#she says assuming she'll get it :') one can hope!!!
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eldragon-x · 23 days
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Top three insane and concerning Odile dialogues to me. Like the obvious reading here is that her problems will be solved because the King is going to kill her. And I do wonder if, aside from being pessimistic/trying to be realistic, she was straight up prepared to sacrifice herself.
As soon as she joins the party she expresses that she doesn't like the idea of leaving the fate of the country up to Mirabelle and Isabeau because they're younger than her. She says she's willing to do horrible things to protect the party on a family quest route. She learns some kind of craft that stops Siffrin from looping in Act 5. I don't think it's straight up Time Craft, which - as a reminder - could kill the user, but I can imagine it's still dangerous seeing as it's powerful enough to interact with Time Craft. And in the tutorial event, she puts herself between Siffrin and the rest of the party.
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I don't think her potentially expecting to die against the King is her just throwing the towel either. She keeps emphasizing how the party has to be prepared and in top condition for the battle. It's more of a "if someone has to die, I'll take the bullet" kinda scenario.
That being said there's still the "One way or another part." which makes me wonder. Assuming she lives, her problems still extend beyond just the party splitting up. But going throught her friend quest, I guess she kinda accepted that trying to find closure in Vaugarde isn't going to be as fulfilling as she hoped and trying to make sense of her ties to it and how it informs her sense of self is going to be more complex than she expected.
But then, maybe the reason she expected her problems to be solved "one way or another" soon is because she expected she'd finally have the courage to ask the party to keep traveling together without worrying about the King?
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The game keeps bringing up how the party has only known each other for a short time but a few months is long enough to get attached, especially if you've been by yourself for a long time like Siffrin or never quite found your place in your usual life like Mirabelle.
Maybe Odile doesn't even have that much to go back to in Ka Bue. Before it's revealed that everyone would like to stay together, Mirabelle seems content to stay on Dormont despite feeling insecure about her percieved lack of progress living in the House. Odile says once everything's over maybe she'll go back to Ka Bue but she isn't neccessarily eager to. Isabeau is the only one who really expresses wanting a change in his life once the King's defeated but even then it's kinda assumed he goes back to his town.
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Bonnie is a little bit of an outlier here because of course they'd want to go back to their sister, but they still prefer that she comes along with them once they party makes it to Bambouche.
Maybe all Odile really wants right now is to not be left behind again.
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Steve grows up thinking that love can be earned. That it has to be earned. That if he is quiet and polite, invisible most of the time and puts on his too-tight white button-downs without making a fuss, his mother will call him good and while she won't say it directly, Steve takes her approval for love.
His father is harder to please, for a while it's winning sport trophies and talking about taking out pretty girls. But as time goes on, Steve learns that disappointment is far quicker and far more willing given than love. Love can also be taken away like a toy from a naughty child.
Despite trying his best to keep earning his parents' love it keeps slipping away from him more and more often, like smoke through delicate fingers. Steve doesn't know what he is doing wrong, just assumes that he isn't good, that he doesn't deserve their love. It never occurs to him that they simply might be incapable of it, hollow, cold, harsh caves that echo where their hearts should beat.
So Steve tries to get it elsewhere. Tommy and Carol's love is easier to earn. Drive them places, pay for their food, get them booze and let them throw parties at his pool. Be mean and arrogant, laugh at jokes that make him feel sick to his stomach and do it all with a smile. Keep them happy and they'll keep loving him. He never quite figures out how he earned Nancy's love and it makes him antsy. Not knowing how to ensure that she'll keep loving him. He only realizes once they break up that the reason he never knew how to make her keep loving him was that she never loved him in the first place.
The kids are easy: be a human shield for them, beat monsters with a baseball bat, get tortured by Russians for them. If danger isn't around the corner it's driving them to the arcade, paying for their food, letting them hang out in the cold, desolate house that once they are gone echos just as much as the caves in his parents' chests. It's not that different from how he kept Tommy and Carol loving him. Only that it feels different, better. Steve doesn't have to force smiles, still recognizes the person in the mirror when he hangs out with the kids. He has fun too, would still do all these things if it didn't earn him the kids' love.
It's nice. Almost. If it wasn't for the constant fear that one day he'll say the wrong thing, bring them the wrong snack and all of that love will go poof.
Robin just like Nancy, Steve can't figure out. And it's fucking terrifying because he doesn't think he's ever loved a friend hell not just a friend, anyone, the way he has loved her. There are days he wants to crawl into her skin and make a home hoping it'll be enough to make her stay. Though a home never made his parents stay either. He knows the day he is going to lose her love, he will completely fall apart.
Eddie, Steve is slowly figuring out. Or at least he thinks he is. It's hard to tell with Eddie sometimes. On one hand, it's easy, Steve knows how to please partners in a relationship, knows how to be a good boyfriend. And Eddie clearly seems to enjoy the way Steve keeps trying to earn his love. On the other hand being a good boyfriend had already once not been enough.
It all comes down to it when Eddie and Steve end up in a stupid fight. Steve can't even remember what it started or who started it, all he knows that when Eddie says, "I need a smoke," and moves towards the door, panic closes around Steve's throat like a hand and squeezes tightly. If Eddie goes out of the door, if he leaves, he might not come back. It's been over six months since Steve last saw his parents.
"I'm sorry," he yells, tears already spilling over the corners of his eyes, running down his cheeks and pooling at his chin. He reaches for Eddie's wrist and Eddie instantly stops.
"I'm sorry, don't leave please! I'll make up for it, I promise. I'll be good. Perfect. Let me earn it again! Please!"
Eddie looks startled by Steve's outburst. He tucks his cigarette back into his pocket and pulls Steve into his arms.
"What? I'm not leaving! Steve," he says and cups Steve's wet face. Steve can't stop trembling. "What do you mean 'earn it again'?"
"Your love," Steve sniffs and buries his face in the crook of Eddie's neck, hoping, praying that it wasn't the wrong move. He knows he can be too clingy and he knows he can't afford to lose more of Eddie's love.
"My love? Baby," Eddie tightens his arms around Steve, "I'm not gonna stop loving you just because we're fighting. I love you even when I'm mad at you."
It draws a whole new wave of tears out of Steve and he does feel a bit like drowning. "And you don't have to earn my love, it's not fucking conditional," Eddie continues and presses a couple of soft kisses to Steve's hair.
"All my love is freely given. Not because you cook me dinner or let me pick movies or offer to blow me all the time. But because I love you, just you Steve. You don't even have to do anything. Just be yourself."
Eddie is crying now too, horrified that Steve went through his life in constant fear of love being taken away from him. Having to constantly bend and twist himself until he was broken just to earn crumbs of affection. It's a first step, one I love you doesn't undo years of trauma and fixes everything in an instant.
But Eddie vows he'll do everything he can to convince Steve that he is loved, so, so, so loved without having to grovel and beg for it. Without having to always be good and perfect.
And Robin and the kids make the same vow, heartbroken when they find out how scared Steve has been of losing them, how he thought they only kept him around in case of danger and because he had money.
It takes a while, but eventually, Steve starts to believe them. And if he ever has doubts or forgets everyone in his life is quick to remind him just how loved he is. Free of charge and indefinitely.
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funficwriter · 1 year
Fontaine Characters with Violinist Reader!
A/N: This disappearing thing of mine is annoying, I'm trying to stop it. However, I finally got a bit of spare time to play Genshin and I am so, so in love with Fontaine. I think it's gonna be a wonderful arc. I haven't felt this much jubilation since Liyue or Inazuma!
Warnings; None, really.
Lyney, Lynette, Neuvillette, Navia, Furina, Wriothesley (no particular order)
First off, this boy is no stranger to performing, an activity he loves. Naturally, he's going to be most interested in fellow performers, including you!
If you're the type to get anxious before, or even during a performance, say goodbye to that with him. He'll guide you through plenty of destressing rituals to help you relax beforehand.
(This included, but wasn't limited to; Taking deep breaths, doing tongue twisters, asking you to play meme songs on your violin, or tickling your sides because 'laughing is a great way to be loose'.)
Even during, should you freeze up and he's in the audience, he'll do a quick but loud magic trick to get everyone's eyes off you. Even one that makes him look like a fool, so long as you have time to put yourself together.
He'd LOVE to have you on stage with him! He adores your music and would ask you to sync it up with dramatic moments in his magic.
If you compose you own stuff, he's pretty much your biggest fan. The guy who never misses a concert. The loudest clapper. The biggest braggart.
"That gorgeous, graceful violinist we had the pleasure of watching? What if I told you that they're coupled up with an equally electric performer? That is, me~."
It's easy to think that her brother outdoes her in terms of being your fan, but quietness hides a lot. If you think she doesn't care as much, you're so, so wrong.
She learned several music skills just to be closer to you, including sight-reading. BTW, she's got a killer voice and loves to sing out your compositions. Sometimes it helps you come up with alternative movements within them.
She can also play piano, to a good level of accompaniment. With time, one would think she is also a music assistant; It's not uncommon for her to be on your stage.
Lynette is VERY attentive to your instrument. Does it need rosin? A new bow, perhaps a re-hair? You just say the word, and she'll happily take it to the repair workshop if you have no time.
"By the way, Y/N prefers real horse hair, the thinnest you have. Don't worry. They're talented enough to thrive on it.".
She makes it a point to let you know how much she loves what you do: "All other music in Fontaine pales in its beauty next to yours. Please, keep playing.".
You play the violin? (he crosses his legs and assumes his royal position). So when are you going to get married? Will you be okay playing a few pieces, even while being the spouse? /Half-joking, tbh.
For him to say that he is the lover of a music pioneer as important as you... Will never not be a moment of joy for him.
First off, what a sugar daddy. I hope you made a list of the expensive violins you wanted but couldn't afford. Because now, it's yours, never mind the Mora. Your very case may as well be coated with gold.
He won't die on this hill, but he would love it if you could play a bit during the parties he hosts. He loves live music to begin with, but after hearing you, it feels like no other pro could hope to sound as good as you.
(And side note, he likes how mesmerized everyone is with you lol)
If you're the type to remember your patron's personal preferences, and compose/play in accordance to that, just for him? Put hearts in his eyes. He's no longer joking about the wedding thing.
While he loves showing you off, he'll never force you if you're shy/nervous. If anything, he would also feel very special if he got to heard songs not out yet, compositions just for him...
"Perhaps this is Lady Furina's way of rewarding me for my years of service. Bless our Archon for giving me such a talented, show and heart-stopping partner.".
She likes that the Spina del Rosula is represented by passionate, talented people!
If you like sweets, I say just join her team. It's guaranteed pastries after each request lol.
Her detective work is cool, but can get a bit drab after a while. She likes asking you to play some violin ambiance, partly because it makes her feel cool, and partly because your music changes the atmosphere for much better.
Navia is a woman of decorum, but she'll often have trouble staying still during your concerts. It doesn't matter if there are rules to how loud a woman can cheer, she's happy for you and will make sure you know that.
She becomes even more proactive than usual. If a concert of yours falls on the same time as her work, she'll scour the ends of Teyvat for its solution, so she can see you.
With time, she might request you to play pieces that her father loved. Once they're brought back to life, through your own strings, she can't help but be a little emotional. She must have done something wonderful to have you.
"How beautiful, how poignant as you, my dear Y/N! This calls for macaroons! Which flavor would you like today?".
"Yes, Neuvillette, I know they perform and all, but why can't I keep them to myself! They're so darn great, I want that everyday!"
Of course, she's not gonna stop you, but beware; I feel like Furina would almost turn you into her own personal violinist lol.
She'd keep requesting your presence over her other personal entertainment and somewhat bombard you with song requests. Buuut if you're looking for a varied repertoire, she's your gal!
One reason she requests so much is because she so impressed with how you not only fulfill them all, you do it so creatively and beautifully. You don't just follow the note as it is... Once you're acquainted with what she likes, you modify the tune a bit to be more her taste.
She's so cute when she claps; The way her hands go so fast and she's about to get up from the seat, the huge eye and smile... Why, you might start reconsidering her offer.
"Bravooooo, Y/N!! Bravo! That was everything, I can't go on without an encore!"
If the tune is more happy-go-lucky, she will get up and dance along. Will also do it in circles around you because she's your little orb :3
"Forgive me for intruding... But I was overhearing, and your playing is terrific. Electrifying. Do you happen to perform on Saturday nights? That's when I can leave the Fortress for a bit.".
Of all your fans, Wrio is one of the quieter ones, but not so much that no one knows it. For one, he's a Duke, he's bound to enjoy good music. And heavens knows he needs some fun in his life.
Here's a fun thing (ngl this is what I was excited to write): At first, it doesn't sound like he can make it to your recital. You see him on his desk, surrounded by paper mountains that only ever seem to grow. He doesn't want to make you sad, but his remark lets you know that he's not coming: "Would it kill some of these people to tone it down for a bit so I can go see my partner perform?".
So imagine your shock when you step on stage, and see him on the first row, sitting tall and handsome, shit-eating grin on his face and waving. You really bought it for a moment.
"Hehe... Did you really think I can't even make a bit of time to see Fontaine's best violinist in action? You actually bought that?".
I HC that he has insomnia, and has tried any things to cure it, but to no avail. It's rumored in Fontaine that his is incurable, but little do they know about how he lays down next to your sitting form. Little do they know of the soft lullabies you composed just for him, or how peacefully he dreams afterwards 💜
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edenesth · 9 months
The Way to His Heart [2]
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
Part 1 | Fic Masterlist | Part 3
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"S-sir, are you truly certain this is acceptable? This is worse than all the previous quarters we've arranged for your past fiancées."
Seonghwa grinned in satisfaction, "What do you mean, Jongho? This is perfect. She will take what she gets. If she's so unhappy, she can go ahead and run back to her dear father for all I care."
Like all his prior marriage candidates, the general had instructed his servants to ready accommodations in the least appealing quarters available in his estate. It was all part of his strategy to intimidate and drive them away. Nothing brought him greater joy than hearing their whiny shrieks of displeasure as they fled his home, rushing back to plead with their fathers to annul the engagement.
Given he had no say in this particular wedding, his only option was to make it as unpleasant as possible, hoping to scare you away. Surely, the words of the minister's precious daughter would carry more weight with her father and, consequently, the King.
Seonghwa counted on you to bring about the downfall of this marriage, "This should be enough to get the job done. Worry not, Jongho. She'll be gone in less than a day, mark my words."
As he observed his master striding off to his study, the assistant shook his head in defeat, glancing unsurely at the preparations made for the daughter of the Minister of Military Affairs. This particular room had remained vacant since the general first assumed control of the estate from its previous owner.
The room had earned the nickname "The Cold Palace," drawing parallels to the infamous residences of China's Forbidden City, where concubines who had made mistakes or fallen out of favour with the emperor were confined until their last days.
According to tales from the previous residents, the room might have even been haunted, with rumours circulating about the previous mistress of the estate taking her own life within those walls.
Leave it to the general to be fixated on the darkest forms of torment, truly living up to his reputation. Oh, he just couldn't wait to see the look on his new wife's face when she would eventually be ushered into her very own cold palace.
"Are the preparations to the master's liking?" Eunsook, the head maid, inquired of Jongho as she emerged from the quarters after ensuring that all dusty areas had been thoroughly cleaned.
The assistant nodded, his lips pressed in a firm line, "He's more than satisfied, but..."
The elderly woman raised a brow with a knowing smile, "But?"
Jongho sighed, "Is this really right? After all, she is about to become the mistress of this estate, and having her reside here, of all places, seems a little too much."
The two could only shake their heads as they cast a final glance at the pitiful excuse for a room. Having been left untouched for decades, the furniture within was mostly rusty or broken in certain places. While it was cleaned on the surface, who knew what sort of parasites or little crawlies had already made their home there.
Despite the possibility of the new Lady Park being a spoiled brat, as the general claimed, the assistant and head maid weren't sure if she deserved this kind of treatment.
"There's nothing we can do for her, Jongho. Now, we best get back to work before anyone hears us or master will have our heads."
The younger man nodded in defeat before they went about their day, uncertain if they should even be looking forward to the arrival of their master's bride on the next day.
"Lord have mercy on her poor soul."
They couldn't fathom any more humiliation that she had to endure beyond what she already had. According to typical traditions, the bridegroom was expected to visit the bride's home with gifts and a dowry, paying respects to the bride's ancestors before escorting her back to his home.
In an attempt to appease the general and ensure the wedding proceeded, the King had agreed to forgo all customary procedures, allowing the bride to travel to his estate on her own. For some mind-boggling reason, the minister had also agreed to these conditions.
"Your Majesty, if you want me to proceed with the wedding peacefully, I will, on one condition." Seonghwa boldly asserted in the assembly where details of his wedding were being finalised.
"What is it, my boy? Anything for you." The King cooed.
The minister straightened in his seat, clenching his fists in fear of the general making any unreasonable requests.
"Please do not expect me to follow through with any of the silly traditions. I will do no such thing. On our wedding day, I will be waiting in my own estate. Minister Jang can prepare his daughter's transportation. If that is viable, I will finally be married as you so pleased, your Majesty."
The King grimaced, throwing the minister a worried glance, "Seonghwa, isn't that a little much? Think about the poor girl—"
To everyone's surprise, your father breathed a sigh of relief, "Is that all, General Park? If so, I do not see much of a problem with it. My daughter is also not a fan of flamboyant celebrations. She favours simplicity, much like yourself. I'm sure she'll be more than happy with the new arrangements."
Sure, you tell yourself that.
The general grinned into his fist, satisfied. That would make her the laughingstock of the century. The King blinked at the unexpected response but beamed regardless, "Does she now? Oh, Seonghwa, I knew she was perfect for you!"
Everyone was happy with the outcome that day, save for you, the unlucky one caught in the middle of all the crossfire, as always.
Jongho remembered how all members of the general's estate servants had been utterly flabbergasted upon learning about the final decision for the wedding plans. They had initially geared up to work tirelessly for their master's first actual wedding, prepared to pour in endless efforts for the grand celebration.
However, they were left appalled by the news. Who would have expected the minister to be alright with such conditions?
Perhaps the importance of solidifying his connection with the great General Park outweighed his concerns for his daughter's momentary embarrassment.
On the day of the wedding, Eunsook stood steadfastly behind her employer, awaiting any orders he might have for her, "Master, is there really nothing else for us to prepare?"
More than the general, nearly every servant felt uneasy due to the lack of decoration as they awaited your arrival. To an outsider, it would seem like just another regular day. Despite the wide-open doors, the estate didn't appear to have much going on at all.
Seonghwa waved her off, sipping on his tea nonchalantly, "Don't make me repeat myself again, Eunsook. This woman isn't worth any of your efforts. Remember, I pay your salary, not her."
"R-right, master." She lowered her head, knowing better than to get on his nerves.
He sighed upon noticing the unusual group of servants lining up by the main hall as if waiting to welcome some distinguished guest, "Don't you all have better things to do? You're all dismissed; get back to your daily tasks if you wish to keep your job."
Shaking like leaves, they all turned to see the head maid nodding at them, signalling for them to do as they were told. Before they angered him any further, all servants dispersed after bowing in unison at their master's direction, "Yes, master."
"Perfect. The minister did mention his daughter favoured simplicity; I'm sure she'll love this." He grinned in amusement, looking forward to the new Lady Park's reaction.
Bowing one final time to your family, you turned and never looked back. Escorted by the kind elderly servant from before, you were led to the palanquin waiting at the entrance of the Jang estate, "This is your ride to the general's estate, young miss."
Surrounded by a throng of people eager to catch a glimpse of the minister's mysterious eldest daughter, you stumbled backwards a bit, feeling overwhelmed. The onlookers were excitedly exchanging the latest gossip about the unusual wedding, where the bride was expected to travel to her new husband's home alone, without a chaperone.
Stepping out of the estate for the first time in more than a decade, you didn't know what to expect. However, this was certainly not it.
As you navigated through the crowd, you reminded yourself of the role you needed to play. Outside the familiar walls of your family estate, you were recognised as the noble eldest daughter of Minister Jang, about to marry the formidable General Park.
You were quite literally the talk of the town.
"Smile, young miss." And you did.
You put on the fakest smile you'd ever worn as you passed by the prying eyes of the onlookers on your way to the waiting vehicle.
As you settled into the palanquin, you looked up to find the servant sighing, ensuring you were comfortably seated for the journey ahead, "Goodbye, young miss. None of us have been allowed to accompany you. You're on your own from now on. Hopefully, the people there will treat you better, the way you truly deserve."
The way you deserved?
You honestly didn't know what that meant.
All your life, you have only ever been treated like a waste of space. So much so that you have begun to believe that was just how things were meant to be. The prospect of being treated with any sort of decency was, at this point, foreign to you.
Nodding, you acknowledged the harsh reality imposed by your father, "Of course, I expected just as much. Thank you, by the way, for the kindness you've shown me. You best hurry back. Don't let them catch you near me, or you'll be punished."
She gave your hand a warm squeeze, "All the best, young miss."
You returned the gesture before the bearers lifted the transport and began walking.
"Goodbye." You whispered, not only to the servant but also to this life you were about to leave behind for good.
With only a thin layer of cloth serving as a curtain on the tiny window of the palanquin, you could hear every word of gossip uttered as you made your way out of this town and to your bridegroom's.
"Oh dear, what a poor thing. Imagine being wedded to that heartless general. He isn't even courteous enough to come take her home. How long do you reckon she'd survive under his care?"
"Can you believe the minister actually agreed to this? Letting his eldest daughter marry in such an undignified way? He seems desperate to get rid of her. Do you think there could be anything wrong with her?"
"She's quite the beauty, isn't she? What a shame no amount of beauty could save her from this ill fate. You guys wanna bet how long before she gets beaten to death by that husband of hers?"
You squeezed your eyes shut, pressing your palms against your ears. You had heard more than enough back home; not only did your stepmother and stepsisters insult you for fun, but most servants were also audacious enough to speak ill of you right in front of your face. You were sick and tired of people talking about you like you weren't there.
The continuous mockery and cruelty had worn you down, and you longed for a reprieve from this life of constant torment.
Why me?
Why is it always me?
Is there really something wrong with me?
There must be a reason why the whole world was constantly out to get you. Why did your mother even give birth to you, only to leave you behind in such a cruel world? What was the point of it all?
Thousands of thoughts raced through your mind, and you wondered if the general truly was as cold-hearted as they say. You pondered what he could possibly look like. They say he was as good as the devil incarnate, but could he really be worse than your family?
You were already convinced that every member of your family was the devil's spawn; you simply couldn't imagine anyone being worse than those people.
With all these thoughts swirling around in your mind, you slowly drifted off to sleep amid your journey from one hell to another.
Your eyes snapped open as you were abruptly awakened by a knock on the palanquin, "Lady Park! We've arrived; it's time to get off. Your father did not compensate us for escorting you inside, so this is as far as our services extend."
Lady Park? Who?
It's you.
That's your identity from now on.
Rubbing your eyes, you moved to exit the palanquin. You were perplexed to find yourself at a considerable distance from the entrance of the general's estate.
"Forgive us, ma'am. We hope you can manage the short distance to the estate on your own. We're trying to avoid meeting the general, you know how it is."
You blinked, sensing the immense terror in these men. Park Seonghwa really was something else, wasn't he? Feeling sympathy for them, you nodded, "I... I understand, thank you."
They sighed in relief, scurrying to leave as fast as they could. The reality of your situation began to sink in, and you hesitated before taking your first step towards the looming entrance of your new home. The world you once knew had changed, and you were about to step into the unknown.
As you halted by the front doors, an employee of the estate quickly recognised your outfit, presenting a wild sight – a bride wandering about like a lost sheep.
Approaching you cautiously, one of the men inquired, "Miss Jang?"
You nodded in acknowledgement, "Yes, that's me."
Bewilderment painted his face as he scanned the area, "Are you here alone? Where are your servants and palanquin bearers?"
A gulp betrayed your nervousness, and you lowered your head in shame, "I have no servants with me, and the bearers have left."
His eyes widened, "What?" Quickly regaining composure, he apologised, "M-my apologies, ma'am! My name is Jongho, and I'm General Park's trusted aide. We have been waiting for your arrival. Please, let me take you to the main hall."
At first glance, the assistant sensed you were different from all the other noblewomen he had encountered. It astonished him even more to see you standing there all alone. What in the world was happening? Was the minister aware of any of this? There was no way it could be part of his arrangement. After all, this was his daughter, wasn't it?
As you walked through the estate, you realised the deep bows from the servants were unfamiliar to you. In response, you bowed back, only to receive baffled stares. Your shoulders were hunched, and your lack of confidence was evident.
The unusual exchange did not escape Jongho's notice, and he struggled to understand your odd behaviour.
Nothing seemed to make sense to him.
What was the minister planning? Were you really the eldest daughter? Surely, they wouldn't send an imposter, and even if they did, they wouldn't be foolish enough to make it this obvious. Besides, what reason would they even have to do so? It would mean deceiving His Majesty, the King, too, as the minister had indeed promised his daughter to the general.
As you reached the main hall, the assistant had no time to dwell on such thoughts as he presented you to his master, "Sir, the minister's daughter, your bride, has arrived."
Facing the back of a rather youthful-looking man was not the sight you expected. You truly believed the rumours about him being rough and middle-aged, but now you questioned their accuracy.
"You've made it, wife. At last, you're here." He muttered emotionlessly, moving to set down the cup of tea he cradled in his hands before. The sound of his deep voice sent chills down your spine.
With that, he finally turned around, and you wondered if this was the terrifying general that all of the nation feared. You had envisioned him in various ways, but this was not what you expected.
He was... beautiful.
His features were a perfect blend of masculinity and femininity. His body, too, was ideal, slender yet muscular in all the right places. His ethereal appearance took you by surprise. He was perhaps the most enchanting person you had ever laid eyes on. Granted, you hadn't met many people, given your confined life. Still, you didn't need a broad social experience to recognise that he was a sight to behold.
"Cat got your tongue?" He questioned, a raised brow giving his stoic expression an intimidating edge. You immediately grasped why people found him so fearsome.
Feeling as though you'd committed a grave error, you lowered your head and bowed deeply, your heart beating loudly in your chest, "I-I'm sorry, my lord. I shouldn't have stared; th-that was very rude of me. I thank you for accepting me into your household. I will do my best to make myself... u-useful."
Throughout your life, your family has consistently taunted you for being useless. Now, you wished to change that narrative. If you could somehow prove your value here, perhaps you wouldn't face the same mistreatment that haunted you in your old home. After all, you had only just arrived, you didn't want to be beaten to death so soon.
What in the world?
Seonghwa was rendered momentarily speechless. Undoubtedly, you possessed a striking beauty, the kind that justified your father's decision to keep you hidden for so long. But what puzzled him was the unmistakable insecurity reflected in your posture and the uncertainty in your words.
You were nothing like any of his past fiancées, and he struggled to comprehend the reason behind it. You didn't exhibit the expected haughtiness of a noblewoman from a powerful house. Your apparent indifference to his lack of wedding preparations irked him; he wanted a reaction from you but didn't get one.
What the hell was the minister playing at? Were you intentionally trying to be different? What kind of tactic was this? If the plan was to catch him off guard, it was working very well. This won't do; he couldn't be deterred so easily.
Finally breaking his silence with a scoff, he demanded, "Really now? Useful? In what way?"
You gulped, completely unprepared to provide any sort of elaboration, "I-I..."
He smirked, "Let me guess, your script ended there?"
The accusation threw you into a panic, and you gasped, denying any insincerity, "N-no, that's not—"
Waving you off dismissively, he said, "Save it. I won't buy anything else coming from you. Eunsook, take Miss Jang to her quarters."
Oh no, he hates me already.
« Preview of Part 3 »
"Is all this for me? Are you sure?" You asked in disbelief, gazing in awe at the quarters assigned to you. It was spacious, a far cry from the cramped space that used to be your prison cell.
Eunsook bowed apologetically, "Yes, mistress. I know it might not be ideal, but the master insisted on preparing this specific room for you—"
Shaking your head, you stepped inside, "What do you mean, not ideal? No, this is more than enough. Thank you so much." The room had actual furniture and was even larger than any of your stepsisters' quarters back home. Sure, it wasn't necessarily prettier, but at least it was practical.
The head maid struggled for words as she observed you admiring the interior of The Cold Palace. Were you being sarcastic? It didn't seem like it; you appeared genuinely content. She couldn't fathom why the scene before her eyes almost felt... heartbreaking.
"R-right then, let me help you settle in. Do you have a lot of luggage waiting by the entrance?" She asked politely.
You shook your head, "I-I don't... I'm sorry, this is all I have with me." You showed her the nearly empty duffel bag in your hands, leaving her unsure how to react.
"Gosh, mistress! You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. Please, uhh... make yourself at home. Just call out to any of the servants around the area if you need any assistance. I'll be here to alert you when dinner is ready."
"D-dinner..?" You croaked, realising you hadn't had a proper meal in who knows how long. You couldn't believe dinner was being prepared... for you. Blinking back your tears, you bowed, "Th-thank you."
"Please, mistress! You don't have to thank me; it's only my job." Panicking, Eunsook bowed even lower before hastily leaving your quarters. She needed to talk to Jongho about your peculiar behaviour. Surely, she wasn't the only one taken aback by it.
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Oh my gosh, thank you for 600+ followers! I hope you enjoyed the second part! As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @ssrnghwa @yunnieo @sunnyhokyu @lynnsqueendom @frobin4ever @chwesuh-imnida @thunderous-wolf @itstheghostofmypast @professormingisglasses @deltamoon666 @avantalem @famishalll @yungilia @soobiverse @joongified @scuzmunkie @http-gyu @mentoslol @atinyreads @angel-hyuckie @anxiousskylar @onedumbho3
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koolades-world · 14 days
Hello! When you have time can you please do headcanons on the brothers (and side characters) reacting to MC pranking them by getting a brussel sprout, dipping it in chocolate and nuts, then wrapping it into a ferrero rocher covering and then going so far as to reseal the box? I think this would be really funny lol
hiii!! yes omg of course
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIE (i think i timed this right? if not, i'm close bc it's still your birthday week lol) y'all go wish atom happy bday! literally so many of my bangers are a request she made. hope you had a wonderful birthday <3333
enjoy <3
Mc pranks everyone with fake Ferrero Rochers
he actually automatically assumes the anti-lucifer league put you up to this
you manage to dodge all liability for something you were totally responsible for
take this secret to the grave lest you suffer the wrath of lucifer haha
he loves you so much, so he pretends to enjoy it since he assumes it's just an odd human thing
however afterwards, he immediately throws it away
you might casually mention it again in the future and then he realizes it was a prank all along
may or may not burst into tears because he thinks you hate him and that's why you gave it to him
please buy him a regular tray and show him it was just a prank
if you really love him, eat one yourself to show how sorry you are
if you were anyone else, there's no way you'd still be alive
seems the most likely to spit it out, but laughs it off with you
he might play a harmless prank on you back and hopes it's not the start of some mini war
will outright ask you if you were being serious or not
that intense look in his eyes gets you to confess
as payback, he has you act as his mannequin for the evening to test out fun outfits and makeup looks on
he's the wrong one to prank lmao
he will deadpan eat them, tell you how oddly delicious and different they tasted
will ask for more. prank: failed
he sees right through your shit
he will eat one, but will immediately realize what you did
won't retaliate but will give you the meanest stink eye ever
will happily eat it
he thinks it's just a human thing and will make sure to let you know he enjoyed it
it seems as if he actually liked it! is this success or not?
that 'candy' will not enter his mouth once
it's barbatos, he saw this coming and won't fall for it
in fact, you somehow end up eating it. well played barb, well played
would for sure pretend to enjoy it
he doesn't want to hurt your feelings after all, since it was a gift
unless you ever admit to what you did, he will never say anything about it
like father like son
he assumes it was a well intentioned gift and will take the fact that he hated it to the grave
honestly maybe just don't do this to him it feels cruel haha
he seems like he'd actually enjoy it
just convince him that it's just how they are now and he's been away from the human world for too long
however, this will all go out the window as soon as he buys himself a tray haha
he feels so betrayed haha
here he was, thinking you'd gone out of your way to give him a gift
contemplates retaliation, but decides not to because he deems himself a gentleman
she doesn't contemplate retaliation
her plan had already begun to moment she took a bite of your monstrosity haha
you may want to watch your back from now on, but she'll probably get you anyways
i feel like he would at first be confused
but then, he's going to threaten you with his spear(s)
run for you life mc!
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ericshoney · 29 days
Secret Sister ~ Chapter One
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Summary: Nick, Matt and Chris find out they aren't actually triplets, but in fact, quadruplets.
Warnings: possible swearing, nicknames, crying, reunion, random names for adopted parents, talks of adoption, mentions of sickness, money troubles, slight angst with fluff ending.
a/n: you guys asked for a series, here it comes!
When Nick, Matt and Chris went home for some family time in Boston, they didn't expect to be hit with news like this. The trio knew something was going on, because they were picked up by Justin, that usually only happened near Christmas, so knowing their older brother was home as well, made them confused.
When the brothers got home, they were greeted by their parents and told they needed to talk.
"Is something going on?" Nick asked, breaking the ice.
"We've been keeping something from you guys for a while and now you've turned twenty-one, we've decided it was best to come clean." Jimmy started.
"Nick, Matt and Chris, you aren't actually triplets. Your quadruplets." MaryLou said.
"What?" Matt called.
"Wait, there's another one!" Chris shouted, making his parents laugh slightly.
"You guys have a sister." Their dad admitted.
"Woah." Justin muttered.
"Why are we only finding out now?" Nick asked.
"When I was pregnant with you, I thought I was just having you guys. It wasn't until further into the pregnancy I found out I was having quads. It was an amazing experience and I was very excited. But money was a trouble and we didn't know if we could afford looking after five kids at once. So when you were all born, we made the very hard decision to put your sister up for adoption. She went to a very kind family who we kept in contact with and they told her the truth too." Their mother answered.
"She wants to meet us all. She'll be here in the morning." Jimmy added.
"Wow, that's a lot to take on board." Matt said.
"We understand and we're sorry we kept it from you. Honestly if I could turn back time, I'd never put her up for adoption." Their mother said sadly.
"You had to do what was best, What's her name?" Chris asked.
"Y/n. She kept the Sturniolo too." She answered.
The four brothers nodded and decided to go rest in their rooms, all taking in the new information, knowing the next morning they'd met their sister.
At ten o'clock the next morning, there was a knock at the door. MaryLou went to open it and when she saw a girl with bright blue eyes and long brown hair, she instantly knew.
"Hi." You called softly.
"Hi honey. Come in." Your birth mother replied.
You stepped into the house and instantly felt warm. You looked around and smiled at the cozy home.
"I want to start off by saying sorry, I feel horrible about giving you up." MaryLou said.
"I'm not upset. Jacky and Luke told me everything and I fully understand. It's not everyday you suddenly have quads." You said, making her smile.
"You look just like your brothers." She then said, hugging you tightly.
You smiled and felt tears in your eyes. You loved your adopted parents you really did, but this was the woman who gave birth to you. It was even more special.
"Come, your dad and brothers through here." She said, taking your hand.
You followed your mum into the living room, where you saw who you assumed was your dad and brothers. Three of which looked very similar to you.
"Fuck you look just like Matt!" One shouted.
"That's Jimmy, your dad. That's Justin, your older brother and those are you quad brothers. Nick, Matt and Chris." Your mum introduced.
You gave a wave and realised it was Chris who made the comment. Each came over and gave you a warm hug, making you feel even more at home.
"I hope you can forgive us, sweetheart." You dad said, wrapping his arms around you.
"I was never angry or upset in the first place. It was something I understood and knew one day I'd get to meet you all. Honestly wasn't expecting the mirror images though." You replied, making him laugh.
"What were you told by your....um....careers?" Matt asked.
"My adopted parents, Jacky and Luke. They told me that I was adopted when I was ten. Said my birth name is Y/n Sturniolo and they didn't feel it was right to take that away from me, so I never took their last name. They said my birth parents were close to them and still in touch to this day. I kept every birthday card you sent me." You answered, looking at your parents, who both smiled wide.
"They also said I had brothers, but never that I was a quad." You continued.
They nodded and asked you more questions about yourself, wanting to know more about you. Chris then perked up and asked a very important question.
"Am I older than her?" He asked excitedly.
"Yes honey, two minutes older." Your mum answered.
Chris cheered, making you all laugh as he hugged you tightly, something that shocked you a bit.
"Finally a little sister!" He shouted.
"By two minutes, bud." You responded.
"Still." He responded, sticking his tongue out.
"Are we sure?" Matt called, making you laugh.
"Yes honey." MaryLou assured.
You smiled and continued talking with your birth family, feeling happy about being reunited and welcomed into their arms.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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sleeplesssmoll · 10 months
Vertin's personality and traits based on in-game context.
Contains Spoilers.
Will update when I find more tidbits about our beloved Timekeeper.
Updated: March 15 2024
Vertin sucks at math.
Not much to say here. Although, this is another difference between her and Sonetto, who loves math. I hope they do something with this later because it'd be fun.
Vertin is 16 confirmed
While this isn't a personality trait, I did see some debate about her age since it wasn't officials stated until now and it was assumed through context. Prisoner in the Cave explicitly confirms her age. Vertin became Timekeeper when she was 12 and has been the the TK for the past 4 years.
Vertin is a pianist and a painter.
You can see a piano in the back of her office in the Suitcase by the window. It makes sense in regards to Vertin's musically inclined Arcanum. There's an easel and stool in her office too. She doesn't merely collect art, she creates it. Vertin also owns a camera (official artwork released) too and mentions her photography in the begining, so this isn't new but I thought I should add it.
Vertin's still playful under all her composure.
We know baby Vertin was a little menace, but we can still see a spark of that mischief in her later years. For example, Vertin slapping a fake mustache on Regulus to avoid Sonetto really captures this. We can tell from other characters' voice lines that Vertin will most likely play along with their shenanigans. She'll chirp like a bird in response to Rabies talking about his bird friends (Wilderness interaction). She'll help Sonetto during hide and seek (Wilderness). She watches movies with Eternity and An An Lee. X asks her for help with his projects. Going through her crew's voice lines really paints a better picture of how she interacts with others. The voice lines point to someone playful and curious when she's not in work mode.
Vertin was a gremlin.
Vertin's love language is giving.
We know baby Vertin loved to give gifts to a reluctant Sonetto, but that part of her still exists. She tried to grant everyone's last wishes during the 1929 Storm. We also know she gives Lilya alcohol as a gift upon her return from 1929. She is also very direct. We see her ask people what they want or what can she do for them throughout the story. To expand further, you could say she likes fulfilling people's desires instead of limiting it to material gifts. We can see more of instances of this during the Green Lake event, especially in the way she protects Jessica from the Foundation. She also tried to get Regulus funding for a ship. I love the Suitcase Dad meme, but it's rooted in nuggets of truth.
She was a crappy student, yet she was also a resourceful gremiln. Vertin never liked the institution! Honor student? Top of the class? Never. Teachers are filled with that "Godamnit Vertin" energy toward her too. I hope we see more gremlin energy in the future.
One-sided childhood friends.
Vertin is a collector.
Sonetto and Vertin were desk mates but Sonetto couldn't stand Vertin when they were kids. She even tried to avoid Vertin at times but Vertin persisted with her gifts. We can see this in the hallway scene. Sonetto's about to change routes to avoid Vertin but Vertin called out to her to give her a frog she caught. Kinda funny how Sonetto can't stand Vertin but also can't resist her when they were kids. Vertin and Matilda were actually closer back then. Well, at least until the tear gas incident. Sonetto changed after Vertin was hurt and the rascal wasn't around to bother her. I feel like this tidbit says a lot about Vertin and her influence on people.
Baby Vertin collected rocks, bugs, and frogs. Adult Vertin collects painting and mementos of people she's lost. Things were simpler as a kid.
Vertin is stronger than she looks.
She was a wild child and she's still got it years later. Vertin can run for long periods of time, endure injuries, and climb obstacles. That, and she's still essentially a child solider. We see her hold her own when she needs to fight solo doing stuff like dodging bullets. Sonetto and Matilda also exhibit these freakishly athletic traits, especially Sonetto.
Vertin befriends people in every Era, despite knowing she'll lose them.
Compared to the other children raised by the Foundation, Vertin's traveled the world and witnessed loss in every Era. This opens doors to a whole new set of questions. How did she change over time? How do the Arcanists she recruited before the story treat her? Did she have crushes in previous Eras? Were the oranges just as bitter? Vertin seems to get close to people very easily and doesn't build walls around herself despite the trauma. You'd think someone who's lost so much would stop trying to get close to people, but she doesn't.
Vertin is optimistic.
Even as a child, she was full of hope. It's why she fights for the future and is a core part of her personality. She needs to fight for all those she lost and stop the Storm from taking more lives.
Vertin gets quiet when embarrassed/shy.
She'll blush and fall silent, but she doesn't stammer or go all tsundere. We can see this in voice lines. Sonetto's high praises make her cover her face with her hands. Eternity gets a reaction out of her when she holds her hand. She also blushed when she received surprise smooch and fell silent.
Vertin has a unique scar on her back.
Vertin is a tactile person.
Arcana mentions the scar after Vertin was shot multiple times in the back by Schneider. It's a big scar and new theories about the scar are ongoing and interesting!
In several voice line interactions, Vertin is patting people's heads or holding their hands. Not all her crew mates are on board with it, some seem confused, and others play along. We can also see examples in story like her handing Sonetto a frog while gently grasping her hand or her taking Regulus's hand to lead her into the Suitcase. Here is a post with the evidence to back this claim.
Vertin sucks at arcanum but her deep understanding of arcanum is uncanny.
The story mentions her weak arcanum skills throughout the story. They really want you to remember this. Also, her arcanum didn't manifest until sometime after the break away event but before the events in the prologue. During her stay in the guardhouse, she doubts if she's even an arcanist and mentions her arcanum has yet to manifest, which is wild. Smoltin is fighting with her tiny hands and wit in this chapter. However, in the prologue it's mentioned Vertin's understanding of arcanum and her perception makes her unique amongst arcanists. She's also considered more "rationale" than other arcanists. You can read more about this here.
Vertin is stealthy.
Smoltin sneaks around to play outside. She steals food for herself and the Ring from the Staff Canteen, which has better quality food than what the kids get. This tells me she's done this before. Adult Vertin also sneaks around the Walden to find Schneider. She makes maps, tracks guard routes, and avoids detection since whe was a kid.
Tooth Fairy was one of the few Foundation members who cared about Vertin.
Tooth Fairy is the one who gave Smoltin the toffees (chit chat voicelines). She also covered for Vertin on a few occasions to protect her from punishment. She remembers Vertin faking her illness to skip class, but her bruises and wounds were real. The Foundation does have a few kind hearts that genuinely care about the children. The causes of Vertin's injuries is up to speculation.
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kpop---scenarios · 3 months
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Pairing: Yang Jeongin x Reader
Genre: Professor au
Warning: Smuuuut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT]
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested by: @stanskzot8
“Y/N! Are you coming out with us tonight?” Your friend, Hyunjin asks.
“I can't.” You groan. “I agreed to babysit for this lady my mom knows tonight.”
“Boo.” He chuckles. “Well what time are you gonna be done?”
“I have no clue. I'm hoping she won't be too late though. But I'll text you when I'm leaving and let me know where you are.” You grin. He gives you a smile and kiss on your cheek before he walks off to his class. You head to your last class, with the best looking professor in the entire school.
“Hi, Mr. Yang.” You smile, passing your professor. You watch as he smiles slightly back at you, looking you up and down before acting like he's busy, looking down, ruffling with papers.
You slide into your seat, and spend the entire class watching him, the way he talks, the way he walks around the front of the room, the way he smiles while he talks and your heart just melts. You wanted him so fucking badly, and you didn't know how, but at some point you were going to get him somehow.
“That's it for class. Have a great weekend.” He announces, smiling at everyone. You gather your books and your purse, ready to drop them off at your dorm before heading to the house you were going to be spending a few hours at.
You stand in front of the door, knocking a few times as the cool air surrounds you. It was cold and you really wished she would answer the door a lot quicker. You rub your hands together, jumping in the same spot slightly as you wait, until finally the door swings open, and there stands someone you were not expecting.
“Y/N?” He asks.
“Mr. Yang?” You whisper, your mouth almost dropping open in shock.
“What are you doing here? Shit, come in, it's cold.” He says, opening the door a little wider for you to come inside.
“Ah, thank you.” You laugh, walking inside as he closes the door behind you.
“I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting.. you.” He murmurs.
“I was asked by my mother to babysit for someone she knew.. this was the address.” You explain.
“Oh. Oh!” He groans. “That was my ex wife. It's her week and I thought I was going to be in a meeting and couldn't watch our daughter, but things changed and she must have forgotten to tell you. Shit, I'm sorry, Y/N.”
“Please, Mr. Yang, don't worry about it.” You smile.
“Can I uh, get you a drink?” He asks. “And please, call me Jeongin.”
“A drink would be wonderful.” You tell him, taking off your jacket, sitting on the couch.
Thank you, universe, for giving you this opportunity.
“How did you get here?” He asks.
“I just took the bus.. but he said they're not running anymore tonight. It's too cold.” You sigh. “but I will call a cab and get one.”
He nods his head as he drinks his, you assume, whiskey. You take a sip of your drink, the liquor burning your throat as it goes down. You finish your drink, pulling out your phone to call a cab as Jeongin sits on the couch next to you, his legs spread as he slouches.
“Hi, can I get a cab please?” You ask as the operator answers. “Oh.. really? Ah, okay, thank you.” You finish, hanging up the phone. “They aren't running.” You tell him, sighing.
This could not be working out better for you.
“Once my ex gets back, I can bring you home. Unfortunately my daughter is sleeping for the night so I can't bring you right now.” He says.
“That's fine. Do you know how long she'll be?” You ask.
“A few more hours at least.”
“In that case, can I get another drink?” You ask, holding out your cup. He smiles, taking your cup, not before his fingers graze yours, sending shivers down your spine.
You watch Jeongin walk away to pour you a drink, you unbutton your shirt just a little, fixing your hair as best you can before he gets back. He walks back in, you see his eyes dragging up and down your body, he bites his lip as he comes towards you, handing you your drink. You lean forward to grab it, showing your tits off ever so slightly before taking a sip. Jeongin chuckles to himself, running his hands through his hair as he sits next to you.
“How's school going?” He asks, trying to make conversation.
“You don't really wanna know.” You whisper.
He laughs. “No.. I don't.”
“I've seen the way you look at me in class.” You say, looking at him.
“And I've seen how you look at me.” He says.
“I haven't been hiding it.” You grin, shrugging your shoulders.
“But you're my student.” He sighs.
“Yeah, in college.” You giggle. “Sure.. it's frowned upon.” You begin. “But it's not illegal.” You whisper, leaning closer to him.
“You're bad..” he breathes.
“Yes.. yes I am.” You whisper, moving your face closer to his. He breaks the distance, pressing his lips against yours. You open your mouth, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. His hand moves to the back of your head, pressing you against him. You move forward, leaning him back on the couch as you straddle him, your lips never leaving each other's. Jeongin's hands roam your body, grabbing the hem of your shirt to lift it over your head.
Jeongin breaks the kiss, moving to your neck, peppering kisses down your neck, to your collarbone and your chest. He reaches around, undoing your bra, helping you slide it off your body, tossing it elsewhere. He grabs your tits, leaning forward, taking your nipple in his mouth, sucking gently as you grind yourself on him. You can feel his cock harden beneath you. You throw your head back, his hands gripping your bare back as he releases your nipple, you dive back in for a kiss, now pulling his shirt off of him from under you. You drag your hands down his chest, over his abs, groaning.
Jeongin stands up, with you wrapped around his body. He lays you down on the couch, practically ripping your pants off your body, along with your panties. He doesn't say anything as he spreads your legs open wide, licking a strip up your already soaked cunt.
“Fuck.” You groan, grabbing your tits as he licks and sucks on your clit. You arch your back, letting Jeongin slide his fingers deep inside you as his lips latch around your clit, making you cry out loudly.
You can feel your orgasm building quickly, your hand reaching out to grab Jeongin's hair, gripping it tightly as you grind yourself on his face.
“Shit.. you're gonna make.. me..” you breathe as he moves his tongue faster, fucking you harder with his fingers. “Cum.” You scream, your eyes rolling back as your body jolts underneath him.
“So fucking hot.” Jeongin groans, licking his lips, wiping your cum off his face with his tongue. He stands up, unbuckling his pants, letting his cock spring free. You lay on the couch, your legs spread wide open, watching Jeongin get onto the couch, between your legs, holding them up as he lines himself up with you, pushing his large cock deep inside you.
Fuck, he stretched you out good.
You moan loudly as he slowly slides his cock in and out of you.
“Please..Jeongin.” You moan. “Faster.” You beg. “Please fuck me faster.”
You watch his face change, he stares at you as he smirks, his grip around your legs tightening as he snaps his hips, slamming himself into you over and over again. He picks up his pace, fucking you harder and faster, grunting as he rams into you. He reaches between your legs, his fingers grazing your swollen clit, rubbing it, making you squirm beneath him.
“Oh my god.” You cry out, tightening your cunt around him and he continues to fuck you. He releases your legs, letting them spread, keeping his fingers on your clit, laying on top of you pushing himself further inside of you with each thrust. His lips latch onto yours for a quick kiss before moving down your body sucking on your nipples again, his hand rubbing your clit faster.
“Just.. like that.” You groan, your second orgasm right around the corner. “Fuck.” You cry, he releases your nipple, hanging his head down as he snaps his hips faster and harder, his own orgasm looming.
“Cum.” He groans, knowing he can't hold his orgasm back much longer. “Now.” He grunts.
Seconds later, your orgasm hits you, pleasure throwing through your body as you wrap your legs around him. He pushes his cock into you harder as his own orgasm hits. He cums harder, shooting his load deep inside of you. He pants as he pulls out of you, beginning to put his pants back on.
“Bathroom?” You smile, grabbing your clothes and heading into the direction he tells you. As you finish getting dressed, you hear voices. You walk out of the bathroom with a smile on your face as you see Jeongin talking with who you assume is his ex wife.
“Y/N.” She smiles. “My sincerest apologies. I completely forgot to text you and tell you Jeongin was going to be here.” She gasps.
“That's no problem.” You smile.
“Let me take you home, Y/N.” Jeongin smiles, grabbing his keys. “See you later, Chae.” He says to his ex, putting his coat on, as do you before you both leave the house.
As he begins to drive, he looks at you, smiling. “Where am I going?” He wonders.
“How about your place?” You ask, biting your lip slightly.
Jeongin laughs. “Round two?”
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May I request some full HCs of the M6 with an ex coliseum fighter MC?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an ex-Coliseum fighter MC
His first thought when he laid eyes on you after he broke into your shop was "wow, they must have some stories to tell!"
Oddly enough, the physical (and mental/emotional) scars you carry from your time in the Coliseum are big reasons for why he chooses to trust you - and, eventually to cherish you. You've been through it
As someone who's had quite the wild life himself, he can trust you to understand how difficult experiences do and don't define who you are. He knows if he talks about life with pirates, you'll get it
If it's his turn to have a nightmare, he doesn't have to worry that talking about his bad dreams will expose you to new horrors. If it's your turn, he's a light sleeper for good reasons
Tends to pry for stories about your time there, but in a good way that pushes you to process what it was like
Checked over all the scars you accumulated there and regularly asks after any lingering chronic pain from the injuries
Once he's gotten past the initial flirtatious comments and the awkwardness of opening up, he'd be lying if he doesn't find the scars and background very attractive. Rough him up anytime ~
They're in two minds about the whole situation and they're not totally sure how to proceed with it when discomfort isn't their thing
He's glad you're not there anymore. He often wonders if you coming back without memories was actually a merciful thing, if it meant not remembering the details of your trauma
They hate seeing all the marks of pain and violence on your body, because it's like a reminder to them of one of the many ways they somehow let you down or left you alone when you needed help
Deep down, however, it's beyond comforting to him to know what you're capable of surviving without help, because he knows he can't always be there for you no matter how hard he tries
They know that if you're ever in a situation again where your life is threatened, you'll fight viciously to preserve it. They hate that you experienced it and hope you never will again, but they're relieved
All that to say, he doesn't know how to talk about it and he's not going to broach the subject unless you do
Still committed to loving you and being open with you. They know you, they know you're good, and they want you to know them too
When she first met you, she assumed the scars must have come from fighting in a war. The Coliseum didn't occur to her
She doesn't even have the clearest memories of it, since she only really saw it after being married to the man who instated it. That doesn't stop her from feeling immensely guilty about it
This happened to you while she had the power to push back against it, and she didn't. There was so much going wrong that she never addressed because she was holed up in her tower, hiding
That only spurs her to try to make things right. You do receive a halting but heartfelt apology from her early on, and a respectful invitation to share your experience with her at your comfort
Just as you've helped her to move on and recover, she wants to do the same for you. You have a powerful skill set. To the extent that you're willing to, she'd love to see you put it to noble use
How do you feel about teaching martial arts? She'll put you in touch with Nahara, and will help you fund a teaching studio for anyone who could use the coaching
Or you could be her personal bodyguard ...
More than anything, he's just relieved he never had to kill you. He already has so much regret to live with, and the thought of ending the person who would've made life good again is horrific
That doesn't make you easy to be around at first. Everything about you brings back the memories he wants to leave behind
The scars that match his, the way you react to movement, even the way you walk to compensate for the drag of chains you don't wear anymore. You're the un-hateable mirror of everything that hurts
And that's just after the first few days. Truthfully, you scare him, and even after building a new life with you there are still moments when being perceived by you terrifies him, because you get him
You don't need words or confessions to understand the hell that's shaped him so profoundly. And even when he can't stand to carry someone else's pain on top of his own, he still understands yours
It's precisely that forced vulnerability that makes loving you so profoundly healing. He loves you for you, he loves you for the pain you've experienced, and since it's the same as his own, he's learning to love himself begrudgingly in the process
Not put off by you at all, which is extremely rare for you
She finds it attractive if anything. You look like someone who's really lived. You look like someone who gives as good as they get
It makes her a little uncomfortable to be around at first. She's so quickly caught up in the coolness and excitement of your violent past that she can get borderline insensitive with her questions
What's it like to be in a fight? Who's the biggest person you fought? Did you really have to kill all of your opponents? How many did you kill? Was there a lot of blood? What weapons did you use?
Does a complete 180 the first time she sees the emotional and mental toll it's taken on you. She's so empathetic, it takes all of five seconds for her to understand this is trauma before she's weeping
So very happy to be your anchor and grounding presence. She will hold you and grieve with you and never, ever, ever look at you differently for what you were a part of. You're not scary to her
Almost overprotective when it comes to how other people perceive you. Someone's acting like you're the scariest person in the room and making you uncomfortable? She's about to prove them wrong
After spending three years as a goat ghost, he doesn't care who you are, just talk to him - oh, his survival depends on your good graces? And he had you stuck as a Coliseum fighter? Hmmm
Tried to hide it, but he was scared at first. He was smart enough to know that you had good reason to dislike him, and therefore plenty of reason to further mess him up in such a vulnerable state
But you didn't. Which made him confused. And curious
Tell him about your time there, then! What was it like being in the ring? Being a participant in his favorite fight of yours?
Oh. Oh, it was that bad? ..... oh.
He carries guilt for every painful repercussion you experience. It was shame, and now it looks more like remorseful responsibility, but he doesn't need it rubbed in his face to know it was wrong
What he also knows is a valuable lesson you taught him, which is both the importance and possibility of making things right
You will never have a nightmare he won't be ready to comfort you for. You will never have an injury he won't be getting his clothes dirty for treating it. You will always, always have him by your side
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi there! Could you please do headcanons on Astarion, Karlach, Will and Hanson with a significant other who tries to hide their accent, but it slips through every once in a while? Thank you!!
Hearing Their S/O's Accent That's Kept Secret
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Karlack, Halsin, Wyll
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I'm assuming autocorrect got you with Wyll and Halsin (I was so confused as to who Hanson is in BG3 before my Int check succeeded and I realized who you meant)
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Kind of side eyes you a bit when he hears your little slip up. It definitely makes him curious. At first, he thought that maybe your mouth was running faster than your brain and that was why you said something a bit differently.
Except the more he listened, the more he could hear the subtle differences in your pronunciation, and it just causes a smug, knowing smile to cross his face. Doesn't bring it up right away since you all have your secrets.
You can bet that if he hears you scolding him or something because he teased or mentioned killing someone, then he'll gladly bring up your accent. He does a ridiculous mimicry of it and waits to see how you react to the fact he figured out the obvious secret you were trying to keep.
Astarion doesn't really care too much about your accent. It was fun for a bit trying to figure it out, but now he just wants to hear you talk to him in your normal voice. Let him hear all the different twangs or different phrases you use cause of the dialect. He won't tease you about it, much.
Smiles a tad when he hears you pronounce something just a bit off. He can't help but step in and correct you, or at least say it the way that this region says it.
Rather it embarrasses you or not, Halsin does apologize for the correction, but he figured it'd be good to know how it's pronounced by others just so you know why everyone else is speaking silly.
He's also one that would like to hear you talk in your true tone but understands if you're hiding it for one reason or another. Just know that whenever you're comfortable to speak, that he'll always be happy to listen.
And if you'd like to hear how something is supposed to be pronounced (or typically pronounced in the region) then he'll tell you and smile a bit if you go on a tangent about why it's pronounced a certain way that makes no sense to you.
She noticed something was a tad off with how you spoke and she'll pull you aside and ask about it. If you do tell her about your hidden accent, then she gets so excited because she knew your pronunciation was a bit different.
Finds it a tad silly to keep your accent secretive. I mean, you travel with her and she's loud and proud about the way she talks. And you also know Astarion, someone that speaks much differently from her. And then there's Lae'zel... Don't even get her started on Withers!
I mean, look, she gets being self-conscious and having those bad thoughts about yourself, she gets them a lot with how her heart is. But with the group of weirdos that you all are, she hopes that you can learn to be proud of how you speak and where you came from.
So, until you're proud to speak with your normal voice, she's going to be like a little kid and ask you how you pronounce different things. You can bet that she wants to hear you mimicking her voice in your cute accent. Doesn't even care the context or how you say it, she wants to hear you attempt to mimic her voice.
He's pretty well traveled so when he hears your little slip up, he knows that it's less of a stumbling of words and more that it is a dialect. He does try to piece where it's from, but it'll take him a few more times of hearing your accent slip out.
When he does piece it together, he gets pretty excited and will approach you in camp about it. He just asks if you're from that specific area and that's the cause of the accent or because you had a parent that spoke that way. Either way, he's curious and wants to hear more of it.
Wyll has hid his birthright from many people, so he understands if you wanted to hide your accent for similar reasons. Or if it was just being embarrassed of how you talk. Either way, he won't pressure or force you to speak if it bothers you.
Does try to keep an ear out for more of your slip ups. Even if you're embarrassed about them, he enjoys getting the few glimpses of your accent as he can. Wyll is also always happy to hand out compliments to you with how your voice is a perfect melody to him.
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gl1tched-g0th · 1 month
Actually no I WILL talk about how much I adore the last conversation Bojack and Diane had.
He tried to make a depressing joke, ("Wouldn't it be funny if this night was the last time we ever talked to each other?"), assuming she'd play along or agree, but she didn't. Bojack gets visibly confused and maybe even uncomfortable by this. Silence. Bojack tries to save the conversation, only for Diane to cut him off. Bojack tries to avoid what he knows is coming - abandonment - but then Diane catches him off guard with a "thank you", and just for a split second he takes as reassurance that she's not leaving. Then Diane continues, tells him it's going to be okay and that she's sorry. Bojack gets that pit in his stomach again.
Diane says thank you once more, almost as damage control, as she tries to leave. Bojack desperately tries to keep her around to prolong the inevitable, just for a bit more. Just one last good memory. For the window of time that he tells the story, you can see Bojack loosen up. He gets hopeful again. He smiles. He almost forgets Diane is gonna leave after he runs out of words.
And then he does. His words stop, their voices die out with their laughter and the familiarity of the conversation. The familiarity of them. They have nothing left to do. No other way to end their chapter together.
Bojack decides to end it with another depressing joke, as has been customary for his and Diane's dynamic. But instead of laughing or agreeing, Diane goes against his words. Discomfort and confusion outline Bojack's features again. That's not right. That's not the Diane he knows. Then Diane talks about how nice of a night it is, and Bojack goes back to smiling and a more comfortable demeanor. "This is nice" he says, and looks to Diane for approval. He frowns when all she does is stare at the sky. The realization finally sets in, finally. Bojack looks at her with concern, praying she'll just say a simple "Yeah". But nothing. Defeat. And then acceptance. They stay in silence. You can see Bojack wants to say something, to try and save this relationship. But a part of him pulls him back. The part of him that knows the truth.
Diane changed for the better, when he just changed.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Fandom: Genshin Impact
May I request an Arlecchino concept?
I can try. I stopped playing Genshin during Sumeru, so this is primarily me researching and gaining info from the internet and friends. I hope you enjoy this regardless of that :) Doesn't help that we still don't have much info on her....
Yandere! Arlecchino Concept
(Pre-Version 4.6)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Violence, Blood, Mentions of murder, Subtle possessive behavior, Kidnapping mention, Isolation, Dubious/Forced companionship/relationship.
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Arlecchino seems to be manipulative, acting as a spy for the Fatui.
Her main objective is to find the Hydro Gnosis, prying about to find the true Hydro Archon.
She acts kind, often being described as a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing".
She wants others to trust her... but we can assume she is willing to use others like most other Fatui.
Arlecchino would originally see her obsession over her darling as a distraction to her goals.
When you meet Arlecchino, she comes off as cordial and graceful.
She's strict but still capable of being lenient towards subordinates.
Other Fatui feel she is acting and isn't truthful with her motives, loyalty, and behavior.
This manipulative behavior of hers makes it easy for her to hide her obsession.
If she does have some sort of interest in you, she hides her true motives.
Imagine if Arlecchino had Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet gain info on you.
She never says why, just asking them to learn more about you.
When they're busy, Arlecchino herself watches you closely to know more about you.
She doesn't understand her obsession... which is why she spends time getting information on you.
After all, your presence drives her thoughts crazy.
Arlecchino is very tactical in her way of thinking, carefully gaining info on you.
You barely can tell her obsession when she speaks to you for one reason or another.
Although it is odd to others that she seems so interested in you (Mostly the Fatui are intrigued).
Her views of a platonic or romantic relationship towards you are naturally quite twisted.
She's literally the Knave, so....
A platonic obsession is obviously not the typical "friends/allies" relationship.
That's not even getting into the idea of her having a romantic fascination over you.
Arlecchino will come off kind and cordial towards her obsession.
You won't catch her true motives until it's too late.
She tries to play off your conversations as "friendly chatter".
For once maybe she doesn't want to be diplomatic, yeah?
But then she begins asking oddly specific questions about you.
Arlecchino, despite claiming to be a friend, seems to want to know too much.
All the while she tries her best to keep up the trust between you two.
Arlecchino treats speaking with her darling as a balancing act.
She tries to maintain your trust with truths and lies... along with gather more information on you to fuel her obsession.
As her obsession grows... she even considers isolating you.
Those too close to what's hers is done away with.
May her polearm be coated in blood and the smell of burning flesh greet her nose...
Many will perish by her hand if it means she can have her new obsession all to herself.
When Arlecchino has enough of waiting around and gathering research, she'll escalate her obsession.
It's either the moment she loses your trust or gets impatient that sets her off.
She can't lose you to anyone or anything... you drive her insane.
Do you really think... you can just leave her now?
By the time you learn of her true identity, by the time you see how unhinged you make her...
You're taken away.
You're thrown in a cell, somewhere where none can find you.
She doesn't let any other Fatui touch you.
You're hers now, the person who had been driving her insane is now within her grasp.
She doesn't apologize for her manipulation.
Obviously Arlecchino doesn't care if you feel betrayed... much.
Even when she tries to reach out to caress your face... you flinch away and it hurts her a bit.
Despite this... she never lets you go.
You're hers... it's final....
She doesn't even care if you call her a monster as long as she has you.
Arlecchino clearly cares for you to some degree...
That's why you're here, all alone, with just her by your side... isn't it?
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gorgeys · 1 month
heyyy i've been thinking about this specific scenario w our queen for a while now and id love to see you writing about it if possible bc ur amazinggg
so basically ive been thinking about maeve and reader being in the beginning of their relationship but maeve is still very closed off and hates any sign of vulnerability so when reader notices that and tries to help maeve process her emotions in a healthier way than w drugs or just bottling up like she always does she gets really defensive and fight w reader about it but then maeve realize that it was a shitty thing to do n apologize to reader because she really wants this to work its just that old habits die hard
basically angst w happy ending bc im a sucker for hurt/comfort
never let me go ★ queen maeve
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Queen Maeve x fem!reader
Maeve has her walls up, but you help her break them down
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2960
Note: thank you sm for the great request! i'm not the best at writing this hurt/comfort stuff but i really tried!! i hope you enjoy!
you stuffed shredded chicken into a searing pan of sauce.  if someone had walked in, they would have assumed you were cooking for a family of six. but no, the pan was piled high just for your girlfriend who had a never-ending appetite and claimed she'd rather eat your food than the meals at any restaurant.  that boosted your ego quite a bit considering maeve had literally dined at the most expensive and renowned restaurants in America.
some nights she'd come up behind you while you whipped up one of your classic dishes and wrap her arms around your waist.  she'd leave little kisses behind your ear and tell you how much she missed you, leaving a stupid smile on your face.  then she'd rest her head on your shoulder and ask you to tell her everything about your day because her day was "boring as usual."  you didn't consider being a crime-fighting superhero boring by any means, but you got the hint that she didn't want to talk about it.
but then other nights you wondered if the meal was all she came for.  it was nights like tonight, where she sat silently at the kitchen table with a beer in one hand and an empty bottle beside her, that left you worrying. whenever you glanced back at her, she always seemed to be blankly staring off into space, as if complicated thoughts were clouding her mind.  you had tried giving her space but you couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong.
she only makes her presence known when she gets up from her chair, opens the fridge, and reaches for another beer.  upon noticing, you release a tired sigh that catches her attention.
"maeve, do you really need another?" you ask without turning around.  "i mean, you're gonna finish the whole case."
she closes the fridge behind her.
"i can just go out and buy some more," she says with a simple shrug.
"no, maeve, that's not what i mean," you say.  you half turn to meet her eyes and just look at her for a moment, wondering if she'll catch on.  from the little twitch of her eyes, you think she does, but she still doesn't say anything.  she just stands there and stares back at you, her hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle.  you sigh once more.  "is something going on?"
"what? no," she quickly says with the slight furrow of her eyebrows as if it's a stupid question. she doesn't sound one bit convincing.
"right," you say, fully turning around and dropping the wooden spoon into the pan. you lean your back against the edge of the counter.  "so you just sit in silence, drinking like a fish for no reason at all?"
she scoffs and laughs as if you're being absurd.
"since when do you care how much i drink?" she asks with her usual satirical smile.  you know that smile well.  it's the one she always displays when the conversation is teetering on something uncomfortable.
"since you started drinking like a middle-aged man going through a divorce."
"oh, come on, y/n" she says, waving you off.  "it's just cause i can't really get drunk like a normal person.  i need a few more."
"a few more?" you ask with raised eyebrows.  "maeve, you drink enough to kill a couple racehorses.  i mean, the only people i've seen drink that much are people trying to forget things."
her smile falters and you take it as a sign that you're headed in the right direction.
"if anything's going on, i want you to know that you can talk to me about it," you say sincerely, taking a step toward her.  "i'm always here for you, no matter what."
you catch her rolling her eyes before she turns away from you.
"god, stop with all the sappy shit," she says sharply.  she slams the beer on the tabletop rather hard.  "i'm fine, okay?" she says, borderline shouting.
"then talk to me, please," you say, placing a hand over your chest.  you know you sound a little pathetic as you plead but you hope it gets through to her.  "because it's so hard to guess what you're feeling when you just sit there not saying anything.  i can only imagine the worst."
she audibly groans before she sits back in her chair.  her eyes lock dead onto yours and she ignores the desperation written all over your face.
"i have shitty enough days already, the last thing i wanna do is come here and talk about my fucking feelings like i'm in kindergarten.  i deal with enough children at vought already," she says, crossing her arms and staring daggers into you.
you press your lips together out of frustration.  she's a grown woman but she's acting like an immature teenager.
"well you can't just keep everything to yourself," you say, matching her posture and crossing your own arms.  "i know it's a lot to carry between the seven and vought and having to save everyone in this whole shitty city, so don't feel like you have to carry it alone."
she laughs at you and it only feels like a punch to your gut.
"god, i didn't know i was talking to my fucking therapist," she says, overenunciating her words and practically spitting at you in the process.  "do you come up with these lines yourself or do you steal them off inspirational pinterest boards?" she asks with a derisive smile.
"maeve," you sigh, growing tired of this game that you're playing.  she's usually awful at these touchy conversations but she's especially defensive tonight.  you take another step toward her. "all i'm asking is that you have a real conversation with me.  i mean, i feel like i'm talking to a stranger half the time because i don't know a single thing about you.  you wanna talk about the bachelor for an hour but can't tell me a thing about your day or what's actually bothering you.  it's like pulling teeth with you."
you take a final cautious step toward her and place one palm on the table to support your weight. you're standing just inches away from her.
"stop shutting me out.  it's hurting both of us," you say, more softly this time.
"you mean it's hurting you," she says, punctuating her words by slamming her fist on the table, causing you to flinch and jump away from her.  you look down and notice she's cracked the wooden surface.
you've never been seriously scared of her strength before, but you are in this moment.
"i'm doing just fine, actually. you just want me to have a break down so you can feel better about yourself and your small, meaningless problems," she says, rising from her chair.
you scoff out of disbelief.
"do you even hear yourself right now?" you ask, throwing your hands up in the air.  "i'm your girlfriend, not some villain you have to fight.  i'm not praying on your downfall.  all i wanna do is help you."
she laughs and shakes her head while you huff.  it boils your blood when she treats you like this, like some ignorant outsider, not someone who cares so deeply about her.
"oh, okay y/n, so let's just hold hands and sing kumbaya and maybe all my problems will disappear," she says, the typical sarcasm dripping from her tone.  it's quickly replaced by venom.  "you can't do anything to help me.  you're stupid for ever thinking you could," she yells, before falling back into her chair and opening the beer bottle with the flick of her thumb.
once again, you just stare at her, wondering if she'll recognize the insanity behind her words and the visible hurt they've inflicted on you.  but no, she just takes a long swig from the bottle, letting you know that nothing you've said has pierced her tough exterior.
finally, you've reached your limit with her.  you know this is going nowhere.
"well fuck me, maeve, for trying to help," you say, spinning around and turning the stove off.  she puts her beer down, a little surprised by the abrupt change in your usually understanding nature.  "you can make your own dinner and go back to your bougie penthouse and drink yourself to death up there, okay?  i'm not fucking doing this tonight."
she only watches as you, with glossy eyes, stomp toward your bedroom and slam the door behind you.  she doesn't make an effort to stop you, but instead sits there almost dumbfounded by the way she's tipped you over the edge.  she had never seen you like this before.
she stays at your now cracked kitchen table for quite a while, downing her third beer and contemplating if she should go in and talk to you or leave like you asked.
even if she did push aside the embarrassment and work up the courage to knock on your bedroom door, what would she even say to you?  that she has blood on her hands from all the people homelander's killed and she can't take it anymore?  that when she closes her eyes, all she can see are those screaming, terrified, innocent people?  that that's why she's broken inside?  no, those are her burdens to carry, not yours, she thinks.  she can't scare you away now, not this soon.
"fuck," she curses as she stands up from the table, eyes locked on your bedroom door.
she wants to be in that bed with you, her head tucked in the crook of your neck as you sleep soundly.  she wants to fall asleep to your perfect, soothing smell and the soft sound of your breathing like she usually does.
but no.  no matter how much her heart hurts, she can't bring herself to your door.  she can't let you see through her like that.  instead, she throws the bottles into your trash can and walks out of your apartment.
for the next few days, all maeve can think about is you.  she thinks about you opening your apartment door for her, close to midnight, after a long night of crime-fighting.  you're in your cute plaid pajama pants and maybe your oversized queen maeve shirt that she stole for you from vought tower.
she thinks about watching netflix on the couch with you, cuddled under your favorite soft blue blanket.  she thinks about the moment you slump against her shoulder as you begin to doze off.
she even misses your texts.  she misses your "have the best day, baby!!" texts.  she misses all the heart-eye emojis you send her.  she misses the cute impromptu pictures you take, especially the ones you take of yourself kissing random queen maeve billboards or posters around the city.  she misses your "i love you <3" texts.
and it's during a boring seven meeting where she keeps checking her phone, hoping for a text from you, that she realizes that she can't lose you.  she desperately needs you and every day that she doesn't see you feels like a pointless one.  she can't carry on with vought or the seven or saving people if she doesn't have you to come home to.
so maybe, to make this thing between the two of you work, she needs to change.  maybe she needs to open up, because losing you is not an option.
that's the sentiment she repeats in her head as she knocks on your apartment door, waiting impatiently to see you for the first time since your fight.
she hears the pitter pattering of your bare feet from behind the door before you swing it open.  and there you are, in all your glory of messy hair and sweatpants.  you don't say anything, so maeve sends you a weak smile.
"hi," she says awkwardly, looking almost embarrassed to be in her current situation.
"hi," you reply, more coldly than she's used to.  though she understands after everything she said last time.
she stares at you for another beat, soaking in every part of your presence.  relief floods her body just seeing you.
"i, um, i bought you a new table," she says, raising the cardboard ikea box she had tucked under one arm.  "i'm sorry about what i did to your other one."
you open the door wider so she can come in and set the box down in your kitchen.  when she walks back to you, you still have one hand on the door edge, holding the door open.
"is that all you came to do or..."
she can't read your blank expression.  do you want her to leave or stay?  it doesn't matter.  she has to be brave right now.
"no," she says, standing awkwardly in your living room, her fingers playing with the hem of her sweater.  she nervously looks down at the floor for a moment.  she reminds you of a shy school girl that's trying to work up the courage to ask out her crush.  "can we talk?"
you close and lock the door and notice that maeve's already invited herself to sit on your couch.  so you sit beside her, your body turned toward her and your elbow resting on the top of the couch.  you watch as she sits there stiffly, as if she's never been there before, with her hands tightly folded in her lap.
her gaze nervously flickers from your face to her hands every few seconds.  you can see the gears in her brain spinning in overdrive as she tries to find the right words.  although the air is slightly tense and awkward, you would sit there for hours if it meant maeve would finally share herself with you.
"y/n," she finally says, abruptly raising her head to look you in the eye.  your heart jumps a little. "being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to be.  i've...seen terrible things," she says before taking a deep breath.  "i've done terrible things."
you realize that this is the moment.  this is the moment where she's finally going to let you into her life.  her whole life.  so, you shelve your anger and gently rest a hand over one of her wrists.  you give her skin a soft, encouraging squeeze that tells her to continue.
"and...the guilt is the worst part.  i-" she pauses to take another shaky breath and then press her lips together.  you can see that tears are beginning to prick the corners of her eyes.  "i don't know what to do," she admits, her voice cracking.  your heart cracks along with it.
"and i guess..." she continues.  "i didn't want you to have to worry about that.  i didn't want to scare you," she says, looking back down at her hands.
"maeve," you coo, resting your other hand on her shoulder.  a pout naturally finds it's way to your lips.  seeing her this emotional almost makes you want to cry with her.
"and i'm so sorry.  because...not telling you made everything even worse.  and i just don't want to lose you," she says, a tear rolling down her cheek.  her hand immediately rises to wipe it away.  "i don't want to lose you because of something stupid like this."
"maeve," you say, your hand leaving her shoulder to push a strand of hair out of her face.  "it's okay., it's not stupid.  i get it, you're not used to doing...this. i know it's hard for you."  you gently hold her cheek in her hand, forcing her to make eye contact with you.  "but you could never scare me away.  i promise.  i'm with you because i want to know all of you.  all the bad stuff too."
"but, y/n, it's really bad," she says, pressing her lips together to prevent herself from breaking down.
you're leaning into her and holding her face with both hands now, your foreheads almost touching.
"maeve, you're a good person," you say.  you sound so sincere that maeve can't help the silent tears that start to flow rapidly.  that was everything she needed to hear and more.  "i know that.  you know that.  whatever is going on, it's not something that we can't overcome together.  if you let me in, i'm going to help you as much as i can, okay?  i'm always here for you," you say.
she nods in your hands and feels her body flooded by an overwhelming sense of comfort.
"i need you, y/n.  i need this to work. and i wanna be better.  for you," she says, finally bumping your forehead with hers.
"i know.  and i know it's scary to tell me all this stuff but i promise, it's going to get easier.  if you trust me, there's nothing we can't do," you say, a little smile finding it's way to your face.  you know it sounds cheesy and it's something maeve would have made fun of you for under typical circumstances, but in the moment, it feels right.  "and you know i love you, right?"
she instinctively wraps her arms around your shoulders, engulfing you in the tightest hug you've ever received from her.  she familiarly tucks her head into the crook of your neck, inhaling that smell she missed so much.
"i love you so much," she whispers into your skin and you melt in her arms.  you hold her just as tightly, your fingers rubbing up and down her back.  "i missed you."
"i missed you more," you say.
"i'm never letting you go again," she says, squeezing you to her chest even tighter, and you laugh softly.  she's telling the honest truth.
though fear still lingered in the back of her mind, this feeling sure as hell beat any alcohol.
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marleyybluu · 8 months
Husband!Oscar x black!wife!reader
Word count: 2k
Content warning: fluffy fluffy, Oscar is a stubborn husband, a little sexy flirtatiousness at the end, just your typical married couple and we love it, reader is hot for Oscar and his glasses (I mean I would be too tf)
A/N: bare in mind that i don’t have glasses idk how the process goes lmao I just made shit up so sorry if it’s not accurate I guess. Who cares we’re in make believe land rn
Sorry for typos && bad translations if any
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(I know these aren’t glasses glasses but… you get it lmao)
"Mama..." Rafa says poking your arm, you look down at him and smile. "Yes?"
"Why is Dad making that face?" He asks pointing over to Oscar who's holding his phone down in his lap with his head tilted up slightly so that he can see the screen better. You shook your head. That old bastard was a stubborn one. You have noticed for months now that Spooky is squinting to read everything, he's holding things at certain angles just the see the words correctly. He even has the kids reading things for him when he flat-out can't make out any of the words.
And of course, you've confronted him about it, saying if he wanted you could schedule an appointment with an optometrist and get his vision checked but he tells you— "No, mamita, I'm fine."
Stubborn Jack ass.
You roll your eyes and sigh dramatically. "Mi hijo, maybe you can talk some sense into your big-headed father. Because he won't listen to me." You say loud enough for your husband to hear. He grumbles and looks over at you, so tempted to say something disrespectful but your son is there. You wiggle your eyebrows taunting him.
"Papa, I think you need gafas."(glasses)
Spooky breathes heavily like a dragon, you swear smoke comes out of his nose too. "Mira, baby, let me just take you to check your eyes. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words and do anything you want."
His ears perk up at the offer. "Anything?"
And you knew what that tone meant. Spooky had been asking for another baby sooner rather than later but you constantly rebuttal with the fact that your third child, Emilia, was only a year old and you refused to have two under two. "Yes, anything." You reply confidently knowing you'd win this battle. He says it's a deal and you smile proudly keeping a reminder to make his appointment later.
-- --
In the days leading up to the appointment, he swore up and down that you'd be wrong, that you'll soon be walking around with a round belly all over again and he couldn't wait to see it. You remain quiet and shrug, occasionally giggling at how cocky he was about this.
After dropping the kids off at your mom's, you two head over to the Optometrist. You're pleasantly greeted by the woman at the front desk who asks you who the appointment is for. Oscar finds himself a seat and huffs like a child. You roll your eyes and mention his name. "I'm assuming you made the appointment." She smiles light-heartedly. "That obvious?"
"Trust me, I've got one at home whose chain I have to pull to even get him to the doctor. They're all like that."
You giggle and look over your shoulder at him as he pouts and looks at his new shoes. The receptionist says she'll let the doctor know you two were there and be back to guide you to a room. You take a seat next to Oscar who immediately puts his hand on your thigh, squeezing at your supple flesh. "So, what do you think the next baby will be? I hope it's a boy, I can't lie."
"Will you shut the fuck up? You are not winning this bet, Diaz."
He looks around before trailing his hand up your dress, your eyes widen when his fingers brush over your panties. "Who you talkin' to like that? Don't let this bet get you fucked up."
You swallow your attitude and shrink in the chair, he removes his hand and gently kisses your temple. Maybe he'd get another baby out of you regardless.
It wasn't long before you two were called in. Once in the room, Oscar was told to sit in the chair that was hooked up to everything while you sat in the extra chair not too far from them. He starts by asking Oscar about his medical history; and if anyone in his family has problems with their vision but he says, "Not as far as I know."
You watch as he's asked to read the chart across the room and he instinctively squints, you cover your mouth to stop your giggles.
Even with the act of squinting he ends up getting a lot of them wrong.
He's tested furthermore and, honestly, it was not looking too good. He was struggling so much that it was truly getting to him, his nails scape at the jeans over his knee caps-- taps them once in a while whenever he lets out a frustrated sigh. You were beginning to feel bad for him, wanting to whisper the letters to him so he didn't feel so... shitty.
The lights in the room turn on and the optometrist sits in his chair. "Mr. Diaz, unfortunately, I do think you'll need some prescription glasses. You are more farsighted in your right eye than you are in your left. The left eye seems to be fine for now. So, I will put in an order for a pair of lenses and when they're ready we'll give you a call to pick out the frames."
Oscar sighs, he sounds so defeated. You two thank the doctor and make your way out of the office building and back to the car. He sucks his teeth while buckling his seatbelt, he crosses his arms and waits for you to put the car in drive but you don't budge. "Why are you acting like this?"
He shrugs. "Let's just go."
"No. What are you upset about?"
"I'm old."
There was a moment of silence, took you a a minute to realize he was serious. "I'm old, mama. I can't see shit, I'm tired, I'm cranky. I'm fucking old. Next thing you know I can't play with my kids, can't play Fútbol con Rafa, dios mio." (Soccer with Rafa, my God)
He was genuinely spiralling. "Papito, I hate to break it to you but we're supposed to get old." You say to him but it (obviously) doesn't help.
"Lo sé, mi amor, pero, they still have to make it to middle school and high school, I gotta see them through college."
"Who says you won't? Mi marido, (my husband) we will be there for all of their events, for all the big changes. We will still be there when they all leave the nest to create their own, and when they come back to visit." You reassure. "I'll still be next to you in a rocking chair. We are not going anywhere, anytime soon. Entiendes? No hay prisa." (Understand? No rush)
He nods, still pouting. You lean over and plant a loving kiss on his lips. "If you ask me you will make a sexy Abuelo. Glasses and all."
"En serio?" A little bit of confidence coming back to him.
"Sí, papi chulo." You purr pulling him in for another kiss. "You know we have a lot of time before we got to get the kids." He grumbles his lips travelling down your neck. "Let's go before you get us in trouble in this parking lot."
He shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first time."
You laugh. "I know, I don't want to relive it."
-- --
Days passed and Oscar finally got the call to pick up his lenses and choose the frames, you offered to go with him but he said he wanted to surprise you. You'd been waiting all day excited to see what would walk through the door.
You sighed flipping through the selections on Prime, the house was quiet with the kids either distracted or sleeping and you were bored-- until you heard the car door slam shut and his keys jingle right outside the door. The door swings open but he doesn't enter, not yet. He calls out for you and when you answer all too eagerly he chuckles at your excitement. "You been waitin' on this all day?" He asks.
"Yes, hurry the fuck up." You rush. He appears from behind the door and stands with his arms slightly open. "Cómo me veo?" (How do I look?) He asks. Your eyes widen and your jaw slacks. They were simple black frame glasses, they weren't obnoxiously thick or oddly small, and they were good enough to fit him. You sit up on your knees and lean over the back of the couch. "You look... good. Muy guapo, papito." You slur feeling a heat spread in your lower belly. His eyebrows raise in surprise, he knows that look anywhere.
"Oscar... " You had the filthiest line ready for him to hear until a pair of footsteps descended from the steps. "Whoooooa! Elliana, Mira! Papa got glasses!" Rafa announces rushing down the stairs to get a better look and shortly another set of little feet made their way over. The two children were so interested in what was on their father's face and how different he looked. "Can you see better?" Elliana asks and he smiles giving her a sweet kiss on her head. "Sí, mi corazón. Thanks for asking."
Rafa turns to you. "Mama, doesn't Dad's glasses look cool?"
Their eyes were on you but you could feel the taunting nature of your husband's eyes. "Yeah... mhm, he looks... they look-k good." You stammer causing Oscar to smirk.
He had seemingly found an upper hand on you with these glasses and he wasn't afraid to use it over the next week. He had them on even when he didn't need them to see that look on your face— the lust, the adoration— your pupils seem to expand whenever you see him in those spectacles. He just looked fucking hot.
It was the best when he walked around in his grey sweats, alone, with no shirt. Just his tattoos and glasses to complete his look and you ate it up every time. You tug on your bottom lip as you paint the picture in your mind. But why imagine, when you can just go see. The house was quiet, all the kids were sound asleep, you shifted out of bed as carefully as you could to not wake Emilia. Once you are successful you grab the baby monitor and creep downstairs, the television is off and the whole first floor is dark-- the only form of light shines through the windows courtesy of the moon. 
"Why the fuck would you do that!?" 
Ah yes, of course, he was in his habitat. The basement. You sneak your way down to see that the ceiling light is off and he just has the ones around his monitors on, though they are bright enough for her to see where she's going. His back is turned and he's so zoned in that your presence goes unnoticed for quite some time. You cross your arms and dramatically clear your throat to let him know you're here. "Yall give me a minute, wifey is here." You can hear the collective; "Hi wifey!" "Hola señiorita!" "What's good Mrs. Spooky?" 
You smile and greet them right back before he mutes his mic. "What's up?" He spins his chair to give you his full attention. "Emilia's awake?" 
You shake your head. "No, she's still sleeping. Just came to hang out." Your eyes ogle the print in his sweats. He follows your line of sight and chuckles. "You sure?"
"Mhm." You swing your leg over his legs and perch yourself on his lap. "I mention how fucking good you look in these glasses?" You purr leaning in. "They havin' an effect on you, ma. That I can see." He hums ghosting your lips with his. "And that's why you should listen to your esposa (wife)more." 
Your lips finally meet and it's not long before you two are practically nibbling at each other with a mutual desperation to end the sexual tension that's been created over time. "Let me hop off the game-" 
"No, it's okay. They can't see you right?" You smirk gnawing at his jaw. "No, they can't."
You reach between your bodies and slide your hand into his sweats. Oscar reaches up to adjust his glasses and when they begin to fog up he cleans them off and reaches to put them on his desk when you stop him. 
"The glasses stay on, Diaz." 
if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated. peace and love, see you in the next one🤙🏾
🏷️: @darqchilddaydreamz @educatorsareslutstoo @realhotgurlshit @bigenergy777
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cosmerelists · 2 months
Top 10 Minor Stormlight Characters I Want To See More Of
Don't get me wrong. I will take 1500 pgs of Kaladin being Kaladin and Shallan being Shallan etc. etc. But there are some characters who just don't get very much screentime who I would LOVE to see featured in Stormlight 5. Here are my Top 10 picks!
[Contains spoilers for Stormlight!]
#10: Zu
I do love me some Windrunners, Lightweavers, and Bondsmiths, but I'd love to see some of the other Orders get featured too. Zu is a Stoneward (like Taln!) and she seemed cool in her brief appearances during the Shademar diplomatic trip. There's that bit about how she seems to be better at combat than her known background would suggest and how she seemed super perceptive...but mostly, I'm not gonna lie, I just want to learn more about Stonewards and cool ladies.
#9: Thude
I mean, since Stormlight 4 ended with [SPOILERS INCOMING WHOOP WHOOP] Venli finding the Listener community hidden away, I assume we'll get more from them in Stormlight 5?? I hope so! Thude in particular seemed cool: I feel like it was largely due to him that some Listeners escaped from Odium, and I'd just like to spend more time with those characters. Venli's mom too!
#8: Those two cute Ardents
I had to look up their names: Ashir & Geranid. They're the cute couple of Ardents who live on a Reshi Island and seem to be living their best lives? Ashir likes to eat sweet food and cook, and as a man this would be scandal were he not an Ardent. And Geranid is doing science experiments on flamespren. I would love to see what they're both up to these days!
#7: Axies the Collector
I just like learning about all the different spren, I think. And so Axies was a fun character to follow around. He needs to meet Kaladin so he can learn that imprisonment spren are real!
#6: Cusicesh
This is that big huge spren in Iri that rises out of the water at the same time every day and cycles through faces--we meet them in the Axies the Collector chapter. And I dunno! Something about Cusicesh just captured my imagination! What are they the spren of exactly?? Why are they so punctual?? What does it all mean?? I don't really expect to find out, to be honest, but I would love to visit there again.
#5: Azure
I know Azure is a major character in a certain other series, but she was a fairly minor part of Stormlight. But she was great! I don't know if she'll really be coming back--her heading off into Shadesmar felt final--but Nightblood is still on Roshar so maybe? I'd love to see more of her interactions with Rosharans!
#4: Malata
Here again we see my desire to just see more of the orders! We haven't seen much of the Releasers, and I'd like to see more. I don't want them to be written off as the "evil" order or something, and I think Malata is an interesting character.
#3: Dieno (The Mink)
Like, not only is Dieno a super interesting character in his own right, but he also provides a much-needed Alethi-critical perspective, I think. I'd definitely like to see him more in Stormlight 5!
#2: Cord
I mean, Cord was featured heavily in Dawnshard, but I'd say she's definitely more of a minor character in the main Stormlight series. And I'd love to see more of her! She's tough, cool, hopefully gay for Rysn...and I'm also a big fan of Rock, so I like seeing members of his family. I also appreciate that Rock & Cord have such different outlooks but still seem to have a really (rock?)solid relationship. Stormlight can use more healthy families, you know?
#1: Hesina
But the number one character I want to see more of and my actual motivation for writing this list is Hesina! I feel like Hesina has appeared quite a few times--certainly more than some of the others on this list--but her scenes usually also involve Kaladin and Lirin, and Kaladin and Lirin usually dominate the interactions. I am desperate to see more Hesina-as-Hesina, not just Hesina-dealing-with-the-father-son-drama-that-is-her-constant-background. I'd love to see Hesina interact with other characters too--I think there was been tumblr discussion of Hesina interacting with Adolin or more with Rlain: that'd be great! Honestly, I would take ANY Hesina POV section, as I'm not sure we've ever had one?
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