind her all the while.
“-and then,” she was saying, “just when we all thought we were well and truly fucked, I charged for the Wardstone. Minagho tried to stop me, but it was too late for her- I had my blade in my hands, and I took the biggest swing of my life, and with just one strike I shattered that corrupted chunk of stone!”
She mimed the motion of her attack, and the crowds shouted their appreciation. Their cheers brought a cocky grin to Cleo’s lips, revealing sharp-tipped teeth.
“And of course once that was taken care of, Minagho didn’t stand a chance. Shame she’s so good at running away, but there’s plenty other demons out there to slay!”
This declaration brought another round of victorious shouts, but Galfrey remained reticent. The scene so far had only served to cement her final impression of Cleo of Ironbark: that she was in possession of a concerning degree of reckless arrogance. Cleo spoke loudly and cursed often; she lauded her own daring exploits; she relished in stretching out her arms to display the scars lining her well-toned muscles to her crowd of admirers.
Galfrey was hardly unaccustomed to such personality. The thrill of victory could go to any soldier’s head, especially when aided by ale and applause. But she had been hoping for something more substantial from the savior of the city, and to find behavior which bordered upon unseemly was…disappointing.
Across the room, Cleo let out a loud laugh and leapt to her feet, very nearly tripping over her chair in the process. She teetered over Anevia, leaned down, and- inexplicably- blew a kiss onto the small charm in Anevia’s hands. They both laughed again at the action, even as Irabeth swatted at her wife’s shoulder in half-hearted chastisement.
In spite of herself, Galfrey felt her lips pull reluctantly into a smile. Her judgments were harsh; revelry could certainly be permitted in times like this. This was a celebration, after all, and here she was sulking in the corner and thinking dour thoughts. It must be the endless war meetings taking their toll, fixing her into this permanently somber state. After so many decades, it was growing increasingly difficult to escape such a mindset, especially when she’d spent the majority of the march to Kenabres half-expecting to find nothing but a funeral pyre.
Instead, she’d found a city in the throes of exhilarating victory. Such a state was infinitely preferable, and the leader who’d made it possible had more than earned herself a carefree night.
With that thought in mind, Galfrey threw back a swig of ale and strode forward to join her subjects at their table. Her fifteen minutes of peace were almost up, and it was time to make her presence known. Better to make a jovial introduction, she decided, rather than be a weight upon the soldiers’ high spirits.
The reactions her reveal garnered were much what Galfrey expected: Irabeth snapped to immediate attention, the nearby soldiers backed away to a respectful distance, and even Anevia straightened her posture and pushed her drink away.
But not Cleo. Cleo just watched, dark eyes giving away nothing as she granted the Queen a lazy smile. “Have I had too much to drink, or are you really who I think you are?”
“That depends a good deal on who you think I am, doesn’t it?” Galfrey countered evenly. She kept her voice lighthearted, welcoming, and held out her hand in a simple greeting. “Galfrey, of Mendev.”
Cleo regarded the offered gesture for a moment, her gaze sliding from Galfrey’s hand to meet her eyes. The edges of her smile grew more pronounced. “I see the rumors were not exaggerated. Pleasure to make your royal acquaintance.” Without breaking her stare, Cleo wrapped her calloused fingers around Galfrey’s, and she brought Galfrey’s hand to her lips.
The kiss she laid on Galfrey’s skin was short, but her eyes stayed fixed on the Queen- testing her, Galfrey realized. Pressing to see how quickly Galfrey would pull away.
Indignation surged through Galfrey’s veins, but she had decades of practice in disguising her annoyances.  She did not pull away, nor did she flinch under that taunting gaze; she waited until Cleo’s touch retreated, and only then did she withdraw her hand.
“Thank you for the compliment,” she said stiffly, and Cleo chuckled.
“Didn’t say what the rumors were, did I? But you are quite welcome, your royal highness. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?”
The words were simply dripping with mockery, and Galfrey almost changed her mind right then and there. The mission she’d meant to bequeath upon the hero of Kenabres required some modicum of respect and discipline, and she could just as easily enlist any of her current generals who actually displayed those qualities.
Except…none of those generals, in all their years of service, had accomplished anything like the feat this woman already performed. If even half of what Cleo claimed was true, she should be dead ten times over. That meant that this woman was either a braggart lying through her teeth…or she truly possessed the type of power the Crusades so desperately needed.
It was a risk, to gamble on the latter option in such a way. But the war had been locked in a stalemate for far too long. Perhaps a certain amount of risk was warranted.
And besides, Galfrey reminded herself, Cleo was currently deep in her cups. In all likelihood, she would wake in the morning somewhat sheepish and ready to approach their arrangement with a bit more propriety.
“The Queen graces me with her presence, I see.”
Galfrey stifled a sigh as she entered the Cleo’s tent. Outside, troops bustled in preparation for the march to Drezen, their shouts and orders mingling with the familiar clang of plated armor. The soldiers had been all too eager to accept the hero of Kenabres as their new Knight-Commander- much more eager than Cleo was to actually act the part. The obstinate woman lounged at her table of maps, not even rising to her feet as she greeted Galfrey with her usual taunt.
This was a worthy gamble, the Queen reminded herself. This inexplicable hostility was a small price to pay, if her newly-appointed Knight-Commander truly had a chance at cracking Drezen.
“Indeed. This mission is a matter of great importance, Commander,” Galfrey said, happy to hear that her voice came out smooth, betraying none of her frustrations. She allowed the weight of her authority to creep in on that last word, hoping to emphasize the importance of the title. “Reclaiming Drezen would be an unimaginable boon to the Crusades…as I have told you. The people believe in you. You have ignited their courage, and their hope. It is these virtues which will bring us to victory.”
“You can ease off the speeches in here, you know. Save us both the time,” Cleo drawled, not bothering to lift her attention away from the maps spread out before her.
Galfrey scowled and moved closer, setting her hands firmly over the maps and papers covering the table. “We are all putting our trust in you. This is not something I say lightly, and I cannot leave without knowing that we have an understanding.”
For the first time, Galfrey’s words actually seemed to have an effect on Cleo; her lazy smile disappeared, and her dark eyes narrowed as she studied the Queen standing before her. She even rose from her seat so as to meet Galfrey eye-to-eye across the narrow table. She shucked off her fur cloak as she stood, revealing broad shoulders laced with scars and decorated with geometric tattoos which wound around the back of her neck.
“And where will you be,” Cleo asked, steady and sharp, “while we charge off fearlessly to victory?”
Galfrey arched an eyebrow, surprised, but it seemed an honest question. “I shall be preparing the defenses at Nerosyan and its sister cities, and planning the future of the Fifth Crusade. Does this satisfy your curiosity, Commander?”
Cleo gave an undignified snort, a look of self-satisfaction flashing across her face. “Should’ve known.”
“Do you have something to say?” Galfrey demanded harshly. Such a rebuke would have shaken any of her courtiers or generals. Even now, knowing Cleo as she did, she half-expected the other woman to step back at the sound of her cutting displeasure.
But of course the Commander did not such thing. She actually leaned closer, eyes flashing, as she hissed, “Just that what you mean to say is that you’ll be watching the battle from the rear, safe and hidden away in some cushy palace while your soldiers bloody the battlefield. Can’t say I’m surprised. I’m sure a throne room is much more amenable to your sensibilities than a war camp.”
Her sensibilities? Galfrey’s jaw clenched. This feckless stranger hadn’t the faintest idea what she was speaking of- what did she know of the battles Galfrey had seen, the blood she herself had spilled in the name of Iomedae? She knew nothing, and Galfrey owed her no explanation for any of it.
“I have already overlooked many instances of insubordination, Commander,” Galfrey said, her voice low. “Do not test me further.”
The warning was a serious one, and perhaps Cleo sensed it. She paused, her face still close, searching the Queen’s expression for- well, Galfrey still wasn’t quite sure. But at last, she let out a quiet breath and turned away.
“It’s only insubordination if you’re the one in charge,” she said, almost conversationally. “From where I sit, you’re not the one doing the leading on this particular mission. If you’ve really got the mettle, march on Drezen with us. You’ve been making all your speeches about how pivotal this mission is for your Crusade. So prove it.”
A few seconds passed in which Galfrey could not form a response. Cleo made no secret of her disdain for the Queen’s presence- why would she make this offer now? Cleo tilted her chin, boldly staring down Galfrey as she waited for an answer.
“It has been a very long time,” Galfrey said slowly, archly, with as much authority as she could muster, “since anyone has dared to speak to me in such a manner. I must ask, what is it you are hoping to accomplish?”
Cleo shrugged. “Believe it or not, I’m not actually trying to offend. I don’t know you well enough to know whether I want to offend you or not. And that’s the point. Where I’m from, we don’t give respect based on fancy titles. We respect the people who’ve earned it.” She paused, her eyes roving over Galfrey’s polished armor. “Whatever you believe about me, I do want to win this war. But I also like to know the people I’m fighting with.”
“On that, at least, we can agree.” Galfrey frowned as she found herself seriously considering the offer- no, the challenge. That was what this brash, impetuous tiefling had thrown at her feet. A challenge.
“Very well,” Galfrey said. “We march together.”
A grin crossed Cleo’s face, catching Galfrey by surprise yet again. “Looking forward to it.” She laughed, and the grin widened to show off her pointed teeth. “We’re gonna make those demons wish they never crawled out of their mothers’ hellholes.”
When Galfrey left the tent, she told herself this was a sound decision, made for sound reasons. The advance would benefit from her presence, and this way she could keep an eye on her new unpredictable Commander. All her reasons were all true, which made them all that much easier to believe.
But a small part of her whispered that the truth of it was…it had been so long since someone had truly challenged her. Maybe she just wanted to see what would come of it, and of this unprecedented Knight-Commander.
Gods above, Galfrey thought, shaking her head at herself as the thoughts rattled through her mind. What have I just unleashed upon the world?
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₵Ⱨ₳₱₮ɆⱤ ₮₩Ø
Alright here we goooooooo!!! chapter 2 of TO!! And don’t worry chapter 3 is being worked on. Right now. Sorry but I didn’t get to proofread this at all bc I’ve been so busy with this family trip. but finally got around to at least separating the parts so I can assign them to chapters. Let the games begin!
Warnings: yup….implications of rape, murder, there’s bullying, Jake, Heeseung, and Sunghoon are not good people. Mentions of murdering and disposing bodies, there’s obsessive love (yandere ofc, what else? Lol) kidnapping and detaining one of the y/n’s) there are some flashbacks where male lead recalls certain events, abuse of authority, abuse of power (all in a relationship), cursings…I think that’s it. This is a thriller type so there’s lots of bad stuff that goes on.
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“Give it to me….I said give it to me!!”
Over yonder, a young man stands by and watches the display of harsh bullying taking place nearby. From afar, he witnessed the three women, seemingly to be in their early college years, torment and aggressively pick on a much shorter young woman, seemingly familiar with the three perpetrators.  
His expression wasn’t of intrigue, yet he continued to observe and study the features, listen in on their names, and noted the key traits of the women. Propped up against the building, he rubs the tip of his thumb back and forth along his bottom lip, continuously watching as the lead female harasses the timid girl into giving up money, along with homework assignments and whatever else she could obtain.
Hearing in on the names of the three bullies, he pulls out his phone and types them into his notepad, all the while still listening in on the conversation.
“What are you doing?”
A voice emerges from afar, it was foreign and quite loud. The young man turns over suddenly and watched as another woman walks up to the scene, facing the three bullies straight on.
“Give her back her things, I saw you take them from her. Give it back, NOW!”
Despite your stature, you were feisty and bold with your demands. His eyes trailed you as he mentally remarked the noble display of your act; you were brave, forceful, and relentless with an attitude that was like nothing he’s seen in a woman before. It was……interesting.
“Get lost, y/n!” the lead bully spits out.
“I said give it back to her.” you hissed out, squaring up to the bully.
Scoffing out, the trio turn around and begin walking away.
“I said….” Grabbing the lead bully by the hair, you pull her back, twirling her around and bear-hugging the girl, pinning her arms to her sides as you immobilized her. The other two bullies scatter away to avoid the scene of embarrassment as the public all watched as they walked past.
"Oh shit…..what is this? Heh...."
Finding the entire display amusing, he softly chuckles as he watched you conduct yourself rather brazenly, yet you managed to subdue the lead bully.
“Y/N let go of my hair!!”
“I will…..after you back all of her things.”
It would seem to foreign eyes that you had taken lessons on some martial arts techniques, or perhaps you gained experience in another manner.  Either way, the young male raised his brows in amazement and slightly nodded in approval, as he watched you use your skills to stand up for the defenseless, watching at how you handled the girl effortlessly and was able to get the belongings back to their rightful owner.
Observing as the intimidator rushes out of sight away from public view, his eyes come back to meet with your frame as you turn around and face the helpless girl. She humbly sticks out her hand as you gave back her items.  
“You know….you really should do something to take care of yourself. If you don’t speak up or do something, they’re going to just keep doing that.” You tell her, all the while displaying a pitiful look at the girl.
“Yeah but….” The girl hangs her head low and shakes it out of despair. “I’m not at all good at fighting and…”
“So?......I’m not really either….I just…..got into a lot of fights at school….but fighting isn’t the only way to stop bullying…”
You tried to rationalize the girl’s options, desperately hoping that she would find her own means to stand up for herself. Though it was your first time meeting her, you recognized her at your college, along with the antagonizing trio.
Bidding goodbye to her, you walked off and continued your way towards home, completely unaware that you had gained the interest of a particular observant and intrigued male that followed you closely.
Looking down at his phone, he reads the text message that came in, from a close and personal friend….
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Shoving his phone back in his back pocket, he continues to follow you as you both enter the subway station. Waiting for the next train, he ponders off into deep thought as his sight admires you from head to toe. Biting his lip, he observed as you did some light reading on your phone.
"How adorable..."
Without any given thought, he hadn't realized that he was following you and looking at you just the same as he did with all his other victims.....but he was viewing you in a different manner. For once, he didn't feel the need or the urge to taint or humiliate, he found himself genuinely interested and wanted to see more. It was a feeling, that unbeknownst to him at the moment, was something that a dear friend of his had succumbed to just months prior when he gazed at a young woman that captivated him.
At that moment, he had realized as he drifted in thought, just how much time had passed since the day Heeseung told him of how he set eyes on the most captivating woman he had ever seen. Initially, Jake merely thought that the woman would just be another notch on the belt, considering his best friend never was one to dip into commitment, nor was he the type to think about future relations and prospects of becoming a father, yet the moment he refrained from usual methods of meeting with her, lying and getting a way in for one night of pleasure, only to ditch her and never to return her calls like the rest of them, Jake became overwhelmingly surprised when his friend abstained from his usual routine.
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"So what's up with you and this girl that you saw a couple weeks ago? You keep talking about her but you hadn't made a move yet. You're not going to try and get her number?"
"Whats wrong with you?" Chuckling, Jake takes a sip of his beer as he side eyes his friend across from him as they rested on the large sofa. Teasing him, Jake spat out a series of harmless words, hoping that it would snap Heeseung out of his zoned state. The man had been far to quiet and pensive since seeing her.
"What? Did you suddenly find yourself lost in love or something?"
Remaining silent, Heeseung stared at the contents of his bottle, rotating the alcoholic beverage in circles.
"I dont know man.....I dont know. I just....I dont think I want to....."
"Want tooooooo?.....what...you dont feel like getting laid?"
".......I dont think I want to do that to her.......I .....I want her."
In mid sip, Jake's brows raised as he spit the contents of his beverage back in the bottle and leans forward, clearing his throat.
"......Like.......to date her?" Jake issues out in mid cough as he wipes his mouth.
".......I want to keep her...."
"........No shit?" Amused and displaying wide eyes, Jake stared at his friend, who paid no mind to him. He merely continued to stare down the narrow opening of his bottle and twirled it within his grasp.
".......How.....how interesting man.....that's very unlike you." Leaning back, Jake continues to face Heeseung as he notes the sudden change in his demeanor. Responding back with a low and quiet tone, Heeseung mumbles out his words, all before he finally, for the first time that night, looked over towards Jake and gave him a crooked smirk.
"Yea............it is."
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Chuckling to himself, Jake found humor in recalling those moments when he saw the changes occurring within Heeseung. It was so strange how the moment when he saw her, he had looked so empty and found life dull and void.....but that all changed when he finally got her....nearly four months ago.
“Huh.....Going on four months now….damn, time does fly. I’m so happy for him though….its good for him….she’s….good for him.”
Noting the amount of time that had traveled since meeting the girl, Jake smirks as he replayed the events of when Heeseung had finally introduced her to both him and Sunghoon....and when the changes within him started to take effect.
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Four months ago.....
*knock knock*
Hearing the seldom knock on his front door, the young man opens it to greet his longtime friend.
“What’s up? You made it.” He issues out.
“Yeah, traffic was a headache.”
“Oh yeah? Well dig into my fridge, got a variety in there.”
Peeking inside, Jake grabs a bottle from inside the refrigerator before settling down on the barstool.
“So, I took care of that one you texted me about. Man…..sometimes you gotta wonder just how some of these people exist. When I went to her home, bitch had like a photo album of all those women that she took part in helping that dude kidnap. That’s something I hadn’t even thought of doing, as fucked up I am in the head.” Jake chuckled out as he sips from the bottled beverage.
Overhearing the conversation from the next room, you listen as your wrists remained chained and tied overhead. Unsure of how long you had been in this massive apartment, you could count the times you had witness the sun setting between going in and out of sleep. You estimated that you had been here for a handful of days.
 Remaining still and calm, your ears picked up on every detail of the two men and their conversation.
“Yeah man, you remember all those women that disappeared within the last six months? The guy you killed was the one that murdered them, and his little accomplice had a whole photo album, with a map of where the bodies were buried and everything…like she was really proud of it. I mean, to have that many kills and avoiding capture, that is pretty impressive.”
“So I take it you took ‘good’ care of her?” Heeseung smirks as he pours himself a drink.
“Bro, I couldn’t find any means to stick my dick inside her, I was too disgusted by the way her voice sounded when she screamed. I just tossed her.”
“Ahh…my style. I guess my habits had been rubbing off on you more than I thought.”
Jake responds with a playful smirk towards Heeseung’s remark. “Hey hey! I might not be a pro like you, but I have gotten my hands dirty before. Remember that wench I caught? You know, the one with the little boy? You remember what I did with her, right?"
“Oh yeah…..where did you end up hiding her body at by the way?”
“I tied her to a pair of cement blocks and tossed her overboard from my dad’s boat, somewhere in the middle of Hybe Bay. Sharks probably got to her within the first hour, to be honest. I read it was a breeding spot for bullsharks.
“Huh…never thought about using that spot before. That’s pretty clever.”
Munching on a handful of peanuts from the bar counter, Jake twirls himself in half circles on the barstool with a sly smile on his handsome face.
“So….how’s your girl holding up? Is she a fan of your bachelor pad? Can we even call it that anymore?” He chuckles as he teases Heeseung after noting the flushed smile that appeared on his face.
“Haven’t really given her a tour…not yet. It’s only been about a week but I figured….let her rest and just settle down in the bedroom for a while before I start allowing her free rein inside the apartment.”
“Oh, I see. Yeah, I uh…noticed the new locking feature man, that’s pretty sweet.”
Walking up to the front door, the only means of entering and exiting the fiftieth story pad, Jake remarks the wonders of the finger padded locking system, which was also a key trait to not only securing the door, but to open it as well.
“So in order for you to open the door you have to use this finger pad?”
“Huh….where did you get it?”
“Custom made by a locksmithing company that revolutionized the industry by inventing the whole system. Some dude that used to work for NASA owns the company, I think I have his card somewhere around here…”
You remained calm in the next bedroom, hearing everything allowed you to piece together the entire situation.
“….So I was rescued…from one killer by another? Please God….get me out of this. I’m so scared….why is this happening?”
The images in your memory of what your detainer, who told you his name was Heeseung, had done to your previous captor. Despite his intentions in saving you, you could hardly claim him to be the lesser of two evils….especially after what had followed after he brought you here. Yet you felt slightly conflicted, for if Heeseung hadn’t shown just in time, you would have been terribly mutilated and tortured to death. On the other hand, that day when he came and saved you, took and hid you away from the world, you had suffered greatly…..in a different manner.
“Let me fuck you….let me love you.”
Taglist: @nshmrarki , @lprww , @baekxo07 , @m7omo
Authors note:.....i had forgot to place in the taglist ......SMH.
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onskepa · 5 months
Syawn: bonds beyond clans
Hellooooooooo everyone! here is another long awaited chapter! This one is focused on Lu'Lafyon, the oldest triplet. Hope you all enjoy this one!
Syawn series
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After many wars in the past, tragic loss and new bonds forming, many clans have become closer than ever. The center of all these bonds are the Omatikaya clan, and to be more specific is the ever growing sully family. Their bond ties deep with the Metkayina clan, the Olangi clan, the Anurai clan, and so many more. One of the many clans the Sully family is very close to is the Tayrangi clan. The Olo’eykte, the fearless warrior and wise leader, Ikeyni. She fought so many battles right beside Jake sully. She knows him and his extended family very well. 
Dont think she is alone in leading her clan. Her mate and beloved, Tstentey assisted her. He holds not specific title. Not that he desired to. Simply being a ikran rider and teacher to the young is enough of a title for him. Of course he did participate in the war against the humans. Yet after that, he continued to live his humble life with ikeyni. 
When they received word of the miracle birth of three na’vi children born from the same mother at the same time, they had to go see. Be a witness of something that is sure to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. And meeting them face to face brought great joy to Ikenyi. Seeing life blossom after many losses was always a welcoming change. 
Ikenyi and tentsey promised Jake sully and neytiri that they would vow to protect the triplets and that both would make a strong bond with them when they get older. Welcoming them to their clan should they like it. And it was a promise the couple would hold on. But among the three siblings, one of them would hold a unique bond with ikeyni. A bond she would treasure forever. 
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The couple saw the children again 4 years later.  The Tayrangi clan were celebrating the newly adult na’vi who passed their iknimaya. As a great celebration, ikeyni sent a message to her old battle friend Jake Sully to come and give his wise words to the young adults. Give them encouragement and to be proud of how far they have come. 
And while the main star was supposed to be Jake, his three little grandchildren stole the entire clan's attention. Who can ignore three cute little ones? 
“Jealous of your own grandchildren toruk makto?” Ikeyni asks, teasing Jake one day. Many of her clan gathered around neteyam sully and his mate, the one who birthed such a miracle. The small family were centered in the village, a spot for everyone to see. 
“Nah, if anything I feel more sorry for them, they are not used to so much attention '' Jake responds. Ikenyi sees how nervous and uncomfortable they were. Heading over, she has everyone to continue with their duties as to leave the family alone. She bends down to help syawn, “forgive my people. They are not over the fact of your little ones' ' ikeyni apologizes. Syawn shakes her head and smiles “it is alright. We should have expected this. Yet we still become overwhelmed”. 
Bending down to their levels, ikeyni smiles at the triplets who cling to their parents' legs. All three silent while staring intently at her. “Hello little ones, do you like my home?” she asks. The triplets dont reply instantly, merely observing her, while blinking at the same time. Ikeyni won't admit it out loud, but seeing do things as one is a bit creepy yet intriguing. 
“Come now you three, we practiced before” syawn kindly tells her children. Neteyam and syawn gently push forward the three in front of them. There were slight whimpers of protest but among the three, one of them stood in front of the other two. As a cute way of protecting them. “A brave one you are '' the olo’eykte compliments. 
The one that protects the other two, was focusing on her head piece. A gasp of realization, the triplet pointed at Ikeynis face. 
She blinked twice, confusion was written on her face. 
The child repeats. And the other two followed. 
Neteyam picks up the child and gives a frown, “lu’lafyon enough, she is not a slinger!” 
Syawn was blushing in embarrassment. “I think it is your head piece olo’eykte, it almost resembles the head of a slinger. It doesn't help that you are covered in red paint…” she muttered the possible reason behind her son’s outburst. Syawn and neteyam were ready for anything the tyrangi leader would say or do. Anything. 
Except for her laughing outburst. 
They and others nearby saw how loud and penguin ikeyni was laughing. 
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my eywa!! HAHAHA! Oh he has a good eye!” she cackles out. After a few minutes she controlled herself and composed. Standing in front of neteyam, she stretches her arms out. “May I?” she asks. Neteyam hesitantly hands lu’lafyon over to ikeyni. Settling in her arms, the little one stares up at her. 
“Lu’lafyon is it?” 
The little one nods. 
His siblings clinging onto her legs, reaching up for him. 
“Very bold of you to call me such a thing, little one. No fear, no fear at all” 
Hearing words coming from the olo’eykte, it brought some form of comfort to the parents. At least they are not in trouble. 
“Come, let me guide you to your tents” ikeyni says as she leads the way. Still holding lu’lafyon and the other two little ones right at her sides following close.
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“Slinger?” tsentey repeats, eyes wide in surprise. 
Ikeyni couldn't help but giggle some more as she prepares for the night. 
“Yes, my headpiece reminded them of that horrid creature” she replies as she takes off the said head piece, admiring the craft. Tsentey sits beside her, smiling at her. 
“Perhaps I should make something else to replace it, something less….slinger looking” he whispers into her ear. 
Ikeyni looks back at him, frowning a bit. 
“And replace your greatest gift to me? Never, this was your first courting gift to me. How can I replace this treasure?” 
“Fair enough” tsentey says. 
They stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before it was broken again. 
“Those three….you saw potential in one of them don't you?” Tsentey asks. Looking down at Ikeyni, he sees her face. An expression was displayed. 
“Too early to tell. But yes, there is a spark in all of them….however, one of them just shines a little bit brighter”
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Ever since their first meet, both Ikeyni, and her beloved mate Tsentey, have taken interested in of the darling triplets. And that would be lu’lafyon Sully. 
Lu’lafyon, the oldest triplet. Open minded, odd little one. Not that Ikeyni had any expectations for the little one, simply that he is full of surprises. One fun memory she recalls was when she was preparing a hunt in the sea with her group. As she prepared her ikran, her dear friend made some noises to notify her. Turning around she sees little lu’lafyon staring up at her ikran. 
“Lu’lafyon..? What brings you here little one?” she asks as she bends down to meet him at eye level. 
Lu’lafyon gave her a quick glance before bravely walking towards her ikran, raising his little hand to pet the creature. Bold he was, not a sign of fear. 
Her ikran let out a satisfied sound, enjoying the attention from lu’lafyon. “My ikran seems to like you lu’lafyon. Seems you hold a certain charm that can't be resist” she comments. Finally looking at her, little lu’lafyon smiles, “snack?” he asks. 
“Hm? You want to give her a snack?” she asks, the boy nods. Not seeing anything wrong, Ikeyni gives him the ok to do so. And pulling out from his small pouch was an interesting treat she has never seen before. Her ikran takes a sniff at it before taking it gently from the child, eating it well. Seemed like her ikran enjoyed the treat, whatever that was. 
“What kind of treat did you offer just now?” ikeyni asks lu’lafyon giggles while covering his mouth. 
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“Dad, have you seen lu’lafyon? We can't find him anywhere!” neteyam asks jake in a rather panicked tone. Syawn was tending to her children when she looked away for one second only to find her eldest child gone. Where he went is beyond anyone. Searching high and low, syawn couldnt find her baby so she told neteyam. 
“I havent seen him all day, maybe he is with his siblings?” jake asks. 
Neteyam shakes his head, “no, they are with syawn. Im worried that he might be-” 
“He is flying” 
Behind neteyam was lu’law and lu tstunwi as they held hands and smiled. 
The siblings led neteyam and jake outside to join syawn who was looking up. 
“What is going on??” Neteyam asks as he joins his mate. 
“Lu’lafyon…..sky……up…..here……” syawn says, her finger pointing up in the sky, shaking as she couldnt believe what she was looking up. Neteyam and jake sees what she is pointing at their jaws drop. 
Lu’lafyon was riding on an ikran. And not just any ikran, but the olo’eytke’s ikran. And not on its back oh no, the little one was riding on the ikrans HEAD! 
Lu’lafyon cries out in glee as Ikeyni does the same as they make a loop in the air. Nothing was holding the boy down, he simply clung onto the ikran with little to no protection. 
“Oh he is definitely going to ask to do that when we get back home” lo’ak says out of nowhere while he joins in on the view. 
“Hell to the no” syawn replies. 
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“I say he will make a fine rider in our skies. I saw it in his eyes. The excitement, the thrill the young boy felt. I know that feeling all to well” tsentey days with a wide grin on his face. 
He was training the young warriors when he saw ikeyni taking young lu’lafyon up to the skies with her ikran. Witnessing the boy’s big smile and cries of joy, tsentey knew from that moment that lu’lafyon would make a great ikran rider. Potential of many things. 
“I merely took him for a flight since he was curious. However I dont think his parents were pleased at my reckless choice. Placing him on my ikran’s head with no security was dangerous' ' ikeyni says as she reflects on her past actions. She plans to apologize the next day, giving the poor parents a great scare. 
“Yes, I will join you. There is something I would like to see for myself” tsentey whispers and he places a kiss on ikeyni’s cheek.
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“And you weave it like this….yes there you go. Already catching on” ikeyni compliments lu’lafyon as he carefully makes a new bracelet with the materials made or found within the Tayrangi territory. A piece of the clan to take with him wherever he goes. 
Ikeyni makes herself a bracelet as well, to match lu’lafyon. 
“One down, 2 to go!” the little one says with a wide smile. 
“Are you making more for your siblings?” she asks. Lu’lafyon nods enthusiastically. 
“We are always together, so we should always match!” 
The na’vi nods, understanding his little logic. 
“Well I am sure they will love it” 
She looks over to see tsentey teaching the other two siblings how to create a certain arm band. Using the skins of an animal, tsentey was careful to instruct the children. And it seemed it was not so hard since lu’tstunwi and lu’law were too focused on every word he said. 
“Lu’lafyon, how about I show you something to add to the bracelet?” 
Lu’lafyon gasps excitedly, his tail swaying in excitement as well “Really? Like what?”
Ikeyni grins, “it is something that you will only see and get in our clan”
A special bead, for a special child.
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The next time ikeyni sees the boy, this time it was her visiting the omatikaya. The children were celebrating their 5th birthday. The sully family insisted on just celebrating within their clan, but many clans also insisted on joining in the celebration. Ikeyni and tsentey were no different. However it didn't take much words or anything to know they will have competition with the other olo’eyktans and tsahiks. 
Competition for what exactly? 
On who can give the best present to the triplets. 
Perhaps by gaining favor, you win the triplets, you win the clan. 
While ikeyni understands this as to form strong bonds and alliances.  And she now knows it will take more than just a pretty gift to win them over. While at first she did struggle on how to prove it, it was thanks to her dear mate with her perfect idea.
Which is why she and tsenteyhas prepared something very special for the triplets. Not for gaining favor, but merely to show how strong their clan's bond is with the omatikaya. 
So when the moment came of the triplets revealing their presents. They were in awe. 
Others were left in some confusion. 
“A bead?” the Zeswa olo’eykte asks. 
“Not just any bead” the zeswa tashik whispers. 
The triplets were holding their little beads and showing it to everyone. Their beads were of hard amber, and inside was a drop of blood. 
“I Ikeyni, Olo’eykte of the Tayrangi clan, and my mate Tsentey sees lu’lafyon, lu’tstunwi and lu’law as Tayrangi na’vi. As they are of Omatikaya, there are now also Tayrangi. My home is now theirs' ' Ikeyni proudly states. 
The little ones hugged her tightly in gratefulness, lu’lafyon the most. 
“Does that mean we can do your clan iknimaya?!” 
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Lu’lafyon sully. You can ask him many things and many things he will answer. But if you ask him, “what is the best part of your life?”. That will be a very hard question, he loves everything about his life. His siblings, his family, his clan. Everything. And it will be very hard to pinpoint exactly what he enjoys the most. But he loves his life and lives everyday to the fullest. 
And as such, many people he has come to meet, lu’lafyon loves them all. And one person in particular. Someone he has come to see as an aunt. The olo’eykte of the Tayrangi clan, Ikeyni. 
From his earliest memories to his recent ones, ikeyni is someone he aspires to be. Strong, powerful, honorable and a good sense of humor.  Lu’lafyon always sees her at the same level as his father and grandfather. From the stories he was told, ikeyni isn't someone to be taken so loosely on. 
While lu’lafyon isnt sure what he wants, one thing he does have his mind set on. And that is to pass the Tayrangi iknimaya, alongside Omatikaya iknimaya. But he fears doing something like this, alone. 
Being a triplet has its perks and worrying sides. 
Ly’lafyon always does things with his siblings. Anything he eats, does, or participates in, so do his siblings. “Brother are you sure?” lu’tstunwi asks him one day. 
Lu’lafyon nods, he may seem confident but on the inside he is very worried about what his siblings would say. 
“Doing iknimaya at the tayrangi…while doing the omatikaya…” lu’law mutters, repeating what he said. 
“That seems a lot. One iknimaya is already full of trials and risky paths. We would be doubling it all” lu’tstunwi says. 
“I know, trust me I know. And it will seem to take much longer. I am not forcing you guys, but just asking if you are willing to do it with me” 
Lu’law taps her chin for a moment before looking at her brother, “and what if we say no?”  
A kind smile appeared of lu’lafyons face, “then I won't do it either” 
“WHAT?!” the other lu’s shouts in unison. 
“What what?” 
Lu’law and lu’tstunwi get closer to their oldest sibling. 
“Just because we may not want to shouldn't stop you brother, don't let our choice bring you down” lu’tstunwi says while holding lu’lafyons left hand, lu’law doing the same with his right hand. 
“I know, but it wouldn't be right if I do something and you two are not part of it. If you will do only omatikaya iknimaya, then so will I. Like grandpa always says. Sullys stick together” lu’lafyon explains. A small huff escaping him, a small sound of sadness. 
Lu’tstunwi and lu’law look at each other. 
“You are right, sully’s do stick together” lu’law says. 
“And together, we will do both,” ‘lu’tstunwi adds. 
“Yes, Okatikaya and Tayrangi iknimaya” 
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“You three are insane” neteyam says with a sigh. 
It was a long day for him and syawn, and to return with his children saying the more ridiculous thing they could ever come up with since lo’ak’s insane remarks. 
Syawn looks at her children in worry and in surprise. 
The triplets all sat in the same position, side by side, with equal determined expressions. 
“You do realize that it requires double the effort? In everything?” syawn slowly asks her children, seeing if they really know what they are doing. 
“More like triple the effort” lu’law says with a slight giggle. Neteyam rolls his eyes. 
“This is not some game or joke you can make light of. This is serious, two iknimaya’s at once? No one has ever done it before” he adds. 
“That is because no one tried. And true, why would anyone do both? But remember what ikeyni said. We are tayrangi too. But I, WE, want to prove to her that we earned it rather that simply telling” lu’lafyon says. 
“Exactly, she said it. Confirmed it. Why go further? And taking your siblings down with you” neteyam presses on. 
Lu’tstunwi places a hand on his brother’s shoulder as he smiles, “no down father. We see this as a great challenge. Grandfather told us how you pushed yourself to greater heights. If you can, why not us?” 
Neteyam shakes his head, still in denial. Syawn places her hand on his shoulder, as to comfort him. 
“No, you are doing one iknimaya and that is our clan. The trials here are deadly enough, doing further is risking your life” neteyam pushes, his voice sounding more impatient by the second. 
Lu’lafyon leans forward, trying to lock eyes with his father. 
“Please dad, we understand but let us try this. I want to try this. Already other clans hold high expectations from us and standards. They want to see what we triplets can do. Why not show them that?” 
Syawn took a sharp turn of her neck to look at her eldest. 
“What the other clans think of should not matter to you, any of you. Don't push yourselves just to satisfy the clans. You are not some spectacle to admire. You three are still children, ignoring the other’s ridiculous comments of being something greater. You three are already great in your own ways. If the reason for the tayrangi iknimaya is to impress others then forget it. I dont want you all to risk your lives for a dumb cause….damn it you are still babies!” 
The triplets all lower their faces, looking down at the matted floor. Lu’law and lu’tstunwi turn to their older brother, waiting what he will do. 
But lu’lafyon is still determined. 
“The first trials….let us do the first trials……and if we can't keep up, we will call quits on the tayrangi and only do omatikaya….not to impress others. We just want to be the best we can be. Like you father, you and grandpa, uncle loki and everyone” lu’lafyon tries again. His eyes softened, slightly pouting. 
Neteyam sees this, inwardly sighing. Ruffling his son's hair, he looks at lu’lafyon straight in the eyes, gold clashing with gold. 
“The first trials…I will talk with ikeyni abouts this. I hope to see the end of the chaos you three will walk into” neteyam says. 
In short, he allowed the lu’s to do the two iknimaya’s.
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“Your father is right, you are insane” ikeyni says after being told the news of what the triplets plan to do. 
Lu’lafyon deflates his shoulders, rolling his eyes, “I was hoping you would be on my side for this” 
“Lu’lafyon, you don't have to strain yourself on this. The times you come to visit, it already proves to me you are tayrangi. Eating, sleeping, living like a tayrangi. That is all the proof I need. Don't stress your family on this' ' ikeyni says. 
Secretly she would agree with lu’lafyon on doing two iknimaya but her mate, being the voice of reason when it calls for it, has shown her the massive down sides to it. It is a long grueling process, and it will be longer for the children. 
“Really lu’lafyon. What is your goal in all of this? What do you desire to achieve?” she presses on. 
Reading the boy’s expressions, his eyes darting left and right, tail moving slowly and low, ears pinned to the back. 
“Didn't think that far did you?” she concluded. 
“Its not that. Its just, i need a better goal than proving others something. I want to have a goal that can help me go further, further than anything else. But also not a goal where I can lose my mind, a goal where I stand proud with my siblings but having a path of my own” lu’lafyon confesses. 
This sparked something in ikeyni. She looks outside and sees lu’tstunwi with the metkayina warriors, lu’law with the okamtikaya healers. Jake with many olo’eyktans from other clans. This gave her an idea. Turning back to lu’lafyon, she smiles. 
“Become tayangi,” she says. 
Lu’lafyon tilts his head in confusion. 
“I will train you lu’lafyon. I will train you and let you go through the iknimaya. Your goal shall be to become the Olo’eyktan of the Tayangi clan”
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it with this one! Sorry for the long delay, I was almost done when I learned that ikeyni had a mate! So I went back to re-write some parts of the story to add him. But I hope you like it! Until next time! See ya!
Like the story, put your name on the taglist for the next chapter!
@quirkyhero @mochacoffeeumai26 @theunfortunateplace @moonchildxoxx @galactict3a @cloudyw1ndzz @ikeyniofthetayrangi @skittlebum @thehoneymushroomhealer
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t3a-tan · 6 months
I really don't want to seen rude, but as a form of advice, i think oliver is at risk of becoming perfect, really he is patient, calm, collected, humble, kind, organized, etc. I love him as a character, but he doesnt seen to have many flaws who are really important for anrealistic character and breakes the ilusion of a perfect guy.
I mean he doesnt seen confortable talking about his past which isnt really a flaw but aside from that i really don't see any flaws or bad habits.
Really REALLY don't mean to be rude its just an observation I've made and maybe he has more flaws that I didnt notice
Btw I really like your blog it's the first sfw and not romantic g/t I have seen
I understand the thought process there, but Oliver does have flaws they just aren't as obvious as characters like Sammy or James; Sammy is allergic to asking for help even if on the edge of death, and James is insecure about his worth and coming to terms with the fact that he used to be abusive.
Oliver on the other hand is usually written as the contrast to these sorts of characters; from their perspective he is unwaveringly kind and brave, so it's something that forces them to reconcile with their own behaviors and be better. This also means his flaws aren't seen as often because their flaws are focused on.
Oliver is flawed in a quiet way; something others don't see or recognize because from the outside looking in he seems perfect.
Oliver self-isolates. He masks. He tries not to let anyone's perception slip through his facade or else.
[To his coworkers he was known as a good worker; polite, well-received, compassionate. He wasn't friends with anyone though.
This didn't upset him in the slightest. He liked his quiet life, and whenever he got close to others they ultimately ended up discovering his past, rumours would spread, and then everyone would treat him differently again.]
The 'again' part there is important. Even though he says that it doesn't upset him in the slightest, his self-isolation was learned after getting close to someone before and that not going well.
[So things were fine like this. Quiet. Sometimes a bit lonely, but nothing Oliver couldn't handle. He stuck to his routine and that was that.]
His routine is a coping mechanism; it represents safety and comfort and allows him to not ever face his own issues until something breaks that routine (namely, James).
It's only after meeting James and seeing James be vulnerable that Oliver opens up about things in his own past, and he's always quick to move on from it. He always preaches about sharing your feelings without fear but when it comes to his past he deflects.
[Oliver cut himself off abruptly, remembering once again that his cousins were missing…and probably not even alive. Oliver turned his head to the side, brows furrowing in upset.
"Well… that's that."]
A lot of his flaws are still a mystery because they aren't shown as often, but obviously I as the writer are aware of them. In some unfinished stories he dissociates, drinks, and goes into self-loathing spirals (but obviously, because those are unfinished and unpublished I wouldn't expect people to know what I haven't shown lol).
Both human and borrower Oliver were told by their mother that they should have died instead. Borrower Oliver was told that mostly in reference to his sister when she drowned— and he blames himself for not being there when she needed him. Human Oliver's family all got in a car accident instead, and so he instead wishes he had been in the car (and he was originally supposed to be going in the car too) and died there, which is what his mother said.
He should have been there.
When his cousins went missing, Oliver just happened to be missing Sammy's birthday that year (both human and borrower Oliver), and he wishes he hadn't. I'll show a bit of an unfinished story;
[If Oliver knew that would have been his last chance to see them it wouldn't have mattered what he was doing— he would've been there. He should have been there.]
To James when he saw Oliver's wall of notes and pictures he saw it as a memorial of sorts; he found it sad but didn't recognize what it actually was; a constant reminder of the mistakes he made and who suffered because of it. Because yes, Oliver does blame himself even though he had very little control over how those tragedies played out.
[Oliver looked upon the note that he had attached to the wall as he sat at the edge of his bed; a mug of tea clutched so tightly in his hands that the tips of his fingers were turning white. It was no longer hot. He wasn't sure how long he had been reading and rereading the note, but it continued to taunt him again and again.]
Anyway. I hope that helped explain him a bit better— Oliver isn't supposed to be perfect, but he is definitely supposed to seem perfect. That's why I usually have other characters being the perspective of the story and actively thinking about how perfect Oliver is— when Oliver is alone and it's his own perspective, that's when you get the juicy bits.
Thanks for reading my stories ^^
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𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Christmas is just around the corner and Sherlock has left his holiday shopping to the very last minute! While he dashes for a quick gift for John, he runs into a stranger, and though he's quick to slight her, he's soon humbled by her kindness. 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟.
I just tossed Sherlock into a Hallmark movie. Did I mention there's mistletoe involved?
“That’ll be ten quid, sir.”
Sherlock dug through his wallet and handed the cabbie twenty instead. “Keep the change.”
The cabbie dipped his flat cap and smiled. “Much obliged. Happy holidays, sir.”
“And the same to you.” Sherlock ducked out of the vehicle and pulled his collar up against the cold. Night was setting in and stray flurries had begun to gather. He quietly cursed himself for leaving his Christmas shopping for the last minute.
Sherlock rushed through the car park wracking his brain for a gift for John. He joined a mass of people clustered at the shopping centre’s entrance and squeezed himself inside. Hundreds of shoppers darted between stores, the foot traffic so heavy, there was scarcely room to breathe. Sherlock scanned the crowd incredulously. “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good cheer,” he muttered, already feeling his head begin to ache.
He took a step forwards, bracing himself, when he suddenly felt a push from behind. Sherlock turned abruptly, his eyes dark. “Do you mind?” he spat. A young woman stared back at him.
“I’m so sorry, I slipped.” She ducked down and retrieved something from the ground. “You dropped this,” she said, placing it carefully in his hand. “Again, I’m terribly sorry, sir. Merry Christmas!”
Sherlock looked down to find his wallet in his grasp. He felt a sting of embarrassment. “Thank you,” he began, but when he turned up, the young woman had already vanished, caught in the crowd. He glanced around the centre’s walking paths but she was gone.
Sherlock thrust his wallet back into his pocket and tried to ignore the guilt. He braved a smile and pushed through the gates of a candle shop. John still needed a gift after all.
An assortment of candles decked the shop’s wooden shelves. Votives, tea lights, pillars, and torches stood in lines, their colours, shapes, and package designs all rivalling the next. Some were lit and their distinct scents blended into a sweet gale.
Sherlock smiled in spite of himself. It felt good to walk through the perfume and fairy lights. Suddenly, shopping for his dearest friend didn’t seem like such a chore. He ambled past displays, sniffing the candles that caught his eye and tried to find one that best suited John. He kept a few favourites in mind, circling back to the deep earthy ones he found excellent.
Finally, Sherlock settled on a wicked Teakwood collection. He was choosing an accompanying gift box when a struggle sounded beside him. He glanced at the disturbance and saw the young woman from earlier on.
She had also chosen a Teakwood scent it seemed, but a man had snatched it from her hold. “Sorry Miss,” the man said, “but I’ll be needing this for my wife. I hope you understand, holidays and all that.” Sherlock watched the young woman press her lips together. It was obvious that she had already claimed the candle before the man swooped in.
Sherlock observed as a look of resignation replaced the irritation on her face. “By all means,” she sighed. “Happy holidays.” The man turned away without thanks, earning a sour glare from behind. Sherlock grinned. Holiday shopping always held the promise of surly customers and browsing disputes - it was rare to find a pacifist.
“Christmas certainly brings out the worst in us, doesn’t it?” he said aloud.
The woman caught his eye. Sherlock was sure that she recognized him and noted the wariness of her stance. “It isn’t meant to,” she said guardedly. She gestured down to his pocket. “Keeping your savings safe in there? We wouldn’t want you to drop your wallet again.” She spoke with a hint of bitterness, though Sherlock reckoned it was warranted.  
He gave a curt laugh and patted his coat. “Under lock and key, I can assure you.” He sensed her ease a bit as he continued, “Which leads me to my apology. I didn’t mean to snap at you earlier tonight.”
The woman shrugged, but not before a look of pleasant surprise crossed her face. “it's no problem. What are the holidays after all, without a grinch to spoil them every so often?”
“Oh? I suppose you’re a right Christmas angel, then?” Sherlock laughed. “Really though, I’d like to thank you.” He reached out his hand. “I’m Sherlock by the way. It’s a pleasure.”
The woman smiled and returned his greeting. “Y/N,” she beamed.
Sherlock held her gaze a touch longer than necessary. Her eyes held the sort of kindness one expected during the festive season. He glanced down in curious observation. Her coat dragged from where she held it bunched in her arms and a cluster of bags weighed against her hips. Her clothes were disheveled from an evening of spending and Sherlock thought she was beautiful.
“Y/N,” he repeated. He liked the kiss of her name on his tongue. He took a breath and nodded graciously, cutting himself out of the trance. “Would you walk me to the cashier?”
Y/N smiled. She had caught the look in his eye but let her words drift away. “I’d love to.”
The pair queued up. They stood closer to one another than necessary but neither spoke aloud. Finally, Sherlock paid for his candle and led the way out. “Are you headed home?” he inquired.
Y/N hummed in affirmation. She focused her eyes straight ahead but was all too aware of Sherlock’s attention. She tried to keep the silly smile off her face and scolded herself for being so charmed by a stranger.
They walked to the back end of the shops until they reached an indoor waiting station. Behind the window walls, the sky had darkened into night and snow stormed in swirls. Cabs pulled in and out from the car park, picking up late night shoppers to bring home.
“It’s bleak out there,” Y/N exclaimed. She glanced at Sherlock but he seemed unfazed by the weather. “It’s not so bad in here,” he said lightly. The room was decorated with wreaths and tinsel. Plastic stars hung from the fan lights. He caught her gaze and his eyes crinkled in reassurance.
Y/N shied away from the sudden energy between them. Maybe it was the snow, or the promise of Christmas being only days away, or maybe it was simply Sherlock’s allure, but she found herself drawn to him. There was a kindness to his spirit and it called to her.
A cab pulled up by the curb and Sherlock tensed. “I’m headed to Baker Street,” he stammered. “If you live in that direction perhaps we could share a ride?”
Y/N cleared her throat, delighted by his nerves. “I actually live on the other end of the city,” she admitted. “But by all means, take the cab. I can wait for another.”
Sherlock fixed his scarf and shrugged off his disappointment. “Nonsense, I’ll stay,” he said. “Please, I owe you that much.”
She studied the resolute pinch of his brow and knew he wouldn’t renege. Still, she questioned him, “are you sure?”  
Y/N glanced outside. The waiting cabbie seemed impatient but she was hesitant to leave Sherlock. After tonight, they would never see each other again.
“It was great meeting you,” she said softly. Y/N was just about to step outside when Sherlock caught her wrist. She turned around and was met by a kiss on the cheek.
Sherlock’s kiss was chaste and sweet. Y/N almost questioned whether she had imagined it.
Sherlock licked his lips shyly as she stared back at him surprised. “Tradition,” he breathed, nodding at the decoration above. Y/N looked up. Mistletoe dangled over them. She laughed, her eyes gleaming. “Tradition,” she agreed. Y/N leaned forwards and pressed a delicate kiss on Sherlock’s cheek. “Merry Christmas,” she whispered.
She pulled away and stepped outside. She could feel Sherlock’s watchful eyes behind her. Just as she climbed into the cab, Sherlock rushed to her doorside. He shielded his eyes from the snowstorm, but seemed determined to catch her before she was gone. “You left something behind!” he called out against the biting wind. Before she could respond, he had thrust a shopping bag into the seat beside her and a thin film of paper into her hand. “Merry Christmas!” he cried out beaming. He shut the door and the cab promptly pulled out.
Sherlock pulled his coat closed and watched Y/N drive off. Moments later, another taxicab parked along the pavement and he ducked inside, grateful for an escape from the cold. “Where are you off to, sir?” the cabbie asked. Sherlock leaned back into his seat. “Baker Street,” he replied.
The cabbie clicked his tongue. “Last minute shopping?”
“Something like that.”
The cabbie glanced in his rearview mirror. “If you don’t mind my asking, didn’t you buy anything? Looks pretty empty back there.”
Sherlock smiled. “I bought a candle,” he explained. “But then I found a girl.”
The driver bowed his head, puzzled by his customer’s aloofness.
Sherlock closed his eyes and grinned. He had left Y/N the candle as thanks, but had slipped something more meaningful into her hand: the gift receipt.
On it, she’d find his phone number and address.
If his Christmas wish came true, he’d see her again by the New Year.
“A gift from me to you,” Sherlock breathed. “Your move.”
*grabs you by the coat collar* wanna read Hands of Gold?
Hey guys! Oh my gosh, I haven't posted a new fic since the summer! My winter break officially starts on Tuesday, so I'll be posting plenty of writing throughout December. I get that a lot of you might not be interested in my fics anymore, so if I'm tagging you and you'd rather I didn't pop up in your notifs, just give me a heads up and we'll... *sniffle* break up... I know, it's not you, it's me... *dies* Honestly though, let me know, and I'll remove you STAT! :p
Much love and happy holidays!! ❤️
Last thing... let's pretend that Sherlock still has a day or two to buy John a present! -- sorry about the repost! my fic wouldn’t show up in the tags!
tagging: @twisted-monster​ @starryeddie​ @the-chaotic-cow​ @turkisherlockian​ @aephereal​ ​ @andthevillainshallrises​ ​ @baby-bloos​ ​ @cookiemumster1​ ​​ @eternal-silvertongued-prince​ ​ @bogginsreadings​ ​ @lumosouls​ @spencerrxids​ @serenity-lattes​ @msseijii @classickook​ @starstruck-loner​    @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson ​ @lucywrites02​ @danzalladaggers @mrs-holmes​ @pytharuw @antsn​ @kabubsmagga @newtsniffles​ @cemak​ @sleepilysworld​ @bakerstreethound​
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admistedenslush · 1 year
Devil In Disguise -
Priest!Aemond Targaryen/Reader
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Tw: blasphemy?,fem!reader
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With a heart heavy with remorse, a penitent spoke the words, “Father, bless me, for I have sinned.”
In a voice of calm understanding, Father Aemond replied, “Of course, my child.”
It had been two endless years since their last confession, and as their hands clasped tightly onto the rusted iron of the gate, Aemond's gaze locked with the penitent's eyes. In that fleeting moment, their eyes shimmered red, peering into the depths of his very soul.
“You, Father, are no servant of Christ. Your place is among the infernal depths,” the words hissed from their lips in a sinister, demonic tone. “I see the taint that stains your heart. Embrace it. Join me.”
With an effortless motion, the creature swung open the barred window, inviting darkness into the sacred sanctuary.
Trembling with fear, Aemond clenched his Bible tightly in his hands.
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Begone, demon! Your rebellion ends here!” His voice quivered as he spoke, but his faith remained unyielding.
All his efforts were in vain, as the malevolence finally reached him. The chilling sound of a cackle resounded in his ears, followed by the haunting words," My arrogant and vain son.”
Aemond's eyes snapped open with an abruptness that left him gasping for air, drenched in a cold sweat. Startled and shaken by the vividness of the nightmare that had gripped him, he quickly sat up, his heart pounding in his chest.
Seeking solace and grounding in the present, he rose from his bed and made his way towards the bathroom. As he splashed cold water on his face, he braved a look into the mirror, hoping to find reassurance in his own reflection.
There, gazing back at him was a visage filled with remnants of fear and unease. The sleepless nights and the weight of his burdens were etched on his face, lines creeping across his forehead and shadows darkening the hollows beneath his eyes.
For a moment, he wondered if the torments of his nightmare had truly left him or if they still lurked within, ready to pounce at the slightest weakness. Yet, a flicker of determination in his weary eyes affirmed his resilience and resolve. Aemond straightened his back, steeling himself against the lingering shadows, determined to face whatever darkness lay ahead.
Whispering to no one but his own thoughts, Aemond breathed the words, "Let only the fear of God consume you."
In the heart of the small town, the church stood as a steadfast pillar of community for Aemond. Week after week, he conducted masses and forged strong bonds with the families who called this place their spiritual haven. But on this fateful day, amidst the predictability, an unexpected sight caught him off guard - a newcomer.
Dressed in your finest Sunday dress, you stood out from the crowd with an air of quiet confidence. Aemond couldn't help but be intrigued by this anomaly amidst the familiar faces he knew so well. He observed you from across the room, your posture radiating grace.
What captured his attention the most, however, was the cross necklace gently nestled in your bosom.
As he continued with the ceremony, his thoughts momentarily wandered, glimpses of you slipping into his mind. He couldn't deny the stirrings of attraction that tugged at him, though he quickly dismissed them as an inconsequential distraction.
"Get ready to administer communion. Wait for the usher to instruct your row to come forward."
The congregation eagerly approached the altar to receive the sacred body of Christ. Despite his years of experience, Father Aemond couldn't help but feel a hint of nervousness.
Perhaps it was the young girl in the crowd that caused these fleeting thoughts. She was likely just visiting family or on vacation, but why choose this humble neighborhood as a destination? It certainly had its charm, but it wasn't exactly a top travel spot on most people's list.
Distributing the unleavened bread to the faithful felt like second nature to Father Aemond. The familiar words effortlessly flowed from his lips, until it was your turn to receive communion. Aemond unintentionally bit his cheek, his nerves tightening.
,, Body of Christ.”
"Amen," you said, and Aemond knees almost gave out.
The trembling priest offered you the Communion wafer and delicately set it on your outstretched pink tongue. You gazed at him with drowsy eyes, resembling the allure of a siren.
Emerging from his spell, the priest handed you a chalice.
"The blood of Christ," he whispered, almost breathlessly.
" Amen," you smiled, taking a sip of the wine. A bit of the liquid escaped your lips, trickling down your chin.
Aemond's gaze fixated on the wine as it carelessly dripped down the corners of your mouth. So distracted was he by the crimson trail that he didn't even notice when you offered the cup back to him.
"Are you alright, Father?" you inquired, breaking through his reverie.
Startled, Aemond jerked embarrassingly, his attention recapturing you in all your presence. He finally registered your outstretched hand, waiting patiently to return the chalice.
"Yes, yes, quite well. Excuse me," the priest responded hastily, momentarily brushing your fingertips as he retrieved the cup. With a feeling of unexpected warmth from the brief touch, you turned back towards your seat, leaving Aemond to collect his composure.
As the rites concluded, people hastily gave their donations and made their way out. A few lingered by the door, eager to exchange a quick greeting with their priest.
"Mr. Targaryen, what a stunning ceremony it was! That part with the eye and your victorious struggle alongside God—it was simply incredible!"
Aemond's warm smile extended towards both her and the lively group, but as she expressed her desire to introduce someone, her attention shifted. "You absolutely have to meet my daughter," she eagerly revealed, her words brimming with excitement. "She recently returned from college and has a few months off. And-"
As you strolled into view, your radiant smile captured the attention of everyone around. It was no surprise that Aemond couldn't tear his gaze away from you. Finally, someone who could breathe life into this stagnant town. He almost felt jealous.
"Yes, I have returned to visit my beloved parents," you announced, your voice carrying a mix of warmth and a hint of sarcasm.
"But let me tell you the most astonishing news,Father! My dear daughter confessed that she no longer intends to attend church. Can you even imagine? My poor nerves… I decided to bring her to meet you on Sunday, Father.”
Aemond glanced back at you, his curiosity evident in his eyes.
"You're not religious?" he ventured to ask.
"Well, yes and no," you replied, a hint of hesitation in your voice. "I've sort of gotten sidetracked with it all. Been really busy, you know."
Your words hung in the air, sparking a vivid blend of intrigue and interest within Aemond.
"Yes, Father, but fear not! We shall rectify this," your mother proclaimed with determination. "I intend for her to make a confession and continue joining in Mass on every Sunday. Together, we will guide her back onto the path of faith."
Father Aemond warmly extended his invitation, assuring, "Your daughter is always welcome for confession." He made a conscious effort to maintain eye contact with you, avoiding any unintentional glances downwards.
"Perfect! She will come in tomorrow without fail!"
You arrived promptly for confession, settling into your seat within the church. Breaking away from the expectations of your mother, you daringly chose to wear a white dress that hugged your figure, maybe a touch too short for her taste. However, your desire to appear striking before Father Aemond drove your unconventional choice.
You definitely noticed that the priest was riled up because of you.
The so called "man of God"
All men are the same, no matter what their profession, even if it is the priesthood.
The peaceful sounds of a gentle creek echoed within the humble walls of the church, signaling the arrival of Father Aemond. Without making a sound, you subtly turned your face towards him and greeted him with a sly smile. As you met his eyes, you could see a hint of anticipation in his chest as it rose and fell ever so slightly.
You stood up, purposefully straightening your dress, feeling Father Aemond's eyes subtly drifting down to your legs.
"Good morning, Father," you greeted, your voice carrying a cordial tone.
"Mmh, morning," Father Aemond acknowledged, his voice slightly husky.
"You're rather early," he noted, a hint of curiosity slipping into his words.
"Punctuality is the virtue of the bored," you replied with a playful smirk, a glint of mischief dancing in your eyes.
"Shall we begin?" Father Aemond suggested, his voice laced with a gentle encouragement. "I imagine you're familiar with how the confession process works. Please take a seat in the booth."
The priest motioned you into the confessional.
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been maybe 2 years since my last confession?"
Aemond's grip tightened on his thighs, a rush of uneasiness sweeping over him. This situation felt like a test, he thought, almost with a touch of resignation. The dream and the girl, it was you all along. How could he not have recognized this sooner?
"Go on," Aemond rumbled, his voice gruff with anticipation.
"Well," you began, your voice softening slightly, "I've been dealing with my own struggles. I must confess that I've indulged in gluttony and lustful behavior over the past year. It's difficult to explain lightly."
Your remorseful act was almost laughable, tempting a hint of amusement to bubble within you.
"God won't judge you," Aemond assured, his voice a soothing anchor in the midst of your vulnerability.
"Will you?" you asked, a giggle dancing upon your lips, adding a touch of playfulness as you awaited his response.
But no response came from Father Aemond, prompting a furrowed brow on your part. Suddenly, the partition on your side of the confessional opened, revealing Father Aemond with tightly clenched fists. As you glanced up at him, your signature sweet smile played upon your lips. It was a smile reminiscent of biting into honeycomb - deceptively saccharine, almost overwhelmingly so, with the potential to leave a lingering headache. Aemond couldn't help but contemplate the hidden motives behind that disarming expression.
"I know why you're here," Aemond said, shaking his head disapprovingly.
"I'm here to confess, Father, what else?" you responded, confusion evident in your voice.
"No, no. You're here to tempt me. This is all a test," the priest accused.
You couldn't help but burst into laughter at his accusation. But before the laughter could subside, Father Aemond swiftly grabbed your neck, cutting off the sound, a stern expression on his face as he choked out your amusement.
He released you after a second, his hand hesitantly slipping away from your neck. Contrary to the expected response, fear was not the emotion that coursed through you. Instead, an unsettling mixture of excitement and arousal stirred within you, causing your thighs to instinctively clench.
Father Aemond, having clearly noticed your unusual creation, couldn't help but be taken aback. His lips curved ever so slightly upwards, a mingling of surprise in his expression.
"You absolute minx," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. With a deliberate motion, Father Aemond clasped the confessional booth shut behind him, sealing the space between you both.
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Time to try to make literally everyone disgruntled with my rotbtd Hogwarts house headcanons >:]
Merida- Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
Her movie is literally called Brave. I feel no need to justify Gryffindor. I'd argue Hufflepuff for her loyalty and the fact she doesn't actually dislike work, just boredom. Caring for her horse, refining her archery skills, those take work! She does not shy away from them! She just prefers manual labor to more restrictive types of work, like running a kingdom, and even then when she gets the hang of it she's dedicated to making ruling work- her way, not according to tradition, but she doesn't have a problem with the work itself.
Rapunzel- Slytherin
Her entire core story is built on pursuing dreams/ambitions, and she continues to push others to do the same and do the same herself throughout the series. She's clever, she's ambitious, she just also happens to be mostly nice.
Hiccup- Hufflepuff
Hiccup isn't a genius, he's just imaginative, smarter than most of the people around him, and experienced with blacksmithing. He straight-up says he's been Gobber's apprentice since he was a kid- he's had a lot of time to hone his understanding of inventing and smithing over time, which makes him less prodigy and more practiced. He's plenty intelligent, but he's more humble and hardworking than effortlessly brilliant. That's a thread in the first movie that I thought the sequels were lesser for lacking. He's loyal, he's kind, he's innately peaceful (i.e. he was taught to kill dragons but when faced with the opportunity found commonalities with Toothless instead, plus the whole second movie debacle), and he's unafraid of toil.
Jack- Ravenclaw
Oh my gosh, this boy is the ADHDest Ravenclaw. He thinks quick on his feet, almost exclusively fights by constantly moving and maneuvering rather than by sheer force (save for when moved upon by strong emotion), is first and foremost observant in unfamiliar circumstances (i.e. the North Pole), and is constantly curious and seeking emotional and intellectual engagement. He's mentally flexible and plenty witty. He's the type of guy who would answer the Ravenclaw riddle door like he's on Jeopardy, or spend hours sitting outside it telling riddles back and forth. Heck, he would gather other Ravenclaws and have the door be a Jeopardy-style judge. Also, you'll notice he had no interest in becoming a Guardian until he sees his memories, and his motivation isn't helping them at first, it's getting his memories back. He sticks around at first because he wants to learn what's going on. He's driven by curiosity and introspection, and later by personal values, but not really ambition.
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Q:  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐅. bold what applies, italicise what sometimes applies, strikethrough what never applies.
❏ ( . . . )  * 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.
    ➤   Rain Melendez Ocampo
      ➤  "Bitch" [always said with affection] by J.D. Salinas
      ➤  "Rainy" [when she was really young mostly, but now sometimes just to annoy her] by her dad + her older brother, Rocky
      ➤  "Grumpy" [used playfully] by Carlos Oliveira
╳   FLAWS.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  | possessive  | paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  | impulsive |  spiteful  |  stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  | reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest  |  trustworthy  | thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave  |  patient  |  selfless  |  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent  |  confident   | focused  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  | clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |   adaptive | calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent | considerate  |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship | friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate | reliable  |  resourceful |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art  |  acting  |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  | music  |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  | swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  | ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic  | engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |   storytelling  |  writing |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  |  singing | SHOOTING GUNS
➤  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘. — @agentvalentine [thanks for the tag :P]
➤  𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆. — @freewillacquired @moonlessnight125 @umbrellamedic @viralcure @mxrvelouscreations @bela--dimitrescu @outbreaksurvived @jxtta @thechxckmxte + anyone else who wants to do it!
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moonmoon-ren · 8 months
PART 3: The Fringes
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Hey Chichiri, what's the matter girl ? Come on we both need to be brave. Baelsar's Wall is near, after that we are in Castrum Oriens, there we can rest a while.
Kweh Kweeehhh.
I know, thunderstorms aren't my favourite and i don't like those big insects over there either, but they will not harm us. They are afraid just like us.
As the blue chocobo struggled a bit to regain her composure, Ren tried and succeeded to calm her down a bit. A few pets and some of her favourite Krakka root always did the trick. Chichiri has been Ren's companion since his father died, she has seen a lot of things but thunderstorms affect her the worst. The two continued their journey and made for Baelsar's Wall, crossed over and entered Castrum Oriens. Where they found a place to rest, eat and sleep.
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Feeling better Chichiri ? My back hurts a bit, i don't know how those soldiers sleep on those cots but its not for me for sure.
Kweeeh! (followed by a loving bump of the bo's beak)
Princess ??? Me ??? How dare you (Ren bursting out in laughter)
Alright, let us continue our journey. We have a long road to go, but at least the weather should be better.
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Oi! Bunny-ears!
A firm voice shouted at Ren in a not so respectful way. Ren turned around to see who shouted so rude.
I beg you pardon ?!
Yes, yous. Where's yous going ?
That sir, is none of your concern.
Oh fancy wordin is not helpin 'ere. Fringes's dangerous. 'eard none of the stories with yer long ears? There's rogue Garlies out there, murderin any stupid traveler and their chicken.
Chichiri! calm down girl. We're not going to be dramatic here. As for you sir, call my bo chicken one more time and I will not be responsible for what she might do to you.
Whatever, fancy-pants! I warned ya, none of my concern if i see your body dragged back here. Did me duty and warned ya.
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Let me reassure you then. I can take care of myself. No need to worry but thank you for your "humble and well meant concern". Now, tell me more about these rogue Garleans, if you want ? I tought the war ended here ?
Aye, war's done. But some Garlies are still rogue'in about. The lads at the castrum say its Garlies from Dalamasca.
Dalamasca ? You mean Dalmasca ?
What I said.
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These are no ordinary Garlies. Sometimes we see fires among them trees. Yesterday we had to rally the lads an fight. Lost me some comrades. And now I'm here warnin stupid travellers.
I'm sorry to hear about your losses.
Agh, keep yer damned sorries. They ain't bringing back me friends. What we need is a damn hero like that Lightwarrior. But he dissappeared it seems. All the same the lot.
As the soldier said this Ren's stomach turned. He did everything for Eorzea. The Final Days, The Ascian Threat, the Primals ... everything he could. But it's never going to be enough is it? What if I was here to help these people ? There are always going to be people in need in different places at the same time.
It helps that its daylight now. And i best go on my way now. I wish you a good day, and stay strong, ... hold the line as best as you can!
Aye, ye'r best be on yer way if that is what you must do.
Ren and Chichiri left the Castrum for good now and continued their journey trought the forest which surprisingly, despite the warnings of the soldier went quite well. Untill suddenly Ren smelled the stench of burning oil, war machina and ... flesh.
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Kweh Kweh ???
Chichiri, be carefull here ... something is not right. There has been recent fighting here. This is not from yesterday, this is fresh. But this is not the doing of the Alliance.
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Let's investigate those burning piles over there. But be carefull girl. There might be traps, or even explosives near. You never know with Garlean tech.
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What happened here ?
Kwehh ?
From what I can observe, these Garleans have been attacked in defense, not offense. Which means that the Garleans are the hunters and not the hunted. Not open warfare but guerilla tactics. I can see several traces of snares and selfmade ... Viera weaponry ? That soldier mentioned that these might be Garleans from the Dalmascan front. This is getting interesting.
But, whyyyy? Why here, so close to Eorzean borders? Dalmasca is miles from here. Is this a group that sought refuge? But that doesn't explain a lot. Questions Chichiri, question!
Kweh Kweh!
Yeah i know, lets get out of here. But let's stay on our guard.
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Ren and Chichiri continued their journey accross the woods for the rest of the afternoon. The trip went quite smooth for the rest of the day. Here and there they found more traces of struggles but it always came down to the same. A guerilla took place in these parts and nothing seemed to give more clues or answers for any matter.
It started getting darker. Ren and Chichiri halted for a moment near a clearing in the woods.
Do you see that there Chi ? There is a light coming from that house.
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Should we go take a look ? Maybe we can find shelter there, orrr it can be a trap. But when this forest is dangerous i rather don't risk travelling further.
Ren did not feel entirely sure about this. It seemed too good to be true. The guerilla, the extremely efficient results of tactics, and now a cabin in the woods where someone seemed to live ? Coincidence or dumb luck?
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Ren followed the wooden path leading to the house when suddenly they heard a gentle roar from their right side.
Youuu (in a very deep wise sounding voice) You there!
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A Diakka! But it seemed friendly. Not meaning to attack or anything.
Can I help you ? (Ren always felt more compelled to approach creatures of the forest with peaceful intent. Not all mean harm)
Ren suddenly felt dizzy and it all went black before his eyes, he seemed to be falling. He remembers turining around as he spoke to the Diakka (an illusion!) and seeing two dark shades jumping at him from above, probably knocking him out.
It's him !!! It's Ren!! What's he doing here ?
I don't know you're supposed to be the smart one!
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Ren slowly regained his conciousness. And stared full of confusion at his two assailants who were ... VIERAS!
Hey Ren! (said the two curious looking vieras in duo)
K-Koori ??
Kaen ??
What are you two doing here ?
What are we doing here ? What are YOU doing here ? We thought you were a spy and your lucky we didn't kill you. But chief says no kill, so no kill.
*slight groan*
Ey ey eeeeyyyy. Take it easy, you got a good bump on your head.
*intense groan* now who's fault is that?
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Koori ??? Maybe we should take Ren to the house? I think boss might want to see him. Wowww, you're sooo clever Kaen! So smart you are. For once, you're thinking. I'm going to punch you when we are there!
Ughhh guys, please ...
Yes, lets help Ren up. It was your idea. Shut up dumbass. I hate you.
Ren felt a stinging pain in his head but seeing these two here, filled him up with a warm feeling he has not felt for quite a while. Koori and Kaen are alive, and here ... so close to Eorzea. Does this mean that ... SEQUOIA ??? As Ren felt the excitement of these toughts he felt also overwhelming spiralling in his head and close to fall unconcious again.
Ohohoho easy easy Ren, we got you. We're almost there.
Koori and Kaen supported Ren and helped him to the cabin, trying to not drop their long lost friend. Chichir kept a close look at the two curious looking Vieras, but she felt they were okay, she recognised their scent. It was okay.
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Here we are. Take a seat. Boss is out still but he will soon be here i think.
Boss ?
Yes, the boss, chief ? Koori says i'm the stupid one, so i'm not supposed to explain these things. Shut up Kaen. He will see soon.
Ugghh you two... my head hurts.
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Poor poor baby Ren. Want some ear scratches. They so fluffy and soft.
Stop it Kaen. How long do we have to wait anyway? I really could use some rest.
Hey Koori, feel these ears hehehehe, they are superfloof! Leave it Kaen. Stop annoying Ren, we already did enough. You're sooooo boringgggg!
KOORI !!! KAEN !!!
WHAT IS GOI- ... going on here ???
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To be continued in Part 4: Sequoia
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shannendoherty-fans · 2 months
Luke Perry's Daughter Honors Her Late Father's 90210 Costar Shannen Doherty in Touching Tribute
The actress died on July 13 after a years-long battle with cancer, while Perry died in March 2019 after suffering a "massive" stroke
By Julia Moore Published on July 15, 2024 02:48PM EDT
Luke Perry's daughter Sophie paid tribute to her father's Beverly Hills, 90210 costar Shannen Doherty in the hours after her death.
On Sunday, July 14, the 24-year-old shared a black-and-white photo of Perry, who died in 2019, and Doherty, who died on July 13.
In the shot, her dad held on to a pearl necklace that Doherty was wearing between his teeth, as the actors both smiled.
Sophie added a "🤍" to the sweet tribute.
Following the news of Doherty's death after a years-long battle with cancer, which her longtime publicist Leslie Sloane confirmed to PEOPLE on Sunday, 90210 fans have been mourning her loss while also paying tribute to Perry, who played the love interest, Dylan, to her character Brenda on the series.
One fan wrote in a post on X, "So sad to hear about Shannen Doherty. She was an amazing actress and bravely fought her cancer. Prue will be an iconic character from Charmed for me. May she rest in peace. Say hi to Luke for us."
Perry was 52 when he died five years ago, and had suffered a "massive" stroke days before. A source told PEOPLE at the time that he never regained consciousness after the stroke, and he remained "under observation" for five days prior to his death.
"He was surrounded by his children Jack and Sophie, fiancé Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp, mother Ann Bennett, step-father Steve Bennett, brother Tom Perry, sister Amy Coder, and other close family and friends," his rep said at the time. "The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers that have been extended to Luke from around the world, and respectfully request privacy in this time of great mourning."
Doherty told PEOPLE she was "heartbroken" and "devastated" at Perry's loss as she reflected on their enduring friendship – and how they reconnected when she shared her breast cancer diagnosis in 2015.
“Luke was a smart, quiet, humble and complex man with a heart of gold and never-ending well of integrity and love. Luke reached out to me during my cancer journey and we picked right back up, albeit older and wiser, but that connection remained in tact."
“There is a special kind of love one has for each other when you are experiencing the journey we did on 90210 and of course life in general. Luke and I were working on show ideas for us. We wanted to work with each other again and create something special and meaningful for our fans at this stage in our lives,” she continued. “I will miss him everyday. Every minute. Every second.”
She also shared that her former costar "loved his family" more than anything, and "raved about his kids and how proud he was of them."
Doherty made a cameo on Riverdale following Perry's sudden death, as she said Perry had been "trying to get [her] on the show" since he'd joined it. She played a character whose life was saved by Perry's Fred Andrews in the episode, and said on Instagram she was "deeply honored to pay tribute" to Perry in the episode.
In February, during an appearance at MegaCon Orlando, Doherty got emotional on stage as she recalled how "shocking" it was to learn of his death.
"I have a very visceral reaction whenever someone brings up Luke because as someone with cancer – and a really horrible cancer at stage 4 – I thought I would be the first to go. So when it was Luke, it really just sent me for a tailspin."
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creativecuteness · 8 months
Just a little Fic I'm working on
This is a sneak peek for a fanfiction that I'm posting this Friday. Inspired by Island of the slaughter AU by @Evaee-ry on both Tumblr and Tiktok.
The fresh ocean breeze left a salty taste in her mouth and nostrils as the bow rocked to and fro. She stared at her reflection in the clear blue water with purpose, with the cloudless sky, orbiting sea gals, and cool breeze it was a perfect summer day. Perfect for swimming, fishing, and cold creamy treats but it wasn’t perfect to her in fact; the last thirty days couldn’t have been more stressful.
She glanced at her associate out of the corner of her eye. The sun always had a way of hitting his handsome features just right his short black hair, subtle beard, and brown eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a teal green one over it, dark shoes, and brown khakis. his sorry excuse for a signature outfit.
To many Christopher McLean was the Canadian equivalent of a Hollywood icon, he has appeared in countless movies, was a host for serval radio shows, podcasts, and reality tv shows (Put a pin in for that last one) And he was handsome to boot especially when the light hits him just right. But to her it wasn’t endearing as much as it was annoying.
Dakota Natalie (Age 16) knew full well that Chris’s nice guy act was nothing more than that. His quote-on-quote acts of selflessness was just a way to paint himself as a humble chivalrous not your average celebrity kind of guy. But below the surface the countless fangirls and mutual respect were the many ways he stroked his own ego. In actuality Chris was an egomaniac, narcissistic, and overall insufferable and any brave fool who tried to call him out on it would be fired on the spot and taken to court for ludicrous charges. Only a fool would work for Chirs and sadly Dakota, their captain manning the boat, and two junior high schoolers were those fools.
She turned herself fully to get a better look at Chris as he smoked his cigarette, he truly had no care in the world and that just added to the young girl’s disgust. How could he be so nonchalant about this? Were his staff and actors just that disposable to him? Or maybe he was starting to feel an ounce of regret and couldn’t risk showing that vulnerability. Dakota liked to think it was the second option but the logical side of her knew what was going on in his twisted brain.
Chris lowed his cigarette and puffed out smoke all of which hitting the brunette square in the face making her start hacking as she fanned the air as the smoke stung her eyes and lungs.
“Ugh, yet another reason why I shouldn’t start smoking.”  She prayed; the repulsive stench wouldn’t linger on her clothes. A brown skinned girl with purple hair in a braid handed her some water which she gladly drank. Once her coughing fit ended, she gave Chis the best death glare she could muster.
“Watch were you’re blowing that stuff are you trying to kill me too.” She spat, a small part of her wanting to throw the tv host overboard.
“Hey, I gave you a warning, but you were so lost in my beauty I guess you didn’t hear me.” He remarked teasingly, even in her observation she didn’t see his lips moving once he hadn’t said anything to her, and he knew she knew that. Barely anything gets past her.
“Pfft as if.” She scuffed crossing her arms and leaning back on the railing, “I’m just seeing if you regret leaving twenty-two teenagers on a deserted island while you left to save your own hide.”
Chris’s featured softened for once letting his ego deflate as he gave his assistant an affectionate pat on the head. She had the urge to push it away but moments like this were rare and far between, so she let it slide (Just this once.)
“Look, as much as I hate admitting my wrong doings you have a point.” He sighed, taking another drag from his cigarette this time blowing in the direction of the wind (And out of her face.) “I shouldn’t have left those kids on the island with a crazy killer.” He spoke, “It’s just seeing Ezekiel’s head and severed body parts I panicked. I didn’t know what to do, what was I supposed to do?”
“Uh, bring them with you!” She snapped banging her fist on the metal railing, startling their other two helpers who were playing Go Fish using a barrel as a makeshift table, “Call authorities and let them handle the rest! But no, you had to selfishly leave giving those kids no way out and all of which could be dead thanks to you. How do we tell their parents they’ll sue you from here to Timbuktu, your reputation will be ruined, and you have yourself to blame for this McLean!” She yelled, giving him another hateful glare.
Chris had to hand it to her, just like Hearther her looks could kill, and it left him regretting waiting this long to rescue them.
A Hispanic teenager with short brown hair watched the scene unfold, he thanked his lucky stars he wasn’t chosen for the show. As Chris and Dakota argued back and forth on the morality of their situation; he eyed the purple haired girl and motioned her to invite Dakota to play with them.
She nodded in understanding not wanting this short-term alliance to be the end of them before their search even began. “Hey Dakota!” She spoke waving to her, “Why don’t you play with us? We need a third player to even the playing ground.”
Dakota thought for a moment, giving a small glance at Chris wondering if he had any final words on their conversation, but figured it’d be better to just end it now. “Fine deal me in.” She agreed, not giving the former host a second glance as she joined the two acquaintances, her expression still stormy and didn’t even make small talk. The only time she did was to ask for a card.
When you realize there's another Dakota in Total Drama and need to specify this is a completely different character and by that, I mean this is my main OC. Fully chapter will be out on ao3, fanfiction.net, and Tumblr Friday February 2nd.
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kittynomsdeplume · 1 year
OC Stats
Many a moon ago, @alyssalenko tagged me in this and honestly it took me a while to decide which OC I would choose.
I've decided in the end to go with Evelyn Trevelyan, as I think she deserves a little more fleshing out beyond being the object of Blackwall's desire and devotion 😆
Evelyn Trevelyan
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Rules: bold = always, italics = sometimes
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beach-combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making |  gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise  | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | travelling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks and trinkets | crow keeping
Tagging: @knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @retrowondergirl | @thedastrash | @morganlefaye79 | @inky-does-art | @blackwallmancer | @charlatron | @isk4649 | @cleverblackcat | @spooky-daggers | @amarmeme | @hawkeshep
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siconetribal · 1 month
A Royally Unexpected Turnabout 5
Summary: With Tamaki back in school, Kyoya hopes for some semblance of normal insanity. However, the presence of a new queen with her own shadow throws that away. With a personality that rivals the energy of their excitable king and a guard that catches the eye of Honey and Mori, the duo sends the Host Club running once more.
A/N: Please like/comment/reblog and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know!
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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"Now you can meet Usa," Mitsukuni cheered as he disappeared from sight. Zaina raised an eyebrow at the bubbly blond's level of excitement, unsure if she was creating an inconvenience for the other patrons that were with her. From the looks of it, her hunch was not off.
"You don't need to do that right now. You have quite a few...err...guests? Clients? Friends? I'm not entirely sure how to refer to you ladies." Zaina turned her to attention towards the young women seated around the coffee table.
"Oh, I suppose the best way to refer to us is "clients". Though I'd love to think we're friends with Hani!" A curly brunette was first to answer, her cheeks turning red at the thought of being considered a close person to the host.
"I would love to be Hani's friend! He's just so adorable!" A girl beside the curly brunette chimed in, the group as a whole dissolving into squeals and chatter over their fantasies of what they would do as the senior's dear friend. Zaina simply sat in silence, hugging the school bags in her hands with her eyes closed as the group frolicked in their imagination while she tried to piece everything together. It was the odd sensation of being watched that forced her to open her eyes only to find her vision filled with a soft puffy pink face and tiny black pebble eyes.
"Ta-da, here's Usa!" The ever-cheerful voice came from behind the wall of pink as Zaina leaned back just a bit so that she felt less cross-eyed.
"Oh, well, hello Usa. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She softly smiled at the stuffed bunny. Did...it just blush? She blinked at what she thought was yet another hallucination with the cute senior student. "It's really cute." She tilted her head to the side, wanting to look at Mitsukuni this time. The small host looked at her with wide-eyes wonder before promptly placing the stuffed bunny on to her lap. 
"You can hold on to her then!" Without letting Zaina respond, he hopped off to his seat and happily snuggled on to the laps of the girls who squealed in delight. The young bodyguard leaned back in her seat with the new item on her lap. Placing the school bags on the floor next to her feet, she observed the rather large stuffed animal and gently wiggled its arms and ears. The simple flopping motions of the limbs made her smile, bringing a sense of calm and comfort.
Meanwhile, Rin, who was seated with Tamaki, watched with rapt attention as the president of the club listened and entertained the group of girls with such ease and passion. The energy and sincerity was breathtakingly grand. “You’re incredible!” She suddenly applauded him, the other girls happily agreeing to this praise of their beloved king of the Host Club.
“You are too kind, princess. I am merely here to host such beautiful maidens who deem me worthy of their time.” Though the words were humble, his personality was far from it.
“Who wouldn’t want to spend time with you?! You’re always so warm and welcoming!” One of the girls eagerly spoke, leaning in towards the tall blond.
“And so brave! You fearlessly drink commoner’s coffee!” Another piped up, the group quickly became excited as they thought about the time there was a demonstration of instant coffee. Rin curiously listened in as they recounted the event.
Commoner, does he mean things that Zaina does? She wondered, her attention shifting to their host who seemed to burst with new found excitement.
“Ah, but of course! They have a variety of pre-mixed beverages, canned coffee with milk and sugar already added as well as in a variety of flavors as well! The most recent adventure of mine was to a convenience store.” He proudly stated, his chest puffed out in bravery and pride as the ladies looked on in awe of him.
“A convenience store,” one of them gasped. “My father would be livid if he knew I’d even think of going to one.”
“Me too, I would be grounded indefinitely!” A second student agreed, shuddering at the thought of being punished.
“I could never dare to think of going, you’re so brave Tamaki!” A third young girl piped up.
"Would you go with me if I promised to keep you safe?" The charismatic blond instantly flipped on his charm and the girls instantly changed their tune to a resounding yes. As this little scene played out, Rin was deep in thought over something when she finally recalled what it was.
"I went to one of those!" Rin suddenly spoke up with excitement. "It was so fascinating to see that I could literally purchase everything I need all in one place!"
"You've been? Yes, isn't it grand!?" Tamaki beamed with joy.
"It was amazing! They certainly do come up with the most interesting and efficient things! I had to beg Zaina to take me. The price of things were so cheap too! I could’ve bought the whole store with my allowance; I actually ate half of a steamed bun and an ice pop." She grinned at the fond memory. "It was delicious!"
"You ate from there?" The twins suddenly spoke up from behind the two.
"Yes, I did. Zaina usually buys from there so I mimicked her actions and bought for myself. I still have the receipt as proof and keepsake!" She nodded her head.
"You weren't sick from the food? You certainly are very brave!" One of the girls with the twins suddenly popped into the picture.
"Do you have the receipt with you now?" Kaoru asked.
"Yeah, show us!" Hikaru added.
"I'll have to check my bag, but I believe I do. I had it laminated to keep since Zaina said it would fade away.” Rin announced, grabbing more attention. Wanting to have no part in this, Haruhi happily let the girls go join in on the fun while she went over to Zaina who was now sitting alone and happily entertained with Usa.
"Done already?" She looked up at the arriving footsteps to see her old friend.
"No, they're comparing commoner notes." She sighed and shook her head as she took a seat next to Zaina. “The girls I was with wanted to join in on the fun, so I let them go.”
"Commoner notes, seriously? I feel like a zoo animal." She rolled her eyes at the way the rich would look at their way of life. “Their way of life is far more surprising being that they only make up a small portion of people as a whole.”
"I'm with you there." Haruhi scowled at the crowd, used to this by now but still displeased by it. As the two commoners watched on from their perch, they noticed Tamaki’s head swiveling every which way. “I wonder what he’s looking for,” she mumbled, Zaina simply shrugging her shoulders in response.
"Where is your bag?" Tamaki asked, the other hosts and guests also beginning to look around much like he had been doing moments ago; only Kyoya and Takashi continued their serene silence, frequently interrupted by the queries of the search parties.
"The last I saw, Zaina had it in her possession," Kyoya informed his best friend as he stood silently by his side.
"Oh, where is she?" A girl asked, everyone’s attention now on trying to spot Zaina amongst their sea of pastel yellow only to turn at the well known bubbly voice of the smallest host.
"Oh, I know where she is!" He raised his hand. "I had her watch over Usa for me while I ate cake with all the nice girls who came to spend time with me!”
"Excellent, Hani, where is she?!" Tamaki turned to his senior as Rin finally stood up from her seat, both with identical expressions of determination.
"We must find the receipt!" They proclaimed at the same time as the gathered crowd applauded them in awe.
"They were able to speak in sync like the Hitachiin twins!" One of the young girls softly gasped.
"I know, I’ve never met anyone outside of them that could do that!" Her friend nodded her head, clearly amazed that another pair was able to do so and were not even related in any way. Among the shocked crowd were the Hitachiin twins as well.
"Oi, that's what we do!" They visibly pouted, ignored by the girls but that quickly changed as Kaoru started to tear up and Hikaru shouted his name.
"Now that they can do it as well, we'll lose our designations."
"Don't you dare Kaoru, they didn't come for just that…even if we do, you still have me!" He tightly embraced his brother who whispered his name, the girls around them screaming at the brotherly love display. Rin watched the little show of affection with intrigue. She had not played too much before, unsure of how far they would be comfortable with, but now it was no surprise. There was no need for hesitation, which made her feel a lot more comfortable here than how she felt this morning. The looming shadows of her brothers finally faded away, though now it just seemed silly to her. They would never judge her or expect her to be like them, so why she was so nervous about coming to this school was now a mystery.
"I don't get the attraction of that," Zaina whispered to Haruhi as they continued to observe from afar. "I mean…they're brothers…how is that forbidden and enticing?" Her eyebrows knitted together as she tried to workout the appeal. In the end, she was unable to fathom it so she merely shrugged it off for now though as Tamaki and Rin turned to the twins.
“We would never dare to steal or mimic the beauty of your artistry,” Rin assured the two of them. “However, now is not the time for the beauty of forbidden love! No, now is the time for the search of Zaina and my receipt!" Rin firmly stated, though it was clearly spur of the moment. As everyone’s attention was redirected and focused once more on the mission, Mitsukuni hopped around calling out to the group to get some attention once more.
"She is right! There is a time and place for everything as they say and right now is the time to find Zaina!" Tamaki agreed. "Find Zaina and bring her here!"
"Tama, I think I can help!" Mitsukuni shouted but no one seemed to listen
"Yes, my lord!" The twins saluted and began to look through the crowd of yellow.
"Mori, see if she has left the room!"
"Takashi, you don't need to go." Mitsukuni called out, but it was too late.
"Hn," he nodded his head and went off running through the door.
"Uhm, what is going on now?" Zaina frowned as they all seemed to be up in arms over something.
"I don't know…I think they're looking for something. Maybe a girl lost something?" Haruhi shrugged this time as they continued to watch, curious about what was unfolding in front of them.
"Kyo, you'll listen to me, right?" Mitsukuni tugged at his sleeve, teary eyed. Kyoya looked down to the older student, about to answer him when Tamaki called his name.
"Kyoya, make sure they have not left the premises." He pointed to him and instantly Kyoya had his phone open with his back to the group to call for any security footage of the school he could get now.
"Tama, I really think I can help here!" Mitsukuni insisted.
"Hani, you…please eat the cake," He said after a moment of thought. Mitsukuni puffed his cheeks and sulked over towards Haruhi and Zaina.
"They always leave me out and never listen…I'm always just eating cake, you know?" He grumbled as he took his seat.
"I'm sure you're really important, they just don't have any super important tasks that require your expertise." Zaina assured, placing Usa next to him. "Haruhi helped me watch over Usa."
"Exactly Hani, they just don't realize your value in this task…which by the way, what is going on?" She asked, taking some tea for herself.
"They're looking for Zaina and I know where Zaina is! If they listened no one would be getting into such a mess," He explained and the girls looked to one another.
"Me? What for?" The person of interest frowned as she pointed to herself. Before Mitsukuni could answer, Tamaki's cry of frustration echoed in the room as the twins came up with nothing while Kyoya sat looking through the video.
"Where could she be?!" The tall blond sighed in anguish over the mystery of this disappearance.
"She never leaves my side, this is quite odd. It can’t be helped, desperate times call for desperate measures! You need to put me in harm's way!" Rin turned to the hosts that were with her.
"What?!” The twins gaped at her words.
"Harm's way, we mustn't!" The girls gasped and whispered as this drama thickened.
"Yes, you must. I trust you to keep me safe and it will be all an act but it needs to be convincing!" Rin insisted.
"But what if you get hurt?" Kaoru frowned at this.
"We can't let you! You reason with her our king!" Hikaru turned to Tamaki who was silent at this point. "Lord?!" He pressed at the lack of instant response.
"I heard you," he finally spoke up and the room grew silent. "Princess, you are quite brave to offer such, but I simply cannot let you be in such a situation. Even if I were to be in control, you are too precious…even a commoner's receipt is not worth this."
"Tamaki," Rin gasped softly as the twins sighed with relief as he listened to reason and the girls all swoon over his chivalry.
"But I'm right here," Zaina frowned as she saw the dramatics. "What’s this nonsense of faking danger? I think I’m beginning to realize just what sort of regret coming here is," She muttered, clearly used to Rin’s outburst.
"Welcome to the Host Club," Haruhi snickered in slight defeat.
"Oh, I know. Mr. Mitsu-,"
"Hani, just call me Hani! No mister either! We're friends, right?" He smiled brightly at her.
"Oh, yes, sure." She smiled at this. "Hani, why don't you bring me to them? That way you did something and well…you're the only one to really remember I'm here." She offered.
"That's actually a good idea! And it'll stop them from cooking up any weird plans," Haruhi added after some thought.
"Nothing on surveillance shows she left the school building…but no sign of her in the halls recently either." Kyoya returned to the group to report.
"Good, that means she is still here! Keep looking and see where she may have gone!" As Tamaki gave the orders, Takashi came back a little breathless and shook his head. "She must be in a classroom somewhere."
"Hey, where is Haruhi?" One of the girls pointed out and everyone started to look among the crowd once more as they noted that the popular newbie was missing as well.
"Haruhi is missing too?!" Tamaki practically jumped out of his skin. "Mori did you see Haruhi anywhere?!" He turned to the gentle and silent giant but was met with another shake of the head. "Nothing of her in the crowd?" Everyone shook their heads. "Kyoya," he turned to his best friend.
"I'm on it." He answered simply as he returned to his screen.
"You don't think they took them…do you?" The twins suddenly looked to one another and then to Tamaki.
“They?” Rin questioned, looking to the hosts and young women around her that seemed to know who they were.
"No, they wouldn't, why would they? Neither of them has yet to even encounter them today!" Tamaki tensed at the thought.
"They who?" Rin repeated, frowning at being left in the dark. "What aren't you telling me?" She firmly demanded as the girls whispered about the possible abduction by another club.
"Now is a good time, c'mon Hani." Haruhi quickly stood up from her seat, Zaina standing up with her. Mitsukuni eagerly hopped out of his seat and grabbed Zaina's hand as he led her over.
"What should we do if they did?" Kaoru frowned as Takashi looked as grave as they felt.
"We shall save them, that's what! No foe of mine will ever get away with such a dark and dastardly deed!" Tamaki puffed his chest a bit and the girls applauded the bravery and royalty that was Tamaki.
"Tama, Tama look! I have Zaina!" Mitsukuni shouted as loud as he could over the group.
"What?! Where?! How?!" Tamaki turned to see none other than Zaina and Haurhi.
"I was trying to tell you all before, she never left the room! I had her watch Usa for me! She was at my table!" He puffed his cheeks at them all, the twins turning to see a very blank looking Takashi who then looked down in guilt. Mitsukuni grabbed his hand and pulled his cousin down, patting his head. "It's okay Takashi, you always forget the small things! I'm not upset! I got cake with Usa, Haru, and Zaina." The rest of the Host Club was clueless on whether to be embarrassed and play it all off but the girls were already applauding before anything could be said.
"Oh wow, that was a spectacular performance! You really had me worried! It was so thrilling, like a suspense filled drama!"
"You always have something amazing! We even got to take part in it!" Another cheered and slowly the agreement grew.
"Rin was great as a leading lady! How you rehearsed it all when she is new is beyond me!" Another added as Haruhi placed a reassuring hand on Zaina's shoulder as she saw a look of shock that was all too familiar to the newest host. Zaina stared at them all as if they were insane.
"But of course, we always have something for you ladies and Rin simply played along with it all on her own!" Tamaki quickly joined in as Rin curtsied to them all.
"Yes, certainly you will keep giving us your patronage." Kyoya smiled and pulled out some photo books to sell and distract anyone from overthinking. It worked like a charm, as always.
"Oh, now that you’re here, do you have my bag?" Rin turned to Zaina once the patrons were all busy trying to get their hands on the merchandise.
"Here," Zaina let out a small sigh. "You know you could've just called me at the very least?"
"We really could've," Kaoru spoke up from Zaina’s left.
"But where would the fun in that be?" Hikaru added from her right.
"It was thrilling, wasn't it?" Rin grinned as she shuffled through her bag before pulling out the much sought-after receipt. “Ah-ha, here it is!” She raised it up with triumph before letting the others look over it in wonder as they saw the prices and items sold to Rin on that day.
"Wait, is that why you were all looking for me? You wanted that?!" Zaina felt one of her eyes twitch as Haruhi pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Welcome…to the Host Club." She repeated once again, but turned and looked to Zaina and Rin with a smile. "There's never a dull moment."
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