Let's be realistic, both guys are amazingly successful and both teams are achieving amazing things. Kudos to Blue Origin. They're obvious no threat to SpaceX whatsoever, but at least they're in the game. More of that is what we need. #ElonMusk
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I've seen a lot of Elon Musk interviews, and I thought this is one of the best. The interviewer didn't keep interrupting or try and talk more, she simply asked questions which is perfect. #ElonMusk
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When we observe an explosive de-compression dividing expansion outward from a point source.. .  .Then normally that was the Death of that system.. .  .And not its Birth Dopey .. .  .Big bang Deaths are happening now 360, 24/7.. .  .Such as Supernovas throwing off rings that'll eventually give birth to other systems in their wake.  . ..Compressing Energy Contraction is Life +1=0 now -1 de-compressing expansion is Death!!!! #Documentary
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So as a mechanic I like what I see here except for two things. First, the powertrain fused onto the suspension seems short sighted for maintenaince reasons. Suspensions don't last very long. Will you have to pay for a whole new powertrain just because your suspension is shot? That can't be right? It must be modular and not truly a single unit? Second, the battery chasis. What happens when the car crashes? Thousands of batteries get crushed together with hundreds of short circuits going on at the same time resulting in a bunch of battery explosions resulting in super quick fires? Also on a more minor note, what's tesla's policy on failing batteries? Replace the whole chasis?? I ask because that's what happens with other manufacturer's battery failures and yes those batteries are also made up of several smaller ones inside and they could just find the faulties one(s) for a cheap fix but they don't, probably out of safety concerns I'm guessing. #ElonMusk
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Powerwalls and Teslas are being sold all over the world, while SolarCity has helped cities receive solar energy for free. PayPal is used by everyone, and SpaceX will benefit everyone when the world can expand it's technology and population beyond Earth. OpenAI is working to help humans effectively use AI, rather than have it destroy us. Is the US wealthy enough for his products? Yes. Does he donate millions to charities and have products that could benefit the world? Yes. #ElonMusk
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wow..So Great Job, of NASA, But in this Way , is it possible to sent the space Ships to Moon ?  If not Why ? If Landing Prtoble, At least we can see the Moon Near By ?
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Well his idea of a Mars constitution is amazing, now applying this to an already existing constitution would be hard I suppose, but yeah he would be a really great president I believe ! He makes everything he touches move forward in so many positive ways :) I deeply hope he'll run for presidency one day (I guess he would be kind to not even advertise his presidency) and in a few years lots of people will understand how good he is for humanity ! #ElonMusk
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P Sou Actually, there is more gravity out there then on earth. For example a black hole has the strongest known gravitational forces. Even in our solar system, Jupiter has incredibly strong gravity. Gravity is the driving force behind the entire universe. #Documentary #NationalGeographic
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It's a pleasure to hear those who have combined intelligence, passion about what they do, insight into human needs that endure beyond the contemporary status quo, and so think and act beyond yesterday's conventional understandings on limits of what is possible, and for whom success in outcome was a result of that pursuit, rather than of a conventional business goal.  That way of thinking has been itself ground breaking and this discussion shows that for those who listen...to a distillation of questions posed on the internet... #ElonMusk #BillGates
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Very honest talking and it is absolutely realistic and exactly the way Elon Musk is talking about the hardship, endless working and whithout any guaranteed success, but keep working and good attitude and responsibilities for any entrepreneurship.  Elon Musk is very kind and generous to share with people for his great compassion  and entrepreneurship experiences with young students as the encouragement for their future American dreams of the entrepreneurship as well as the earlier understanding and being prepared the hardship, endless hard working attitude, great responsibility and durability and sacrifices of almost any lesure enjoyment.  I respect  Elon Musk ' s entrepreneurship spirit, and his endless and various types of the interest of new kind of entrepreneurship and his own well planed, hard working habits and never be stingy to share with anyone who's interested to learn and try it.  He is great! #ElonMusk
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Idk why don't people give this guy enough credit. For me this guy is right there with Mark Zuckerberg, Steve jobs and Bill Gates if not better than them. All these entrepreneurs did some amazing things but Elon's achievements have been most insane and outlandish. A couple of years ago no one would've thought that a sports car or a luxury car could run on electricity or a solar power could be just as cheap as traditional means of generating power. And no one could've thought that a private company would supply the space station at cheaper cost than NASA. Elon Musk has done everything he claims he could do. If anyone can send private expeditions to Mars, its this guy. #ElonMusk
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DUDE I've NEVER thought of this before, but hear me out... Think about how lucky we are as a civilization to have Mars, no really... Think about how much more challenging it would be for other civilizations to expand to other solar systems if they never were able to practice landing on another planet, developing colonies, terraforming, and recreating ecosystems. Mars gives us an OPPORTUNITY to not only escape our own planet to maintain resource scarcity issues, etc, but it also gives us an opportunity to be able to learn to adapt to new planets, and it has the PERFECT conditions (not too challenging and not to simple): a planet with an atmosphere not quite like our own but not too dramatically different, that one day we could convert, a ground rich in resources that are useful for purposes beyond count, and a world we could learn to terraform on, found just on the edge of the Goldilocks zone, giving the perfect opportunity to push our technology to the limit. #ElonMusk
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"A well thought out critique of whatever it is your doing is as valuable as gold." That is literally true, it's not an over generalization if and only iff you correct the mistakes that are highlighted by that critique. You will become a millionaire based on it, therefore, a well thought out critique is as valuable as gold. #ElonMusk
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with solar roofs power packs for homes and power plants along with Tesla cars this man could really solve the sustainable energy crisis we face! just by doing what he is doing other Company's are following his footsteps trying to catch up which will only be better for everyone long term.
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Social animals in particular are a lot more intelligent than most people seem to understand. Animals also use a communication skill humans very much have lost or forgotten. It's called telepathy. They don't need words like humans do. #animal #documentary
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