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burntsecrets · 5 months ago
Pairing: Reader & Bucky, Reader x Bucky
Word Count: 702
Prompt: Reader tackles Bucky during training
Summary: During an intense training session, you seize your chance to catch Bucky Barnes off guard.
Warnings: physical combat, sparring, mild injury, suggestive tension, competitive banter, close physical contact, minor power play
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The training room is eerily quiet, save for the distant hum of machinery. You're crouched low behind a stack of crates, heart pounding, eyes fixed on your target. Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, stands in the center of the room, his back to you. His broad shoulders rise and fall with measured breaths, the subtle tension in his muscles telling you he’s waiting for something—for you.
You’ve been sparring with him for weeks, and he never makes it easy. That’s the thing with Bucky—he’s always one step ahead, always anticipating your every move. But today? Today feels different. Your powers hum beneath your skin, crackling with energy as you steady your breathing, waiting for the right moment to strike.
He’s fast, no doubt about it, but you’ve studied him. The way he shifts his weight, the slight tilt of his head when he listens for movement. You know you’ll only get one chance to catch him off guard, and if you miss it, you’ll be on your back in seconds. The memory of countless failed attempts plays in your mind, but this time, you’re ready.
You push off the balls of your feet, launching yourself forward with a speed you know most people wouldn’t see coming. The air rushes past your ears as you move, silent and precise. Bucky’s head tilts slightly, just like you predicted, but it’s too late for him. You close the distance in an instant, your shoulder slamming into his side with enough force to knock him off balance.
To your surprise, he stumbles. His eyes widen, caught off guard, as your combined momentum sends you both crashing to the ground. You straddle his waist, pinning him down, and your hands press firmly against his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breath beneath your palms.
A grin spreads across your face, and Bucky stares up at you, half-amused, half-impressed. His metal hand grips your wrist, not tight enough to hurt but enough to remind you that the victory is yours—for now.
"You finally got me," he says, voice low, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. His blue eyes are sharp, still calculating, but there’s a glint of pride in them.
You raise an eyebrow, panting from the exertion but too stubborn to let it show. "Took me long enough," you reply, keeping your tone light despite the adrenaline still coursing through your veins.
Bucky shifts beneath you, his free hand brushing against your arm as he pushes himself slightly upright. "I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting that. You’ve been holding back, haven’t you?"
You shrug, not bothering to deny it. "Maybe I wanted to make it interesting."
"Interesting?" His grin widens, and before you can react, he flips you over effortlessly, his speed and strength catching you off guard this time. In the blink of an eye, you’re the one flat on your back, Bucky looming over you with that familiar, cocky smile.
"Let’s see how you handle this then," he murmurs, leaning in just close enough that you feel his breath against your skin.
Your powers flare instinctively, a surge of energy rippling through you. But you stop yourself before unleashing it. Instead, you meet his gaze, matching his smirk with one of your own. "Oh, don’t worry, Barnes," you say, your voice confident, "I can handle anything you throw at me."
Bucky chuckles, the sound low and warm, and for a split second, the tension between you shifts—less competitive, more… something else. You’re both breathing hard, hearts racing, and the air between you seems to crackle with unspoken challenges.
But just as quickly as the moment arrives, it’s gone. Bucky pushes off of you and stands, offering a hand to pull you to your feet. You take it, still grinning, your muscles aching from the effort but buzzing with satisfaction. You finally bested him—at least for now.
As you dust yourself off, Bucky watches you, his expression softer now. "You’ve come a long way," he says, his tone quieter, almost thoughtful. "But don’t think for a second that I’m going easy on you next time."
You flash him a grin, your competitive spirit ignited all over again. "Wouldn’t dream of it."
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notenoughfandoms · 2 years ago
You've Done This Before, Right? (Steve Rogers x Reader - SMUT)
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Summary: You kiss Steve in the parking lot and well, one thing leads to another
Warnings: Smut, More Smut, and nothing but smut, Language, 18+
You couldn't believe it. You'd fallen for Steve Rogers. He was basically your closest friend. And now you found him hot. Great. Just Great.
You were sitting on the table in the compound, thinking about your gigantic crush on the super solider, when Bucky walked in.
"Doll, if you're going to picture doing....things with our best friend, you might as well tell him how you feel."
Along with Steve, Bucky was also your best friend, so naturally, he knew how you felt.
"I'm not picturing anything."
"Yeah, and Stark is good with people."
"Don't pull the sarcasm on me, Barnes. That's my job, alright."
He threw his hands up in mock surrender.
"All right, I get it! It is also my duty to get y'all together fast, the sexual tension is killing me."
Just then Steve walked in.
"What's killing him?"
"Oh- uh, just you know, Tony's sarcasm." you sputtured.
Bucky smirked at how flustered you got, and Steve quirked an eyebrow.
"Yeah. Iron Man...."
"Oh. Ok. So, I was gonna go for a run, so, wanna come with?"
"Yeah. Sure."
"Good. If you two keep flirting, I'm gonna throw up in my breakfast.", Bucky commented
You blushed (so did he) as you walked to your room and got changed. You put your silky h/c hair in a ponytail, and changed into a black sports bra with matching joggers.
You went downstairs, and seemingly only Bucky noticed the way Steve was staring at you.
As you ran next to Steve, you felt the cool morning air hit your face. You thought about what would happen if you told Steve what you felt for him. You'd been so caught up in your thoughts, you didn't realize that you were both in the garage. You both slowed down and stopped while he got some water from his car.
"Y/N? You doing ok?", He asked, stepping closer to you.
"Yeah, just..thinking."
You decided it was time.
"Actually, Steve, I've been meaning to tell you something. I like you. I have for a while, but I didn't know if you'd feel the same, and-"
He cut you off by kissing you abruptly, and you kissed back with pleasure. You deepened the kiss, and he licked your lips. You opened your mouth for him to enter, and he darted his tongue in your mouth, exploring it. You moaned quietly. You both pulled apart panting, and you could hardly resist the temptation to pull his clothes off and fuck him senseless.
"I've been wanting to do that. I like you too, Y/N. And I gotta admit, I got kinda jealous hearing you call him Tony."
You wanted to kiss him again.
"Good. We should take this to my room, then."
"Yeah. Totally."
You both headed to your room, giggling like teenagers. You both got in your room, and he locked the door, and shoved you against the wall, kissing you passionately, his tongue darting back in your mouth. You both started to head to the bed, and stopped him.
"You've done this before, right?, you asked
He nodded. That was all you needed. You took off his shirt, and he took of your bra, then cupped your breasts in his hands, causing you to moan. He took of your pants, and as he was taking off your panties, shoved two fingers inside you, making you moan with pleasure.
You slowly took off his boxers, his hard member showing. He layed you on the bed, and kissed you once more, going all the way down. He circled his tongue around your clit, and you whimpered.
"Steve.", you moaned.
"Use your words, sweetheart.", he raspily replied
"I need you inside me."
"As you wish."
He thrust inside of you, and you let out a louder moan this time. He kept thrusting, and flipped him. You know hovered over him, and you rode his large dick.
"Fuck, baby, so wet for me."
You both moaned, and the bed racked. Eventually, you both unraveled, panting.
"That was...amazing, Y/n."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Steve,:
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felicity38fornow · 2 years ago
Kate Bishop | Öncelikler
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Özet: Reader, günlerdir haber alamadığı kız arkadaşıyla ilk defa yüz yüze gelir.
Kate Bishop x Reader
Uyarı: Angst, özlem, ufak ağlayışlar, biraz sinir krizi.
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Kate son bir haftadır hiçbir aramana dönmediğinde ve dün de annesi tutuklandığı için çok endişeliydin. Gözün de kulağın da telefondaydı. Haber kanallarını son günlerde o kadar çok izledin ki her tarafa dehşet saçan çeteler umurunda bile olmadı.
Tek isteğin, kız arkadaşının güvende olduğuyla ilgili bir mesajdı.
Son kavganızı hatırlayarak kendine işkence etmekten kendin bile yorulmuştun.
Gözlerin doldu. Burnun yine sızladı. Oysaki gözyaşlarının çoktan tükendiğini sanıyordun. Çok yoruldun ve çok yıprandın ama Kate ile ilgili bir haber alamadın.
Yorgunlukla içini çekerek çöktüğün balkan zemininden ayrıldın. Noel dahi olsa Kate yanına gelmeyecekti belki de. Yüreğin sıkıştı ve bir an kapı pervazında kaldın. Günlerdir kendini hırpalıyordun ve aklına asla gelmemesi gereken ihtimalleri düşünüyordun ama bu hiç aklına gelmemişti. İhtimal dahi vermedin. Çünkü senin Kate'ın böyle yapmaz. O, sevgisini ve ilgisini vermeyi daima sevmiş biriydi. Asla korkak değildi, kafa tutar ve pes etmezdi.
Ama... ya pes etmişse?
Ya gitmişse?
"Hayır, hayır," diyerek kendini teselli etmeye çalıştın. Yorgun ve acıyan gözlerini kırpıştırarak aklındaki korkunç senaryolardan kurtulmaya çalıştın. "Geri dönecek."
Kate, o gün de dönmedi.
Ve önündeki son üç günde de.
Noel geçip gittiğinde, ailene özürler sıraladın ve işlerinin çok yoğun olduğunu bahane ettin. Ayrıca kız arkadaşınla özel şeyler planladığını da ekledin. Kate'ı çocukluğunuzdan beri tanıdıkları için bunu asla sorun yapmadılar ve bir sonraki tatilinde ikinizi de davet ettiler.
'Burada olursa,' diye içinden şart koştun. Onun yaşayıp yaşamadığını bile bilmiyordun.
Polisler sana pek de yardımcı olmadılar. Blip'ten beş yıl sonra geri dönen insanlardan sonra o kadar çok kayıp ihbarı oldu ki kimse öncelik verileceği bile değildi. Kate'ın öncelik sırasında olmamasına çok sinirlendin elbette ama elinden herhangi bir şey de gelmiyordu. Yapabileceğin tek şey buydu.
Ortak dairenizdeki, ev aslında Kate'e ait, eşyalarının bir kısmını valizlere dolduralı bir gün kadar oluyordu. Kate'den umudunu asla kesmedin ama onun anılarıyla dolu bir evde yirmi dört saat boyunca durmak işkenceden farksızdı. Ayrıca, seni terk ettiğiyle ilgili düşüncen her geçen saat güçleniyordu. Bunu en azından habersiz yapmamasını ummuştun sadece. Tanıdığın tüm uzun yıllar boyunca o asla böyle biri olmasa da, ikiniz de büyüdükçe farklı insanlar oldunuz sonuçta. Belki kolej arkadaşlarından dolayıydı; kafayı bulmuş olabilir miydi? Ama tüm dostlarıyla konuşmuştun. Son kavgalarınız çok şiddetli olduğu içindi belki de? Ama her seferinde birbirinizin gönlünü aldınız.
Tanrım... O zaman neden? Neden kız arkadaşın son bir buçuk haftadır yanında değil?
Bir şey mi yapmadın? Yoksa yanlış bir şey mi yaptın? Çöpü çıkarmayı mı unuttun? Onu incittin mi? Kendisinden vazgeçtiğini mi düşünüyordu?
Ya da... Ona bir şey mi oldu?
Yüreğin sıkıştı, tuttuğun dolap kapaklarını sıktın. Aynadan görebildiğin dağılmış görüntün yüzünü buruşturmana neden oldu. Berbat görünüyordun. Kendini Kate'ı bulmaya o kadar adadın ki birkaç saat önce bir şeyler yiyip yemediğini bile hatırlayamıyordun. Yemedin. Kilon düştü, yüzün çöktü ve kendini sürekli üzgün hissediyordun. Belki bu ana kadar o kadar çok fark etmemiştin ama Kate senin hayatının merkeziydi. Çocukluğun boyunca yanındaydı. Sen onunla büyüdün.
Ama o artık yok.
İç geçirdin.
Sırt çantanı günlerdir düzenli duran yatağınızdan aldın, kapının yanında duran valizi çekmeye başladın. Buradan ayrılmak istemedin ama yalnızlık çok zor gelmeye başladı.
Açık bıraktığın kapıları kapattın. Camları son kez kontrol etmeye başladın. Salona doğru ilerlerken kısık sesler duydun. Yüreğin korku ve heyecanla çarptı. Kate olabilir miydi? O zaman diğer kisi kimdi? Soğukkanlılığını korumaya çalıştın.
Clint ile sessizce tartışan Kate, senin gelişini özlemle izledi. Girişte durdun, ifadesizce ona baktın. Kate, senin bu şekilde davranmana alışık değildi. Yine de seni o kadar çok özledi ki bu davranışların gözüne bile kaçmadı. "Bebeğim," diyerek sana adımlamaya başladı.
Ancak aniden bir adım geriye çekildin, sertçe ona baktın. Aynı zamanda, ne yaptığını da anlamıyordun. Kate, hareketinle duraksadı. "Geri dur." Dedin sakince.
"Çok karışık olduğunu biliyorum ama sana her şeyi açıklayacağım-"
"Clint ile olanlara inanamazsın - Ne?" Duraksadı. "Gidiyorum da ne demek?"
Gözlerin birkaç saniye Clint dediği adama değdi. "Sen Clint ile kal. Ben gidiyorum, demek." Dedin sakinliğini koruyarak. Ne hissetmen gerektiğinden emin değildin. "Annen için üzgünüm. Gerçekten. Ve zamanın olursa aileme birkaç mazeret sırala, lütfen."
"Teşekkürler, Kate. Her neyse. Artık hiçbir şey önemli değil, değil mi? Hem, bir buçuk hafta boyunca başına bir şey geldiğini düşünerek karakolda yatmamın hiçbir açıklaması olamaz, değil mi?" Alay ettin. "Ah, ya da olabilir. Sonuçta buna değmem, ha?"
Böyle düşündüğün için nefesi kesildi. Clint, ikinizin özel konuşacağını anladığı için Kate'e döndü. "Aşağıda bekliyor olacağım." Diyerek ayrıldı.
Alaylı bakışlarınla adamın arkasından baktın. Senin yanında olmak yerine haftalardır eski Avengers üyesinin yanında olmasının da yanında, bir mesajı bile çok görmüştü. Geceleri karakollarda yattığını unutamazdın. Bu kadar kolay değil.
"Tatlım, kızgın olduğunu anlıyorum." Diye başladı Kate ama sen sinir bozukluğu ile güldüğünde devam edemedi. Kızgın olmak? Gerçekten sadece kızgın olduğunu düşünemezdi. Hayal kırıklığı tüm hücrelerini yakıyordu. Kızgın olmakta haklı değil mıydın zaten?
"Kızgınlık? Kızgın olduğumu mu sanıyorsun?" Dedin gittikçe sesin yükselirken. "Gerçekten kızgın mıyım? Senin için günlerce koşturdum, ölü ya da diri seni bulmak için. Bana sadece bir mesaj atman yeterdi."
"Her şey çok hızlı ve tehlikeli oldu. Kimseye haber verecek vaktim olmadı, kimseyle iletişim kuramadım."
"O zaman anneni nasıl tutukladılar?" Diye sordun daha sakin bir tonda. Nasıl hissetmen gerektiğinden emin değildin. Kızgın olmak bile seni yoruyordu. Kate, şu an seni yoruyordu. Özlemden deliriyor dahi olsan, haksızlığa uğradığın kısmını göz ardı edemezsin.
Cevap veremedi. Kate, kahramanlığı hayatının merkezine koymaya başladıkça seni oradan ittirdi. Bunu fark etmedi. Yıllardır izinden gittiği kahramanla yüz yüze geldiğinde ve sırt sırta savaştığında onun için önemli olan tek şey doğru ve yanlış oldu. Kate gerçekten de bunun farkında değildi ama bunun, seni kaybetmek olduğunu anlayacaktı. Sen, kendinden önce onu tutarken, o da yeni öncelikler belirlemeliydi. Özellikle de bu işe devam edecekse.
"Ben gidiyorum, Katie," dedin usulca. Valizini sıkıca kavradın ve kendine içinden destek oldun. "Belki de düşünme sırası sana gelmiştir."
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İlk ama fena değil gibi? Benimle görüşlerini paylaş! ^^
İstek alıyorum ve kesinlikle yazmaya çalışacağım.
(Turkish Version)
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1-800-teax · 1 year ago
Loki x Reader Drabble
Angsty :(
Y/n’s POV:
"You...will...never...be...a...god." Loki manages to sputter out when Thano's applies more pressure and a loud 'CRACK!' is heard.
I jump awake panting heavily, trying desperately to catch my breath.
"Y/n! Y/n! It's me! I'm here! I'm right here!" Loki says frantically when he jumps awake beside me, clutching my shoulders in his palms, attempting to calm me down.
I look up at him, shock written across my face and fear swimming in my eyes, then his words register , "I'm here! I'm right here!".
Tears instantly fall from my eyes as a broken sob escapes my lips.
Loki's face softens, drowning with guilt before he wraps his arms around me, colliding our bodies as I let out body-shaking sobs, clutching onto his shirt so tightly as if I let go my nightmare will become a reality.
Loki rubs my hair softly while whispering sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down.
Slowly my sobs die down into semi-normal breathing, occupying sorrowful hiccups.
"I'm okay, Y/n. Thanos didn't kill me, I used an illusion. Remember?" he whispers in my ear, assuringly.
I gently nod and slightly loosen my grip on his shirt as I sit up, coming face-to-face with Loki’s tear streaked face.
We both have pouts on our faces as we stare at one another.
"I-" I start when my voice cracks which I realize is because all the crying has my throat hoarse.
I clear my throat before starting again, clearer this time.
“I was so scared. And it wasn't like all the other times you faked your death. No, this time it felt real. I- I felt you die." I express to him softly with hot tears rolling down my face.
"I know. I'm sorry." he whispers out with fresh tears falling from his eyes while gently gripping my small hands into his large ones.
"Please...please don't cry, my love." Loki says softly cupping my cheeks.
I shove my face into Loki’s chest, encouraging him to wrap me into his warm embrace once again.
I allow my hands to roam his strong back, and my ears to listen to the song of his heartbeat, while my nose engulfs his addicting scent. Capturing it all on my most sacred memories.
I hold it close to my heart and give myself a minute to realize that is is alive and breathing and he is real.
So very real and with me. Keeping me safe in his arms. Reminding me that I don’t know what I would do with out him, and making me promise to never have him in harms way again.
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False Confidence| Peter Parker (prologue)
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Prologue| you’re split and uneven, you’re hands to the sky
summary| who would've thought that the falling apart of the only family Rowan Stark has ever known would lead to her meeting a soulmate of sorts, peter parker
Rowan Stark portrayed by Emma Myers
He has 36 hours. 2,160 minutes to get away before the government starts searching for him. 129,000 seconds he only has to deal with the wrath of Ironman and the team he has created to take Captain America down. "Dad, stop! Think about this before you go and hurt him!" I followed him to his lab. He's just returned from who knows where and is currently on his way to pack to fly to Germany in order to stop his friend Steve... At least, I thought they were friends. I thought Steve and I were friends, however, that thought fizzled the second he left without a goodbye on my end.
Dad wasn't in the mood to deal with me at the moment. His team hadn't followed his orders and now the government is putting pressure on him to stop his old teammate. His patience was running out... It has been for a while now. He's been nothing but patient this past year, but I and Steve combine left it running thin. He knew I saw Steve as almost an uncle, a part of the family that I never really had outside of himself, Happy and Pepper... before Pepper left us both. "Rowan, stop it! I have to do this. It's either I go after him or the government does and I don't think you'd want that, cause I sure as hell don't." "If you get in his way he won't finish what he's trying to do and then the government will go after him, you're helping them!" "If he does this he'll be a public enemy! He already is!" I throw myself in front of him as we reach the lab door, I push myself against it, blocking him from entering. "Rowan Maria Stark! That's enough!" He finally snaps and at my reaction of flinching he sighs, taking a moment before speaking again.. Gathering his thoughts. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. I'm trying to get our family back." Tears begin to brim at his wording... our family. He sighs again, placing his hands on my shoulders as he moves me from the doorway of the lab. "I'm coming with you!" I follow him inside and he snaps his head towards me. "No, no you're not." I bet he was remembering the battle of Sokovia, the battle that caused all of this. And I bet he's remembering the absolute living hell we've lived through during the aftermath. "You're both wrong, you know?" I change the subject, because I'm not fighting over going to Germany. I am going, but he needs to know I am not with him nor against him. "You both make good points, but no one will ever win if you battle each other." He shook his head, looking down. Not wanting to see the all too familiar sight of his daughter crying. "I've tried to reason, but he betrayed us the second he signed." "Maybe he's so stubborn because Bucky isn't the man you're looking for!" "Get ready... we have a trip to Germany to take care of."
Something was coming and it wasn't going to be pretty. Steve stood alone, but I knew he wasn't that stupid. He was waiting. Dad spoke and Steve kept looking at me, not him. He looked betrayed, I was standing in front of him and not beside him. But I couldn't stand beside him... for mupltity reasons. Standing besides him meant betraying my father... the only blood family I've ever had and standing beside him also meant being on the same team as a man who I could never forgive for as long as I kept breathing. "Okay, I've run out of patience." Dad rolled his eyes bringing his hands up to his mouth. "Underoos!" He called and out of nowhere behind Steve, a person came flying over all of our heads shooting webs, stealing Cap's shelf and tying his hands together in the process. It landed upon a structure behind us. I recognized the thing almost immediately. Spiderman. A new superhero from Queens. More specifically, a friendly neighborhood superhero from Queens. Only now, he's wearing a real suit, a suite that I notice right away. A suite I helped make. "Nice job, kid." Dad congratulated him almost coldly and for the first time, I heard his voice. "Thanks, well, I could've stuck the landing a little better, it's just a new suit. Well, it's nothing Mr. Stark it's perfect, thank you." He rambled, from his voice I could tell he was a teenager. "We really don't have to start a conversation." He spoke to him and glanced at me. He could see the anger in my face. He secretly had me help make a suite for a new hero that would fight against Steve. Low blow father, real low blow. "This is what the suit was for?" I yell pointing towards the little bugboy that sat behind us. "Cap... Captain big fan." It was like I didn't even yell, he was so starstruck with Steve. "Later kid." Offense washed over my face as he turned back to Steve... he called me kid just as he did with Spiderman. How dare he. "You've kept busy." When Steve spoke he was calm and that pissed dad off even farther. "And you've been a complete idiot! Dragging in Clint and recusing Wanda!" I flinch, nailing digging into my palms at the mention of his name. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart-" He looked over at me, fists clenched, staring down at my shoes in an attempt to hold it together in front of everyone including King T'Challa and the random bug-teen from Queens. "You did that when you signed." Steve replied just as dad had earlier. "All right, I'm done!" Dad has snapped once again, no more playing nice. "You're gonna burn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us now because it's us or a squad of JSOC guys with no compunction about being impolite." He wasn't asking anymore, he was demanding. Steve stopped, thinking. "Come on." I heard dad whisper. "Please Steve." I mumble to myself. Suddenly I felt the air change... the fight was about to begin. My eyes snap to the north runaway and almost as if I suddenly possessed Spiderman's senses, I knew the Quinjets were in there and Steve was about to make a run for it. "Steve, no!" I screamed but it was too late. An arrow came flying through the air and cut the webs from Steve's hands. Suddenly Spiderman flew off the structure and another man in a metal suit was suddenly standing next to Cap with his shield. "Barnes is mine!" I hear T'Challa yell. T'Challa wants Bucky dead, I can't let that happen, not to Steve. I bolted in the direction T'Challa was running in. "Mr. Stark, what do I do?" His voice ran through the earpiece father gave me before arriving at the airport. "What we discussed, keep your distance and web them up." Dad spoke in a rush. "Rowan, get out of here now!" I wasn't listening though. "Spiderboy, don't listen to him. They'll kill you just get away." His and Dad's voice came blasting into my ear but I couldn't hear them, I chose not to.
Cap threw his shield hitting T'Challa in the back, who then fell and rolled back to his feet... only to be thrown again by Captain one more time. "Move captain, I won't ask a second time." Steve was about to strike again. T'Challa jumped about to kick Steve but he didn't get the chance because a fireball, which I created with my own two hands, threw Steve off his feet and let T'Challa land on his feet. I came from the darkness and he looked at me. "Go, Rogers is mine." It's a blank statement, but it's all it takes for T'challa to stand and run off towards his target. I look over, and Steve is jumping back to his feet. It was him vs I. "What do you think you're doing?" He threw his shield at me, but I teleported behind him before it could hit. I jumped on his back, pinning him to the ground after wrestling him. "I'm being the bigger person between a 100-year-old man and my own father!" I hear glass break and I look up to the terminal and Spiderman is crawling inside to face off against Barnes and Sam... this can't end well.
I abandon Steve as I teleport inside, pressing my back against a pole until Spiderman comes flying by along with Falcon. I run and throw fire, meaning to burn the web connecting him to Sam but I miss and hit the boy's hand instead. He yells out in pain, falling onto the floor. I gasp, running over, kneeling by his side. I look up and see Sam standing beside a glass railing, he is chuckling as Bucky joins his side. "Thanks, Stark." I give both of them a stare of death before they go flying backwards both crashing through the railing landing on the floor below us. "What the hell was that for?!" Spiderman finally spoke, his voice high pitched because of the pain. "Sorry I was trying to keep you from getting killed!" I looked down at his hand, the suit was scorched. "Note to self, make the next one fireproof."
At that moment Peter was in so much pain due to the fire that she threw at him, however he could only think one thing. Rowan Stark was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She had long dark brown hair, much like her father. It was so long that Peter didn't know if she ever even cut it. The hair had strips of unnatural red running through it. Her eyes were one of the only things that set her apart from her father, as his eyes were brown and hers were blue with some hints of green. She looked as though she hadn't slept in days, little did he know that time frame was probably weeks. Finally he took notice of her arms, they looked as if she stuck her arms in ashes and only wiped some of it off, her arms were black in spots and he didn't think it was semi permanent.
"Listen to me, if you're going to be stupid and try to face off with Cap. Do one thing." He nods, snapping out of whatever state he was in. "Go for his legs." I state before teleporting back outside. "Over there!" I hear a voice and soon spot Cap and his ragtag team rushing in a single direction. The quinjet, and in the moment I teleport to his side and run with him. His arm slams in front of me as a laser bursts in front of us, creating a line... Vision and in seconds Dad and his team were standing opposite of us... I was against him at this moment. I steady my feet again as Steve's arm stopped me from getting blasted. I look to my side, at Steve and he's looking at me. He feels forgien, not like the man that was practically an uncle these past few years. I hold onto him tightly, as I feel him and the memory of who he was slip away. "I'm here with you." I hear him say and for a second, I think I'm going to fight with him, then I look to my other side. Standing in all black was him. Clint Barton. Hawkeye. The reason he was dead. The reason I have no one. The reason I am who I am today and not in a goodway. "Steve, I can't." Tears come again as I nearly buckle under the wait of grief, but Steve is there to hold me, like he always is. "Y/N-" I shake my head as he tries to reason. "I can't be on the same side as him, I can't." I drop to my knees, I choose this move as I press my forehead into the ground below me. I'm out of this fight. "Leave her." I hear dad's voice and I am suddenly left out. "What do we do now?" I hear someone say. "We fight." And my fists clench once more, hands heating up as I feel Steve's team run pass me, and I let them.
"Hey- ouch- Hey!" I don't know how much time has passed or how long I've been kneeling on the ground, however for the first time in that long time I hear something. A voice. Spider Man's voice. I finally come up and spot him across the airport, on the ground, unmasked. No one else is to be seen as I look around. "Hey! Come here!" Without a second thought I stand and move towards him, joining him on the ground. "Mr. Stark told me to wait here, I figured I'd have some company." I just nod, not having the energy to ask or hear where my father and the others were. "I'm Peter, by the way, Peter Parker." "Rowan, Rowan Stark." I flinch at the feeling of his suited hand grabbing my burned one. "It's all going to be okay."
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datadegroove · 3 months ago
marvelimagines: imagine picking fresh morel mushrooms with the hulk in clackamas oregon
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romanoffsbish · 3 years ago
… It Will Be!
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!StarkReader
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Nat's POV
I pull into my driveway... It's been five years since I had been here. This was once our sanctuary and now it just feels hollow. I sit in the driveway for about thirty minutes just stuck there. My phone was blowing up but I just ignored it. I take a deep breath in and muster up enough strength to walk inside.
As I walk in I immediately crumble to the ground. There's a never ending collection of boxes on the counter with everyone's names on them. There's at least five just for me, I open one to find an abundance of love notes. In another box I find a necklace, it was intended as an upcoming anniversary gift. The not said "hold it up to the light," so I did. When you looked through the necklace against the light it was a photo of us laughing together that Yelena took of us at one of Stark's parties. In another box there's a DVD that Y/N burned our video memories onto. I popped it into the DVD player and listen along. Then I see a shadow box containing our wedding attire, photos, and her rings. Seeing her rings anywhere but her fingers breaks me. She NEVER took them off... She also never a decision that would affect both of us without talking to me first. I open the unused fridge, and as expected I find Vodka, some sort of cobbler, and her famous mac and cheese casserole. Great! She prepared me for widowhood... I grab the vodka and the note addressed with SORRY and move to the couch.
I know you have the vodka... Please at least eat a PB sandwich with it. I premade some and put them in the drawer for you. I need you to hear me out before you hate me. I kinda figured it out the moment Gamora didn't come back all those years ago. Then between Nebula calling it 'the dominion of death' and it being called the Soul stone it all but solidified the information for me. I racked my brain for days once I found out we'd be going out to search for the stones. All I could see was you doing it... then I realized half the team would've tried if everyone knew beforehand. In the end half the team would've rerouted thinking they were the only one and then, BOOM, no way back from that. The last five years have been hell, and this had to work. Whatever it takes, right?! I'm sorry forever wasn't long enough, it never is. One day you'll understand why it had to be me. This is all just a mess, I don't know how to do this. Nothing I say will fix this, I don't know how to say goodbye to my person. You're the absolute love of my life Natasha! You saved me over and over again, it was my turn to save you. We've had ten years of the greatest romance of my life. Fifteen years of love because God knows I loved you from the moment I saw you. You were perfect then, and even more so now ... I love you now and I'll love you well into the afterlife. Please take care of yourself, live a happy life with Yelena. If you end up finding a new love please don't be afraid of it. I want you to be happy! You deserve the world, I'm sorry I can't continue to give it to you. Also... get Wanda and Yelena to get over themselves and get together already. Life is too short for the games. Until we meet again, Goodbye My Love. <3 Your Bestfriend, Wifey, Baby, and Shmoopsie poo... <3
I know you have the vodka... Please at least eat a PB sandwich with it. I premade some and put them in the drawer for you. I need you to hear me out before you hate me. I kinda figured it out the moment Gamora didn't come back all those years ago. Then between Nebula calling it 'the dominion of death' and it being called the Soul stone it all but solidified the information for me. I racked my brain for days once I found out we'd be going out to search for the stones. All I could see was you doing it... then I realized half the team would've tried if everyone knew beforehand. In the end half the team would've rerouted thinking they were the only one and then, BOOM, no way back from that. The last five years have been hell, and this had to work. Whatever it takes, right?! I'm sorry forever wasn't long enough, it never is. One day you'll understand why it had to be me. This is all just a mess, I don't know how to do this. Nothing I say will fix this, I don't know how to say goodbye to my person. You're the absolute love of my life Natasha! You saved me over and over again, it was my turn to save you. We've had ten years of the greatest romance of my life. Fifteen years of love because God knows I loved you from the moment I saw you. You were perfect then, and even more so now ... I love you now and I'll love you well into the afterlife. Please take care of yourself, live a happy life with Yelena. If you end up finding a new love please don't be afraid of it. I want you to be happy! You deserve the world, I'm sorry I can't continue to give it to you. Also... get Wanda and Yelena to get over themselves and get together already. Life is too short for the games. Until we meet again, Goodbye My Love. <3 Your Bestfriend, Wifey, Baby, and Shmoopsie poo... <3
Nat's POV
"BULLSHIT!" I scream out as I throw my glass of vodka against the wall causing it to shatter. I fall back onto the couch in hysterics, and within the minute y/c/n(cat) comes running into the living room. I pick them up before the glass can hurt them. I then pull them into me.
"Mommy's gone..." I whisper into their fur
They curl into me and I fall asleep from the absolute exhaustion riddling my body. As I'm fading out I faintly hear HER laugh...
~45 minutes later~
Yelena's POV
I woke up from the strangest nap. One second I'm laying on Y/N and Nat's couch, the next I'm in this weird dream state. Now I'm back but the house looks different. Nat's here with me cuddled up to a cat I have never seen, and there's glass everywhere.
"Nat.. Wake up! Something's wrong." I say before I notice she's definitely downed at least half a bottle of vodka.
What the fuck happened? Where's Y/N?
Nat's POV
I heard a loud noise but I chose to keep my eyes closed and ignore it. If someone's come after me then good! Then I hear HER. Yelena.
I jump up and embrace her.
"Natasha... Get off of me. What's wrong?" She pleads
I can't do it, I just can't let her go.
"Natasha?" She questions, giving up on getting out of my embrace.
"She's gone. You just got back" I ramble out confusing her
"Who's gone? When did I leave?"
"Sit!" I say while letting go of her
I sat her down and told her everything that's happened. From the last five years to the last five hours on the mission that saved everyone's world but mine. I got up to find her letter and give it to her. She looks so broken. She takes the letter, folds it up and shoves it into one of her vest pockets. Then she takes MY vodka and chugs the rest.
"Heyyy!" I whine
"Oh hush... I know she must've made sure to stock us up" she snaps back
As we sit there holding each other a bright orange light appears in my living room.
I know I'm not THAT drunk...
"Come on. Let's go. They need us, it's time for the endgame." The vaguely familiar looking man says
Yel & I look at each other, wipe our eyes and head through the circle.
"For Y/N!" We say in unison downing the vodka we brought with us onto the field.
Woah. Shit sure went down while I was gone for like three hours.
"Oh, just great! The purple bitch is back again." I say while rolling my eyes
"He looks like a purple ball-sack." Yel says before we head into the battle.
As we run in I lock eyes with Wands and I know she knows. Without even reading my mind she can see it in my eyes. I can see the anger brewing and then she runs into the thick of it. I personally have no fight left... I realize now that no matter how hard we fight the only way it's ending is with a snap, and the snap has to be from our end.
I'm about to do something 'stupid.' A lot of people will be hurt... but I just can't fulfill
Y/N's wishes, I will NOT live in a world without her. I need the gauntlet.
“Mladshaya sestra, please forgive me." I say as I press my forehead to hers. (Little sister)
"Tasha... I understand." She says with tears in her eyes as she knows what I'm about to do.
"Please take care of y/c/n and Wanda... She really likes you, you know?" I say with a sad smile
"I promise" Yel says with an even sadder smile.
I'll see you soon my love
"Who has the gauntlet? Where do I need to get it to?" I ask into the comms
"Spiderling has it, and Antboy needs it." Tony replies
"Got it!"
I look to see Wands has Thanos in the air and he's got a fear in his eyes I've never seen from him. Never should've pissed off the little witch!
"Rain fire" the purple grape shouts
Coward! I take this moment to grab Wanda and pull her behind a rock to shield us.
"Don't! Please... I'm doing what has to be done"
"Please hug her for me... Tell her I love her" she sighs out in defeat.
"Of course... I love you Wands. She loved you too. Take care of Yel and y/c/n for us please." I say while pulling her in for a tight hug.
"You know I will!" - "Good! The house is yours"
While looking for Spidey, I spot Clint and see he's being overtaken so I quickly intercept and save his ass.
"We're a long way from BudapeSHt" I chuckle out before pulling him up and into a hug
"Save the hug for after the battle... when you've had the chance to shower." He retorts
"Rude!" I scoff before smiling sadly and running off to end this once and for all.
I see Spiderman hiding in avoidance if the army and I immediately run up.
"Parker, hand it over! I got you!" I say to the poor kid
I pull it into me and start to fake his army out.
Tony and I lock eyes briefly and I know he also knows... He is holding Thanos off with Thor and Cap. He knows because I swiped his more form fitting gauntlet out of the lab earlier as I left the tower. No way was I letting him do this. Y/N would've been furious if Morgan missed out on having their father around. She also promised me forever, so I'll follow her into the afterlife to collect it. I quickly allow the stones to shift over gauntlets and keep running with the big gauntlet overtly exposed. It doesn't take long for his goons to throw me and bring it to him.
"I am inevitable!"
"Yeah, well I'm Natasha Stark-Romanoff, THE Black Widow, and I think your times about up!" I seethe as the power courses through my veins.
I collapse to the ground, my breaths shallow.
"Natasha!" I spottily hear Clint shout as he runs to me
"You idiot.... You and Y/N have always been the biggest pains in my ass... Please don't go" he says while grabbing my hand and whispering the last part.
"It's okay..." I wince out
"No it's not..." he shakily replies
"It will be..." I say giving one last smirk
Yelena's POV
She did it... I wanted to stop her, but as painful as it was, seeing the peace wash over her face softened the blow a bit. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned to find a defeated looking Wanda staring back at me. I pull her into a hug, not willing to let go. She's all I have left...
"It's okay dorogoy. I got you." I whisper out while trying to keep it together
"And, I you." She whispers back letting me know the feelings mutual.
"Let's go home..." I say while pulling her off the battlefield, holding her close as we head to our destination.
Yelena's Letter
Yelena... My honorary little sister, what was my life even like before you blessed it by entering it? Boring is what...! I love you so much! Take care of our girls, I know I can trust you to do that. Take care of yourself too, please don't spread yourself too thin. PLEASE DON'T let Wanda's grief baking surpass two weeks or you'll balloon up. I tell you this advice from experience, trust me! I'm so proud of you and I'm sorry I couldn't say that in person. Until next time little one, be good! <3"
"I love you too" I whisper back through my tears
Nat's POV
It's so bright. As my eyes adjust I see this beautiful skyline of purple and pink hues blending together. I move my gaze to the left to see a tiny cottage on a lake.
"You're about 50 years too early"
I immediately turn around and there she is, the absolute love of my life... I say nothing, I just run full speed into her body not caring if we fall. It's silent for awhile, Y/N just holds me close and lets me cry.
"You left me... you promised forever..." I whisper
"I'm sorry my love. I just felt like it was what made the most sense." She tries to rationalize
"Well I did the same and I'm here to cash in on the promised forever." I say, leaning back to stare into her also glossy eyes
She smiles and pulls me into a gentle kiss that's full of all the love we have for each other.
"Let's go inside and start our forever then"
I giggle then drag her inside to spend eternity together ... Hope she can handle that!
No One's POV
It's been two weeks since the battle of a lifetime.
Yelena & Wanda sold the house, took y/c/n and moved to Ohio. They bought a house away from the public, with extra acres of property. They set up makeshift memorial tombstones for Y/N and Nat next to each other.
Tony's retired the suit and has invested all of his focus into Pepper and Morgan, and keeping Y/N's legacy alive. He still funds the initiative but has passed the reigns over to his prodigy Spiderling.
Steve and Bucky returned the stones to their rightful times, and then did the same for themselves. They got to live out their lives the way they always should've been able to.
Thor's handed Asgard off to Valkyrie, and has set off with the remaining Guardian's.
Clint's retired, like for real this time. He's passed the baton—well the bow— off to a newfound prodigy by the name of Kate Bishop.
Bruce is all science and no fight, finally able to find a peace with The Hulk. He's enjoying retirement as well.
The big bad of their times gone now, they get to rest now.
2,326 words
The Forgotten Triplet (Next fic)
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mcubuckyxlokisbitch · 3 years ago
THOR: *GETS HIT* Alrighty then you don't have my word. *HITS ENEMY*
Y/N: You talk to much, and their scared of me. *PUSHING OTHER INMATES IN THEIR CELLS*
LOKI: *very h*rny in his cell
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webofstories · 4 years ago
Dog Sitting - T.H. *Smut*
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Summary: Tom has had a crush on his dog sitter and good friend Y/N for a year. When Tom comes to pick up Tessa after a family vacation, a small injury makes one thing lead to another.
Note: Which of Tom's characters do you want to read about next?
Peter, Tom himself, or Arvin Russell?
Warnings: smut, oral recieving (fem), use of language, touching, dirty talk
Word count: 4k+ (long story)
"Are you hungry, Tess? You want some yummy eggs?"
Tessa barked in response, whining in eagerness as she watched you prepare her eggs. You chuckled with a smile and stirred them around, they were almost done. The Holland's fed Tessa eggs as a treat every now and again cause she loves them- but you feed her eggs everyday she spends with you.
The Holland's were coming back from their two week long family trip today. You felt like somehow, Tessa knew, because she was quite giddy this morning.
"Here you go, pretty girl!" You say with a smile as you place her bowl of eggs and kibble on the floor, watching her eat it happily with her tail shaking so hard that her entire backside moved. You always laughed to yourself when you saw that.
It was a sunny day, warm rays of light pouring in through your window left you no reason to turn on your lights. Your dog, Y/D/N, was peacefully laying in the sun underneath the door.
You snapped back into reality at the sound of your phone vibrating on the marble table. Picking it up, you see "Nikki Holland" displayed across the screen. You answered.
"Hey, Nikki!" You greeted happily as you answered your phone.
"Hey, sweetheart!" She says happily too, "How is Tessa?"
"Well she's currently scarfing down her breakfast, how was the trip?" You giggle, looking at Tessa's tail wag.
"Oh, it was just gorgeous. You should really try to go there sometime, the view is breathtaking."
You and Nikki talked for a while, her listening to you talk about how Tessa had been after she tells you more about the trip. It was always nice to hear her voice, she was like a mother to you and you loved being close to the family. They lived just a 15 minute walk down from you, so you were always over at their home and at any party they threw.
"It sounds like you guys had a blast, did the boys enjoy it?"
"Oh, definitely. The twins bickered as usual but Paddy seemed to keep them distracted with his nonsense. Tom kept asking about you and Tessa, though." Nikki giggles a bit, leaning closer to the phone, "You know, dear... I think he fancies you."
"Nikki!" You gasp, making her laugh. You both ended up laughing but your cheeks burned red.
Tom was, without a doubt, the most attractive man you've ever seen. You've known his parents and siblings for years, but you only met Tom a year ago since he was always busier than the rest of his family. You two instantly became close, and you can't deny that you felt something for him beyond friendship.
But, Tom was surrounded by beautiful, stunning women all the time in his field of work. You doubted he'd ever look at you that way, so you ignored it.
"Well, dear, I just called to let you know that I'll be by in a bit to pick up Tessa. Is that okay?"
"Yes, of course!" You replied, "See you in a bit."
You ended the call, everything suddenly becoming quiet and still. Tessa had finished her meal and she was currently laying under the sunshine next to Y/D/N.
Figuring that it may take a while for Nikki to get there, you thought you should start your workout. You had a work out session every morning in the large space of your living room.
Wearing your spandex shorts and sports bra, you started your stretching. The sun felt warm on your skin even through the window, creating a sigh of content to leave your lips. Your body slowly started to loosen up, not as stiff from your night of sleep. Feeling refreshed from your stretch, you start your routine, 30 minutes in and breaking a sweat. Your muscles felt like they were on fire, trying to keep up with the time.
Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon was playing lowly on the speaker from the kitchen. Just as you were about to start your next set, the doorbell rang.
That confused you at first seeing as Nikki would always come right on in, she was basically your second mother so it didn't bother you. Shrugging it off, you grabbed your small towel off the couch and started patting your sweat away while walking towards the door.
You grab the knob and twist, swinging the door open. Your heart drops as you see that it wasn't Nikki infront of you, but someone you'd rather not see you in so little clothing.
"Hey, Y/N!" Tom greeted happily, the lightest of blushes crawling across his cheeks as he avoids looking you up and down.
"Oh, hey, Tom!" You say, trying to act like he didn't make you nervous, "Come on in."
Stepping aside to let him inside, you felt goosebumps threaten to spread across your skin as Tom whisks by you, nearly bumping your arm. Closing the door, you turned to look at him, already seeing him on the floor with Tessa.
"Tessa!" Tom says excitedly, showering her with love and kisses. Tessa was beyond happy to see Tom as she showered him with the same amount of love.
After they finished their moment, Tessa saw your dog wake up from it's nap and ran to go play with them. Tom laughed, turning to you.
"I'm sorry for interrupting your workout," Tom says as he looks at your mat on the floor and small weights, "My mum got busy and asked if I could come to get Tess instead."
"That's alright, doesn't bother me." You smile at him, looking at his adorable chocolate locks that fell into a cute mess ontop of his head.
"Well, while you're here, would you like some tea?" You ask with a smile, trying your best not to make a fool of yourself. You knew you stood no chance of getting with Tom, but that wouldn't stop you from being polite.
"That would be lovely." Tom smiles back, following you to your kitchen. He felt horrible about it, but he couldn't help but to stare at your ass as you walked. In your spandex shorts, it left little to imagination, and he's never seen you in anything so revealing.
He stopped staring as you turned around, nervous. You watched him take a seat at your table. You could feel his eyes on you as you prepared to make the tea, but you weren't complaining.
Tom couldn't seem to stop looking at you. To him, you looked gorgeous all the time, but right now, you looked ravishing. He would tell you that, but even he couldn't deny how much of a wuss he was. This crush he's had on you has kept him up sometimes, but for a year, he kept it to himself. He knew that his mother knew that he fancied you, though, which is why she made up an excuse to have Tom come to get Tessa instead. Tom knew it was rubbish, but he jumped at the chance.
"I hope Tess behaved." He spoke, causing you to almost jump. You smiled, ignoring that he startled you.
"She was an angel, as always. I can tell she missed you though."
"I missed her too. Not the same sleeping without her."
"Did you have a good time?" You asked, your back turned to Tom.
"I guess so. It was kind of boring." Tom spoke honestly, shrugging as he watched you move.
"How come?" You asked.
"It was the same as any place. I couldn't really just have time with my family because anywhere we went, fans were there too. I love my fans and am beyond grateful for them, but I really just wanted some time with my family." Tom spoke honestly, guilt panging his heart as he spoke. His words made you sad knowing he didn't have a good time like the rest of his family did.
"Nikki told me about the girl that was all over you," you laughed even though you hated the thought, "I'm sure your girlfriend hated that."
"I don't have a girlfriend, love." Tom spoke shyly, giving you a feeling of relief.
You had brought it up in hopes of him denying he had a girlfriend. You wanted Tom to be happy of course, but when Nikki told you about the girl that was all over him on their vacation, you couldn't help but to feel jealous.
The room fell quiet. You didn't know what to say and Tom didn't either. If only you both knew how badly you wanted to tell each other the truth, but fear stopped you. You didn't want to make things awkward and Tom didn't want to lose you.
A painful stinging sensation brought you out of your thoughts, making you grab your wrist and let out a cry of pain.
Tom perked up instantly, rushing over to you. He had deep concern in his eyes as he gently had your arms in his hands. His touch sent sparks through your skin and it distracted you from your pain for a second.
"Are you okay?" He asks, guiding you over to the sink with a voice of genuine concern. He was so close, you were sure he could feel your heart beating out of your chest.
"Uh- yea," you choked, "It's just a burn."
"This is a pretty rough burn, darling." Tom chuckled lightly. Your heart soared.
You told Tom where your first aid kit was and he ran to get it, leaving you in the kitchen. You hoisted yourself up onto your kitchen counter by the sink, letting the cold water run along your burn. Tom ran back over to you holding the kit, popping it open as he sat it down next to your thighs. He nearly choked as he saw how high your spandex shorts had ridden up your legs, swallowing the lump in his throat.
He pushed that to the back of his mind and tended to your burn, but it was so hard to ignore how good you looked. Your breasts were displayed perfectly infront of him, all he had to do was look down to see them curve perfectly, your skin looking as soft as ever. His hands were itching to touch you, especially everytime he glanced at your thighs. He kept imagining your legs wrapped around him as his lips explored your neck, the thoughts got the best of him. He was trying his hardest to be respectful and not look, but there was no denying the growing bulge in his pants.
After he wrapped up your wound, Tom rested his hand on your knee. The simple gesture sent tingles all over your body and straight to your core, making you let out a shaky breath. Tom didn't seem to notice seeing as he was examining your wrist to make sure he tended to it properly, but his eyes looked distant. You took your lip in between your teeth, feeling Tom's hand squeezing your knee. He didn't seem to notice, his actions being completely subconscious.
"It should be okay," Tom suddenly spoke, taking you out of your trance, "Just keep putting that ointment on it."
"O-Okay." You mumble, not taking your eyes off his hand on your knee. Tom noticed this and his eyes widened, immediately going to remove his hand.
"Oh, shit-" he cursed, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't realize-"
Before you could think about it, you stopped him from moving his hand, stopping his voice in it's tracks. He looked from your hand over his to you, seeing a gleam in your eye that he's never seen before.
This wasn't like you at all. Sure, you've had sex before, but you've never craved it from someone like you craved Tom right now.
Tom didn't want to push himself on you, but the sexual tension in the room could be cut with a knife. His bulge was only growing and his hand on your knee was only making it worse. Looking you in the eye, Tom stood there as you slowly slid his hand higher up your thigh, eyes widening.
Tom got the memo and started moving his hand on his own. Your spread your legs, watching as he quickly stood between them, placing a hand on both of your thighs. Tingles shot straight to your core.
He was close- incredibly close. Your bodies almost touching, lips barely an inch apart. You could smell his minty breath, staring deeply into his eyes. His big hands gave your thighs a strong squeeze, making you gasp.
"Please tell me I can kiss you." Tom said pleadingly, not knowing how much longer he could last not feeling your lips on his. Your heart exploded, not able to speak, you nodded.
Tom smashed his lips to yours, squeezing your thighs as he grunted against your lips. You kissed him back eagerly, resting your elbows on his shoulders as you raked your fingers through his chocolate brown locks. Tom brought a hand behind you and pushed your body even closer into his, feeling your breasts pressed against the thin clothe of his white t-shirt, driving him absolutely wild. Due to your low counters, your core was pressed against his raging hard on, making your panties a flood zone.
The kiss only got more heated, Tom's hands holding onto your hips as his fingers skim along the waistband on your shorts. Your hands found their way under his shirt, tracing each if his abs as he groaned against your lips. Your touch egnited him.
You pushed Tom off of you for only a moment, grabbing the hem of his shirt and skimming it off his toned body. You didn't even take time to admire him- your lips went straight to his neck.
"Darling," Tom said breathlessly, holding your hips tightly as you suck on his sweet spot, "Stop if you don't want this. I'm having a hard time keeping from taking you right here on this counter."
His words went straight to your core, heating up your body. You were out of breath, pulling away from him to look him in the eye.
"I've wanted you for a while, Tom." You spoke truthfully, letting your eyes hold all your emotion as you looked into his chocolate dipped orbs, "YOU tell ME if you don't want this. Be honest with me, don't give me false hope that you want me for more than just this."
After looking into your eyes for a moment more, Tom pulled you into another kiss, only this kiss was different. This kiss was loving and passionate, the kind of kiss a husband gives his wife every morning and the kind of kiss that you see in movies when the guy gets the girl. Cupping your face in his hands, he pulled away for a breath, resting his forehead on yours as you watch his chest rise and fall aggressively.
"I have been too chicken to tell you that very same thing, love." Tom chuckled, "I'm pretty sure my mum made up some random excuse for me to come here because she knew I fancy you. You keep me up at night sometimes, yet I still couldn't find a way to ask you out."
You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly and bit your lip as you looked into his eyes. He smirked as he felt your hand slip past the waistband of his pants, lips dangerously close to yours.
"Feels a little crowded," you whisper, "Why don't you invite your little friend out to play?"
Tom couldn't help but groan, throwing his head back as your touch went lower and lower. The affect you had on him was severe, and he couldn't take it much longer.
"Dammit, Y/N." Tom whispered under his breath in frustration as he picks you up. You let out a gasp, tightening your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. His lips caught yours, pushing your bedroom door open with your back before throwing you down on the bed.
You moaned against Tom's soft lips, his fingers pulling at the waistband of your shorts. Knowing they were skin tight, Tom didn't hesitate to nearly rip them off of you, pulling them off your legs in a swift movement. Feeling his roughness made a pool between your legs- you were eager.
It didn't take long before you were both only left in your underwear. Tom's boxers were tight, the lining of his boner being extremely evident. Just the sight nearly sent you over the edge, making you let out a small moan, Tom's lips sucking on your neck as he palmed your breasts.
"Ugh, Tom." You moaned breathlessly, pressing your lower half against his. He grunted against your skin, pushing your body down against the mattress, putting some of his weight on you so you felt every inch of him. It nearly sent goosebumps across your skin, gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
His lips started their journey down your body slowly, despite the eagerness Tom was radiating. You held comforting eye contact as he got lower and lower, your heat throbbing for him. You had no doubt in your mind that your underwear were soaked, and as Tom stared at them, you could see the approving gleam in his eyes matched with a proud smirk.
"Do I do this to you, darling?" He says softly, palming your heat as he waited for an answer. Your words were caught in your throat- unable to think with only a thin cloth seperating Tom's fingers and your core.
"Y-Yes, Tom..." you breathed out, giving him the most pleading look you could muster. Tom smirked at you, loving the affect the simple touch had on you.
"Do you want me to do this..." he whispers, bringing his fingers to hook around the thin cloth, bringing it down your legs, "...darling?"
"Yes!" You says desperately, kicking them off the rest of the way, "Tom, I need you..."
To Tom, your voice was like an angel's choir. You sound so fucked for him- it made his cock throb in his boxers. He nearly groaned- he couldn't believe this was actually happening right now.
Tom spread your bare legs, staring at you intently as he crawled between your legs. You nodded to him, biting your lip as you felt his warm breath fanning against your heat.
Tom's eyes held excitement as he dragged his tongue between your drenched folds. You were sweet, he wanted more. Hearing you bite back moans, Tom pressed the back of your thighs against his shoulders, arms going around your legs so he can grip your hips.
Using your waist, Tom grips it tightly, sure to leave small bruises as he holds you still and presses his face further into you.
This was too much for you to handle and your moans came spilling from between your lips. You were breathing heavy, arching your back as your hands looked for something to hold onto. They found Tom's hair, gripping and tugging it tightly as he flooded all your senses with pleasure.
"Oh, Tom!" You moaned loudly, your voice sending a moan to crawl up Tom's throat as he mopped up your heat, holding you down so you don't squirm.
Latching his lips to your clit, Tom slipped two fingers into your dripping cunt, thrusting and sucking wildly. It was too much for you, so much pleasure and not enough will to handle it.
"T-Tom I'm gonna finish if you don't stop!"
Tom pulled away from your clit, slowly slipping his fingers out of you. You could see your wetness evident on his nose, lips and chin. Wiping it away, he saw your flushed expression, glad he was making you feel so damn good.
"Not yet, love," He whispers lowly, crawling up your body and kissing your lips harshly, "You're gonna cum around my cock."
His stern tone and authority sent shivers down your spine, both of you knowing there is no doubt that he will make you.
Tom stripped his boxers off, noticing you trying your hardest not to look. A bit of shyness struck him, the softest of blushes spreading across his cheeks. Reaching over to your nightstand drawer, you pulled it open, moving stuff around into you grabbed a condom. You tried to give it to Tom, but his blush only deepened, looking like he wanted to say something but wouldn't.
"Tom, I like you a lot, but you are not going raw-" you tell him, but he quickly cuts you off.
"No! Th-That's not it..." he chuckles awkwardly, looking from the condom, to his throbbing cock, to you.
"Oh-" you say, embarrassed as you realized what he meant.
"Do you have any bigger sizes, love?"
You wanted to smack yourself. Your ex wasn't exactly the biggest "wielder".
You rummaged through the drawer and found a condom big enough to fit around Tom.
Ripping it open, you rolled it onto Tom's thick length, hearing him groan into your neck in the process. In seconds, he was positioned between your legs, rubbing his pink tip on your clit as you whimpered against his lips.
"Baby, please don't tease." You whispered, watching his chocolate orbs stare into your pleading ones.
Without breaking his gaze into your beautiful eyes, Tom slowly pushed his throbbing cock inside you. You instantly threw your head back, digging your nails into his broad shoulders as your wetness allowed him to bottom out so easily. Tom didn't realize he was holding his breath until he felt you arching against him.
He felt so good- the way he filled you up could easily get you to finish. Tom couldn't get enough of the way you wrapped around him so well, so wet for him that he was completely inside you in seconds.
"Holy shit, darling." He moaned breathlessly, jaw slightly dropped. Your eyes were tightly shut, biting your bottom lip hard as you felt him pull all the way out only to slam right back into you with a hard grunt.
"Fuck, Tom!" Your moan came out extremely high and loud, making you blush once more. Tom smirked, though... he loved it.
He started a steady rhythm smoothingly, his arms and abs flexing as he fucked you hard. Your nails were digging into his shoulders thoughtlessly, not a second passing where a moan wasn't threatening to leave your lips. As much as Tom wanted you to leave your marks all over him, he was more eager to see you completely vulnerable underneath him. He grabbed both your hands and had them pinned above your head in seconds making you gasp.
"So good for me," he grunted, "Aren't you, good girl?"
His nickname for you made you whimper.
"Oh, you like when I talk dirty while fucking your tight pussy, baby?" All you could do was nod with rosy cheeks, his words completely shocking you. Tom was always so sweet, so innocent...
"I bet you do," he says, out of breath as he ruts into you harshly, making you let out a small cry of pleasure, "You're a dirty girl like that."
His words were helping to send you over the edge. He wouldn't stop- everything falling from his lips being dirtier than the rest.
"You look so pretty, even while I'm fucking you."
"So good for me... taking my cock so well."
"You're so tight princess, guess I should come over more often?"
"I just want to bend you over and fuck the shit out of you."
"Fuck, Tom!" You practically screamed, body tensing as your back arched against him. Your heat throbbed as you felt your climax coursing over you.
With only a few more thrusts, Tom came hard, throwing his head back as he did. The sight was beyond attractive and you wish you could save it in your mind.
Tom pulled out of you carefully, knowing you were sore and sensitive after being fucked that good. He discarded of the well used condom, cleaning up the mess you both made with many tissues from your nightstand so he could hold you close to him. Your body felt weaker and more tired then before, which was well expected. This felt more like a workout then your actual session.
Tom plopped down in your bed with a satisfied sigh, looking over at you with the giddiest smile.
There's the Tom I'm used to, you thought to yourself, his smile beaming.
"I hope I wasn't too rough." Tom says, a comforting softness in his voice that wasn't there before. He wrapped a strong arm around your naked body, pulling you into his bare chest.
"Not rough," you scoffed, smiling, "Just hard."
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, baby." You hummed, "It was perfect."
There was a moment of silence as you both repeated the hard, steamy sex you just had over and over again in your minds. There was something about it that made it to where neither of you could wipe even the smallest of smiles off your faces.
"Y/N?" Tom spoke up softly, leaning his lips into your neck.
"Hmm?" You hummed.
"I meant what I said in the kitchen, earlier..." he says, "I really do fancy you."
"I like you too, Tom," you giggle, "I have for a while."
"I was too chicken to say anything to you before," he chuckles, "But I want to take you out on a date. A real date."
You turn and face Tom, smiling as your eyes met his. His words made your heart happy, and there was no way you could turn down the smile he was giving you.
"Of course," you laugh, tucking a stray curl out of his face, "It's about time that you ask. You really think I'm gonna say no?"
You both laughed, Tom pulling you into his chest. Your bodies were tired, but neither of you were sleepy at the moment. Tom stayed over for a few more hours, just cradling your naked body against his. You talked, laughed until you cried, kissed and just enjoyed each other's presence before it was time for Tom to bring Tessa home.
After a very lasting, loving, and passionate goodbye kiss, Tom took Tessa and walked home. He was sad to be leaving, he'd be okay with never leaving your side again.
After arriving home, Tom found that only his twin brothers, Sam and Harry, were home. They were too captivated in the TV and Tessa being home to question Tom on what took him so long.
Tom went up to his room, unable to stop his smiles. He stripped out of his shirt, about to plop down on his bed when his door swung open.
"Ey, mate. Where's the- holy fuck, what the hell happened to you!" Sam suddenly burst into Tom's room, yelling as his eyes landed on the long red scratches all over Tom's shoulders and back. Tom whipped around quickly, eyes going wide.
"Don't you know when to knock, you idiot?!" He yelled back, hearing Sam's footsteps thudding towards the room.
"Holy shit, mate!" Harry laughed, eyes wide at Tom turned his back to him to put his shirt back on.
"Piss off, both of you!"
"Now we know what took so long to get Tess." Harry snickered. Sam finally realized what was happening and scrunched up his nose at his older brother, rolling his eyes before walking away. Tom growled and slammed the door despite Harry's teasing. No matter what, he knew he wouls do it all over again.
Tom called you minutes later to talk about anything and everything.
He felt happy- the happiest he's been in a while. This was good. This was joy.
Lost in thought, he realized you fell asleep on the phone. A soft smile spread across his lips.
"Sleep well, my love."
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Mittens (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Warnings: none :) Genre: Fluff Word Count: 425 Summary: Your cat always stayed far away from Bucky, until today when you were cuddling and having a movie night together
When you and Bucky began dating, your cat Mittens was very wary of him. She would always keep her distance, and never come closer than 10 feet of him. He wasn't sure if it was because of his metal arm, or maybe he looked intimidating to her
This made Bucky feel self conscious, because your cat was friendly with everybody except for him. You tried to assure him that she would come around soon, but he wasn't sure how true that was. Everytime he would enter the room she was in, she would run away
That was until today, when the both of you had been on the couch watching a movie, snuggling together. About halfway through the movie, Mittens jumped onto the couch, and laid between the both of you. She occasionally sniffed his metal arm, but she didn't act afraid.
You smiled in Bucky's direction, before glancing at Mittens, and petting her fur around her ears. Her head leaned into your touch, and Bucky watched with curiosity. He had never seen her this close before, and he wasn't sure if moving would scare her or not, so he sat still. You noticed, and you grabbed Bucky's hand and brought it closer to her.
Mittens didn't move back, so you put his hand onto her. He began to slowly move his fingers over her fur, to not startle her, and she began to purr.
Bucky felt himself smile wide, and without realizing it he began to softly talk to the cat
“See i'm not that scary” He whispered, scratching under her chin. You could hear how loud she was purring, and it made you smile too
Mittens suddenly stood up, and Bucky pulled away thinking he had done something to frighten her, but she walked onto his thigh, laying down and placing her head against his stomach. He chuckled a bit, before beginning to pet her again. Mittens’ eyes slowly closed, before falling asleep on top of Bucky
“I can't believe it” He mumbled “She's never gotten this close to me before”
“I told you she would come around” You giggled “Be prepared for her to constantly want your attention now”
“That's ok, I don't mind” He smiled, leaning his head on top of yours, the three of you now cuddled together
You yawned, and moved so your head was on Bucky's chest. You both continued to watch the movie, but after a few minutes you both felt your eyelids drooping, and before the movie ended the three of you had fallen asleep together
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Rinse & Repeat
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Summary: While on the run with Natasha, you help her to dye her hair. You’re sceptical that box colour will do the job properly, but you quickly realise that’s the least of your problems. (Aka a more light-hearted Nat fic than The Space Between Pages). 
Requests Taken Here
You chewed your lip as you re-read the instructions printed on the back of the box. Huffing, uncertainty sneaking up on you, you turned the box over. The lady on the front looked very happy at least. 
A voice startled you out of your quiet concern. “You trying to memorise that?” 
Catching her amused gaze in the mirror you couldn’t hold back your answering smirk. Letting the box clatter back onto the counter, leaving the lady printed on the packaging to watch the pair of you with her immortal smile, you turned to face Natasha. Reaching forward, twirling a lock of her fiery hair around your finger and tugging slightly, you sighed heavily. “I love your hair, Nat, I don’t wanna ruin it.”
Gently pulling her hair from your grasp, she smoothed a hand over your shoulder. “You might like it, honey, but it’s pretty noticeable in a crowd.” 
Huffing, slumping against the counter behind you, you nodded. “I know,” you told her softly, “I’m just not much of a hairdresser.”  
Laughing softly with you, she pulled you closer and waved a hand in the air between you. “If it looks awful we’ll just cut it off.” 
Rolling your eyes, turning in her arms to grab the box once more, you gave it a last look over. “Glad you’ve got so much faith in me.” You told her wryly, before nodding resolutely to yourself – full of faux confidence. “Alright, let’s do this.” 
Taking a step back from you, she peeled off her shirt and watched amused as you awkwardly manoeuvred the shower head from the shower unit and to the sink. Stubbornly, the shower head stopped moving towards the sink with around an inch to go and refused to budge no matter how hard you pulled at it. Looking over the metal cord connecting the shower head, you found it was pulled as far as it could go – each tug at it almost pulling you backwards with its resistance.
You looked to Natasha with a lopsided grin that she quickly mirrored. “Guess that’s as close as we’re gonna get,” she murmured with a quirked brow.
Pointing the shower head at her, a sudden fierce expression overtaking you, you gruffly ordered. “Get over here.”
Shaking her head at you, holding back a chuckle, she put her palms up as though in surrender as she approached. “You got me.”
Hands gripping the sink she leant over it, letting her hair pool into the ceramic. Readjusting your grip upon the shower head, you quickly realised another problem. “Erm…” slowly, your brain calculated a solution. “Hold this, I need to turn the water on.” 
Taking the shower head from your hand, fingertips brushing yours, she peeked at you through her hair. “What? You can’t stretch that far?”
Voice muffled by the shower unit, you shot back. “I’ve not been doing my stretches.” 
Twisting the tap, you heard water rushing through the pipes before Natasha verbally confirmed your success. “It’s on.”
Clambering from the shower unit, you quickly grabbed the shower head from her once more. “Close your eyes,” you murmured, moving the stream of water over her head. Working your fingertips through her hair, ensuring every strand was soaked, you lightly massaged her scalp. An appreciative hum escaped her even as you realised a second issue.
“The water isn’t reaching the other side of your head,” you huffed, hand stilling in her hair.
Jerking her head to the left, she quickly instructed. “Shuffle that way.”
Following instruction, you sidestepped to the left – arm stretching out awkwardly as you tried to ensure the water didn’t splash all over the floor. She tilted her head for you, revealing the dry side of her hair to you. Pulling on the cord, needing just a little stretch to fully reach, your eyebrows pulled together as the water stopped rushing forth. 
Standing dumbly, staring at the shower head with mouth agape, you heard a sudden gush of water from the shower unit.
Head jerking to the side, you quickly discovered that the cord had become detached and water was now gushing all over the floor. Natasha’s musical laughter followed you to the shower unit as you cursed against the water spluttering in your face. Battling your way into the shower, you took a groaning stretch forward and flipped the tap closed.
Flicking the water from your hands, looking at the drops of water falling from the tiles, you huffed. A hand on your waist turned you to face her. She apparently could not hold back a lopsided grin as she looked you over, one eyebrow raised appraisingly.
Your now soaked clothes clung uncomfortably to your skin, your hair plastered to your neck even as Natasha tried to brush it back for you. “You’re too happy about this,” you grumbled, poking a finger at her cheek as she continued to grin at you. 
Hands on your waist rubbing circles into your sides, she shrugged. “You look good.” 
Rolling your eyes, despite the obvious heat now rising in your cheeks, you sidestepped her and grabbed the box. “Let’s finish this.” 
Natasha remained perfectly still as you applied the colour. The crinkle of your plastic gloves the only sound echoing through the soaked bathroom as you worked on her hair. It was unusual for such quiet to spring up between you, the pair of you more than eager to fill it with whatever sprung to your minds, but this moment of calm seemed well earned after the chaos of the past days. 
Rinsing her hair proved a much simpler task. You were now hyper aware of the risk of overextending the shower head and instead asked her to move as close as possible to you. Your soured mood had improved as your clothes had dried, a warm smile now tugging your lips upwards as you watched Natasha inspect her new hair in the mirror. 
Turning to you with a winning smile, she flicked her hair over her shoulder dramatically. “You like it?” 
Reaching out you ran your fingers through the still damp locks, “it looks amazing.” Pulling your eyebrows together, you stretched past her and grabbed the now empty box from the sideboard. Pulling it close to your face, eyes narrowing as you looked it over, you muttered to yourself; “How the hell did we manage that with box colour?” 
She answered your incredulous question with a low chuckle, pulling the now empty box from your clutches. “Thank you,” she murmured to you. Thumbs skimming over your cheeks, she cupped your face and pulled you closer for a kiss. The kiss itself was a tease; lips lightly touching yours and parting just enough to promise something more before she pulled away entirely. 
“Nat,” you began, trying your best to hold in your laughter and finish your sentence. “Do blondes really have more fun?” 
Tutting at you, despite her lips widening into a smile, she let a hand trail down your arm. Gripping your hand, tugging you slightly into the bedroom, she answered in a low purr. “Let’s find out.”
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haileygarciasunshine · 4 years ago
Heat Wave
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Fem!Reader
Written: May 22nd, 2021
Posted: May 22nd, 2021
Warning: None. Fluff
Word Count: 1,085
Summary: During the biggest heat wave of the summer, Clint brings the Avengers to his safe house.
Summer Time Masterlist
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"Are you sure Laura's okay with this?" You questioned raising an eyebrow at Clint.
"It was her idea actually." He responded with a shrug.
Nodding your head, you hummed. Making your way into the house, you were greeted with a chilly gust of air. Shivering slightly, your sweating came to a halt.
"Remind me again why we're here?" Loki questioned from beside you.
Jumping at the sudden scare, you placed a hand over your rapidly beating heart. "Don't do that!"
Furrowing his eyebrows together in confusion, he frowned. "Do what?"
"Sneak up on me, like that!" You shrieked sending a playful hit to his shoulder.
The sound of his chuckle filled your ears, sending your stomach into somersaults.
"Sorry, Bunny." He smirked.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way towards one of the empty spare rooms. Placing your belongings on the bed, you heard the sound of pitter-patter from your niece and nephew. Grinning to yourself, you bounded down the stairs.
"Auntie Y/N!" You were greeted with small cheerful voices.
Giggling you held your arms open to greet them. Kneeling down to their level, you pulled them in for a hug.
It wasn't long before their voices sang through your ears, letting you know what they've been doing before school let out. Nodding your head, you listened intently. Before long, you felt a pair of eyes boring into you. Turning to follow the feeling, you caught Loki staring at you.
Quickly averting his gaze, you felt a smirk dance along your lips. The somersaults returned in your stomach.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way towards one of the empty spare rooms. Placing your belongings on the bed, you heard the sound of pitter-patter from your niece and nephew. Grinning to yourself, you bounded down the stairs.
The few days, went by without a hitch. The scorching summer heat hadn't let up. Around the house, Avengers were scattered about laying in the chilly air in hopes of staying comfortable.
"Auntie Y/N?" Lila's sweet voice questioned pulling you from your thoughts.
"Yes?" You turned toward her gazing downward.
"Can we make some baked goods?" She questioned beaming up at you.
"Of course we can." You smiled.
Making your way towards the kitchen, you began pulling out the necessary equipment. Lila leaned against the counter awaiting instruction.
Standing side by side, you began making sugar cookies. As you began icing them, Loki entered.
"What are you doing?" He questioned tilting his head slightly.
"We're making cookies!" Lila responded filled with excitement.
Nodding your head, you beamed at Loki. "Do you want to help?"
"Come, I'll show you." You grinned, motioning for him to join you.
"Are you sure, Bunny?"
Heat rose in your cheeks, as you felt the butterflies in your stomach. The team was aware of your shared feelings for each other. Each of them encouraging you both to stop dancing around your feelings for one another.
You hummed in response, as you dropped your gaze back to what you were doing. Glancing up, you saw Lila smirk between you and Loki with a knowing gaze. Sighing, you shook your head.
"You can put the sprinkles on." You mumbled once Loki stood beside you.
After some time, the kitchen was filled with laughter and warmth. Loki had started forming a bond with Lila. She would tease him playfully while he attempted to do the same. Most of the time, he made terrible dad jokes that resulted in both you and Lila bellowing in laughter.
Shrugging off your swimsuit cover, you made yourself comfortable in the lounger between Natasha and Wanda. Closing your eyes, you laid in the sun.
"What's going on between you and Reindeer games?" Natasha questioned, turning to face you while holding a hand above her eyes shielding her from the luminescent sun.
"What do you mean?" You frowned, rolling your head in her direction.
"I know you like him, and he likes you-"
"How do you know that?" You questioned raising an eyebrow in question.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" She challenged.
Frowning, you shook your head. Sighing, you returned your head to its previous place. "Guess not. Besides, he doesn't like me like that."
"You can't be serious!"
"On the contrary." You shrugged. "I'm going to go swimming."
Racing up from the chair, you made your way towards the pool. Jumping in, you allow yourself to be consumed with the lukewarm water. The water allowing you to cool off, and regain your thoughts.
Surfacing, you swam towards the edge of the pool. Folding your arms on the ledge, you closed your eyes in relaxation as you tuned in to the sounds of birds chirping, the drains from the sides of the pool.
Gasping, you hadn't expected Loki to appear beside you. "You could say that."
Loki nodded as he mirrored your position.
Gazing silently at each other, you weren't sure who leaned in first. Nor did it matter. Nearing closer to each other, the sound of Clint yelling if everyone was ready to leave caused you both to jump away from each other.
Exiting the pool, Loki extended a hand downward assisting you out of the pool.
Letting out a frustrated huff, you threw your hands down on the bed. Seconds later, the soft sound of a knock caught your attention.
"Are you awake?" Loki questioned gently.
"Yeah." You muttered, groaning as you rolled onto your side.
Closing the door, Loki rounded the bed in hopes of meeting the free side of the bed. Climbing under the covers, he made himself comfortable.
"Do you-"
Before he could finish his question, you were cuddled up on his chest letting out a content sigh. His chilly temperature immediately providing a cooling sensation you had been seeking since arriving at Clint's house.
The sound of his chuckle filled the air. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder then your waist, he gently tugged you closer.
Leaning up, you gazed at Loki's features as the moonlight allowed enough illumination to study him.
Moving closer to him, you allowed Loki enough time to question your movements or to pull away from you. What you weren't expecting was for him to lace one of his hands in your hair tugging you faster to him.
Latching his lips to yours, you shared a short and sweet kiss. It was in nothing but innocence.
Grinning, you placed one last chaste kiss upon his lips before returning to your previous place upon his chest.
"Good night, Bunny."
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1-800-teax · 1 year ago
Morgan’s Tea Party
Soft Loki and Bucky
Loki x reader
New Avengers Compound - New York
Y/n’s POV:
I am strolling through the new Avengers Compound trying to find either Loki or Bucky put I can't seem to find either of them.
I make my way to the kitchen to see Morgan dressed in her pink purple tutu, a princess tiara, and a pink boa around her neck trying to reach a pack of Oreo cookies.
"Morgan H. Stark, what are you doing?" I ask with a grin and a raised eyebrow while leaning on the wall.
"Cookies." she says innocently with a shy smile.
"Cookies? Who said you can get cookies?" I ask moving towards her with a playfully stern look on my face.
"I'm having a tea party!" she says happily.
"A tea party? And I wasn't invited." I say with a pout.
"You can come." she tells me with a sweet smile.
"Thanks." I wink at her.
"Well then, we don’t want to be late to the tea party.” I tell her with a bright smile.
Morgan giggles as I kneel in front of her. She immediately climbs onto my back.
I get up and hold Morgan with both of my arms and her arms are wrapped around my neck comfortably.
I grab ahold of the pack of Oreos with my magic and it follows me and Morgan as I make my way out of the kitchen and towards Morgan's playroom.
Morgan starts singing a song and I sing along with her dancing and spinning around as I did causing her to break out into a fit of laughter.
We reach her playroom and I open to door with my magic spinning into the room laughing with Morgan.
I come to a stop and our laugher slowly stops. I look up at the sight of Bucky and Loki dressed in tutu's, tiara's, and boa's sitting in the small chairs for Morgan's table and chair set.
My face turns into one of complete shock and surprise before I let out a huge laugh.
My knees bend as I'm laughing which gives Morgan the chance to climb off my back and grab the Oreos from my magic causing it to wisk away now that it's not in use.
I fall onto my hands and knees from laughing so hard.
I clutch my stomach and wheeze out, "Ohhhh- my stomach!" before starting to laugh again.
I finally calm down and stop laughing, only releasing a few giggles after a few moments.
I let off a breathy giggle and get up off the floor, smiling widely at the sight of Bucky and Loki who now have irritated looks on their faces.
"This is gold!" I say snapping a quick picture.
"DELETE THAT!" Loki and Bucky scream jumping up and leaping for me.
"STOP!" Morgan screams at them.
Loki and Bucky pause their actions immediately.
We turn our heads to Morgan who has a sassy look on her face and four small plastic plates with two oreo cookies each on them.
"This is supposed to be a tea party." she says sassily.
Loki and Bucky throw me a quick glare before sitting back in their seats grumpily.
I try to hide my smile and take a seat besides Loki and across from Bucky while Morgan sits next to me and across from Loki.
Morgan gets up and rushes over to her dress-up chest and grabs a blue tutu, a dark green boa, and a princess tiara for me.
I stand up and squeeze into the tutu doing a little spin which causes Morgan to giggle.
I dramatically put the boa around my neck and flip one end over my shoulder.
I bend on one knee and tilt my head for Morgan to put the tiara on my head.
"Thank you Morgs." I smile and kiss her cheek.
We go and sit back down in our sits and Bucky is smiling at Morgan as she starts to put stickers on his metal arm and Loki is looking at me lovingly.
I smile at him and blush shyly.
I take a pink glitter heart sticker and reach towards Loki sticking it on his right cheek.
He smiles and grasps my wrists before I could pull my hand away and caresses my palm placing a gentle kiss onto it.
I smile at him before pulling my hand away softly.
"How is the tea?" Morgan asks smiling brightly.
I take an imaginary sip from my tiny plastic tea set.
"You know, this is probably the best tea I've ever had in my life." I smile.
"No, Bucky! You have to hold it like this!" Morgan says to Bucky before showing him how to hold it.
She holds the teacup in one hand with her pinky out and the tiny teacup plate in her other hand positioned under the cup and takes an imaginary sip.
"Loki taught me how to do it the right way." she says.
I look over at Loki who has a proud look on his face.
I playfully roll my eyes.
We continue to play tea party with Morgan until she wanted to go outside and play football with Bucky and Sam.
I start to clean up Morgan's toys when I turn around and see Loki sitting in the small chair trying to take off all of the stickers Morgan put on him.
I giggle at the sight and shuffle towards him which catches his attention.
He lets out an exasperated sigh.
I stand in front of him and he looks up at me with an innocent look on his face.
Loki wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in closer.
I step closer towards him so I'm standing between his legs and his chin is resting on my stomach as he looks up at me so I can take the rest of the stickers off of his face.
His face is filled with love and so is mine.
"There," I say after taking all the stickers off of his face.
I turn to leave but Loki loops his fingers through the belt holes of my jeans and gently tugs me back into him.
“You know, I think you look quite beautiful in a tutu, boa and princess crown.” He says with a chuckle.
“Oh really? I think you pulled it off better than me.” I said with a giggle and he joins in.
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lillywillow · 4 years ago
Puppy Love
Summary: When Bucky finds a group of abandoned puppies, it changes his life in a way he didn’t think was possible.
 Word Count: 1178
 Square Filled: Vet Clinic AU
 Pairings: Bucky x Reader
 Warnings: Slight medical themes, someone being a thoughtless jerk
 Author’s Note: Every day, hundreds of animals die needlessly in shelters. If you are thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter and help an animal find their forever home.
This is written for @star-spangled-bingo
 Running a low cost vet clinic wasn’t easy but at times, it could be very rewarding. Sometimes, it made things difficult on the dating front but that started to change when your cute neighbour Bucky asked you out. He was shy at first but after going on a few dates you bonded over your love of animals. Bucky had confessed to you that he preferred animals to people to which you had to agree. Sure there the occasional date that was cut short due to an emergency at the clinic but there was a real connection between the two of you.
One day at the clinic, you were getting ready for your lunch break when you heard a great commotion coming from the reception area.
 “I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to wait in line-”
 “But they need help now!” You saw Bucky standing at the desk holding what looked to be his shirt in his hands and close to his well toned chest. His long hair had been pulled back and he was sweaty as if he had been running.
 “Bucky?” The man locked eyes with you.
 “Y/N! You have to help them! Please!” he begged. As you moved closer, you could see in the fabric five tiny puppies, barely old enough to be away from their mother.
 “Follow me...” You showed Bucky to one of the examination rooms.
 “I was out jogging and I passed a trash can when I heard them whimpering... someone had stuffed them in there,” he said bitterly. “I couldn’t just leave them alone in the trash...”
 It boiled your blood to hear stories of people being so thoughtless towards something so helpless but it melted your heart to see how much Bucky cared.
 “Put them on the table.” Bucky leant forward and carefully placed the precious contents of his shirt onto the stainless steel surface. One by one, you checked the health of each small, squirming puppy. As you picked up the last one, it let out a painful yelp.
 “Oh! I’m sorry, baby. That’s sore, huh?” you cooed, noticing the deep, smelly wound on the puppy’s front left leg. Now that you had found it, you were even more careful examining the pup.
 “I don’t like the look of this injury,” you muttered.
 “Will it be okay?” Bucky asked, picking up a female puppy that you had already checked to pat. The little girl squirmed happily and licked his hand. For the first time, you saw his left arm was made of onyx metal, possibly a Stark Industries prosthetic. Bucky had told you he had lost his arm in the war but it was something he was very private about. He only ever wore long sleeved shirts and gloves whenever he was out in public.
 “It will depend on how badly the infection has set in. We’ll do what we can but the leg might have to be amputated.” Bucky looked down at the puppy in his hands.
 “Dogs can live a normal happy life with three legs. They’re very resilient. They’re all dehydrated and malnourished but seem okay. We’ll run some tests to make sure there are no other underlying health issues... you did the right thing by bringing them in,” you assured him. Bucky smiled softly then promptly grumbled as one of the puppies peed on his shirt. You fought back the playful laugh that bubbled up in your throat.
 “I can find you a spare scrubs top,” you offered.
 “I don’t want to put anyone out,” he mumbled.
 “You wouldn’t be. That’s why they’re called spare.” Bucky shifted a little before nodding.
 “Alright... would it be okay if I hang around here for a while? I’m not ready to go out in public yet...” Bucky was still very self conscious about his arm. No matter how many times his friends tried to tell him not to worry about it, it just wasn’t enough. He had taken a big step in asking you out and for now, that was sufficient for him. Bucky hadn’t wanted you to see his arm but this was an emergency. He had nothing other than the shirt on his back to carry the litter of puppies in and he ran to your clinic as fast as he could, trying to ignore the stares of passersby.
 “I’m sure we could find something around here to keep you busy,” you smiled.
 The hours ticked by and eventually it was time to go home. All day, Bucky had worked diligently, cleaning out kennels and assisting with moving heavy objects. When you went to collect him, he was standing in front of the adoption board.
 “Hey, Bucky...”
 “Hey,” he replied, never taking his eyes from the board covered in pictures of animals ready to find their forever homes.
 “Are you thinking of getting a pet?” you asked.
 “My friend suggested getting a therapy dog... do you have any dogs like that?”
 “We don’t have any dogs currently trained to be therapy dogs in our shelter. I could get in touch with someone...” Bucky was silent for a few moments.
 “What about the puppies I found today? Could they be trained?” You couldn’t help but smile.
 “It would take some time but they should definitely be trainable. They’ll need to pass all their health checks and puppy obedience training but, yes, they certainly would be able to learn. As soon as they’re ready, I’ll take you through the adoption process.” It was now Bucky’s turn to smile.
 The weeks went by and Bucky was finally able to adopt one of the puppies he had found in the trash. He had chosen the little one who needed its leg amputated (who had been named T-Rex) as he felt a great sense of connection with it. Bucky often came to you for advice on the best way to care for the pup and even started coming to the clinic to volunteer, of course, bringing T-Rex with him. He strictly followed the obedience training which T-Rex passed with flying colours. Since that went so well, T-Rex could be trained to become a fully fledged service dog.
 As time passed, Bucky started to come out of his shell, not only with the help of T-Rex but you as well. You brought out the best in him. Bucky went as far to go on rescue drives to help dogs in need and even went as far as to become an advocate for dogs with disabilities. You couldn’t be prouder of both Bucky and the puppy he had saved. In a way, they had rescued each other.
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eddiemxnsons · 3 years ago
◦ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 (𝐦𝐜𝐮 & 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐦)
◦ 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
◦ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
◦ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤
◦ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥
◦ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
◦ 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
◦ 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧
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romanoffsbish · 3 years ago
It’s Okay…
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!StarkReader
TW: Planned Death
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Tony's done it, this time tomorrow we'll be traveling through time and space to collect the stones and bringing the dusted back. Sadly not all of us are coming back, and I've been privileged enough to decide it's gonna be me.
"Hey Steve, what's the grouping like tomorrow? You figure it out yet?" I ask
"Yeah, why?"
"Just wanted to see if I agree" I playfully remark
"Tony, Bruce, Scott & I will be going to New York for the Time, Space and Mind stones. Rocket & Thor to Asgard for the Reality stone. Clint and Nat to Vormir for the Soul stone. Nebula, Rhodey and you to Morag for the Power stone."
"Hm... I think that's okay, except let me go with Clint. Nat would be much better aiding Nebula and Rhodey on Morag." I say confidently
"Okay, sounds good!" He agrees with no resistance.
Perfect. Now to just be prepared to fight Clint and give Nat a good last night together... No one else has put it together about the Soul stone. Nebula literally called Vormir the "dominion of death," Thanos returned from there without Gamora, and lastly it's literally called a SOUL stone.
"Hey Natty" I greet her with a warm smile
"Hello my love" she says back seemingly happier than she's been in recent years.
"You, me, dinner at y/f/r!?!" I ask excitedly
"How about we save that for after we win and we get some well needed sleep tonight?"
"Well... because I am hungry now and I miss date nights." I rebuttal with my BEST pout
"Please!" I say continuing the pout and adding puppy dog eyes
"Fine! When should I be ready?" she reluctantly asks
"Thirty minutes!" I say before rushing out
God, I hate this. I am practically lying to her. She's going to be so devastated. So I vow to make tonight one to remember.
Nat's POV
I'm actually excited to dress up and get out, it's like a breath of fresh air after the last five years. Y/N's right, we haven't had much of a date night in all this time.
*knock* "Baby, are you ready?" Y/N asks through the bathroom door
"Yes, coming!" I say as I open the door
Wow! She looks so beautiful. She's wearing the same outfit that I had bought for her to wear for the date night where I proposed. Tonight must be really special.
"Wow baby, you look gorgeous" I say to my wife while I look her up and down.
"Yeah, yeah. Have you seen yourself? To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you so dressed up? Why must I share this sight with strangers?" She questions protectively.
To which I respond by pulling her in and pecking her lips.
"Baby, this is all yours. Enjoy the view and let's go eat, I am famished!" I say as I head out the door.
She runs past me to the car, but not without a smack to my ass and a wink sent my way. She swiped the keys, sly little minx.
"I'm driving." She yells back to me
"Well I can see that now" I laugh as I get in.
We pull up to y/f/r and are seated in the back corner like usual. The owners wife greets us with a warm smile. She has been running the place the past five years since her wife was dusted. I want to tell her of the good news, but I don't want to get any hopes up. Anything could go wrong, so I'll just let her see for herself when it succeeds.
"You finally going to get something besides chicken strips?" I joke at my wife with the tastebuds of a child
"Hush! As if you're not going to get y/f/d!" She jokes back
"Yeah... Why do we even ask for menus at this point?" I laugh out
"We like to pretend we can change." Nat replies
As we sit there talking about just about everything, our foods being brought out.
"Thank you Susan!" I say as I smile up to her
"Of course! We've missed you guys around here." She says with a sad smile
"We've missed it too!" Nat replies instantly
"Well, if you need anything don't be afraid to call out for me" She states as she walks off to attend to other customers
After a moment of indulging in our food I say
"I wish we could just tell her"
"Me too love, but it's okay, she'll know soon enough"
"Yeah, she will." I say back trying to hide my sadness
"What's wrong love?" Nat asks concerned having picked up on my mood change
"What if it doesn't work?" I question hiding my real reason for my sudden sadness
"It will! It has to!" She commands almost trying to convince herself as much as me
"You're right! Sorry. Let's focus on our date" I reply with a smile
"Psst... Baby, give me the keys, we're not done yet!" I say eager for what's next
"It's 8PM, what could possibly be next?" She laughs out
"Okay grandma" I laugh out ... "Are you tired of me?" I faux pout
"Of course not my love!" She coos as she pulls me in for a sweet kiss.
"Then keys please, and buckle up!" I assert
I'm taking us to the lookout spot we always went to when it all just got too loud. It had become our sanctuary. So I just want one more cuddle under the stars. Earlier in the day I had picked up my baby's favorite desserts.
"Love, where are we going?" Nat asks
"Natty, please be patient. It's a short ride!" I chuckle out
"But I hate surprises!" She cries out
"Oh, look, we're here!" I say while handing her a hoodie because she didn't exactly plan for being outdoors in the cold.
As she gets out I reach in the back for the blankets and the bag of goodies. Then I grab her hand and escort her to OUR spot. I set the blanket down then reached up with grabby hands so she'll sit with me.
"I got you something." I say as I pull out croissants and macaroons.
"Oh baby, you trying to fatten me up before the mission? My suit isn't gonna fit" she laughs out while reaching for the goods
"You're right! Let me just put them up"
She snatches the bag and says "No! Gimme please"
As she starts to eat a croissant I pull her into my lap and bring her back into my front. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.
Nat's POV
Y/N's snuggling into me and it feels so nice. I can tell she's nervous about tomorrow, I almost want to ask if she wants to sit it out. I know she'll say no though, so I just push myself into her more and snake a croissant up towards her lips to give her a bite.
"Thank you baby" she whispers in appreciation as she takes a bite
"Of course. How are you feeling? You doing okay?"
"I'm doing perfectly fine sitting here with you in my arms, right where you belong. I'm probably the happiest I've ever been. I love you" she replies
"I love you too. So much baby! Thank you for tonight. It's been a nice breath of fresh air." I say as I turn in her embrace to give her a kiss. I've missed moments like this. I pour every bit of love I have for her into this kiss. As we pull away I see she's crying, so I instinctually reach up and wipe her face.
"Oh baby, what's wrong?"
"Absolutely nothing! In fact this moments perfect" she replies with a sweet smile
I lay back and pull her on top of me and just hold her there with her head on my chest.
"To new beginnings" I say while rubbing her back
"To new beginnings" she whispers out
After laying on Nat for like 30 minutes I get up and pull her up with me.
"Let's dance!"
"What? There's no music" Nat replies
"I got the music covered" I say as I pull my phone out pressing play on :
"Make you Feel my Love" by Adele
Her eyes light up when she realizes it's OUR song. She reaches out and pulls me into her. We dance together slowly, both of us seemingly holding on for dear life.
"I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. Nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of of the Earth for you. To make you feel my love"
As the songs nearing its end her hands have found a resting place on my ass and I can't help but giggle.
"That was sweet while it lasted"
She pulls me in closer and connects our lips. It's beautiful and slow, until it isn't. The kiss picks up a pace and soon we're moaning into the other's mouth.
"Please tell me this was the last destination because I want nothing more than to take you home right now..." Nat whispers into my ear
"Please do" I whisper back onto her neck.
Next thing I know we're in the car, speeding home to the compound. Safely of course!
Nat's POV
This nights been fantastic! Reminding me of all the reasons why I fell in love with her in the first place. Not that I'd ever forget, she's my perfect lil baby. She's gotten me through these last five years. I don't know what I would've done had she been the one dusted. She's always been my light at the end of the tunnel...
"I can feel you staring." I say to my beautiful wife
"What about it? Am I not allowed to look at my gorgeous wife?"
"You can do more than look!" I say as I pull the car in.
I grab her by the hand and drag her to the room. Normally our escapades get pretty intense but tonight I want something more.
"I love you" I say as I ghost over her lips
"I love you too." She whispers back while she's working on removing any clothing in between us.
After the last article hits the floor I grab her arm and gently pull her to bed, laying her down. I straddle her waist and we lock eyes.
"Baby, please!!" She whines
"Shh... I got you." I say as I gently smash our lips together, before leaving a trail of hickeys down her jawline.
I keep everything slow, not in a teasing manner, but slow enough to remember it all. We made love for hours, taking care of the others every need. Whispering I love you's every chance we got.
It was the perfect goodbye.
After she fell asleep I held her for about an hour before slipping out of bed. I needed to make some final goodbye preparations. I had been making goodbye videos for everyone the past month. I made a whole selection of videos for Nat. She is going to be so mad at me, I just hope she's going to make it through... She has Yelena, Wanda, and our two month old kitten. This is our makeshift family, I'd do whatever it takes if it meant they were back together again.
I also created a box full of videos for my baby sister Morgan. The videos were about things like how to cope with loss, to first loves and heartbreaks. All the things a sister is better at navigating with a sibling than a mom is.
I left no stone unturned.
1,959 words ...
No It’s Not (Part 2)
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