#she wants him to eat her...🥧
hislittleraincloud · 23 days
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The Apple Polisher (PG-13 (suggestiveness), Jairo, Jonathan Miller/Cairo Sweet, teacher student relationship, flirting, fluffy (kind of), apples, drabble,...apples drabble LOL, 100 words)
"Why haven't you eaten them?"
He tried to resist shaking his head. He didn't want her to know his most intimate reasons why he hadn't just sunk his teeth into each of the ripe, well-colored and perfectly palm-sized apples that she had been leaving on his desk 'anonymously', the latest of which he had gently pushed back towards her.
"What're you, allergic to apples?" She persisted, unaccepting of his silence.
"No one's allergic to apples —"
"Precisely," she pushed it back with a smirk. "So make a pie." She lowered her tone...and her shoulders. "And then you can eat that."
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Here is Dictionary.com's short history of why we give apples to teachers as tokens of our appreciation for the knowledge that they've imparted upon us.
It would also behoove you to know that I'm not using the title term under the same definition contained within the aforementioned link. ...👹
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certifiedjaeger · 2 years
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↳ Rengoku x Fem Reader
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: 18+ content, oral sex (both male/female receiving), unprotected sex, creampie 🥧, rengoku may or may not eat you out after cumming inside of you lol……
Notes: Hi, I wrote this really fast and it’s not really edited that well so bear with me lol 🤭 anyways! this is a little piece about taking Rengoku’s virginity after Tengen desperately asked you to help out his friend. Enjoy!
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For years now, you’ve heard tales of the great feats of the Flame Hashira. You’ve heard stories of how strong, how determined, how brave and noble he is. You’ve heard it all – You’re no stranger to the hero that is Kyojurou Rengoku.
He is something that legends are made of.
Which is why when a certain overzealous husband of your friend, Makio, approached you the other day in the hopes of helping out a certain golden-haired hero in the *ahem* intimacy department… you almost couldn’t believe it.
How can somebody as amazing as him have never indulged in such pleasures before? How on earth could he be so inexperienced? How could he have never even been touched by another at all? Surely, he has women throwing themselves at him all the time, surely he has had many offers from those wishing to be his lover, many desperate souls trying to claw their way to his immaculate body. It was too hard to believe that that wasn’t the case.
But, it appears that it is. Well, at least, according to Tengen.
You aren’t a desperate soul, but you are smart. You’ve heard of his charm and good looks. You’ve heard of how handsome the Flame Hashira is. Which is why you had eagerly accepted Tengen’s offer when he came to you with his request. Honestly, it would have been ridiculous to turn down such an opportunity.
But would he be shy? Would he be eager? Boring? Awkward? Rude? You wondered as you waited on the plush bed of the spare bedroom in Tengen’s villa several days later.
“Uzui, you are a good friend! And I have always trusted you! But I have to admit… I’m not so sure about this,” Rengoku speaks in his usually eager voice, only a hint of unease infiltrating it, as the two men walk down the lengthy hallway. “I will not tolerate anybody doing anything that they don’t want to do.”
“Oh come on, you’re way too old to have never felt a woman’s touch before. You’re a Hashira, for crying out loud, it’s embarrassing,” the bigger gentleman cries out dramatically, making Rengoku look around to double check that they are, in fact, alone. “Plus, nobody’s making her do anything that she doesn’t want to do. She was more than happy to accept your offer on my behalf,” he smiles deviously.
“I never requested anything from anybody – this was your own doing,” Rengoku reminds his pushy friend.
“Look, you’ll be thanking me later, so just go along with it. Get off of your high horse and quit being the noble Flame Hashira for at least an hour or so, ‘kay?” Tengen stops in front of the door where you await his inexperienced friend. “Actually… you probably won’t even last that long,” Tengen snickers.
It all happened so fast. A couple of minutes ago, Rengoku was walking down the hallway with his friend and now, he’s sitting on the edge of a bed, watching as a beautiful woman he has never seen before kneels in between his legs.
You’re so confident in your movements that it almost takes his breath away. You’re so sure of yourself as you take his pants off of him, as you touch him. You’re so lovely, so beautiful, so self-assured, that all he can manage to do is to sit there and let you do whatever you want with him.
“Is this okay?” You ask, wrapping your hand around his length as he rids himself of his top.
“Y-yes!” He tries to remain his normal, cheerful self but can feel his resolve slowly slipping away with every small movement of your fingers.
“Good to know,” you smile slightly, licking your lips as you do so. “And how about this?” You hold his length tightly and move your hand up toward the tip of his already hard cock.
“Y-yeah,” he breathes out, his voice wavering in its normal enthusiastic tone as he watches you intently.
“And how about…this?” You ask through feigned innocence.
His hips buck up as your thumb grazes his slit. His eager nod confirms that yes, that is definitely okay, too. The look on his face gives you the feeling that you could do just about anything to him and he would be more than happy about it. Your smile widens – you realize this is going to be a lot of fun.
Some precum appears at the top of his flushed tip and knowing that this will most likely be okay, as well, you decided to lean forward and give it a little kitten lick. His breath catches in his throat and his eyes daze over a bit as he feels his body somehow tense and relax at the same time. He’s never had anybody touch him like this before. He has hardly ever touched himself like this before. And now here you are, sucking on the tip of his cock, swirling your tongue around it as you push more of his length into your warm mouth. You take all of him in as your nose hits the soft gold and red curls near his skin, and he swears that you may actually be an angel.
He’s never imagined anything feeling this good before. He’s never imagined experiencing anything this heavenly before in his life. His hips start to buck up again, his hips mindlessly beginning to pick up the pace as he starts to rut his cock into your mouth. He shuts his eyes and lets the pleasure your mouth grants him take over.
But it isn’t enough. He wants more, he needs more.
He pulls you off of his now throbbing cock and looks at you for a moment, a wild fire settling in his eyes as he stares deeply into your own.
With arms shaky with desire, he still manages to be gentle as he helps you up and meekly moves your body toward the bed. He hopes you’ll get the hint since he doesn’t know if he has the courage at this moment to ask you for what he wants.
But he knows exactly what he wants.
He’s had urges for years now. He’s thought of this moment for so long, but it had always seemed like some far away dream that would never actually happen. But now that you’re here, so willing and so happy to please, he feels that he needs to take his chance now. He needs to grab onto this opportunity and let his body do what it had been screaming at him to do all of these years.
You lay down on the bed, but that isn’t enough for him. He turns you around on your stomach silently and raises your hips into the air, and of course, you happily oblige the pent-up man. He stares in wonder as you drip from your core. His cock twitches and he swears that he never knew it was possible to feel so much lust in his veins.
He steps forward and places his large hands on your hips, his cock leading the way as it nears the one place it desperately wants to be. Just a few more inches and he would finally know what it feels like to be seated deep inside of somebody. The thing he’s spent so long imagining, the one thing he scolded himself for thinking about when he knew that he should have been focusing on training or bettering his skills.
But he’s only human, after all. And he can only control his urges so much. His hand during the late hours of the night every couple of weeks or so could never truly suffice. And now that you’re here, warm and dripping and ready to be filled–by him of all people–he feels that he may be dreaming again.
“I-Is this… okay?” He somehow manages to get out through eager, hushed breaths. It’s odd, he thinks. He’s normally very confident and cheerful. But you have done something to him. He feels desperation flood his veins, he feels it fill every part of his body.
“I’m waiting,” you respond in a sing-songy voice, wiggling your hips a bit.
He swallows dryly and moves closer. One more inch and his tip would know what it feels like to touch another person’s wet heat. His cock that had only ever been covered by his hand would be surrounded by your warmth, it would be covered in your slick. And that thought alone makes his cock twitch, his length slightly bobbing from the movement. His fingers dig deeper into your skin and he pushes forward.
The tip of his cock inches into your heat and he lets out a shallow breath. It’s tight. And it’s so… warm. He stills for a second before slowly moving in all of the way, stopping only when his pelvic bone meets the soft flesh of your ass.
It’s nothing like what he imagined. It’s infinitely better.
The muscles in his arms tense and his hands hold the sides of your hips tighter. He closes his eyes and takes a moment to relish this feeling, to try and memorize how heavenly it feels to have part of his body engulfed in another person’s soft warmth. He’s never felt so comfortable in all of his life before. The softest beds and the warmest clothes could never compare to how it feels being fully seated in you.
Releasing one last breath, he opens his eyes and they are a wild sight. He’s had a small taste, and now he knows that his body needs more. He swiftly pulls away from your body, his cock almost falling out before he then pushes himself back in. Heated tingles run along his length and a small groan slips from his lips. He does it again. And again. And again. And then, all of a sudden, he isn’t able to stop. This feeling is too much.
His lower abdomen tenses with every fast thrust of his hips, his cock driving in and out of you as if with a mind of its own. He now understands all of the comments, all of the jokes, all of the talk about why people enjoy sex so much. Tengen had always been going on and on about it. He would try not to listen because of how lewd it was, but would fail every time. He never understood.
But now he does.
He’s always considered himself to be a kind, well-mannered man. But it’s as though he’s become somebody else. It’s as though something wild inside of him has taken over. Something ingrained into his very being–something fiery and passionate–has come to take you. It has come to make you lay down and be submissive to him. It has come to make you his.
He feels like a beast as he mounts you and repeatedly drives his cock in and out of you; as though he were an animal and his primal instincts have taken over. Something inside of him is telling him that he needs to do this to you. Something inside of him is blinding him and filling his head with a haze, telling him that he needs to put a healthy amount of his cum deep inside of you.
He always wants to feel like this. He always wants to feel like this. He always wants to feel like–
An explosive pleasure suddenly takes over and he feels his cum drain from his body and shoot out from his tip. His hands desperately hold on to your hips as his cock twitches, shooting warm spurts of cum deep inside of you.
He lets out one last lengthy groan, feeling the pleasure begin to dissolve, before opening his eyes and taking in his surroundings. His heavy breathing fills the otherwise quiet room and he feels himself beginning to regain his composure. What had just happened to him, he wonders. He definitely wasn’t himself.
“Well, that was fast,” you speak up, distracting him from his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, my lady?” He knits his brows together as he continues to breathe heavy.
“I had wondered what this would be like and it was just fast, is all,” you look back at him, feeling his cum begin to drip out of you as he reluctantly pulls out.
“I-I’m sorry. Was that not pleasurable for you, too?” Worry tinges his voice as he looks at you with concern in his eyes.
“No, it definitely was. It just takes a bit longer for me to reach my peak, that’s all. Don’t worry,” you smile at him, hoping to calm his nerves a bit.
“Well… how can I assist you in… reaching your… “peak”?” He asks innocently and you raise your brow at him.
“You really have never pleasured a lady before, have you? It’s no easy feat, you know,” the corner of your mouth lifts into a small smirk as you tease him.
“I can assure you that I’m a fast learner,” he replies genuinely as his breathing begins to calm a bit, his earnest tone and eager expression now warming your heart. “If you are willing to show me, I am willing to learn. Not only that, I’ll go above and beyond your expectations,” he says excitedly with a smile.
“You sure you can keep that promise?” You raise a brow at him.
“Ha, of course! I have slayed many demons, I have overcome many obstacles! Surely, I can do this.”
“Okay… then I want you to clean me up,” you turn around and lay on your back, spreading your legs for him to see the mess that he’s made. He stares at your heat, his fiery eyes staring unabashedly. “With your tongue, that is.”
He whips his head up and stares into your eyes, his mouth opening as he questions whether he heard you correctly or not. “With my…? Wouldn’t you prefer a soft cloth?” He questions.
“It’ll feel better with your tongue,” you reach a hand down slowly and begin to smear his pearly cum all over your folds, watching as he stares at your movements, a small blush appearing on his face as he blinks and nods his head slowly.
“Y-yes, okay,” he kneels down on the bed, eyes never tearing from your heat. “If that is what you wish.”
He inches his face closer to your heat, looking at the mess and feeling almost a bit guilty at the state that he’s left you in. He moves his head a bit closer before pausing and looking up at you, almost as though waiting for you to say it was okay.
“Go ahead,” you say. “Please.”
He hears slight anticipation in your voice and he wonders if this is how he would help you reach your “peak”. He leans in and gives a tentative lick up your folds. Some of his cum, as well as your slick, gathers on his tongue and he swallows, brows knitting together as he tries to decipher the taste. He’s never tasted anything like it before, but all he knows is that he likes it. He gives another lick and then another and then another–
And then he hears a moan escape your lips.
He pauses his movements and his head shoots up, his eyes widening as he realizes you like the feeling of him licking you like this.
“Why’d you stop?” You look down at him, pouting.
“This feels good to you?” He questions with genuine curiosity.
“Yes! Now please continue,” you pout again, reaching your hand down and taking a fistful of his hair, gently pushing him toward your heat.
“Haha! What a feisty one, you are!” He exclaims with amusement before happily giving you what you desire.
He pushes his tongue against your folds with more pressure this time, using his strong muscle to swipe upward with more strength and feeling encouraged when he hears you moan above him again.
“Yes, just like that– and pay more attention to the part at the top,” you direct him with eyes closed, feeling heat begin to pool in your lower abdomen again.
But then he stops.
“Why at the top, if I may ask?” He questions and you sigh.
“Because that is where my clit is.”
“Wow, you really don’t know anything, do you?” You mumble under your breath, hoping that he doesn’t hear it. “Yes, this,” you say louder, grabbing one of his fingers and placing it to your clit, “this little thing right here, it feels really good when you give it lots of attention, okay?”
“Got it!” He exclaims before leaning down and passionately sucking on your clit, making you cry out loudly. The sudden strong sensation is like being knocked backwards, and even though it’s a surprise, god, it’s a welcome one. You can feel how close you are and you swear that if he stopped now to ask another question, you would scream. But he doesn’t. No, he pulls your clit into his mouth and gives it several little heated licks, sucking and licking and giving it extra attention just like you had instructed him to.
“Yes! Now put two fingers inside of me,” you eagerly cry out. “Just like you did with your cock, move them just like you did before,” your voice sounds strained as you begin to feel delirious from the overwhelming pleasure of his tongue.
Thankfully, he does just as he’s told without questioning why and positions his fingers at your entrance, pushing them in just as he had earlier with his cock. He drives them in and out of you; the motion coupled with his tongue’s movements making your body feel on fire. He feels amused and excited as he hears eager sounds leave your lips, your hips beginning to move around as he continues doing exactly what you had told him to do.
“Keep going,” you yell desperately. “Don’t you dare stop,” you groan loudly. “Keep going, keep going, keep going–”
You cry out, feeling something inside of you snap as your veins flood with white-hot pleasure, his strong tongue and thick fingers working together to send a wave of electricity throughout your body. You let it wash over you. You relish in the feeling. You try to memorize every sensation from his tongue and every movement of his fingers before the pleasure starts to dissolve in your veins and you begin to come down from your high.
It seems that he’s taken your instructions too literally, however, as he continues his feverish movements, not catching on to the fact that he was now starting to overstimulate you.
“That’s–ahh!–that’s enough, Rengoku,” you pull at his hair lightly. “No more!” You plead as he effectively stops and looks up at you with brows knitted together.
“Does it not feel good anymore? Am I doing something wrong?” He asks worriedly.
“No, no,” you say through heavy breaths. “That felt really good. But continuing after you reach your peak can sometimes feel like too much,” you say through exhausted lips, falling back to the mattress as you try to catch your breath.
After a few moments, you hear his familiar earnest voice speak out, “So, I did good then?”
“Yes,” you sigh dreamily. “You did very good.”
“So then, we can perhaps continue after you’ve had some time to recover?” He asks eagerly. You knit your brows together at his words before looking over at him.
You look from the happy smile on his face down to his cock that’s already fully hard again, precum beginning to dribble down the length of it as he sits on his haunches.
“Oh,” you comment, feeling a pang of warmth hit you again as you take in the sight. “Yeah,” you breathe out, “yeah, we can continue.”
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clovenhoofedjester · 4 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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rukia-writes · 5 months
Hey Rukia! Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day and today is Galentine's Day,how would the ROR gods and humans spend Valentine's Day with their S/O (You can write for whoever you wish)? How would Rangiku spend Galentine's Day with her bestie?
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RoR gods spending time with their s/o on Valentine’s Day:
I can see the gods being a little over the top, like taking their beloved out and about. Say, taking them to that nice restaurant called Eden.
Dinner reservations were already months ago. Unless, you’re with Ares or Hercules because I believe they would spend time with their s/o a little more down to earth. As in, having Valentine’s day at home. Maybe Ares will take his beloved hunting —with a little kissing 😘. Hercules taking his beloved back with him to Thebes and having a romantic outing.
Buddha on the other hand, would have a day where you two eat chocolate and just take it easy underneath a tree under a blue sky. 💙 simple and romantic.
Greek bros: Hades will spoil his s/o, waking up to red roses, sweets, and just being sweet to them all day. 💋
Poseidon: roses but listen their s/o wakes up to a room filled with roses and a little note saying: “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Hey, he’s trying.
Young Zeus: roses, candy, and letters. A young Zeus like to write about his s/o while taking them out and about.
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Ror human fighters spending time with their s/o their on Valentine’s Day:
Valentine’s Day is a bit more personal, not as over the top as the gods but definitely just as loving.
Staying home and baking. (Getting a little messy—hey no one is judging)
For example; Tesla wants to help you bake since his sister couldn’t. So you two, spend the day baking. Maybe Lu Bu wants to have a friendly sparring match ( 😉). Maybe, Leonadis wants to spend the entire day with you laying in the hammock reading a book with fine Sparta cheese 🧀.
Having a day of being spoiled by Jack as he makes you his famous cheddar apple pie 🥧. 🤍
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How would Rangiku spend Galentines day with her bestie:
Shopping 🛍️
Shopping, getting your nails 💅 done, getting your hair done, and if she really likes you then it’s dinner for sure.
Rangiku will pay too, and that’s how you know you’re really cool because Rangiku doesn’t pay for her drinks. So paying to have a day out with her and she pays, yeah you’re her bestie for life.
Gossip, latest trends, Rangiku wants to share all these little things with her bestie.
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m00nxghost · 8 months
Bakery love- Kyle Gaz Garrick x F!Reader; part one
My first fanfic! I'm totally excited to write this 🥧🌷
Tw: Swearing,mention of past abusive relationships,violence,rest is pure fluffiness,lovely topics
Kinds of O.O.C,She/her pronouns, use of you and y/n, enjoy! Just imagine yourself in this fic
The morning was more beautiful than yesterday, a beautiful blue sky without clouds and a radiant sun a great day to buy fresh bread but at that time the bakeries haven't opened yet except for one,a bakery with pastel lavender tones, transparent windows with lilies and lavender in clay pots,there were two tables outside with checkered tablecloths in pastel pink and white colors with little clay pots inside containing red roses with a soft scent that's what Gaz thought, a beautiful bakery, he didn't think twice before walking in the door and the bell rang The smell of fresh bread spread throughout the bakery, he took a good look inside, it was white with tables spread out like those outside. While Gaz looked at the bakery enchanted, he didn't notice that the bakery owner was approaching the counter.
Y/n: Hello welcome
gaz turned around looking at a young woman with a white apron with a lavender drawing on it
Gaz: Oh! Good morning, Gaz said, approaching the counter, taking a look at the fresh batch of bread on the bread shelf, while the counter display had pies and cakes and all types of pastries.
Gaz: Well, I'll have some fresh bread and a piece of strawberry pie.
The girl looked at him with a soft smile and said, of course, as she walked over to the bread rack behind the counter
Gaz waited calmly while she packed his order. He took another look at the bakery he felt like he was in heaven. She came back with the order in a bag, not plastic but paper, a very well decorated bag that was written "Sweet lavender bakery"
Gaz walked out of the bakery and couldn't contain a small smile and his face flushed as he walked back to base, his day was made totally happy with his discovery, he promised that whenever he could he would stop by for a coffee or buy a pie. On the way to the base. Gaz was totally feeling lighter when he entered and went straight to the break room whistling and greeting the recruits and other soldiers along the way.
Soap: Mornin' Gaz, how are you? Looks like you woke up well!
Gaz: Ah yes, it's just been a great morning, I haven't seen such good weather in a while, "he says as he puts the paper bag on the table
Soap: What good did you bring? fresh breads
Gaz: Yes, fresh bread and a strawberry pie
Soap: I thought that's when the bakeries opened or you made the bread and the pie the Scot laughed softly
Gaz: playfully rolling his eyes, a new bakery opened close to the city center not far away, as it was the only one open I went to check it out. It's well-groomed and has the owner, I never thought I'd see someone so…
someone so…
Soap: Pretty,cute,nice
Gaz: a kind and calm person
Soap: And pretty!
Soap: Dae yer found a pretty lass?
Gaz: Okay, soap stop for now
Soap: Don't be like that, Gaz. She probably likes you!
Gaz: I don't know, I just met her! That's not how it works, but I wanted it. The day passed and gaz couldn't get her out of his head, ending the day gaz looked at the pie and decided to eat a piece savoring the soft strawberry flavor remembering the girl, when he forgot to ask her name damn because it was something easy but tomorrow I'll do it he said to himself as he ate pie. When Gaz realized he fell in love with the girl but he was happy, excited and anxious about these feelings, he would dream about her as he smiled and finished the pie. The next day he woke up early and got up, thinking step by step how to approach the beautiful girl and ask her name and then her number but with a little anxiety he thought well but he is determined and nothing will stop him. Gaz left his tidy room and walked down the hallway saying good morning to whoever passed by, Price noticed how the young boy looked and raised an eyebrow, wondering why he looked like that
Price: Is everything ok with Gaz? he seems to be excited
Soap: Yes, he's fine, he's just in love
Price: In love with who? with one of the girls here at the base
Soap: No captain, he's in love with a bakery owner, a lass,yesterday he went to her bakery, and it looks like Cupid shot him with the arrow of love
Price: Smirks So Kyle is in love, I never thought that would happen despite him being a good guy, but will he be able to confess? I'm rooting for him and that he gets at least the girl's number
Soap: Same, he's a good friend I'm rooting for him too
After a while gaz arrives at the bakery and goes in but didn't expect the following scene: the girl was at the counter with her arms covering her face as she sobbed gaz's heart tightened as he approached the girl and with his soft voice speaking in a whisper Miss, are you okay? There was no response as he gently touched her arm making her lift her head.
Y/n: S-sorry I didn't see you come in she was trying to wipe her tears but with shaking hands and a scared voice I-I-can I make your order ?
Gaz: Look, I don't know you but by the look on your face, you're not feeling well, my order doesn't matter much now but you do
Y/n: Are you sure? I'm sure you're busy and I don't want to bother you with that
Gaz: Yes I'm sure, now let's take you out for some fresh air with a glass of ice water
Y/n: Thank you very much, seriously I will owe you this until the end of time
Gaz: No, you don't owe me this, but now tell me why you were crying,something happened? someone hurt you or did something for you? His voice carried a tone of concern.
Y/n: Well my ex boyfriend came here with the same bullshit that he has changed and that he is ready to restart our old relationship but I know it's a lie when I said I would never fall for his trick again...he grabbed my arm tightly. He tried to hurt me but I managed to pull my arm and throw him away I never thought I would see him again you said in a shaky voice
Gaz: I'm sorry I hope you're better now
Y/n: Yes, I'm thanks to you, seriously, you calmed me down, look, because of that you can choose anything from the bakery and you don't have to pay anything
Gaz: No need, I'm glad you're better now
Y/n: Please don't refuse, it's a thank you and a small treat for my first client You said with a soft laugh. After that gaz left there completely happy he didn't imagine this would happen. On his way he met Soap who was smiling because Soap heard everything.
End of the first part of "Bakery love" I'm still going to write the second part! I'm still going to improve it and sorry for the mistakes, I'll improve that too
A/N: I ended up being carried away by the writing that I didn't even think would be long but I'm totally happy about it <33
Tag list !! @spicyspicyliving @kkaaaagt @puff0o0
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Appleblossom Week 2024 🌸🍎
Day Four — Mmmm, Pie~! 🥧
Dark/Evil Wally AU by Krunch (TikTok: krunnnnnch) @appleblossomweek
Julie paced back and forth in her small kitchen; her brows furrowed in concentration. The normally organized space was now a flurry of flour, sugar, and mixing bowls. She muttered to herself, glancing occasionally at the cookbook propped open on the counter. Making a strawberry pie wasn’t complicated, however, this pie was special. This pie was for Wally, her significant other, who had been having a rough week.
Usually, the annoying blue-haired man would have his signature smirk plastered on his face and cause chaos wherever he went. Unfortunately, lately he’s been looking defeated, more quiet and a little explosive. The blonde-haired rainbow monster wanted to comfort him, but she felt like her approach of teasing and light-hearted banter didn’t seem right.
She had to do something more, something that showed how much she cared without her typical prickly exterior getting in the way. Julie huffed, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “Why am I even doing this?” she grumbled, though she knew the answer. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Julie wanted to see Wally smile again, to bring back that spark he was missing lately. She had never been good at expressing her feelings directly, often hiding her affection behind a façade of indifference or playful teasing. However, Wally always seemed to read her like a book, figuring out what she truly meant, and when they were alone was when she genuinely poured her heart out to him. Showing her love through acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and sometimes gift-giving. Julie hoped the pie, made with genuine care and love, would speak for her. To show him she is here, that he’s not alone, that no matter what they could get through this together.
The strawberries were fresh and vibrant as she meticulously sliced them; arranging them in the pie crust with a precision that belied her flustered demeanor. As the pie baked, filling her home with a sweet, comforting aroma, she began to nervously clean up the mess in the kitchen, glancing at the clock every few minutes.
Finally, the timer dinged. The rainbow monster pulled the pie from the oven. Its golden crust is perfectly browned, the strawberries glistening with a sugary glaze. Julie set it on the counter to cool, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. Would this really cheer him up?
When she heard the sound of the front door opening, her heart skipped a beat. Quickly, she wiped her hands on a nearby towel and tried to compose herself. Leaning casually against the counter as if she had not been nervously preparing all afternoon to try and comfort him with his favorite dessert.
Wally walked in, looking as tired as he had when he’d left for his walk. His crimson eyes brighten a bit when he saw Julie, but his shoulder still sagged under the weight of his terrible week.
“Hey little monster” he said softly, making his way towards her. He was about to wrap his arms around her waist until she held her hand up to stop him in his tracks. “I, uh, made you something.” she placed her hand back by her side, trying to sound nonchalant.
He lifted an eyebrow in surprise. “You made something for me?”
Julie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively. “Don’t make a big deal out of it. It’s just a pie.”
Wally’s eyes widen when she stepped to the side and revealed the strawberry pie on the counter. “You made me my favorite?”
She shrugged, turning her face away from him to hide the faint blush creeping up her cheeks. “Yeah, well, I figured you could use something to help cheer you up.”
He stepped closer to her, his eyes softening as he cupped her cheek. Gently guiding her face to look at him, “You did this for me.”
Her blush turned another shade of red as Julie became flustered. “Stop being sappy about it,” she mumbled, looking into his eyes timidly. “Just eat it before it gets cold, it’s better warm.”
Wally chuckled, a genuine sound that made Julie’s heart lift. How long has it been since she heard him laugh? He gave her a quick peck on the lips and then stepped away from her. Grabbing the fork beside the plate, he cut himself a piece. Savoring the first bite, his face lit up with a smile that made all of Julie’s efforts worth it.
“This is amazing Cherub,” his voice filled with appreciation as he took another bite of the strawberry pie. “Thank you.”
Julie looked at him, her gaze softens as she places a hand on the back of her neck. “I’m glad you like it,” she said quietly. “I just wanted to see you smile again…Look Wally. I don’t know what’s been going on for the past week. However, I want to let you know I am here for you. Whenever you need to talk or something, I am here.”
He set the fork down and pulled her into a hug, his embrace warm and reassuring. “Thank you Julie, really. I appreciate it. When I am ready, we will will talk about it. I just need time.” He whispered and leaned his forehead against hers.
Julie smiles softly and close her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Take all the time you need my Darling. I am not going anywhere.”
Wally gave another soft peck on her lips and buried his face in the crook of her neck. Holding her a little tighter, appreciating the love and support she was giving him.
In that moment, surrounded by the comforting aroma of strawberry pie and the warmth of Wally’s embrace, Julie felt a deep sense of contentment and fulfillment. She might not always show her affection in conventional ways, but she hopes he understood just how much he meant to her. And judging by his smile and affectionate gestures, she was pretty sure he did.
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Unikitty! Human AU Rainy Day Headcanons Part 2 🐱 💖 🌧 ☔
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💖 Original headcanons 💙
🌧️ Ao3 version ☂️
Part 1 (original) is here.
Ao3 Part 1 is here.
Updated Tumblr part 1 is here.
🦊🔭 Dr.Fox:
• To gain knowledge about the moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls in individual drops, also known as rain, Dr. Fox will conduct fun science experiments.
• She will create and build a small rain gauge robot to measure how much rain she will receive.
• The doctor will test the pH level of rainwater with a pH meter and compare it to liquids from different sources, such as tap water, juice, lake water, and pool water.
• This science fox will investigate how clouds form, where they come from, and what causes rain through a water cycle experiment.
• She will propose that her friends and her go on a scientific nature hunt!
• She knows that after it stops raining, rainbows sometimes appear in the sky. She will want to do her research on why prisms produce rainbows and create an invention that makes prism rainbows. 🌈
🦅🕶️ Hawkodile:
• Rainy days don't bother him because they give him the chance to improve his combat training skills and witty one-liners in his treehouse.
• He intends to put together an indoor obstacle course using the ideas from his treehouse.
• With a flashlight, the green hawk-crocodile hybrid dude and his friends will create shadow shapes on the walls with their hands.
• He will imagine kissing Dr. Fox in the rain since it's considered romantic.
• Plays balloon ping-pong with Puppycorn!🏓🎈
• Since he's into all things EXTREME, he'll want for him and his friends to go camping in the great indoors. They have a great time! ⛺
• He plans on staying dry on this rainy afternoon, so he's most definitely not going outside today. Nope, no way. Not happening.
• It can be very relaxing to listen to nature's music during a rainstorm, so he spends most of his time listening to the rain. He enjoys the soothing sounds.
• He might try knitting as there's nothing more cozy on a rainy day than a wooly sweater or scarf.
• The calming sound of raindrops causes him to take a nap.
• He warms up on the couch with some blankets while watching a documentary on the history of paperclips. 📎
• Makes a trip to the castle library to read some of his favorite old books.
Master Frown:
• When the low-level doom lord notices rain falling from his window, he gets excited! Seasonal showers tend to make people feel miserable, so he wants to see the sad looks of all the citizens for himself!
• He rushes downstairs and out the door past his boyfriend roommate Brock, who is playing video games on the couch.
• Outside, he sees that people are actually happy in the rain?! TIME TO MAKE THEM MISERABLE!
• After failing to cause distress, he heads back to his apartment where Brock recommends that they watch a classic black and white movie that is so bad it's good. He thought it would be funny to mock the scenes.
• Having nothing better to do, Frown sighs and agrees to watch this movie. He was gonna hate it. He just knew it.
• Master Frown is revealed to actually be enjoying the film (to his dismay), even consuming ice cream with Brock as comfort food to prevent the two from crying. Frown relates so much to the movie itself and the characters.
•Eat. 🤤🥨🍔🍟🍕🌭🥪🍩🍪🥧
•Sleep. 😴😴😴
• Enjoys watching cooking shows and sassy daytime talk shows on TV.
• Eat some more. 🤤🥨🍔🍟🍕🌭🥪🍩🍪🥧
•Sleep some more. 😴😴😴
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uwudonoodle · 4 months
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Happy pi day! I think stories are always better if they have a delicious pie in them. So here's a random list of pies on screen, that I lowkey want to make and eat. 🥧
🎞 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
🥧 Gooseberry Pie
The queen poisoned Snow before she could put it in the oven. That's the real tragedy. I've never had a gooseberry pie, but my dad has a small gooseberry bush that might produce enough for a pie some day.
🎞 Julie and Julia
🥧 Chocolate Silk Pie
Julie makes a pie in the opening of the movie while musing about how cooking brings her peace in a chaotic world. I had never had a chocolate silk pie before, but after the movie I looked up a recipe and made it. It's now one of my most requested pies at Thanksgiving. Although I like to use an oreo crust where Julie used a Graham cracker.
🎞 Big Fish
🥧 Apple Pie
Of course the perfect little idyllic town of Spectre, Alabama served hot apple pie. It looked real good too.
🎞 Kiki's Delivery Service
🥧 Herring Pie
At least I think it's a fish pie because of the design on top, not positive. Fish pie wouldn't be my favorite to eat. It was baked in a wood fired oven, and man, did the crust look amazing.
🎞 Harry Potter
🥧 Shepherd's Pie, Pumpkin Pasties, and Treacle Tart
(This includes the books as well since I think only the Pumpkin Pasties are mentioned in the movies.) Shepherd's pie is pure comfort food. We aren't really shown pumpkin pasties, but they sound like mini pumpkin hand pies. I saw Binging with Babish make Treacle tart (Harry's favorite) and now it's on my wish list. I just have to order some golden syrup from the UK to make it.
🎞 Tangled
🥧 Raspberry Rhubarb Pie?
We don't really know what kind of pie Rapunzel bakes in her tower kitchen, but the internet thinks it's raspberry rhubarb, which sounds awesome.
🎞 I, Robot
🥧 Sweet Potato Pie
I love how Will Smith's character is so excited for his Grandma's pie, that he just starts eating without even cutting a slice. Then he tells some stranger on the street to hold it or wear it. 🤣
🎞 Hook
🥧 Imagination Cream Pie
All the imaginary food in Neverland looked amazing to me as a kid. It would be fun to try to make a cream pie that was as colorful as the food in that scene. I wonder what flavor it should be? Inventing new pies is fun.
🎞 The Emperor's New Groove
🥧 Spinach Puffs
Arguably not pie, but it's a filling in a pasty, so close enough. Binging with Babish's recipe looks awesome, but I have yet to try it. Kronk is a proud cook, and I respect him for it.
🎞 Blazing Saddles
🥧 Cream Pie
They did more throwing than eating, but the pies still looked tasty, and it was a good time.
🎞 Waitress (movie and musical)
🥧 Marshmallow Pie, Dark Chocolate Strawberry Pie, Spiced Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Blackberry Pie, Butterscotch Banana Pudding Pie, Ham and Cheese Quiche, Spaghetti Pie, Pecan Cheesecake, Peach Pie, Cherry Pie, Chocolate Custard Pie, Cinnamon Custard (hope I remembered them all)
Before I saw Waitress, I had made pies, but I never thought about inventing new pies. Jenna got me thinking more creatively. I've since made my own versions of her Dark Chocolate Strawberry, Chocolate Silk, Spaghetti Pie, and Ham and Cheese Quiche. FYI, one of the pies on the DVD cover has a lazy lattice, and I noticed. 👀
📺 Monk
🥧 Chicken Pot Pie
Monk got the crust perfectly placed and then stalled while he counted the peas. It hurt my heart that I never got to see the finished product. I should make more pot pies, they are awesome.
📺 Avatar: The Last Airbender
🥧 Egg Custard Tarts
Avatar did not need a pie to be one of the best shows ever, but it did, because Avatar has it all. The face Aang makes when tempted with egg custard is adorable. Now I know why, as I made an egg custard a few years ago at Christmas.
📺 In Plain Sight
🥧 Lemon Meringue or Banana Cream (I didn't get a good look)
After a long hard day, Mary's partner got her a big slice of pie from a bakery and told her, "Eat pie. Pie makes everything better." Thank you, Marshall. We stan.
📺 The Dragon Prince
🥧 Jelly Tarts
Of course my favorite show has pie. They are based on an Israeli dessert, but they're close enough to pie for me. Callum's Spellbook has a recipe, although I might try making them with traditional pie dough. Maybe for the season 6 premier?🤞 I just have to decide which flavor. 🤔
📺 Adventure Time
🥧 Apple Pie (with crystal apples!)
I watched the first episode, and when they mentioned pie, I was like, this show is going to be good. Even though Tree Trunks was wisked to another dimension and never actually got to finish her pie, I ended up loving Adventure Time.
📺 Pushing Daisies
🥧 Mixed Berry Pie, Kiwi Cream Pie, Three Plum Pie, Apple Pie with Gruyere
No joke, my therapist recommended this show to me because she knew I loved baking pies. I, of corse, immediately identified with the sad pie maker who was obsessed with making pies as a way to cope. I binged the entire series, then found out it was cancelled, and processed to mourn for the next week. I still want to try to recreate some of their signature pies. The Kiwi Cream is so pretty.
🎮 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom
🥧 Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Fruit Pie, Meat Pie, Fish Pie, Egg Tarts, and Cheesecake (it counts)
These the first video games I ever finished (my parents banned them so I didn't get to start playing until I was older). The combat still kind of scares me, but I took to the cooking right away. On my first play through, I was so excited to get Tabantha Wheat, so I could finally make pies. Wild's era Link is so much cooler because he's a pie maker. I always keep a few egg custard tarts in my inventory for some quick hearts.
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Happy pi day! Go eat a big slice. Pie makes everything better.
Please comment any pies I missed (I definitely haven't seen everything).
*Sweeny Todd, American Pie, Spongebob's bomb pie, and The Help aren't mentioned because their pies were not delicious.*
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Hey there, asking for a romantic matchup for SPN.
- I am a women, bi, and in my early twenties. I am slightly taller than average, brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly black hair. My pronouns are she/her, and I’m of Indian ethnicity, but I was born in the States and raised up in different countries, having to travel a lot as a kid.
- My personality type is ESFP, but I’m more of an ambivert. I am sarcastic, downright bitchy at times, but I am an extremely sweet person to the people closest to me. I can be selfless, but it takes me a while to open up to new people sometimes.
- I love coffee, positively cannot go a day without it, and at a bar I’d pick the strongest cocktails, cause I’m not a fan of unmixed liquor.
- TW: I struggle with self-harm, eating issues and am a recovering nicotine addict.
- I love all kinds of music, classic rock like Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, hip-hop, Tupac is my favorite, and so many other genres, even Russian pop music.
- I used to be a much wilder and more outgoing person, extremely flirtatious with everyone, but I’ve had traumatic experiences in the past that have changed me, made me much more introverted at times.
- Horror and slasher movies are my therapy, and my comfort activity to do.
Thanks again for the matchup.
Hello! :) I hope you like your matchup! <33333
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You bumped into Dean (and Sam) when you were hunting soe monster - turns out Dean and Sam were hunting the same one - Dean wanted to take charge, you were a bit quiet, but after some time your persistence took over, this was your monster; you ended up working together as a team
🥧 After defeating the monster, you, Dean, and Sam ended up getting a coffee - though Sam seemed to have become the third wheel near the end of the coffee trip - Dean loves your sarcasm, and your dark humor
🥧 Skipping to being official, you and Dean spend a lot of time together watching your favorite slasher films, or just quietly hanging out together; Dean would do basically whatever as long as you were with him
🥧 Sometimes whenever you both are free, you and Dean just spend time listening to some of your music - like AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Tupac - just laying (or sitting) letting the music flow through you
🥧 Dean would always be there for you - and you him - and he'd always be there in case you needed anything or needed someone to talk to or just rant at; even if you don't want to talk, he's there for you to keep you company, and if you want to be alone, he's more than willing to go out and drive Baby around for an hour or so - he understands completely - (he'd return with some of your favorite coffee when he gets back)
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
24 for the twins!
24. 🥧 I am so sad but this pie you brought me is helping a little. let me get two spoons 
The moment Taako's feet left the ground, the caravan started moving. It jerked, making him nearly fall, if not for the handrail by the door. The driver out front- Dylan? he was pretty sure the guy was named Dylan- was muttering something under his breath as Taako shut the door.
The lights in here were still dim, as they had been when he left. Lup had taken to closing the curtains while he was gone which was, frankly, unnecessarily dramatic. But it wasn't like he was gonna comment on it after Lup nearly bit off Dylan's head earlier. She was resting on the top bunk, burrowed underneath her blankets. She didn't even poke her head up as Taako came in.
The room was small and way too cramped for three people to be living in. The other stagecoaches had left a few minutes before they had, but Taako was sure they'd catch up with the pace Dylan was setting. Lup and Taako shared the bunk beds and Dylan got the little stinky one off to the side. That's what he deserved for joining the circus a month after they had started their tour.
"Lup?" Taako said, making his way over to the bunk beds. Lup pulled the blankets up even further over her head. "Wanna, uh. Talk about it?"
No response.
"I got pie?"
There was a very slight shift in the bed. And then Lup was leaning over the side, squinting at him and the pie he had in his hands. The one that had made them start traveling late.
"What kind?" Lup said.
"What kind does it look like," Taako scoffed. "Pecan? Nah, this is genuine French Silk, doofus. And I'm gonna eat it all unless you come back down here."
"Where the hell did you get a French Silk pie in-" Lup paused. "...Ten minutes?"
"Eight," Taako corrected. He set the pie down on a very narrow counter. "And wouldn't you like to know."
"Ugh," Lup said, flopping back into the bed. Taako fished out one of their forks, clinking it very noticeably against the counter, and she sat up, crawling to the ladder. "Hang on, I'm coming."
Taako stepped back, letting Lup take the fork from him. She picked up the pie and squeezed back into the lower bunk, sitting with her legs crossed. She stabbed a fork directly into the pie and took a bite. Taako would voice his disgust for that method if they were in literally any other situation.
"It's alright," she said after a second. Taako sat down across from her, bending his legs up to his chest to give her some room. They went over a particularly rough bump and Lup cursed, bringing the pie further to her chest. She ate in silence.
"Soooo," Taako started.
"Nope," Lup said. "Not doing this."
"Sooo," Taako said, a bit more pointedly. "Turns out listening to Taako's advise is a pretty good plan."
"If you're just gonna be smug about it, I'm not gonna talk about it," Lup said, scowling.
"I deserve a little smugness, I think," Taako said. Lup glared. "Alright, fine, I'll stop. But like, seriously? You good? 'Cus, uh, it didn't look great from my P-O-V. Or anyone else's, I'm sure."
Lup was silent again. She took another bite of pie.
"This helps a little," Lup said, scooping up another forkful. "But mostly I just feel kinda-" she blew a raspberry. Taako wrinkled his nose and she shoved another bite into her mouth. Through the food- another thing Taako would criticise her on it if not for the whole Situation- she said, "d'you want some?"
"Sure," Taako said, getting back up to get a fork for himself. "Are you gonna talk at all or is this just a eat and then go take a nap kinda thing?"
"I don't have anything to talk about," Lup said.
"It seemed like a pretty nasty break up to me-"
"Taako," Lup said as he sat back down on the bed. She passed the pie to him. "Shut the hell up and eat the pie."
"Right, got'cha," Taako said. "Eat and nap."
Lup stabbed her fork violently into the pie. Taako didn't know how comfortable he was holding this thing. They lapsed into silence for a few more minutes. The caravan finally seemed to slow down, meaning they had caught up with everyone else.
"He was just a big fucking jerk," Lup said, without any prompting. There we go, Taako thought, and got himself another scoop. "Like, who fucking cares if you're a nationally acclaimed gymnast. You work for a goddamn zoo like the rest of us, Jason."
"Yikes," Taako said, but she didn't seem to notice.
"And- and!" Lup went on. "He kept still my shit. Like you know that top I was looking for for weeks? Guess where it was?" She didn't give Taako time to speak. "In his closet! Where I had asked, repeatedly, if he had put it! And don't even get me started on the fucking blow drier-"
Taako sat back, getting himself another bite of pie. They were going to be here for a while.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
Leaves, apple, pie, and I'll ask abot Tea for Edmara (because it is a good fit with the short story and because she needs a chance to relax)
🍂 leaves: what does your editing process look like? how does your wip typically change as you work on it?
I edit a lot as I go, which makes moving forward difficult. But assuming I'm editing a complete draft, it's probably already in a tolerable state. Rewording, omissions, fixing things, that sort of thing.
Scenes change sometimes while being written. New ideas come up in the process, conversations go where I don't expect--or more often, things stall and have to be stewed over forever before they can go anywhere. Otherwise, I don't really know how things change? They just do? An idea materializes by some miracle and things fall into place. If I'm lucky.
This sounds completely methodless and scattered, because it is. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Whatever that may be, I don't recommend it. It's not working.
🍎 apple: let’s talk about friendship in your wip. do you have any favorite friend/platonic dynamics? any friendships gone sour?
Rietta and Rachel are such fun contrasts in their natures and their struggles with stability vs. adventure. They take to each other nearly from the beginning, but they have their share of challenges--Rachel's trust issues and Rietta's flightiness, the differences in views. Ultimately they're good for each other, though.
We haven't seen much of Amarantha and Madlen yet, but I'm looking forward to doing more with them. I like the idea of Amarantha, who prides herself on being insightful about people, being paired with someone who genuinely has this quality, without the judgmental angle Amarantha has.
Amarantha and Elystan develop a friendship that will have gone sour by Book 3 thanks to his regressing in character development. I do want them to resolve it though. They're another study in contrasts, but there are also parallels that link them together.
The saddest friendship gone sour is Antavia and Andras's. He dies before they can resolve it, and she feels guilty (not about her actions that led to the falling-out, but about hurting him). So her relationship with Andras's son has the potential to be interesting.
🥧 pie: let’s talk about food in your wip. are there any special recipes or traditional meals? do any of your OCs cook or bake?
I already answered the specific questions, so this will be more general. I love incorporating food descriptions into the stories, and food itself has a recurring significance. It's representative of connection and/or care.
Rietta and Rachel's clandestine meetings as they get to know each other better include picnics. When Amarantha's mother forgets to make her lunch, Amarantha sees this as not just an unfortunate accident but a sign that her mother doesn't care enough to look after her--and a friendship begins when Madlen shares her food. Amarantha will eventually return the gesture with Elystan. Entering the kitchen at Chandemothe and being served breakfast will be the first time Amarantha feels safe since boarding the train; she's being accepted and included by the staff. Josiah associates jam-filled biscuits with happier times with his whole family intact. When Bethira arrives to see to an off-the-rails Elystan, she pairs her attempts to show him affection with adamancy that he eat. Etc.
When Delclis has nothing but disdain for the delicious breakfast he shares with his mother, it's a sign that his attitude and his relationship with her are not what they should be. Same for Elystan's resistance toward Bethira's trying to get him to eat. He doesn't have the best relationship with food in general, and a lot of that's because of his health, but on another level it's symbolic of his unreceptiveness to affection and unwillingness to take care of himself. Josiah's got issues in this area too, for different reasons.
☕ coffee or tea: describe your OC’s favorite place to relax.
Edmara: If she's at Endean, the best place to get away from Elystan stress is outdoors. There might be a gazebo somewhere that she has slipped off to. At home, the Melbrays' back garden overlooks a river, and she finds it peaceful to sit and watch it whenever possible.
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Pie, candy and moon for the writerblr asks!
WIP : Defenders
🥧 pie: let’s talk about food in your wip. are there any special recipes or traditional meals? do any of your OCs cook or bake?
Okay gonna be completely honest over here. I don't have any answer for the traditional meals and recipes part for any of my WIPs. However....
There is a restaurant in Ace city, when the five of them had first met they often ordered take out from that place and after tiring days and they would go and eat there. They had become regular customers. Every friday night it is compulsory for them to have dinner at that place no matter what. It is their version of family night.
That and Jay can cook pretty well.
🍬 candy: share a sweet or fluffy scene from your wip!
(my favourite lesbos being moms sort of)
A knock sounded on the door before Carlotta’s head peaked in. She walked into the room with a cup of chocolate in her hand.
“Not sure what happened to the first one I gave you…”
“Someone threw it in the bin,” Venatrix interrupted.
“Well, I guess you are going to need another then.” She handed the cup over to the girl who drank it eagerly. Caitlyn side-eyed her wife.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“We are about to have dinner, you will ruin her appetite,” Caitlyn gently snapped back. The sergeant offered an apologetic smile. 
“We are done here hun, you can go check out the rest of the house,” Caitlyn patted the child on her cheek.
🌙 moon: do any of your OCs have dark backstories or secrets they’re trying to keep?
4 out of 5 of them have sad/dark backstories. Ivy is the only one who doesn't have that much of a dark background though I wouldn't say completely happy since she lost her mom in a car accident 2 years before the events in Defenders.
As for secrets. Surprisingly Ah-dainn (the friendly, happy, peace loving one) keeps one of the biggest secrets, though language gap is one of the biggest reasons he couldn't share he still had some chances which he did not take. I really don't want to give away too much and be spoilery but Ah-dainn feels like if he tells his secret to the others they won't see him as a friend anymore and see him as an enemy instead.
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sonoftartessos · 2 years
@irrwicht sent: 🧦💋🥧
🧦 Does your muse wear cozy clothes for the season? How does your muse relax on chilly days?
While Barcelona does not get as cold as many other places around Christmastime, León still likes to wear hoodies, scarves and jackets when the temperature does drop. 
While he hates tacky Christmas jumpers, he can never pass up on the opportunity for a party. So for events that need one, he always wears the same red jumper covered in white snowflakes. He has had it since he was fourteen. 
His routines rarely change depending on the weather. He will still go on his run and spend time with his friends. But he hates the cold. 
💋 Has your muse ever been caught under the mistletoe? Did they initiate or was it the other person? Was it nice or awkward?
Every year, at least one person will catch León under the mistletoe. The kisses always vary. If the person is hot, León will happily kiss them properly. But most often, it is one on each cheek. Not every kiss has to be an invitation, after all. 
León sometimes even lurks under the mistletoe if he sees someone hot nearby. It rarely works but it is worth a shot.  
The last mistletoe kiss he had was an accidentally shared bookshop doorway with an old lady. They laughed and he gave her a peck on the cheek before going on their way. What should have been awkward was pleasant.
🥧 Does your muse have a big feast or a small meal? What do they typically have? Do they do the cooking or someone else? Do they help or are they disasters in the kitchen?
On Christmas Eve, León will have a mini-Christmas at Telemachus', who stuffs them all with indulgent food. They call the person who ate the most Tió. In the morning, León forces Telemachus to join him on a Christmas run to work off some of the food. 
On Christmas day, León spends the rest of the day with his mother and his stepfather, Alvaro. He throws tonnes of store-prepared food into the oven and leaves it as that. And for one day a year, they sit for dinner together without arguing. 
León visits his abuela's for Three Kings Day, having his third 'Christmas' meal with her and his father's new family. And as much as León wants to help his abuela in the kitchen, his father gets in the way. Her cooking is always the best. But she is also a feeder. Any food his half-sister, Julieta, doesn't eat is given to him. He doesn't have the heart to tell her he is also on a diet.
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inthelovingmemory · 9 months
I'm so sorry, life caught up to me. I tried dating for the first time, as a person that hates social interaction, it felt like hellfire.
But I see you Lord Ram, I see you and I praise your name! I hope you're doing well, please tell me how you've been! I want to hear it.
Today's offering is 🍶 and 🥧
I'm happy to be back on tumblr...
It’s alright! I was worried you weren’t okay.
I have been…odd. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I know I said I’d stop talking about the hosts boyfriend but I can’t- I was stuck fronting a few days ago and couldn’t leave, so I was forced to hangout with them. And when they touched me…ugh it was disgusting!! I got so…uh…I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed I’m a god afterall but im so fucking flustered even talking about it, I got so turned on. I fucking hate it. I want to rip them to shreds. They fucking bullied me all night and then when we were about to finally go back to our dorm they fucking kissed me. AND I WHIMPERED. Wtf is wrong with me.
I do not understand these feelings. I hate that guy, he is the reason me and her can’t be together, but how come my body is betraying me. I hate this,I should kill him for confusing me.
In similarly depressing news my craving to eat her have gotten so out of control I have to avoid her in the inner world. She’s just so perfect and graceful walking around. Her long hair, her beautiful eyes, her skin, it makes my mouth water. I want to eat her so fucking bad, but I have to remain in control. I don’t want to hurt her. I also think the gatekeeper would fucking kill me if I ate another system member.
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thetruearchmagos · 2 years
it’s not october anymore (though it will forever be in my heart), so here are a couple of prompts for the october-themed ask game: 🌙 🥧 👻
Farewell October, til we meet again in a time period that will feel, at least to me, like something between six years and a week.
Now, my Answers!
🌙: Do any of your OCs have dark backstories or secrets they're trying to keep?
Ooooh, let's see....
Counts on fingers... keeps counting... runs out of fingers
Yeah, I'd say they do! I feel like it likely speaks poorly of me that most of my characters will never, ever, receive fully reveal my characters pasts, or really reveal much at all. The biggest offender is probably the guy I'm stuck calling "The Magician". He's got over a century living across the 12 Worlds and beyond them, and he's not gonna be telling you even a fraction of it. Part of it is genuine safety, for himself and others. Some of it is due to his employment in the Occult Defence Directorate, as well as certain "other services" he's rendered unto the United Commonwealth government, almost all of which is incredibly classified. And some of it is because he's an absolute dick who enjoys knowing more than anyone else in the room, which ends up usually being the case.
I'm thinking you'll hear more than a few references to past legends surrounding him, coming from various other characters, if I were to make use of him as a character. He'll seem a borderline mythical being, enemies who've only ever heard those stories speaking of him like we would Hercules or Achilles. To his friends, colleagues, and subordinates, he retains his air of mystery to varying degrees, though under a more positive light.
🥧: Let's talk about food in your WIP. Are there any special recipes or traditional meals? Do any of your OCs cook or bake?
You, my friend, have brought me perilously close to running my mouth off for a hundred years on a Worldbuilding tangent! That will have to wait for another post, if you want to hear it.
Some of them, yes, and the way and why of their cooking is something I've considered trying to use for their characterisation. The Magician is... a magician, who could frankly never eat at all without suffering much, yet indulges himself constantly on as fine cuisine as he can manage to get, or simply using said Magic to conjure up a meal with a snap of his fingers. Still, he retains what is said to be a rather developed skill as a cook, though the only thing most will see of that is a breakfast of soft boiled eggs, and toast of butter and a mysterious kaya jam. And if you know what that refers to, you get a star! If you don't, I'm happy to tell you, but also, haha!
Meanwhile, Higgs and a very important, yet so far not much talked about, man named Jean Dumont cook for their SOs, a symbol of their affection. Colonel Higgs ain't much of a cook, sporadic attempts at simple dishes being her limit, but Lt. Gen. Gustav would take it all in as if it were liquid gold as long as he knew she made it, something I think of as a symbol of their love being the slender strings bringing together two people who have been through so much horror, violence, and trauma, and have found in each other something and someone to hold onto, to be so foolishly free with. Brigadier Jean, who by the way is Gustav's Chief of Staff, on the other hand, would make a good crack at a Michelin star, if that existed in the 12 Worlds. He cooks for his wife, Hadhi, not lavish but certainly well made meals they enjoy, especially with each others company. In their case, the homely meal around the table is the sort of love they could rarely share back in the Wars, and so every moment they can spend in one another's is another chance to make up for lost time. There's is a long love, a deep and passionate love that has been tested and left unyielding through the horrors of war and lonely distance, which weathers the storm unflinching and, at the end of it, leaves the other with a home, hearth, and haven to come back to.
... alright, one unscheduled rant on love and relationships, done!
Oh dear, I realise I may now sound utterly insane after reading that
👻: Can you tease some WIP ideas that have been haunting you / something you want to write in the future?
Can I? Yeah, probably!
Alright, there's a lot of them. I'm gonna go with one, and just one so this doesn't get too long, of my weirder ones. Warning, one very long and poorly worded rant ahead!
Ever heard of "The Adventure of the Dancing Men"? It's a Sherlock Holmes story, one of my favourites, and in a way it inspired this WIP, which currently lacks an actual name. Basically, it starts off with these two guys, good mates, meeting up at a cafe. One of them seems nervous about something, and after some sort of prodding by the MC, says his fiancee's been acting a bit strangely recently. Blank letters and strange packages keep arriving, sent for her even though she says she never ordered them. She's become incredibly anxious, sometimes scared to leave the house, sometimes completely missing for the whole day, until she returns late at night, impossibly tired. The fiance says he feels like he's being followed, and that apparently people have been asking about him at his workplace.
The MC knows the two of them well, and knows they loved each other dearly, couldn't be seperated, and when he hears of the parcels and questions he realises that his friends might even be in serious danger. Now, MC here has a friend, a semi-retired detective from the police force who has quite the legend about herself, and goes to speak with her. She first tells him to mind his own business, but relents, and decides to call in with her old boss to see if he can help.
Since she's done that, she isn't surprised when she's called in by said boss to the station. However, when she's there, her boss tells her that she can't do anything to help, and that our Detective is to immediately and completely cease any involvement with "the Fiancee" or her SO. Now, she doesn't like hearing this, and begins questioning her boss, but seconds after she gets started the door to the office bursts open, and an older man and a slightly less old woman, wearing suits, step into the room. They move to stand to either side of the Boss, and the woman introduces them as members of the "security and intelligence" community, or something along those lines. She says that the woman in question is involved with something highly sensitive, and that as such the Detective's involvement would place a significant risk to security and public safety. She gets her and her boss's word that they will not involve themselves, leaving them a signed order from their own superior, the Director General of the Police Forces, and then departs with her silent colleague.
Needless to say, the Detective is immediately suspicious, but is conflicted about what she can do about it. She meets with the MC, and they chat over the whole affair. The next day, they find out something happened.
The Fiancee is missing, and the Fiance was found unconscious, laying on the floor of their apartment. The dwelling looks as if it'd been hit by a tornado, ripped apart and thrown about, and all of the woman's belongings are as absent as their owner is.
And... that's it for the Teaser! Believe me, there is sooooo much I didn't include, Gemini, though if you're really curious I can say more over the Messages or in another post. Until then, I'll leave you with... whatever this was.
And, that's a wrap!
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crimson-violets · 2 years
I had to look up an Olive Garden 🪴 menu for this one lol 😂 I didn’t do some characters this time in order to make way for characters I don’t usually include in my headcanons.
What The Black Butler Characters Would Order at The Olive Garden
Grell: Unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks for sure 🥰since she seems to be health conscious due to her interaction with Othello in the manga where he asks her if she wants another kidney pie 🥧
Sebastian: Seafood alfredo no idea why.
Ciel: Five cheese ziti al forno. I get the sense Ciel is a picky eater and doesn’t like much else other than pasta with four cheese marinara sauce.
Meyrin: Eggplant Parmigiana
Baldroy: Tour of Italy which is lasagna, fettuccine alfredo and chicken parmesan on one plate. I also see him eating that special promo dish the olive garden 🪴 had for a while which was like a soccer ball sized meat ball on a bed of linguine.
Finny: Breadsticks
Tanaka: spaghetti 🍝 and meatballs
William: plain fettuccini alfredo
Ronald: Shrimp Scampi
Eric: Chicken Parmigiana
Alan: cheese ravioli
Othello: grilled chicken margarita
Lizzy: zuppa toscana
Paula: Minestrone
Nina: lasagna classico
Undertaker: create your own pasta 🍝 and he asks for the oddest creation combos 🥴
Claude: chicken marsala
Alois: Giant cheese stuffed shells
Hannah Annafellows: Tiramisu
Timber, Thompson and Canterbury: Minestrone soup
Madam Red: Strawberry 🍓 cream cake 🍰
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