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sableeira · 3 months ago
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2025 sounds like the perfect year for the release of a fourth and final book in a sci-fi fantasy tetralogy with lesbian necromancers in space and a beautiful, strong, and angry barbie titular character
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solfinite · 2 months ago
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lazy edits of the official images to match my own designs
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ditadoyb-but-faggy · 4 months ago
i just want to snuggle up with a tgirl and hold her tight and dry her tears and tell her that I love her and her body and that i wont hurt her. i wish i could've done that for myself 6 years ago. i hope i can be that for someone else.
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90108s · 2 months ago
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some lu guangs from today’s ep 🐈
[ID: A set of drawings of Lu Guang based on the fourth episode of the Yingdu Chapter. The first is of him in the scene where he’s undressing, exposing his back. The second is him being surrounded by stray cats (one on each shoulder and one on his head), looking tired. The last is him sick, wearing his white cat pajamas while tucked under the covers.]
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missbehavior0u0 · 1 month ago
See the thing about Eridan and Feferi is they are a bit like sharks and dolphins. One of them is a lovely little smiley creature that makes chittering noises and does tricks and is overall very anthropomorphizable, and the other is a big nasty biting thing that you wouldn’t want in your entourage. Meanwhile Feferi is a nice young lady with sentiments about social justice that appeal to Homestuck’s exclusively (as far as I know) non-Alternian audience and very adorable mannerisms, and the other one is Eridan.
But then expert scientists start taking a closer look at the two species and start to spot some discrepancies with the general idea of what they should be. It turns out dolphins do all kinds of nasty things (ie: premarital sex, stockbroking, pyromania) and sharks are actually big softies who wouldn’t hurt a fly when you aren’t dressed up as a seal or making sensationalist blockbuster movies about them.
Similarly, upon closer inspection you realize that maybe Feferi isn’t really all that nice or even necessarily respectful towards lowbloods (re: conversations with sollux, VrIska, Jade) and that Eridan, despite having adopted his worldview because it puts him in a socially acceptable position of power, might not buy into those ideas and isn’t quite so awful or as much of a lost cause as first impressions might have him seem (re: conversations with Karkat, Gamzee regarding Sollux, requests for faulty doomsday devices, etc).
So naturally you as the reader get very excited about all these developments and start wondering oh boy oh boy, where will the story push these characterizations next, given that it’s already managed to tell us so much with so little? Who will remain true to their ideology, and whose will crumble? And then Eridan goes and does that. Sad! Oh well, there’s other tools of a genocidal regime to unpack. Sometimes the shark really is just a big nasty biting thing, and there’s nothing sinister lurking beneath the dolphin’s adorable trick.
But you, understandably, are a little pissed off by all this. You were eager to see all the secret nice and nasty bits of these characters come to fruition, and as the reader you’ve been denied your delectable prize. Plus, it seems not everyone has caught on to how things could have gone. So in your analysis you push things a bit, maybe to bring them justice or to make things clearer. Dolphins are actually murderous rapists who delight in stealing candy from small children, while your average shark is on par with Mother Teresa. Feferi’s plans for societal rehabilitation were tantamount to genocide. Eridan Did Nothing Wrong. And so on.
However, it’s important to settle on a few things at the end of the day. Bits of nuance are usually intended to make characters more similar rather than push them further apart. It might be more helpful to see what those similarities are pointing to and analyze them on that basis. Eridan and Feferi are both troubled little soldiers of a fascist state positioned very close to its head. Similarly, when all’s said and done, sharks and dolphins are both large marine predators with very sharp teeth who humans would benefit from not getting close to.
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godsholyhat · 1 month ago
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And that is what we call foreshadowing, kids.
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ominouspuff · 4 months ago
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212th mood board
Corrie board here
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max--phillips · 7 months ago
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In no particular order, a collection of some of my favorite lines of dialogue I’ve gotten screenshots of.
(Edit: part 2 here)
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counting-stars-gayly · 1 year ago
There’s something about Percy spending the whole episode remembering how upset he was with his mother for separating them, but with this newfound understanding of why she did it, and then deciding to leave her (temporarily) at Hades’ palace because it’s the right thing to do, regardless of how much it hurts.
“Hold fast, Mom,” because they’re braving the storm that was made to break them.
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lurkinginnernarrator · 7 months ago
Cang Qiong's rumor mill has a new topic.
Peak Lord Shen hasn't been seen in two weeks. The last time he was seen was flying back from An Ding, where he purportedly commandeered some unknown objects from An Ding's storerooms after a hasty discussion with Peak Lord Shang. He entered the Bamboo house and hasn't emerged since.
The most popular theory is Peak Lord Shen is conducting some sort of toeing-the-line-of-taboo ritual.
Eventually, someone convinces Mu Qingfang to do a wellness check.
The Qing Jing disciples greet their Mu-shishu respectfully, the disciple escorting him to the Bamboo House inquiring as to the nature of his visit, seeing as 'Shizun wasn't expecting shishu today.'
"This master is merely here to visit your Shizun."
The disciple bows after announcing Mu Qingfang's arrival.
Mu Qingfang opens the door.
"Mu-shidi? To what do I owe the pleA—FUCK get BACK HERE YOU ARE NOT"—the sounds of struggle reach Mu Qingfang's ears and he leaps to action, striding in to take stock of the situatio...n.
Shen-shixiong is flat on his stomach; outstretched hands tightly grasping a precocious ball of fluff. His eyes gleam in victory, the scene casting it in a more crazed light. There is a heaviness to Shen Qingqiu's eyes that cultivation cannot banish and miscellaneous stains on his person. And, looking around, the Bamboo House is a disaster. Books, brushes, scrolls, inkwells and fans are scattered around, many haphazardly dropped on the floor. There is. Also. Hay?
Mu Qingfang freezes in the doorway. Ball of fluff and Shen Qingqiu also freeze.
"Is... Shixiong alright?"
This seems to snap Shen Qingqiu into action. He scrambles up firmly but with care, cradling the fluffball. Shen Qingqiu gets himself in order as best he can with both his hands occupied and clears his throat.
"Ah...Yes. this master is fine. To what do I owe the pleasure?..."
The fluffball twitches, wriggling until Shen Qingqiu loses his grip on it. It hops to the floor. A juvenile Whitecrested Snowrabbit of Agility stares up at Mu Qingfang.
"This. Shidi could come back at a more opportune time?"
The bunny starts chewing on a scroll.
"I believe that would be best."
Mu Qingfang backs out of the doorway.
He does send tea to help with Shen-Shixiong's fatigue and a subspecies of carrot that Whitecrested Snowrabbits are supposed to favour though.
I wonder what the next topic of Cang Qiong's rumor mill will be?
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slowestlap · 7 months ago
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Off the Beaten Track - Viaplay documentary | Ep. 3/3
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inkyami · 10 months ago
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Kaeru nyōbō (蛙女房) — "frog wive", a shapeshifting character in Japanese folklore. The frog turns into a woman in order to marry a human man, but retains some of her froggy qualities — Kaeru nyōbō is very fragile, small, and is unable to do heavy work due to her little strength. The life with her can be perfectly ordinary and peaceful, unless the curiosity of a husband & family discovers her true nature, and she hops away.
The stories about frog wives exist all over Japan with some variations of the plot. The motive itself — of a girl "with a secret" and a family ruined by prying into it — seems to be extremely popular in Japanese folklore in general.
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joyfulhottubfuntik · 20 days ago
Something about the Stan brothers' dynamic that I think about A LOT is that I'm sure Stan is very likely to think that Ford doesn't care about him. Maybe doesn't hate him, which in Stan's book is good enough. But still, is only around out of guilt and because he thinks he owes Stan for, well, saving the world. And, once again, Stan is alright with that. If anything, it's a chance to have his brother back and it's all he's ever wanted. But it doesn't stop him from living in constant fear that one day Ford will just leave when he starts to find Stan suffocating again and when the metaphorical debt is paid off.
But Ford could never suspect that Stan might think this way. And he would be shocked, hurt and even somewhat offended to find out that he does. Because, for all of the bad things he's said about his brother, he could never bring himself to not care about him. To hate him? Yeah, perhaps he could. But to be indifferent? No, even if sometimes he was so mad and upset he really wished he could. And for Stan to think his brother does not just hate him (because that has at least happened, even though Ford deeply regrets it) but simply doesn't give a shit, is to Ford something so both absurd and hurtful.
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buttermilk2004 · 3 months ago
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Regressor!Curly 🤲 -- after several hours I finally managed to finish this without giving up loll.
Regressor Curly anyone? Yes no? 🤔
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mattiesaurus360 · 4 months ago
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did u guys know about my undying love for blitzcrank
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