wanderloveshater · 4 months
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bomburi · 5 months
hi tumblrrr
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talkativewreck · 1 year
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Something you learn about me is that I very much like to draw my favourites absolutely flustered out of their mind
Also these are just some little doodles don't mind them being messy too much..
...Also Also Hero Wander was drawn by memory...ignore the inaccuracies
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skeletondanc3r · 9 months
@wanderloveshater Happy birthday!! Hope you're ready for some #skeletondance
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The first month or so of their relationship! Hater gains confidence over time, while Wander suddenly doesn't know how to handle him taking the lead! He's only ever flirted as a temporary distraction before...
They get the hang of things eventually. :)
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cheezcurds · 3 months
If you're comfortable with it: skeletondance with your take on a redeemed Hater!
If you aren't: Captain Tim being lovingly forced into stupid cutesy outfits lmao
A lil' skeletondance never hurt anybody! I'm completely comfortable with 'em, Don't worry! Here ya go!
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And for my take on redeemed hatey...I think He'd change his cloak up a bit(mostly replacing the blood drips with hearts), with a big ole' hoodie pocket! (that wander can probably fit in haha) : – ) I dont think his outfit would be much different, Like Jeff (Major Threat), His personality and goals would be the main change ^^
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cannedsyrup · 4 months
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love yaoi💓💓💕💕💕
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cunt-removal · 3 months
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owhghh comeback come back pretty please with acherry on top covered in a banana sundae
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bigtopcheezborger · 8 months
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stuff from this past week
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justvico · 7 months
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some doodly i made and colored :) he thinks of him every 30 seconds and has an alarm set to have a mindfulness meditation where he specifically thanks hater (this is all canon he told me himself)
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maxball · 2 months
i finally figured out my main otp taste thanks pinterest
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sharkaiju · 9 months
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wanderloveshater · 4 months
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s3tok41b4 · 2 years
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You know they'd be mushy and cutesy af ❤️
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talkativewreck · 1 year
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This show is very near and dear to me
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probablyaseamonster · 10 months
your text post analyzing haters behavior is so good. I also had that jarring conclusion of oh my god . He’s tsundere. It’s so silly. and I often think about the fremergency fronfract where haters subconscious thoughts are fronted and it’s literally … he loves being good! he literally admits doing good deeds makes him feel warm and fuzzy ! and they go off and do a bunch of fun good deeds helping people?!
AUGHHH it’s so much to dissect…!
(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆
you get me! Hater is honestly just primed for a confesses-while-drunk fanfic and didn't that kinda already happe in one episode? WOY characters are so fun to dissect and like Hater and Wander don't have explicit backstories so you end up wondering why they are the way they are and it's so funny!
My vision for season 3 is that Hater finally has that long-awaited redemption arc but Peepers refuses to join him on the side of good, choosing villainy over his Lord (mostly because i always got the impression that Peepers has this vision of what he wants Hater to be and it frustrates him anytime Hater falls short of that grand plan). Peepers is like "fine! Ill show you! Ill be my own villain!" But due to his overall stature he has a Monsters University moral episode where he just fails at making it on his own. It's really sad but then Peepers gets recruited by this new villain who is actually as evil as Peepers desired in a partner. This villain would be the lawful evil to Dominator's chaotic evil, probably some kinda lord-dictator whose both quite than Hater AND smarter than Peepers (another idea i had was that since Hater eventually gave in to Wander's friendship while Dominator refused to be good even at her own expense, this new villain would put a sick twist on the ideas of love and friendship by being this creepy yandere type. Wander would be confronted with a type of love that is impure and hurtful, and if Dom ever comes back she'll be aromantically dishusted with them). This new villain gives the Commander all this praise and affection, but Peepers soon thinks "if im not the brains of the operation, what good am i?" So then either Peepers leaves or finds out some dark secret about why he was hired in the first place and needs to be rescued by Wander, Sylvia and Hater, and then FINALLY at the end of the season starts his own redemption arc.
Oh my God I'm so sorry, I completely went off there. I was supposed to be talking about Hater! So uh, um... The Warm Fuzzies is my fake episode idea. The premise is that a a cutesy puffball-like literal manifestation of Hater's subconscious feelings manifests in his chest and Peepers takes Hater to a bunch of different medical centres to try and get it out. Hater acts like he's a kid home from school the whole time.
Wander is so right that Hater has a soft side and Wander tries so hard to pull it out its honestly so tropey but I still love it and I know I'm not the only one!
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chronicallyorange · 3 months
incredibly starryeyed/skeletondance song i think..
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