#she's also the only girl so consistancy ig
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birdsareblooming · 1 year ago
why does a blonde-haired blue-eyed little girl named susie indicate fnaf?
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please she's our one constant she's all we truly know
#ok for not (joking) an actual knowlage#susie is like the only constant throughout all freddy's stuff#and we know the most about her#she's the girl who haunts chica#we know this from cross continuity via the novels and frights#and her gravestone#the gravestones we get at the good ending of 6 which align with the animatronic heads at the endings of 3#susie's grave being by the chica head#she's also the only girl so consistancy ig#we also know (in gameverse) she was the first kid who got killed and how#her dog died and peepeepoopaw used this fact to lure her to the freddy backroom#we know that via the secret in the fruitymaze minigame in 6 (pictured above in the middle)#we also know she was the first via a chica kill line in ucn: 'i was the first ive seen everything'#this seems to be consistant in canon except the movie#speaking of she's also consistant in the movie seeming as the girl playing the chica ghost has blonde hair and fits the general description#that design of susie you see above firstly showed up for the novels and then was used for the games#the fazbear frights desc is different in the drawn image but even more off in the writing itself describing her with brown hair#(but other writers didn't have all the info so it couldve been that)#also as far as we can tell via the sprite and a missing poster in the background of the movie her dog was a chiuhuahua#anyway i list all this info bc we HAVE all this info#we have fuck all about the other kids no matter the canon#so in the games the other three named kids are gabriel (freddy) fritz (foxy) and jeremy (bonnie)#technically charlie/charlotte for the puppet#in the novels its gabriel (freddy) fritz (foxy) cassidy (bonnie) and michael brooks (golden freddy)#also teeeeechnically charlie again but its a whole thing#in fazbear frights who fuckn knows. there was 6 of them and one of them was probably andrew#in the movies the other kids fit the descrption of the game kids except for that blonde kid i have no idea whats going on with him#but you know whos in all of these every time?#susie#no matter the universe william afton sees this blonde girl and decides she has to die
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astrophileblogs07 · 1 year ago
Astro Observations pt.21
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Back with some very random Astro observations 😁
⚫ Saturn aspecting the 7th house actually can dislike 9 to 5 jobs or corporate office jobs. They are better with freelancing. Its coz they can't take orders. Sorry not sorry. 💀(Ig that's a Saturn 7H thing 😆)
⚫ An interesting thing I observed: Among two siblings, the elder one has Leo rising which means Scorpio 4H and the younger one has Scorpio moon. And their Mom is a Scorpio moon too. She's a nice lady though but is such a control freak. (I know I am one too, but like when I met her the second time that "controlling" vibe just hit me like a big yellow school bus 🚌😭😭). That was so funny lol😂. -All the more her birthdate is a single digit 1.(these people are the alpha type, always lead and never follow and hence are dominating, one to have the last say) which is cherry on top. -She is fiercely protective of her kids. Can't emphasize enough on "fierce" part. Very strict. Rules are to be followed very religiously. {She can't stand any one of them doing anything without her knowledge. She even monitors whom they interact with what they do on their mobiles etc.(from what I suspect)} (obv Scorpio moon mom traits) (sometimes Leo moon moms too){nothing unhealthy here, just Mom's way of showing they care 😂}
⚫Saturn and Workout: -Workout 🏋️‍♀️requires CONSISTENCY. Saturn LOVES consistency. -In fact the best remedy for Saturn is sweating. JUST SWEAT by hard work. No matter what it maybe: workout, walking, jobs, cardio, sports etc. 🤸‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
⚫ Whilst on the topic of Saturn, people who follow a time table for literally everything the planet doesn't harm them much during its Dasha (even if its your worst one). I mean obviously you played by the rules 🤷‍♀️
⚫ Magha is the only nakshatra for which you don't need in depth compatibility match. They get along with everyone.
⚫Scorpio Venuses/8H Venuses are paranoid. They notice and suspect everything (sometimes things which are not there/imaginary). (For eg, me, who thinks that someone is peeping thru my curtains even when nobody is there and all my curtains cover my windows properly. 🤣).
⚫Also as a basic Scorpio Venus behavior: while writing chats/texting, I always think- "what if someone else reads it?"..so I just don't give much details in texts. (Gosh, sometimes I think somethings wrong with me 😭😭)
⚫The proven way to hurt a Leo moon: compare them with any other person and tell them that the person is wayy better in a certain thing esp if it's a triat that the Leo is proud of. 🤣 (P.S don't do that, its mean and the Leo will hunt you, which you don't want 😀.)
⚫Why do Aries moon men have a bunch of good friends for life and Aries moon women struggle with having at least one good genuine female friend for life? (I'm jealous)
⚫ Maybe its becoz they get along more with guys than gals so the girls are jealous of them...so hence no good female friends. 😢🤡 Aries moons are the best-est people for friendships you'll ever get.
⚫ People born on a Saturday look melancholic.
⚫ You can NEVER mislead a Leo rising. They study litreally everything: what you say what you do, and why you do so. Similar to Scorpios
⚫If you see a person having graceful and "royal" way of walking or behaving, they're are sure shot to have a Magha Ascendant.
⚫Connecting the dots here: as I said in one of my previous posts that Maghas get framed even when they have done nothing, what I interpreted is that Maghas are actually the definition of royalty. They literally have that ✨grace✨, that kinda magnanimous personality and similar struggles to a monarch. Totally King/Queen typa energy here. So with that, the usual consequences in a Kingdom is conspiracy against the king, which the Maghas face. (Enough with Maghas ig, started observing them recently so..✌🏻💀)
That's it for today, until next time! (like,comment and reblog loveliesss❤❤😘)
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moistvonlipwig · 2 months ago
kara danvers :)
ok well you and i have discussed this at length so this will not be new to you but imco (in my correct opinion) kara danvers [as portrayed by the cw's supergirl, not necessarily in other versions] is actually pretty lazy, and i would argue this is one of her most central and consistent character traits. and i don't just mean physically lazy, although i should note that per 3.17 "trinity" she canonically Hates Walking and doesn't understand why humans exercise. i mostly mean on an intellectual & moral level.
kara wants to be a reporter, but when she figures this out (because......a pretty lady told her she should do it? ig?), she does not apply to journalism school, or take online classes. instead she is handed a reporter job by her boss (who scrawled 'reporter' on her hilariously terrible resume when they met for reasons known only to her) and from then on proceeds to basically just do whatever she wants and get offended when more seasoned reporters who have gone to journalism school ask her to do basic functions of the job like Acquire Sources and Report On The Facts And Not Just Your Personal Opinions. at no point do we really see her ask her colleagues, even friendly ones like james, for advice or help; instead, advice is something that's imposed upon her by the wicked snapper, who dares to be unimpressed by her uneducated slay. throughout the show, on multiple occasions, the idea of actually Doing Her Job seems to offend her -- lena even calls her out for this explicitly in 3.02 "triggers," but she continues to display this behavior with andrea in s5 & s6. in the finale, when she is promoted to editor-in-chief in an act of blatant cronyism that truthfully should prompt the entire catco staff to quit in protest, it is not on her initiative, nor due to her efforts, nor is it because anything about the position has piqued her interest; it is, again, simply handed to her, and she just accepts.
additionally, we rarely see her express meaningful curiosity about, well, any subject, really -- we know she learned calculus young, but her interest in math and science seems nil; she is deeply naive about the u.s. justice system in s6 in a way that suggests she has never looked into it, though her own mother was a judge on krypton; and a lot of her interests seem very Basic (pizza, potstickers [? why girl.], nsync, the wizard of oz, harry potter), which to be clear is not inherently a sign of intellectual laziness or incuriosity, but it also does nothing to suggest that she is someone with a wide knowledge of food, literature, music, or film.
she also demonstrates what i would argue is a kind of moral laziness, though you could call it an offshoot of her intellectual laziness, in her general lack of real self-reflection about, like, any of her actions. although some of the other characters sometimes bring up how messed-up the DEO is (e.g. james in s1 with the gitmo comparison -- which, CRAZY line to put in your show and then never address, btw), kara herself does not question it (until the Wrong People take over, of course). her rhetoric in early s2 about daxamites suggests that she is quite comfortable believing sweeping generalizations she was taught as a child and has never really sat down to interrogate them, but while mon-el being.....pretty bad but i guess not as bad as his mom? yay? inspires her to stop being bigoted against daxamites specifically, we will later still hear her say that certain species tend to be peaceful or aggressive, etc., with no self-reflection. in 3.05 "damage," when morgan edge tries to make it seem like lena's lead dispersal device that kara activated poisoned children, kara does not take the opportunity to self-reflect on the choice she made and whether it was worth it; instead, her arc for the episode is reacting emotionally to her best buddy feeling guilty (about the thing kara also did. i cannot emphasize that part enough).
i would argue the conclusion she draws in 5.13, too, smacks of this moral laziness; she spends the episode looking for a magic shortcut to not having to feel bad anymore, and when she can't find one, she decides that actually, meh, there was never a perfect way for things to go down, so all that lying wasn't such a big deal and lena should just get over it. kara is dripping with a lot of guilt in 5A, but throughout both 5A and 5B there's very little actual, thoughtful self-reflection on what she did wrong and why, and that carries over into S6 when, after like ten episodes of lena (and also william ig) repeatedly trying to tell her not to play god, she decides in the very penultimate episode to solve her problems by eating the sun, and then when she decides against it partway through doing it, there's again very little self-reflection on her part of why the hell she thought that was a good thing to do. kara's morality, on the whole, seems largely based on (a) alex and (b) vibes, and not so much on any actual thought she's dedicated to the moral questions at hand.
and similarly to when kara is asked to Do Her Damn Job at her place of work -- when kara is challenged on her morality (like when lena challenges her on the kryptonite in s3, or on myriad in 5.17), she acts annoyed at the very idea of having to do the hard work of thinking about the morals she espouses as a superhero. and it doesn't read as someone who has thought very hard about her moral choices and is offended because she believes so strongly that she's right, because we never actually see her thinking hard about these moral choices she makes at all. it reads as someone who hasn't thought about it beyond a very cursory level and is frustrated that she's being asked to. because, again, she's just fundamentally kind of lazy.
and the thing is this might sound like i am dunking on her but actually i think this is a trait that is incredibly funny. my favorite portrayal of supergirl/kara danvers is the one from the children's cartoon dc super hero girls 2019, whose version of kara is ALSO lazy, on top of being an aggressive, quick-to-anger, rude, irresponsible, selfish brat. and she's hilarious in that show, she's one of my favorite characters. another favorite character of mine, also a children's cartoon character, is anne boonchuy from amphibia, whose entire character journey is about learning not to be physically, intellectually, or morally lazy and learning to [school principal voice] Apply Herself instead. it can be incredibly fun to watch characters be lazy and incurious and self-centered, whether they change for the better or not. but it is a bit strange that some people act like kara is this super disciplined person who loves working out and loves learning and reads widely and is curious about everything and self-reflects on her own decisions and how she affects others to the point of obsession. i wonder if part of it is 'femslash same-character syndrome,' where people slap other characters' traits from other popular femslash ships onto each other. because the character i just described is adora from she-ra. who a lot of people think is similar to kara. except no. she's not at all. as evidenced by this whole write-up ☝️ lol. they're just both blonde and for some reason (#blondephobia?) femslash fandoms wanna act like all blonde girlies are the same. but they are not. #wakeupamerica.....
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saintslewis · 8 months ago
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc; Nadia
summary: party time pt.2? (no <3)
warnings: a bit of angst, crying, reassurance from both sides, a bit shorter than the rest lol.
saint’s team radio 🪩: heyyyy!! so sorry this is long overdue but there’s a reason! i wish i could name this chapter anything but thique but that’s the title of the song and we’re not crying today 🫵🏽 don’t jump me for taking so long lol
pls like, comment and reblog!
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
renaissance: the series • previous chapter
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New York had never been more quiet than in that very moment. Nadia wanted to blame it on the fact that the penthouse was far too high up or that it was 2:36 am.
‘Bambi’ played in the background on the large tv, the light illuminating on the many faces in the living room. The friend group had celebrated Lewis’ Silverstone podium since the second they stepped out of the paddock, opting for tonight to be calm and have a group movie night with snacks and all types of pastries (Nadia baked those btw) laid across the table. Everyone was underneath blankets as they watched the tragic scene of Bambi’s mother dying.
Making the terrible mistake of looking at her ever buzzing phone, Nadia could see that Tia tried to contact her within the past few minutes but she internally rolled her eyes. Rea decided to play with her feelings and cause her heart to drop only to find out that the younger girl was lying straight out of her teeth about her marriage being leaked. Wanting nothing to do with social media for the week, Nadia kept herself busy. Spending time with Lewis and spending his money, one of her favourite things to do.
Her job was at stake and she knew that. With each passing day, Nadia’s sudden fame had taken a toll on her and her mental health and she was not sure if she wanted to continue working full time because it was taking a strain on her. She inwardly groaned at the thought of slightly proving her boss right who was consistent in reminding Nadia that this double life was not going to work in her favour.
Swiping further into her phone, she quickly understood why Tia was blowing up her phone.
Time felt slow and her body went numb as she read the headline over and over again. This wasn’t something that was light and airy and she could easily brush off her shoulder with just a flick of her hand. Every piece of jewellery she wore felt heavy, her clothes felt tighter than ever and her blood went cold.
Clearly not being the only one on their phone during the movie, Charlotte’s hair bounced as she snapped her head to her friend who’s tearful eyes were glued to her phone. At first, the woman couldn’t believe what she was seeing but her heart immediately sank when her eyes connected with Nadia’s.
All the food Nadia consumed earlier was rushing back up with intense speed and she quickly threw the blanket off her, running to the nearest bathroom. The blanket landed on Lewis’ confused face as he took it off to whip his head around. The men of the group were utterly confused as all the girls stood to their feet and quickly followed Nadia to wherever she ran to.
Lewis spotted Nadia’s phone on the floor, lifting the screen to his face. His eyes adjusted to the bold words written and as short as the title of the article was, it felt like reading an encyclopaedia written by the vultures within the media.
The article went on to explain how close the anonymous source was to Nadia, citing that they had kept this secret with themselves for years and hated the new found fame that Nadia attracted. All types of nasty connotations were made against her, calling her out of her name. This anonymous source also spoke on who she saw before Lewis but never exposed their fake marriage.
“Bro..” Andrew spoke up first, all the boys scrolling through their phones and seemingly looking at the same thing. Lewis knew he had to stop himself from reading on after the author wrote that he should divorce her because she’s ‘unable to give him a family’. He quickly locked Nadia’s phone and ran a hand down his face before he stood up to make a few calls.
With her head on Amara’s chest, Nadia wept as she struggled to keep it all together. She did not want to show her vulnerability to her friends so quickly but seeing the headline broke everything she had worked on to be private. Natalia moved Nadia’s hair back as she continued to rub her back.
Charlotte stood with her phone in her hand, immediately shutting down anything that was objectively negative about Nadia. Every single time she heard her friend sob, her heart broke. After what felt like hours of her friends consoling her and encouraging her to stay strong without bugging her for any information, she sat up and wiped her tears.
“Not to chase you guys away but I really wanna see Lewis right now.” She chuckled as she wiped her tears from her cheeks. The girls laughed at their friend’s ability to smile after something so terrible.
“We’ll let him know to bring up some water.” Amara nodded and stood up, giving Nadia’s hand a squeeze. Once her friends left, Nadia began pacing around the bedroom, the New York skyline still shining ever so bright although it was nearing 3 am.
She heard the door and she watched as Lewis walked in with a water bottle in his hand, his ring catching light from the ceiling lights. His eyes landed on her, cheeks hollowed with her trying to breathe as easily as she could, her hands shaking.
Eyes connected and neither of them had to say a word. He brought her head into his chest as her arms went around his waist. Nadia sighed softly as she leaned into her husband’s warmth. “I’ve sorted everything out, baby. You don’t have to worry about anything else.” He spoke, keeping his hands still as his voice vibrated through his chest.
Nadia sniffled before she spoke. “Thanks,” her voice quivered. “I didn’t want you to find out like this. Wanted to be the first one to tell you, you know.” She chuckled through her tears.
“None of this is your fault, love. Please don’t blame yourself, you have done nothing wrong and we’ll get through this together.” Lewis said. “We could try find out who-”
“It was my mom and Rea.” She deadpanned, lifting her head to look in his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed at the quickness of her revelation. “Nads.” He started.
All she did was look at the bed and he took that as a hint to sit on it and she followed. “I’ve only ever told my mother and Rea about my…infertility. Not even my friends. My mom found out through a fight we were having during high school.”
She took a breather and continued. “I completely changed my career path to become a teacher because if I couldn’t become a mom myself, I could be that teacher for my kids. I love those kids more than anything in the world, Lewis. When you introduced me to Willow and Kaiden, my heart was already attached the second I saw them so if we didn’t work out, I was going to feel like absolute shit.”
“To do this properly. Lewis, I am infertile and I won’t be able to have kids with you in the future because of my shitty anatomy.” Nadia finished with a smile gracing her face, always finding a way to lift the mood.
He didn’t want to smile but it crept it’s way on his face. Lewis reached his hand to hold hers. “Love, you are something else,” he chuckled. “I never want you to worry about me in this circumstance, I still want you for you. For everything. You’re my family and I never regret signing those papers, Nads.” Lewis finished, his gaze softening as she looked at him.
The tension in the air eased but there was still a lingering feeling hanging. This was an extremely vulnerable moment for Nadia and she was feeling all types of emotions. Lewis didn’t want to invade on her feelings and make her uncomfortable as she dealt with all this. She deserved the best, if she asked, he would give her the universe. He’d build a kingdom and worship her as his queen.
Feeling her manicured finger poke as his exposed shoulder, he snapped out of it to see a smile on her face. “I thought I lost you there, bruv.” Nadia smiled, her eyes swirling with so many emotions.
A beat or two passed.
“I love you.” Lewis blurted out.
Lewis Hamilton wasn’t someone who usually got nervous. He was learning to express his emotions to people around him and was confident in himself at most times. Now was one of those time where he felt his stomach become queasy, his hands suddenly feeling sweaty and he swore he felt the world had stopped spinning.
Nadia was taken aback at his sudden confession but never showed it on her face. If anything, she felt as if Cupid shot her with a heart shaped arrow. Her body felt warm and relaxed, the butterflies swarming as if her crush just looked at her and smiled. Her cheeks felt tight as she full on grinned.
“I love you too.” She confessed and Lewis swore his world became brighter as she spoke those magical three words. He couldn’t believe it. “Say it again. Please say it again, my love.” His accent became a tad bit stronger as he spoke, his large hands enveloping her smaller ones.
Nadia laughed. “I love you, Lewis.”
“You have no idea how long I have wanted to tell you that. I love you so much, Nadia Thandeka Hamilton and never forget that, my angel.” He scooped her up into a hug, falling back into the bed in a giggling mess.
Nadia’s hands were stuck in her hoodie pockets when she stepped out of the bathroom, her face feeling fresh as ever as she had just taken off a new face mask she had wanted to try out.
Los Angeles was a place she would definitely call home if she chose to settle down in that very moment. The couple had flown over after two days of friendship therapy and a crazy amount of ice cream as a way to distract her from touching her phone.
The woman had no clue of what was going on surrounding her and that damned article but one thing she did know was that her ears were not deceiving her.
She had known that Lewis always woke up before her as a force of habit but he had vowed to not wake her up until she was ready to. She even moved her hood to hear properly.
The faint sounds of Minnie Riperton’s ‘Lovin’ You’ rang throughout the house speakers but the volume was clearly amplified in the living room. With her eyebrows furrowed, her ugg boot clad feet slowly led her through the hallway and right downstairs.
Her breath felt like it had been snatched out of her as she looked at the current state of her living room. Pink balloons were scattered across the roof and the floor, two bouquets of tiger lilies sat pretty on the coffee table along with several, several boxes from all her favourite brands. From small boxes to large bags beautifully arranged with a small note sat within the bouquet.
“Oh my god…” Nadia’s hand was over her mouth as she walked further into her living room, not even noticing that Lewis entered from the kitchen with his hands behind his back. “Hope you like it, love. Wanted to make it perfect for you.” He licked his lips as he watched his wife glide her hand all over the bags.
“Like it? I’m absolutely speechless, Lewis.” She softly spoke. “You’ve just…oh my days. You make me feel like a princess.” Nadia turned to look at him. “You tellin me all I have to do is tell you that I love you?” She joked.
“You existing is enough for me.” He spoke. “Boy.” She laughed. “Tryna make me blush knowing damn well I can’t.”
“Well, yes and no.” He scrunched his nose then chuckled with her. A beat or two passed before she spoke. “Let me say thank you.” She tilted her head as her hand went under his simple black shirt.
“Oh?” Lewis expressed. She didn’t have to say anything except look up at him and give him a smirk then he was ready to go.
“Say less, Mrs Hamilton.”
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liked by charlottiee, fencer and 2,394,447 others
lewishamilton the mrs. 🤍
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nadiahamilton i love you
lewishamilton i love you more
user lord, guide this type of love to me
megantheestallion absolute cuties 🥹
fencer la familia!
serenawilliams my favs! 👑🤍
user aren’t they going to speak about everything?
user they don’t owe you anything!
sza 💗💗💗💗
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saint’s notes: long overdue. love you guys!
tags: @non-stop-imagines @motheroffae @perfecttrashface @thisismeracing @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @cocobutterqwueen @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @vsfavs @louvrepool @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @yeea-nah @nichmeddar @gg-trini @lifeless-firefly @vellicora @takeoffz-tookoff9876 @serpenttines-library @emjayewrites @royallyprincesslilly @lewisroscoelove @purplelewlew @xoscar03 @kidsol-ar @nothaqks @tremendousstarlighttragedy @ggaslyp1 @henneseyhoe @saturnville
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vettelsdarling · 1 year ago
𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐞
Lissie note… Here’s the second winner of the poll. I stupidly duplicated him💀 but just tallied those numbers together. Also yes, I’m trying out new layouts rn so please lmk if this looks great or not<3
Summary: A photographer from the heart of NYC has been in a low-key relationship with Lando Norris for a while now…
Things to note:
Reader is a menace tbh
Lando and reader are separated by 2 yrs
Reader is a known photographer (just not famous yk)
Pairing: Lando Norris x Photographer!Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Playlist recommendations: 𝐋𝐍𝟒, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗
Taglist: @drugged-kitkat, @ophcelia, @darleneslane, @allwaysalleyway, @littlesatanicassholebitch
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Liked by yourbestfriend and 253 others
yourusername What a great day to change my pfp on my Twitter😮‍💨
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yourbestfriend Isn’t that the camera I got you last Christmas?
yourusername Merry Christmas ig
yourbestfriend The enthusiasm🥰
yourbestfriend Nah now it doesn’t feel genuine😒
Liked by yourusername
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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 847,733 others
Tagged: yourusername, mclaren
landonorris What’s up 2023?🧡
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user1 The photos are better this year wtf😮‍💨
user2 He looks amazing regardless
yourusername Ty for the tag, great working w/ you
Liked by landonorris
user4 Ty for blessing Lando’s face
user5 She’s a magician with a camera😩
user6 Danny isn’t racing this yr right?😞
user7 Yeah he isn’t😭😭😭
user9 I’m manifesting🫡
user10 Actually so delulu I made a mood board consisting ONLY of Lando😃
user11 At least you’re self aware💀
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris and 373 others
Tagged: landonorris, mclaren
yourusername Tbh I feel kinda bad for knowing next to NOTHING abt f1 but I’ll just do my job and whatever to pay rent in New York🤡 Last resort is the pole (not position😞)
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yourbestfriend 💀
yourusername Are you implying I wouldn’t be a great pole dancer?🤨
yourbestfriend Honestly? Yeah🥰
yourusername Bitch.
landonorris I didn’t even realize you’d take this many pics
yourusername Welcome to your new life (I sound and look like a fucking stalker rn wtaf)
yourusername Surprise!!😻
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 1,194,290 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris Checking out the credentials🤨
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yourusername At least I’m better than you🥰
landonorris You make a fair point… it’s your job😒
user1 Bffr rn😭
user2 Wdym? it’s his designated photographer. I think she’s a part of the team cause McLaren hired her
user1 Wait really?
user2 …yeah💀
user3 The way I love this new photographer😩
user4 Yeah she’s good. She’s well known in the photography world as one of the best in nyc
user3 Wtf that’s such an honor
user5 IS THAT HER??? 10 bucks they’re dating but not telling us
user6 Nah that’s too quick💀 They JUST hired her like this year.
user7 I’m excited for her shots in Miami
user8 I’ve seen some of her stuff at her gallery. Some of it sells for more than a month’s salary
user9 Her instagram is private😔💔
user10 It’s always been😭😭😭
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f1gossip New beau, Lando?👀
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user1 HUH WHAT😃
user2 They are just friends they are just friends they are just friends
user3 stfu what is this😭
user4 That looks a lot like yourusername
user5 💀
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Liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend and 271 others
yourusername Luckily this account is private💪 Hope they don’t find my very not private Twitter💀
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yourbestfriend Good luck😭
yourusername ty, I will not need it😩
landonorris what is this Twitter you speak of🤨🤨🤨
yourusername Nothing👽
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f1gossip Looks like Lando’s girl has Twitter👀
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user1 Wtaf I love her
user2 Ever wondered she might not want it leaked💀
yourusername Oh… wow…😐
yourusername In all my glory😮‍💨🔥
user4 I love how she’s literally just like everyone else and not some snob😭
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, infour and 927,382 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris Who would’ve thought it was possible to post your own paparazzi photos?!
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yourusername Holy shit, this is revolutionary🤯
Liked by landonorris
yourusername Why don’t the media just hire me to take better pics of us🤡🤡
landonorris Ikr
user1 Nah I’m loving this
user2 They are really handing the media’s ass on a silver plate💀💀💀
user3 This is pure gold😭
user4 I thought Kika and Pierre were my fav but Lando and her just raised the bar
user5 Honestly lmao
user6 why aren’t more wags like this
user7 Publicity probs
user8 Publicity doesn't make sense because she’d fear it too..?
user7 Nah I actually don’t think she cares very much💀
user9 You guys keep doing you, this is amazing.
yourusername Hell yeah😩
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 563 others
yourusername We’ve been around👯‍♀️
Tagged: yourbestfriend
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yourbestfriend FUCK YEAH WE HAVE
yourusername Ugh we should travel together sometime
yourbestfriend We should
landonorris Where was my invite?
yourusername Nonexistent.
landonorris Wow. I feel so insulted.
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Liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 63,278 others
Tagged: landonorris, yourbestfriend
yourusername Welcome to my Instagram, peasants. Above, you can see a little bit of everything I serve on here (and yes, I do SERVE).
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yourbestfriend Hot
yourusername I know
landonorris ❤️
yourusername tmrw is our 1 yr anniversary.
landonorris Did you think I forgot?
yourusername Yes
landonorris You’re not wrong…
user1 1 YEAR WHAT????
user2 They hid it for so long😭
user3 I’ve been waiting ages to finally gain access to her Instagram
yourusername thank you, loyal plebe.
user4 2nd pic is me during exam season❤️
user5 Literally same
user6 She’s living my dream fr
yourusername I must be very powerful, then
user7 Skin care routine???
yourusername Random shit from drugstores
user8 She’s so down to earth but classy in a funny way. How tf do I even explain her😭
yourusername I’m an enigma
user9 Lando is lucky wtf
yourusername Right?
user10 No but you and Lando compliment each other so well
yourusername Ty<3
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 1,037,278 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris For a whole year, you’ve given me everything I’ve ever needed. A fun and breezy outlook on life. You’re just amazing. I love you and I didn’t forget about today❤️
Comments have been limited
yourusername I’ll let it go for today. Only because I love you too❤️
Liked by landonorris
maxverstappen1 Congrats you guys👏
Liked by landonorris
yourbestfriend Feels like yesterday I told you how to get her attention😔
Liked by landonorris
carlossainz55 Congratulations guys, enjoy yourselves today🍾
Liked by landonorris
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻…
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩! (𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, 𝙙𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨: 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧(𝙨) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚(𝙨) 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣.)
*Please note that liking the taglist will not put you on it!
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shwoyo · 7 months ago
can we get tsukishima and kuroo x figure skater gf headcanons pls?
skater gf hcs ! ﹫kuroo ; tsukishima
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🏷️: fem!reader, skater!reader, fluff, not proof-read :))
wc: 536
a/n: sorry for the long waitt! honestly i wanna be a skater girl so bad but the second i'm on one i'm screaming. also, if there's any grammatical errors or wrong spellings, this is NAWT proof-read so i'm sorry
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he's neutral about it
he talks to yamaguchi about how cool you are me thinks
is also worried, but keeps to himself most of the time
will always say "keep safe" when you leave to skate
when you bring him to watch you skate, he'll be smiling brightly when watching you
BUT will drop his smile once he sees other people near him LOL
will take videos of you skating and puts it on his story to flex you :3
i feel the other first years will find out about you, and of course ask tsukki about it
"hey hey! i heard your girlfriend skates" hinata says
tsukki will keep his response short though
"hm, yeah, she's very good at it," he says stoically
"how is she? does she get injured a lot? can she teach me some tricks?" hinata asks
"she's fine, and rarely gets injured. and no, she cannot" he replies
would keep entertaining hinata's question though, cause he gets to show you off
his ig feed would probably just consist of volleyball & you, skateboarding, or just with you with your skateboard
if ever your skateboard breaks, he'll probably save up and buy you a new one on your birthday
if you get injured though, he's worried
"are you okay? are you stupid" "tch, you should've been more careful" he says as his eyebrows furrows
he's not angry no, he's just vv worried okay !!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals
would already know what you're craving & would buy it immediately
would do your errands as well !! willingly !!
when you recover, he'll watch you 24/7 when you skate
but he'd probably not let you skate right away
"dumbass, be careful! do you wanna get injured again?"
he gets so worried sometimes
"don't do that, it might harm you baby" with a pouty face
but all in all, he's okay w/ it! he just wants you to be safe.
will talk to kenma about you, he'd boast about how good you are
will have the biggest grin if you master a trick
"you're so cool baby! do that with caution, though."
at some point, would also wanna try skateboarding...
"teach me, baby, please!" "i'll be fine, promise!"
but once he's on a skateboard, he's screaming n crying LOL
"maybe... i'll just leave you to it... never again."
when you get injured though, he's reciting everything he says about safety
"i told you to be safe!" "you should've done that carefully" "don't do it so carelessly"
he's only saying those because he's worried !!! ok !!!
he would take care of you until your injured part heals (2)
will do anything you ask of and will buy you your favorite food (or current cravings)
once you recovered, he's not letting you skate yet
"after a month! what if you get injured again?"
again, he's only saying this because he's worried !!
and after that happens and he lets you skate again, he'll be watching over you 24/7
"be careful, y/n!"
will calm down eventually
but whenever you leave to skate, will always remind you to "be careful" and "watch your movements carefully".
OH and random thought, he would buy you both skateboard keychains & phone charms !!
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© shwoyo, all rights reserved
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sparklesandpudding · 10 months ago
Headcanons If they were on tiktok/social media PART.1
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- posts family vlogs
- or atleast mini videos about his family
- maybe also posts vids about fun things that happened between him and eve.
- I see him as the type to have like 0 haters, anyone who hates on him will get dragged and bashed 💀
- one of the best out of everyone here
- his kids would also have their own accounts, or even a shared account. posting abt the pranks on each other they pulled, or celebrations, and over all just fine.
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- bro I know he'd be the type to post rant videos, tagging Poseidon and sometimes all his brothers cus he wanna bitch abt stuff.
- but yeah most of it would be towards poseidon
- bro his face whenever poseidon just replies to his videos with the most no-fucks-given comment is so funny
- he'd also be the type to reply to all offensive (or what he thinks is offensive but actually isn't) comments in the comments section
- believe me, bro would stare straight at the camera with so much hate, but in a funny way, before screaming
- last thing the video ends with is his scream that's cut out halfway.
- his content? Reaction videos.
- maybe also pranking videos, like
"pranking my baby brother"
- Poseidon is the baby brother he refers to btw🙂
- the pranks always fail and he just uses the excuse that it wasn't finished yet.
- not too bad ig
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- she probably posts those eerily addicting videos of herself on vacations or out shopping
- incredibly chill
- her pretty privilege has both genders on the ground for her to step on
- probably also reacts to comments too. Just imagine bro.
"please step on me", or, "mommy 🛐🛐"
- she doesn't really mind it, she likes the attention
- whenever there's a hater, she calls them out so politely but also destroying the person's ego with the most humble but ego breaking comment
- but she only rathers to post pictures of herself and all, instead of videos.
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- Bro has so many fans
- he'd post tease videos of his body to just rile people up and have them begging for more
- zesty af
- most men in his comments section would literally be like "don't let me get behind bro"
- yk what he responds with?
"come behind me"
- also posts about his shopping trips, and maybe parts of his body that has jewelry, like his legs for example.
- he'd Deffo make thirst traps I just know it.
- I also feel like he'd post sexy photos of himself, but act oblivious about it.
- like just imagine scrolling and then seeing some hot looking baddie of a guy in a mouthwatering outfit, with his bear ass out. And all he'd say is-
"does the color suit me?"
- always incredibly teasing when his fans ask him to oil up
⚠️Slight nsfw⚠️
-so yeah he oils up. ON only fans
- he would be famous online for his looks
- and if looks are what we speak of here, he would definitely have an only fans account
- he wouldn't go as far as being a 🌽 star though, he thinks it isn't very like him.
- but he will please his fans, and people pay lots just to get him to do more. But sometimes leaves them hanging with a strip tease or smth. Only the worthy are allowed to lay their eyes on his perfect body.
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- leave the poor man alone
- many people tag him in thirst traps (MOSTLY APOLLO'S THIRST TRAPS)
- he just stares wide eyed in the camera, mouth agape in horror when APOLLO'S literally thrusting into his phone
- pukes afterwards
- apollo makes things worse by tagging him in his own posts, just to mess with him
- I feel like he'd post vids of ranting about people that are mistreating animals
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- he only got into social media cus of his friends
- he's not always online, but he has a big fan base consisting of girls cus he's a hot emo boy
- posts vids of his life, like maybe rants, or photos of his food here and there
- he doesn't always show his face, but he never dissapoints when he does.
-maybe posts lip sync vids too, the songs would be basic teenage depressed shi ykyk
- he wouldn't get hate though, cus like I said, his face was too gorgeous and cute to get mad at.
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- posts vids of his snacks
- kinda like apollo when it comes to teasing and riling people up with his body. But he doesn't go as far as only fans, or thirst traps
- I think maybe he'd just lift his shirt a little, show his abs a few times, or his muscles. And then looking at the camera with a teasful look and calling the watcher out
"you staring at these things? Ya like that~?"
(I nearly cried writing that)
- it sounds cringe, but many people are into it. I mean, c'mon, it's Buddha.
- also likes to post vids of him trying out the food from different fast food places, and just making people drool at his food, and face.
- probs also likes to do collabs with zerofuko, like going to the arcade and all. Incredibly cute bonding.
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AITA for catfishing/lying to my friends?
Ok, I know some people will say this is fake or bait or whatever but 🤷‍♂️ This isn't pressing or anything, either, I just wanna see what people think because the situation was wild.
I'm not sure if this fits into what people consider catfishing but I don't think there's a better word for it. When I (ftm) was young (11 or so) I faked having a boyfriend to all my friends. He was a cool, older emo boy that I talked to on kik.
My friends eventually asked more questions (I'm pretty sure they thought he was fake lmao) I made a fake kik for him so they could talk to him. I would pretend to be him to talk to them.
From there things just spiraled. They asked to talk to him other ways? I made an email and got a texting app on my ipod. They wanted to see him? I got pictures that were just random emo boys off of google images.
I kept up this lie for all of middle school (11-13) for about 3-6 girls I was close friends with. I never came clean.
Now, I'm sure they had to know? I'd use pictures of different emo boys, it was rarely consistent. He had a super fake name (think like, gothic literary references). In hindsight? I was just enjoying pretending to be a boy and being treated like one. But still, probably weird. They talked to him pretty regularly as if he was human. I'm autistic though, and if they didn't believe in him and were all laughing behind my back I had no idea. I think they really did believe though, because, I'll be honest, a few of them were a little gullible (I'm not above this! I believed another friend when she said she was a mermaid princess.)
I'm only submitting this because I told the story to some friends recently and they all reacted with shock and horror. I think it's weird tween girl behavior tbh, no big deal. He was just another member of our friend group in a distant way. I was weirdly addicted to lying for attention or something. No harm no foul. I'd ask these girls/come clean, but we don't talk anymore and it's been like over a decade. If I was an asshole I'll just know not to tell it as a funny anecdote anymore.
(Also if any of the girls involved happen across this, hiiii, sorry. And double sorry if this is how you realize he was fake 😬)
tl;dr: When I was 11 I pretended to be my own emo boyfriend to like, be friends with my own friends x2 and to get more attention ig? I have no idea if this is a funny story I can tell my friends a decade later now, or if I should bury it in shame and never tell anyone.
What are these acronyms?
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latinfeline · 2 months ago
i feel like this has been talked about to death but i want to talk about how different the anna kiss scene was between paths
this post is going to be really long so i'll crop it here, spoilers ahead obviously
first off: anna's reaction to lane's feelings
on lost compassion (lc) anna is hesitant to get close to lane because she doesn't want her own feelings hurt. idk how consistent this is with her character especially on this path (as she and lane are pretty codependant already before this) but it's better than the alternative.
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on awakened compassion (ac) anna's just straight up homophobic. the only real reason she doesn't want to enter a relationship with lane is because she's a woman. it's a somewhat interesting conflict for a character to have, but only when done right (this isn't), and it also doesn't make sense as anna on the lc path doesn't have many hangups about lane being a woman iirc.
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second: her reaction to the kiss
lc anna is having a good time, good for you girl. (assuming my reading of 'bucking' as she's pressing against lane in a /pos way is accurate)
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ac anna meanwhile is angered and disgusted. the use of 'she wanted to wash herself off' is so disheartening to me especially, like has there ever been another li disgusted by the mc's advances? it feels like she doesn't even like women here. even tata, who is battling internalized homophobia, still recognizes that she is attracted to women and enjoys lada's affection. even aside from that, this isn't a problem to lc anna, who is the same character! the difference between lc and ac is lane, not anna.
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third: reciprocation!
on the lc path anna kisses back. this is the bare minimum and i don't think sasha should be praised for this. yes, the scene is good, but should the players on the ac path really need to switch over just for their li to kiss them back?
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meanwhile ac anna is just sitting there? no matter what's going on surrounding it, this is a romance story, and our li isn't even kissing back. and based on the rest of the scene, it feels like she isn't even attracted to lane. adding 'without being mean or angry' when she wsa angry about it just a little while ago is an extra kick in the gut.
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so tldr the awakened compassion scene sucks (everyone already knew that) the lost compassion scene is ok but a little ooc, and looking at them side to side makes anna ten times more confusing
rant over ig feel free to discuss especially if you're more media literate than i am
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writerbeemedina · 2 months ago
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I’M NOT DEAD!!! And I have a book now???
• • •
Synopsis: Nonverbal autistic girl Cassandra Ventura finders the world to be a lot sometimes — especially people. They’re confusing and hard to understand, and they don’t always get her either. Then she meets Juno.
After a bizarre first encounter, Cass and Juno connect pretty much instantly. They come to understand each other more than anyone else. Soon, Cass’ best friend becomes a romantic interest.
With prom just around the corner, Cass finds herself wanting to step out of her comfort zone with a big question. But it doesn’t quite go as planned . . .
• • •
This book was made with a lot of love and I’m so excited (and nervous!) to finally be able to share it with the world. I hope it makes the autistic and queer community feel seen with this short but sweet story.
Also huge thank you to @atrous_yolks on IG for the GORGEOUS cover art!! 💕💕💕
P.S. I know I haven’t been consistent with my content . . . But it’s only going to get better from here! I promise this is book is a gem in the midst of this mediocrity. 🥴
Thank y’all for your time and your support would mean the world to me.
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ieatangstforbreakfast · 1 year ago
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝟒𝟐! 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ WHY IS THE HALLOWEEN CHAPTER PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER IDK IM SLOW, also politics yay ig— MENTIONS OF MY COUNTRY! 🇵🇭💥🇵🇭💥💪💪 Also uh VERY long chapter
Tag list ೃ⁀➷ @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @luvjunie @noetophat @proudgojofucker @adorefavv @l0starl @depresssedcowboy
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭
Summary ೃ⁀➷ You and Montrell seem to share a few qualities. In the midst of talks of politics with Miles, you find yourself parted from the reality you were raised in, instead finding a new world in Spirit Halloween.
This chapter is not sponsored.
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".. You should've definitely worn a coat over that."
You fiddled with your sleeve, staring comfortably past the window and out into the shining streets of Brooklyn. The comment was unnecessary , but it didn't entirely fly past your ears— in fact you swallowed it like a bad egg, making your stomach churn. As you turned your head away from the window, you're brought back to acknowledge your brother, Montrell, sitting beside you with his hand over the wheel.
"I like it as it is." You answered. "It's soft, fluffy, and big. Fragrant too." Because it belongs to Miles.
"It's the first time I've seen you wear something so.." His words trace away, but even without finishing the sentence, you knew what he meant. Unsophisticated— a little too boyish in comparison to your usual, refined clothes. The classic sort of unrefined your dearest mother taught you not to embody.
"What? It's comfortable." Was your attempt of a justification. Montrell shrugs, and you catch a twitch in his eye.
Your family had similar, refined tastes. Montrell, like you, was taught to imbue stylishness in every aspect of his life. He was often Armani-clad. Brunello Cucinelli, Hermes— and every other European household name you could recall. But in special events, he usually sported suits specially tailored to his tastes. His palette was consistently ashen, monochrome, with hints of cherry red. Like his car, which had been only recently cleaned after the staff was updated with his upcoming arrival, a slick, grey Aston Martin. It was likely the peak symbolism of his tastes.
You were never really fond of vehicles, particularly their strong, Italian leather scents (Or stench, as you called it). It was because of your sensitive nose that you often requested the seats to be replaced with anything but leather. Scentless polyester was your more preferred option. Leather alone was enough to urge your stomach to clear out your last meal, by ascending to your esophagus.
"I'm not insulting your tastes. I'm glad you're exploring new aesthetics." He manages to lure out his teeth, a compliment— a not-so-good one at that. "What is this?.. Like, street style? Grunge?.. What's that other one— e-girl, I believe? Or was it Emo?"
"You sound not twenty-five years old."
"Don't be mean. The idea of it is new to me, okay?" He clears. "I haven't seen you in three years. The last time I saw you, mom was the one in charge of your wardrobe. I only ever saw your pictures and you seemed more high-end. Saint Laurent, Dior, Dolce Gabbana."
"Those are my brands, I'm just taking a break. I'm not a walking advertisement. I don't want to get robbed in the middle of Brooklyn either."
With a three-second pause, Montrell looks at you and queried.
"Does that jacket belong to a boy?"
You sit right up, ready to defend yourself when Antonne adds. "You would have to introduce him to me immediately— I won't stand aside while some boy prances around your presence. You're sixteen, and that's a prey-able age for stupid and good-for-nothing men… Unless,” He pauses. “You’re gay.”
"What— What are you talking about!?” You feigned ignorance. “I'm not g— this is— it doesn't belong to a.. Well, it does belong to a boy, but it's my friend's jacket okay?"
Oh, the way Miles would glare at you had he been there.
"Don't try to outsmart me." He shot back. "You’ve got little to no friends.”
You parted your lips. “You’re being mean.”
“I’m only stating the truth.” He sighs. “You’re too condescending, and you hate people.”
“And your sources are what? A small interaction I had when I was twelve?”
Montrell grows uneasy a bit, tapping his nails over the thinly veiled compartment. ".. So who is he?" He starts. "From which family? Who are his parents? And how did the both of you meet?"
"That's none of your business, Mon." You sighed, running a hand across your face. "I'm not seeing him, I'm simply hanging out with another friend. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Well, it surely wouldn't hurt for me to meet this friend of yours, then? If he's not a boyfriend."
Your mouth hung open, a steady sigh escaping your lips while you sink a little deeper into your seat. As a hand runs across your cheek, you looked at Montrell as he eases the car down to a red light.
"He doesn't know that I'm a Chávez."
Suddenly, you're jolted to a sudden halt— nearly flying out of your seat upon Montrell's way of hitting the brakes. You grabbed onto the board before you with widened eyes and a curse in your mouth.
He remains calm, but slightly irked.
At that moment, he pulls a finger to his lips as if to hush you. He signals with another finger as it leads up to boost the music from the radio. The song blasts, and swiftly, he takes his jug hidden by the side of his seat, unscrewing the top before pouring some of the water onto his palm, flicking at the air conditioner.
Oh, he was checking if the car was bugged.
You hold out your hand, gesturing him to give you some of the water. Together, the both of you took care of the recording devices, from the front of the wheel to the back of the car. Upon gathering all of them, you stuffed it all inside the water bottle, permanently eradicating its usage.
Finally, Montrell places his hands on the wheel and speaks.
“I want you to be honest with me, [Y/n], and cut out any of the bullshittery.”
You feared that at that moment, you and Montrell weren’t brother and sister, but rivals in a battle for power.
Your finger twitches.
“Does he make you happy?”
The question comes off a little too similar to tasteless poison. It’s a gamble in itself— and it leaves you sitting upright and crossing your legs.
“He makes me feel alive,” Was your starter. “That’s a power no other boy could do, and it’s a rarity, since I’ve always lived for other people, but he makes me feel like I’m living for myself.”
A short hum exits his lips. “And your happiness? Does he make you happy?”
You harshly swallowed. “What difference would it make if I tell you that he does make me happy?”
Montrell’s gaze narrows a bit, the heel of his boots pressing against the gas as the green light shone. “… I ought to applaud you for your sneakiness if by now, dad still doesn’t know anything about his existence.. Unless,” Gulp. “He ordered you to spy on him.”
“And for what reason?”
“It could be anything,” His grip on the wheel tightens like the coil of a noose. “Hostage, information, any of the latter. I’m not sure why father would send you off to spy on a fifteen-year-old boy, but I’m sure the truth’s far deeper than petty business rival bullshit.”
Your mind blanks.
“It’s nothing like that. I just.. Like him, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why would I lie to you about how much he means to me?”
“Because we’re not just siblings, [Y/n],” He whispered. “If anything, we’re not a normal family, but, I’m here for you because I think you’re a good kid, even if everyone else says you’re not.”
“Cease the speech, Mon. I’m not a good person. Stop romanticizing me.”
“But why?” He adds. “Is it because you managed the media and the hotel?”
And hearing those words, you come to face the fact that there was a reason Montrell was your father’s favorite. The effortless way he’s able to read every situation, the effortless way he managed to read through your emotions. It was a talent you could only wish for.
“It was so obvious, you know.” He chuckled. “I knew— I already knew before I came home.”
“Because Antonne handles things messily. He makes decisions without thinking about the consequences, and he despises planning things on the long run. Dad wouldn’t trust anyone outside the family after what happened with Mom, nor would he allow just anyone to handle such shaky affairs. It’s not like it’s beyond father’s morality to hire his own children and calling it practice.”
“What evidence do you have?”
Montrell took one look at you. “The Warehouse. It’s said that it was recently burnt, and that Antonne had to fight the Prowler, but Antonne wouldn’t have had the time to take care of all that because he was investigating you.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You spat.
“Also, no one but family takes care of the Warehouses.”
“No— I know that, fuck that. You were going to find out one way or another, but what the fuck was Antonne investigating me for?”
Your brother simply shrugs, his shoulders dropping comically.
“It was about that boy.”
“What!?” Your voice breaks a little. “Jesus fuck, what is wrong with him!?”
“Evidently, he’s worried about you.”
You snorted. “Worried!? Worried my ass!” The vulgar way you spoke caught Montrell so off-guard that he had to look at you twice to check if you were still the same person. “I’d rather believe the world’s ending. Antonne and I stopped being siblings the moment he dropped responsibility for all those who were killed, forcing me to step up and do damage control because Dad stopped trusting everyone else.”
“Well, that’s understandable.”
“Plus, there’s nothing to be worried about. The boy I’m meeting he’s.. He’s just.. I like him. That’s it. I know it’s hard to believe since most of the time I’m a conniving bitch, but I genuinely, wholeheartedly like him. Like how a normal teenage girl ought to like a boy.”
Montrell hums. “… Alright, I’ll believe you. It’s not too far off from unusual, when I’m also facing a similar issue.”
You blinked. “What do you mean by that?”
“… You see, [Y/n], I’ve got also got a girl for myself.” He announced so suddenly. “Met her at Oxford. Like your boy, she bore no idea of who I was.. Who I am, and understandably, and I know you know about this too— but it’s a refreshing feeling to not be recognized as the potential inheritor of a business empire.”
You part your lips, processing the information with confusion all over your expression. “But— there were no reports of you being in a relationship.”
“Of course there weren’t,” He laughs. “I had her carefully hidden from everyone’s sights.”
And that could mean two things. You didn’t want to think of the latter.
“Maybe it’s genetic,” Montrell added, turning the wheel. “Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance. It’s frightening to think how Malachi’s going to inherit our tendencies.”
“I’m not,” Your heart raged within the cage of your ribs. “I’m not like that to him. I can never allow myself to trap him.”
“You can either be one of them.” Montrell sighed. “Mom or dad, I mean.”
The good ol’ bird or the cage.
“But I won’t be able to stand by and watch when that does happen,” He straightens his lips. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”
You can hear the voice whisper back in your mind.
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“Which is why I’ve got to meet.. [Y/n]?”
Your hands slithered up against your ears in an attempt to block out the voice.
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“[Y/n], are you okay?”
You gasped for air, a familiar voice taunting you like the one from your dreams. Except, this one didn’t speak like the voice of the symbiote, rather, it endowed this sweet allure as though it could sing you a lullaby to sleep.
Before the symbiote, there was someone else who plagued your thoughts and mind and actions.
Before the symbiote, there was your mother.
“Stop the car.” You croaked, palms still over your ears. Montrell speaks, but his words were blurred out into the void of nothingness. The more he speaks, the more your mind shreds itself into pieces. After a long second of thinking, Montrell finally pulls up by the sidewalk, taking his hands off the wheel and pulling one in front of you. He waves it hesitantly, snapping you from your thoughts.
“Breathe, [Y/n], breathe.”
“I-I,” You lengthily stammered. “Mon, I’m sorry, but can I go?” As he’s about to answer, you add. “I’ll introduce you another day, I promise, I just, I need to be alone right now.”
“But isn’t it unsafe? We’re in the slums, you’ll never know how—“
“Mon, I can fight.” You ended the conversation with that alone. Hesitantly, he nods and unlocks the door. You reach for the handle, moving along with the click as you turned to leave.
“Can you at least message me when I can pick you up?”
You looked over to Montrell.
“… Okay.”
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And he could already hear you from a block away, jogging with steady and loud steps.
Without even looking up from his phone, he unconsciously opened his arms to welcome you with an embrace— closing in immediately upon your arrival. You felt like you were going to stain his jacket with your glossed lips, but you barely managed to care anymore at this point, as this hug was beyond a need. You clung onto his neck, burying your aching head into the nape of his collar, taking in this familiar scent of spice and wood. A subtle homage, or a reminder of your older brother, Montrell.
What was it about men and their perfume?
It felt like you hadn’t seen Miles in such a long, long time. It was like you were a child who’d parted from their favorite blanket for a little too long that it made you uneasy. You liked the world and space you had between his arms— it was your warmth, your only true home, and it was yours.
All yours.
“What’s wrong?” He cooed, simpering around with you in his arms.
“I just want to stay like this for a moment.” You whispered. “I need to steal the warmth off of you.”
“Well, nena, why are you only wearing my hoodie? It’s so cold out.”
“It’s not that.”
Miles’ ears metaphorically perked up upon hearing you sniffle.
“Who the fuck hurt you? I’ll kill ‘em.”
Your lips curved into a smile.
Oh, Miles, you can’t possibly kill off a multi-million dollar industry.
“Can you kill a car, then? My brother drove me here and his car’s smell made me age twenty years,” You grumbled. “I’m boutta die at thirty-seven, I swear.”
“Your brother?” He lightly jolts away, eyes journeying from road to road in search of him. “God, where is he? Is he here?”
And at that moment, Miles subsequently fixes his posture, his words suddenly endowing some strange sort of politeness. You nudge at his shoulder, “I told him to drop me off somewhere else. I didn’t want him to meet you yet.”
“Awe,” He pouted. “Well, that’s aight. I’m gonna dress up real nice when I meet your family.”
“Uhuh,” You laughed. “And what are you going to be wearing?”
“I’m gonna borrow my unc’s suit, and I’ll talk business with yo father.”
“Only business you’ll be discussing with my father is your damn funeral, Miles. My papa don’t want me out here dating, that’s why he put me in private school.”
“With a face like yours?” He smugly grinned. “Your daddy’s kinda underestimating the power of your pretty face.”
“Oh, so you like me ‘cause I’m pretty?”
“Pretty fucking unbearable, that’s what you is.” The boy joked. “M’just kidding. I like you because you’re pretty much everything to me.”
Despite the fluttering of your stomach, you persevered with your little game. “Doesn’t answer anything— what do you like about me? Did you like my face or my personality?”
“I liked you ‘cause of your pretty face, and stayed for your amazing personality.” He answered as though he’d been preparing for the question his whole life.
“Amazing personality?”
“Extravaganza bonanza personality.”
“I’m not a banana split sundae, Miles.”
“Might as well should be with yo damn split personality.”
Your hands dangle away, Miles unconsciously attempts to reach for it but instead accepts defeat when you held his hand. “So where are we going for halloween spirit, exactly?”
“Halloween spirit?” He queried.
“Yeah, didn’t ya mention something about being in halloween spirit?”
Miles paused, holding back a loud laugh in the middle of the street. “My girl, I said I was in Spirit Halloween.”
“What the fuck is a Spirit Halloween?”
“Holy shit,” He verbalized. “You’re in for a scare, nena.”
And he meant those words a little too literally.
Growing up, it wasn’t within your household to make halloween one of your yearly traditions. Your father deemed it unnecessary, while your mother was anything but fun (Same difference, really). Your brothers have celebrated halloween, one way or another, but since you were the child closest to your mother, you were anything but free of her beliefs.
So being greeted with a large, bloodied skeleton first-thing upon entering the building was a first for you.
Miles simply explodes into laughter, holding his phone up just to record your reaction. You fall right back, hand still holding onto his. “Come on, nena, you can do it, let’s get past the entrance.”
“Miles, what in THE FUCK is that!?”
“Don’t be mean to your brother, ma.” He attempts to drag you inside as you sat down by the floor with petrification scribbled all over your face. “[Y/n], come on, introduce me to the rest of your family.”
“FUCK YOU!” You whisper-yelled.
“It’s not even moving yet, come on, [Y/n].”
After managing to drag you past the animatronics (Which Miles described was a work out in itself), the both of you marveled at the isle where all the costumes were, skimming through the racks and looking at each and every picture. “Oh, Miles— look at this,” You pluck one out, the hanger dangling from your fingers. “It’s Emily from the corpse bride! Shit, I haven’t seen the movie since I was eight.”
“Look at this one, Ma, this shit’s so you.”
He pulls out an Elsa costume.
“Even got the white ass wig and everythin’.” He giggles as you playfully smacked his arm. “Let it go. Let it go.”
“Shut up.”
“Can’t hold this shit anymore!~”
You tried to hush out his horrible singing, but the way he giggled was so infectious that you couldn’t help but giggle yourself. When bystanders started walking past the both of you with weird ogles in their gazes, you couldn’t help but put your hand over your mouth to muffle your laughing.
“Puñeta,” Miles added, pulling out a fucking teenage mutant ninja turtles costume. “You’ve got to fucking try this, ma.”
“Miles—“ You couldn’t even continue a sentence without wheezing.
You did eventually find a costume— unlike the original plan, the both of you couldn’t find a medieval patient dying of the bubonic plague, but Miles did manage to find a dark priestess costume along with a plague doctor costume.
“We’re like business partners. The patients go to me, and when they die, you send them off.” Was what he said.
“Wouldn’t that make you a really horrible doctor?”
“Doctor’s still a doctor, ma. I mean, it’s the police’s job to protect all of us but if that’s really the case, they’re doing a pretty fucking horrible job at it, but hey, we still call them the police.”
You looked at the mirror, watching the confusion materialize over your face as you heard Miles’ rant behind the curtain. As you clumsily tried on your costume inside the changing room, you couldn’t help but ask. “What makes you say that? That they’re doing a horrible job at protecting y’all?”
As you zipped up the bolero, you hear Miles’ curtain open.
“Well, Ma, brutality’s been upper than hell compared to the last few decades, so’s poverty. For the last four years, the economy’s been going downhill, which made us have a recession. ‘Cause of that, a lot of the cops had to kiss up some of the wealthy folks’ asses to keep their jobs.”
“So that makes them corrupt?”
“That makes them desperate,” He alluded. “No one wants to die of starvation, and they all have families to feed. It’s divide and conquer, really.”
“Divide and conquer?— oops,” You pick up the fallen headdress from the floor. “Expand on that.”
Miles hums a bit. “Imagine the crab mentality. I’ve read about it before for a philosophy research, and it’s a term used in the Philippines. Put a fuck ton of crabs in a bucket. You’re gonna see the crabs drag each other down in order to pull themselves up, but in the end, none of them ain’t gonna reach the top.
Because the true problem was never the crabs, it was the person who put those crabs inside the bucket in the first place. Same goes for us, the poor. We all have to fend for ourselves so we put others down— because if we’re too busy surviving, we don’t have to pay no attention to the rich who put us all inside the damn bucket in the first place.”
The way he described it was so familiar.
It was like he was describing you with your siblings.
Hearing the symbiote’s approval echo in your mind, you couldn’t help but smirk.
He’s not just smart. He’s a genius.
Don’t call me that, ever.
His experiences and your experiences were similar despite being so contradictory, and it didn’t make sense. You were rich, so extraordinarily wealthy that the recession was never a part of your problem, hell, the decline of the economy was never your problem— and Miles was struggling along with his family to keep themselves afloat.
And you could never put yourself in his shoes, as you knew nothing of the loss he felt.
But the both of you were kids in line to shape the future, and if the generational trauma ever continued, you’d only end up the oppressor, but you knew, Miles was going to tear himself apart from the title of ‘victim’, and he was going to stand up against you— maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow,
But soon, as villain versus hero.
You pushed the curtain away, unveiling the costume to Miles.
But rather than seeing him, he was nowhere to be found.
You lifted the veil, stepping out of the dressing room to take a peek at him, but you couldn’t find any trace of his broad-shouldered figure anywhere. You softly called out for his name, head spinning from constantly turning. Your feet took you forward. You try ignore the giggly and bloodily-clad animatronics whose haunting stares scared you far worse than any unwanted confrontation with any of your family members.
And there he was, talking to a girl.
That sort of closeness— the way they spoke. Laughing, catching up, or something like that. Acquaintances? Friends, maybe?
Something ugly pricked at your skin from within.
Montrell’s words began to spiral inside your mind. ‘Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance.’
The feeling seared your veins, making you dig your nails into the bed of your palm. Your knuckles quivered from the intensity, like a sort of anger you felt when you saw any of your elder brothers being praised for the bare minimum, except.. This one felt different.
You watched the way her braids fell, wondering if you could pull it off with such grace. High society’s always been too picky, which forced you to drown out most of your interests, but now you couldn’t help but feel a little envious. You wanted to wear the clothes you wanted to wear, try out the makeup you wanted to try.
It felt like your mother’s shadow was being cast on you, making you embody the very phase you feared, your mother’s daughter—
and like your mother, you were quick to get jealous.
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And it devoured you, whole.
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You faltered, taking a step back before fully pivoting your heel and running off back to the dressing room. You shut the curtain behind you, only now finding the symbiote staring right at you through the mirror— its grotesque body mirroring your move.
“For a girl who knows how to handle most of her emotions, you can’t seem to handle jealousy well.”
“I’m not jealous. I’m just tired.”
“And I’m Sofia Vergara.“
“How the fuck do you know who Sofia Vergara is?”
“Memories, my dear.”
You felt a surge of panic take course of you.
“This is unhealthy. I can’t be like this, I don’t even know who she is.” You exasperatedly murmured. “I need to calm down— Miles and I aren’t even official yet.”
“Exactly, so be the lady that you are and introduce yourself, damn it. You have no friends.”
“I have friends.” You seethed. “I’m popular as hell in Acadia.”
“If I had a dollar for every friend you have, I’d be the one giving you a poverty rant.”
“[Y/n]?” Miles pulled you out of your thoughts yet again.
“Y-Yeah?” You called out, whipping your head back. “You done?” He asks, shuffling a bit. You hesitantly open the curtain to reveal yourself, your sights eventually welcoming the image of Miles dressed in all black— with a long, beak-like mask over his head. As you were too busy trying to find his little acquaintance, Miles gawks at you from behind his heavy façade.
The faux black silk draped over your curves seamlessly, the crimson of the bolero gleaming beneath the light as it contrasted against the dress. You lifted the veil past the dark crown like a bride, lashes fanning up to meet him by his gaze.
“Oh, wow.” He sighed. “Wow, you— the woman that you are.”
There was something about the way he looked at you.
It was like you were all that consumed his mind and being. Nonetheless, it was the truth.
But even now, as Miles held out his hand for you to hold, you couldn’t help but wonder how many times he’ll look at you like this until it manifests from love into something else.
“It’s a halloween costume, Miles, not a wedding dress. I can’t possibly be lookin’ all that great.” You took his hand, drawing closer to the mask. “God, you look like a big bird.”
Lost in the way you looked, Miles’ hands unconsciously trailed around your waist, looking down on you with a dumb stare that you couldn’t fathom. Suddenly, the both of you were disrupted by an abrupt cough. You both turn your heads, finding the same girl you’d seen him talking to just a few minutes ago.
“Hey,” She beamed, waving her hand at you. “Hope I ain’t disturbing anything?”
“You definitely were.” Miles’ gaze narrowed. The girl laughed, her white grin wide like a crescent moon. You couldn’t help but think, she’s got such a pretty smile.
“Mind introducing me, Miles?”
With a hand still on your waist, Miles gestures towards you. “This is my lady,”
“[Y/n],” You held out your hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Both Miles and the girl stared at your open palm.
“Wow, ain’t she prim and proper? Like a princess.” She teased, accepting your hand. “I’m Amadi, nice to meet you too.”
Her palm was warm and smooth, decorated by the lacey sleeve of her periwinkle sweater. She stood in heeled boots, a couple inches taller than you— an inch or two off of Miles’ height. As she shook your hand, the girl couldn’t help but helplessly marvel at you as though you were a statue carved from marble.
“God, how in the hell did you land on Miles? You’re just,” Amadi’s hands airily traced your figure. “You’re just wow. I-Is Miles keeping you hostage or sum? You don’t look nuthin like human. You look outta this world.”
“Thank,” You stifled a laugh. “Thank you?”
“I can hear you, Madi.” Miles churned.
“M’just stating truths ‘cause—“ She clicks her long, acrylic nails. “Why she be lookin’ outta this world while you’s lookin like you snuck onto earth?”
You placed a hand over your mouth, trying your hardest, you very hardest, not to laugh. Miles pulled you back away from her with a disintegrating glare.
“Tu puta madre,” He spat. “.. Go back to Monique.”
“Mi novia— love of my life, we’re off halloween shopping too. Gotta big date tomorrow, we gon be watching horror movies n shi.” Amadi added, decisively looking around. “Speaking of which, Ionno where she went.”
“She might be with Voshon.” Miles piqued.
“Voshon?” Your head started to spin with the amount of new names you were processing. “That’s a.. Interesting name.”
“Mama was gonna name him Joshua, but my dad wanted to combine or grandparents’ names together, so— Vaughn and Shontelle.. Voila, Voshon.”
“Oh, he’s your brother?” You queried. Amadi hums. “Unfortunately. I mean, I’d always preferred being an only child but we all don’t get what we want most of the time.“
“Oh, I definitely get that.”
“No way, you got brothers too?”
“Yeah, I’m the only girl.”
“Can’t imagine the mess in your house, damn.. Hey!”
Amadi soon joins a pair, one with a much brighter and pinker style and the other satisfied with a mere hoodie for marking a fashion statement. You fiddled with the skirt of your dress, evidently nervous as a million thoughts flooded your mind. You weren’t the friendliest person out there, nor were you the most likable out of all your siblings.
It was never easy for you to make friends. Too many found you overbearing, the rest condescending. Your position was overwhelming enough for any other person your age, and those who knew about you were ambitious to make connections and forge deals.
What if they won’t like me?
What if I mess up?
What if I come off as too condescending?
But Miles took your hand, grabbing your attention from the spur of your overthinking. He took off his mask, easing you with the familiarity. One look at him and home found its way back to you.
“You wanna meet ‘em, ma?” He asks.
With an anxious smile, you nodded.
“Of course.”
And like a whirlwind into the night, you were off.
For the first time, you part yourself entirely from the world you knew and entered Miles’ world.
“Oh, hello!” Bubbly and sweet, Monique greeted you with such warmth that it melted away all your previous worries. “Oh my god— don’t tell me,” She glances over to Amadi for confirmation. “Are you the [Y/n] Miles always talks about!?“
“Nica— please—“
“You ARE!”
She spoke of you as though you’d been a legend told to the latter, like a tooth fairy. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! We’ve been dying to meet you and– wow, you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Your cheeks were bound to be flushed. “I think you’re very pretty too. I-I really like your hair and your makeup, it’s super well done.”
“Awe, thank you so much!” She placed a hand over your heart, wholeheartedly touched by your compliment. Monique looks at Miles with a pout.
“… Miles, can you fight?”
“Fuck you mean ‘Can you fight?’, I will square you the fuck up r’now.”
His friends were sweet— welcoming without the need of a surname. Monique, with her free and silk-like curls, was a firecracker who liked glitter on her lids and her nails and her clothes. Amadi was ever-so loving of her, despite preferring black and chains for her aesthetic. The two girls were a stark contrast of one another— and unsurprisingly, Monique already had her mermaid costume prepared and was just helping out Amadi pick her Dracula ensemble.
Voshon, although quieter, was one you recognized as similarly withdrawn and reserved like Miles when the both of you first met. Amadi described him to be a total nerd, and quirky— later proven when he and Miles chased each other with fake swords, running across the aisles while exchanging hits.
When Voshon tosses over the sword to you, however, chaos truly ensued.
“GO GET HIM!” The girls cheered as you and Miles managed to create a questionable chase scene of a Priestess holding a Minecraft sword chasing after a Plague Doctor with a scythe. Onlookers couldn’t help but watch on as the both of you squabbled.
Like a livid cat and its cheesy mouse.
“Esto en un mamey. You too fuckin’ slow!” He teased in between a heave. “Can’t catch me for shit!”
Shit went down as you bent over to take off your boots.
“That ain’t changing, nun— aye puta.” Miles narrowly avoids one of the shoes that came flying at his direction. He looks over like a child in awe, head following the direction of wherever it went.
“I never knew you were Latina, mam– MIERDA LOCO, CEBOLLA COÑO!” And a couple other curses exit his tongue as you tackled him to the ground with a loud crash.
You let a hearty, chesty giggle escape your lips. The adrenaline got you cackling like a comical villain, that even Miles couldn’t help but laugh helplessly along with you. Seeing you like that, with your hair all wild and your smile at its wildest, it softened his whole being.
“… You’re so pretty, mami.” He airily sighed with a cough to the side.
“.. Sure.” Was all you could answer.
And of course, after getting an earful from the staff, you and Miles finally ended your tiny sword-fighting sequence. After changing out of the costumes, all five of you prompted to test out the animatronics.
It was about taking turns.
And it was also when you realized, Amadi was Dominican.
You learned a lot of Spanish that day, especially from one step of a button to activate an animatronic.
Everyone’s mouths were.. Extraordinarily filthy.
But you liked it— from watching bursting and spinning animatronics screaming bloody murder at you, to going around talking about all kinds of things with his friends.
“God, I’ve always wanted one of those.” Amadi points at the lace parasol one of the mannequins were holding. “It’s so Morticia Addams.”
“Well, maybe you should get it.” You suggest. “It’d look great with your vampire costume.”
Amadi sighed. “I only got money for the costume, can’t buy sum like that. Maybe I’ll just DIY it with my nana’s old umbrella.”
You squinted a tiny bit, eyeing the sign that announced in bold lettering: $16.99.
And for privileged little you, the sixteen was just change for a hundred dollar bill, which made you inadvertently blurt out. “I can pay.”
“Nah, girlie, it’s gon’ take me whole two to three months ‘fore I can afford to pay you back.”
“I mean, it’s fine—“ You realized just how spoiled you were sounding. “I recently got my paycheck so I guess I can buy you something.”
“Where do you work, though?” Monique added, clinging onto your other hand as the left one was occupied by Miles. “Like do you work at a café or a restaurant?”
“Family business,” You vaguely replied. “Boring stuff. But my dad pays me well enough, so I guess I can live with it— so maybe I can pay for that.”
“No, no, no.” Amadi answered, accent thick. “Really, we can pay for it ourselves.”
But you couldn’t ignore it. Not when you could see Miles openly contemplating on buying the costume or not— as he’s been fiddling with the price tag the whole time you two were walking. And you’ve seen the way Voshon’s been eyeing the diamond sword for a while now.
So you made up your mind.
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a moment— can you hold this for me, Miles?” You gently nudged your costume towards him before walking away without another word. As you did so, the group gawked in confusion.
“… Where’s she going? The bathroom’s that way.”
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Hello, this is Mr. Chávez’s office, how may I help you?”
A simple, roundabout greeting, said over and over for the last few years. Usually followed by a “No, he’s not available at the moment” or a “I’ll take word”, but for the first time, the secretary stammers in embarrassment with her nails clutching onto the phone for dear life. The old man behind the wide, glass doors took note of his poor assistant’s sudden faltering, yet he maintains naturally unfazed.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll put him on the phone with you right this instant.”
Stumbling in her high heels, the secretary staggers inside the man’s office with the whole telephone in her hand.
“Sir, you’ve got an important call.”
“I’m busy, Nicole.”
“It’s your daughter— Miss [Y/n]?” She uttered your name as though you’d materialize out of thin air after chanting it three times. She was horrified of you.
With a click of his tongue, your father picks up the phone.
“What do you want?” He instantly asks of you.
“Dad, remember how you’ve always claimed that the celebration of halloween is unnecessary?”
Without even uttering an answer, you decisively went on.
“Well, in November, there is a tremendously large spike of sales when it comes to anything horror-related. It’s always been capitalist to clad November as a scary month in order to convince people to buy into scary things—“ He hears something tumble in the background. “— and since late October to early November is usually one of the hotel’s lowest months, I figured my proposal would be a perfect proxy for my apology for the way I acted during dinner.”
You didn’t even know what you were talking about at this point, but you were willing to try.
“.. What are you talking about?” He snaps.
“Well, I—“ You hesitated a bit. “I researched a bit, and I’ve come with an unsure solution.”
“What is it?”
“… Can we buy Spirit Halloween?”
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torialefay · 11 months ago
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hiiiii, i'm ✨ toria ✨, or you can call me tori :) she/her! i'm a '99 baby & i just write for fun/ in my downtime. i'm into astrology, so you'll see me do that from time to time. i'm also into magick, but you won't really see that on here (unless someone wants to talk ab it ofc!)
i always love to make new moots & connections on this app, so feel free to message me any time!
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✨ stan: i've only really been into skz and bts (chan and namjoon bias of course), so they're all i feel comfortable writing for. lowkey want to get into ateez though, so if anyone has a good place to start, please send it my way.
✨ likes: horror movies, vanilla-scented anything, CANDLES, perfume (i'm an addict and have over 60 pls pray for my bank account), hair & makeuppp (i'm the girliest girl to have ever girled), my puppy <3 (who is actually v old but he's still my baby), a super strong iced coffee
✨ hobbies: i bake a LOT & like to cook, i love doing my grandma activities like knitting and embroidery, reading/writing ofc, basically always spending time with my friends, & i'm the tiniest bit of a gym girly (literally go as little as possible but we gotta keep that ass up you know)
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🌟 quick facts:
favorite color?: pink (my entire wardrobe consists of only pink, black, and white/cream)
favorite food?: steak w/ a good red wine 🤩
random fact?: i sleep better when i have cute pajamas on... therefore i have the cutest pajama collection ever okay i am so poor but i am also slaying in my sleep
job?: i'm a student doctor!
mbti: enfp-a
big 3?: pisces ☀️, libra 🌙, taurus🪽(but i have an aries stellium, so watch out babies)
personality?: APPARENTLY i come across as a flirt. my friends always say that if they didn't know me, they'd think i was flirting in every conversation i have. but it's just my personality 🥺 how am i NOT supposed to call you baby, honey, sweetheart, my dirty little slut, etc?!?! ; i was also given the title "keeper of the vibes" bc i guess i'm pretty level-headed and optimistic (and ig more mentally stable than everyone else i surround myself with wow love that).
relationship status: single (for the first time in 5 years, so currently just trying to navigate through life 🫶🏼)
p.s.: will my moots please do this? pretty please? i wanna know so badddd
andddd i love making new moots! send me a message any time 😚
moodboard by: @hyngyu (now deactivated ����)
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ssszlami · 22 days ago
ok so here on my thoughts on the current three most likely 8th survivors:
melissa. that's pretty obviously what they're setting up in these first few episodes, with the most obvious scene ever (shaunahat makeout/"what did she look like"), and duh, hillary swank looks like her, they've given her blue contacts, etc. i think this would be great mostly so we could see melanie lynskey having sex with hillary swank. however i feel like at this point it's TOO obvious. it really seems like they're pushing SUPER hard to make us think it's melissa, so I think it's likely a misdirect. also it feels thematically appropriate if she starts dating shauna and then immediately dies like shauna losing her best friend, baby, and now girlfriend. the wilderness likes traumatising shauna so i think thats more likely.
akilah. probably the person who deserves the most to get out of there. she's been there since the beginning and has consistently been relatively important, and she's now obviously coming more into the frontground this season. however her pure goodness is also not a great sign for her. the purest, kindest characters have consistently been the ones the wilderness has killed, and so while i hope she lives, and i think she deserves to, i also know that in this show, viciousness is rewarded while kindness is punished
mari. similar to akilah, she's been there since the beginning and also seems to be more important this season; being given a last name finally, etc. we have the closed caption clue of 'young mari', which is very interesting, but could also just be a captioning error. however, i really really really want mari to be the 8th survivor mostly because i think that would be SO funny. think of how iconic it would be to not only beat the pit girl allegations, but to then SURVIVE????? i believe she can do it but it's gonna be a lot of work
anyway it also could be like. any of the background characters ig or ben even but these are just the three i think are most likely
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saltedriceball · 9 months ago
How I imagine the Mystreet characters
Because they’re block-shaped in the show, but my 12 yr old ass imagined them as real people. 🕺
* I mainly kept up with Aphmau when I was 10-12 years old, I fully stopped watching after Mystreet 5 *
* I didn’t watch MCD 🙊 *
*this is mostly PDH (my fav, I was 12)*
It’s just Jess.
Kawaii Chan
Like average height
5’4” ish
Thick thighs save lives
Whole wardrobe is baby pink and white
Idk grown me thinks she was a cam girl (in Mystreet, not Phoenix Drop ✋)
And she made bank too
She’s not very athletic, but she’s just like blessed proportion-wise
Pale, but not as much as portrayed
Idk I always thought she’d actually be Japanese since she uses Japanese terms
Pin straight hair she curls only at the bottom
Like ribbon
Quite tall
Muscular but in like a
~she’s a runner she’s a track star~
Type of way
She just looks athletic
Flat though
Paler than KC
Her hair is wavy-curly naturally
She kinda lets it just flow or it’s in a ponytail
Quite chubby
Idk how anyone watched that show and thought
*man who despises the outdoors, hates exercise, and enjoys sweet things*
“Must be tall and skinny”
The fan art I viewed in middle school legit surprised me.
He was definitely super duper skinny in high school
Adolescent metabolism and all
He is definitely like 5’8”
He is very pale
Does indeed burn almost immediately in the sun
Has an emo boy hair cut
Like Anthony from Smosh way back in the day
He also has piercings: lip, ears (multiple), septum, eyebrow)
Also has tattoos
Freckled, especially on his body
He has random scars from injuries growing up
Inflicted by his brothers
Mostly Garroth
But also quite chubby
Just kinda in the middle
Like 6’
Overall just a big guy
Just looks like he gives good hugs
He also has a beard
Not a big floofy one
But it’s there
He looks very Northern European idk
Has a lot of arm hair, and it’s very blond
So you don’t see it until up close
Also pale
And very freckled
Also wears a watch
And his outfit is the most average outfit for a man
Khaki shorts, a white tee, a plaid button up unbuttoned, a watch, and sneakers
This outfit could be spotted on an elementary schooler’s spring picture day
Or on my literal father 👨🏻
His hair is quite curly
Not in a spiral curl, but more of a wavy-curly way
This man is brown imo
Very tall
Like 6’3”
Super skinny
To where he looks even taller than he is
Just built like that ya know
His hair is a pony tail as an adult
But it was in a Superman sort of curly situation in high achool
I get the vibe he likes being outside
Doesn’t work out, but loves a good hotgirlwalk
A little more like the common fan art of 2016
Tall, but only like 5’10”
Absolute beefcake of a guy
But also like has some body fat
He is not rock hard, but you can see his muscles
I imagine he has thick thighs
Fat ass too
But that’s just how his body fat distributes, so like yeah he has visible abs
Idk that’s all I’ve got
There was enough consistent fanart in my atmosphere at the time that that’s how I imagine him
Never thought too hard about him
His hair is definitely curly
More than Garroths
He has especially big eyes
He’s like lean muscular
Just very average white guy
Like 5’11”
Looks young for his age
Absolute 2014 tumblr girly
Owns something with galaxy print
Very thin
With tig ole bitties
Wears thigh high socks, mini skirts, and tank tops with sweaters
Has the swoopy bangs of the era
Poses in up angle selfies like 🙂
So her head looks like a raindrop in the photo
Edits her ig photos to look more aesthetic
Girl next door
Well done, natural make up
Straightened hair
Smiling a lot
Even if it’s fake
Idk her character that well
Never thought too hard about it
But she’s like supermodel pretty
I only remember high school him
But he was like
Young guy skinny
Like you could see he had arm muscles in a tank top
In an old 5SOS type of way
His head is actually boxy shaped
Like 5’11”
Never thought too hard about adult Ein
Her hair is dyed with spells
It’s styled well, in a Jessica rabbit hairstyle
It’s curled
Body shaped like a coke bottle
Hourglass for days
She’s just hot
Hi why was this cast so white washed
His hair is not naturally black
It’s like medium brown
It’s also straight but he gets it permed
Wears eyeliner
Lots of bracelets and piercings
Tall guy like 6’1”
She spends a lot of money dying her hair that color
Tall like 5’10”
Her dress is floor length
And loose
Could command a room
Barbie doll
Hi Ken
Built like an upside down isosceles triangle
Back muscles for days
Looks like he could do triathlons in Ancient Greece
Like 6’5”
This man is good to look at
Michi but pink
The most golden retriever man you could imagine
Like 6’3”
Athletic muscular
The most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen
Tall like 5’11”
Long legs
Don’t know don’t care
Miscellaneous really
Wasn’t in the show enough
Nick Bean dyed pink
Drake Bell in his Drake and Josh era precisely
No more no less
Except he always has a scarf even if it’s hot out
Aphmau, tall
Button nose
A really petite lady
Her hair is black but with gray sprinkled in
The most smiley lady you ever did see
Mother gothel if you breathed life back into her
Forgot about him for a sec
Ok gears turning
Very calm energy
Idk he wasn’t that relevant for me
Also in the 2014 tumblr girly category
But a little more Bethany Mota with it
A little less galaxy print
A little more Jennxpenn vibes
Wears hella eyeliner
Her outfit is black cutoff jean shorts, an oversized shirt so you can see her white tank top underneath
Her hair is naturally that light
Wears converse only
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damnyoureyes-weasley · 4 months ago
This. Is. Cinema.
On the surface it's 2 guys a girl and a whole lotta horny tennis.
However, every single shot is curated to perfection.
It seems the movie is centered around this one match in New Rochelle and how our characters got to this point.
Over the course of 13 years we see failure, flirtation, lust, jealousy, trickery, obsession, pining and an intense rivalry. This all culminates into 2 ¼ hours of tension, techno and tennis.
The soundtrack adds a hyperventilative (which I'm aware isn't a word but should be 💀) layer to scenes that would not normally do so. A simple scene at a table turns into a 'holding your breath. Will they won't they' moment with the loud aggresive techo playing over the simple conversation.
All the tennis games are tense but the main one had me on the edge of my seat each time we came back to it. Also it's obvious but I appreciated the nod to the main tennis match being a representation of their tumultuous history.
Each of the three main characters feel so human that you can't just say "well they're the villain of this story and the reason all these bad things happened" bc they all fuck up and none of them are definitively villians or victims.
I noticed immediately that Patrick towers and invades people's spaces consistently throughout the 13 years. He's childish, immature, cheeky, stubborn, condescending and arrogant. There's also a vulnerability there. I think he's genuinely in love with Art ig only at first and 'who wouldn't be'
Art is sly, cunning, very insecure and softer as a person. Whether he was always like this or Patrick's intimidating, towering nature backed him into a corner slightly we'll never know but from the moment we meet them he's always second. Second to speak with Tashi, to sit on the bed. He gets shouted over a lot by Patrick but I think that makes us feel sorry for Art which allows his trickery to pass under our nose and us to underestimate him.
Tashi is obsessive, controlling, demanding and stubborn but also sweet and shows concern. I, however, think she never loved either of them, we knew this with Patrick but I think she lived vicariously through Arts career and cared for Art but never deeply loved him. Tashi and Patrick would not work in any universe because they're both too stubborn and they're both leaders, we see the fault of this pairing in the dorm before Tashi's match.
I won't pretend to be some film snob who only looks at the nuances and won't shamelessly say that this film was hot beacuse it was, incredibly so. The churros for Christ's sakes.
This film exceeded my already high expectations and I will say somethings potentially fishy about Lilys parentage just saying 🫢
To round this review off, I quote my favourite review, I've read "The tennis is about sex and the sex is about tennis"
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months ago
i love me some ranni and miquella parallels because I adore how both of these idiots are like the mommy/daddy issues prodigies who looked at how badly their parents fucked up and went "yeah no I can do better."
but i also love that for how similar they are their paths and motivations diverge in such interesting ways.
like ranni's motivation is at its heart a selfish one; she does everything in an attempt to be freed from the fate thrust onto her (which is VALID girlie go off). she orchestrated godwyn's death and the night of black knives and she does all this simply so that the two fingers won't control her; her motivations didn't really revolve around righting wrongs and fixing things she just wanted to get rid of the fucking creepy ass fingers.
and then we have miquella who arguably has the noblest intentions out of all of the demigods at first glance. he's a person who embraces all those who are outcasts and makes a safe haven for them, he abandons golden order fundamentalism because it can't help his sister and he creates unalloyed gold just to help malenia and he's someone who sees everything wrong with his mother's order and he decides that it has to be him who has to bear the guilt who has to bear the blame of the sins committed by his mother and how it is up to him and him alone to fix things and so he has to become a god so that he can make the world a kinder and better place for everyone.
but we see how well that goes and it's demonstrated most evidently in ranni and miquella's followers.
ranni's followers consist of blaidd, iji, selvius, and the tarnished (if we choose to help her ig) and consistently throughout her questline she makes it clear how dangerous it is to help her and constantly warns us about the danger of following this path with her; she reiterates how she doesn't want anyone to be forced into doing something they don't want to do and it's shown through blaidd and iji's actions that they continue following her at great personal risk to themselves simply because of their devotion to her and not really anything else, despite knowing that this is detrimental to their wellbeing.
ranni's followers consist of people who follow her of their own free will and because they wholeheartedly believe in her and what she's doing. ranni specifically stresses how she is not compelling anyone to do anything and that every action we undertake should be our own.
and we have kindly miquella. kindly miquella who has learned how to compel affection, who has learned how to make everyone love him and who has learned how to bewitch people to make them do what he wants; and we see this most evidently in shadow of the erdtree, as demonstrated by miquella's party. and we also see how when his charm over them is broken how quickly everything goes to complete and utter shit upon realizing that the only reason that any of them even got along was because miquella had bewitched them.
but miquella sees this as something necessary, maybe even something good. it is something good because this is how he can ensure peace this is how he can ensure his age of compassion this is how he can ensure an age where everyone loves one another and there is no such thing as hate. but all of this, of course, comes at the cost of a person's free will. something miquella sees as justified if it helps him achieve his goal.
there is just something about ranni, ranni who is described as cold and who is cunning and clever and the mastermind behind the night of the black knives; who gives off the vibe of being someone we should be wary of and who is very dangerous and untrustworthy, and as we get to know her we realize that even though she's shady as shit ranni cares greatly for those she loves. and she's also surprisingly honest with us (this girl casually admits to committing murder and then later on spills her entire backstory in doll form like) and she believes in a world where people are free to do whatever they want to without the meddling of gods.
and there's miquella who is described as kind and warm and loving and he's someone who only wants to help, only wants to make things better, only wants to create a better world for everyone; as we see through his haligtree and his efforts to help his sister. and we see miquella as someone who is good someone whose side we should be on and etc etc. but then we actually get to know him and we realize that for all his noble intentions and lofty ideals miquella is still very very immature and he's completely transformed into something that's almost monstrous; he is someone who is terrifying in how unassuming he is, he hold such immense power that he can bewitch and enchant even demigods effortlessly and miquella is someone who believes that a world where people are robbed of their free will is justified if it is a world of kindness and love; his world of kindness and love.
they're both means justify the ends kind of people but throughout her story ranni never loses herself; she sticks to her fuckass plan, she sticks to her ideals and she stubbornly lets them carry her through. miquella sheds and abandons so much of himself in an effort to become a god that by the end he's unrecognizable to the point that st. trina begs us to kill him as an act of mercy.
i just have thoughts about miquella and ranni if you can tell. just yk lunar princess ranni and her age of stars vs. kindly miquella and his age of compassion.
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