#shennanigans always ensue
unreadpoppy · 9 months
Family Portrait
Raphael x Gwen
Summary: Raphael decides it's time to have a paiting depicting all the members of his family. Sibling shennanigans ensue.
A/N:  Ok, this is most likely the last thing I’ll write in this AU(which i'm calling the betrayer AU) bc I want to write about Gwen actually being Tav. Also, for the sake of this, imagine that bc of the crown, Raphael’s immediate family (wife + children and himself) are immortal. 
Read on AO3
Read Betrayer here
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The walls of the Raphael household were mostly decorated with portraits of himself. Over time, he had commissioned more paitings, bu now, some included other familiar faces.
In his bedroom, there was quite a large painting of himself alongside his wife, Gwendolyn, both dresses as they did on their wedding day. Around that were eight small individual portraits of each of their children when they were young.
Gwendolyn and Raphael’s offspring were all tieflings, whose skin tones varied amongst reds and pinks, although their youngest, Mydul, had a more purple-ish color, much like his grandmother. Some had blue eyes, red eyes, the same eyes of his father and a few had mismatched ones. Their hair varied through different shades of purple and black, and all were graced with four horns. 
Now that all of them were older, Raphael decided it was time for a family portrait. He commissioned his most prestigious artist and he sent a message to his children, all spread across the realms, who were quick to answer to their father’s call. 
Soon, the whole family was in the throne room, Raphael and Gwendolyn sat on their seats, him wearing the crown and her wearing the tiara. Some of their offspring were standing while others had arranged a loveseat to sit upon. 
The place was silent, the only sound heard was of the brushstrokes of the artist. Only a few minutes had passed when one of their sons voiced his displeasure. 
“This is extremely boring.” Aldric huffed. “I had to cancel one of my parties to just…stand here and do nothing.” Out of all his siblings, Aldric was the most extroverted, often spending his time in social events, charming and fooling poor mortals too entranced by his lavish looks. 
His older brother, Basil, and his sister, Tyria, exchanged looks. The two of them were always more inclined towards warring and fighting and although Tyria was a good dancer, neither of them were particularly fond of spending the time they could be training, on senseless parties. 
Basil chuckled. “It seems that the little prince would rather be inside another random woman than be with his family.” 
Aldric shot him an angry look. Although it was true that he liked to whore around, he’d rather not have their parents know of that. 
“Basil!” Gwendolyn cried out. “Do not be crude.” She could feel that it would be a long day. 
“Apologies, mother.” He said and shut up. 
The quietness didn’t last long, and soon, Myrdul spoke. “Father, how long will this take?” 
The youngest of the eight, Myrdul spent most of his time in the Prime Material Plane, having become an adventurer, just like his mother once was. Wasting an afternoon of this was not his idea of fun. 
“It will take as long as it needs to.” Natahlia, the oldest, replied. She stood in between their parent’s seats, one hand on Raphael’s shoulder. He didn’t reply, simply nodding at his daughter’s words. He had raised her well. 
“Fret not, brother, you’re not the only one suffering.” Mathilda spoke up. Of all of Raphael’s daughters, she was considered to be the most beautiful by the other lords of his court, which is why, often, Mathilda would spy on them, play niceties while gaining information to pass on to her father. 
“Mathilda, I know very well that your schedule was cleared for the day.” Gwendolyn spoke. Her daughter turned to look at her. 
“Pardon me, mother, but this is very tiring.” She sighed. “Spending hours sitting or standing still, doing nothing.” Mathilda looked over to her two of her siblings, Kyron and Brynn, who were sitting next to each other. “In fact, I think the only ones here enjoying themselves are the resident bookworms.” 
It was true that Brynn was the shyest of the family, spending most of her time in her father’s library, and while Kyron did well during social gatherings, he much preferred the peace and quiet of reading a book. 
Kyron rolled his eyes in annoyance. “It’s not my fault you’d rather be throwing yourself at every lord you see.” He snapped at his sister. 
Mathilda stood up, angry. “How dare you?! I do it for father!”
“Both of you stop acting like small children!” Natahlia said. “Mathilda, sit down, and Kyron, keep it to yourself.” 
“And why can you boss us around? Just because you’re the oldest doesn’t mean anything.” Mathilda challenged. 
Natahlia crossed her arms and was about to reply when -
“All of you, shut up!” Brynn, who was usually as quiet as a mouse, stood up and shouted. “Stop whining and complaining. By the Nine Hells, no one is going to die because you spent a few hours of your oh so precious day with your family!” She then addressed her parents. “Forgive me, father, mother.” 
Gwendolyn smiled at her. “You have done well, Brynn.” She then turned her attention to the rest of her children. “You’ve all heard your sister. Enjoy moments like this, when we are all together. You never know when you can lose it all.” 
All, except for Raphael, looked down, almost ashamed. They settled down back to their places. 
Finally, the Archdevil Supreme spoke. “Do not forget we still have dinner after this. I have raised all of you better than this, and I expect good behavior.” 
A series of grunts and “yes, father” was heard. Gwendolyn chuckled and held her husband’s hand. Casting Message, she whispered to him. “Despite everything, I’m proud of them. Of how well they turned out.” 
Raphael looked at her and replied. “I am too.” 
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lucigoo · 4 months
Weekly Roundup: 12th May - 9th June
As im sure yo can see, I've been a bot (a lot) lacking in my Weekly ROundup. between a broken and dislocatted wrist (well done me) and just life in general, well I havnt done it. So here we are, I'm back <3 So, its been a few weeks. What I'm gonna do is the normal 6 recs and then add all the fics I've written so we are all up to date. Hope you all had a good FEW weeks lol. As always, recs first:
A Song of War (will set me free) - Sylcian_SPH_Legacy - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - (Geralt/Jaskier, this is one of my fav Warlord Geralt fics) Summary: "Jaskier came home one day and asked a question who changed the path of the ones he called family. Oxenfurt went to war to protect life and save hope four months later."
And Howl Your Pain Unto The Moon - Jeanblack2056 - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - (Geralt/Jaskier, I adore post-Caingorn and Jaskier at Kaer Morhen fics) Summary: After The MountainTM, Jaskier gets himself a nice new curse to wear, turning into a werewolf. He's not aware of much, but there is still something telling him to go north, go to the mountains. When Lambert meets the werewolf on his way home, and recognizes him, the witchers are up for an interesting winter.
Jaskier the disney princess and the harpies - Cao_the_dreamer - The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, this whole series is brilliant imo.) Summary: Jaskier is adopted by a fmaily of harpies, shennanigans ensue Daisy Chain - kayte_overmoon - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, Pregnant omega Jaskier and overprotective Geralt, chefs kiss) Summary:
Geralt meets a young, pregnant omega who makes him question everything he's ever known.
It would be a lot easier to leave him behind if Geralt wasn't already in love with him.
Oak & Ash - Morg47 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] - (The hobbit, Bilbo/Thorin, I still adore this series and this one is so good) Summary -
Long before the elves, Orome rode across the lands and purged evil from the forests he loved. Once the other races began to wake, he asked Eru for help protecting Middle Earth. Not long after, Orome found the hobbits. Deciding they were a gift from Eru himself, Orome took them in and began to teach them not only to hunt but also how to care for the lands around them. Any hobbit worth their salt knew how to drive out evil and vanquish it, just as their Valar taught them.
So really, how was Bilbo supposed to refuse a quest that would not only allow him to travel the lands that all hobbits loved but also vanquish one of the greatest evils still on Middle Earth? He was supposed to say no to cleansing forests and vanquishing darkness and seeing new trees? Not going was never an option.
The more evil they met along the way, the better.
Unpleasant Arrangements - Chrononautical - The Hobbit - (Bilbo/Thorin, Jelous Bilbo is just beautiful) Summary: The King Under the Mountain requires a consort. Bilbo is happy to help him find one. So. Very. Happy.
And now, as always, my fics, we have 5 fics and here they are: I Planted My Trees, And Watched Them Grow with You (Bilbo/Thorin, I;ve finally written the peultimate fic for the bagignshield-tober prompts by @smolestboop, I'm getting there lol) Summary: Bilbo is 141 years old, much to old for a hobbit and he feels it.
Hobbits were giving a gift by Yavanna. They know 24 hours before their time is up.
This is Bilbo's time to say goodbye to all those he loves and all who love him. Hitting Him in the Heart (Bilbo/Thorin, last weeks @flashfictionfridayofficial, plese mind the tags) Summary: Thorin hasn't recovered from the Dragon sickness, he is just able to trick everyone but his hobbit.
Bilbo takes matters in his own hands to save his dwarves and Erebor. He will save them the only way he can.
Touching me, touching you (There is nothing magic can’t do) (Sirius/Remus, for the @marauderswithpalestineproject prompt, its smutty) Summary: Remus is away with work, Sirius has had a stressful day.
Thank fully Remus as a suprise and a new way to be intimate with Sirus, even if they are on opposite sides of the world. It's not goodbye, it's not forever, it's just not right now (Sirius/Remus, for the @wolfstarbingo2024, please mind the tags) Summary: Sirius is a disaster of a man and he needs help. He refuses to get it though and Remus is bearing the brunt of that until he decides that he can't any longer. Everything has a golden hue, everything but you (Bilbo'Thorin, for this weeks FFF< again, please mind the tags) Summary: Thorin is gold sick, he is possessive and angry. Especially when he finds out his Golden One isn't beside him in the treasury where he belongs. And there we have it, I'm now all caught up, have a good week all <3
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shitkid-moved · 6 years
Whenever someone doesn’t believe me when I say that I’m very tall I just show them the picture someone took of me and @slotheyes trying to take a picture together in BNHA cosplay and I had to squat.
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the-musical-cc · 3 years
AU where Giyuu notices the constant symptoms of Shinobu slowly infusing herself with the Wisteria poison (Dizzy spells, nausea, grogginess.) and thinks she’s pregnant and he’s fuzzing over her, much to her puzzlement and annoyance. And eventually it dawns on him that she’s unmarried and- wait, shit, he’s never actually seen her with anyone, he has absolutely no clue of who the father could be. 
So one day he just tells Shinobu he knows. Being Giyuu, he’s not very clear about what the hell he’s talking about, and she just bristles because she thinks he’s referring to her wisteria poison plan. There’s a reason she never told anyone. She doesn’t want pity, she doesn’t want chiding- specially not from him. She tries to play dumb for a bit but to no avail, he seems very sure of what he says he knows. So she admits defeat.
And much to her surprise, Giyuu then offers to ‘Tell me his name and I’ll bring the bastard and make him take responsibility’. When she just stares, wondering if he could actually mean the Upper Moon she wants to slay, he then adds that if she’d rather he didn’t -the scandal and everything- he’ll marry her himself. And now, officially, she has no idea what he’s going on about, only that she heard something that was like a shitty proposal of some sort and are you even more of an idiot than I originally thought?! 
And then it clicks when he says something like they have to hurry before she starts to show. And it’s either telling him the real reason she’s sick is she’s turning her body into the ultimate poisoned bait or playing along. She did kind of admit to it already, either way. She could always send him on a goose chase but she can’t bring herself to it when he’s for once being earnest and- well, she can probably come up with something to get him off her back later, right?
So she takes the marriage.
Shennanigans ensue.
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wizisbored · 2 years
I'm curious about Beetlejuice in Strange Hill. I'm not familiar with the show but I like this and must know more. It kind of reminds me of school of rock but full Beetlejuice mode. What kind of shenanigans will ensue? How many complaints will be filed about his smell?
do you know. do you know how long i have been waiting to recieve this ask. i owe you my life.
anyway, for context. strange hill high was a kids show i watched in primary school, it had 2 seasons, and it was all episodic shennanigans with no ongoing plot. the premisce is that the main character, mitchell, is the new kid at this really really weird school called strange hill high where paranormal and extraterrestrial and sci-fi stuff just kinda happens on the regular. examples include evil tooth fairy plotting to steal peoples teeth to build a xylophone, alien invasion where the aliens are all identical to one of the main characters and try to eat him, a book so boring it rips a hole in space and time, that one time mitchell broke the concept of mathematics, etc etc.
aside from mitchell theres his two friends becky and templeton. mitchell is always getting into trouble, doesnt care about class, always late with homework. cannonnonically has adhd. bit of a scheemer, doesnt have perfect morals, but he cares about his friends and is a good guy over all. templeton is kinda your steriotypical nerd/weird kid, into sci-fi. he spends the whole first episode convinced their school is a reality tv show. is kinda technically god? (he caused the big bang with a potato during some time travel shennanigans.) and becky is a ray of sunshine optimist full of enthusiasm. sometimes has to act as the voice of reason / moral compass for the group, but is kinda gullable.
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putting a photo of them to show off the art style, cause i love it, and its puppets! the mouth and eye movements are cg'd but its not distracting, and apart from that its pretty much all practical, and all of the character designs are very unique. if youre up for some absurd comedy and funky puppet stuff its very easy to find on youtube, in fact i am watching it right now.
for the purposes of this au, i have drawn lydia and beetlejuice in this style before
anyway, context over, onto the au. im not sure whether it will be explicitly mentioned but i think im going to be setting it in year 9 uk grades and 8th grade american which if ive done my research right makes them 13-14, which is a middle ground between the strange hill characters being 12 and lydia being 15. regardless tho its post-cannon for both. lydia goes to england as part of a foreign exchange program and stays with beckys family, and hence gets introduced to her friends, and they get along fairly well.
as a side note, i will be taking this as an excuse to go full british mode. yeah i always write in an english dialect but now im actually setting something in my home country and im going to have some fun with that. there WILL be beans on toast. they get greggs in literally the first scene. perhaps there will even be Big Tesco. but its also probably the only time i will ever attempt an american dialect, just for lydia's dialogue, for the contrast. i apologise in advance for my inevitable fucking up of that.
now back to the au. in order to follow lydia and hang out, beetlejuice gets a job at strange hill. im thinking drama, since i dont think we ever see the drama teacher. music would be another option but i dont want to replace the cannon teacher. but anyway, the strange hill trio see this really fucking weird new teacher who seems to know their new friend and go 'right here we go again its shennanigan time'. they want to get to the bottom of this, lydia finds it pretty funny. over time they become better friends with her while also trying to figure out what the hell her deal with the drama teacher is. meanwhile theres the whole ordeal that is beetlejuice as a drama teacher, and also his increasingly rediculous attempts at finding ways to hang out with lydia that arent really fucking weird because shes a student at the school he teaches at now. also, hes doing a really really bad english accent the whole time. he never drops it. even if its just him and lydia, hes gotta keep it Authentic.
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ultranos · 3 years
Frontier Psychiatry??? (I assume this is somehow related to The Avalanches, and I am intrigued)
*laughing* Yes, the title did come from that song.
It’s the one where I take my “crazy ideal post-canon career path” for Azula and try to make it work. This one would be that some years post-canon, the SWT is still having a mental health crisis, exacerbated by the war.
And Sokka finally mentions it in a letter to Zuko.
Who promptly writes back "dude, why did you not tell me, we can send help."
"It's some hard times. They're real bad. Do you have anyone who can help with that?"
"...we do, but..."
"Send them."
Surprise, Sokka.
"Zuko, you are an asshole."
(this also involves Katara, who has been traveling with Aang but no longer romantically involved because they figured out they work best as Best Friends/Platonic Life Partners, finding out that the SWT needs help. Sokka’s letter that Zuko sent help so EVERYTHING IS FINE does not placate her.
Katara comes home to the SWT, and to her shock, some of the people she knew as a kid who were struggling with mental illness are doing so much better now. Always up for learning new things to help people, Katara wants to meet this FN medical team.
Katara is Unpleasantly Surprised to find out who the official leader of this team is.
Shennanigans ensue.)
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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Oc-tober Day 14: Au
I’m uh. Doin a bit of a cheat for today lol. I had already started drawing these designs like, almost as soon as I posted my fanfic but I never finished Flug’s cuz his pose was giving me troubles. I’m still not too sure on it but, yet again, I AM PRESSED FOR TIME >:V
I am not one to really go hard on sticking with fanfic ideas. I usually end up making them original works with my own ocs. But there are two specific ones that I’ve never converted because... idk i grew close to the characters as they are. Sure they may still be ooc, but dangit, i write them with the intent of me exploring their characters. Their dynamics!
Anyways, one of them is this Villainous fanfic of mine that I finally posted this year. It’s called Vive to Vida and I’m linking it here.  To further sell you to check it out, I’ll tell you a bit about what’s going on.
Flug gets sent to a boarding school in Mexico for ‘troubled youths.’ He meets Demencia. Demencia forces her way into being his friend. They confide in one another and agree to find a way out of their hellhole school togehter. Flug looks to science for this, and Demencia looks to the dark arts. Shennanigans ensue.
Im uh. Not explaining it right but there u go. Beware of dark themes and a shift in writing style as the first chapter takes its time setting the scene, and the second chapter... im just doing what i always do and posting a summary of the rest of their highschool stay. Im an impatient mother-trucker, if I kept stalling trying to write long detailed chapters, Id never get through sharing what i had planned ;o; UGH its just better this way :,/
.... yee Imma update the second chapter in just a second after I post this. 
...... damn its 5 am and i didnt sleep from all this writing XD ugh.
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meteorjam · 4 years
George Headcanons
Brought to you by me and @once-and-future-gay 
George's father is Uther's manservant and his grandfather was the manservant to the King who ruled before Uther took over Camelot. It is a great tradition and honor in George's family to be the manservant to the King and he's been training his entire life for it.
His mom is the head cook in the kitchen and everyone is very afraid of her.
Both his parents are disappointed in him because he didn't continue the family tradition since Merlin showed up.
George has been writing entries in his journals every day without fail for at least 15 years. His rage is always expressed in a thorough and organized manner with supporting points for his arguments clearly outlined.
There is a Servant Guild's Handbook and George has memorized all of it. He writes citations on servants that break the rules every month and Arthur hasn't read a single one of them.
George has a deep distaste for Merlin as he literally has the job he's trained for all his life, but, as everyone, he does begrudingly warm up to him throughout the years.
In and AU where Daegel lives and becomes Merlin's apprentice somehow, George absolutely loses it because Page 122 Paragraph 11 of the Servant's Guild Handbook explicitly states that only the King can allow a servant to take on an apprentice. The 12 page citation also goes unread by Arthur. Daegel really wants George to like him for some reason and shennanigans ensues.
If we're talking AUs, in a Will lived Au, Will and George would get into a fight and George would win. Will is good at talking shit but George would take him down with like one practiced chop to the arm.
George doesn't really emote but everyone knows that if George's left eye twitches once when you're speaking to him, your life will be made a living hell in the most calculated and organized way. Merlin unfortunately was not made aware of this upon his arrival and makes fun of George in some way and keeps finding his things ever so slightly misplaced.
Arthur assigns George to help out the knights every once in a while in hopes he'll losen up. Gwaine is the one that troubles George the most because he always tries to get him to drink on the job which is against chapter 17 in the Servant's Guild Handbook. He does develop a weird crush on Gwaine like everyone does and never mentions it to anyone. Just writes a couple of really weird journal entries about it.
Out of all the knights, he gets along the best with Leon. Leon has a group mom personality and is the most responsible so George feels comfortable being assigned to him. Leon actually laughs at his brass related jokes and is probably the only one that finds him funny. Leon also remembers his birthday. When George is assigned to be in the meeting hall during Knight debreifings, he always gives Leon a respectful nod and smile when he's giving his speeches and everyone else has fallen asleep. Leon is grateful for the quiet support. George is genuinely just really into boring statistics. He does also develop a crush on Leon he doesn't really understand. More journal entries.
George does like to read, cook, and work on perfecting any skill he hasn't mastered yet. He's a perfectionist and it's bad for his blood pressure.
Other servants have actually had crushes on George but he's too oblivious to notice.
He sleeps wearing one of those long pale blue night caps.
If George were to find out about Merlin’s magic, he for once wouldn’t snitch because he doesn’t actually want to be responsible for anyone dying. He’d have a massive crisis about it though.
@arthurpendragonns @and-damntheconsequences
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arcana-madness · 5 years
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SO THESE HAVE BEEN IN MY TABLET LIKE FOR LIKE A MONTH OR SO; but ive been promoted and time have been a bit constraining so the struggle is real while learning new stuff. Some of these where finished early and some i finished today, but overall this is just three of the 10 i have haha(i got very motivated) . Tbh now that the year its approaching from when i started to play first the arcana, i wanted to draw something up with my girl Stella doing shennanigans. SO HERE WE ARE!
Firstly, Stella gifting @wingcinna Dattie a knife she probably found and got, which are a pair along with one she owns. One of the few first apprentices i saw when i came to the Arcana was Datura, i loved his slick design and for some reason fell in love on how he looks (and to know tht he will be in a game its frikking amaizing, imma love to play his route for sure) Even though i love him(forever will love Sajna more), i feel Stell and him would be friends and bond around knifes. Probably Stella will be a little gremlin and pester Dattie for sure(cue dattie poking fun at her in some way lmao), and tbh this is a also a redraw of sorts about the tiny knife shennanigans over at twitter i believe lmao. Compared to my prev Datura draws, this time I definitelly made justice, still a long way to improve, but compared to almost one year ago, This is glorious. Thank you for being one an artists that inspired me and pulled me out of my art block that i had for years, along with a couple others. I had stopped drawing cause i felt i always did the same and no matter how i tried to get out of it by working on other fandoms, i never felt it enough till the Arcana and the apprentices i watched from many artists along. Also thank you for being an amaizing Friend as well when we speak at times at Twitter about series and shennanigans, may you always work along your dreams and may you always have good health!
Now next is @timmys-and-scribbles Julianne, which is painting stella and stella is regretting ever to offer herself as a model lmao. WHERE DO I START!! Lmao, but i met her a couple months after when i started the Arcana, mostly when she started her Julianne comics on her route(and i even have saved that 100 followers cute ass pic of Julian and Julianne that i still love due how cute they look). After a bit, she made the Discord chat(Julians Butt bless) AND MUCH SHENNANIGANS HAVE ENSUED AND OMG, YOU ARE A PRECIOUS PERSON AND ILY SO MUCH AND THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FREND AND DEALING WITH MY DUMB ASS xD. But yes, Thanks you for for making that Chat, if it wasnt because of that, i wouldn’t have met amaizing persons who we enjoy the arcana and other stuff as well, being nerds together and just having fun overall. Also thank you for being always a good friend and teacher at times, having patience to explain and help others whenever you could to improve and see them thrive and tbh, i swear ill get my ass over there because reasons *squints*
AND LAST AND DEFINITELY NOT LEAST @anuprightfool MY MAN, YOU, YOU ARE A FUCKING AMAIZING AND BLESSED SUNSHINE. You have always been such a supportive person and in all honestly, i gotta thank you and say that i am blessed to have met you in this fandom. Every day is always fun to talk to you and learn stuff, wether be coffee or photography or any subject around, its always fun to hear you out. More that once i have found myself searching for something you had mentioned because something reminded me of it or someone i talked to brought the subject and i didnt felt lost at all. I thank you greatly for your friendship and i value it eternaly. I love you man! And thank you for existing and being my friend!!! Since he has a couple apprentices, I decided to work on None other than the presh tall tree that Malin is and more because i love how their interactions work together. Forever small bean will fight anyone for this tall pole, and in the end Malin will poke fun at her for it but they love her as she loves them. Protective of each other and a friendship that will last forever.(as long as Malin keeps the tiny chihuahua at times on a leash xD)
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A quick sketch of Song of Autumn and the party’s Kenku bard, Lute. The idea of a Kenku bard in itself is amazing...and he is the party’s wrench in the plans. Shennanigans always ensue, but sometime’s he’s helpful, such as here, where he’s helping Autumn with a persuasion check.
....Are you not persuaded?!
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Confession Time: Apparently, I’ve been opening and reading fics since we started this blog that the little number of tabs in the corner of Chrome has turned into a smiley face lmao! Figured, why not put that click-happiness to good use? Below are stories you may or may not have read that’ve found a near permanent home in my Google Chrome. All different themes but each equally spectacular. 
Of Horns and Wings by DaSmiley99
They were supposedly hating each other. What will happen when two people of a different race get paired together for the purpose of a successful mission? Make out sessions, lust at first sight and probably bathroom sex. (Because why not?)
[2.4k | Rated M | No Warnings | Complete | Demon & Angel AU]
Cold Ice, Cold Eyes by ScaredMuzzle
Liam is a hockey player who just won the Stanley Cup. Theo is a homeless stripper who's trying to make ends meet. Scott's drunk.
[5.3k | Rated T | No Warnings | WIP | Hockey/Stripper AU]
You Taste Marvelous by Ithinkwehaveanemergency
Liam and Theo haven't hooked up in ages. But a Marvel marathon just might change that. Or Just a little tiny bit of smutty humor in honor of Infinity War's release.
[2.4k | Rated E | No Warnings | Complete | Friends With Benefits]
Don’t Throw Scissors by darkdodielove
Theo and Liam are making Birthday cards for Jenna when Liam makes a mistake.
[1.2k | Rated NR | No Warnings | Complete | Crack/Boyfriends]
Hide & Seek by LIONH34RT
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing”
[1K | Rated G | No Warnings | Complete | Store Clerk Au]
Buy Me Lunch Instead by DarkAngelGirl13
Theo and Liam keep looking at each other, but won't ask the other out. Stiles takes it on his self to set them up by forgetting the parking brake.
[2.7k | Rated T | No Warnings | Complete | Meet Cute AU]
I Won’t Die For You (But Maybe I’ll Stand Beside You) by I_write_fanfiction_sometime
Liam is an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut and now his mother is expecting a boyfriend for Christmas.
[11k | Rated M | No Warnings | WIP | Fake/Pretend]
That Cardi Flow by GlitterCaker20
Liam starts replying to everyone only in Cardi B lyrics. Theo thinks he’s adorable. 
[1k | Rated G | No Warnings | Complete | Crack]
Nightly encounter by francissnackhole
"I come here when I want to be alone and I didn't think anyone knew about it so where the hell did you come from."
[3.1k | Rated NR | No Warnings | Complete  | Angst with a HEA]
Not My Heart to Give (Thiam) by Abb1eWright
Theo Raeken and Liam Dunbar. Two very unstable boys with supernatural capabilities and serious mental issues. When the pack spreads out across and array of close towns and cities for college , Liam is left feeling alone and isolated at school. His best friend Mason and fellow pack mate Corey spend all their time together, very rarely do they involve Liam. School work has become a lot more strenuous and to top it all off Theo Raeken comes back to school. He’s still living in his car and struggling by but now he was also back at school. Theo is actually trying to change where his future is heading and to actually have the chance to build himself a future without murdering people for power. However Liam still hates him and Theo is still an omega. How will these two sort out their issues with each other and is their issue bigger than the new problem growing in the ominous hotspot town know as Beacon Hills.
[18.8k | Rated T | No Warnings | Complete | Post 6B]
Can You Hold This For Me? by FlyRobinFly
"I bet you can't get Liam to hold your hand." "I accept that challenge."
[332 Words | Rated G | No Warnings | Complete | Bets & Wagers]
Exhibit(ionism) by Manonlemelon
Theo and Liam have a date at the zoo. Shennanigans happens.
[7.1k } Rated E | No Warnings | Complete | Zoo Au]
Coup de Foudre by never_love_a_wild_thing
When Theo Raeken is the only member of his pack left standing, he goes to find the True Alpha that everyone had always talked about. Scott McCall's pack is not what he expected: they are against violence and Scott listens to what the other members of his pack have to say. Most importantly, almost none of them speak Theo's language. Liam Dunbar is trying to prove himself to his alpha. When the pack takes in a rogue werewolf with dubious morals, he decides that this is his chance. Meanwhile, the Nemeton is drawing more and more dangerous creatures to Beacon Hills every day, and the pack is trying to find a way to shut it down before the town is overrun with the supernatural. An unadvisable plan may just answer, but when the consequences are more than Liam and his friends had realized, Theo might be the only one who can save him. Takes place after Season 4. For Thiam Half Birthday 2018: Them With A Twist
[3.4k | Rated T | No Warnings | Complete | French Theo Au]
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf by malandrina_TheodoreR
"What the hell is he doing here?" This is a question Liam too has often asked himself, and the fact that his ex-girlfriend suddenly came back from another state to ask him as well doesn't help him find an answer. What the hell is Theo doing there? With them? There is no immediate and logical answer, Theo is there and that's enough. ______ Theo has pursued the dream of perfection for so long, years and years, he literally stole his sister's heart to become the perfect evil the Dread Doctors dreamed of, and everything that attracts him now, that really attracs him, instinctively and viscerally, it's the furthest from perfection he could ever imagined. It's the unusual, the detail out of place, it's the muddy boots under the skirt of little red riding hood.
[60k | Rated T | No Warnings | Complete | Post 6A au]
Giants Everywhere! by Oh_Well_Em_Writes
For the prompt: “I don’t know who you are but I need you to lift me up so I can grab that thing off the top shelf. I know it’s awkward that we’re strangers and your hand is close to my butt, it’s fine (mainly because you’re cute).”
[1.4k | Rated NR | No Warnings | Complete | Strangers au]
The Big Gay Movie Club by shane06930
Liam is less than enthusiastic when his roommate Mason drags him to a film club in hopes of hooking up with a guy in his psych class. This changes when Liam connects with a cute stranger who shows him the ropes of the Big Gay Movie Club. Cuteness ensues.
[2.6k | Rated T | No Warnings | Complete | College au]
Hidden Hearts by wolfenboy
Theo finds secret love confessions all over the high school and decides to go on a mission to find out who is making the graffiti.
[2.6k | Rated G | No Warnings | Complete | Love Letters]
Genie In A Bottle by TrashWrites
Liam finds a strange lamp while clearing out the attic. Turns out it is a magical one inhabited by a genie named Theo.
[7.5k | Rated T | No Warnings | WIP | Genie AU]
Just Starve Yourself by FlyRobinFly
Theo has a problem with how Liam eats. or five times Theo can't stand how Liam eats and one time he actually does something about... because he's drunk.
[2.9k | Rated M | No Warnings | Complete | Messy Eater Liam]
Two Bottoms Don’t Make a Top by Uthizaar
A College AU in which Liam and Theo have never met before, Theo asks Liam out without first looking him up on a dating app, resulting in mystery and fun and a little confusion as they realize they’re both bottoms…
[5.6k | Rated E | No Warnings | Complete | College Au]
As always, thanks so much to these amazing creators! Please show them all the love. 
Shall we keep it going?! Do you share the same fic frenzy fascination? What are some stories currently stashed in your browser tabs? Reply below! And if you want to make a list of your own, tag us in the post and we’ll reblog <3
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samwell-actually · 6 years
Holsom Fic-Rec
Although I have my all-time favorite OMGCP fic bookmarked on my Ao3 page, I wanted to compile a master list of all of my favorite OMGCP Ao3 fic to have in one place on my tumblr. And since I’m that neurotic, I thought it might also be nice to break-up each ship as well: 
Two Minutes for Holding | halfabreath One-Shot, 2k Ransom is a team physician and Holster is a referee. They first meet on the ice during a particularly physical Aces v. Falcs game.
not funny | applecrumbledore One-Shot, 9k This whole thing feels so weird, like they're betraying some clause of the homosocial bro code that says it's only for fun, you can't actually be gay, like they're letting someone down. But on the other hand, being with each other is the most natural thing they've ever done. Like a chemical reaction, or two halves of something whole, or one of those hand puzzles where the two pieces of metal are all twisted around each other, or the logical and satisfying conclusion of a really good book.
Score | emmagrant01 One-Shot, 12k Ransom and Holster like to score goals for each other, and they like to take care of each other. It was probably just a matter of time before those two things became entangled.
What I Wanted Was to Fall Asleep | halfabreath One-Shot, 5k The gods are real, which everyone knows, but when they’re not fighting among themselves they’re usually partying and humans have generally learned to accept their meddling without too much complaining. Ransom just never thought he’d actually know someone who’d been god-touched and he never, ever expected that it would be Holster. Alternatively: Holster becomes a tree.
Five Things Adam Birkholtz Learns in HDFS 332: Healthy Couple Relationships | EllyAvon Completed Multi-Chapter, 6k HDFS 332: Healthy Couple Relationships is just the night class Holster is taking with Lardo to fulfill one of his core requirements. He doesn't expect it to drastically change his life. OR: The Weirdest Healthy Relationships PSA Ever. OR: Wholesome Holsom
In a Different Frame | sunfair One-Shot, 4k Holster is determined to become somebody's boyfriend. Too bad he's kind of an idiot. He figures it out, though.
BFFWB | emmagrant01 One-Shot, 7k Ransom's schedule this semester leaves no time for a sex life. Holster has a solution for that. (Set fall 2014)
Seasonal Drinks | rhysiana Completed Multi-Chapter, 1k An AU in which Ransom and Holster never met in college. Thank goodness for the local coffee shop.
someone as good for me as you | astrolesbian One-Shot, 7k “So tell me,” Justin’s mother says, all business, “is your boy going to propose?” “What, Jack?” Justin says, and doesn’t really think much of it, because his mother eats up the details of Jack and Bitty and JackandBitty like Holster eats up rom-coms. His mother sighs, and he can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “No, baby, I meant Adam.”
what is the meaning of this? | kleinergruenerkaktus Multi-Part Series, 13k Ransom has a system, and it was working just fine before Holster came along.
There Were Fireflies | Schuyler One-Shot, 3k Holster has never been weird about shit like this before. They’ve been friends for, what? Almost a decade? And Holster has never said anything bad about guys who date other guys. Hell, they lived in a house with Jack and Bits. But Ransom goes on two dates with a guy and Holster goes ballistic.
blink back to let me know | nighimpossible One-Shot, 4k Justin is a medical student in Boston and Holster is working in New York.Things were a lot easier before they became real people.
Here’s a Man in Evenin’ Clothes | halfabreath One-Shot, 5k Ransom's estimating that they've got another 3.75 hours until the last people trickle out of the Haus. 3.75 hours, 225 minutes.Holster grins, flushed and disheveled and handsome as Justin has ever seen him, and suddenly he knows he's not going to be able to wait another 225 minutes before kissing him. Or: Epikegster toga porn
Keep It | petals42_tumbler (rosepetals42) Completed Multi-Chapter, 18k At the start of their senior year, Ransom is dating March and Holster is okay. Of course he is. Except when he's not.
cabin fever | theghostofjamespotter One-Shot, 5k “Dude. You didn’t score a single goal.” He’s beaming, chin resting on Ransom’s thigh. “And you came in like, under five minutes.” or, the forfeit fifa fic no one has asked for. just bros being bros and somehow accidentally hooking up.
How to Romance a Hockey Player | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells One-Shot, 7k After Holster comes out, Ransom needs a plan. A plan to make his best friend fall in love with him. What could possibly go wrong?
the lucky ones | screamlet Completed Multi-Chapter, 17k They made the decision to drive to Myrtle Beach when Holster found the fucking sweetest cottage near the beach.
guard/hit/hammer | halfabreath One-Shot, 2k Justin Oluransi is a gold medalist, and he has no idea what he's doing. (Ransom and Holster's first kiss happens on a tiny couch on the world's biggest stage.)
first love, late spring | lehtonen One-Shot, 12k “Right.” Ransom still looks serious, but there’s a sinister glint in his eye that Holster gloomily recognises as contemplation. “What’s in it for us?”Holster whips his head round to stare at him so fast his neck twinges in three different places. “Nothing is in it for us,” he hisses sotto voce, “or did you not hear the part where we’d be dating?”
Ransom and Holster’s Guide to Shennanigans | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells One-Shot, 8k Ransom and Holster have been together since June, but they keep it low key. Maybe even a little too low key. Shenanigans ensue because, hey, it's awfully hard for the team to set them up when they've already been dating for months.
Just bros being bros | blue_eyed, growlery One-Shot, 7k Rans and Holster have a busy semester, so they start planning their bro-time. But its not like they're dating, right?
all my time is yours as is mine | halfabreath One-Shot, 1k No one knows how long Holster's been alive. No one knows how much time Ransom has left. Everyone knows about things. Not everyone has one, but everyone that does has a different word for it. Gifts. Abilities. Talents. Purpose. Superpowers. Quirks. Most things are small, but sometimes, in very rare circumstances, they’re all encompassing and terrifying. There’s a reason Ransom and Holster call them curses.
Give a Little Bit (of Your Time to Me) | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells Completed Multi-Chapter, 21k In a world where Adam Birkholtz never went to Samwell, he loses a beer pong bet to Lardo and winds up refereeing a rec hockey game for one freshly broken-hearted Justin Oluransi. For once in his life, Justin is totally out of his league.
Adam Birkholtz's Foolproof Guide to the Perfect Birthday | akadiene One-Shot, 6k On March 28th, 2016, Justin Oluransi, co-captain of the Samwell Men’s Hockey team and love of Holster’s life, is turning 23. It's also the day Holster dies.
Always Halfway to Go | halfabreath Incomplete Multi-Chapter, 33k While at Samwell, Ransom gets a job at the Rec center teaching water aerobics. Generally his class is filled to the brim with old ladies and their husbands, so he’s shocked to arrive at class at the beginning of the semester and find Adam Birkholtz, ex-hockey player, who’s there to supplement his physical therapy with gentle cardio.Things only get more complicated from there.
Detachment Studies | Tiptoe39 Completed Multi-Chapter, 4k A soulmate doesn't always mean a lover. But it does mean an attachment that's hard when it breaks. Luckily, there's the field of detachment studies -- how to mitigate the cognitive damage done when one loses a soulmate. Ransom's going to become a specialist in the field and prove that there's life after detachment. And he's going to practice what he preaches -- by leaving his own soulmate behind.
Salt-Mates | orphan account One-Shot, 4k Losing is dog in the park, Adam Birkholtz is pretty sure he's about to experience his worst day. Until he finds his dog sat quietly with a gorgeous man on a bench, a Harry Potter book in his hand, giving a lecture to the animal about the tragedy that befell Remus Lupin. That's when things get a little bit...strange.
This is Why We’re Medical Proxies | SecretGeniusShittyKnight One-Shot, 4k Holster gets sick. Then he gets a hospital stay. Then he gets high. Then he gets a boyfriend.
pH balance | alcatraz One-Shot, 2k “I can’t believe you have a crush on a white boy who unironically wears cut-off sweatpants,” she says gleefully. “This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.”
Have We Been Boyfriends This Whole Time? | rhysiana One-Shot, 1k Post-college socializing is harder to organize than Ransom expected. Fortunately, his best bro is there for him. In every way.
Future Perfect | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells Completed Multi-Chapter, 14k WANTED: COMMITTED MONOGAMOUS COUPLES Are you and your significant other in a committed, monogamous relationship? Have you been dating for at least six months? Are you living together? If you meet these criteria (and you are at least 18 years old), you may be eligible to participate in a COMPENSATED study (up to $300) on love and decision making. Please call 617-555-7864 or email [email protected]. The moment he sees the sign, Holster knows he's struck gold. The only problem is, he and Ransom aren't technically dating. But who are romance and technicalities to stand in the way of a business scheme that's bound to go according to plan?
Tailspinners | rhysiana One-Shot, 1k In which Holster runs a literacy non-profit, Ransom is a pediatrician new to town, and Bitty is the Youth Services librarian who brings them together.
don we now our fake romances | DizzyRedhead One-Shot, 4k Justin notices that Holster is looking a little run-down. But there's no problem that their awesome broness can't solve. Right?
wanna be your romeo | leetlebird Completed Multi-Chapter, 50k Holster's always said 'fuck the lax bros,' but when he meets Ransom, a new transfer student on the lacrosse team, Holster realizes he wants to be a gentleman and date a lax bro first. (Ransom doesn't think Holster's too bad, either.) As Ransom and Holster navigate their own secret relationship, their teams band together to get Nursey and Dex to stop fighting by any means necessary - even if that means setting them up on a date. (Romeo and Juliet AU + Much Ado about Nothing AU. Dramatic misunderstandings can only be solved with One Direction, secret make-out sessions, snickerdoodles, Jerry's dates, and - finally - some communication.)
Literary Inspirations | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells Multi-Part Series, 15k The possibilities of life are infinite, but time is not. Certain things, like college years, like hockey careers, like the time for your best friend to fall in love with you, have expiration dates. Justin's just afraid he's missed his chance.
the masculinisation and romanticisation of art criticism through the framework of sports-related injuries (or, gross and beautiful) | heyfightme One-Shot, 2k ransom is a gross pre-med hockey boy. holster indulges him. art is created.
The One with All the Kissing | halfabreath One-Shot, 2k In which Holster messes up, gets way more action than he anticipates, and really is Chandler.
The New Ref | rhysiana One-Shot, 1k Ransom is the on-call emergency dentist at the Falconers' games. Holster is the new ref. Lardo and Shitty are matchmaking busybodies.
The World Still Spins | lecrivaineanonyme One-Shot, 5k Justin had first learned about the theory of paradigm shifts back in junior year during his class on the history and philosophy of science. It was just another definition for one of the short answers in the midterm exam: a fundamental change in the basic concepts of and experimental practices within a given scientific discipline. It was a benign factoid to be stored away, something to be revisited in a later essay: compare and contrast the views of Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper on the scientific process. He hadn’t understood just how jarring such a fundamental shift could be until he broke up with Adam. (Happy ending!)
Homecoming | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells One-Shot, 10k Each December, Justin brings Holster home for Christmas. Each time, it means something new.
Division One Defense Duo To Reunite Saturday | the ghostofjamespotter One-Shot, 1k Flyers Defenseman Justin Oluransi will play against Adam Birkholtz of the Pittsburgh Penguins, for the first time since the two were college D-partners.
Bittle Birkholtz Brousins | halfabreath Multi-Part Series, 19k When Eric Bittle is 8 years old his Aunt Judy marries a Northeasterner named Jacob Birkholtz and suddenly he’s not the weirdest cousin anymore, it’s this gangly 12 year old named Adam who Did Not Want to move to Georgia and now they’re stuck in the same town together.
Bull City Blues | rhysiana Incomplete Multi-Chapter, 11k In which Ransom chooses Duke for medical school, the boys move to Durham, and Holster has to figure out what to do with his life.
One Dance | palateens Complete Multi-Chapter, 7k If he remembers any part of them making out and promptly passing out on the couch the next morning, he doesn’t mention it. Justin would rather avoid making things weird with his best friend while he’s still searching for his soulmate. She’s out there somewhere, and she’s everything he’s ever dreamed of.
The Final Rose | Tintinnabulation_of_the_Bells Incomplete Multi-Chapter, 7k Justin Oluransi quits his job and goes on the reality dating TV show The Bachelor looking to find love. It should be simple, but what he finds is nothing he (or Bachelor host Adam Birkholtz) could ever have imagined of in their wildest dreams.
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rapid-oxidization · 6 years
You wanna read some FIC???
Yeah?? Okay cool because this entire post is going to be informal descriptions on Arcana fic I've written ;0 I always write a gender-neutral apprentice!!
ACTIONES SECUNDUM FIDEI is my newest fic which I'm s uper excited about!!! It'll be a collection of oneshots about Lucio's childhood and Morga being a mum! I find the dynamic between these two fascinating so of course I had to speculate about it hdndhs. It'll be fluff in the beginning but it'll turn to angst soon enough. (Word count so far: 367)
HAVEN BREACHED is a Muriel fic set one year after Lucio dies. Goat bitch decides it's a good idea to pay mountain man a visit. Medium angsty. (Word count: 986)
FORESHORES is set during the height of the Red Plague, shortly after MC starts apprenticing Julian. Years ago they found a silver locket on the beach, and it reminds them of Asra. Which, ya know. Kind of hurts. (Word count: 1055)
NEPENTHEAN is another Red Plague fic, though this one's a hurt/comfort. MC witnesses one of Julian's patients die and is subsequently upset by it. (Word count: 406)
CHIN SCRITCHES is like. One of two light-hearted fics I've written. A drabble where Portia is playing hide-and-seek with Faust and Pepi. You know, as one does. (Word count: 100)
COINCIDENCE is an Asra fic!! Set way pre-canon like. I think this the earliest chronologically?? MC has a bad sense of direction so Asra walks them back to their aunt's shop. They hear some busker playing the lute. Dancing shennanigans ensue. My second light-hearted fic. (Word count: 922)
PICNIC ON A PIER IN LATE SPRING is 1) a mouthful 2) QUITE SPOILERY if you haven't read Book XIII yet so take this as a warning. Before they died, MC knew Asra like the back of their hand and he found it impossible to surprise them. Although they're healing now, they haven't yet regained that sharpness. Asra decides to surprise them with a picnic. (Word count: 1159)
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mystarsandmyocean · 7 years
yuletide letter 2017
Dearest, darling author,
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so, so excited for this year’s Yuletide. It’s been a tough one, so I’m definitely looking forward to the holiday cheer (not that I’m opposed to some good angst!). As for my letter, think of the following details - with the exception of my major squicks - as guidelines rather than rules re: my tastes & likes. The best wishes are the kind you didn’t even know you wanted, so I am 100% certain I will love whatever you write!
• Ladies! All the lady love. Female characters, female friendship, complicated female relationships, I love them all. I know my requested fandoms are more romance heavy, so I wanted to make clear that as much as I love the lovin’;, the lady loves gotta come first.
• Found Family! A common theme in my fandoms is that family is based on more than just blood, and any exploration of any such relationships would absolutely thrill me! I am a big believer in family being made of the people you call your own, and I have a near and dear spot in my heart for seeing that philosophy play out amongst my favorite fandoms and characters.
• Pining! More specifically male pining. Few tropes give me greater joy than Boys with Burning Loins of Love and Ladies Who Takes Names Not BS. Give me ALL the pining pine trees is what I am saying.
• Romance Tropes j'adore: Fake Dating! Marriages of Convenience! UST! Mistaken and/or Secret Identities (a la You’ve Got Mail and Cyrano de Bergerac)! Bets and Wagers (a la She’s All That & 10 Things I Hate About You)! Childhood Friends Reunited! I Have Loved You In Secret for Years, the boy version! Berserk Buttons in high danger situations! H/C brought on by high danger or hallucinations/nightmares situations! I am an angst and H/C queen, my dearest author, and few things give me greater joy than watching couples I adore fumble with Feelings and the scary, scary emotions they entail. The fluffy, fun equivalent of What Are Feelings is also a favorite trope of mine and may cause swooning to ensue.
• Smut Tropes j'adore: Sex pollen, love potions, and all other inhibition releasers! Light, consensual bondage! Overall, while I do enjoy smut, PWP is not my preferred cup of tea (porn WITH plot is, of course, more than acceptable, but please don’t feel pressured to write smut if it’s not your own preferred cup of comfort).
• Plot Tropes j'adore: Heists! Spies and thieves and con artists! Fairytale Retellings (especially of the unusual and nostalgic kind a la Tam Lin, Anastasia, Swan Lake/Swan Princess, etc.)! Shakespeare & classic literature callbacks! Behind the Scenes Shennanigans of TV/Reality TV! Magic-infused reality! Epistolary writing (both letters/emails and social media usage)! Time Travel! Paradoxes! Multiverse theory and Parallel Universes!
• AUs! Including Alternate Reality, What Ifs, and Transplanted Characters/Fusions! I am a HUGE lover of the alternate universe lifestyle. Some of the fandoms I’ve requested (specified below) most definitely lend themselves to an AU take, should you so desire, but really, I would be happy with an AU take on any of the below. My AU tastes lean towards alternative reality or transplanted character/fusion AUs, but I’m also partial to well-done What If AUs as well (some favorites have included regency AUs, spy AUs, living in NYC AUs, and AUs of any of my old or new fandoms). Most important for me will always be the integration of the original canon into the world of the AU, taking into consideration how different choices, different lives, different plotlines would need to be adjusted for characters’ original and new settings/storylines. My only request is no crossover fic - I prefer the focus to remain on one group of core characters at a time, not a medley of different canons (If you feel any of the below canons would work EXCEPTIONALLY WELL in a crossover, feel free to ask via mod, but please do ask first). In this case, my own fics and bookmarked fics on A03 would really be the best place to see my favorite takes on AUs, though, should you go this route, I am sure I will love anything you come up with!
In conclusion, I am generally drawn to stories driven by the characters, rather than the plot (That is not to say I would not ADORE a well-executed and well-developed twisty-turny sort of plot-driven story - several fandoms, in particular, lend themselves well to plot musings thanks to the depth of their worlds). I really love stories that delve deep into characterization, whether as a behind/missing scene or more plot or trope-focused fic. I love watching a relationship/feelings develop, both in romance and friendship, and I am a huge shipper when it comes to the couples I love. At the end of the day, it’s the characters that are important to me. So long as they read true, I will undoubtedly be ridiculously happy!
• Not Like the Other Girls! The inverse of my love for ladies. Sometimes, by writing or position or profession, female characters are inevitably a “woman in a man’s field” or friendships-wise “just one of the guys.” I’m fine if you leave out ladies you don’t love/don’t feel comfortable writing, but I do ask for no misogyny/hate between them (adding in non-canonical friendships between women is however always a plus!). We have it hard enough in this world, let’s not add to it by encouraging ickiness towards women.
• Romance Tropes je déteste: Beautiful All Along (a la Pygmalion and Taming of the Shrew)! Virgins Heroines in Non-Relevant (a la regency) Settings! Sex with the Hero is Like Being Touched for the Very First Time! Unrequited Female Pining! Women as the Hero’s Light/Men Being “Saved” by the Purity of their Lady Loves! Nice Guys TM! Basically, if the story centers around a lady fighting to show a dude he “deserves” her & running ramshackle over her own issues and insecurities, chances are I will not enjoy. There are very few circumstances in which I enjoy the heroine loving the hero first/from afar/unrequited, so this trope in particular is one to avoid for me.
• Plot Tropes je déteste: Misogyny! Blatant - and unnecessary - racism! Anti-semitism! Homophobia! If the villain canonically does these things, fine, but I have no need for Terrible People Identifiers being used for shock value instead of a valid, arguably justifiable plot device. I also really detest domestic suspense, Gone Girl-esque stories, historical handwaving re: facts, stories set in suburbia, and inaccurate city details (particularly NYC, since I live here).
• I also ask for no noncon or dubcon or kinks beyond those already named/discussed under likes. If, of course, you need any clarification, please feel free to ask the mods or anonymously via tumblr!
• I am also not a big fan of excessive character bashing and situations of extreme embarrassment/mortification. If there is a character I love (or even simply ask to see!) that you cannot stand, please just find an organic way to exclude them from the story. I’d rather see characters given depth than needlessly villainized (canon villains & canon villain reasons for their villain-y excluded of course) and I absolutely cannot stand anything that will give me extreme secondhand embarrassment, no matter my feelings on the character.
• As a side note, as a non-Christian individual, I ask for no Christmas-themed stories. I am a practicing Jew, so if there is canonical Judaism in any of these stories, I would love for it to be included - but please only do so if it’s a topic you’re familiar with or comfortable researching. Thank you!
• A general last, but not least, request: as much as I enjoy the angst & the bittersweet, I ask for no major character deaths of the core “good guys” beyond those already canon (please feel free to ask the mods or anonymously via Tumblr if you need clarification). The only potential exception I can think of to this request would be a situation a la Timeless, where revised timelines & changing the fates of characters as you change the timelines would come into play.
For further insight into my tastes, my A03 page has all of written fic to date (x). My tumblr (x) and Goodreads (x) also provide pretty good insight into what I like to read and watch. And I am always happy to clarify via mods or anonymous Tumblr asks! Seriously, though, I am just so excited to see whatever it is you write!
As for my fandom-specific requests, the same idea as before applies - consider these guidelines more so than rules. As evidenced above, my tastes are wide and varied, and this is by no means a hard and fast list of the only stories I would like to see in these fandoms.
Fandom #1: The ILLUMINAE Files - Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Characters - Ezra Mason, Kady Grant
Possible Prompts: Life on Kerenza Backstory! Missing Scenes! What Happens Next? What COULD have happened?
In one of my favorite - and most entertaining - openings to date, Kady breaks up with Ezra just in time for the world as they know it to be blown to smithereens. What I want to know is HOW DID THEY GET TO THAT POINT? How did they get together? How did they fall in love? More details on Ezra’s struggle to NOT tell Kady the secret of his mother & Kady’s frustration with Ezra’s reticence would be fantastic. There are hints throughout ILLUMINAE that stirrings of BeiTech’s machinations against the UTA were already running through the universe pre-the events of the book, so bonus points if those details are foreshadowed or discussed amongst the characters.
Bouncing from there, Kady & Ezra spent most - if not all - of ILLUMINAE on either separate ships or out of contact. I would love to see more missing scenes of their day to day lives & thoughts on the other a la Ezra’s drunken/desperate emails at the start of the book and Kady’s secret journal log. Were there more drafts Ezra never sent? Discussions he had with teammates while training? Discussions of Ezra between Kady and her fellow hacker? How far back did AIDAN’s investigation, by the way, into their relationship go? What thoughts of AIDAN, if any, did we not see? Did AIDAN know Ezra had survived? AIDAN is, again, not a mandatory inclusion, but I do find his relationship with Kady, and his fascination with her and Ezra, ever so interesting.
Speaking of Ezra surviving, I would definitely love to know what he was doing while Kady was off on her death mission - what are his thoughts when he realizes she had left the ship? When did he realize WHERE she had gone? How did he spend his time until he discovered she had survived? Was he busy writing unread (or AIDAN read) emails of his own?
While Hanna & Nik are not mandatory to include, I would also definitely love to see fic exploring the aftermath of both ILLUMINAE/GEMINAE and the sending of the ILLUMINAE files. When exactly did Ezra, Kady, Hanna, & Nik start putting together the ILLUMINAE dossier to send to Executive Director Frobisher? While still on the Hypatia & before they’d encountered Heimdall? Or on their way to Kerenza (or even after)? What is the dynamic between Ezra, Kady, Hanna, & Nik? How much of a role did AIDAN play in the making of the files and how involved is he in Kady and Ezra’s machinations now? Speaking of AIDAN, while he is by no means a necessary inclusion, how does he feel about Ezra & Kady’s relationship once reunited? What kind of relationship do Ezra and him have? Honestly, I’d even just love fic of the team recuperating and hanging out on Hypatia as they all get to know each other.
Alternatively, I need about 1 million more words speculating the aftermath of GEMINA in Universe B. Or the events during GEMINA in Universe B. Or the events of ILLUMINAE in Universe B. Pick your poison, really, but I am fascinated by Universe B - or the possible Universes C, D, and E that could exist beyond. Seriously, feel free to go wild here. What if’s galore!
For all of these prompts, utilizing the epistolary style of the book is, of course, optional (though I most definitely would not object to it!)
Fandom #2: Spindle Cove series - Tessa Dare
Characters - Charlotte Highwood, Piers Brandon, Minerva Highwood, Colin Sandhurst
Possible Prompts: Missing or Pre-book Scenes! Life after the HEA! AU it (AKA Modern Day AU)!
Either/Or Requests: So long as either Charlotte & Piers OR Minerva & Colin are included, I shall be happy.
My requests for this fandom are, I would say, my most straightforward ones. This series is one of my happy romance places, and as such, I just want more fun romance shenanigans, however they may come to be!
Both couples have such fun, fodder-filled tumbles into love, and while their stories are everything to me, I would never object to more - particularly in the case of Minerva & Colin. We know they had a rather antagonistic relationship pre-gallivant to Scotland, and I would love to see more of their interactions from that time. Colin denying any attraction to Minerva; Minerva denying anything likeable about Colin. What if’s and could have been’s re: their falling in love are, of course, more than acceptable as well - I do always love a good “caught in a compromising position & rushed to the altar” trope.
As for post-HEA, I cannot deny the desire to see more as well! Gimme Minerva & Colin settling into married life, and Colin being the beaming husband to Minerva’s scientist self. How do they split their days between London & Spindle Cove? How does Minerva handle society? Colin not feeling like he’s good enough? Alternatively, I would adore seeing Charlotte & Piers, married spy couple in action - think of their adventures! How does Charlotte’s spy training go? What kind of shenanigans do they get into? Bonus points if you give Delia the much-needed HEA she deserved.
Last but not least, I would love, love, love to see some AUs here. Spies, clearly is a natural one for Charlotte/Piers! College professors or professor/professional playboy for Minerva/Colin! College! Sports! Corporate Rivals! Really, feel free to go wild here!
Fandom #3: Maiden Lane series - Elizabeth Hoyt
Characters - Artemis Greaves, Maximus Batten | Duke of Wakefield, Margaret “Megs” Reading, Godric St. John
Possible Prompts: AU it (AKA Superhero AU)! Missing or Pre-book Scenes! What if’s!
Either/Or Requests: So long as either Artemis & Maximus OR Megs & Godric are included, I shall be happy.
My requests for this fandom are going to sound fairly similar to my requests for the Spindle Cove series, with a few small differences. This series is another one of my happy romance places, and as such, I just want more fun romance shenanigans, however they may come to be!
As much as I love each couple’s original stories, there is nothing I would love to see more for this fandom than AU fic. Mostly because the Ghost of St. Giles lends itself to an AU so well! My most first suggestion, of course, is going to be a superhero AU (established superheroes, from fandoms I already love like Iron Man & Arrow are great, as are original superheroes based off the Ghost), but I think spies, heists, thieves & agents, etc. work here as well! Given Hoyt’s fondness for framing devices, fairytale AUs would be fun as well! But really, I am an AU-holic, so feel free to go wild here!
My secondary requests here are much more straightforward. Both couples have such fun, fodder-filled tumbles into love, and while their stories are everything to me, I would never object to more - particularly in the case of Megs & Godric. I know Hoyt has a short story depicting some of their letters to each other, but really, I’d love to see Godric’s fall-by-letter in completion and/or more pine tree-worthy detail.
What if’s and could have been’s re: either couple’s falling in love are, of course, also catnip for me - I do always love a good “caught in a compromising position & rushed to the altar” trope & think that could be great fun for Artemis & Max, in a world where Apollo was never falsely imprisoned. Alternatively, a world where either Godric or Max had been caught as the Ghost and had been ostracized by society? How would they meet their lady loves then? This is another prompt where any variation is bound to make me happy, so feel free to go wild!
Fandom #4: Anastasia - Flaherty/Ahrens/McNally
Characters - Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov Grand Duchess of Russia, Dimitri | Dmitry, Gleb Vaganov
Possible Prompts: All of the Missing Scenes! Backstory Exploration! In-Canon & Alternate-Reality AUs! What’s Next Fic! AU it, any style!
Ships: I only ship Anastasia/Dimitri, so while I’m obviously okay with you sticking with Gen if you do not, I do request that there be NO Anastasia/Dimitri/Gleb or Anastasia/Gleb pairings (the only exception is Gleb unrequitedly pining for Anya/Anastasia).
You can guess that if every lonely girl would hope she’s a princess, that would yes, including this one. My love for this movie is intense, so you can only imagine the excitement in my theatre-girl loving heart when it was finally adopted into a real Broadway musical! And while the team, cast, & crew did absolutely amazing things with this childhood classic, there is definitely a lot of fic to be had with what wasn’t there.
To start, while I understood the practical reasons for changing Anya & Dimitri’s backstory, my romance-loving heart was more than a little upset at the downplaying of their enemies-to-lovers/childhood crushes romance. I would love more scenes of their perhaps less antagonistic, but no less fire-y relationship as Anya “Learn[ed] to Do It” or while the gang traveled from Russia to Paris during the “Traveling Sequence.” Similarly, while Ramin did his best, I was hoping for a more menacing and/or layered villain re: Gleb, so any scenes to fill that gap would be very welcome. For example, I desperately wanted Dimitri & Vlad to be more aware of the threat GIeb posed to Anya’s life, so more scenes or indications of him actually posing a threat would be great.  It’s also implied that Gleb, rather than Dimitri, knew Anya when they were children, so I’d love to see more of the backstory there and a stronger understanding of his feelings for Anya in the present day. In essence, while I understood the reasons for many of the plot changes in the musical, I left feeling that too many questions re: the plot and character arcs were left unanswered/unsatisfied, so any fic that filled in those gaps would make me extremely happy.
On that same note, if you feel that the plot of the musical would be better served with some rewriting or what if scenarios, go for it! Give Gleb a completely new story arc - make him a guard from the palace turned Communist! Revive Dimitri & Anya’s childhood friendship and throw childhood-rival Gleb in! What if Gleb had taken a shot at Anya at the ballet? What if Anya had been dancing in the ballet when she’d found Dimitri? What if Anya had stayed with her grandmother & Dimitri had come back to her, instead of the other way around?
I am also a true history nerd, so I have all the questions re: Anastasia & Dimitri’s lives post-musical. Where are Anastasia & Dimitri when the stirrings of WWII/Nazi Germany begins? What are Maria & Anastasia’s discussions like re: the potential fallout/benefits of the return of the Russian monarchy - does Anastasia feel her people would be better or worse without her, as tales from communist Russia continue to spread? Do they stay in Paris permanently? Do they travel? Go to America? Visit her relatives in every country in Europe? I’m also here for Anastasia & Dimitri, WWII spies, just to throw that out here.
Jumping off, this is obviously a story ripe with AU potential and I would love to see it retold in any which universe. Contemporary mob AU! Space AU! Magical monarchies AU! Steampunk AU! Ballet royalty AU (The Ballet Sequence is 100% one of my favorite new bits in the show)! Mix & match with any of my favorite fandoms (Lunar Chronicles AU, I’m thinking would be great fun)! Really, there is no way to go wrong here.
Fandom #5: Still Star Crossed
Characters - Benvolio Montague, Rosaline Capulet
Possible Prompts: Missing or Pre-Series Scenes! What’s Next Fic! All of the AUs!
Oh this series. This series. My trashfire romance series, in essence. Do I care the plot is nonsensical and the costumes are in no way historically accurate and the Shakespeare references are bad/obvious enough to stick an elephant through? Fuck no I care about my ENEMIES-TO-LOVERS TROPIEST OF TROPE BABIES. And, really, that’s all I’m asking for here. Rosaline and Benvolio hit upon all my enemies-to-lovers, I’m not good enough for you but goddamnit I am gonna try/I am too busy being awesome to deal with your angst but I will save your ridiculous boy ass buttons, and you know what, I am here for that. So, while the series gives us a lot of the pining eyes & the Rosaline realizing Benvolio is actually kind of less of a dick than Escalus, because at least he has a backbone, I would like all the in-between moments before and after please. The Pilot episode implies Rosaline and Benvolio had known each other before becoming engaged, thanks to our star-crossed idiots, so what were their first impressions like? When did their thinking start to change from disinterest/hate to attraction? Or was it always a little bit more interest, a little bit less hate? All of the Benvolio pining, I mean, is what I am saying.
Moving forward - that cliffhanger! That cliffhanger! Seriously. What is going on with Rosaline and Benvolio now? Or are they Excellent Students at Avoidance because There is A Lot of Stuff to Deal With? How much does Paris, asshole of all assholes, stand to fuck shit up and when is everyone going to crown Isabel so she can start getting shit done? Rosaline & Benvolio rescuing Livia would also be great - hopefully more effectively than their last few save the day attempts.
Of course, this is another story RIFE with AU scenarios, all of which would be so much fun to play with. Crime fighting AUs? Regency AU? Government assassins with crushes AU? Even ridiculous high school/college/some kind of contemporary sports AU could be lovely here as well. These are, of course, only suggestions and possible prompts. This world is full of so many fun possibilities, in essence, and if any strike your fancy (mine or of your own making!), I would love to see where that goes!
Fandom #6: Designated Survivor
Characters - Tom Kirkman, Alex Kirkman, Aaron Shore, Emily Rhodes
Possible Prompts: Backstory and Missing Scenes! What If fic!
Either/Or Request: So long as either Tom & Alex OR Aaron & Emily are included, I shall be happy.
I love this show because it is pretty much the political show we need right now, but what I want from this show is pretty much romance and ladies.
Tom and Alex are such a fucking great, steady couple, so obviously, I would like more of their story. How they met! How they fell in love! Their decision for Tom to be Leo’s father 100%. I’d also love more missing moments of their marriage now that Tom’s president - Tom sharing the day-to-day burdens with Alex, Alex dealing with being First Lady and potentially putting a hold on her own career for the moment, their discussions with the kids, etc.
Aaron and Emily - not such a steady couple, but hi, hello, they have such great chemistry it hurts. They started the series on such an antagonistic foot, before moving to respect, then like, then attraction, and and all I want is more. How did they start off on such a bad foot? When and where did things start to change for them? How did that attraction flicker & falter after Aaron left the White House (and then came back)? And most of all, what’s next for them? To they even dare to go forward? (Yes, obviously they do, but you know, how).
Alternatively, I am 100% gone for the ladies of this series, and I kind of would love to see a What If Women Ruled the World AU. Gimme Alex in the line of succession as the Designated Survivor (maybe not as HUD Secretary but as Attorney General or Secretary of Health & Human Services?). Gimme Emily as the White House Chief of Staff, dealing with newcomers who think she’s a traitor. Or Emily as Alex’s Chief of Staff! I am here for the ladies, basically. Including Hannah as her badass self would obviously be delightful as well. 
**I will be watching season 2 of DESIGNATED SURVIVOR as it airs and may add a prompt or two as we go, but please do not feel obligated to keep up with the episodes or take notice of additional prompts if you have already started writing or have ideas!**
In conclusion - I think, at last, that about sums it up! I hope this was more helpful than overwhelming, and apologize for the verbosity! If there’s anything I missed or you’d like clarification on, please don’t hesitate to ask, either via the mods or Tumblr!
Thank you so, so, so much for taking the time to write for me, my dearest author, and happiest of Yuletides to you! I look forward to reveal day!
All my best,
mystarsandmyocean (otherwise known as Sam)
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kazlifeadventures · 6 years
Halfway point and beyond!
Friday 17th august..
Today we set off early again for a couple of Border crossings in and out of Bosnia - Herzegovina, to head to the historical town of Mostar.  The way the area is divided there is a section that cuts across Croatia, requiring transit into Bosnia-Herzegovina,  then out to Croatia, then back in again in order to get to Mostar. There is always one person who forgets to make sure their passport is on them, at least once (surely!!) Of course it was me!! Just to top off from missing the kayaking the day before! Luckily for me my suitcase was right at the edge of the bus storage and I knew exactly where it was...
The famous Mostar bridge, "Stari Most" that spans the Neretva river is a major drawcard for the area, and meant the small area was teeming with tourists. The second incantation of the bridge, rebuilt from the original Ottoman era in the 16th Century stood for 427 years before being destroyed by Croatian forces as part of the Croat- Bosniak conflict in 1983. It was rebuilt and reopened in 2004. I was not sure what to expect but it seemed alot smaller than I imagined it would be. It was a very steep walk up and over the beautiful marble pathway and fortunately they had laid cross pieces of marble at intervals that enabled you to keep your footing on the somewhat slippery surface. The water was a beautiful colour and the young man working the crowd for funds to have him jump meant the bridge was full of prople waiting to watch the spectacle. We tried one of the locally brewed Mostar beers and after a bit of lunch then a quick stroll through the market area it was back on the bus for the trip back into Starigrad, Croatia. !
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With the time at border crossings this was a very late dinner,  sleep, then up early for a departure the next day, so unfortunately no time to explore the town. The early morning view of the lake from the hotel was however, beautiful!
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Saturday 18th saw us head to Plitvice Lakes National park. Although very busy with tourists its a must see, from the colour of the lakes, the waterfalls that it is most known for, to the wonderous forest areas. The park is a national heritage area covering 295 square km. It's one of those places you could easily spend a day or more taking in the walks and vistas. With our tight schedule we had enough time to get a quick exploration in. Unfortunately we had some people late back which meant we were all sitting around for an extra hour and a half waiting, making us late for our next overnight stop in Ljubljiana, Slovenia.
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Slovenia is a tiny little country of 2.07 million people within a tiny 20 273 km aquare area. It is seen as being in the centre of the crossroads of main European trade and cultural routes, adding to its strength as a nation. Its capital Ljubljana, located in the centre of the country is a baroque cultural, educational and economic centre. Due to time restrictions, we unfortunately had to miss our locally guided walking tour of this pint sized capital. Instead our tour leader endeavoured to give us some of the highlights on our way to the optional excursion to the Slovenian dinner and show. The dinner and show was entertaining and gave a good insight into.some of the traditions of the Slovenian people. Its a really beautiful little city and one I would definitely like to spend more time exploring! I Loved the story of the dragon bridge and the history of the "three bridges".
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Day 9 saw us head off early again for the trip to Budapest, Hungary. Its often referred to as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, boasting numerous UNESCO world heritage sights as well as renowned geo thermal springs, all located either side of the Danube river. When we arrived our local guide jumped on board for a tour of the city that included a walk up to Matthias church, located next to the fishermans bastian in the heart of the Buda district, for the glorious views of the Pest district across the other side of the Danube. Then it was off to  dinner at one of the local restaurants followed by the optional boat cruise along the Danube river to witness the stunning vista of Budapest at night. The Hungarian parliament house was beautiful all lit up. The city was alive and vibrant with people and music a real bohemian kind of vibe. Our second day/night in Budapest was ours to explore. We were lucky as the city (and country) was celebrating the national festival of St Stephen. The day commemorates the foundation of the Hungarian state and involves a variety of day long celebrations followed by fireworks.
As I'd missed our washing pick up the evening before... shennanigans had ensued after the cruise, part of which involved being stuck in a tunnel in a train for a few minutes!! I headed out in the morning to locate a nearby laundry which in the end resulted in a trip to the city and lunch with some of my bus mates. Budapest is somewhere you could easily spend a few days exploring. In the afternoon I went to the nearby Szechenyi Bath and tried all the pools: 34 degrees, 30 degrees and the 27 degrees and tried out the whirlpool feature of the 30 degree pool as well as the varying water jets that feel like you are being completely pummelled!
Budapest photos to come as there are too many to put in this post!
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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Oc-tober Day 27: Fantasy
A bunch of my isekai ocs with original stories. Oofy. I will make the quickest of beginnings for em. These don’t tell the whole story, just how it starts and maybe some future details. I got carried away with some lol. Also, please don’t mind the absurd names XD I couldnt think of any, and isekais tend to have weird names anyways lol. Looking at you Miss Sidekick.
1. Second Best: Probably the one I have planned out the most and have even written like the entire plot for in a Quickie Summary ill post another time. This started as an isekai, but uh, i found no need for her to be reincarnated after I developed the story more. Still, the original inspiration for this was isekai lol.
Born in a lower noble family with high ambitions, when she was born plain, they planned to push her to be educated, but an accident defaced her at the age of three and that was it for them. They saw her as a lost cause and found it easier to give up on her. They were having another child anyways. So she was kept in the old, secluded wing of the estate, raised by maids and a single ill-kept tutor while her sister, born blessed and pretty, was spoiled. It happens. The protagonist is restless and takes to running away from the estate, going into the neighboring woods to explore. One day she finds a crying boy, hiding from his servants. She helps him and after hearing him out, they create a childish plan. To murder his step mother.
2. The Villlainess's Lackey:
A girl, let's call her Bronze, is reincarnated into an otome game she played nonstop. She was a hardcore fangirl of a particular character. Not the love interests, or the protagonist named Gold, but the hidden villainess that showed up once the characters graduate. Silver, the protagonists's own best friend turned jealous. Our girl is reincarnated as the lackey of the fake villainess, just a cliche bully trying to kick the protagonist out of high society. Bronze isn't too pleased about being stuck with her. She instead gets to working in the shadows, cornering Silver and spilling the beans on the game's entire story. On how Silver would lose. But not to worry! Bronze will meddle and lie and cheat and perhaps even murder for Silver! Silver is confused and refuses, but comes to accept the help with time. So far everything Bronze predicted has come true. But one thing she believed is wrong. Silver didn't rebel because she was jealous Gold got a guy she liked. She was jealous because she loves Gold. Love triangle shennanigans ensue.
3. To Serve (another that started as isekai but isn't anymore lol)
Eclair is a clumsy new maid, forced to take the job when her parents kicked her out. She was hired to a manor the owners never visit only to use her as a scapegoat. Her job: to take care of the young master. To her surprise, the boy of nine years is malnourished and neglected, the staff predicting his death soon. Unable to give up on such a young boy, Eclair uncovers the mystery on why he's kept secret. He's half fae, and part of his sickness is due to lack of magic. So she goes on a quest to get the boy an artifact to keep him alive, and on the way... Her clumsy ass dies. Her spirit pops out, much to her surprise, and she watches her body get up. A new aura around herself. It seems a wanted criminal has recently been caught and killed, but his soul latched on to the nearest body. Now they have to share it. (lol, yaddayadda he agrees to help the kid, they get the artifact, he slips and dies as he tries climbing the manor windows and she returns to her body with him as a spirit now, she nurses the child but as soon as he is better the fsther wants to just outright murder him so they flee the household to travel to the Fae country and along the way they get closer. Also Eclair is a lesbian and the criminal is gay and their attraction to a nonbinary stranger is a mess they need to make a peace treaty with. :'D)
4. Just a Bystander:
A gal is reincarnated as the first love interest of the Hero of the story. She's meant to be kind, passive, a stepping stone for the Hero to later abandon for more beautiful and powerful women. A stupid role in a story. Because she denied her reincarnation so much, the dick god made her mute. Still, she won't be a pawn. Before the Hero even arrives to the orphanage they meet at, she teaches herself how to read and write, a skill most adults in the village don't have. Once he arrives, the encounters start the same, but our protagonist doesn't play along. The Hero is a brat with a complex already and she ignores every bit of it, making him simultaneously dislike her and try harder to get her attention. His attempts end in a terrible clash where he is supposed to save her from a beast, bearing a scar from being hit by it, but the roles are reversed and she gets hit in the face. In the frenzy, the Hero pulls a sacred sword and is revealed to be the one legends speak of. The adults make a big deal out of his newfound glorious fate, but among the chatter comes the concern of the protagonist's face. She's already mute, and now she's been mutilated. She doesn't have much chance at marriage. She's personally not too sad about it, but to her dismay, the Hero takes it too seriously. He proposes to her and they get 'engaged' (these are children, this promise is entirely on his word, she never agreed to this). Before he goes to get trained in the capital, she gives him a letter he can't read. He takes it as a lover's note and for all the time he spends learning in the academy, he finally deciphers the looong note. It's detailed accounts of how he misinterpreted everything she did and how she has no interest in him at all. And by the time he goes back to the village she will be gone. He runs away on a stolen horse to confront her but it proves true. She got a job with a passing merchant in copying script without telling anyone and is long gone. So begins her independent life.
5. The B-Plot:
Cedar is reincarnated into a game where she is the Villainess, the one to bully the Heroine for seducing her fiancee the prince. In the story, after she is confronted, she is incarcerated and later killed in a fight with the evil forces. Cedar does not want this. So since an early age, she looks for ways out, and surprisingly comes to find she can use magic. Since this was never mentioned in the game, and magic is so rare, she hides this. With research, she realizes her engagement with the prince will mean she gives up over half her magic capabilities to him. That explains it. She will fix this. Once the time comes for her to be engaged to the Prince, she requests to add amendment to the contract, to the surprise of the adults, but they allow it. Her only addition; if three hidden words are spoken that all clauses from the engagement nullify. She would keep her magic. The adults don't realize the extent of this addition, but she holds it dear. As years go by, she trains with what little she has. She makes plans. She realizes the neighboring country is the same as a shounen novel's own isekai series and she seeks to explore it after her ban. She is ready. But.... She has also come to befriend the prince. He's an earnest kid that looks up to her. It's hard to believe his innocent voice would be the death of her. But her resolve is tight and she knows what will come. After he goes on a mission to retrieve the Transmigated Heroine, his attitude shift is clear. And he pubicly shames her at their graduation party, as foretold. Instead of crying, she asks him to repeat his words. He does. "I hate you." The air crackles as her magic comes back with force, draining him of it. She's back to full power, and it's more than she remembered. Everyone looks on with fear as she laughs. She's free. She's sad but she's free. She bids then farewell as she snaps her fingers. She teleports to her room where everything is packed. Then she teleports to the hidden shack outside school campus. She's drained after those big moves, but she has one last thing to do. A potion she brewed that just needed a little magic. She drinks it. And transforms. She won't be Cedar anymore. He will be Oak. And he's going to find the Hero of the neighboring country and join his party.
6. The Selfish Route
A kid is reincarnated as Felicia, the protagonist of a novel where both princes of the land dote on her and she marries into Queendom. Felicia lives without her parents in a manor. The staff mostly takes care of her, as her parents are diplomats and move from country to country. While she has been shown love, she’s always been a nervous wreck, pushing herself hard to get everything right as to not be seen as uneducated by her circumstances. Instead, she is seen as perfect, as she makes a big splash at the first party she attends. She regained her memory at the same age she died, now ten years old and already having met both princes at said party were they were stunned by her. If she remembers the story correctly, the first prince will visit first, named Nicole, then the second prince, named Arthur. She’s back to being nervous and decides to play things as they were written in the story. Going off track feels dangerous! Nicole is written as intelligent and kind. It should be simple enough... But her first visit... completely fails. She stumbles over herself too much, her posture and manners lack, and her gaze never meets the prince’s. He might have been written as kind, but seeing the nervous Felicia, he’s disappointed. He leaves early, and Felicia’s fear solidifies. She’s not as good as the real protagonist was. She can’t sleep that night, and come morning, her staff notices. They crowd her with love and affection, telling her they know her true worth, and that no matter what, they will always be on her side. This comforts her somewhat, and she decides for today’s visit to think outside the box. The second prince is adventurous and daring. She’s still nervous, but when he arrives, she’s already put on clothes for the outside and has a picnic ready. She tells him they’re spending the day outside. He’s confused, but agrees. Their time is spent playing games, eating snacks, and having fun. It ends with them watching the sun begin to set while under a big tree. Then they get to talking. She asks him what he likes to do, and his response is long and convoluted. But it’s essentially this. His brother is better than him at everything. She shakes her head and gets an attitude. She didn’t ask him about his brother. She asked what ARTHUR likes to do. When he doesn’t respond, she makes fun of him. He’s so worried about not being the same as his brother, but he doesn’t have anything he likes. He’s boring. This gets him to respond, and in defending himself, he realizes he does enjoy certain things more than others. Horses and riding them, weapons, learning about the forest and terrain. So she asks him why he isn’t trying to do more of that, instead of barging in on all of his brother’s lessons. Arthur takes this thought to heart, and as he gets up to leave he laughs. He tells her she’s weird, and she starts getting visibly offended. He defends himself, it’s a good weird. He was scared when he learned his brother visited her first, because he’s terrible at formal meetings, but she made this fun. She takes this compliment to heart as well, and as he leaves, she resolves to live the rest of the story not trying to follow the protagonist. But herself. And part of that change, as the year goes by, is her realizing she’s trans. He’d much rather live as a boy. His household is concerned at first, but they slowly become more supportive. It’s the same child, just named Felix now. His parents come to prepare for his coming-of-age ceremony and he’s nervous but he tells them. To his surprise, they accept him. They’ve learned a lot in their many travels, and have broadened their views. In their eyes, this country should do the same, and it’s a pleasure to have their son be the one to start it. They’ll always support him. Nice family moment. Ever since the prince visit, he hasn’t gone to more parties, having been too nervous. But he’s been the talk of nobles his age due to the second prince starting rumors. After he tried rubbing his good day in Nicole’s face, the first prince called him out for liking such a brutish girl. He said they suited eachother. From this little comment, Arthur spiraled. With Felix’s advice, he focused on his training instead of his studies, made friends and became better. But when asked about the interest he showed in the young Felicia at that tea party, he resorted to talking shit. She’s not a well-mannered little lady, she’s a weird girl. Everyone knew now, and waited eagerly for her to make a fool of herself in her coming-of-age ceremony. When the invitations were sent, to Felix’s surprise, one was rejected. The first prince’s. He saw it as a waste of time since he already judged he didn’t like him. Felix becomes scared again, but not over himself. Over the villainess, Lily, who is supposed to be comforted by the prince after being mocked at by other noble children. The day of his ceremony, Felix resolves himself to escape his staff and go watch. He hopes someone else can help her. But as he waits and hears her crying, he realizes no one will. So he steps in. She’s startled, but he calms her down. He’s clumsy in his approach, but sincere. He asks what’s made her sad, and she can’t help to be honest. She tells him that her family makes powerful enemies, and their children always target her. They pick at all her flaws, but the biggest is that she is abnormally tall. Felix comforts her and reassures her that her height adds to her uniqueness. She’s beautiful, and they’re just jealous she can easily be the center of attention. She doesn’t agree. Being the center of attention has been bad in her book. Felix laughs nervously. On that, he can agree. So he gets up instead, and promises her she won’t have people’s eyes on her for the rest of the night. When she asks why, he tells her to go look at the host reveal. He leaves and she gets up. Just as she reaches the rest of the party, the music stops and Felicia’s name is announced. Everyone waits in anticipation to see if Arthur’s rumors were true. Then the speaker changes the name to Felix instead, and out walks the boy that talked to Lily, his mother holding his arm. They dance and the room stares, some laughter hidden poorly behind hands. When the dance is over, it’s customary to wait for volunteers to start a second dance. Only then can everyone join in. Felix waits. And waits. Seconds keep flying by. No one is coming. He expected this, and resolved his heart for it, but still, he’s panicking. Just as he’s about to call it quits, he hears footsteps and looks up at Lily. She asks if she can have the honor of his second dance. He agrees. As they go through the motions, he asks her, didn’t she hate being the center of attention. She told him she does, but if she’s going to have people staring at her anyways. She smiles as they pause. She might as well have a friend by her side with the same problem. He can’t help his own smile from forming, and for the rest of the night they stick close. So starts their beautiful friendship <w< and mayhaps something more.
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