#she slowly opened the oven door. Up jumped the gingerbread man
anarchiii · 6 months
Daddy Cassian —ACOTAR AU
Oneshot | warnings: fluff | Cassian x Nesta
Summary; Nesta’s having a girls night at Rita’s so Cassian is in charge of taking care of their first born Jenn.
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
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“I swear Cassian if I find even a single scratch on my baby I’ll rip your limbs off one by one” Cassian gulped as she said that, his mate was scary, apparently being soul bonded to her didn’t mean a thing when it came to their child, “I swear Jenn will be fine, I wouldn’t let anything happen to her, I promise. Now go have fun!” Cassian said.
Nesta nodded her head before kissing his cheek then Jenn’s. Then before he knew it Nesta was out the door and he was stuck handling his kid, he loved his kid. Obviously, he just wasn’t the greatest parent, he was the lord of bloodshed. That should be saying something, Little Jenn was five now, time had really passed. But she had become a bit of a spitfire much like her mother—much to Cassian’s dismay—she was sassy and picky and got grumpy very quickly, he sighed as he looked at the little dragon sleeping in his arms, “hopefully this’ll be over soon” he muttered before making his way to the lounge, he had just set Jenn down when she suddenly let out a blood curdling scream. He jolted at the loud sound, he quickly picked her up and started moving her from side to side in hopes of calming her down, once she was done she let out a small sigh and looked up at her father, “want to tell me what that was about?” Cassian inquired, “I’m hungry” he blinked. She was hungry, he sighed as he made his way to the kitchen and set her on the counter “what do you want to eat?” “PB&J”
He grabbed the ingredients and quickly constructed the sandwich, he placed it on a plate before handing it to her. She grabbed it and looked at it before she threw it across the room, startling herself before quickly bursting into tears, by the cauldron, this was going to be a long night. He calmed Jenn down before making another attempt at the sandwich—without the crust this time, which apparently was the problem with the other—and gave it to her, she happily ate it while Cassian cleaned up the mess. Once it was sorted he got Jenn some warm milk and set her down on her bed, tucking her in before grabbing a book and reading it out loud to her.
“A little old woman made a gingerbread man to eat but when she put him in the oven he jumped out! The little old man and the little old woman chased and chased the gingerbread man around and around, a pig and a dog joining in on the chase, eventually the gingerbread man got away and came to a halt at a river, a nice wolf offered him a ride on his back and the gingerbread man lived happily ever after, the end.”
When Cassian looked up from the short book he found Jenn asleep with a smile plastered on her face, by the mother, he loved this kid. he kissed her head and adjusted her blanket before closing the door to her room. Nesta would be home soon.
He cleaned up any messes around and finally plopped on the lounge so he could finish his book.
An hour or so later he heard keys jingle in the lock and then the door slowly open, he put down his book and went to the door. “Hey” he whispered, “hi” Nesta whispered back, “how did it go?” “It went okay, let’s get you to bed alright?” He picked up his mate—bridle style—and carried her to their shared bed, placing her down gently. He slowly pulled her shoes and jewellery off and pulled the covers over them both, he tucked her into his side, laying his cheek on her head. His child was a little demon but she was his little demon, and he’d do anything to see her smile—even if it meant him suffering—He soon fell asleep after his mate.
The End.
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king-galaxius · 4 years
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales playlist including Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, , Sleeping Beauty, Snow White Rapunzel, The Gingerbread Man and many more – https://goo.gl/wsrZqU About: The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy or The Gingerbread Runner) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread…
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horansqueen · 4 years
It Feels Like Christmas - Part 8
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It feels like Christmas Just like Christmas It feels like Christmas with you...
Click Here if you want to be on the update list
i won Best Christmas Story! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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I was nervous, I had to admit. I wanted everything to be perfect when Mimi would get here. She had agreed to come home to bake cookies but hadn't mentioned the party. I didn't want to insist but I kept my fingers crossed. Perhaps she was right, maybe it would end up being awkward, but it didn't matter, as long as she'd be there.
I heard someone knock at my door and rushed to open it. She sent me a smile and pressed her lips together as if she was actually shy but still allowed her eyes to look inside.
"Hey Mimi, please come in."
She took off her boots and walked inside, and that's when I noticed her socks. They were red, white and green, decorated with candy canes and christmas lights, and the sight made me smile.
"Love the socks." I pointed out with a chuckle, looking up at her.
Her lips curled into a smirk and she handed me a bag. It was red and white with sparkles and I grabbed it, making some fall down on the floor. I glanced at it, not even in a hurry to clean it up , and took the bag from her.
"I'm very glad you do!" she replied as I looked through it.
The first thing I grabbed and took out of the bag were socks. They were similar to hers but were decorated with little Santa Clauses and colorful gifts. I chuckled and sent her a smile, holding them up and shaking my head a bit.
"They're amazing, I'm gonna wear them tonight." I chuckled as she moved her chin in my direction.
"There's something else that you can wear right now." she told me, glancing at the bag and making me frown. "I sort of expect you to wear it, actually."
In the bag was a Christmas shirt with a big tree on it and at the bottom was written "OCD : Obsessive Christmas Disorder". I started laughing, wondering how she picked so well and I quickly reached for my shirt near my neck, pulling it off and placing it on the couch before putting on the one she just gave me. When I was done, I looked up at her and chuckled again when I noticed her mouth half opened and her surprised expression.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-Yea." she replied, blinking a few times and making me laugh again.
"So, you're going to need a Christmas shirt too."
She raised her eyebrows up and shrugged, unzipping her coat and opening it quickly only to show me the shirt she was wearing. It was all black with a gingerbread man cookie who was missing a foot and at the top was written "Bite Me!". I laughed again and shook my head, licking my lips.
"Well, that represents you quite well."
"Thank you!" she just replied, a smirk gracing her lips.
She took her coat off and I took it before placing it in the closet and walking back to her, clapping my hands together with a smile and rubbing them together. "Ready to bake some incredible Christmas cookies?"
"Uhm, yea, but first, you need to know that I'm horrible in a kitchen." she admitted, sending me a sorry face as her nose raised up in a grimace.
My eyes roamed on her and I felt my heart twist at how endearing she was. There was no way Mimi Armstrong was 'horrible' in a kitchen or in any other places.
"Mimi, 'horrible' is probably the worst word to describe you." I admitted, taking a step closer as my eyes traveled slowly from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes. "I'm not the best baker but I'm sure we can do some edible cookies together."
Her lips curled more and she licked them before biting on her bottom one for a few seconds. She finally nodded and I held my hand out to her without thinking. Her smile faltered and she looked down at my hand before looking up in my eyes. I could have backed away and taken my hand back, but I didn't want to. She seemed to think for a few seconds and finally, she slid her palm against mine. It was not the first time I held her hand in mine but every single time it brought a warm sensation inside of me.
We walked to the kitchen and when we got between the island and the fridge, I pulled on her hand and made her twirl around. She giggled, probably not expecting it, and finally turned slightly to look at me.
"Thank you, Niall." she let out in a low tone, tilting her head.
"What for?"
It took her a while to answer but I kept my gaze locked on hers as I waited.
"For being you."
After following instructions, spilling flour everywhere, dropping an egg on the floor and adding too much sugar, we finally put the cookies in the oven and both leaned our butts against the island.
"Good job!" I let out, turning to her and holding my hand up for a high five.
"Don't scream victory yet, we haven't tasted them!" she chuckled, raising her eyebrows.
"Come on, Mimi!" I insisted, moving my hand slightly.
She rolled her eyes, a smile spread on her lips, and finally slapped my hand, making me chuckle. She crossed her arms on her chest and turned back to look at the oven while I kept staring at her. I couldn't count the number of times I had thought about kissing her ever since we met but the number had two digits, maybe even three. She turned her head to send me a small smile and my heart jumped. Definitely three.
"What do you want to do while we wait?" she wondered, turning her body my way and placing her hand on the counter.
I glanced at it, tempted to put mine on top of it, but decided against it. "Christmas movie, maybe?"
She grimaced and It made me laugh. "Okay but nothing with orphans getting a family, and nothing with lost dogs."
"Mm, you're making this harder than I thought." I joked, shaking my head. "Why no dogs though? You seem to me like the kind of girl who loves dogs. In fact, I bet you've always wanted a dog when you were young, am I right?"
"That's literally 90% of all the girls in the world, put your crystal ball back, Horan. You're no mind reader or fortune teller!" she joked, making me laugh even more. "I love dogs, but there's no way I'm crying in front of you."
"That's cute." I just replied with a smirk. "Come on, I've got the perfect Christmas movie for you."
She frowned but followed me to the living room and I sat on my couch. She stared at it for a few seconds until I tapped the spot next to me and I could tell she was hesitating. I didn't know exactly why she was so reluctant but I could only guess it was that part of her that was scared to get attached to anyone who would end up leaving her after a while.
There were so many things I wanted to tell her and although I couldn't promise her that I would never hurt her, I knew that I would tell her i'd never abandon her, if only I was not so scared of her running away from me after I spilled that out.
She finally sat next to me as I placed my arm on the back of the couch. She leaned against it and I felt her blonde hair tickle gently my skin. I could definitely get used to that.
"Love Actually?" she asked, raising her eyebrows and turning to me.
"Mmhm, you've seen it? It's a classic." I shrugged.
"That movie isn't even twenty years old. It can't be a classic." she argued, turning her body slightly and taking the remote on the couch. I felt her leg and part of her thigh lean on my lap and did everything I could not to glance at it. "You can't be serious."
"It's a classic, stop arguing with me!" I let out, grabbing the remote from her hand.
The movie started and she opened her mouth to say something but I put one of my fingers against my lips, staring at the tv. "Shh!"
Slowly, her mouth closed and a small smile appeared on her lips but she remained silent. We watched the movie but it was hard for me to focus on it. I felt her move closer with time and eventually, she leaned her head on my arm, near my shoulder. I tried not to move at all, not wanting her to move further from me, and I glanced at her from time to time. I could only see part of her eyes and the top of her head but it was enough for me.
I don't know how long we stayed like that but the oven beeped and she sat up, turning to me with a smile. I was a bit disappointed that she was not close to me anymore but seeing the smile on her face made me happy anyway.
"Okay, moment of truth!" she let out as I paused the movie.
We got up and rushed to the kitchen before I took the cookies out of the oven. She moved closer, bringing her hand up and I slapped it slightly, making her look up at me.
"You need to let them cool."
"So it's going to smell like that all over your apartment but we can't have a taste?"
The look on her face made me laugh and I turned around to open the fridge and grab the milk. "Yes, but I'll prepare us two glasses of milk to drink with the cookies."
"Or to hide the disgusting taste if we failed."
I laughed again as I filled the glasses and she leaned against the island. "Where's your mom?"
"She's helping them prepare the party." I explained, shrugging a shoulder.
I hoped that me mentioning it would start a discussion about it but we remained silent for a few more minutes before I finally turned around and grabbed a cookie. It crumbled a bit and I cursed in a breath.
"We were supposed to let them cool down." she pointed out, taking a step closer.
"I guess I couldn't wait." I grinned, placing half the cookie in the palm of her hand.
I pushed my half in my mouth completely as she tried to do the same but she could barely close her mouth and it made me laugh. She chewed for a few seconds and finally swallowed before licking her lips.
"Okay, not bad for a first time."
I had an x-rated thought crossing my mind but I kept it to myself and just smiled at her. "And we have a movie to watch."
She nodded and we placed the cookies in a plate, bringing it and our glasses to the living room. I looked at her as her eyes roamed on the cookies, taking a few seconds to pick one, and it made me realize that I enjoyed her company so much that I would be okay with spending many days in a row with her;.
"Let's make a deal." I let out, leaning against the couch again and placing my arm on the back of it, in hope that she would cuddle me again.
"Okay, what is it?"
"If you actually enjoy this movie, you'll come with me to the party tonight."
Her eyes roamed on my face and down my chest as she seemed to weigh the pros and cons and finally, her eyes met mine. "Okay, but if I end up going, you drive me back home whenever I'm tired, you never leave my side and..." she stopped and licked her lips. "And you..."
She pressed her lips together and shook her head, glancing at the cookies before looking back at me. "And you give me one of your cookies."
I knew it was not what she wanted to ask for but I didn't argue. I just let my lips curl as I looked at her. "Deal."
We stared at each other again for a few seconds and she finally nodded as I started the movie again. This time, she didn't wait : she just moved closer and leaned her head on my shoulder, making sure despite herself that I wouldn't focus on the movie at all anymore.
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i wish i knew how (your eyes are like starlight now)
🎄The Twelve Days of Promptmas🎄 - Day Ten
concepts: baking, cold sleepy cuddles, holiday smut ❆❆❆
Peter’s mind buzzes as he fumbles with the sack of flour, nearly spilling it all over the counter as he trips over his own feet. He feels as if he’s in one of those dumb infomercials—“there’s got to be a better way!”—when he opens the top cupboard and he’s immediately pelted with the box of disorganized seasonings and extracts. There’s a sense of relief when he manages to catch the red, green, and blue food coloring before it hits the ground, though the feeling fades into a mild panic when he can’t remember if the recipe MJ had sent him called for baking soda or baking powder.
It also does not help that his hands might be the tiniest bit sweaty. 
So he’s a little nervous for some reason. It’s fine. It happens to everyone when they invite their best friend over for some holiday baking. 
Just some casual, friendly holiday baking. 
Sure, Ned’s not coming, but that doesn’t mean that this is any different, right?
So why does his heart skip one or two beats when MJ sends him a text that says she’s five minutes away?
It’s strange. 
MJ’s great, she really is. She’s smart, funny, just an all around cool, amazing, good person. The best that he knows. There’s absolutely no reason to be nervous around her. Yeah, she can be a little mysterious, closed-off even, but as he’s gotten to know her, he’s seen glimpses of that soft, gooey person that’s inside. 
Yet, even with all of that, lately Peter’s been feeling the exact opposite of “at ease” around her. His stomach always feels like it’s training for the olympics when she’s around, his brain going all fuzzy anytime she talks to him, like he’s stood up way too fast. 
It’s the exact feeling he gets when he hears a knock at the front door. 
And again, he nearly spills sugar all over the tile. 
His body’s kind enough to carry him to the door, and he takes a deep breath, gathering himself before opening it. “Heyyyy.” 
He mentally kicks himself for being so weird. 
“Hey,” she gives a single wave, lips pressing together into a thin, casual smile. “You ready?”
Nodding quickly, he swallows, folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah. Yeah. Of course.” 
He stays like that a moment, his eyes unconsciously taking her in—her soft-looking hoodie, the cozy looking joggers, her black converse. 
“Uh… can I come in?”
Peter immediately snaps out of whatever daze he was in, huffing out a laugh as he steps aside. “Shit. Yeah. Sorry.”
She gives another small smile and a single nod, walking past him, her hands twiddling together. 
It’s odd, Peter offhandedly thinks, as they walk into the kitchen, as they each put on one of his old hand-me-down aprons from May and Ben, how quiet she’s being. Of course, MJ’s not normally a loud person, by any means, but there’s usually a lot more snark when it comes to anything Peter does. 
He’s especially surprised when she only lets out a quiet snort when he drops one of the bowls in his haste to get everything out and ready. 
She’s still quiet as she whips out her phone, pulling up the recipe, lips twisting in thought as she scrolls. “Wow, I’m so glad that this lady decided to tell us about the time her sister smashed her gingerbread house before telling us the recipe,” she deadpans, though the corner of her lip quicks upward into a slight grin. “Every cookie recipe needs a good backstory.”
Peter snorts. “If there’s no plot, what’s the point? What’s the motivation?”
He feels MJ’s gaze drift up to him from behind her phone, and he can see her smile growing from the corner of his eye. 
For some odd reason, it’s enough to make his ears burn. 
A beat passes, neither of them saying anything as MJ continues to read and scroll through the recipe, Peter absentmindedly twiddling with the rim of the mixing bowl. 
The silence is broken when she clears her throat, her hand moving to smooth over the back of her neck, resting there. “So, um—I guess uh, preheat the oven to 375. And… Prepare baking sheets by lining with parchment paper,” she reads. 
Peter nods, inside of his lip caught between his teeth as he turns to the oven, a slight jitter to his movements as he presses the appropriate buttons. “What next?” He asks, as if he’s just completed the hardest part, grabbing an old cookie sheet from the cabinet beside the oven.
MJ cracks a smile, though it fades quickly when she goes back to the recipe, reading off the list of dry ingredients for them to mix together. The bowl is too small at first—a lapse in Peter’s judgement of what small means—a few patches of flour spilling out onto the counter when his overexcited mixing gets the best of him. The light teasing that MJ throws his way makes his heart do backflips, his stomach leap up into his chest. 
It’s the strangest sensation that he’s starting to not really mind all that much. 
MJ mixes the butter, brown sugar, and egg in one of the bigger bowls, tongue sticking out between her lips as she wrangles the electric mixer, deep in concentration when they add in the molasses and vanilla; it’s a look that Peter offhandedly thinks is very cute.
Especially with the bit of flour dusting her nose when they start to add the dry ingredients. 
And it’s even cuter when they start cutting out the shapes in the dough, the Hanukkah cookie cutter set he’d gotten from May when he’d first moved in finally getting good use. There’s only one man, and they grab for it at the same time, both of them yanking their hands back when their knuckles brush. 
MJ takes it, smiling quietly. 
It seems like all of these feelings should feel new, given that he’s only just now noticing them. But, in a weird way, they feel nothing like that. Almost the exact opposite. Like they’ve been around forever and he’s just never thought too much about them, whatever they are. 
It’s more confusing than anything. 
Especially when, after getting the cookies in the oven, and they start mixing the icing together, MJ’s hit with a bold streak, swiping her blue-icing covered thumb over his forehead when he’s busy mixing his own bowl. 
“Simbaaaaaa,” she says, her voice comically low and raspy—her best Rafiki impression. 
“Hey!” Peter jumps away from her, a laugh bubbling up from his chest as he holds in hands up in self-defense. “What the hell?!”
“You got a little something—” she gestures to her own forehead, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. 
He feels his own smile nearly take over his entire face, feeling a challenge flaring in his chest when he dips the tip of his finger into his own icing bowl, booping her on the nose before she can dodge him. 
“You got a little something,” he says, mocking her from two seconds before, unable to keep his smile from growing even more. There’s a giddiness in his stomach, and he feels as if he’s lighter than air itself when she laughs at him. 
MJ’s so cool, he can’t help but think. 
And pretty. 
Peter shakes his head when she doesn’t look away, and he wipes at his forehead, trying unsuccessfully to get the sticky blue off of him. 
“You’ve still got some—right there,” she gestures to herself again. “Do you want me to get it?” She asks, a jitteriness to her tone as she lets out a chuckle. “I can lick it off.”
Peter’s sure that his face is every shade of red at this point. He nearly chokes on nothing, and he suddenly finds that he’s lost all ability to speak as he stares at her with furrowed brows, thoroughly dumbfounded. 
“I’m kidding,” she says quickly, laughing it off, looking back down at her hands, stained blue and green from the dye in the food coloring. “Jeez, Parker.” 
There’s a hint of something to her tone, but he can’t exactly pinpoint what it is; maybe nerves, maybe the awkwardness from him literally not saying anything at all in response. He’s not sure. 
And he tries to brush it off as they clean up while they wait for the cookies to finish baking. A quiet falls between them, both pleasant and at the same time wildly uncomfortable. He clears his throat, placing the mixing bowl in the sink, his focus as he scrubs the dough from the sides failing. 
When he turns around and catches her eye, his heart skips as she snorts at the sight of him, blue icing still caked onto his forehead. 
“God, okay, let me get that,” she huffs out, grabbing a paper towel. He can almost smell the soft lavender notes of her shampoo when she leans over him to wet the paper towel in the sink. It’s dizzying, he finds, especially when she smiles at him as she wipes across his forehead. And he finds when her eyes meet his, he can’t look away, drawn in. He offhandedly thinks how pretty her eyes are, how soft they look, even when they’re teasing him.  
“There,” she says, giving him one last, playful, less than gentle pat on the forehead. 
“Thanks,” he mumbles, still seemingly lost in his trance, blinking slowly. “You’ve uh—you’ve still got some. On your nose.” 
And almost disappointingly, she wipes it off herself with the same paper towel. 
Why he’s disappointed, he has no idea. 
MJ’s quick to change the subject—or, start one—before he can even think of anything to say. She’s warmed up by now, less tense, though there’s still a jitter to her movements, a certain breathiness to her laugh that makes the butterflies in his stomach seem to kick into overdrive. 
And it’s a back and forth as they start decorating the cookies—after they’ve cooled, of course. MJ wouldn’t let him anywhere near them when she’d taken them out of the oven. 
“What did you do to that Menorah?” She asks him through a laugh as he struggles to even out the too-big dollop of icing he’d put on his first cookie. 
“I’m not good at this, okay?” He laughs back, letting out a comically quiet scream when the icing drips down onto his hand. He does a double-take though, looking at her cookie. 
A man with a too-big, borderline dumb smile, eyes nearly on opposite sides of the cookie, wearing all red and blue. “What is that?”
“It’s you,” she says with a toothy grin, as if it’s obvious. “Do you like it?”
“Why does he look like that?” Peter finds himself laughing more. 
“I think he’s cute,” she says simply. 
Peter nearly short-circuits, but he honestly has no response. At all. 
Because she can’t mean what he thinks she means, right? No. Absolutely not. MJ’s calling the cookie cute. Get your shit together, Parker. 
He does feel her glance at him a few times after that comment, almost as if she’s waiting to see if he’ll say anything. Then again, that’s literally just his brain making him think that, making him see and feel things. Obviously. 
There’s no way MJ likes him like that. 
And it doesn’t even matter really. They’re just friends. 
Just some good pals. 
The cookies are even more delicious than they’d smelled, and Peter finds himself caught up in just how cozy and safe it feels to be eating gingerbread cookies with his best friend, even when said best friend pointedly bites off the bottom half of the cookie that supposed to look like him. She can’t keep a straight face, though, nearly choking on the gingerbread when he snorts, crumbs flying. 
“Gross,” she says through her mouthful, unable to keep herself from laughing. 
Peter finally swallows, struggling to get a word out. “You started it!” 
They turn on some documentary—though, if he’s being honest, Peter’s finding that he can’t pay much attention to it. He keeps wanting to look at Michelle, glancing at her every few seconds. It’s a sight that makes his whole body flood with warmth, seeing her curled up on the other end of his couch, absently munching on a cookie as she stares at the screen. 
There’s a moment where she catches him looking at her, the corners of her lips twitching into a quick smile when they both immediately look away. 
Peter swears he can feel his heart beating in his ears. 
Though he has no idea when he started feeling this way about her, this weird nervousness, he now realizes how not new it is. He’s always thought Michelle was cool. That she was smart. That she was funny. That she was so pretty. 
But if he’s always thought this, then why is this… realization suddenly hitting him like a train? Why is it that he can’t even look at her without his stomach wanting to jump right out of his body? Why when every time she so much as talks to him is he smiling like a damn idiot? 
Why now?
And then, it dawns on him when she looks over at him, her lips pressing into a shy smile before quickly looking back at the TV, curling her legs to her chest more. 
Well, shit.
There’s been a number of time’s where Peter’s questioned his own intelligence. Sure, he’s good at school—ignoring the late and missing assignments—he’s made his own web formula. 
But, fuck, he’s a dumbass. 
Because he’s been stupidly, deliriously, ridiculously in love with his best friend and he’s only just now realized it. 
He’s lost track of time by the end of the documentary, barely registering as the credits roll, and they sit there, neither one saying a thing. Peter feels the awkwardness—again, not entirely the worst thing, for some reason—creeping up his neck. He jumps up from the couch, needing something, anything to do. 
With this new realization, Peter feels almost more nervous, terrified of doing something stupid like exposing himself. 
It’s almost midnight by the time they finish putting the cookies away, saving the rest for later, of course. 
MJ stretches her hands above her head, moving them down to hold herself. “It’s getting pretty late,” she says, her voice soft, tired. 
Peter nods, pressing his lips together, leaning on the counter. “Yeah…” 
Neither of them move. 
“I should probably go…” She trails off, rocking back on her heels, though she still doesn’t make any kind of move to the door. She looks out the window, groaning at the sight of the heavy snow falling. She huffs out a nervous laugh, her eyes meeting his expectantly. “It’s so cold though.”
“I could… lend you a coat? Or something?” He can’t help but cough into his arm, glancing around the apartment as his lips curve into a shaky smile. 
MJ seems to get a kick out of that. “Nah. ‘Cause then I’ll have to give it back… and then I’d just end up keeping it.”
There’s nothing that can stop the faint dusting of pink on Peter’s cheeks as he thinks about he wouldn’t mind that at all. 
After a beat, however, Peter’s brow furrows in concern, altogether missing the way she’s looking at him. “Did you walk here?”
She purses her lips. “Yeah.” 
“I—” Peter clears his throat, not wanting to seem to eager at the idea of her staying. “I could call you an Uber?” 
She shakes her head, brow pinched. “No. No, that’s fine. Then I’d have to pay you back.”
“Yeah, you’d probably forget that, too,” Peter finds himself teasing. 
“Kidding…” Peter clears his throat, biting back his smile. 
A beat passes again where neither say anything, the two of them awkwardly shifting on their feet as they wait for the other to speak. 
Peter’s the first to break. “I mean, if you want, you could… stay here. Wait the storm out.” It feels like it takes about five-hundred years to get those words out, and even longer when MJ’s eyes meet his. And it’s not his best idea, given he’s just figured out he’s in love with her. Having her in such close proximity overnight seems like the las thing he should do. 
But he can’t seem to stop himself. 
“When it’s not so… cold.”
Her fingers drum against the other side of the counter, the inside of her lip caught between her teeth. 
“Good point,” she finally replies. 
Peter breathes out a smile, finding himself relieved, though he’d never admit to it. “So…” He clears his throat again, disguising it behind a cough into his arm. “Sleepover?” He asks lamely. 
MJ’s expression breaks, and she snorts out a laugh, a sound he wants to hear over and over again. 
It goes quiet again though, MJ seeming to be deep in thought before she says anything again. 
“I hope it’s okay, though…” She glances left and right, a tint of insecurity in her gaze. “I like to sleep without pants on. If that’s cool… with you.”
And for a moment, Peter wonders if he’s died, or if he’s having a really vivid, cruel dream. He’s short circuited for a split-second; getting any kind of sentence out is damn near impossible. He blinks. Once. Twice. 
“Um—” He finds himself saying, though he has no idea where that thought is going. “I mean. Whatever. Makes you… more comfortable. I guess?” He huffs out a nervous laugh, the idea of sharing a bed with a very pantsless MJ drilling it’s way into his brain. 
There’s a minuscule upward twitch of her lips as she looks at him. 
“I can take the couch,” Peter says dumbly, and instantly, he’s mentally kicking himself. 
But it’s for good reason. 
MJ needs to be comfortable. 
She doesn’t feel the same way, and he doesn’t want to push himself on her. He doesn’t ever plan on telling her how he feels, so there’s no reason to make this any more difficult for either of them. 
“And you can take my bed?”
He doesn’t see the way her expression falls ever so slightly. 
“Oh—” Her head jerks back slightly, mouth tugging into a faint frown. “I mean. Sure. I guess.” 
Peter only nods, feeling his shoulders squeezing up to his ears, every muscle in his body tight. He nearly trips over himself as he walks past her, leading her to his bedroom. She only throws him a fleeting smile as he pulls out a spare t-shirt for her to wear—what friends do—leaving just as quickly as he’d come into the room. 
In his haste to get her out of his sight, he’s forgotten to grab his own pajamas. Or blankets. Or pillows. 
Oh well. 
It’s not like he’s going to walk back into that bedroom. That would be the most dangerous thing he could possibly do. 
But then, as he lays down on the couch in just his boxers and his shirt that still has a few flour stains on it, his brain decides to bring back the cruel thought, the tempting image of Michelle in his bed. Without pants on. 
It shouldn’t bother him as much as it does. He’s an adult. Not some hormonal teen anymore. 
But everytime he closes his eyes, he can just see so vividly, and he can’t help but wonder what she’s wearing—
Bad Peter. 
That’s your friend. 
Stop that. 
He shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut in an effort to rid his mind of the idea of her long, bare legs tangled in his sheets. 
Damn it!
It feels like the entire night’s passed by the time he opens his eyes again, only to realize that it’s only been thirty minutes. He huffs, flopping onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. It’s a fruitless endeavor, he knows, trying to fall asleep. He knows that as long as MJ’s in his room, there’s no way he’ll have any sort of peace. 
He debates getting up and checking the cabinets in his bathroom for some melatonin or maybe even benadryl, when the floor at the entry to the hallway creaks. “Peter?”
He jolts upright, looking over the back of the couch to see MJ standing in the archway, the Stark Internship shirt he’d loaned her just reaching the tops of her thighs. 
One wrong move, and he’d definitely see what she’s wearing. 
He swallows, whispering a pathetic, “hey.”
“Uh, hey,” she responds breathily. “So… It’s like… really cold in your room.”
“Yeah?” Peter sits up more, the throw blanket pooling at his hips as he rubs his eyes. “Do you want like an extra blanket or… something?”
She shifts on her feet, her hands toying with the hem of the t-shirt, Peter finding his eyes instantly drawn to the movement. 
He drags his gaze back up to meet her face. 
“I was actually—uh… wondering if you could just come get in bed?” 
He wants to say that all the blood’s left his body, but it’s honestly gone in two different directions. His face, and… well.
A faint, nervous chuckle spills out of him as he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck. It’s a terrible idea, saying yes, but there’s nothing he can do to stop himself from nodding silently and getting up from the couch. “Another blanket would… would probably be too much.”
A wavy smile tugs at her lips. “Yeah. Exactly.”
It’s strictly for that purpose, he reasons with himself. MJ’s cold. She needs another body next to her. Nothing more. No, sir. 
And it stays that way in his mind as he crawls in next to her, as they turn to face each other, their knees barely brushing one another’s. It’s dark, but he’s close enough that he can just make out the soft curls on her forehead, the slight uptick of her lips as she looks at him. 
It surprises him when she scoots just the slightest bit closer, the way she tilts toward him. A shiver ripples through her. 
“Still cold?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 
A light chuckle bubbles up out of her. “Yeah. Could you—” 
“Do you want me to hold you?” He asks before he can even think. 
She laughs again, a breathy, borderline nervous sound.
And he’s frozen solid, a ringing in his ears, unable to move as she nestles against him, his arms wrapping around her. He has no idea what else to do, every muscle in his body tensing when she breathes out, and he knows then that this is where he’ll be the entire night. No sleep. 
His eyes squeeze shut, and he tries not to concentrate on the feeling of her bare legs slotting against his, the warmth of her skin making his brain go all fuzzy. 
“Is this… Is this better?” He asks, clearing his throat again. 
She hums into him, and he can almost feel her smile into his chest. But she pulls back slightly, twisting so that she’s on her back and he’s propped up above her. “Almost,” she says softly, her eyes never leaving his. 
“Are you sure you don’t want another blanket? I can—”
His words are cut off as she leans up to press her lips to his, her hand gently resting on his cheek. 
It’s brief, barely five seconds, before she pulls away, biting at the inside of her lip. 
Peter’s barely had time to process it; the softness of her lips, the warmth of her hand on his cheek. But it hits him in a dizzying flurry as she looks up at him, eyes sparkling, a glint of vulnerability in them as she waits for his response. 
“What?” Is all he can ask, breathing out a giddy laugh. 
“Was that okay?”
Peter’s smile widens. “God, yeah. But I mean—I’m just… Um… I’m a little surprised.”
Even in the dark of the room, Peter can see the way her face contorts. “Surprised? How?”
And then, it’s Peter’s turn to be confused. Was he not supposed to be? 
“Uh… I don’t know it just kinda… came out of nowhere. Again—” He breathes out a chuckle. “—Not a bad thing. At all.”
She stares at him for a few seconds. She blinks. “Peter, I’ve been throwing myself at you this whole night.” 
He almost falls off the bed. “What?!” He hisses.
“I thought I was being obvious,” she says, a laugh bubbling up from her chest. When he does nothing but stare at her in shock, she shrugs. “I was.”
“The… I—what? You…?” He laughs. “How?” 
“Well—” Her fingers drum over the blanket. “—the icing fight was kinda classic flirty shit. Eating the gingerbread version of you that I said was cute.” 
“I thought you were threatening me,” he quips. 
“Who says I wasn’t?” She deapans, though he doesn’t miss the way the corner of her lips twitch upward. A beat passes. She blows a puff of air through her lips. “I mean, I dunno, I thought for sure you’d get the message when I said I slept without pants on.” 
Pursing his lips, Peter nods slowly. “I did not.” 
The silence afterward breaks when MJ lets out a sudden snicker. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Peter scoffs to himself, covering his eyes. “God.” 
MJ’s hand falls on his shoulder, gently—yet stiffly—patting him. “There, there,” she says. He can hear the smile in her voice. “I still think you’re cute,” she adds quietly. “So there’s that.” 
He peeks out from behind his hands, unable to bite back his smile. “I’m a cute idiot?” 
Her smile widens, even as she presses her lips together to keep it from growing. She reaches out, smoothing down his curls that had fallen onto his forehead. 
“The cutest idiot.” 
And as gross and sickly sweet as it is, Peter never wants this to end. 
But when she leans in to kiss him again, he doesn’t mind. Not at all. 
Her lips are soft against his, gentle and wanting. Her hand falls to his cheek, moving to cup his jaw as his arms coil around her waist, pulling himself closer as he leans over her. It feels like a dream, the warmth of her skin under the fabric of his t-shirt, the soft sighs she lets out as he deepens the kiss, and there’s a pang in his chest when he wonders if he’ll wake up from this, cold and alone. 
But he knows it’s real. All of it. All of her. 
His hand falls to her hip, slipping just underneath the hem of her shirt to draw soft lines into her skin. “MJ,” he says simply, breaking the kiss only for his lips to find a spot on the underside of her jaw. “I like you. So much.” 
He hears her breathy laugh, a sound that makes his heart skip. “I like you, too. So much.”
And he grins against her neck, lips and tongue dragging back up to meet hers again in a searing kiss. Though the room is cold, there’s nothing but warmth underneath the blanket, under her touch, and he thinks that he could stay here forever. 
Goodbye college. 
Goodbye anything that’s not this bed and MJ.
It’s been a whirlwind; for one, realizing these feelings only just a few hours ago, and now he’s kissing her. His head’s spinning, slowly finding himself getting more and more addicted to the feel of her soft skin under his fingers and palms as they smooth down over her behind, along her bare thigh, drinking every inch of her in. 
The sound of her moan against his mouth causes a flooding rush in his brain, the heat pooled in the pit of his stomach to burn, and he’d give anything to hear it again. His hand travels up the inside of her thigh, settling on her stomach, thumb resting on the trim of her cotton underwear. 
She breathes in sharply, her muscles twitching underneath him. And he breaks away, muttering an apology into her lips. “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” she breathes back, and he can feel her smile against his lips as she pulls him back down. “I’m cold.” 
It’s at the moment that he wonders if his heart will actually burst through his ribs with the way it’s pounding against them. He laughs breathily before eagerly kissing her, his fingers toying with the waistband of her panties. It almost makes him chuckle again when she subtly raises her hips, encouraging him, but he holds back, still not able to keep from smiling against her as his hands moves to cup her over the fabric of her underwear. 
It’s so dizzying, how much warmer she is where his hand holds her, the heat radiating from her, and he has to screw his eyes shut to concentrate, beginning to draw slow lines up and down her center over the thin, damp cotton. 
She sighs shakily against him, her head falling back, breaking the kiss as his lips find a home on the underside of her jaw. He brings her closer to him, nestled into his chest as he continues his ghost-like touches. 
When his fingers finally brush over her clit, she sucks in a breath, one of her hands coming to comb through his curls. 
He’s achingly slow as he circles the bundle of nerves through the fabric, matching the relaxed rhythm with his kisses on her neck. He knows he could go faster, that he could just get a move on, and judging from the way MJ’s grip in his hair tightens when he increases his pressure, she does, too. 
But this moment is one he wants to stay in. To savor. He wants to pack up everything he owns and live in it. 
But he also knows that his self-control might not last that long. 
Again, for the nth time that night, he finds himself smiling, both at her soft whines as he picks up his speed and at the way her hand falls to cling to his shoulder. He can hear in how her breath hitches and quickens, feel how her muscles start to twitch underneath him, how she stiffens, that she’s close. 
And right at that moment, he pulls away. 
Her whine is cut off by his hand dipping under the waistband of her underwear, finally touching her. Her mouth hangs open, a choked gasp spilling from her as he dips his fingers into her entrance, gathering her arousal and swirling it over her sensitive clit, and he can’t help but groan into her neck, feeling how wet she is. 
How wet she is for him. 
Her back arches as she pushes herself into him, his pace on her clit quickening when she moans out his name. And he murmurs hers back, his soft kisses on her skin a contrast to his feverish touches as he eagerly works her heat. 
His fingers dip down again to her entrance, teasing faint circles before he slides one in, his eyes once again screwing shut at the warmth, at the feeling of her clenching around him. He works a steady pace, pumping his finger in and out, smiling at her wet gasp when he pushes a second one in, instinctively curling them as he glides through her wetness. Her grip on his shoulder tightens even more, nails digging as he finds that perfect spot inside her. 
But then, when he feels her getting close again, he stops, and he wonders if she might hit him by the way she groans in frustration. Still, he smiles—cheekily—as he grabs the hand on his shoulder, guiding it down to her center. 
“Can you touch yourself?” He asks, his tone too innocent for such a request, and he knows it. 
MJ finds it in herself to laugh, shaking her head and closing her eyes as her hand sneaks under the waistband of her underwear and starts toying with her clit.
And for a moment, in all honesty, Peter almost forgets that he’s a part of this, too entranced in watching her face as she touches herself. 
But then, he remembers. A true gentlemen, he peels her underwear from her legs, helping her kick them off before sneaking his hand down again to play with the wetness at her entrance, drowning his fingers in it. An airy smile tugs at her lips when he pushes his two fingers back in, languidly pumping in and out of her. 
“Teamwork,” he mutters dumbly into her neck. 
Her laugh is a beautiful sound, but it’s broken by a low moan when Peter’s fingers curl inside of her, her eyes screwing shut as she matches her pace on her clit with his buried in her cunt. 
“That’s it, MJ,” he whispers hotly as she clenches around him, her muscles fluttering, feeling her teetering on the edge as her thighs start to close around his hand. He watches her expression for a moment, seeing it building and building, before moving to capture her lips into a heated, messy kiss. It’s clumsy, all tongue and teeth as her high climbs. 
And she comes with a loud cry, breaking the kiss, her other hand clinging to him for dear life, nails digging into his skin as her muscles flex and twitch. Her breathing is ragged as she comes down, her hand on her clit moving to grab his working her heat. She holds his hand for a moment, leaning up to kiss him again. 
It’s slower, yet just as hungry. 
Peter moves to wipe his hand on his boxers before placing it on her hip, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against her skin as he kisses her. 
When they break apart, she pushes her forehead against his, smiling dreamily. 
“Still cold?” Peter asks, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his lips. “Is that better?”
She huffs out a breathy laugh, planting another quick kiss on his smile. She curls further into him, nuzzling into his neck, her breath tickling. 
“Much better.”
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hamsterboos · 4 years
The Great Percy and Annabeth Bake Off
🎄Day 1 of 12 Days of PJO Christmas🎄
All Annabeth wants to do is make a gingerbread house. The only problem? She wants to do it completely from scratch, and Percy is well aware of her...weakness when it comes to baking, but he’s also well aware of the fact that she is the most stubborn person he knows, so why not make an competition out of it? 
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Honestly, he should’ve expected this. He knew how stubborn Annabeth was, and he knew that once she got an idea stuck in her head, there was close to nothing that he could do to try to talk her out of it. 
And yet, here he was, trying to talk her out of it.
“Annabeth, I love you, but do you really think this is the best idea?” Percy hesitantly asked, leaning his back against the kitchen counter. The shelf was digging into his lower back painfully as he gripped the edges of the counter within each hand, but he couldn’t be bothered to move into a more comfortable position, either. He watched as his girlfriend tied her hair up into a ponytail, and she stared him down with a glare, her stormy gray eyes pinning him to his spot.
“Are you seriously doubting my skills right now?” she responded in an extremely calm voice, but Percy knew that she was nowhere near calm, and he winced. Once her hair was set in its place, she put her hands on her waist, and Percy knew he was potentially seconds from getting yelled at.
“No, no. I know you can make a kickass gingerbread house...it’s just the actual making of the cookies that I’m worried about.”
Christmas was in a week, and somehow Piper had gotten it into Annabeth’s head that it would be a great idea to make a gingerbread house, but of course, Annabeth had to take it one step further and make the cookies as well instead of just buying a kit like any other normal person would.
“How hard can it be?” she asked in an exasperated voice, throwing her hands up in the air.
Percy shrugged, trying to look nonchalant, but he really didn’t want to bring up the last time Annabeth made cookies. She was bad enough on her own, but add Estelle into the mix, and bad became worse. All Annabeth had to do was follow a recipe, but somehow, she had switched sugar and salt and forgot to set a timer, so instead of sweet chocolate chip cookies, they had turned into salty pieces of stone.
“I know that look,” Annabeth challenged when Percy never responded. “It was one time! I was having a hard time watching Estelle while you were out with your mom, and it was a one-off thing.”
“Annabeth,” he started with a small smile, trying to appear harmless, “it was more than one time.” He pushed off from the kitchen counter and tried to wrap his arms around her waist, but she took a step back from him, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Baking is literally science. It’s the reaction of the ingredients as you add heat! How hard can it be?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Percy didn’t know how to break it to his girlfriend that it was literally a piece of cake compared to the rest of the shit they had gone through in the last six years, and yet, it was one of the hardest things Annabeth had ever done.
In the end, he decided to send her a sweet smile and grab her hand to tug her closer. He supposed that he had worn her down because she let him pull her, and once she was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist, dropping a kiss on her forehead, right where the creases had formed in the center. Annabeth’s hands wrapped around his body to rest on the small of his back, right where his Achilles’ spot used to be.
“I don’t know about how hard baking can be, but it’s definitely not going to be fun if you keep frowning.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes but smiled anyways, the wrinkles on her forehead softening out. 
Percy sent her a beaming smile in response, and she barked out a laugh. “You are so incredibly easy to please.”
“Only for you, babe.”
“You really do have seaweed for a brain, Perce.”
“Nothing new,” he responded, rolling his eyes fondly. 
“But seriously. I am going to bake those cookies.”
Percy tried really hard not to sigh out loud, but one escaped him anyways. “Annabeth, how about I bake the cookies, and you can build the house? Isn’t that a bit better?”
“You’re just going to dye them all blue, and then it’s not going to look good,” she replied in a matter-of-fact voice, and Percy’s jaw dropped open in surprise.
“Hey! Blue cookies are better than normal!”
“Sure,” she relented, patting his cheek softly twice, “whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Annabeth pushed herself away from him only to walk over to her laptop and pull up a recipe for gingerbread cookies. After muttering to herself for a couple of seconds, she walked towards the pantry and started pulling out flour before moving to the cabinets to get the sugar. Percy watched in slight exasperation and slight awe at how comfortable Annabeth had become in his apartment and life. She had always been welcome in his apartment ever since they became best friends, but it was still slightly awkward because of the first Great Prophecy looming over their heads. Ever since they started dating, their lives had become intertwined seamlessly, even more so after suffering through literal hell together.
Despite that, she was still stubborn as ever, and Percy was annoyed that he would have to suffer through watching Annabeth botch the first batch of cookies before she finally relented and let him do it.
As he watched his girlfriend efficiently moving around him to pull out all the ingredients she would need for the cookies, an idea came to him. If he was going to need to make another batch anyways, why not make it the same time as Annabeth?
The things he did for love, honestly. 
“Fine. Let’s make it a competition,” he announced, knowing fully well that he was taking advantage of her hubris, but well, all was fair in love and war. And as he expected, Annabeth stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You sure about that, Seaweed Brain?” Her tone spoke legions about how she wasn’t backing down from the challenge. 
He raised an eyebrow back at her. “Bring it on, Wise Girl.”
Today was the day that Percy wished he had the power of the Oracle within him because he really should’ve known that a competition with Annabeth wouldn’t end well for him even if he was going to win.
The only thought that ran through his hand as he gaped at the sight of the flour fluttering down from his head onto the ground was oh no, mom is going to kill me because his wonderful, amazing, and absolutely batshit crazy girlfriend had dumped an entire handful of flour on his head.
Their respective trays of cookies had been in the oven for only about eight minutes, and they were just about finished cleaning up the mess they had made while making the cookies when Percy turned on the oven light to take a peek at the cookies. He’d made one comment about how his cookies looked pretty crisp (he hadn’t even dyed them blue), and as soon as he had straightened up, he found it raining flour.
“Annabeth!” he practically screeched. “What the hell?”
Annabeth was also gaping, her hand still up in the air from when she dropped the flour on his head. He had never been so annoyed that she was only a few inches shorter than him. If she had been much shorter, she would’ve never been able to reach his head.
He ducked down to look at his reflection in the microwave door, and as expected, his black hair was now coated completely in white, and he was seriously dreading the shower he was going to have to take to get the flour out.
“I-I’m sorry,” she responded, sounding like she was dazed. Clearly, from her face Percy could tell that she was just frustrated at the fact that her cookies didn’t look as sturdy as his did, and a bit of the annoyance faded. 
Sighing, he took a hold of Annabeth’s flour covered hand and dragged her over to the sink where he helped her wash and dry her hands before he just held them in his own.
“You okay?” he asked, his eyes searching hers for any indication of any worry, but all he could see was how guilty she felt. His lips quirked up in a small smile. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t mean to do that,” she whispered, ducking her head down a bit. Percy could tell she was genuine, and he didn’t need any further explanation on how sometimes she acted without thinking because he was the same.
“It’s fine,” he responded, tilting her face back up to kiss her quickly. He watched as a small smile graced her face, and he grinned as he dropped her chin to reach towards the counter as her eyes were still focused on his face. 
Annabeth had apologized, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take revenge. 
Before she could react, he picked up the still-open bag of flour and dumped a small amount straight onto her blonde curls, and she screeched, jumping away from Percy. 
“Payback!” he yelled back as suddenly, a full-out flour war had ensued in the apartment. Handfuls of flour were flying across the small kitchen space as the scent of the cookies filled the apartment along with the sound of their laughter.
It wasn’t until the timer had gone off for the cookies that they had stopped, laughing at the mess they’d made.
With a laugh, Percy made his way over to pick up the oven mitts before taking out the two trays of cookies and setting them upon the stove. Moving his head away from the cookies, he shook his head to shake out some of the excess flour.
“Man, my mom is going to kill me,” he whined. 
“And me,” Annabeth responded with a laugh in her voice. Most of her hair and green sweater was covered in the flour as well, and Percy was jealous of the fact that she was wearing blue denim jeans while he had decided to wear black jeans. The flour stood out so much more against the black. “We should clean up and go take a shower before we do anything else.”
“Good plan,” Percy laughed as he picked up a rag and handed it to Annabeth before going on the hunt for the broom. “This is all your fault, you know.” 
“You’re the one who retaliated!”
“You started it,” he responded as he poked her near her rib. She flinched away from him and swatted him with a rag.
“If you hadn’t been such a smug asshole, I wouldn’t have done anything in the first place.”
“I didn’t even say anything about your cookies!”
“It was the way you talked about your cookies that made it clear,” she retorted.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll know soon enough.”
Thirty minutes later, the kitchen was all cleaned up, and the two of them had taken showers as well. Annabeth stood in front of the two trays of now-cooled cookies and took a small bite from both.
Percy should’ve expected that he would hear his girlfriend grumbling about losing for the next forty minutes as she built the best gingerbread house he’d ever seen. 
And yet, despite that, there was no other way he’d rather be spending Christmas.
I’m posting this with like minutes to spare on day 1 LOL I really hope everyone likes this!! 
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letterfromtrenwith · 5 years
Family Christmas
Rosina hosts a very important Christmas lunch
(Modern AU; Sam/Rosina, Drake/Morwenna, Romelza)
"Is the table set?"
"Yes, love. Same as when you asked five minutes ago." Sam gave Rosina an affectionate if slightly exasperated look. He just did not understand the importance of all this - despite how much time she'd spent trying to explain it to him.
"And the sprouts - "
"The sprouts are fine. Both sets. Everything else is either ready, or will be...on time!" Morwenna cut off Rosina's possible protest, before shaking her head. With just a little difficulty, she bent down to open one of the door's on the aga, reaching inside with a skewer, after a short while she pulled it out triumphantly. "There! Cooked through! I told you, Ros, it would be perfectly fine. Somebody else is going to have to take it out, though."
"Oh, yes!" Rosina shook herself. She shouldn't really have been standing around watching while her eight months pregnant sister-in-law checked the turkey was cooked anyway. Making to grab the oven gloves she was stopped by Sam gently taking her arm.
"I'll get it. That thing weighs a ton. There's only going to be six of us, you know."
"Yes, but we both know you and Drake eat for two!" She grinned at him, feeling just a tiny bit less tense now the turkey was done, and he laughed.
"And some of us are actually eating for two!" Morwenna smiled. "Besides, leftovers. Who are we to deny Drake that terrible turkey curry he always makes?"
"I heard that!" Drake's voice echoed in from the sitting room.
Sam heaved the admittedly sizable bird onto the bench, and helped Rosina transfer it from the roasting tin onto a serving dish. Even if Rosina did say so herself, it looked very delicious, the skin and the pancetta lattice on the crown both cooked perfectly. It only needed to sit for 30 minutes - which was just enough time for it to be served at exactly the right moment. "Oh! What about - ?"
"Demelza's mushroom wellington is in the oven and it will be ready in 20 minutes. You put it in there yourself - and set that timer." Morwenna explained patiently, pointing to where Sam's phone lay at the far end of the bench, silently counting down the minutes.
"Oh. Yes."
"I keep telling you, Ros. Everything's going to be fine." Sam had returned to his seat at the kitchen table, where he'd been doing his best to be unobtrusive but helpful ever since they'd returned from his morning service at the church.
He, and Morwenna, and Drake, had all reassured her that today was just a nice Christmas lunch and nothing to be concerned about, but Rosina was struggling to agree. She had met Sam's sister, Demelza, only once or twice before getting engaged to Sam, and Rosina wasn't entirely convinced that Demelza liked her very much. Of course, if Demelza had taken against her, a Christmas dinner probably wouldn't change that, no matter how perfect it was. Didn't stop her from obsessing over it, of course, especially after finding out that Demelza was a vegetarian.
Thankfully, despite preparing for the fairly imminent birth of a baby, Morwenna had been on hand to help. Rosina had been a bit nervous getting to know her to begin with, feeling every bit the village girl she was next to the sophisticated Morwenna, but the other woman had turned out to be incredibly sweet and friendly, and made Rosina feel nothing but welcome. That slightly awkward feeling had returned quite recently when she and Sam had been invited along to Morwenna's cousin Elizabeth's Christmas party, held in her ridiculously huge house where she lived with her incredibly rich husband, but Elizabeth had turned out to be just as kind and warm as her relative.
The doorbell rang and Rosina just about jumped out of her skin. They were here!
"Oh, this looks good!" Ross flashed Rosina an encouraging smile, apparently attuned to her apprehension. Demelza's husband was a handsome, dark-haired man in his mid-30s, far more casual today than in the stiff, formal portrait Rosina had seen of him in full dress uniform.
"Well, there's plenty to go around!" Although Morwenna and Sam had both gently suggested she might be being a bit over-ambitious, she hadn't really believe them until she looked at the table now, practically groaning under the various dishes laid on it. Aside from the turkey and Demelza's wellington, there was pigs in blankets, two types of potatoes (roast and dauphinoise, which she could cook but not pronounce), Yorkshire puddings (not traditional on a Christmas dinner but she'd been eating them her whole life and she'd been damned if she stopped now), two types of sprouts (one with bacon and one without, for Demelza) and various other vegetables, as well as one stuffing with pork and one without. Perhaps she'd tried too hard, or - even worse - looked like she'd tried too hard, especially as Demelza was regarding it all rather coolly.
"Great! I'm starving!"
"You've already had breakfast! And a rather large one at that!" Demelza's face broke into a wide smile when she looked at Ross, transforming her face from merely beautiful to radiant. "That's all you do at Christmas. Eat like a horse!"
"Hey, you try living on Army grub eight months of the year. They've never served us a spread like this."
There was a period of what Rosina hoped was an encouraging silence after Drake had carved the turkey (and cut a slice off Demelza's wellington) and everyone had served themselves.
"Oh, this is delicious, Rosina." Morwenna said between mouthfuls of dauphinoise.
"Mmm, fantastic." Sam agreed, reaching down to squeeze Rosina's hand under the table before sticking his fork into another pig-in-blanket.
"How -" Rosina cleared her throat, "How's yours, Demelza?"
"Mmm...gorgeous!" Demelza directed that smile at Rosina, who immediately felt like she'd been cut free of a huge weight. "I've been to three Christmas meals this December already, and have had to eat bloody nut roast at every single one! It's so nice to have something else. That sauce is beautiful. And I love the sprouts, too - is that sage and lemon on them?"
"Er, yes."
"Would it be cheeky to ask for the recipe?"
"No! No, of course not!"
With another smile, Demelza returned to her plate, helping herself to more of said sprouts. From her left, Morwenna mouthed 'See?' at Rosina, who pretended not to notice.
After pudding (either Rosina's clementine Christmas pudding or Morwenna's gingerbread yule log - everyone named Carne ended up having both) and some non-alcoholic mulled wine, they settled down in the sitting room to exchange presents. That had been a stressful shopping trip for Rosina, again backed up by Morwenna's calm presence - although she had been understandably inclined to wander off into the baby sections when left to her own devices.
Ross was absolutely delighted with his whisky miniatures, while Demelza immediately wrapped her soft wool scarf - the forest green colour perfectly complimenting her red hair the way Rosina had hoped it would - around her neck, cuddling into it.
"Oh, I love it, thank you!" Demelza handed Rosina a heavy, rectangular parcel which she unwrapped to reveal a hardcover book of knitting patterns. "Sam told me you like to make your own clothes, so..."
"Yes, yes, I do! This is very thoughtful, thank you." She shot a glance at Sam, who winked at her.
A while later, as Demelza and Ross were leaving, after Demelza had hugged both of her brothers tightly, and Morwenna as best she could around the bump, she drew Rosina slightly aside while the others chatted with Ross on the step, despite the bitter cold outside.
"I just want to say how lovely today was, Rosina. Ross isn't always home from Christmas, and what with Sam being away at the old parish until last year, it's been quite a while since I've been with all of my family. Thank you for making it so special." Before Rosina could even begin to get herself together enough to make a proper reply, she continued: "And I'm really sorry we've barely been in the same room since you and Sam got together - to tell you the truth, I was a bit nervous about today - I wasn't sure I'd made the bet impression the last couple of times we've met!"
"Oh, r-really?" Demelza didn't seem to notice Rosina's slightly strangled tone.
"Yes! But I definitely want to remedy that. I'll call you after New Year and we can have coffee. Get some girl time with my future sister-in-law!" With a quick hug, which Rosina was too surprised to respond to, she was gone, hurrying down the garden path after Ross, stylish leather boots crunching on the frost. With a final wave, she disappeared out of the gate. Sam and Drake retreated back into the sitting room, leaving Rosina and Morwenna standing in the hallway, Rosina still holding the door open for a moment before slowly clicking it shut.
"All right?" Morwenna asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh? Yes." Rosina sniffed and quickly rubbed at her eyes. "Just the cold wind that's all."
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nerdy-bookworm-1998 · 5 years
The Annual Cookie Baking Bonanza
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, background Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter Summary: Day 2 of my 25 Days of Christmas Celebration Calendar. The reader wakes up early to bake Christmas cookies only to be sent back to bed once Bucky, Sam, and Steve arrive back from a mission. Words: 1071 Warnings: Fluff, implied sexy times, one or two curse words (I think?) If I missed anything please let me know A/N: If you liked this, please leave feedback/reblogs and consider donating to my Ko-Fi and/or Patreon, links are available in my bio. If you would like to be tagged in future works, please send me an ask. Merry Christmas!😘🎄🎅🤶
It's the first Saturday in December and for once no one is on a mission so everyone on the team had elected to sleep in later than usual. Everyone, except y/n who was up at 5 am, dressed in her grey Santa, snowman, and reindeer leggings, and a grey top with 'Cookie Baking Crew' written in cursive and decorated with gingerbread men and a bright red bandana to keep her hair out of her face.
"Friday, please play my Christmas party playlist," she asked the AI, feeling very grateful that Tony had soundproofed all the bedrooms after the incident with Steve and Sharon that everyone agreed never to mention again, yet kept teasing Steve about whenever possible. As Jingle Bell Rock started floating from the speakers, y/n started pulling out mixing bowls, baking sheets, mixers, and other implements as well as all the ingredients she would need before getting to work.
Two hours later and every available surface is covered in cooling racks full of goodies, mixing bowls with different colored icing, sprinkles, and cookie sheets waiting for their turn in the ovens. There is flour, cocoa, cinnamon, and other spices almost everywhere, including y/n's outfit, all available skin, and hair.
Steve, Bucky, and Sam are just coming in from their morning run to grab some coffee before going to shower when they smell the aroma of sugary goodness and see a normally calm and collected y/n running around the kitchen like a headless chicken trying to ice the cooled cookies, pull the just-baked ones from the oven and put the raw ones into the oven.
They exchange concerned, yet knowing smiles with each other then turn back to watch the careful dance. They wait for the split second when her hands are not full to walk over. It's Sam who elects to open his mouth first, "What are you doing little miss cookie baking crew?" he asks with a teasing smile.
She glares at him before going back to what she was doing before they interrupted her. "I'm working on my Halloween costume for next year, what does it look like I'm doing?!" she snarks at him.
"Doll, since when have you been up?" Bucky asks, concern pulling his face into a frown. When she doesn't answer he looks up at the ceiling. "Friday?" he calls.
"Miss Y/L/N has been up since 4:30 am and baking since 5 am, Sergeant Barnes," comes Friday's lilting voice, if an AI could sound exasperated, this one surely did.
"Alright, that's it, I'm officially kicking you out of the kitchen," Bucky says before walking around the island, picking her up and swinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"What the hell, Bucky?! Put me down! The cookies are gonna burn!" she protests back to their bedroom, her fists hitting his back not deterring him in the slightest. He only pauses to open the door and deposit her onto the bed.
After going to start her shower, Bucky comes back to stand in front of his pouting girlfriend. "Don't give me that face, you're gonna burn yourself out if you keep going like this doll. You're up before dawn every day and you only come to bed after midnight. I know that you just want this year to be perfect, but I just want my girlfriend back. I promise you, no one is going to care if a few baubles are off-center on the tree, or a gingerbread man is snapped in half. But the are going to care if you end up in the med-bay because you're running yourself into the ground," he gently cups her face in his hands and kisses her forehead sweetly. "Now, here's what's going to happen; you are going to go take a shower, get all this flour and stuff off of you, then you're going to put on your pajamas, get into bed, and go back to sleep for at least another hour. While you do that, Steve, Sam, and I will be in the kitchen finishing up all the cookies, okay?"
Slowly she meets his eyes and nods. He gives her one last kiss before leaving the room. When he gets back to the kitchen, Sam is pulling trays of baked cookies out and putting the raw ones in while Steve decorates the cooled ones. Bucky jumps in with cleaning the mess left behind from the different doughs.
By the time y/n is shuffling back down the hall in her reindeer slippers and matching onesie after a hot shower and two-hour nap, the kitchen is sparkling, all the cookies have been baked and the boys are finishing decorating the last batch. "Now this is a sight I could get used to," she giggles sleepily.
"Hey sweetheart, how was your nap?" Steve calls out, not taking his eyes off the elf in his hands.
"It was great, thanks for asking Stevie. So, what can I help with?" she asks, shuffling closer to the island and taking a seat opposite them.
"You can just sit there, looking adorable, and drink your hot chocolate," Bucky answers, putting a large white mug with 'Merry Christmas' in red cursive and a reindeer in the woods beneath it, filled to the brim with hot chocolate, whipped cream and mini marshmallows in front of her.
After the boys had each grabbed their mugs and a cookie they all sat together admiring their handiwork. "It's official," Sam announced suddenly.
"What's official?" Bucky asked, faux irritation in his voice as he snuggled closer to his warm girlfriend.
"This has to be an annual tradition, from now on every first Saturday of December, the four of us, and anyone else that wants to join, spend the morning making cookies and drinking hot chocolate. We'll call it The Annual Cookie Baking Bonanza!" Sam grinned excitedly.
"That's not a bad idea, Choclatino. Alright, here's to the first annual cookie baking bonanza of many!" Bucky toasted.
"You know I'm always full of good ideas, Vanilla Ice!" Sam chuckled as he clinked his mug to Bucky's.
"Yeah, like the time you thought it was a good idea to run into Steve's room because you thought Sharon was murdering him with the way he was groaning like the old man that he is?" Bucky teased.
"Hey! I thought we agreed not to mention that again, Jerk!" Steve exclaimed, his face turning bright red as everyone else burst into laughter.
@mcdesij @spiderrrling @arrow-guy @interestedbystanderwrites @murdocksmartinis @gwendelerynan @here2have-fun @bookscoffeeandracoons @bambamwolf87 @loricameback @rockrchick51 @love-nakamura @baebeepeach @timelordy-fangirl2 @jewelofwinter @caramell0w @jewels2876 @ladysergeantbarnes @notawritergettingtherethough @patzammit @fanfictionjunkie1112 @lumar014 @kirstie-evans-writes @robertdowneyhiddleston @lil-lex1 @dragonrosegardens @bookgirlunicorn @farfromshawn @shadymidge @kaithezaftig
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buttercupwriter7 · 5 years
Family Christmas Party - t.h.
You know how sometimes when you’re just so excited, ready for the next day to begin, that you can’t sleep?
Today was one of those days. I went to bed early to make sure I got enough rest for the next day. It was currently 6 am and I’d already been up for two hours, unable to sleep more. Just too excited. Today was my family Christmas party. I always love these parties but this years was bound to be the greatest of them all. Usually it’s my family, grandma, aunts and uncles, sometimes a couple of cousins. Most of the cousins are hard to get everyone together at once. 
I laid in bed, trying to go back to sleep but failing miserably. Pulling out my phone I send out a quick message to Tom. He’s coming this year and that’s one of the reasons why I’m so excited. It’s my first year with a boy to bring to meet the family at holiday time. We got so lucky that he had a break from filming the newest Spider-Man movie and it was conveniently near the Christmas Party. 
“Hey, you excited for today?” I send him. 
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, what should I wear?” He sends back.
I laugh, “anything, you’ll look great no matter what ;)”
Tom replied, “haha hey that’s my line, can’t wait to see you. 4 right?”
“Yep! See you soon,” I send to him. 
I force myself out of bed and get dressed. I head upstairs and find myself surprised that no one else it awake yet. I cut up fruit for the fair salad, decorate some cookies and pull out the Christmas dishes.
After an hour of setting up alone, my mom and aunt come out to help. We decorated more cookies, prepared the food for dinner and set up some cute decorations.
“Is Tom still coming?” My aunt asks smiling.
“Yes, he’ll be here at 4!”
“Ohhhh, I can’t wait to meet him!” She exclaims. My family have heard about Tom, mostly from me. But they also know he’s an actor so they’ve seen him on social media here and there.
We finished decorating the kitchen and living room and I head down to shower and change for the party. I look at my phone and notice it’s already 2. I jump in the shower quick and get dressed in my black and red striped sweater with my dark skinny jeans, Christmas socks showing proudly. I dried my hair and curled it slightly.
By the time I was done it was already 3:45 and people were starting to show up. One of my cousins Max was the first one there, I greeted them when I come upstairs and he was excited to see me. 
“Y/N! I’m so glad you came!” He joked, I laughed and punched his arm.
“No! I want to thank you for intruding in on my house,” I joked back and I said hi to his kids who went straight for the presents under the tree.
“No, wait! Those are for after dinner!” Max yelled after them.
They looked sad and Max looked over to me, still talking to them, “Y/N’s boyfriend will be here soon. Come hang out with her before he gets here!”
The kids ran over and I held them both, “my gosh! You guys have gotten so big! You hungry?”
They both nodded and we ate snacks and sat at the table.
“I’ve got a gingerbread house, do you guys wants to decorate it with my?”
“Yeah!” Both Josh and Emma said at the same time.
I broke out the kit and used the frosting to glue the house together. As soon as it was dried, the kids set to decorate it. Josh decorated his side with blue candies and green gumdrops. Emma decorated her side with pink sugar balls, Christmas trees and TONS of frosting on the roof.
As soon as they were done decorating I put the house up on the counter to dry.
The kids grabbed more snacks and ran back into the living room by the rest of the family.
I watched the clock carefully, watching as more and more family came in through the door. But still no Tom.
It was now almost 5 and almost everyone had arrived, Tom was still MIA.
I kept my seat at the table, making conversation with family but still watching the window for that black Audi. It was a gift from Robert Downey Jr, tricked out with Spider-Man seats and everything.
Max walked over and grabbed my shoulder, “don’t worry, he’ll show. And if he doesn’t, I’ll kick his butt.”
I smiled, “Thanks Max.” The kids ran over and pulled me into the living room with everyone else. They’re all sitting around talking, snacking and wine sipping. The amount of gifts around the tree grew tremendously. I know that they’re all for the little kids, but I still have hopes that there’s a little something in there for me.
The doorbell rang, but I didn’t hear it. I was busy having an arm wrestling contest with Max. Apparently everyone else heard it though because it got real quiet. Max let me win our battle and we laughed before stopping, noticing no one else was making a noise.
“Who is that?” Aunt Mandy asked, trying to think of who else wasn't there already.  I stood up and headed to the door. I didn't see that Audi I loved so much and my hopes deflated. Opening the door, changed my mind. Tom was standing there, with a bouquet of roses, a full trash bag, cookies and flour in his hair.
I covered my mouth, laughing at his appearance.
“Wanna help me in?” He asked with that smirk of his.
I nodded, laughing again. “Come on in, Santa Tommy.”
This time he laughed, I grabbed the flowers and trash bag.
“What’s in here??” I asked about the bag.
“Presents,” he smiled at me.
He put his goodies and I went to hug him. We hugged and then he kissed me. 
“You’re late,” I scolded him lightly.
“I was baking....and almost burnt the house down.” He said getting quiet.
“Geez! I thought it taught you how to use the oven,” I giggled and he shrugged.
“I don’t know what went wrong, but I brought flowers for you, to make up for being late.”
“You've got flour in your hair,” I brushed his hair out of his face. “And I love the roses, thank you.”
He brushed more flour out of his hair and I grabbed a vase for the flowers. We made out way out to the kitchen where everyone was staring at us.
“Everyone, this is Tom. Tom, this is my family.” I said. I could introduce them all individually.
Tom waved a little and smiled that smile that makes me the happiest.
Everyone went back to their conversations.
I helped him put out the cookies and we walked into family room holding hands, his other hand holding the full garbage bag.
“What’s that?” Josh asked.
Tom smiled, “presents. I’m Tom.”
He shook Josh’s hand and it was adorable how cute he was with my little cousins.
Tom dumped the gifts out of the bag, right near the fireplace. There was almost no room for them.
I slowly introduced Tom to everyone as we made the rounds.
Tom ended up over talking to my uncle John and I went back to sit down by the kids. Max poked my shoulder and I turned around, “what's up?”
“He seems nice,” he said.
I nodded looking back at Tom, “he is. He’s a good one.”
“He better be better than good. You’re the best which means he needs to be equivalent to that, otherwise unworthy.” He said seriously but laughed a little.
“You should talk to him, he’s really smart. Maybe if you ask nice he’ll give you some Marvel secrets,” I say, nudging him.
Max apparently didn't want to wait. He shouted across the room, “hey Tom!”
Tom turned right away, looking like the was waiting to be saved. “Yeah?” 
“Y/N says you like to share Marvel secrets?” Max asks. He’s such a good, he knows who Tom is and his past with accidentally giving out spoilers.
Tom laughed, “Yeah apparently I do.” 
Max leaned back on the couch, crossing his arms, “tell me what happens in the new Spider-Man movie, tweeny bop.”
Tom laughed and ran a hand through his perfect hair, he didn’t want to be the focus of this family Christmas party. He looked at me and shook his head, “if I could I would man. If I spoil another movie I’ll be worse than Ruffalo.”
“But I do have something you might enjoy in place of trade secrets.” He looked to me for confirmation but I was confused. Did he forget to bring something? He jumped up, grabbing my hand as he ran out to get his shoes.
“Tom!” I yelped, almost tripping over everything we passed.
We got into the hallway and he pulled me in for a quick yet deep kiss.
“What was that for?” I asked breathless.
He rested his forehead on mine for a minute before looking into my eyes, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I said back, I’d never meant anything more in my life. Between the way he interacted with my family and was dedicated to me, I knew he was the one.
“What’re we doing?” I asked him.
“Right,” he said blinking, he ran out to his car and came back within 30 seconds.
“That was fast,” I commented.
“It is freezing out there.”
“What’ve you got??” I asked again and again he ignored me. It looked like another garbage bag.
We came back into the living room, he sat with his back to the fire and me next to him, holding Josh.
“Since I knew I would be asked for secrets, per usual, and I cannot give any out, I’ve got these instead. Hopefully they make up for it.”
He reached into the bag and pulled out some Spider-Man memorabilia including posters, toys and costumes for the little kids, all signed of course.
Wow, I thought to myself, this was beyond dedication. 
Max’s eyes lit up and he thought it was the coolest thing, “I’ll take one of each.”
No matter the age, everyone loves free things. And they love free things even more if they are from one of their favorite movies.
Tom laughed and handed him the bag so he could take his pick.
Shortly after he finished showing off some of the souvenirs he brought, my mom announced dinner. We all got up and grabbed food from the kitchen, searching for a place to sit. We found space to eat downstairs where it was a little more quiet.
We started eating in silence, hearing the soft music and conversations going on above us.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” I say taking a drink of my pop.
“Me too, I’m sorry I was so late. Robert called me while I was at the store getting groceries for the cookies and I was too loud and some girls recognized me so I had to stop and take pictures. So that took longer. And there is a LOT of snow here and it’s still snowing and hard to see while driving. Then the cookies went terribly wrong and I just...”
“It’s okay Tom, I was just worried....that you weren’t going to come. Maybe something more important came up and....I don’t know,” I shrugged, feeling guilty now that I’ve actually spoken my mind. It’s not that I was worried hew aunt going to show, just more that he was going to decide something was bigger and better than his girlfriend’s family holiday party.
“Hey, I’m sorry I was late, but I just need you to know this. I would not have missed this for the world. You’re my favorite person and I don’t ever want you to think that I would blow you off,” Tom smiles hugging me.
I smile back and place my empty plate on the table, “You’re the best.”
“I know,” Tom shrugs with a laugh.
We play a couple of very competitive rounds of foosball, which I won. Tom fake pouted for a while before we headed back upstairs to join the rest of the party.
Tom grabbed a cookie and we made out way into the living room. My mom was FaceTiming with Jeremy, my other cousin and Max’s older brother, who was coming in tomorrow, delayed by work and the snow. “Hey Y/N! Jeremy’s on the phone, here!” She passed her phone to me.
“Great!” I grabbed the phone and looked at his scruffy, bearded face. “Hi Jeremy, we miss you!”
Tom jumped up to grab another cookie while I spoke with my cousin.
“I know! I’m great! I’ll be there tomorrow to hang out with you guys, so don’t have too much fun yet. The weather totally sucks up here,” he laughed at himself.
I rolled my eyes, “yeah, yeah, don't remind me. Just drive safe when you guys are coming up! Also tell Jessica she’s my favorite!” I complimented his soon-to-be wife because she’s awesome.
He fake gasped, looking hurt by my comment.
Tom walked back over to me, three cookies in his hand. He sat down next to me, arm around my shoulders.
“Uh....Y/N,” Jeremy says.
“Yes Jeremy?”
“Who is that boy and why does he have his arm around you?”
I laughed turning the phone over to Tom’s reddening face, “my boyfriend Tom.”
Tom waved and said hello.
Jeremy’s smile dropped, “Hello. Give me a minute with the kid.”
Tom looked nervous. “Sure thing.”
I shot him a thumbs up before he walked away with the phone in his hand.
I look over to Max who is smirking at me and the kids. They couldn't wait any longer and began shaking all of the gifts.
“What are you laughing at?” I shot at him.
He laughed more, “if you wanted to keep that boy of yours, you wouldn’t gave handed him over to Jeremy.
I roll me eyes, “I have faith in BOTH of them. I’m not too worried. Besides, Jeremy will be here tomorrow so I can beat him up then if I have to.” Max laughed again, “I’d pay to see that.”
Tom then came back into the room, handing the phone off to my mom.
“How’d it go?” I asked him as he sat back down next to me.
He wiped his hands on his pants, “I’ve never been so nervous in my life. Not even when I met RDJ. Oh my god.”
It was my turn to laugh this time, “Oh sweetie, you’re okay. Jeremy will be here tomorrow so I can talk to him for you if you’d like.”
Tom’s cheeks turned red, “No, it’s okay. I’ll get over my feat of him before then. Hopefully. Maybe.”
I then got a text adn I looked at it, it said it was from Jeremy and it read, “he’s a good one. keep him. see you tomorrow.”
I smiled, my family plus Tom made for the best celebrations of all time.
The kids then opened gifts, the adults played white elephant and craziness ensued. Most of the family left shortly after gifts and dessert. But for the who were left, we played Christmas movies. Elf was first and then we began watching Home Alone.
Tom looked to be getting tired so I grabbed his hand and ushered him off of the couch. I brought him downstairs and brought him to his overnight accommodations, the couch. I kissed him and watched him collapse onto his bed, already passed out. I went back upstairs to say goodnight to the rest of the family and goodbye to those not staying for tomorrow. I headed back downstairs to rest up for the next day.
The next day we were doing family brunch for those who were in town longer than just a day.
I woke up, having slept in til 8:30. Getting dressed and heading down the hallway. I passed by the living room and saw no Tom on the couch. Confused I went upstairs and could head hushed whispers. As I walked in I saw them. Tom sitting on the couch with Max and Jeremy, Josh on his lap. They seemed to be in an intense, hushed conversation about being the scenes of the Spider-Man movies. None of them even noticed I had come upstairs until Finn saw me and ran over, jumping into my arms with a huge hug.
“Good morning,” he smiled at me with that cute toothless, 6 year old smile.
“Hi Josh,” I smiled back.
“Uncle Jeremy is here and he’s being nice to your boyfriend,” he laughed as he spoke to me.
I giggled back, “well I hope he’s being nice. Otherwise I’ve gotta kick his butt!”
“Yeah!” Josh quietly shouted.
I put him down and went over and hugged Jeremy, “when did you guys get here?”
“’Bout an hour ago, didn't hit as much traffic as we thought. We’re staying over at Anne’s, Jessica is showering then coming over to eat.” He said, hugging me back.
“Great! We’re so excited for your wedding, I expect a full on party.” I said sharing my excitement. Jeremy was the last kid in his family to get married and he is so much fun that we’re all expecting an unforgettable wedding. 
“It’s going to be rad, I really hope you bring your boy here. He’s pretty cool.” Jeremy said, nudging my side. I’m so glad that my family loves Tom as much as I love him and he loves them. They just love that I’m happy and have someone so special to share things with. And it means so much to me that my family, who can sometimes be a little too honest and judgmental, love Tom after just a day of knowing him.
I looked back over at Tom who was once again having an intense conversation with Max, most likely about another Marvel film.
I nodded, “hopefully he has time off, I’d love to bring him with.”
We sat down with the other boys and joined in on their conversation. It only lasted about a half an hour before everyone else was awake and we began prepping for brunch. We all ate and hung out more, playing Pictionary and What Do You Meme.
Tom was excited to be spending so much time with me and my family around the holidays since he was away from his own. He didn’t have enough time off to fly back to London and visit his own family, so he was glad to be able to spend it with someone’s family. 
You sat at the table, after the most recent game of Pictionary and your team had won. There were many conversations happening and you looked over and saw Tom looking at you longingly. You tipped your head over to the other room and he followed you. You grabbed his hand and lead him downstairs. The two of you sat on the couch facing each other.
Tom leaned in and kissed you, long and passionately. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve been right here with you all day, English.” I say back at him, in between kisses.
I pulled away eventually to take a breath and he smiled at me, the sweetest smile. 
“Are you having fun?” I asked him, playing with his hand. 
Tom nodded at me, “I am, I’m so lucky to have you.”
I blushed and scooted closer to him, “I’m lucky to have you. I’m lucky to be a part of your superhero life, to be able to call you mine. You’re mine.”
He kissed me once again, this time sweet and lovingly. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Tom.”
I love you too
Hey guys! This is my first official fic and I hope you like it! I think I’ll maybe do a second part where they couple attends the cousin’s wedding. What do you guys think? Also I’m new to writing for people but I’d love to do some requests! Let me know what you guys wanna see :D
- KK
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thejokersenigma · 7 years
Joker’s Son x Reader (Frost’s Daughter) - Oneshot Request - Christmas Pup
Ok, this was a request from another lovely anon:
I have a request for a Joker's Son x Reader (Frost's Daughter) BECAUSE I CAN'T GET OVER HOW CUTE THEY ALL ARE. Would you please write about how it's Christmas and the reader and Frost spends the holiday with Joker and Lonnie because it's been a tradition since they were kids, and Lonnie surprises the reader with a dog she was eyeing at a local dog shelter. And it's just a lot of fluff between them with the normal teasing comments Joker likes to give the two love birds.
I’m sooooo sorry it’s taking me so long to get these request out.
I’m not gonna lie, this was an odd one to write at this time of year haha and it’s all a bit random, but hopefully it ticked all the cuteness and teasing boxes!
Hope it was vaguely what you wanted!
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
You piled the last present on the neat stack that sat next to you, admiring your choice of golden ribbon that matched nicely with the red holly patterned paper.
“You finally done?” Your dad asked as he now entered the room.
You over the small island at him, turning on your stool to follow his progress as he moved behind you further into the kitchen. “I would have been done quicker if you helped.” You told him.
“But they wouldn’t have looked half as nice.” Frost said with a slight smirk, “And probably wasted a lot more wrapping paper.” He pointed out.
“Have you ever even bought a present?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him as you now watched him reach for the biscuit barrel on the side.
Your dad pulled out a gingerbread man and tossed it over to you. “Sure,” He said, reaching back into the tin for his own biscuit. “I use to buy your Christmas and Birthday presents before you could.” He smirked.
“So, until I was five?”
He made a face at you, “Probably till two,” he confessed with a guilty twist of his lips, “Then J would get someone to do it for us.”
“You two…” You muttered under your breath, turning back to the counter, rolling your eyes as you took a bite of the biscuit. “I don’t know how you would survive without me.”
“Without you, I would never have to buy presents.” Your dad reminded you, pointing his piece gingerbread accusingly.
You stayed silent at that, pursing your lips in annoyance. Frost affectionately ruffled your hair as he walked past, letting you know it was just a jest. You batted his hand away but couldn’t help smirking. Your dad was clearly in a good mood. Sure, you knew he was a different man around you compared to the stiff, emotionless, right-hand man to the Joker that the rest of Gotham knew - but it was still rare that he joked and messed around with you like this anymore.
Maybe you had finally infected him with the Christmas spirit.
You had tried hard enough over the last month after all, loving the holiday, and therefore decorating the flat as soon as possible with paper chains, tinsel and the biggest tree you could fit in the cramped living room. You’d then proceeded to make sure there was a endless supply of gingerbread and mince pies in the kitchen, whilst also ensuring the entire floor of the apartment block smelt constantly like wintery spices.
Frost had, at first, protested – like he did every year – but that didn’t stop him eating his body weight in biscuits and eventually giving up on tearing down the tinsel when you persistently replaced it.
After spending pretty much every year of your life fighting his ‘bah humbug’ spirit, you were slowly starting to make him cave.
You’d worked out that was how your dad worked. Generally, he was stubborn and unrelenting in his views and decisions, but when you chose to play the long game, slowly chipping away at his resolve, you could – just maybe – begin to alter his mindset. It did require a lot of patience and subtle manipulation on your part, though – and to not give away what you were trying to do if you became frustrated or hot-headed.
That’s what you’d been doing for a while now. Working on Frost. This time for one thing you been whining for since you were a girl – even gone so far as to threaten to leave home when you were younger and more naïve.
You wanted a dog.
Frost had never allowed it. It was another mouth to feed he couldn’t afford and a nuisance if you didn’t train it properly. At ten years old it was a joke. Now though, it was a different matter.
You had big plans, and you were now so sure you were close to breaking your dad’s resolve on the matter, that you’ve even begun visiting the nearby rescue centres. Many dogs had caught your eye, but there was one in particular you had your sights on, a young German Shepard.
He was a good catch though, and, if you wanted to get him, you needed to act fast before someone else snatched him up – something Lonnie had informed you of whilst you’d been staring adoringly at the pup who stood up against the kennel fence to greet you.
Of course, Lonnie had been right, but you hadn’t appreciated the downer at the point in time, scowling and punching his arm, exclaiming how you were working on it.
“I take it your criticism of my speed means you’re ready?” You now called out the kitchen door to your dad in the other room.
“[Y/N], when you’ve worked for J for as long as I have, you’re always ready.” He muttered, stepping back into the room.
“Good, then let’s go.” You said, slipping off the stool, “Lonnie wanted me to stop by earlier if I could anyway.” You explained, tugging on the bottom of your dress self-conscious, not used to being so dressed up. It was odd, you spent most of your time with the two men you were now going to see – yet for some reason you felt you needed to put in some special effort because it was a more official ‘get together’ – you’d done your makeup, put on a nice outfit, even messed with your stubborn hair. But it was Christmas after all, better put some effort in.
“How are things with you and Lonnie?”
“Things?” You frowned glancing up at your dad and seeing the look on his face. “Oh, come on! It’s bad enough J makes fun of us, not you too!” You scowled.
“The fact there is an ‘us’, gives it away, kid.” Your dad chuckled.
“How else to you refer to multiple people?!” You demanded, but it was clear to Frost by your quick-fused frustration that he’d hit some truth. It was easy to see it between you and Lonnie anyway.
“Let’s just go, can we?” You muttered at your dad’s bemused expression, brushing past him with the half of the presents, leaving him to grab the rest.
 A short drive and the usual greetings later, you were in the kitchen of the Joker’s huge penthouse helping to arrange food with the staff that were unluckily employed over the holidays – you always insisted the ones that stayed were the ones without family, or with family they certainly wouldn’t miss not spending the Christmas period with. You sipped at your glass of champagne before setting it on the side and bending to pull out a tray of mince pies from the oven. You knew there would still be guards positioned around the penthouse – even out on the cold streets – so you always sneakily made extra food to hand out to them. Your father always liked to tell you what it was like, trying to work your way up the ranks of J’s men, it didn’t sound easy. And it was Christmas after all.
“Hey, [Y/N]!”
“Jeez!” You cried, jumping slightly at the voice behind you. “Lonnie,” You breathed, glancing over your shoulder as you straightened up with the tray, somehow not having dropped anything. “You made me jump!” You scolded, pushing the tray onto the side and closing the oven door.
“Sorry, doll.” He apologised quickly, glancing around at the kitchen, some food ready for the table, some still waiting it’s turn in the queue for the oven. “Do you have any – uh – ‘spare’ food?” He asked.
“Well, considering for four people, we always seemed to make an amount for a small army…” You mused, also glancing around at the food prep. “Probably not.” You chuckled.  “Why,” You smirked at him, “you hungry?”
“Me, kitten? Nah, I – uh –“ He glanced around at the staff, then leant in closer to speak in your ear. “I sneak stuff out to my mates on patrol.” He murmured. You couldn’t help laughing. “What, doll?” He demanded, pulling back to look at you reproachfully.
“Oh, nothing,” You smirked, “Just didn’t think your cold heart was capable of something that nice, that’s all.” You laughed, turning back to your tray of food and moving it over to the island. Lonnie followed after you.
“Hey, doll, I’ve been out there – I know how shit that deal is” He defended, nodding his head vaguely towards the outside, “‘specially when it’s subzero temperatures.” He muttered.
“Well, then, it’s a good thing that I make extra food each year for that exact same reason.” You quipped, now shovelling beginning to shift the pies from the tray into a Tupperware box.
“You do?” He asked in surprise.
“Why do you sound so shocked?” You laughed, turning back to him again.
“I just didn’t think your cold heart was capable of something that nice, doll.” He mimicked back at you and you scowled.
“My dad always made sure I knew what the men go through.” You muttered moodily and Lonnie nodded in understanding, though the frown didn’t leave his face. “What’s up?” You asked.
“It’s just that – I’ve been stealing food for those lads for years now… but they’ve been getting food from you as well – sneaky bastards.” He muttered, and you laughed.
“Well, here you go.” You said, pushing the box of food towards him. “I’ll make the parcels up as they become available – you deliver.” You bargained with a smile.
“Alright,” He nodded, “But if some of the food ends up thrown at their heads it ain’t my fault, doll, got it?”
“Sure thing,” You shrugged, “Whatever you feel you gotta do.” You smirked, watching his back as he now strode moodily away to confront his mates about playing the system.
 “That felt like more food than usual.” Commented your dad after dinner as the four of you now moved from the dinner table to the large lounge.
“Probably because we weren’t giving out half of it to the help.” Lonnie muttered in your ear, stepping up beside you. You snickered quietly before noticing both the Joker and your dad had caught your laugh.
“I think the kids have an inside joke, Frosty.” J observed with a wicked gleam in his eye. “I hope it was inappropriate.” He grinned at the two of you.
You felt your cheeks turn a guilty red, despite it being nothing of the sort. “Just saying how it didn’t seem to slow any of you guys down - there’s still barely any leftovers.” You sassed back.
They both eyed you like they weren’t completely sure you were telling the truth, but dropped it anyway as you entered the lounge, Frost breaking away to get some drinks. You took one of the two-seater sofas next to the large Christmas tree, stretching out on the cushions, feeling that warm doozy feeling that came from having eaten a large meal.
“Move your feet.” You opened one eye slightly to find Lonnie standing over your legs, waiting for you to move.
“Why?” You frowned, now crossing your legs at the heel stubbornly.
“Oh, I dunno, doll? So, the smallest person in the room doesn’t take up two seats to herself?”
“What does it matter if I do? There’s plenty of other seats.” You exclaimed, gesturing around at the other chairs.
“If you’re gonna fall asleep anyway, dolly, you can take one of the other chairs that doesn’t have such a prime view of the TV and is also nicely close to the heater.” He pointed out.
“Aww, you cold?” You teased childishly, but sat up anyway, pulling your legs in and twisting back around to sit on the seat properly. Lonnie just made a face at you before sitting down next to you.
“Ah, look, the love birds are sitting together…” Drawled J with a wide grin, now dropping into the corner of another of the sofas, whiskey glass in hand.
You scowled at him but knew there was little use fighting his comment – the more you protested, the more he assured you that it must be true. It was better for everyone’s (remaining) sanity not to go down that path.
Lonnie didn’t seem to have that same train of thought though. “Lay off, J.” He growled moodily, not bothering to look at his father.
“Sorry, kiddo,” J cackled, “It’s the curse of the Joker charm – the ladies can’t resist ya!” He grinned evilly, shooting you a wink.
You just rolled my eyes, “I’m sure I can try.” You muttered, baited into commenting. You crossed one leg over the other and leaned into the arm of the sofa, self-consciously trying to stay as far away from Lonnie as possible. Comments on Lonnie’s attraction only made you more aware of it, your friends at the pub were usually the ones to mention it, it might become almost unbearable if J now made it a regular thing.
J grinned at you, as though reading your mind.
Your father now joined you the three of you, drink in hand. He glanced at where you sat. “Is Lonnie contagious or something, [Y/N]?” He asked, noting your stiff posture and your position on the couch. “If he is, maybe you ought to sit on another chair…”
“I was here first.” You muttered stubbornly, annoyed at the constant comments.
“Alright kid, don’t pout.” Frost reprimanded, and you scowled.
“Can we just open presents or something – anything that doesn’t involve talking?” You asked irritably, and the men glanced at each – sharing a look that said it was probably your hormones or something. This just added to your annoyance and you grumbled under your breath.
“Maybe you’re right, doll.” Lonnie muttered, getting to his feet. “Wanna give me a hand bringing ‘em in?” He asked down at you.
You frowned, at him, surprised. “Uh – yeah, sure.” You mumbled, also pushing yourself up.  You were still tired, but right now you wanted out of J’s and your dad’s scrutiny - even now, you could feel their eyes on your back as you headed out the door, closely followed by Lonnie.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, kid!” J called after him with a grin, “And maybe a lot less than that if you don’t want Frosty to gut ya!” He laughed manically, the sound following the two of you down the corridor.
“The two of them are ridiculous.” You grumbled as you walked, feeling Lonnie’s presence just behind you.
“Why do you let it get to you so much, doll?” You heard him ask, “Does the idea really repel ya that much?”
“What?” You frowned, pausing and turning back to him.
“Why are you so horrified by the idea of us being a couple?”
“I-I’m not – I –“ You stopped again, suddenly realising what you were saying. “Are we really having this conversation?!” You demanded, marching on ahead again.
Lonnie easily caught up with you. “Yes, we are, kitten, because I wanna know what I need to do for future reference.”
You stopped once again, turning to him face him, feeling your heart rate quicken as you frowned. “Future reference?” You repeated, bewildered, your voice breaking.
“Sure.” He nodded. “What’ll make me more appealing to girls…” Your heart sank in realisation. “Specifically, you.” He added, and you swear your heart now stopped completely.
“What?” You said again, but this time your voice barely came out as more than a whisper.
He smirked to himself, walking past you, “D’ya know what the guys said when I asked them why they kept accepting food from both of us?” You didn’t say anything, but that seemed fine. “They said they were waiting for us to work it out, hoped it would bring us together. At the holidays. Said we were cute.”
You still couldn’t find it in you to speak, not wanting to ruin the moment. “I got annoyed at first.” He admitted, and you weren’t sure what he was meant by all this. “But then I remembered, doll…” He drawled, stopping outside the door you knew led to his bedroom – though you hadn’t realised you’d walked that far. “That I’ve been trying to be cute to you my entire life.” He grinned.
“You’re crazy.” You croaked, but you could feel your heart swelling hopefully.
“No…” He corrected you, “I’m cute.” He grinned.
“Oh?” You asked with raised eyebrows, though you couldn’t help but grin back.
“Do you need proof?”
“If your ‘proof’ is in your room,” You laughed, watching him edge towards the door, “then I don’t think ‘cute’ is the right word… Maybe presumptuous? Or hopeful?” You teased.
He scowled playfully at you. “Do you want your Christmas present or not?”
There was suddenly a thump against the door next to you making you jump. “Please tell me you just knocked the door…” Lonnie just grinned at you. “Lonnie…” You laughed nervously, suspicious and a little bit scared.
“Told ya someone else would get him if you didn’t, kitten.” He shrugged with a grin.
Your eyes widened. “Lonnie, don’t joke with me about this! You know much I wanted that dog!” You cried, not letting yourself believe it.
There was another loud thud against the door. “Can you believe me a bit quicker, doll - preferably before he knocks himself out?” Lonnie smirked. You could feel your eyes betraying you with tears now and you nodded, unable to speak. Lonnie grinned again and pushed open the door. A mass of hair came flying out, colliding solidly into your legs and nearly knocking you flying. You stepped back to brace against the corridor wall as the huge German Shepard puppy now threw himself at you again, his cold wet nose bumping your cheek and his claws scrambling for purchase on your dress and arms.
You brought your hands up to protect your face from being slobbered on too much, when suddenly the puppy was pulled down, leaving you laughing breathless as you watched Lonnie wrestle the dog, one hand on his collar, the other wrapped around his chest, leaning over its back to try to keep in under some semblance of control. “You might regret this present.” Lonnie gasped out, though you found that difficult to believe as you now looked down at the puppy who was glancing between you and Lonnie, desperately squirming to show one of your affection.
You laughed, “Don’t worry, I can handle him – I’ve dealt with worse.” You teased, referring to him, Frost and J. Lonnie wrestled the puppy back into the room, closing the door on him.
“Hey!” You protested, already hearing a thump against the door as the puppy protested.
“Oh, no, doll.” Lonnie growled. “I’ve waited this long - I ain’t about to have a pup steal my kiss at the last minute!” He growled.
“Oh? You think you’ve earnt a kiss?” You taunted.
“Doll, I’ve had that thing living in my room for the past week – I’ve earnt my kiss!” He growled.
You laughed. “Ok,” You hummed, stepping towards him, “maybe you can have the first kiss,” You allowed, slyly, placing your hands on his chest, curling your fingers into his shirt, “but ya gotta know you’ve got competition now.” You told him, glancing up at his dark eyes.
His hand found your waist, pulling your closer. “Bring it on.” He muttered before finally kissing you.
 TAGS for Everything: @thatwriterizzy @sheldonsherlocktony @jemjem-chan @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
The Last Straw
SPN FanFic
~Sam takes things a little too serious, and all you really want out of life is a freakin’ cookie.~
Sam x Reader, Dean, surprise OC
3,495 Words 
Warnings: Supremely Fluffy with a hint of spicy Angst. But mostly disgustingly fluffy. Please brush your teeth afterwards. 
A/N: This is another gem for my ‘Give Em A Merry Christmas’ treasure chest. A shout out to @fandom-queen-of-wonderland who submitted an idea for a Dean x Reader with the line “All I want is Christmas is a gingerbread man and some peace and quiet!”. As you can see, it’s not Dean x Reader, but trust me, Dean is as sweet as a freshly baked blueberry pie in this. I hope you like it. Also, there is a surprise for one of my favorite followers in here. I’m not going to call her out, but I’m pretty sure she’ll pick up on it when it gets to that bit. ;) Hope you all enjoy!
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist ~ Christmas 2017 Fic Corral
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Like many things in your crazy life, getting pregnant was not planned. Well, honestly, if you took it a bit further back, meeting and falling in love with Sam Winchester wasn’t planned either. Neither was getting into Hunting, or even being aware that all the things that went bump in the night actually did go bump in the night, but hey, it happened, but that’s a story for another day.
While you and Sam had no plan to officially marry, the unexpected news of the bun now occupying your oven was nonetheless welcomed. From the moment Sam had thoroughly absorbed the news, he went a little bit off the deep end helping you to prepare. Like the true nerd he was, Sam read every single baby book in the Lebanon Library, scoured the internet for information, even joined babycenter.com as Soon2BPapaWin2017. He stalked the message boards, chatted with expectant mothers, and dove headfirst into taking care of you and his future bundle of joy.
He was so adorable when researching baby gear, often spending late nights reading every review of his chosen product only to write it off in favor of something that looked just a tiny bit safer. He filled up his online shopping carts on Amazon and BabiesRUs with the best of the best, never buying anything, because he knew he could find better. He only wanted the best for his child, and in turn, you.
While Sam couldn’t protect you with rubber bumpers on table corners, or wrap you in bubble wrap, he could try to protect you in another, rather annoying way. Sam took it upon himself to get you healthy, and while he meant for the best, and you loved him for it, it was driving you nuts.
He had tried to insist that you stop hunting, but you slapped him so hard upon the first mention, that he didn’t bring it up again. It wasn’t until well into your seventh month that you voluntarily stayed back, not wanting to slow the guys down. The worst part, though, was that during the entire nine months of your pregnancy, Sam insisted you follow a strict diet that he concocted, filling you up with more vegetables and random vegan proteins than you had ever seen in your life. Add to that Sam guilting you into joining him in prenatal yoga, and taking no less than three walks a day while you were home, by your third trimester, you were done.
Through all your whining and discomfort, Sam was by your side, never letting you drink a single kale smoothie by yourself. He was getting you both healthy, and he practiced what he preached. While he was pushing every last one of your buttons, you did appreciate the love he put into every annoying thing he did.
Dean was another story altogether, and the soon to be uncle slowly became your best friend and savior, often sneaking you chocolate when you needed it most, and letting you fall asleep on him when Sam had pushed you an extra mile.
Both Winchesters were excited and happy for the next generation to arrive, but they went about showing their joy in rather opposite ways. Sam answered your complaints with offers of cocoa butter lotion and random science facts, while Dean would tuck a pillow under your back, flip on Netflix, and rub your tired feet. When watching you choke down green leafy things, Dean often jokingly promised to take you out for a steak dinner before the baby arrived, and it always pissed Sam off. He would throw his hands up and stalk away, mumbling to himself about how he was just trying to help and make sure everyone was healthy.
Sure, he was over the top and the food was disgusting, but he was just trying to help.
As Christmas rolled around, you found, much to your dismay, that you were rolling around too. Your ankles were swollen, your back ached, and your stomach shot out so far in front of you that it looked like you were having triplets.
Waddling through the Bunker in search of something to do that wouldn’t get you in trouble with the father to be, your nose picked up a deliciously warm, spicy scent and your feet turned towards the kitchen.
Nutmeg and ginger filled the air, making your stomach grumble as you floated towards the oven. Sam turned around to greet you with a kiss and a smile as he set a freshly cooled plate of cookies down on the counter.
“Hey, Baby,” he said, kissing your nose. “And Baby…” he smiled and bent down to kiss your giant belly.
Laughing at his goofy smile, you shook your head. “You’re gonna have to come up with a new pet name for at least one of us or it’ll be confusing.”
“Well that will depend on what Little Baby is,” he told you, gently rubbing a huge hand over the apex of your stomach. “Still don’t want to find out?”
“Nah,” you said with a tiny laugh. “I’m only doing this once, might as well keep the surprise.” Your smile faded to a deep grimace as the baby kicked hard, and Sam jumped in shock. His face lit up with such a smile as he felt his child press against his hand, that you couldn’t help but smile back.
“That’s so cool,” he said under his breath.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, maybe for you. Little Winchester’s been kicking the shit out of me all day. He’s very aggressive. I think he takes after his uncle.”
“Just a guess,” you shrugged and then licked your lips as you looked around Sam to the cookies not being eaten. “And, like his uncle, Baby is also hungry.”
“I made you a treat,” Sam grinned and went to grab the plate.
“I’m starving, thank you!” Happiness filled your soul as you looked down to see what appeared to be a plate of real, legitimate gingerbread men cookies. With an excited grin, you picked up the top cookie and lifted it to your nose, taking a sniff. It smelled right… but…
Sam watched carefully and without comment as you opened your mouth, but something in his eyes made you stop before the treat hit your tongue.
“What’s in this cookie?”
An innocent laugh left his pink lips and Sam shook his head in shock. “What? Nothing.”
“It’s good, trust me.”
Your eyes narrowed as you looked from the cookie to your boyfriend, not for one second believing his lie. Nine months of quinoa and spinach cakes had made you more than suspicious. Even being Christmas, there was no way that Sam was suddenly going to let you have a normal cookie.
“What’s in this cookie, Sam?”
“Just taste it.”
“Not until you tell me what it’s made of.”
“I’ll tell you after you taste it.”
The baby kicked again, clearly wanting some food, and so, after a deep breath, you closed your eyes, took a bite, and instantly spit it back out. “Oh good God, what is this?”
“Flax seed,” Sam laughed.
“What?” You wiped your mouth with your sleeve and stared up at him in pained shock.
“Flax seed. It’s good for you.”
A deep, burning anger rolled through your gut and pushed out from your lips with a screeching wail that echoed through the Bunker. “Dean!”
Boots pounded the hard floor as Dean flew through the hall, and he jumped down the kitchen steps, out of breath and panicked.
“Y/N! What is it? You gonna have the baby?”
“We’re gonna have a funeral!” you yelled, fists clenched as you stepped forward, scaring Sam enough so that he backed away slowly.
Dean gripped the wall, catching his breath as he assessed the situation. “What?”
“I’m about to murder your brother.”
Sam held his palms up in surrender as you came closer and closer. “Y/N/N, I’m just trying…”
“Don’t!” you shouted and shook a fist up at him. “Don’t you ‘Y/N/N’ me, Sam! This is all your fault! I’m fat and tired and starving and you won’t let me eat! I hate seeds! I hate salad! I want Indian food, goddammit! The baby wants pizza and Hostess cupcakes! You’re trying to kill me is what you’re doing! And now? This cookie?” You threw the offending gingerbread man at his head, barely missing him. Sam ducked and looked to his brother for help, but Dean stood in the doorway, smartly keeping his mouth shut. “How dare you! All I want for Christmas is a motherfucking Gingerbread Man and you gave me this! I hate you!”
Sam’s lips quivered in shock, struggling to find something to say that would soothe you, but there was nothing. He watched with sad puppy eyes as your rage turned to tears and your knees gave out. He tried to catch you as you sank to the floor, but you pushed him away, angry and tired.
“No! Leave me alone, Sam! This is the last straw! I can't...I can't…”
Finally, Dean moved from his place by the door and hurried to your side. He scooped you up without a word, and you gratefully fell into his flannel covered arms.
Ten minutes later, you were out cold on the couch, having passed out with your head on Dean's shoulder. Carefully, and with the finesse of a cat burglar, Dean slid out from underneath you and stretched.
Sam was in the doorway, watching with a frown. “She hates me,” he said as Dean pushed himself up from the sofa.
Dean shook his head and pressed a finger to his lips. “Shh!” Waving Sam out of the room he went on, “She doesn't hate you, Sam. It's like...hormones and shit. And the poor girl...dude, you gotta let her eat; she's starving.”
“She eats!”
“Rabbit food, man. She's eating for two and neither one of them likes tomatoes. And you know that and still you put tomatoes on everything. Also, seed cookies?” Dean hung his head in disgust. “It's Christmas, Sammy. How could you?”
Sam’s jaw twitched. “I'm just trying to do what's best. You don't know, Dean. You haven't read all the books, you don't know what could go wrong. Gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, placenta previa...You just don’t know!”
“The baby could be breech! Do you have any idea what that means, Dean!” Sam’s hands swam through his hair as his eyes grew wide with worry. “Peripartum cardiomyopathy...she… she could have a friggin’ heart attack at any time!”
“Sammy…” Dean tried to snap Sam out of his rant, but the taller brother began to spin as his eyes darted about the room, seeming to read all the horrible things he’d seen on the air.
“That’s not even what could happen during labor! She could get an infection, she could bleed out! Just… die. You don’t understand, Dean. I have to keep her safe. I have to!”
“Damn it, Sammy, stop!” Dean grabbed Sam’s shoulder and jerked him to a halt. “Listen to me! You have to calm down. That’s all worst case stuff. Y/N is healthy, so is the baby. You’re the only one causing any problems.” Sam stared at him, silent and pained, but Dean sighed and went on. “Now, just relax. Nothing that could go wrong is gonna be fixed by force feeding your girlfriend plexiglass seeds or whatevers.”
“Flax. Flax seed.”
“Whatever,” Dean cringed. “The point is, you have got to let up. She’s miserable, can’t you see that?”
Sam pulled away enough to look over his shoulder at you. Your cheek was smushed against the seat, your hair a mess of sweat and tears. “She’s fine,” Sam argued. “Besides, we’ve only got a few weeks left.”
“Exactly, so why not let her enjoy it?”
Sam shook his head sternly and turned back to Dean. “No. I have to protect her, and this is the best way I can right now. This baby is…” He paused, not sure how to explain himself.
Dean filled the empty space. “It’s just a baby, Sam. People have them everyday. Sometimes more than one at a time.”
“No. You just don’t get it.” Sam gave up, and after a last look at your snoring face, he pushed passed Dean and set off in a huff. “And you can stop sneaking her Snickers when you think I’m not around, Dean.”
“Well, screw you too,” Dean muttered under his breath. “I’ll give her a damn Snickers if I want. This ain’t prison.”
You stirred on the couch, and Dean popped his head in the room to check on you. He would have attempted to carry you to bed, but you always hated that, and he was afraid he’d drop you now anyway.
“Dean?” You blinked into the dim light, woken by a ridiculously loud grumble in your tummy.
“Hey, Sweetheart, you want to go to bed?” Dean extended a hand, which you took, but shook your head, declining his offer.
“No,” you told him as you tugged his arm, pulling him down close to you. “What I want… what I need… is meat.”
Dean laughed and bent closer to kiss your forehead. “I know, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
“No, Dean, I’m serious.” You lifted your chin to look him straight in the eyes and took a fistful of his shirt between your fingers. “I need you to break me out of here. You’ve been saying for months you’re gonna take me to a steakhouse. Come on, El Chapo, Today’s the day!”
“Y/N/N…” Dean’s hand closed around your fist and he patted your fingers gently. “We can’t. Sam’s just being…”
“Nuts,” you cut in. “He’s insane. Do you know he makes me take this giant vitamin every morning? It’s the size of a golf ball, Dean.” Tears were springing up behind your eyes as you begged him to help you. “And I have to wash it down with… he calls it milk, but goddammit, Dean, it didn’t come from no cow. You gotta help. If I smell another blade of wheatgrass I’m gonna cut my nose off. Please. You gotta help me.”
You could tell you’d won in the way his shoulders dropped. Dean sighed and bit his lip, looking down at you with such sympathy it tugged at your heart. Sure, you were pathetic, but that was your card to play right now. It wasn’t as if you were milking it, Sam was literally torturing you with all the health food. For the last three weeks you’d been dreaming of oreos; that couldn’t be normal.
With one last pitiful pout, you whispered your prayer to the green-eyed superhero you called friend. “Please, Dean.”
“If he finds out, he’s gonna kill me.”
“It’s just a burger, Dean. What could go wrong?”
The steakhouse was not open, as it was nearly one in the morning on Christmas Eve, but Millie’s Diner was open all night.
You sat sideways in the booth because your belly wouldn’t fit, but you couldn’t care less about how you looked. Dean ordered a giant meal for you both, and you matched him bite for bite. The fries were overdone and deliciously crispy. The milkshake was cold and divine. The burger… you couldn’t find a word for it. Your brain frizzled when the rare meat and melted cheese hit your tongue, and all you could do was close your eyes and sigh happily. Dean watched you with a smile as you devoured your dinner, and even gave you a strip of bacon right off his burger. “For the baby,” he said with a wink. You didn’t care if it was for the baby, or your hips, you needed it all.
Smacking your lips, you sat back with a satisfied grin and rubbed your belly. “Thank you, dude. That was amazing.”
Dean mirrored your pose, right down to the belly rub. “It was. Good idea, Y/N/N.”
A flash of pain wrapped around your middle and you cringed as it stopped your breath. “Ow.”
Dean’s head snapped up from his plate where he’d been eyeing a drop of cheese that had been left behind. “You OK?”
You nodded quickly and shifted a bit in the seat. “Yeah, this table is just uncomfortable.”
“Well,” Dean laughed. “We could have sat at the counter, but you’re a little off balance lately.”
“Shut up,” you laughed and then tensed up as another wave of pain circled your belly. “Ouch!”
Dean sat forward, eyeing you suspiciously, but you waved him off. “Just indigestion,” you assured him. “I’m good.” You hissed at another stabbing pain, this one harder and coming up from below. “Gaah!”
“OK, that’s not OK, Y/N.” Dean scooted to the end of his seat and moved to stand up.
“No! No! Sit.” You took a deep breath and forced a smile. “I’m good.” Another crackle of daggers around your sides. “Fuck!” You gasped but kept your lips lifted in a smile that was nothing short of creepy now. “Pie? They have pie. Let’s get pie.”
“Sweetheart, the only thing we’re getting is you to the hospital.” Dean finally stood up and had your elbow in his hand, trying to urge you up.
“No, no hospital. I’m fine.” The last word came out on the end of a scream that turned every head in the brightly lit diner. “Dean! I think I’m in labor.”
“Yeah, Y/N/N, I know.” Dean picked you up and slung your arm around his shoulder, carefully guiding you to the exit. He paused to hand the waitress some cash, who basically pushed you both out of the door.
“Oh, Sam is gonna kill me.”
Sam probably would have killed you both, but all of his anger, fear, and months of worry faded away when he held his daughter in his arms. Tessa Rose was born on Christmas Eve after an exhausting seventeen hours of labor. She was soft and squirming, already a loud and feisty Winchester as she cried as Sam tried to adjust her against his chest. He’d read every book ever written on infants, but holding the newborn, his newborn, was something he was not prepared for.
You lay in bed, slipping in and out of sleep, watching with a pain-killer induced smile as Sam struggled in the chair next to your bed. His face was twisted with nerves, but his eyes were calm and happy. Finally, Tessa found a spot that she seemed to like, and fell asleep against her daddy’s chest. Sam rocked gently side to side and looked over at you with a truly contented smile.
“You did a great job, Mommy,” he said.
“Well, I had help.”
Sam frowned and let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I went a little…”
“Psycho Father To Be?” you laughed. “Yeah, I noticed.” Sam nodded sadly and looked away, but you sat up and reached for his hand. “Hey, Sam, I get it. It’s OK. I love you. You’re gonna be an amazing dad. You just have to learn to go with the flow.”
Sam smiled and fit his fingers through yours. “I’ll try.”
“That’s all I ask.”
Dean appeared in the doorway and cleared his throat. “OK, can we roll the credits on this RomCom? I want to see my niece.”
“Come on in.” Sam sat up and gently lifted Tessa from her spot, showing her off to Dean.
“Oh, she is… awesome.” Dean grinned and took the baby in his arms, smiling down at the perfectly chubby cheeks and dusting of brown hair. Tessa popped open her eyes and batted her delicate lashes, instantly wrapping her uncle around her finger. Dean kissed her forehead and then set her down on the bed. “I got a you a present, Tessa.”
Sam climbed into bed with you and you snuggled together as Dean pulled a red velvet Christmas stocking from his jacket. Before you could stop him, Dean pulled the sock up over Tessa’s legs, and the baby sank down into it, her chin popping up over the white faux fur.
“Dean, what are you doing to my baby?” you asked from your spot under Sam’s arm.
Dean laughed to himself and snapped a picture of your festively swaddled daughter. “That one’s going on the fridge.”
“Take it off,” Sam said with a laugh.
“Why?” Dean picked Tessa up and held her aloft. “She’s the best Christmas present ever.”
“She is, isn’t she?” Sam echoed, and pulled you close. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Merry Christmas, Sam.” You looked up and placed a warm kiss on his lips. “Merry Christmas, Dean,” you added, looking over at the giddy man holding a stocking full of baby.
Dean shifted Tessa to lay in the crook of his arm, and kissed the tip of her tiny nose. “God bless us,” he said softly. “Every one.”
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heavensenthobi · 7 years
Winter Wonderland [Jin Fluff]
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Summary: Seokjin proves that he goes all out for Christmas
Pairing: Jin/Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.5k
A/N: I know it's not Christmas Eve but I'm gonna write so much Christmas themed fluff it's not funny ^^
Christmas was always your favorite time of the year. From the holiday lights and Christmas cookies, all the way down to the charity and love, it was spectacular. Seokjin, your amazing boyfriend felt the same. Every year since you two have been together he'd go all out with the decorations and baking, and you loved every second.
To celebrate you both being together for 3 Christmas’, Jin told you on Christmas Eve, he was taking you somewhere special.
“Babe, are you ready to go?” You tied the scarf around your neck and slipped on your boots and made your way towards your handsome boyfriend.
“All ready!” You smiled kissing him sweetly. He intertwined your hands and pulled you out your front door and to his car.
“Are you sure you don't wanna tell me where we're going?”
“No princess, I'm not telling you! But you'll know soon enough!” He smiled pulling a scarf out of his pocket.
“Now, turn around and let me tie this around your eyes.” Puzzled you slowly turn around and let him blindfold you with his fuzzy scarf.
“Jin!? Is this absolutely necessary?” You could hear him laugh.
“Of course it is baby! I want it to be a big surprise!” You sigh and give in to his wish. You could feel him grasp your hands and guide you to the car. After he shut the door, you fumbled with the seatbelt, managing to buckle yourself in successfully. When Jin opens the door, a cold rush of air hits you causing you to shiver before he shuts the door and turns the car on. Instantly a warm rush of air filters into the car and soft Christmas music starts to play.
“All settled y/n?” Jin asks grabbing your hand. You nod and smile.
“It's not a very long trip, but it's not short either. That's all I'm saying.” He says with a hint of a smile in his tone. As soon as the words left his mouth, he backs the car out of the driveway and pulls out, heading to the unknown destination.
After what seemed like an hour of driving, the car finally comes to stop.
“Are we finally here?” You exclaim with excitement in your voice.
“Yes, honey we're here!” Quickly he gets out of the car and opens your door, helping you out.
“Can I take this off yet?” You ask.
“A few more minutes, We're only in the parking lot!” Jin laughs, holding your hands helping you walk towards the mystery location.
“Alright babe, you ready to take the blindfold off?”
“I've been ready since you put it on.” You giggle. You can hear Jin chuckle as he goes to untie the knot.
“On the count of three! One, Two, Three!” He quickly removes the blindfold to reveal what seems like a Christmas village. As you scanned the scene before you, you took in the many breathtaking lights and Christmas themed shops.
“Oh, Jin! This is beautiful! Where did you ever find this?”
“One of the staff members told me about it, she said it was the perfect place for someone that adores Christmas!”
“It's amazing! I love it so much!”
“I'm glad you like it baby, but this is only the outside, we still have lots to explore inside!” He grabbed your hand and tugged you towards what looks like a gingerbread house with a sign hanging above it. In bright blue paint, it read ‘Winter Wonderland’.
“Oh, Jin this is amazing!” He opened the brown wooden door for you and bowed like a dork
“After you my lady.” You blushed and giggled at his dorkiness and entered the small wooden house. Inside a man dressed as an elf was sitting behind a desk with a huge smile on his face.
“Hello, folks! Welcome to Winter Wonderland! How many is that gonna be?”
“2, My beautiful girlfriend and I. It'll be under Kim Seokjin” The elf nodded happily typed his name into the computer. He smiled and passed us two tickets and a map. Jin yet again held the door open as we walked into the festive Christmas village.
“Holy Christmas!” Jin exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at all of the holiday spirit.
“This is absolutely breathing!” You agreed with a matching expression. Carolers were walking about singing festive songs while small children ran around with pure joy written across their faces. Many of the themed stores had delicious smells wafting through the air. You squeezed Jin’s hand and smiled.
“Can we go explore then!?” You exclaimed, trying not to jump up and down in excitement.He grinned down at you and nodded.
“Of course Princess! Where do you wanna start first?” You scanned the area, looking to see what would catch your eye.
“How about there?” You asked pointing to a gingerbread house. The sign said, “Make your own Christmas Cookies”. Jin followed your finger and nodded. The two of you walked hand-in-hand into the warmth of the sweet little gingerbread house. Once the two of you were inside, the smell of baking Christmas cookies was stronger, making your mouths water. A stout older lady dressed like Mrs. Claus was walking around helping little kids and couples alike mix, bake and decorate their cookies. When she saw the two of you waiting by the door, she walked over with a warm smile on her face.
“Oh, Hello! Are you here to make some cookies with me?” We smiled and nodded.
“Well come on in! Don't be shy, Call me Mrs. C!”
“I'm Jin, and this is my girlfriend y/n.” The older woman smiled and showed us a table with red and green jars of ingredients, a candy cane striped jar with kitchen utensils. and cute little gingerbread mixing bowls.
“So here we have all you'll need to make and decorate your cookies! The estimated time from prep to decorations is about half an hour to 45 minutes, it just depends on how many you both make.” She said smiling. She handed us both aprons and a paper with the recipe.
“If you need any help, just let me know!” The older women said as she walked towards a group of children decorating their cookies.
“Alright princess, this isn't the first time we've made Christmas cookies, so that'll be a piece of cake!”
“Of course, it's cookies! It's simple.” You said as you put the apron on and picked up the recipe.
“Alright let's get this thing started, where's the flour?”
After the cookies were mixed and put onto the cookie tray, “Mrs. C” put the cookies into the oven and said they'd be done and ready to decorate in about 15 minutes. Jin decided it would be a good idea to go next door to the Cafe. Once inside it smelled like fresh coffee with a hint of peppermint.
“Do you want me to order us some hot chocolate?” Jin asked. You nodded and found a seat next to the window. Almost as soon as you sat down, Jin came over with two cups and sat down as well.
“This place is amazing, I wanna live here!” You said laughing. Jin took a sip of the hot chocolate and nodded.
“I wouldn't mind it either, Christmas 365 days a year would be great.” You reached across the table took his empty hand into yours.
“We need to make this a tradition, as long as we're together we'll come here on Christmas Eve, deal?” Jin grinned.
“Deal.” After you two finished your drinks, you walked back to the cookie place. Once again you were greeted by Mrs. C, who informed you that the cookies were cool and ready to decorate. Jin pulled Mrs. C aside and whispered something to her. She instantly had a big smile on her face and nodded enthusiastically. Jin bowed and walked back over to your table and took 4 of the dozen cookies you made. He grabbed a bag of icing and walked to Mrs. C. You were completely confused but shook it off and continued to decorate your cookies to look like festive tree ornaments. Minutes pass and Jin was still working on his cookies with Mrs. C.
“Jin?” You called, placing a cookie onto a Christmas plate.
“One-second baby. I'm almost done!” You finished off the last cookie and admired the work you did. A few minutes later, Mrs. C walked over with a plate of cookies.
“Your handsome boyfriend did an amazing job on these cookies, my dear!” She set the plate of cookies in front of you. You looked down at the red and green cookies. Each cookie had a word, once put together they read “Will you marry me?” You gasped and looked for Jin, who was beside you on one knee. Your hand flew to your mouth as you muffled a gasp. Tears rolled down your cheeks as he pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket.
“Well, what do you say princess? Will you spend Christmas with me forever?” You nodded and smiled. Jin stood, placed the ring on your finger and kissed you sweetly.
“I'd say these were the best Christmas yet.” Jin said grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. You smiled and nodded as Jin kissed you again, this time with cookie crumbs on his face.
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holdon-a-minute · 6 years
Le Métis | Part Three—Gone.
Internally panicking, but showing no visible sign of anxiety on his body, he continues to stare down at the young girl unblinkingly. "Little girl," he finally speaks in a slow, sinister voice, "Have you been permitted to open this door by yourself?"
The child keeps half of her body hidden behind the door as she bites her delicate lip and starts to fiddle with her round little fingers. "Sometimes my daddy tells me not to..."
"And will your daddy be happy if I tell him you disobeyed his orders and spoke to me?" his gruff voice asks.
"No! Please don't tell my daddy!"
"Well, my darling, I'll let you in on a secret," he croaks as he crouches down to look the girl in her big brown eyes, "I'm your daddy's cook for the evening, he's having a big banquet you see."
"He is and I'm not allowed to play when everyone's here," the young girl interrupts, a slight sad expression on her face.
"Don't look so upset now darling, because I'm going to make a deal with you. You let me through here and I will not speak to your daddy of you going against his orders, and I will also see if you will be granted to play whilst everyone is eating."
"But I'm really not allowed to let people in through the big door, and I've already been naughty," the child explains. "So if you're really my daddy's cook, you can go to the back door over there see," and the young girl steps out from behind the heavy entrance to point the now standing man in the right direction. "They'll let you in there."
Quickly realising that this girl was not letting him past and a woman was slowly approaching from behind her, he changes his plans in an instant and dives for the young child, swiftly scooping her up into his strong arms.
Now racing back down the stone stairs with one arm gripping the girl's waist and the other covering her mouth, he smiles at his last-minute change of plans and silently praises himself for quick-thinking.
He swings the girl onto the back of a royal horse and jumps on himself as he reaches for the reins. "Hey!" the girl screams, "I'm the Princess, you cannot steal me!"
Looking back over his shoulder, he smugly replies, "I know darling," and pulls on the reins with a deep 'yah'.
A quiet mumble of voices loafs through the street, and all at once, the beeping of a pedestrian crossing makes a deafening echo as I and a huddle of rushing people cross the cobbled road.
I wander through Paris as if I've known it all my life now. The street is wet and cold; I listen to the squelch of many vehicles grumbling past and their tyres running over shallow puddles spread throughout the city. Wind whistles through my icy ears as they listen to the leftover rain that pitter-patters through gutters, down drain pipes and into the city grids.
Nevertheless, I've come to realise that the best smell of all is the trace of gingerbread man that runs past me. Every time, he calls to me, and every time I end up chasing him to the baker's shop. Ahh, the baker's shop. This is where the baker I've come to know torments everybody with his delicious pies and pastries sitting on display in the window. When he opens his huge oven door the whole road is filled with the most sensational smell of freshly baked bread rolls.
Paris is full of scents of good and bad wherever you go, I must say.
Walking through the avenues of France I can smell dozens of different scents all around. Car fumes pollute the air with its menacing stench that grabs at my nose like an owl hunting for its prey. Dampness lingers through the city of romance just crawling around every corner. Scents of perfume drift past me as someone hurries by, leaving me with the question of, "I wonder what fragrance that is?"
I look about and see that everyone is very busy trying to get to places. I stroll further down the street and notice I've come to a beautiful hidden alleyway.
"Millbreury Lane, hm."
As I'm roaming down the empty alleyway, I see that the buildings I'm walking in-between are tall and have an old-fashioned design to them. Right along the bottom of each of these buildings are stores, and they are magnificent to the eye.
Cafés sit with intricate metal table and chairs outside, hanging baskets spread throughout filled with the most colourful, delicate flowers sway gently in the breeze, antique shops showcase their treasures in the window each store possesses in the alleyway, and the cobbled floor beneath me glows as the afternoon sun shines down onto the moist puddles and excess rain.
I stand still. So impossibly still.
The beautiful antique alleyway seems to disappear around me in slow motion as I come back into reality and my eyes are met with metal.
Thick, cold, silver-grey metal.
Pointed at my forehead, in-between my eyes, was a slick handgun. For a while I could not see the person whose hand was slid around the trigger, nor the group of men accompanying him. For a while, it was just me and the weapon, playing a dangerous game in a little world of our own. I could not brake my eyes away from the metal in front of me, and the handheld violence could not take its eyes off me.
I feel frozen in my place, barely able to breath, as the gun wielder speaks, "Oh, chéri," before smacking me with the metal on the side of my head.
All soon went black.
Thank you for reading! Are you enjoying so far? I know this has been a great experience for me, writing and showing it to the world. I am excited to continue this story!
Find me on Wattpad @ Freyat0379 !!
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king-galaxius · 4 years
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales playlist including Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, , Sleeping Beauty, Snow White Rapunzel, The Gingerbread Man and many more – https://goo.gl/wsrZqU About: The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy or The Gingerbread Runner) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread…
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king-galaxius · 4 years
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD
The Gingerbread Man | Full Story | Animated Fairy Tales For Children | 4K UHD Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales playlist including Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, , Sleeping Beauty, Snow White Rapunzel, The Gingerbread Man and many more – https://goo.gl/wsrZqU About: The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy or The Gingerbread Runner) is a fairy tale about a gingerbread…
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