#she was my big sister
pinkalluna · 2 years
raise your hand if you were the eldest sister who carried a lot of load and had only barbie to look up to and be your big sister
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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treasure planet au, last of the batch (Poppy & Floyd)
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pien-art · 9 months
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Little Moiraine and baby Anvaere 💫
(click image for optimal quality)
prints available here !
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manchesterau · 3 months
the switch into and out of sister daniel is like watching a performance
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circusinarun · 3 months
We've all seen the new rottmnt comic, didn't we?
And let's be honest, Frida is slayin'
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"welp... I guess I'll be on the kitchen then..."\jjjjjjjj
Don't listen to me, just some shit that people say
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kashmimo · 6 months
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baby pokemon trainers 🐣
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ro-bee · 3 days
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Magma doodles
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muzsmoux · 6 months
What I love about Toph the most (besides being arguably the funniest cutest bamf on the show) is she's the best at what she does because she's blind, NOT despite it.
There's this narrative in real life of "overcoming your disability!" and "not letting it stop you!" that irks me, because people's disabilities DO stop them sometimes. Being on sand, swimming, and flying are disorienting and awful for her.
But being blind helps her be connected to the earth in ways people with average vision can't be, like the badgermoles who originated the art and taught her directly. Her blindness is part of why she's the greatest earthbender of her generation, if not the greatest ever.
And that just makes me happy.
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sen-ya · 9 days
what if there was a phase where rocy really wanted, demanded even, siblings??? i know some kids want to stay the no. 1 center of attention of their parents but also some just want siblings to play with lol. (also i'm just having feels about lami and ace. one piece tragic siblings bro 🤧)
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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I like to imagine that the version of Galicaea that answers Tracker in her prayers is less human than the version Kristen met in sophomore year
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mollusken · 9 months
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Talking about Lori’s horror movie
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rise-deepseamonster · 4 months
I don't think any season will affect me as deeply as Bridgerton S2.
Ever experience that Anthony and Kate have with their family is a direct reflection of an older sibling's struggles to keep everyone together with only one parent half present, taking on the major part of the responsibility as the head of the house.
Starting with the scene where Edmund dies in Anthony and Violet's arms. It's a clear start of the divide between Anthony and his siblings in terms of being classified as "children". Violet tells him to keep the "other children" from not witnessing what he just witnessed, him having to take charge while he watches his only remaining parent fall apart in despair and anguish. Him begging her to get more involved with the rest of his siblings because he is so scared he is going to mess things up, so scared because he is not his mother and he is not his father. I wonder how many dinners he sat with the rest of his siblings after his mother refused to eat with them and made small talk with his siblings or sat in awkward silence. I wonder how long it took for him to master the small talk and eventually learn everything his siblings were up to so that he can talk to them about it and work in the shadows to make things better (like he thought he was doing with Benedict and the art school). All while trying to encourage his mother, listening to her wish that the baby had done her the kindness of killing her so that she could be with her husband. Watching his expression during that scene was particularly brutal:
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Clearly trying to hang on by a thread as he listens to his mother's suicidal wishes and hope he will have a parent that lives to the next day so he wouldn't have to witness death and wouldn't have to be the only parent left for his siblings, because god help him, I knew he thought he was failing them by just existing and not being his father.
Then the birth of Hyacinth.
When he is asked of an impossible choice between his new family, his to-be sibling and his own mother, his parent, the only person left who is supposed to take care of him. He is not ready to see another parent die in front of him. But he sees his mother begging for her husband, begging for a choice in the matter, driven by pain and grief and sees the doctor calmly ignoring it and asking him. What does he know? He is a child, as his mother says. He wants his father too. He should also be in one of the rooms with his siblings, maybe soothing them and listening to Daphne sing instead of being demanded a choice of lives. He wants his mother to live another day because he cannot fathom the responsibility and the loss he will have to handle otherwise. He wants to demand that they save the mother, you can see it in his eyes but as he sees her begging for the choice, he makes the only one that he hopes his father would approve of.
And thus begins his lifetime of choices that he hopes would be in the interest of everyone else, that he hopes his father would approve of. All while secretly believing that his family hates him for the mistakes he makes as a young, inexperienced man taking all the responsibilities prematurely. And make mistakes he does! Because he lives by a set of rules he hopes the mirage of his dead father might follow, he cannot see that his other siblings are capable and allowed to make their own choices as well (yes yes regency era meant no choices for women but whatever) and constantly made terrible choices for Daphne's personal life in the interest of "protecting" her.
Similar mistakes from Kate. (god what is it about older siblings wanting to do whatever it takes to give what THEY perceive as the best to their siblings?)
She lies and hides and manages Edwina's entire interaction with everyone in the hopes that her sister will be encouraged only into the most wonderful perfect whirlwind of a romance to the best man alive, only to completely neglect and pretty much gaslight her views onto her sister.
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This sentiment? Let me just break it down (from my perspective, there can be many different views and any and/or all may be true including that this is just the way Edwina's personality is): Kate wants Edwina to pursue love, to pursue the match of her wants by choosing the best, the brightest, the smartest, the most charming, etc. Because Kate always tells her that thats what she deserves, and its true, she does deserve the best (well, the best for her that is). You see, when you narrow people down to "selecting the best, being the best" etc, you end up making people think that because they are considered the best by the general population (the season's diamond and most eligible bachelor) that they are destined to be together, to make a stunning, powerful match. Edwina is never given a chance to even understand what best truly means for her and what she deserves (and obviously Anthony never thinks about it lol) and is enamored by getting the best of the best. Why? Is it some sort of ego that's fed to her by Kate? The opposite really. It is her own version of trying to show her family that she can excel at things and make them proud. Which is why when she inevitably fails, she somehow thinks she could've done better to please him and treats the whole thing as a test to her as a person, the person her sister had (in Edwina's mind) worked so hard to cultivate and educate to be the best of the best. And in a society where her worth is determined by her husband, if she didn't get the best of the best man, was she really living up to the work that was put into her?
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"You have choices"
Ngl, that line is probably something she deep down wishes she had in some recess of her subconscious mind or smtg. It is only because Kate is actually there for Edwina emotionally that Edwina doesn't become a complete people pleaser (though lets be clear, she is definitely one, literally changes like a chameleon to fit everyone's likes. Ain't no one that well liked and Daphne clocked that early on).
I am not saying I hate older siblings and that they are the worst controlling beings on the planet. I am myself an older sibling. Actually I think because I'm an older sibling, it makes me even more horrified when I watch the season because I can clearly see the mistakes they are committing even as I know I would do the same in their case. I understand the pain and desperation that drives them, the self-loathing, the mindset that we must deny ourselves any sort of happiness and pleasure because concentrating on ourselves mean that we are neglecting everyone else. The armor we put on to seem the strongest, the meanest, the one who would throw the first punch after an insult flung at their family, the last one to step down from a fight all for our family, all in the name of family.
These two? They would lay down their lives for their siblings. If asked, they would sacrifice themselves with dark magic so that their siblings would never know the pain of a pin prick. Because they know pain and they never want their siblings to feel it. And so they control and manage and make sure everything goes the way they need it to, the way, the only way that their family can be safe and happy. All while they deny themselves the same painless happiness.
Anthony literally refused to fall in love so that he would never have to put his siblings through the kind of pain he went through as he saw his mother sit numbly for months after his father's death, barely existing through everyday. Kate barely viewed herself as Lady Sharma's daughter because she put both her and Edwina on such a high pedestal and stood guard at the bottom of it.
Both of them, oldest siblings resigning and steeling themselves and reassuring themselves that this is what they deserve, this is the price to be paid for the happiness of their family. Then resigning themselves to a life of loneliness, all while their family looks on at them with the greatest pity because they cannot understand for the life of them why their protectors, their loved ones, their older brother/sister would put themselves through things that obviously made them miserable.
And as it does, their pity will turn to frustration and if unchecked, to resentment or bitterness. Secrets and lies and controlling behaviors always come with a cost, no matter the intention. But not only that; What most oldest siblings forget is that everyone needs a role model to look up to and usually people find it in their siblings, their parents or someone else in the family that they know well. With the walls you've erected, they barely know you at all. And what you do display is only misery and burden. I cannot stress how much it pains them to see that in the people they love and how much it affects them.
So anyway, to older siblings out there. Prioritize yourselves. It is literally better for your siblings if you do. Love them, protect them but also teach them through example to make their own choices in life and be stable and happy yourself.
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Also do you think he wanted to scream during this scene? Because personally I would've told her "OFC. OFC lilacs were his favorite. Because I was there when he died picking lilac/violet flowers for his wife named Violet, YEAH I fucking KNEW."
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His mother telling him that she knew what he wanted and that he wanted love was probably the final testament to how little his family knew him. He was probably incredulous at the thought of his family wanting him to find love. Why tf would they think he wants that??
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Why would he want love when it was the very same thing that ruined his mother after his father's death? The same thing that had left her so broken and numb that he had to be awake and pick up the pieces of his family as he could not afford to do the same.
The pain that parents inflict through their own grief/rage etc are things that really leave a lasting impact on the kids huh?
Also yes, I did cry when Lady Sharma told Kate that she always viewed her as a daughter and she was never an outsider to the family because she WAS family, man that shit had me bawling. Nothing ever prepares me for the loneliness of dealing with the consequences of "doing what you think is best" when it comes to other's lives.
Sorry for how all over the place this rant is. Tell me if I missed anything and what all older sibling behavior yall do and how called out this shit made u feel.
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mugwot · 7 months
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i just think Bonbon deserves some wings to flap with
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you can see the moment when Bonnie has realised their own mortality
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thenewgirl76 · 3 months
Jazz and Jason have been dating for two and a half weeks now. And in this timeframe Danny still hasn't warmed up to the former Crime Lord. Not even when Jason makes the decision to share his vigilante i.d. with Danny.
As a last ditch effort Jazz leaves Danny in her boyfriend's care while she completes her college semester. She's eager to get back to their shared apartment once finals are over, more so when Jason tells her on the phone both he and Danny have a surprise waiting for her.
To say that she was woefully unprepared for what this surprise that awaited her at home turned out to be would be quite the understatement. As never in her wildest dreams did she expect to be met with her little brother having gone through yet another just as drastic though much less extreme change.
*while halfway through the door*
Jazz: So, what's this about you two having a surprise for me?
*smirking slyly*
Jason: Danny! Jazz is home!
*apartment practically shakes from the heavy thud of footsteps, followed by the appearance of a behemoth of a seventeen year old*
Danny: Jazzy, you're finally back!
*after sweeping her into a bear hug*
Danny: Ok, I admit it. I was wrong about him. From here on out I'm completely on board! When you guys get married, can I be the best.... Uh, Jazz? You okay there?
*quivering with horror while struggling to face Jason, still trapped in Danny's arms*
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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If Nomura won't give her a dad then I WILL!!!!
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bestjeanistmonster · 4 months
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Dc au- ‘Gerald Robotnik’
(Everyone thank my older sister for pointing out that Gerald would fit mr freeze after i made him floronic man cuz now he is both)
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