#she'll have a redemption arc eventually
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I made a villain to go with @kianamaiart 's magical girl OC
#art#original character#based off another persons oc so idk how to tag that#fanart#magical girl#magical girl oc#magical girl villainess#villainess#she'll have a redemption arc eventually#right now she just wants the cute outfit#shes so spoiled
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1 - How does 60sMindbreak!Vox condition different from regular RAM? (Can he remember specific events? Is he less scatterbrained and distractible? Does he break less things while at the hotel?)
Vox would probably be significantly more mellow than his main RAM counterpart. He's still distractible, high-energy, and struggles with short-term memory, but he's far more stable. There's not a 50 year gap in his memory, he doesn't have the trauma of the torture or his confinement to grapple with, and he's more or less acclimated to the way his mind works now. No one's afraid that he's going to suddenly fall apart for no clear reason and set the building on fire in this verse– he's just Alastor's offbeat, old-fashioned friend/lackey who probably shouldn't be left alone for long periods of time.
2 - Since Alastor broke Vox before he became an Overlord does he have less powers/is weaker than regular RAM?
It's sort of a weird situation. They're equal in terms of power level since neither has any active contracts anymore, but their levels of experience are difference. Main RAM Vox had become very adept at using his powers before the broadcast, after which he lost control over them, although there's still a bit of "muscle memory" there. 60s Vox never had those years of refining his powers, but he isn't starting from scratch like main Vox is. Not sure who would be more powerful since it's not exactly clearcut.
3 - How is Vox's relationship with Velvette different from canon? How is Valentino's relationship with Velvette different from canon?
My interpretation of canon Vox and Vel's relationship is that he's her mentor. He respects her abilities, but still can be a bit condescending to her. Velvette sees him as old (despite his best efforts) and kind of cringey, but she also recognizes that he's incredibly clever and his advice is worthwhile. For Valentino and Velvette, I think Valentino's opinion of Velvette changes with his mood. Sometimes he thinks she's cool and fun, other times she's a spoiled bitch who needs to get off her high horse. Velvette repeats Valentino as an overlord, but not as a person. His temper tantrums are ridiculous and she's not sure why Vox puts up with him– the sex must really be that good. However, Vel's not one to turn down partying with someone just because they're a pain to deal with sometimes. Her and Val can totally get along, so long as he's not stepping on her toes.
In this AU, Vox isn't as self-impressed as he is in the main verse, so he sees Velvette as more of a friend than someone whose raw potential he needs to mold. He might still have his quasi-paternal moments, but he mostly talks to her as an equal. Valentino tries to shut her out at first, but as time goes on, he realizes how fun and clever she can be and starts opening up to her a bit. Velvette starts off her character arc thinking that Vox is a freak and Valentino is a miserable shit. She ends it feeling like she's finally found her people. Yeah, they're freaks, but they're her freaks. She doesn't want to part ways with them; maybe if all this redemption shit doesn't work out and they all break free of their masters, they could be a team.
4 - What does Velvette think of Charlie, Vaggie, Sir Pentious (if he's still there), and Alastor? What does Valentino think of Charlie, Vaggie, Sir Pentious (if he's still there)?
Velvette's giving "sullen teenager" during her first month or so at the hotel. Like mainverse Angel, she doesn't take any of the redemption exercises seriously and can be kind of a bitch to deal with. Her and Vaggie clash a lot because of her attitude. Charlie is endlessly patient with her and thinks that once she can get her to open up, she'll buy in. Velvette bullies Pentious if he's around. Eventually, Velvette starts to chill out and becomes a bit softer with the OG hazbins.
Valentino is also hard to deal with. He's moody, thinks Charlie's mission is laughable, and is prone to making deeply cutting sarcastic remarks. His relationships with the original cast are similar to Velvette's, being mostly antagonistic until they start growing on him a bit. It takes longer for him to come around than Velvette, though.
5 - What would Velvette's reaction to seeing Mindbreak Niffty scuttling around the hotel? (Such a contrast to the cutthroat woman she worked under.
It makes Velvette's hair stand on end. She may not have liked Niffty, but this is just scary, seeing her turned inside out like this. Velvette was already leery of Alastor, but now she's actually afraid of him.
6 - What would Valentinos react to seeing Mindbreak Niffty so helpless? Would he try to hurt her (but she would like the pain) or has he grown enough of a conscience to just ignore her instead?
I'm not confident enough in my characterization of Valentino to say. We could meet in the middle and say he does something to hurt her as revenge, she reacts positively, and he's freaked out, deciding it's not worth it.
7 - Would Niffty and Vox's relationship be slightly different?
Depends on how malleable Vox's grasp on reality is. He could forget that she used to be Velvette's boss/accept Alastor's claim that Everything's Fine, She's Part Of The Team Now and start treating her like a friend, or he could be a bit more hesitant.
1 - Velvette and Valentino making fun of Alastor's stupid haircut while Vox tries (and fails) to defend it. (He secretly thinks it looks stupid too).
Valentino and Velvette are high school mean girls and Vox is trying not to give in to peer pressure (but there's a mean girl deep down inside him too, just waiting to come out).
2 - Thinking about when Vaggie flung the Hotel residents into a literal war zone. Velvette doesn't know how to fight! She was a regular teenager before dying and was snatched up by Niffty quickly after arriving in Hell so never learned to fend for herself. I can see Velvette completely freaking the entire time, potentially using Sir Pentious as a (in)human shield, and relying entirely on Valentino and Vox to not be brutally maimed or worse. This would probably be the moment Velvette became actual friends with Valentino and Vox. (Also when she realized how dangerous Vox truly is when he electrocutes an entire block. (Vaggie just assumed Velvette could fight and is horrified when she learns she threw a non combatant in the middle of a literal war zone. She would definitely apologize afterwards.)
Velvette probably has some self-defense skills, but not enough to hold her own in the Doomsday District. She definitely would try to use Pentious as a meat shield and is lowkey in awe when Valentino and Vox suddenly reveal themselves as highly competent fighters. Vaggie might've been too preoccupied with her musical number to notice that Velvette wasn't fully participating in the fight (until Val gave her one of his guns, that is).
3- After Vaggie finds out how Alastor maims Valentino including removing and selling his wings) she tries to reach out to him. At first Valentino pushes her away and lashes out, thinking it's pity when really it's empathy. Vaggie finally managed to break through his shell when she hand sewed him an eyepatch. After that he doesn't completely push her away and they start to become kinda-sorta-almost friends, eventually.
Vaggie and Val, the two most prickly people in the hotel, making nice. Charlie would be proud if she wan't preoccupied with the "Alastor's been abusing my friends" realization.
4- I think Valentino's eyesight looks like this:

Don't know enough about low vision to dispute this. He probably has depth perception issues given how he's missing an eye.
5 - Husk, Niffty, and Angel Dust are nicknamed The Glamours~ by regular Sinners because of their glamorous looking lifestyles and how much time they spend together.
6 - Alastor's a lot softer with Vox than in regular RAM He's a 1-3 out of 10 on maliciousness, breaking Vox was a complete accident and he tries his best to be kind to him. (Still a monster to Valentino though.)
That would be interesting, and has the potential to be kind of sweet in a messed up way. Alastor might've taken what happened with Vox as a lesson: don't be reckless with your powers and don't act out of anger. He ended up breaking his friend because he got too caught up in their fight and tried something rash. It'd make him even more infuriating to deal with from Valentino's perspective though. Alastor maintains that he's not hurting him out of spite (well, not entirely), he's just doing what's necessary to correct him. Valentino thinks that's a crock of shit, but if he says so, he's putting himself in danger.
60s Swap: Valentino experiencing phantom pains from his missing wings (and arm).
Mental image of Vox and Val sitting together quietly as Val "flexes" his missing arm. Vox doesn't know what to say or do, so he just decides to be there with him.
60s Swap: Velvette takes Angel Dust's role where would she take the group in episode 3?
Velvette probably wouldn't volunteer a location, she just sits there making snide comments until Vaggie snaps and tells her that if she's so smart, why doesn't she pick the trust exercise? Velvette takes them to the mall. The exercise is "trust me with your credit cards." Vaggie wants to throttle her but– shit, where did Vox go?
What would Velvette, Vox, and Valentino think of Lucifer and vice versa?
Vox is excited to meet royalty and tries to schmooze with him (the effect is slightly ruined by the fact that Vox is talking so fast that Lucifer thinks he's on coke). Valentino doesn't really give a fuck, but enjoys watching him and Alastor bicker. Velvette's curious at first, thinking Lucifer is going to be some cool, cunning anti-hero, and is lowkey disappointed when he turns out to be just some cringey dad. His and Charlie's reconciliation may have touched her just a tiny bit, though.
#storm-ismyusername#neutral#compound aus#vox (au)#alastor (au)#velvette (au)#valentino (au)#charlie (au)#vaggie (au)#sir pentious (au)#niffty (au)#husk (au)#angel dust (au)#60s swap AU
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another miraculous redesign! this is Chloe- Celine in my rewrite- and not the replacement. she'll have an actual redemption arc slowly over the course of the 'seasons', starting out as an antagonist and eventually growing into a better person in her older teenage/early adult years. she,s a spoilt child. not an irredeemable monster.
so yes. Holder of the bee miraculous, representative of the guiding light, Queen Bee.
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#miraculous redesign#hahaha so maybe she is also going to have a romance with kagami#what- who said that.
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I’m not sure if it’s already thing but do you think Poppy would learn that not everyone changes.
Like, what if there would have evil troll that doesn’t have a redemption arc, like maybe a pop troll.
Poppy thought she would help them change but she realized she can’t do that, and learn that not everyone has happiness in Trolls.
What do you think? My apologies if it’s not enough-
I know we had Velvet and Vanner, that one of them changed but other didn’t but they’re not Trolls so yeah, just some thoughts.
Just some thoughts? Anon, these are some of the best thoughts that I'm gladly going to talk about... in analysis form!
Also, I haven't watched any of the series so this is going to be based off the movies
Now, let's take it from the very beginning
Poppy has always known Branch was different, gray, and she's accepted it, though his antics might have annoyed her. And later, much later, it still took him a while to actually open up to her. The thing is, Branch eventually DID change and find the happiness inside him, which, let's say, kind of gave Poppy hope that everyone can change for the better
Now, to the second movie, Twt. Barb. She's what we'll be talking about. Ok, so, in the beginning, all Poppy thought was that Barb wanted the strings for a big party with all the tribes, and she only knew the truth when she saw what Barb did to Symphonyville
You can even see how angry she was at Barb, how she didn't wanna be told she's her best friend
But in the end? Poppy still believed that Barb can change and even threw her her guitar to make her join the party
She helped Barb change for the better, which also added to her beliefs that anyone can change
Moving on to Tbt. I've read a lot of different opinions about Poppy trying to get Branch to reconnect with his brothers, and most of them were that she was still the same old Poppy. And yeah, I agree, but only 50%, though. Like, yeah, she should've understood what Branch has gone through without his brothers, but she also knows how lonely and awful life is without a sibling, so she was trying to help him get better (in her way, yes, but Branch sometimes needs someone to guide him, and I'll be talking about this more in the upcoming Broppy throughout Tbt analysis)
Then later, she leaves the book to Viva, hoping she'll change her mind and join them
Now, here's the thing, Branch and his brothers did not get along as she hoped, but does that mean she lost her faith? Nope, that's Poppy we're talking about. She went to help Branch save Floyd, then ALL his brothers, then Viva JOINED them, then they SANG THE PERFECT FAMILY HARMONY
Things did work out in the end, which, like you should know by now, added to her beliefs that anyone can change for the better

This guy
Now, look, Poppy loved him, obviously, it was clear from the beginning. But the thing is that he literally betrayed them
"At least give him a chance." Poppy still wanted to give him a chance to explain himself, she believed that something was wrong, that he wasn't evil
"I'm selling you out." But he was
You can see how angry Poppy was, and you can't blame her
See how her expression changes from surprise to confusion
But let's rewind a bit, a lot bit, to the first movie
She's looking at him like he's a stranger, like he's not the Creek she knows
Then slowly realizes he is
And I believe this was one of the reasons she went gray
But in the end of the day? Poppy found her colors, she got over it, she sang and danced again, even though Creek seemed like he wasn't going to go good
I just wanted to end with Creek to say this: even though Poppy knew not all people would change, she still gave them a chance, till it got out of hand, then she starts to stand up to them
So, yeah, that's it. Thanks a lot for the nice ask, Anon! Hope you liked it!
As usual, feel free to add or comment on anything!
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Okay, I know I've brought up the Terry redemption arc thing over and over and over again, but I literally have entire scripts written down predicting exactly how it's going to play out, so you'll just have to work with me here, okay?
I'm a notorious overthinker. And what's better for overthinking than the symbolism-filled dream spaces?
But in this one scene in praticular, (no idea if I spelled that right), Viren watches Claudia walk off into a sea of blood, symbolic because she's going further than he did (thanks for someone's text post I just saw for pointing this out), but as she goes, she's holding a tiny blue flower- the same flower Terry gave her.
And I'm probably reading waaaaaaaaaaay too much into things, but what if that flower was a symbol for Terry himself? And everytime she pulls off a petal and it lands in the sea of blood, that's something evil she did (i.e. fighting the dragon, pretending to give Rayla's parents back just for laughs) that made him trust her less, but she's still got the flower, because he forgives her immediately.
And eventually, she drops him. What's going to happen? She's gone further than he (Viren) has, probably meaning that she'll even more evil things in the future. Is he (Terry) going to leave her? Or is she going to kill him, maybe out of anger, maybe for a spell, or even something else?
I really hope she doesn't kill him he's too good for her and instead he gets to go on his little redemption arc
#and again this is pure speculation#I wouldn't be suprised if I was completely wrong#Dissapoited but not angry defintely#tdp terry#the dragon prince#tdp season 5#tdp claudia#terrestrius#lord viren#dragon prince#tdp spoilers
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your text post analyzing haters behavior is so good. I also had that jarring conclusion of oh my god . He’s tsundere. It’s so silly. and I often think about the fremergency fronfract where haters subconscious thoughts are fronted and it’s literally … he loves being good! he literally admits doing good deeds makes him feel warm and fuzzy ! and they go off and do a bunch of fun good deeds helping people?!
AUGHHH it’s so much to dissect…!
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆
you get me! Hater is honestly just primed for a confesses-while-drunk fanfic and didn't that kinda already happe in one episode? WOY characters are so fun to dissect and like Hater and Wander don't have explicit backstories so you end up wondering why they are the way they are and it's so funny!
My vision for season 3 is that Hater finally has that long-awaited redemption arc but Peepers refuses to join him on the side of good, choosing villainy over his Lord (mostly because i always got the impression that Peepers has this vision of what he wants Hater to be and it frustrates him anytime Hater falls short of that grand plan). Peepers is like "fine! Ill show you! Ill be my own villain!" But due to his overall stature he has a Monsters University moral episode where he just fails at making it on his own. It's really sad but then Peepers gets recruited by this new villain who is actually as evil as Peepers desired in a partner. This villain would be the lawful evil to Dominator's chaotic evil, probably some kinda lord-dictator whose both quite than Hater AND smarter than Peepers (another idea i had was that since Hater eventually gave in to Wander's friendship while Dominator refused to be good even at her own expense, this new villain would put a sick twist on the ideas of love and friendship by being this creepy yandere type. Wander would be confronted with a type of love that is impure and hurtful, and if Dom ever comes back she'll be aromantically dishusted with them). This new villain gives the Commander all this praise and affection, but Peepers soon thinks "if im not the brains of the operation, what good am i?" So then either Peepers leaves or finds out some dark secret about why he was hired in the first place and needs to be rescued by Wander, Sylvia and Hater, and then FINALLY at the end of the season starts his own redemption arc.
Oh my God I'm so sorry, I completely went off there. I was supposed to be talking about Hater! So uh, um... The Warm Fuzzies is my fake episode idea. The premise is that a a cutesy puffball-like literal manifestation of Hater's subconscious feelings manifests in his chest and Peepers takes Hater to a bunch of different medical centres to try and get it out. Hater acts like he's a kid home from school the whole time.
Wander is so right that Hater has a soft side and Wander tries so hard to pull it out its honestly so tropey but I still love it and I know I'm not the only one!
#Reply#Wander Over Yonder#Skeletondance#Woy skeletondance#But honestly there's so much in this post I'm just getting it all put
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just watched a video essay and realized how perfect missy's death is in the doctor falls. after the redemption arc this whole season, then the "will she wont she" that is this whole finale, guessing whether or not she'll actually do what's right this time, she chooses to abandon the doctor despite clearly considering it very heavily, and then changes her mind, kills her past self, and goes to stand with him for no other reason than it being the right thing to do. it feels like a very appropriate conclusion, and we as the audience are *so ready for it*. but we (and missy) have forgotten something, haven't we?
because what has the theme been this whole season since episode 6? "without hope, without witness, without reward". so logically, for missy's redemption arc to truly be complete, she needs to be good under these conditions. so let's check the situation. without reward? well that one's easy, standing with the doctor she'd literally be sacrificing her life, doesnt get much more "without reward". without hope? absolutely, nardole literally calls this out in the episode and the doctor agrees with him. even if this plan succeeds, the cybermen will get those people eventually. no matter what happens, they or their descendants will eventually be converted or killed. its a completely hopeless situation.
but without witness? if missy dies standing with the doctor, he'll know she was good in the end. she will have the satisfaction of showing him her completed character arc and having him recognize that she is, in fact, good.
and for the conclusion to *really* work, for her redemption arc to really be fulfilled, that can't happen. we need that second condition, "without witness", to be fulfilled. and so she has to die alone. it's another greek tragedy: it's clear in hindsight that this was always going to happen. it always *had* to happen. as the master says, *this* is where she was always going. shooting herself in the back. her past prevents her from moving forward in a very literal way (and in a way the fact that she doesnt anticipate him doing this shows how much better shes become, shes forgotten she was ever that evil and vindictive) but in a way it only solidifies her redemption. in the deepest pit, in the darkest hour, without hope, without witness, without reward, missy is truly good.
#doctor who#the doctor falls#missy#michelle gomez#the master#john simm#i realize this is incredibly obvious and also something that everyone figured out six years ago but i needed to scream about it
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idk if zuko is a peoples pleaser or he just felt untitled to katara’s forgiveness but he does say “she hates me and i don’t know why, BUT I DO CARE WHAT SHE THINKS OF ME “ and before that he does safe katara from crushing rocks 🪨 and katara lends her hand when he is falling and appa caches him, i think zuko genuinely start to care about katara and sees her as an ally or friend and the southern raiders quest wasn’t JUST for Zuko’s selfish reasons, a part of it was, sure, but not the whole reason, Zuko’s cares about kataraa or at least cares what she thinks of him, we all that saying doesn’t he is in love with her or at the end he ends loving her in a romantic way lol nothing about what happened in canon or the way the writers wrote was about falling in love hahahah
There's a difference between "I care that this person I'm trying to befriend thinks I'm absolute scum" and "I am recognizing my mistakes and want to be better."
Zuko full on made up some bullshit theory of Katara directing her anger towards her mom's killer onto him instead of recognizing the simple fact that Katara was still pissed at him for the events of Ba Sing Se - in which they talked about her MOM, hence her bringing Kya up again.
This is the complete opposite of what zutarians claim Zuko did - they claim he wanted to be better for Katara, not just in the sense of being inspired by her into becoming a better person but in wanting someone worthy of dating her. Meanwhile he is REAPEATEDLY told why she hates his guts, and goes "This cannot possibly be my fault. She's projecting her issues onto me. If I help her fix her trauma, she'll HAVE to be chill with me being part of the group."
And him saving her doesn't change that - they're on the same side, on the same team. OF COURSE he's going to save her. Doesn't mean they have some deep bond.
I believe Zuko WANTED them to be genuine friends, hence him saying he cared that she thought he was a terrible person, but the way he went about it was COMPLETELY wrong and selfish.
It just so happened that, in true Zuko fashion, following the wrong path eventually led to him doing the right thing - aka actually listening to Katara, understanding her grief, realizing that VIOLENCE WASN'T GONNA FIX HER TRAUMA, and finally, looking genuinely surprised when she decided to forgive him, because, by that point in the episode, he was no longer demanding her friendship and forgiveness because he felt entitled to it, but was instead started actually showing genuine empathy towards Katara and her family. And the key thing is HE HAD NOT EVEN REALIZED IT UNTIL THE END OF THE EPISODE, aka it wasn't a case of Zuko making an effort for Katara.
Not to mention: That was ONE episode. Just one. One single instance of Zuko allegedly wanting to be better "for Katara" (which as I've already explained, it's bullshit). Meanwhile we have three seasons of his character arc having NOTHING TO DO WITH HER because, surprise surprise, Katara was not important to Zuko at all for 95% of the show, including during a good chunk of his "good guy" days. She is completely irrelevant to Zuko's redemption, no matter how many shippers insist otherwise.
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random Aisha x Navy member/bounty hunter reader selfship stuff (with her getting a redemption arc):
at first, Aisha is hellbent on killing you, just like she's killed so many other people. she's cruel, has a lot of bloodlust, and isn't one for mercy.
somewhere along the lines, she gets cocky and thinks that you'll be easy to finish off. boy was she wrong, though, because she ends up getting the short end of the stick.
however, she still tries to fight even after being defeated. she won't go down easily, especially not when she has a high enough bounty for the Navy to want her brought in for execution.
some time passes, and she inevitably wears herself out and stops struggling, leaving her at your mercy.
when you spare her and decide not to either arrest her or turn her in, she becomes confused and wary. this must be some trick, right?
you take her in and let her stay with you. at first she stays pretty closed-off, refuses to speak to you, and still doesn't understand what's going on.
over time, she slowly opens up, and gradually begins telling you her story: she had been orphaned when she was 16, taken in by pirates and taught their ways, and then left when she was an adult to reign terror and wreak havoc on her own terms. it becomes clear that the roots of her actions are a misplaced desire for revenge, anger at the world for all the misfortunes she's suffered, and the influence of people who taught her to be what she is.
just talking and listening to her proves to have a profound effect on her. she's had so much bottled up inside that letting it all out brings her a ton of relief, and your words are helping her realize that she can change.
eventually, she goes and does the runabout with the Assassin Syndicate to get her bounty cleared, leaving her back at square one and not knowing what to do with her life now. she wants to do something where she can keep putting her combat skills to use, but isn't sure what.
you suggest to her that she could enter the Navy or become a bounty hunter. since she isn't interested in dealing with the former and likes freelance work anyways, she decides to go with the latter instead. it takes some getting used to, but she becomes pretty good at it.
time passes, and the two of you grow closer. she eventually confesses first, and is happy to learn that you feel the same way about her.
some redemption arc selfship bonuses:
Aisha's favorite love language to give and receive is physical touch. she also likes praise too.
she doesn't really fully recognize her strength that comes from her being a Warlock sometimes, so she might accidentally do things like hugging you really tightly.
she's fond of telling stories, and has plenty of them too.
while her voice is normally pretty rough, it can be soothing too, especially when she's talking quietly.
if you two manage to loot something together, she'll definitely be willing to let you keep more of it than her.
she's definitely going to have her fair share of angst, from nightmares and flashbacks to dealing with things unrelated to her past. doing things like holding her close and reassuring her will help her out when those things happen.
so yeah, I did one thing I mentioned earlier lol
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Maybe all we can hope for CP is an eventual redemption arc like Nicole Beharie is having post Sleepy Hollow. Nicole's coming back on our screens slowly but surely. Both women did have similarly horrible experiences on their respective shows and beharie's casting may (even though sleepy hollow only started a year before flash) have contributed to the idea that someone like candice could be cast as a leading lady.
Candice is a genuinely talented actress. I hope she uses her talent.
I believe she was traumatized on the flash both onscreen and behind the scenes. They didnt just treat her like she was black. Lets be real, they treated like she was a nword, hard r. The things I'd see 'fans' of the show say to and about her, horrific. They're still saying it
I believe JR saw her trauma and capitalized on it and used it to his advantage.
I think if she did try to make herself seem better than his wife at the time, ot makenfun of her or put her down or be mean or rude to her, it was from a place of lacking. She was constantly compared to DP by the SB fans and called all manner of things. She was wrong to do that, but still.
To me, it looks like she was trying to get out (hopefully still is) but (in her mind) has nowhere to go. The majority of her adult life so far has been on a TV set. Idk if she knows how to be any other way yet. Its a hard lesson, but she needs to learn it, quickly. She has spent alot of time feeling lonely but not very much time alone and I don't think she can process that just yet.
Aside from the backlash she knows she'll face, I don't think she actually wants to be public with him. I also don't think she has anyone in her immediate circle(other than maybe vanessa) who supports her in this particular pairing. She knows she's alone with him.
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Useless Prey (affectionate)
"...I saw the damn thing fight off a couple of Empire mooks while limping. That dog's a predator like myself, so of course I took her under my wing."
Gallant watched on as the 'predator' proceeded to fall off the Wards couch, whine, and then run back to his owner, who had an emotional aura that he couldn't even begin to describe.
"...Console, I need an M/S tank for Shadow Stalker."
AKA Sophia adopts a dog who can't do anything... other than set Shadow Stalker on a redemption arc.
Inspired by Missy by LadyGreenFrisbee on AO3. It's a hilarious BNHA fic. Go read it. Seriously.
After beating up a few Empire mooks at a dog-fighting ring, Sophia somehow ends up with a puppy. It's useless, constantly slobbers, whines, pees everywhere, can barely stand up, has these really cute eyes and oh no she's attached.
Taylor ...doesn't get it, but she is also very amused at the whole thing, especially once she figures out the bug spy technique to figure out why on earth Sophia Fucking Hess is being so weird about this dog. Plus, Emma's just as confused as she is, which means she's not bullying Taylor. On an unrelated note Eclipse is really cute, and Skitter is not immune to puppy eyes.
Taylor mentions a few tidbits of the situation to Lisa, who promptly laughs herself to death. On a whim, she decides to see what happens if Rachel and Sophia meet while walking their dogs. Rachel gives Sophia some actually good life advice, and says that the fact that Eclipse, with all her, uh, unique traits, can survive in Brockton Bay of all places means she must have a heroic and protective master. Sophia has no idea what to say to that, and starts thinking.
Emma ...also doesn't get it. Sophia told her that weaklings like Taylor and Eclipse should be cast off so that the strong can be strong, so clearly Sophia just needs a reminder that Eclipse is weak and she'll go back to being strong. Naturally, Sophia completely loses her shit, and starts her redemption arc by beating up everyone within arms reach. Sophia eventually turns herself in for the locker and a few odd cases of manslaughter. She eventually returns to the Wards and finds a familiar face petting the Ward's unofficial mascot her dog.
Disclaimer: I don't know enough about Worm canon to write this thing proper, and this AU is unlikely to ever make it off Tumblr. I still get a lot of happiness out of spinning this idea around in my head though.
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Frankendonnie AU! 🦴💚🧟♂️
(Based on one of my recent brainstorms :3)

Some basic things I have for now:
Baxter Stockman & Mr. O'Neil are (were) lab partners. Together they created Frankendonnie on a gloomy November night, making him the youngest of the crew. Hold on Ames, youngest?! Yes! So Donnie took a while, on the following months (year), the remaining three creatures were made successfully. Haven't decided who's the oldest but I'm between Leo or Mikey.
April is a regular high school girl like in the original series, who wants to become an author — completely different from what her father wanted her to be (a scientist like him). She doesn't really approve of her father's shenanigans. And she doesn't like Stockman at all, because he's nuts literally.
Friday 13th, she came across their laboratory located at the basement of her house. She finds Donnie on the classic metal bed, and watches how he zaps into life!
Although lab partners, Mr. O'Neil and Stockman have different plans with the Terror Crew; O'Neil wants to learn more about them while Stockman wants to straight up make them weaponry. And April wouldn't allow that so about a week or so later, she decides to help them escape.
Donnie was unable to keep up with his "brothers" pace, given that he's slow and can't really move that much due to his loose stitches :(( so April saves him from Stockman catching them and locks him inside her room. But on the way out, they spilled a chemical which fell on April. Hmmm... I can't tell you what will happen to her but in this AU she's not half Kraang.
Some things that are still in drafts:
How would Mr. O'Neil react to Frankendonnie living with them? He'll eventually have a redemption arc.
The other three creatures are on the loose, so April must find them all and reunite the Crew. For now, she'll teach Donnie how to live life :3
Very important for me at least, whether make slightlyyyyy Apritello moments. I gotta be honest, I love these two but the series did them so dirty :(
Casey! Ofc he's gonna be in there, he's also a high schooler but does extreme sports at night like motocross and such. I actually have an inspiration for his later on transformation.
That's all I have, once I get out of art block I'll draw Frankendonnie 💚
#tmnt fandom#tmnt#tmnt au#artists on tumblr#brainstorming with ames#frankendonnie au#making a new au yayyy#teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012#tmnt 2012
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How heroic would you believe Goliath, Huntsman, and Syntax would've been if the trio had their own respective redemption arc like Red Son and Macaque?
Man, imagine if the spider boys DID escape from the Mayor. Man, the lady would not be pleased that politician AT ALL!
Welll here's the thing... I don't think LBD would care too much if the boys escaped. She called them 'loose ends,' and it turned out it was Spider Queen she was really after. I think as long as they managed to get the queen, she'd shrug off the other three escaping.
As she was fond of saying, destiny couldn't be outrun.
She'll get them all eventually.
Which leads to the redemption arc:
I'm honestly partial to Lilyroots' Huntsman-centered redemption arc, and I think a canon redemption for the Spidey Boiz would be pretty close to that. Goliath would chill out with Sandy in the background, both of them serving as protectors together, having some slight bonding as both of them are the biggest guys/instinctively cover their friends when there's danger. Syntax is asocial and tries to stay away from everyone, until Mei finally pesters him to look at her phone and give her some cool new games, then they become odd friends.
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Didn't get to answer this last night before heading to bed so I'm answering it now ( @agentchimendez )
I kind of do, In the sense that I have some plans. I think I've covered most of what I have on Renee. But I can talk more about how she does end up getting better. Having the worlds slowest redemption arc. Not because she's still convinced she was in the right after team plasma is dissolved. Because once she's left to reflect she realizes how naïve she was to ignore all the red flags. But rather because Trevor is so livid and upset with her, He refuses to take her apology the first dozen times until she's given him enough reason to believe her.
I like and enjoy exploring complex characters and character dynamics. Renee is not at her core an evil and irredeemable person, rather she was manipulated and exploited under the guise of bettering the lives of Pokémon and ended up being too caught up in what she grew accustom with to care when the plans turned to world domination. Which is to say she had gotten comfortable and it became harder and harder as time went on to snap out of trance the praise she received for her work in team plasma got her. Being feed "you're important to the cause" and "we cant do it without you" after coming from a field where she was regularly undermined was captivating and felt nice. Renee was never stupid just vulnerable. She was a newbie in her field as a researcher. Sycamore being the one person to give her a genuine shot to show what she was capable. And that's what team plasma targeted.
While eventually Trevor does forgive her. I don't want his forgiveness to come easy. She abandoned him for what he considers a cult and she didn't seem too bothered with that the first time they met after years of not knowing her were abouts. All because she was so desensitized to the harm the group was doing. She had brushed off his feelings as irrational because after years of doing 'the right thing' even if it meant stealing, lying, or harming innocent people she lost her ability to empathize with him in the moment. In that moment he was just another detractor trying to stop them because they simply don't understand the good they're doing. Despite the fact the goal was now just to take over Unova. And that's exactly how they wanted it to be. Slowly building her tolerance to commit crimes and enact violence until it was just the norm for her even if it meant hurting her own child.
He is justified for being reluctant to trust someone who chose a busted cause over him and his sister. But he has the hind sight of knowing team plasma is/was a villain organization. Renee on the other hand did not. When they approached her all those years ago they made it out as a newly formed Research organization intent on studying the effect captivity has on Pokémon to draw her in. Then slowly disabling her alarm bells until she no longer had any to go off. She was smart and better yet she wasn't from the Region so who was going to come looking for her once they pulled her in. Trevor is still however fully justified in not accepting her apologies. Words don't mean a whole lot when they come from the woman who sent his whole friend group into a fit in seconds.
But she does want to try. She knows the damage she caused will always be there. She hurt her kids seeking validation from a group who only cared about exploiting her. She knows she'll never get to experience a lot of firsts with her kids. Especially Trevor as the younger sibling. But even then its still not about what she missed out on but rather what her leaving caused her children to miss. Trevor had to take his older sister to school events as a stand in for her. Endure being picked on for not having parents that were around. Dodge questions from adults because talking about it was uncomfortable. She did that to him.
You asked about the dad so lets talk about Jules, their father. He went with her to Unova because he was born there and knew his way around. The trip was meant to be short with Sycamore volunteering to watch the kids in their absence. He never expected they wouldn't come back.
He and his family moved to Kalos when he was about the age of most protagonists are (10-13 ish) and met Renee in school. They hit it off right away with Renee being (like Trevor is now) a straight A student with a passion for Pokémon and a dream to become a proper professor one day. While he wanted to follow in his mothers footsteps and become a renown trainer. They were friends for a long time before they ended up dating. As he got older he found himself more passionate about protecting Pokémon and became a Ranger.
When Renee got into the research field and started working with Sycamore the fairly new professor who was in walking distance from their home he was elated for her. He came to really trust Sycamore considering him a family friend and even pitching in with his work since he was around Pokémon all day anyway. So when sycamore asked her to go to Unova for a bit to do some field research Jules went with her after being assured Augustine didn't mind keeping an eye on their kids. He trusted him and wanted to help Renee find her way around. What he didn't expect was not being able to trust Renee.
When Renee started pushing back the trip home he excused it for the first week or two. She had made some research buddies in the region and he understood that she was excited. But as a few weeks turned into months he grew ever more suspicious of her as she kept making excuses as to why she needed to stay longer. Eventually he started to assume there was something up with her friends and red flags were raised. About a year into this trip he started to confront her and later them. He didn't want to doubt her judgement but it was getting to the point where they hadn't seen their kids in over a year. Her friends were shady. She was doing things behind his back. And kept pushing to stay longer.
He brought up multiple times that he thought something was wrong with them. "I think they're using you", "I think you're being manipulated", "Renee there's something wrong about this". With Renee brushing him off as being either Jealous or him trying to make it out like she was stupid. He didn't want to leave without her and yet he couldn't get through to her because her researcher friends had planted these ideas into her head whenever she lamented about his concerns or started to question them herself. He was growing ever paranoid that something bad was going to happen to him or worse Renee. And they wanted him gone before he broke through to her.
As it stands its undecided how they tried to get rid of him. But it is decided he's alive/Survived whatever they attempted. (I won't kill Trevor's dad). Everyones welcome to pitch ideas. Its also undecided who makes it back to Kalos first.
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I want Neo to get a revelations arc (learning the truth about Romans death) and then feral to domestication arc XD like not truly redeemed still little >:3 evil gremlin but is now following the group like an unsure cat between hm could still stabberoo and hrgn we have common enemy now tho, just >:/ unhappily experiencing conscious and thoughts, ominous scene of standing over Ruby sleeping at camp with blade ready, hesitating, maybe ruby having a nightmare crying over someone she lost her mother pyrrha penny her innocence really and Neo just staring at her sobbing in her sleep calling out to them, puts her blade away and disappears into the night because wow that was painfully familiar >:( now SHE'S upset
Begrudging cat slowly getting used to team, cause idk I don't watch rwby but I don't think neo would get full redeemed but definitely less bad guyed lurking and causing minor problems still kind of a terrifying force but less inclined to stab usually
Oh yeah no Neo loves being a little ice cream gremlin. She loves stealing and causing destruction, she'd never really give up that life lol. But honestly, love the idea of her being a cat who kinda just follows them around angrily.
I think it'd kinda be like Catra's redemption arc. She's extremely hesitant at first, but she'd eventually warm up to them. She'll always be a gremlin but she's not gonna like. Stab anyone. Maybe, she might if they annoy her enough.
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I need like different names for each stage of Misplaced Constellations to signify which version of Star I'm talking about cuz the character growth goes CRAZY like:
Pogtopia (Pre-Festival) Era: When she first arrives to the DSMP and is trying to help Pogtopia win back L'Manberg
Pogtopia (Post-Festival) Era: After the festival when she gives up on helping, has a massive mental spiral, and decides to go along with Wilbur's plan to blow it all up
New L'Manberg (Pre-Talk w/ Ghostbur) Era: Star's now this numb ghost that nobody can see who just hates herself and won't stop having lil breakdowns all the time
New L'Manberg (Post-Talk w/ Ghostbur) Era: Decides to use the opportunity of being around to finally try to help again (and it actually works a lil bit yippee!!)
Limbo (Pre-Breakdown w/ Wilbur) Era: Is terrified and infuriated that she's stuck with Wilbur who she subconsciously started blaming everything on, especially since it was right after she started to gaf again
Limbo (Post-Breakdown w/ Wilbur) Era: Having accepted that she'll likely never get out of limbo and that Wilbur and her were equally at fault she calms down. Overtime the two become inseparably close (being together for 8 years will do that) and trust one another wholeheartedly
Revival (Burger Arc) Era: Going along happily as Wilbur's shadow, enjoying being alive though constantly guilty that Wilbur takes the fall for everything she did. Bonds with Ranboo and begins to trust him a lot
Revival (Post-Burger Arc) Era: The guilt grows following Ranboo's death and things become tense as Star wants to tell everyone what she did and Wilbur refuses. Either way they're both determined to become better people.
Revival (Post-Dream's Death) Era: Everybody now hates Star since they know the truth, though many still don't trust Wilbur. Phil despises her and they're not on speaking terms with him. Tubbo is similarly betrayed. Now they can actually try to redeem themselves
Revival (Redemption Arc): Slowly but surely Star and Wilbur manage to make things up to most people. Tommy trusts them both again and others are starting to forgive/realize they don't want to hurt anybody anymore. Eventually Star finds peace, accepting the DSMP is her new permanent home and that she's okay with that
Back Home (Pre-Wilbur Arriving) Era: Star is suddenly thrown back into her world and now has to process all the trauma she endured alone without being able to tell anybody because they'll all think she's crazy/imagined it. Also goes through some hardcore therapy stuff and is treated like a freaky lab experiment
Back Home (Post-Wilbur Arriving) Era: Wilbur appears in her world and they're reunited, allowing Star to finally start to actually heal. They reconnect from where they left off and become even closer somehow
Finale Era: Mumza fixes things so Star and Wilbur have easy access to both worlds and they can well and truly finally rest. Nothing but happiness and healing from here on out as the two grow together, enjoying their lives and never taking it for granted
#rae yaps#misplaced constellations#the timeline is looooooong considering i take into account the entire dsmp plotline and then some#star has like 25 character arcs it's hilarious#it's also fun because i give the dsmp an actually decent happy ending instead of Whatever The Fuck Canon Was#cw bold#cw italics#cw cursing in tags
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