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The Healer 4
Summary: Reader is captured by Hydra again.
Warnings: Blood, torture, needles, gore, angsty stuff. Major character death (temporary)
Notes: Writing this has helped get me out of a stretch of writer’s block. I hope to be more active going forward. If y’all have any requests, be they new stories entirely, or continuations of existing ones, don’t hesitate to send an ask!
Words: 4,336
You were just starting to get a feel for how this team operated. Learning how to triage and when to conserve your strength. Dr. Cho was interested to learn more, so you often hung out in the medbay with her. She taught you how to operate almost all the medical equipment, and together you had healed a whole range of injuries. Gunshots were common, but they caused a lot of blood loss, making them hard to fix. Burns were surprisingly difficult, seeing as the damaged tissue was unlikely to comply with the process.
On most missions, you’d sit on the jet with a com in one ear, and the injured would be brought to you. This worked really well for large-scale stuff, where there were SHIELD agents working in tandem with the Avengers. Today, you were paired with an Avenger to go inside the area.
“Now, Y/n,” Natasha said when the plan was proposed, “If you don’t feel comfortable being back in a HYDRA base, we can sort something else out.”
“Nobody’s going to force you to go,” Steve added.
“But?” You prompted.
“But it’s the best way to ensure everyone comes back from the mission.”
There was a moment where they seemed to hold their breath, and you realized that they were more worried than you.
“Yeah,” You said, “I’m fine with going in with one of y’all.”
“Thank you so much.” Nat said. Their fears were unfounded. You knew you could operate just fine with the rest of them. The funny thing is, none of them could heal as fast as you, so the worry should have been reversed.
Today was your fifth mission with them, the first time you went in with them. They were tipped off about a small new base, in a strategically compromising place. Their plan was to wipe it out before it became too much of a problem.
You and Natasha were dropped off near the southern entrance, and instructed to wait till Steve drew attention at the western one. It was only the three of you on this mission, as it wasn’t that high-stakes.
Not too long after, the order was sent out, and Natasha cracked open the vault-like door. She took a few steps inside and waved for you to follow her. She took you through a descending maze of tunnels. You kept going, even after Steve’s com went silent. Even through the seemingly endless waves of HYDRA agents.
As the tunnels kept twisting and turning, a realization dawned on you. The maps were wrong, this place was much larger than anyone had thought.
“Y/n?” Natasha turned to you. Her voice was strained. It felt strange to hear someone speak in such a place, especially after hours of silence broken only by footsteps, water dripping down the damp walls, and an occasional scuffle.
“Yes?” You replied.
“I’m afraid that we must now shift our priorities to getting ourselves out.”
“But what about Steve?” You asked.
“I’m sorry, kid.” She said, “But we have to leave him.”
“No… No, we have to go find him! He wouldn't just leave us if we were missing! He could be alive out there. If they caught him-”
“Stop!” Her voice ricocheted around the hall, ripping you out of your spiraling thoughts. For a second the word hung in the air, waiting to be followed up.
“Stop.” She repeated, her voice much quieter now, almost pleading. “I know you were close with Steve, and this can’t be easy for you, but we have to assume he is dead. We are both worn out. Even if we were to find him, we would be of no help. I need you to focus on right here, right now.”
“Okay.” You wiped your eyes. Natasha knelt down next to you to get to eye level.
“I’m sorry for yelling,” She said.
“It’s okay.” You murmured, avoiding eye contact. “It’s not easy for you, either.”
“It’s not, no, but that doesn’t mean I can yell at you.” She said, “Do you think we can keep going or do you need a hug first?”
One hug later, you were retracing your steps along the cold tunnel. It was now oddly quiet. Like the walls dampened any sound, or the darkness swallowed it.
“Natasha Romanoff, put your weapon down.” Natasha tightened her grip as a man emerged from the shadows. He was a sharply-dressed, impossibly smug, older man. Obviously HYDRA.
“Nope.” She aimed it at his head. “You're gonna stay right there, and tell me how you're still alive."
“Miss Romanoff, I suggest you drop the pistol.” Dozens more HYDRA agents materialized out of the darkness in front of and behind you.
“Half of my men have their aim set for them,” He gestured to you, “You and I both know even they can’t heal a shot through the skull.” He was right, and she was worn out after walking and fighting for hours. Finally she relented and dropped the gun. Immediately, an agent with dark hair stepped forward and wrangled her into handcuffs. She resisted a little, but one reminder that your life was hanging in the balance put that to an end.
The dark haired agent then opened a small briefcase, and removed a syringe and vial. He filled it slowly and injected it into Natasha’s inner arm. She winced for a moment, then her eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness.
You gasped.
“Not to worry.” The smug agent said, “This is simply a precaution. She will wake up shortly after we relocate her.”
“Who are you?” Your voice wavered.
“I am Alexander Pierce.” He said, “But you will only need to address me as 'sir.' Rumlow here is going to sedate you as well.”
“No!” You managed to scramble a few feet back before someone grabbed you by your shoulder, and dragged you towards Rumlow, who had now filled another syringe.
As you lost consciousness, Pierce spoke to you.
“It seems we have quite a bit of re-training to do.”
Once again, you found yourself waking up in a cold, dark cell. You opened your eyes, and the room spun violently. You curled and uncurled your fingers as you slowly started getting your senses back. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, they all seemed to be back, though the room still spun.
A man was walking down the hall. When he peered in and saw you were awake, he swung the cell door open, and grabbed you by your forearm.
“Up.” He said bluntly, “This way.”
You tried your best to walk, but despite your efforts, your legs refused to cooperate, and you ended up being dragged behind him. The cold floor was almost a relief. It was a jarring start back to reality, and helped you to fully regain consciousness. By the time you reached your destination, you were walking behind the man.
“Sit here.” He ordered. “And wait.”
The room was blank, only a small drain in the center, and a wooden chair bolted to the floor to the right of it, and a rolling cart filled with shining tools to the left. You quickly slipped back into the familiar routine of following commands, and sat. Instinctively, you attempted to make yourself as small as possible, shrinking down as much as the chair would allow.
Not a minute ticked by before the door swung open again. In walked Alexander Pierce, followed closely by Rumlow.
“Ah, Y/n.” Pierce said, “I was beginning to think that we’d given you a little too much sedative. I need you to tell me about the Avengers.”
“But they’re my friends,” You meekly replied, “They loved me.”
With one swift movement he snatched a knife from the cart and plunged it straight through the palm of your hand. Your eyes widened in surprise and more than a little pain, but you didn’t make a noise.
“Y/n,” He sighed, “This was all a test. And I’m sorry to say that you failed. You betrayed HYDRA the very first chance you got.”
Blood dripped down the arm of the chair. Your hand started to heal around the knife, and Pierce noticed this.
“For your betrayal, you must be punished.” He wrenched the knife out of your hand, and stabbed it back through. The skin was fresh and tender, which made it hurt all the more. Still, you choked back any reaction.
“Sir,” Another HYDRA agent entered the room, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but the Captain is awake.”
“I’ll go speak with him.” Pierce sighed and turned to Rumlow, “Rumlow, could you take over here? It seems I have more important matters to deal with.”
“Happily, sir.”
Before he left, Pierce yanked the knife from your palm. You held pressure on the wound, trying to slow the bleeding. A moment later, you removed your hand, and saw the skin knitting itself back together.
“That’s a neat trick.” Rumlow said. “Hope you’re good at it. When I’m done, a small scratch will be the least of your concern.”
He pulled his arm back and landed a blow to the side of your head.
Hours later, even with your increased healing, you were bloody and broken. Ribs cracked, probably a concussion, four fingernails ripped off, and Rumlow had done something to your arm which made it bend the wrong way. Blood and vomit trickled into the drain. Sweat beaded down your face. All you wanted to do was slip into the darkness, but you still fought to keep your eyes open.
“Bring them back to their cell.” Rumlow ordered.
“But sir, shouldn’t the medic–?” He protested.
“They’ll be fine.” Rumlow cut him off. And so you were dragged back through the halls, and thrown into the cell once more. Now that the drugs were mostly out of your system, you could take a look around the room. It had a cot pushed against one wall, and a joint toilet/sink combo on the other. The concrete walls were rough, and the only light came from a yellow bulb down the hall.
You lugged yourself to the cot and wrapped the thin blanket around your shoulders before flopping over. The coarse fabric was like a potato sack, but it was better than lying directly on the hard bunk. Most of your injuries had stopped bleeding by now, and the rest of them could be dealt with in the morning. For now, resting was the most important thing you could do.
It felt like your eyes had just drifted closed, when a uniformed man rattled the bars, waking you up. As you opened your eyes, familiar pain washed over you. You walked over to the cell door, only a little groggy and off-balance. The agent guided you across the hall and up a staircase. He led you into a room, with an unconscious Natasha, tied to a chair. Alexander Pierce was waiting patiently beside her.
“Here we have Ms. Romanoff.” Pierce said to you, “She used to work for HYDRA, but she decided to turn her back on us in favor of the Avengers.”
You nodded. You already knew that Nat had escaped the Red Room, having bonded with her over shared stories of HYDRA’s brutality.
“I need you to know what happens when someone betrays HYDRA.” He motioned to the man who escorted you there. He was now holding a gun to the back of Nat’s head. Pierce crouched down in front of you, taking your hands in his. He was now at eye level, and you could see the pure evil in his eyes.
“She will not wake up.” Pierce said, looking you straight in the eye, “Ever.”
Hearing that, something snapped. Something deep inside you gave way. Years of pain came bubbling to the surface, along with something new. A novel emotion, one you hadn't felt before.
It coursed through your veins and even a decade of HYDRA’s conditioning couldn’t hold it back. The energy you felt, the glow when you healed someone prickled at your skin, but it was colder, more painful.
Suddenly, Pierce recoiled, clutching his hand. A hole went straight through his palm, an identical wound to the one he gave you earlier. You lunged towards the man threatening Nat, and snatched his weapon. Without any hesitation, you shot him. He crumpled to the floor.
Then you turned to Pierce.
“Pierce,” You said, pointedly not calling him ‘sir.’
“There has been something I’ve been dying to try. Turns out it works. Can you guess what it is?”
Pierce scrambled backwards, still holding his hand, trying to stop the bleeding.
“That’s right,” You said through gritted teeth, “I gave you back the injury you so graciously gifted me. Except, I don’t need a weapon.” With that, you crouched next to him, mirroring the movement he had done just moments before. You closed your eyes, recalling an extra-painful gunshot wound you’d healed, you touched Pierce’s arm. The cold flash of pain only lasted a split second for you, but as you opened your eyes, you saw the pain and terror on his face, and knew it worked.
You had successfully transferred an injury to someone. Standing, you looked at his shirt, which blood was starting to stain.
“Pierce,” You said, “You still have a few seconds to do something good in your life before you bleed out. I just need to know two things. How do I wake Natasha up, and where is Steve?”
“I’ll…” He sputtered, “I-I’ll never t-tell.”
“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to figure it out myself.”
A moment passed, then Pierce wheezed two final words.
“Hail HYDRA.” Then he slumped back against the wall. Just to be sure, you unloaded the rest of the clip into his head before walking back to Nat’s chair.
Finally, you had a moment to take in the room, you saw she was hooked up to an IV of what you assumed was a sedative. You carefully removed the needle, and took a quick assessment of her state.
She was bloody and bruised, with a nasty laceration on her calf, which was probably going to make walking hard, but ultimately not anything she couldn’t handle. You desperately wanted to take it from her, but decided against it since you were already overloaded with healing your own injuries.
It felt so strange. She was the person who came and rescued you from HYDRA, and now she was tied up in one of their bases. Every day, Nat was so strong. Always protecting you, making sure you felt welcome and safe, and helping you through the memories of HYDRA.
The adrenaline from discovering part of your powers was still flowing through you, and you managed to push the spiraling anxiety down. After all, you had to get Nat out of here.
She stirred slightly.
“Hey Nat. Can you hear me?” You asked, undoing the cuffs holding her wrists to the chair, “You’re gonna be fine. We’re getting out of here.”
“Mhm…” She murmured, “Pierce?”
“Don’t worry. He can’t hurt you, me, or anyone else ever again.”
“Steve?” She asked, opening her eyes, but quickly shutting them again.
“I don’t know where he is, sorry.”
“We’ll find him…” She sighed. Natasha opened her eyes – slowly this time – and looked at you.
“Oh, little зайчик [bunny], when did you get this?” She reached out and touched the side of your face, which you realized still had dried blood on it from yesterday.
“You’ve been asleep for a long time.” You replied, “If I had to guess, a whole day has passed since we got here.”
“That’s good,” She said. You looked at her, and the confusion on your face was clear, so she explained.
“If we don’t get back today, the others will know something went wrong…”
“And they’ll come get us!” You filled in the rest.
The two of you stayed there for a few more minutes as Natasha fully regained consciousness. You filled her in on the few events between being caught and now.
“Yesterday really sucked, but I did overhear something good.” You said, “Pierce was going to interrogate me or something, but he had to leave when one of his goons came in and told him ‘the Captain’ was awake. So – as of yesterday at least – Cap’s alive! Isn’t that awesome?”
Nat started to nod, but stopped.
“Dizzy, right?” You asked.
“Whatever that stuff was,” She said, “It was strong. How long did you say I was out for, a whole day?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, “I think they dosed you with way more than Steve and I. They didn’t really care if they gave you too much, since they were planning on killing you right here, just a few minutes ago.”
“How’d you stop them? No offense, you’re not too good at hand-to-hand combat.”
“I…” You started, not exactly sure how to explain, “So… I can take injuries from people, you know that, and I was thinking about that a lot, and I thought ‘Hey, I can take them, what if I can give injuries to people?’ I had no way of testing this, because I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Today I finally got a chance to try it out.”
“I’m impressed,” She said, looking around the room at both Pierce and the unnamed guard’s bodies.
“I bet someone’s gonna get worried about Pierce disappearing.” You said, “We should get moving.”
“Mhm,” Nat agreed, “Help me stand up.”
At first, she was a bit wobbly, but she was fine so long as she could lean on you.
“See if either of them have weapons.” Nat said.
“I already snagged his,” You motioned to the guard. You had pocketed Pierce’s pistol, which you passed to Nat. She probably wouldn’t be very helpful, since she was half-draped across your shoulders. It was better than nothing, though. Her being armed made you feel a little safer.
Just as you were starting towards the door, you heard the muted sounds of raised voices and fighting.
“Stay here,” You said.
“Are you sure?” Nat questioned.
“I can handle this.” You reassured her, and she lowered herself back into the chair. You poked your head out of the room quietly. All the way down the hall, you could see half a dozen men fighting Cap. His movements were sloppy, so he was probably still under some form of sedative.
Rushing down the hall, you got there just as the HYDRA agents started to get the upper hand. Once again channeling your anger, you extended a hand to the arm of a tall agent, and conjured an injury you’d healed before: a broken arm. For a split second you felt a flash of pain in your own arm, then you felt the bones of the agent’s arm splinter and snap, as if they were tearing themselves apart from the inside.
He yelled and turned, swinging at you with this other arm. You ducked and swiped at his torso, transferring another injury. This time red quickly started seeping through his shirt and he collapsed.
By now the other HYDRA agents had noticed, and one approached you with a knife. This might have posed a bit of a problem, seeing as you had to touch him to utilize your powers.
“Hey kid,” He said, smiling strangely, “I don’t wanna hurt you. If you just–” Before he could say any more you lunged towards him, and threw all your weight into it, knocking him over. Your hands touched either side of his head as you recalled a nasty head injury Stark had once needed help healing.
As you were inflicting brain damage, he stabbed you. While he did manage to puncture a lung, it was a futile attempt at escape. You simply transferred the knife wound to him. His breath sputtered, and he gasped for breath.
Rolling off of the agent, you saw Steve was able to take out three of the others. You walked through the hall – now littered with bodies – towards Steve. He still looked off-balance, although not that bad now that adrenaline was pumping through his veins. Super soldier serum was helping with the sedative.
“Thank God you’re alright, Y/n.” He said, “Is Nat oka–”
A gunshot reverberated through the hall, and a HYDRA agent that had slipped behind Steve unnoticed fell to the ground. Both you and Steve’s attention quickly snapped to where the shot had come from. Leaning against the door frame, gun in hand, was Nat.
“You missed one,” She said.
“Thanks,” You said, “Now, does anyone know how to get out of here?”
“I remember the path I came in through,” Said Steve, “But there’s quite a few HYDRA agents that route.”
“I’ll be okay,” Nat said, still more than a little loopy. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah,” You said, the concern slipping into your voice, “How about you two sit down? I’ll grab these guy’s weapons, while you rest a bit.”
They put up a little resistance, but ultimately slid down the wall to rest. Your mind raced as you took inventory of the supplies you had. How were you meant to get two semi-sedated adults and yourself out of here with only a few handguns, a pocket knife, and a whole base of HYDRA agents after you?
You glanced at the two woozy fighters slumped against the wall. Even in their doped-up state, they were bandaging each other up.
“Hey Cap,” You said, walking over, “Are you just about ready?”
“Yeah.” He said, “Right after I finish dealing with this.” He gestured towards Nat’s lower leg. Steve was almost done wrapping it up using a torn strip of a HYDRA uniform.
“Can you support Nat while we move?” You asked.
“I could, but then it would be up to you to fight anyone we encounter.”
“Don’t you worry about that.” Nat laughed.
You simply shrugged him off, “Just show me the way, and we’ll be out in no time.”
You helped Steve up, and he helped Natasha to her feet. Nat was still rather wobbly, but Steve adapted quickly. The three of you hobbled along, with Steve occasionally stopping to readjust his hold on Nat or to give directions.
The first time HYDRA agents stumbled across your trio, it was at a junction between two tunnels. Steve nearly dropped Nat in an attempt to throw himself between you and them. By the time he got into position, you had already killed them.
“How did…?” He started.
“I discovered some new aspects of my powers.” You replied. Making a mental note to check up with you back at the Tower, Steve nodded towards the left hallway.
“It’s this way.” He said. Onwards you went, only encountering a few more groups, and you dealt with them as swiftly as the first. Gradually the walls became less moldy, and the air less musty.
“We’re coming up on the exit,” Steve said, rounding a corner.
“Be careful, we should expect some–” Nat started, but was cut off by the sound of gunfire. Quickly you smushed back around the corner, against the wall, but not quick enough. Steve wasn’t hit. Neither were you.
But Nat.
Nat didn’t look good.
A bullet had ripped through the left side of her chest. Her skin was growing paler by the second. She didn’t even get to finish her sentence.
Not thinking in the slightest, you immediately started healing her. Steve tried to push you away, you’d never healed someone this far gone. Even your healing capabilities had limits. Your rage fueled you, blinding you to the pain and stupidity of trying to heal someone who was already dead.
Life slowly came back to Natasha. Her eyes flickered open, filling with horror at seeing blood now seeping through your shirt.
“Y/n,” Steve said, dread dripping from his words, “What did you do?”
“I took the injury.” You gasped, coughing up blood, “There wasn’t anything else I could do.” You stood up, and turned the corner straight into the sights of countless HYDRA agents.
You were at death’s door, and only rage kept you on your feet. Only anger allowed you to extend your powers over the hall full of cruel, evil people. Only wrath fueled the transfer of this horrible pain from your chest to them instead.
With a sickening thunk, everyone in the hall fell to the floor, bearing identical wounds across their chests. A moment later, you lost balance. Pain radiated from where your head hit the concrete beneath you, but at least you had gotten rid of the hole in your chest. Distantly, you saw Steve rush towards you, but you blacked out before he reached you.
A dull ache.
That’s all it was.
Distant and floating in an endless void, the only thing tethering you to your body was a dull ache in your head.
Well, that and you could hear voices.
They weren’t talking to you, but still you listened. They were worried. Then the rumble of an engine covered what little you could hear, and you slipped back into the endless void.
You opened your eyes, more than a little confused as to how you got here. You knew where you were, it was obviously the medbay. Moonlight filtered through the windows over the machines that beeped around you. Annoying wires and tubes poked into the skin of your arm.
You disconnected the machines from you, carefully following the proper protocols so as to not set off any blaring alarms. It was night, after all. Nobody wanted to wake up to the thought of a medical emergency.
Next to you there was another bed and an armchair. Both of them were occupied by familiar faces. Nat was in the bed, while Steve seemed to have fallen asleep while reading. A smile grew across your face.
You padded over to Natasha, and curled up beside her.
She was in for a surprise when she woke up. A welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless.
Part 3, Hair (Medium/Long), Hair (Buzzed)
#marvel#writing#marvel x teen!reader#avengers#avengers fan fic#avengers x teen!reader#avengers x y/n#avengersxreader#avengers x reader#hydra#marvel fan fiction#gn!reader
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It's always been you: Tony Stark imagine
Request: I looove your stories so far. Could you possibly make a Tony Stark story with prompts 43 and 44? -Anon
A/N: Hey...wow. okay I'm sorry. I've only got like 4 imagine that I can still do from 2018 post. I went away for a bit on the imagines but I'm back! I'll try to do better!
Prompts: 43: "I think I've been holding myself from falling in love with you again" & 44: "I'm not going to apologize for this, not anymore"
My prompts: Here
Characters: Tony, Reader
Warnings: Angst, slight fighting
Its been 2 years since Y/N began living at the avengers tower. You can't even call us a tower anymore really, but it works out for everyone. Each person with their own room specialized for their specific needs.
For most people this would be the dream, living with the heros themselves, but not for Y/N. She's been tiptoeing around the facility for one reason, the man himself, Tony Stark. He was a narcissist, everyone knew that but Y/N couldn't help the feeling in her chest every time she saw him.
About a year ago she couldn't keep the feelings to herself... And ever since then she only speaks when she's spoken to.
Y/n walked into the lab with a smile on her face. Masking the butterflies and anxiety that began to flood through her. Tony sat alone looking at his computer at some new blueprints. Taking his hand he motioned across the screen towards the area in front of him, creating a 3D model of his new suit design. Y/N stood in awe at the project in front of her. Tony looked to her an smirked.
"You act like this is your first time seeing all of this" Tony chuckled and walked over to her side, clasping his hands together behind his back.
"You and your projects never seize to amaze me Stark" Tony leaned over and nudged her shoulder and chuckled. He didn't respond, he just looked at the model in front of them.
Y/n's hands became clammy , she hadn't even noticed her finger nails digging into them. Her heart began to race, she couldn't contain her feelings anymore yet it was hard to even muster up the words to say it.
"What's going through your that brain of yours?" Y/N hadn't even realized she had been looking at the floor for a good while now, not moving or saying anything. She almost ignored his words until her courage came out of no where.
"Tony" she turned towards him, he turned his head in response. "I think I'm in love with you" his eyes opened in shock as did hers. They both looked at each other, not moving. Y/n's heart began to race and her legs started to shake.
Tony started laughing, breaking the silence. "You can't be in love with me, that's not what I do. I don't dooo "love", it's just a chemical reaction in your noggin-" he softly knocked on the top of Y/n's head like it was a door. "-Nothing too special, it comes and goes" Tony turned back to his project and began working on it as if the conversation never happened. "I'm sorry" was all she could say.
Y/n gulped down her tears that threatened to fall and walked away, heading to her room where she'd be for the rest of the night.
Water rushed down Y/n's back and quickly went away as she turned the scalding hot water off. Most people wouldn't be able to stand in that hot of water, but for Y/n…she didn't feel anything. She was use to the heat, especially since she was born with the ability to create fire in any way shape or form, but she was deemed as dangerous. Always kept to the building unless they needed her desperately.
Y/n sighed and brushed off her thoughts as she walked over to her mirror. The steam from her shower fogged up the glass, keeping her from seeing herself. Which was just the way she liked it. Ever since that day, she felt unworthy. Was she just a joke to him? To everyone?
Quickly she got dressed, as she did every single day, the same routine over and over. Since she wasn't allowed to leave the facility she kept to her room. If she was a danger to the world, she'd be dangerous to them too. But was it the only reason? Well that's what she told everyone. The only one who ever visited her was Peter Parker. An awkward young boy who felt bad for her, kept up in her room hiding from the world.
Today was a little different, Peter couldn't visit her today. Something to do with training. Which is why the knock on her door surprised her so much. No one besides Peter bothered to talk to Y/n.
She carefully stood up from her bed that she had just sat down on, slowly inching towards the door. Afraid of what or who was behind it. Another knock sounded just as she grabbed the door knob stopping the person from knocking on the door once more.
The person fumbled forward a bit with the sudden movement of the door. Y/n's eyes widened and her mouth went dry.
"What are you doing here?" Her words came out with a bit of attitude laced with it. She was angry to say the least. Why would he bother showing his face, it's been almost a month since he said anything remotely to you.
"Hmm let me think…, I live here and technically this is MY building? So I'm allowed to be here" Tony tried to make the situation humorous, as for Y/n she definitely didn't agree as she went to slam the door in his face, but was stopped by Tony's hand hitting the door.
"What's going on with you? You're never around anymore" he pushed the door open and walked past her. Y/n rolled her eyes and followed him with her arms crossed.
"Why do you care?" Tony turned around to face her and chuckled.
"Wow, is this about what happened over a year ago now?" Tony crossed his arms as well looking into Y/n's eyes. Her face was laced in shock.
"I-I why would you even think that?" She was beyond angry now, he hasn't once mentioned the situation again not even when it happened and now he cares?
"You've never been the same since. What happened to you?" Without hesitation Y/n picked up a book that was close by and chucked it in his direction. Tony dodged and threw his hands up.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Tony shouted, stepping closer to her.
"YOU TONY STARK, YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME." She sighed and calmed down a touch. "All this time I've been hiding from you, from the pain that I've held onto for so long. I thought I was over you." Y/n walked to her bed and sat down, the mattress sinking under her.
"I think I've been holding myself from loving you all over again" Y/n looked at the floor, she wasn't going to hold it back anymore. She felt as though he deserved to feel her pain.
"Y/n look at me-" Y/n stood back up from the bed.
"No Tony" she stepped towards him "I am not going to apologize for this, not anymore." He didn't respond, all he did was stare at her.
"I've felt bad for myself for way too long. Feeling like I need to keep apologizing to you, but all You've ever done is make me feel worthless. I don't even know how I could love you" tears began to fall from her face. She almost felt relieved telling him how she really felt.
Tony knew how he felt. Since that day a year ago he wanted to grab her and hug her tight telling her he felt the same way. He just couldn't, something inside of him forced it down.
Tears slowly came to Tony's eyes, he looked at the poor girl standing in defeat. Tony grabbed her by her arm and pulled her close to him. Hugging her like she would fall apart if he let go. Her body tensed up in response.
"Tony, what are you doing to me?" She tried to speak through her tears, Tony held her tighter as they stood.
"I'm sorry. For everything, for making you feel unworthy. I'm sorry for not telling you that I love you more than I could ever love anyone." He pulled away from the hug and stared into her E/c eyes. Y/n searched his face for lies, something that would make everything fall apart, but she could tell that he was sincere.
The both of them searched each other's eyes for a moment longer. Tony reached a hand towards her face, rubbing his thumb under her eyes to remove the tears.
"Y/n, I love you. Even if I am just a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist I still have feelings" the both of them giggled, Y/n's head falling down as she did. As she rose her head again to look at him, Tony grabbed her face softly and kissed her. It took her by surprise at first but kissed him back.
It wasn't long before they needed air. The both of them put their foreheads together. Tony grabbed her hand and started to walk to the door.
"Where are we doing?" Tony smirked at her, causing her to raise a brow back at him.
"I'm going to show you the world" her eyes lit up, he smiled back at her as they walked out of her room and into the hall. Greetings from everyone as they passed. All of themselves seemed so happy to see her, warming her heart instantly.
Deep down she knows she should still be pissed, but this is everything she wanted. Everything she's dreamed of.
#Tony stark#Tonystark#iron man#ironman#tony stark imagines#tony stark x reader#ironman imagine#ironmanimagine#ironman x reader#ironmanxreader#xreader#imagine#imagines#tonystarkimagines#avengers#avengersimagines#avengers imagines#avengersxreader#avengers x reader
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You're my home Chapter 1
ChatGPT helps me writing
Being the daughter of Tony Stark was a dream and a nightmare rolled into one. Most people would be so jealous of her. he had everything—a billionaire father, the best toys, private tutors, designer clothes, and access to technology no other kid in the world could dream of. But there was one thing she didn’t have: her dad.
He loved her, Pepper always made sure she knew that, but Tony Stark was a busy man. Between running Stark Industries, partying with supermodels, and later, building weapons inside caves (which, honestly, she thought was pretty cool), he was rarely around. When he was, he was either distracted, hungover, or in full “genius mode,” lost in his work.
So Y/N did what any Stark would do.
She made herself impossible to ignore.
If that meant sneaking into his lab and "accidentally" activating a robot, so be it. If it meant buying a pony on his credit card just to see if he’d notice, well, it was worth a shot. And if it meant getting into detention because she caused an explosion in school with science so be it.
But she did have a personal favorite, manipulating her nany.
It was afternoon in the Stark mansion as seven-year-old Y/N sat at the kitchen island, legs swinging back and forth. Across from her, Veronica, her babysitter, was flipping through a celebrity gossip magazine, barely paying attention. y/n's eyes was fixed on an teenager activity book, children ones was to easy.
Veronica was one of those nannies who was only here because she worshipped Tony Stark, convinced that if she stuck around long enough, he’d fall madly in love with her. Until then, she had Y/N to deal with—which, honestly, she wasn’t great at.
Y/N sighed. Loudly.
"I want juice."
Veronica didn’t even look up. "No, Y/N. Your dad said no sugar after 6 P.M."
Oh wow? He cared about that? However, Y/N still wanted to see how this would turn out, she narrowed her eyes, weighing her options. Then, she sighed again—even louder.
"But Dad said I could have juice whenever I wanted."
That was a lie. Tony Stark had said no such thing. But Veronica didn’t need to know that.
Veronica hesitated, finally glancing at her. "He did?"
Y/N nodded innocently, tilting her head and blinking her big, brown eyes. "Mmhmm. He said you have to listen to me because I’m a Stark, and I’m in charge here."
It was the perfect lie—a little truth (she was a Stark), a little theater (tone, expression), and a sprinkle of authority (she was technically the future boss, right?).
Veronica bit her lip. "Okay, but don’t tell Pepper."
Just as she got up to grab a juice, a sharp throat-clearing came from the doorway.
"Don’t tell me what?"
Pepper Potts stood there, arms crossed, dressed in an elegant white blazer with an expression that could turn lava into ice.
Veronica froze. Y/N mourned the loss of her plan.
"Oh! Uh… nothing!" Veronica forced a smile. "We were just… discussing juice!"
Pepper’s gaze flicked from Veronica to Y/N, who was already putting on her best I’m a sweet and innocent child face. She leaned against the counter, arching an eyebrow.
"Y/N, did your father really say you could have juice whenever you wanted?"
Y/N hesitated - not out of guilt, but because she was calculating her next move. She could stick to her lie and risk Veronica throwing her under the bus, or she could shift the game.
She went with the latter.
"Naaaah…" She dragged the word out, staring at the counter. Then, in the softest, most tragic voice possible, she mumbled, "But… he’s never here, so how am I supposed to know what he says and doesn’t say?"
It was the ultimate power move—truth wrapped in manipulation, a little girl playing the neglected-daughter card perfectly.
Veronica immediately looked guilty. Pepper, however, was immune.
She sighed, shaking her head. "Veronica, go home for the day. We’ll talk later."
Veronica opened her mouth, then thought better of it and practically ran out of there.
Once the door shut, Pepper took the seat next to Y/N, looking at her with a mix of irritation and reluctant fondness.
"You know, kid? I see right through you."
Y/N peeked up. "Do you?"
"Mmm." Pepper leaned in. "And if you ever try to play me and your dad against each other again, not only will you not get juice—you’ll be drinking water for a week."
Y/N gasped. "That’s child abuse!"
Pepper chuckled, ruffling her hair. "No, it’s called parenting. Something your dad should be better at."
Then, standing up, she grabbed a juice from the fridge and handed it over.
"But today, I’ll make an exception. Because, despite everything, I like you, you little manipulative troublemaker."
Y/N took the juice, sipping it with a smug little smile.
"I like you too, Pep."
Pepper Potts was done.
She sat at her desk in Stark Tower, hands clasped together, staring at a very uncomfortable Veronica—who was very much fired.
“Let me get this straight,” Pepper began, voice dangerously calm. “You thought it was a good idea to throw yourself at Tony Stark?”
Veronica, suddenly realizing how stupid that sounded when said out loud, fidgeted in her chair. “I mean… you have to understand, it’s Tony Stark.. ”
“I do understand,” Pepper interrupted, voice sharp. “What you don’t understand is that Tony has rules.” She leaned forward. “And rule number one is: No sleeping with anyone responsible for Y/N.”
Veronica had the audacity to roll her eyes. “Yeah, right. Tony Stark has standards?”
“Yes, actually. When it comes to his daughter, MR Stark is very overprotective.”
Pepper stood, smoothing her skirt. “You’re dismissed, Veronica.”
Veronica opened her mouth, but one look from Pepper shut her up. With a dramatic huff, she grabbed her things and stormed out, muttering something about how “stupid rich people” didn’t appreciate her.
Pepper sighed, massaging her temples. She needed a replacement.
An hour later, "Natalie Rushman" sat across from Pepper in a sleek conference room, legs crossed, hands folded neatly in her lap. She looked professional, poised… and annoyingly attractive.
Pepper was suspicious.
Women who looked like Natalie were never after the job—they were after Tony.
“You have an impressive résumé, Ms. Rushman,” Pepper said, scanning the file. “Fluent in multiple languages, experience in private security, black belt in god-knows-how-many martial arts…” She glanced up, eyes narrowing slightly. “But what do you know about taking care of children?”
Natasha didn’t even flinch. “I can keep them alive.”
Pepper raised an eyebrow. “That’s… a concerning answer.”
“I mean,” Natasha tried again, “I’m disciplined, responsible, and I can—”
Before she could finish, the elevator dinged.
Happy Hogan stepped out, looking exhausted, and behind him, Y/N Stark.
The 7 year old wore her expensive private school uniform, bag slung over her shoulder, and an unmistakable scowl on her face. She ignored both adults and stormed straight to her room.
Pepper exhaled, shaking her head with an amused smile. "Maybe this could be your test."
Natalie—Natasha Romanoff, elite Russian spy, world-class assassin, and highly trained agent— froze.
She’d taken down men twice her size. She could kill someone with a paperclip. But… children? Why would Fury think this was a good idea? Natasha tried to get out of it, but he practically forced her.
She was not built for this.
Natasha stepped into Y/N’s room—and stopped dead in her tracks.
It was huge.
She’d seen luxury, but this? This was an entire apartment disguised as a bedroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows. A king-sized bed. A walk-in closet bigger than most people's apartments. Shelves stacked with high-tech gadgets, designer bags, and expensive gifts.
Natasha clenched her jaw. She had never, ever had anything like this.
Shaking it off, she spotted Y/N sprawled on the bed, face buried in a pillow.
Natasha cleared her throat. “Alright, kid. What’s wrong?”
Y/N peeked up, skeptical. “Who are you?”
“Your new nanny.”
Y/N squinted. “You’re pretty. Are you here for my dad?”
Natasha smirked. "Nope. I prefer men with less… ego.”
Y/N actually grinned at that, but then the scowl returned. "Then what do you want?"
Natasha sighed, leaning against the door. "Look, kid, I don’t care about your drama, but I was sent here to make sure you don’t set the place on fire. So, spill. What’s got you sulking?"
Y/N huffed, sitting up. "Someone at school. He's being mean to me."
Natasha crossed her arms. “Messing with you how?”
Y/N hesitated. Then, she muttered, “Just being an mean. Pushing me around, making fun of me, calling me a spoiled brat, and—” She stopped, biting her lip.
Natasha raised an eyebrow. “And?”
Y/N looked away. “…And saying my dad doesn’t care about me.”
Ah. There it is.
Natasha exhaled. “So? You’re Tony Stark’s daughter. Threaten to bomb his house or something.”
Y/N didn’t laugh. She just shrugged. “Tried that. Doesn’t help.”
That… caught Natasha off guard. This kid was actually struggling.
She smirked. "Alright. New plan. Get up."
Y/N frowned. "Why?"
"Because," Natasha said, cracking her knuckles, "I’m gonna teach you how to hit back."
Y/N lit up as soon as Natasha taught her the first move.
“You wanna throw a proper punch? Not like this—” Natasha demonstrated a weak, floppy fist. “Like this.” She clenched her hand tight, positioning it correctly.
Y/N copied her, eyes shining.
Within minutes, they were sparring, Natasha correcting her stance, teaching her where to aim, how to dodge.
“You’re small,” Natasha said, circling her. “Use it. When someone goes for you, don’t fight strength with strength. Fight smart.”
Y/N was catching on fast.
Natasha didn’t know what surprised her more—that Y/N actually had potential… or that she was enjoying this.
For the first time since the Red room, Natasha felt something strange.
Attachment. In that moment, Pepper walked into see how the girls were going, and she was to stunned to speak.
“What’s going on?”
Natasha glanced up, arms crossed. “I taught her self defense.”
Y/N grinned and ran towards pepper. "I love her, please hire her. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" She said jumping up and down.
Pepper studied Natasha, who merely smirked.
"Fine," Pepper sighed, expecting Y/N to hug her in gratitude. But instead, Y/N ran straight past her—throwing her arms around Natasha instead. Natasha froze. She had never been hugged like this before, never been given this kind of love so freely. For a second, she didn't know what to do. Maybe this was why Fury had pushed her into this job. Not for Y/N. For her.
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High Cupboards and Hot Chocolate
Marvel Masterlist // Full Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
The amount of time you spent at your apartment wasn’t worth the rent you paid to ‘live’ there. Any working day was spent on missions, where they weren’t you were training at the compound. From the earliest hours of the day to the latest, you were always working on your fighting techniques or expanding your skill set. So, when you received a text from your landlord informing you of a rent increase, your reaction wasn’t exactly quiet. It also didn’t go as unnoticed as you thought it did.
As you were leaving the compound for the night, you were approached by Tony Stark, and, behind him, Steve Rogers keeping his distance by leaning on a wall further down the hallway. For how long he’s been doing his job, the super soldier wasn’t very good at looking inconspicuous. In a very ‘Tony’ way, you were offered living quarters in the compound, ‘free-of-charge, no expense to you’. After the number you’d received from you landlord hours ago, you weren’t going to turn this down.
So here you are now. Boxes of your belongings finally all in one place, your, arguably, oversized bedroom at the Avengers Compound. Well, it’s more of a mini studio apartment due to the area between the bed and the door. In other rooms that you’ve seen—Tony, for some reason, decided that you’d need guidance on setting up your space—most people had some form of entertainment and seating situation. The best you could do to recreate that was your two-seater sofa and the tv you’ve had since you first moved into your own place. In any other space, that would be a great set up, however, in the size of the space, it looked pathetic. There wasn’t much to be done about though, and it was good enough for the one body that would be occupying the space. Plus, it left you enough room to neglect unpacking your boxes for a while. Carrying them in one by one, with the cold weather outside, had left you exhausted and, quite frankly, your fingers were struggling to thaw themselves out.
That’s how you ended up in the kitchen. Your container of instant hot chocolate, thank God, had been in the easiest box to access. Finding a mug, however, was proving impossible. It had almost been half an hour of you searching through every cupboard in there and all you gained was the knowledge of where to find baking trays, pots, pans and every item of dishware that wasn’t a drinking receptacle. Eventually, you registered, at the edge of your vision, someone enter the space, reach up high and place a mug down onto the counter, pour themselves a coffee and leave again. So that’s where they are.
Approaching the counter, you assess the best way to access that cupboard. You know that you’re not even going to reach it on your tiptoes. You huff, knowing that you’re about to gymnast this shit. You check for anyone else entering before you embarrass yourself in front of anyone important.
“Okay, lets do this. Before anyone can witness it.”
You place your hands onto the counter surface and lean onto them, hopping up high enough to get you foot up next to them. You swing around and raise onto your knees, shuffling down to be in front of the right door. You were almost there when a voice from behind stops you dead.
“What are you doing?” Natasha.
You can tell from her voice that this is entertaining to her. She leaves you no time to respond, though, as you’re gently pulled backwards, off the counter and feet flat on the floor.
“I just wanted a hot chocolate.” You reason, acceptance of defeat present in your tone.
“And you were going to make it with that?”
You scrunch your eyebrows confused at her disgust until you follow her point at your instant mix. You roll your eyes.
“It’s easy and quick, and I’m frozen and tired!”
“It’s not even worth the water, move.”
There’s no way you’re going to let her boss you around the space after those insults. You tense slightly and cross your arms, staring the widow down.
It’s her turn to roll her eyes now as she effortlessly sweeps you off your feet and seats you on the island opposite the surface she needs to work. You watch her silently as she pulls down two mugs, glides around to pull a pan out of one of the cupboards you practically climbed into earlier and retrieves both milk and chocolate out of the fridge.
“I can’t believe you.” She begins talking as she stirs the chocolate into the milk.
“You work with the Avengers, and you don’t even respect yourself enough to make a good hot chocolate.”
“You’re mean.” You pout in response, even if she can’t see it from where she’s standing.
A clinking of mugs distracts you from your eyeline into the back of Nat’s head. A turn of your head lets you identify Tony carrying, what must be, a whole shelf’s worth of mugs. In his journey to the kitchen though, one must slip from his grasp because not even seconds later, you’re left flinching from your spot on the island, closing your eyes in a wince.
“Sorry! I’ve ran out of thinking space.”
“You’re going to have to get used to that.” Natasha quips, now holding a mug in front of you.
“What, Iron Man smashes a mug every month?” You carefully wrap your hands around the mug, letting her slip her hands away. Nat chuckles and Tony rolls his eyes as he deposits the remaining mugs onto the counter space.
“No. But he does hoard his mugs and then dumps them all in the shared kitchen space!”
She’s projecting in his direction as he slowly makes his way back to his lab.
“Oh, and Tony?”
He stops and turns to look back at the two of you.
“Yes, Spider Lady?”
“We need to become more accessible for the shorter population.”
#avengersxreader#marvelxreader#natashaxreader#avenger!reader#short!readerxnatasha#natasharomanoff#blackwidow#Natasha Romanoff#Avengers x Reader#Marvel x Reader#Black Widow x Reader#blackwidowxreader
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Purr for me
My first publicly posted fanfic in years is gong up on AO3. Here is the link and a mood board. No images are mine they were sourced form google and Pinterest.
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fun times on midgard - loki laufeyson
pairing: loki x reader
word count: 1k
summary: Loki takes the reader to Midgard for the first time in over 100 years.
a/n: the reader is gender-neutral
“I want to go.”
Loki lets out a sigh, crossing his arms. “I don’t know, you haven’t been to Midgard in years. It’s changed an awful lot since 1918.”
You childishly stomp your foot, letting out a huff. “Come on, Loki. I haven’t been anywhere in ages and I’m going crazy up here with Fandral and the others. Sif is off with Thor, I can’t believe she left here.”
“If we go, we might have to deal with Thor’s little team of Avengers. I’m sure you can handle most of them but they have this green beast. He is quite…” Loki trails off, looking quite horrified as he relives the memory of Hulk smashing him.
“Ah, Thor’s told me about his berserker friend, I’d love to meet him! Come on, Loki! Take me to Midgard. I want to know if their preferences in ice cream have changed.”
Loki shakes his head, knowing it was useless to try to change your mind. “I said come on, Loki!” You wrap your hand around his tie, tugging gently.
“Alright! Alright, stop rushing me and let go of my tie will you?” He places a hand on your shoulder, teleporting away.
A gasp leaves your lips as you take in the sight in front of you. “Oh, they definitely didn’t have this in 1918.” You pointed to the gigantic screens in the middle of Times Square. “I want ice cream, take me to some.” You demand, turning to Loki.
“So demanding, come along.” He takes your hand, leading you through the busy streets of New York.
“Midgard has changed in some ways but not as much as I thought. Tell me, do they still squabble like children of petty things? The last time I was here I fought in a war for them, I never knew they could be so cruel and violent towards one another for the simple matter of skin color, sexuality, and belief differences. They put some of our greatest enemies to shame with their torture and war methods.” You let out a sad sigh, suddenly losing your appetite for ice cream.
“If it helps, they are slowly progressing. They won’t change overnight. Even if they were to have one ruler t-”
“Oh, Norns not this again. Loki, your plan failed, you got your ass kicked let it go.”
Loki gives you a scandalized look as you go back to your ice cream, not wanting it to go to waste.
“Beg your pardon? If I was in my right mind, I would’ve won. I could’ve conquered Midgard, Y/N. I could’ve conquered and we would’ve ruled them with a firm hand. It would’ve been glorious.”
Your deadpan expression doesn’t change. “Loki, that plan sucked ass and we both know you truly didn’t want to rule Midgard, just as you didn’t want to rule Asgard. You just love to show up Thor and what better way to do it by conquering the realm his mortal lover lived on? Plus wasn’t that purple grape in your head along with the space stone? My love, you would’ve been a shitty ruler. Don’t get me started with my issues, first time someone pisses me off, I’m going to chop their head off. No questions asked. We’d get bored after six months.”
Loki is silent before deflating, “I suppose you are right in a way.”
“I’m always right. Now I want more ice cream and then take me exploring some more.”
The cashier gulps as he sees the pair of you coming back to the counter. “Please don’t pull your sword out on me anymore.”
Loki smirks knowing you pulled out your sword only to get free ice cream and scare the cashier for fun.
“I want more ice cream, this time on a cone. Hurry.” Your glare doesn’t lessen on the terrified cashier until his trembling hands are handing you and Loki your ice cream cones. Suddenly your expression changes, a bright smile on your face, “Thank you mortal! You’ve been a wonderful server. Have a good day.”
Loki hears the poor cashier let out a sigh, followed by a curse, “what the fuck was that? Was that Loki?”
“You are such a troll,” Loki says as the two of you make your way out of the shop. You pretend to look clueless, “what’s a troll?”
The two of you spent the rest of the day touring New York, Loki taking you to popular sites. It was a truly peaceful day until the Avengers ruined it of course.
Loki gives the landing quinjet a disappointed glare as he pushes you behind him. “Loki, what are you doing? Who are they?”
“These are my brother’s Avengers. They’ve more than likely come to attack and arrest us.” Loki replies. He doesn’t see your hardened gaze as you watched the Avengers exit the jet.
“Loki, we need you to come with us.” The man in a bright, colored costume and shield says, extending a hand with a pair of cuffs.
“My apologies but are those bedclothes?” You asked from behind Loki. The question causes everyone’s eyes to turn to you. You hear the metal robot let out a snicker as the green beast grunts.
“Who are you? Are you an accomplice of Loki’s?” Bedclothes ask.
“I am Y/N, that’s all you need to know. Now, who should I start with first?” You question, holding out a hand, catching the arrow that was hurdling towards Loki's head. You snap it in half, letting the pieces fall to the ground. “It’s obvious you came here for a fight and that is what I shall give you.” Your seidr washes over you, banishing your Midgardian clothes for your armor.
You can see the mortal ready themselves for a fight but you only had eyes for the green beast. He gives you a nasty smirk, which you return. “Handle them and I’ll handle him.” You tell Loki before dodging the beast’s fist that it was seconds from hitting you.
“Guys, you’re seeing this right? Tell me I’m not the only one seeing this! Loki and whoever the hell this other Asgardian is, they’re kicking our asses!” Tony grunts out as he barely manages the dodge the shield hurled his way.
“Where’s Thor when you need him?” Natasha grunts out through the coms as the Asgardian throws her off her back and she lands a few feet away.
“This is the most fun I’ve had in ages! Come on, beast! I know you can hit harder than that!” The mad Asgardian cackles with glee, battling the Hulk.
“They’re fucking delusional and who was going to tell us Loki was this fucking powerful?! He wasn’t like this during New York!,” Clint says in disbelief.
Just then there’s a crackle of thunder, the familiar sighting of the Bifrost baring down. Loki lets out a groan, making his way to the other Asgardian side. “I think our fun is over. Thor has arrived.”
“BROTHER! STOP TH-” Thor cuts off staring at the sight in front of him. “Y/N?! Why are you battling my shield brother Hulk?! What is this madness?!”
Loki points to The Avengers, “Y/N and I were simply enjoying our day when they attacked us. You know how Y/N craves battle and I wasn’t going to leave them. Though Y/N handled them on their own.”
“Thor! You didn’t tell me your berzerker friend was such a worthy opponent!” You greet your long-time friend with a smile as Hulk lets out an angry roar.
“In a minute, berzerker!” You called out, flying over to hug Thor. He returns the hug, looking at his team members confused.
“You mean to tell me that this is just fun and games to you?” Clint yells out, frustrated.
You turn back to him and the others, “Of course, you are mere mortals. I’ve faced down gods and won, what could you possibly do against me? And Loki with a stable mind on top of that? This was just a fun spare. If we wanted to truly destroy you, you’d know. Trust me.”
“So are you, berserker!”
#loki x reader#loki odinson#reader insert#oneshot#avengersxreader#thorxreader#marveloneshot#mcu oneshot
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Would anyone be interested if I put out a marvel x walking dead crossover?? It's basically already written since I got the idea a LONG time ago. It would most likely be on Wattpad. I think it would probably take place some time after the events of endgame.
#marvel#the walking dead#the walking dead x reader#marvel x reader#avengers#avengersxreader#daryl dixon x you#daryl x reader#bucky barnes#bucky x y/n
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I don't want to hurt you ( Bucky X hydra reader
Chapter 9
Words 1160
You jolted awake breathless, your eyes darting around the room, your chest heaving .
You choked on air as your lungs refused to breathe in. You slowly lifted your light hands to your chest, desperately trying to breathe, scrunching up the sweater you had woken up in. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you were on the edge of fainting. Your poor body reacting to your awful nightmare, turning on her survival mode. Your eyes couldn't focus on anything in the room and the only thing that you could hear was your loud and quick heartbeat, blood flowing towards your lungs only to find that there’s no oxygen. A small whimper escaped your lips while your mind was reliving your nightmare, forcing yourself to keep your eyes open to not go back to that awful place.
You let out a quiet sob, so quiet it made no sound, as you finally gave up.
“Y/n" a loud voice in your head spoke, you recognized that voice immediately, FRIDAY. “Y/n, please” you shifted on the floor, clawing at your neck. “Y/n listen to me.” the AI spoke with a slightly urgent tone. “Breathe in with me. “ In the background your a small vent and air burst out of it. " Do it with me, please miss Y/n.” You forced your eyes open and you opened your dry mouth. “Miss Y/n I’m going to need you to do it now, your body is going into shock.” the AI spoke with a slightly begging tone. You could hear “her vents” let in and out air but you were unable to do the same.
You suddenly felt a tingly sensation in your brain as you gasped for air. Something in your brain clicked and you inhaled sharply and then coughed roughly. It went on like this for a few minutes until you finally reached a panting pace.
You sighed heavily, confused for all that had happened. After a few minutes of silence you finally spoke up. “Friday, how did you do that?” The AI stayed silent for a couple of seconds before answering back. “ I’m sorry miss Y/n I really didn’t mean to invade any of your privacy but as you were sleeping you were showing clear signs of distress so I scanned your body immediately, as a safety protocol, and thankfully you woke up although I think your dream was too real for your mind to comprehend that you had woken up. On your file it says you can read minds and so, although with great difficulty, I entered your mind, that's how you could hear me. I had called you several times out loud but you gave no sign of hearing me. I must say you have a very intricate mind.” you exhaled deeply, still processing everything. “Thank you Friday.” you breathed out. “No problem, Miss Y/n” she answered sweetly. “Do you want me to study those symptoms more accurately, maybe I could help you or should I alert Agent Barnes?” she asked. You thought for a moment before replying “No thanks Friday, please don’t disturb agent Barnes. Besides I’m sure it won’t happen again.” you lied. Of course they were going to happen again, they’ve been happening all your life, sometimes they’re easier and you catch your breath after a few minutes, others are a bit rougher, they knock you out and bring you back to that dreaded darkness. But of course things aren’t going to change are they? So, you either face them alone or tell someone and they’ll use it against you or worse, they’ll give you more things to have nightmares about.
You shuddered at the thought of telling someone your thoughts as you lied on the floor. “What time is it?” you asked friday quickly. “It is currently 2.03 am.” she answered back. You contemplated for a while about what you should do and sleep was certainly not one of them. You ended up deciding to train. Your master would always train you at this time of day for several hours, you had accustomed to this routine and it didn’t seem that bad especially because training was all you ever did, well except for killing. That’s what you are: a trained, killing machine. Nothing more. Nothing less
“Friday, is there by any chance an empty gym that no one ever uses that I could use?” you questioned trying to not sound too suspicious (P.S. failing terribly), noticing the hoodie you were wearing, distinctly remembering that you had fallen asleep in your sports bra. “Yes the gym on level -3 is empty” the AI spoke calmly. “Um… FRIDAY- whose is this?” you mumbled, pinching the sweater. “That sweater is Natasha Romanoff’s. She had left it here for you and while you were asleep your body temperature dropped so I slid it on you.
You stood up slowly, rubbing your eyes lightly. “Are there any shoes I could use?” you asked, not having any other choice. “On your right, there’s a walk-in closet, you should find some shoes there.” she spoke while opening the shudders, letting the moonlight shine inside the room.
You hesitantly turned to your right, finding a small handle on the wall. You pushed it down and a door opened. The biggest wardrobe you had ever seen was displayed in front of you, well not that you had seen many. You gazed at all of the shirts and hoodies that had been neatly folded and placed in drawers. You quickly noticed a low shelf which held different type of shoes. You knew none of the brands but you spotted immediately a pair of neon yellow shoes with a black sole and black laces. They were so pretty, not really your type because of how flashy they were but you couldn't deny how comfortable they looked. They looked perfect for training so you picked them up and slipped them on.
You quietly walked out of the closet after having put on a pair of black leggings you had found in a drawer, which were slightly baggy, and an oversized grey hoodie because you didn't wanna ruin the one Friday had put on you.
The corridor lights flickered on as you lightly paced across it, not making a sound. " Friday, what time is it?" You whispered, hoping that Friday had heard you. " It is currently 2:34 am miss Y/l/n" she answered back, whispering too.
It was slightly inconvenient but you would have to make do. You decided to do what you would do at HYDRA in 36 intense hours, non stop, in just 5 hours.
You waited patiently for the elevator and walked in it once the metal doors had slid open, clicking the -3 button. " Friday, you 100% that no one ever uses this gym and that everyone's asleep?" You gulped. " Positive" she whispered as the metal doors slid closed.
Hii sorry it's taking so long In truly sorry, my phone broke so I've been writing everything on paper and it takes so much time to copy everything from paper onto the computer. Tell me what you think!! Hope you like it :)
#bucky barnes#steverogers#hydra#hydrareader#buckyxhydrareader#buckyxreader#avengers#avengersxreader#bucky barns fanfiction#bucky buchanan#hydra x reader
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Black Y/N x avengers part 2
Spandex kink
Y/N pov
I wake up by a milk dud shaking me up.Good morning Nikki I said. told you to stop call me that he said. Well Nikki to stop me from calling that you got to put on a wig and hit me with This one is for the boys with the boomin' system Top down, AC with the cooler system. Then I will stop calling you that it would be nice to see though I'm just giving you ideas for the new recruit because if shield make a recruitment video using Nicki Minaj lyrics I would have joined sooner.Anyways why you woke me Furry.
Nick Fury pov
I woke you up to because we have to me the rest of the team. She looked panicked then she hit me on my arm and said why didn't you wake me up earlier so I could get cute to met the group with a spandex kink. I rolled my eyes and she took off to get ready.
Still Nikki pov
She came down stairs with a smirk and said do I look good? Well she looks better that good she a whole 10 star meal bump 5 star meals. I said with a smirk you look presentable. She threw a pink dagger near my head and said presentable my behind boy I look hella good she said. I pulled the knife out the wall and gave it to her and said cute but we gotta go. We taking my car Nikki she says. No problem with me I said.
Y/N pov
We walk to my Blue Ferrari Roma and we drive to the A tower. There we meet a guy named Happy Hogan. If you ask me he ain't that happy. He takes us to the avengers floor. Now I'm kinda scared what if they don't like me. What if they see my stretch marks on my arm. They a look a Fury he smiles then opens the door I smile back and am meet with other smiling faces.
I look over to a tall blonde dude who looks like he the main lead in a rom-com
Steve Rodgers pov
We were sent to the meeting room to meet are new teammate when I'm look up to see this beautiful woman. I smile she smiled back. Steve Rodgers ma'am. She says don't call me ma'am you make me sound old boy and smiled .
Y/N pov thoughts
He seems sweet then I look over to a way taller blonde with a golden retriever smile who is walking towards me.
Thor Odinson pov
I reach for her and kiss it Thor Odinson god of thunder you are beautiful lady... Y/N she say. Lady Y/N has a nice ring to it. Thank you she said.
Y/N pov thoughts
Wow he's a knockout I then walk over to a man Fine with a capital F.
Sam Wilson Pov
I study her up and down then say My name is Sam Wilson nice to meet you and then reached my hand out for her which she took her hand is soft and warm.
Y/N pov thoughts
He seems like he would give you the best prep. Then I walk up to I dude in a black hoodie who is very much giving 🎶they laugh at me because I'm emo🎶 Then he take the hood down Jesus I'm just kidding but he gives me hot emo vibes.
Bucky Barnes pov
I take my hood down and say Bucky Barnes nice to meet ya. While sizing her up.She say good to meet you too with a smile on her face.
Y/N pov thoughts
Then I look over to see a man with eye of emerald staring at me with a smirk on his face.
Loki Laufeyson pov
I smirk and say Loki Laufeyson darling god of mischief and lies she blushed a little and look down I said up here dear. She looked up with a cute smile.
Y/N pov thoughts
I look back at Fury he looks upset. Then a woman I would definitely let choke me look at me with a smirk.
Natasha Romanoff pov
Chill horn dogs your gonna make her uncomfortable the others are on a mission and Peter is home. I'm Natasha Romanoff but you can call me nat. She smiled and said they were no problem nice to me you Nat. Others? She asked Yea Pietro,Wanda,Bruce,Clint and Tony.
Y/N pov
Thank you guys nice to meet you all and thanks Director Fury for the job but I'm quite tired. I will show you to your room they all say at the same. I laughed and said I don't care who takes me I'm just tired then the decide steve will show me to my room. Goodnight every one and Nikki have a goodnight everyone laughed. Steve asked me why I call him that. I said I knew for awhile. He then asked if he was my boyfriend I said no unfortunately I'm single he smiled then we got the door and he wish me goodnight and I said goodnight cap. Then took my clothes off and put on my bonnet so my bed don't smell like outside and lay down and fell asleep.
#avengersxreader#natasha romanoff#clint barton#bucky barnes#sam wilson#tony stark#steve rogers#thor odinson#loki laufeyson#nick fury#wanda maximoff#pietro maximoff#peter parker#bruce banner
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The Waitress
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader
Word Count: 3,037
Warning: Violence, Fighting, Swearing
Summary: The reader works at a small mom and pop diner as a Waitress, one day someone walks in trying to threaten the diner. Does the reader step in or step back?
Possibly making this a mini series!
Bucky Barnes Masterlist

“Tony.” Pepper warned. “Take him with you.”
“No!” Tony yelled back.
Pepper sighed, “Tony. You need to forgive him. That wasn’t really him and you know it.”
“Oh. So now you’re best friends with Bucky huh?”
Pepper frowned slightly, “Fine. Atleast take Steve and Thor with you guys then.”
Tony stormed out of the room without uttering another word.
Bounding up the sets to the diner, you opened the door. The sweet aroma of baked goods washed over you. Quickly making your way behind the counter, to the break area, you shrugged off your jacket and took your purse off.
Clocking in, you quickly smoothed down your uniform. It was a yellow and white short sleeve button down dress, with a white apron around your waist. You were able to talk your boss into letting you wear sneakers, as long as they were white.
Grabbing your server book, you made your way to the floor.
“Y/N!” Deb yelled excitedly.
Chuckling you greeted her, “Hey, Deb.”
“What time should we be expecting miss Kennedy?”
Looking at your watch you replied, “She should be coming here in about an hour.” You smiled.
Grabbing the busing bin, you started to clear tables. The diner was full of regulars who wanted to see you and your daughter. The regulars were around so often, that you both had considered them to be your family. They tried to help you whenever they could, in many different ways.
Suddenly, the door sounded signalling someone was entering. You didn’t bother to look up from your actions, as you figured it would be another regular.
Tony, was blabbing on and on about some new A.I. system that he was currently in the works with. Steve nodded along following what he was saying as he drove. Bucky couldn’t bring himself to care, knowing how much Tony didn’t like him.
“Where are we going?” Steve questioned.
“Pepper said we needed to go to some mom and pop diner, called the Star.” Tony replied shrugging.
“Right. But why?” Steve continued to question.
“Like I have any idea.” Tony sassed back.
Pulling into the diner parking lot, they could tell it wasn’t a popular eatery. Walking into the diner they were met with stares. Bucky shifted uncomfortable adjusting his sleeve consciously pulling his sleeve down more to hide his metal arm.
Taking the bin to the back, you emptied the bin.
“Y/N. Miss Kennedy is here!”
Smiling at Deb you nodded, “Thank you! I’ll be right there.”
“Hey, Tom! I’m taking my break.” You yelled passing the kitchen, towards the chief.
“Is Miss Kennedy is here?” Tom questioned happily.
“Yes she is!” You nodded in response.
“Hmmm. I think I’m gonna sit here. I don’t see anyone sitting here.” You joked attempting to sit on Kennedy.
“Mom!” She squealed.
“Oh!” You exclaimed back.
“Hi, my love.” You pulled her into a hug, “How was your day?”
Sitting at the counter, you both ate some pie, as you listened to her go on about her day and shared gentle laughs.
Sitting in the round booth in the corner, the three men were looking at the menu, still wondering why Pepper had sent them to the Star diner.
Buckys gaze fell onto the young waitress sitting at the counter with a younger girl. He couldn’t help but admire the two interact with each other, in a loving unbothered way.
“My name is Deb. Can I get you guys something, to drink?” A middle aged waitress said blocking Buckys view of the other waitress.
The guys all ordered their drinks, as soon as the waitress named Deb, moved from Buckys sight of you, he seemingly relaxed mindlessly.
Steve had his attention on Bucky and his reaction towards you.
Giggling with your daughter, the swinging door swung open, releaving Tom.
“Miss Kennedy!” He exclaimed, “Where have you been!”
Laughing, Kennedy, ran behind the counter and hugged Tom with all her strength.
“Geez girl!” He laughed, “You’re getting stronger than me!”
Getting up, you went and brought the drinks to the table of new diners.
“Here you guys go. Are you ready to order?” You questioned.
Tony and Steve ordered.
Turning your attention to the quiet long hair man, you questioned, “Do you know what you want?”
Frowning he replied, “I don’t want anything.”
“Are you sure?” You looked at him sadly.
He only nodded in response.
As their order came up, you cut him a piece of pie and placed it down in front of him. He gave you a confused look.
“It’s on the house.” You smiled at him sweetly.
Suddenly, Deb came up behind you whispering in your ear, “He’s here.”
“Take Kennedy in the back.”
She simply nodded and quickly rushed into the back. Making your way behind the counter you pressed a button, notifying the motorcycle gang, that your boss Tom, was apart of that you would be needing back up.
“Tom. The rabbit flies at midnight.”
He nodded and got the regulars into the back as quickly as he could. Turning to the group of men sitting in the booth his actions were halted.
“Well, well, well.” A deep voice taunted as he stepped through the door. “Miss Y/N. Here we are again.” He stopped in front of you on the other side of the counter.
The three men that were sitting at the booth, stood beside Tom, shocking him.
“Bite me.” You snarled.
“Oh. I plan to.”
His had reached up noting itself into the back of your hair, yanking you around the counter, pressing his chest to your back while pressing a gun to the crown of your head.
“Now, Tom.” He started, “I came to collect what is rightfully mine.”
Looking at Tom, you were waiting for him to let you know it was safe.
“The Rabbit flies at Midnight.” He muttered.
“What the fuck did you say?” The man questioned.
Before he could process it, your elbow made contact with the mans stomach, causing him to groan in pain. Grabbing the hand that was holding the gun, you turned around twisting causing him to release the gun. Swinging your leg, you swept his legs from underneath him causing him to fall back onto the floor.
The man looked up at you with shock before it was replaced with anger.
“You bitch!” He snarled, attempting to lunge at you.
Lifting your arm up, you flung him to the other end of the diner before you could think. Turning to the men behind you, their expressions were covered in shock.
Before you could react, the man behind you took advantage. Grabbing your arm he whirled you around, landing a punch to your face. Immediately you could feel your lip split as a few tears escaped your eyes. Lifting his leg his knee met your stomach over and over, causing pain to race through your body. He threw you to the ground, raising his fist again, as he straddled you he growled, “You’ll pay for that.”
Raising your hand, you threw him against the wall as the sound of glass breaking erupted through the diner.
Getting up, you lifted your dress up slightly, pulling your handgun from your thigh holster, pointing it at the man.
Standing up, he was position to lunge at you again before the diner bell sounded again.
“Don’t you touch, Y/N, again.” A gruff voice sounded from behind you.
Relief washed over you. The biker gang took over and escorted the man out to the parking lot.
Rushing over to you, the group of men sat you at the counter.
“Are you okay Y/N?” Tom asked full of concern.
You nodded in response.
“I’m going to go get the first aid kit.” He rushed.
“I’m Tony. This is Steve and Bucky.” Tony said holding his hand out for you to shake.
“Y/N.” You said shaking his hand, wincing in pain. Pulling back you examined your hand and saw that your knuckles were bruised and bloody.
“We’re apart of the Avengers.”
You looked at him in shock.
“Mommy!” Kennedy yelled sitting at the stool next to yours, “You didn’t tell me, you knew the Avengers!”
Tugging you slightly she whispered in your ear, “He’s my favorite.” She said pointing at the man with long hair.
“Don’t point babe. It’s not polite.” You muttered.
Bucky had shifted uncomfortably.
“I’m going to help the customers get home.” Tom said setting the first aid kit down next to you.
Before you could take it, Bucky grabbed it and opened it immediately took your wounded hand.
Looking at the man you said with a smile on your face, “She said you’re her favorite.”
Bucky didn’t say anything his body tensing slightly.
Frowning you let silence fall upon you, as the other men were keeping your daughter occupied with their discussion about the Avengers.
“It was nice meeting you guys.” You said as they said their goodbyes to you and Kennedy, getting into the car.
“See you soon, Y/N.” Tony said.
Nodding your head, Kennedy ran up to him and gave him a hug.
“I’m sorry if she made you uncomfortable.” You said shyly to Bucky.
“Oh. Don’t worry about it.” He replied as a light pink color danced across his cheeks.
“Mommy!” Kennedy yelled as she launched her body into your legs, causing you to stumble forward into the built man before you. His hands immediately landed on your hips, as yours landed on his chest, leaving no space between the both of you.
Suddenly, she grabbed Buckys large leg, while keeping her grip on yours. Gently she tugged on his leg. Both of you looking down at her, “Are you and mommy going to date?”
“Kennedy Rae!” You shrieked in response. Your gaze fell upon the man holding you, “I’m so sorry.”
Guilt washed over you.
He chuckled lightly, “It’s alright.” His husky voice came out.
Unwrapping yourself from him, you saw a slight frown from him.
“Lets go babe.”
Since joining the Avengers, you became fast friends with the rest of the team. They gladly welcomed, Kennedy as their own. It had only been a month since you, moved into the tower with the rest of the team. Kennedy, and Tonys daughter Morgan, were best friends, since they were the only kids that lived in the tower.
You had developed feelings for Bucky, but he often kept you at an arms length not wanting to let you in.
“Mommy!” Kennedy yelled, “Can we have a movie night with Bucky?” She questioned.
“I don’t know baby.” You sighed, “You can ask him if you want. I have to go baby. See you later.”
Training with Steve, often kicked your butt. He pushed you, knowing you would push back. He had become your best friend since joining the team.
“So..How are things going with Bucky?” He teased.
You gave him a scowl.
“That bad huh?” He chuckled.
“It’s not.” You frowned, sitting down on the gym floor. “He won’t even talk to me.” You sighed.
Joining you on the floor he gave you a sad smile.
“He’s going through a tough time.” He sighed, “He was the Wi-”
“Winter Soldier.” You finished, “I know.”
“He’s always had a hard time letting people in. Don’t take it personally.” He reassured.
“Mommy!” Kennedy yelled excitedly from beside Natasha on the couch.
“Hi Baby.” You greeted.
“Auntie ‘Sasha said she wants a sleepover tomorrow!”
“Oh did she?” You giggled gazing at her.
“Only if it’s okay with you.” She offered softly.
“Of course.”
“What movie do you want to watch?” You questioned from your position on the floor, surrounded by movies.
Before she could respond, there was a soft knock on the door. Suddenly, Kennedy was off of her spot on the bed, opening the door before you could blink.
“Bucky!” She exclaimed excitedly, wrapping her arms around him. “Come in!” She said as she grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bed.
“We haven’t picked a movie yet.” She said, sitting next to Bucky on the bed.
Your gaze fell upon his confused one.
“I...” His voice fell off.
You offered him a soft smile, in which he returned.
“Have you seen Harry Potter?” You questioned.
He frowned slightly.
“It’s settled then.” You giggled.
Kennedy, had you sitting in the middle next to Bucky. It wasn’t long, before she was snuggled up next to you, sleeping.
“I can’t believe you’ve never seen Harry Potter.” You teased him, “It’s our favorite movies.”
“I guess, I’ve never felt the need to.” He chuckled.
Bumping his shoulder with yours, you teased, “Sit with us Kid, you’ll be a wizard instead of a muggle.”
Slightly, throwing his head back he let out a real laugh.
“I’m sorry about her.” You sighed out, “She can be blunt most of the time.”
“It’s alright.” Tiredness was evident in his voice.
Before you knew it your eye lids grew heavy, the warmth radiating from either side of you caused you to relax even more. Resting your head on Buckys shoulder, you could feel him tense. Sleep washed over you.
As the credits rolled on screen, he looked over and saw both girls fast asleep cuddled up to him. Pulling the blanket around the three of them, he let sleep overwhelm him, as he felt content.
After that movie night, every Friday Bucky, come to your chambers to have a movie night with you and Kennedy. She was happy to be spending so much time with her hero. Movie Fridays, progressed to Movie night everynight.
The more often Bucky came for movie night, the more he ended up spending the night as he was cuddled up with both girls.
Groaning slightly, you looked over at the alarm clock. It read 2:30 am. Sleepless nights were no stranger to you.
Getting up, you checked on Kennedy. She was sound asleep. Making your way to the kitchen, you grabbed a water, looking out the window. It was beginning to rain when lightning raced across the sky.
“What’re you doing awake?” A deep groggy voice questioned from behind you.
Turning around you were met with Bucky, “I could as you the same thing.” Smiling at him.
“Maybe...Maybe I miss sleeping next to you..” He said.
His confidence catching you off guard.
“Sorry...” He frowned.
Making your way to him, you held your hand out for him to take. Leading him back to your chambers, neither of you said a word.
Getting into bed, you lifted the blankets signalling for him to join you.
“Are you sure?” He whispered.
Nodding your head, he was under the blankets in an instant, causing you to giggle. His arm wound around your middle pulling you towards him, nuzzling his face in your neck.
Pulling back slightly, the moon light illuminated part of his face. Bringing your hand up to his face, you lightly touched his face. He inhaled sharply, at your soft touch. Closing his eyes he leaned into your touch. Holding his jaw, you lightly ran your thumb, along his bottom lip. He lightly pressed a kiss to your finger.
He looked at your eyes lowering his gaze to your lips. Hesitantly, he leaned forward, just as his lips were about to touch yours, a body flung itself onto your bed.
“Mommy!” She cried, crawling to the other side of you “I’m scared.”
Shooting him an apologetic look, you turned around so your back was flush against his chest. Kennedy, was cuddled up to your chest. Bucky, wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
Kennedy, shocked you both when she grabbed Buckys hand and held it in her smaller one. Sleep washed over the three of you. Before you could fully be washed over with sleep, you heard Bucky mutter, ‘My Girls.’ Causing the butterflies to erupt in your stomach as a smile spread across your face.
Tony was throwing a celebration at the tower. You didn’t want to go, however Kennedy was excited to go which caused you to accept it and be excited.
“Mommy!” She greeted you, “You look like a princess!”
All the girls, were in your chambers getting ready for the party. You were wearing a red skin tight cocktail dress that stopped mid thigh on you, while pairing it with black heels.
Whistles erupted from all the other girls.
Kennedy, was wearing a white and red dress, with black flats.
Walking into the party, you were greeted by Pepper. Bucky was no where to be seen.
Making your rounds, Tony was happy to see you both.
“Uncle Tony!” Kennedy exclaimed hugging Tony.
Tony looked at you shocked.
“Sorry...” You began to apologize.
“I’ve always wanted to be uncle Tony!” He says happily, lifting your daughter up introducing her to some of his friends.
You were looking at the pair with a smile and admiration.
“She made him really happy.” A deep voice sounded behind you.
Turning around you were met with Steve.
“You think so?” You questioned sheepishly.
“You and Kennedy make Bucky happy.” He suddenly said.
You could feel heat rise in your cheeks.
He nodded, “I’ve never seen him this way.”
Before you could say anything, Kennedy joined you and Steve. Kennedy, asked Steve more questions about being Captain America, keeping you entertained.
Looking out the window, a husky voice questioned, “Can I have this dance?”
Giggling, your daughter nodded and accepted his hand. Shortly, after Kennedy was dancing with Steve.
“May I have this dance?” Bucky sounded from behind you.
Nodding your head you giggled, accepting his hand. He led you to the dance floor. Pulling you close his hands rested on your hips as yours rested on his shoulders. Swaying together, Bucky was the first to break the silence.
“You look Beautiful.” He said lowly in your ear.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You replied lightly tugging his tie in attempt to pull him closer.
He lightly nudged your nose with his, his soft lips enveloping yours pressing a small kiss upon them.
Cheers erupted from your friends, interrupted the intimate moment you were sharing. Slightly pulling away from him, you hid your face in the crook of his neck.
#avengers#x reader#imagines#imagine#preference#preferences#one shot#oneshot#bucky barnes#buckybarnes#avengersimagine#masterlist#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#xreader#imagine x reader#avengers x reader#avengersxreader#winter soldier#winter soldier x reader#wintersoldierxreader#marvel#marvel imagines#marvelimagine#geek#nerd#fandom#fandoms#found on we heart it#we heart it
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A Vigilante's Guide to Saving Spiders
Summary: A new villain has recently sprouted up on the Avenger’s radar. They don’t seem like much of a threat so Stark tasks the greenest Avenger to deal with it.
Warnings: Injuries, descriptions of murder & dead bodies, electricity, cursing, mentions of rape and abuse, (nothing described, just references), antihero/villian reader (depends on how you look at it)
Notes: Reader can summon and control unbreakable sheets of a substance that feel like glass, referred to as sheets, panes, panels, etc. References to events in AOS. I messed with point of view a little itty bit.
Word count:4,098
–Peter’s point of view–
“Hey kid,” Mr. Stark said, sitting across from Peter and sliding a folder across the table, “You’ve been wanting a solo assignment for a while, so here it is.”
“What’s it about?” Peter said, picking up the folder.
“There’s a strange string of murders. The police recently admitted they have no clue how to handle it, and passed it off to us. Apparently, they’ve been going on for years. You don’t need me to tell you this, it’s all in the folder. See ya around kid.” He stood up, leaving the sixteen year old alone at the table.
Peter inspected the pages closely. Dozens of seemingly unconnected murders had happened in the last three years. No fingerprints, no signs of a struggle or anything. Half the time there was a note near the body, signed ‘D.M.’ explaining what the person did wrong, other times there was none.
The strangest part: Every single victim was left in the shape of a cube.
How on Earth does that happen?
–Y/n’s point of view, a few days later–
You conjured another pane and used it to press the man against the wall.
“P-Please!” He yelled, “I don’t know who you are!”
“Shh.” You said, “The neighbors might hear, Mr. Brandon.” With that, you used your ability to move him to the center of the room. For now, the invisible box of panes was large enough for him to stand in. For now.
“You don’t know who I am, although I am sure you know Ms. Eliza Weaver.”
The man’s face drained of blood.
“How do you… I already served my time! I’m done!”
“Shh…” You repeated, “I know you think you atoned for what you did. You served a few months for ruining her life. That doesn’t quite seem fair, now does it?”
“She was asking for it!” He attempted to defend himself, and he started banging on the magical sheets of glass suspending him. They didn’t break, and never would.
“No. She wasn’t.” As you said that, you closed your fist and the panes crushed the man into a perfect cube. Before leaving, you carefully placed a note on the floor a few feet away from where he’d land.
Here lies Tray Brandon,
Raped Eliza Weaver, for which he was jailed for only a few years.
Released on good behavior
Eliza can tell you more about his behavior.
It was anything but good.
-D. M.
You always left notes like this for the people you voluntarily killed. They had it coming, honestly. As you opened the window, you breathed in deeply. Another monster was gone. Glancing down at your watch, you saw you had time for a quick snack. You maneuvered the panel beneath your feet slowly to the ground. You exited through a window facing the alley.
It’s possible someone saw you, but that’s okay. You were wearing a black, long sleeved shirt and similar jeans. The one identifying feature was the bulldog mask you stole from a Watchdog. They’d tried to capture you about two years ago, since they were against anyone who got their powers from Terragenesis.
Because of your connections, you had been warned. They’d set up a trap, which you knew about. You managed to fight off the dozen who were crouched in wait, all while staying out of their sight. In their hurry to escape, one had left behind his mask.
You slid it on, and found it fit perfectly. So you’d been using it. Partially to keep your identity secret, partially to mock them. The bulldog shaped mask was a pleasing mix of white and silver, with large yellow-tinted teeth and red gums.
As you reached the ground, you slid the mask off and into your bag stashed there. You threw on the jacket stashed inside, and you were ready to perfectly blend into the streets. The afternoon sun shone down, you ate a very late lunch, and soon started heading to your next destination.
It was evening by the time you arrived, and the invitation said to arrive around dusk. You circled the block once, on the opposite side of the street, taking moderate precautions so as to not be seen. Noting every window you could jump out of, where you could slip away unnoticed and unfollowed, that sort of thing.
The sun set and the streetlights buzzed on, you slid on your mask, approached the side entrance, and knocked, just as instructed.
“Who’s there?” A voice called from inside.
“Pest Control.” You said unenthusiastically. The door opened and you walked in. There was a short corridor. The walls were lit every few feet with intricate candleholders, which now held lightbulbs. You imagined that not too long ago this would have been a mighty house. Now the carpet smelled and was covered in unidentifiable stains.
“Right this way.” The man who answered the door said. He wasn’t tall, nor short, although his dress pants seemed slightly too long for him. His shirt was untucked and wrinkled. He led you to a door, and motioned for you to enter after him.
“Sir,” He said, “Here is ‘Pest Control.’”
“Mhmm.” The man sitting at the table nodded.
“Hello, sir.” You said curtly.
“Mx. Dog Mask,” The unkempt man said, addressing you. You didn’t particularly mind the name you’d gained. In fact, you’d started signing your notes ‘D.M.’ because of it. It’s just that it made you sound a little too much like a servant, someone who would perform tricks on command. Someone who would beg for scraps. And that wasn’t you.
“This is Mr.--” He tried to continue but you cut him off.
“I know who he is.” You said, “I did my research before deciding to work with y’all. No introductions needed. Who do you need gone and where is he?”
“Harris Kingsly,” the man said, slightly taken aback at your abruptness, but went along with it. “We think he’ll be lying low somewhere. We’re… not sure where…”
“A name’s all I need.” You assured him. “Do you have a message you want him to hear before he goes?”
“No.” He sat back in his chair, relieved that you didn���t need more information. “We just need him gone.”
“Understood.” You rolled your shoulders back, ready to leave. “One more question, how much are you offering for this?”
“Fourteen grand.” He said immediately.
“You got it.” The two of you crossed the room, and shook hands. You hadn’t met this newest gang before, but you liked how naive they were. They seemed to almost be afraid of you. As you turned to leave, the man said something.
“One more thing,” He called, “No witnesses.”
“That’s how I operate.”
Five hours of research and waiting later, you arrived at an unassuming apartment building. From your prior experience, you knew this was a hiding place for one of the many gangs. It wasn’t your first time here. It was a little strange, you thought that its gang had abandoned it a while ago.
Dawning your mask, you summoned a panel and silently flew towards the window. You opened it, careful to not disturb anything on the windowsill as you entered. The apartment was meant to look empty. You could see the flaws. The packages of food on the counter couldn't have been old, or else the mice would’ve eaten it.
There, the bedroom. A slight creak had alerted you to the presence of another. You inched around the corner. If you remembered right – you usually did – the room had a single window. Too small for a man of Harris Kingsly’s size to fit through. No need to block it off. You rounded the corner and swiftly opened the door and saw… Nothing.
The unexpectedness was just enough to keep you from noticing the figure on the ceiling above you. As you stepped further into the room, he dropped down behind you, and closed the door. You wheeled around, and was faced with a red-clad man. He didn’t seem like a huge threat, so you decided to wait till he threw the first punch.
“Dog Mask!” He said, “You’re coming with me!”
You cocked your head to the side. Why did this guy seem familiar?
“Who do you think you are?”
“I’m an Avenger.” He said. Wow. You knew you were well-known in the city’s underbelly, but you never thought you’d draw the attention of Avengers.
“Well,” You said, “You know? This is the closest anyone's ever gotten to catching me. Congrats, you set a record. You heard my voice.”
“I plan on bringing you in.”
“How?” This guy’s strange mix of confidence with uncertainty was amusing.
“You’ve never fought anyone like me.” He slung a web towards you, which landed on your forearm. You yanked on it, flinging him across the room. You stepped forward and turned, your back now against the door. He seemed a little surprised, but rolled with it.
Flurries of punches were exchanged, with Spider-Man utilizing the furniture to dodge and maneuver. More than once you were locked in a staring match, him on the ceiling where you couldn’t reach him till one of you twitched and set the fight off again. During one of these pauses, you spoke.
“Tell me,” You said, a little out of breath, “Was Harris Kingsly ever real?”
“Nah, I made him up to lure you. The new gang, too.”
“I’ll be better about vetting my jobs in the future.”
You fought for a good fifteen minutes before you started getting bored.
“You know, Spider-Man,” You said, “It’s been fun.” Conjuring three panels, you trapped him in the corner.
“What the heck!” He exclaimed as he was moved. “Woah. What was that?”
“Simply sheets of unbreakable material.”
“Oh. Unbreakable?”
“Mhm. But don’t worry.” You said, opening the door to leave, “They’ll disappear in an hour or so. Once I’m long gone. Normally I don’t leave witnesses. Today I’ll make an exception. For your sake, I hope I never see you again.”
You would have to lie low for a few weeks. An encounter with an Avenger wasn’t ideal. You were being too open, your alias flew around the underbelly of the city, but now it was wafting above. The last real job would pay you enough to get by. Most things were easily acquired from one of those ‘Centers For Less-Fortunate Teens.’
With a few strategic donations, you’d convinced one center to allow you access to showers and food without any official documentation. They only knew you by your first name, Y/n.
After stopping by there for dinner and a shower, you arrived home. It was an abandoned warehouse, complete with mold, leakes, and rusty pipes. A smaller side office was converted into your bedroom. A twin-sized bed pushed against the back wall, and a table and chair perpendicular to that.
The table was scattered with papers. It would seem like a mess to anyone else, but there was a method to the madness. Police reports next to newspaper clippings, organized by crime.
You thought about going to sleep, or doing a bit more research on a possible next target. The fight earlier still had you thinking, though. Why hadn’t you seen this hero before? Was he really an Avenger? How’d he figure out where you’d be?
Those questions motivated you to do a deep dive on him. Hours of searching yielded no results. Spider-Man was a blank slate. He’d first appeared in newspaper clippings a few months back, stopping petty theft, small-scale robberies, and things of that nature.
For a straight week, you buried yourself in this work, and yet nothing came of it. A few more days passed, and you received a request for a job. Basic find and return type stuff, and it was from a group you’d worked with in the past, the Blue Growlers.
You met up with their liaison in an alleyway, who laid out the details.
“Hello there.”
“Hey.” You said through your mask.
“Here’s the basics.” He handed you an envelope which contained a fat wad of cash, a picture, a name, and an address.
“We need him back. $3,500 paid up front, and twenty five hundred once you return him.”
“The usual, no witnesses?”
“Alrighty,” You tucked the packet into your jacket pocket, “Can I ask why y’all are willing to pay so much to get a child back?”
“Eddie’s the boss’s kid.”
“Ah, that makes sense. Pleasure doing business with you.”
The child was being held at the main base of the rival gang. The Diamond Bulls. You knew their base like the back of your hand, from the countless times they’d hired you. If all went right, they’d never have to know tonight was you, and you could continue getting jobs from them. The Diamond Bulls were one of your biggest paying customers, and frequent ones, too. Logically, you knew that they wouldn’t find out, but deep down you worried.
Silently, you floated on a pane up the side of the building. You drifted from window to window and peered inside. A few windows later, you saw a kid playing in the dark. Just as you were about to open the window, you spotted another child. Had the Diamond Bulls abducted two? Or was this kid unrelated?
Either way, you still had to retrieve the boy. You opened the window, and quietly entered. The kids were young, around four years old. As soon as they saw you, they dove back into the bed, and pretended to be asleep.
“Is one of you Eddie?” You asked. They gave no reply.
“It’s okay, your dad just sent me to bring you back home.” From under the blankets, you heard a whispered conversation.
“I believe them.”
“But I want you to stay and play!”
“We could have a playdate?”
“Mm… Okay.”
The boys poked their heads out of the blanket.
“I’ll go with you.” Eddie said. “But can it wait a few minutes? I wanna keep playing with my friends.”
“I’m sorry Eddie, but we’ve gotta go now.” You shook your head, “Your dad’s really worried about you.”
“No no no!” Eddie stomped his feet, “I want to play longer!”
“Kid quit it.” You warned, but it was too late. Someone had heard him. A man walked into the room.
“Kid you’re supposed to be asleep! Oh.” He said, “It’s you.”
“Mhm.” You flung him against the wall, and used a pane to decapitate him in a single stroke. Scooping up Eddie, you covered his mouth with one hand, and created a panel with the other. Once on the ground, you didn’t slow down.
Not long later, you showed up at the Blue Growler’s front door with a kid tucked under your arm and a bloody hand. He was welcomed with open arms. When someone tried to hand you the rest of your payment, you declined.
“What?” He asked, “Why?”
“I didn’t complete the job to the agreed upon specifications.” You said, handing back the payment from earlier, “In other words: I failed.”
“But the kid’s home safe, how did you fail?”
“I left a witness.”
From that day on you never got any work from the Blue Growlers, or the Diamond Bulls. They didn’t like failure, or being backstabbed. For a good stretch, you had to take every job you could. The smaller gangs you now worked with were worse at the whole ‘secrecy’ thing. So, Spider-Man often intercepted you.
You two had a few interactions, but you usually beat him. If you weren’t winning, you always made sure to get out of there before being captured was a real threat. It became a stalemate, neither one of you ever truly beating the other. He saw your attacks coming, and you could counter his.
One night someone contacted you to discuss a job. All he wanted was for you to destroy a power plant. If it was for less, you would have pressed further, but since the pay was more than you’d make in a year, you decided it was worth it.
After obtaining proof that he could pay, you started planning.
The night finally came.
You were suited up, crouched on the roof of the power station. The squat main building was made of metal, concrete, and glass, one side was open to the air and filled with cables and wires strung back and forth. That’s one thing you’d have to be cautious of. There was a platform right in front of them from which you could fling panes into the inner workings of the station.
Just before the arranged time of 2:15, you dropped into the room. You conjured a panel and readied it. Waiting, you stood with your back to the wires.
Your watch beeped, prompting you to launch the first panel in an arc in front of you, tearing through metal with a horrible scraping sound. An alarm started blaring. As you pulled your arm back for another round, a spider’s web wrapped around it.
“Hey!” The familiar voice shouted from somewhere in the rafters, “You can’t just wreck the place!”
“Hello Spidey. Come to try to capture me again?”
“No! I’m here to stop you from tearing this power plant apart!”
“You’re a little late for that.” You said, motioning at the damage your first attack had done.
“Yeah, well. Not everybody’s perfect.” He flung himself at you, and managed to land a kick to your back, sending you flying forward. You thunked against a rail, and flicked a panel at him, propelling him to the side. Strange, he could normally see your attacks coming.
“How’d you even find out I was here?” You asked. Taking a good look at him, you could see his suit was a little tattered.
“Your crazy boss started ranting about his evil plan to shut off the city’s power after I beat him.”
“I wasn’t aware I had a crazy boss.”
He slung a web and darted away just as a panel slammed into the wall. His footing was off. Sloppy. He didn’t swing right. Nevertheless, you lost your visual on him as he ascended into the rafters.
“Yeah, he was a weird one.” His voice echoed. “Did you ever think about the ethics of working for a madman bent on city-domination?”
“I never actually met him. Guess I shouldn’t trust strange men I meet on the internet?” You joked, catching a glimpse of red in the darkness.
“That’s for sure,” He laughed. “About the ethics, though. How do you reason through destroying a power plant?”
“First off, good pay.” You said, “Second, I figured this probably wouldn’t kill anyone since hospitals generally have a backup generator.” Without looking, you hurled a pane where you had seen him seconds prior, but he wasn’t there. Instead he came from behind you, and kicked you backwards. You dragged him with you, and while tumbling, you managed to fling him off.
Directly into the live wires behind you.
A horrible screaming filled the air. They sounded terrified. The scent of charred flesh clogged the air. Quickly, you slashed the lines using a panel. He dropped to the ground draped in power cables and covered in burns.
“Help!” He cried, “May! Please help me!”
Gasping for breath, he tore his mask off, revealing a much younger face than you’d anticipated.
“Wait, fuck.” You said, walking over, “How old are you?”
“What?” He wheezed.
“Just tell me.”
“I’m fifteen.” He answered. Immediately, your demeanor shifted from cold and gloating, to intensely concerned.
“Oh fuck. I’m so sorry. You’re with the Avengers, right? They’ve probably got a doctor or something at their tower.” As you knelt down next to him, you reached out a hand, and he flinched.
“Shh,” You said, mentally mapping out the fastest route to Avengers Tower, “It’s okay. What’s your name?”
“Okay Peter, I’m gonna get you help.” You reached your arms around him and lifted. Standing, with him like a backwards backpack, you stepped onto a panel. Since you needed to move your arms to move them, you’d just make a temporary path and leap from sheet to sheet.
“I need you to keep talking, can you do that?��
“Yeah.” He said, “I think so.”
You started running on your path above the half-darkened city, and he quietly mumbled about his aunt. Sometimes his voice would trail off, and the first two times you could prompt him and he’d keep talking.
“Peter?” You asked breathlessly, “You were telling me about your friend Ned.”
No reply.
Pausing for a brief moment to readjust, you glanced down. A hundred stories off the ground, dizzying. All you could do was focus on conjuring the next panel in front of you and leaping to it. Again and again. The cold night air swept past you as you ran.
Finally, your feet touched down on a windowsill, and you bolted inside.
By sheer luck, you stumbled into the med bay. It was empty, but you could hear the sounds of laughter echoing from a distant room. You laid Peter down on one of the beds, and rushed towards the noise.
The corridor opened onto a balcony overlooking a small party. It looked like the Avengers and a few friends.
“Hey!” You screamed, “There’s a burnt bitch in your med bay. He needs a doctor.” Two people got up and followed you back to Peter. One was Captain America, and the other was a woman you didn’t recognize.
“Tell me what happened.” She said as she started assessing Peter.
“Fight at the power plant, and I flung him into a web of live wires.”
“How long has he been unconscious?”
“He blacked out three or so minutes ago.”
She nodded and continued working. By now Stark had joined y’all, and upon recognizing the mask that still covered your face, he told the Captain to escort you to a cell. You knew that if you left you might never know if Peter survived, plus you were exhausted from the fight and sprinting across New York, so you went without argument. They did take your mask, which made you feel strangely vulnerable.
And so, the next morning you found yourself contained in a cylindrical glass cell. Captain Rogers himself came to talk with you.
“Morning.” He said.
“Hey.” You faced away from him.
“I’m Steve Rogers. What’s your name?”
“It’s Y/n.”
“What were you doing at the power plant?”
“Destroying it.”
“Somebody paid me to.”
“Did you know you were assisting in terrorism?”
“Eh,” You shrugged, “I could’ve made an educated guess maybe.”
“You could have helped to kill countless people!”
“Don’t pretend you’re so high and mighty. You sent a child out to fight me!”
“What do you mean?” His eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“What do you mean ‘what do you mean?’” You turned to face him, realization dawning, “Oooh! Stark didn’t tell you?” You laughed at him for a solid few seconds.
“Cut it out and explain.”
“Sure, sure. I just find it funny that you didn’t know Spider-Man is fifteen. The Avengers, always talking about Saving the World, Morals, and Doing the Right Thing, sent a kid into battle with a known killer!”
“We didn’t know. I swear we didn’t know!”
“It still happened, whether you knew or not. How is he?”
“Dr. Cho managed to stabilize him.” He sighed, and looked down at a set of questions he was supposed to ask, “But we’re getting off topic.” He asked general questions, what are your motives, how did you get your powers, that kinda thing.
“You say these panels of glass you make are unbreakable,” Steve said, “Why haven’t you escaped yet?”
“I don’t really have a reason to.” You replied, “Here I get to chat with interesting fellows such as yourself. Trust me, if I wanted out, I would be.”
“I find that hard to believe. I think we caught you and you just don’t want to admit it to yourself."
“Listen to me closely,” You said, slamming a panel through the glass, shattering the entire wall. Shards of glass tinkled onto the floor around you.
“If I wanted to leave, I would.”
After they got you contained again, and through a lot more conversations with Steve, you came to the agreement that you would stay at Avengers Tower, and become a part of the team. In exchange, they would cover up any of your past clashes with the law. Also, you would have the opportunity to work with Spider-Man, if he ever decided to forgive you.
#peter parker#spider man#marvel#avengers#teen reader#peterparkerxreader#avengersxreader#teen!reader#gn!reader#spider man x reader#spiderman x you
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The Proposal(s)
Attempt #7
Steve Rogers x Reader
Series Masterlist
[drawing credit: true.image.portraits on instagram]
Plot: Steve has the perfect girl. He’s bought the ring and now all he has to do is propose, which turns out to not be as easy as he thought it would be.
Series tag list: @schischi @puddinsqueen @sleepless-in-writing-school @becausewelie @mitsumikirigakure @poeticaddiction @stop-drop-and-drumroll @peppamultifanimagines @evansmess @dark-night-sky-99 @mariah-vg
Permanent tag list: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @geeksareunique @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @whatthefuckimbisexual @also-fangirlinsweden @ok-im-nerdy @getlostinyourparadise @rororo06 @bonkyboinkybucky @maravderofthephoenix
#avengers social media au#social media au#reader social media au#steve rogers social media au#steve rogers x you#steve rogers reader#steve rogers x reader fluff#steve rogers x reader#steve rogersxreader#the proposal(s) social media au#marvel social media au#mcu social media au#steve rogers fluff#bucky barnes social media au#sam wilson social media au#wanda maximoff social media#natasha romanoff social media au#avengers x reader#avengersxreader#avengers fluff#imaginationintowords
185 notes
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Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Chatroom 1; Memes
Clint has started a chatroom
Tony has joined
Steve has joined
Bucky has joined
Sam has joined
Y/N has joined
Wanda has joined
Natasha has joined
Peter has joined
Loki has joined
Pietro has joined
Vision has joined
Bruce has joined
Y/N: Hi guys
Natasha: Heyyyyy Y/N/N!
Pietro: Hellooooo Y/N!
Steve: Good day ma’am.
Thor: Why, hello Y/N!
Sam: Hey, how you doin’?
Peter: Hi Ms. L/N!
Wanda: Hey Y/N!
Clint: Hiiiiiiiii Y/N!
Bruce: Morning Y/N :)
Vision: A very good day to you Ms.L/N
Bucky: Hi Y/N!
Loki: Hello, tolerable midgardian.
Everybody: ....
Y/N: Ew.
Clint: I will gut you like a fish for saying that to my innocent baby!
Tony: Your baby is FAR from innocent ;)
Natasha: And now he’s trying to falsely accuse her!
Loki: I’m not surprised, he’s always been a disgrace, even to you low midgardians.
Tony: D:
Bruce: The hulk has put Tony’s name on his list.
Tony: ....Of friends?
Bruce: No, that list is limited to Y/N and Nat. You my friend, are on Hulk’s NAUGHTY list!
Tony: >:O
Bruce: Anyway, Clint, why did you start this chatroom?
Clint: To introduce the 2 grandpas and the 2 GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT grandpas to......
Peter: Memes!
Clint: Yesss!
Y/N: Sounds fun!
Steve: What is a Meme?
Bucky: I’ve heard the term...
Thor: I haven’t
Loki: I am NOT a very great grandpa, you are just very young midgardians.
Y/N: 😂
Vision: meme/miːm/
noun1.an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
2.an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with slight variations.
Steve: .... I kind of get it.
Natasha: Let’s show you first, then you can catch on, how about that?
Wanda: Good idea Nat.
Bruce: I’ll go first!
Wanda: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Clint: Why is that so relatable
Sam: That’s really funny, good one Bruce! 🤣
Thor: Wow... so these... ‘memes’ they make them out of us?
Pietro: Yes, there’s memes about basically everything, and everyone, even you!
Pietro: Like that!
Thor: It’s me!
Clint: HEY!
Y/N: 😂😂😂 It’s true! The rest of us working so hard to stop Thanos, where were you?!
Bucky: It’s true Clint, where were you?
Loki: I sacrificed myself, and you weren’t there to help!
Clint: You came back to life though... you tricked us... AGAIN.
Natasha: It isn’t important... the question is... WHERE. WERE. YOU?
Everybody: ....
Y/N: Clint... we... had no idea.
Bucky: Sorry buddy.
Natasha: Yea, if I knew, I would’ve never...
Thor: I’m sorry an image of me was used against you...
Loki: I.... apologise
Peter: But... Mr. Barton, you told me you didn’t make it because you were binging Brooklyn 99
Everybody: >:0
Peter: :C
Vision: I agree, we do not need another Civil War!
Sam: Yea, everybody, get BACK TO MEMEING!
Loki: 😁 Ah yes, the good old days.
Pietro: Haha, old man!
Bucky: Lmao
Steve: I understood that reference!
Natasha: Bruh
Peter: >:O
Y/N: Gross...
Tony: Awww don’t worry Y/N, I’m ‘Stark naked’ just for you ;)
Y/N: 🤮
Loki: You keep your grubby mitts off her!
Steve: You’re really pushing my buttons today Stark.
Thor: .... Midgardians have a very strange sense of humor.... one of which I do not approve.
Vision: 1010001010011100101010010110100101
Wanda: You alright Vis?
Vision: Ummm... yes.... how about we have a meme contest? I’ll judge!
Natasha: I’m in!
Vision: Okay... contestant 1, Peter!
Peter: Oh... ummm... okay
Y/N: Peter, you genius child!
Peter: :)
Steve: I don’t understand everyone’s obsession with my butt...?
Vision: I declare Peter the winner!
Sam: The rest of us haven’t even got a turn yet!
Vision: :C Fine... next contestant, Bucky!
Bucky: Watch me ;)
Clint: I came here to have fun, I feel so attacked
Tony: 😂
Loki: >:)
Y/N: Poor Clint, but that’s hilarious Bucky!
Bucky: Thanks!
Vision: That’s pretty nice! Y/N, you’re up next!
Steve: >:O
Bruce: Made my day!
Peter: I love it!
Sam: So Steve 😂
Vision: Best one so far! Sam, you’re next!
Wanda: That’s so mean 😂
Tony: Lollllllllll
Bucky: Jerk :C
Vision: Not bad ;0. Wanda, you next...
Bucky: Bro wth?!
Steve: That’s funny, you gotta admit Bucky.
Y/N: Nice Wanda!
Wanda: Thanks!
Pietro: That’s my sister!
Vision: That’s my girlfriend! Pietro is next!
Pietro: Sorry in advance Peter...
Peter: Why?
Peter: ..... UNCLE BEN 😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰
Peter has left
Y/N: What the hell Pietro? Look what you did!
Tony: You hurt Peter’s feelings!
Thor: Poor spider child?
Bruce: Is he okay?
Natasha: I’m pretty sure he’s not.
Y/N: He’s hyperventilating.
Bruce: I’m coming to check on him.
Bruce has left
Wanda: Good job Pietro.
Pietro: I didn’t know, I thought he got over it :C
Bucky: He’ll NEVER get over it idiot!
Steve: It’s always gonna be too soon for the kid!
Vision: Pietro is disqaulified, Natasha, you go next!
Tony: lmfaooo.... did you know though?
Bucky: .... I feel awkard
Steve: It isn’t bad though.
Y/N: Yea Pietro, you can’t talk!
Pietro: I’m sorry :C
Natasha: My meme was funny, everyone’s gotten over the civil war, unlike a certain BEN PARKER!
Vision: .... Steve next please.
Steve: I got a good one!
Tony: Oh boy.
Y/N: What the- 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Natasha: 😂😂😂 New avenger??
Tony: That’s actually pretty funny, doesn’t even need words 😂😂
Bucky: That’s great Stevie, but all I can focus on is Thor... Is that even Thor?!
Thor: Indeed, it is me :)
Y/N: Wow.....
Thor: Does that picture of me appease you Y/N? ;)
Y/N: You look great....
Thor: Thank you, though nobody can compare to your beauty.
Sam: Our buddy Thor pulling out all the stops here O.O
Loki: Pffft, he doesn’t even look THAT good!
Vision: Maybe you can prove how great you are! Because Loki, you’re next
Loki: Watch and learn peasants
Thor: ;O LOKI?!?!?!?! YOU’RE NOOBMASTER69?!??!?!? :CCCCC
Y/N: I. FRICKING. KNEW. IT! Loki omg 🤣
Tony: Loki is in deep shiiittttttttttt...
Wanda: I must compliment Loki on all the ways he discovers to annoy his brother 😂
Clint: Wowwwww.... after all this time of looking for Noobmaster69....
Bruce has joined
Peter has joined
Tony: Everything okay?
Bruce: Yea, he’s fine now.
Peter: Yea, I’m great! :DDDD
Y/N: Good to hear!
Peter: Mr. Loki is noobmaster69?!!!
Loki: Yes I am ;)
Loki: ... O.O I screwed up
Bruce: You realize that now?
Natasha: It’s a miracle Thor hasn’t killed him yet
Thor: YET.
Bucky: Oh shitttt.
Steve: Language....
Tony: lAngUAgE!
Steve: :C
Vision: Thor is next...
Thor: Noobmaster69... whom we now also know as LOKI!!!
Natasha: Wow, he’s pretty pissed about that.
Clint: I’m actually worried about Loki’s well being...
Loki: Oh don’t worry.... he won’t hurt me.
Thor: YET. I shall wait for the battle of memes to end first.
Vision: ...... Ummm.... anyway, next up is Tony.
Tony: Well... do I have a great meme up my sleeve ;)
Vision: Nothing about Y/N
Tony: Fine >:C
Y/N: Thanks Vis...
Y/N: Okay, that’s.... fine
Clint: At least it’s nothing about my baby Y/N.
Tony: Oh yea, speaking of Y/N... Y/N, do you like arc reactors?
Y/N: .....
Steve has kicked Tony from the chat
Natasha: About damn time!
Vision: Next up, Bruce!
Bruce: Okay
Bucky: I remember that!
Peter: Me too! Especially Ms. L/N!
Sam: Oh yesss Y/N was all like -
Y/N: I love my spider baby <3
Peter: I love you too Ms. L/N!
Y/N :’)
Wanda: Wholesome content
Steve: SO cute!
Natasha: Adorableeeee <3
Y/N: Anyways who’s next Vis?
Vision: The last person... Clint!
Clint: I have been waiting...
Natasha: That’s totally Bucky!
Y/N: Lmao yea
Thor: Always ready to jump up and defend the Captain.
Bucky: Because that’s what best friends do!
Steve: :’) Awwww
Sam: .... I still think I’m his best friend
Bucky: Oh buzz off Wilson.
Pietro: Let’s do this....
Vision: In 1st place... Clint!
Clint: Yeaaaa!
Vision: In 2nd place is Y/N!
Y/N: Yeshhhh
Peter: Well done Ms.L/N!
Vision: And 3rd place is Peter!!
Peter: Yayyy! :D
Wanda: Well done guys!
Loki: Congratulations
Thor: Really good job!
Natasha: GREAT work!
Pietro: lol noice
Sam: Good work!
Steve: Congrats!
Bucky: Well done!
Nick Fury has joined the chat
Everyone: .....
Nick Fury:
Clint: ... That’s an option? If so, can I be in the meme department?
Nick Fury: GET BACK TO WORK! Nick Fury:
Everyone has left the chat
Nick Fury: I’m stuck babysitting a bunch of motherfucking babies.
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I Hate Bullies
Word Count: 2,480
Request by @shady80smusicsingercolor - avengers x stark!reader,where the reader is 16 ,and had bad day at school, like the mean girl decided to tell her ugly things ,like are u even good enough to be a stark,reader overhears ,cries,when they get home ,Steve is the first there but haven't notice those tears,but when the reader flinch,he saw them,and ask what happened at school,but the reader denied to answer,so he call the team,Tony ask what's wrong while the rest of team were worried,and told him eventually,team got furious,but calm down,Tony decided to pay the girl visit with the avengers at the end
A/N: If you’re being bullied please don’t be afraid to tell someone about it. You should never feel less because someone decides they want to make you feel less. You have value. You are loved. You are your own journey not anyone else's.
Sophomore year was really sucking, you were beginning to hate yourself for not letting your dad push you up several grades like he wanted. At least if you were getting bullied than you’d be closer to the end of school.
But alas, you wanted to stay with kids your own age because, being with a bunch of older kids was bound to get you bullied, right?
Turns out, no matter how old you were or how smart or even if you were famous, people were still mean.
You were sitting at your usual lunch table when Marissa, a popular girl in a few of your classes, came up to you. Her two best friends at her sides.
“Hi, Y/N,” she said, you could tell by the glint in her eyes that this was not going to end well for you.
You tried to ignore her, but that just made her annoyed.
“I heard a rumor that you have a crush on Cooper.” She said, examining her nails.
You didn’t want to play into her games but you found you needed to defend yourself more than letting her walk all over you. “It’s just a rumor. No need to worry about me trying to flirt with anyone let alone Cooper.” You rolled your eyes.
She glared at you. “Excuse me, freak? Are you insinuating there’s something wrong with Cooper?”
She twisted your words, making you sigh. You were sick of this happening everyday. Everyday she came to bother you. You couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t just leave you alone.
“You’d be lucky if Cooper even gave you the time of day. You have no personality, you think because you’re smart and have the world handed to you that you’re better than everyone and I’ve never seen someone as ugly as you. You are the most bland unattractive girl in this whole school. No one likes you. Why don’t you just leave already? I’m sure your precious daddy would be more than glad to pay off the school and let them bump you up enough to leave. It’s too bad your dad didn’t have a cuter kid. I’d be willing to be your step-mom if you weren’t so ugly to look at. It’d ruin family photos, you don’t even deserve to be Tony Stark’s kid.”
She was on a roll today. And you tried to ignore her, but you really couldn’t handle the attacks on your looks and the fact that she said you weren’t good enough to be a Stark. You weren’t exactly secure in yourself either.
“Oh, look, the ugly girl’s going to ugly cry,” one of Marissa’s friends said and fake boo-hooed.
You bit your cheek, to stop yourself. You wouldn’t cry in front of these bullies. Luckily enough the bell rang. You stood with your tray and went to move away from them the opposite way. Suddenly, there were hands on your back and with just enough force you were pushed forward and fell, straight onto the tray.
The trio laughed and finally left.
Tears filled your eyes as you sat up. Your shirt was completely ruined and you were going to be late for class. There were only two classes left. You decided it wasn’t worth it.
You went straight to your locker, pulled out your gym shirt and went to the bathroom to change into it. After that you went to the nurse with complaints that you’d thrown up in the bathroom during lunch and just managed to make it to her after changing your shirt that you’d asked for a bag for.
She let you rest in her office until the bell rang for the end of the day and you were practically running home.
You finally broke down in the elevator on your way upstairs.
To your dismay about halfway up the elevator stopped and quickly you were wiping your cheeks as Steve stepped on.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted, barely looking up from a report he was reading.
Flinching you quickly tried to gather yourself, you’d hoped he wouldn’t ask. “It was fine.”
Steve noticed you flinch and could tell by your inflection that fine did not mean it went well. He finally looked over at you and noticed your cheeks were damp.
Thanking your dad mentally for creating the high-speed elevator it reached the top quickly.
Steve had opened his mouth to ask what was wrong but the elevator dinging stopped him and you sprang from the machine. “Y/N, wait.” His hand fell on your shoulder to stop you. “What happened at school, doll?”
You refused to turn and look at him as your eyes welled with tears.
He could feel you shaking. “Hey,” he tried, but suddenly you were pulling from his grasp and running to your room. He was confused for sure and didn’t know what to do. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.” He called to the a.i.
“Yes, Mr. Rogers?” She answered.
“Call for an Avengers meeting, please.”
“Okay, now that everyone’s here,” Tony said, once the entire team had gathered in the meeting room. “What’s going on?”
“Well, I wasn’t sure what to do… or who would be the best option to ask for this mission, so I figured it’d be better to get everyone together. About 20 minutes ago, I got on the elevator and Y/N was just getting home from school. At first she seemed fine, but then I asked about school. She said it was fine but she’d flinched like it was a sore subject and when I asked she ignored me, started crying and ran away…”
The team was in an uproar, all asking questions that Steve couldn’t answer.
“You had to call a whole team meeting for this?” Tony asked, already getting up from his seat and heading for the door. “I can’t handle this, thanks. You should have told me 20 minutes ago when I met you here. I was the first one dammit.” He didn’t wait for a response from Steve before he was rushing to your room.
The team all decided to move to the living room, in order to catch Tony once he was finished speaking to you, to make sure you were alright.
Tony knocked on your bedroom door. He could hear your muffled sobs into your pillow and tsked. He knocked gently. “Sunshine, can I come in?”
You ignored him, as you tried to stop sobbing long enough so maybe he wouldn’t hear, but you knew he wasn’t going to grant you that wish.
Your door creaked open and shut again.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Tony asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of your bed.
You didn’t answer him and continued trying to stop crying.
It didn’t work.
The second your dad was pulling you into him your sobs started again in full force.
“Shhh, shshsh, baby it’s okay,” he whispered. Rocking you and stroking your hair. “It’s okay, daddy’s got you. We don’t need to talk until you’re ready, but I hope you can talk to me when you’re ready. I’m worried about you. Uncle Steve told me you ran away from him and were crying. He’s so worried about you he called the whole team together for a meeting.”
You groaned in embarrassment and pressed your face further into your dad's shoulder.
He stayed quiet after that but he continued to stroke your head and hold you close.
It felt like forever before you were finally pulling away from him, still sniffling.
He wiped at your face with his sleeve pulled over his hand.
You refused to look at him but you did finally work up the courage to speak. “I’m sorry I worried everyone…”
Your dad leaned and kissed your forehead. “No one likes it when you’re sad sweetheart. What happened at school today that you came home so upset, hm?”
You fought off the fresh wave of tears that threatened to come. “It-it’s dumb dad, I’m sorry you had to stop what you were doing to deal with me just being a cry baby…”
Tony tsked at you, “You know I don’t believe that for a second, baby. Something happened and I’ll wait for you to be ready to tell me but I don’t want anything happening to you so I’d like it if you could tell me soon, okay? I need to know this isn’t going to happen again.”
You nodded stiffly. You wanted to tell him, but at the same time you felt Marissa was going to keep this up now that she finally found something that bothered you so much. You swallowed thickly, deciding that you could get the message out loud and clear with a different question and topic. “Is it too late to bump me up a couple grades?”
Tony’s frown deepened. He knew right away what was wrong, and it had to do with your peers. Because you refused so hard to go forward due to you wanting to stay at the same grade level as the kids your age, so if you were asking to go forward, well that meant something happened that you wanted to get away from. Something happened that if he agreed, well it would take away the rest of your high school experience. “What boys ass do I need to kick?”
You looked up at your dad, finally, confused. “What?”
“I’m guessing that whatever happened was probably due to a guy. You’re trying to run away from your problems sweetheart and I don’t want that. So whose ass am I kicking?”
You let out the smallest of chuckles before shaking your head. “No, dad. There’s no guy whose ass you have to kick…”
“Oh,” he said, wishing he was right, because that would be an easy fix. Just threaten the kid to leave you alone or else. But if it wasn’t- “Is it a girl then?”
You hesitated, hoping that wouldn’t be his next question. You sighed in defeat. “Yeah… it’s Marissa again… I-“ tears welled again. “She just really got to me this time dad… normally I can just brush her off but… she was extra cruel today… her-her and her friends shoved me to the floor at lunch and I got food all over my shirt. And she-she called me ugly and like fine whatever I know I’m not beautiful but I don’t need that to be rubbed in my face and I don’t let you hand the world to me and I do all that I can for the less fortunate because I would rather them have a roof over their heads than me having some stupid designer bag like those girls do. And-and I didn’t ask to be a Stark. I-I know I’m lucky to be your daughter and I love you, but her-her telling me I don’t deserve to be your kid? It-it hit different… not to mention the crude joke she made after that and I-I just,” the sobs started leaving you as you came down from your rant.
Tony was silent for a few minutes as he held you. When he finally spoke he surprised you. “Y/N, if anything, every Stark that came before you didn’t deserve to have your name. You sweetheart, are everything I could have ever hoped for in my life. You do so much good. I might save the world from aliens but you really work close to home. You meet those that need help and you do everything you can to give them support. You’re so personal and you aren’t afraid to stand out to do that. You have taught me more good than I ever knew possible. You have given the Stark name real meaning and so much good. I’m beyond lucky that you’re my daughter. I never want you to listen to anyone that wants to tell you otherwise because you are the most incredible Stark there is. You are incredible, beautiful, so smart, and best of all you’re my kid and I am grateful everyday for having a light like you in my life. Don’t let some dumb jealous girl hurt you like this. I’m going to take care of this to make sure she leaves you alone. I never want you coming home crying like this again.”
You sobbed harder into your dad. Relief flooded you as he held you. Eventually you relax enough and fell asleep.
That was when Tony finally slipped a blanket over you, kissed your cheek, and left you to sleep away your stress.
When he returned to the team he was furious. He explained everything to them, to his surprise they were all still there, impatiently waiting for his return to find out how you were.
“We have so bratty little girls to go speak to the team.” Steve stated. Tony hadn’t seen him that angry since the airport battle years ago.
Marissa’s mother yelled at her to go answer the front door. She rolled her eyes and obeyed. When she opened the door to her surprise all the Avengers stood on her front porch and each and everyone of them looked pissed.
Tony didn’t even bother with the girl. He entered the house and found the girl's mother. He was going to tell her directly what happened. Meanwhile, it was Steve that dealt with talking to the girl.
All while the rest of the team stood watching the girl.
She looked like she was going to pee herself with how scared she was. But Steve offered his charming smile and she seemed to relax a little.
Nat smirked and Clint fist bumped her.
Meanwhile Bruce was trying to not Hulk out with Wanda and Vision keeping an eye on him.
Suddenly Steve started to speak as the girl's eyes widened at his low, angry voice. “We will never have this conversation again. So I’m saying this once. I don’t care how awful you think your life is, taking it out on others is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. You will apologize to Y/N, and then you will never even look her way again. It’s not a well known fact, but I hate bullies. And you don’t want to be on Captain America’s bad side.”
Tears of fear fell from Marissa’s eyes.
Her mom and Tony entered the room. He didn’t even cast her a look. “Well Ma’am thank you for your time. We will let you speak with your daughter alone. Team?”
When your dad and the team got home they all hugged you and told you what happened. And the next day at school when Marissa came to apologize, you ignored her. Because you didn’t need to forgive her. She could feel bad about what she did, but she didn’t deserve your forgiveness. You just moved on because you were a Stark, you were better than that.
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@manchurian-barnes , @marrvelle-fics , @chloe-geoghegan1 an1, @buckysendoftheline, @karlitabi-rrito , @ximaginx @httpmcrvel, @esistmon, @peterparkerscamera
#avengersxreader#tony stark x daughter reader#dad tony x reader#dad tony stark#tony stark x reader#dad tony#tony stark dad#avengers family#marvel#xreader#reader insert#insert reader
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Shut Up and Punch Me
Peter Parker x Fem! Reader Warnings: some bullying (name calling), which is never cool lol Request: Girl going to school with Peter Parker, and having abilities of your own. You two are recruited for opposite teams and having to fight each-other. He is very intrigued by your fighting techniques, and when you get back to school he realizes it was you he fought. Thank you!!
A/N: I used Y/s/n to mean your superhero name, as well as the usual Y/n for your name.
Midtown High School was just like any other high school. You learned stuff, drowned in homework, and experienced occasional typical high school drama. There was one anomaly that set Midtown High apart from all others (except for Xavier’s of course). Two superheroes hid among the student body: you, for one, and Spider Man. You happened to see him sneak into the building in his suit once, but you hadn’t seen who was under the mask. Not yet, anyway, and it was driving you insane. You weren’t used to being caught off guard.
When you first started patrolling NYC, you didn’t expect to run into him nearly as frequently as you did, and you certainly didn’t expect to run into him during your most important battle yet. Of course, he was always interrupting your bad-ass bad guy takedowns, but now your super cool, super critical-to-your-superhero-career, super dangerous team battle too? This had to be some sort of joke. The guy was entertaining at times, but lately everything he did rubbed you the wrong way.
Just a week earlier, you had been stopping crimes with the friendly neighborhood Spider Man, and now you were fighting alongside Captain America, The Falcon, Scarlet Witch, The Winter Soldier, and Hawkeye to face Iron Man and his equally powerful superhero lineup. You had been instructed by Captain America to stick with him and only engage in battle if absolutely necessary, but for some reason, as soon as you saw the red and blue spandex-clad teen hero, you went for it. Wasn’t there such a thing as turf or something? If there was, the arachnid was definitely all up in yours. You tackled him to the ground, only to be greeted with the same idiotic remarks as usual.
“Y/s/n, fancy seeing you here. It’s almost like we planned it, I-I mean I didn’t plan it, but we run into each other so often, fighting and stuff, you know, it would almost seem like-” you cut him off.
“Oh I know. It’s beginning to get on my nerves, web-head.” You replied rather pointedly, pinning his arms to the ground while straddling him. The position you were in was no doubt suggestive, but you were too pissed to care.
“Is it really? Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“Spidey-boy?” You whispered.
“Shut up and punch me,” you continued, voice low. With that, you pushed yourself up and off of the utterly confused teenage hero, taking a defensive stance.
“Wait, what?” Spider Man replied, getting up and scratching his head.
“Spidey, you are always getting on my nerves,” you say as you throw a punch aimed for his jaw. He barely manages to dodge it, as he throws his hands up in a defensive attempt.
“What was that for?” He asked, taken aback, as he sprung up.
“That was for you interrupting every. single. one. of my takedowns,” emphasizing each word with another punch. “Also, for every witty line that escapes your mouth, and for being a superhero in the same freaking school as me,” you paused for breath. “Oh, and in case you didn’t notice, we’re kinda on opposite teams.”
“Wait wait wait. Hold on,” he paused, bewildered. “How do you know we go to the same school? I wasn’t even sure that we were the same age! You’re always so quiet when we fight and kinda angry, I guess, and I-”
“You’re doing it again.” You cut him off.
“Y/n?” You stopped advancing on Spider Man as Steve spoke through your earpiece.
“Steve? What’s wrong?” You immediately responded while you tried to locate him in battle.
“In case you forgot, I told you to not engage unless absolutely necessary, and we need your help. Now.”
“Sorry Captain!” You quickly apologized, already beginning to run to his location.
“Nice to see you, Y/s/n,” Steve teased.
“Sorry, I thought you’d be able to handle yourselves,” you replied with a smirk. Just as you were about to spring back into action alongside your team, your ever-present interrupter swung down to stop right in front of you.
“Hold on! You can’t just try to attack me, say we go to the same school, and run off!” Spider Man exclaimed, clearly exasperated.
“Seriously, how old are you guys? Like twelve?” Hawkeye chuckled.
“Y/S/N, get your middle school boyfriend outta here,” The Falcon joined in.
“Spidey,” you said, ignoring them while advancing on Spider Man, “I can run off when I want, and I did. Problem?”
“Then do something about it.”
“Tony, why’d we recruit him and not her? I like her,” said Black Widow.
“Fine! I will!” Spider Man then webbed your hands together.
“Finally,” you said, rolling your eyes, as you swing your now connected fists into Spidey’s side. With the distraction of you and your frenemy’s verbal battle now dissolved, the fight truly broke out between both teams.
Spider Man let out a groan, and as you managed to hit him already, you weren’t going to go easy on him. As much as the thought of fighting someone you knew from school might have pained you, you had to remain focused since Spidey was on the opposite team. Spider Man noticed you were lost in thought, and he decided to take advantage and webbed your ankles together. You looked down, trying to escape from the webbing that was binding your hands and legs, but your struggle made you fall forward, crashing into Spider Man and falling on top of him. (Insert flirty pun here lmao). Your face flushed slightly, but you quicly refocused and headbutted Spider Man before rolling off of him and onto your side. Squirming around quickly, your body bent so you could reach your tied hands into the pouch attached to your belt wrapped around your waist. You pulled out a knife, flipping it around to cut the webbing off of your ankles and then your wrists. Getting back up from the ground, you noticed Spidey had recovered from your headbutt.
The two of you continued to fight, the battle between you was fairly even. You groaned out of frustration, this was becoming pointless. As much as you hated admitting it, Spider Man had the same skill level as you. The two of you were just tiring each other out - and that’s when shit hit the fan.
As soon as Ant Man grew to the size of a formidable skyscraper, Cap yelled for you to leave the airport. Knowing this fight had evolved past your ability level, and with Steve’s heads up, you managed to escape before anyone even noticed you were gone. It sucked to have bailed early, but you knew your parents would ground you forever if you weren’t home in time for school tomorrow.
Despite the fresh bruises, and having been involved in the biggest superhero fight of the century just the day before, Peter made his way to his first period class. He couldn’t help but wonder as he wandered the familiar halls if you were at school too, and if you were wondering who he was. Of course you wouldn’t be, he thought to himself, as just the day before you had seemed extremely annoyed with him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as he ran a hand through his hair. That was when he noticed Y/N, standing in the hallway trying to defend her friend. He didn’t really know Y/N well, but he shared some classes with her and thought she was a cool person, and also super pretty. She and the aforementioned friend were just minding their own business at a locker, but Y/N’s friend was being relentlessly taunted by one of the queen bees. Peter was just about to jump in when Y/N finally snapped.
“Look, I can insult my best friend, but if you do it again,” you stepped closer to the girl, “You’re going down.”
“Do you remember when I asked you for your opinion? No? I don’t either,” the girl said and pushed you out of the way.
“Do you really want your ass handed to you in front of this many people?” You asked and gestured to the crowd gathered around the two, hoping to watch the drama unfold.
“Like you could hurt anyone more than your friend’s face does on the daily.” Following that last remark, you put your hands on either side of the girl’s face and headbutted her.
“You should learn to use your head more often; there’s got to be something in there other than air,” you stated, as she lay on the ground clutching her head. You turned to your friend, “Come on, let’s get to class.”
As you walked away, Peter couldn’t help but recall the similarities between the headbutting of that girl and the one he received from Y/S/N yesterday. Y/S/N had said that they went to the same school, but what are the chances it was actually Y/N? Only one way to find out.
“Hey, Y/N!” You turned around at the sound of your name, only to come face to face with Peter Parker. He was some totally adorable super genius that you hadn’t really ever gotten around to speaking to.
“What’s up, Peter?”
“I was just thinking, that that was, ya know, pretty cool of you.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, and maybe even blushed a little.
“Some would even say heroic.”
“Oh I doubt that,” you smirked. Little did he know.
“So do you headbutt people often?”
“I wouldn’t say so,” you paused, as you narrowed your eyes, “What are you getting at, Parker?” Now it was his turn to smirk.
“I dunno. Maybe you should shut up and punch me?” He had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face.
“You’re freaking Spider Man?!” You whisper-yelled in the busy hallway. He simply shrugged, his face still adorned with that smile, as he backed away and began to disappear in the crowd.
“Hey! Parker! You can’t just say that and run off!”
“I can run off when I want. Problem?”
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#Avengers#avengers ships#avengersxreader#avengers x reader#avengersimagines#spiderman x reader#peter parker x reader#peter parker#spiderman#avengers x you#avengers x y/n#spiderman x you#spiderman x y/n
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Bucky and Tony
Bucky: Hey there, I lost my number, can I have yours?
Tony: *blushes* Sure.
Bucky: And I lost my phone.
Tony: what-
Bucky: And my wallet. This is a robbery.
#Iron Man#marvel#Avengers#avengersfanfiction#avengersxreader#avengers endgame#avengersendgame#Bucky Barnes#buckybarnes#Winter Soldier#wintersoldier#ironman#ironwinter#winteriron#tony stark#MCU#StevexBucky#stan lee#doctor strange#Scarlet Witch#scarlettjohansson#scarletwitch#scott lang#god of mischief#comedy
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