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kaunis-sielu ¡ 2 years ago
Sick: End
You stare up at him for a moment before it clicks that he’s up, he seems totally fine.
“St-Steve.” A sob breaks the word and he scoops you up off of the floor.
“Hi Sweetheart.” You pull his mouth to yours with your good arm and kiss him soundly.
“I fuckin’ missed the shit out of you.”
“Let’s get your arm taken care of then we can get back into this so we can make out some more later.” He offers and you laugh, you’re fairly certain it’s the first time you’ve really laughed since Sam got sick.
Steve carries you to the med bay and Helen nearly drops the equipment she’s using.
“Steve. You’re already back to normal?”
“I’m a little sore but other than that? I feel fine. Besides, my woman was getting her arm stomped on and I wasn’t going to let that happen.” Helen seems to realize you’re cradling your arm and she snaps out of her daze.
“Into the cradle.” She says before she announces, “Ladies. Rogers is up and ready to kick some ass.” You hear the cheer through your comm piece.
“Tony?” Pepper asks and you look over Steve’s shoulder at him.
“Not yet, but his vitals look great.” Shit, you suddenly realize that you never pulled the sleep off of Tony.
“Steve, I need to get the sleep off Tony. Now.” He doesn’t look thrilled but Steve changes direction and the second you pull the sleep away Tony’s eyes snap open and he sits up with a gasp.
“Pepper! He’s up!” You tell her and she laughs.
“Tell him I’ll be there as soon as this is over.”
“Tony relax, Pepper will be in soon.” You tell him as Steve brings you to the cradle. It’ll only take minutes for it to work, it’s an incredible piece of medical technology.
Once you’re out of the cradle you and Steve head back into the fight. It doesn’t take long to finish off the few stragglers and the girls come into the room, several give Steve a hug or in Carol’s case they shadow box one another. Pepper rushes to Tony and the two talk softly, he wipes some tears off her face.
“Is everyone okay?” You ask as Nat comes swaggering in and she nods. “Everyone is locked up downstairs and no major injuries, I’d call it a success.”
“Nox was hurt but we already put her in the cradle.” Helen says as she bustles past with all of the vials of vaccines. “Jemma! I need help administering these. Shuri and Betty can you get started on more?” The other three women jump into action and you follow Helen, pulling the sleep off of your friends, Steve follows closely behind you like a shadow. The second you pull the sleep off of the last man, a lower level agent whose name you don’t know, exhaustion rolls through you and Steve’s arm circles your waist like an iron band.
“You need to sleep Sweetheart.”
“I slept when you were sleeping.” You argue, you don’t want to leave the party.
“Nox, you went through a battle, used your powers there, were put in the cradle then used your powers again. I know it’s important to be around and see everyone but I’m worried about you.” When you just sigh softly he continues, “wanna just be selfish and have you all to myself Honey.” That’s what gets you. Steve rarely asks for anything, he’s rarely selfish and for him to admit that and ask for you alone is enough.
“Okay.” Steve weaves his fingers through yours then leads you out of the common room and to the elevator. Neither of you say anything until you get back to your room.
“Do you wanna shower?” You ask as the door swings shut behind you, Steve nods, tired eyes meeting yours.
“Join me?”
“Of course. I want you to sit down. We still don’t know all the shit this put you through.”
“Me?” He looks surprised, “you had to figure it all out, you had to save me.”
“I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t.” You tell him, as he follows you into the bathroom. You turn on the shower then start to peel off you clothes when you look over your shoulder at him Steve hasn’t moved. “Steve? You okay?”
“Yea, just thinking.” He says giving you a little half smile before stripping off his clothing and joining you in the shower. You spend most of the time under the hot spray just wrapped in his arms. You hadn’t been able to admit to yourself that this moment almost hadn’t been a possibility. It was a miracle that everything went well, not that it was easy but you had him back. Once you finish your shower you change into pajamas, boxers for him, underwear and one of his shirts for you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask him softly and Steve gives you a little half smile.
“Somehow I’m just fuckin’ exhausted.”
“I mean, they did put your body through a lot.” You tell him sliding onto your bed, “I missed the hell out of you.”
“I’m sorry that you had to go through that Sweetheart. I could hear you though, the whole time. It was like, I couldn’t just pull out of the fog enough to talk to you.” It sounds like hell,
“That sounds horrible.”
“I mean it wasn’t fun but at least I knew you were alive.” Your heart breaks for him, you know that he’s got lots of regrets from before you, things that he’s told you and some that he hasn’t, and you know that protecting you is high on his list of priorities.
“I love you.” You tell him carding your fingers through his hair,
“Then marry me?” Your hand stills in his hair and your eyes fly open.
“I’ve had a ring hidden in Buck’s room for a while, just kept waiting for the right time. But this made me think, what the hell am I waiting for?”
“You wanna marry me?” You breathe and he gives you a sweet smile.
“Hell yea I do Sweetheart. What do you say? Will you marry me?”
“Absolutely.” You tell him pressing your mouth to his. Steve pulls you flush against him and rolls you so you’re underneath him.
“Want me to go get that ring?” He asks when he pulls away, both of you breathing hard.
“Tomorrow. We both need sleep and so does Bucky.”
“Okay.” He agrees and you wrap your leg around his hip and twist him so that he falls to the bed next to you then you slide on top of him. Steve’s hands rest on your back as you lay on top of him you wait until he’s asleep before you finally fully relax and slowly fall asleep.
The next morning you wake up with Steve kneeling next to your bed with a ring in his hand. It’s an oval cut with small curly parts around the diamond and is set in gold.
“Didn’t wanna put it on you until you were awake but I didn’t want to wait either.” He says with a sheepish grin.
“What time is it?”
“In the morning? Steve.” You groan dropping your face into your pillow.
“Sooner you get this ring on the sooner we can go back to sleep.” He suggests and you can’t help the grin on your face. You give him your hand and he slips the ring on, you watch him as he does and the pleased look on his face makes your heart race.
“Perfect.” You mutter before holding it up and staring at it in the early morning light. “Now, get your ass back in this bed. You know the saying? Happy wife happy life.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says climbing back into bed with you, you lay with your head on his shoulder, his arm curled around you and your left hand on his chest. You watch as your hand raises and falls as he breathes and you can’t believe how fucking happy you are.
“Oh my god. We should go sleep on the couch like this and see who notices first.” You say but when you look up at him Steve is already asleep again. You smile softly then close your eyes, you’re going to marry him and you’re going to spend the rest of your life loving him.
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aesthetic-multifandom-ships ¡ 2 years ago
It's always been you: Tony Stark imagine
Request: I looove your stories so far. Could you possibly make a Tony Stark story with prompts 43 and 44? -Anon
A/N: Hey...wow. okay I'm sorry. I've only got like 4 imagine that I can still do from 2018 post. I went away for a bit on the imagines but I'm back! I'll try to do better! 
Prompts: 43: "I think I've been holding myself from falling in love with you again" & 44: "I'm not going to apologize for this, not anymore"
My prompts: Here
Characters: Tony, Reader
Warnings: Angst, slight fighting 
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Its been 2 years since Y/N began living at the avengers tower. You can't even call us a tower anymore really, but it works out for everyone. Each person with their own room specialized for their specific needs. 
For most people this would be the dream, living with the heros themselves, but not for Y/N. She's been tiptoeing around the facility for one reason, the man himself, Tony Stark. He was a narcissist, everyone knew that but Y/N couldn't help the feeling in her chest every time she saw him.
About a year ago she couldn't keep the feelings to herself... And ever since then she only speaks when she's spoken to. 
Y/n walked into the lab with a smile on her face. Masking the butterflies and anxiety that began to flood through her. Tony sat alone looking at his computer at some new blueprints. Taking his hand he motioned across the screen towards the area in front of him, creating a 3D model of his new suit design. Y/N stood in awe at the project in front of her. Tony looked to her an smirked. 
"You act like this is your first time seeing all of this" Tony chuckled and walked over to her side, clasping his hands together behind his back. 
"You and your projects never seize to amaze me Stark" Tony leaned over and nudged her shoulder and chuckled. He didn't respond, he just looked at the model in front of them. 
Y/n's hands became clammy , she hadn't even noticed her finger nails digging into them. Her heart began to race, she couldn't contain her feelings anymore yet it was hard to even muster up the words to say it. 
"What's going through your that  brain of yours?" Y/N hadn't even realized she had been looking at the floor for a good while now, not moving or saying anything. She almost ignored his words until her courage came out of no where.
"Tony" she turned towards him, he turned his head in response. "I think I'm in love with you" his eyes opened in shock as did hers. They both looked at each other, not moving. Y/n's heart began to race and her legs started to shake.
Tony started laughing, breaking the silence. "You can't be in love with me, that's not what I do. I don't dooo "love", it's just a chemical reaction in your noggin-" he softly knocked on the top of Y/n's head like it was a door. "-Nothing too special, it comes and goes" Tony turned back to his project and began working on it as if the conversation never happened. "I'm sorry" was all she could say.
Y/n gulped down her tears that threatened to fall and walked away, heading to her room where she'd be for the rest of the night.
Water rushed down Y/n's back and quickly went away as she turned the scalding hot water off. Most people wouldn't be able to stand in that hot of water, but for Y/n…she didn't feel anything. She was use to the heat, especially since she was born with the ability to create fire in any way shape or form, but she was deemed as dangerous. Always kept to the building unless they needed her desperately.
Y/n sighed and brushed off her thoughts as she walked over to her mirror. The steam from her shower fogged up the glass, keeping her from seeing herself. Which was just the way she liked it. Ever since that day, she felt unworthy. Was she just a joke to him? To everyone?
Quickly she got dressed, as she did every single day, the same routine over and over. Since she wasn't allowed to leave the facility she kept to her room. If she was a danger to the world, she'd be dangerous to them too. But was it the only reason? Well that's what she told everyone. The only one who ever visited her was Peter Parker. An awkward young boy who felt bad for her, kept up in her room hiding from the world.
Today was a little different, Peter couldn't visit her today. Something to do with training. Which is why the knock on her door surprised her so much. No one besides Peter bothered to talk to Y/n.
She carefully stood up from her bed that she had just sat down on, slowly inching towards the door. Afraid of what or who was behind it. Another knock sounded just as she grabbed the door knob stopping the person from knocking on the door once more.
The person fumbled forward a bit with the sudden movement of the door. Y/n's eyes widened and her mouth went dry.
"What are you doing here?" Her words came out with a bit of attitude laced with it. She was angry to say the least. Why would he bother showing his face, it's been almost a month since he said anything remotely to you.
"Hmm let me think…, I live here and technically this is MY building? So I'm allowed to be here" Tony tried to make the situation humorous, as for Y/n she definitely didn't agree as she went to slam the door in his face, but was stopped by Tony's hand hitting the door.
"What's going on with you? You're never around anymore" he pushed the door open and walked past her. Y/n rolled her eyes and followed him with her arms crossed.
"Why do you care?" Tony turned around to face her and chuckled.
"Wow, is this about what happened over a year ago now?" Tony crossed his arms as well looking into Y/n's eyes. Her face was laced in shock.
"I-I why would you even think that?" She was beyond angry now, he hasn't once mentioned the situation again not even when it happened and now he cares?
"You've never been the same since. What happened to you?" Without hesitation Y/n picked up a book that was close by and chucked it in his direction. Tony dodged and threw his hands up.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Tony shouted, stepping closer to her.
"YOU TONY STARK, YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME." She sighed and calmed down a touch. "All this time I've been hiding from you, from the pain that I've held onto for so long. I thought I was over you." Y/n walked to her bed and sat down, the mattress sinking under her.
"I think I've been holding myself from loving you all over again" Y/n looked at the floor, she wasn't going to hold it back anymore. She felt as though he deserved to feel her pain.
"Y/n look at me-" Y/n stood back up from the bed.
"No Tony" she stepped towards him "I am not going to apologize for this, not anymore." He didn't respond, all he did was stare at her.
"I've felt bad for myself for way too long. Feeling like I need to keep apologizing to you, but all You've ever done is make me feel worthless. I don't even know how I could love you" tears began to fall from her face. She almost felt relieved telling him how she really felt.
Tony knew how he felt. Since that day a year ago he wanted to grab her and hug her tight telling her he felt the same way. He just couldn't, something inside of him forced it down.
Tears slowly came to Tony's eyes, he looked at the poor girl standing in defeat. Tony grabbed her by her arm and pulled her close to him. Hugging her like she would fall apart if he let go. Her body tensed up in response.
"Tony, what are you doing to me?" She tried to speak through her tears, Tony held her tighter as they stood.
"I'm sorry. For everything, for making you feel unworthy. I'm sorry for not telling you that I love you more than I could ever love anyone." He pulled away from the hug and stared into her E/c eyes. Y/n searched his face for lies, something that would make everything fall apart, but she could tell that he was sincere.
The both of them searched each other's eyes for a moment longer. Tony reached a hand towards her face, rubbing his thumb under her eyes to remove the tears.
"Y/n, I love you. Even if I am just a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist I still have feelings" the both of them giggled, Y/n's head falling down as she did. As she rose her head again to look at him, Tony grabbed her face softly and kissed her. It took her by surprise at first but kissed him back.
It wasn't long before they needed air. The both of them put their foreheads together. Tony grabbed her hand and started to walk to the door.
"Where are we doing?" Tony smirked at her, causing her to raise a brow back at him.
"I'm going to show you the world" her eyes lit up, he smiled back at her as they walked out of her room and into the hall. Greetings from everyone as they passed. All of themselves seemed so happy to see her, warming her heart instantly.
Deep down she knows she should still be pissed, but this is everything she wanted. Everything she's dreamed of.
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nekoannie-chan ¡ 1 year ago
Masterlist of reblogged authors during 2023 #-B
This is the list of the writers that I reblogged during this year 2023 in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, some blogs no longer exist, so they were not included.
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businesscatfelix ¡ 2 years ago
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ray in the avengers #loveislove #lovewins #avengersimagines
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fict1onallyobsessed ¡ 3 years ago
Hello, I have a Skye/ Daisy Johnson x reader request.
Instead of Skye being shot by Quinn in the first season, it's Reader (Skye's childhood best friend and crush.) Skye being the one to find her, then Skye sitting with R while they try to save her. (Skye then later confessing to R, after she's woken up.)
Shoot Your Shot
Skye Johnson x Reader
A/N - I don’t remember this episode so I’m so sorry it’s short! Thank you for the request :)
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“God, (Y/N). Please, wake up.”
She didn’t want to think about it, but the blood - your blood - on her palms made it impossible. She could see the life draining from your eyes as you laid on the cold tile floor, three gunshot wounds in your abdomen, blood basically pouring out of you.
You had given up any hope you had for survival. All you could focus on was the fact it was Skye that found you. You didn’t want her to see you die, especially not like this.
You felt yourself slipping away the second Coulson ran into the room, after that it was a blur. The hum of whispers around you faded into a incoherent sound, as did your sense of everything else. Skye held your hand throughout the whole thing, and somehow they were able to get you out to the plane where Fitz-Simmons patched you up - temporary.
That led you to now. You in a hospital gown, bandaged up as Skye held you hand, rubbing her thumb over your knuckles reassuringly, waiting for you to wake up.
Regardless of how many people had told her you’d be okay, she couldn’t get herself to step away from your side. She had faith you’d wake up, but she didn’t want you to be alone.
“I can’t do this without you. Together forever, remember?” She sniffled, exhaling sadly into the air to stop herself from crying again. She’d lost count of how many times she started ages ago.
“Who said I was leaving?”
Your voice was sore, croaky, almost unrecognisable. Skye’s head snapped to your direction, eyes wide as she held your hand even tighter.
“Oh my, God. Are you okay? Pain? I thought I lost you-”
“Skye.” You whispered, completely shutting her up with a little smile on your face. You could basically feel the relief washing off of her, thankfully calming her down. “I’m okay.”
“You better be.” She lightly joked. “I love you too much to lose you.”
You smiled again, looking at her eyes as silence filled the room. Scanning her features, you saw the outline of tears staining her cheeks. Part of you was mad at yourself for letting yourself get shot, but then again you couldn’t of known.
“I love you too.” A smile played upon your lips, but it dropped slowly when you saw her sad expression.
“No. I love you.” She said it with no hesitation, yet you could see how unsure she was just from the way she looked at you. “I have forever and I was going to keep it to myself, but after today…I almost lost you, (Y/N).”
Your smile etched back onto your face again, your hand tightened in her grasp.
“And I love you too.”
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baked-potatoad ¡ 4 years ago
Look what I found😂😂😂😂
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haileygarciasunshine ¡ 4 years ago
The Maximoff Games Masterlist
Created: 02/15/21
Last Updated: 02/15/21
Author’s Note: I brought Pietro Back for this.
Summary: After Tony’s funeral, Wanda has a break down. When Westview is created you and Pietro are suddenly sucked into the reality warping town.
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jj-scottsbee ¡ 5 years ago
I’m Your Daughter
Prompt: You were the daughter of Tony Stark, all you wanted to do was make your Father proud.
Warnings: Crying, swearing 
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You stared into the crowd, searching for his face. Out of everyone that had shown up to see your final art piece, the one person you wanted to be there most didn't show. Your face dropped as you stood with your drawing, ashamed that yet again your creation had not been good enough for your Father.
The painting was a 30x40 size portrait you had drawn of Pepper and your Dad. It had been a side portrait you had been able to capture during one of the many balls the three of you had attended together. They had been dancing, their hands intertwined, Pepper's hair curled beautifully, Tony's face unbruised. You hand-drew the entire thing and colored it carefully with colored pencil, the piece had taken you months to create and perfect. You had spent every spare moment you had to make it, you put your heart and soul into your artwork. For months you had reminded everyone in the tower about the date and time of the art show. Every day, you reminded everyone that you wanted them to come out and see the piece. You had kept it hidden from everyone, wanting it to be an anniversary present for your parents.
You adored both of them with every ounce of your heart. From the day you were born and dropped off on Tony's doorstep Pepper had acted as your Mother. You considered her to be your mother, the only thing she hadn't down for you was birth you, but you didn't care. Pepper who was not even biologically related to you, treated you more like a daughter than your own Father did and you noticed.
Out of all the Avengers, Tony was the one that never showed. Pepper had brought you to the show, she waited until you were able to present your piece on stage to see it. You watched as Pepper, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bucky, Wanda, Bruce, and even Thor smiled and clapped proudly as you displayed your art on stage. The one face you had hoped to see, was nowhere to be found. Again, Tony had missed something that meant everything to you. Your face fell slightly with disappointment, but you quickly tried to hide it with a smile. This wasn't the first time Tony had skipped something that you begged him to be at, his absences started when you were young and still hadn't stopped. No matter how much you had begged him, how many times you reminded him, how many times he had promised to be there, he never lived up to his word. No matter how many times he had put you through the feeling of not being enough, every time you still hoped it would be different, nothing ever changed. After you walked off stage everyone hugged you, patted you on the back, told you how proud they were of you, Pepper even teared up as she looked at the drawing, she had loved it. She pulled you into a tight hug, trying to comfort and thank you at the same time. You did your best to hide the hurt you felt, the disappointment that overwhelmed your body. "Couldn't make it?" You asked the group, not bothering to mention a name. Everyone knew who you were talking about. They all knew how much this meant to you, how much you had begged Tony to come to just this one event. Their faces slightly fell, no one knowing what to say. "You know he gets busy, Hun." Pepper comforted, already thinking of the words she would be having with her husband later. No matter how many times he blew you off, you never complained. It wasn't hard to see that you were hurt by Tony's absences, but you still did your best to keep an upbeat spirit. Pepper had yelled and talked with Tony several times, she had nagged him for so long making sure he would be there for that show. Once again, he had missed it. After the show, the group of eight had offered to take you out for dinner in celebration, but you refused. You were quick to pack your drawing into the back of Pepper's car and hop into the passenger's seat. You sat quietly staring out of the window, avoiding the stares from the other Avengers. They looked at you with pity, as they walked away from the car. Pepper and you drove in silence all the way home to the tower. You exited the car quickly as your emotions began to get the best you. Every time before this, you had been calm and collected, brushing the disappointment and embarrassment off your shoulder. This time it was different, your anger took over and you angrily began to kick the car as hard as you could. Pepper was quick to your side, pulling you into a hug as you began to cry. You sobbed into her shirt, as she held you as tight as she could. Pepper knew it wouldn't be long until her husband's actions got to you, she knew you were bound to break soon. "Come on Y/N, let's go inside and get you in a hot bath. It'll help, I promise." She led you inside, her arm around your shoulders comforting her. The rest of the Avengers purposely sat in their cars, not wanting to embarrass you by showing that they had seen your breakdown. Pepper told Jarvis to bring the two of you up to your bedroom, but Tony had been notified of your arrival and instructed Jarvis to bring the two of you to the lab. As the elevator doors opened, you saw Tony deep into his work. His brow was contorted with concentration as he stared at his suit. He glanced up from his work as Pepper ushered you out of the elevator. "Hey, how was dinner?" He took a double-take as he saw your red and puffy eyes, "What happened? What's wrong baby?" Tony was quick to tear himself away from his work as he saw your hurt expression. He swiftly made his way over to you and Pepper, staring at you with worry. Pepper was angry but knew this was something that you had to get out and talk to him about. Your Dad pulled you into a quick hug but pushing you back by your shoulders taking a once over. He checked your face for any injuries worried that you had been physically hurt. "You don't even know what you missed." You said softly, as you pulled yourself away from Tony's grasp. You tried to push past Pepper but she stopped you. "Y/N you need to talk to him." She gently grabbed your wrist. She pulled you slowly back towards Tony. Pepper gave Tony a look as if saying, 'just listen'. She then turned and walked into the elevator, leaving the two of you alone. "Did I do something?" He asked confused. "It's what you didn't do," You stated calmly, "You didn't show up." "What do you mea-," He paused, the realization of what he missed hitting him. "The art show, it was tonight? Shit, I'm sorry baby." He tried to hug you again, but you backed away from him. "It's the same fucking excuse. No, fuck that, you don't even give me an excuse you just say 'I'm sorry' and I'm expected to forgive you. Every fucking time I beg you to do something or to support me through something, and you never pull through." Your hurt turned back into anger. You stared your Father in the eye, he was taken back by your sudden burst of anger. You had never gotten angry directly at him, let alone had you never sworn around him. "First of all, watch your language, and second, I'm sorry but I got busy," He laughed at the end, out of uncertainty or disbelief, you couldn't tell. "Sometimes, I can't make it to things." "Sometimes...sometimes?!? When have you ever fucking supported me through anything? When have you ever showed up to anything of mine? I spent fucking months on my art, on your fucking anniversary present and you didn't even have the fucking decency to show up to the revealing of it! I am your flesh and blood and yet the thing that takes priority over your own daughter is that fucking suit!" You screamed at him, your anger boiling over. You walked towards one of your dad's many suits, the suit that made him a superhero. The suit that stole him away from you. "I've supported you your whole life. I didn't have to fucking take you in, I could have dropped your sorry ass off at a fire station, but instead, I took you in and gave you everything you've ever wanted." His words stung, they hit you hard. You spun around to face him, making sure to get in his face. "All I've ever wanted was your fucking attention, your fucking love. For you to show me that I mattered just an ounce more than your precious suits. It's always the precious suits," You growled the last part, turning towards the suits again. "I'm your Father-," You were quick to cut him off. "I'm your fucking daughter." You screamed, as you picked up a wrench off his desk and hurled it at his head. Tony was quick to dodge the metal tool, staring at it as it banged against the elevator doors. It fell to the ground causing a loud noise to echo throughout the lab. Your chest heaved with anger, Tony brought his looked away from the wrench and back to you. A sharp look in his eye. The two of you stared at each other in anger, neither of you looked away. Both of you stared directly into the others' eyes, refusing to be the first to look away. The ding of the elevator filled your ears, the doors opening as Steve, Pepper, and Natasha, jumped out. The other Avengers shoving their way through the door of the stairs. They had heard the wrench hit and worried about what would happen next. They had been watching from the cameras that Jarvis had connected to, too. "I'm your fucking daughter, all I want is my Father." You growled, turning away from Tony you grabbed the stool that he had sitting by the suit. You picked it up and with all your might you swung it towards the computer, then towards the suit. You swung with every ounce of strength you had, ignoring your father's protests. You did your best to put dents in the suit, even if they were small. You were able to shatter the computer, sending glass everywhere.
Tony was quick to rip the stool from your hands, throwing it away from everything. He grabbed you, bear-hugging you as you kicked and yelled for him to let you go. "I'm your daughter, I'm your daughter." You kept repeating the same phrase, your anger, turning into tears as you slowly stopped fighting your Father's grip. You began to cry as Tony held you tight, the consequences of his actions showing it's ugly face. He finally realized how much pain he had actually caused you.
The other Avengers watched as the two of you fell to the ground, you still engulfed in Tony's arms. Piles of the shattered computer screen sat all around you. The tears flowed from your eyes, as both yours and Tony's chest's heaved as you both calmed down. Tony had never realized how much he had neglected you until he saw you break in front of him.
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shersuperavenge4 ¡ 4 years ago
Summary: just some fluff between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark’s daughter. Ariana Stark decided to gift Cap. something special. 
Warning: Implied smut. 
A/N: Hiya! I came up with the idea for this one shot while scrolling through Pinterest. I saw some beautiful pocket watches and I couldn’t help but write something for our very own “Man out of time”. It was supposed to be a really short one shot, but clearly I got carried away! I intend to write more on the same characters. Hope you enjoy it! 
 Comments, and likes are welcome! :)
Ariana Stark stood leaning against the glass walls of her tastefully decorated office. The spectacular view from the twenty-fifth floor of Stark industries was something else altogether. She had specifically chosen this office for its location and the view it provided. It was small, quiet and situated in the corner, away from the bustle of typically loud activities. Almost like her. Although Tony stark, her father did not approve of her choice, she believed in living up to her reputation of being a recluse. Ariana couldn’t help but gaze at the late afternoon sky. It reminded her of a certain blue-eyed super soldier, warm and golden.  
“Martin? What do you gift a man out of time”?
Her personal secretary stopped his work and looked up.  “Sorry Miss Stark, what are you referring to here?
She turned to him with a look of despair. “its 4th of July today, Captain Roger’s birthday. Now, I know he made it clear that he doesn’t want a party or even anyone wishing him but then I thought, that shouldn’t stop me from gifting him something”
Martin grinned at her. He knew that Ariana had unknowingly developed a soft corner for the Captain. Over the past year, Martin had quietly been noticing the subtle changes in the behavior of his employer. To put it simply, the girl with the heart of gold bloomed every time Steve Rogers was around her.
“Stop grinning and help me Martin, I have been wracking my brain for a week but I just can’t figure out what to gift him and a regular gift will just not do!” she walked across the room and slumped down on the leather sofa. Ariana wanted the gift to be special, something meaningful. She knew how difficult it was for him fit in with people. Still, he was getting better, the avengers had become a dysfunctional family of sorts. But, what bothered her the most was that while time had sprinted ahead leaving him behind, he was mentally still a part of the 1940s. It wasn’t his fault, no one had bothered to help him catch up with the ravages of time.
Martin squinted his eyes at her and answered, “What could be a better gift for a man out of time than TIME itself?” Ariana stared at him in disbelief. How could she not have come up with this? A watch would be the perfect thing she could give him! Clearly, being one of the brightest minds of the century had not helped her. She began laughing, jumped out of her seat and shook him by his shoulders.  “Oh, thank you so much Martin, I know exactly what to gift him now! you are truly the best!”  With that, she grabbed her purse and rushed out of her office.
The young Stark walked into the chicest shop in Manhattan, known for selling all sorts of luxury brands. The attendant greeted her warmly and began leading her towards one of the counters. About an hour later, she was surrounded by some of the finest and most expensive timepieces. Some were too flashy and jeweled, while others too delicate and dull. But none of them had Steve written on them. At this point, even the attendant was starting to get anxious. Ariana let out a sigh of defeat and began to wander around the store. She was almost about to give up when her eyes fell on one of the bottom corner shelves of a counter.
She pointed to the shelf and asked “May I see that collection?”
The attendant furrowed his eyebrows “Oh those are pocket watches, they are not…how should I put it? We don’t consider them to be our finest, so I didn’t really think they would be worth your time”
Ariana shot him a cold glare “Why don’t you let me decide what is worth my time and what isn’t? Now would you be kind enough to bring them out?” The attendant quickly lowered his gaze and walked towards the shelf. As he brought out the collection of pocket watches, Ariana gasped with delight. She didn’t even need to see the entire collection because there was one pocket watch in the corner which had caught her eye and she knew this was it. The perfect time piece for the golden boy. Ariana walked out of the shop feeling as if she had found a priceless diamond. “he must have returned home from his mission” she thought to herself. The next stop, his home.
It had been a week since she last met him. They had become good friends over the last 2 years, but the feelings she had for him were far stronger than just friendship. Truth be told, Ariana missed him terribly. She missed his blue eyes that changed shades depending on his mood. With her, they were always the color of the sky on a spring day, soft and clear. She missed the warmth he exuded, the gentle voice he used while speaking to her. With him she could be herself. It was as if time had gifted him to her. It was only when she arrived at his door did she realize how nervous and excited she was to meet him. She quickly opened the small mirror in her compact and adjusted her hair. She knocked on the door and a moment later he appeared. She stood there wide eyed, staring at him with a smile. It was as if Adonis himself had appeared.
“Ana, wow, what are you doing here? Sorry, did I forget something?” Steve couldn’t believe his luck, the only person he had wanted to see on his birthday was this gorgeous girl who had stolen his heart. Steve silently thanked the Gods for sending her to his doorstep.
“What so I can’t visit you unless we have a plan? I’m hurt Captain Rogers” Ariana pretended to wipe tears of her cheeks. Steve shook his head and laughed at her antics. “No, sorry Doll, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting you, come on in” Ariana loved it when Steve called her Doll or Ana, it gave her hope that maybe, just maybe he saw her more than a friend.
As she walked into his living room, Steve couldn’t help but stare. She was one of the kindest souls he had known. What he admired the most about her was that despite being a genius like her father and extraordinarily beautiful, she didn’t have an ounce of attitude or arrogance. Ariana made everyone feel special. She was gentle and compassionate. Falling in love with her was as easy as breathing. It was only because of her that the man out of time began feeling slightly at ease. To him she was perfection. He longed to hold her in his arms, kiss her deeply, and never let her go. But there was just one problem. She was a Stark. The apple of Tony’s eye. Steve knew the fellow Avenger would never approve of “Captain America” falling for his only daughter. Tony already harbored slightly bitter feelings for Steve, the last thing he needed was the Avengers to get affected cause he couldn’t stop himself from falling in love with Iron Man’s daughter. So instead, Steve had chosen to maintain a casual friendship with her. It honestly killed him to have her so close to him and yet so far. He didn’t know how long he could keep up this façade. The captain lead her to believe he was still having a hard time in this century, truth be told, he was. But it wasn’t as bad as when he had first come out of the ice. He was beginning to feel at home thanks to his brown eyed angel. Steve was afraid that if he told her he was doing well, she would stop spending time with him. And that was unacceptable to the super soldier, for all he wanted was to be around her and in her. He had spent many nights fantasizing about her in his bed, against the wall, in the shower and basically in every way he could make her his. He wasn’t proud of his filthy thoughts, she deserved to be treated with all the love and care possible. But, Ariana brought out the side of Steve that no one had seen before. She was everything he wanted, everything he had lost in the past and everything he knew he couldn’t have.
Ariana’s sweet voice drew him out of his thoughts. “Steve? penny for your thoughts?”
“Oh, I was just thinking about the mission, sorry, so what have you been up to this week? Steve tried to change the subject and steer clear of any accidental confessions.
Ariana brought out the elegantly wrapped gift and thrust it into his hands “Well, I know what you said about your birthday but I couldn’t help myself, I hope you aren’t mad at me. Happy Birthday Steve!”
Steve didn’t know how to react. “Ana why? I mean this is really sweet but you didn’t have to get me anything. I really don’t like making a big deal of my birthday”
“Yes, yes, I know, but how could I let you get away just like that? Birthdays are meant to be special and you are special in every way. you deserve the world” Ariana gazed at him with a look of adoration.
Steve stood frozen in his spot. He was overcome by the sudden urge to tuck the loose strand framing her soft features and run his fingers along her arms. He wanted nothing more than to pull her by the waist and press his lips to hers. The ringtone of her phone brought him out of his fantasy. Ariana frowned at the screen. She took the phone call, went to the other side of the room and mouthed a sorry to Steve. It was Tony. Whenever Steve thought about telling his feelings to Ariana, Tony would appear in some form or the other. Steve would curse himself and draw the line again.
Ariana walked back to him with a disappointed look “I’m sorry Steve, but I have to leave right now. Dad wants me back at the tower, he said he needs some help with the new tech”
She looked up at him with a sad smile. Steve internally screamed.
“I was hoping we could have gone out for a walk, but never mind, I guess I’ll open the gift later with you.”
Ariana scrunched her face “Noo please don’t do that. I want you to open it. You can message or call to tell me if you liked it, please I’m really excited. It took me quite long to decide”
Steve lightly chuckled “Ok, Miss Stark I will do as you please” She gave him a satisfied smile.
She picked up her bag and began walking towards the door. Oh, how she wished she could spend more time with her golden boy on his birthday. He wanted to stop her, but he knew there was no point. It was better this way. Before stepping out the door, she turned to him and gave him a warm smile “Happy Birthday Steve! Hope you like the gift. Enjoy the rest of the night, I will see you soon”
“Thanks Doll, I’m really glad you dropped by tonight”
Ariana was contemplating on whether or not she should kiss him good night when suddenly Steve lightly touched her arm and brought his face to hers. Her eyes widened with anticipation and for a moment she actually thought he was going for her lips, but instead, he planted a firm kiss on her cheeks. He didn’t draw away, he lingered for a moment taking in her scent.
Steve knew he was entering dangerous territory, but it was a kiss on the cheek, how difficult could it be? Turns out it was down-right painful. He was having a hard time moving away from her. Her scent was driving him mad with desire. He longed to pull her back into his apartment. Begrudgingly, he drew back. Steve gazed into her eyes and ran his thumb over Ariana’s flushed cheeks “Good night Miss Stark”.
That night, her cheeks remained flushed and her lips refused to wipe the shy smile of her face.
Back home, Steve tore the wrapping paper of the gift and opened the velvet box. And there it was, a gorgeous black pocket watch. The hinged cover had intricate carvings of the sun, moon and stars. Steve opened the cover to reveal a black and golden dial. He turned the pocket watch over and saw that it had an engraving that said “For the timeless moments to come-Love, Ana”.
Steve’s eyes were filled with tears. At that moment, he realized that it was never about the time one was in, it was about the person with whom they shared their time and space with. The timepiece provided him with the strength to cross the line he drew between Ariana and him. He was not going to let her go, for she was the one he wanted to create all the timeless moments with. He would never part with the pocket watch and would carry it around with him everywhere, it would remind him of his brown eyed angel who brought him back to life. And just like that, He made peace with time. They were no longer foes, simply two friends catching up with one another after having waited so long for the right moment to arrive.
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avengers1shots ¡ 5 years ago
God, Mom(s)
Avengers x Reader Request: Imagine being the youngest Avenger and you go on your first solo mission they wait and worry and think of "what if"s and then when you get home they check you for injuries/ask you how it went like the over protective mommies they are. Thankyou!😄 A/N: This is written as if Civil War never/hasn’t happened & everything in italics is a flashback. This is the last of my old fics, so expect fresh content soon!
   “I can’t believe my baby’s all grown up!”
   “God, since when are you my mom?”
   “Ouch,” Tony said as he released you from a crushing hug. 
   “Back off Tony, you’re smothering them,” Steve quipped.
   “Am I not allowed to be proud of my baby?” Tony continued, fake sobbing and squeezing the life out of you once more.
   “We’re not related, old man,” you said with a smirk.
   “Excuse you! You think I’m old? Have you even seen Clint? Or Capsicle over here?”
   “Hey! I didn’t do anything!” Clint interjected.
   Steve ignored the bickering and Tony’s comment. “Y/N, just be safe. And remember your training.”
   “Way to ruin the fun, gramps.” 
   “Tony! Make old jokes either about me or Steve! It’s confusing,” Clint complained before continuing in a lower tone, “Preferably Steve...”
    Natasha rolled her eyes. “Just remember the break-someone’s-neck-with-your-thighs trick I taught you,” she said before patting you on the back and sauntering away to do god knows what. 
   Wanda hugged you, and Vision was there to see you off with everyone else.
      That was pretty much all you remember before you boarded the quinjet and were dropped off at your location. You had infiltrated a Hydra base and worked your way up in the ranks during the months-long mission, all the while trying to avoid unnecessary attention so as to not blow your cover. The training was brutal, the people cold, and the buildings colder. You had been sent on this mission because you were the least recognisable of the Avengers, being the youngest and most protected, so you were the least risky option. Your mission had been a success so far, gaining Hydra’s trust in order to gain access to information the Avengers needed. 
   Unfortunately, just before you were supposed to be extracted, it all went to shit. One of your newly-minted coworkers in Hydra apparently had an uncontrollable desire to impress the higher ups, and he had taken your picture, searched Hydra’s database for matches, and eventually found what he needed to take you down. You, of course, bugged essential offices in the building, and knew what was coming for you. 
   You immediately grabbed your collected intel, and began to make your way out of the base as inconspicuously as possible - and that was when the lockdown hit. You had to fight your way out now, and it wasn’t easy.
   Thirteen hours later, the quinjet arrived at Avengers tower. You were exhausted, more than happy to be home, and ready to sleep in your own bed for the first time in forever. 
   The back hatch opened and you began to walk down the ramp when suddenly you heard cheers and shouts of joy. Your team had been awaiting your return; everyone had stayed up to greet you. 
   The first one to hug you was Natasha as you whispered to her, “I did the thigh trick. Twice.” She smirked and stepped aside to let Steve and Tony crush you in a giant hug. 
   “Oh my god Y/N is that you? I forgot what you looked like! It’s been years since I last saw you!” Tony overdramatically sobbed, while Steve just said “You did good, kid,” and patted you on the head.
   “You seem to have succeeded and for that I congratulate you,” Vision stated with as close to a smile as he gets. 
   Wanda practically ran to you and started checking for injuries while Clint strolled up to you and put his arm around your shoulder.
   “I want to hear all about it! Don’t leave out anything! Ooh, were there boys?”
   “Clint! I’m too tired for this,” you yawned.
   “Hi too tired for this, I’m Clint.”
   “Oh my god.”
   As the night unfolded around you, you couldn’t help but think how lucky you were to have such an amazing team, or rather such a beautifully dysfunctional family.
- Mainframe
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iliketowrite1996 ¡ 5 years ago
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picture by Vashti Harrison
@chaneajoyyy and  @shaekingitup  quarantine writing challenge!
 Cold Coffee
TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- guarded heart, Avengers
:Infinity War spoilers, Avengers:Endgame spoilers , mentions of death, emotional, fihgting, years fo denial, anger, strong emotional content, regret.
The coffee maker slowly lets the last drop of dark, bitter coffee fall into your pristine, green cup before you shut off the coffee maker in the student center lounge.
   It’s well after midnight, and ideally , you should have been back in your bed and fast asleep in your bed by now.
   Yet, here you are, straining your eyes under fluorescent light to study for your final the next day.  The only fuel that you’ve ingested since at least 9:30 in the evening has been one energy bar, and countless cups of coffee as you fight your battle against your worst enemy in your college days- Final. Exams.
The jet black words on the off-white page seem to be mocking you, laughing at your attempts to remember which formulas to use for what, your pencil lead and erase slowly whittling away as you write, erase, write again.
   ‘’Okay,’’ you speak more to yourself than the empty commons area, ‘’Let’s see if you got this one correct.’’
   A glance into the answers at the back of the book let you know that… no. You did not get this correct. You miss, miscalculate, misunderstood. Something.
   ‘’I’m going to be here all night,’’ you groan, placing your head in your hands, somehow willing yourself to keep studying when you want to give up.
   ‘’Um… if you are going to be here all night, I hope you don’t mind some company.’’
   You look up from the distress-inducing objects that are your math book and notes to see a young man standing there, laptop and books tucked neatly under his arms.
   He’s someone that you recognize from your Monday and Wednesday, nine a.m. lessons. He’s standing before you dressed in a plain t-shirt, green plaid pajama pants, and… are those bunny slippers.
   ‘’Ignore the slippers. They were the cheapest things at the campus store,’’ he speaks by way of explanation, ‘’Um, anyway. Do you mind if I join you?’’
   ‘’Um… no. No, not at all,’’ you motion to the seat across from you, watching as he pulls the red, plastic chair across the floor to sit down, ‘’At least now, someone is here to wake me up if I fall asleep.’’
   ‘’Not if I fall asleep first,’’ he smirks, a crooked grin illuminated by the lights of the enar empty student center, ‘’I know that we have met in class. Well, we have seen each other in class. But we have not met before. I am T’Challa.’’
   T’Challa- his name is as beautiful, simple yet complex. He speaks with a confidence that could only be birthed from within, not willing to reconstruct it in order to make it make sense to those who don’t care to attempt the three-syllable moniker.
   ‘’T’Challa,’’ you speak, his name somehow leaving a sweet taste on your tongue as you say it, ‘’It is nice to meet you, T’Challa.’’
   ‘’It is nice to meet you, too. I would like to stop calling you, ‘That girl that knows all the answers’. May I have a name?’’
   Much like you, T’Challa lets your name roll on his tongue as he speaks it, enjoying the way it falls out of his mouth, ‘’How beautiful. Well, we have our final exam in just a few hours. I suggest we study.’’
   So the two of you sit there, pouring over your notes and discussing the formulas and how best to remember them.
   ‘’I think that I am going to make a cup of coffee, ‘’T’Challa stands, stretching golden brown arms up to the sky as he stands, the plastic chair yet again scraping against the cold tile floors, ‘’Would you like a cup?’’
   You look to where you’ve somehow finished your entire cup of coffee in the last forty-five minutes, nodding as you do.
   T’Challa obliges by taking your coffee cup, rinsing it in the sink before turning the black coffee maker back on.
   You watch him as he works, keeping an eye on what he does. He pours the cream, scoops the sugar in, and turns off the coffee maker within a matter of five minutes.
   ‘’If anyone questions why the coffee maker is broken,’’ he begins, gliding back over to you with his coffee and yours in his hands, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips, ‘’I’ll say it had to do with you.’’
   ‘’You’d throw me under the bus,’’ you raise an eyebrow taking the cup from him and thanking him, ‘’Nice.’’
   ‘’This is my first cup of coffee. From the discarded pods, I’d say that this is at least your third.’’
   ‘’Observant, aren’t we,’’ you chuckle a bit, blowing into your coffee to cool it a bit, ‘’Alright. Let’s get back to this.’’
   The two of you spend the rest of the night studying. You take practice tests, review the formulas, go back and forth until you’re on your fifth cup of coffee.  until you look up to see that the clock reads 3 in the morning.
   ‘’I’d better get back to my dorm and hope that this caffeine wears off enough for me to sleep,’’ you take your glasses off, rubbing at your tired, red eyes before replacing them to get a clear look at T’Challa.
   ‘’I agree,’’ he speaks, picking up his third cup of coffee, ‘’As I continue to drink my coffee.’’
   You laugh despite yourself, the sound filling the room, ‘’I guess we’ll just go back to our dorms and lay down. I’ll see you in class, T’Challa.’’
   ‘’I will see you then, ‘’T’Challa agrees, standing again, ‘’Perhaps… perhaps tomorrow, after three, you would like to join me for a cup of coffee.’’
   You hesitate at this. You have one final at nine in the morning, another at 12, and one more at 6. You really should use that time to study. It’s the end of your freshman year, and you're hoping that you won’t have to take any of these classes over the summer. You should stay focused, and leave the coffee date for another day, or decide against it all together…
   ‘’It is alright if you do not want to join me,’’ T’Challa quickly amends, rubbing the back of his neck, looking away, ‘’I know how stressful freshman year can be for people. It is fine. You probably are seeing someone any way.’’
   ‘’No, no. I’m single. It’s just that…’’
   You came to college with the goal of focusing on the endline- the endgame. Graduation. You, being number five of your grandmother’s six grandchildren, and the first to graduate from college. It has been drilled into your head for years- books now, boys later.
   You should say no. It is the practical thing, afterall. He’s a sophomore, you’re a freshman. You are still trying to figure things out, taking extra classes over the summer to hopefully graduate a year early and go into the job force as soon as you can.
   It’d be pointless to focus on him… because he has the power to side track you, as you’ve seen in your roommates.
   For all of these reasons and more, your answer to his proposal
   Knowing all of this… you still find yourself meeting this charming, handsome, upperclassman. Over coffee.
   ‘’So, you’re a freshman,’’ T’Challa begins the next day, sitting across from you, ‘’What are you studying?’’
   ‘’I’m a Business major,’’ you reveal, ‘’What about you?’’
   ‘’I am a Communications major,’’ T’Challa informs you as he opens up a packet of sugar, letting the small granules of snow white sugar fall into his coffee before stirring them in, ‘’Where are you from?’
   ‘’Originally, Atlanta, Georgia. My family moved here when I was ten. Where are you from,’’ you question, stirring your cream into your own beverage, nothing the way the coffee and the cream mix together to make your drink sweet.
   ‘’Wakanda,’’ T’Challa declares, ‘’Born and raised until I came here for university.’’
   ‘’Wakanda… wow. I can’t imagine being that far from my parents. I could go home if I wanted- they’re only two hours away. Even that feels like years at times. What made you decide to come here for school?’’
   ‘’A multitude of factors,’’ T’Challa leans back in his chair a bit, ‘’I Have a cousin that grew up in Compton, and I have spent some time here before. He got into NYU the year before I did, so I do have someone here. I also just… let;s just say that my family is very well known in Wakanda. I could not make a single move without anyone bringing up my family and their accomplishments. Here, I can just be… T’Challa. Not ‘ T’Challa Udaku, son of T’Chaka and Ramonda’.’’
   You can sense something leaving him when he speaks these words- whether it’s because he is revealing something that he has never told anyone before, or because he regrets doing do, or because he regrets holding it in that long.    
   ‘’What made you decide to go for Business,’’ T’Challa questions as you replace the lid on your coffee cup, taking a sip and savoring the taste as you do.
   ‘’I want to own my own business. I want to empower young girls, but especially younBlack girls,’’ you give away, running a hand over your cropped hair, ‘’I want them to have the confidence that I did not seem to have growing up.’’
   ‘’I sense that there is a story here,’’ T’Challa guesses, finally picking up his coffee and taking a sip, ‘’I would like to hear it, i you would care to share it.’’
   It’s complex in its simoletey, his response. Just like his invitation to meet him here today, T’Challa’s proposal has a light layer of something else covering it like a opaque film- you can sort of see what it is, but not easily.
   ‘’And why is that?’’
   ‘’I have been watching you,’’ he speaks confidently, ‘’In class. You are quiet, but you are confident. You do not need to shout to be heard. I would love to get to know you better. If you are open to that, of course. No pressure.’’
   There it is again- his effortlessness. He’s so sure of what he wants that he can ask without hesitation. It’s a smoothness, a suaveness that you think he must have been both born with ad had bred into him.
   ‘’What made you notice me,’’ you ask, cupping your cup with both hands, ‘’There are over a hundred people in that lecture hall.’’
   ‘’I know,’’ he begins, staring at the faux-wood countertop of the table that you are settled in, ‘’Like I said before… you are secure, yet you do not feel the need to boast about it. It is something that I like about you. I do apologize if I am coming off strong.’’
    Onyx black eyes stare into yours, something hidden beneath them that you can’t quite determine. There’s honesty mixed with a secret, vulnerability mixed with a strongness that you have not seen in anyone else.
   ‘’And you just zeroed in on me,’’ you run a finger along the edge of your coffee cup’s top, observing the man in front of you.
   You’re pretty good at reading people. You can tell what they are doing, thinking, and if they can be trusted. T’Challa is like a book- he can be read, but you can only go so far before you have to stop, unable to unlock the next chapter until he is ready.
   There is something there though… a story, much like your own. One that you want to read.
   Which is how you find yourself accepting another coffee date with T’Challa the next week, the Thursday before you’re set to go back to your respective homes.
   This is a strange predicament, because you find that you enjoy his company. And, without the threat of a final exam lingering over your head, you see how the clock spins, one hour merging into another, then another, then another.
   Pretty soon, you’ve been talking for four hours, about everything and some things and nothing all at once.
   ‘’So what made you want to cut your hair, ‘’ T’Challa questions after you alert him that the decision had been made, almost on a whim, yet somehow with much consideration, nearly two months ago.
   ‘’I have always wanted to go back to my natural hair,’’ you run a hand over your cropped curls, ‘’In a way, it felt like a new beginning. Starting over. Connecting with my roots.’’
   ‘’How so,’’ T’Challa leans back again, sipping his coffee as the sunlight enters through the window, illuminating his features and bathing him in its warmth.
   He’s beautiful.
   ‘’I just… It was nice. For once,I was not worried about what people thought about my hair, what they thought it should look like. It was invigorating, I guess you would say, to do my thing and have it be done. I have spent so many years just doing what is expected of me, so it was nice to do something for myself.’’
   T’Challa is looking out of the window now, a familiar look of knowingness mixed with an odd sort of desperation etched into his features, ‘’Believe me, I know how that is. I… My family expects a lot of me. It is my duty to carry on our duty to Wakanda. Somehow, though, I wonder if I had the choice, would I choose something else.’’
   ‘’And what would that be,’’ you question, breaking off a bit of your croissant to eat it.
   T’Challa seems to realize what he’s said, almost as if the worlds startled him by making themselves known, outloud, public for someone else to hear.
   ‘’I think that, that is a conversation for later,’’ T’Challa murmurs, looking to his watch, ‘’We should be getting back to the dorms.’’
   As mucha s you would like to press the subject a bit further, you decide against it. You fear that if you try to turn this page to read deeper into his story, the book will snap shut, and someone will get hurt. So you keep your mouth shut about his story, instead agreeing with him, taking your treat and coffees and riding the shuttle bus with him back to the dorms.
   ‘’I know that I will be going back home for the summer, as will you, However, I do want to keep in touch with you.’’
   ‘’You do,’’ you genuinely question, ‘’How come?’’
   ‘’I love your blindness, ‘’ he chuckles, handing you a slip of paper, ‘’Let me just say, we both have a story. I am interested in getting to know yours, and you seem to be interested in getting to know mine. So why not keep in touch over the summer?’’
   Again, you’re a bit taken aback by the calmness to his approach, how he knows who he is, and is willing to put himself on the line to you, someone who is secure in who they are yet is afraid of who others portray themselves to be.
   Because there is no guarantee that the pretty and fascinating cover matches the words on the pages inside.
   Still, you take his number, something deep inside of you beginning to be sparked at this moment.
   ‘’Sure, T’Challa. We will keep in touch.’’
   And keep in touch you do.
   It is strange, you feel, getting to know someone else’s story while allowing your own self to bread so deeply, so completely, so intimately.
   The summer births new notions- T'Challa is sweet, he is smart, he is kind. He mentions volunteer work as though it is his responsibility and not from the kindest of his heart. He offers to come see you when he gets back to New York in August. He shares stories of his younger sister, Shuri, who is his sunshine, his mother Ramonda, who is his comforter, his baba T’Chaka, who is his inspiration.
   You reveal more of yourself, too, slowly allowing T’Challa to take a look in between the lines, to come face to face with who you really are underneath pretty words and flowery images.
   A summer turns into the fall, and your story now has T’Challa written into it, his name so conveniently fitting on some pages of your life story.    
   His hand fits in yours just the same way as you stroll around campus, taking in the changing leaves and the cold chill of the air, cups of coffee in our hands.
   When winter fades into spring, he reveals the truth that he is a prince and that he must go back to Wakanda at the end of the next school year, and he’d understand if you did not want this with him, because it is a lot, even for him.
   His face in your hands, a kiss reassured him that, yes, you’re ready to see where this goes. Because you’re seeing how this story unfolds, and he’s a part of it now- him, his quiet confidence, and cups of coffee.
   A year later,a s he graduates, you meet his family, a milestone added as he begins to bring up marriage over a cup of coffee the next day as you catch breakfast before his flight back to Wakanda.
A cup of coffee serves as his welcoming gift to you the very next year when you step off of that plane and into his arms, ready to begin your life as queen-in-training.
Coffee motivates you for the next five years, the intense sweetness luring you out of bed and into daily lessons, work, and training to prepare you for the role that you will take as soon as King T’Chaka steps down, and T’Challa steps into the throne.
Coffee, as blacka s the light and as dark as T’Challa’s mood lately, serves as the first conversation starter after the untimely death of King T’Chaka. T’Challa, who has called himself off as of late, smiles a bit, shoulders relaxing a bit as he places the document that he’s been looking at to the side.
‘’Thank you, my love,’’ he whispers, taking a sip for the first time since he officially became the king and the Black Panther, ‘’I am tired.’’
‘’You need to rest, T’Challa,’’ you take his face in your hands, looking into his eyes, ‘’You can not go on this way.’’
‘’There is so much to do, entle. Meetings and festivals, surveillance duties… The job of  a king is never easy.’’
‘’That may be, but you’ll run yourself ragged. Then, you won’t be any good for Wakanda because you'll be too tired. Please, T’Challa. Drink your coffee, take your break. We can’t worry about the things that we can't chance… we’ll let our story be written, and we’ll smile again.’’
Those words…
Those very words are what stick inside T’Challa’s head six months later. He watches as you peer into the bottom of your coffee mug before looking up at him, mouth agape as you read the question written in the bottom of said cup, ‘’Will you marry me?’’
Your kiss, your yes, tastes both of coffee beans and happiness, salty with the tears that fall from your eyes as you scream yes.
Your wedding day is no different from any other day that you have spent with T’Challa- you're watching the day, the beginning of a new chapter, unfold before your very eyes, coffee nestled safely in your hands as your stylist does your hair for your big day.
‘See you at the altar,’’ T’Challa had written in that delightfully handwriting that delightfully spidery handwriting that you've come to associate with your soon to be husband.
Coffee, it seems, shows up in every area of your life with T'Challa. In each new story, it makes its appearance. In each chapter, its presence is made known by its significance to a situation. It’s interwoven through your everyday lives, as well as in your special events.
Two years after you're married, coffee is left on the table as the two of you discuss the arrival of the Avengers, and a place for you and Ramonda to go.
‘’I will not leave you,’’ you place a hand on his arm , ‘’Never.’’
‘’Darling,’’ T’Challa sighs, placing a hand over yours, ‘’I am afraid that is the best way. Then, you will be safe.’’
‘’You do not have to do this, T’Challa. Steve and the others can fight somewhere else, can they not?’’
‘’They need our help. And I am going to help them.’’
For everything that he is, T’Challa keeps his promises. He is a man of his word, and he knows who he is. It is the thing that you both simultaneously love and detest about him, because it means that there is no arguing ith him in his situation,
But he compromises- you can stay in the palace, just please, stay there.
‘’You can have a cup of coffee waiting for me,’’ T’Challa presses a kiss to your forehead and then to your lips before leaving his forehead against yours, staring in your eyes, ‘’I will be back before you know it.’’
And you know that he is being optimistic- T’Challa’s eyes shine with hope and he wants it to believe it as much as he wants you to believe it. So he says it with such earnestness that you can not help to do what he says as soon as he leaves you, to fight a battle that someone became both of yours.
So you make the coffee. You make it and you sit at the kitchen table, willing yourself to ignore the way your stomach is twisting, turning, and tossing.
You sit there for a while, and the coffee goes untouched. But T’Challa will be back. He has to be back.
He’s coming back.
A day. Two. Three.
And the coffee goes untouched, left cold, because you can’t quite bring yourself to move it, somehow still believing that T’Challa will come back, will keep his promise, will let your story finish writing itself
It’s sad, funny in a horrific way. Years of building a story were put to an end from one snap, and T’Challa is…
He never came back, he never got that cup of coffee like he said.
And you’re screaming at Steve Rogers, five years later, wbcause how dare he and his band of so-called heroes come your way, telling you they need your help? HOw dare they walk into the life you've been trying to build, putting your business degree to use opening a center for those affected by Thano’s snap.
How dare they come and try to interrupt your new story when all they did was burn the other one to crisp, leaving nothing but a simple pile of literal ashes of your love. All that is left are your memories, your wedding ring, the fragments of a cup broken against the wall, that once held coffee that was never drunk five years ago, but now holds years of tears, frustration, anger, hurt, each emotion  shining off of each shattered piece, glistening beneath the light of the room.
‘’On behalf of the queen, I will have to ask you to leave,’’ Ayo speaks, standing in front of you.
‘’We understand,’’ the one you recognise as Natasha speaks, pain behind her eyes mirroring your own, ‘’We are so sorry. And we will make this right.’’
You want to scoff, roll your eyes, and ask her how dare she.
But… but there’s something else there. Something you haven’t seen since you last looked at T'Challa's eyes: hope.
Hope is what made you give T’Challa a chance, what made you accept a coffee date, what led to years of bliss with that man, what led him to fight to keep you and others safe.
   It is the same thing that has you walking into the Avengers’ meeting, all eyes on you.
   ‘’I want to help. I saw something in you that i have not seen in others in a long time: Hope. I’d like to experience that again.’’
   They are all sharing looks with each other, and Natahas is the first one that speaks up, ‘’We are going to bi=ring them back. We’re going to get T’Challa back.’’
For the first time in years, you find yourself believing. There’s a hope there. You’re going to get your husband back, the love of your life returning to your life.
‘’You’re not alone. I am here to help,’’ you respond, a small smile forming, ‘’And I am going to help.’’
‘’If you don’t mind my asking,’’ Tony Stark begins, eyes on you, ‘’What changed your mind?’’
‘’Thanos may have written my story. But if he can do that, I can, too. I’m getting T’Challa back. And the others, too.’’
So this is where you find yourself now- suiting up with one of T’Challa’s old suits, ready to defend and avenge him.
‘’What are you going to do when you see him again,’’ Natasha questions, eyes on you as she suits up herself.
‘’I am going to have coffee with the love of my life.’’
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kaunis-sielu ¡ 3 years ago
Thousand Words: 2
Hour three
"Ma'am?" You repeat with a small laugh staring up at him, god he's got to be just gorgeous under that mask because what you're seeing now is attractive. When your gaze meets his, something seems to click. You recognize those eyes. "Thanks for the rescue, uh star guy?" You say as you tug down the bandana to wipe your face, it’s so hot.
"Captain America." He says looking serious as he reaches a hand down for you, even his voice is somewhat familiar. "Where's the rest of your unit Solider?" He asks gruffly as he slides his shield back onto his arm. His face is dirty where it's uncovered, making him all the more handsome.
"Oh. Um. I'm not military." You tell him, you have to look down at your camera to avoid those piercing blue eyes. You glance up at him and can see the disappointment in his eyes.
"Then what are you doing out here?" He demands catching your arm. He pulls you toward him you make a surprised noise in your throat as your body collides with his much firmer one. You’re about to ask him what in the hell he thinks he’s doing when he lifts his shield and blocks a few shots from the aliens with it.
Never expect someone else to cover your ass. It’s a good damn thing that Sy isn’t here. He’d have been more than a little disappointed in your performance today. Not that you’ll ever tell him.
"I'm doing my job." You tell him peering around him to get a few shots of his teammates that are still fighting on the bridge. "What the hell is that?" You ask shrinking back into the safe space between him and his shield as a massive green monster goes running by.
"That would be the Hulk. He's on our team." Captain America says as he shifts, further blocking you from the chaos. That is the Hulk? You’ve heard of him but you thought it was like, a myth or something, you certainly didn’t know that he was that big.
"What team?” You ask tugging the bandana back up over your face, there’s so much dirt and dust flying around you and you really don’t want to breathe it in. Along with whatever might be coming off of the aliens you just really don’t need to breathe that in.
"The Avengers." You blink up at him your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"The Avengers?" You ask just before another couple of aliens come charging at you. Captain America moves away from you to deal with them and you take the opportunity to take some photos of him fighting them.
Hour four
Your phone rings and without looking at it you answer.
“Bug. Where in the hell are you?” Fuck. It’s Sy, you’re so dead.
“Um, New York, where I live.”
“Put me on FaceTime.”
“No, Sy-” you groan when the call comes through on FaceTime. “Shit.” You know you can just ignore his call but that’s not going to do you any good. He’ll probably just keep calling if you do that. So, you hit the answer button.
“Did you honestly just answer your phone in the middle of an active war zone?” He growls. You knew it. You knew he was going to be pissed.
“Technically no?”
“Technically yes.” Captain America says stalking toward you, he drops something on the ground and you decide not to look.
“Who’s that?” Sy asks, “And why isn’t he dragging your ass out of there?”
“Because I don’t put my hands on women.” Captain America snaps, “we should get you to a safer place.”
“She’s not gonna go.” Sy says glaring at you.
“I’m sorry who are you?”
“Sorry, Captain America, this is my Captain. Captain Syverson, he’s with special forces unit-”
“Bug.” Sy cuts you off, “this ain’t the time for introductions. It’s time to listen to Captain America and get your ass to safety.”
“I thought you said you weren’t military.” Captain America says as he attempts to guide you away from Stark Tower.
“I’m not. It’s a long story but I was overseas with Sy’s team.” Captain America tries to corral you into a building but you duck under his arm. “I’m going this way.”
“Bug, just let the man do his job.”
“I’m not stopping him Sy.” You argue and Sy groans.
“Woman quit being so damn stubborn.”
“I’m following most of the million ways not to die by Sy. I’ve got my gear on, I’m staying low, attempting to stay out of trouble.”
“You’re forgetting the most important rule. Don’t argue with your captain.” You purse your lips at him but his expression doesn’t change. “Get to safety.” You sigh loudly but do finally allow Captain America to usher you into a building.
“You should move further from Stark Tower. They’re setting up a perimeter about four blocks south of here.” You look at him and hear Sy snitching on you so you hang up the call. You’ll deal with his irritation later, right now you’ve got Captain America to deal with.
“I’m not going to lie to you. I’m not going to go back to the perimeter.” He huffs before touching his ear.
“On my way.” He glances down at you again, “Stay." He says before running back into the chaos of battle.
"Right." You huff before taking a few pictures of him running back into the fray. You want to get some pictures of this, Hulk, before the battle is over. His green skin will look incredible against the grey of the city. You hear a loud yell, or maybe it counts as a roar, but either way you've got a gut feeling that's what a Hulk sounds like. So disregarding Captain America's order to 'stay' you take off toward the noise.
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aspiringauthorintraining ¡ 6 years ago
Go Get Your Girl
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(Y/N) stood to the side, watching Bucky and Steve banter, with a pensive look. She tried keep a smile on her face but couldn’t, knowing what was about to happen. She heaved a big sigh as she saw the Captain walk his way over to her. Before she could say anything though, he pulled her into a hug. 
“I’ll be back before you know it.” he said, burying his face into her hair. 
“Steve.” she whispered quietly, her eyes starting to well up.
Not noticing the shift in mood, he made a joke. “You want me to bring back home a dinosaur for you?” His smile fell, when he pulled back to see her grim face. “What’s wrong, doll?”
Not everyone….gets a second chance.” Her watery eyes met his concerned ones. “I-I want you to be happy.”“ She tried to muster up a smile, but her bottom lip continued to quiver slightly.
“W-what are you-“
“Go get your girl.” she interrupted, smiling tearfully. 
His brows furrowed at his girlfriend and his mind went blank, creating a blanket of silence. The only sounds heard were her small , quiet sniffles.
After a moment of wiping her tears away quickly, with her sleeves, she looked over to Bruce with a smile. “I think he’s ready to go.” Bruce gave her a thumbs up sign from his station, and she looked back at the man in front of her, who was still at a loss for words. “He’s got a dance to get to.”
And before Steve could respond, he felt himself being pushed onto the stage by Sam and Bucky, furthering his distance from (Y/N), who was making her way over to Bruce. 
“Alright Steve, make sure to put back the stones exactly where we found them.” Bruce instructed, while pushing some buttons on the control panel, that powered up the time travel machine. 
“How long will it take?” Sam asked.
“Well, for us it’ll be 3 seconds but for him, it’s however long he needs.”
Bucky walked quietly over to (Y/N), putting a comforting arm around her shoulder, while she remained in silent eye contact with Steve. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll see him soon.” he said, sharing a knowing look with her.
“I know. I just can’t imagine a world without Captain America…” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder. “…for three seconds.” she tried jokingly. But Bucky saw the heartbrokenness on her face.
Steve watched the two most important people in his life comforting each other, knowing what they were thinking. But before he could say anything to them, he was interrupted by Bruce.
“All right Cap. Ready in 3…2…1.” 
The stage lit up with a whir, and a second later, Steve disappeared. 
“And back in 3…2…1.” 
The silence ringing back confirmed to her the reality.
“Well, I should leave now. I’ve got a plane to catch.” (Y/N) hugged Bucky, as Sam and Bruce were panicking in the background. He looked down at her, her tears flowing freely now that Steve was gone.
“You don’t want to meet him?” Bucky asked, but he knew her answer.
“I don’t think I can handle seeing an old Captain America. At least, not right now.” she sniffled, her tears clouding her vision. “Just tell him, I’m off to live my best life and I’m not mad at him. That way, he won’t feel bad. You know how he is.” 
Bucky sighed, seeing the emotional state his close friend was in. “All right. Go catch that plane and live your best life.” He said squeezing her hand softly, with a reassuring smile.
(1 month later)
(Y/N) was pretty sure she was going crazy. Or at least, delusional. 
First, she thought she saw Steve, through the window of her plane, riding his motorcycle down the runway. That was a month ago. 
Once she landed in Paris, she proceeded to stay in her hotel room for a week, watching sad movies for an excuse to cry all day in her hotel bed. After she realized she needed to start living that best life she told Bucky about, she finally ventured outside to go sightseeing around the city. Everything had been normal again; no Steve sightings, up until the past week.
On Monday, while she was having brunch out on her balcony, she saw a very familiar looking man, who looked very lost. She continued to watch him, before he disappeared behind one of the nearby buildings. On Tuesday, she passed by a man conversing with the concierge about something, but seemed to be having trouble communicating. She was about to turn around and offer her help but someone from the staff had gotten there already to translate. And on Wednesday, she could have sworn she saw Steve in the crowd at the local farmer’s market. 
Which brought her to today, when she was positive she was going crazy. She was walking into the lobby of her hotel and was immediately enveloped in a scent that reminded her of Steve. But that wasn’t what made her consider her sanity. It was the sight of Steve Rogers standing in the middle of the lobby, looking right at her. 
Seeing him right in front of her, like she remembered him, made her sink down to the floor of the lobby, and start crying uncontrollably. 
“What is wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong with you, doll. I’m sorry it took me so long to find you.” 
“Great, now it’s talking to me.” she said to herself.
But her heart stopped when she felt a pair of strong arms and the familiar scent encasing around her. 
“You’re not going crazy. I’m really here.” 
She looked up from her sleeve, wet from her tears, to see a smiling Steve.
“Are you really here?” 
She pinched herself twice, thinking she had to be dreaming. But after she realized she wasn’t hallucinating nor dreaming, her eyes went wide. She started peppering his face with small kisses, before berating him. 
“What are you doing here Steve? Your supposed to be old!”
“I always knew you had a thing for older men, since you were dating me. But even I’m not old enough for you?” He joked, laughing happily from the after effects of her multiple pecks on his face.
She slapped his chest, slightly frowning at the man. “You know what I’m talking about mister.” 
Steve’s large hands reached for her smaller ones, her face softening at their warmth. 
“You had a second chance Steve…You had a second chance with Peggy.”
Steve looked into her eyes lovingly, before staring down at their intertwined hands. 
“You’re right, I did get a second chance. I could have had another shot at a life with the woman I had been thinking of since getting out of the ice. But I realized that meant losing the one chance I had at a life with the woman, who helped me move on from Peggy.”
The two hadn’t realized they had attracted a crowd, who were very interested in what was happening between the two Avengers.
Steve continued. “I was truly happy for Peggy, knowing she met someone and had a good life with him. But I realized, I wouldn’t be happy knowing that someone else would spend a life with you, being the reason you laughed and smiled everyday.” He lightly kissed each of her hands. “I want to be that person.”
He leaned in, about to kiss her, when she slapped his chest again.
“Ow! What did I do this time?” 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, knowing her slap caused him no pain. “Why didn’t you come back right away then?” she asked, holding onto his hands tightly.
“Bruce said something about, wrong coordinates? It actually was set to 3 minutes after I left, instead of 3 seconds. He sends his apologies.” He responded with an apologetic smile.
“So you’re staying, then?” 
“Yeah, I finally got my girl.” He grinned, before finally leaning in to kiss her.
(1 month ago, 3 minutes after Steve disappeared.)
With a small wave to Bruce and Sam, (Y/N) turned around and started walking towards her car, without a glance back. She had exchanged goodbyes with the rest of the team beforehand, and now there was no reason to stay anymore. As she started her engine, she failed to hear the whir sound of the time machine and the reappearance of a man.
Steve was enveloped in a hug by Bucky, who was surprised by his sudden appearance. 
“You actually came back. You didn’t stay.” Bucky said, before noticing his friend was looking around the forest clearing for someone. “She left.” he told his friend, a little panicked.
“What? Why? W-Where is she?”
“I don’t know. We both thought you would stay with Peggy once you left, and so she left after you didn’t come back.” 
“I-I...Did she mention where she was going to?”
“She just said she had a plane to catch. And to tell you that she’s off to live her best life and that she’s not mad.
Steve sighed, rubbing his face in his hands. “Of course. Because she willing to make others happy at the expense of her own happiness.”
“Sorry Steve, I must have mixed up the coordinates. I should have counted down from three minutes instead of three seconds.” Bruce piped up from the back. 
“Listen Buck, I need to go catch her before I really lose her this time.”
“Go get your girl, Rogers.” Bucky smiled encouragingly.
(A/N): I didn’t really get how Steve staying in the past and still staying in the main timeline worked. So this is my take, hope you like it!
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haileygarciasunshine97 ¡ 5 years ago
The Back Up Plan
Chapter One: The Farmers Market
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: None.
Summary: The maternal feeling of wanting a baby has finally kicked in. Going the clinical route, you receive some good news.
*Sorta based off of the Movie the Back-Up Plan but not really.... I hope that makes sense!*
Please feel free to send me requests!
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Bucky Barnes Series Masterlist
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Sitting at your dining room table, you were sipping coffee as you read the newspaper, in your pajamas. It was a relaxing start to your Saturday.
There was a prompt knock on your door. Groaning you got up and answered the door.
"Good you're awake." Your friend Claire stated shoving past you, walking into your apartment.
"What do you want Claire?" You groaned as you shut the door. "It's not even eight in the morning."
"I'm glad you asked." She teased taking a mug out of your cabinet filling it with the freshly brewed coffee. "I was thinking we could go to the farmers market, watch our shows- all the things we haven't been able to do since your new job."
"Fine," you sighed. "Let me get dressed."
"Wear something cute!" She yelled as you shut your bedroom door.
As Claire, was driving to the market she was blabbing on and on about a guy from her aerobics class that she wanted to hook up with. During the ride, you hadn't paid much attention to her hormonal rant about wanting to bang the unsuspecting man.
The aroma of fresh flowers filled your nose as you walked through the small market.
"Hey." Claire nudged your shoulder with hers. "Isn't that one of the Avengers?"
Shooting her a confused expression, you attempted to follow her gaze. As you were gazing in the direction she pointed out, you didn't notice the person sneak up next to you.
"Bucky?" You questioned turning towards the man.
"Hey." He greeted, smiling softly.
"What're you doing here?" You asked shyly.
"I'll ehm." Claire spoke. "I'll be over....there." She pointed in a general direction, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at you.
"I...I um just needed some fresh air." Bucky answered, dropping his gaze to his shoes.
Smiling you reached forward gently grabbing his wrist, as you lightly tugged signaling for him to follow you. Much to your surprise, he allowed you to pull him through the market, your grip eventually falling to his hand.
You stopped at a bakery stand.
"What is this?" He questioned standing next to you, as his shoulder gently touched yours.
"It's my favorite bakery." You beamed. "It's New York's hidden gem!"
"Hello Miss Y/N." One of the booth operators spoke. "We weren't expecting to see you here today."
"Hi Keith." You smiled. "I wasn't expecting to be here either." You chuckled softly.
"The usual for you then?"
"Please." You nodded.
Keith handed you a box of baked goods.
"How much do I owe you?"
Keith chuckled softly, "It's on the house."
Grinning you, looked at Bucky. He offered you a smile in which you gladly returned.
Leading him to a seating area, you opened the box and shared the goods.
"So." You spoke. "What do you think?"
"I think....."
"Y/N!" Claire spoke, walking towards where you and Bucky were sitting. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
"Claire this is Bucky." You introduced.
"Nice to meet you." They said in unison, as they shook hands.
"Y/N, we have to go." She stated her voice dripped with sadness.
Nodding your head, she walked away leaving you and Bucky alone.
"I'll see you back at the tower then." He spoke as his voice was laced with sorrow.
Smiling you nodded your head. Following Claire, you quickly turned around toward Bucky.
"Hey Bucky?"
He turned in surprise towards you. "Yeah?"
"Don't be a stranger okay?"
He grinned at you before he nodded.
Walking back to the car, your phone began to ring. Digging in your purse, you pulled it out.
"Is this Y/N?"
"Yes, it is."
"This is Dr. Fawn's office." The nurse spoke through the phone. "We have some good news."
"You're pregnant."
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damn-stark ¡ 6 years ago
Lost legacy ch.2
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A/N- I hope you guys like the chapter :)
Warning- mentions of abuse
Tagged- @ellaorelizabeth , @camu-winchester , @reinyrei , @remakethestars
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
You watched with a straight face as they sat across from you, a glass wall separting you from them. They placed themselves close to the glass to question you of course not coming in always behind that glass wall. The sight of them behind the glass brought back memories, flashes of your life before. A life full of pain and torture. You escaped Hydra’s grasp to be free and away from what they caused you but it seems you had escaped and then been captured to be behind a glass wall once again.
It didn’t suprise you being behind a glass wall again. Especially after you found out where you were. Hydra had only told you a thousand times about the Avengers. Told all these stories of them and who they were. People that needed to be destroyed for what they do. They had manipulated you telling you that they feared you for what you could do. That if the Avengers ever got you then it would be because of the powers you posses and nothing more. But from early on you knew that they were the ones using you. Another thing they also told you was that whatever they wanted was for their own gain and purpose. They were never to be trusted.
As they sat behind the glass wall they began to ask questions. Questions you tuned out. So instead you let your eyes wonder around your glass cage. You noticed the bright lights on the ceiling and that one specific light would flicker every second. You saw the white walls. You saw the glass wall. The glass wall. The glass wall. Your eyes looked around again and again, always going to the same three places. The white walls, flickering light and the glass wall. You felt your heat beat quicken in your chest. You felt like you couldn’t breath, the whole room spinned. You grabbed onto your chest and fell your knees hitting the floor harshly. You got flashes of Hydra. All those times you were tortured. The whole room seemed to disappear only with the flashes of memories playing in your mind. You heard footsteps getting close but at the same time they felt distant.
“Breath. Hey kid look at me and breath.” You heard someone say. You looked up at the voice and you felt like they were millions of miles of away from you. “Hey, hey look at me.” You tried to focus on the voice but you couldn’t. You felt someone touch your shoulder and you flinched away. You felt yourself push yourself back until your back hit the wall. You still felt like you couldn’t breath. “Hey, Hey, hey look at me.” The voice said again as he placed his hands on either of side of your head making it so you can only see him. “Take deep breaths. In and out slowly.” You said what he instructed focusing on their face. Soon it felt like you could see clearly again, that you had control of yourself again, you could breath again. You saw that it was Iron Man who was in front of you.
You pulled away and tried to go back but you were already by the wall. He saw that you were better and the way you reacted and stood up and stepped back. Your eyes instantly fell on the open door but it’s like if they had read your mind because they quickly went out again and closed the door. You stayed in the spot you were as you watched them.
“We’ll come back later.” Captian America said to you. You didn’t respond but simply looked away from them and to the floor. When they both disappeared you looked up to where they were standing previously before laying your head on your arms. This was probably going to be your life from now on, you thought to yourself alone in a cage because of all you’ve done because of hydra.
When you used to live in Hydra after the intense training of the day you would return to your little room and lay on your bed. You would daydream of how freedom would feel like. What you would if you were let go. And when you finally managed to escape you got that freedom you so desired but it was not at all like you had dreamed.
You suffered always had to look behind your shoulder, always had to do what you had to do to get food or escape the creeps that would go after you but you would always fight off. You suffered through emotional pains that was given to you by Hydra that you had to somehow help yourself through.
You would see the reality of the world and saw reality’s you could never have ones that you used to dream of. You saw families together and that would make you remember of what you used to picture your family was like. The same family that let you be in Hydras grasp. You always thought of what you had done for your family not love you enough to give you away.
When Captian America came back in he brought another person with him instead of Iron Man. It was a women. You instantly recognized her she was Black Widow. You didn’t know why he brought her in but he did.
“We’re going to try again.” Black Widow said. After they came in they took you to another place probably because the last time they tried to ask questions it didn’t go well.
You sat across from the both of them and you watched what they did carefully for any slip up so you could have a chance to escape but, You were still in chains so there was no way to try and escape as much as you did want too.
“We just have a questions we need to know okay.” Captian America said as he sat in the middle across from you. You crossed your arms across your chest and waited for their questions.
“We’re looking for a person that you might know.” Captain America said to you. You tilted your head slightly to the side.
“What makes you think I know them? I was part of Hydra but I was isolated most of the time. I only saw the people that experimented on me and those who trained me.” You said to him leaning back in your chair.
“Anything helps I just need to find him... his name is James Buchanan Barnes also known as The Winter Soilder.” He said as he slid a picture to you. You looked down at the picture and didn’t recognize the man but you recognized the name.
“I only know him by reputation and nothing else. After Hydra fell I escaped and didn’t look behind.” You said bluntly looking back at them. Black widow put a hand on his shoulder and whispered a sorry to him. He took a heavy breath and his face dropped. They continued asking questions that you didn’t know the answers to. And after they finished asking the questions they looked at one another and then at you.
“If we’re done here can I please go back to my cage?” You asked them but they didn’t answer or get up, instead black widow leaned in and rested her arms on the table.
“Do you not want to hear what we have for you?” She asked you and you just raised your eyebrow. “We know who you are and what you’ve done with and after Hydra... and with all you’ve done you could get stuck in a cage for a very long time.” She said and you only sighed.
“All I’ve done was because I wanted to keep myself alive...I’m pretty sure you’d understand because you know I know all you’ve done too.” You said to her with a calm voice but a smirk playing at your lips.
“I’m sure you do and I understand what you’re going through I do because I was once in your situation too. Look you still have your life ahead of you. You are too young to be in a cage. That’s why we want to give you a second chance.” She said and you looked between her and Captian America. You examined their face to see if their expression gave away that this was just some joke. But you also knew that they needed you for one thing.
“Let me guess you need me because of what I can do?” You asked knowing the answer. It had seemed that the question caught black widow off guard.
“Well Yes and well you are to young and deserve a second chance just like I was given.” She said. You remained quiet and thought of what she was saying.
“You can join us or live your life in a cage your choice but I recommend joining us.” She said and you still remained quiet. You knew that what she saying was true. You were just 14 going on 15. This was something you had always wanted. Freedom. But were you really going to be free? Can you trust them?
“Will I be free?” You asked breaking the silence that filled the room. They looked at one another and then back at you.
“To an extent but I assure you that it won’t be like in hydra or when you were in the streets.” She said and you stayed quiet again. Thought of your decision. Do you want to risk it? Being here does mean Hydra will definitely come after you. Yes hydra fell but they were still secretly around, hiding and waiting to attack.
They seemed to take your long silence as an answer and stood up. As they came to stand you up to take you back to your cage you stopped them. “Fine I’ll join you but I want to know something.... I want to know who my parents are.”
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fict1onallyobsessed ¡ 3 years ago
Read your last Helen Fic and Instantly got an idea,How about Helen x Avenger!reader where reader tries to hide an injury from Helen cause R dosent want her to worry but Helen being the smartass she is figures it out eventually
You Can’t Hide A Dove in A Crowd of Crows and Expect It To Stay Hidden.
Helen Cho x Avenger!Reader
Sorry about it being late!
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You weren’t a doctor.
That was evident from the bad stitching you’d done on your leg just five minutes before. You disinfected it correctly - courtesy of dating an actual doctor who was constantly worried about you going on missions. But that’s as far as your surgery skills went.
Helen wasn’t stupid. Even Steve noticed you were limping, and Steve is the most clueless person ever, so he never realises anything around him.
You tried to avoid any sort of walking, whether it was to the kitchen for food or for training with Nat. The amount of times she’d ask you why you weren’t on time at the gym was insane.
It wasn’t until Nat mentioned your strange behaviour to your girlfriend, who instantly clicked on.
“(Y/N)? Can I borrow you for a sec?”
Helen walked in. You weren’t caught into what she were doing, but she was playing the “I’m smarter than you” game.
Without thinking, you stood from your desk and instantly regretted it. Hissing, you caught your body with your arms by holding onto the edge of the desk as you leg buckled out of pain.
“I knew it.”
You realise you fucked up. Cursing, you exhaled in defeat. You managed to hide it well enough until now. But maybe the fact your wound wasn’t healing was a good enough reason to finally go see a doctor.
“You can’t hide a wound from a doctor in the same way you can’t hide a dove in a crowd of crows and expect it to stay hidden.”
“Your metaphors make my day.” You sighed, watching as she pulled out a first aid kit and helped you into the bed. She gave you a concerned look when she pulled up your pant leg, but she managed to quickly and correctly stitch it up before it became infected.
“Don’t lie to me again.”
Taglist: @emily0013 \\ @xxromanoffxx \\ @emilyprentisslittlewhore
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