#shep talks
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shepscapades · 1 year ago
I thought you would appreciate to know someone is coming back to your blog daily excited to see more of your DBHC au. No pressure to make more mind you just love your art and stuff. All of it honestly is amazing.
Wahh, thank you so much!! I get a lot of asks like these and I struggle to sit down and answer them because i hate to sound repetitive/don't know what to say, but know that if any of you have sent me a sweet ask, dbhc or otherwise, it is read and appreciated so so so much!! I appreciate you guys so much and you're all way too sweet :( so thank you for your kind words, it means the world!! <3
I was really hoping to work on Destruction over my Thanksgiving break, but i ended up with covid :( so i've been sickly and slowly working on work things that i need to catch up on, and I haven't had so much time to work on dbhc as much as i'd like to, unfortunately ;.;
BUT!! since spotify wrapped is out, i'm planning on rearranging my Top 100 Songs playlist to include some dbhc character playlist songs and basically compile a top-100 playlist full of songs i'd like to draw stuff for, that way we can do the Spotify Wrapped Drawing challenge again this year :D So!! Look forward to that :D I'd honestly like to stream and work on that! so we'll see >:3
But anyway, short little life update aside, thank you guys so much for your kind messages and things :] I appreciate it so much! <3
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shepfax · 1 month ago
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hello everyone I don't believe I've properly introduced you all to Dahara. he's an old ass khajiit and my current Skyrim character.
more about him below
Dahara has been with the Khajiit caravans since birth, never taking root in Elsweyr. for his whole adult life he's been a guard for the traveling traders, fighting off bandits and hostile wildlife as they traverse Tamriel. he was never a Khajiit of many words, but his actions spoke well for him. much of his personal fulfillment was helping the caravans thrive--he would help count coin, braid the cubs' hair, use magic and alchemy to heal the sick or wounded, and offer a listening ear to both business and personal affairs. some came to see him as a paternal figure, others simply basked in the safe shadow of the one-cat shield wall of the community.
as he got older, he started to feel restless; no matter how much he loved traveling with the pack he felt more and stronger urges to choose where he wanted to go next. so, as his caravan set up camp just outside of markarth, he broke the news that he'd be retiring to live a wandering life on his own, exploring the cultures and environments more deeply without the tether to a community that depended on him staying put. they of course mourn his departure, but support him nonetheless. the head of the main vendor family in his caravan offered a traveling pack of high quality goods plus a new set of armor as a retirement gift.
his first goal as an unbound mage-style fighter is to deal with the saints and seducers bandit plaguing Ri'saad's caravan routes, but he is by no means a hurried khajiit and quickly finds himself pulled into adventure from all directions.
he is not particularly interested in saving the world as Dragonborn, but he begrudgingly goes along with it in the name of restoring peace.
key features of this build:
unarmed - no weapons at all. claws and shields only
heavy armor - good for unarmed builds and being a tank overall
alteration (primary) and restoration (secondary) - protective, practical spells
I love roleplaying him so much. feel free to ask about him
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the-lonelyshepherd · 1 year ago
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its bc she said a curse word
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tunastime · 3 months ago
The Little Things
happy birthday @shepscapades!! you've known about this fic for a little bit, but we talked about how long DBHC Etho's hair had gotten and I really couldn't help myself LOL. I hope you have a great birthday <333
Behind his shoulder, Etho twists a particularly long strand of hair around his finger as they unpack, fidgeting in a way that almost seems anxious. He drags his hand back after a moment, flattening his hair against his neck, combing through absently as he sorts through their collected items and puts them in proper order. Bdubs watches him fidget for a long moment. The thoughts in his head bounce around like loose marbles. Or, Bdubs braids Etho's hair. Etho lets him.
(1506 words)
Bdubs is staring at the back of Etho’s neck as they walk a short single file through the dark oak trees. Etho holds a steady grip on the hilt of the sword at his hip, head shifting back and forth as they walk together, like they were tethered by an invisible string. He can see the faint glow of his LED in the dappled, midday light. Etho makes a small, confirming sound, but doesn’t look behind him.
“Your hair’s gotten long.”
“Mhh,” Etho hums again—some approximation of pushing out air. He reaches back, combing through the near neck-length hair. “I’m letting it get long. Thought it might be a nice change.”
“‘S it bothering you?” Bdubs asks. Etho shakes his head, glancing back to look at him.
“Keeps getting in my eyes, but otherwise I was just too lazy to cut it.”
Bdubs snorts. 
Etho shoots him a look, but his mouth is curved into a smile—one where he’s trying to stifle it, so his teeth aren’t showing, but he really wants to grin. All visible too since his mask is tucked under his chin. The motion pulls at the off-white scar down his face. 
“So mean,” he scoffs. “After everything I do for you, Bdubs!”
“Yeah, right,” Bdubs says, thumping his shoulder with the back of his hand. “And you’re bein’ dramatic.”
Etho sticks his tongue out at him, but doesn’t argue any further. Bdubs almost socks him again for that, but Etho giggles enough to get him to start laughing, and by the time he’s even considered it again, their base has come into view. Well—what some would call a stack of deepslate that looked like fort walls. Kind of. It was something at least, even if it wasn’t all that pretty. He can see the peek of Tango’s head over the wall, just a smudge of gold against the backdrop. He must be moving their chests around to keep building, because there’s no way their walls were as short as Tango. 
They both pick their way toward the base just as Tango’s head disappears. By the time their cajoling and banter is within earshot, Tango’s standing outside the front of their base, eyebrows raised.
“You two sure make a lot of noise,” he complains, folding his arms. “I swear I could hear you from across the river.”
Bdubs snorts.
“Blame Etho for that one,” he grumbles, pushing past the two of them. He hears Tango snort as he starts giggling, and Etho makes a particularly pathetic sound in retaliation.
“Bdubs started it,” he complains, dragging himself after Bdubs and into the base proper. Tango twists around to follow them both, trailing after as Bdubs lingers near the doorway. 
“Did you two at least bring back somethin’ to eat?”
“You bet your buns we did,” Bdubs snorts. He drops to sit beside his bag, fiddling until the clasps come undone. There, he reaches in, and hands Tango a chunk of entirely unprocessed redstone. When Tango twists it this way and that, it catches the light in a surprisingly interesting way. He watches Tango’s face scrunch for a moment, LED spinning a light blue ring as he thinks over the stone in his hands. Luckily he hasn’t noticed that there are a few prominent sets of teeth marks in the bottom half. 
Can’t blame a guy for getting hungry. 
Tango nods, seemingly satisfied.
Behind his shoulder, Etho twists a particularly long strand of hair around his finger as they unpack, fidgeting in a way that almost seems anxious. He drags his hand back after a moment, flattening his hair against his neck, combing through absently as he sorts through their collected items and puts them in proper order.
Bdubs watches him fidget for a long moment. The thoughts in his head bounce around like loose marbles.
Tango moves around them both and back to the place where he was moving cots and chests around. He backs himself against a particularly large double chest and shoves it sideways across the grass. Etho continues to quietly stack items into a chest. With his bag now empty, Bdubs picks himself up, and scoops up his bag. At the front door, he slings his newly sharpened axe over his shoulder.
Might as well get some wood while the day was still light.
At the fire, sleep tugging at the edge of his consciousness, Bdubs casts a tired glance over to Etho. He’s shrugged free from his coat, now draped over his knees as he sits at Bdubs’ left, leaning almost into his space. From this angle, Bdubs can see how Etho’s hair lies flat over the back of his neck, curls over the side of his face in frizzy strands. He reaches up almost absently to comb his fingers through it. Etho makes a small, startled noise. He raises his shoulders, but he’s not able to resist the tiny, pleased expression that slides onto his face as Bdubs keeps his hand on the back of his skull. He may not like the teasing, but the idea of Bdubs petting through his hair certainly seems to make him happy.
Which is why Bdubs sighs through his nose and draws his hand away.
“Etho,” Bdubs says, exasperation slipping into his tone unbidden. “C’mere and let me help you.”
“It’s fine,” Etho tries, more in discomfort than annoyance.
“Etho—” Bdubs argues. He pats the ground in front of him, legs splayed. Etho looks him up and down for a long moment, LED spinning, calculating. 
“What’re you gonna do?” he asks.
“‘M not gonna cut it,” Bdubs sighs. “Just trust me, alright?”
Etho makes a noise halfway between a groan and a hum. He finally sinks to the ground beside Bdubs’ knee. Twisting around to put him between his legs, Bdubs shuffles forward on the grass. Between Etho and the fire in front of him, the air around them is warm, filled with the slight mechanical hum from Etho in front of him, the snap of the fire. Bdubs leans forward for a moment, resting his forehead against the nape of Etho’s neck. Etho laughs, one hand coming back to squeeze his knee.
“What,” he teases. “Was this your ulterior motive?”
“No,” Bdubs startles, peeling himself away. “No it wasn’t. This was just a nice moment.”
Etho giggles, squeezing his knee again. He draws his hand down Bdubs’ shin and to his ankle, where he keeps it there.
Carefully, Bdubs combs his fingers through Etho’s hair. It’s not any different than usual, besides the length. He keeps relatively good care of it, the ends are fine, it’s short enough not to reliably knot. Sifting his fingers through takes little effort on Bdubs’ part as he easily separates three sections out, twisting the hair between his fingers as he braids. Etho slumps forward a bit, shoulders rounding out, the base of his spine and lower ribs pressed into Bdubs’ space.
“I learned how to do this a long time ago,” Bdubs says absently as he works. He watches Etho’s LED spin again, and takes that as a sign that he’s still paying attention. “Had’ta use ropes since I didn’t know anyone with hair long enough to actually practice on. It’s easy to do a simple one when you’ve got the hang’ve it, though.”
“Are you expecting me to not ask you for help when I need it?” Etho says, amusement slipping into his tone. Bdubs pokes the back of his neck.
“I’m just sayin’,” he grumbles. “You don’t have’ta learn, I’m just tellin’ a story. Jeez, Etho.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Etho placates, still giggling. “Maybe I’ll learn as long as you teach me.”
Bdubs huffs out a laugh.
“Maybe,” he parrots. He curls his hair into the last section of the small, tight braid, hoping that force alone will keep it together just for a bit. As he lets go, Etho’s hand comes back to feel out the braid, smoothing the rest of his hair back behind his ears. With most of it tucked back, only the tufts of hair in the front spill into his eyes. When he turns back to Bdubs, a soft smile tugs at his face. Bdubs reaches on instinct to push his hair back, dragging his hand down his cheek as he pulls away. He pretends not to notice that Etho’s ears have gone slightly blue as he turns away from him.
“You like it?” Bdubs asks, voice coming uncharacteristically soft. Etho nods silently. “Good.”
Bdubs leans forward into Etho’s space, then, tucking himself against the strong curve of his back. He can feel, ever so slightly, the hum of his thirium pump, the heat that he gives off from all the moving equipment inside his chest. There, he lets out a soft sigh. Etho squeezes his ankle.
“You let me know if you need me to do it again, alright?” Bdubs asks. Etho lets out a long breath of air.
“I will,” he says, voice crackling ever so.
Good, Bdubs thinks. He likes the sound of that.
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topaz-carbuncle · 4 months ago
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Found garrus sat in a good spot to take screenshots of him and my shepard, which did come out fairly cute... only to be unable to resist taking a very specific screenshot after
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mushroommanchanterelle · 3 months ago
Obsessed with the idea of Garrus slowly learning to not be a yes-man to people he respects and slowly learning how to love (platonically and romantically) outside of a system of hierarchy.
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daiisiy · 2 months ago
Before I watched Curse of Strahdanya, I had picked up the vibe Sarnax and Shepherd had a frenemies type relationship because they didn't trust each other. Then, I watched CoS and by the end of episode 1 Shepherd was on board with everything Sarnax had to say and even considered joining his religion.
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edains · 4 months ago
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MELE2: Kal'Reegar Romance Scene
Alternate Beard Mod for Custom Male Shep
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE2)
Halcyon Hairpack (LE2)
Turtlenecks for Male Shepard (LE2)
Same-Gender Romances for LE2
Primitives - A Facial Appearance Overhaul
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katkat030 · 5 months ago
There’s a fond tilt to his lips as he begins carding his fingers through Bdubs’ hair, the sensation of the strands slipping through his fingers and the weight of the head pillowed on his chest grounding. It feels right, just so, a surety that seeps into his bones and nestles there. With Bdubs curled up on the grass beside him, face turned outwards and the sleepy smile tugging at his expression just barely peeking out from beneath the arm thrown over his eyes, the irony isn’t lost on him.
Six months in the making! :) An Ethubs-focused one shot based on @shepscapades' Detroit Become Hermitcraft au!
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luna-the-cretar · 2 months ago
“you would know, during our time together, that I have a close relationship with fire”
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shepfax · 2 months ago
when defunctland makes a ~2 hour video documentary about your special interest
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the-lonelyshepherd · 10 months ago
Heya, that candy fish from west virginia you reblogged a week or so ago was really cool! Do you know any other neat WV fish? I've never been, but it seems like a really pretty place ♥️
hi yeah!!! i’m assuming you’re talking about the candy darter
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very cool (sadly very endangered) fish
i actually remember a few from when i was researching that area. key terms for WV fish are a) long and b) weird. they also have very accurate names.
grass pickerel
looks like grass and also a pickle. long and weird
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2. longnose gar
long nose, and you guessed it! a gar. also long and weird
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3. shovelnose sturgeon
another nose thing. looks like a shovel this time. long and weird.
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4. american paddlefish
as expected it is american, a fish, and its nose looks like a paddle. also long and weird.
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honorable mentions (doesn’t fit into every category of accurate name and long and weird)
5. least brook lamprey
doesn’t look like a lamp. maybe a little like a ray. but it is like the silliest looking lamprey, they’re usually scaryish but this one just looks dumb.
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6. fathead minnow
haha the name sounds like it’s being bullied
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7. orangespotted sunfish
a sunfish with orange spots. sunfish are underrated they’re so colorful and cool looking :)
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those are my honorable mentions of west virginia! not that many little colorful guys but i hope the long weird ones suffice. thank you for the ask :)
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shepscapades · 1 year ago
dbhc comic tonight :>
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topaz-carbuncle · 4 months ago
"To be loved is to be known" is a quote that I've been thinking about a lot recently, especially when it comes to how well that quote can work with garrus and Shepard's relationship. Both platonically and romantically.
Even before his romance, from the moment you recruit garrus, he's checking up on Shepard without any prompting. "Frankly, i'm more worried about you. Cerberus, Shepard?" He knows that Shepard wouldn't be working with them without a damn good reason, so he accepts whatever reason Shep has, instead choosing to voice his worries and rejoin Shepard as if those 2 years never happened. He trusts shepard enough to join a potentially dangerous workplace, knowing shepard would not allow anything to happen to him.
Not to mention that Shepard didn't exactly get to officially ask Garrus to join the crew, he just woke up in a new Normandy med bay and they both knew he would be there until the end. No Shepard without Vakarian, and all.
In mass effect 3, regardless of romance or bro/femshep, Garrus is the one to get Shepard to rest after Tuchanka. He knows that besides Earth, losing Mordin was the first personal hit that Shepard has taken since the war started. Being a pessimist, he is also more than aware that it won't be the last and that there's only so much that platitudes can do. So he does what he can, reassuring Shepard that he will keep an eye on things (unromanced) and will wake her (romanced) if anything happens. He knows the stress and burden that's been placed on her, so he does what he can to lessen it just enough to get a few hours of sleep.
My personal favourite romance scene in the 3rd game is the conversation with him after Thessia, despite Shepard's worsening mood when speaking to the crew post-mission, he continues as normal. He doesn't make a huge deal out of the mission and instead, Shepard is met with relief with the news about his family, critical thinking when discussing the call he made, then sharing her own thoughts before allowing herself to receive his comfort.
Garrus knows what Shepard needs in these circumstances, he's always there to give her the truth as well as to reassure her. "But humans want to save everyone. In this war, that's not going to happen." , "I tend to expect the worst, anyway." and "Before a certain turian with no romantic skills to speak of tries to cheer you up?"
He doesn't sugarcoat his thoughts, he doesn't downplay anything for her sake because he knows she needs someone to be that rock for her.
It goes both ways as well, especially if you view the outcomes of Garrus' loyalty as Shepard acting on behalf of what Garrus will need vs what he wants if you talk him down from taking the shot. Shepard knows that Garrus is standing on a thin line between getting justice for his team or acting out of revenge. She knows that shooting sidonis won't undo the hurt and will just be another body piled on top of it all, this time the blood actually being on his hands.
Or, if you prefer the renegade path, Shepard knows that Garrus needs to take out the final thing keeping him tied to Omega. That Garrus needs his team to be avenged so that he can stop carrying those souls with him and finally put them to rest.
It's such a brief discussion, but after recruiting him in me3, shepard is also very quick to ask about his family and then reassure him that they will be okay. After everything they have been through (not even just with the reapers) and all the losses they have collectively endured, she still doesn't hesitate to comfort him when it comes to his family.
I just love these two and their relationship so much
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I got the okay to post this from Thyme :^)
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yeah this is tottaly normal behavior from a well adjusted adult
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months ago
I had the realization that swapping BioWare main characters (and SO’s) still gets you to the same place but in wildly different ways
Like do I think Hawke and Fenris could have taken on the ME2 suicide mission successfully? 100% absolutely as soon as someone explained what the hell a space ship was. Do I think they would have burnt Cerberus to the ground the first time someone looked at Fen’s ears funny and just gone wholly fucking rogue? 1000%. Fenris would have found a way to rip the illusion man's throat out through his ass via hologram tops five minutes in.
Similarly I think Shep and Garrus would have handled Kirkwall but i do think the fight with the qunari would have happened so much sooner and would have ended with Shep full head butting the arishok and knocking his ass out cold. also Merideth would have gotten her ass sniped approximately five seconds after she was rude to Shepard for the first time
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