#no bc it was the reason why i watched her movies and got inspired by her sisterly advice
pinkalluna · 2 years
raise your hand if you were the eldest sister who carried a lot of load and had only barbie to look up to and be your big sister
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do you happen to enjoy fairy tales as much as (character) Miss Raven does? I got the feeling not just because of- well, you choosing that as a big characteristic on her, but also bc of how you sometimes talk about your fav characters in scenarios where they have "princely" attitudes or stuff like that HHAHSHSHSH plus I think a certain amount of that type of writing shows in your pieces (which I love!!!)
if the answer is yes, then I wanted to ask: what kind of dairy tales are your favorites? is there certain motifs you specially like?
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YES 🤡 I’m super into fairy tales! One of my favorite Disney movies is Enchanted, but I also love the Shrek universe (Shrek 2 and Puss in Boots 2, my beloveds) and Ever After High before it quietly got cancelled. I listen to fairy tale-themed songs (I’d recommend Cinderella Step by Daoko; been listening to that a lot lately), read fairy tale retelling novels, collect fairy tale themed blind box toys… All of it 😭 And one of my favorite anime ever is Princess Tutu, which references a lot of classic ballet and fairy tales ✨
As I mentioned in this post, Miss Raven (the OC) is not meant to be a self-insert, but she is in part informed by my own tastes since I did create her. I injected her with my love of fairy tales, but tried to incorporate that in a way that makes sense. While she was still an actual bird, she often people watched and then daydreamed about being a part of “that world”. Her wild imagination eventually leads to this rose-colored expectations of how great “that world” is. She’s expecting a fairy tale but is then slammed with the reality that the students at NRC aren’t exactly the perfect princes she was imagining. Miss Raven copes with it by being delulu daydreaming and penning stories~
Before TWST corrupted me, I love Love LOVED princely/knightly characters… and butlers and bug brother-types still I blame that in part knowing me enjoying fairy tales so much. snvsjwbskwkekdbsk I-I didn’t realize that that kind of dreaminess bled through into my writing 😭
I think it’s pretty obvious by my blog name, but I love Alice in Wonderland for its whimsy and nonsensicalness. Many of the motifs that commonly appear in Alice (mushrooms, card suits, tea and sweets, talking flowers, clocks, white rabbits, etc.) are charming to me. It’s a big reason why I was super into the White Rabbit Fest event. Anything Alice-inspired… I’m so tempted to grab 😔 I once went to an afternoon tea inspired by this story, which was so fun! I’d like to go again someday, and this time with my TWST plushies.
Some other stories I like are Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and The Ugly Duckling (though this one is more a fable than a fairy tale). I also quite like stories told in ballet, such as Swan Lake and Coppelia. If you squint at Miss Raven, you’ll notice that she has elements from each of these stories. I just really enjoy stories with themes of self discovery and/or getting lost but then finding your way. Again, this is also echoed in Miss Raven’s own growth and development journey.
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inawearyworld · 9 months
free if you truly wish to be: chapter iv
shit goes DOWN. as y'all have probably gathered. bc. yknow. the plot of the movie. but first there's a song yayyyyyyyyy
2023!wonka x oc, this chapter ~2.5k
god, i love musicals.
(edit: realized after posting that i was looking at the wrong page of the screenplay while writing this and therefore royally screwed up the song structure of a world of your own but it’s fiiiiiiine)
once again, thank you mat for that interview taking a typical one-dimensional dahl villain and letting him be a more complex character. also i should probably throw a content warning on this one for depiction of a slightly abusive relationship
but i promise everything's gonna be okay soon-happy new year everyone!!
part three fic masterlist part five
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While going through a time of personal growth involving trying to unravel one’s identity from that of one’s rich and powerful husband, it often happens that there are advantages to said husband being wrapped in worry over a new business rival-and, therefore, spending far more time at the office.
Wren’s favorite advantage at the present moment was that she was the only one to watch the mail come in.
Deep purple stationery was the signal she looked for-and steadily received, then returned with her own emerald letters-every day. The notes included scrawled updates regarding the operation to allow the earnest young chocolatier his day in the sun, anecdotes about the group of launderers that supported it (who she’d snuck out to meet often enough that they now felt like a second family), tales of a mysterious orange man, and exchanges of advice, witticisms, and Shakespeare quotes.
The handwriting was inexperienced, and there were more than a fair share of spelling errors toward the start of their correspondence, but she didn’t care a whit.
We’ve got the shop, Willy had written one day. For now, the task is digging through its decrepit debris and designing its decoration. (The credit for those words goes to Noodle-she says hello.) There are so many possibilities, I barely know where to start.
Start with the “why”, Wren wrote back. That’s what I always do. If there’s a piece I’m struggling to sing and I lose motivation to practice, I go back to the reasons I love the piece, even all the way back to the reasons I love the arts in the first place. Maybe there’s something in there for your shop-what made you want to share your chocolate with the world? (And hello to you too, Noodle!)
My dear Wren, came the reply, you’ve just given me the best of ideas.
He told her then about his mother and the inspiration she provided. Wren would be lying if she’d said a tear hadn’t fallen onto that particular letter.
As for how to keep him safe from the Cartel, police, and every other corrupt authority, Wren did her part by becoming Florence again whenever necessary. She acted less suspicious around her husband, leading him to be less secretive-although the gain in information was miniscule, it was better than nothing.
Felix’s rages would range anywhere from tittering, jealous rants to scheming monologues during which his whole being seemed to take on a lower, darker, more calculating tone. She’d listen carefully to all of these, tactfully calling out anything that might get him to consider he was wrong, but that had little to no effect.
Plan B, then, she’d realized, is all I can do.
So, whenever Felix seemed particularly incensed or just on the verge of coming up with how to destroy his rival, Florence would swoop in with wine and dark lipstick and a low-cut dress. She’d endure being his caged pet songbird, his doll, his perfect plaything, only because she had the growing feeling that things were about to change.
If Willy’s shop becomes successful enough to be completely undeniable, maybe the Cartel will finally acknowledge him as an equal. Maybe I’ll finally be seen as an equal, too. Maybe things will finally be truly fine.
So, night after night, she’d sit on her husband’s lap, twirl his tie, and kiss his neck until he’d forgotten the name of Wonka.
The same could not be said for her.
Due to just how glamorized she always had to be while in public, it didn’t take much to come up with disguise enough to be able to visit the new shop on its opening day.
With a fluttering sense of hope, Wren approached the fourth building of the Galeries Gourmet, blending in seamlessly with the sea of soon-to-be-wonderstruck passers-by. She cast a few nervous glances to the window of the Fickelgruber office, at which the man stood in his usual stance. There was no chance, though, of his recognizing her trademark ginger flame amongst the crowd; it was safely tucked under a dark, low-brimmed hat.
This could have set her mind at ease, but the fact that he looked even more smug than usual as he surveyed the ground below him made her nervous.
Did they plan something?
She was distracted from this worry by a sudden flash of color at the long-empty shop’s door. Willy Wonka stepped through, looking more himself than she could have ever imagined. He addressed the crowd with a flourish, and she marveled at his ability to combine showmanship with authenticity.
He took a skeptical older man’s arm, leading him to the shop’s entrance, and began to sing.
All at once, the shop transformed before all of their eyes, flooding with color, and the music settled into a sparking pulse that thrilled Wren to the core.
Willy grinned, fully in his element, and the doorway went dark. Gloved hands presented chocolate wonders as their creator sang them into existence. When he lit a match, the store seemed to come alive, and Wren gasped.
If his letter was anything to go by, the sight he had created was an homage to his childhood on his mother’s boat, brought to life in a way nearly too beautiful to be true.
Willy and the other man danced up a bridge of sorts as his song continued, proudly offering his shop as a world for each of his customers to call their own. Overtaken and lifted by the enchanting environment, Wren squealed with the rest of the crowd and ran into the shop, ripping the hat from her head and allowing her auburn curls to tumble freely down.
She threw her head back and laughed aloud. Her lack of makeup, and plain blouse and skirt replacing the usual emerald-colored finery, gave her assurance that she wouldn’t be recognized here; this was the closest thing she’d experienced to liberation in a very long while, and she relished it, along with the sweetly simple soar of Willy’s voice across his song.
When she looked up at him again, he was sitting on the boat that floated on the circling chocolate river, and she noticed he’d already been staring with a sideways grin. As the bassline that came from nowhere launched into a rollicking chromatic vamp, he tipped his hat to her, and she gave an enamored wave.
The second verse passed, and suddenly he’d reached her, extending a hand which she took without a second thought. He helped her onto the boat, then pulled her alarmingly close, but before she could say a thing about it, a cloud of smoke appeared around them.
Wren blinked and realized that she and Willy were now at the base of the massive chocolate tree in the center of the shop.
“How did you-”
But he only smiled and started to dance his way up the tree.
“A world of your own,” he sang, then gestured an invitation straight towards her.
This’ll be easy enough, she thought, nearly bursting with joy.
“A place to escape to,” she continued, running farther up the tree to meet him in the middle. His expression filled with awe upon finally hearing her sing, and they began a whirling back-and-forth.
“A world of your own-”
“-where you can be free!”
“Wherever you go, wherever life takes you…”
“This is your home,” she sang to him, twirling herself into his arms and beaming with pride. He’s found it-he’s created it.
“A world of your own,” they finished. He looked at her for a moment, seeming struck, then kissed her hand and disappeared through the branches of the tree to continue with the song’s bridge. She let out a dazed and happy breath, taking a moment to let her gaze roam the shop from her perch in the chocolate tree.
She didn’t know what would happen next, but she’d be damned if she wouldn’t let herself enjoy this moment.
What did happen next was…as an understatement, not what any of them had hoped.
She wished she could say it was a complete surprise, and she wished she could have done more to stop it. The candy started having disastrous effects, the customers understandably balked, and it was clearly not Willy’s fault in the least. In a blur, the shop was in ruins, and Wren sat in shock with the little group who’d worked so hard to make it magical.
The candyman himself was devastated; not just by the massive setback, but by the absence of his mother’s spirit. Wren and Noodle sat by his side, but Abacus ushered them up. It broke Wren’s heart to think of leaving him like this-if the truest and most trusting dreamer on Earth can be broken down, where’s the hope for the rest of us?-but she somehow still felt she had to follow the group out.
She felt a hug around her waist and a held-back sob, and looked down to see Noodle clinging onto her. Wren immediately knelt to her level and hugged the girl close, finding it hard now to keep back her own tears.
“Terrible shame what-”
Slowly, she opened her eyes, her breath dropping to the floor.
Slugworth had spoken first, a smooth and practiced opening to what would have turned into a gloat. The voice that had interrupted him was genuinely shaken and clearly belonging to her husband.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered to Noodle, who nodded. “You can go, you shouldn’t have to see this-”
“Florence,” his voice came again, at a loss. She took a breath, stood up, and faced him with tears in her voice.
“Hi, Felix.”
Slugworth looked with growing puzzlement between the woman and the girl, and Felix could only stare at his wife with dawning realization.
“You’ve been working with him,” he said simply, every usual quirk of inflection having vanished.
For a moment, the wash crew surrounded her in an attempt at a shield, and she heaved a breath to keep back a sob-of fear, of gratefulness for these friends that had become family over the past weeks, of everything suddenly crashing down.
“I’ll be okay,” she said quietly to the wash crew and perhaps to myself. “You all should go. Like you were going to. I’m sorry.”
They didn’t move.
She looked at Piper, whose worried hand was on her arm. There was an unspoken vow of protection between the women in that moment, but Wren’s eyes pleaded, so Piper nodded sadly, took Noodle’s hand, and the group left.
Wren was almost afraid to look at Willy, but she did; the boy was staring at the old chocolate bar in his hands, looking as if he could barely process a thing.
The sympathy in her gaze must have been far too obvious, because she suddenly heard footsteps, felt a hard grip on her wrist, and gasped in pain as it was yanked up and backwards.
“Darling,” Felix hissed with a sinister edge, though his voice was breaking, “I don’t know how or why this betrayal-”
“Betrayal?” she finally cried out, breaking free from his grasp as Willy rushed between them. “You lot have just poisoned dozens of innocent people, all for a business rivalry, and I won’t-”
“If you want your family not to starve, you had better lower your voice,” he barked.
Every speck of air seemed to leave the room.
“...My family?”
“I may have been distracted enough for the past weeks to ignore the mail that came in and out of our house, but I had not always been that blind. I thought your compassion to be an incomprehensible gesture, but I let it slide. When I felt like it.”
…They haven’t gotten everything I’ve sent.
They haven’t-
“In fact,” he continued, “it served as what was almost a pleasant reminder of the truth. For your family, for your stupid dream, and for your sweetly dependent soul-you need me.”
“If you knew I was poor, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because it’s the same way for me!”
This was the peak of what had been a building explosion, and this was the moment in which they both remembered there were other people in the room.
“What?” the four besides him breathed, almost in unison.
“Oh, you heard right,” Felix launched into speech, the characteristic gestures starting to work their way back into him. “I came from nearly nothing, just the same. But I did what I had to do to climb to the top. I cast them all away, left my old life behind completely, and I suppose it was a foolish hope to think my wife would do the same. But she-but you-you are nothing but a guileless, deceitful bleeding heart.”
Tears blurred her vision.
“I am…genuinely sorry that you felt you had to hide your past, but that doesn’t excuse trying to make the rest of the world match your insecurity and fit your little chocolate mold. And if that makes me a bleeding heart…I’m proud of the title.”
For a moment, the man looked as if he would allow his wife’s words to affect him.
Then his face, normally so expressive, turned completely cold.
She’d lost him.
She’d never truly had him to lose.
But she looked at Willy, and she thought of the wash crew, and she realized she finally had a truer support system. And if she could try to start over, find some other way to earn money to send to her family without interception, and some other way to reach the dreams that felt so far away at the moment, she knew Felix would be wrong: she didn’t need him.
After a long silence, Slugworth cleared his throat.
“Get her out of here. We have business with Mr. Wonka.”
Her and the younger man’s eyes widened, and they grabbed each other’s hands on instinct, but a small number of policemen came around the corner of the shop door at Slugworth’s order. They clamped hands on her shoulders and dragged her away from Willy as the Cartel stood silently and watched.
“Wait-wait, no, I-”
She struggled, fought, kicked, but was forced into the backseat of a police car-
“Let me go, you corrupt bastards-”
“Let me-”
“Just drop her somewhere in town,” Felix said coolly. “Somewhere that isn’t my home.”
The car door was slammed, and the last thing she saw was the Cartel advancing on a dazed Willy, opening a suitcase of cash.
All she could do was scream, and the scream turned into a cry.
They did indeed drop her somewhere. She burst out of the car the second it had stopped, and the officers drove away without a word.
Sick with worry and trying to regain her breath, she looked around, almost fainting with relief when she saw the laundry building. Piper, having heard the commotion, stood outside, and they looked at each other for a moment before Wren fell sobbing into her arms.
This is not over.
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witheredapple · 3 months
You know what kind of DiaLuci fic I’m in the mood for rn?
A superhero au but more like Henry Danger than Marvel.
Diavolo as Ray/Captain Man, Mammon as Kid Danger/Henry, Levi first finding out who Kid Danger is then Satan (Ik Satan is smart but I kinda want Levi to be the first to find out cuz I’m in love with Mammon and Levi being as one of the best brother duos) and Lucifer as Henry’s mom (but instead of being married, he was engaged for a few months before finding out his fiancÉ (one e, not two) was cheating) 🤭
Diavolo and Mammon first meeting each other being the same as Henry Danger but changing it up a little with the fake job/shop. Mammon is still in high school, Lucifer is an adult (obviously) Barbatos obviously being the one to alert Diavolo about the crimes and looking out for the lair, Lucifer doesn’t know who is under the mask but finds the man kinda attractive (having a crush on him only after he ended his engagement), maybe sneak a little sex scene between Diavolo (as a hero) and Lucifer, but of course, Lucifer is oblivious to Mammon’s actual job.
Only reason I’m in the mood for it is bc I’m currently watching Henry Danger and I’m literally on season 1 💀 just cuz of an edit on TikTok got my interest and then wanting to see the scenes with Henry’s mom and Ray/Captain Man (and his crush on her cuz it’s just somewhat funny to me)
Ok but like, out of genuine curiosity, am I the only one who gets so inspired by a show/movie I’m currently watching and just wanting to make a DiaLuci version out of it??
Supernatural, The Office, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Outer Banks, Superman (Tom Holland), Jurassic World (where Lucifer is Claire, Diavolo as Owen, and the two boys as Mammon and Levi, the others are with Simeon back home), and a lot more that I can’t even think of them all rn.
I have so many DiaLuci fics in my notes but I haven’t even finished a single one, not even the first chapter 💀 I think there’s one that has been sitting in my notes since (late??) 2022. A majority of them only having a little bit of writing in it like atp why do I still even have them if I’m not going to finish any of them or even work on them??
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antlerqueer · 8 months
You've been a fan of Dove since... and why?
Do you own any of her merch?
BTW what other kinds of music do you like listening to?
I've been a fan since like 2017? I had a Descendants phase in my early 20s, and i thought she was super cute and had a great musical theater voice. I learned more about her between the movies because I needed something to fill my time and she had the most content for me to go through, so I watched Liv & Maddie and did some general like... Interview watching and what-not.
I really love her voice and presence, and I think her growth is incredible. She's gone through a lot of trauma and, as someone else who has gone through trauma, it's nice to see someone who's open about the ups and downs of mental illness. It's also really nice that she's open to being called out; there was a photoshoot she'd done where she had worn a headdress that looked like it was inspired by an indigenous headdress, and she reached out to the publication to take the image down, apologized, and donated/shared links to indigenous orgs to donate to.
I don't have any official Dove merch, but I've seen her in concert twice! I held her hand at the first show I went to and then she moved to NYC bc she was so in love with me (not at all for other reasons that are realistic and factual).
As for other music, I honestly go through phases! I'm pretty open to most music but I do end up back in the pop sphere. Right now I've been listening to a lot of Reneé Rapp, and I've got Beyonce, Megan thee Stallion, and Carly Rae Jepsen mixed in there. I was into Kailee Morgue for a bit! She was one of my top artists last year. I generally will fall back on the 00s classics, my bread and butter so to speak. Some other artists I've been into: Britney Spears of course, NSYNC, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, The Weeknd, Lady Gaga (mostly just The Fame/Monster) Nicki Minaj/generally Young Money but mostly Nicki (mostly in high school/early college, so like late 00s early 10s), Panic! At the Disco, some Olivia Rodrigo stuff, and then a few scattered songs by Hayley Kiyoko, Hey Violet, Metric, Bea Miller, Billie Eilish, Chloe x Halle (and Chloe Bailey separately), Charli XCX, Troye Sivan.
In 2021-2022 I had a LOT of randomly selected songs from those Weekly Playlists that Spotify puts together, too!
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paigemathews · 1 year
Is Paige your favourite sister? Your URL made me wonder is all lol
Okay, so full admission, in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet. @phoebehalliwell almost singlehandedly inspired me into creating a full on Charmed sideblog, and you can absolutely tell bc I 100% based what I was doing on her when I first started. Nowadays, I like to think that I'm being slightly more original but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Part of that was, clearly, the URL bc I looked at the URL box when I was creating the blog and just screeched in unholy panic and doing the most blatant ripoff you've ever seen, complete with b-movie incorrect spelling. (in my defense, the actual spelling was taken!)
but the reason I picked Paige was bc she was definitely my childhood favorite! Admittedly, the reason she was my childhood favorite is bc she was a redhead like me lmao. (look, my first time watching Charmed was when I was an actual child, that was my only requirement for a character to be my favorite.) Nowadays, she probably ties with Prue in regards to my favorite sister!
Admittedly, I'm always a sucker for the untapped potential and Paige has a lot! I'd have to loved to see more storylines focus on her, especially in regards to her past, her powers/heritage, and her forging her path into the magical world.
However, I also just really like her as a character. She's a very creative and compassionate character, and I loved her arc about discovering her inner Whitelighter. She had a very genuine love of magic like Phoebe in the early seasons, but while Pheebs had more of a personal gain thing going on (which I'm not dissing!), Paige had more of that desire to help.
I also liked how Paige, who lost her family and... forgot, for lack of a better term, what it was like to have one, clashed with the sisters initially but also was able to help Piper through her grief over losing Prue and created these relationships with her newfound sisters. I'm also a sucker for how she met Henry, someone who got it in ways that her sisters could never really grasp fully, and they created their own family as well. As rushed as s8 was, I like that Paige's journey on the show was not only joining a family but choosing to invite someone into hers to create another, if that makes sense.
Honestly, I don't really know if I have a super concrete reason for why Paige is my favorite, but just like. the vibes. I definitely named my blog after her bc she was my childhood fave, but I also adore her so I think it works out. She's definitely a fun character to make aesthetics (along with being the next character whenever I get around to my next Warren Witch Project witch) and write for (also known as she's the main character in one of my main four WIPs rn).
Also, redheads still tend to be my favorite characters lmao.
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minimooberry · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 (girl idk that many 😭) Mutuals
thanks @druidberries​ for tagging me!!!
Are you named after anyone?
i feel like this is the dumbest thing ever bc like technically I’m named after my mom, or at least inspired by it, but we have very different names I just have the tamil version and she has the hindi version. My name means sweet melody and hers means melody. The reason I think it’s funny is because when my parents were getting married my dad asked his old teacher to come to it and upon hearing my mom’s name the first thing he says is ‘Oh her name’s Hindi so you should name your daughter the Tamil version.’ and here I am 😭😭
When was the last time you cried?
I literally have no idea probably like two weeks ago though I always got some shit going on lmao
Do you have kids?
absolutely not I’m in high school 😭 I’m still kind of on the fence of if I want them but if I do decide to have them I want a twin boy and girl and then I’m done pjasdhad
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
life is better when you’re sarcastic
What sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve danced for like, ten-ish years but other than like, badminton (and literally who is bad at badminton) I hate doing sports mnskjdksj
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Appearence wise I notice their eyes first, I don’t know if it’s because I draw a lot or wtv but I love looking at people’s eyes I’ve never met anyone without beautiful eyes. Aside from that I notice if they’re like?? comfortable talking to me because I hate the feeling of someone not wanting to talk to me I’d rather just back off first aksdjlasdj
Eye colour?
It’s the most boring colour of brown like it’s not even a cool type of brown it’s just. Desaturated brown 🙄
Scary movies or happy endings?
Horror movies with happy endings 🔛🔝🤭🤭 I watched this korean horror movie and they switched the ending from good to bad in the last five minutes and I hated everything about that decision tbh I’m a hurt/comfort girly till the day i die
Any special talents?
I don’t knowwww I don’t pay attention that but I am incredibly skilled at losing everything I put down ngl
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
the sims (obviously), drawing, writing, reading, I like knitting a normal amount, literally anything to do with biology, true crime, failing at playing horror games w/ my friends, andddd I think that’s it? I’ve been getting into blender recently tho!
Do you have any pets?
girl i WISH 😭 i’ve been asking my parents since literally before I can remember and their answer is always ‘we already have three dogs at home’ like bae it’s been over a decade pls get a new comeback 😒😒
How tall are you?
6 feet tall 🥱🥱
Fave subject in school?
i love Science when I actually understand it I’ve always been into it which is why I’m going into medicine after I graduate like women in STEM core is going so hard
Dream job?
UMMM I’ve always wanted to be in medicine(well, ever since I made the decision when I was 7) but I’ve kind of jumped in between a few paths. Like I wanted to be a midwife, then I wanted to be a neo-natal nurse (still debating this one tbh it’s mad interesting) and I also want to be an anesthesiologist bc it’s cool and they make bank but either way I have to take the same courses all the same so it’s fine
also don’t know if any of yall have done this so just ignore this if u have and spare me the shame 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️: @strangecowplant​ @crsentfairy​ @afrolotus​ @finnsim​ @sierraelil​ @simsyworld​ @shadezovgray​ @d4isy-nukes​ @buttertrait​ @izharza​ @helltrait​ @baersims @bnt0 @alt-simz @nooboosim
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romaritimeharbor · 6 months
Hey so i hope you dont mind me adding some stuff to the request i sent you.
So i imagine the reader to be apart of Wildfire. Yes i did say they would stay low but after seeing how bad the Underworld is doing, they cant just stand by. They promise to look after Jarilo-VI until their mara struck them and that also include the underworlders. What kind of work they would be doing? Idk tbh but i imagine they work closely with Natasha and Oleg. I also think they might actually reveal their secret (their origin and work) to those two after a couple of years. Natasha is a doctor and she would obviously notice how the reader basically never aged at all after a few years. Although… i dont think they would reveal about the stellaron. I mean i could also possibly see them doing that as well but idk… maybe they will have to because im pretty sure those two are smart enough to connect the dots that the reader, like i said in my last ask, could technically command Svarog to open the furnace which leads to the reader revealing why they wont do it until they have a plan to take down Cocolia and the Stellaron.
I also just realized how the reader’s pressence would actually make the nameless’s job much easier. They can be the one explaining the history of the Eternal Freeze and what’s going on with Cocolia to the group, convincing Svarog to finally open the furnace bc they finally have a plan to defeat Cocolia and the Stellaron and Bronya would probably believe everything much better than she did in the game (bc she trusts the reader and seeing them in the Underworld would make her quickly realize her mother had been lying to her on what truly happened to the reader and to an extent, lying about everything)
Speaking of the Astral Express, i feel like Himeko might possibly offer the reader to go back home to the Luofu since they were stuck in Jarilo-VI for centuries but the reader would decline the offer. While they would like to go back to their homeland at some point, Jarilo-VI has been their home for a long time and they are not just going to abandon it on a fly, especially during the major changes that’s going on.
Although this made me think of when would the reader go back to Luofu? When they think Belobog can do well without them and their mara starts to act up. Xianzhou Natives have an average lifespan of about 800 years and the reader has been in Jarilo-VI for 700 years. So the reader has more or less 100 years to live before they become mara struck. I feel like the reader know that they have more or less a century to live before going mara struck, so later on in Bronya’s reign as Supreme Guardian, they would secretly prepare someone else to be The Advisor or let it die with them and tell Bronya about their upcoming ‘death’ and departure. Ofc Bronya will be distraught but she will accept it sadly and quickly prepare a “Going Away” party with everyone the reader know in attendance. It was a sad affair and the reader almost had doubts on leaving but in the end they did leave and went to the Luofu where they will spend those last decades in peace, knowing how they had raised a whole planet and was proud of everything they had done.
And like i promised in my last post, this will possibly spoil the whole request and you can choose not to reply to this ask first if you still want to post the context but
The reason I had this idea in the first place is bc of two stuff. A movie I watched called "Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms" and the song "Shelter" by Porter Robinson and Madeon. So the movie is about a girl who comes from a race of long lived species and after an attack destroyed her village, she was ready to end it all until she found a baby boy and decides to raise him even with the knowledge that her son will die before her. (Can you see where I got inspired?) The movie is honestly underrated and beautiful and I really suggest you and anyone who's reading this to watch it. There's a full movie of it in YouTube that is English dubbed (and dw it's not those sus videos, it's the real deal and I suggest you watch before it gets taken down). Then there's the music video called "Shelter", it's a really good song that really tugs your heart. The song in my opinion fits the vibe the whole brainrot have. I'm pretty sure the song is quite popular and you already know about it but I suggest you check it out if you haven't!
- 🐱 Anon
i was hoarding this ask for a while but i decided to reply to it! i definitely agree with all of this.
i can DEFINITELY see them being a member of wildfire, for multiple reasons. one, because they know that they have a unique way with svarog that others do not (they spent a really long time with him around, after all). two, because you're right--the belobogians are their responsibility. underworld or overworld, these people are theirs, and they should do everything they can to protect them. i also do think they would confide in nat and oleg, specifically nat though! she would totally notice how little they've aged. she knows they're quite a bit older than her but then why do they look her age? she would notice.
YEAH LMAO the nameless' job would be so much easier with them around. the mission would go far more smoothly imo. bronya, poor thing...... she would understand so much more easily but i do still think she'd be super upset about it.
yes! initially, i do see them refusing. BUTTTTTT their return would probably be the wiser choice, and i think they would understand and accept that. ESPECIALLY once they start noticing their mara flaring up worse and worse and worse.
at this point, reader would be in their 700s, so they're approaching the "end" of their unnatural lifespan. and i think they would want to go back to the luofu, if for no other reason than to protect their dearest people from the harsh reality of their life. the belobogians probably wouldn't know wtf to do with a mara-struck. but the xianzhou alliance? it's basically routine to handle them. i think [name] has been alive long enough to be wise. and it would be wise to be honest with bronya. they'd sit her down and quietly inform her of their upcoming "death" of sorts, and that they cannot remain here because they could not bare putting the burden of slaying them on her shoulders, especially when she's never even encountered a mara-struck before. it would be horrifying for her to see their slow decline into madness and their transformation into something unrecognizable. it would be unthinkable to put that on her shoulders.
though they would have loved to pass away peacefully on jarilo-vi, their death... won't be peaceful. because it isn't peaceful being long-lived in this way. and though it's sad to leave, they leave proud of what belobog and their children have become <3
i'll definitely have to look into it, then!!!!
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lossair · 11 months
Random Lore & Fun Facts about Yearning the Shadow of the Moon and Befriending the Sunshine FF #1
I posted this earlier on my Twitter, but might as well post it here as well since I got nothing else better to do. If you haven't read it, you should, because I spoil the plot in this post. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45415192/chapters/114265858)
Summary: Wednesday Addams was transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after her recent attempts of murder. Initially wanting to leave the school, plans were changed once her interest peaked when finding out there were recent murders at the Forbidden Forest, and a bubbly Hufflepuff that growled. Wednesday became curious whether there is a connection between the two. To learn the truth, Wednesday Addams accidentally befriended her polar opposite, Enid Sinclair.
It's starts off as a crack turned angst fanfic. It gets really sad and tragic per chapter. If that's your cup of tea, try it. If not, totally get it.
When I started writing this story, my goal was to lure my readers for a crack hehe haha fanfic with the most chaotic storyline and then give them most devastating heartache possible.
Wednesday was not supposed to die and Eugene was supposed to rescued her last minute. But I scraped it bc it was not entertaining enough for me.
The scene where students were ogling at Enid and them falling onto their knees was heavily inspired by what I saw in the comments when Emma drops a selfie. It almost didn’t make the cut. But I found it funny enough to keep it.
When working on Part 2, I wanted to heavily center the story with the concept of the 5 stages of grief. Where Enid would process Wednesday’s lies easier and moved on, while Wednesday would be stuck on denial but it was too complicated to heavily focus on so I changed it
The whole Tyler and Xavier being infatuated with Wednesday was to demonstrate how stupid the “love” triangle was by exaggerating it. It was also inspired by this fanart where if Wednesday was in a dating visual novel.
I actually thought of making it as a visual novel but I was caught up writing this story.
When Enid was revealed to be a Death Eater, I actually wrote a scene where she was kidnapped by her friends ( The nightshade) and they forced her to cast a patronus which might kill her. I ended up scraping it bc it got too dark
I never watched the Harry Potter movies or read the book when I completed Part I. My only qualifications was reading fanfics of Harry Potter and researching on Wikia. So if the lore is weird, yea that’s why. (I did ended up watching the movie afterward)
During the winter ball scene, I had Tyler’s dad made a whole deal and arrest Enid for the student murders during the event which she would be locked up in Azkaban. Wednesday would write letters to her so she won’t be lonely. Again, I ended up scrapping it as well.
When writing the sad and heartbreak scenes, I listened to so much Taylor Swift, Joji, Kesha and Gracie Abram. My Spotify wrapped up is screwed
Even though, I mentioned Enid being half Greek and half Irish in the author’s note in Part I. She doesn’t speak any Greek bc she doesn’t want to associate with her birth family and refuses to speak it.
The reason I choose Enid to be quite popular was that she was compensating her lonely childhood and having no family or friends growing up
I almost wrote Wednesday as a quidditch player but I scrapped it bc I rather have her as a duelist and be part of the dueling club. It just made more sense.
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aroacesigma · 11 months
By all means ignore this if you'd rather not talk ab the show, but what exactly makes the loki series bad? Genq bc I'm kinda on the fence about it
dont worry i am ALWAYS happy to talk about why the show sucks . sorry this will be very long
basically it boils down to two things: straight up transphobia towards gfluid people , and character assasination . andddd the rest under the cut cause i tend to ramble ab this .
so, for a while now its been canon in marvel comics that loki is genderfluid. fans obviously were calling for this to be acknowledged for a while, actor seemed on board (still seemed on board . gonna be real w u hes the only member i dont blame he didnt seem particularly pleased about a lot of choices), blah blah . so obviously the producer gets asked and the dick michael waldron says yep ! yessir we have rep .
the rep in question was splitting the character into a male and female version, giving no indication towards any genderfluidity whatsoever (having all the 'male' variants be shocked that theres a female one like wtf), and then pulling some good old selfcest between the two at the end to really seal the deal . the bi representation that was also promised was a one off easily missable line but thats a whole other can of worms . it got worse after the show, whenever prompted about it people involved would say very weird shit. kate herron tried to pull the cis queer card a few times if im recalling correctly. dont even get me started on sophia di martino .
second problem, characterisation. at that point in the timeline we have loki straight out of avengers . which means you either have evil and a bit crazy loki or you have an opportunity to confirm the popular fan theory of mind control . neither happened , instead i think they were trying to speedrun his ragnarok/infinity war character development, fucked it up spectacularly and rather than making him a more morally grey but still a little bit yknow, loki, made him like...really wimpy for some reason? a lot of his actions were extremely out of character . theres a lot of focus on him being full of himself (hence the selfcest), which is kinda fundementally misunderstanding him as a character . the self obsession is a front which is obvious to anyone who watched even half of thor 1 . yknow, the very first movie hes in . side note michael waldron said he didnt watch thor 1 ? i cant tell if he was joking or not but on god it did not seem like he was from the show.
also more related to comics synergy, just sylvie as a character . they mashed up loki while fem presenting (why.), amora, and sylvie lushton when they couldve just had amora for a romance plot ??? sylvie lushton also fucking sucked like the comics community generally has a low opinion of her . her ass is homophobic and annoying and an amora knockoff . you could really see the inspiration shine through .
honestly the agent of asgard run is a very good example of how the variant concept can be handled well, and without blatant transphobia . honestly they shouldve gotten al ewing to write the whole thing hes the only person i trust to write loki .
so yeah sorry for the very long paragraph 😭😭😭 this show just drives me up the wall SO BAD
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mikiruma · 1 year
alright meet the robinsons headcanon dump bc i had a LOT of thoughts at work. mostly laszlo and tallulah. ok so they're basically all laszlo and tallulah but hear me out (wall of text below)
courtesy of me always seeing them as twins before learning laszlo was older: they are often mistaken as twins
> sometimes tallulah will refer to laszlo as her "baby brother" for no other reason than to confuse/piss him off
they don't hate each other but bothering the hell out of each other is an olympic sport and they're both going for gold
yeah they get on each others nerves but for the most part its for The Bit. also depending on who started it they have a tendency to forget where The Bit ends and Being A Jerk begins
that being said they are so tight you rarely see one without the other
i mentioned this before but they're huge film nerds. mainly anything with practical effects and cheesy costuming and etc etc. they give me huge "backyard film production" energy too. they definitely have embarrassing old movies they made as kids/teens hidden somewhere, but would absolutely get back into it if they weren't so caught up in their current hobbies
also HUGE sci-fi nerds. i'm still convinced they're trekkies
they're both autistic and get caught in feedback loops of just infodumping back and forth with each other
laszlo looks/sounds like the nerd emoji but tallulah is the one going "WELL ACKSHUALLY" (although not in any effort to be a know-it-all)
joe and/or billie babysat them maybe once or twice when they were younger. legend says that's why they decided not to have kids (although unproven.) laslzo and tallulah say "thats fair"
also they're both trans, they traded genders :)
they probably did a lot more collaborating growing up but since they have their own lives they kinda just fell out of it. their comeback is on the horizon though. someday...
laszlo specific thoughts
transmasc + gay + he/him (his gender is probably something really esoteric he doesn't really care to get into but he's got secret they/them locked and loaded for emergencies. which emergencies? idk)
brain tangents aplenty (adhd comorbidity lets goooo), and has a tendency to miss the bigger picture. at least he squashed that bad habit... with finishing art pieces. mostly inspired by the video game
watches 60s-70s action movies w/ art
dabbles in any medium he can get his hands on but feels the most at home painting
he's actually kind of nosy, but great at keeping secrets
an awful chef but halfway decent with presentation
prefers demonstration/instruction before attempting something new- not out of anxiety, he just loves seeing how other people do things
legally blind without his goggles/glasses
tallulah specific thoughts
transfem + aro pan + she/her (gender is less abstract but she also doesn't care what gendered terms you use for her)
the first to correct someone if she knows they're wrong
laszlo's the only one allowed to mess with her. not bc of any protectiveness she just genuinely doesn't care what other ppl have to say about her
prefers to learn through experience (whether she reads instructions/asks for help first depends on.. idk. the cosmic forces)
please ask her about the art deco movement she is so normal about it please pleaseplease
she's a waaaaay better designer/model than a seamstress. yeah she hasn't gotten around to fixing her sewing machine. yeah this dress she made is held together by hot glue and prayers. she didn't ask you though
LOVES to travel. part for inspiration, part for expanding her collection of tacky souvenirs
almost never seen without some sort of hat. extravagance unrelated her head just feels naked without one
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ok you know i love my grumpy girls but snow's class combo sounds FASCINATING so i have to know more :D :D 8 - 10, 12, 20, 28, 60 and 69!
Snow is one of the wildest characters I've ever made, she's mechanically a winter eladrin but is flavor-wise human but Extra. and also she is literally Snow White but based very specifically off that Kristen Stewart movie ANYWAY
8) what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
i Love making playlists for my characters so i have been very slowly working on hers but there's only a couple right now. Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles for the upbeat vibes because she is generally a cheerful girl
and Still by Noah Kahan for the fact that her life has basically been miserable for a hella long time (the past coming back with the light in the morning/look down on myself like a patient in surgery/and i used to watch my mother move/like god was in the room)
9) when in their life were they most scared?
okay SO about a hundred years ago, Snow's brand new step-mom killed their dad and took over the kingdom and killed and imprisoned everyone in it, and threw Snow into a cell, and there was a part of that where she was running and nearly at the gate and then got snatched up and dragged back into the castle and i think that was probably the most acutely terrified she's ever been
10) what inspired this character's creation?
lmao okay SO my friend and i watched that 2011 red riding hood movie with amanda seyfried and he went "i could make a dnd character outta this" and then like changed up the lore a ton and made Red, who's family is Super Cursed. and then we watched the snow white and the huntsman movie with kristen stewart bc for some reason in my head i've literally always confused those two for like being in the same universe? or something?
anyways we watched it and i went "hey, i could make a dnd character outta this!" and actually Snow's backstory is fairly accurate to the movie with the minor changes of she is technically an elf now so she was imprisoned for a hundred years, and also her blood can break curses (but it might kill her)
and then we looked at each other and went "these two would be fun in a campaign together"
12) how have they altered their body? piercings, tattoos, biohacks, or other modifications—anything. why (or why not) did they (or someone else) make those changes?
Snow hasn't had the opportunity to do anything to her body and also has a very... warped sense of her physical self? because she is magically/divinely mandated as Fairest Of Them All (and her beauty is literally magical hence the sorcerer levels) so she's just always been treated that way, as the Prettiest Thing Ever and that has really divorced her sense of self from her body. so i don't think she's even really thought about the fact that she could technically do any of those things? it hasn't crossed her mind, really. i DO think further down the line when she gets a little more grounded in her body she would definitely do something though. piercings for sure, maybe tattoos??
20) what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
Snow had a childhood love (dead now RIP) and she loved him because of his sense of adventure and his honor and his dedication to things, and his laugh
a hundred years later she met his granddaughter (in her 40s with a kid i think) and liked her because of her love for her kid and her practicality, and her sense of justice and responsibility to take care of others
generally Snow likes people who are devoted to important things, who have a strong will, who care deeply, and who fight- not just for the world but also for themselves.
28) do they collect anything?
Snow is not quite conscious of it yet but i as her player have made the decision that she's gonna collect items from each adventure we go on (so far it's a spider fang and an eternally frozen leaf). its one of those things where again she never had the chance to but once she realizes she CAN she'll definitely want to.
60) what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing?
i don't know how to word what i wanna say here but like the one thing that has kept Snow going for all this time is that she very much does Not Want To Die. she wants to live. so i think her faith is in herself and also the future, the idea that there are things to live for once she finds them. there's also her faith in her kingdom and her people, both of which she needs to rescue from the evil queen. so its her own stubbornness that keeps her believing that there IS a way to do it without sacrificing herself
69) what's one secret they don't want getting out?
Snow is on the run so most things about herself she keeps close to the chest so that the queen won't hear about her and come running
but the number one actual thing that she will need to be pushed into THE most desperate of corners to admit is that her blood can break curses. because its incredibly powerful but also incredibly dangerous and could kill her depending on the curse, and its not something she's willing to risk so people knowing about it would just be dangerous
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the-cat-chat · 2 months
July 6, 2024
Flushed Away (2006)
The story of an uptown rat that gets flushed down the toilet from his penthouse apartment, ending in the sewers of London, where he has to learn a whole new and different way of life.
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Warning: Review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: Honestly I had never heard of this movie until Anzie brought it up. I think my traumatic childhood experience with Chicken Run must have blinded me to other claymation movies. Whatever the reason, I'm glad I finally got to watch it.
Once I got used to hearing Hugh Jackman out of an animated figure, I had a great time with this movie. It's funny, has an awesome soundtrack (shoutout to the slugs), an enemies to lovers story, riches to rags (kind of) plot, a villain with a grudge, the list goes on. It's just a good time. I definitely would have loved it as a kid.
But since I'm a grumpy adult, I do have some grievances. One, enough with the whole ouch-I've-hurt-my-crotch joke. Like once you make that gag once, it's enough.
Second, this is a fast-paced movie. Normally this can be a positive. Here, I actually think it's a bit too fast paced. Give the emotional moments a little room to breathe and flesh out some of the relationships more. I wouldn't mind more context of rat girl's family and her relationship with her dad. I think the movie only really covers rich rat boy and his lonely lifestyle but doesn't delve enough into poor rat girl. Oh, and instead of rat boy having a random epiphany about the villain's plans, have him actually put some clues together.
Also, the ruby thing. What exactly are rats going to do with a ruby? It seems strange to me that the rat currency in the sewers would be money or jewels and not like cheese or salvaged items or something.
Rating: 7/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I do think I let the slugs drive the boat on this one. Metaphorically and literally. And I’m sad that in reality the singing slugs were maybe only 45 seconds of this entire movie bc I could watch a movie just of them alone. Anyway - is it better than Chicken Run - by far- Will it always hold a special place in my heart- of course- Does it live up to my pedestal memory of it - not quite but I do still love it. And that’s nothing harsh bc it’s really great and so detailed and for the time absolutely groundbreaking- I just think I was too let down by the lack of slugs and the plot feels a little meh at this point (but probably just awesome for kids which is the point and honestly I mostly forgot). That and I blocked out the tadpole thing. Uh what the fluff. Also why the teeth?? Do tadpoles HAVE teeth 😅. I honestly think tho that now it’s come to my frontal lobe that Matty Healy was the inspiration for Roddy and that I’ve listened to The 1975 for over a decade- I can’t separate the two. And I just can’t stop thinking about how Matty Healy now literally wears Roddy’s outfit- does he realize or was it meant to be?? Also??? Le Frog is the best evil crime contractor, even tho he failed he did it in style.
Rating: 7/10 Rats 🐀
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sungbeam · 2 years
xnonie present‼️ (a PERFECT name btw)
the more i learn abt this fic the more i get excited for it omgggg it's gonna be soooo worth it 🙏🙏 also now that u mention the rest of svt also being mutants (and yn being nightcrawler inspired?!?!?) i'm going more feral by the moment HSHSHCKCNS 😭 ur doing so much to make this fic great
SPEAKING OF hot mv!jeonghan he REALLY DID REMIND ME OF ANGEL- like it looks a bit TOO much like his metal wings in the apocalypse movie 🥱🥱 u have such a big brain for catching onto that beam ahdksjdj
+ lastly, u have a great taste in mutants ✨️ rogue, quicksilver, and magneto are very really correct answers and i stand by that 💞
skfnkejdkd im so excited for it as well tbh i just gotta write it 😅😅 it's actually quite angsty lmaoo and i'm sorry in advance for making kwannie cry 🤐 maybe sometime soon i'll just put out there who i've matched up w who 👀👀 lmao i have no clue who else would be interested tho, or at least be as invested as you and me >.<
FRFR OMG I WAS LIKE WHY ARENT THERE MORE FICS ABT HOT MV!HANNIE ?!?);#(2 like ,, , ig not a lot of people have watched x-men to make the connection :/ so i wrote it myself >:3 of course hehe lol i could not get that one scene of angel in rafters of that abandoned warehouse home of his from apocalypse out of my head, so now i've claimed that for our archangel hannie :')
KDBEKD LMAO THANK U XNONIE !! nightcrawler is also a very correct answer like he is top notch cool mutant status 😩🙏🏼 rogue bc i think her power is super op and i like her hair/attitude, quicksilver bc he is comedy gold and underrated, and magneto bc he's powerful asf and his back story from apocalypse made me really sad and sympathetic (i love a villain who's a villain for good reason ekfnsknf like screw around w my moral compass and you've got me @_@)
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starshipstories · 3 years
some ramblings about the mess that was Rise of the Titans....
first of all. those character deaths were not only unnecessary but they were BRUTAL and far more intense and painful to watch than they needed to be. as a movie that largely targeted for kids and family and is only rated G, did I need to see Nomura shattered into a thousand pieces, Strickler get blown up, Nari turning to ice like that, and Toby literally getting crushed and dying IN FRONT OF JIM?!?! im not saying there couldn't have been emotional moments but the brutality of those scenes just went way too far. not to mention that there ended up being no point to this anyway bc now they're not actually dead?? either way it was awful to watch
second. If they wanted Toby to become the Trollhunter, why not just have the new amulet choose him?? That would have been such a good twist. instead of going to jim, the new amulet flies to toby who saves Jim from Bellroc. It's a great twist, it'd be great for Toby, gives the inspiring message that anyone can be a trollhunter, and it's a good conclusion to Jim's arc as he no longer has to be the trollhunter after going through so much.
which leads me to three. AFTER GOING BACK IN TIME WHY WOULD HE GIVE UP THE AMULET AND HAVE TOBY BE THE TROLLHUNTER???? we spent three seasons explaining that Jim was CHOSEN for a reason. he had to be the trollhunter. now how are they going to defeat Gunmar, Morgana, etc.
which of course is four. going back in time like that was stupid. it erased every single thing we've watched. essentially the series ended with "it was all a dream." seriously, remove the part about toby finding the amulet and that's exactly how it ended. every single relationship? gone. every character arc and journey? erased. no closure was given to anyone. we didn't get to see where they ended up at the end of the series. there WAS no end. claire lost all her sorceress powers, douxie lost all his beautiful development in wizards, aja and krel??? we dont even know what's gonna happen with them now. they even half assed strickler and barbara by just having jim set them up. sorry how is that gonna work out if we don't see strickler's whole arc of changing to be one of the good guys?? would he even do that now if jim wasnt the trollhunter??? ARGH I HATE THIS ENDING ITS SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!
and finally. the movie was just so anticlimatic. after the first battle scene, so many characters were underpowered. Douxie literally fought the Arcane Order in Wizards and now suddenly he's being thrown around like a ragdoll. Claire is suddenly just like "sorry ive exhausted my powers" at like 5 different points in the movie. she never even got to have an insanely badass scene like she deserved. what was the point of even bringing up jim's dad? we know he's irrelevant, who cares?? archie and douxie separated after being together for centuries and just being like "oh well, hope he's happy" like ????????????? what the HELL was the aja/steve shit??? that was just stupid and uncomfortable and took up screen time that couldve been used for real development and plot.
in short, this movie was terrible. I've loved this series so much and I used to consider it flawless. the characters are amazing and the story was so good. i'll always love the tv shows so much but i genuinely hope to forget this movie even exists. I'm just so disappointed by what should've been an epic conclusion to this wonderful series.
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feralaot · 4 years
random scouts hcs!
I did a post like this for the warriors my beloved (here) and people seemed to like it so here's one for the scouts :) had some input from @afrival for this one luv u
no warnings I think
if he had twitter he would have a vaporwave bart simpson profile picture and tweet lil peep lyrics. also uses way too many hashtags
he's scared of snakes and hates armin's ball python
his eyes are probably crusty as hell and mikasa has to wipe em for him because he won't
when he's losing an argument he goes "ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and it always escalates things but he doesn't stop
almost exclusively wears american eagle
"what's a pronoun".mp3
uses the 💯 emoji in every other text message he sends
sends his friends pictures of cats cuddling/hanging out and says "me n you <3"
genuinely can't stand when people have dirt under their fingernails. he gets so mad at eren bc his nails are dirty asf and armin forces him to clean them
he calls himself sexy a lot (e.g. "that was really sexy of me")
chews on bottle caps then is like hmm why do my teeth hurt
he hates feet. toes look weird to him. nobody in his house is allowed to take their socks off
unironically uses faces like ^-^ and :3
acne :(
she's really bad at giving advice. don't go to her for help she'll literally be like "that's tough"
probably has like 4 instagram accounts made just to follow eren
solid black profile picture and no bio
maybe now and then she'll put a my chemical romance quote on her story but that's about it, she doesn't respond to dms or anything
doesn't wash that damn scarf so it's probably stinky
sticks staples, pins, etc through the tips of her fingers for no reason other than she likes freaking people out
probably hisses at people
the only possible relationship dynamic somebody can have with him is rivals to lovers
very short social fuse and has to stay home for several days after public events bc it's just exhausting
he's an introvert adopted by extroverts (connie and sasha) and has to deal with their shenanigans. truly the mom figure between the three of them
marco has to listen to him ranting about connie and sasha's foolery and doesn't have much advice to offer bc he doesn't know either
for a long time he only knew "straight" and "gay" and when he found out about the concept of bisexuality his mind almost imploded
he sighs and yawns a lot and doesn't even realize he does it. people always think he's either annoyed or tired
probably dresses like a diet e-boy. crewneck king
the kind of kid in your high school gym class that wears mismatching neon clothes. bonus points if it's nike
also the most likely to start a food fight for funsies
he doesn't yell often because his voice cracks when he does and it's embarrassing
sasha and him hate cafeteria food so he always brings an ungodly amount of food in his backpack instead to share with sasha. connie's backpack is 90% food
unironically says things like "pogchamp" and "rad"
he works at zumiez and probably lives there. always rocking their latest drip
jumps up and slaps exit signs
randomly breaks into song (usually disney songs) and connie will automatically duet
manages to fall asleep in any situation. on buses, while watching movies, sometimes even mid conversation if she's zoned out enough
tried to take armin fishing one time but he almost cried because he felt so bad about it
at least reiner will fish with her though. the himbos always come through
her instagram is all pictures of fish she caught and now and then there's an awkward candid pic of niccolo
stayed overnight in a walmart one time and got away and brags about it but she won't admit it was an accident. panicked and spent the night eating snacks off the shelves to "survive"
while she's talking her voice slowly gets louder and louder and she doesn't realize it until people tell her to stop yelling
pulls people by the ears to bring them down to her level
also kicks people in the shins a lot, if she's arguing with someone they'll usually keep their distance to avoid getting shin kicked
loves climbing on ymir's back and just being carried around like the little creature she is
posts inspirational quotes on her story
would definitely be a cheerleader in high school. nobody would guess a prep like her is dating some grunge girl w a pretty much opposite personality
she always has bandaids with her for some reason. if someone gets scraped she'll whip out a bandaid immediately. her friends call her "mom" sometimes
hates grilled cheese so god damn much. can't stand it
"damn I don't remember asking".mp3
is always the first one to comment on historia's instagram posts. her comments range from "beautiful my queen!!!" to "damn ma yo ass fat"
she always called reiner gay as a joke then he came out as gay and for a while she thought it was her fault
her and reiner have wlw and mlm solidarity, they're bffs for that matter
if someone tells her that her music is too loud she'll say "huh?" and turn it up
similarly if someone scolds her for something she'll go "hm? repeat that, I'm a little deaf in this ear"
"bro stfu you always tell me you're gonna fire me for being late"
really really hates cooking pasta because straining the water is for some reason more difficult than it should be
"do not underestimate me, bitches"
always refuses to get his hair cut at places in shopping centers. especially walmart great clips
makes monkey noises when he sees something he likes. he started doing this as a joke to mock zeke but it evolved and now he can't stop doing it randomly
will not hesitate to knock someone on their ass if they're talking shit
coffee makes him jittery so he drinks tea instead but won't admit to anyone that he lowkey also has a redbull addiction
hange calls him a catboy but he doesn't know what that means so he's always like "yeah" bc he thinks it means he's a cat person
buys levi shoes from the kids section and doesnt tell him bc he likes them anyway
such a millennial, they say shit like "doggo" and "adulting"
"for practical reasons I don't exist. do not perceive me"
probably wants to marry mothman
levi has had to scold them on several different occasions for bringing live animals into the house
legally isn't allowed to cook bc they can and they will blow something up
goes on tipsy rants almost nightly
white skechers king
hosts barbecues in those white skechers. he talks shit about people with nile and pyxis like a bunch of gossiping middle aged fath- wait
his profile pictures on social media are probably pictures of himself taken from awkward angles with an empty expression. it's always posted like six times as well
when levi is getting Out Of Hand he'll pick him up from under the arms and carry him away like "okay, that's enough" and levi kicks around but can't escape
rubs his hands together a lot like a fly. nobody knows why he does it. what are you scheming
falls asleep on couches while watching sports games
[swinging his keys around his finger] "let's rock and roll"
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