#shelby support please
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ria-writes-stuff · 7 months ago
the dead house: an update
So- I started this almost a month ago and promptly forgot to actually write it, but it is once again being worked on.
(please note that Wilbur is being used as a character who's separate from the Brighton Biter, and I don't condone abuse or abusers. Support Shelby)
here's the original concept:
“Come on Wil, we’re nearly there now, cheer up mate.” Wilbur met Phil’s eyes briefly in the driver’s mirror, before stubbornly turning his head to the side and curling up again. Techno had called shotgun on the passenger seat, which meant he’d been stuck in the back with his seven year old brother for the last six hours, Tommy talking his ear off the entire time, only occasionally taking a break to scream out the words to a song he recognised, horribly out of tune. So Wilbur wasn’t exactly in the mood to ‘cheer up’. “He won’t.” commented Techno, lounging in the front seat, “He’s far too full of teenage angst.” “Hey! I’m not full of teenage angst!” protested Wilbur, sitting upright, “Just because you’re a weirdo who’s never felt an emotion in his life-” “Boys! For the love of god, give it a rest.”  “He literally called me immature!” “Was I wrong?” “Well-”
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arctasy · 1 year ago
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shelby’s recent statement on twitter
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free-luigi-mangione · 23 days ago
my heart breaks for him and his family, not only they're going through something incredibly traumatizing but they're witnessing part of the internet refer to him as a murderer, writing horrible things about him and these trash articles. i really hope they're all taking care of themselves mentally, luigi especially because he must be going through hell. i really hope he has a lot of distractions in there, otherwise he's really going to lose his mind.
imagine seeing your baby boy/brother always be a sweet little gentleman and an overall awesome human being who was always top of his class, took part in various activities and enjoyed people's company and the people also loved him to seeing him being called a killer/murderer, facing insane charges, being kept in inhumane conditions (all prisons are inhumane in usa), seeing him shackled in court on live tv and facing the death penalty and seemingly all anybody cares about (according to the media) is his pretty face and his shackled ankles and loafers without socks and fake sex tapes, it's like going straight from heaven to the deepest pits of hell where no light could ever touch
i'd be so mad that the media isn't talking about the at least half a dozen NYPD officers facing multiple charges for falsifying evidence and false prosecution against other people or that his defense lawyers have filed motions talking about how his rights were violated when he was arrested or how there's a very very real chance that the police planted false evidences on him at the time of his arrest (look at what the NYPD officers are charged with, it's a normal thing for them) or that thousands of people are wholeheartedly supporting him and donating regularly to his fund and think he's not guilty by all accounts and want him to be free
Luigi seems to be coping by writing sweet letters expressing support and sympathy to people who're sharing their woes in their letters to him đŸ„č
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link-alou · 1 year ago
My quick two cents on the William Spencer Patrick Gold (Wilbur Soot) situation
He’s a jerk, his apology was genuine trash. My heart goes out to everyone that man hurt.
For some people (Tubbo, Tommy, and Niki, from what I know), their relationship with him has always been iffy, as they met him when they were still minors and he was an adult. There is a very obvious power imbalance that comes with those types of age gaps, as well as the fact that they would be afraid of getting canceled considering he was bigger. As well as the fact that they probably got desensitized to stuff he would do, to them or to others.
I’m sorry to those that saw him as a comfort streamer or artist, to those that only watched him or those that supported him because he got them out of really hard times. I cannot tell you to move on just like that, but please try your best to distance yourself; to find other interests, streamers, or music artists.
Something I’ve seen people talk about is that his characters (qsmp Wilbur, dsmp Wilbur, Ghostbur, Revivebur, etc) are no longer his. William is not his characters, nor does he have control over them anymore. I think it’s understandable to have people use the characters, as long as they are not used to defend William in any way. People are attached to them, many have implemented headcanons and stuff beforehand, anyways. I feel this can also go towards Lovejoy; don’t hate the other members, they’re nice as far as I/we know; don’t directly listen to or support his music, there are covers you can listen to.You can’t really separate artist from art in this situation, considering some of the lyrics in this man’s songs.
And remember. You did not know him. His apology is not yours to accept. Do not pressure those that know him for their responses. Be respectful. Support the abused, not the abuser.
Please support Shelby and everyone that’s come out about their personal experiences. What that man did was abusive and manipulative, I hate that anyone had to go through stuff with him.
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latemarchblues · 1 year ago
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you are strong.
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drac0line1nn1t · 1 year ago
I wanted to make a post on here since I had someone in my dms asking for my thoughts on as they put it, the Wilbur soot 'allegations'
So, to start off with, It's not allegations, he did abuse shubble, and I think it is such a terrible thing for a human to do,
It's really important to stand with victims and not give the abusers a voice,
I think we should support Shelby and Wilbur soot is a terrible human being who made a community on lies on what he presented himself as online.
And their response was in support of him so I'm putting out these pieces of undeniable evidence and please everyone go watch Shelby's vod, support her and support other members of the community, I know this is upsetting to us as well,
He lied to everyone and Shelby is the one who deserves all the support but you're allowed to need personal support from those around you,
Wilbur soot was a man I looked up and adored,
Please watch shubbles vod,
There is quite a lot of undeniable evidence of witnesses stating they saw and some were also a victim of his actions
I stand with Shelby, she is articulate and brave and using the experience to give others advice about the signs
I understand really well it's hard to say he's a terrible person, he's been a very important and happy thing for me for the past year, but I don't believe there is any reason to support him after this.
He wasn't a good enough human to deserve the wonderful community he inspired.
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Here is some of the evidence I have (Tumblr image limit), if you want to know more, feel free to message me, and please go and do some research and remember,
It's not about giving voice to abusers,
It's about standing with victims.
Even if the abuser was your hero.
Stand with Shelby. 💛
And all the other people he hurt, the ones I know of being Niki and rue, there may be others, please feel free to reblog and add more information, I want this to be informative to anyone who stumbles across looking for truth and evidence and would like to compile as much as possible.
Okay that's all, goodbye, I'll write a separate post on how I'll go about my art and writing with him.
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sadiecoocoo · 1 year ago
People need to stop demanding to hear some people’s thoughts on the Wilbur soot drama. Tommy may not be responding because he was abused as well and is dealing with the realization of that. He may not be responding because he doesn’t trust himself to say anything yet. He may not be responding because he recently had surgery and can’t deal with this right now. He may not be responding because he really doesn’t want to
Stop focusing on other people’s responses to Wilbur’s shitty apology and go focus on supporting Shelby (Shubble). She’s the one that needs it right now
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punipunky · 3 months ago
Ok, im a bit confused, is there actual proof of Shelby faking her claims and what not? Is Wilbur actually innocent? I'm not sure what's going on and I would like some clarification please.
This is not me saying "oh i support Wilbur now" or "Shelby is obviously not faking it" I'm just trying to understand. Please? <:)
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waywardnajsepticeye · 1 year ago
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axoqiii · 1 year ago
well what a year huh. felt like i should say something because i used to draw the guy a lot !! if u still support wilbur after shelby and several other friends of his have come forward about how hes mistreated them and that terrible "addressing the allegations" tweet, theres something severely wrong with you ^_^
stop trying to defend him hes a grown ass man !! literally open your eyes all the evidence is in front of you, these are real people and not fictional characters to argue abt . you do not know him that u can say "he wouldnt do that :(" he is an abuser and literally proved that he IS shelby's abuser by tweeting that ass apology 😭 tik tok is so crazy bruh anyways please unfollow me if ur still a fan of him thanks 👍
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t-rexomboi · 1 year ago
Im done
I just found out about everything and I am no longer supporting wilbur or any lovejoy content. This is so confusing and angering to me. Please stay safe and take care of yourself because everyone probably just kinda needs to process this. I definitely do. I legit am just so shocked that this whole thing happened and Im so sorry to shelby and anyone else who was hurt by wilburs actions. This is not the way I expected this to go but I think this is a reminder to me not to idolize people too much because you never really know what they are like. Again please take care of yourselves and take the time you need to process what just happened
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jadeglas · 8 months ago
Marek "Ricochet" Zima
He's American with Czech heritage. He goes by Mark outside of his family and close friends, and "Ricochet" when "on the job". He's nearly 30 years old, runs a food truck that launders money for his family, and is a non-sanctioned semi-vigilante with rubber powers.
Marek is part of a unique crime family - they act as the "clean up" of San Padua's underworld. If a criminal or vigilante needs to hide a body or clean up a crime scene, they call the Zimas. Because of this, his family is seen as neutral, boarding on welcomed, almost anywhere in the city. Marek's parents were murdered the summer before his freshman year of high school, targeted by another "family" trying to take over the role of city cleaners. The issue is mostly resolved, as far as the rest of the criminal underworld is concerned, but Marek hasn't forgotten. He was taken in by his uncle, who is now the head of the family, and raised alongside his cousins. The family is surprisingly well adjusted and rather affectionate with both Marek and each other.
Marek has powers of rubber, meaning he can stretch himself and his limbs (which is well known) and that he's immune to the effects of electricity, (which is a closely guarded secret only known to his family). He has a lifetime of fighting experience. He and his family are ruthless and viscous when opposed, but they also follow a strict moral code. They do their best to avoid injuring civilians and go out of their way to protect children.
Marek's had multiple bed partners and enjoys taking a dominant role in the local BDSM scene, but never engages any potential partners without explicit permission and interest shown. Between running his food truck in his "off time" and looking after Cora, though, he hasn't had as much time to relax this way lately. Instead, he's started experimenting with new recipes and cooking techniques. It's not as effective, but it helps him keep his head on straight and gives him another thing besides his food truck that he can talk about to Cora without revealing his criminal identity.
His favorite way to unwind is spending time with Cora, one of his very best friends. They became friends in the first year of high school, when Marek's grief over his parents was still fresh and he was barely able to go through the motions of adjusting to the new school he had to attend since moving in with his uncle. Cora's family had just moved to the area, and she recognized that he was a fellow new student, taking it upon herself to help him keep track of homework and assignments, while helping to deflect any bullying. Her unconditional support, her seamless addition to the friendship he already had with Jai, and her complete lack of ties to anything in San Padua's underworld were a lifeline in those days and earned Marek's intense loyalty.
Marek and Cora share a unique dynamic - their friendship isn't romantic or sexual, but platonic in an intense, intimate way that confuses anyone who doesn't know them well. It also includes dominant/submissive aspects that sometimes lean toward codependency. Cora can get overwhelmed when particularly stressed or tired, and while Marek hates seeing her distressed, he relishes that she turns to him to protect and guide her when she's vulnerable like this. He's hyper-aware of of the power she hands to him and of her instinctive obedience to the lower, rougher registers of his voice, too. He's incredibly careful to never abuse his position, only ever making decisions and giving instructions to her that will keep her healthy and happy.
He's never revealed his powers or his criminal ties to her, partly out of fear of never seeing her again, but also out of a desire to keep a small piece of something normal in the chaotic and dangerous world he lives in. He's very close to Cora's parents and two little brothers, as well, though they aren't aware of Marek's other life, either.
Marek's other best friend is Jai Leo, the first-generation son of Lao immigrants, and he's the closest thing Marek has to a brother. Jai's father was the best friend and right-hand man of Marek's father, roles the two sons have also taken on. Jai has become Marek's trusted sounding board over the years, always willing to listen to Marek's thoughts and ideas and give his opinion bluntly, and loudly, if needed. Jai started a fan page for Ricochet as a joke, but it's developed such a large and passionate fan base, that he manages the group full time now and has found ways to start monetizing it. Marek is vaguely uncomfortable with this, but tolerates it and Jai's teasing about the whole situation with good humor.
Marek lives in a nice apartment deep in his family's territory with Jai as a roommate. The apartment in general is decorated in a combination of rich brown woods with dark metals to compliment. Marek's room continues to use rich, dark woods, but also includes deep blues and a medium to lighter grey color. He has bookshelves covering any available wall space, filled with a combination of cookbooks, family albums, and the detailed journals he keeps.
Marek enjoys cooking, especially for the people he's close to. His mother was also a skilled cook, and her recipe books are his most treasures items. Food is a form of affection for him. He'll go out of his way to learn the favorite recipes of those he cares about and will refuse to cook for people who have genuinely upset him.
Only a Jai and Marek's closest cousins know this, but Marek wants to get revenge on his parents' murders by becoming the next bank for the city's criminal underworld. He already owns a food truck, which he uses to launder the money his family receives as payment, but he dreams of becoming a powerful enough force to be able to punish the criminals who killed his parents and have no one oppose him.
Marek is terrified of deep water. He can handle standing in water as high as his hips, but he doesn't know how to swim, and won't go any deeper. The memory isn't clear, but he nearly drowned as a toddler in a pool accident.
Marek has strong, violent feelings about anyone who takes advantage of others sexually, especially if they're stronger or more powerful than their victims. He's gotten into fights with his family in the past because he refuses to let such actions go unpunished once he finds out about them, no matter who they are.
Marek's uncle and cousins know about his deep friendship with Cora and have welcomed her into their family as well. As far as San Padua's criminal underworld is concerned, Cora and her family are part of the Zima family's territory and are under their protection. This leads to complications sometimes, because of her clerical job at the Sanctioned Supers Division, but it's a topic everyone has long adapted to.
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timeangel · 9 months ago
When you decide to listen to MSR again and suddenly your 12 years old again on the bathroom floor, listening to Glass Chalet, with a sharpener blade in your hand đŸ„Č
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deepcoraldragon · 2 months ago
List of ccs publicly supporting Tommy & Tubbo
(or who just spoke out against Dream in general. or both.) as of jan 13
I haven’t seen a list on here yet so here goes (I def forgot some people, and I’m missing a few screenshots but this took foreverrr)
Content creators explicitly siding with clingyduo
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MaxGGs (could not pick a favorite tweet)
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Bitzel (not that we’re surprised)
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Ludwig apparently
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Dean Withers, coming out of left field
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Molly (melinks)
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ItsZoil I think
Michael McChill
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Content creators who didn’t say anything explicitly but we can read between the lines
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Quackity (idgaf undefeated champion)
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Shelby Shubble (see Phil)
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People who aren’t ccs but still get an honorable mention
Sarah Simons (Tommy’s mom)
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Rue (Tommy’s old roommate)
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Ady Manifold
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Andi (Punz's ex) (I had to cut the post, sorry)
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And that's everyone I can think of rn! Please add on if I forgot someone, if new people speak out, or if you have more screenshots to share!
Edit: here's the updated version from jan 20th, and the summary list
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philza-updates · 1 year ago
Phil posted an announcement in his Discord.
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a Discord message by Ph1LzA. It reads “Hey guys @/everyone I’m sure many of you know Shelby (shubble) came forward about abuse she had suffered at the hands of Wilbur during their relationship. After watching her stream last week myself and Kristin immediately reached out in dm’s to show our support. As you can imagine I am deeply saddened by all this, I’m struggling even now to put this all into words, so I ask that you please support shelby and other victims and I will still do my best to make my streams a safe space for everyone. Believe victims. always.”
End ID]
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mothmothwoth · 1 year ago
so with the Wilbur situation happening and more people talking about Shubble I thought it’d be a good time to recommend and talk about Shubble stuff that I’ve loved and have lived rent free in my head for years. (All of which are older stuff, Shubble was my jam like 6 years ago)
Agents - This is a series that started out as the typical comedy bit where Shelby and their friend Max (Mithzan) pretend to be Secret agents on a mission. They play old Minecraft mini games and challenges and are just a really funny duo together and they play off really well. However they start to incorporate lore and returning characters into the videos which create an overarching story to the Agents series. The original series that came out in 2016 (ish?) Ends with the end of the world and many mysteries unexplained. However there is a prequel series Shubble made after the Original Agents which explore Agent Shed and Zeds backstory, how they met, and gives Shelby’s love interest (Death (or well actually its deaths son?? In the prequel he hasn’t taken over for his father yet) also yes Shelbys character has a crush thing on death) a personality and character as well. I loved this thing, honestly I still do love this series it’s silly and the mystery made me lose it as a kid. It honestly is still my jam I will most likely rewatch this one soon.
Mystery Hotel - This is a roleplay mystery series Shubble did that has less of the comedy and buddy cop duo of Agents but more story and an almost haunting vibe. It has Shelby as a person walking into a hotel hoping to get a room to crash for the night and being trapped in the hotel and the other guests rooms. The guests are all her friends and they play games and challenges and when they succeed the guests are free from their rooms. This one is more actually one off than agents but it has a really nice vibe and the people all seem to be having a good time doing this. There is also a heavy sprinkle of lore between the fun so it leaves you with questions and wanting to find out more. I honestly do not remember the ending because I watched it when it came out and it was a long time ago.
Shelby almost dies in a stairwell - This story time video has been in my head for 7 years. I NEED to tell someone about this. Shelby got trapped in the stairwell and this is her video about that. This video turned me off of conventions forever and gave me permanent paranoia of being stuck in a stairwell. I think I watched this video like 18 times when I first saw it and I cannot tell you why. AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN. I cannot explain why these videos are so special to me they just are. Someone please tell me you share the experience of watching these I’m going to lose my mind.
but anyways Go watch Shubble they are silly, go watch her new content. Just. go bananas. Support Shubble (thumbs up)
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