#shell petrol
thefollyflaneuse · 2 years
Bond’s Folly, or Creech Grange Arch, Dorset
Bond’s Folly, or Creech Grange Arch, Dorset
On high ground above Creech Grange, near Wareham in Dorset, stands a battlemented and pinnacled arch which looks like the entrance to an estate. But no road passes through it, and the structure exists simply to catch the eye and ornament the landscape. (more…)
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zazmeister · 2 years
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He won’t.
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petit-papillion · 11 months
Charles getting called out by a Redditor:
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The offending Instagram post:
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To be honest, I kind of had my suspicions about the sushi-eating photos from his flight from NYC to Austin. Dude had been bundled up like a Michelin Man in New York, and even in Austin he was wearing a sweater, but on the plane he was only in a t-shirt? Plus in the sushi-plane photos he was wearing a different ring than he's been wearing in NYC and Austin, along with what looks like the old Forza Ferrari bracelet that he hasn't worn on ages. I understand if he has to post stuff for his sponsors, but things like this do make me question how truthful he is with some of his content.
And while we have no way of knowing whether the Redditor is telling the truth, it's a reminder for us not to believe everything posted on social media. Btw, if the account is true, I can totally see Charles going to Business Class while poor Andrea and Joris have to sit in Economy. 🤭
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drinksss · 1 year
hi check on my video on why YOU, yes YOU, should NOT vandalize a Shell petrol station.
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masgwi · 1 year
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Macleans Magazine 1957-05-25
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roses-and-elixir · 2 months
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dangerkeith3000x · 9 months
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Someone fixed the graffiti on this gas pump.
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bilincliyizcom · 11 months
Shell Hangi Ülkenin
Shell Hangi Ülkenin Shell, Genel merkezi Hollanda’da bulunan Shell’in, Ana Merkesi ise İngiltere ve Galler de bulunan Shell plc dir. 1907 yılında kurulan şirketin sahibi ise Marcus ailesine aittir. Royal Dutch Shell PCL Bir Hollanda ve İngiltere Markasıdır. Kuruluş Tarihi : 1907 Üst  Marka : Royal Dutch Shell PCL Menşei Ülke : İngiltere, Hollanda Web Sitesi : Shell.com.tr İlgili Markalar : Shell…
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anordinarywriter · 2 years
Who gave Shell permission to make diesel CHEAPER than petrol
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sp4ceboo · 26 days
beneath a crimson sky masterlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
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pairing: stray kids ot8 x afab!reader
genre: apocalypse au, dystopian, dark, adventure, action, thriller, fighting, eventual smut, romance
a/n: lil update for yall before i start getting busy
chapter warnings: somewhat vividly described gore, possible lazy editing on my part
chapter word count: 3.2k
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Over the next week with them, you find that the boys’ unwarranted kindness makes it easier to fit yourself into the rhythm that all their hearts beat too, despite the odds.
Each morning you wake up to heat radiating either side of you, indicators of Minho’s back inches behind you and the length of Chan’s thigh pressed against yours through the double layer of your blankets. Jeongin is always the first to wake, and Hyunjin the last - no more late night tears occur with him. You wonder if Minho or Seungmin or even Chan have told him not to be alone with you, just in case.
Changbin, you find, is a little more serious on the exterior than he was when he was a child, though you’re not sure if it’s from being forced to survive or general maturing or even the time he’s spent serving in the army - he was lucky to be on leave when the Pestilence came. One thing you deem as odd is that he seems a little less vigilant of you than you’d expect him to be, but then again, nothing is exactly as you expect it to be. His eyes still hold no recognition for you. Somehow it makes the kindness in them harder to stomach.
You manage to avoid inciting Minho’s protective wrath, garner a few spare smiles from the still wary Jeongin, and crack Jisung’s shell enough to talk briefly about his music production. Best of all, you earn Felix’s friendship. His smiles feel like a trail of crumbs leading you closer and closer to a place where you might have the chance of belonging.
You’re eager to earn their trust, not only because it would give you someone to trust in return, but also because you’re beginning to realise just how close you were to driving yourself crazy when you were on your own. You want to prove you’re useful, if not to them, to yourself.
You want to know that there’s a reason, other than luck, for you to have survived thus far.
So when the opportunity presents itself, you seize it. Changbin is surveying his neat arrangement of cans and bottles in the corner, his lips moving silently as he calculates how much longer they’ll last, when he announces it: you need to go on a supply run. Chan offers to come first, you next, causing Felix to perk up and volunteer too, which leads to Seungmin saying he’ll join as well before a narrow eyed Minho can.
Now, you stand just outside the lab, all your masks pulled up over your faces. You’ve got an empty rucksack over your shoulder and the knife that Minho handed to you, along with a threatening look, stowed safely in your pocket. Absently, you fiddle with the rucksack’s straps, craning your neck to look up at the disturbing, crimson sky.
“We could clear out the convenience store I met you guys at,” you suggest when Changbin doesn’t immediately lead you in a particular direction. “Unless you had anywhere else in mind,” you add hastily.
“The petrol that leaked will all be used up,” Chan points out. “We won’t have that safety measure.”
“It’s close, though,” Seungmin replies, agreeing with you, to your surprise. “We won’t be long.”
“Changbin?” Felix asks.
He shrugs. “I’m the only one who hasn’t been there. You tell me.”
All four of you look over at Chan, who makes a face and gestures for you to lead the way. It doesn’t take long for you to get to the petrol station, just like the first time. You still have to skirt your way around the dead body twenty metres from the lab, you still have to turn the corner round the Korean BBQ shop.
As you do, your eyes widen, because the place looks almost unrecognisable. The electronic sign that would have displayed the petrol prices has been almost fully melted from the fire, which must have caught one of the other pumps so suddenly it exploded - the whole shop front is blackened, the glass blown in. Ironically, it looks like something from a zombie movie.
“Guess I need to be sent to jail for arson,” you mutter.
“Wait, you did this?” Changbin asks.
Felix huffs. “I told you I wasn’t exaggerating.”
You feel heat rising up your neck and shove open the door, careful as you step over the shards of glass littered all over the scorched linoleum floor. There’s several small scuff marks on the floor, too small to be human footprints. Idly, you wonder if any of the feral dogs have learnt to open tin cans as well as survive without their owners.
Cold wind gusts in through the broken door, whistling between the high shelves and ruffling Chan’s hair. Involuntarily, you shiver. It’s strange to see a place that you’d visited so many times reduced to this state: food on the lower shelves has been knocked down, plastic bags ripped open, the contents half eaten and rotting, no doubt the doing of wild animals. A crow flaps by and settles on one of the registers, eyeing you and snapping a beak stained with a type of red you don’t want to think about.
“Grab whatever you can,” Chan instructs once he’s stepped in after Seungmin. “Changbin and I will get the water.”
You nod, wincing as glass crunches beneath your shoes and following Felix and Seungmin deeper into the store, the latter peeling off after a while to pile some tinned vegetables into his bag, the former turning to talk to you.
“Shall we try in the back?” He asks. “When I came through here to look for an exit, it looked like they had a lot of food in storage.”
“Sure,” you answer, pushing open the already ajar door, squinting against the darkness within.
You make it several steps in before the stench hits you. There’s no doubt that something or someone has died in here; the smell of rotting flesh hits you like a punch in the face, and you clap a hand over your face while beside you, Felix retches. The next thing you notice is the trail of blood, as if a body was dragged in here from somewhere else in the store, and your heart plunges.
How could you be so stupid? How could you be so distracted by the burns and glass on the floor and gathering food that you didn’t see the streaks of dried blood, rusty on the ground beneath your feet?
Then comes a jingle, and you catch a quick flash of silver: light, reflected off something fixed to a shadow on the floor, and as your eyes begin to adjust, you realise with a jolt what it is. A metal tag, dangling from what must have once been a lovely blue collar that is now stained almost black with dirt and what you’re beginning to realise is blood. A lot of fucking blood.
The shadow attached to the collar growls.
Felix makes a choked sound, and the wind howls in and pushes the door open more, further illuminating the room and revealing what exactly the dog was feeding on - one of the store workers, long dead from what must have been the illness. The blood staining its muzzle is nothing like the old smears on the floor, not brown but the startling red of the sky.
You curse under your breath as several more growls sound, more dogs appearing from behind the storeroom shelves. The two of you won’t stand a chance fighting against them. These are the dogs that survived without their owners, who probably weren’t even trained properly, who would definitely prefer fresh, still warm meat to the rotting human they dragged into their new home.
Backing away, you fumble for the knife in your pocket. The first dog growls, and you can see the muscles in its haunches bunching, as it prepares to launch itself at you. You are completely and utterly screwed.
Adrenaline rockets through you. A stupid, entirely unhelpful thought shoots through your head: this is what your ancestors felt like before they tamed the wolf. Though not exactly - the one difference is that these dogs are not wild and they don’t have the instincts of a wolf to capably hunt for themselves, which means they’re hungry and you’re food.
Lurching to the side, you scrabble for anything on the shelf to your right, knocking over half the cans with a huge clatter, and launch the first thing your fingers come in contact with at the dog, just the second before it leaps.
The can of cat food glances off its shoulder but hits hard enough that your throat thankfully doesn’t get torn out.
Whirling around, as fast as you can in the seconds remaining before the dog recovers and attacks again, you grab Felix by the arm and shunt him as hard as you can towards the door. He stumbles, cursing, but makes it through and you sprint for the door too.
Felix’s eyes widen. You turn just in time, almost overbalancing in your haste, blindly stabbing out with your knife.
Fortunately, your blade hits home, and you narrowly miss probably losing a leg.
Less fortunately, your calf gets shredded into ribbons.
Agony tears through you, almost brings you to your knees, but your momentum sends you forward, out of the storeroom. Swearing colourfully, Felix catches you and kicks the door shut behind you, and it shakes with the impact of what must be the other dogs hurling themselves against it.
Seungmin hurtles around the corner, closely followed by Changbin and Chan. You grit your teeth, your eyes watery, fighting back the scream that builds in your throat, knowing your nails are biting into Felix’s arms and hurting him but unable to stop yourself. Changbin takes one look at the blood streaming down your leg and strides over, easing you out of Felix’s hold and hooking an arm around your waist so he can keep you upright.
“We need to get out of here,” you gasp. “I don’t know if the door will hold.”
“What happened?” Seungmin demands.
“She saved my life,” Felix replies. “I’ll explain later. Let’s go.”
You attempt to take a step forward, still clutching Changbin’s arm for support, and realise that it’s not such a great idea at all when spots fizzle to life right before your eyes, pain shooting through your leg as if someone’s replaced your shin bone with a hot poker. A stifled sound rips itself from you as you straighten, trying to fight back the wave of nausea that fills you when you glance down.
Blood runs down your legs and collects in your shoe, soaking your sock. The wound is messy, all torn flesh mixed in with shredded cloth, and you can see the puncture marks from the dog’s teeth, neat circles that tear away in long gashes. You sag against Changbin.
“I’ll carry you.” He phrases it like a suggestion, but you get the feeling he’d do it even if you refused.
Mutely, you nod. You’re half certain you’ve gone into shock.
He picks you up with ease, careful not to jostle you as he holds you with one arm under your legs and the other at your back. You tip your head to rest against his shoulder, trying to focus on the firm feel of his chest against your side in a failing attempt to ignore the blaring, insistent pain in your leg.
The brisk pace that Seungmin sets as he walks ahead with Chan while Felix explains means that to keep up, Changbin can’t hold you steady enough to completely avoid jarring your leg; you can’t remember when, but he’s tied a tourniquet for you from his shirt sleeve, tight enough that pulses rather than an onslaught of pain come throbbing down your leg with each step he takes. The distance from the store to the lab stretches far longer than it was on the way there.
“I’ve decided to become a cat person,” Changbin mutters. “Even though I’m allergic.”
You manage a strained laugh, knowing he’s trying to distract you. You already know he’s allergic. When he came over to your house after school, he’d always insist on petting your cat, even when his eyes and nose streamed.
Changbin laughs too, but it’s nothing like his real laugh, just a hollow sound that might have somewhat put you at ease if you didn’t know he was faking it. He twists sideways so he doesn’t bash your feet against the door frame into the lab. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead.
Looking worried, Felix’s face appears beside you, and he pulls off his mask, grabbing your hand tightly and squeezing it, unable to hide the concern roiling in his eyes despite the wavering smile he gives you. His face has paled a little, making his freckles stand out starkly, like brown constellations across a honey sky. They fade as your eyes go blurry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t move sooner,” he says, gnawing at his lip. “If you hadn’t had to push me out the door, you might have gotten out before the dog jumped.”
You force your eyes to focus on him. Over his shoulder, there’s a commotion as Seungmin and Chan enter the lab, no doubt relaying the story. “It’s okay, Felix. I froze up too. Seeing the body… it was awful.”
“Yeah. Yeah it was,” he nods. “Thank you.”
Hyunjin rushes over, his face draining of colour when he sees you. “Oh, shit.”
The others crowd around too, before Changbin orders them away and helps you sit down. Wordless, Minho kneels beside you, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he cuts away the rest of your ruined trouser leg, peeling off the scraps of blood soaked fabric from where they stick to your skin with laser focus. You think you glimpse a hint of concern in his eyes, but the pain has made you dizzy.
Everyone else steers clear, though Felix and Hyunjin send you worried looks, and Chan talks in a low voice with Seungmin and Jeongin. You get the impression that an injury as serious as yours has happened before, and they know to leave Minho alone as he works to clean your leg and bandage it, keeping Changbin’s tourniquet in place.
He doesn’t speak, either to put you at ease or to tell you how bad it is, so you take it as a good sign. Hiding your face in the crook of your elbow, you lie back and grit your teeth. You don’t want to look at your calf. You don’t want to know the damage.
Eventually, he sits back on his heels and cleans his hands on one of the less soiled wet wipes he must have been using to sanitise your calf. Getting up without a word, he turns and searches the rucksacks until he finds what he’s looking for, taking out a few pill packets and popping out two from each before returning to your side and holding them out to you with a freshly opened bottle of water.
“Painkillers,” he informs you. “Probably enough to knock you out for a bit, once they kick in. And antibiotics, since dog bites get infected a lot. Hopefully they’ll work if it transmitted the Pestilence, too.”
He watches you choke them down.
You don’t point out that if antibiotics worked on Pestilence, a lot more people would be alive right now.
Minho bundles up a spare blanket and eases it under your leg, his voice curt. “Keep it elevated. Try not to move too much.”
You blink as he walks off. He doesn’t really have anywhere to walk off to, so he just inserts himself between Jisung and Jeongin, who are sorting through the supplies he, Chan and Changbin managed to grab before you all left, his jaw still clenched.
Chan sits down beside you, a dark expression on his face as he takes in Minho’s handiwork, fiddling with his masks before he stills his hands, shoves the masks into his pocket, and gives you a hard look. You get the feeling that you’re about to be reprimanded, and you don’t really like the idea, but you can’t exactly get up and evade him.
“What you did was stupid.”
Yup, there it is.
“But it was also brave,” he adds, surprising you.
“There’s a fine line between brave and stupid,” you reply dryly.
He huffs a laugh. “That’s true, but I just wanted to thank you. It’s a pretty big deal to get bitten by a dog for some guys you didn’t know a week ago.”
You look at him. Belatedly, you realised that this - Chan saying that he values what you did - is him extending the olive branch. Before, you could tell he was still unsure about you, but there’s a certainty that sparkles in his eyes now, a confidence that fills you with a burst of hope that catches you off guard with its suddenness. There’s a chance that you might have caught the disease and that you might spread it to the others if you have, but he’s willing to take that risk because you are someone he wants to keep around, someone he knows he can trust with his life and with his friends’ lives.
You can feel the painkillers beginning to work, your eyelids drooping and the acute pain of the dog bite being washed away by numbness, but they don’t hold back the startling rush of clarity that clears your head: you didn’t hesitate this time, and you won’t hesitate the next.
“I’d do it again,” you tell Chan, so softly he has to lean forward to hear.
A strange look passes over his face. He gets up but pauses for a moment. “Let’s hope you won’t have to.”
You close your eyes so you don’t have to see him walk away. Your head is fuzzy, and you can no longer feel the sharpness in your calf - it’s turned into a dull ache, weak enough that you could forget it’s there. You don’t want to forget it’s there.
There’s a shuffling sound beside you and you crack your eyes open again. Felix is there, looking like an angel with his blonde hair and freckles and sweet, worried face. Reaching forward, he takes your hand again but says nothing, and you cling to him, suddenly irrationally afraid that they’re going to leave you while you’re sleeping. You try to focus on his face in an attempt to fend off the tidal waves of fatigue crashing over you.
“Felix,” you whisper. “What if I get the disease?”
He squeezes your hand, hard enough for you to wince, but you don’t let go, needing to hear what he says before you give in to sleep.
“You won’t,” he says.
It sounds more like a plea than a promise.
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taglist: @estella-novella@0bticeo@lixies-favorite-cookie@smashleywow@realrintaro @extremechaoswarning @4l17h4 @hyunjinsjeans @insufferablyunbearable @lovemepie67 @needsumcomfypillowstosleep @loumin908 (let me know if you want to be added)
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ferraris-gf · 4 months
explaining f1: the cars
modern day f1 cars are constructed from composites of carbon fibre and other ultra-lightweight materials. the minimum weight currently permissible is 740kg including the driver but not the fuel.
as of the 2014 season, all f1 cars have been equipped with turbocharged 1.6 l v6 engines, which were previously banned in 1989. this change gave up to a 29% increase in fuel efficiency.
f1 cars use highly automated semi-automatic sequential gearboxes, with regulations stating that 8 forward gears and 1 reverse gear must be used, with rear-wheel drive. fully automatic gearboxes are illegal to keep driver skill. the last f1 car fitted with a conventional manual gearbox was the forti fg01 which raced in 1995.
as of 2009, all teams use seamless-shift transmissions, which allow a near instantaneous changing of gears for minimal time loss. shift times for modern f1 cars are in the range of 2-3ms.
steering wheel
the wheel can be used to change gears, adjust the fuel/air mix, change the break balance and call the radio among other things, allowing the driver a huge amount of control. data such as engine rpm, lap times and tyre temperature etc. are displayed.
the fuel in f1 cars is fairly similar to ordinary petrol.
to make sure teams and fuel suppliers are within regulation, the fia requires fuel teams like shell, petronas etc. to submit samples of the fuels they are providing for races. at any time, fia inspectors can request a sample from the fuelling rig to compare. the teams usually abide by rules but in 1997 mika hakkinen was stripped of his third place finish in spa due to his fuel being the incorrect formula.
you can read all about tyres in f1 here!
the brakes used in f1 cars are designed to work in up to 1,000 degrees celsius.
drivers can control brake force to compensate for changes in track condition or fuel load.
notable cars
the victorious red bull racing rb18 from the 2022 season, driven by max verstappen.
the dominant mclaren mp4/4 driven by ayrton senna in 1988.
the highly successful ferrari f2004 driven by micheal schumacher at the 2004 united states grand prix.
the 1994 williams fw15c, widely considered to be one of the most technologically advanced f1 car of all time
the first f1 car to be powered by a turbocharged engine; the 1997 renault rs01.
the lotus 78, which exploited the aerodynamic effects of downforce, or ground effect, which was banned by the fia in 1983 (though it was later brought back for the 2022 season onwards).
the 2009 brawn bgp001, using a 'double diffuser' (to harness downforce) which was banned by the fia in 2011.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
On April 21, Ali Hussein Julood, a 21-year-old living in the Iraqi town of Rumaila, on the outskirts of one of the world’s largest oil fields, died from leukaemia. He was told by doctors that pollution from gas flared in the nearby field, which is operated by British Petroleum (BP), had likely caused his cancer. “Gas flaring” is a low-cost procedure used by oil companies to burn off the natural gas expelled during drilling. [...] [I]t also contributes to global warming [...]. Some of the pollutants released during this process, such as benzene, are known to cause cancers and respiratory diseases. Ali, who had been battling cancer for six years when he died, was only the latest victim of the environmental degradation caused by international oil companies like BP in Iraq.
In towns and villages near the country’s vast oil fields, thousands of other men, women and children are still living under smoke-filled skies and suffering avoidable health problems because company executives insist on putting profit before lives. [...]
[A] confidential report from the Iraqi health ministry recently obtained by the BBC blamed pollution from gas flaring, among other factors, for a 20 percent rise in cancer in Basra, southern Iraq between 2015 and 2018. A second leaked document, again seen by the BBC, from the local government in Basra showed that cancer cases in the region are three times higher than figures published in the official nationwide cancer registry.
Like many other problems and crises that are devastating the lives of ordinary Iraqis today, the chain of events that led to the poisoning of southern Iraq’s skies by international oil companies also started during colonial times.
In the early 20th century, as its navy transitioned from coal to petrol, Britain found itself in increasing need of oil to run its empire and fuel its numerous war efforts. [...] In 1912, Britain formed the Turkish Petroleum Company (TPC) with the purpose of acquiring concessions from the Ottoman Empire to explore for oil in Mesopotamia. Following World War I, it brought modern-day Iraq under its own mandate [...]. By 1930, the TPC was renamed the Iraqi Petroleum Company (IPC) and was put under the control of a consortium made up of BP, Total, Shell and several other American companies. Together, they pushed for a series of “concession agreements” with the newly formed Iraqi government which would give them exclusive control of Iraq’s oil resources on pre-defined terms for long periods. By 1938, the IPC and its various subsidiaries had already secured the right to extract and export virtually all the oil in Iraq for 75 years. These concessions were granted to the IPC and its subsidiaries while Iraq was ruled by British-installed monarchs and under de facto British control. Thus the state had almost no negotiating power against the British-led consortium [...] In 1955, the Iraqi government started to voice its desire to use the gas being flared in Rumaila and Zubair for electricity generation. In 1960, while negotiating a concession with the IPC, then-Iraqi Prime Minister Abd al-Karim Qasim formally asked the company to let Iraq exploit the gas that it was not using. The same demand came up again and again [...], but IPC and its subsidiaries repeatedly turned the Iraqi government down. [...]
Following the 2003 invasion, the Iraqi oil industry was once again privatised as a result of pressure from the US and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). As was the case in the early 20th century, any negotiations on oil extraction rights took place when Iraq was still under foreign occupation [...]. When the process of auctioning off oil fields in southern Iraq began in 2008, the Iraqi government offered foreign oil companies long contracts of up to 25 years, reminiscent of the early concessions agreements with the IPC. These included stabilisation clauses, which insulated foreign companies from legal changes that might emerge over the course of their contracts. This meant that the companies were, and continue to be, unaffected by any environmental regulations passed by the Iraqi government to reduce pollution [...].
Looking back at the development of the oil industry in southern Iraq makes apparent that the kind of pollution that killed Ali has been in the making for some 70 years. His death – like the deaths of many others who succumbed to pollution-related cancers in his country – was not an unavoidable tragedy, but the natural consequence of a long history of colonial violence and extractive capitalism.
Predatory colonial practices that began over a century ago caused southern Iraq’s vast oil reserves to be left under the sole control of foreign companies today – companies that over and over again put profit before the lives of the Iraqi inhabitants of the lands they exploit.
Ali’s death is yet more proof that colonial violence is far from over and that it has many different faces.
Text by: Taif Alkhudary. “Southern Iraq’s toxic skies are a colonial legacy.” Al Jazeera (English). 12 June 2023. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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ransprang · 10 months
Vi x reader (Piss kink part 2)
Thank you anon for requesting on our KoFi
Read the Vi Piss kink part 1 here!
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The rolling green hills of Malaysia were making you horny again as you drove through the lush countryside. You were still replaying the events from only a few hours ago, where you had had your pink haired goddess moaning and writhing in ecstasy above you.
You tried to stay fixated on the road but your eyes were glazing over with lust. Your mind filled with thoughts of your lover, guzzling water, getting hydrated, wet and ready for the next session. What a horny slut. Your slut. 
As your eyes scanned the road ahead, you noticed Vi fall asleep, she was clearly tired from being fucked, you smiled at how beautiful she looked. You could hear her snoring softly as you drove, and that was enough background noise to keep you from turning on the radio. 
As you drove, you noticed that a small rest stop was nearing. You opened your mouth to let Vi know, but then paused. She looked so peaceful resting next to you, without the usual worries and cares which usually lined her features. Suddenly you didn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead you kept driving, and if that resulted in a little reward for you later, you weren’t going to complain.
After an hour’s drive with Vi deep in slumber, you reached the pit stop to get some snacks for the 4 hour road ahead of you. The trees were getting darker against the twilight sky, the street lights were now switched on, and as you got off the car at the petrol pump, there was a dingy air about it.
 A massive Shell sign marked its entrance, there were several empty pumps in front of you, and a small shop with supplies behind. You parked the car at one of the pumps and as you hooked the pump in, carefully as to not wake Vi up, you took the time to jog to buy snacks. 
Opening the door, you were greeted by a very old man, with long white hair in a pony. He was smoking a cigarette and did not bother looking up as you searched the shelves for some pringles, and soft drinks. Eventually picking up all your items you reach the cashier placing them down to get scanned, when you noticed something behind the eccentric man. Long, cylindrical, dark shapes were hanging at the back. Some were in innocuous white packages, others out in the open with delicate adornments like ridges and indents. This man had the biggest and most diverse collection of strap-ons you had ever seen.
With your mouth open you were stunned for a second, the old man instantly took note and casually remarked “Oh this? Ha, you wouldn’t believe what kind of people we get.” Snapping out of your trance, you kept looking at the different types before you, big, small, purple, black, ribbed and smooth. The variety was enormous, further fueling your curiosity.
 As the cashier scanned your final item, he turned around and asked “So which one is it for you?” Looking at the collection, your eyes widened as you stuttered out, “Uh, uhm, the pink ribbed one please.” The old man nonchalantly picked it up and added it your bag.
“That’ll be 150 ringgit”, the old man’s eyes bore into yours intensely. Perhaps he had seen a lot in this little shop. Handing him the money you ran out with the bag, excited to show Vi your interesting find. 
You went back to your car and closed the door softly, careful not to wake your sleeping beauty up. You placed the little bag on the dashboard and restarted the car. Anticipation thrummed under your skin, but you held yourself back. Chewing on your lip you tried to keep your thoughts from straying off the road.
After a while, looking in the mirror you saw Vi stirring around. Her eyes blinked, fluttering open. She groaned as she propped herself up. Your eyes met and you gave her a smile, “Hey beautiful, seems like you’re finally awake. Slept well after our little adventure?” you asked.
She laughed, “Yea cupcake. Slept well alright. How long have y’been driving for?” She ruffled her hair a bit, looking around the nighttime landscape. “A while,” you replied.
Vi quirked an eyebrow, “Geez doll, we still ain’t at the villa yet?” You tried to contain your laughter, “Yeah. The highlands are pretty vast I guess. How was your nap?”
“Good. Had some interesting dreams.”
“Oh do tell,” you replied, your heartrate picking up. “What did you dream about?”
“Let’s just say I was rather looking forward to reaching the hotel,” Vi smirked.
“And what did you have in mind babe?” You said, arousal running down your spine. Vi’s lips quirked into a devious grin which quickly spread across her face, “You’ll see.”
Your grip tightened on the steering wheel, “Why wait?”
Vi gave you a sideways glance. 
“I got you a present,” you told her, indicating the plastic bag on the dashboard. “Open it.”
You could see the gleam in Vi’s eyes as she peeked inside, her face colouring immediately. You parked the car at the side of the road as Vi looked up at you, her expression lustful. 
“Let’s move to the backseat, shall we?” You suggested slyly.
Vi all but ran and clambered into the backseat of the car with you following quickly behind.
As you loomed over her in the backseat you gently took the packet she had clenched in her hands. Her hands free, she cupped your cheek and closed her eyes, leaning in to kiss you. 
As Vi kissed you, her tongue explored your mouth, she wanted you. Her aggression got stronger, she began pawing at your clothes as she pushed you back. As you fell back onto the seat she pulled her top off and began unbuttoning her shorts, pulling them down. You scampered to get your own clothes off quickly, Vi was breathing heavily in an attempt to control herself. 
She sat there naked rubbing her thighs together clamping her pussy folds together. You noticed the motion and bit your lower lip. You could feel the fire within you burn. You whispered, “Vi? Baby lie back, let me see you.” Vi was so hot, heavy beads of sweat began sliding down her breasts falling onto her toned abs. She laid back down and parted her legs, you could see her vagina, wet and dripping. 
Vi used her hand and began rubbing her clit, rolling her eyes back as she let out a moan, she added on, “I need you.” Eager to please, you put on the 8 inch strap on and rubbed at the tip, preparing it to enter Vi’s entrance. It felt cool under your touch but you knew it would heat up quickly enough. You pulled out a packet of lube and emptied it onto the plastic pink dildo, giving it a few solid strokes to spread it out. 
You grabbed the strap-on and rubbed it on her clit, you could see it red and swollen from stimulation. She felt a jolt, you could see her stomach contract, as she released her breath. Vi was beginning to shake from pleasure. You entered slowly, making sure she was comfortable. The ridges and girth of the dildo stretched her sweet pussy out. Vi moaned with her eyes rolling back, “Fuck, yes.”
Once your whole length was within her, Vi used her hands to hold your waist to guide your hips and control your pace. She loved being in charge after all. You went faster and faster, Vi tightened her legs around your waist, “Cupcake..fuck I…I think I have to pee again. It feels really good baby, don’t stop.” You pick up your speed, “You’re taking me in so well,” you laugh breathlessly, looking at the feast before your eyes. 
Vi rubs her clit faster, as her G spot gets fucked and her bladder throbs. She arches her back, in absolute ecstasy, she was on cloud nine. You could see how her supple breasts bounced with each thrust, sweat rolling down her body. You ached to make her cum. Vi moaned and stuttered out, “I don't think I can hold it in,” biting her lip. 
You knew what you had to do next, as you slid your strap on out of her and pulled away you set her straight, essentially increasing the pressure on her bladder, making her even more sensitive. You took the car seat belt and strapped Vi in securely, completely naked with legs parted. You lowered yourself, kissing all the way down to her cunt. You lightly sucked on it as you used your tongue to play with her folds. 
Vi’s urge to pee only got stronger as she contracted her vagina tightly in order to hold it. She could feel jolts of electricity rise up from her clit, as her urethra got stimulated. You used your fingers to part open her pussy as you flicked her clit with your tongue, you could taste her sweetness. You began kissing her vulva as she used the tip of her finger to rub her clit. 
She could not contain herself any longer as she let herself release some of her fluids onto you. Instantly pulling away you exclaimed authoritatively “Won't let you be relieved just yet.” As you went back in with your strap on, humping her faster with Vi’s legs resting on your shoulders.
You lean closer to her body, both your tits rubbing together, you could feel her hard nipples against yours. You smashed your lips against Vi’s as your hips picked up pace pumping the woman beneath you. Vi, moaned loudly as she flipped you around. She let the seat belt loose and got on top of you, riding you, rubbing her cunt. She leaned back in a cowboy position as she released her juices. They spilled out around you. Vi moaned louder as she squirted, little spurts of urine spattering onto the car and your naked body. Vi was breathing heavily as she relieved herself, her face twisted in ecstasy.. You held her tightly, shoving your cock deeper into her as she orgasmed all over you. 
As she came, you slowed down your pace and let her body stop quivering. You watched as the seat beneath you was drenched with her sweat, piss and cum. She moaned as she lifted her pussy up from the cock. 
She sat on your lap and smacked your tit, “Good girl, pleasuring me, now…should I help you?” You needed her “Yes…” you said with an air of desperation. Vi smirked, “Oh please, you have to do better than that. Beg me.” You cupped her face “Vi, I want you to fuck me so hard, relieve the ache in my pussy.” Vi pushed you back almost harshly taking the strap-on off you and wearing it herself. “Cant believe I will fuck you with the same dick you put in me.” 
As the tip of the cock entered you, still warm from its previous activity, you rubbed your clit with one hand and played with your nipples with the other. You wanted to cum so bad, especially with the stimulation from the strap on rubbing against your clit, you were already so close. You arched your back and asked Vi to slow down,”Vi, I want to feel you please,” you begged. Vi had an evil smirk “Feel me? Huh”, she stopped and pulled out. She took off the strap on and positioned herself to scissor you. 
Lining her clit against yours, she slowly moved her hips for her pussy lips to rub against yours. You both looked down at your pussies rubbing against each other, watching the various juices get mixed together. Feeling satisfied from stimulating your vulva, as she easily moved you to sit up on her lap, with her thigh between your legs. 
“Ride”, she commanded, looking into your eyes. You rubbed and rode her thigh desperately, leaving your juices on her. You rode her till you felt the heat rise up from your clit, it spread through your folds and went back to your pussy. You watched as her eyes wandered from the friction between your pussy and her thigh, up to the way your breasts moved frantically. Your face heated up from the intense attention. You threw your head back and moaned “Vi…”. She used her hand to gently rearrange your hair out of your face, leaning forward to kiss your neck, leaving hickeys. Vi’s hands moved to your hips helping you increase your speed, “Come on baby. Cum for me.” 
Knowing you were just about to go over the edge, you tweaked your nipples, and with one final hip thrust you felt yourself burst as you came. You breathed heavily as Vi kept rocking your hips gently, making you ride out your orgasm. Once you came down from your high, you looked at Vi as you both looked at each other with eyes filled with love and ecstasy as she pulled you into a tight hug. 
Once you had both caught your breath you looked around and saw the car was filthy, the seats soaked and the entire place smelt of sex and piss. Vi smiled at you sheepishly, “We got a little too carried away, huh cupcake?” 
You whispered in her ear “Thank you for being in my life”, Vi smiled as she stroked your hair, “And thank you for being in mine.” You both smiled as she looked at the strap on kept beside, Vi laughed “You're crazy. How the hell did we end up doing this on a road trip?” You laughed loudly with your head resting on her shoulder “Well, I am in fact crazy, for you.” Vi poked your belly tickling and teasing you. “Not more than me.” She pulled you in for a deep kiss. Finally she reached out for her top, not bothering with her bra or panty she wore her grey top and pulled on her shorts. She hopped onto the passenger seat from the back. You took the time to clean the strap on and the seats with tissues. You wore your clothes and went back to the driver's seat. You looked at your passenger princess, “Next stop is the tandas I'm guessing.” 
Vi laughed, “You know it.”
You giggled, “C’mon, it’s my fault for not waking you at the rest stop. We are only 20 minutes away from the next one.”
You got back into the driver’s seat and headed towards the next destination, eager to see what else awaited the two of you on the rest of your holiday.
Your peepee,
Admin Sav, San, Sar
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leclercskiesahead · 2 months
Do you hear “Vitoria da conquista? Vai de shell v power” in your head every time you pass by a shell petrol station or are you normal
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Spit in my face, my love, it won't faze me
Spider felt a lot of things at the moment. Cold, hot, empty, full. But mostly he felt lonely.
His vision was going blurry, darkening at the edges. He couldn't make out his own hand in front of his face, but he recognized his own blood coating it. If he had to guess, he had wounds on his stomach, arms, legs and back. His whole body was just one big bruise at this point, aching and throbbing like never before. In a sense, he got the blue stripes he'd always wanted. Nevermind the fact that they weren't stripes, just blue spots that were close enough together for him to mistake them as such. 
The thing that definitely hurt the most was the cut around his throat, bleeding sluggishly and coating his body in blood. He had a feeling that it was the source of his trouble with breathing, come to think of it.
Now that he was laying on a cold ship deck and 100% dying, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. It was like all the emotions and trauma he'd been compartmentalising these past few months decided to pull a quick one on him and now he had so many fears and regrets. He regrets going to the shack, being born, trying to be Na'vi, not doing something while they hunted that tulkun, not doing more when the Na'vi were being threatened. And he was afraid, were the others safe? Did Quaritch let Kiri go? Have they fled the ship just yet? Are they safe?
A selfish, horrible, human part of him wishes they stayed. And because he is dying; he decides to indulge himself with those selfish fantasies of his. He imagines Lo'ak being there, telling him about the trouble he'd gotten up to without him, Kiri talking about the plants and the animals. Tuk showing him a cool shell she found, maybe Neteyam venting about his frustrations or something. Anything but the sound of fading screams and crackling flames.
The smell of blood and petrol hung in the air like a thick fog; clouding his senses with the copper scent. The ocean breeze felt like hell against his open wounds. It was freezing out here, and incredibly dark. Really, he should be happy the others got away. Overjoyed, thankful even. But he selfishly wishes to not be alone right now.
The voice echoes in his ears. Oh. Oh, it sounds familiar, oddly so. He felt a strange sort of calm rush over him; something like acceptance. It felt like a warm blanket on his beaten and broken body; one he desperately needed. No one has made him feel safe like this, ever, except for maybe….
He hates how weak and uncertain his voice sounds, carried like some kind of fragile chord over the winds. He feels a set of hands, warm and realer than what he could've imagined by himself, pawing at his injuries. He sees blue skin and yellow eyes, and he has to laugh at the absurdity of it. 
"Jake, you came back…" he says in astonishment, not seeing the hurt look flashing over the man's face. "Are the others okay? Where are they?" He asked, spluttering out a cough and tasting metal in his throat.
"They're okay, Spider, son, they're okay." He says in English, and Spider doesn't think that's weird at all. He nods to the best of his ability, giving him a wide grin. "Did--did we get them? The demons? Did I do good?"
"Yes, son, we got all of them. Everyone is safe. You did so good, you were amazing, I promise." 
He sighs in relief. At least he had that little bit of solace during his last moments. At least he had that. And you know, he had Jake. Jake was here, and now he wasn't alone. He hadn't realised he was scared of being alone until he was. Dying alone, he'd never considered it, but that was his reality until a couple minutes ago. Jake saved him from having to face that, even if he couldn't save him from his wife. In his heart of hearts, he knows he never intended to.
"Jake, I'm tired–, it–, it hurts. I'm just so tired…" he whispers, strength draining from his body like a river flowing to the ocean. He feels a kiss pressed to his temple as Jake pulls him to his chest; the feeling of his vest against his skin all too alien. The man bit back a sob, instead breathing heavily and unevenly.
"It's okay, son, it's okay. You can go to sleep, you've earned it. Me and the others, we'll all be here when you wake up, okay?" He promises and Spider desperately agrees. "You did so well, we're all so proud of you and we love you, you know that, right? Everything that happened before, that doesn't matter. I love you, Spider." He says with the desperation of a prayer.
"Really…? Even Neytiri?" He asks weakly. The other nods, running a hand through his dreads. "Yes, even her." The boy has to smile at that. "It's so cold." He says, and Jake adjusts his grip so they're better pressed together. "Better?" He asks, and Spider offers a weak nod.
"Oel ngati kameie, Jake.." he whispers. It is the last thing he says before he goes, hopefully being accepted by Eywa. "Oel Ngati kameie, son." His voice sounds broken, but certain. It is the last thing he hears before the world goes dark and his body goes limp.
Quaritch looked at his son's dead body and felt cold. He wonders if this is the same chill Spider felt just now. Like a gaping hole in his chest that the wind passes through, carrying its saltwater breeze like poison. Sully and his brood are gone; left him behind without a second thought. The children had this look of shock when Spider crumpled to the floor the first time, victim to their own mother. They might have screamed. They might have cried. Quaritch doesn't remember nor care.
In his final moments, Spider wanted Jake, the man who left him for dead twice now. And Quaritch could've corrected him easily, but it seemed so needlessly cruel. Spider was dying, his son was dying, why deny him the fantasy in his head? The dreams of family and acceptance that he was never afforded, not by the people he desperately needed it from. So yes, he let his son think it was Jake who held him while he died, and that his crazy wife really did care, even though she's responsible for this. It was disrespectful to the highest degree, but Quaritch thinks that his son is allowed to spit in his face, just this once.
It was enough for Spider, who looked peaceful in his arms, eerily still and pale. He wonders if he should leave him here, let the Sullys find him and give him the burial he wanted. He wonders if the fish would get his body first, or the fire. He wonders if they'd return at all, opting to let the ship burn itself down. It certainly sounds like Sully. He sighs.
Mind made up, he approached his ikran. The journey to the Omaticaya would be long, so it's best that he starts moving. At the very least, he'd make sure his son would be put to rest where he called home. He wouldn't take that from him, not in death, at least.
Decided you guys should feel sad, hope you liked it!!!
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nxghtstxne · 1 year
"like a date"
Warnings: None
Pairings: JJ Maybank x reader
Word Count: 1392
Summary: JJ and y/n had been instant best friends since she moved here from the UK, feelings have been growing until a night on the boat changes everything.
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Y/n had moved to Outer Banks a couple of years ago from the UK, moving in with her grandpa in his little house nestled somewhere between The Cut and Figure Eight; not quite pogue but not kook either. After a walk on the beach and running into Pope and Sarah, she soon became inseparable from the group called the pogues.
It was a cool Tuesday night and y/n and JJ had found themselves wrapped up in blankets with snacks and a beer or two on the HMS Pogue, floating softly by the makeshift dock at the back of the chateau. Music was playing from y/n’s phone, a mixture of her favourite songs and some that JJ had forced her to add to the playlist, claiming that she needed to ‘broaden her music taste’, the two had a special relationship, ever since they had first met y/n had calmed JJ down, making him rethink all of his insane plans and he had bought her out of her shell; being more on the introverted side, he was one of the few people that instantly made her want to talk and be herself. After having a crazy few days of picking up extra shifts at work at the gas station, or petrol station as JJ and the other pogues teased her for calling it, and other stuff, the best friends had made plans to hang out, just the two of them, wrapped up and comfortable on the floor of the boat. The sun was just starting to set, JJ chugged the rest of his beer down, making y/n laugh as she saw a bit dribble down his chin causing him to laugh, covering his mouth, eyes flickering over to her. Her head was back leaning against the edge of the boat, hair tucked behind her ears, she had a light blanket over her lap and was wearing his hoodie, sleeves pulled over her hands holding her own beer. JJ hadn’t told anyone but his feelings towards the girl had changed over the years, at first she was just a friend, a good addition to the group, her light and calm energy had fit in perfectly with the chaos that came with the pogues, he wasn’t quite sure when it all had changed but now whenever shes near him, his heart beats a little faster and his stomach fills with butterflies whenever she touches him or they hold eye contact for maybe a little too long for just friends. And seeing her like that, relaxed, with the golden light from the setting sun shining somehow just right on her skin and spending time with just him was making those butterflies reappear. 
JJ didn’t realise he was zoned out until a soft hit to his thigh and then another to his arm brought him back, “huh?” he murmured, running his hand through his hair and looking at her. 
“Where’d you go? I was just talking about this lady that came into work today.” she giggled at the way his nose scrunched up and he shook his head, his hand coming over to grab her legs that were by his side and pulling over his lap, her body now facing him still leaning against the side of the boat.
“Nowhere! I was jus’ thinking..”
“Oh you know how to do that?” she teased, giggling at the way he scoffed and shook his head.
“Yknow what? Give me that-” he reached for her phone and unlocked it, his face id working on her iphone, smiling at the fact that she even wanted to set it up with him. He changed the song and watched as she started smiling big, “Oh I love this one!” He knew all of her favourite things, as did she with his favourite things. Instantly she started to softly hum and sing along as JJ was drumming along on her legs, still on his lap, they were both giggling and laughing at each other as the singing got more serious and louder, y/n now using her hand as a makeshift microphone and JJ doing the same, forgetting about his ‘drumming’. The sun had set fully now, a soft blue tint covering the OBX, birds and bats alike flying about overhead. The two of them now serenading each other, pointing and mouthing the words, laughing at each other. 
The song finished and the playlist carried on, JJ and y/n still laughing as she rested her head on his shoulder, he placed his hands back on her legs on his lap after fiddling with his shark tooth necklace. “JJ we should do this more often, I love the others but I love just us too.”
“Yeah we should, like once a week or something for sure?” 
“It’ll be like a date! Once a week.” JJ took notice of the excitement in her voice and in her eyes but his head only replayed that one word a date, surely she didn't mean it like that? y/n would never want to go on an actual date with him would she? In her eyes they were just friends, JJ was sure of it. That didn't stop the slither of hope in his heart that just maybe she would want to go on an actual date. 
“What's wrong J?” she whispered, lifting her head off his shoulders and tangling a hand in his hair, lightly scratching his head. She had noticed how quiet he was, quite the opposite to how JJ usually is.
“I- I jus’- I don't know.” He sighed, he wanted this moment to last forever, no chaos, no gold chasing, just him and his girl on the HMS Pogue, on a nice cool night. And if he told her how he truly felt then maybe she wouldn’t want to do this anymore. But what if she did want this?
“I want this to last forever y/n, jus’ you and me. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more actually.” He looked at y/n, her eyes looking straight back at him, a small smile on her face when they locked eyes. He swore he felt his heart and mind calm down at that, “I like you y/n, more than I've ever liked anyone before and I was always scared to say anything cause like what if you don’t like me like that and I ruin everything and-” he was cut off by a soft giggle and a squeeze on the hand that was rested on her legs, now in her other hand. 
“J I like you too, I have for awhile and I really thought I was being obvious but clearly not-” Another giggle escaped her lips at the look on his face, eyes locked on hers and his mouth hanging slightly open, “I couldn’t imagine liking anyone else as much as I like you, you make me feel the kind of happy and loved that I never thought I’d ever feel.” They were facing each other now, y/n cross legged and still holding JJ’s hand.
“I wanna do this J, if you do too?” JJ nodded with no hesitation, grabbing her hand back tightly,
“More than anything yeah I do” He leaned closer to her moving his free hand to hold her face, waiting for y/n to show that she wanted it. Y/n moved forward slowly and he pressed his lips to hers for a gentle kiss that they both have waited years for. Y/n pulled away first, laughing when JJ whined and chased her lips for another quick kiss. 
“So does this mean I can finally take my girl on a real date?” He asked, his thumb still softly stroking her cheek, 
“Your girl huh? I like the sound of that” 
“You've always been my girl but now it’s like official official y'know?” He smirked and watched as a blush covered her cheeks.
“I like that” Y/n whispered.
“Yeah?” JJ whispered back, “Yeah” She replied, putting her head back on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her to him. The smirk never leaving his lips but only growing when the playlist shuffled to a song that caused y/n to gasp and start singing along to again. They were definitely going to be doing this more often. 
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