jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Social Prison We live in the same country. Thus, we've never met before. Exact same obstacles, same sole principle, that is we are one. Both inside and outside the borders of this country, we are still a family. Indonesians are our family. Yet, this is how we treat them ?
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Begone men are leaders. Walking through the trashes of life. A men eventually enjoys and stays with it. Wise men do otherwise. You always avoid it even though you not a part of it
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Worker A man was on his way to a bus station, aside with his trolly. Same things everyday, his job is to deliver packages. He's a typical worker. He has a job to do. Sometimes a job is done being money as the reason. Why should we work then ?
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Worker A man was on his way to a bus station, aside with his trolly. Same things everyday, his job is to deliver packages. He's a typical worker. He has a job to do. Sometimes a job is done being money as the reason. Why should we work then ?
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Worker A man was on his way to a bus station, aside with his trolly. Same things everyday, his job is to deliver packages. He's a typical worker. He has a job to do. Sometimes a job is done being money as the reason. Why should we work then ?
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Worker A man was on his way to a bus station, aside with his trolly. Same things everyday, his job is to deliver packages. He's a typical worker. He has a job to do. Sometimes a job is done being money as the reason. Why should we work then ?
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Dedication Going closer to the little china town in this big metropolitan city, i found this great old man. He showed up in one of the big temple, and his job was to help people who want to pray there and to keep that place comfortable. I don't know when he started it, and we also never know when will he stop, Even though he's getting older and feel nothing of the sensation of this world, he gave his life to do it according to his belief. We can conclude that he made that decision based on his own dedication, which is more than what the world can offer.
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Playroom In a small part on a big agricultural country, there's a playroom loved by this children. These children loved it because it's so near from their house, and this is just the one and it was the ine and only place for playing #jakarta #poverty #kemiskinan #children #anak #dkijaya #rumah #photography #photographer #streetphotography #streetphotographer #jurnalistik #1000kata
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Happiness I found this special woman in my trip around Jakarta. This woman live in an unproper place with her woody house and trash around her house. Happiness never come when you see people's mouth become wider, it happens when you can interpret what you have now #poverty #kemiskinan #streetphotography #streetphotographer #mother #gubuk #jakarta #ceritajakarta
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Muse A man in the middle of a great city appears with that small body and shabby clothes. Just to ponder his kite and ask himself with 3 question. Why did it happen? What should i do now What kind of habit that should i fix in the future. Actually this is a fiction description, but is it the answer for this situation? #streetphotography #streetphotographer #photography #layangan #layanglayang #poverty #kemiskinan #jakarta
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Terlayang Mendapatkannya di pesisir Jakarta, memastikan permainannya yang dilayangkannya melintasi petang. Tetapi hari itu, di hari itu layang-layang terlayang hingga redup dan dunia terlelap #poverty #kemiskinan #layanglayang #layangan #photography #streetphotographer #streetphotography
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Terlayang Mendapatkannya di pesisir Jakarta, memastikan permainannya yang dilayangkannya melintasi petang. Tetapi hari itu, di hari itu layang-layang terlayang hingga redup dan dunia terlelap #poverty #kemiskinan #layanglayang #layangan #photography #streetphotographer #streetphotography
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Terlayang Mendapatkannya di pesisir Jakarta, memastikan permainannya yang dilayangkannya melintasi petang. Tetapi hari itu, di hari itu layang-layang terlayang hingga redup dan dunia terlelap #poverty #kemiskinan #layanglayang #layangan #photography #streetphotographer #streetphotography
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Senandung Harian Keseharian seorang anak kecil yang menetap di pesisir kota metropolitan, yang mencari kesenangannya sendiri karena tak ada yang bisa disenangi selain kesenangan yang dibuatnya sendiri #poverty #anak #kemiskinan #kesenjangan
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Harimau mencari aumannya Selama perjalanan di tempat ini inilah seekor harimau yang kecil di sebuah kota yang besar tetapi terhenti aumannya karena uang #sampaheverywhere #sampahpublik #kumuh #sampah #hewan #kucing #poverty #kemiskinan
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Seekor ayam di padang sampah berjalan mendaki untuk menikmati kawasan yang ada. Mencari makan bukan menjadi masalah, terlalu banyak yang dapat dimakan. Saya temukan di sebuah tempat yang sama dengan foto sebelumnya. Menjadi sebuah kegembiraan bagi hewan ini, apakah begitu dengan respon kita? Jakarta, Pasar Ikan #ceritajakarta #animals #poverty #streetphotographer #photography #ayam #sampahgunung #sampaheverywhere #sampahpublik #kumuh
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jasonchrist-blog1 · 7 years
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Bertandang ke pesisir pantai Jakarta, menemukan seekor angsa yang melangkah diantara tumpukan sampah untuk memuaskan nafsu yang lapar. Hampir satu jam melihatnya berenang, berjalan, begitu senangnya karena luasnya tempat itu, bahkan saya pergi karena sangat tidak nyaman. Pesisir Jakarta, dahulu pasar ikan, sempit dan tidak layak untuk orang berkeliling berbelanja sehingga dirubuhkan dan masyarakat dipindahkan. Yang tetap adalah masyarakat yang idealis serta hewan alam yang justru menikmati suasana tersebut Pasar Ikan, Jakarta
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