#sheep dairy
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downtoearthmarkets · 5 months ago
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Located on 65 undulating acres in Gardiner, NY by the Catskill Mountains, Willow Pond Sheep Farm makes a verdant setting for a flock of highly contented dairy sheep and a couple of equally happy humans. Carrie and Brent Wasser recently treated the team at Down to Earth Markets to a tour of their property to learn more about the farm’s day-to-day operations and meet some of its wooly residents. Here is a recap of our fascinating conversation with Carrie.
How did Willow Pond Sheep Farm get started?
Brent and I were both working in jobs related to agriculture and farming when we met in Vermont in 2015. I was the editor of a quarterly local foods magazine, and Brent was a teacher at the Culinary Institute with a background in cheese and ice cream making. We knew we wanted to start a livestock farm, but it wasn’t certain what we would do until Brent said to me that he thought I would really like dairy sheep.
I grew up in an urban setting in Greenwich Village but have always been interested in animals. My parents had the foresight to buy this land in the 1980s as they wanted a second home in the country. I spent much of my childhood up here, but my mom was still shocked when I told her all those years later that I wanted to start farming on this land.
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We started sheep farming in 2018 and were initially selling lamb for meat. At the height of the pandemic in 2020, we introduced our dairy flock and started milking for the first time. We continue to sell the meat that is a by-product of our dairy operation, however our bottled sheep’s milk and the yogurt we make onsite in our farmstead creamery are now our flagship products.
How are sheep’s milk and cow’s milk different?
For starters, sheep’s milk is incredibly difficult to find because sheep dairy is challenging economically. You’re doing the same amount of labor as on a cow dairy, but sheep produce much less milk.
There are many humane issues with cow dairy which is typically produced in massive volumes at industrial scale. There has been a lot of breeding of Holstein cows to select for unnaturally large udders to promote milk production. The udders have become so big that the animals are weighed down and aren’t able to engage in natural behaviors such as grazing and prancing. Plus, sheep are better for the environment in hillier areas. The impact of cows on hills creates a lot of soil erosion, whereas sheep are lighter on the land and don’t do as much damage.
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Sheep dairy is more digestible than cow dairy. While there is lactose in sheep’s milk, the way the fat is structured makes the lactose more digestible. Many of our customers who can’t tolerate cow dairy can consume and enjoy Willow Pond’s sheep milk and yogurt without issues.
How does sheep’s milk taste?
Dairy sheep produce nutritionally dense, protein-packed milk that is delicious to drink and makes super creamy yogurt. An easy testament to this is that kids are some of our biggest fans! It’s rare that we encounter a child who doesn’t like our yogurt because it tastes so mild and creamy. Some people mistakenly conflate sheep’s milk with goat’s milk, but they are two very different tasting things. So, there is often an education curve that we just need to overcome.
What is a day in the life of a Willow Pond dairy sheep like?
Our sheep have a very nice life. In fact, it’s much easier than my life! From April through Thanksgiving, they spend their days and nights outside grazing and sleeping on pasture. They have a livestock guardian dog called Yarrow that lives with them and protects them from coyotes and other predators.
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We practice rotational grazing so that the ewes have fresh grass to graze upon all the time. We keep the paddocks small so that they eat as much grass as possible. From spring to fall, the bulk of our labor involves collecting the fence and moving it down and repeating that process to keep the grass supply coming. The sheep don’t return to the same pasture for forty days as that’s how long it takes for the parasites to die off in the sun.
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During the summer the ewes are brought inside to be milked twice a day at 5:30am and 3:30pm. The sheep know when it’s time for milking and want to get inside as they know they will be treated with organic grain while they’re being milked. It’s sort of like potato chips for them. They’re ready for it and it’s a very loud affair. It’s no problem getting them up the ramp into the milking parlor as sheep are accomplished mountain climbers and they’re definitely motivated to get up there! 
We have a 12-stanchion milking parlor so milk our current flock of 36 ewes in three groups. Sheep have two teats versus cows which have four teats. We use a vacuum system to empty the milk that mimics the sucking reflex and rate of a nursing lamb. It lasts for around 1.5-2 minutes so it’s very quick to milk each sheep. After they’ve been milked the sheep go back outside to the pasture.
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Our sheep come indoors after Thanksgiving once there is no more grass. They spend the winter in an open-air barn that keeps them comfortable and protected from the elements. We feed them high quality second-cut hay from New York State. The ewes have their lambs inside the barn during lambing season in March and April. When they’re let back out to pasture in the spring, they’re super joyful and prance around the field.
Overall, we have a nice healthy flock who are all very tame. I know all their names and the best time of the day for me is walking in and out of the barn with forty sheep following closely behind.
What factors impact milk production? 
Since 2020, our milk production has gone up from ¼ gallon per day. The amount of milk produced per ewe depends on the time of year. At the height of the season, we now get about ¾ gallon per sheep per day. Around September, the production naturally slows as the weather gets cooler and it lessens to around ½ gallon per sheep per day. It’s not very much considering how much feed and labor you’re putting into the sheep.
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We follow the genetic sheep lines very carefully and pay close attention to the production per ewe and the health of the ewe. It takes time to achieve this through your ram. The rams go into the pasture to breed in a couple of weeks’ time. We have one ram per twenty ewes, and they breed for around six weeks. Choosing a good ram, tracking who your best producing ewes are and saving those ewe lambs are key to increasing milk production.
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The other factor that affects milk production is feed. If the ewes have been on a good pasture, we can see the results in the morning milking. Plus, the grain we give them during milking, their mineral licks and the hay they consume during winter all affect milk quality and production. We work with a nutritionist who is very precise and performs blood tests to make sure our ewes aren’t deficient in any minerals.
I’m on the board of the Dairy Sheep Association of North America. One of our goals is to get U.S. producers to have good enough genetics so that we can increase the amount of production per ewe. The answer isn’t to buy more sheep, it’s to make the sheep you have more productive per unit. You can then sell that extra milk for more than it costs to provide them with extra feed.
Tell us about what your farm produces.
Brent takes care of all the details on the dairy end and does the work in the creamery making our yogurt. Time and temperature are the most important elements in yogurt making. We’ve found a specific yeast from Wisconsin that works best with our milk and produces our delicious tasting yogurt. I never thought that it would be this good! It’s all that early research that resulted in this high-quality product. Plus, it’s a testament to how well our sheep are raised and Brent being a dedicated dairy guy who just loves dairy processing.
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I stay on the animal husbandry side of things. Our philosophy on our farm is to use the entire sheep so nothing goes to waste. That’s how we respect the animal and honor the animal.
We shear the ewes once a year for wool and make gorgeous blankets and scarves that you can buy in the farmers market. When the lambs are sent to the butcher, we ask that they save the skins and have them tanned in Vermont at one of only two organic tanneries in the country. They use a solution made with tree bark to soften the leather. The bones of our animal are also saved and sold for stock and the fat is now being saved so that we can start making candles with it.
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We also do lamb tours during our spring lambing season. You can book a tour to meet and hold the lambs before they get too big. But the tours are very popular and sell out quickly!
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Thank you, Carrie and Brent, for taking the time to show us around your beautiful farm and introducing us to your very happy, well-cared for flock. You can find Willow Pond Sheep Farm and their range of premium sheep products on select Saturdays at our year-round Larchmont Farmers Market.
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holocene-sims · 2 years ago
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fáilte abhaile 🚜
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rmspeltzfarm · 6 months ago
Country Girl Success in the Ring
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milfgwen · 2 years ago
some people are so genuinely detached from where their food comes from that it's insane
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autism-freaks · 11 months ago
I think it's a common misconception that domesticating animals is somewhat like enslaving them. It really is more of a symbiotic relationship. No wild animal would have willingly put up with early humans if they didn't get something out of it. Wolves wouldn't have stayed with us and become dogs if they weren't getting food and safety out of it. Many large herbivores that are now domesticated could and would have easily trampled their early human captors or broken their enclosures open if they didn't have a reason to stay. Sometimes individual animals still do if we don't give them what they need.
The animals that have stayed with us for thousands of years have evolved to cooperate with us better. Dogs have additional facial muscles around their eyes that wolves lack in order to mimic human facial expressions. Sheep grow their wool perpetually while their wild counterparts don't because a bigger fleece means they're more likely to be allowed to breed and be kept around. Domestic dairy cows produce much more milk than wild bovine species and domestic hens lay more eggs. Do you know how energy costly producing eggs or milk is for an animal? It's pretty intense! They wouldn't be able to do that if we hadn't given them the food and safety from predators and the elements to.
And we really need to show these animals respect and gratitude for what they give us by taking excellent care of them. They gave up a lot to be with us, often including the means to take care of themselves in the wild. That's a huge reason why I'm not against using animal products, but I hate factory farming. They are still living, breathing creatures with needs and feelings. They deserve a comfortable life and, when the time comes, a humane death.
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simplyvegan · 10 days ago
If farmers don't have the time, money, or resources to care for the sheep in their flocks by keeping the wool around their anuses and hindquarters sheared down to prevent flystrike, then they don't have the time, money, or resources to ensure that the tail docking and/or mulesing (a procedure where skin is removed from the sheep's hindquarters) that's done instead is done humanely, and they definitely wouldn't have the time, money, or resources to fully inspect and care for the wounds of every sheep in their flock.
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greencheekconure27 · 4 months ago
"What was Aragon's tax policy" What are your 40 000 (×5) barbaric nomads eating GRRM? Or for that matter you medieval-tech level Westerosi during winters that last years but seemingly have no impact on nature or agriculture or ANYTHING beyond "some people die it kinda sucks" and "Winter is Coming"?
Instead, the primary inspiration for George R.R. Martin’s Dothraki seems to come from deeply flawed Hollywood depictions of noamdic peoples, rather than any real knowledge about the peoples themselves.  The Dothraki are not an amalgam of the Sioux or the Mongols, but rather an amalgam of Stagecoach (1939) and The Conqueror (1956).  When it comes to the major attributes of the Dothraki – their singular focus on violent, especially sexual violence, their lack of art or expression, their position as a culture we primarily see ‘from the outside’ as almost uniformly brutal (and in need of literally the whitest of all women to tame and reform it) – what we see is not reflected in the historical people at all but is absolutely of a piece with this Hollywood legacy.
But Martin has done more damage than simply watching The Mongols (1961) would today.  He has taken those old, inaccurate, racially tinged stereotypes and repackaged them, with an extra dash of contemporary cynicism to lend them the feeling of ‘reality’ and then used his reputation as a writer of more historically grounded fantasy (a reputation, I think we may say at this point, which ought to be discarded; Martin is an engaging writer but a poor historian) to give those old stereotypes the air of ‘real history’ and how things ‘really were.’  And so, just as Westeros became the vision of the Middle Ages that inhabits the mind of so many people (including quite a few of my students), the Dothraki become the mental model for the Generic Nomad: brutal, sexually violent, uncreative, unartistic, uncivilized.
And as I noted at the beginning of this series, Martin’s fans have understood that framing perfectly well.  The argument given by both the creators themselves, often parroted by fans and even repeated by journalists is that A Song of Ice and Fire‘s historical basis is both a strike in favor of the book because they present a ‘more real’ vision of the past but also a flawless defense against any qualms anyone might have over the way that the fiction presents violence (especially its voyeuristic take on sexual violence) or its cultures.  No doubt part of you are tired of seeing that same ‘amalgam’ quote over and over again at the beginning of every single one of these essays, but I did that for a reason, because it was essential to note that this assertion is not merely part of the subtext of how Martin presents his work (although it is that too), but part of the actual text of his promotion of his work.
And it is a lie.  And I want to be clear here, it is not a misunderstanding.  It is not a regrettable implication.  It is not an unfortunate spot blind-spot of ignorance.  It is a lie, made repeatedly, now by many people in both the promotion of the books and the show who ought to have known better.  And it is a lie that has been believed by millions of fans.
lol get rekt George R.R. Martin
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dizzydairy · 1 year ago
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rockingbytheseaside · 8 months ago
✦ The Legend of a Faceless Harbinger
(Imagine Headless Horseman Capitano x reader. No, I won’t elaborate.)
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✧ In an unassuming village nestled by a quaint, insignificant hamlet, you lived in a humble farmhouse. A modest living, with but a few sheep and a tightly held community. Everyone knew each other in the village, for its residents were few, fostering familiarity among its inhabitants and their whereabouts. 
The villagers liked tales of premonition and the paranormal – stories of vengeful Hilichurls, weeping Seelies, or berserk Witches who burn everything in their path. However, one of the legends was about a Faceless Knight, bloodstained and brooding, with a mighty steed supporting his towering frame. Legend has it that the Knight’s armor once shone silver and pristine, but after years of bloodshed and gruesome battles, the knight’s body shifted to that of a monster; the same ones he once swore to destroy. Now faceless, monstrous, and donning a void-like helmet - the Knight rides off into the night, galloping between the living and dead. 
✧ You, on the other hand, disregarded such gossip. If the night was scary because a headless knight reigned dominion over it, then why did you always find solace in it, when the sky is clear and the stars are shining? 
You lived by the outskirts and were content taking care of your small flock of chickens and sheep. You had your fresh bread, a small basket of eggs, and homemade dairy. In the early hours of dawn, you took care of your abode, small patches of vegetables sprouting by the sunlight. And in the late hours of dusk, you sat by the windowsill from your bedroom, gazing up at the stars above. 
Yet as you silently watched the night, a hidden figure, merging with the shadows gazed back at you. His horse neighed softly until a clawed hand patted its head. 
✧ One day, a couple of sheep wandered off from your farmhouse and went missing. The weather was cloudy and the gray clouds threatened a heavy pour if you didn't hurry and found your wandering flock. With your trusty shepherd's crook, you hurried off to run into the forest hoping you'd find them somewhere nearby.
Once you reached the wild forest, it didn't take long to spot your wandering sheep, running in the direction of their baaing. They huddled close by the bushes, grazing on the grass leisurely. You smiled in silent relief, reaching closer toward them until suddenly - you halted. Amidst the dense foliage, a figure emerged, and it dawned on you that your sheep were not simply loitering there by chance. They had been intentionally led here, and at the sight of the stranger, you tensed, clutching your trusty crook. A man on horseback drew nearer, his jet-black steed carefully moving. But the figure was even taller. Dark armor and clanking chains were not as imposing as the sight of his featureless, hollow helmet met you head-on.
It was the faceless Knight. He kept his distance, but his helmet directed straight at you, wordless and careful. With a slight incline of his head, he observed your sheep turning towards you, providing you the opportunity to safely guide your flock home. And as for you? You quivered like a lamb, petrified at the sight of a man of his stature, with only the murky depths of his helmet meeting your gaze.
Thus, you fled. Pushing your sheep hastily from the forest, you didn't look back at the mancing knight. Your heart hammered and you swiftly led your animals back to your farm, locking them in their barn and fearing for your own life. 
✧ In the upcoming days, you didn’t dare to exit your house’s safety. You were convinced that you were living your last days, however, nothing amiss occurred. Instead, things got better in your farmhouse. You don’t know why, but The animals scarcely strayed, the howls of wolves seldom pierced the night, and neither hilichurls nor bothersome slimes encroached upon your land.
You felt an air of change in your quaint farmhouse, despite your sense of alarm remaining after meeting the brooding Harbinger. 
Occasionally, at the earliest hours of dawn, when you get up, you are greeted with small flowers on the steps of the house. Sometimes it’s plucked lamp grass, and at other times it’s a wreath of valberry leaves. In a state of befuddlement, you’d blink, looking back and forth around your entrance. 
You had a secret protector, and your heart yearned to thank whoever that was. 
✧ If someone was leaving you small gifts of flora and guarding your house, it was only courteous to thank them. Therefore, you came up with a plan to leave a small assortment of items in a basket as a response. From time to time, by the footsteps of your house, you’d leave a basket with fresh apples. Sometimes, it would be a loaf of bread you baked. These signs of gratitude persisted, and in return, the gifts grew in magnitude. From small bouquets to rare artifacts and even warm pelts. 
The routine of offerings and gifts became a way of silent communication with your generous benefactor.
Until one late afternoon, you heard screaming right outside your farmhouse. You dashed out of the house and noticed that the usual basket was gone. You just had it filled with homegrown fruits and baked goods, yet it was missing entirely. When you turned your attention towards the commotion, you gasped in surprise at the sight.
The same faceless Knight, in his clad black armor, dragging a kicking peasant with a firm grip. The man was kicking and screaming in horror, his wrist already marred by the Harbinger’s grip. However, what surprised you, was that the basket was in his arms.
“Please let me go-! I didn’t know! I didn’t know to whom it belonged,” - the peasant was thrown hard onto the ground right in front of your feet, the basket and its good rolling out. 
“Lies are inexcusable. And stealing deserves its punishment.” 
The Harbinger spoke firmly, marching straight at the man. Overcoming your shock, you understood - this person stole the basket of food you left, but then the receiver who protected your farmhouse all this time is… 
You shook your head, and before the faceless entity could take a step closer to the thief, you stood with your arms out - “Wait!”
The Harbinger stopped in an instant, that faceless mask going silent as the armored hand tightly closed into a fist. The peasant was shaking behind you.
“It’s not worth it, just some homegrown food anyway. P-please, let this man go.” 
“He stole what you worked hard for. That which is not meant to be his.” 
“I know, but it is not a fair punishment to spill blood in return!”
The headless harbinger let out a low rumble, his massive form towering over you and the begging thief. After a prolonged moment of tense silence, he stated his verdict.
“You were lucky to be granted mercy. Heed my words, there won’t be a next time. Go.” 
The words were short but decisive, spoken out of pure malevolence towards the one who took your offerings that were intended for him. Crawling on his knees, the man shook and thanked you both for mercy, scurrying off the ground of your farmhouse and running away. 
✧ You kneeled by the fallen basket, picking up some of the flowers and fruits that rolled to the grassy ground. As you silently picked them up, you almost flinched when an armored hand appeared in front of you, offering you assistance to get up. When you raised your gaze - a hallow, pitch-black helmet looked back at you. 
You placed your hand delicately onto his.
“Excuse me, Mr… uh, Knight. I thank you for catching the thief and my goods. But may I ask: was it you who brought those gifts by the entrance of my house?”
He remains silent for a moment, and you couldn’t tell whether he was contemplating his answer or studying every nuance of your face up close. After a long moment, he slowly nods his head "Yes." 
A sigh of relief escaped you. Partly due to your fear of the frightening figure, but also because of your suspicion about who the unseen protector of your farmhouse was.
“Then it was you who kept my rural home safe from monsters or predators.” - you nodded, remembering how your flock of sheep was huddled close and safe even when they all got lost before. “You won’t hurt me…?”
“I could never. You have my vow.” 
His voice no longer held that firm animosity it did when he spoke to the thief. Now it was low and deep. His form helped you pick up the dropped belongings and walked you back to the farm.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, a tranquil stillness enveloped the surroundings as you dutifully trailed behind him. A novel sense of anticipation washed over you, distinct from the usual apprehension. For the Harbinger, it was not his first time remaining close to the soil of your modest abode. In fact, he always remained nearby. However, he felt immense guilt for giving you such fright. 
“...I owe you an apology. I intruded on your ground when I caught the thief. But even less honorably so, I never revealed myself formally to you. I did not wish to see you scared.”  
You listened closely, witnessing the sincerity in his movements. You stood close to the pastors, the grass rustling idly by the night breeze. His ominous figure is a stark contrast to you and your cozy dwelling.
“I understand… I do not blame you. I must also apologize for my startled demeanor. I never expected it would be you who actually helped me all this time.” 
The knight tilts his head to the side, keeping a polite hand with yours as he lets you sit on the grass. Every movement he did for you was cautionary and gentle. The two of you sat on the ground, the night sky illuminating the first stars of the night. 
“I just wish to know… Why such kindness?” - you asked at last, easing up the courage to look him straight into the hollowness of his helmet. 
The anticipated question made the Harbinger go quiet. He couldn't deny it, but he found solace in watching you work. How diligently you took care of your animals, how you watered the vegetation, how you smiled joyously when you’d return with a basket full of fresh eggs. It was a tender sight, even as the harbinger maintained his distance on the forest's periphery, secretly yearning to draw nearer to you.
He wished to tell you so much. About how he finds you to be the loveliest person in all of these lands, the most sincere and hardworking. How he enjoys gazing at you the same way you gaze at the stars. Yet now, being in your proximity, the sight of your beauty up close had rendered his thoughts useless and all he could manage was:
"Perhaps I’m utterly infatuated by you."
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rmspeltzfarm · 6 months ago
Teach them Boys to be RIGHT
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mindtrcks · 8 months ago
asmr | CL16
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Charles has been having trouble sleeping. Your videos seem to be the only thing that helps.
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WC: 5.4k
Notes: performance coach!reader who dabbles in asmr (but only for charles <3), smut, phone sex/mutual masturbation.
Charles has been having trouble sleeping lately.
It could be because of timezones, or how much coffee he drinks. But it probably has more to do with the way he’s been watching the Drivers Championship slip further and further out of his grip with every passing week. But to admit that would be to admit that he’s losing control of the car, and with it, himself. To admit that would be to admit that there's nothing he can do about it.
So he claims that he’s merely been a little restless at night. He’s told to try calming teas before bed, so he does. But then he just has to get up and use the restroom. He counts hundreds of sheep without getting tired, and ocean noises and whale sounds just pound around in his skull until he turns them off. He tries picturing the schematics of the SF24 in his head until he has a perfect rendition in his mind. But then he thinks of how it feels to drag it back into the pits, and works himself up so much he can’t even close his eyes.
He’s growing more than just a little restless. He thinks he might be getting desperate.
“Have you tried warm milk?” Andrea asks him, when Charles shows up to training with bags under his eyes, yet again.
“Yes, no luck,” he answers. He doesn’t know a kind way to say that he’s tried everything that appears on the first five pages of google when he searches for insomnia remedies, including an American military tactic that’s supposed to work in ten seconds. (Charles has found it doesn’t work at all.)
Andrea makes a sympathetic sound and begins to guide Charles through a warm-up. His limbs don’t stretch as far as they would if he had gotten a good night’s sleep.
As he struggles, your voice calls out, from the corner, “Wait, he’s allowed to eat dairy?”
And that is something he is still getting used to. You, shadowing his sessions with Andrea. You’re preparing for your transfer to a team that shall not be named, as you like to say. Charles figures it must be a team that pays well, because you take the NDA quite seriously. When Andrea first told him about the arrangement, he worried it would be awkward, but he quickly found the opposite to be true. You talk quite a lot for a soon-to-be head performance coach. It’s comfortable. He likes your chatter, even if it’s a bit inane at times.
“Drink dairy,” he corrects, just to hear you huff.
The satisfaction is short-lived, though, because then Andrea’s hands are on his shoulders, pushing him further into his lunge, and deepening the burn in his thighs. “Milk is healthy,” Andrea tells you, sounding like a professor. Like he really thinks you don’t understand the merits of drinking milk. Charles just thinks you want to be difficult. “Also, he has an ice cream company.”
“Yeah, but I didn't think he started it for the love of ice cream. Plus, everybody makes it seem like drivers can only eat gruel. I need to shadow a nutritionist or something.”
Andrea lets him stand up, and instructs him to start stretching his arms now. “You don’t have to make the meal plan,” he says, once adequately satisfied with Charles’ form. “They can just find Dan—”
You interrupt him with a gasp and a rushed, “Shshsh,” not quite a shush, but something close. Like calling a cat. “You can’t say who it is,” you say, waving your arms. But then you freeze, and Charles can see the moment your face lights up with an idea. He knows, instinctively, that it can’t be good. “Wait. Charles, have you tried ASMR?”
He briefly debates lying, but he’s not sure he has a good enough poker face to get away with it normally, much less when Andrea pulls his arm up and introduces a new ache to the stretch. “I have tried, but it did not help much,” he admits, choosing to ignore both the delight on your face and the reserved judgment on Andrea’s. “It felt weird to have some stranger try to put me to sleep.”
“Ah, so you need your own personal ASMRtist, just for you?” you ask, eyebrows raising. Charles would feel shame, but he is just too tired. He watches you turn to Andrea and shake your head. “These drivers, man.”
Charles just sighs. Andrea makes his way to the treadmill, and Charles sighs again, this time with feeling.
He doesn’t think much of it, as he goes through the workout. Andrea works him hard enough that he doesn’t think much of anything at all. That is, until he’s doing crunches and your face suddenly appears above him, grinning down. “I could do it, if you wanted to try ASMR again. I could make you some, seeing as I’m not a stranger.”
At this point, Charles would try just about anything. Exhausted, and sweaty, and struggling to finish his set, he grunts, “Sure. If it is not a problem.”
“No problem at all,” you say, throwing him an exaggerated wink.
He’s lost too much sleep over the past few weeks to spend time parsing out whatever that means.
A week later, and Charles has honestly forgotten about the entire thing until you text him out of the blue on a Monday afternoon.
what kind of things do you like?
for your asmr :)
He stares down at his phone and tries to think of a reasonable way to respond to that. He has watched ASMR before, yes. It’s true that if it exists on the first five pages of google, he has already tried it. But all of the videos he watched were too creepy, or too loud, or again, too impersonal. He didn’t really discover anything that worked, except maybe for the lack of traffic in the background.
I like for it to be quiet, he sends, eventually. He’s not sure what else to offer. As he watches you type, he hopes that you won't put too much effort into this whole thing. Charles is not very hopeful that it will help in the first place.
well, yes!
i mean do you like talking? or water sounds or something?
I’m not sure, he types. And then, just to ease your expectations, adds, Honestly it will probably not work either way
have you no faith in me?
He doesn’t know how to reply to that, so he turns his phone off instead of overthinking.
It’s Wednesday night by the time you text him again.
for you, the message reads. There's a video attached, of course. He has to wait for it to download to his phone before he can see the cover image: you, sitting at a hotel room desk, smiling softly. Your hand is blurry in the frame, like you're pulling it back after pressing record.
He feels something tight in his stomach, a jump of anticipation. If his problem was the impersonality of the few videos he’s tried on YouTube, this would definitely fix that. The frame looks like something he might see if he were to do a video call with you. Something he might see if you were really talking to him.
Pressing play seems dangerous. He thinks it will probably not work, but there's the nagging thought in the back of his mind of what if it does? What if, after all the home remedies and melatonin and sleepless nights, this is what finally works? Your voice, your face, on a video just for him. How is he meant to deal with the repercussions of that?
It's a war within himself, whether to press play or not. The fact is that he needs to get sleep before free practice in the morning. But he cannot honestly say that watching your video would help any more than staring up at the hotel ceiling, counting the cracks and divots. Picturing sheep jumping over a fence, like his maman always said.
It is almost like his phone is singing to him, though. In a voice that maybe sounds like a siren’s or maybe sounds like yours.
He cannot help it. He presses play.
“Hi, Charles,” your voice whispers in the quiet of his hotel room.
Instantly, he panics and shuts his phone off. Much too dangerous, he thinks. The sheep will work just fine.
He wakes up feeling more exhausted than he has ever felt.
It’s bad, he knows. He hardly has anything to say to the reporters who try to talk to him before he gets in the car. Free practice is a nightmare, and he nearly crashes out in the middle of a flying lap. And then, of course, he has to sit through an entirely long debrief in which all that seems to be said is how he needs to be focusing more. Concentrating on what's important.
“Maybe you just need to get more sleep,” you offer, like you know, somehow, that he was too much of a coward to watch the video you sent. That you can see how he didn't even try.
“Maybe,” he agrees.
There are sympathetic faces, and then he’s sent back to the hotel early, with firm instructions to go to bed.
He tries to fall asleep on his own. He drinks tea and plays whale noises and even does yoga poses, which do nothing but aggravate his muscles, already sore from his incident in free practice.
In the end, there's nothing to be done. He rolls over and grabs his phone, resolving that, if nothing else, he will try. And even if it doesn't work, then he at least will know, and he can stop thinking about you sitting at that desk, whispering his name.
He presses play before he can convince himself otherwise.
“Hi, Charles,” you say, on the video. The room around you is dimly lit, the kind of yellow light in hotel rooms that makes everything look a bit hazy. You’re wearing your Ferrari polo, but you've pulled a zip-up over it. Charles always thought you looked very nice in red. He isn't sure if he's supposed to close his eyes or not.
“I know you’re probably only watching this ‘cause you’re desperate, so I’ll try my best.”
He watches you talk until you instruct him in a quiet voice to close his eyes, and he’s thankful for the clarification. It’s an easier instruction to follow than to just relax, like the YouTube videos say. It’s easier to follow your instructions, period, he thinks. He’s used to it, from your input in training sessions. Straighten your back, widen your stance, do two more. It’s rote, listening to you. And your voice is melodic, comforting. He listens contently as you tell him to count down from ten, and to guess whether you’re snapping with your left or right hand. You start making that sound you’d made at Andrea during his last training session with you, a hushed shshshsh, and Charles finds himself yawning.
Maybe it’s a trust thing. Maybe he finds himself getting tired because he knows he can fall asleep without worrying about you randomly screaming on the video, or interrupting the quiet with an ad halfway through.
Maybe it’s just because it’s you.
He’s asleep before he can come to a conclusion.
“You’re looking refreshed this morning,” you chirp at him, when you cross paths in the paddock.
He feels a flush rise high on his cheeks. I wonder why, he thinks. Outwardly, he admits, “Yes, I slept well last night.” And then, after a moment, adds, quieter, “Thank you.”
Your smile is softer than the usual grin you level him with. Still, he can tell you’re proud of yourself. “And you didn’t think it would work. See, Charles, your performance coach always knows best.”
He finds himself feeling grateful for your capacity for talking, once again. When he woke up, he was nervous he wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation with you anymore, or wouldn’t be able to force himself into acting normal. Now, though, it still feels just as easy. “You’re not my performance coach,” he states.
It gets him an eye roll. “Right, I’m your personal ‘ASMRtist.’”
You whisper the word, which he isn’t quite sure is a real word to begin with, and it’s almost like he’s watching the video again.
He knew it was dangerous clicking play.
With sleep, his performance improves.
It’s nothing miraculous. The car is still the car; the team is still the team. But it feels less like he’s fighting, or like control is slipping through his fingers at every turn. He starts to enjoy it a bit more, even during the rough times. Everything had felt so much worse when he knew that he could spend the entire day wrestling with the car, and wouldn’t even be able to sleep it off when the race was over. Now, he breathes easier knowing that your video is waiting for him.
You send him another, during the two weeks off in April, and then one more after his podium in Miami. He rotates through the three of them based on how he’s feeling, or how long he thinks it’ll take. (Sometimes, he feels a bit spoiled for choice, and starts brainstorming ways to pay you back.) Though he likes them all, he does have a favorite. The one you sent after Miami. You start it by telling him congratulations and saying that you know he’ll be on the top step soon.
It would be one thing if you mentioned his podium finish off-handedly, just the once. But no. The entire video goes on like that, soft encouragement sprinkled throughout, like a reward for racing well.
Whenever he watches that one, your voice follows him into sleep, where he dreams of you encouraging him to do other things, completely unrelated to racing.
His problem then becomes wholly unrelated to sleep, and completely having to do with you.
It’s like he’s pavloved himself into wanting to hear your voice, or see your face. He tells Andrea that he would not mind if you sat in on more of his training sessions, just so he can argue with you about the difference between cartwheels and somersaults, electric stoves versus gas, flying commercial or private. He gets to the garage early to see you warm up the mechanics, a thinly veiled excuse to watch you doing squats. He doesn’t put his headphones in while he walks around hospitality, on the off chance that he’ll get to hear your voice.
He once wondered what the repercussions of watching your videos would be. Now, he knows.
Monaco is a dream that cannot be deterred by his growing obsession with you.
Charles has been finding it hard to keep his eyes dry ever since the last lap. His mechanics pull him into a hug, and he feels like he’s flying. Arthur is there, crying. Charles never thought he could do it. Jumping into the water feels like victory. It is victory.
There will be a big celebration, he is sure.
You’ll be proud of him, he is even surer.
He’s not thinking about sleeping until you find him outside of his drivers’ room, and take him by the shoulders. “I told you you’d do it,” you say, pulling him into a hug that’s tight like a vice-grip.
His voice is muffled by your hair when he says, through a throat still tight with tears, “I am glad I got a good rest last night.”
You laugh as you pull back from him. It is hard to see through the wetness in his eyes, but he thinks he can see a similar shine in your own. He’s not sure what to do with that. There are all these people who are so proud of him, and now you’re one of them. Now you’re holding his shoulders and crying with him. It’s nice. He feels cared for. He wants you there after every win.
“Well, I’m glad to be of service,” you say. “I’m not sure when you’ll be going to bed tonight, but call me if you need help sleeping, Charles. Among other things.”
You punctuate your sentence with a wink, and then you’re gone, leaving him with the memory of your grin at the front of his mind, like an image burned into a TV screen.
He is going out tonight. The whole of Monaco will be celebrating him. The team will be waiting to greet him with open arms and open bars. People will want to pour some more champagne on him, and get him drunk, and find a dance floor.
He is going out tonight, but right now, he’s sitting alone in his hotel room, thinking about what you had said.
Among other things, accompanied by a wink. A wink. That’s flirting, he thinks. No, he knows. You’re flirting with him. You had winked at him when you first offered this whole arrangement, too. Charles hadn’t known what it meant. Hadn’t really cared. Now he wonders if you were flirting with him then, too.
It’s not so much of a stretch. You spend a lot of time with him, even if he has orchestrated most of it. It never seems like a chore for you to sit in on his training sessions. You gladly correct his form and tell him that he can take more. You’re a very hands-on performance coach, unafraid to touch him in places Andrea wouldn’t. Whenever Charles is alone in hospitality, you’re always quick to find him, eager to gossip about the mechanics or to share contraband pastries he’s definitely not supposed to eat. You make him the videos that started all of this. You tell him hi and congratulations and I’m proud of you. You talk to him in a quiet voice that he hears in his dreams now.
You care enough to cry over his win. Embarrassingly, that thought is what has him dipping his hand below the waistband of his briefs. He thinks he should not. He has places to be, soon. But he’s still a bit high off the adrenaline, and it’s been so long, anyway. If he is quick, it cannot hurt. This is what he tells himself, as he lays back against the pillow, and pretends he’s not thinking about you.
He doesn’t think of your lips, or your legs, or the way you look in Ferrari red. Or the way you would look as he pulls the Ferrari red off of you, ‘til you’re bare in front of him.
He’s not sure what compels him to pull up the first video you made him; it feels like a force beyond his control. Maybe it’s the memory of your grin, and your wink. Maybe he’s just crazy. Maybe he’s still just as desperate as when this all first started. Probably all of the above, he thinks, pressing play with as much shame as one can feel with their hand on their dick.
“Hi, Charles. I know you’re probably only watching this ‘cause you’re desperate, so I’ll try my best.”
You have hardly finished the first sentence when he closes out of the video with a shudder. Too weird, he thinks. He doesn’t want to tarnish the video. Or to use it for something you didn’t make it for. But now he won’t be able to stop thinking of you, or stop hearing your voice. He feels hot all over as he stares at your contact on his phone. You did say that he should call, even with other things. You had winked! Is this what you meant?
He is a race winner in Monaco. He decides to risk it.
“Hi, Charles,” you say when you answer, just like the video. Louder this time of course, since you’re not trying to put him to sleep.
It takes a moment for him to trust his voice. It would probably be easier if he stopped touching himself, but alas. He manages to get it out eventually. “Hello. You said to call if I needed help.”
“Oh, sleeping?” You ask, after making a shocked sound in the back of your throat that—in a different context—could be interpreted as something else. He has to choke down a gasp, and somehow, you don’t notice. “Wow, early night.”
He swallows, braces himself. “Not sleeping,” he admits. “You said I could call with other things, too.” His voice comes out so quiet with shame that he's almost surprised you can hear it all. You’re silent on the other end for a moment that seems to stretch into eternity. His hand stills where he had been touching himself as he waits with bated breath, half-expecting you to hang up on him.
You don’t. “Charles,” you say. There’s an edge to your voice that he’s never heard before, something vaguely scandalized and entirely too much to handle. He strokes himself, again, unable to stop himself, and hears you inhale sharply. “Are you—”
“I’m sorry if this is not what you meant. I can hang up.”
“No, no it's fine,” you say. He can hear shuffling across the phone. Just like pressing play on your video was dangerous, this is, too. Because now his imagination is left to run wild, and he wonders if you're in bed like him, if you're taking off the Ferrari polo, if you're touching yourself. “I've gotta be honest, I don't really—er, I haven't exactly done this before,” you confess.
“That's okay.” There’s a shy, nervous energy about you that he can feel through the phone. It's not something he’s used to; you're always the one with something to say, cocksure and easy. Maybe now it's his turn to take the lead. Maybe this way he can finally pay you back for all your effort in making him the videos. “This is something you want, yes?”
“Charles, I offered.”
And he supposes that is true enough. “Right,” he says, steeling himself. This is something he can handle. It's not like he's used to it by any means; it feels strange that you're not here with him, stranger that you’re doing this in the first place. But he can't exactly stop now. The slide of his palm against his dick feels nice enough on its own, but the prospect of you, on the other end of the line listening is something else entirely.
“What are you wearing?” he asks.
He feels like a dick even before you laugh out a shocked, “Jesus Christ, Charles.”
Still, he knows there are only so many ways that this goes. “It is how you do it!” he defends “I say ‘what are you wearing’ and you say—well, you know what you say.”
“But you know what I’m wearing. Ferrari shirt. Jeans. My uniform.”
He does know. He has been picturing you in red this whole time. But it's not as if he had asked out of curiosity. He asked so that he could tell you, “Yes, it’s probably not comfortable. You should take it off.”
He hears the sound of your throat clicking as you swallow. “Oh,” you say, really nothing more than a huff of air. It feels just as close to victory as jumping into the water.
“Tell me when you’re done,” he instructs, to the sounds of more shuffling. He can picture it, in his head. You, pulling off your shirt, ridding yourself of the jeans. Laying back just like him, waiting patiently for instructions. It’s becoming difficult to think through the blood rush to his dick.
“Done,” you say, plainly. He wants nothing more than to be able to see you, touch you. He wonders if your hotel room is cold, if you have goosebumps he could chase away with his hands. The thought distracts him, until you huff, “Charles.”
“Ah, sorry,” he says. It really is hard to think, especially when you're saying his name like that, breathy and soft and naked in bed on the phone with him. His dick twitches and he has to pull his hand away for a moment before continuing. “If I were there, do you know how I would touch you?”
The sound you make is almost like he’s punched you in the stomach. “You’re such a tease, just tell me.”
It’s easy to imagine, as he tugs on his dick. He’s not too proud to say that he's thought of this before. Maybe not over the phone, but you, with him, together. “I would take my time to thank you properly. I would touch your thighs, and your stomach first. Just lightly. You should, too.” He can tell you’re listening based on the way your breaths come in harsher. “Does it feel nice?”
“Yeah,” you answer, sounding dazed. Charles understands, deeply. He cannot believe this is happening, that you’re doing this with him, touching yourself the way he instructs.
You seem content for a moment, but when he doesn't specify anything further, it's not long before you seem to want more. “I could do this on my own,” you whine, a pitch to your voice that he never wants to stop hearing. He files the sound away in the same corner of his mind that remembers what you sound like talking him to sleep. Distantly, he hears the sheets moving beneath you, and can't help but to imagine you writhing on the bed, aching for more.
“I can hang up and leave you to it,” he threatens, with absolutely no intentions to make good on it.
The sound of the sheets rustling stops. “You’re not being very nice. Some 'thank you’ this is.”
You are a bit of a brat, he thinks. He should've known, really. You always seem to have something to say. But he certainly won't complain about it now, not when the sound of your voice is enough to make him believe that you’re there, that it’s you touching him, faster now, than before.
“You’re right,” he agrees. “Proper thanks are in order, right? You can touch yourself where you want to.”
Your breath hitches, and he can practically see you, on your bed, your fingers working expertly at yourself. “Are you?” you ask, and it takes him a moment to recall the line of conversation.
When he does, he chokes out, “Yes, I—have been.”
“Chivalry is dead,” you sigh out.
He still tries to defend himself, even as the sound of skin slapping against skin becomes more and more pronounced in the emptiness of the room. “I’m being nice! You help me to sleep so now I will help you to come.” He hears you squawk a laugh, but it quickly turns into something more like a moan. “Ah, see? I am helping.”
“You’re not doing anything.”
He briefly debates the merits of walking through the hotel sweating and hard in his underwear to find you. But he thinks the team leads at Ferrari would prefer if he did not. He supposes that imagining will work just fine, for now. “If I were there, I would use my mouth,” he decides. “You could sit on my face, I would let you.”
“Oh,” you say. He pictures you with your head thrown back, chest heaving, and hid dick twitches in his hand. “Maybe you are a gentleman.”
Eh, this is not very gentlemanly, he doesn't think. If he were a gentleman, he would've taken you to dinner, or something. Not called you with his hand already down his pants. Still, he says, “Yes.” And then: “You should put your fingers inside.”
It might be his imagination, but he swears he can hear it, the slick slide, muffled by the sound you make, a choked mewl. “Good,” he says, and he thinks your answering groan may be equal parts frustrated and aroused.
He has to adjust himself against the pillows. Holding the phone makes it awkward; he considers dropping it and putting you on speaker, but he doesn't think he's quite ready to be able to hear your voice and your hands your noises projected in the room. It feels more intimate like this, just for him. And he would have to open his eyes to put you on speaker, have to stop picturing you fucking yourself with your fingers, at his request. It's not an image he plans on abandoning soon.
He hears your breaths become heavier and heavier over the phone, accompanied by sounds that slowly drive him insane, moans like a pornstar’s instead of a performance coach’s. If this is what you are like just from your own fingers, he cannot imagine how nice he could make you feel on his dick.
“I would fuck you,” he says, after a particularly nice stroke. He feels a little crazy with it. He won't last much longer, he knows. You called him a gentleman but he might finish first. At this point, there's nothing he can do about it.
The little hah you say into the receiver certainly doesn't help. “That would be—I can't say I haven't thought about it.”
“What did you think about?” he asks. He has to know now.
You make a tortured sound. He pictures you trying to hide your face, or squirm away from your own hands. His hips buck into his fist; he pretends it's you.
“I don't know. Everything, Charles,” you confess, through heavy breaths. “When you would take your shirt off in the gym, I’d think of you fucking me on the equipment. You made it very hard to take notes. Sometimes I'd think of you, like, fucking me in your car. The car.”
“There is not much room,” he says, instead of examining why that thought nearly sends him careening off the edge.
“Knowing that is above my pay grade.”
“I could fuck you on the hood, maybe,” he hums. The image is—god, he’s really not going to last. “My two favorite things.”
The sound that comes out of you is a mix of his name, and several assorted swears, and maybe something about Ferrari firing you. But your voice is shaky and you gasp like it’s over, like you just made yourself—
“Oh, fuck,” he groans. “Did you—”
“Yes,” you squeak, like you're embarrassed. He didn't know you had the capacity. “Oh my god, Charles.”
It’s his name on your tongue that has him finally spilling his load with a shout that he hopes is mostly muffled by the hotel walls. He’s pretty sure Fred is the next room over, something he hadn't wanted to think about with his hand in his dick and still doesn't want to think about now, cum drying in his boxers and you catching your breath on the other end of the line.
“Is that what you meant?” Charles asks eventually. “When you said I should call you?”
You sound almost sheepish when you answer. “Yeah, but to be honest I didn't think you’d pick up on it.”
“I thought it might have been just wishful thinking. The adrenaline made me do it.”
“Well, you were very good at it. I think you could make better asmr than me.”
He shudders at the thought. He cannot imagine doing what you do, whispering to his phone camera and pretending it's you. He's grateful for your lack of shame, because he's not sure he’d be able to do it were the roles reversed. “No, I'll leave that to you.” And then, because he’s still running mostly off of adrenaline: “Maybe we can talk more later? In person?”
He can hear the grin in your voice when you answer. “I’d be mad that you're hanging up on me, but I think you may be trying to invite me to your party?”
“You know you're already invited. But maybe you could come with me?”
“It’s a date,” you answer, which makes Charles three for three on victories for the day. Somehow, this one feels the most monumental. Maybe it's because of the cum still drying in his briefs. “I’ll wear something more fun to take off than my team kit.”
You wear something that's honestly rather difficult to take off, but he quickly discovers that you're good with your hands, and layer, he discovers that ASMR is not the only trick up your sleeve to tire him out.
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call-of-daydreams · 17 days ago
18th Century CoD Characters - Types of jobs they have
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Before we start this, I am well aware that most of this farming was not a thing in the 18th century. While I am researching to keep everything correct, I decided to add other forms of farming to make things more interesting. This long drabble does not only talk about the type of farming they do but also possible side jobs they might do.
DO NOT copy, translate, or change this drabble in any way. This is my work and my research. I've spent a lot of time researching and I would appreciate it if it was enjoyed but not stolen. Reposts and comments are more than welcome, and feedback is always accepted.
Word count: 2,325
Estimated reading time: 9 min 18 sec
John Price-
He absolutely owns and maintains a subsistence farm. He loves to provide for you and possibly kids but he also likes providing for his community. I also feel like he dedicates all of his time to maintaining his farm and expanding it to be able to accommodate his community so he has no “side job” per say but he definitely helps his mates out with their side hustles when he needs something to keep himself busy. However he mostly spends his free time hanging out with Simon, helping Simon repair guns.
Subsistence farming is all about personal use. This is the type of farming you do to feed yourself or your family but can also be used to feed your community. Mostly done for trade not profit.
Johnny MacTavish-
Absolutely owns a dairy farm and no one can tell me otherwise. He owns just enough cows to not only provide for the two of you and maybe future kids but also to trade with your neighbors that are about a mile away but you're still close to. cough cough John, Simon, and Gaz cough cough. Anyways, since he doesn’t own a lot of cows he doesn’t have to do much other than to make sure none of them go lame and to make sure they have water and are fed. Speaking of, he does grow his own hay so he doesn’t have to buy it from anyone. It’s cheaper. He also starts to dabble in blacksmithing because he found out that he can make his own gates so he can expand his land whenever he wants to for his cows to roam. Though, you do tell him to stop before he really injures himself, he tells you and I quote “It’ll be fine lass, it’s cheaper this way anyhow.” You do also help milk the cows, it saves his back.
Dairy farmers are responsible for caring and managing the milk production process. They oversee the feeding, breeding, milking, and herd management. They also grow crops to feed the herd.
Simon Riley-
He is a Commercial farmer. He grows crops and raises animals to make money so he can spoil you. Almost every week he goes into town to sell his crops or to sell an animal for money or sometimes trade. However, there is an animal from almost every species that you made him promise he can’t sell. The hen that has pretty spots and lays the brown eggs you collect every morning for breakfast, he can’t sell. The cow that Johnny sold you years ago that’s not making milk anymore because she can’t have anymore calves, Simon can’t sell. You helped him raise that girl since she was a baby, he can’t just give her away. Anyways, when he’s not working on his farm with any free time he has where he’s not spending with you he’s being a gunsmith. He’s a very well known gunsmith in town and people are always going to him so they can fix their guns or so they can sell them for extra money.
Commercial farming implies that you raise animals and crops and you sell them to the open market to make profit. It performs as a large-scale production of crops and livestock. Usually, commercial farming is a full time occupation.
Kyle Garrick-
I see him as a rancher. I feel like Kyle is the one who has all sorts of animals such as cows (obviously), chickens, horses, pigs, goats, sheep, etc. (Between me and you he definitely is the one who gives Simon's wife all the animals Simon can’t sell because he likes to rile Simon up). That’s not to say Kyle is safe from you, his wife. Because there are animals that he owns that he cannot get rid of either because of you. He simply cannot say no to you. You even talked him into letting you feed and keep a stray cat even though he insisted that the two of you have enough animals to take care of. The power you hold. Also you use the wool from the sheep to make/patch up Kyles' clothes. As for his side job I believe he’s a printer. He loves it because he gets all the town's gossip to print out and distribute but you also enjoy it because you’re kinda the first one to know everything. And best believe that he validates his sources so he asks questions. He doesn’t want to be the one putting out false information. In conclusion, he loves working on his farm but he loves gossiping and could spend hours doing so.
Ranching is a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep. Ranchers care for and manage livestock. Thet maintain the land and equipment needed for livestock care. They oversee breeding and medical treatments of their animals. And finally, they handle tasks related to farm equipment and facilities.
Kate Laswell-
Definitely see Kate as a Mixed farmer. She likes to be very hands on with his work so why doesn’t she not only take care of animals but also crops. I feel as though the only animals you two would raise on the farm would be horses and barn cats. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a feeling I have. Also there is a little garden that she set up on the side of the house just for you so you could have fresh fruit and vegetables to make delicious meals for you and her. As for a side job can we see Kate as a cobbler?? Because I can vividly see it. She makes you the most comfortable shoes she can so you don’t have to worry about your feet aching after a long walk around town, looking at all the different items being sold. Of course she has other customers than you but you're like her little guinea pig when it comes to testing new materials or a new style of shoes because she knows that you’ll be honest with her.
Mixed farming takes place when your farm comprises at least 10% and at most 49% of animal breeding. This means that your profit is made from around half of the animal products and around half of the crops you’re selling. Mixed farmers engage in agricultural practices that combine crop cultivation and livestock rearing on the same farm. This approach allows farmers to diversify their production, use resources more efficiently, and improve soil health through crop rotation and animal manure.
Valeria Garza-
She’s a hay and wheat farmer. Hay is a very high-demand product and why would she not grow it in bulk? Why would she not sell it when there’s a drought and farmers run on hay? Why wouldn’t she want to make a profit with something that’s in such high demand? And because you have wheat in supply year-round baking has become your new favorite hobby. Especially when it comes to trying new flavor combinations. She loves coming inside after a long day of work to a nice cozy home that smells absolutely delicious. She also steals a sweet treat to taste when you’re not looking. Valeria’s side job? Something with alcohol. I’m thinking about her being a tavern keeper or a bootlegger, or both. It’s Valeria, I gotta let her keep her bad girl persona in some way. She definitely runs her tavern under the guise as something else and only select people know that her tavern exists. There used to be more, I wonder where they went-
A hay farmer will always be popular, simply because the demand for hay has increased tenfold in the last couple of years or so. The more time passes, the higher the demand for livestock is. Which is why commercial farmers need more and more hay to feed their animals. Therefore growing hay is quite a lucrative means of making money. Farming wheat is about the same thing.
Konig is also a rancher. I’m sorry but you’re telling me that when you see this big beefy man you don’t automatically think about him being a rancher. That’s like the only type of farming I can picture him being into. Even though he is so big, I can see him being extremely careful to not hurt his baby goats or to not hurt one of his chickens. He also most definitely built you a garden so you can feel helpful around the house. After all, he is a big man. And that big man has a big appetite so it’s important to him that he has fresh big meals for each of his three daily meals. I’m leaning towards Konig being a logger as his second job. I don’t really know why, but I feel like based on his size and muscle, he could cut down trees and split logs so fast. I also may or may not be thinking about him building you both a little cabin and little buildings where you can go to do your hobbies in peace.
Ranching is a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep. Ranchers care for and manage livestock. Thet maintain the land and equipment needed for livestock care. They oversee breeding and medical treatments of their animals. And finally, they handle tasks related to farm equipment and facilities.
Pastoral farming. Keegan likes to keep busy and therefore he likes to keep a lot of animals. Mostly for selling their products at the market (Most of which you make). Butter, yogurt, bottling milk, eggs, and meat (which he takes care of) gets sold for profit. Yes, you and Mrs. MacTavish have a little bit of friendly competition between you both since your husbands sell almost the same thing. However, you both help each other out, especially since her husband Mr. Mactavish keeps her with child almost year round. For his side job I can see him as a cabinet maker for some reason. I don’t know why I see this but I like to imagine that he makes good profit from it since everyone needs the extra storage space or just to replace cabinets. Plus, it would be hot watching him using a handsaw and cutting wood from the kitchen window, leaning on a counter he built.
Pastoral farming essentially refers to raising livestock and poultry for mass production of animal products such as milk, chicken eggs, or meat. The animals need to be kept in special shelters, and they are usually fed every type of food out there that can get them bigger and more efficient at producing the animal products.
Phillip Graves-
Organic farming. You cannot tell me that he doesn’t seem like the type of man to only eat organic fruits and vegetables. So, why wouldn’t he also have you eating only the best? This is more of a side job for the both of you and not a full time farming job. But he has been thinking about introducing some more animals into the two of your lives instead of the 2 dogs you two own. Phillip’s side job is definitely him being a saddler. Yes, you both own horses because that's the main form of transport and he just wants to make sure that whenever the two of you ride somewhere that you're comfortable. So one day he dabbled in fixing your saddle to make it more comfortable for you and after that you urged him to make a profit off of this new found skill. 
Organic farming is the type of food that you get without the use of modern artificial additives, like for example pesticides or any sort of chemical fertilizers. On top of that, they’re natural in the sense that they’re not treated with radiation, industrial solvents, etc.
Alejandro Vargas-
Sedentary Farming. He owns a large property and he’s invested heavily in taking care of his animals. He likes this type of farming since it is very simple and it easily makes him money. Yes, he does use most of his land just to go horseback riding with eachother but without having to go be social with other people. Not that you both don’t like social interaction, Alejandro loves talking to people. In fact, you can’t take this man anywhere without him finding someone he knows but sometimes he just wants to be alone with you spending some much needed quality time with you. Outside the house that is. Alejandros side job is being a gunsmith. Like Simon, I just feel like this job is very fitting and I can’t really think about a job that is a better fit. He mostly fixes guns while asking Rodolfo to make a certain part that he’s missing so really the two of them are a partnership.
Sedentary farming is the complete opposite of nomadic farming. Instead of moving with the herd, constantly changing your location in search for greener areas, you use the exact same land every year and you don’t move the animals in the slightest. It’s a good choice if you wish to heavily invest in an area and not worry about expanding anytime soon. It is a very simple lifestyle, but it is also effective at making you a lot of money.
Rodolfo Parra-
I don’t know why but I see him as Alejandro’s farm hand. They’re best friends so why wouldn’t they help each other out? If anything they both invested into the land so they work together to raise the animals. Plus, with the two of them, it takes the workload off of both of their shoulders so they can spend more time with their wives. And something about Alejandro and Rudy being best friends and raising their kids as almost siblings does something to me. Rodolfo’s side job is being a blacksmith. Since he works as Alejandro’s farm hand most of his day is spent making sure everything is in order. He takes up blacksmithing so he can better his job.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 month ago
February 2025 Witch Guide
New Moon: February 27th
First Quarter: Feb 5th
Full moon: February 12th
Last Quarter: February 20th
Sabbats: Imbolc- February 1st
February Ice Moon
Also known as:  Cleansing Moon, Deep Snow Moon(Mahican), Eagle Moon(Cree), Bear Moon(Ojibwe), Black Bear Moon(Tlingit), Bony Moon(Cherokee), First Flowers Moon(Catawba), Goose Moon(Haida), Groundhog Moon(Algonquin), Hungry Moon(Cherokee), Ice Moon, Midwinter Moon(Oneida), Raccoon Moon(Dakota), Sleet Moon(Comanche), Solmonath, Suckerfish Moon (Ojibwe) & Quickening Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius & Pisces
Nature spirts: House Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Brigid, Demeter, Diana, Juno, Kuan-Yin, Mars & Persephone
Animals: Otter
Magical: Unicorn
Birds: Chickadee & Eagle
Trees:  Cedar, laurel, myrtle & rowan
Herbs: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage & spikenard
Flowers: Primrose
Scents: Heliotrope & wisteria
Stones:  Amethyst, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, onyx, pearl, rose quartz, red zircon &topaz
Issues, intentions & powers: Astral travel, banishing, beginnings, empowerment, fertility & purification
Energy: Breaking bad habits, creative expressiveness, energy working to the surface, forgiveness, freedom, friendships, future plans, growth, healing, problem solving, purification, responsibility & science
The explanation behind February’s full Moon name is commonly known as the Snow Moon. This is due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average depending on location & climate conditions, February can be one of the snowiest months of the year according to data from the National Weather Service.
• In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver, who had visited with the Naudowessie (Dakota), wrote that the name used for this period was the Snow Moon, “because more snow commonly falls during this month than any other in the winter.” 
Known as: Brigid’s day, Feast of Torches, Feast of Waxing Light & Oimelc
Season: Winter
Element: Air
Symbols: Besoms, Brigid’s cross, candles, candle wheels, corn dolls, cauldrons, fire, ploughs, priapic wands & white flowers
Colors: Black, brown, green, lavender, orange, pink,  red, white & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apricot, basil, bay, carnation, chamomile, cedar, cinnamon, dragon's blood, frankincense, heather, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, peppermint, red sandalwood, sage(green), styrax, vanilla, violet & wisteria
Animals: Badger, cow, deer, groundhog, sheep & snake
Birds: Lark, robin & swan
Stones: Amethyst, bloodstone, ×citrine, clear quartz, garnet, green tourmaline, hematite, iron, lodestone, onyx, red zircon, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise & yellow tourmaline
Mythical: Dragon
Food:  Ale, breads, chives, cider, cornmeal, curry, dairy products, dried fruit, dried meats, eggs, garlic, grains, herbal teas, honey cakes, lamb, mead, muffins, nuts, onions, peppers, poppy seed cakes, pork, potatoes, poultry, pumpkin seeds, raisins, scones, spiced wine & sunflower seeds
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, ashleaf, balsam, basil, bay, benzoin, blackberry, celandine, clover, coltsfoot, coriander, dragon's blood, garlic, lemon, myrrh, reed, rosemary, sage, vervain, wheat, witch hazel & wormwood
Flowers:  Chamomile, crocus, daffodil, heather, iris, rose hips, sunflower, tansy & violet
Trees: Blackthorn, cedar, rowan & sycamore
Goddesses: Anu, Aradia, Arianrhod, Artio, Athena, Branwen, Brigid, Danu, Februa, Gaia, Inanna, Juno, Selene, Selu, Sirona & Vesta
Gods: Aengus Mac Og, Bragi, Cupid, Dian Cecht, Dumuzi, Eros, Februus & Pax
Tarot cards: Death, The Empress & The Star
Spellwork: Air magick, cleansing, divination, fertility & new beginnings
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Awakening, animals, banishing, beginnings, change, fertility, healing, hope, illumination, inspiration, light, patience, pregnancy/childbirth, prophecy, prosperity, purification, transformation, well-being & youth
•Make & light white candles
• Clean/decorate your altar & consecrate your  altar tools
• Go on a walk in nature & look for signs of spring
• Make a Brigid’s Cross
• Have a feast with your family/friends
• Give thanks & leave offerings to the Earth
• Set intentions, reflect & look deeper into your goals for spring
• Start a bonfire
• Bless new projects
• Clear snow/ice from public walkways
• Gather & distribute warm clothes, hand warmers & blankets to those who need it
• Pepare plans for your upcoming garden
• Craft a priapic wand
• Spend time with children celebrating Imbolc by making crafts & or baking
• Make or buy new magical tools
• Practice divination & fire scrying
• Draw a cleansing ritual bath for yourself
• Meditate, reflect & say your farewells to winter
• Cleanse & clean your house to prepare for spring
• Create a Brídeóg: a doll of Brigid made of straw
• Make Bride’s bouquet satchets & exchange as symbols of good luck and fertility
• Set aside seasonal food & or drinks as an offering to Brigid to invite her in your home
• Find Imboloc prayers & devotionals that bid farewell to the winter months & honor the goddess Brigid
Imbolc is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Most commonly it is held on January 31 – February 1, or halfway between the winter solstice & the spring equinox. The holiday is a festival of the hearth, home, a celebration of the lengthening days & the early signs of spring. 
•  It is suggested that Imbolc originally marked the onset of the arrival of fresh sheep milk after a period of food shortage & the beginning of preparations for the spring sowing.
The word “imbolc” means “in the belly” and refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. The term “oimelc” means ewe’s milk. Around this time of year, many herd animals give birth to their first offspring of the year or are heavily pregnant & as a result, they are producing milk.
Imbolc is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and it is associated with important events in Irish mythology. It is believed that Imbolc was originally a pagan festival associated with the lambing season and the goddess Brigid. It's believed that Imbolc was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who herself is thought to also be a Christianization of the goddess.
• Joseph Vendryes and Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h suggested that it may have also been a purification festival, similar to the ancient Roman festival Lupercalia which took place at the same time of year.
Some scholars argue that the date of Imbolc was significant in Ireland since the Neolithic. A few passage tombs in Ireland are aligned with the sunrise around the times of Imbolc & Samhain.
Related festivals:
•Groundhog Day: February 2nd- 
Is a tradition observed in the United States & Canada every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day & sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den & winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early.
• While the tradition remains popular in the 21st century, studies have found no consistent association between a groundhog seeing its shadow & the subsequent arrival time of spring-like weather.
•St. Brigid’s Day: February 1st-
Celebrates the beginning of spring and the celebration of Lá Fhéile Bríde, St Brigid’s Day. The day has long symbolised hope, renewal and the feminine.
•Because Saint Brigid has been theorised as linked to the goddess Brigid, some associate the festival of Imbolc with the goddess.
St. Brigid is the patroness saint (or ‘mother saint’) of Ireland. She is patroness of many things, including poetry, learning, healing, protection, blacksmithing, livestock & dairy production. In her honour, a perpetual fire was kept burning at Kildare for centuries & a recent campaign successfully established her feast day as a national holiday in 2023.
The customs of St Brigid's Day did not begin to be recorded in detail until the early modern era. In recent centuries, its traditions have included weaving Brigid's crosses, hung over doors and windows to protect against fire, illness, and evil spirits. People also made a doll of Brigid (a Brídeóg), which was paraded around the community by girls, sometimes accompanied by 'strawboys'. Brigid was said to visit one's home on St Brigid's Eve. To receive her blessings, people would make a bed for Brigid, leave her food and drink, and set items of clothing outside for her to bless. Holy wells would be visited, a special meal would be had, and the day was traditionally linked with weather lore.
•  Candlemas: February 2nd-
 Is a Christian feast day on February 2nd commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke 2:22-40. 
•While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night, those in other Christian countries historically remove them after Candlemas.
On Candlemas, many Christians also take their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year. For Christians, these blessed candles serve as a symbol of Jesus Christ, who is referred to as the Light of the World.
•Setsubun: February 2nd-
Is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division’, referring to the day just before the first day of spring.
Both Setsubun & Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri ) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual & cultural associations of 'cleansing’ the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring. Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals & traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year’s bad fortunes & evil spirits for the year to come.
• The commonly practiced tradition of throwing of roasted soybeans (called "fukumame") in order to drive away evil spirits & bring good fortune into one's home is upheld by both places of worship & regular people. Then, as part of bringing luck in, it is customary to eat roasted soybeans, one for each year of one's life (kazoedoshi), plus one more for bringing good luck for the year.
Other celebrations:
• Lupercalia: February 13-15th-
In ancient Rome, this festival was conducted annually on February 13th through 15th under the superintendence of a corporation of priests called Luperci. The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves & with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus & Remus. As a fertility rite, the festival is also associated with the god Faunus to purify the city, promoting health & fertility.
Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats & a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife & the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh. The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the sacrificial animals & ran in two bands around the Palatine hill, striking with the thongs at any woman who came near them. A blow from the thong was supposed to render a woman fertile.
In 494 CE the Christian church under Pope Gelasius I forbade participation in the festival. Tradition holds that he appropriated the form of the rite as the Feast of the Purification (Candlemas), celebrated on February 2, but it is likely that the Christian feast was established in the previous century. It has also been alternately suggested that Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th, but the origin of that holiday was likely much later.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
Encyclopedia Britannica
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2025 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials: Imbolc
This guide was written with Moon phases and dates corresponding to North America. These guides are supposed to be a generalized stepping off point to do your own research & help celebrate the way you feel called to.
This isn't based off what I do personally & I'm by no way suggesting people celebrate a certain way. It's stuff I've read & put together from books so people of different traditions & practices can get an idea of what to do for the sabbat, months or research for themselves.
Note that for Native American names, each Moon name was traditionally applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, the month starting either with the new Moon or full Moon. Also the name of the lunar month might vary each year or between bands or other groups within the same nation.
Some names listed here may reflect usage at once in history but may no longer be used by a designated group today. Many of the names listed here are English interpretations of the words used in Native American languages. They are only roughly aligned here with the months of the Gregorian calendar; you’ll notice that some names are repeated in multiple months.
The ones listed are the ones that were used in the books I used for correspondences & there are many more that are not mentioned.
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dionysianivy · 1 month ago
February Magic Correspondences
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February is a month of love, abundance and purification. As winter gradually gives way to the first hints of spring, it's the perfect moment to cleanse the past and open the heart to new possibilities. This month is deeply connected to Februus, the Roman god of purification, who help us to release what no longer serves us. His influence encourages rituals and practices that help clear away negativity and create space for fresh intentions. This month brings an energetic focus on passion, fertility, and harmony. It’s a time to honor the primal forces of love and joy, whether in romantic relationships or in the bonds we share with ourselves and others. February also honors Juno Februa, goddess of love and sacred unions, and Faunus, god of fertility and nature. In this month of both purification and passion, it’s an ideal time to work with love spells, self-care rituals, and practices that help purify your mind and spirit.
Imbolc / Candlemas (February 1-2)
Lupercalia (February 13-15)
Parentalia (February 13-21)
Juno Februa (February 14)
Valisblot (February 14)
Valentine's Day (February 14)
Venus, Moon, Mars
Snowdrops, Crocus, Violet, Carnation, Primrose
Rosemary, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Pine, Sage, Hyssop
Tarot Cards:
The Lovers, Two of Cups, Four of Wands
Banana, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Pomegranate, Strawberry, Blood Orange, Blackberry
Cabbage, Leeks, Carrots, Potato, Cauliflower
Februus, Faunus, Juno, Venus, Cupid, Pan, Aphrodite, Ares, Eros, Dionysus, Persephone, Brigid, Áine, Yue Lao, Lada, Bastet, Oshun, Sjöfn, Aradia
Purple, Pink, White, Blue, Yellow, Silver
Wunjo, Gebo, Ehwaz
Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Garnet, Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pink Agate
Otter, Sheep, Dove, Lamb, Wolf, Dog, Deer, Goat
Rowan, Cedar, Myrtle, Laurel
Hearts, The Phallus, Brigid’s Cross, Snowdrops, Candles
Magical Powers:
Love, Fertility, Purification, Sex Magick, Healing, Abundance, Faerie Magick
💌 Celebrate the season’s festivities.
💌 Clean your garden.
💌 Cleanse your home .
💌 Do love or fertility spells.
💌 Practice self-love and kindness to yourself.
💌 Work with deities connected to this month.
💌 Enjoy dairy products like milk or cheese.
💌 Light candles around your home.
💌 Connect with the fire element.
💌 Read about faerie folk.
💌 Connect with deities associated with love.
💌 Meditate in nature and leave seeds for birds.
💌 Cook and share meals with loved ones.
💌 Show love to your body.
💌 Donate to Animal shelters.
💌 Try new recipes with blackberries.
💌 Write gratitude letters to the Universe or your deities.
💌 Buy yourself something special, you deserve it♡
💌 Eat comforting foods like chocolate or pancakes (make a wish when flipping pancakes!).
💌 Try new ways of divination.
💌 Do kitchen magick and cook recipes with intentions.
💌 This month is all about purification so get rid of all toxic people that hurt you.
💌 Pick snowdrops, dry them, and use them for future spells.
💌 Read about Godess Brigid.
💌 Take care of you both mentally and physically.
💌 Start a journal.
💌 Wear rose quartz and pink agate in your pockets to attract positive love and harmony.
💌 Donate things you don’t need anymore.
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fatkish · 7 months ago
Hi there, hope you're well! I always love your hybrid stuff, so I wanted to request (BullHybrid!Tengen + CowHybrid!Wives) x CowHybrid!Reader please! HCs for the bunch of them being a proper little herd.
Tengen + Wives x Reader: Hybrid AU
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Life had always been good on the Ubuyashiki Farms. Kagaya Ubuyashiki and his wife Amane were the owners of Ubuyashiki Farms, a hybrid farm
Ubuyashiki farms were mostly well known for their wine, jams, dairy and apple products
Many different hybrids lived here and helped the family out by providing them with things like wool, milk, eggs, etc
Many of the male hybrids helped out in the fields, planting and helping care for the grapes, and various berry plants, while the females helped in the apple orchards
Among the hybrids was the Uzui herd. This herd consisted of Tengen Uzui, the stud bull, and his three female cows, Suma, Makio and Hinatsuru
His wives spent a lot of time helping out in the orchards and helping with the production of wine and jams whilst he spent his time helping with the more heavy duty stuff like manual labor
The hybrids are treated well and highly respect the Ubuyashiki family, since they respect them and treat them so well
Tengen and his girls or wives as he call them, have their own little barn that they sleep in, as do all the hybrids
One day, Kagaya called Tengen over and told him that a new hybrid would be arriving at the farm and that he wanted Tengen to help them get settled in
Tengen agreed to help the newcomer get settled, but he was surprised to hear that the new arrival was a hybrid hybrid
To be specific, they were the offspring of a cow and sheep hybrid, meaning they’d produce wool and milk
Such hybrids were rare and Uzui was excited to see one, and he wasn’t disappointed
You arrived on the farm around midday and you were very skittish, and easily spooked
When Tengen went to greet you, you yelped and tried to hide behind the truck that brought you there
You peeked out at him and were extremely nervous but Kagaya came to the rescue
Kagaya introduced himself as well as his wife and welcomed you to the farm
You sheepishly accepted his welcome and you followed Tengen as he showed you around the farm
The previous farm you came from wasn’t able to properly provide care for you since it wasn’t a hybrid based farm
Your wool is of high quality and you spend a lot of time caring for it and grooming it. You also have horns that you have to maintain and shape with special tools that way they don’t grow too long
Eventually you met Tengen’s wives who thought you were just the cutest with your soft fluffy wool
You’ve since become a part of the Uzui herd
Suma loves snuggling with you and cuddling into your wool
Hinatsuru helps you with grooming the wool you can’t reach and helps you care for it
Makio helps you before and after you get sheared, since you get hot and cold easily. And she helps you sand down your horns
Tengen is the one who shears you, he trims up places like between your legs and trims the fur on your ears before shearing your wool off in one big fleece
You’ve come to trust Tengen and since he’s so much larger than you, it’s easier for him to shear you
After you’ve been sheared, Tengen and his wives will cuddle with you at night to help keep you warm with the absence of your wool
Tengen will wrap you in a blanket if you need it and he’ll snuggle you
You’ve taken to working in the winery and you help make jams. You tend to do more indoor work due to your difficulty with handling temperatures
Tengen is also the one who milks all four of you, he does it by hand since the machines scare both you and Suma
When it comes time to breed you, Tengen makes sure to be through with each of his wives and you
Sadly due to the fact that your a mixed hybrid, you’re infertile, but Tengen still breeds with you since it helps with your milk production due to the stimulation and hormones from breeding
Tengen makes sure to look after the four of you and makes sure that each of you are eating and are healthy
When it comes to nighttime, he makes sure that the barn is secure before he returns to the cuddle puddle, as you and Suma call your guys’s bed
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frudoo · 7 months ago
Hey my delightful peach!
You know I love retired Ghoap. Retired Gaz with lines around those beautiful eyes and retired Price with creaking knees.
But what about retired 141 who all decide to make a lil special space for themselves off the beaten track?!
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Retired 141 but make them mountain men…
They live in a tiny village (off the grid, of course) they built by hand, each with a sweet, doting wife and an abundance of chunky little babies.
The wives garden—growing fruits, vegetables, and wheat—while the guys hunt for deer, bison, and ducks, or go fishing on Price’s boat.
All of them run a little farm complete with sheep, dairy cows, beef cattle, chickens and dogs to keep the animals in line. Everyone helps out with this, including the children when they get old enough.
They take pride in being 100% self-sustainable, and even occasionally travel far into town to sell their surplus of goods to a shop vendor.
Life is good and simple and peaceful, like they all deserve.
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