#i wrote this in 2 minutes
hislittleraincloud · 23 days
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The Apple Polisher (PG-13 (suggestiveness), Jairo, Jonathan Miller/Cairo Sweet, teacher student relationship, flirting, fluffy (kind of), apples, drabble,...apples drabble LOL, 100 words)
"Why haven't you eaten them?"
He tried to resist shaking his head. He didn't want her to know his most intimate reasons why he hadn't just sunk his teeth into each of the ripe, well-colored and perfectly palm-sized apples that she had been leaving on his desk 'anonymously', the latest of which he had gently pushed back towards her.
"What're you, allergic to apples?" She persisted, unaccepting of his silence.
"No one's allergic to apples —"
"Precisely," she pushed it back with a smirk. "So make a pie." She lowered her tone...and her shoulders. "And then you can eat that."
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Here is Dictionary.com's short history of why we give apples to teachers as tokens of our appreciation for the knowledge that they've imparted upon us.
It would also behoove you to know that I'm not using the title term under the same definition contained within the aforementioned link. ...👹
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hansoeii · 8 months
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It's about who.
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fxa · 1 year
polls reveal just how many people use tumblr without interacting with posts. these polls with 100k votes but 10k reblogs, if that... it's been obvious for a few years just how many people have come from other websites and refuse to learn how to use tumblr based on the reblog to like ratio skyrocketing in likes' favor (when reblogs used to be higher than likes on popular posts) but seeing these actual numbers revealed by polls (since few can resist voting on a poll) is crazy
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anchoeritic · 8 months
simon riley being the type to tease you before slipping it in, making sure to rub the tip against the most sensitive place between your folds. "look at you, baby. so beautiful under me." getting you needier and needier with every word, whispering the sweetest praises just to get you going.
a warm hand of his set on your hip while the other is used to press into you, almost sliding inside of you. your whimpers and whines are incoherent, breath going shaky just thinking about how good he'd be stretching you out. "mhm, please.."
"uh huh, that's my girl. isn't that right, sweetheart?" he's mumbling under his breath, sucking one in just watching how nicely you wrapped around his cock and feeling your tightness. his grip on your hip growing tighter as he sinks deeper into you, letting out a couple quiet groans along the way. "taking me s'good. can feel you clenching already, baby."
"want more, please. wanna feel you so deep." refusing to move, he chuckles to himself watching you and your needy hips. finding it cute how needy you had become for him and his cock, moving back and forth on your own to feel more than just the stretch.
you wanted to feel the rough thrusts simon only granted you when you begged. "let me hear you beg, baby. want it so bad, you can whine all you want." if only it was so easy for him to break, you would be falling apart on his cock right now.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 8 months
Bruce loves his kids, even when they eat all his food , crash his cars, sneak metahumans into his city, hell they make out with random redheads in his Batmobile and he still loves them.
But his house is literally on fire and he is struggling to remember why he got children like there must be a way to return them he's begging any god for help at this point.
His wonderful children standing in front of him yelling screaming and fighting while his couch is on fire and for just one second he wishes he could go back in time and decide nope celibacy and no circus.
He's tired he's a vigilante he has twenty kids Alfred is on vacation and maybe this is why he opens his mouth. Which he would later realize was a mistake and utters these words.
I shouldn't have gone to that damn Circus
His eldest who was trying to pull apart his younger brother's turns tears already pooling in his eyes.
You regret me?
He sees his other children turn looks that would have killed him if he wasn't Batman. Jason's hand already on his holster. Knife in Damian's and Tim's bowstaff is out.
He rushes to his eldest Sweetheart no never I was joking I would do it a thousand Times over. No Dickie No.
Suddenly his children run faster than Barry god damn Allen. A smirk on Dicks face as he dashes.
Seriously B how do you always fall for that.
He should have Gone to Therapy
Shit the couch is still on fire
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pandoraslxna · 7 months
Neteyam x female human reader x So‘lek
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⋆。° ✮ Look at this omg!!! 😩
⋆。° ✮ Warnings: threesome (mmf), spitroating, p in v, oral, hints of anal, size kink, praise, reader is basically their human sex toy but she’s into it (and so am i)
⋆。° ✮ this is for my lovely @neteyamsyawntu and was definitely inspired by our conversation from yesterday 😌🩵
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Forming an alliance between clans is a difficult task, but Neteyam has his ways of convincing different na’vi of importance to join the omatikaya. Everyone has a soft spot for something, it’s just about finding out what it is. And by the way the leader of the resistance had been ogling you the first time you met, Neteyam knew just what that soft spot was for him.
"You said you have more humans like her in your clan?" So‘leks voice is calm and steady as he eyes the warrior in front of him. Neteyams grins.
"Many. Like I said, I promise they can be trusted."
So‘leks gaze wanders down to where his hands are squeezing the delicate curves of your hips, so fragile under his touch. You’re warm and soft, and he uses his firm grip to pull you back against his deep thrusts. He enjoys the little noises you make around Neteyams cock, whenever his own brushes against your cervix with ease. Such a small little thing, he thinks.
Tilting his head, he admires the view of your back as it arches further, the faster he pounds you from behind. Despite the suffocating tightness of your sweet little cunt, there comes no sign of distress from you, only sounds of pleasure mixed with the clicking of the dog tags around his neck.
"She’s so tight", he chuckles lowly, his thumbs drawing soothing circles on your hips, "but she takes it so good."
"Hmh", Neteyam purrs proudly, brushing a gentle hand through your hair to keep them out of your face. "I trained her well. She’s always so eager to serve me, am I right? Such a good girl for me."
You make a gagging noise just as the tip of Neteyams cock hits the back of your throat, and then clench around So‘leks. They both appreciate the way you moan around his length in agreement, with low grunts and groans from deep within their chests.
"If all humans in your clan are like her, I’ll gladly join", the warrior smiles down at the little human almost fondly.
You whine and squirm between the two na‘vi, thick strings of saliva dripping from your mouth around Neteyams cock when he draws away. You moan louder as you finally catch a gasp of air, but it’s quickly muffled when he pushes his length all the way back inside your mouth. They continue to fuck you between their two lean bodies, pushing you back and forth, gentle but firm.
"Not all", Neteyam admits with a chuckle, "but if she likes you, I promise to share her again. That is, if you accept my offer and fight with us?"
It’s a question that hangs heavy in the air, and So‘lek is almost too distracted by the pulsing of your sweet pussy as you come around his throbbing length to find the words to respond to the other man. Your moans turn more high pitched as they both fuck you through it, and it amazes him how little effort it takes to get you trembling. He really could get used to this…
"So, are you in?" Neteyam asks, just as he tightens the grip on your hair and pushes your pretty, swollen lips further down his cock. He holds you there for a long moment, So‘lek watching your throat constrict around him as you swallow what he assumes is Neteyams cum, before he finally pulls you off again so you could catch a breath of much needed air.
It’s a tempting offer that only gets more appetizing when the na‘vi in front of you crouches down and seems to be whispering something in your tiny, round ear, before placing a tender kiss to your forehead. A flustered blush spreads over your cheeks as you suddenly shuffle into a different position, your back arching even more and your cheek resting on the cold hard floor now.
"Maybe that will help make up your mind, brother", Neteyam grins a knowing grin as you reach behind yourself and spread your ass for So‘lek to see, the small puckered hole clenching around nothing. The warrior swallows thickly at the sight.
He‘s still inside you, holding onto your hips and keeping himself buried to the hilt. What finally snaps him out of his admiration, is your whiny voice calling out for him.
"S-So‘lek", you whimper, pleading with those big round eyes staring back at him over your shoulder. Pleading for more, something, anything.
So‘leks gaze then meets Neteyams, who nods at him with a cocky smirk,
"Join us. I promise, you will benefit of this alliance."
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lovesickeros · 10 months
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☆ glimpse of divinity
{☆} characters lyney, neuvillette [ separate ] {☆} notes cult au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 0.8k
× neuvillette
The first time he sees you strolling the streets of Fontaine with a glint of wonder in your eyes, he thinks he must have finally lost it. He has to rub his eyes and check a few dozen times before he's certain that you are, in fact, real and not some figment of his imagination conjured by a lack of sleep and overdose on caffeine.
..Though now that he gets a better look, it's not quite the same. Like a smudged painting, he thinks. Still, the uncanny resemblance to the visage of the Divine One has him lingering around the area just to stare a little longer, a deep, devoted sense of affection bristling beneath his skin.
And then you turn sharply on your heel, staring directly back at him, and he feels a sudden wave of embarrassment and something akin to shame.
Archons, he'd just made a fool of himself, hadn't he?
He quickly turns away, clearing his throat and hiding his embarrassment behind his hand. Though it does not seem to deter you, the soft tap of your shoes growing closer until you were peering up at him with wide eyes.
"..Hello." He offers awkwardly, a little too stiff and a little too formal, but you don't seem to mind in the slightest. He knows that your appearance, your vague similarities to the Divine One are mere coincidence, but it does not stop his heart from skipping a beat when you smile up at him. "I– apologize for being so uncouth and staring, it's just.."
His voice trails off into a breathy exhale, his hand twitching on his cane as if he wanted to reach out and touch you..but he restrains himself in time. He could not make a bigger fool of himself – he would never hear the end of it from lady Furina.
"You remind me of someone."
He decides, readjusting his hands on his cane as he bows his head for a moment is a show of genuineness, though it must look awkward with how stiff his body feels.
Yet he cannot help but want to get closer anyway, to hear the silky lilt of your voice grace his pointed ears. This is as close as he will ever get to the Divine..he is a weak man, he finds, as he offers a hand to you.
"I understand if this is a bit..forward, but would you mind joining me for tea?"
× lyney
He is a master magician – his entire work is built on keen misdirection and sleight of hand, but even he stumbles for a minute thinking he'd seen an illusion in your warm smile and striking features. Almost an exact copy of the Divine One, yet not quite..
Still, it's enough to pique his interest – enough, too, to give him the confidence to slip into your conversation with ease, all smiles and the slip of a card between his fingers.
"Hello, stranger – I don't think I've seen you in Fontaine before," He laughs, his hand reaching around to rest gently on your opposite shoulder, his voice a ghost of a whisper in your ear. "Say, could I interest you in a bit of magic?"
He perks up at the way you seem to light up like fireworks at his offer, a spark almost like recognition in your eyes he brushes aside – he's quite well known, after all.
"Good! Now, if I may just borrow your attention for a minute.." He grins, stepping around you and turning sharply to face you, his hand outstretched with a deck of cards in his hands, face down. "Let's start simple, shall we? I shan't overwhelm my audience – pick a card."
He holds the cards out again, his features twisted in something like awe, though he hides it well.
His heart flutters at the briefest of glances of your hand against his as you pluck a card from his hand, and he quickly retracts it, reshuffling the deck with a broad grin and a wink.
"Do your best to remember it! If you could return it to the deck.." The card is placed back in it's place amongst the rest, and the magic begins!
"Now then, let's see..hm," He hums for a long moment, the silence filled by the constant shuffle of cards until he suddenly plucks one from the deck, flipping it around for you to see. "Is this your card?"
He frowns when you shake your head, almost pouting, before he lights up again and steps forward.
"Ah! How foolish of me, I missed it..it's riiight here, see." He winks, reaching behind your ear..and pulls free a card from seemingly thin air. He flips it around for you to see again, and when you tell him it is, in fact, your card, he flips it around again.
And before you can see it, he's holding a rainbow rose between his fingers, his hand outstretched as he bows.
His eyes glint with a sort of wonder as he looks at your features, his smile widening a fraction.
"Well, dear stranger? Did you enjoy the show?"
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atomicami · 6 months
currently suffering from a bfm abby brainrot…minors DNI
thinking about boyfriend’s mom!abby being woken up in the middle of the night by you, her eyes blinking open to see you standing by her side like a lost puppy.
“hey sweetheart, what’s the matter?” she whispers to you with a bit of concern.
“i-i um, i can’t sleep, ms. anderson…” you whisper back to her.
despite how dark it was, abby could visibly see that you were rubbing your thighs together, and she instantly got the message.
“come sit by me, sweetheart…i know how to help you get to sleep.”
and that’s how you got there, sitting in the bed of your boyfriend’s mother, fully naked and exposed against her chest with two of her fingers buried inside your wet cunt.
“listen to that pussy, sweetheart…does my son ever get you this worked up?” she asks, to which you shake your head no in response.
“my poor girl…looks like you really need to be taken care of, don’t you?”
the only sounds that were filling her room right now were your whines and the vulgar squelches of your pussy. you try your best to keep quiet and not wake your boyfriend up, but its hard to resist yourself with how abby’s fingers are hitting all of the right places inside you.
you accidentally let out a loud moan, and abby quickly covers your mouth from behind. “you have you be quiet for me now, princess…we don’t wanna wake andrew up now, do we?”
it didn’t even take 5 minutes for abby to get you to you reach your peak, your pussy instantly gushing and creaming onto her thick fingers as you cum with a muffled moan. abby then brings her hand from your mouth to your thigh, gently soothing it as she slowly pulls her fingers out of your cunt. she watches you from behind as your breathing becomes more shallow, and within seconds, you were fast asleep in her arms.
looks like you now have the perfect solution for your sleeping troubles.
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harbingersglory · 6 months
hii could i req an soft dom arlecchino x sub/fem reader?? something w a really needy whiny reader n maybe like a mommy kink or thigh riding IDK tysm for ur time !
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{☆} characters arlecchino {☆} notes drabble, fem reader, sub reader {☆} warnings 18+ content
"Slowly, doll. We're not in a rush." Arlecchino reprimands lightly, squeezing your hips with just enough force to keep you unmoving on her thigh– she was still being gentle, but the subtle warning in her tone spoke to how easily she could push you against the desk and turn you into such a mess that you couldn't even remember your own name..just that you were hers.
But the barest hint of stimulation from her slacks pressed against your throbbing cunt had you twitching, barely able to form words. All you could think about was the scorching, twisting need building in your stomach, desperation for relief slowly climbing until you'd think she was doing this on purpose to drive you mad.
"Please– 'm a good girl, right? I've been good.." You choked out, only to be met with the rough, husky laugh echoing in your ear that made you feel dizzy with a rush of need, her nails gliding along the skin of your hips as she pressed you down even more firmly– you couldn't see her face but it was easy to imagine the crooked smile twisting her lips at the way you inhaled sharply and tried to buck against her thigh.
"Shh. I know, doll. I've got you, just relax." She murmured in that sickly sweet tone that always had your knees buckling, the raspiness of her voice sending shivers down your spine. It was almost impossible to relax with her so close, the notes of metal lingering on her skin despite how well she presents herself– but you trusted her, despite how you know you shouldn't.
"There we go. Good girl." Arlecchino's grip on your hips loosened just enough for you to move if you so wished, and oh did it take every ounce of restraint to not do just that..she hadn't said you were allowed to, and you weren't about to spoil her good mood by being a brat. Not tonight, anyway. "Do you want to cum, doll?"
The fervent nod you offer in place of words draws a laugh from her lips, one that is almost mocking, making your face flush in embarrassment– but the sudden tap against your hip makes your mind go blank to the point you forget it all together, focused only on the feeling of her thigh rubbing against your cunt as you bucked against her thigh, the fabric slick and wet against your inner thighs. You'd have half the heart to be embarrassed about that, too, if not for the sudden brush of her thumb against your aching, neglected clit. Just that small touch has you speeding up your movements, practically drooling as you whimpered like a dog in heat.
"That's more like it, doll. Such a pretty girl." Arlecchino hummed, her other hand trailing up your stomach, between the valley of your breasts and ghosting across your throat before settling on grabbing your jaw in a firm, yet almost tender touch as she tilted your head to the side just enough for her to pull you into a burning kiss. It left you lightheaded, grinding down against her thigh as she claimed your mouth as her own, her thumb still ghosting over your clit sporadically.
She'd spent so long teasing you, constantly touching you but never where you needed her, that you already felt like you were going to snap like a wire. She must've been in a really good mood, then, when she pulled away from the kiss with an almost predatory lick of her lips, yet she settled on pressing kisses to your skin rather then the usual sharp bite of her teeth as they sunk into the curve of your shoulder.
"Are you close? Go on. I want to see your face when you cum– you look the prettiest when you finally break apart, doll." Arlecchino mused idly– as if she wasn't talking to you while you continued to rub your aching cunt against her thigh, chasing your own release through shaky, strained breaths. Her thumb swiped over your lips, brushing strands of hair stuck to your skin from your face– at the same time as she swiped her thumb more firmly against your clit, creating a vicious contrast that had you both melting at the barest hint of almost softness from her and the touch of her hand between your legs, dragging you into an orgasm that leaves you trembling and, had she not shoved her fingers into your mouth, screaming, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
"All done, little doll. Take it easy." She murmured, voice so quiet you almost didn't hear it, thumb swiping across your cheek to wipe away the stray tear, her hands pulling away to settle on your sides. "You did well– good girl. Let me take it from here."
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isbergillustration · 15 days
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Thinking & writing about my necromancer trans tattoo guys (gender neutral) again. Also an angel whose chaotic powers may or may not be involved. When questioned they refused to speak on the matter in any language comprehensible to human minds.
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stary-darlin · 2 months
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I keep thinking of sweetheart!reader who keeps on getting ellie worked up and going insane just thinking about her, how you may ask? Just by smiling to her and giggling at her dad jokes. Both of you are dumb and dumber, and ellie is here for it all <3
Sweetheart!reader who has a whole bag full of emergency kits — that are filled with bandages that have hearts and bears on it that you collected from abandoned nurseries and other necessary stuff — and snacks and cute little weapons that joel says will not do justice when you are in an emergency and two sets of Nintendo switches just for funzies :3
Joel groaned as he felt a sharp nail press against his shoe, causing him to freeze at his place and sit down quietly before taking the shoe off and finding out that it poked his foot's skin to the point it's bleeding.
You quickly came to him and looked at him with your eyes widened, kneeling next to him and getting your emergency kit out while ellie stood by the door to guard you guys from any zombie. Pulling out the bear bandage since joel acts like one and putting it on the wound and patting joel's shoulder lightly, ignoring the fact that he's glaring at you offensively.
"There you go, all good now! Could you walk?" You ask while smiling widely, your dimples making it's presence known. Ellie turning around to see the bear bandage on joel's feet, holding her laugh with all the power that she has, visually shaking.
Joel groaned and sighed, "I'm fine, I could walk."
Later on that day, Ellie kept on calling Joel 'baba bear' which made Tom confused and curious to see why Joel was called that. And god, he joined Ellie in bullying Joel out; making Joel feel more humiliated than he ever did in his whole life.
Sweetheart!reader who straddles ellie's hips while she's lying down and doing her nails and make up, with ellie just looking you starstruck, her eyes turning into hearts as she sees you leaning closer to her body, feels the warmth of your thighs against her hips, craving that body contact of yours with hers.
You hum a song melody that you heard in the bar, tilting your head to the side as you leaned closer to ellie's face, focused on not missing up the thin coating of your cherry lip balm on her lips. Poor ellie, just getting more and more redder as you leaned closer, her hands pressed against on her bed's sheets like she was sewed on it.
"Ellie, could you put your hands on my hips so I dont fall, please?" You ask with your soft voice going through ellie's ears like an on-going melody.
She obeys you and lands her trembling hands on your waist, that you soon corrected and lowered them to your hips, freaking ellie out to the point if you look inside her mind you will see her braincells fighting every urge that has to do with you.
Sweetheart!reader who just a ball of sunshine walking around the town, smiling to everyone as if life was nothing but unicorn dust and cotton candy. But hey people in town quite of a fond with it, smiling back to you each time you pass by. You gave them hope of a new future and they loved it, but not ellie, cause she thought alot of creeps are not worth your gorgeous smile to be in their direction even, she would always put her hand on your mouth and snatch you to her with her arm on your shoulder, taking her words to heart.
You walked around with ellie, hands in hands as you waved to joel's friends on the street. Both of you were walking to the bar to have a drink as a prize for finishing 4 commissions in one day, ellie was okay with it until you turned your head to one of the guys that were rumored to be perverts. Pulling you to the other side so the guy doesn't look over at the skin your shorts were showing, and putting your hands down as you were about to wave to him. A dumb act out of you.
You looked up at her with your doe eyes, "Hey, I was–"
"Don't." She warned, "just not for him."
You giggled, tilting you head to the side, "you jealous?"
Ellie glared at you for a moment and closed her eyes, sighing as she nodded to you, "yes, very." Before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
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All rights reserved to @stary-darlin , please do not copy, rewrite, translate my works on any other platform.
Requests: open <3
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scrollonso · 3 months
First Kiss (Race 11)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (2k words, kinda nsfw) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I like this one and IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT ONE}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Fernando entered the paddock with Giancarlo, a comfortable silence between the two before they began signing whatever fans pushed their way, asking how the two felt about today, asking if they felt they were going to perform better this week.
Lance was in the middle of an interview, his eyes wandering to Fernando as he answered the questions, the man behind the camera was quick to notice how distracted the driver was, following his eyes to the world champion
"Well, that's enough. Thank you, Lance"
Lance looked back at the interviewer, nodding as he thanked him before beginning to walk towards the Spaniard
"Your boy is coming over" Giancarlo spoke, nodding over to Lance's direction
"My boy?" Fernando questioned, looking at Lance and smiling before turning back to his teammate
"Are you two not..?" He sounded surprised "I figured you two were together."
"We- huh?" Fernando laughed nervously, shaking his head at the assumption "No, we- we are friends"
"Sure" The man said sarcastically, patting the Spaniards back before leaving his side to go to the garage, Lance finally reaching him
Fernando watched him leave, a strange feeling in his throat as he thought about what he said, his boy?
"Nando, hola" Lance said cheerfully, a bright smile on his face as his arm fell over the mans shoulders
"Hola, Lancito, how are you?" He asked as if they weren't texting that morning, Fernando too busy in his phone to realize Giancarlo had been speaking to him.
"I'm good" Lance nodded, looking at Fernando as he spoke, the Spaniards hair already beginning to grow back out "Gonna get on the podium this time?"
Fernando smiled, eyes slipping down Lance's face to his lips as his teammates words ran through the back of his head "Only if you are on it with me, mi sol" He said as he elbowed the boy, too absorbed in their conversation to think about how they were standing in the middle of a walkway, blocking peoples path.
"I'll be on that top step, get ready to look up to me, Nando"
"Am always ready to look up at you, Lancito" The world champion shook his head, attention leaving Lance as he heard the boys engineer calling for him, watching as he quickly excused himself and disappeared into the white and pink garage.
Quali was stressful, Nico and Lance qualified 9th and 11th respectfully, both fairly close to the points. Once they made their way back to the garage the team began discussing strategies for tomorrows race, everyone desperate for points, even if one of them just barely brought 1 the team would be overjoyed, it had been so long since the team scored anything that the thought of double points seemed like a fantasy.
Lance wanted to get points for his team, wanted to do well, wanted to make them proud but as the season progressed and he began doing worse and worse he realized he was slowly losing faith.
Despite the realization the rookies both promised to try their hardest, wanting nothing more than to both bring home points for another race.
Lance hadn't seen Fernando since before quali, he had embarrassingly enough stayed back later to see if maybe he'd come to look for him but he hadn't.
He gathered his things, most of the team having already left for the night, then he left the garage.
"Lancito" He heard a voice from the Renault garage, eyebrows raising at the name, having not expected to hear it again that night
Lance was quick to turn back to the yellow and blue garage, shocked look quickly turning to adoration as he saw the man sitting by his car, quickly motioning for the Canadian to come over
"Am I even allowed in here?" Lance laughed as he headed towards the Spaniard, not caring if he was or not
"Is just us, no?" Fernando smiled, looking around as if he wasn't already aware everyone had left "Am sorry I didn't see you sooner, was so busy after today"
"It's okay, Nando" The rookie smiled, taking a seat on the floor next to Fernando "So this is your championship winning car?" Lance turned his head, looking at Fernando before reaching out and tapping the car
"Have not won the championship with this car, mi sol"
"You will, Nando" Lance said plainly, leaning forward to lay his head on the livery
Fernando smiled slightly, thinking about how pretty Lance looked next to blue and yellow, his eyes slightly lidded as he smiled against the carbon fiber. He looked good leaned up against it, hair messily laying on the yellow as his fingers trailed along the blue.
As his eyes wandered so did his mind, the image of Lance bent over progressing into Fernando holding him down as he fucked him on top of the car, the rookie whining sweetly at the new feeling and gripping tightly onto the edge of the livery. He could picture the boys moans, how he breathes out his name and begs for more. He felt dirty for the thought, dirty for thinking of Lance that way because he was so young but he couldn't help it, he craved him.
"Nando?" He spoke up, turning to face Fernando, now sitting up straight
"Hm? Sorry, mi sol, I got distracted" Fernando hummed, biting his lip slightly as he was snapped back to reality, trying his best to imagine Lance doing anything else.
"What hotel do they have you staying at?"
"Le paddock" He answered, glad Lance started a conversation, he desperately needed to get his mind off of the fantasy.
Lance groaned, eyes rolling at the realization that Fernando had a hotel so close to the circuit "Lucky ass"
"Is yours far? You know you are always welcome in my room, Lancito." He offered, well aware at Lance's lack of a car (and license) at this point
"Could I? I sorta missed my ride hoping you'd come talk to me"
"Ay, Lancito, why would you do that?" Fernando laughed, pushing himself up and holding a hand out to the boy, not able to stop himself from licking his lips at the sight of the Canadian sitting below him "C'mon, am tired"
Lance nidded, grabbing onto Fernando for support as he stood up, a bright smile on his face as they left the paddock together, the dim light of the moon on their skin being practically the only light as they found the Spaniards car.
"Ladies first" Fernando teased, opening the door for the Racing Point deiver
"Thank you, el viejo" Lance smiled as he got into the car, giggling at the sight of Fernandos face after being called an old man
"Maybe I should force you to walk back, eh?" He said as he got into the drivers side, starting the car as he looked at Lance, pretending to consider the idea
"Yeah, yeah, let's just go to our room" Lance waved his hand, leaning back into the seat
"Buckle up and we will"
"Come on, it's not far, I'll be fine" The Spaniard rolled his eyes, leaning over to buckle up the boy, looking down as it clicked before making eye contact with Lance, faces centimeters apart "Safety first, mi sol"
Lance swallowed dryly, nodding as the man went back into his seat, buckling up and leaving the parking lot. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, unsure why his body was reacting this way, all Fernando did was buckle is seatbelt for gods sake.
The two got to the paddock together the next morning, Lance having woken up just minutes before they had to leave. The Spaniard thought he looked so peaceful asleep in his white sheets it would be cruel to wake him up as early as he was going to.
Lance yawned, stumbling slightly as he closed his eyes, wearing a pair of Fernandos sweatpants and a team t-shirt
"Sleepy?" Fernando spoke, moving an arm to Lance's side as they walked, worried the boy would fall
"Nuh uh" He mumbled "Wide awake"
The man smiled, shaking his head at the obvious lie. He made sure to walk Lance to the Racing Point garage before turning back to go to his, Lance still on his mind after he'd long left his sight.
They lined up on the grid, Lance finally awake as he thought over the strategy again, knowing Nico was on a similar one, the teams main goal was to get the two into the points.
He raised his eyes to the lights ahead as they turned on one by one, foot hovering over the throttle, not blinking as they went off, pressing hard as he made it his goal to overtake Coulthard straight away, which he did.
Ten laps passed with no progress from Lance although Nico had passed De La Rosa with ease and was now in 8th.
Lance was now coming closer to De La Rosa, determined to overtake him like his teammate did. He was stuck behind for two more miserable laps before being able to push past, Nico overtaking Fisichella soon after.
"How's my pace, Brad?" Lance asked, the two good overtakes fueling his ego, he was confident, really confident in the strategy.
"You're doing spectacular Lance, you're faster than Fisichella, you'll be able to pass within 5 laps."
Lance hummed a response, waiting impatiently for an opprotunity to come to him.
He got a chance three laps later, hungrily taking it as well as 8th place, he could see Nico ahead of him, the pink livery hard to miss.
"What place is Giancarlo in?" Fernando asked, still maintaining second
"He was just passed by both Racing Points, now in 9th."
"Both?" Fernando echoed, knowing that meant Lance had fought his way into the points (so had Nico but Fernando didn't care about his result nearly as much)
"Yes. Now focus, Fernando."
Lance could hear his heart in his ears as he zoomed by the chequered flag, hearing an excuted voice on the other side of his radio
He'd almost forgot that he wasn't in 11th anymore, now processing that him and Nico managed to do it, managed to get points for the team for the first time since the European Grand Prix
"FUCK, BRAD. THANK YOU, SO MUCH, GOD I LOVE YOU" He laughed, hands hitting his steering wheel as he entered back into the pit lane, Nico close ahead
"BUBU" Nico called as he stepped from the car, Lance wasn't sure where the name came from but Nico had promised it didn't mean anything bad, Lance just "looked like a bubu"
"NICO, WE DID IT, MATE" The two were shouting, harshly pulling eachother into a hug as they started jumping, their team quick to join in on the clebration
By the time everyone calmed down Lance was practically panting, so out of breath from the screaming that he hadn't noticed the podium celebrations had ended.
Fernando went to Lance first, speeding past his own garage to pull Lance into his arms in Racing Points
"DE PUTA MADRE!" He exclaimed, Lance laughing at the Spaniards enthusiasm "Ay, Lancito, you are brilliant, brilliant, so amazing, mi sol"
Lance beamed, eyes twinkling as he hugged Fernando tightly "You did good, Nando, I wish I could've seen you on the podium again"
"You always have next week" He hummed, lips close to the boys ears as he spoke
Lance pulled back, hands on Fernandos shoulders as he shook him, obviously excited about the point he scored, Fernandos cheeks hurt with how big he was smiling, insanely happy for the boy, more happy for him than he was for himself. "Next, let's get you on those steps with me, eh?"
Lance smiled, nodding before pulling Fernando into another hug, a perfect way to end the week.
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karokawwo · 2 months
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OK. HERE IT IS BACK UP AGAIN. the wet wick polycule ship chart :)
so i'll say again these are mostly hcs, specially ais' and vere's ages so don't take it seriously i'm just pushing my dolls together so they kiss
full strip under cut
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spectrumgarden · 4 months
I keep thinking about how no one seems to think about nuance when it comes to like, the concept of "autistic traits / symptoms" and discussing them, and how that is intertwined with the push to not consider it a disability. And its complex to discuss, but here's my convoluted thoughts. I know it's long but I hope people will take the time to read it.
There are in fact people who do fit some commonly associated with autism traits that are not impaired by them. Let's make up a guy, for a second:
They like routine and repetition a lot but easily handle change in them. For example they wear the same set of clothes for years with no desire to ever branch out, but if you made them wear something else they wouldnt really be bothered by it as long as they dont think it's super ugly, etc. They like to watch the same movies over and over but happily agree to watch other things with their friends when spending time together, and are engaged and interested in those movies. Etc. They speak very formally or choose "complicated" words for things that could be expressed easier. They however do not face problems with communication beyond annoyance of others because they're able to rephrase things easily to be understood, and they also have a normal back and forth in conversations and initiate conversations normally. They sometimes engage in subtle self stimulating behaviors and recognize the desire to do so during boring or stress inducing times (which pretty much everyone does, btw). They dislike loud environments but do not respond with melt- or shutdowns or any other "severe" reactions, and while for example preferring to go to a museum over a club, they easily go through their daily life in busy areas like city centers, shops or cultural events like parades without issues beyond like, mild annoyance and no desire to stay for longer than necessary. They have strong interests in seemingly random topics and spend quite some time researching or engaging with those, but they do not view the world through the lense of said interest, they do not neglect caring for themselves or fulfilling academic or professional responsibilities because they are so engrossed in their interests, they are easily able to hold conversations about other topics. I could go on.
This person would not be diagnosed with autism by any doctor who pays attention to the impairment clause of the diagnosis. They would probably be told "you're subclinical / you do not meet enough criteria / ..." While his person would probably relate quite a bit to (parts of) descriptions of (level 1 and / or low support needs and / or high masking) autism. And this is an imaginary person I made up, but these people obviously exist (and as a side note, are probably what people refer to when they talk about "everyone being a little autistic" etc)
And this person being told they're not autistic might be upset. Because clearly, they have so many autistic traits. They relate to so many videos! But the thing is! There is no impairment! The one thing that connects all of the symptoms related to autism to the actual diagnosis. This does not mean they do not in fact relate to the autistic experience. This does not mean these parts of their life or personality are fake / non existent / not important to who they are and how they experience things. But it is important to differentiate. If they consider themselves autistic, if the world considers them autistic, it waters down the definition to a point of being categorically useless from a medical standpoint, from a standpoint of figuring out who needs support and in what ways. Who needs (early) intervention, who needs extra support in school or at work or at home or in public.
And like. Humanity at large will probably always want to shove themselves into random categories. "Which character are you like?" "What is your personality style?" "What is your star sign?" or "which sports team do you support", and countless more come to mind. I dont think this imaginary person is wrong or silly for wanting to find a category of people they are like, or recognizing this similarity with some autistic people. I wouldnt even mind if they made up a non-clinical category / group of people who relate to autistic experiences without the impairment. It would get the point across that it is a group of people with shared experiences, but it is not the same as autism.
However autism is increasingly treated like something thats just a personality type without impairment, by people online and offline. And when they go "this is an autism symptom" without nuance, without looking at the need for impairment, or even differential diagnosis, it spreads that attitude. "Liking to eat the same foods is an autistic trait"... or is it normal to have food preferences to a degree if it does not cause you stress to eat new foods, if you are capable of eating other food if hungry and presented with them and not the food you prefer? Or is this person anorexic and their mind has created categories of "allowed to eat" and "not allowed to eat" based on arbitrary categories relating to their fear of weight gain? "Only eating with small spoons at home is a common autistic trait"... or is it a harmless preference as long as you are still able to eat food outside a strict routine set up with zero possible deviations? Or is it a person with OCD and eating with small spoons is a compulsive behavior for some sort of intrusive thoughts?
I could go on forever. But in the end, these short sentences are all the same. They are, at the same time: autistic experiences and allistic experiences, because they are so non specific. They are watered down and any additional information is removed.
autism is about a specific combination of experiences that impair you. That's literally all it is. It does not automatically turn us into a category of "other" that is fully not possible to relate to, because we are human too. And some of it will be relatable to people that are not autistic!
And there is value in discussions of experiences of autistic people that go beyond the impairment, as long as we do not forget about it, or treat it as secondary instead of the defining factor. I dont mind if autistic people bond over something they're not impaired by, that they see as a common experience, for example not easily going along with authority. Being creative. Preferring the small spoon (without being impaired by it while having other impairments), whatever, and call those common autistic experiences. But those are not the pillars of what make up autism and solely relating to them should not be your reason for calling yourself autistic. Neither should relating to commonly impairing symptoms without being impaired by your version of them. The impairments resulting from abnormal development are what makes someone autistic.
There needs to be more nuance, detail, when discussing autism symptoms. And the push to, at the very least, expand autism into an area of experiences that do not cause impairment of any kind, or worse claim it never caused impairment, need to stop. It does not help anyone.
I genuinely think part of the whole "everyone is autistic these days" crowd who likes to go after people and invalidate them has picked up on some of this, but they lack the skills to criticize it for what it actually is and / or they want there to be a simple solution, which is that everyone who calls themselves autistic online who does not fit their very stereotypical view is faking. They are wrong of course. But I dont think this comes out of nowhere. There is something to criticize about how autism is treated in many circles, especially among younger people.
I'm really not sure how to end this post because I like to come to some conclusions on my long posts but just. Uhm. The way some people treat "autistic traits" as completely unrelated to the impairment they cause while staying exclusively autistic traits is wrong. The way people try to redefine autism is harmful and in the end not needed because they could simply invent other words for that experience.
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lokiusly · 8 months
if Loki did in fact fall in love with Mobius, at one point in time do you think they fell in love with him?
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presidentbungus · 9 days
Scout doesn't remember it's Halloween until he opens the fridge in the morning to start cooking breakfast and he comes face-to-face with an extremely gimongous cockroach--and he remembers, of course, that it is in fact a plastic extremely gimongous cockroach that he placed there last night, about half a second after he screams and falls on his ass and swipes just about everything off the counter in the process. Pots and pans, a bunch of cardboard boxes, four boxes of eggs that he swears to god he told someone to put the fuck away yesterday--and an entire jar of peanut butter, unlidded, with a spoon in it, most of which decides to spill all over onto his pants as he hits the ground.
He sits there for four or five minutes and thinks about the logistics of building a time machine and going and socking Scout from ten hours ago in the freakin' jaw, watching what used to be four cartons of eggs slowly seep into his pants, and eventually decides hey, why not, it's Halloween's fault, stupid ass holiday's cursed anyway so basically there's no way he could've avoided this. So he stands up and starts scooping peanut butter off his pants with his hands, and decides maybe while he's at it he'll just leave all this here and act, like, really surprised when he walks in here in an hour, say after he changes pants and sleeps in a little more, and he'll blame it on the Halloween Ghost and everybody's gonna laugh, and it'll be really great.
It doesn't take him very long to give up on desperately trying to transfer peanut butter from his fingers to the garbage can, so he slowly graduates to licking it off his hands instead, and eventually decides hey, who's counting, and picks the jar of peanut butter off the floor--grabs a clean spoon, 'cause he's not gross--and decides that this will be his breakfast for today.
Pyro shows up in the doorway about the same time as him. Scout almost falls over a second time but gracefully saves himself by waving his arms and then pretending that he's been doing intentional karate moves the entire time, while Pyro just kind of stands there and stares straight ahead, which is what she's doing most of the time, anyway.
And then they look at each other for a little while. Scout still has a spoon shoved in his mouth. Eventually Pyro sort of nods and says something that sounds like, "Nice peanut butter," and Scout thinks that's a pretty good point, considering.
"Halloween Ghost," is all that comes to his mind. Good one Scout. He quickly follows, just to clarify: "Not me. I didn't do that. The, um, the…" He gestures vaguely. "Y'know, the stuff."
Pyro looks at him.
"It was… the Ghost."
Pyro approaches and sets a hand on his shoulder, and she dips her fingertip into the peanut butter--it slips under her mask and comes away clean. Scout smiles. Pyro mumbles, "That sounds scary."
"… Yeah. Terrifying."
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