#she's the true flower here lolol
airasora · 6 months
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That moment when you realize you like your own redesign of a character moreso than the original xD
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oh-saints · 1 year
Hello!! Love how you write angst, could you maybe write a one shot for either mason mount or martin ødegaard, where you have been dating for a couple of years and suddenly he starts being nervous around reader and she thinks that he is going to ask her to move in but he breaks up with her because he starts thinking that she should be with someone that can give her all their time and not being in the spotlight and then idk ajajajaj
Maybe they call them when they are drunk or they get hurt in a match and they call her or something where they hace to face each other or something
Omg this is long ajajajajaj hope you like my idea and it inspires you to write something, I know anything we got from you will be nice :)
hi nonny!! sorry it's only now i can write this request of yours. i hope i'm not too late? ;-)
but since i'm writing an angst-y series for mason, here may i present you something for our favourite young captain that i've been working on the past week...
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it’s true what people say when they tell you to wrap up your unfinished business first. you’re just too blind to see the big, fat ass flag that’s waving as red as your boyfriend’s kit.
martin ødegaard x you tw: insecurity + cheating wc: 3.3k note: this is just a fiction ok i'm just in the mood to make devil out of everyone lolol this actually hits a bit too close to home but I need to let it out, so here we are. I don’t support cheating whatsoever btw, so remember to break it up good first things first 😉but as usual, I happen to write at dawn so it’s not beta-read yet. songs: almost is never enough - nathan sykes, ariana grande & midnight rain - taylor swift
“are you engaged or something that I don’t know of?”
it wasn’t often your best friend paid you a call, considering her florist business was thriving and all and they were now rather short-staffed. so when her name flashed over the screen of your phone, you didn’t think twice to excuse yourself out of your office to pick up her call.
but you didn’t think she’d fire you that question. sure, you’d been dating your boyfriend since the early days of his arrival to the north side of london and things had been going stable between you two. sure, you’d talked about the more serious part of your relationship, such as what if you both get married and all. but that was it—none of you discussed more than that, what ifs.
you wouldn’t turn down the opportunity if given, though.
“uh, no? why are you asking?”
“shit,” your friend muttered under her breath. “promise me, first. don’t tell him it comes from me, okay?”
the more your friend gave you disclaimer like that, the more your heart’s palpitation grew rapid. “as if I’d throw my best friend under the bus.”
she laughed at your lame attempt to hide your nervousness. your voice tended to reach an octave higher when you did so. “martin ordered so many peonies for the weekend.”
peony is your favourite flower, you’d told martin that a long while ago—to which martin utilised the information for every of your anniversary bouquet, along with every time your birthday came up. but he never orders for peony on ordinary days because he thinks it defeats the purpose of presenting you everything special on particular days.
and this weekend was the last game of the season, a mark to officially begin your summer break, which is always the time you both look forward to because in between martin’s constant flying schedules and your 9-5 hectic schedule, it’s always nice to have one or two week(s) secluding yourself from the entire world, spending day and night only with your boyfriend.
you had to take a deep breath to slow down your pounding heart. can it be?
see you on the weekend, baby.
martin wasn’t supposed to be smiling this wide. he wasn’t even supposed to smile at all. because despite the sweet moniker, the sender wasn’t his own girlfriend of a little more than two years. worse, the sender had even been deprived of every right to call him by endearments since that painful moment she broke up with him, right when he informed her that there was a better opportunity for him in london.
logically, he was supposed to hate her with all his might—how could he stand someone who didn’t support his growth and development as a young football player? how could he stand someone who only crawled back to him when he was now an up-and-coming name in the football world?
logically, he was supposed to come back home straight from the training ground instead of ordering a bunch of flowers for the next time he met her. why did he feel obliged to bring her a handful of flowers? where did this feeling come from?
martin wasn’t one to understand flowers, anyway. he only bought flowers for special occasions, and that was also because he’d gotten the information yourself about your favourite flower. so why was he purchasing something he didn’t possess the knowledge of, to begin with?
but logic seemed to have escaped the most level-headed person under mikel arteta’s team since the ghost of his past decided to appear before him last week.
“martin, you should know that I’m very sorry for what I’ve done,” she started explaining, and the moment she reached for martin’s hands over the table was the moment his resolve crumbled apart. “I wasn’t thinking straight and I was too foolish to want you all for myself. but I’ve grown up, for you, so that I can be someone you need by your side.”
martin should naturally ask for an evidence, or anything to convince him that she had indeed become better for him, had turned into someone she believed he needed. martin should ask what she had become—could she be like you, the one who put shattered pieces of him together and glued him back to his old self?
martin should prove it himself if this very lady in front of him, who’d inflicted more pain than logically accepted, was a better fit to be his other half than you. hell, martin should’ve even proved it himself that she was no better than you, period. so why did his hand now get tangled with hers, reciprocating the light squeeze she gave him over the table?
why did he think she deserve at least a chance to explain herself?
ironic, really, when his gaffer picked martin to be the captain of his team himself solely for martin’s extraordinary football iq.
landed! can’t wait to see you! xx where are you?
“martin, baby,” martin jumped in his place, his phone almost fell off his hands, as the sultry voice he loved—and he discovered that he still loves it all the same—tried to lure him back to bed. “what are you doing? come back here,”
the pristine white sheet of the hotel slid down her chest as she sat up, beautiful in between the mess he made of her—her now-tangled hair, purple spots down her neck and chest, red marks down her arms and thighs—and martin’s heart broke into two. one at the revelation at how much he’d missed this sight of her, the other at the fact he needed to leave this behind because he still had you to come back to.
you, who’d been waiting for him at the airport for two hours now, because he forgot about picking you up from your business trip. something he never did during the time you both spent together.
you, who would be waiting for him in his house later, ready to spill everything you went through during your business trip, because you know martin was a good listener and never a judgemental one. because you know martin would always have your back.
you, who had loved him before his name, who have loved him through the calm and the storm of a football season, who always love him no matter wins or loses, and who promises to always love him through thins and thicks.
something came up at the training ground. I’m sorry I can’t pick you up myself.
martin’s heart plopped down the plush carpet as he pressed send, for reasons he didn’t want to acknowledge right now. not when a pair of arms managed to snake its way to his waist, eliminating the distance between martin and her in no time and they were now skin to skin, and good lord, was it not satisfying to have no barrier between them.
martin’s heart plopped down to the deepest part of hell, perhaps, when he felt his phone vibrated in his hand—the one that wasn’t busy moulding his body to fit the vixen in his arms—and saw the immediate response you replied him with.
alright, good luck with that. see you at home! xx
you, whose love martin had betrayed. consciously so.
“do you still love her?” was the question the woman martin believed as siren incarnated, fired off as soon as she saw him dressing up, ready to leave her behind in this luxury confinement they called five-star hotel.
brave, martin got to give her that. it was the very question martin kept asking himself as he laid awake last night, facing the ceiling while listening to the sound of her gentle breathing, tickling against the skin just an inch from his pecks. her flimsy finger was ghosting yet so palpable, just like your existence—resting there waiting to be acknowledged, like the elephant in the room.
funny how it was his favourite position of yours since the first night you slept together, for it reminded him of her touch, the very touch he’d lost because she was a selfish human being.
yet, martin was currently the one selfish beyond possible combination of words.
but somehow, martin was even braver for responding her when he himself wasn’t sure he could answer his own question.
“I’d be lying if I say I don’t, søta,” he donned his jacket before he leaned down, claiming her lips once more—for what, he didn’t know. to satisfy himself? to soothe the impending thirst that’d been building up unknowingly since she left him? to boost his confidence and justify himself that he was about to do the right thing? “and probably a part of me always will.”
the woman frowned in the way martin was supposed to hate her—she was the reason he’d grown to hate frowny, clingy women—but instead, he shot down a well-placed kiss that she reciprocated in the same fervour, obvious to tell him that she didn’t like sharing. her hands pulled him down further the bed, trying to lull him back to her arms, just like siren personified, and martin laughed in between their heated exchange.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“what if you never come back?” the woman refused to let go of him, hugging him tightly like a koala to his tree. “what if you suddenly realise you love her more?”
“it’s clear to see I don’t love her that much anymore, no?” martin swept the brown locks that reminded him of milky chocolate fondue. sweet, silky, smelt as nice as it looked, as he plucked off one of the peony petals he’d showered her with. “not enough to make me stay with her, anyway.”
martin even surprised himself by saying such words. he didn’t know he was capable of that, he didn’t know how he could have it in him. but if he thought that was surprising, he certainly wouldn’t hold a candle against himself for the things he did—or maybe, had done—to you.
you, whose entire world martin shattered. consciously so, since the moment you parted yourself from the embrace you enveloped him with but whose warmth wasn’t returned.
“what’s wrong?”
he knew it wasn’t easy. it was never easy to be with you since the very beginning anyway—you gathering his broken pieces, you swiping off all of his insecurities and assuring him that you’d wait for him till he wiped off all traces of her, you hiding off your identity so you wouldn’t drag him down in any way possible—but martin didn’t expect them to be very difficult, disclosing all his sins and admitting his faults.
admitting she wasn’t the only one in his heart.
worse, admitting she was never the only one since the start.
“was the emergency that bad at work?”
martin wanted to scream at her, telling her off that she wasn’t supposed to think the better of him, not after everything he’d done to her and their relationship. martin wanted to scream at her, telling her to be the bad guy for once for putting herself first. martin wanted to scream at her, telling her to live happily without him because she didn’t deserve him.
“don’t look at me like that, martin,” your eyes were as clear as always, and martin’s heart broke once more for you and every of the emotions displayed in your eyes. you were scared of him, of how cold he was being around you, and martin’s heart broke because you had been nothing but warm to him. “what’s wrong?”
you didn’t look any different to him at that moment, still lovable and looked very much like his, in every sense of the word. yet he was no longer yours, in every sense of the word. that was what went wrong.
“nothing,” martin acted the way the word implied. martin acted like nothing was wrong, as he kissed the top of your head and slid his hand into yours. “how was your trip?”
“I just wish you were there,” other days, your words would warm him up—the way your presence always succeeded to—but today, as you didn’t grasp back his hand, you meant every single word that escaped your mouth. “too bad, you know?”
too bad, indeed, my love. what if you stayed? what if she wasn’t here? martin thought inwardly as he poured the risotto he was making.
too bad, indeed, my love. because you’re gone already the moment you come home. you thought inwardly as you received the only dish he’d serve you by far because cooking had always been your thing.
too bad, indeed, as the risotto started turning as cold as the long withstanding iceberg in the form of white marble countertop separating you two. too bad, indeed, as the risotto was beyond salvageable even if you tried resurrecting it with every kind of heat earth could produce.
but neither of you moved, so different to the silent dance you both had been doing around the room. yet everything around you two was as loud as obnoxious bunch of drunkards watching the netflix show playing in your living room.
“you know I love you, right?”
the deep breath he let out indicated everything but, and you had never felt so alone in a room full of him. you were left alone, behind a four-wall full of him—his scent, his words, his voice—with nothing but abundance of confusion in your hands. it was, more often than not, your job to declare you love to him, instead of the other way around like this, so what changed?
“I love you,” yet martin couldn’t look straight into your eyes. “but I’m sorry.”
the confusion in your eyes were still evident and martin’s heart broke for you once more because he knew you didn’t deserve any of this. of him, of what he did, of how he’d been treating you. a small doubt crept in for a millisecond—what if he could fix this?—but he buried them down once more because you deserved this from him, an ending as respectable as you are.
“I love you too.”
no, no, you don’t get to say that. you’re not supposed to say that. you were supposed to throw him a thousand questions why he said sorry to you, contradicting his rather fake declaration of love for you.
“I forgive you.”
martin’s head had never snapped that fast, this time it was him that couldn’t hide his bewilderment. of all scenarios he had in his head, what you just did was never in his card. “you don’t know what I did.”
“I don’t care,” you squared your shoulders, and martin knew you meant your words then. you were so full of love and compassion, and it was why martin decided to forget her to be with you, but now martin wanted to run away for how hard life had come to bite his ass. “I love you. I forgive you.”
“I slept with another person,” and he noticed the slight tremble on those strong shoulders that overcame you. there, he needed that. he needed you to know, to feel, to see reality. “I cheated on you. I want to say that I’m sorry every time and every chance I can but I can’t. I’m sorry.”
you had gone through the worst obstacles there was on this earth—tower of terror, skydiving at palm jumeirah, being struck by lightning. you had gone through even worse obstacles—you’d seen your parents divorced before your eyes, you’d seen your friend took his life in front of you. yet nothing was as painful as the joke martin just threw in your face. you could even brave yourself for a guillotine if given the chance.
anything but the lemon your boyfriend just handed over your open wound. clean-cut and straight to the point.
“you said you love me.”
“I do,” martin replied immediately, as if he was sure of it. as if he was sure that loving you was the right thing to do when he’d just committed the wrong thing to do. “that’s why I’m sorry I did what I did.”
“with who?”
“you don’t want to know who.”
but with martin’s answer, it didn’t take you another second to figure out the woman in question. and you regretted asking immediately because you knew it’d be better if you didn’t know. you could even truly forgive him for what he did, as long as it wasn’t her. knowing who the partypooper was always a better option, because not being able to place a face to a name was always better.
but now you knew about it, and you didn’t have time to save your fragile heart from a heavy rain of sharp knives, endlessly stabbing your open wound to enlarge it even more, giving space for another knife to launch itself to a bleeding heart. you didn’t have time to hide your pain, as tears slowly escaped your eyes.
“why?” you gathered every of your remaining energy to sound brave as you faced your losing battle. “what did I do wrong?”
you needed to know because you’d been doing only the right thing. nothing less than perfect for your boyfriend.
martin wanted to know too because you’d been nothing short of what he needed.
“I’m sorry,” you stopped yourself when martin didn’t give you a response, then you gathered yourself again as you reciprocated his strong gaze. as best as you could anyway. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t enough—”
“no, no—”
“tell me what I can do to fix this, martin,” you pursed your lips, holding back the tears left unshed. “we can still fix this. just… please don’t leave me.”
“please don’t do this…” martin sighed because while he knew you’d always fight for what you believe in, he didn’t know it would bring him a big boomerang instead. “I’ve hurt you. staying with me will hurt you more and that’s the last thing I want for you.”
but that was the last straw for you, the look on his face. he spared you a look of sympathy, an emotion you rather detested because you weren’t a charity case. so you cried, this time not because of the lost cause in your relationship. you cried for yourself, because while you were displaying your desperate frustrations to amend the broken bridges, you addressed such wave of emotion to the wrong person.
“what did I do wrong?”
“it’s not you,” martin wanted to hug you—he still hated seeing you cry—but he knew it wasn’t his place anymore to comfort you. he’d deprived himself of the exclusive right in lieu of another set of different luxurious rights. “it’s never your fault.”
but martin never said it was his, either.
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agoldenlily · 2 months
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Name: Elayne Trakand Nickname(s): n/a Relationship Status: verse dependent - although in his canon she is with Rand al'Thor Gender: female Romantic Orientation: heterosexual Preferred Pet Names: she doesn't have any? call her queen, princess, etc etc LOLOLOLOL jkjkjkjk (or is she?)
Opinion on True Love: some part of herself has a HIGH IDEALIZATION of love? Where she assumes that it'll be a sort of way that's romantic and highly unlikely. She's alright with the realistic side of love but it'll take her awhile to get over her ideals. Opinion on Love at First Sight: She definitely believes in love at first sight. If it's something that she's read about, tropes and such, then she's all game for it. (in fact Elayne actually experiences love at first sight in her canon lolz)
How ‘Romantic’ Are They?: She loves ALL romantic things ok? She wants to be kind of swept off her feet but she also wants to be seen as A POWER WOMAN lolol but she believes in gender equality even in this. So if she gets the flower & chocolates treatment she'll do the same for her S/O
Ideal Physical Traits: Tall. Strong features. Impressive - by her standards. Really lovely eyes ok? Ideal Personality Traits: strong personality. charming. intense (at the right times) intelligent. not intimidated by her power.
Ideal Date: something romantic but also unique. at least make it seem as though you've put some thought into it
Do They Have a Type?: not really. I mean she does but also doesn't. not physically.
Average Relationship Length: in canon she's only had one and it never ended SO
Preferred Non-Sexual Intimacy: spending time together, talking, going out, being cuddled GIVE HER CUDDLES
Commitment Level: She commits. She definitely will. She will commit right away as long as the other person is just as invested.
Opinion of Public Affection: she likes public affection as long as it's subtle. a kiss here, holding hands, holding each other - that's all ok. nothing more than that.
Past Relationships?: she hasn't had any in the past. she's pretty inexperienced and naive.
Writer’s Note: Elayne thinks that she's more experienced than she is. She's very naive and curious about everything involving love and romance and sex. she thinks that it makes her seem...more worldly if she knows something that someone else doesn't. She's pretty easy to be in a relationship with. She's low maintenance as in she doesn't expect you to be there with her at all times. she's easy going but she's also pretty demanding, she's stubborn, she's kind of spoiled. she's complex in that way.
tagged by: @luckhissoul tagging: @xhideyourfires @regnismemorias @wildskissed
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Hi ! Glad to see your asks open (not for long methinks lolol) Could I ask how would Leona/Jamil/Vil react to a player that is the definition of a Disney princess ? Animals flocks to them, they sing and dance, they're sickeningly sweet, pure and naive, and to top it off they're Neige level of beautiful and charming. The whole Disney protagonist™ package, of which everyone know that they should be in RSA.
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, kidnapping, imprisonment, violence, murder, blood, obsession, poison, death
Leona Kingscholar/Jamil Viper/Vil Schoenheit-Player is the definition of a Disney princess
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Someone hand hm some sunglasses. He might go bling from how bright you shine
Haha funny joke- No! This is no joke!
He just can't deal with all that purity and fairness thingy surrounding you
Leona already sees people as a pain so imagine him having to interact with someone like, idk, Aurora
But you aren't just some polished mindless pretty face that fell out of the sky one day
Oh no, you are an otherworldly being that is known across the world and also viewed differently depending on where you look at
And you are perfection themselves in the Shaftlands so... mum ok makes sense
And it's no wonder you see everyone equally with how naive and kind you are
Laziness incarnate over here is actually afraid of getting close to you
Like, you are everything and more than they had ever been taught all their life, with all the sparkles and rainbows surrounding you, and he is just the (metaphorical) fleabag of the oh so honorable Kingscholar family
Is that cat sitting on your lap mocking him right now??!
But imagine, you, our charming little cookie, approaching him out of the blue
And congrats, you made him speechless (which is an achivement in itself if we are being honest)
And since I am a yandere blog, he of course will despise it if someone would dare to interfere in the time you spend together or, oh goodness no, come close to you
You naive, way too trusting little thing! Of course people will come close and take advantage of you!
But maybe that mark on your wrist will tell them to whom belong, him having gripped it once too tightly whilst telling you that he is the only one you can trust
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Someone pls get him sunglasses Pt.2
But besides him also being exactly as baffeled as Leona he is also low-key in truth very afraid of you
He already has a naive prince to look after but for some reason he wasn't as annoyed as he should be when he saw your sparkling eyes for the first time
He should have lost all belief in you back then
You? An almighty scholar??! Nah!
But then you reveal to them that you know historical facts about the great seven lost in time so... mum that belief is back so fast it was never really gone
But he is still reluctant
What if you are in truth cunning and are just waiting for the right time to backstab him?
And before he knew it you were giggeling whilst braiding flowers into his hair
Him? Ever disgusting you??! Pfff Author! You are funny!!!
And this is where all the darker things start
Oh no! Don't talk to them! See? Those flowers they just gave you are in truth poisonous! (They are not but you don't need to know that)
Want to go out for some fresh air? Why not go on a walk in the desert? Only with him. With him. And with him. Oh, did he mention himself?
And he is so sweet and kind as well! Always bringing you delicious snacks which make you so... drowsy... and... ti... red...
Don't worry about anyone never visiting you and waking up in a unfamiliar place. He will take good care of you!
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Usually he is the breathtaking one but whops, seems like he is this time the one who's breath got stolen away
You are perfect! The stories are true! You are perfection in person!
Oh what joyful day! Finally he is being able to bask in your light!
Was this how the fairest Queen felt when she was within your presence?
But those rotten, ugly, disgusting potatoes just are always so close to his dearest apple!
And then there is also Neige who for some annoying reason just turned up at his rival school
Seems like it's time to test his potion-making skills once more
Certain poisons and most of all love potions are very complex and complicated after all
A day later and you have never felt so happy like right now right at Vils side
And he is so caring too!
Every day, exactly right before eating dinner he is handing you a bright red apple, telling you that it is infused with a potion which is there to keep you healthy and happy
Someone just spat out blood after eating an identical one? Oh dear... that one wasn't from him! *cough*
But some potatoes never learn, even after their fellow students fall ill from poison after interacting with you
Seems like only the most perfect people are capable of being close to you or how could you explain Schoenheit standing right next to you?
So here he is his room a mess, his usually well-polished mirror shattered to pieces... and you in the dorframe, worried after hearing sounds from his room
“Oh my dear apple! I am so sorry for letting you see me this way. How neglectful of me. But I had been experimenting lately, creating an apple that will keep you young and healthy forever! You wouldn't say no to a gift of mine, would you?”
These were the last words before you tasted something acidic mixed into the sweetness of the apple, falling into an neverending slumber
dear, you are too naive and kindhearted! But don't you worry, now that you are asleep forever, preserved in this glass coffin, nothing could ever harm you or, goodness forbid, take you away from him!
But he has to admit, he misses your voice and watching how your chest rises and falls in a slow rhythm isn't exactly what you would call being social...
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yslkook · 4 years
ships in the night
pairing: seokjin x reader summary: jin is your best friend. he’s engaged, and your heart is broken. (pining, best friends, unrequited love, open ending) word count: 3221 warnings: cursing, alcohol, a/n: enjoy this word vomit lolol im still getting comfortable writing for bts!!
It shouldn’t be as nice a day as it is- a light, summer breeze, nearly clear skies and the bright sun. It feels like you should be happier than you are. 
If the weather was fitting of your mood, it would be grey and stormy. Instead of wallowing with your broken heart in the comfort of your apartment, you’re in Seokjin’s apartment building. More specifically, you’re at his rooftop, waiting for his arrival.
You ignore the pitying looks from his friends and from your own friends as you make yourself busy for his return. With his presumed fiancee. 
Today was the day he proposed to his girlfriend, and you (as his best friend of nearly ten years) had taken it upon yourself to plan the after party. How masochistic of you. To plan the next chapter of his life with his new fiancee when you’ve been madly in love with him for the better part of your twenties. Now that you’re approaching your thirties, you’ve made it a promise to get over him.
And yet, you separated your empty abyss of emotions from your genuine desire to see him happy. His to-be fiancee was an acquaintance of yours as well. Of course, you weren’t close with her… You could compartmentalize but not that well. You couldn’t fake it any more than you had to. She was a nice girl, you supposed. She made Seokjin happy.
But she wasn’t you. And you’d never be that person to him. It was a fact that you had accepted a long time ago and somehow since then, your heart has been locked in this icy cage that you didn’t want to chip at.
You step away from the table where the alcohol, food and desserts are to look at your work. At the corner sits a flowery backdrop for photos with props. The entire area is decorated with fairy lights and small bouquets of Seokjin’s favorite flowers and his fiancee’s favorite flowers. Her friends had given you some input, but you were running the show and they both knew it. 
It was the last thing you could give to him before having to face the fact that he’d never truly be yours again.
The afterparty itself is a surprise to her and you’re certain she’ll love it- her friends and family are so excited for her, champagne tears dotting their eyes.
And then his friends look at you like they want to hug you and yell at you at the same time. They didn’t like her in the beginning and they only really tolerated her now. Because Jin loves her and because you told them to back the fuck off of her. She hadn’t done anything to warrant their dislike of her.
“Hey pretty,” Jimin greets you with a smile and crescent eyes, “Come here often?”
“Do I come to my soulmate’s proposal party often? No, I can’t say that I do,” You say dryly, elbowing him when his smile drops, “Come on, I’m only joking.”
He wraps an arm around your shoulder and sighs, “If anyone could’ve stopped this madness, it would’ve been you.”
“Madness?” You ask, “Stop it, she’s nice…”
“She’s not,” Jimin says pointedly, “You’re both just so fuckin’ blind. And stupid. So stupid.”
“Don’t start this shit with me, Jimin,” You hiss, “It’s too late, we’re here and that’s that.”
Jimin pulls away and looks at you for a long, long moment. He wonders if you even understand how hurt you are, how heartbroken you are. You hide it behind your jokes as you always have. He won’t be surprised if you leave the party early or if you slip away to the bathroom once Jin and his fiancee arrive.
They’ve been together for three years now. It was only the natural order of things for Jin to propose to her. You had asked him months ago if he was proposing just because he thought it was the right thing to do or because he genuinely wanted to. That discussion had ended in a fight. So you had pulled away, slowly but subtly from him. Already accepting your second place role in his life. Who else would know what he wanted, other than him?
You. You would know. But if every attempt to get him to do some self-reflection was going to end in tears and in a shouting match, you didn’t want to deal with it. Or with him. Or with her.
So you let it be. Like everything else, you let it be. And you let this be the last thing you did for him. You made a promise to yourself. After this, you would move on. 
It takes about an hour for the rooftop to begin filling up with his friends and family, as well as her friends and family. His parents and brother hug you first, before greeting her parents. Jin’s mother looks at you forlornly, as if she can see all of the secrets in your guarded heart. 
You pull away from them quickly, busying yourself with making a drink. You’re going to need it. Jungkook pops up next to you, looping an arm around your shoulders.
“Hey you,” You greet him, offering him a smile and a drink in a red solo cup.
“Hey you,” Jungkook says, doe eyes glittering as he unashamedly looks at you, “You look nice.” He moves his hand to the small of your back.
Long gone is the shy boy who couldn’t look a woman in the eye. Next to you stands a man, filled with confidence and poise. 
“I know,” You wink at him, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
It’s true, you had at least given yourself the small joy of dressing up in an olive green sleeveless jumpsuit with a dip in the chest and a cinch at the waist. Jewelry glints on your wrists, at the base of your neck and your ears. You’re wearing your favorite pair of heels and the best part is that your feet aren’t even uncomfortable yet.
You catch up with him and the rest of the boys eventually gather around you both too. Just as you’re throwing your head back in laughter, your phone buzzes in your hand. Jin’s name pops up and your heart races in anticipation. As it always does when he texts you, but you feel like your world is about to implode as you open his text message.
seokjin: she said yes!! seokjin: be there in 15 :) 
You exhale shakily, six pairs of eyes on you. Jimin squeezes your shoulder reassuringly.
you: of course she did!!!!  you: fuck!! ur a fiance now. wowwwww. Im so happy for you jin :))) you: see you soon, everything’s ready 
“They’ll be here in fifteen,” You say with a grin that probably looks out of place on your face, “She said yes.” You take a breath, letting the weight of your words sink in. “She said yes. They’re… engaged.”
You swallow the love and hurt down. Jimin brushes his lips to your forehead. It doesn’t matter. Today is not about you.
Pulling away from them, you turn on your heel to celebrate with Jin’s parents. They’re replying their own congratulations to him. His brother tells you that he had texted you first. You already know that. It doesn’t matter. 
You hug his parents anyway.
You stick to the shadows with a drink in your hand once Jin and his fiancee arrive. He’s all smiles, opening the door for her dramatically and giggling at her squeal when she sees the rooftop, her friends and her family. 
Finally, once you see that they have a free moment, you approach them.
“Hey, lovebirds,” You smile with a wave and open your arms.
She hugs you first, to your surprise. “Jin told me you did all of this. Thank you.” She flashes her ring to you and excitedly giggles.
She’s always been after your approval, for some godforsaken reason. Who were you anyway?
“O-oh,” You protest, “No, it was a team effort. Congratulations to you both. This is the least we could do.”
You lock eyes with Jin and wonder if he can see it. If he can see how much this is killing you. He can’t because he sweeps you in for a bone-crushing hug.
“I’m engaged,” He breathes, “We’re in love and I’m engaged!”
“You are, Seokjin! You really are,” You say, vision starting to get blurry. But still you smile brightly, even if it looks out of place.
You can’t be here. You can’t be this close to him, you can’t allow him to see your already broken heart.
“Thank you,” Jin says sincerely, “For everything. You’re the best.”
“Anything for you, Jin,” You say, just as sincerely. You punch his upper arm gently. “I’m so happy for both of you. Let’s do a cheers really quick-”
How do you do it? How do you face him when he holds your beating heart in his unknowing hands?
You say a quick toast, a toast to your best friend and his new fiancee. You throw in a few jokes at your own expense before throwing your drink back and pulling away from them with promises of shots later.
But still, you manage to hold it together. It’s when Jin gives his own toast to his new fiancee in front of his family and friends that you feel the carefully woven threads beginning to fray and come apart. Jungkook senses your distress before anyone else does and he pulls you inside to the private bathroom for you to gather your bearings. He cups your cheeks and your eyes well up with unexplained tears, finally, finally, after months of pretending. And you let them fall. Your muffled cries fill up the walls of the bathroom as he rubs your back soothingly.
“It hurts, Kookie,” You mumble, “It hurts so fucking much. I didn’t think anything could hurt like this.”
“I know,” He murmurs, “I know.”
By the time you go back outside, after touching up your makeup as Jungkook watched, Jin is already drunk. He sees you with Jungkook and wonders why you look so sad. But only for a moment, his fiancee capturing his attention once more.
This time, his fiancee gives a toast. It’s a toast to their new life together, with all of their friends and family part of something special. She cries a little and you do, too. And she’s right- it is a rebirth. Because this is the last time. This is the last time you’ll afford Seokjin any of your tears. Even if he is your best friend. 
Because you’re the one that you should love.
Eight months later, the air is chillier but you can’t remember the last time you felt this warm. You’re currently curled under your favorite blankets and watching a movie on your television, nearly dozing off after a glass of wine.
True to your word, you had slowly but surely pulled away from Seokjin. You wondered if he had noticed all of your last minute cancellations and the subtle excuses. You still speak occasionally, but it’s not how it was before. And that’s what you wanted. Because your heart is still hurt and healing. The thought of him still makes you ache, but not as much as before. It’s only been six months, and you know that years of feelings won’t go away instantly.
You know he needed you. But he shouldn’t. Not when his fiancee should be his best friend. Not when she should be his person.
You can’t remember the last time you had even seen Seokjin. Was it at his engagement party? When was the last time you had even talked to him?
Your friends avoid his name and avoid speaking about him to you. You’re grateful for that.
So when your phone starts buzzing incessantly at 11:13 PM, with Jin’s name and contact photo on it, you panic for a full ten seconds. Your heart immediately accelerates out of your chest and you wonder if you should answer.
He hasn’t called you in months.
“Hello?” You ask softly, a nervousness you haven’t felt in a long time creeping up on you.
“Hey,” Jin breathes on the other line, “Didn’ think you’d… pick up.”
“I did, didn’t I?” You reply.
Another five seconds of silence.
“Jin. Are you drinking?” You ask. You hear the familiar lilt in his voice, and he sounds sad.
“Yeah,” Jin laughs tonelessly, “Can’t hide anythin’ from you.”
“You never could,” You chuckle, also tonelessly.
“I did, though,” Jin admits, “Hid somethin’ big from you.”
“That’s okay,” You shrug, “You can have your secrets. I’ve got mine.”
Another few seconds of silence. You don’t know what to say to him. Nervousness colors the insides of your veins but you won’t show it. Not to him, not when he’s calling you when he’s drinking.
“Let me come over. I miss you.”
“Seriously?” You scoff, “I don’t think your fiancee would appreciate that very much.”
Jin laughs. It sounds cruel and jarring.
“We’re not together anymore, stupid. Surprised Jimin or Kook haven’t mentioned it to you,” Jin says, unable to keep the sting out of his voice, “But if you didn’t blow me off for the last six months, you’d know that.”
“That’s not fair, Jin,” You murmur, deciding not to give in to his snark, “Come over. I’m at home.”
He hangs up without saying goodbye and you sigh. You send a text to Jungkook and Jimin, asking them why the fuck Jin called you after this long and why they didn’t tell you that they ended their engagement. Of course, there’s no response- only a chorus of coy emojis from both of them. Idiots.
So you wait. You wait for your soulmate to come back to you. You’re still undecided if you want to welcome him with waiting arms.
In the end you do. You can’t say no to his pout and his sunken eyes. You can’t say no when you haven’t properly seen him in months, when you haven’t heard his loud laugh in just as long.
“Seokjin,” You breathe and it comes out like a declaration.
Even if he’s been here a million times before, he feels out of place. You usher him to the couch and bring him a glass of water to sip on.
“What are you doing here, Jin?” You sigh, “What’s going on?”
You wonder if he’s here to break your heart for the millionth time.
“Nothin’,” Jin exhales, “I just fuckin’ missed you.”
You swallow. “What the hell happened? Your engagement?” You change the subject quickly. His face shifts to an expression of pensiveness.
“You were right,” Jin finally says.
“Yes, that’s a given. But about what?”
“Me asking her because I felt obligated to. Rather than actually wanting to,” Jin says vaguely.
“That’s a big miss, Jin,” You say bluntly, “I’m sorry, though. That must have been tough.”
“We fought a lot at the end. We only ended it a few weeks ago…”
“What did you fight about?”
Jin raises an eyebrow, “Lots of things. Towards the end though, it was you.”
“Me?” You nearly shout, “What the hell? That’s not funny, Jin-”
“Why would I be joking about that? I was so upset that we weren’t friends anymore-”
“How can you say to me that I’m the reason that you both ended your engagement! Fuck you Jin,” You mutter, “That’s not fair at all. I didn’t do anything for you both to fuckin’ fight about me.”
Tears blur your vision in frustration and you push yourself farther away from him on the couch. He can’t do this to you, not when you’ve worked so carefully to build yourself up again.
“Will you let me finish?” Jin asks in exasperation, “We were already fighting about anything and everything. And then I was so fucking upset that we were hardly friends and she got sick of me talking about it. Then she said something- well, she said some things…”
“Cut the shit, Jin. What are you here to say?” You ask, anxiety crawling up your arms and curling in your belly.
“She said all my friends thought we were a bad fit-”
“That’s not news to you, Jin-”
“Then she said you’re in love with me. Isn’t that something,” Jin muses and your entire world halts on its axis to a screeching stop, “Said somethin’ about the way you-”
“Stop,” You whisper, “Stop it, Jin. Don’t do this to me, please.”
Your heart is breaking all over again and you are powerless to stop it. You’ve envisioned telling Jin someday about the extent and depth of your feelings for him, but this was the last way you expected it to go.
“Tell me,” He demands, eyes sharp. 
You’ve never lied to him. Not when he’s asked you things directly.
“Tell you what, Jin?” You say sharply, “Tell you how I’ve loved you since we were stupid and in college? How I loved you even through your string of girlfriends that were so shitty to you? How I loved you when it was wrong for me? Fuck, Jin. Yes, I’m so in love with you and it took your fiancee for you to see that-”
“How did you manage it?” Jin asks softly and you’re taken off guard.
“Manage what?”
“All those years. Even the last year- you planned our engagement party. You toasted us, every time the guys said they didn’t like her, you always defended her-”
“She fucking made you happy! That’s what friends do,” You mumble.
“You planned our engagement party, you helped me plan the actual proposal,” Jin says, as if he’s coming to a realization, “And your heart was breaking the whole time. I broke your fuckin’ heart, didn’t I?”
And then your bottom lip trembles, your eyes shine with unshed tears and the dam breaks. He looks lost for a second, wondering if he’s crossing a line. But he’s still Jin, and you’re still you. So he pulls you into his arms without a second thought and crushes you close to him. You want to be selfish with him, you want to take everything he can give you. At least for five minutes, you want to stop thinking of him first before your own needs.
So you allow it. You allow the gentle brush of his lips against your forehead, the way he presses your head into his neck and rubs your shoulders, then your back. You cry for him, you cry for lost time, and you cry for yourself.
“You gonna declare your unrealized love for me now?” You say through puffy eyes with a watery laugh.
“You deserve better than me declaring my love for you not even a month after ending a three year long relationship and a seven month long engagement,” Jin says, squeezing your hand.
“Yeah, you’re damn fuckin’ right I do,” You murmur.
“I missed you,” Jin confesses, “I really missed you.”
“As you should have,” You say, earning a pinch to your shoulder.
Whatever the future holds for the both of you- you feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your chest. Everything isn’t magically okay, but you feel the same warmth you felt years ago when you first realized your feelings for him. 
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cocogukkie · 4 years
2020 in review: kdramas (the heart fluttering, the disappointing, the saviors of 2020)
it’s december 31st! the new year is quite literally upon us (some of y’all are already in 2021) and my procrastinating self has chosen to upload this today. i’ve always loved these rec lists and I wanted to do one for 2020! this year was a rollercoaster for kdramas with some excellent ones and some not so excellent ones. i watched all of these in 2020 but not all of them were released in 2020.
if you want to use my questions to make your own list please do!! or give your favs in the tags, i’d love to read them. (fair warning, some of these have multiple answers bc i just can’t choose one!!)
drama that made me laugh
When The Camellia Blooms (2019)
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i finally got around to watching when the camellia blooms this year and it. was. so. funny. oh my goodness, the comedic timing in so many scenes was pure excellency and im kinda mad at myself that i didn’t watch this last year. this isn’t just a comedy for those who are interested, its a thriller/romance but its also so fucking funny. definitely watch this if you want to laugh (and be touched bc the emotional scenes in this one are beautiful)
drama that made me cry
Sweet Home (2020)
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hahah….. um this one is gonna go to sweet home friends. i went into this one with zero expectations and the first couple episodes didn’t really wow me? but i kept watching and holy shit fam. this show really picks up story-wise around ep 4 and makes the viewer love a lot of these initially unlikable characters. all i can say is that the end was devastating for me and i cried quite a bit. (warning, there are a lot of mature themes in this one so make sure you look for trigger warnings or send me an ask and i’ll list them all out for you) 
best OST
Itaewon Class (2020) 
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i loved the ost for itaewon class!! the music is just so inspirational and pump up music, its so good. my favorites are ‘you make me back’ by woosung and ‘start’ by gaho.
drama with chemistry royalty (aka the best couple) 
i have three for this one because i just cannot choose one. 
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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we recognize this one as one of the best things to come out of 2020. go moon young and moon kang tae have some of the best chemistry i have ever seen in a drama couple. i waited on the edge of my seat every single week for the next couple of episode just so i could fawn over these two. they work so well together, lift each other up, and so fucking funny together and support one another. while they’re not the chillest couple (lmao) they’re most certainly one with the most personality. they’re so cute and bicker and they just get each other. who could ask for more.
Flower of Evil (2020)
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our badass mom and dad 😭😭. this was another peak drama that came out this year and our married partners-in-crime-but-not-really had amazing chemistry. baek hee sung and cha ji won were so cute as a married couple but they were even more precious later on in the drama after certain things unfolded (no spoilers). they both just get each other and protected one another as well as on the most precious kdrama children this year, their daughter eunha. they were so wholesome, flower of evil is so very worth a watch.
Into The Ring (2020)
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this was one of the more underappreciated kdramas of the year but hoo buddy was the main couples chemistry top notch. they were so friggin cute and i just couldn’t. goo se ra is highkey one of the best female characters i’ve ever seen, she’s absolute chaos, lawful chaos, but chaos nonetheless. her other half, seo gong myung is opposite from her as lawful neutral. he’s just along for the ride that is se ra and loves her. they’re both so very fond and protective of each other and back each other up!! very very cute and you’ll definitely replay more than a couple of their scenes together.
most disappointing
Record of Youth (2020)
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it’s sad but true… i went into this one with so much hope and excitement (i was riding off that ‘psycho but its okay’ high) and i was vastly disappointed. the plot mostly focused on the male lead, and there wasn’t much characterization for the female lead which i didn’t like. honestly, i only cared about maybe 3-4? characters in the whole drama. the rest were absolutely terrible or plain boring and i ended up skipping eps 14 and 15 and just watched the finale. i would not recommend tbh.
drama you can’t really get through
Crash Landing on You (2019)
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this one is absolutely on me, i want so badly to love this one. but i just… can’t seem to get past ep 2? i’ve tried!! i swear, but i just cannot get through it. maybe in 2021, i can try again and i’ll enjoy it more.
drama everyone else liked but was meh
Kairos (2020)
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i though kairos was a bit predictable tbh. i know those of us who did end up watching it really liked it but maybe its because i watch so many crime/mystery shows that this one didn’t really do it for me. the writing is quite solid and everything connects well, i would recommend that those who don’t really watch thrillers, to watch this one. (also the friendship between the female lead and her two friends is suuuper cute and worth it alone to watch kairos)
favorite romance
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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yeah… this one wins again lol. what can i say, i just loved it so much and the main theme of the show is romance (its also a comedy and a mental health/healing drama) all i can say is watch this if you haven’t yet, its definitely worth it!! 
favorite mystery
Memorist (2020)  & Watcher (2019)
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i really enjoyed these two mystery dramas. both were super fun to watch and very kinda unique in their own ways. i liked memorist because it was lowkey funny and i liked the relationships between the characters, but most importantly i couldn’t guess the main antagonist by the end! i really thought i knew who it was and then i was completely wrong lmao. watcher was also very good, the main trio had really good chemistry and i really cared about all the characters. (also i’ll never say no to watching seo kang joon) plus the plot twists threw me a bit at the end which is always a feeling i welcome, i love being surprised and wrong (as long as it makes sense)
favorite slice of life
Hospital Playlist (2020)
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oh my goodness, i was late to the hospital playlist party and i regret it because this show is so. so. good. its just a slice of life following 5 friends who are doctors and work at the same hospital together but its so much more than that. this is honestly one of the first shows i’ve seen that are optimistic? in the show, every time i thought a plot was going to play out a certain way (usually negatively, as tends to be life unfortunately) it surprised me by taking the more optimistic wholesome route. characters in subplots changed for the better, became more understanding, chose to do the right thing, etc. if you want a feel good drama where the main characters have wonderful platonic chemistry and just care about each other but is also super funny, watch hospital playlist!! (season 2 is coming out early 2021 and im so pumped)
favorite fantasy
The Untamed (2019)
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this one is a cdrama but i watched it in 2020, mostly because of how many people on the internet were adamant that the rest of us watch this and ngl they were v right. the untamed was very very good and im really glad i gave it a chance and watched it, its also my first cdrama ever. the chemistry between the male leads is honestly what makes this show and its worth the 50? i think? episodes. to be completely honest the fanfiction for the show are peak and if you do watch this, go straight to ao3 and you will not be disappointed.
dramas that saved 2020
The Uncanny Counter (2020) & Run On (2020)
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these two dramas are among those that started airing at the end of the year and will go into the beginning of 2021 and absolutely saved the end of 2020 for me. while neither of these are finished, both have been excellent so far and worth starting. uncanny counter has the best use of the found family trope i have ever seen. i fucking love the four counters and their relationship with each other, how protective they are of one another. they all have amazing chemistry and the actors have amazing chemistry in the making films.
run on has one of the cutest couples that will definitely make my best chemistry list for next year. i didn’t put them on this list bc they actually haven’t gotten together yet but once they do, they’re gonna be freaking adorable, i can already tell. there’s no specific grand events propelling the plot forward, but just following the lives of these unique, interesting and relatable people who have casual yet entertaining conversations with each other. the show is super soft and the main couple are so straightforward and honest (plus theres mutual pining!!)
best dramas of the year
here are my best dramas (and one movie) watched this year, no further explanation given lolol. just watch them and enjoy because these are fucking excellent in the feels department. trust me 💞
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
Flower of Evil (2020)
Itaewon Class (2020)
Hospital Playlist (2020)
One Spring Night (2019)
Midnight Runners (2017)
Hot Stove League (2019) 
I hope this gives you some fun stuff to watch!! or convince you to start that drama in your watchlists! 
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bsaka7 · 3 years
“Sex as power sex as need” is a very intriguing concept that I want to revisit but I would love to here more about Max/Daniel being a little awed/ a lot in love if you would like to expand???? Because like if it’s established relationship they’ve been together for years at this point and they’re just as in love as ever but even if it’s new then it’s like this newly blooming flower that they’re tenderly helping to bloom! Which is also very sweet!!
happy to talk about my (complicated) feelings on (fictional) sex in writing anytime lolol thank you!! i think i have said before that i'm really not creative at all. i write a fic by taking a feeling that i know and then twisting the context or blowing it up. i can't really imagine things that are really really far out the regular. anyway yeah! okay this thing with my gf is very new right and its been a very long time for me since anything. so the other day i had this moment where i was looking down at my gf and i just felt so incredibly lucky and she is so incredibly beautiful and i don't know i'd never felt that way at all before and i want to express it i don't know.
to be honest in this context i was thinking of this as pretty new i think - using this season's timeline, think it's post-zandvoort or something. daniel visits monaco between races because he doesn't want to go straight to the track but he doesn't want to go home and he just has this moment where the sunlight is hitting the side of max's face when max is squatting to pet the cat and its just this swell.
i think you are SO totally right that it also works as established. like. it's about delight it's about comfort it's about change and commitment. like, as we know, max and daniel light up around each other. its like, they're meeting friends at a bar and a game is on and they're laughing and always, always turning towards each other. they're waking up and max is a little hot and sweaty and they're tangled together and they adjust until they're facing each other and they're both smiling. daniel i think strikes me as someone who would want max to wear his clothes (OR wear max's but max has nothing worth stealing i'm sorry) so like, max pulling on the closest t-shirt and its a dumb danny ric shirt and daniel just beaming. that kind of thing. i their delight in each other - that's so true in any world in which we are writing them <3
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mythicamagic · 3 years
“We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
Susie you sent so many! Bahaha, I might do some others of yours but otherwise this might be the ask I do out of the ones you sent lolol 
Put under a ‘read more’ for length
There wasn't much that could rattle Kagome Higurashi.
She remained adaptable, resolute, and forthright throughout most stressful situations, having stepped up to the plate to assist Mama with housework and babysitting after her father had died. She could experience surprise, sure. Mock tests could throw her until she dug her heels in. A guy could ask her out and she'd recover soon enough- slap away a non-consensual kiss or thigh grab easily.
But bone-shaking, heart-stopping, crippling shock? To be blind-sighted by complacency? Only one demon proved capable of doing that.
"Why does it not surprise this one to find you still emerged knee-deep in the fossils of the past, Kagome?" the syllables of her name slip-free in a quiet, resonant baritone.
Kagome jolted, stiffening. Gradually turning within the museum hallway- caught between alarm and confusion- her breath halted.
Gone were his golden eyes and the silver stream of long hair. Instead, he wore contacts, hair short, black and slightly tousled from the wind. Despite all this, if Kagome relaxed her eyes- she could see the suggestion of glamour hazing his appearance, a murky white outline around his hair hinting at its true colour.
Sesshoumaru's cold, handsome face was practically unchanged. Perhaps there were the faintest shifts- his body appearing slightly more built, features just a tad older in the firm line of his jaw.
He presented her with a small potted plant, since he knew she hated cut flowers. The seriousness with which he offered the tiny white flowering bulb almost made her smile, almost. "Congratulations on graduating."
"Thanks," she said automatically, unable to stop staring. She cautiously accepted the gift, skin managing to avoid his touch as though it were a live-wire. "How'd you hear about that?"
"Your mother told me."
"O-oh," she blinked, realising he must've gone to her house first before tracking her down at work. Kagome swallowed, conflicting feelings arising. Shaking them off, she drew her shoulders back and turned flippantly to stride down the hall. "So how’s things? Nice weather we’re having, huh?"
“It has been a long time, miko,” his voice turned solemn, filled with something inexplicable as he followed, keeping pace easily. Kagome pretended not to hear the silky reverence in his tone. “Is there not anything more...substantial, we could be discussing?”
She hummed, “less than five-hundred years isn’t so long.”
“The centuries dragged. I felt every day as though it were a month.”
“I’m sure your mate kept you occupied.”
“This one would not know, I never mated.”
Kagome stiffened, grinding her teeth. “Oh,” she muttered. The life she’d pictured for him fell away, crumbling into ash. Somehow she wasn’t comforted by it.
"You have a boyfriend,” he rumbled, a statement not a question.
"Mama told you that too?" Kagome asked, walking to an exhibit and setting the plant down in favour of gathering her notes, expecting another round of kids fresh off the bus to arrive at any minute.
"No, the hickey on your neck that you've tried to hide with make-up served as enough evidence," he pointed out, vaguely amused.
She reddened a touch, tugging her collar up self-consciously. "Observant as always.”
"It is only a recently acquired skill. Looking back, this one was quite blind during our time together," he hummed. "Lack of experience. I understand plenty now. Would you care for coffee? Strictly platonic, of course."
"... I don't think that's such a good idea, do you?" Kagome gripped her papers tight. "I wouldn’t appreciate my boyfriend meeting up for coffee with an ex."
Sesshoumaru’s eyes glinted, smiling slightly. "And you would not lie by telling him we were friends," his gaze warmed as though savouring something, sweeping ageless attention over her with a lingering, intimate air that made her remember warm lazy mornings spent in his arms.
Kagome’s hands tightened further, crumpling the organised papers, fingers shaking. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
He exhaled, voice soft. "You have not changed."
Her heel drew back, tucking the notes under her arm. Sweaty palms smoothed over her neat blue pencil skirt and blouse. Six years wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough time to get over him. 
“Guess not,” she dismissed, refusing to give a snippet of passion. But the acid was there, simmering beneath her tongue. She couldn’t help but glance at him. “...Feels like a waste; you not even mating a pureblood. I thought it meant a lot to you.”
“Pureblooded heirs meant a lot to me,” Sesshoumaru clarified. He stepped closer, and Kagome shuddered, moving back to maintain distance. 
Noticing this, the demon stopped. Regret hazed his carefully arranged expression, before he inclined his head, dark bangs hanging forward. “This one did not intend to open old wounds, miko.”
“Then what did you want?” her voice shook. 
“To show that I have...changed. It was foolish of me to let you go.”
“You were just upholding your beliefs. It’s not like you ever said you wanted Hanyou kids, I just assumed you’d be fine with it since we were fucking,” Kagome bit out. “Of course, getting your kicks and actually raising half-breeds are two totally different things. I shouldn’t have figured you were over your bigotry- that I’d solved anything by being a really good lay.”
“This Sesshoumaru was wrong-”
“Well lucky you, I didn’t get pregnant during our magical time together, so we dodged a bullet there. It was just miscommunication. A young relationship. I’m over it.”
She didn’t feel over it. 
"Look, you've seen me. Can that just be enough? Let’s end it here.”
Sesshoumaru moved closer, gazing at her fervently. He opened his mouth to say more, before it clicked shut, jaw clenching. "If that is what you wish."
"Yep, I'm super busy," Kagome pretended to check her watch, not registering in the time. 
"I have an office downtown," he shifted. "If you need a 'non-friend' I am easy enough to find," pausing as he turned- Sesshoumaru slowly reached out. He tucked the tag down at the back of her blouse that had stuck up slightly at the back of her collar. "Some habits are hard to kick, hm?" he uttered softly. He'd used to do the same thing all the time whenever she’d worn modern clothes in the feudal era. 
Back when she'd been his.
Kagome’s breath shuddered. "I'm not going to come to your office.”
"Perhaps that is a good idea," a tempting mouth hovered close to her ear. "Otherwise there would be no witnesses to save you, and I'd have to demonstrate the full extent of how much I've missed you, Kagome," his voice barely contained the purr of longing that rolled out between them as he pulled away. Sesshoumaru then turned. He took his leave silently and regally, like nothing had happened. 
As though he hadn’t just sauntered in and shattered her all over again.
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consulaaris · 4 years
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(template by @shepherds-of-haven !)
name + nicknames: rhiannon vasi - rhia (by red, and later the other shepherds), sunshine/frosty/ice-queen (by chase)
titles: captain of the shepherds, the hero of haven, the dragonslayer
callsign: aethereal (possibly glacier)
gender: cis woman
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
racial heritage: hunter
age + flower day: 28 years + 12 leph (winter)
height: 5’3” (160cm)
“a female mage with waist-length tousled raven hair and attractive stormy grey eyes. you're wearing your shepherds uniform and sun medallion. you have a streak of white in your hair as a result of your hunter heritage, and your cloak sports a golden eagle clasp.”
weapon: daggers
magic specialization: elementalist (aetherai)
birthplace: maj
education: circle-trained
past jobs: freelance mercenary, bodyguard, library assistant, tavern waitress (that one lasted like, a solid day and a half before she blew up on a rude customer)
likes: fancy cloaks, books, khav, stargazing, sweets & baked goods, picnics, cats, snowy or rainy weather, quiet days, inside jokes, cuddling with her friends & loved ones
dislikes: people prying into her past, pickled vegetables, enclosed and/or crowded spaces, swimming, being Known™ in haven
strengths: magic (both brute force & controlled), knife-fighting, working with children, speed, cleverness, quick-thinking, introspectiveness, honesty
weaknesses: social situations, overly stubborn, past injuries (particularly on her hands) sometimes make it hard to fight physically, brute strength, holds grudges, emotionally repressed + PTSD, has a major guilt complex & will push people away/get herself into dangerous situations to “protect them” (doesn’t consider her own safety to be an important thing, essentially)
hobbies + special skills: wood carving, studying magic/history/astronomy, writing poetry, impressive gambling skills (she’s good at people reading and has a great poker face; she just struggles when she has to like. actually talk LOL)
major arcana: the hermit
dnd morality alignment: chaotic neutral/true neutral; leans towards the good side there, though
meyers-briggs personality type: intj-t
heart of gold / will of iron (it’s a 52-48 split- very close)
rebellious / loyal
independent / social
tactful / straightforward
bold / cautious
charming / stoic / intimidating
witty / sincere
resentful / forgiving
self-preserving / self-sacrificing (rhia claims she’s self-preserving, but she’s really... not)
book-smart / street-smart
one-god / atheist / old faith
bright mind / silver tongue / razor wits / nerves of steel
overall personality: although as a child/teen she was confident and playful, ten years of life alone and on the run have hardened rhia and caused her to retreat into her shell. she’s always been headstrong and stubborn, but now she tends to come across as rather prickly or icy to people she doesn’t know or trust. when you do get to know her though, it’s clear she’s more awkward than intentionally mean, although her personality can still come off as snarky or abrasive when she’s in uncomfortable situations or around unfamiliar faces. rhia can be a bit temperamental at times, but (though she’s convinced otherwise) she’s a good person with a kind heart who’s incredibly protective of those she cares about, no matter how much she may try to deny or bury it- she never asked for the powers to save the world, but she’ll be damned if she won’t do it... regardless of the cost to herself. she blames herself entirely for the loss of her village and is terrified of hurting the people she loves like that again, but joining the shepherds is the biggest catalyst for rhia trying her best to open up once more. though she’s always cared for them in her own way she’s now beginning to truly trust them, and with red around she’s slowly starting to show her softer side again, too.
best friend(s): red antiqua, halek prince, riel syndran, briony stormbreaker, caine
preferred mission partner(s): red, halek, blade (they butt heads, but rhia trusts his work ethic lolol), and ayla or briony. generally a team that she trusts to get stuff done & won’t give her a heart attack (i.e. working with chase or trouble can be fun, but rhia is Stressed)
friendly rival(s): probably chase a little bit, just because they tend to snark at each other a lot. they’re good friends though! she and ayla also get a little competitive since they’re both elementalists, but it’s the type of rivalry that pushes them both to improve.
love interest(s): red antiqua (ex and current)
first kiss scenario: okay but the fact that i could 100% see that being their first kiss as teenagers + a possible first kiss once they get back together... good shit. (and i do have a WIP where rhia gets injured... 🤔)
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enemies: ebert, the endarkened, the autarchy, moonsilk (not really she’s just big mad + halek is her bff ajsjjsjsj)
“she’s got a passion for learning, that one. miss vasi was the best assistant i’ve had in ages, and though i often found her reading on the job she always finished her work. very detail oriented, too, although i do wish she hadn’t left so suddenly. it always did feel like she was running from something.” (- librarian from an unnamed city in Blest)
“rhiannon’s vicious in a fight, i’ll give ‘er that much. she’s not exactly the most chatty o’ folks, but if yer looking for a good bodyguard you ain’t getting’ much better than ‘er.” (- fellow mercenary)
“i think she might hold the record for the shortest amount of time a waitress ever worked here. to be fair, i don’t really blame her for throwing a drink in that man’s face and threatening to shove her foot up his you-know-where when he made that comment, but business is business.” (- owner of an inn in an unnamed city in Blest)
“rhia was always at the top of our class in the circle; she was confident and funny, and even when she got in trouble it was clear the teachers loved her! she was always happy to help anyone with their work, too- or anything really. she was great fun, one of the good ones. i do wonder what happened in those years she was gone though, because seeing her again, it was like she was almost... sad. like a light all burnt out. i hope she’s alright; i’ve been a little worried, and i know red and neon have too. red especially, if you catch my drift.” (-panrachus )
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annbourbon · 4 years
Pretty sure I'm going to break a lot of hearts here. But I needed to say it. And yes it's about the Twins Choi. Because I love them too much. Both of them.
So anyway, I saw a couple of post on Amino (I forgot my password and even my nickname because it was on my iPod and that thing got broken so whatever. I'm too lazy to make another account and I really loved my nickname.. c'est la vie)
I'm going to try my best to make this spoiler free, but this is about the Saeran's AE Good Ending so if you haven't played, and you don't want to be spoiled, go away. Run for your life. If you're curious, and want to torture yourself, keep reading.
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So, I'm gonna skip all, and say we had the Good Ending, you're happy, you're sad. You feel a thousand emotions running through your heart and cheeks, blah blah blah,
I'm going to the point here: I really can't see the flowers Saeran's is holding, except for the roses, and that's it. It's too white for my poor eyes and I'm writing this at 3AM (thanks Cheritz for ruining my schedule lolol I still love you)
Anyway, yes, we're supposed to be happy because it's Saeran's AE. And all that. BUT there are a couple of things that left me thinking. And freaked me out. (After embarrassing myself on Twitter with Cheritz because I experienced a glitch with the AE, I went through the app a couple of times and suddenly I realized that according to moi there was a picture missing, and I came back and embarrassed myself a second time because once wasn't enough....)
And that's how I discovered that Saeran's AE Good Ending picture was on.... 707's album. And I was completely weirded out because, Seven's picture is on his album. Right? So are the rest of the members. They have their own AE's picture on their own album. So... why??
Well here's why:
Look at both Choi body language. Their eyes are full of love for MC. Most logical thing would be, she's on the center, so it's impossible not to look at her. But if that was true, which isn't, look at Seven body language. He's basically all over MC, and it's even closer than Saeran's. 😳 His hips at least, and one of his legs, and one of his arms. So yeah... And if that's not enough, you can see how his eyes and his brother eyes are basically, in love, with her.
BUT if that doesn't convince you, the flowers will. At first I thought it was weird that both had bouquets. Both were pointing with their body language to MC and all that. And then I remembered a couple of things I read about flowers, and the way Saeran gives a huge importance to these. He knows the meaning of all the flowers. Even Jumin was impressed with his knowledge on his Normal Ending so he hired Saeran to work on his island.
Anyway, we know that Cheritz chooses the flowers really by their meaning. And that's how we know that the Lily of the valley means the promise of happiness. Which ironically, we're basically seated on a field full of Lily of the valley.
But, while I was investigating, the flowers that Saeyoung has on his bouquet are not just more visible, but also hold a deep meaning. At first I thought they were lavander. But I happen to have lavander on my backyard, and sorry to disappoint you, that, on Saeyoung's bouquet is not lavander.
It's Lilac. And it has a totally different meaning:
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During the Victorian Age, the giving of a lilac was meant to be a reminder of an old love. Victorians thought that giving someone a lilac indicated an old, often bygone love. Widows frequently wore the flowers to commemorate their lost husbands.
The Celtics regarded the lilac as “magical” due to their incredibly intoxicating fragrance
They symbolize spring and renewal. Lilacs also symbolize confidence. There are many meanings that lilacs have that can best be classified by color.
White lilacs symbolize purity and innocence.
Violet lilacs symbolize spirituality.
Blue lilacs symbolize happiness and tranquility.
Magenta lilacs symbolize love and passion.
Lilac, the color for which this flower is named, is a light purple that symbolizes a first love.
Although various colors of lilacs have different meanings, the lilac has always had a strong association with love and romance throughout history.
American poet Walt Whitman, uses the lilac in his famous poem, “When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d”, as a symbol of life after death in a narrative depicting Abraham Lincoln’s last days.
Greek Myth:
The lilac has a deep history that is, as with many flowers, rooted in Greek mythology. The myth goes that Pan, the god of fields and forests, fell hard in love for the nymph Syringa. Syringa was eventually forced to turn herself into a lilac shrub to protect and disguise herself from Pan’s advances.
Although Pan was unable to locate Syringa, he did, of course, find the shrub. He cut the reeds of the shrub and created the first original panpipe from these reeds.
Lilacs almost always symbolize love and romance, but often take on an even deeper meaning than that. This flower can refer to old or lost love, too, and is often chosen by widows or widowers.
So yes. Seven still, loves us. Even if we're with his brother... and on a second thought... Why's he being so blunt? Because I'm pretty sure that Saeran knows about the meaning. And Saeyoung being blunt about it... not only that, but I think, he, in a certain way, want us back. And according to the whole image, he wouldn't really mind if we restart the game as long as we choose him. (He prefers to be the one who saves his brother and have us.) Pretty cute, and greedy. The way I think about it, it's that Saeyoung it's really trying hard not to ruin it but failing. And he also wants us to remember, that even if we're head over heels for his brother (let's admit it, Saeran's AE was completely awesome compared to his AE. Because we had more couple moments with Saeran's than Saeyoung with us. Even though we understand because he was trying to save his brother. Something we did now and we can completely understand because we would go to the end of the earth to make sure Saeran's okay... okay, I'll stop rambling.) Even if we're heads over heels for Saeran. Saeyoung wants to remember us that we were first. I don't think he blames us though... he just wants us back.
That also reminds me how he hug us when we were on his route taking us a bit away from his brother instead of sitting besides Saeran's.... coincidence? (Please don't do the I think not meme lolol)
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olwolo · 3 years
C!wilbur can eat my fists for saying the syndicate is like a government, let my boys have their anti-gov book club man. And alsoo we really are on the same page, it's just so much fun! And people don't usually take funny characters seriously and that's my favorite part lmao they make the chill times and the serious times way better, literally the best of both worlds. TRAINING ARC PRIOR TO BREAK IN YES. Olwolo pls if we have that I'll here and just make a rave on ur inbox!! We are not even asking for too much u know :( and I understand what you mean 100% !! Despite cc!niki obviously saying she enjoys where she's now, I adore their interactions so much! Their canon interactions are few but so good!! I feel like c!techno knew c!niki would be a good ally since she burnt that tree down! I mean, after all he did on that day he took his time to knowledge niki's actions u know? Something she did by herself and mostly to herself. I'm too much fan of the techno-sensei stuff and man do I love to think about how strong niki can grow with techno's help while also being like... 99% at fault of that growth because she was the one that stepped away from her past and looked for the syndicate after the invitation! Techno relationship with everybody in the syndicate is just so nice because they are strong together but he isn't the only reason they are, u know? He's just a attentive character ig lolol idk if that makes sense but YEAH. The "good work, niki" and the "so, how are you feeling about this?" After tommy died and just everything about her returning to baking and stuff. They are turning to best friends you honor! We love to see! But also, headcanon that the only one that enters techno's house while he's away is niki to talk to Steve and make sure he's not mad anymore <3 the true power friendship right there!
But OLWOLO HEADCANONS MY BELOVED! I love it omg I thought I recognized the flowers from that first mumza art u posted and omg that idea!! I love the headcanon that mumza is such a nature force while still being the goddess of death! I mean, life and death walk together ig! Persephone vibes~ (which makes me want to ask u ur thoughts for niki's codename on the syndicate but anyway ahaha) And your design for Kristen is also so nice ugh I would love to hear more headcanons if u have any! The fact he notices the flowers on the forest behind his house too on his last stream 🥰 ugh I love them. The sketch of c!phil following the path is so cute,, like how intriguing it was at first for him !! And then ur last art he's like really close to her ugh man I love it 🧨
sdjkkl i took that comment more as cc!wilbur poking fun at the people saying that the syndicate is a government than a serious in character moment. and i'll gladly welcome the rave if we do get that training arc. and god i just love when moments from earlier streams end up nicely tying up with the more recent stuff! like you said c!niki telling c!techno she was the one who burned down l'mantree fits so well with why he thought to invite her to the syndicate. i rewatched the vods from the beginning a while back and seeing how things from those early storylines fit with how the characters and the story progressed when it wasn't even planned and how some things get a new context too. it's all chef's kiss. the syndicate dynamic is just so good i can't get enough of it. and aaah niki and steve content!! i love it! and i don't have too much to say about the codenames besides they fit well from what i read about the mythology lol.
and idk there's just something that fits so well in including flowers in a design for godess of death!mumza. i didn't want to make the design like too grim (though i have a few ideas for that alternative too) because that's not entirely what death is about to me so i took like a more peaceful approach i guess? with the mostly white robes and flowers? but still wanted to have that vibe of mystery and something not being quite normal so i gave her the veil and pitch black hair that can resemble a cloud of space. i don't really have more headcanons for now (unless we're talking about overall dsmp bc oh boy i feel like i have too many) but knowing my brainrot i'll come up with something new soon enough hjkl and the flowers growing in the forest gave me so much validation!!!! like i sketched the mumza design right after the forest first appeared and seeing the flowers included in canon in a way was so nice!
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
all for one but not for another
[malleus draconia x fem!reader]
anon asked: Hi ! I Hope you're well ! Can I have a one shot with a Fem! reader who is I love with Malleus. Sebek do not like it because she is a simple human and he keeps pushing her away from Malleus. Thank you !
yellloooos anon! i hope you’re well as well :)) 
p.s. THANK YOU ALL FOR 900+ AAAAAAA NANI IS THIS EFOWEFEWOFJOWE WHAT IS THIS ;-; im so sorry i havent been publishing as much and as frequent as i did in the past, because i really want to write quality content for you guys -w- quality over quantity i guess ? lolol BUT THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I LOVE YOU ALL AAAAAAAAAAAAA
p.p.s ik this story is supposed to be the reader x malleus (and i promise there are parts of that), but i feel like he only appears a tiny bit oops. btw this story has a little bit of a...twist ;)) watch out for all of the foreshadowing and hints <3
THE sunlight beamed through the framed windows of the classroom, casting a perfect highlight on the features of your beloved senpai. your hand glided through your notebook as you aimlessly doodled small roses and flowers while just staring at him. different scenarios if him and you just appeared inside your mind, satisfying your daydreams. oh you wished to just confess to him behind the school, surrounded by petals of flowers floating around the two of you as he accepts your love, and thus both lived happily ever after. malleus draconia managed to capture your heart. practically everyone in the school knew, probably even the headmaster knew, except for your crush himself. with the whole school knowing, this meant that malleus’s number one fanboy, sebek zigvolt knew about this too.
in classes all he can think about are ways to make you stay far far away from malleus. all the plans that he has thought of so far didn’t manage to work for whatever reason like he was jinxed. he really thought to go as far as to come crying and begging to the one and only azul ashengrotto to make a deal with him. just to keep you away from malleus. however, he kept debating with himself, was it really worth it? didn’t he have to give up his magic to make a deal with the infamous ashengrotto? well he wouldn’t have to resort to that for now. besides there were no rumors blooming around the school about you trying to confess to malleus anyways, so he could stay calm. sebek sighed as he roamed the hallways, trying to find the young master. his eyes lit up when he saw the familiar horns. “MALLEUS-SA-” before he could finish his sentence, he saw you trailing behind him as you tried your best to approach him. you were an inch close to tapping his shoulder before you felt a force pushing you back. you shrieked slightly and fell back. 
malleus was about to turn his head to see what the ‘thud’ was before sebek rushed to him and made him turn his head away. “malleus-sama! we best not be late for lunch! the cafeteria will get full!” hesitantly malleus followed sebek. the two diasomnia students walked away, leaving you trying to stand up from the cold floor of the hallway and brush the dirt off your uniform. “(y/n)-san...are you alright?” you heard a familiar voice call out with a flowery scent like someone spending too much time in the botanical gardens. it was jade leech. “yes. i’m fine. i think..?” he extended a hand and gladly pulled you back up on your feet. “ehhh did that first year really push koebi-chan?” you heard floyd from behind you. “no! it’s not like that...well...maybe...? i’m not sure.” you sighed. jade placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “(y/n)-san, perhaps you might feel better if you sat with us in the cafeteria today.” floyd cheered as this sentence left jade’s mouth. “yaaay! koebi-chan’s sitting with us! come on, koebi-chan! that’s a yes right~” 
well...what could go wrong? besides it was better than sitting alone and just thinking about ways to approach malleus and avoid sebek. “mm, okay. i guess...” jade chuckled while floyd took your hand and dragged you all the way to the cafeteria. he sat down right beside you as jade sat down beside azul. “oya..? it’s a rare occasion seeing you sit with us, (y/n).” azul commented after taking a bite from his salad. “ah...yeah. jade and floyd invited me. i hope you don’t mind.” azul shook his head. “not at all!” he smiled, however there was a change in his expression and a change in the aura around you. “(y/n)...” he trailed off. “you look troubled.”
“eh?! troubled? what...what do you mean...?” azul chuckled. “not meaning to pry, but is everything alright? you seem a little...off.” jade and floyd agreed by nodding. “and a little distant.” jade added. “you look a little sad too.” floyd spoke. a hint of confusion struck you. how did they..? why did they even..? you weren’t feeling like being sentimental at the moment so you wanted to brush it off. “what? me? really? no, you guys i’m fine! really.” you gave them a little smile. they didn’t buy it at all. how fake the three of them thought. “(y/n)-san please...we only want what’s best for you.” you faced jade to see his face plastered with compassion and worry. “you know you can trust us right~” floyd smiled and grabbed your hand, trying to reassure you. “please, (y/n). if there’s anything wrong, we want to be here to help.” azul finished. the octavinelle trio worked wonders with their ways of persuading people, almost like putting them under a hypnosis. “i...” their eyes sparkled. “yes?”
“i just feel slightly weird.” you shrugged. “ah, is this about draconia-san?” your ears perked up at jade’s comment. “well...kind of..? it’s related to that but it’s not entirely...” floyd pouted. “koebi-chan why don’t you just tell him how you feel?” this time it was your turn to pout. “look it’s not that easy. i don’t have the courage to tell him and besides if i did, then there’s no way i can get past his bodyguard.” azul, jade, and floyd eyed each other. “ah, you mean sebek zigvolt?” to be completely honest you didn’t mind him when the year first started. sure he was clingy to malleus but he didn’t really bother you that much. only as the year went on and as your love for the diasomnia dorm leader blossomed, he became much more annoying and hostile towards you. he sure could be very irritating at times. “is that why you fell today?” you cursed jade for being so damn attentive. 
“well i’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose. maybe it was just an accident...” floyd rolled his eyes. “really koebi-chan? you really think he didn’t do that on purpose?” you bit your bottom lip. well you were in an extremely close proximity to malleus so...maybe it was on purpose. but no! he couldn’t have done that...could he? “ah i’ve been hearing about these things. sebek zigvolt would stop at nothing to keep at others away from draconia.” the three exchanged glances once more and all chuckled. “i’m surprised he hasn’t come running to us for a contract.” azul joked. you tried your best to chuckle with them but your mind was too busy with the thought of sebek purposely harming you just to keep you away from malleus. “(y/n), he can be a very irritating first year and dangerous even! he means you harm...all for his senpai who doesn’t even consider him...so are you sure he’s not the root of all your problems?” 
“i mean yeah...but still-” floyd cut off your sentence. “i heard he pushed someone off the stairs last time.” those words rang in your ear. what? “oh no, the audacity. a rumor circulating the heartslabyul dorm said that he tried to curse the first year, deuce spade, for helping draconia-san fix something.” huh..is he..? what are they..? “how scary.” azul shook his head before facing you. “do you see how much of a threat he is, (y/n)? i don’t mean to scare you...but imagine if you tried to confess your feelings to your love, malleus draconia? surely he would do something unspeakable...” you held your own hand, feeling it tremble. “eh?! koebi-chan!” floyd put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “you three really think...he’s a threat..?” azul sighed hesitantly. “as much as we hate to admit it, (y/n), we think so.” 
“we only want your safety. we only want you to be safe. we only want you to be safe while getting what you want...” jade trailed off. “winning the heart of malleus draconia.” floyd finished jade’s sentence. “getting your beautiful dream come true as spring is in bloom.” azul added. “then..what should i do? i really don’t want to be hurt, but at the same time...i want to be closer to malleus-senpai.” you were close to tears. your mind was clouded with different thoughts circling around and making you overthink. “(y/n) we would be happy to help. we really want to help you find and get rid of the root of this issue.” you failed to realize the hidden smirk on azul’s face. “meet us in the mostro lounge tonight at seven pm.” the clock struck one, time for the next class. the three stood up, with smirks and grins which showed the leech twin’s razor sharp teeth. “remember, we only want what’s best for you. we’ll teach him that he’s barking up the wrong tree. so please consider our offer...you can get your happily ever after easily.” azul spoke in a hushed tone before leaving you there in a state of dilemma. 
a contract with the sneaky octopus, for the sake of satisying your never-ending blossoming dreams of a happy ending and your own safety...
AT the end of that same week, sebek anxiously paced to the mostro lounge. “oh...we have a visitor!” floyd cheered. “welcome to the mostro lounge, sebek-san. what is it you need?” jade put down a pair of scissors after snipping flower stems and arranging them in a vase. “i want a deal with azul ashengrotto!” he barked. “you’re in luck...he’s in the vip room right now. please head inside and we can discuss this...civilly.” sebek gulped loudly while stepping inside the vip room. “ah! if it isn’t sebek zigvolt. talk about you has been spreading faster than weeds in a garden...” azul chuckled as the door behind him closed. “please have a seat. what is it that you want?” sebek didn’t even bother sitting down as he barged to azul. “i want to make a deal with you! i want that pathetic human to stay far away from malleus-sama!” azul’s eyes widened before chuckling. “how straightforward...how desperate...you poor unfortunate soul. trying your best to protect the young master...”
“so?! is it a deal?” jade interrupted. “if i may ask, why in such a hurry?” floyd snickered. “it’s like you’re whining ‘cause you got a thorn stuck in your foot or something...” sebek clenched his fist. “i heard a couple of rumors that...that human is going to confess to malleus-sama tomorrow after school ends in the meadow behind the school!” jade and floyd’s eyes widened as they exchanged glances. so you did decide to confess...”so please! i beg of you!” azul placed his pointer finger on his chin, thinking for a while. “well...i can’t turn a client down. especially not with this kind of opportunity...” a bright, glowing contract appeared in front of sebek. he anxiously took the pen and inched his hand closer to the contract as azul explained all the terms and conditions including the collateral. “do we have a deal?” sebek nodded confidently. he was sure he was going to beat you, in a way. he was positive he was going to stop you from confessing to malleus. “yes. we do.” azul chuckled evilly. “excellent.” oh how happy he was. he was going to get everything he wanted both from you and from sebek...oh how he was one step ahead of the both of you.
the next day, you anxiously waited at the meadows. just waiting for love. when you saw him step towards you, a huge smile was plastered on your face. “malleus-senpai!” your eyes widened when you saw a gentle smile being reciprocated. “(y/n). pleasure to be here.” you swallowed all your fear and anxiety and tried your best to plant it in the back of your mind. “i have something to tell you...” meanwhile sebek started running to the back of the school, ready to scream with all his might to distract malleus away from you and so he wouldn’t accept your confession. in the middle of the way, he felt his legs becoming heavy...what’s going on?! he felt weak...surprisingly not in pain...he looked down to see his legs...withering away into a bunch of flower petals. no NO NO NO! “as collateral for this magic amplifier, all of your magic will be given to me. if he however, somehow manages to accept (y/n)’s feelings, then all your magic will be mine.” sebek knew he was confident in beating you to it. so he agreed. but he didn’t know that you were one step ahead of him...that you signed a deal with the cunning octopus before he did!
sebek looked down at his hands which were now withering away. the magic amplifier fell out of his pocket as they started to disappear as well into a bunch of flower petals. meanwhile you poured your heart and soul into your confession as you were ready to accept whatever answer he was about to give you. you were expecting rejection...but all malleus did was chuckle. “oh (y/n). i knew this whole time. you really ought to be better at keeping secrets.” your jaw dropped. “eh...eh..? I’M SORRY! I’M REALLY SORRY! I’M SORRY IF YOU THINK I’M A CREEP OR-” he leaned down and landed a kiss on your lips, stopping your sentence midway. so this means...yes huh? your eyes widened as you were surrounded by multicolored petals dancing in the wind. this was everything you dreamed of. this was everything you wanted. this was your happily ever after. just like azul promised...
“we ensure you your happily ever after, (y/n). we’ll give you the scene you’ve always wanted. we’ll give you your fantasy. we’ll ensure your safety as well. as for your collateral, all you need to do is just confess to malleus draconia by sunset at the end of the week. that’s all...see. you can trust us. we wish for his love to bloom to ensure...all of our happy endings.”
okay this was long, which i didn’t expect it to be...? anyways idk if the foreshadowing worked or not but probably didn’t lol. i just inputted a bunch of words and scenes related to flowers and plants hinting at the ending lol so sorry if it sucks. i’ll try to write more stories like this to improve it ;w; okay ik it was supposed to be a malleus x reader thing but it’s very heavily focused on you and the octavinelle bois...hmmm
but hey, at least you got your happy ending...
love, a♕
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croctears · 3 years
a part two to this maybe? dk, again this is unedited and i’m trying my hand at a more flowery language. hopefully it isn’t too flowery lolol.
the cultural terms are further explained at the bottom.
Envy, with its tendrils green with jealousy, wraps itself snug around our little beating heart. Yet we continue to let it consume us, basking and boasting in the covetous desires. And again, do we have the capacity to ingest the wants of the human soul?
“They’re so pretty!”
Cherry blossom petals frolicked to the lilt of the wind in merry pink blushes, kissing the tips of her fingers. They slipped by cheekily, never getting caught, leaving only the tickle of velvet left as the aftertaste. Hsien-Chen sighed. It was the first spring since they moved to the capital; the flowers here are different from the ones in the countryside.
Her little sister ran ahead, giggling in glee. Two small buns sat atop her head, thin hair pulled tightly in a clean, smooth updo. The smile stretching across her face was far wider than any of Hsien-Chen’s when she was that age—not that she could remember ever being this carefree. After one fateful meeting with a messenger of Death ( her mother sobbed over her for days, thanking the Heavens and Yánluówáng for being merciful and not taking her daughter away), Hsien-Chen became a silent child.
According to Mama, she’d met Heibai Wuchang, more specifically the white counterpart of the duo; Xiè Bì'ān, the White Guard.
“No, you’re mistaken,” Her mother had shaken her head, frowning at Hsien-Chen’s recounting of the event. “That’s not a woman, and you’re lucky you didn’t meet Fàn Wújiù instead.”
Was she supposed to be grateful? Grateful that the White Guard, Xie, had taught her to make amends and become a better version of whoever she was going to grow up as?
She should be thankful for an opportunity many hadn't had the chance to get.
But why is it still so difficult to be angelic?
Round and round it goes, slippery and thick—soft as the finest silk in China, lithe as the strings of guzheng. Round and round envy goes, around the souls of men. Do we not notice it, or do we take no notice of it?
Hsien-Chen swallowed a lump of saliva lodging in the ridges of her throat. Her hands shook, palms sticky with sweat. Tucking the piece of parchment into the elaborated pieces of her robes, she hurried across the study room, sock-covered feet making no noise against the smooth wooden paneling.
She couldn’t believe she was going to cheat.
On a national exam, no less.
Pinpricks of moisture dotted her forehead, satin clothes sticking to her underarms. Hsien-Chen shook her head firmly.
No, it’s not her fault she’s always second to that Luo family’s brat. They are better off than her parents, providing him with more possibilities and renowned tutors when she only had herself to depend on. Was it wrong to sneak in answers she already read through? It was merely referencing.
Tighter and tighter, over the limbs and minds. Tighter and tighter envy’s fingers gripped our souls, dragging down, down, down. Tight was the constraints, yet our eyes were still clouded with discontent.
“Did you hear? The daughter of the Wang family had four wedding proposals today! One of them is a son of a businessman.” Hsien-Chen’s companion exhaled dreamily. “She’s beautiful, it’s no wonder!”
Hsien-Chen snorted, wringing her arm out of her friend’s hold.
“She’s your neighbour, isn’t she? The Wangs’ young miss.” Her friend asked. An innocent question that made her blood boil to a degree she never knew was possible.
Oh, how Hsien-Chen hated that girl next door. Always adorned with bracelets, necklaces. On her dainty feet always a pair of expensive embroidered shoes, no less than a noblewoman’s. And as if her being spoiled wasn’t enough, the girl was born with such elegant features, big brown eyes, small upturned nose with pink lips.
Oh, how Hsien-Chen hated her. They’re the same age, but Wang Jing appeared to be on a whole other level. And she knew, no matter how hard she tries, she’ll never reach that league. Her chest tightened, breaths coming in short angry heaves.
“She’s fooling around with their gardener’s son.” Hsien-Chen blurted without thinking. Whether it was true or not was up to the discernment of those who heard.
“What?”  A handkerchief covered her friend’s face, widened eyes barely containing the disgust and excitement at the unexpected news. “That’s so wrong! Such a disgrace. Don’t you think people should know about this?”
Hsien-Chen shrugged. “Do what you will.”
Deeper and deeper envy hauls men, smooth and gracious through the waves. Deeper and deeper our beings go, into the sea of envy’s poison. Can we swim, or are we nonchalant with our foreboding demise?
“I wish I never had you!” Hsien-Chen screamed, clutching her head. Hysterics enveloped her, lashing out at the crying boy. Her son. Her older daughter held him protectively, hand rubbing furiously at her tear-streaked face.
A raised hand. A sharp smack. The boy wailed, clutching his red face.
“Mama, stop!”
“You too! I hope you die along with your good-for-nothing father!”
The vase broke, shards flying as Hsien-Chen swept more decorations off the shelves. Her children cried louder and louder and—
“Stop crying! I’m leaving. I’m leaving! I deserve better than this life!” 
The slam of the door silenced the young ones for a moment and Hsien-Chen could feel the cogs of her brain turning again. Children were noisy, or her children were noisy. Lan’s kids were docile beings, same goes for Yi’s twin boys. Filial, gentle souls, unlike hers.
How she despised her children, her simpleton husband.
How she despised her life.
The back room was serene enough for her to collect her thoughts, a tired groan escaping her chapped lips as she sank down to the dusty floor.
Despair. That was the word for what she was feeling.
Despair, resentment, bitterness.
“I’m better off dead.”
“Sure you are.”
“Who are you?” She whipped around in shock, clutching her heart. In front of her was a man, young and tall. He had an air of masculine handsomeness, the kind you normally feel around young warriors or generals. An austere smile danced on his thin lips, bulging biceps placing down a heavy-looking mirror in front of her.
“Who are you?” She repeated.
“I believe a mirror was supposed to be delivered here.”
“I believe not.” Hsien-Chen crossed her arms, shooting him her best scowl.
“Are you sure?”
He pulled the cloth off, and the mirror. The mirror was…
The mirror was the exact same one. The one she saw in the storeroom of the old couple her mother worked for. The same mirror Xiè Bì'ān showed her future.
“No,” Hsien-Chen shuddered, backing away from him. “Is this a joke to you?”
“You’ve met my partner, I believe. Xiè Bì'ān.” The man was grim, unsmiling. “I too should believe you know who I am.”
“Fàn Wújiù?” It came out a frightened squeak, quivering with dense fear.
“My partner has a kind soul. Me? Not so much.” The Black Guard of the Heibai Wuchang muttered. “He did warn you many years ago. That was your chance.”
Hsien-Chen fell to her knees. “But my family…”
He laughed scornfully. “Weren’t you wishing they were dead a few minutes ago?”
“Please sir! Please just—,” Hsien-Chen felt tongue-tied. What was she even begging for? A second shot at life? She already knew an opportunity like that, an opportunity many hadn’t had a chance to get would be better off not given to her.
She’d already wasted the first one.
“Is your- is your friend here?”
The Black Guard was stern, but nodded. “Outside.”
And true enough, the White Guard was standing there, hands behind his back. He had seemed like a woman to five-year-old Hsien-Chen, but now, she saw clearly he was a man. Albeit slender with delicate features, his elegant stance was somber once he spotted her.
Hsien-Chen was mildly surprised that he was taller than the other guard.
“It’s your time now child.”
“I know.” Hsien-Chen wrung her hands nervously. “I think I just want to say I’m sorry.”
“For wasting your time. You could’ve gone to another child. Maybe they’d listen to you.”
Xiè Bì'ān brushed back his hair. “It was fate. There’s nothing to be done now. Don’t fret.”
Her lips parted, then she closed it again. She could see Manchurian cranes against the orange-daubed skies, fishermen’s songs loud enough for her to hear.
Her husband must be coming home any moment now.
“What would I be if I had listened to you then?” She turned to face the white-clad man, but he refused to answer.
“You have to come now.”
“I guess we are arresting you right now.” Fàn Wújiù nodded to his partner.
Hsien-Chen stretched out her hand, hoping to feel the plush texture of the cherry blossom once more.
“I guess this is it.”
So indeed, the waves roll, swallowing the cries of regret and frantic yelps of realisation. For it is too late if we notice at the brink of death, now may we rest well in the icy comfort of envy’s clasp.
first off, this story takes place during the qing dynasty, after the imperial examinations were passed for women.
 i'm personally not taoist, but had derived lots of taoist myths as inspiration! partly bc i'd grown up listening to these stories (: i hope you learn a thing or two about Chinese culture, though my version in this story is definitely tweaked. 
 Heibai Wuchang is "Black and White Impermanence" literally, and are deities in Chinese folk religion that escorts souls to the underworld. grim reaper, if you may. the white counterpart is Xie Bi'an while the black counterpart is Fan Wujiu. 
 as for Yánluówáng, he's the king of the taoist underworld. the mirror that is referenced in my previous story, Mirror of Retribution is a mirror used by the Yánluówáng to judge dead souls when dealing out punishments.
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the-great-bbe · 4 years
How about something with Rhaenys/Garlan?
Setting: Regency Era!AU, “I have nothing to give but my heart so full and these empty hands.” “They're not empty now.”
Note: Marei of Oldstones is the Westerosi version of Marie de France, a 12th century poet whose work influenced the Arthurian Cycle. And yes, it was a common pastime for learned ladies to discuss the phallic imagery ever present in medieval romances lolol the tumblr instinct has been around for centuries
It begins as simple admiration. He is Margaery’s favorite chaperone, as Willas can’t keep up with her merry chases and Loras enables her chases to become proper misadventures. So he is the one that Mama sends to court when Margaery becomes lady companion to Crown Princess Rhaenys. And what a court it is—Queen Regent Elia rules with grace and glitter, and all the courtiers gossip enough to make dear Grandmama herself lean in. Here Garlan can train with the finest of knights, read from the royal libraries, discuss with like-minded lords and ladies about the progressive new laws that the Queen Regent is putting forward...
And then there is the Princess herself. 
Tall, with rich olive skin and black ringlets cascading down her back. Her face is soft and round, balanced by full lips and large eyes—oh, her eyes! Garlan has never seen such eyes outside of paintings, an impossible shade of black-violet. And when he first sees those eyes, she is smiling at him. He cannot help but smile back.
It’s not just that she is beautiful, of course. Her mind is a treasure beyond words. One day she and Grand Maester Tyrion have a three hour long debate about the origins of dragons in the courtyard. Garlan nearly swoons like a green maid to hear the strength of her arguments, the logic she wove like silk in a loom. And even Tyrion concedes defeat to her, as most people end up doing to the Crown Princess. When Rhaenys takes her leave to give her mother company, Garlan bows. “An excellent battle, Your Highness. I’ve never seen a Field of Fire through words alone before and yet we all are blown away.”
“Thank you, Ser Garlan.” She smiles and there’s faint dimples in her cheeks; the sight nearly makes Garlan swoon again! “Care to escort me to the Queen’s apartments?”
Of course. Her hand is a warm weight in the crook of his arm and truly, Garlan is surprised she is not betrothed yet. She is eighteen, of age to take the throne in her own right were it not for her father in the sanitarium on Dragonstone, and easily the loveliest creature on the gods’ green earth. Perhaps she will marry Lord Robb Stark for his bloodline, or Ser Joffrey Baratheon for his riches. Had Willas not eloped with Leonette Fossoway to Braavos he too would’ve been a contender. Grandmama will probably throw the Tarly girls at Garlan, or perhaps a girl from the Riverlands...
“Your eyes seem far away, Ser. Does anything trouble you?”
Garlan shakes himself. “It’s nothing, Your Highness. I’m simply wondering when I shall become an uncle.”
“Yes, I hope my wedding present to your brother Lord Willas and his wife Lady Leonette survived the ship to Essos.” Her gaze flickers away for a moment, then she squeezes his arm. “Join my lady mother and I for tea? Perhaps you can give your perspective on elopement, as my dear brother Aegon intended to run off with Shireen Baratheon in their “doomed romance” when we’d much rather just give them Summerhall.”
“Ser Garlan! Do join us!” Rhaenys sits on a large picnic blanket with Marg, a gaggle of other ladies and Rhaenys’s fearsome cat Balerion. Prince Oberyn, Rhaenys’s uncle and practical second father, keeps watch over them and nods at Garlan. They are in the shade of a gigantic plum blossom tree given as a gift from the Emperor of Yi-Ti, and there’s a few petals fallen into her hair. Unthinkingly, Garlan sits by her side and brushes them loose, and he shivers from the feel of her hair between his fingers. Rhaenys asks, “Tell us, have you read the words of Marei of Oldstones?”
“Yes, her poetry influenced the Arthurian Epic did she not?” Epic tales set in the Dawn Age of heroes and fair maidens and wretched monsters. Garlan remembers being still in leading strings, listening to Papa read him and his siblings a passage before bed each night. 
“We were discussing some of the themes in in the Epic and other tales of its kind.” Marg gives him a grin that sends a shiver down his spine. Gods, what is she up to now? “About the imagery of a knight rescuing a princess from a tower. What do you make of it?”
Sansa Stark hides a giggle behind her folding fan. “It’s always a giant tower, so very large and impressive.” Then she and little Allyria Dayne dissolve into giggles.
Garlan tugs on his collar. Rhaenys is looking at him expectantly and he can’t ignore his future queen. But really! Marg is still grinning and Garlan narrows his eyes at her. Oh, he’ll get her for this. “It is quite a juxtaposition of imagery. As Lady Sansa said, the tower the knight must handle is always a tall and imposing one. Yet...”
Garlan prays to the gods for guidance. “Yet the knight must enter the tower. So truly, what function is the imagery in this context?”
Walda Frey—Loras once called her Fat Walda at a feast and she gave him a split lip and a black eye, so now Garlan defers to her as the very best of Waldas—whispers to Marg, “Better than just scaling up and down its walls in its lonesome.”
The ladies giggle and Garlan wants to sink into the floor. Then Rhaenys laughs. “Well put! Thank you for indulging us.” She pauses, then cocks her head and Garlan wonders when the mild spring day got so warmer so quickly. “Indulge us again: do you prefer the sword, or the joust?”
“I prefer handling two swords at once, although I am no green boy when it comes to the joust.” Marg might just choke to death on her stifled giggles and Garlan hopes that she does! But there’s a hint of red to Rhaenys’s ears, and what mild flirtation ever hurt anyone? “At the next tourney, I’ll do my best to impress you.”
“Perhaps I’ll give you my favor as a good luck charm. We can’t have me being unimpressed, can we?”
Indeed, they can not. Garlan would love nothing more for her to admire him, as he admires her.
“Your Highness,” Garlan licks his lips, as they are as dry as a Dornish desert. His words catch in his throat. Then Marg in the stands motions at him to continue, Prince Oberyn himself sends him a wink...and he says, “I crown you, Princess Rhaenys, as my Queen of Love and Beauty.”
The crowd erupts into cheers. It was a very hard joust won, as Ser Jaime of the Kingsguard nearly dislocated Garlan’s shoulder and Lord Robb was no one to be trifled with. But at the end he threw even his brother Loras down to the dirt—as if his trick of using a mare would work on Garlan! Not after the tourney at Longtable where Garlan broke his nose!—and won the crown of jonquils and morning glories. They look so beautiful in Rhaenys’s hair, almost as beautiful as Rhaenys herself.
Rhaenys’s reply is nearly lost beneath the deafening roar, but Garlan hears it all too well. “I am honored and delighted to be crowned by such a noble and true knight as you.” And her favor, tied neatly around his arm beneath his armor, seems to catch alight.
He has nothing to offer her, other than this crown of flowers and his hand in the dances to come. He is a second son of a family with many mouths to feed, with no kingly descent or heirloom sword. She shall marry someone worthy to take his place at her side as Prince Consort, and he...he shall content himself with the feeling of her hand in his.
He bows over that lovely hand and kisses her knuckles. 
Later that night, after hours of dancing and feasting and laughing and chasing, he kisses her knuckles again. And again, and again, and again. Until Rhaenys pulls him up from his knees and kisses him with lips as soft as spring and rich as wine. Beneath that plum blossom tree with no one to witness them other than the moon and stars reflecting in her impossibly beautiful eyes, no other sound than their shared breath against each other’s lips and Garlan whispering “I think I’m in love with you.”
He kisses her before she can tell him they cannot be. He cannot bear it.
“Do you love my daughter, Ser Garlan?”
Garlan can hardly breathe before the presence of the Queen Regent Elia Martell. So much of Rhaenys’s bold beauty is from her mother, and the Queen Regent has decades of power behind her piercing gaze. But he is no liar. He jerks a nod. “With all my life, Your Majesty.”
She nods, as if it were a foregone conclusion. She is not wrong in that, as the entirety of Kings Landing must know that Garlan would gladly die for Rhaenys, and live for her as well. Even Papa knows, and Papa hardly knows anything! After an eternity of being sized up and raked over the coals of the Queen Regent’s eyes, she sighs. “You are not my first choice, but you are not my last. If my daughter consents to it, I give my blessing to officially court her.”
Truly? Truly?! Garlan gapes like an idiot, or perhaps some ill-bred fish. And the Queen Regent laughs; she sounds so much like Rhaenys. “I encourage you not to make that same face when you ask for her permission.”
Garlan, after bowing and scraping as much as he can without fainting, eventually leaves the royal solar. Marg immediately tackles him and cackles that her hopes have gone swimmingly, and her best friend shall be her sister. Then she pulls him along to gods know where while Garlan’s head reels.
He? To court Rhaenys? To hold her hand in his and not let it go? Garlan’s knees nearly give out, especially when Willas and Loras both clap their hands on his shoulders. “Grandmama will finally be proud of us, I think,” Loras boasts.
“Her Highness has not even consented yet!”
Marg rolls her eyes “Garlan, I love you, but you are as thick as molasses. Now go confess your love to her!” She practically shoves him towards Rhaenys’s plum blossom tree. “And kiss her! With tongue!”
He stumbles into the tree and nearly into Balerion. The cat blinks up at him to say he is a fool, then slinks away to a laughing Aegon’s arms. “Ser Garlan! Are you alright?”
“Y-Your Highness, I...” Garlan peeks around the tree to see Rhaenys on the other side, standing with something hiding behind her back. She catches his questioning gaze, and flushes a pretty red before revealing a knitted scarf. “For your brother, my princess?”
“For you, actually.” She bites her bottom lip before puffing herself up. “I intend to ask my lady mother the Queen Regent if we would be allowed to court. With your consent of course! I would never presume that you would wish to—”
“I was just given permission by Her Majesty to ask for your permission.”
They stare at each other for a moment, before Rhaenys giggles into her palm. Garlan melts, and finally asks, “Would you like me to court you, Your Highness?”
“Yes.” She presses the scarf into his hands, and leans up to murmur in his ear, “And please, call me Rhaenys.”
He shivers. “Rhaenys.” All is right with the world it seems, just from the sound of her name on his lips.
Garlan smiles despite the tears in his eyes. “Rhaenys, are you sure? I have nothing to give but my heart so full and these empty hands.” 
“They're not empty now.” Rhaenys squeezes their hands together.
Then she cloaks him in her house colors, and Garlan is hers, hers forever and always, just as he was always meant to be.
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o-pandora-o · 4 years
Cat MC
Please bear in mind some spoilers in the game and in the event (The Devil’s Riddle).
You were looking for a book Satan asked you to find inside his room and accidentally you were tripped on a big book with a cat cover and suddenly….. You turned into a cat……How would the demon boys react?
Please bear with my writing this is the first shit I’ve done I’m so sorry if it’s bad.
 You were going outside Satan’s room to find help and you saw Luci roaming in the hallway. You made a small cry and he noticed you.
“Did Satan keep a cat? no worries I shall just open this matter to him” he said with a serious look on his face.
He was going to go away until you put a paw to his shoe. He made a glare and you fought his glare with a louder cry and so he replied “This cat got nerves”
“No can do, I do not own you nor I do not want any problems with any of my brothers so go back to Satan’s room now” When he left, you followed him to his room “this cat really got nerves to follow me here” he said.
Suddenly he got a call from Diavolo asking for an urgent meeting with him.
“If you really want to be with me then so be it, it seems you like me more than my brother, but I have matters to attend to.” he pats your head and you let out a small cry (saying like a goodbye or something).
 You decided to sleep on his bed while waiting for him.
 He came back when it’s already midnight.
 He saw you on his bed curled up like a ball (you were turned back to normal)
He put a blanket to cover you up and placed a small peck on your forehead.
 “Being a cat was fun” he heard a small mumble from you as you turn on the other side.
All right, you tumbled on this boi while he was looking for goods inside his house to sell.
You made a loud meow as you are stopping him from stealing goods
“D----AAAAAH!” Mammon screamed the top of his lungs.
“Who dare meows at THE GREAT MAMMON!” he says as you rolled your eyes at him. “Ooooh maybe I can sell this ca—OUUUCH!“ you hissed and lightly bit his hand as he picked you up “I was joking! Joking I tell you! Sheesh this cat” he put you down.
“So where is yer owner cat?” he asked, you rubbed your fur onto him and put your paw on his foot.
“That’s right! No one can stand THE GREAT MAMMON! Look you are already fascinated by my greatness” he said while you rolled you eyes.
“I have an idea!!” He took you and put you on top of his bed “Stay there till I get back!” he took a picture of you using his D.D.D.
You didn’t know he posted a picture of you while with the description “LOST CAT CONTACT MAMMON THE GREAT p.s give 10000 Grimm as reward”.
Yep, Mammon will be Mammon.
He came back late, it seems he had gone to the casino “TODAY’S MY LUCKY DAY! I WON THE JACKPOT WOHOO NOW I CAN BUY THOSE SHOES AND SUIT, it seems you are a lucky cat after all!”.
 When he was busy counting Grimms, it was already midnight. Suddenly pink smoke was covering you and he saw it “Wait what’s happening?!”he said as the smoke was cleared he saw you. 
“MC! You were the cat?!”
“Yeah it was me! Thanks for letting me stay in your room though” you said
“That’s right! Haha! The GREAT MAMMON always to the rescue haha” sweat drops
“I gtg to my room, I’m so sleepy cya Mammon thanks again!” you said as you left.
Early in the morning you came to Mammon’s room while you said “Mammon! Why did you post me being lost in exchange for grimm?!”
“Uh I can explain you see, I forgot to delete it and bye!” he said as he run off of bed.
“Is that what I think it is?” he mumbled as he was supposed to be going out to refill his rations
Sucre Frenzy’s lead member recently had a jet black cat, which was similar to the color of your fur.
“Nah maybe it’s just lost, wandering in the house” he said while he left to buy 2 months’ worth of food.
You saw and heard what he said so you decided to go to his room and wait for him.
You were looking around the place until-
When he came back he saw you looking at Henry 2.0 and he thought you were going to eat him “NONONONO! Don’t eat my one and true friend!” whilst you gave him a quizzical cat look.
“AHHH! I got no time for this, I should open up the new Multiplayer game I bought aaaaah where is MC? Damn I need to play it now” he said while preparing his newly bought game, he messaged you in his D.D.D waiting for an answer. You went to the other controller and pressed play.
“Wait what that was for MC! I should restart this” when he was reaching for the menu button, you put your paw on his arm. ”Wait are you telling me not to restart?” you cried out a meow.
You played the new game with him and he was amazed, “Woah this cat is amazing it can play games! I’m gonna name you Henry 3.0!” and you gave him a doubtful look while you continue to play the new game he bought until midnight.
You landed the final blow to the last boss on the game and when Levi turned around pink smoke was covering you.
 You were turned back into human! “OMG MC you were a cat? lolol so cool”
“This is my magical power! Lunaria, Wisteria, Primrose, Peony! Through the power of the flower I’m pretty as can be! I’m the magical mysterious MC!” you said as you pecked his cheeks.
“Watch out! I might steal your heart!” you wink leaving him flustered.
He was looking for you inside his room, he was going to tell you that he found the book that you were helping him find.
“MC?? Hey MC? That’s weird, I swore she said that she was inside my ro—“Satan couldn’t finish his sentence when he found a small black cat lying around with his books.
“How did you get in here. Are you hungry? Do you want some food?”
Satan was excited he looked like a smol boi waiting for his Birthday present.
After a day full of feeding you, taking care of you and even took pictures of you like a cat mom flexing he decided that it’s time to set you free.
“If you stay here for too long your owner might be missing you”
You brushed your fur against his leg and he knelt down and brushed his hand on your head.
 “Well I guess you could stay it’s pretty dark anyways”.
Satan carefully picked you up and took you to his bedroom and he put you down beside his pillow and let you fall asleep.
Not that he totally forgot about you though
When you both woke up it seems like you were back to normal and you saw Satan smirked.
“Good morning my lil kitten” definitely knows that you were the cat.
You went out of Satan’s room hoping to get help from someone and suddenly Asmodeus hurryingly going out of his room.
You followed Asmodeus while crying out a small meow. Apparently, he didn’t heard your cry for help.
He went to your room (as you followed him there) “MC! We need to go to the ma—oh she isn’t here” when he stopped you let out a loud cry and he finally noticed you.
“Awh what are you doing here? Were you lured here by my charm?” he said
“My, my, you have such a nice fur compared to other kitties seems like you also got the charm! And it doesn’t look like you don’t shed too much fur! I have a great idea! I’ll take you to the mall with me, you will be my new pet! Let’s share our charm to the entire world!” he said as he picked you up and took you outside.
After a day full of shopping, salon, taking pictures, and buying more stuff, you both went home before curfew.
He went to have some dinner while you run off to your room.
After dinner he was busy taking his stuff out of the bags you two bought
On midnight he noticed you were not in his bedroom, he went to search for you and seen you on your room “Oh little princess why are you in MC’s room? Speaking of MC I didn’t even see her during dinner and she isn’t even here.” and suddenly pink smoke was covering your body and suddenly you were turned back to normal.
“I never knew you could be a majestic cat MC,waaaah I really missed you” he said that while cuddling you.
“Now that I’m here why don’t we sleep in your bed?” you saw him smirk.
“No funny business alright? Being a cat is really tiring!” you said to him.
“Alright, alright! Just let me hug you” he said. “Fine” you replied while he pecked your lips and went to bed.
You hid from everyone until it was late night. You were hungry so you went to the kitchen hoping to find some food on the table but you were unlucky enough to find none.
You saw some unopened chips on the countertop so you jumped and grabbed it using your mouth. You tried to open the chips with your claws and your mouth but you failed.
Beel saw you in the kitchen and said “Do you want this? Hmm I don’t really know if chips are good for cats though”.
You nod and he opened the chips for you, you thanked him by crying out a meow.
When the chips was open you bite some and gave it to Beel, “Oh thanks” he replied as he pats your head.
As you two were eating, the clocked reached midnight.
A magical pink smoke appeared around you. You were turned back to normal.
“Wha- MC I didn’t know you have the power to turn into a cat!” Beel said as he kept eating chips.
“No wait I don---ah why bother btw thanks for the chips“ you pecked his cheek while you went upstairs to sleep.
You were in shock of what happened and decided to ask your S/O, Belphie for help. You went to his bedroom to see himself napping as usual.
You did everything you can, meowing, hissing, carefully scratching his bedside, pouncing on him, putting your paw on his nose, and still nothing.
Nothing can wake up this boi
You gave up and tried to wait for him to wake up but you fell asleep beside him instead.
Cue Beel going to his room and found you two sleeping “Cute” he said.
After 2 hours Belphie woke up and saw a cat beside him. At first he was shocked but eventually he stroked the cat’s fur lightly not waking it up and soon began to sleep again.
You both woke up the next day with you lying down on the cold floor well at least you ain’t a cat anymore eh?
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minteyedoll · 4 years
RFA+Saeran as tiktok users
This is something very short and casual but I still hope you like it. Feel free to send any request you have :)
*Yoosung *
-cooking videos with the ratatouille song
-LOLOL hacks and overall just showing up his skills
-cute animal videos along with vet tiktoks
-will do a tiktok with you if you want to, is glad that you asked him, but will not ask you himself
-he was tiktok famous since the moment he downloaded the app
-he is more an active user
-dancing Zen is a happy Zen
-dance and singing tiktoks but will not take off his shirt and thrust the air
-only you can see that
-this girl has no time for tictac
-but when see does, it's to watch and save Zen's
-besides that, it would be mostly quick, easy recipes
-coffee, we know she loves coffee
-will not post anything, she is just here to watch
-why are you even asking? It's cat videos
-hours and hours of cat videos
-he tried to upload Elizabeth once
-but the camera is not able to capture the real beauty
-true is he can't take a video for his life
- rich kid check
- super careful of not revealing where he lives
- cute cosplay videos
-here you can find a compilation of poor yoosung being pranked
-this app is more of a journal of how his flowers are doing
-he would also see about tea or other hobbies he would like to take
-saeyoung is blocked for his bad jokes on the comments
-two words, art tiktoks
-and that's it
-for him, it's also a way to relax and get aways from being the famous photographer to just be another artist on tiktok
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