#shelter assistance
worldhumanitarianday · 2 months
Humanitarian situation in Gaza - Press Conference.
Press conference by Andrea De Domenico, Head of Office for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, virtually from East Jerusalem, on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Watch the Press Conference on the Humanitarian Situation in Gaza!
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emocowboylover00 · 2 months
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chronic-creation · 2 months
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This is my retired service dog, Meatball. She’s 9 years old and has been with me for 4 years. She got me through an abusive relationship, years with chronic illness and pain, and serious mental health issues and has never left my side.
She also has chronic health issues, like chronic ear infections and UTI’s that are usually cleared up without a problem using antibiotics and a vet visit. This time however; the antibiotics wouldnt work.
I’ve gone to the vet three times for the same issue in the past three months, including an emergency visit late at night due to swelling in the side of her face that will not go away despite how many antibiotics she’s been taking.
This infection just keeps coming back. After the most recent swelling and emergent vet visit, the doctor told us that without a surgery (that we can’t afford) Meatball isn’t going to recover. We’re trying stronger antibiotics for a long time to try to see if that helps and prevents the infection from spreading further, but without the proper scans and surgery, it’s likely that we’ll have to put meatball down to prevent her infection from spreading and killing her in an even more painful way.
I’ve made a gofundme to help raise money to help meatball get this life saving surgery so she can have a good senior life with me.
Gofundme - Save Meatball!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 11 months
Moving Day ~
Today is what I've come to refer to as Moving Day. My time is up where I've been staying, so I had to pack up my car with all my valuables, clothes, food, and health supplies, then spend several hours in my car, until I can check in somewhere else and unpack everything. It's physically exhausting, and by the time I'm done (around 4pm) I'm gonna end up sleeping on & off until getting up for work on Monday. I really dread Moving Day, but it's my reality for now--and I'm very aware there are many people who don't even have shelter at all.
Normally, Moving Day falls on a Sunday, like today...but it's gonna fall on Wednesday (a workday) again this week, as I only have funds to stay until then (paying my motor vehicle tax has left me broke). After that, I'll be spending the night at work or in my car. So I'm posting this now in the hope of enough help to get me a few more nights before I have to do it all again. I'm left to rely on the kindness of both friends and strangers. Thank you in advance to anyone able to give a little bit of help and for signal boosting this plea!
my ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sobeautifullyobsessed
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lexydakitten · 3 days
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bentrollio · 4 months
I hate ChatGPT for a lot of reasons but I genuinely think this might be one of the funniest things I’ve ever read
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beeapocalypse · 30 days
OKAY goodnight for real now :-)
#bike ride. take grandma home. some sort of image or paperthing#rlly want to draw kitty w [unnamed engiebee URCR rip. referred to henceforth as the cuckoo] w smth around mitskis me and my--#--husband. HAUNTING song#need to straighten out the magpie a bit more. guy pretty high up into the commercial sector of the URCR who gets a weird little clone of--#--him made whilehe is Still alive initially to act as an assistant b4 said clone freaks the fuck out and tries to kill him and gets sent--#--to a lovely little sheltered place w no contact and no import (i CANNOT make it a moon. it is all so obvious already LOL) . original--#--cuckoo goes ont he idea that the clone just came out Wrong when rlly being put thru such humiliation + dehumanization brought abt a--#--great rage. kittys later interaction w clone-cuckoo does NOT help things as she uses him as a complete punching bag- able to lash out at-#--him and bring him down 2 her level in place of the original cuckoo- and by the time the CS HAMARY went rogue things were real contentious#--on the main URCR planet as clone-cuckoo focused on raising dissent and gathering his Own power in order to get at original-cuckoo#kitty loses interest as clone-cuckoo starts focusing on her less in favor of the Great Affront of the URCR and what it has done to the--#--sanctity of humanity (clones) + its home (extreme environmental degradation necessitating colonization efforts a la the CS HAMARY)--#--and all that. not as much fun to fuck with a guy when he is fighting to transform into the complete Opposite of his current self half--#--out of sheer hatred for another guy who is him
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amongthefur · 4 months
So many people that work with animals are idealistic. They see dogs as something you can train into whatever you want regardless of their personality. And they see death as the worst thing that can happen to an animal. I have seen the finger pointing and rage at someone being unable or unwilling to keep an animal with severe behavior issues and it doesn't help anyone. People deserve to be safe in their homes and in public. And having a pet is supposed to be enjoyable, not a liabability. It's okay that not every dog is suitable for a home. Putting dangerous dogs into pet homes just makes people hate certain breeds and hate shelters. Many people with easy dogs simply got lucky that their dog fit into their life as smoothly as it did.
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worldhumanitarianday · 3 months
755,000 people face phase five “catastrophic” conditions in 10 states, including in Greater Darfur as well as South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al Jazira and Khartoum.
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Famine risk is real for 14 areas of Sudan amid ongoing fighting
According to the latest UN-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) initiative, over half the population in Sudan – 25.6 million people – face “crisis or worse” conditions between now September 2024, coinciding with the lean season. Learn more about famine and the IPC's five levels of food security in our explainer here.
Even worse, 755,000 people face phase five “catastrophic” conditions in 10 states, including in Greater Darfur as well as South and North Kordofan, Blue Nile, Al Jazira and Khartoum. At the same time, 8.5 million people – 18 per cent of the population – now suffer from phase four “emergency” levels of food insecurity.
Warring generals
In the more than 14 months since rival militaries – the Sudan Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces – unleashed their heavy weapons arsenals on one another amid rising tensions over a transition to civilian rule, the UN has repeatedly called for a ceasefire as the country’s capital, Khartoum, became a battleground and amid fears of atrocities in the Darfurs. Despite multiple calls for a ceasefire to Generals Abdel-Fattah Burhan, head of the Sudanese military, and Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, who heads the Rapid Support Forces, senior UN humanitarians have warned that the situation is only getting worse.
Conflict leaves country reeling
“We have received news of people eating leaves from trees; one mother cooked up dirt just to put something in her children’s stomach,” said Justin Brady, head of the UN emergency relief agency (OCHA) in Sudan, in an interview with UN News. The risk of famine threatens residents, people uprooted by the war and refugees in no less than 14 areas covering Greater Darfur, Greater Kordofan, Al Jazira states and hotspots in Khartoum “if the conflict escalates further, including through increased mobilisation of local militias that further disrupt mobility, humanitarian assistance, market and livelihood activities”, the IPC assessment warned.
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That's not how cats sound
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emocowboylover00 · 2 months
Please help and donate, share
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starlit-meloncholia · 9 months
one thing i never thought i'd get into was fashion. i used to buy just whatever clothes fit me at Walmart, but ever since i committed to only wear clothes that make me happy i've come to realize how deeply enjoyable clothing can be. (putting it below for politeness)
when i was still working in homeless services, i worked with a veteran client who always dressed like a cowboy. i once asked him why, and he told me it was because when he left the army, he didn't know who he was any more without it. The routine, training, and combat he saw made it so when he got out, he wasn't the same person he was when he went in. So, he decided if he didn't know who he was, then he'd just be who he liked, and he liked cowboys.
one day a few years ago, sick of boymoding at work after a scolding from my boss about painting my nails, i decided to pack up all my men's clothing and donate it. i kept a few shirts with sentimental value and boxed the rest up to drop off at goodwill. now having pretty much no clothes i had no choice but to buy an entire new wardrobe, and i had no idea what i was doing. i was sick of wearing clothes i didn't like, but i had also never liked any clothes i'd ever worn. so i asked myself: what did i like?
i just got an order of clothes i got with a christmas gift card and i'm so happy just looking at these cute moon leggings i got to wear today. i'm excited for another order to come, because i bought my favorite dress again so i can wear it more. i have a distinct aesthetic that i'm now known for, and i feel more confident and happy than ever. every time i step out of the door in a cute outfit i feel like the baddest bitch on the block.
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devil-baker · 11 months
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heartsomnia · 11 months
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lonesomelavender · 11 months
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It's at an animal shelter!
I'll be an office assistant helping with adoption papers, missing pet recovery forms, and new file creation for new arrivals!
78 applications to different places over the course of 5 months and FINALLY SUCCESS
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