#she’s like ffs I’ve got my own shit going on
ladicsa · 1 year
i would have died had it not been for you.
SHE’S THE PICTURE OF VIOLENT CARNAGE. Human though she may currently look, Kisa is streaked with the blood and gore of the witches she had murdered; the evidence of the monster she truly was painting her in splashes of red. She doesn’t look to the girl, instead busting herself with the running water at the sink, washing her hands clean before reaching for a cloth to do the same for her face.
“I did what anybody would,” what should have been done for her.
There’s a flash of memory. The pit. The snakes. The pain and fear. The realisation that nobody was coming for her, that nobody would snatch her up from those woods and take her someplace safe. That her fate lay at the bottom of that hole and she couldn’t escape it.
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Kisa doesn’t look over and she hopes her demeanour comes off as cold and matter-of-fact. The last thing she needs is this kid looking at her as some sort of saviour.
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
I’m not crying, I’m just oozing because of the mould!
#like I’ve got energy to cry#lol but seriously my home is so mould infested - all these old English places are I guess#or so I’ve been told?#anyways I’m almost crying because no matter how shit life feels right now#I know there’s people who really care abt my well-being lol like WHY#I’m thinking of getting what happened to me off my chest to one of them#but since it’s such a heavy topic to bring up no matter how good a friend they are#I’m kinda scared of putting all that on them#but it’s not exactly healthy for ME to keep my incident hidden - ik people will try and help!#I mean. the pharmacist was hugging me ffs! and encouraged me to go to the police but she said that was my decision#but even my coworker! emailing me saying to call or message if I needed anything since I’ve been out of sorts!#plus I got a callback for a role I’m in love with!#so I know that Life doesn’t suck - just this one part of it#in the ceviche of Life this bit is the not-so-fresh cilantro#in the pasty of Life this is the burnt crust#what happened to me last week is still something that’s been weighing heavy on me but I’ve been choosing to believe it never happened#ya know like a healthy person lol#I couldn’t sleep in my own bed for a week lmao#so I slept on my couch which is a two seater and I am 6’ so it ain’t been comfy#it’s just reassuring to know that there ARE people who care and who DO want to help you without secret motives or something#believing people is something I’m trying out#and sure it got me into my incident last week but on the whole? I want to believe 40% of people DO have your best interests at heart#not all people are selfish monsters <3#plus how can I mope?! I MIGHT have just landed a MASSIVE film role!!!#if I get famous (lol) I’ll never put myself on main or this side; I’ll make an anti-me blog lol#idk it’s a weird feeling. but at least I feel I’m control#this is the third Incident I’ve had so idk. better at focusing on what needs doing? I survived that’s all that matters#like my mum always said: you’re only a victim if you think you’re a victim. otherwise you’re a survivor (or something like that I can’t#quite remember her words EXACTLY but something on those lines) ANYWAYS!#im gonna maybe be in a film!! AAAAH!!!!! focusing on that makes me so FUCKing happy!
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odinsblog · 1 year
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This stinks to high heaven, or Jannah, or Valhalla, or whatever makes you happy
My big sister is gay. I was the first person she came out to when we were kids, not quite 20 yet. I care deeply about her. And as I matured + unlearned much of my ingrained adolescent homophobia, with my sister’s help, I have come to care deeply about the LGBTQ community. Even the white ones, and all the other non-Black ones too
I’m trying really hard to imagine hearing about something like the Pulse nightclub shooting and somehow not caring about some of the non-Black victims because they might not have shared my exact political beliefs. I can’t. I can’t imagine not caring. Not caring because of something so trivial by comparison of being murdered by a crazy person in cold blood.
Look, I guess at some point either you care about people or you don’t. And if you’re able to turn off who you feel sorrow for based on their race, religion or ideology, then I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know how to relate to you.
I’ve been trying not to post too TOO much about some specifics of what’s happening in Palestine and Israel, but I’m sorry: I feel bad for the innocent children and civilians who were murdered in cold blood in Israel. I know that the “any means” tankies crowd wants everyone to ignore their deaths (or worse celebrate their deaths), but I guess I’m not built that way.
Some of those people murdered at the concert, for example, were not only innocent civilians, but they were also pro-Palestinian activists who spent their time working for peace. I shed tears hearing their family members talking about them. Hamas murdered Holocaust survivors, ffs.
I absolutely can understand Jewish people feeling uneasy right now. They lost a ton of noncombatant civilians —not to mention children. And oh yeah, antisemitism has been at an all time high, unfortunately, just like Islamophobia is about to be. Again.
I might be wrong, but I honestly just do not think that Hamas did Palestinians any favors.
Yes, yes, I dO understand that violence is always a necessary part of freedom and decolonization.
“Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.” —Assata Shakur
So I’m a big podcast listener (helps occupy my mind whenever I’m working on long tedious projects), and I was listening to one where they interviewed a Jewish soldier who was recently activated, but he was out of Israel and had to fly back. He said something like, “If they had only attacked military targets, then I would get it. We got caught with our pants down, and all is fair in love and war, right? But the mass slaughter of civilian families, women and children is the reason I’m going back.”
I wanted to reach through my phone and ask him about Israel preparing to do exactly the same thing to Palestinians in retaliation, but alas I guess I just sounded like a crazy person yelling to himself in my office.
And yeah, before you read too much further, please understand that I dO support the fuck outta Palestine. Let me be unequivocal here: Israel is in the wrong. Israel has oppressed Palestinians for decades. For actual generations.
Remember when Israel literally bulldozed over a woman to build more houses in Gaza?
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Yeah, seriously heinous shit, right?
And we don’t actually have a solid count for all the innocent murdered Palestinian civilians who were living in apartment buildings that Israel has been bombing to smithereens for the past few days. I understand that Israel and the West would have us believe that everyone in Gaza is a terrorist and nobody is an innocent civilian, but hopefully, if you’re reading this, YOU know better than that.
But that said ….. I cannot get with tankies—who, safe and sound in their homes, not being perpetually bombed—want to sound “hard” on social media, and make no distinctions with the people who were just minding their own fucking business at a goddamn concert. I think about all of the mass shootings in America (movie theaters, grocery stores, night clubs, concerts, schools, office buildings, etc) and I just cannot imagine justifying or excusing ANY of them because of the shooter’s “ideology.” I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, but it’s close enough.
“If they were on colonized land then they deserved to die” is one hell of a fucked up take. The slippery slope is that if any of our loved ones are gunned down by “freedom fighters,” then we should just be happy for “the cause” and not shed any tears, because ALL of us deserve to die in America and other Western countries, because we’re all living on colonized land.
I cannot even begin to explain how flawed and fucked up that so-called reasoning is.
You have to have some fucking lines and boundaries.
We don’t just do a shoulder shrug when children are murdered in cold blood—and no, I’m not talking about the 40 babies allegedly beheaded, I’m just talking about the little toddlers who were shot through walls and died, and the elderly and disabled who were shown being dragged away. Yeah, I feel sorry for them too. And I won’t apologize for that.
Rape is wrong. All the time. Under all circumstances. Even when it’s happening to people who you don’t like.
Murdering children is wrong. All the time. Under all circumstances. Even when it’s the children of people who you don’t like.
Do I really need to spell this shit out? JFC.
If you don’t care about any of this because you’re “down for the cause,” then you. are. lost. Like really and truly lost. You aren’t a radical. You’re a fanatic. And hopefully you won’t be in a position to ever receive the fanatical Karma that you’re asking for.
I am on the side of Palestine in all of this. They never deserved to be oppressed by Israel or anyone.
Innocent Palestinian women and children are dying as you’re reading this. I’m shedding tears for them too. They’ve been going through this for way too long. That fact alone is beyond being a tragedy.
Palestine has already suffered and will suffer 10 times more than all of the civilians and noncombatants who were tragically murdered in Kfar Aza.
As always, my usual reminders:
The Holocaust happened
Antisemitism is real
Hamas ≠ Palestine
Israel is an apartheid state
Collective punishment is a war crime
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal
You can support Palestine without being antisemitic
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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shadowqueenjude · 5 months
lmao mediocre writing my ass. Bitch you can't even write or have any talent whatsoever , giving me unemployed hater vibes tbh. I've read thousands of ffs and quite frankly you're the only one who has ever included proper representation of Asians and brown people and poc including black in your writing I don't see her hypocrite self doing that 🙃
She cries about race but I’ve seen some of her nasty takes on Lucien and Tarquin, both POC and frankly unproblematic characters. So race is only an issue when people hate on characters YOU like, huh? I have legit non-demographic reasons for despising the characters I do, but what have Lucien or Tarquin done wrong? Literally nothing. Also like… I AM POC??? That isn’t to say POC can’t be racist to other races and even their own race but she’s acting like I’m a white supremacist for having a different opinion. Also like??? If my writing is so mediocre go and write your own shit, no one is stopping you😂but it irked you that my “mediocre” writing got so many likes, hm?
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outivv · 1 month
to other anon star rail revenue suffering compared to previous months is because they for some reason decided to put some of thee most skippable units(from fanbase perspective)back to back after firefly like jade only really shines in one game mode and that’s straight up not good enough for most people(unless you’re a desperate blade main because he’s suffering rn)especially when 1.x units can still clear in all modes fairly decently(well like..except blade LOL😭😭)
and she came right after firefly who probably made hsr closer to 120+~mil if we go by sensory towers method ie “we dont have access to android,pc and console revenue so we let you do calculations to see what the revenue earned this month MIGHT have looked like if we did have access to these”(another side note eek but gawd as someone who used to play hi3 i mourn the fact ff got a miles better kit than hofi kiana yknow the character hoyo openly calls their daughter😭)
Yunli while good is literally just clara but a slight bit better which while we dont know how much she made yet acheron and firefly very much so have affected how people will look at new dps because of just how broken they are so(the genshin equivalent of this would be neuvillette and mualani where shes maybe looking to be around top dps wise but shes not at his level so a decent amount of people automatically disregard her)
Jiaoqiu while not as bad as people made him out to be is still not a must grab either and is more than likely going to be skippable to meta slaves and the casual very limited amount jades players so already at a disadvantage esp with leakers constantly going “oh oh MAYBE sunday will be in 2.6 oh oh maybe he’ll be in 2.7🤭”so unless hardcore fans,people who roll for any man in the game because they are in a drought compared to 1.x days ,or just anyone who’s that desperate for a support clutch it star rail is going to drip back into its usual revenue unless they decide last minute to make feixiao broken or decide to roll out the red carpet for sunday sooner rather than later
(anways lol sorry tgis is so long i nerd out when it comes to these things)
Totally cool I love when people nerd out cause then it gives me an excuse to be a fucking nerd too BAHHAHAHA
Jade is genuinely garbage I am not even gonna lie. Her design isn’t that good, her character? Racist BAHAGAH, her kit? Bro she’s not even like sparkle where she’s like a terrible character but her kit is suuuuper good, she’s just like not very good all around, so that does make sense as to why she’s just… no one spent on her unless they were gooners tbh
Blade is suffering so bad… like omfg- I used to main blade and holy shit he just can’t. Like he cannot do the dmg he needs to unless you run him with jingliu imo because of how she takes hp away, and blade’s main dmg source is from his fua cause it’s an all hitting attack. Hope blade gets some kinda buff or something with a character like jingliu who takes hp away slowly but is actually a buffer- ooooo.
I think yunli is relatively good, I’ve seen my friend who’s got a very f2p build on her do like 1.5 mil with her, but that’s also cause of their own insane supports BAHAHAH. Idk what most meta players think of her, because personally I don’t care about the meta. Bitch I main Argenti and Boothill, I do NOT care about meta. But, yunli like you said- is still just slight better Clara, and I believe most people have Clara cause she was soooo big in early stage meta, so it’s like… why get yunli is Clara already does the job, unless you just like yunli which is fair cause she’s a cute character.
Jiaoqiu feels like… like like like- topaz kinda. Like I feel like he’ll be great later on, and while he has uses now- especially for buffing the FUCK out of Acheron, I feel like they’ll be like “look at this specific meta we’re making so now Jiaoqiu is more useful :3” cause he just feels so strange now, even if he’s quickly become one of my personal favs 😔
But most people are skipping him, I know I am- and I’m skipping him for feixiao cause from what I’ve seen of her she’s stupidly broken ☺️🫶
Like STUPIDLY broken; fuck- fucking imagine her with Robin? Stupid dmg, but we don’t know her scaling yet, she just looks actually abysmal AHAHAH especially when paired with Moze (who I’m hella excited for :3)
Sunday has been confirmed by leakers to likely not be in 2.6 or 2.7 and if he were to be in either patches (this is my opinion) it would be 2.7 I think, since either 2.7 or 2.8 will be likely the last patch of 2.x and then it’ll be 3.0 so even more reason for people to save, since 3.0 is pretty much right around the corner :P
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safyresky · 10 months
It's December 13th, you know what that means!
The Twelve Years of Frostmas is now LIVE on ao3!
Haha, got you, didn't I! I bet you were all thinking "Ah yes, weekly CS update, ahh shit, here we go again!" And then I FOOLED YOU! HAHA! Check it out HERE on ao3 :)
And for those who don't know, take a summary!
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn't supposed to be Santa; I wasn't supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack's reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
See, there were 2 (two) thoughts I had that led to the creation of Jacqueline:
If Jack thawed and pulled a Zuko, and couldn't use his powers and didn't know why, who would help him figure it out? And
Who was Jack Frost when Jack was Santa? Surely he couldn't do both, right?
And boom! In walks Jacqueline like:
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And lo, Frostmas (as a concept) was born; and finally written when CS was originally near completion. Feels appropriate to start crossposting this one now that the climax of CS has resolved!
So here, take Jacqueline's humble Prologue to the Twelve Years of Frostmas.
Jacqueline settles in to tell us the story of a fucked up little timeline she calls "Frostmas".
FINALLY on ao3 HERE :)
And of course, as always, it lives on ff.net all the way up to Year Ten. You can start it from the top on ff dot net HERE, but I'd wait a haute minute if you're checking it out there, as I will not be updating the prologue to match until I download a copy of Frostmas for posterity sake (which will be probably much later today) :)
And with that, enjoy! I'll be back closer to the end of the week (or early next week) with Chapter 28 of Crystal Springs :)
“Jacqueline, I’m—" Pressing my hands against my cheeks and calling up some frost, I turned back to Jack. “I know.” Cheeks sufficiently cool, I gave him my most reassuring smile. “It’s okay.” “It’s really not. Everything I did then, I—” “I know. It wasn’t okay. But you’re okay now. And I’m okay, too!” “You literally just came in here to say you weren’t okay.” “But I will be! Remember? I had a thing in mind?” “Yes! Of course!” Jack sat back up in his seat, almost but not quite as lively as usual. “Your thing that brought you into my humble adobe. What were you—what did you have in mind?” “I was thinking of writing it out.” “Writing it out?” “Yep.” “All of it?” “Yep!” “That’s a lot of paper.” “Or a really long role of parchment. I’ll have to see what we have floating around. But um, I was thinking that writing it all down would help get it out of my head, y’know? Like making a list? I’ve always found it therapeutic, writing stuff out. Easier to make sense of the more nonsensical things in life. I just…” I frowned, rubbing the back of my neck. “I didn’t wanna do it without checking in with you first.” “Whatever for?” I held my breath for a moment. “When I say all of it I mean all of it. Including your side of things. And I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first! I know it’s my story. But you played a huge part in it too. And I know you feel a lot of remorse for it all…and I know I haven’t been great about broaching it. I can only begin to imagine how you feel.” I paused for a moment, tilting my head and thinking of how to say what I wanted to say next. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay with writing it all down with me. I can’t do it on my own, Jack. I need help. Your help.” Jack straightened. His face went blank; he blinked, taken aback. He looked…touched. “Oh.”
It's been touched up so there's some good cold front comfort here, AYO! I was torn between this and a very funny section that involves grilled cheese but I'll let you experience that one for yourselves ;)
And I'll see you all in the next few days for Chapter 28 of Crystal Springs :)
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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She'd only seen the Gates perhaps once in her life before this. They reached far into the sky and were blanketed in clouds. She rested aboard her captain's ship, a feeling of languor threatening to overtake her. Eying the tall woman who claimed command of the Spiteful Harlot she sat up. A den den mushi in her hands was spouting some nonsense she could barely make out. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHITEBEARD IS DEAD?!" and at those words Qwynn froze. Edward Newgate, the strongest human in the entire damn world was dead. How? The zoan user instantly shifted into her leopard form and leaped from her place sleeping on the prow of the boat. --- SPOILER WARNING! CONTENT WARNING: Mass character death, brutality and abuse. *The droning voice of Sengoku in the background.* We finally reach the penultimate Arc of the Summit War Saga. This arc was hands down one of the most painful to watch. Not because it was dragging at times, and oh did it drag. But because we all learned that this big rescue mission was nothing but tragedy. I knew what was going to happen, I spoiled One Piece all the time for myself. Hate me if you want, but I like staying updated on the Manga as my mental illness. That being said I watch the show in spurts between work and commitments to my patreon work. So, wow, lets do this, I'm not breaking this one down to bits of the arc. This is going to be a pure bad good and ugly. I want to do it this way because this was the hardest hitting Arc I've seen since Enies Lobby. The Ugly One thing about Shounen ANime is they really like to drag out fights with a lot of twists and what not. I say this as someone who grew up on shows like Yu-Gi-Oh and OG Dragonball Z. This story was great, it added a lot of nice twists and bits but there were a few low points for me. It doesn't dragon on a Naruto Level. I can't put my finger on it, but a lot of ways I really didn't think it should have taken Luffy more than five episodes to get out of the exit ring. This part of the battle is perhaps the most where I got frustrated watching. It really started as the push for the harbor was about midway through. The story where we finally get Squard's stab into Newgate. Watching him do so, learning more about the backstory of Ace and much more was heartening. But there are a few episodes that break down to pretty much "Keep going get going" and then only a little bit of progress is made. This entire Arc is about a losing war, and yet, damn it ground hard into me. And this is the only critique in this regard I can think of! So I was going to do a bad, but fuck it, I already did that. The Good I simp for this show. It calls me like the Jezabelle she is! Now lets talk about what this Arc did so damn well, it made me fucking cry. We already know Oda is kind of against killing people off. He let Crocodile live for FFS. There are even points where it was obvious that people like Moria should have been dead, but nope they are still alive. Hell, its also been revealed that perhaps a certain giant is still alive! Spoilers aside, this entire thing is pretty fucking filled with despair. An entire story about the despair created by the fucking World Government. Yeah, lets not ignore that the world of One Piece is rand by a genocidal government okay with wiping out entire nations and islands for convenience. So watching them murder not only a bunch of pirates, but lying to get them to betray each other makes sense. Sure, we can easily view the Marines as good guys if we already didn't know better. What we see really is a group of people trying to save on eo fhteir own. Attempting to use overwhelming odds but all they ace is three fucking tyrannical gods, and their pragmatic Commander. The Whitebeard Pirate Alliance fall in droves as they are cut down by the Warlords and the Admirals. The Vice Admirals join the fray and as Little Oars dies to save his friends they use his fucking body to climb over. This is some seriously dark shit. All the while we watch as Ace is reminded of how his entire life all he's good at is getting other killed. DAMN ODA! Squard's betrayal in of itself was another great ploy by Sakazu aka Akainu, a truly tyrannical figure. This shows that the Marines as the sword arm of the World Nobles is not above fomenting mutiny. Yeah, it's a good strategy, and honestly it just reminds us that these are not good people. They have NO scruples. Whitebeards death was just so damn disquieting. He just stood there as he finally lost his strength. Then to have his devil fruit powers stolen by that bastard Teach made it even worse. Teach truly is a fucking near Xanatos level villain. This guy has played Newgate SINCE he joined and sacrificed former friends to get what he wanted. All of this culminates into the final death of Ace, and damn, I knew it was coming. I knew it was going to make me cry, yet by the Nine it tore into me. ACE and Luffy are members of ASL, and three kids who grew up in a world that despised them. It it weren't for Crocodile (yes I follow the Croco-mom theory) hadn't saved his boy Luffy would be dead. Gay Canon I will say that this entire episode is laden with fucking masc characters so I can't spin a a lesbian scene here. Honestly, I would headcanon Luffy as a trans masc and Ace as his adopted brother still. Spin up Hancock as his love interest and there we go. TBH with how tall Hancock is I'm reminded of T4T couple memes I see now and then. Now, let's talk about adopted dads. Newgate actually TREATS his suborinates as his kids and grandkids. He treats them well and defends them with all his might. This can easily be seen with cultish as we're talking about a macho-man figure who gets everyone to call him pops. But easily there is nothing in that manner. Honestly in this story I see Marco's desperation here to save Ace as a man trying to save his husband. Marco and Ace FIT as a couple and I really do like that as an angle. For sapphic ships we are still kind of at a loss. The only Warlord Present who can remotely being seen as mingender or "as a womxn" is Hancock. Everyone other major character minus perhaps two vice admirals are androgender spectrum. Now, a rare fic story featuring Hancock and Hina maybe? I mean, there's not a lot of optinos from this storyline! Though, I think a story with Vivi and Hina would also be another good option for an aftermath rare pair set up. Conclusion Wow, yeah, this was a post long time coming and to be honest I've been in a fairly deep funk overwhelmed by real life. Heh, anyways, lets sit back and discuss some final thoughts. The Marineford Arc is a solid conclusion to the Summit War Arc. I really dislike the dub translation of "War of the Best" but whatever. I watch the dub because I get distracted and write and I can't always be reading subtitles. (I use to be a purist, but fucking ADHD and other issues messed it up). Back to the story, this epic battle specifically brought us what we wanted. The despair felt by pirates and the rebels against the might of the Marines. Without the Gura Gura no Mi, the battle would have been harder for everyone. YES, the Division Commanders are powerful. But we are talking about the fucking Warlords of the Sea. One of which is a total meglomaniac who is powerful enough to spider sling across clouds for fun. Aokiji bikes across water because he's so precise with his power. This was a last hurrah for the legends of Whitebeardss Era. Sure Kaido and Big Mom were his mates, but the old man truly was one of the Greats. What we see here is a foolish attempt by the WG to quash the Supernovas. To kick them while they are down and prevent the rise of another Pirate King. Someone capable of challenging the false gods of the Celestial Dragons and put Im on the backfoot. This wasn't going to happen, but what I witnessed was the not just a last ditch effort to save on of their own. I watched a generation's hope of freedom get crushed as villains like Teach, Kaido and Big Mom existed off in the distance. I mean Teach stole a fucking fruit and now has shit that is just plot plate armor level crazy. But yeah, as we go into the New World I'm itching for watching a few Admirals getting a beat down. Hottakes:
Holy fucking shit Marineford is a ridiculous space. I keep forgetting how big Marine ships are as well. Those things Dwarf most of the ships from any of the early arcs.
Are paddle wheel boats a standard? I'v seen three so far, the Kuja Pirate's ship, the one Momonga had and Whitebeard's ace in the hole.
Whitebeard is an interesting figure, I think he should have jumped in. Oars death felt so needless, it just shows that people loved Ace. And this was a means to "punish" him for just existing.
I really just hate Akainu, he's such an asshole.
Aokiji is beyond OP, he's a devil fruit user but he can free sea water. That's a ridiculous cold point to achieve plus averting a common devil fruit weakness.
Well fuck Blackeard for being able to steal fuck powers.
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.) 5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
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3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
aw man, i’m one of those people who writes more than they read (my fiancé RIPS me for it all of the time because he reads tonnes). i’m more inspired by films, in all honesty. like, when i write - i pull a lot from my favourite films.
in terms of writers on tumblr - the amazing @stingslikeabee will never not be a huge inspiration to me. mari’s writing has always been 10/10. it’s the sort of writing you read beside your own and go ‘oh shit-’ cause it’s SO good. she’s, like, helped me adapt heidegger so much and he’s grown so much because of our back and forths between my grumpy man and her lovely lady. 
also @shinrasfirst ; again, like, i’ve explored sides of heidegger that i never knew i’d get to look at & it’s another case of writing that just frequently blows me away. me and min are actually chatting about some of our plots and im just reminded of how perfect they are. absolute magic 
@svnsworn is always inspiring to me because of her love for her characters and how welcoming and open she is for character / fandom discussion and the like. i always feel like no matter where i pull a muse from, she’s got a counter for me to write with & i always enjoy the ships and lil things we write together. 
finally, a quick shout out to @wanderiingdays who will forever be the scar to my heid. also another case of writing so good it makes me a potato lmao 
in terms of heid, there are other writers from the ff community who aren’t around much anymore but they all have a v special place in my heart when it comes to this character and this fandom. 
there are other writers on tumblr but they’ve moved on from rp or are too busy to be around right now but one of them is somebody i had four threads with on another character of mine. together, each of our threads had at least 400 notes and were multipara. we wrote SO MUCH and explored so much together. i’m forever thankful to her for giving me that. she actually started editing them for ao3. i’d link em but i’d get cancelled in 0.2 miniseconds haha 
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
hmmm, i’d love to write krauser one day from resident evil (who knows, maybe after the re4 remake!). he’s always fit my aesthetic of worn and torn army man who is bordering between tragic and entirely reprehensible. i love it! i love the way he looks, too! 
otherwise, sometimes i’ll see characters in films and stuff and i’ll think that i’d love to try my hand at them. james bond would be one i’d love to try because i love the movies (but i’d go for the roger moore era because i think he was the most fun and would be the most fun to write). 
ALSO dyne; i’ll forever have a place for dyne in my heart & i reaaaaaaaally hope he’s in part 2 of remake. i did actually write him once but people didn’t really know his character so it was hard to get much interaction with him (plus maybe i wasn’t enthusiastic enough rip).
in terms of what’s stopping me - just time. with chris, heid & james, i’m probably taking on more than i should (hell, i have a dark souls multimuse that’s quiet atm too) i’m terrible haha. 
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doomboogie · 7 months
Got through Ch 1 and Ch 2. Trying to even out my thoughts with gripes and praise but uhh so far mostly complaints. It feels very FFXV in a lot of ways that I don’t think are great! Nothing super coherent or clear yet in the critique department
My concerns were immediately founded . I hope this game can make me at least tolerate Zack since he’s obviously gonna be a major part of it and I’ve never been a fan. Remake made me change some of my reception to other characters so it’s certainly possible!
Repeating NPC dialogue still sucks, but that’s not unique to FF. Still annoying.
Zangan is interesting and I’m really wanting more of him! I like his design a lot.
Don’t like the addition of Aerith chiming in on “You asshole!” when Cloud goes through Tifa’s room, I liked when it was just Tifa in the demo.
😞 they removed the sheet music from Tifa’s piano.
The audio mixing is still bad. The music is way too loud, even when manually adjusting in the options settings. Voices get drowned out
The acoustic guitar rendition of Tifa’s theme is really cute
I don’t mind the yellow shelf paint, because the game is already so visually busy it really needs to paint to stand out
As one half of my favorite YT video gamers, ChipCheezum, said: there is a level of nuance given to Sephiroth here that he usually isn’t given, and it is very refreshing to see
Pacing is a bit slow while crawling in the village. By a bit slow I mean way too slow
Cutting the camera away from Tifa showing her scar just made the scene funny, idk why they did that
Literally laughed out loud at the weather warfare conspiracy. I get that magic exists in this world but lmfao, yeah, Wutai controls the weather. Great cover story Shinra
I see a mysterious freak with a kind disposition and dying cough and I latch on, so Broden’s inevitable doom will break my heart.
I usually like remake Aerith fine but Christ she is very aggressive in her flirting and there’s no option to tell her no. I don’t care about the love triangle and never have so it’s just exhausting.
I spent all of Ch 2 with Red and Barret as my party because I got so tired of the romance shit with the girls in the opening scenes. Doesn’t seem to matter tho because party members never really say anything unless there’s a side quest they care about.
Red’s fun to play, I like his spins a lot! He still does the standing up roaring animation on battle end which is cute, and he rides a chocobo like a human shaped person which is also cute.
Animations are slow and overbearing. Not quite rdr2 levels but still enough to be annoying.
There’s a few seconds after moving from something or getting up from a bench when you cannot enter the start menu or save menu and it trips me up every time.
MAI. Is certainly a character. I turned her voice off (and by extension Chadley) because the one introduction was too much. Chadley is fine, Chadley is good. I did not need a worse version of him chittering in my ear during combat. It’s like they saw how (some) people like Purah and wanted to make their own.
There’s a lot going on mechanics wise and I think maybe there’s too much. Crafting, synergy moves, weapon abilities, folios, equipment leveling, materia, all on top of the combat system. I do not think this game needed crafting, tbh.
Fuck queen’s blood and fuck the side quest chain for it. Sorry Tifa, I’m not helping out this bartender because i don’t like this card game and your favored side quest requires me to play it.
The field and combat versions of Hollow are great, really liked those.
Fuck those moogles, man.
I hate the overfilled open world! Society has progressed past the need for open world in everything! What took 10 minutes in the original is now 10 hours - I don’t see how people can consider that a good thing when most of that time is wandering around doing fetch quests and gathering crafting materials. Unfortunately the only way to find out which quests are actually interesting is by playing them through. A burst pipe leading to a fast approaching energy crisis? Sounds interesting, too bad fucking Kyrie ruins it. A farmer’s cows are harassed by a monster? Sounds boring as fuck, but it leads to a questline shedding light on Junon’s history and Broden’s past, both of which are interesting and relevant to the story!
0 notes
mischiefmanaged71 · 2 years
The Love Hypothesis (21/22) - Stephen Strange x Reader
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Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is a PhD student who wants to prove to her best friend that she has moved on and dating. With no way to prove it, she kisses the first man she sees, which ends up being none other than Dr. Strange, known as one of the most unapproachable and critical professors in the university.
A/N: AU! Stephen Strange is a Professor/Doctor at Columbia University and reader is a Ph.D. student (Reader - 28, Stephen - 34). Credits to Ali Hazelwood for the original story. This work is a piece of fiction. I have no ownership over anything, this is ff.
Pairing: Stephen Strange X FEM! Reader
Word Count: 1K
Series Masterlist
Listening to the dramatized anecdotes from Stephen’s childhood via Hayden, Y/N had an inkling the stories were a culmination of years works to annoy the man to no end. 
“Guess there isn’t an age limit for embarrassment.” Hayden said, “Be glad I didn’t delve into the camp stories.” he laughed, shaking his head “I’ve got a few great ones.”
The unimpressed look on Stephen’s face shut Hayden down as he shuffled to the front of the restaurant. She laughed, picking a fortune cookie from the bowl at the front. 
“Don’t tell me, you hate these too?”
“I don’t, actually.” Stephen replied, “They just taste like Styrofoam.”
“Probably have similar nutritional values too.” Sam muttered, grabbing one from the bowl.
The rain had stopped, a shiny street under the streetlights. A cool breeze brushing stray leaves around them. The air was refreshing, a contrast to the warmth of the restaurant after many hours indoors.  
“ ‘He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at’ “ Hayden read, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, “Did this cookie just throw shade at me?”
“I believe so.” Sam replied, “What does yours say, Y/N?” 
“It’s fine, actually.” 
“I’ll believe it when I hear it.” Nat replied.
“ ‘It’s never too late to tell the truth.’ “ she hummed, tucking the paper in her pocket. 
Hayden fixed onto Stephen, “Stephen, open yours.”
He tilted his head to the side, tucking his hands into his pockets. “I’m not going to eat cardboard because you’re offended by the cookie.”
“You’re a shit friend.”
He tutted, “According to the fortune cookie industry, you’re-”
Y/N tugged his arm, “Hand it over. I’ll read it. And eat the cardboard.”
“Stephen is giving you a ride, right?” Sam asked.
“I should be fine, it’s only a ten minute walk back.” 
“What about your suitcase?”
“It’s not that heavy.” she dismissed, although glancing back at him, she corrected herself. “Stephen will walk me home, yeah?”
“Course.” he tugged her duffel bag off her shoulder, throwing it over his own.
Once Sam was no longer within earshot, she turned to Stephen.
“Are you sure you want to carry all that weight, you might throw your back out. I hear its common after a certain age.”
“You’re such a comedian, you know that?” he glared at her, following Hayden along to his car while Sam and Nat followed, grabbing a ride with him back to their respective apartments.
“Hey,” Hayden caught her attention, “What did Stephen’s fortune cookie say?”
“Oh, nothing.” she shrugged, looking down “Just ‘Hayden Reyes Ph.D is a loser’ “ 
Hayden laughed, throwing up his middle finger before they all left in his car. 
“What does it really say?” 
‘You can fall in love. Someone will catch you.’
“Is it alright if we talk about it? I think it’s only right that we do.”
“We can. We should-” he breathed, “Harvard is going to fire him. Other disciplinary measures are still being decided. There were meetings until late last night. That’s why I didn’t call you earlier. Harvard’s Title IX coordinator will be in touch with you soon.”
“What about your grant?”
He shook his head, “I’m not sure. I don’t particularly care about my grant right now.”
The comment surprised her, until she remembered the professional impact of Tom’s betrayal as a co-worker and friend. “I’m sorry, Stephen. I know he was your friend, you thought you could trust him-”
“I was wrong to have trusted him with you.” He shut his eyes, “I had no idea what he was truly like and that cost you...”
“He wasn’t my friend. I never knew him, obviously.”
“For a bit, I was worried that I would stop you from moving to Boston and doing the grant.”
“I don’t care-I could care less about any of it.” he ran a hand through his hair.
Her eyes glossed over his face, “I think I may have found a lab to finish my study. It’s closer. Means I won’t have to move next year.”
“Y/N, that’s great.” he smiled.
“You also weren’t the only one.”
His face twisted in confusion.
“The meeting in the bathroom. The one before my interview.”
“Did you remember that?”
A laugh bubbled in her throat, “Of course I did. It took me a while to realise it was you, though. Why did you never say anything?”
“You introduced yourself as if we had never met. So I went along with it.” 
Her face flushed in embarrassment as he continued, “I had been...thinking about you. For years. I didn’t want to...”
“But you didn’t need to lie.”
“I’ve never lied to you.”
“Even by omission?”
He shrugged, a smirk sliding on his face, “Maybe. Are you upset?”
“Not really. It’s not that bad of a lie.” she mused, “I’m more upset at myself for the terrible ones I created. I didn’t bring it up after I figured it out.”
“Still, if you feel-”
She gripped his hand, “I’m not upset, Stephen.”
He glanced at her, “I’m other things...entirely other things. Glad, for one that this is all out in the open. That we can talk about it.”
“I’m also glad you remembered me.”
“You’re very memorable.”
“Am I really?”
“Do you remember your first seminar talk?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Your elevator pitch - the turbolift pitch. You used a picture from the Next Generation on your slides.”
“You’re a Trekkie too?” she laughed, “I had no idea.”
“I had a phase. And that next year’s picnic when we all got rained on. You played freeze tag with someone’s kid for hours.”
“Dr. Moss’s kid.” she stared at him curiously, “I didn’t think you liked kids.”
“I don’t like twenty-five year olds who act like toddlers. I don’t mind if they’re actually four.”
She smiled, “Knowing who I was. Did that have anything to do with your decision to date me?"
Recognising the dozen of scenarios and replies rushing through his eyes, “I wanted to help you.”
“I know. I believe you. But was that it?”
Stephen pressed his lips together, closing his eyes as he sighed. 
“No.” he resigned.
“No.” she repeated, “We’re here.” she looked up at the building.
“Should I carry your bag upstairs?” 
She paused, looking up at him, “Maybe later. There’s something I wanted to tell you. Before.”
He stopped in front of her and she looked at him. There was only a small distance between them. Y/N felt her heart overflow with everything from the past few months catching up to her as she stared at him.
“Throughout all of this, I was a few things, if not, stubborn, in-denial and stupid. I was wrong. This whole time. It’s like statistical hypothesis testing. Type 1 error, right?”
“Type 1 error?”
“Yeah. A false positive. Thinking that something is happening when it isn’t.”
“I know what a Type 1 error is-”
“Course. The most terrifying thing is realising you misread a situation. That I could convince myself of something that wasn’t true. See something that wasn’t there because I wanted to see something.”
“The thing is, I didn’t account that a type 2 error is also bad.”
“Yes. False negatives are bad too.”
“Not being able to see something that’s right in front of you. Purposefully making yourself blind to the truth because you’re afraid of seeing too much.”
“What are you saying?” he stepped closer.
“There have been so many things that happened before I even met you. They changed me and I...have this fear of being alone. Maybe that is why I fabricated all of these lies instead of accepting the truth. I think...” she paused, looking up at him. She inhaled deeply, “I think I forgot myself.”
“What can I do?” 
“Just let me tell you.” she gripped his hand.
He didn’t find respite for the uneasy feeing in his stomach but he stopped, nonetheless, squeezing her hand.
“I’ve been lying to you. It’s more by omission, but- I need to tell you this now.” his hands gripped her face now, thumbs swiping away the tears from her cheeks.
“Sweetheart,” he whispered, “What is it?”
“I love you, Stephen.”
A look of surprise crossed his face as he pulled back a breath, searching her face for the truth. And when the realisation flowed through him, Stephen pressed his lips to her’s with the finality of it all reaching them. It was a passionate embrace that stripped the breath from her chest as he breathed her in.
“No idea how long I’ve dreamt of those words.” he exhaled.
@goldencherriess @severuined @thewinterpoet2 @pasta-warlord @typical-bistander @judig92 @captainbarness @gaitwae​ @sleutherclaw @angstsfordays @mavsketch @mando-is-the-way @samisubi @liar-liar13 @evelynrosestuff @stanny-uwu @colorfuly-blog04 @frostandflamesfanfic @katsuphobic @fiadh-bell @awmysherl @sourgrapes-aa @orighami @apple-and-berry @blue-aconite @kaykay0315 @hunterofshadows04 @ohchoices @empty-canvas @99queenrory99 @savage-rhi @shutupwylow @singhfae @loki-is-loved @jotaros-bara-tiddies @cottagecore-cat @simpforreadheads @levitationcloak @hospitaldaydream​ @elicheel @supervengerslock @clockblobber @multi-obsessed-fanfic-writer @classicrebound @sherlockstrangewolf @veryladyqueen
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thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
Starting Love Like the Galaxy!
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I usually stay away from stuff that is ‘in progress’ because you never know when it will start sucking or even get outright dropped or cancelled, but I’ve only seen nice things about this drama so far, so I’m going to risk it! Expectations are high!! 
Our male lead, looking good!
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LMAO, I love her already 😂😂
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Yes, girl, show that bun who the boss is around here!
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Poke her evil eye out! Go on! Do it!
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Gorgeous 💚
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Serves you right, bitch! I have no idea what is going on here, but I hate her already.
I love the cow, though.
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LMAO, I wonder what she did! It must have been glorious!
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Her family seems to be shit. 
Typical abuser mentality.
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“We’re tormenting you for your own good! You should thank us!”
I hope she ends them all. 
Good girl!
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Don’t give them an inch, make their lives miserable!
Cackling 🤣🤣
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I’ve known her for two seconds and I like her already!
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Gross person.
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I can smell her through the screen. 
LMAOOOO, did she just snitch on her uncle?
Wait, they are her parents?
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But why did they abandon her?
Oh, shut up.
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I love her 😂😂
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Oh, shut up, you gross evil witch.
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What else have you been doing?
I hate to agree with her on anything, but...
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We all will be.
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Yes. Say it! Stab where it hurts!
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But that’s a good thing! There is no shame in failing a family that has failed you first. 
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Good. And they don’t deserve respect.
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Again, this is a good thing! Don’t be mad! For one, I think he was being sincere when he came to pay his respects. 
Umm... this just sounds like common sense?
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I can’t stand this woman.
Oh, die already.
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LMAO, nothing gets past this woman.
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I love that she’s so sharp and insightful.
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She certainly inherited her mother’s intelligence, but let’s see if she got her ruthlessness too. 
Their mistakes?
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What about you being a shitty mother? Who is going to rectify that? 
LOL, she’s going to report her entire corrupt family to the authorities 😂😂
Cackling 🤣🤣
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Oh, my god, if there is one thing I cannot stand, it’s these manipulators. Just go and die, die, die!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cackling 🤣🤣
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Cackling some more 🤣🤣
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This family is the literal worst.
LMAO, I love the lighting choices for this scene 😂😂
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Like a merciless little baby god in the bowels of hell.
You haven’t met Niaoniao yet! 
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She’s the cutest little liar you will ever meet! 
I hate clingy, manipulative parents like her. Just let your children live, ffs.
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Of course he’s going to be more devoted to his wife!
The nerve of her, punishing a daughter she abandoned.
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You do not show up when your child is a fucking teen and then expect to have parental authority. 
This woman is stupid beautiful.
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Oh, baby 😢
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She doesn’t deserve to be called a mother in any sense. 
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Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2 - REACTION + THOUGHTS
Holy fucking shit, everyone 😭 it was only two episodes and yet I feel drained, it took like 4+ hours to get through two damn episodes but I did it!
My reaction to Episodes 1-7 are HERE!
I wrote my thoughts in a notebook as I watched and I’ve elaborated more on those thoughts in this post below. Mostly it’s a lot of freaking out and fangirling though 😂
⚠️ There are HUGE spoilers below the read more so please read at your own risk! ⚠️
Episode 8 - Papa
Awww mini Eleven is so cute
She was so exhausted after sending Vecna to the beyond that she straight up passed out after
Not me getting triggered by showing 001 being tattooed again 🤧
The gang panicking to find music is so funny but also FIND THE MUSIC FFS
“I want you to tell Eleven… I want you to tell her everything you’ve seen… tell her everything” - oh shit, he didn’t kill Nancy 😮‍💨 but also yikes
Not the Russian demogorgan still alive???
Awww, Joyce patching Hopper up :3
“You’re the hero of Hawkins” - IM NOT CRYING, NOT YET 🤧
Hop asking after El and Joyce saying “she misses her dad” ❤️
“Umm I hate to interrupt” LMAO “but apparently they (the demogorgons) can climb too” … shit
Tell me the Russians have NOT been experimenting on the demo-creatures 😭💀 and what the hell is that swirling dust stuff???
Eleven’s powers are BACK! 😀
To be quite brutally honest, I forgot what the Cali crew were up to because they were just… there. Not really doing that much. :/
I’m not really digging Mike’s whole “what if she doesn’t need me anymore???”, let alone Will having to reassure him “of course she’ll need you” like… ?? Boys, hello???
Awww is it based on DND?? Apparently El commissioned it, and Mike in the painting’s coat of arms is a heart because he’s the heart of the group or some shit?
Honestly not really here for Will’s painting/feelings being used to further the Mileven pairing :/
The way Jonathan was looking at Will and Mike, I thought he was thinking “yeah my brother’s got it bad”
“When you’re different, you feel like a mistake” - WILL BABY??? Again, it’s so obvious he’s gay and hiding it???
NOT WILL LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW AND CRYING, POOR BOY IS HEARTBROKEN (and at this point I’m starting to think that yes, in love with Mike)
Did sending Vecna through the portal cause Eleven’s speech and language to regress too??? Because I’m S1 she can barely speak and needs to be taught common words, whilst in flashbacks in S4 in the lab, she seems quite fluent?
Has this motherfucker Brenner been searching for 001 this whole time??? Is that what this is about???
Oh god not the autopsy photos 😭
“Your friends are in danger” - yeah but what else is new??? They’re in danger like every 6-12 months 💀
The clock has 4 chimes… which means 4 gates, 4 victims??? Shit, he’s one away???
Eleven using her powers to watch the Hawkins gang :’(
Nancy: We have to go back // Eddie: 🤦 NO
Robin calling him “Henry-slash-Vecna-slash-One” 😂
Because El is watching them, she’s in on their plan too now… interesting
If Max fucking dies, I will be SO ANGRY
Yayyy Jopper + Murray + Dmitri made it out of the Russian base!
LMFAO at the van just smashing through the gate
Hopper protecting Joyce by wrapping his arms around her :3
Joyce saying “That plane crashed” and Hopper’s concerned “… crashed?!?”
Dmitri threatening Yuri lol
I like that at this point Steve is still not wearing a proper shirt 🥵
Eddie calling Max “red”
“You got a ski mask or a bandana?” - cut to Eddie wearing Max’s Michael Myers mask that she wore at Halloween in S2 😂
Eddie hot wiring a van
HE CALLED STEVE “big boy”, I’M-
Also Steve is STILL barefoot 😂
“Your friends are not prepared for this fight” - right, so maybe go and fucking help them????
Owens at least tried to let Eleven make a choice, Brenner is a dick
No but Steve talking about his dreams and saying in his dreams for his life, he wants 6 kids and to travel America on road trips with them 😭🤧 he would be such a great dad, I’m-
Nancy calling 6 kids “a nightmare” LMFAO SAME
“If only I had some practice” *gestures to the kids he’s always babysitting* 💀
Lucas making the Ms Kelly link and also wanting to find someone else - anyone else - so Max won’t be in danger
Max’s happiest memory involves Lucas, which makes me think it’s probably the Snow Ball dance when they got together?
Is that a helicopter?!! There’s no way that thing is carrying five adults from Russia to America???
“For me, she is still a virgin” - PLEASE DO NOT SAY THAT ABOUT THE HELICOPTER YURI
The War Zone store is like the size of an entire shopping mall :/
Ah, America… no one is questioning young teenagers like Erica, Max, etc buying guns and explosives
Robin being heartbroken 😭
Jason really needs to back the fuck off, and the scene where he’s talking to Nancy and putting his hands on her gun really proved that
Argyll saying Nina sounds like a “small woman” 😭 he ain’t wrong, “nina” is Spanish for little girl I think
Nahhh is Argyll STILL fucking high 💀
Getting REAL sick and tired of seeing military and army assholes
“If my men hear you coming, they’ll kill him (Owens)” - BRENNER IS LITERALLY BLACKMAILING HER WHAT THE FUCK FUCK HIM
Eleven called him OUT and I love it
“You could not let him (001) go” “you are the monster” — SO TRUE
He injected her what the hell 💀
She should have just killed him tbh
“Is this legal?” “Actually, I think it’s a felony” — LMFAO
Eddie and Dustin play fighting and Eddie making Dustin promise “never change, promise me”… why do I feel like Eddie’s imparting some wisdom and is about to be killed…
“Even though you’re a bench riding loser, you’re still my brother” - awww Erica :3
Wait did Steve say Vickie’s boyfriend is a full ass college man 💀
“Not everyone has a happy ending” - ST writers are definitely trying to tell the fans to lower their expectations of happy endings for everyone 😭
“It might not work out for us this time” - FUCK. NO. NOPE.
Oh god did he put one of those collars on Eleven?!?
Not the shootout 🤦
Omg they shot Brenner and he dropped Eleven. Not gonna be sad if he dies tho, he low-key deserves it lmao
Owens saying he could put El in a coma and then if the killings stop they’ll know it’s her, but the gang is planning on taking down Vecna do the killings will stop??? And they’ll think it’s El???
Never mind, asshole army guy ordered them to kill Eleven anyway
EYYYY Cali gang FINALLY pulling their weight and going to the rescue!
Go on, Eleven! Bring it down! Knock the aircraft out the air!
I’m confused tho because I thought he collar subdued her powers but she’s still wearing it in this scene and straight up knocking a helicopter out of the sky???
The Mike and Eleven reunion was sweet but idk Will still feels like a third wheel even when he’s happy to see Eleven and he hugs her
Will crying with happiness at seeing El again and giving her a hug 😭❤️ love the brother-sister relationship
Brenner has a remote control to make the collar fall off???
“I’m proud of you” “you are my family” “my child” — yeah? Funny way of fucking showing it, mate
“Please tell me you understand” - and then she doesn’t say anything, just gets up and says “goodbye papa” 😅
Soooo… is he actually dead this time?
I’m so anxious for this plan, holy shit
THE MUSIC IS PHENOMONAL!!! (It’s Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey and Steve Perry, and it was in one of the trailers)
The chills I got at them approaching the Creel house again… ooh
Episode 9 - The Piggyback
Strap in, folks, this one is a whopping 2hrs and 20 minutes!
Hopper and Joyce’s sexual tension is getting VERY obvious Jesus Christ
Lmao at her Hulk Hogan t shirt though
Hopper’s been dreaming about their Enzo date and starts listing the food, and then… “been dreaming about something else too”
“You can be the hero, Steve” - yes but only if he survives 😇
I’ve got a horrible feeling about both Steve and Eddie, and I hope I’m wrong
To be fair to him, Jonathan is trying very hard to get plane tickets to Hawkins and I appreciate the effort
Soooo Eleven is going to go inside Max’s mind and protect her there? 🤔
*talking about how El needs a “bathtub”* Argyll: Yeah, gotta be clean to enter the mind — I FUCKING DIED LAUGHING
Hell yeah for the Kate Bush reappearing
Them writing notes so they won’t be overheard by Vecna on the other side is super smart actually
Not that dude seeing Erica and tipping the basketball team off 😤
Not Jason target practicing smh
Murray: “I see the mood here is bleak, and understandably so” LMFAO NO KIDDING
So those particles moving… means there’s a gate open?
Part of the hive mind is in Russia… where they’ve just escaped from 💀
Of course there’s another Surfer Boy Pizza shop, of course it’s a franchise
The amount of “dudes” in this one conversation LMFAO Even Jonathan was doing it 💀
Love that their prep involves cooking a pizza in the oven 😂
Also the sensory tank is in the newly emptied pizza freezer???
Robin panicking about getting lost is a whole ass mood frankly
“She’s a super klutz” - bless
Apparently Steve used to crawl backwards as a baby? “Always in reverse” (no joke I actually read a book about a boy who crawled backwards and did everything backwards because his mother and father met on a train that was travelling backwards???) (I looked it up; it’s called “Back To Front Benjy” by Dick King Smith)
He also apparently thumped his head as a baby o_o (Nancy: “explains so much” lol)
Steve calling himself confident but an idiot made me kinda sad, all this self reflection made me think he was gonna die 😭
Him thanking her for giving him “the biggest thump” of his life and discussing their relationship
I can’t believe he really said NANCY was the most important part of his dream… I am really not here for Steve/Nancy :/
LMAO at Robin ruining their moment 😂
Wait, where are the Russian guards?
… ohhh I think I know based on the sounds coming off that radio, my god
Ooh did Dmitri break through with Yuri and convince him to do the right thing? :O
Max writing “hi” and Lucas writing “hi :D” back
“I’m glad you’re here” - AWWWW
He asked her to a movie on Friday and she drew him a cute picture 🤧
Okay but WILL Vecna take the bait or not is the question?
Max taking her headphones off… Here we go.
I had a fleeting thought of what if he decides to take Lucas instead??? They’re expecting him to go for Max but Lucas is there too?!?
Mike made goggles out of pizza boxes, I’m-
Argyll interrupting Mileven to give them pizza!
Ewww okay so Eleven: she’s an 11 but she likes pineapple on pizza 🤢
“Do you remember that time you told me you had Lego stuck up your nose?” - I SPAT OUT MY COFFEE WHAT THE FUCK JONATHAN
“You used to come to me more for help” — aww :(
“I’ve been distanced-“ “Stoned.” - LOL
Aww Byers brothers sharing a hug :3 and Will getting emotional 🥹
“I love you: there is nothing in this world that will change that” - TELL ME THIS WOULD NOT BE JONATHAN’S REACTION TO WILL COMING OUT??? This should have at LEAST been a prompt for Will to come out to him maybe???
Eleven found Max!
… oh no. No, it’s not working??? Vecna isn’t taking the bait???
Max saying Vecna was right, Billy made her life hell, she would pray for something awful to happen to him… “I didn’t know if he deserved to be saved” OOF
“So now when I lie in bed at night, I pray something terrible will happen to me.” - MAX SWEETIE NO 😭
Oh gosh come on Eleven, save the day
We get to see a little Max memory of her skating
“Chrissy, this is for you” - I’M NOT OKAY
“Where are you going, Maxine?” Oh fuck no I’m out
Let me say it again, Eddie shred the FUCK outta that guitar solo
Max’s memory is the snow ball dance…
Dustin: “Most. Metal. EVERRRRR!” Bless
NOOOO the Russian glass cage things are broken?!?!
Sooo… monster got in, guards tried to stop it, gunfire shattered the tanks, others came alive :O Particles = The Shadow, which went into the monster(s)?
By the way, this whole plan of “hey, while Max distracts Vecna and probably gets herself killed, let’s sneak up into the attic in the upside down and stab/burn him while he’s in a trance” is fucking stupid 💀
Ohhhh that’s a LOT of vines on the floor
Robin worrying because she’s clumsy, she’ll tread on them, and Nancy holds her hand and says it’s okay??? RONANCY FANS RISE UP
“Shouldn’t you be playing with dolls?” “Should you bag your face?” YOUNG MAX IS A SAVAGE
Wait, the song from the Snow Ball (Every breath you take)?
I was singing along to that song and then I let out a scream because the balloon popped 💀
Speaking of balloons popping, what is this, Stephen King’s IT??? 🤡
Ohhh now the music’s changed to Dream a Little Dream of Me, which was playing in the Creel house and was what Victor was listening to
Well this took a sharp turn… the flowers are withering, blood is everywhere…
He thinks Lucas is doing some cult shit to Max (a la Hellfire Club)
He wants Lucas to wake Max up or he’ll shoot???
“Or are we supposed to read your mind” lmao Murray
Nooo why does Hopper need to he demo-bait 😬
Not Joyce remembering Bob because Bob did exactly the same thing and she watched him die in front of her 😭
“I still got a date to make, remember?” “I am not having another funeral” - I CAN’T DEAL WITH THIS I WANT TO CRY
Awww now there’s a tender Jopper kiss in addition to the down and dirty one
The demobats are on the roof… they can’t get in, right?
Watching Steve/Robin/Nancy dodge the vines made me extremely anxious to be honest
(They’re not dead, just being strangled by vines inside the house)
I can’t do this, I’m not strong enough for this show 💀
Not the demodog chasing Hopper 😭 meanwhile the demobats are coming through the vent
Dustin climbed back through the portal and then Eddie cUT THE ROPE NOOOOOO
Eddie trying to buy more time 😭 don’t do it, Eddie, the town don’t deserve it
Somehow I don’t think barricading the door with fold up chairs is going to stop Vecna, Max lmao
Oh god that chiming is going to haunt my fucking nightmares
Vecna appearing behind Max definitely scared me, Jesus Christ
Nooooo leave Max alone!!!
Lucas trying to convince Jason but of course Jason is a toolbag and too far gone
“I never should have let you in the door” “and I never should have knocked” OH SHIT
Lucas called Jason a raging psychopath, which is quite accurate to be honest
Sinclair siblings once again kicking ass at the same time, we love to see it
“Much braver than your brother” OOF OKAY VECNA JESUS
Oh no no no no he’s gonna do the thing-
V: You. // E: Hi. *throws him through a wall*
Dustin trying to jump back up into the ceiling portal using furniture and then he hurt his leg falling though :(
Jason needs to leave everyone alone smh what an ass
ElMax checking on each other :3
“Are you real? Did I make you?” “I’m real.” “How?” “I piggy-backed from a pizza freezer.” “… what?” — LMFAO
Oh of course Vecna is up again 😭
“If you touch her again, I’ll kill you again” — OOF GO OFF
Vecna is right though, technically she didn’t kill him before, just sent him through that portal 🤷🏻
Max really tried to run up behind Vecna and stab him when she was being noisy as fuck
Yeah no Eleven’s getting her ass beat in this fight I won’t lie
Goddammit now he’s attached El to the door with vines
Vecna has Max 😥😓😰
She told him Papa is dead and Vecna paused
“He is the monster, Henry. Not you.” OOF.
“He was just a man. An ordinary mediocre man.” - DAMN TRUE THO
“He did not make me into this. You did.” - … Vecna is telling the truth technically 😬
The flashback showing him exploring this “realm unspoilt by mankind” and it looks like a barren shit hole to me 😫
So the particle cloud… helped him become a predator???
THE MIND FLAYER??? And young Henry/Vecna’s drawing IDENTICAL to Will’s???
So has this all always been Vecna or…?
“Sought a means to open my own doors” (showing S3) - so was THAT Vecna????
I love the contrast of the red lighting in the Eleven/Vecna scene vs the blue in literally all the others but especially Lucas/Jason’s fight
Erica, come on girl! Jason is literally about to strangle Lucas to death!
“But now I just want you to watch” - oh shit
Mike/Will/Jonathan/Argyll trying to wake Eleven up…
Will telling Mike he’s “the heart” and Mike saying “I love you” to El… I’m so tired. I’m so tired of Will’s obvious sexuality/crush being used to further a straight couple
Not Mike claiming his life was only meaningful after meeting Eleven 💀 and the flashbacks to the very first episode when they met, I’m so done with this
Wait, are the vines uncurling from around Eleven???
Joyce rescuing Hopper by electrocuting that demodog 😥
Murray kicking ass with the flamethrower!!!
Oh thank fuck Steve/Nancy/Robin are released and okay
Ewww not the squelchy noises when they all walk around 🤢
Well, Hopper, looks like shooting a demogorgan didn’t work…
RoStAncy found Vecna - come on, guys, prove this plan wasn’t shit
“The beginning of the end” - eyyy it’s the season 4 tagline!
Not them playing Running Up That Hill again, I’m already a mess 💀
Wait… what do you mean there’s still 40 FUCKING MINUTES TO GO?!?!
IS Max okay??? And Eddie???
NOPE EDDIE’S DYING FOR FUCK SAKE I’m so upset he was my favourite newbie 😭😭😭
“I didn’t run away this time, right?“ STOP IT RIGHT NOW
Eddie didn’t even get to graduate 😭🤧 this was supposed to be his year, I’m so upset-
No no no no I hate this, this is awful, she’s blind and can’t see and she’s so scared and she’s crying 😭
Max crying and panicking because “I can’t see, I’m so scared, I’m not ready to go, I want to go on” I’M SOBBING, NO, NO, NO, FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW
Lucas sobbing as she dies I can’t fucking STAND THIS FUCKING SHOW FUCK THIS
Four chimes… oh no. Oh no no no no NO.
Karen and Little Holly 😭
Holy FUCK, Hawkins is actually well and truly FUCKED this time
… Is Eleven trying to bring Max back to life??? Is that even possible???
Not the ElMax flashbacks making me tear up again 😭
Don’t get my hopes up, I can’t take it if my hopes are raised and smashed down again
Cut to black and… two days later??? Excuse me??? WHt the fuck happened???
Ohhh that’s a lot of cars leaving Hawkins
Oh shit the smoke coming off of Hawkins?!?!
So they’re saying it was this ridiculously traumatic earthquake???
Not them all believing it’s Hellfire’s fault still :/ and that Eddie is still guilty, fuck this town-
“Doorway into hell” - oof, that’s one way to put it I guess
Eyyy Mike finally reuniting with his family and Will reuniting with his friends, and Jancy seeing each other too!!
“You can forget about college” - LMFAO
Okay, now why is Lucas at the hospital??? Again, do NOT get my hopes up!
Wait, is Max in a coma????
Lucas reading to Max 😭
I can’t get over Lucas and Eleven hugging?!! They’ve come so far since S1 when he hated her 😭
They don’t know if Max will wake up or why she hasn’t yet :( they’re saying she died for like a minute but then a miracle (Eleven) happened
Eleven holding Max’s hand and telling her “I’m here” :’(
Nancy and the others are donating their stuff because of the disaster, that makes sense
I love how ready Steve and Robin are to help 🤧❤️
Vickie?!?! Oh that’s awkward… I love Amybeth tho
“Was my boyfriend” — ohhh aye? 👀
Her saying she should have dumped him for disliking “fast times” lmfao
“It’s like my mouth is running faster than my brain” - oh her and Robin are so suited to each other
Listen… Vickie could still be bisexual, okay, just because she dated a guy it doesn’t mean she can’t date girls 🤷🏻
I hate that people have been graffiti-ing Eddie’s missing poster 😭
Dustin has Eddie’s guitar pick neck chain 🥺
I feel so bad for Eddie’s uncle 😢
When Dustin started crying over Eddie and telling Eddie’s uncle that Eddie was a hero, I lost it
“He fought and died to protect this town that hated him” - I CAN’T 😭 Eddie deserved so much fucking better
Hopper’s cabin???
Jonathan: *pointing to massive gaping hole in ceiling* Well, that’s a bit of a problem — 😂😂😂😂
Aww they’re fixing up the cabin :3
Argyll gathering mushrooms 🤣
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” “I’m actually kinda glad you weren’t… I mean, that you were with Mike” - suuure, Nancy -_-
Why did I feel like they were about to go on a break during this scene 💀
Nancy saying Steve’s grown quite a bit as a person… true but girl seriously
“Are we okay?” “… yeah.” — Nancy, you did NOT sound very sure
Oof Jonathan had the perfect opportunity to tell Nancy about his plans for college but he didn’t :/
Will knowing 001 isn’t dead because he can feel him hurting… o_0
So will Vecna be in S5, and if so will his first target be Will because lord knows that boy has a LOT of trauma to feed off of
Is that coke bottle from when El and Max played spin the bottle in S3? That feels like so long ago now 😭
So apparently Eleven couldn’t find Max in that mindscape/black area thing? (I don’t know what to call it, I’m sorry 😭)
She kept the door open 3 inches always and never stopped believing 😭😭😭😭
“Your hair…” “My hair? Your hair!” - THEY BOTH LOST THEIR HAIR IM SO-
“I kinda stole your look, kid, what you think?” “Bitching” - 😭❤️
I do wonder if the Hoppers and Byers will be one big family now because Jopper is a thing 🤔🙂
Oh no… no, not the Will Neck Tingle™️
Oh damn, it went from sunny to overcast VERY quickly
It’s snowing??? It’s spring break so it shouldn’t be snowing???
Plants rotting/dying… ash in the sky I think? (So is it ash or is it snow?)
Joyce and Hopper holding hands 🥺
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twinsarekeepers · 3 years
The more I reread the PJO series, the more clear it is to me that Annabeth isn’t white.
(I know y’all are going to be in my mentions like “oh but she has blonde hair and grey eyes she can’t be black or brown” and I KNOW! I know RR saw her as a white girl when he was writing the books. I am aware of that fact. It just so happens that I can see a ton of my own experiences (specifically related to being a brown woman) in the way she’s perceived by other characters.)
So, like, in the first book, she was so mad at Percy because he got a quest even though he knew particularly nothing about the demigod world (and everything he did know was stuff she taught him) and she had been working basically her whole life to get one. I mean, seriously, she was more equipped to lead a quest because she’d literally lived on streets before. (And I know they banned quests after Luke’s and it was a special circumstance so they had to give one to Percy but it’s so clear that he has no idea what’s going on and that he agrees to bring Annabeth along because he knows he’ll need her intelligence and expertise to complete the quest).
And, like, she is literally the most educated, knowledgeable person on the Argo II, ffs she’s LITERALLY the daughter of Athena, but her intelligence is constantly questioned. (And I know it’s because RR was like “oh it’s because she’s blonde” 🙄 Istg, I’m going to strangle that man in his sleep). But, who is the most educated demographic in the US and are still constantly overlooked and their intelligence insulted? Black women. I just—RICHARD, IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU IM GOING TO SCREAM!
The other characters see her as this strong, tough warrior, but she literally cries in every book. That’s not to say she’s not strong or tough or a warrior, but she is also soft and gentle and that’s extremely overlooked by not just the characters, but the fandom as well. The way she holds Percy’s hand in times when he’s stressed out and assures him when he’s feeling like he can’t do something. The way she comforts characters who are in emotional pain like Juniper and Silena. When Piper first got to camp and Annabeth showed her around and tried to make her feel at home. Even when Drew was being mean to Piper, Annabeth didn’t take sides and instead mitigated the tension. She cheered Hazel up after her fight with Jason. Frank came to her for advice and she was very considerate of his feelings and comfort. She was intuitive enough to figure out why Leo acted the way he did and than she defended his actions to Frank. These are all things that she does that are vulnerable and show her heart but most of the characters still view her as scary and intimidating.
And they see Annabeth as strong enough to just handle emotional turmoil all by herself. Like, y’all remember when Percy was kind of surprised that Annabeth needed a hug in BOTL? (Why? He’s seen her cry before. He’s seen her need comfort before. What makes him think it would be a one time thing?). Or when he didn’t tell her that he was worried about her? (He really said “stay here and protect Nico and Rachel”. And then in his head he was like, “I didn’t tell Annabeth but I was worried about her too.” MY GUY?? WHY WOULDN’T YOU TELL HER??) Or how about when she was literally sobbing on the ground after seeing Luke turn into Kronos and Percy, Rachel, and Nico were just … standing around, talking. Percy literally tried to pick a fight with her in that moment. Like, wtf was that?? (I mean, he tried to be a little bit more gentle with her when he was telling her to get up and leave but at that point, the damage is done, dude, you’ve already kicked her while she was down).
This connects to how she’s stripped of her femininity. The fact that she’s canonically good at weaving (a traditionally feminine task) and it seems to be forgotten by all the characters and even the fandom. The fact that she enjoys wearing dresses and makeup and jewelry but Percy finds those things awkward on her (I made a post about that here if y’all want to read it. The Richard stannies found it though so beware the notes). There are so many instances in the books where she so obviously fits into a traditionally feminine role but they’re glossed over or ignored. As a South Asian woman, I know how this feels.
Okay and then on Circe’s Island, when Circe said something like “oh and that HAIR!” and Annabeth was like “what’s wrong with my hair?” …. That’s a micro aggression if I’ve ever seen one. I just know if Annabeth was a white girl with type 3, loose ass curls, Circe would not have said that shit.
And all of the reasons we think Percy is not white ALSO APPPLY TO ANNABETH. Like, she went to through all the same stuff that Percy went through in the mortal world. She literally said as much in the beginning of TLT.
Annabeth is just so clearly not white to me. And the fact that RR didn’t see how so many of her experiences lined up with a black or brown woman’s will actually be my villain origin story. He really wrote “she’s oppressed because she’s blonde” with his whole chest. Great job in proving how much of a rich, white man you are, Richard.
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Part 1 of ?????
Started writing this fic a while ago and then lost faith in it. Should I continue? Feel bad for not posting much lately so I thought I'd share this. Read on and weigh in.
You don't have to fucking shout?
Said the pot to the kettle?
Oh you grandmother The caps were an accidental by-product of voice-to-text Blame Siri if you're going to blame anyone
You have a Samsung Galaxy S20.
HAD. It got smashed. Worst luck. Listen, come out with me tonight.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm tired!
Hah (indifferent)
Just come out with me! Isaac has to go see some godawful student performance of the Antigone in wherever the fuck Chichester is and it's Sirius's flatmate's birthday party so I have to go and I don't know any of his weird mates
You don't HAVE to go.
Have to/want to Semantics
I'm not in a birthday party mood. I'm having a stressful week. My arse has been tense since Tuesday.
I will wade into the deep and massage your arse if I have to, just come It's a swank pad in Belgravia! I bet they'll have all sorts of expensive nibbles!
I read that as expensive nipples.
Those too!
Partying it up with the children of wealthy Tories. Sounds super fun.
Just come out with me, for fuck I'll pick you up at 7 and we can steal their silverware if it's boring as the grave
URGH I'll go but I'm NOT dressing up!
You don't have to dress up!
take the drawings down please i'm begging you i'm actually begging you
Nah mate
siriusssssssss pleeeeeease
PLEASE ffs it's MY birthday!!!! there are going to be PEOPLE there! standing around! AT EYE LEVEL
I don't see what the problem is.
EVERYONE will see what the problem is! they literally will not be able to IGNORE what the problem is!
Sounds like a recipe for lively discussion to me tbh
that is NOT what i want people talking about at my birthday!
If I take them down, I'll have to take all the nails out and that'll leave nail marks all over the walls. It would be unsightly.
My dick is bewitching.
She walks in expecting to find herself the infiltrator of a Made in Chelsea/Royal Ascot/Henley Regatta netherworld, filled with a gaggle of giggling, SW-postcode socialites wielding suspiciously powder-edged Harrods Amex cards in the place of horses and boats, but that's not what actually greets her on the other side of the lacquered front door.
What greets her is really quite ordinary.
Aside from the naked drawings of Kingsley's mate, which aren't.
Otherwise, the whole affair is pretty relaxed. People her age are clustered in their small groups, swigging beers. There's a table of oven-heated party foods, salty snacks and rapidly depleting ramekins of guac. She spies more band shirts than there are dress shirts. There's a round of Fortnite in full swing on the TV.
It's all just...startlingly normal. A normal birthday party.
And that's sort of embarrassing, really.
Where are all the visible Tory toffs, she wonders? Where is the braying laughter? The Eton alumni reunion? The glimpse of hunting-happy tweed and shotgun barrels as a coat cupboard door swings shut? Where's the indelible air of sneering superiority, of "we're richer and more privileged and better than you, so fuck the NHS and death to foxes!" that she'd been expecting? There's a fucking Henry Hoover in the corner of the hall, for Christ's sake. Lily came here to smile through her teeth at them all, to listen to the champagne problems privilege that bubbled from their lips and tell herself that she was the one who knew better, who thought better. Her plain white tee and skinny jeans and scuff-toed, high-top trainers were supposed to be a statement, a subtle setting-apart, but she's not even the most underdressed person in the room.
She pre-judged a house full of people. What's that about?
There's a lesson to be found in this. Perhaps.
James covered all of the dicks in Paw Patrol stickers that he bought from the newsagent on his way home from his mum's, but Sirius peeled them all off while he was taking a soothing lavender bath, so what's the bloody point in birthdays anyway?
It's early in the evening, and he's wedged—against his will—between the dining room bar and Shane Ruttle, who has just pointed at one of the many lamentable dicks and asked, "Is this one of yours?" which James kind of wants to thump him for. It's bad enough that he looks like a madman who stuffed his house with naked drawings of his brother, now people are actually assuming that he drew the damn things, even though most of the compositions are appallingly far beneath his skill level. He's a professional illustrator, for the love of god, and Shane is really standing before him like the posturing prick he is, asking him if he's the one who drew Sirius with one arm disproportionately longer than the other.
He knows that he should cheer up.
It is his birthday. There is cake.
Good cake, too, not the kind that gets buried in too-thick fondant that he has to pick off before he can eat what's underneath.
The problem is, there's also a party, and his friends are his friends, Peter and Sirius included, and Peter and Sirius can both get drunk much faster than James can. When Peter and Sirius get drunk, serious injuries tend to follow, Remus tends to fuck off in a flash and James tends to be the one who calls for an ambulance or mothers them back to health—physical, mental or otherwise. He has just turned twenty-six, and these repeated, drunkenly dramatic medical emergency scenes are starting to wear a little thin.
Can't a man get comfortably drunk and have a laugh at his own birthday party?
No, he can't, because Peter's already halfway to trashed, wobbling unsteadily towards the French doors that lead to the terrace, wearing that look on his face that says I'm definitely going to vomit or maybe even shit myself like I did on that one night we all spent in Munich with the Belgian handball team and the creepy tour guide who couldn't keep his sleazy hands to himself. For the sake of sparing the lawn such a punishment, James hastily removes himself from Shane, grabs Peter by the collar, shoves him in the direction of the downstairs loo and retreats to the safety of the living room, where there are, at least, no naked drawings of Sirius gracing the walls.
Most of the people in here are transfixed by Saffy Stephens, who is down to the last three in her Fortnite game and cursing like a sailor, but there are a small pile of birthday cards on the end table where James and Sirius normally keep their keys. He perches on the sofa arm, sets his half-drunk beer bottle on the carpet, pushes his dark, disheveled hair away from his forehead and begins leafing through them. It's a necessity when one lives with Sirius, who thinks nothing of swiping gift cards when the mood strikes him and he's had enough to drink.
They're mostly from his female friends, and all pretty standard, until he reaches the middle of the pile and finds a card bearing a picture of a moustached tabby and the caption: Have a Purr-fect Birthday!
The inscription inside is written in a lovely, swirling hand.
To Jasper/Jack/Jason/maybe Ja Rule?/J-something idk
(see above: everything I've learned about you from the friend* I came here with, verbatim)
(*who can't remember your name)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for (not) specifically inviting me, a stranger, to your party to celebrate this momentous event in your life. Please enjoy this festive card/social nicety/convention from me to you. My friend brought rum which you may prefer.
I'll be around. Not that you'll know.
James lowers the card and twists on the sofa arm at once, eyes darting around the room in search of its author, as if they might be laying in wait to watch him read it and see how he reacts. Nobody appears to have ducked behind the couch, however, so the situation merits further scrutiny.
Obviously, he needs to meet this person.
A mystery! At his birthday party!
He perks right up after that.
She's coming out of the downstairs loo when a short, blonde man in a garish Hawaiian shirt barrels past her and pukes all over the chequerboard tiled floor, narrowly missing her jeans.
"Oh no," he moans into his wet hands. "Oh no—"
"There there, mate," says Lily consolingly, never one to judge somebody for getting drunk early at a party. She pats him on the back before squeezing past him and rejoining Kingsley, who is standing in one of this meandering Georgian house's many hallways, chatting to a bloke in a houndstooth sweater vest and holding two glasses of something very, very sparkly that she must try at once.
"It's like...it's like everything and nothing at the same time," Houndstooth Bloke is saying when Lily draws close, gesturing to a huge canvas painting of a rain-soaked fairground at night.
"Is it?" Kingsley asks.
"Mmm. Very." Houndstooth shakes his shoulders like he's slipping out of a robe. "Meant to be esoteric, I suppose."
That sounds suspiciously like pretentious bullshit to Lily, who doesn't find the concept of a merry looking fairground all that difficult to absorb. Kingsley knows more about the art world than she does, but he must agree with her assessment because he grunts and shoves her glass into her hand when she stops beside him, and more roughly than she deserves, as if she's the one who landed him in this mess of a conversation to begin with.
Trust him to find himself stuck with the only dick (not etched by a 4B Steadtler graphite pencil) in the building, and trust her to be stuck with the person who got himself stuck with King.
"What are we talking about?" she asks brightly, just to fuck with him.
"Drink your champagne, there's a good little hen," King mutters, his teeth clenched together, hallway lights bouncing off the smoothly waxed dome of his bald head.
"We've been discussing this piece." Houndstooth nods to the painting, but his limpid eyes narrow on Lily's face. "Christ, you're very redheaded, aren't you?"
It's decided. She'll wait 'til Houndstooth is drunk and trip him up with Henry Hoover's hose.
"Ergo soulless, yes," she agrees.
"And you...enjoy that?" he asks, as if being redheaded is her profession.
"Very much, thanks."
"Hmmp. Well. I came here with Saffron," he announces, pronouncing it Sef-ron. As if Lily is supposed to know who that is. "Platonically, of course. Actually, we're some sort of cousins, I think. What do you think the artist is trying to convey?"
He's very pointedly asking her, so Lily blinks at the painting, her eyes on the outstretched arm of a child on the carousel.
"I like the pretty colours," she decides aloud.
"Right," says Houndstooth, "but that's not—"
"And the lights, too. The lights are really pretty."
"I love funfairs, actually," she brightly continues, finding a strange satisfaction in playing dumb in front of Houndstooth and his overbleached fade. Although she does really like the colours. "Haven't been to one in years!"
"Yes, good, whatever, but what is the artist trying to convey?"
"What artist?" comes a voice from behind them.
Lily glances over her shoulder and finds herself looking up at the man whose penis she's spent the past thirty minutes avoiding eye contact with, though he is taller, better proportioned and infinitely more beautiful than any of those crudely drawn depictions could possibly convey. He is also beplumed and bejewelled like a pirate, wearing a sumptuous velvet jacket over a loose white shirt, numerous rings on his fingers and an assortment of silver chains around his slender neck, while his grey eyes and elegantly high-set cheekbones are framed by a tumble of black hair that genuinely looks like silk.
The man is so beautiful, in fact, that Lily immediately wonders why he's been taking sketches home from the life drawing class that he and Kingsley pose for—hence their acquaintance and Lily's presence at this party—when nothing she's seen tonight has done him any justice.
Most happily, his penis is tucked safely out of sight.
"Alright, Sirius?" says King.
"Alright, Marvel?" Sirius claps a hand to the taller man's massive shoulder. Kingley's muscles bulge in a way that cannot be hidden by modern habiliments. "What are we talking about?"
"Not much." Houndstooth looks put out by the arrival of yet another person. "We were just mesmerised by this piece."
Lily refrains from gesturing to the painting with both hands and a "ta-dah!" choosing instead to sip her champagne.
It's very good champagne. Mmm. Yes.
"Oh, yeah, it's really something," Sirius agrees. He brushes past Kingsley and runs a finger over the illegible squiggle of a signature on the canvas. His nails are beautifully manicured. "Local guy, young up-and-comer. I assume you've heard of Algernon?" he asks Houndstooth, fixing him with a steely-eyed stare.
"Er, yes." Houndstooth's gaze slides from Sirius to the painting. "I know him."
Sirius's eyebrows lift. "Know him personally?"
"That's so weird, I heard he never speaks to people."
Houndstooth chews on the inside of his cheek, weighing up the challenge. "How…funny."
"Oh, nothing. It's just, I know I've spoken to him before, and since you've bought his painting I assumed that you'd have—"
"That is funny, actually," Sirius interrupts, "because the artist is my brother, and Algernon is the name of his cat."
Kingsley has been tugging on his earring and almost rips it out of his ear as his body convulses, champagne spraying from his nostrils, while an alarming red flush sweeps across Houndstooth's face and he begins to sputter on his own self-importance. Sirius has clearly decided that he's done with all of that noise, however, because he turns back to Lily instead, looking her up and down with great and sudden interest.
"Who's this then?" he asks Kingsley, cocking his head to one side. "James's present?"
The champagne glass swings down and Lily fixes him with a deadpan stare. "Excuse me?"
Sirius slants a grin at Kingsley, a quick flash of teeth. "This one's queenly, isn't she?"
Kingsley wipes his nose with the back of his hand and laughs again. "Hardly."
"This is Primark, mate," Lily retorts, tugging on her t-shirt.
"Queenliness is a state of mind," says Sirius, "not a state of wardrobe."
"You had me marked down as a prostitute not ten seconds ago."
"Oh, that. I was only joking," he sighs, and grips her arm at the elbow, his long fingers cool against her skin. "But still, you're far too attractive to stand here talking to this clown. Come with me and I'll find you someone better."
James's friends are useless.
And drunk. Useless and drunk—or sort of drunk, in Saffy's case. Remus is certainly already pissed, but Remus is on meds so often that he drinks but once in a blue moon. One cocktail is usually enough to set him off, and he's been hard at the gin since he turned up with Peter at six.
"I don't know anyone with those initials," Saffy declares, once she has read, examined and even sniffed the birthday card for clues. "Except for Lisa Edelstein."
"Who's Lisa Edelstein?"
"Cuddy from House," says Remus, lowering the negroni from which he has been drinking deeply.
James pulls a face. "What the fuck is a Cuddy?"
"Oh, actually, it could mean le?" Remus suggests.
"Yes!" Saffy points at him like he might be onto something. "Like the French word for the?"
"Exactly, like—"
"It doesn't mean that!" James interrupts, unwilling to allow such profanity in his home. "That doesn't make sense, why would somebody sign their name as the?"
"Now you're asking me to explain how French people think?" says Saffy derisively, adjusting her bra strap beneath that burnt orange waistcoat she loves, the one that makes her look like she's directing a pornographic movie in the 70s when she pairs it with her tortoiseshell-framed aviators. It clashes wildly with her electric blue buzz-cut. "Am nooooo drunk enough for that."
"They could be one of those one word moniker pop stars, I suppose," Remus pipes up, smiling slyly. "You know, like Madonna?"
They think James doesn't realise that they're taking the piss out of him, but neither of them are sober enough to attempt their gambit with any kind of subtlety or grace.
"You know that's actually her real Christian name?" says Saffy.
Remus turns towards her with interest. "What, Madonna?"
"Yeah!" Saffy repeats. "I thought it couldn't possibly be her real name because, I mean, Madonna, yeah? But then I looked it up and apparently that's the name her mummy gave her, just goes to show—"
"I'm sorry," James interrupts, "but is Madonna relevant to this conversation?"
"Yes, always," says Saffy.
"She's an international pop megastar," Remus seconds.
James stares at his friend incredulously. "Drinking really chips away at your wit, y'know?"
"Does it?" Remus grins lazily and jiggles his cocktail in the air. "Oh, well, I'm negronly joking."
Saffy does a spit-take without the spit and clings helplessly to Remus's shoulder as she laughs, knees buckling, bangles tinkling, but James fights his own urge to start snickering.
"It's not that funny," he lies, and Remus eyes him with an alarmingly teacher-like shrewdness, despite the tellingly intoxicated flush that has crept into his thin, freckled face.
James's love of puns is tragically well known.
"You didn't get it." Remus points at his drink. His speech is starting to slur. "This is a negroni, what I said was—"
"Yeah, I got that part, I just—"
"Jesus fuck, look at her!" Saffy suddenly hisses, staggering sideways into Remus and sending him into the wall in a flurry of giggles—Remus giggling?—her voice hushed and urgent. "Who the hell is that?!"
James does look, following the direction of Saffy's gaze. Sirius has just entered the living room, casually clutching the elbow of a……
An actual. Like. Goddess.
A goddess. In James's house. In his living room. In the place where he eats his chocolate boulder cereal and rewatches Scrubs (even season 9, which is hilarious, and very unfairly disparaged by Joe Public) on Saturday mornings.
She's a goddess. A real one, and cleverly disguised as a mortal, sure, with her slouchy white t-shirt and her big hoop earrings and her light blue jeans that are torn at the knees, wearing her shoulder-length red hair half up, half down and slightly messy, but that doesn't hide what she is.
"Oh my god," he murmurs. His heart is pounding all of a sudden, which is so...utterly bloody stupid, but Saffy's right, bloody look at her, Jesus fuck.
"Surely she can't be with Sirius?" Saffy murmurs back.
"No, she—" He watches Sirius lean down to mutter something in the redhead's ear. A ghost of a laugh flits across her beautiful face. "She's not his—he isn't—"
"D'you think—"
"No, I—"
"Good," says Saffy firmly. She lets go of Remus and rises, lengthening her spine. It is a battle stance of some sort, presumably. "Because I saw her first."
"No!" James cries, wounded, and the redhead shoots him a curious look with a pair of eyes that are startlingly emerald green, even from all the bloody way over here. He spins to face Saffy and lowers his voice, face burning. "It's my house!"
"What are you arguing here, ownership rights?"
"No but it—it's my birthday!" James retorts, jabbing at his own chest. "And, actually, and—"
"It's in the bloody post!"
"—you didn't get me a present!" he finishes in triumph, not that he knows what he's arguing for, because the likelihood is that his tongue will glue itself to the roof of his mouth if he even dares to look in her direction one more time. "Plus I set you up with Vanya Petrich, with whom, as I recall, you enjoyed four years—"
"Stop throwing that in my face!"
"—four blissful years—"
"Is it my fault that you've never fancied any girl I've set you up with?!"
"—promised me an Easter ham for setting you up with her and I never got it—"
"So now you'll trade a woman for a ham?" Saffy accuses, though her face is too lit up, her brown eyes too crinkled at the corners—she's having fun with this and she isn't going to fool him and she knows it. "That's so low, even—"
"Don't start with that," James scathingly cuts in. "You offered me Sean Connery's autograph for Bonnie Grogan's number—"
"Which you never gave me!"
"Because you forged the bloody signature!"
"And now she's bloody married!"
"Yeah, well, Isabella wouldn't give me a counterfeit present, would she?" he retorts, and Saffy lets her shoulders drop, smirking. "This is pointless, Saf, we can't—"
"She's just left with Sirius," Remus informs them, and burps.
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poisonousquinzel · 3 years
(I have not read this comic) Is this true? (if so, ivy deserves someone better).
Kay, first off both of those people are Jarley shippers so take everything they say with a grain of salt and then some, cause no. that part isn't about how much Harley loves Joker and will always choose him over Ivy. Literally you can tell ops don't know what they're talking about cause her whole thing in those issues is going to kill him for years of graphic abuse but ultimately falls back with him once she’s face to face with him.
Like wow, congrats on missing the fucking point again but not surprised from people who ship her with The Fucking Joker.
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also, ffs, can anyone please have basic comprehension skills and realize that Harley and Ivy are both fucked up sometimes because they’ve got issues and that’s not comparable to Joker’s long ass history of graphic and disgusting abuse.
Harley and Ivy are villains, they're not a wholesome cookie cutter, White Picket Fence, super vanilla ship with no bad moments. They're both bad guys with a fuck ton of trauma that they both have to work through, and have done so at this point. 
Gotham City Sirens was published between 2009 - 2011, Harley and Ivy weren't blatantly romantic at this point nor had they had anywhere near the development that they’ve had at this point.
Like don’t go into Harlivy content expecting them to be the perfect wlw rep with no flaws during their arcs from BTAS to current time cause that’s just not realistic. They’re both deeply flawed people who’ve got a fuck ton of trauma that they need to (and have) worked through. 
I have talked about the BTAS issues here and this post is good at explaining them too. 
Harlivy is not and has never been a purely wholesome, goody-goody ship. They’re messy, they have issues, and they have bad moments sometimes, but they both worked through their seperate trauma and came out stronger and better because at the end of the day, they care about each other. 
Harlivy has messy, toxic moments sometimes, but they’re not, and have never been, abusive. There’s a difference between unhealthy moments and a ship being abusive. 
That’s completely different to how Joker acts Constantly, because he does not care that his actions towards Harley are abusive, because he doesn’t give a shit about her. 
He enjoys hurting her. He enjoys ruining her. 
Jarley has always been intended to be written and shown as a domestically abusive relationship.
This is also the first instance where it's directly referenced that there's something more than platonic between her and Ivy, other than the reference in Batgirl Adventures. 
Gotham City Sirens is also not connected to any verses.
This didn’t happen in the timeline we’re in rn with Harley Quinn (2014)/(2016)/(2021).
Comic timelines and shit are stupid and make everything more confusing and awful and I hate it sdfjdksksdkjsd
this is gonna be a long post since ops wanna just cut and paste random bits of the issues like jarley stans always do (cause jarley never has good moments that aren’t entirely surrounded by him abusing her) I’m going to show them in full context. *added a keep reading cause it is a lot
(All panels shown are from #15, #18, #19, #20, #21, #23, #24, #25)
So, Harley's entire thing at this point in the GCS comic in that she's been triggered by flashbacks of Joker's abuse and she breaks into Arkham with the intent to kill him.
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The entire thing in these issues is showing her smarts and how she knows people's trump cards to get under their skin so she can break into Arkham. 
She’s trained to identify these things in people and she's fucking good at pushing people's buttons. 
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this is also just one of my fav Harley covers so I wanted to show it jsdjksdks
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“Trump cards. Everyone has one. Places where the armor we build around ourselves is weakest.” 
She’s right. And it’s now shown that Harley’s willing to use those below the belt trump cards if she has to.  
And frankly, I’d say this is worse than what she says to Ivy. And I’m not surprised she did it. She didn’t want to, she tried to get him to just open the door - 
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“Don’t make me do this, Aaron. There are some secrets that should stay hidden. Things you should never learn about your own life.” 
but she’s also entirely fueled by rage and the desire to kill Joker. She came here for a reason and she’s not leaving until she’s done it.
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“I’m going to kill you. For everything you’ve done to me. All the times you’ve made me feel useless and small. For all the times I will never forget. For all the things I can never forgive. All the memories -”
“Hello, Harley. I’ve missed you.” 
“Memories. That’s all I have left. The past is gone and all I have is... memories. 
I guess I too have a trump card.”
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“Oh, Ivy. You know exactly what my answer is going to be. But you’re hoping you’re wrong, aren’t you?”
She’s also right about this, they already mentioned this in #18.
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“How did I become the bad guy?”
“You’re the one choosing a man over her girls.”
“Are you kidding me? You would never say that to Harley, and we both know she’d dumb us in a flat second if Joker called her.”
“Hey! That’s not fair-- Actually, that’s probably true.”
“The difference is, she can’t help it. You can. And she’s working on it. You’re not working on it.” 
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“Too easy, Ivy. Too easy. I know your weak spots. Now I just need to push.”
This is exactly what she’s been doing since the starting point of this post. She’s still in that mindset and she knows she can’t beat her on a regular battle field. Neither of them can. 
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“Like I said-- You beat me in any level playing field. But I don’t fight on those fields.” 
Harley’s biggest strength as a villain is her ability to completely mentally stall her opponents and learn their weak spots. She wouldn’t win against the majority of the Big Bads if she didn’t fight on a different field than they are. 
so, like yeah, out of context what she says to Ivy seems awful and completely screwed up, and it is, but it’s also built up really well and it’s completely in character for her at this point in her fall during these issues. 
Is what she did fucked? absolutely. It’s not painted that it’s not. 
Ivy Literally Goes To Kill Her For It.
In the end of this all three of them are recaptured by Catwoman and Batman and that’s where we’re starting off at again. 
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“Oh, Harley.
The only human I’ve ever called a friend.
To what lengths will I go? Where are my own limits? She is the Strangler fig. And I am the tree, choking underneath. 
Without me, she could never grow. 
But without her, I would fall if I grew too tall.” 
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“Will she ever stand by herself? 
Will she ever be ready? 
She is in throes of madness. She sees him, her brain flooding with adrenaline, it makes her excited, nervous, then the feelings start to fade, and she needs more. And more. 
She sees it as passion. She sees it as love. 
But it’s not. It’s addiction. And she’s relapsing.” 
Ivy is well aware of the nature of their relationship. She’s not stupid and she’s been shown already to know that it’s something that takes time. It’s not a one off break up and it’s over. That’s not how abusve relationships work. 
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What do I do?
I could use my pheromones to alter her brain chemistry.
I could leave her behind abandoning her to the wilds of her own mind.
I could kill her right now.
Show her how red Nature can be.
There's one other option.
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It would require patience.
Even love.
Maybe I'm more human than I want to admit.
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"You have one chance to answer this."
I know, if she agrees, she'll be doing it for revenge. For him.
"She put us behind bars."
But maybe if I get away from this place, if I give her something else to think about. Maybe she can break the cycle. But it has to be her choice.
"I'm going to kill her. Come with me."
So yeah, it’s definitely not a just “Harley hurts her and runs off with Joker and it’s just a plain ol’ her choosing him over everyone and that’s that.” 
Jarley shippers love to just reduce all her scenes and arcs down to their “epic love” and shit, but that’s taking away literally everything about her and reducing it down to the 3 panels that they’re “cute” in. Her arc in this part is fucking heartbreaking to read.
And Ivy damn well knows what’s going on with her. She’s smart and she’s the one that’s been there throughout all of this. She found her in the park after he shot her out of a rocket. 
And she knows it’ll take time for Harley to get over and through his manipulation, that’s just how it works with abusive relationships. 
But she’s also not forgiving at first, she’s mad and rightfully so, until she sees the sate of Harley’s cell and realizes how bad her addiction is at that time.
A lot of the unhealthy moments on Harley’s side when it comes to them are directly caused from the effects of being in an abusive relationship with Joker. Because she’s always in this area of her journey in those moments. She’s never fully over him or emancipated. 
And that’s realistic. It’s hard sometimes to be friends with someone who’s in abusive relationships like theirs, having to watch them return to that person time and time again and it’s frustrating after a while. 
I know from personal experience, it’s really hard to watch someone you care about go back or forgive someone that continues to hurt them. 
But abuse victims desperately need a support system outside of their abuser. It’s a crucial part of being able to escape, because when they do try to get out they need someone there or they’ll literally have no where to go but back into their abuser’s arms.
It’s heartbreaking and it’s really rough for everyone effected, but that’s just how it is most of the time. Especially in their case, as they’re not just regular folk dealing with this. 
If she doesn’t have Ivy, Harley has no one else to go to but Joker, on more than just an emotional level. 
She’s lost her job. Her income. Her home. Her livelihood. Her everything.
Most of the time she has no other choice but to return to a life of crime after she’s released from Arkham because she can’t get a job, she’s a notorious criminal and she’s got a lot of issues that don’t just disappear with a bit of therapy. 
She has no other choice but to return to Joker because the other alternative is the streets. At least she knows what to expect with him. 
And that’s not even getting into the manipulation, gaslighting and degrading abuse that he drills into her constantly. 
He’s made her believe she’s not anything without him. That she’s not smart or useful or anything. 
And that’s why it’s so damn important for her to have a support system and why he’s so damn against Ivy. 
Because Ivy is the good voice on her shoulder telling her he’s wrong and that she doesn’t deserve that. 
And on Ivy’s side, she’s aware she gets very near cutting off all parts of her humanity. 
She’s a plant goddess, she’s insanely powerful and she feels everything through the green. Frankly, she’s not even on the same playing field as these villains. She’s significanty more powerful than Harley and Joker. 
Her connection to Harley is what keeps her humanity in tack, because despite everything, she does care about her. She was the first person she let in, the first person Ivy called a friend. 
The person that was able to get through to her in #14/#15 when she was losing herself. The one that was able to get through to her that the dude was manipulating her. 
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“Ivy, I know you think you love this guy... but you’re just gonna end up strapped to his rocket!”
She had to knock her out for the dude to trust her / not attack them anymore. But Harley got through to her by mentioning how they first met in the park when she saved her after Joker shot her off in a rocket.
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And Ivy is understandable turned off towards humans considering her origin and trauma around that. 
She’s got a lot of trust issues.
But both of them work through their seperate traumas over the years because their affection for each other is stronger than the issues their trauma has given them.
and also, sometimes, they just have shit writers. that’s an issue overall in comic fandoms. Some writers just fucking suck at getting any of the characters right, let alone LGBT characters, who’re notoriously treated like garbage by DC. 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Hope van Dyne’s child
Hope van Dyne x child!reader
Scott Lang x stepkid!reader
warnings: insects (ants), sharp weapons
prompt: anonymous: “Happy holidays darling! Would you write HC for Hope Van Dyne's child? Love the step-parents HC 🥰”
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growing up as a lil smarty pants
grandpa hank was pretty proud, although he didn’t see you very much
once every few years
but he did tell you all these crazy stories about his adventures that you honestly thought were just fiction (until you were older)
“and i was as small as an ant, but i was still incredibly strong! remember that, kid. just because you aren’t as big as someone else doesn’t mean you can’t beat them” -hank
“y/n doesn’t need to be hearing those stories, hank” -hope
“why not? they have important life lessons in them!” -hank
“why does mommy call you ‘hank?’” -you
“because mommy hates grandpa, isn’t that right?” -hank
“okay, i think that’s enough of this visit. come on, y/n, time to go” -hope
your mom was very supportive of you, nonetheless
she wanted to be different from her dad
so she showed up to EVERYTHING
birthdays, sick days, tucking you in for bed, parent-teacher conferences, art shows, you name it
“here’s some tea, jellybelly. it’ll make your throat feel better” -hope
“mom, i think i’m dying” -you
“you’ll be fine” -hope, givin’ u a kiss on the forehead
life wasn’t like, extra crazy or anything. sometimes she’d bring you to work and honestly? darren cross didn’t seem like the worst guy. he even brought you whatever you might need if your mom was staying late at work
“hey, van dyne junior! i brought you a puzzle that might keep you busy for a while...and a happy meal from mcdonalds! let me know if you need anything else, me and your mom will just be in the lab for a little while” -darren
“thank you!!!” -you
uh huh, ur mom taught u manners!
anyways you started spending more time with your grandpa cuz they had a plan
thats when you found out that his “turning small” stories were not, in fact, bullshit
“wait grandpa...you actually did shrink as small as an ant?” -you
“why would i lie?” -hank
okay well cue you wanting to shrink down to ant size now it was your new aspiration
you did learn how to command ants tho!!!!!!
but unfortunately (or not so unfortunately) hank brought scott to the party
“hi!” -you, waking scott up
“what?!” -scott, jumping back against the headboard
“hi.” -you, staring at him “im y/n. these are my ants”
bullet ants were just crawlin around the place
“oh, that’s....that’s cool. any chance you could tell me where i am or how i got here” -scott
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy” -you, leaving abruptly
“are you bothering our guest?” -hope, watching you proudly nod “good job, jellybelly”
mom taught u how to punch 🥰🥰🥰
and let you use scott as a punching bag
but scott wasn’t like awful or anything he was just insufferable at times
“i think you’d like my daughter cassie. she’s weird and smart just like you” -scott
“did you just call me weird? mom, can i punch him again?” -you
“no no no! i meant weird in a good way! please dont hurt me anymore!” -scott
chasing him around the yard ready to ATTACK
hank had to tell u to cut it out
“dont tell them what to do” -hope
“someone has to” -hank
“excuse me? i parent y/n just fine, better than you ever did for me!” -hope
“do they do this often?” -scott
“every time they see each other but that’s not very much” -you
“hm...hey, do you like ice cream? specifically baskin robbins?” -scott
ur mom said “we do not associate with idiots ❤️” and then proceeded to associate with said idiots
scott did end up saving u from darren tho bc that mf tried to hold u hostage and scott was really not in the mood for that bullshit
“you alright, y/n?” -scott
“murder is okay, right?” -you
after that whole ordeal he and your mom were kinda a thing uh huh
and he introduced you to cassie!!! she was amazingly sweet and you could def see the family resemblance
“is this my new sibling?! i’ve always wanted one!” -cassie
“hey, me too!” -you
you hung out with her on a weekly basis, with or without scott
and mom and grandpa were working on a ✨special project✨
one you insisted on being apart of
“no, y/n, we can’t make you your own suit. you’re too young for this sort of thing” -hope
“pleaaaaase mom? i swear i’ll he responsible with it!” -you
“you’re mother is right, y/n. you’re just not ready yet. maybe someday, but not anytime soon” -hank
scott took you on family bowling trips yes he did
and just corny stepdad shit
but he went to germany and mom and him broke up and FF to two years later when you guys had finally reunited
“scott!! you asshole!!” -you, like this -> :)
“kiddo!! sorry to hear that!!” -scott, same energy
shading him the whole time
“ach mein gott” -you
“are you kidding me, y/n? i make one mistake. ONE” -scott
“you’re one mistake has caused me to live in MINIATURE HOMES” -you
“WELL IT’S NOT” -you
“did you at least miss me?” -scott
“sicher habe ich” -you
“god dammit” -scott
surprise!! u kind of had a suit (for emergencies)
as a van dyne/pym, it was almost a necessity to know how to use pym particles
scott acted like a proud dad
“wow, you’re really doing it!!!” -scott
“halt die klappe” -you
“please stop” -scott, tearing up
finding out about ✨grandma✨
she possessed scott and touched ur face and told you that she was so excited to meet you but you didn’t know wtf was going on and you had the urge to smack scott but THANKFULLY you did not
“i have to meet her for real! let me help you guys!” -you
“okay” -hope
“what? really?” -you
“it’s about time we put your genius to good use” -hope
scott offered you a high five for that and u literally accepted it
“don’t get too happy, that was just an in-the-moment thing” -you, watching scott’s eyebrow raise “fine. you can have a hug”
okay okay well everything went okay and then half the world ~vanished~ including ur whole family but like cassie and her family took you in and you spent five years very alone and upset until one day cassie called you downstairs and whoopdedoo???? scott???????
“is my mom with you?” -you
“sorry, sport, she’s not...do you have your suit with you? we need to go on some...hero business” -scott
you missed scott a lot over the past 5 years, this really did cheer you up, even if it was just him
“how’ve you been holding up the past few years” -scott
“the world sucks, man” -you
“i can see that” -scott
he turned on some tunes for the two of you to enjoy otw to the avengers hq and it was probably the best memory you created since everyone disappeared
“wait, reach into the glove box” -scott
“oh, god, i hope there’s no rodents in here...” -you, reaching for a picture “is this..?”
“family photo!! you were little back then, i can’t believe how time flies. i mean, it flew really quick for me, the quantum realm is no joke” -scott
you were busy staring at the picture of your mom, you really missed her
busy ~saving the world~
and going to 2012 with scott
“hey uh just so you know, i might be able to make pym particles” -you
“‘might?’ and if we use faulty pym particles we ‘might’ die. would you like that?” -tony
“hey, back off, stark. they’re just trying to help” -scott
next thing u know ur in present day and THEN u actually got to hold the scepter bc scott let u
“im gonna stab you!!” -you
“no!!!” -scott
the other avengers, literally mourning natasha while you chase him around with a sharp weapon: 😧
okay after the place was destroyed u got to face mr. purple man and yo mama showed back up and saw you on the front lines
“y/n????” -hope
“mom????” -you
“scott!!!!” -scott
“really, scott? a shrek reference? now?” -you “...nice”
the reunion with your mom was short and sweet but you missed her forehead kisses and she gave you one immediately!!!! and she was crying but you were too bc damn
“listen, after this, we’re gonna have such a fun family night. i’m so sorry i couldn’t be there for you all this time” -hope
“mom, it wasn’t your fault...it was that purple bastard, let’s get him!” -you
“they grow up so fast...” -hope
i n s e c t f a m
insect fam killed it out there and then ✨attended tony’s funeral✨ together right after
that’s one solid family 😌💖
anyways time to celebrate a (halfway) return to normalcy
with your *sister* cassie and your mom and your...scott
you were just happy to all be together again, it’s been WAY too long
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot //
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