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Our Father has ways of reminding us, if only we are listening, that a brother or sister yearns for our presence. Today Our Father gently whispered, “Rebecca”. I dropped what I was doing and traveled across town immediately. To her bedside. To hold her hand. To hear her barely whisper, “I’m so glad you have come,” and to give her a last sip of water.
Every one of our brothers and sisters needs a loving presence, a gentle touch, a drink of water.
#ourfatherproject #faith #lovingtouch #Christ #faith #presence #water #love
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We are all Our Father’s children. Our Father is always reaching out to us, setting the example for our reaching out to our brothers and sisters.
My wife, while biking, collided with an unmarked obstacle. Waiting in the ER for the diagnosis and extent of her head injuries, I was alone and somewhat emotional. In the midst of all the uncertainty a sister reached out thru a warm and gentle touch to my shoulder. Time has healed the wounds, but I remember that touch.
Precious memories of a warm and gentle touch can last forever.
#ourfatherproject #reachout #faith #love #care #Christ #father
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Sometimes we have difficulty looking at another person and thinking, “Our Father! My Brother/My Sister.” Sometimes we think we are “just not up to it”.
When we catch ourselves thinking that, we need a different starting place. We begin always by reverencing Christ. Reverencing our brother or sister is idolatry, and whatever we hope to gain ends there. Reverencing Christ opens the door to unlimited possibilities.
#ourfatherproject #love #forgiveness #faith #reverence #Christ #today #wholemakeroflove
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“Our Father, many of my ‘Brothers’ and ‘Sisters’ variously express and live Christ-like values yet claim no faith relationships. Help me process this in an intelligible way.
“Chuck, I am God Eternal. I know My children even before they are born, and in that ‘time of knowing’ I gift each with the things of My heart, mind, character and strength. My Spirit, love and impartations have no limitations, even among those slow to experience and acknowledge Me.
“Continue to love them toward Me.”
#ourfatherproject #relationship #prayer #love #faith #spirit #God
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The more positive I feel about me the more willing I am to reach out to Our Father’s other children as brother or sister, and the more positive the world becomes. Example:
Dr. Jessica Haloskie. UP Health System, Marquette, Michigan USA says: “There’s a lot of data showing that if you spend a few minutes every evening writing three good things you’re grateful for every night for 21 days, it has the same effect as an anti-depressant will for six months.”
I bought a notebook ($2.99), labeled it “Grateful Things Diary”. Just before going to bed I write three things I am grateful for. And I go to bed with a smile on my face. When morning comes I often find that during the night my smile has spread from my face to my heart and it’s only a short journey from there to Our Father’s other children and often a much more friendly and meaningful day for them.
#ourfatherproject #prayer #grateful #love #faith #Christian
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When Our Loving Father lays it upon our heart to reach out to a brother or sister in need, we sometimes have to leave a lot of stuff behind. Memories. Images of them. Images of ourselves. Images of Our Father. Perhaps some childish ways.
Our Loving Father is always offering us opportunities to grow beyond ourselves to become ourselves.
#become #love #ourfatherproject #faith #prayer #heart #Christian #Christ #father
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Our Father infuses His children with love, sensitivity, compassion, self-discipline and more. Sometimes Our Father says, “Reach Out” to a brother or sister we have never talked with before.
There’s Ben, a brother I see in various social settings. His words say nothing; his demeanor says it all. Hurting. Angry. Big time. “Chuck, until you hear differently, offer up inwardly, silently, compassionately, ‘Our Father; my brother Ben’. Repeat it often.”
A brother’s pain, my patient obedience, Our Father’s fullness. This is the beginning of Our Father’s healing Ben’s heart.
#ourfatherproject #faith #prayer #faithful #patience #compassion #father #love
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This morning I encountered one of Our Father’s other children, a brother, wearing a Tee shirt with a slogan that brought me up short. My initial reactions were disbelief, then disgust, then defiantly wanting to confront him with, “Where is your integrity, anyway??!!!”
Thankfully, Our Father was in control. “O.K. Chuck. Just keep on walking. Let’s talk about this. Yes, he is one of My children. Yes, through Me he is one of your brothers . Yes, he is capable of much better. Yes, you want to straighten him out. But before you do anything, we need to talk. On your own you will only make things worse.”
“Chuck, his Tee is a reflection of a spiritual pain much deeper than your disgust and anger. Only Father-Love can reach the depths of your brother’s inner journey. Through out this day perpetuate a vision of you intentionally wrapping your arms around him, lovingly repeating, ‘Our Father, my brother. Our Father, my brother.’ Let Me do the rest. That’s the real integrity.”
#integrity #ourfatherproject #faith #Christ #mybrother #pain #love #christian
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“Chuck, your sister, My child, deserves better than your indecision. This is an issue of integrity.”
Barb and I are enjoying much needed R&R. This morning after breakfast, Barb headed for the beach and I came back to our room for prayer time. My sister in charge of caring for our room, in an English dialect somewhat different and speaking twice the speed of mine, approached me in the pathway. I responded to her question with, “You decide. Whichever you choose is fine with me.” She answered that it was my choice. I kindly said, “Do whatever you think is best. And thank you”. Through a somewhat reluctant and exasperated smile she said, “Okay….” I continued down the path.
Our Father intervened. “She deserves better than that. You are keeping her from doing her job.” I sought her out. “I am sorry. I am somewhat hearing challenged. I did not fully understand what you were saying, so if you will speak slowly and distinctly, we will work this out.” Her smile and her efforts were appreciatively precious and in a few moments both of us were happy. I offered a hug and a prayer for which she was most appreciative. Even offered a hug in return.
It was more than just my integrity. It was the integrity of all three of us—Our Father, my sister and I all wrapped in one. When approached on the basis of Our integrity, everything comes together. It always does.
#integrity #ourfatherproject #prayer #sister #brother #love #cometogether #faith #Christian #Christ
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Some pastors will tell you that Fathers Day is the least attended worship service of the year. Reason: People do not feel good about their Heavenly Father because of experiences with their earthly father.
Perspective: Measure your earthly father by your Heavenly Father. Our Heavenly Father sets the standard; it is the task of earthly fathers to grow into relationship and likeness with the Heavenly Father. Do earthly fathers fail at that task at times? Absolutely. I am one of them. But here is one of the wonderful differences: Our Heavenly Father, out of his everlasting love for us, is always moving toward rehabilitation and reconciliation. Discipline us he does; but the ultimate aim is always love and reconciliation and oneness.
Praying “Our Father! My Brother/My Sister!” over those we encounter is offering the very best our Heavenly Father has. We become WholeMakers of Love in a world that desperately needs to experience love, wisdom, forgiveness, wholeness, reconciliation, and a road map to proper morality, significance and destiny.
#God #Church #Love #Christian #Hope #Ourfatherproject #goodness #heavenlyfather #father
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Joy and excitement often sum up our experience as we begin “Our Fathering”. We pray “Our Father” over a sister or brother and see immediate results and our hearts are thrilled.
Another possible result: you commit to praying “Our Father” over everyone you meet and within half-an-hour you have forgotten all about it. Suddenly, with disappointment and determination you set out once more to be faithful to this transforming calling.
Or perhaps you are not seeing the results you expected. Caution: Do not expect. Our joy is in our relationship with the Father and in the self-discipline of remaining faithful to our calling.
Jesus pointed out that the job of the sower is to go on sowing. It is God who brings in the harvest. In each of the above, just lovingly and gently go on “Our Fathering”. Our Father will take care of the brothering and sistering.
#ourfatherproject #love #faith #prayer #God #joy #itwasneveraboutus
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We become what we love. We become what we worship. Praying “Our Father” is an act of love and of worship. In loving and worshipping “Our Father” (on the street corner, in a restaurant, sitting in a classroom, wherever) we are being nurtured into the likeness of our Father.
Eventually, our relationship with our Father becomes as a spirit of Oneness. Then, what begins to unfold in us also begins to unfold in those around us: the fruit (characteristics) being love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-discipline. The “fruit” draws people to us, the opposite turns people away.
Praying “Our Father! My Sister/My Brother!” draws others to you and you to them. And both worlds begin to change.
I lovingly invite you and encourage you to embark upon this journey into Oneness.
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What leads us into “Our Fathering”? Simple answer: our Father calls us there. He placed it within us before we were born. He knew us even before He created the foundation of the world. Awesome Father!
We begin praying, “Our Father! My sister/My Brother” out of a sense that something more is needed. There’s an emptiness within us that our job, degree(s), social status, relationships, achievements, situations, etc., cannot fill. We seek something more.
The “something more” is that Our Father created us for relationship. First with Our Father, then with others. Until we honor that purpose we will go on searching, searching, searching. That’s where the twelve disciples were when they asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray”. They sensed there was something more, and Jesus said, “Begin this way: “Our Father,…” and everything else will open up from there.
For One day make every effort to consciously, faithfully, lovingly, inwardly or audibly express, “Our Father, our Father” over everyone and everything. Then thoughtfully consider your level of peacefulness at various times through out the day, then again at the end of the day. Before going to sleep gently, lovingly, peacefully say, “Thank you, Father”.
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A crucial factor in touching the lives of others is joyfully accepting that we ourselves are unconditionally loved and loveable always. God said through the prophet Jeremiah, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to me.” Scripture further tells us that God is the same yesterday, today, forever. Accepting God’s promise that I am loved without condition impacts my relationship with everyone around me; they become joyful because I am joyful. Their countenance changes because my countenance changes.
Visiting in a hospital a couple of days ago, I turned the corner into a long hall way totally deserted except for the person coming toward me from the far end. I immediately, silently, inwardly, joyfully began, “Our Father! My brother!” and continued the prayer as we steadily closed the distance between us. By the time we met he was smiling and friendly. My “Hi there! Have a good day!” drew a “And likewise to you!” His countenance was impacted by my countenance. Our Father’s Holy Spirit had stirred one heart and penetrated another.
How could that happen? Because I know and fully accept that I am genuinely and thoroughly loved by a God who never changes the rules regardless of who I am, where I have been or what I have done.
In a broken and fractured world, accepting my own loveableness is precious beyond measure.
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Walking is a popular form of exercise in our area. I also treasure it as prayer time. An average walker, I pass some and some pass me. Over each person in my vicinity I silently and warmly whisper, “Our Father” followed by another warm and tender, “My brother” or “My sister.” Today, my heart was touched again, as it always is, by the fact that my brothers and sisters are not all the same color. They also come in varying shapes and sizes. And ages. That, too, always occasions a smile.
Something else: in those awe-filled moments Our Father gently touches my heart by reminding me that each person around me is a gold mine, precious in design. “Your prayers and My Presence bring the gold to the surface. In them … and in you.”
Awesome Father.
#God #Church #Christ #Lord #Bible #Scripture #Holy #Love #Diversity #Brother #Sister #Hope #Faith #Father
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Three years ago I started silently and inwardly praying two words, “Our Father”, over people I meet on a daily basis. Yes, there have been some lapses. I pray this way for family, work associates, people in the car next to me, someone in church, a neighbor, a person at a party, the guy across from me at the traffic light or ahead of me in the check-out lane at the grocery. Even the person who ran a stop sign and sent me into a snow bank.
I pray “Our Father” because there is a tremendous need in the world right now for improvement in quality of life and relationships at every level. Again, Richard Rohr writes, “Without deep inner healing, we will continue to destroy the world by continued wars, ecological devastation, and failed relationships at every level.” Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will fall into place”. Praying “Our Father” over people and situations is seeking God first, and it is treating God the way God deserves to be treated: with love, honor and respect. Besides, Jesus said, “When you pray, begin like this: ‘Our Father…’.”
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My heart cries. Our world is rampant with varying expressions of evil and hate. Every time we listen to the news, read a newspaper, or tune in to any other media source we encounter hatred being spewed in almost unbelievable dimensions. Releasing hatred, for many, seems to have become a national priority.
We must change. Change requires healing. Without deep inner healing, we will continue to destroy the world by continued wars, ecological devastation, and failed relationships at every level, writes Richard Rohr in his book Dancing Standing Still. The time has come, is long overdue, that we consciously, intentionally, purposefully begin releasing love. Nationally and internationally at all times. So who am I, and how shall it be done?
My name is Chuck Tooman. Welcome to my blog.
#intentionalprayer #prayer #christianity #God #vision #timeforchange #faith #healing #love
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