a rare pair of paired rare pears
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he/him. Probably. I'm still working on it, shut up. I don’t have headcanons, I have a head arsenal. Not that I can use it. Throw asks about my ideas at me to get me to think about writing more. AO3
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scrion7 · 6 hours ago
mh wilds liveblog, this time in HR!
note; HR means High Rank, not High Resolution. no pictures here...yet. Here's the Low Rank post.
Anyway, High Rank usually brings a whole host of moveset additions to low rank monsters, plus a few brand new ones. Of the monsters so far fought, Lala Barina's new extremely delayed pounce is by far the most impactful on the fight. I can't precharge an offset when Lala dances anymore, it's too delayed. Chatacabra and Quematrice also got a few upgrades, though not as severe.
But that's not the fun part. The fun part is that Wilds threw most of the returning monsters into High Rank, to be hunted at your leisure. I hunted both of the Raths before the next urgent, and hoo boy they were distinctly different, Rathalos especially. Both of them got this oddly graceful sidestep reposition that Rathian uses quite effectively, but they also got a wound weak point that gets exposed whenever they fireball. Hard to get the timing to exploit it, but a free down's a free down. Also the fire looks AMAZING? Like, it looks even better and hotter than World Fatalis at his best.
Rathalos especially got quite a make over, even after Rise/Sunbreak's make over. He's got Rise's dragline of fire and World's Azure double charged fireball, but most of the moves and combos are brand new! Of note are the drive by double fireball and an aerial counterpart to the double firebite.
Most importantly, he's got his own theme back! It actually sounds good this time, with a neat little callback to the Kokoto Village theme.
Also, Frenzied Nerscylla is a thing. The new sixfold web shoot is cool, but that's really about all I saw. Then there's the whole Frenzy thing, and... well. I'm gonna be absolutely crucified for saying this...
I first fought Gore in Sunbreak, and my opinion on him is... really bad. As in, tied for last place with Azure Rath for worst flagship. Long story short, I think Gore doesn't really have an identity beyond 'ooh frenzy,' which fails because I also think Frenzy doesn't really do anything? It didn't change my playstyle at all in Sunbreak, and against Frenzied Nerscylla I found my playstyle being exactly the same as well.
I am REALLY hoping that Wilds can turn around my opinion on Gore... but it's not looking good.
(shagaru and to a lesser extent chaotic are decent tho)
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scrion7 · 9 hours ago
Final boss down. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT THING. spoilers. obviously.
seriously. spoilers.
I dunno, but that certainly FELT like a weapon equal to an Elder Dragon. I distinctly heard the famous Forest and Hills theme, aka Rathalos's theme, aka FATALIS'S theme. Black in coloration in it's final phase, and equal control of dragon, fire, and wylk.
anyway did you know it only has like 2 attacks that hit behind it? classic weakness of beeg bois. only one cart, due to a one-shot mechanic that I succeeded in subsequent times.
anyway anyway high rank awaits! I'll probably post liveblogs of HR on a separate post because this one's getting long.
edit: separate high rank post is here!
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 9 hours ago
Arkveld is down. HR7.
First off, two COMPLETE SURPRISE NON ADVERTISED ADDITIONS. One returning, one brand new. I am NOT gonna spoil it, but I was very happy with the both of them. The returning monster was lots of fun to fight with Wilds Greatsword, especially with those tasty offsets. The brand new one was...alright, it was cool but the other Apexes still overshadowed it. However, when in it's lair? 10/10 no notes.
Arkveld is Arkveld... except NO IT ISN'T! The quest title "Chained Arkveld" in the beta was in fact a sign. The one you fight in story... lets just say he got some upgrades. I'm not gonna spoil it, but he does have new moves and animations, and I would have carted to it if it weren't for Divine Blessing. Still was an Arkveld though, and was an incredible fight as always. Sub 10 minutes too, really proud of that.
Anyway, I'm off to fight the final boss... of low rank. Seriously? Seriously.
Also...minor story spoilers below...
So, there's a moral dilemna that came up in story and while the characters are debating on whether to pull the lever in the trolley problem, I got a Greatsword. I can kill the trolley. This should not be an issue.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 11 hours ago
Jin Dahaad is one hell of a spectacle fight. The first half I didn't really know what to hit and how not to get hit, but once I got the hang of it, it was a fight to behold. The first ult I managed to divine blessing tank it, and correctly avoided the second. Jin's mechanics overall took a while to understand. I'm also fairly certain they nerfed Superman dodge spam, which is honestly a good idea. Permanent invulnerability by spamming it was very overpowered. No more Lunastra supernovas though, please?
As for the story... I really don't know how I feel about it. There are quite a few cliches, and overall it doesn't really feel right to me for a Monster Hunter game. I dunno, we'll see how it goes.
The Iceshard Cliff's village is certainly pretty though. Mangosteen and Poogie together won me over.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 12 hours ago
hey so I did the next quest and the next quest only and WHAT THE FUCK
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 12 hours ago
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(cough)very silly nonsensical work,sorry XD
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scrion7 · 13 hours ago
So.... I made it to Nata's village...and the region surrounding it. OW, the [REDACTED] monsters hurt. Carted twice to the [REDACTED] Doshaguma, exhausting a full 10 megapotions doing so. Carted once to the [REDACTED] Rathalos too, but was way more terrified. Shouldn't have said anything about the difficulty being too easy...
I really like what they did to the fight of the King of the Skies too, with the fight being mostly inspired by Rise/Sunbreak's grounded combos but providing plenty of opportunities for World/Iceborne dunk fishing. Dunked him twice, and felt amazing doing so!
Oh yeah, the Black Flame fell too. That was a fun fight. Took a little while to get used to the tempo, but once I did limbs started flying off. Poor octopus only had 1 left before it died.
Anyway I am still INCREDIBLY sus about the keepers, though that mystery is gonna unravel soon.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 16 hours ago
Breaking for lunch just before hunting Octopus but on fire. The Black Flame buildup and cutscene REALLY dial up the aura on this thing.
Nerscylla was a great fight. Challenging but not overwhelming, and the added mandible weak spot is a great addition to a returning monster. It is odd that we're fighting it before Gypceros, especially considering the rubber chicken is generally considered an easier fight than the predator that eats it. Though Gypceros being a high rank only fight DOES explain why it was so infuriating in the beta.
Hirabami is currently occupying a spot similar to World Rathalos in my head, in that if you know how wait for a dunk opportunity, he's easy to down and keep down. Had him flailing on the floor like 3 times in a row. Good dunk practice, good monster. Though the lack of explanation of the weird gravity around the Iceshard Cliffs is really suspicious...
Ajarakan is FUN. His swings feel weighty and strong, almost to the point where I think he could give Rajang a run for his money. That anticipation before the double hand slam is SO LONG. Rajang is definitely the harder fight due to the speed, but that same speed also robs the thunder monkey of some of Ajarakan's heft. Didn't get to see his ultimate move, though, as he died before he set himself on fire more than twice. Low rank monsters seem to be lacking in the health department.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 18 hours ago
Reached HR4, and Rey Dau is as fun a fight as ever. Sub 7 minutes too!
I should probably admit I double carted to the Uth Duna repel. The first time was because I forgor to eat, but the second was just a skill issue. I'm holding off on judging the water apex, but he's got a really slow and weird tempo to his fight. Looks really cool though!
Rompopolo has been thrown into the 'fight at HR with bad gear' camp. Not really much else to say.
I don't really play monhun for the story, but I gotta admit the Wylkstone mystery has me hooked, even though the answer is probably "elder dragon final boss." Still way more interesting than Nata's angst spiral though. I know he's supposed to be the main draw of the story, but he's not really endeared himself to me even before he tried to 1v1 Arkveld with a rock.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 20 hours ago
Currently HR3, and I've been loving it so far.
Quematrice was kinda underwhelming. It went down very quickly, so I might go and hunt a high rank one with underleveled gear later to see if it's got any cool attacks. Lala Barina suffered from the same fate, though not as badly. The monsters present in the Beta were mostly the same, though I felt the Alpha Dosh was a little easier due to my upgraded greatsword.
Surprisingly, I've taken a liking to Alma. It's very clear she's quick on the uptake when it comes to culture, and her presence on the expedition is clearly a result of that. The little character moment with her reaction to the Wudwuds ransacking the camp was good.
Speaking of, the Wudwuds are hilarious. Way better and more memorable than all of World's lynians combined.
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 1 day ago
it is ass o clock in the morning for me but that doesn't matter cause IT'S WILDIN TIME
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as per tradition, the palico is named Blake, and speaks in meows as that is the morally and objectively better option /s. Or at least she SHOULD speak in meows, because apparently voice save data doesn't save over from the beta :(. Unlike tradition, however, the hunter ended up looking like Stelle. Which really shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me. I'll probably make a post every few monsters I take down. I'll be going through the story with a Greatsword primary and HBG secondary, but I aim to know ALL the weapons of Wilds. I already know most of them, except Insect Glaive and Dual Blades.
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scrion7 · 2 days ago
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recent frierens
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scrion7 · 2 days ago
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Finally here, a new hunting season! See you in MHWilds, happy hunting!
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scrion7 · 2 days ago
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mitsuki “masc is my middle name and lesbianism is my game” koga the icon that you are
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scrion7 · 2 days ago
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scrion7 · 3 days ago
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yeah, I put them next to eachother in my teapot one time for friendship farming and now it’s a thing.
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scrion7 · 4 days ago
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If you know you know.
... Extrapolating from incomplete data be like...
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