#she lives with her brother and sister in law if I am not wrong
mohabbaat · 4 months
Did you know that Modi had a wife?????
Oh my god I just read about it and that piece of shit treated her so badly
Poor her
i think everyone knows that. he acknowledged it before his first term (so while submitting his participation for he 2014 elections). apparently he was forced into it by his parents when he was 18 and the marriage was never a "real marriage" as in it was never cosummated. he left soon after. his wife continues to live as a married woman tho cause they never divorced/annulled he marriage, he just left. she even said (in an interview around 2015) that if he calls, she will go to his oath taking ceremony. :(
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ghosty206 · 1 month
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can you write azriel x rhys sister and how rhys finds about them being mates because he thinks azriel just plays with her because he told him to stay away from elain?
Choose you
Azriel was lost. Lost and confused and everyone with two eyes could see it. Whether the loop of pain was voluntarily chosen by him being stuck in a self-sabotage mode or the constant pain of others letting him down, it didn’t matter. Rhys didn’t find him stable enough to hold a proper relationship. Didn’t find him mindful enough to know that his actions affected others. So to say that he didn’t approve of whatever that Azriel saw in you would have been an understatement.
“Let’s get one thing clear”, Rhys stated, holding eye contact with Azriel, “If you make YN your bounce back, I will kill you with my own two hands”. Because he had seen it. Had seen Azriel’s eyes dancing on you ever since you came back from your tutoring in Spring. “I don’t know what you are talking about”, Azriel brushed it off, shrugging. “I hope that you don’t”, Rhys shook his head, piercing Azriel with his eyes.
Truth was Azriel had spent every night since your return with you. You were the sweetest thing that had happened to him. Had happened a long time ago, his view about you had shifted. Cause for a while he had dismissed your admiration for him as a childish crush. You were younger. A handful of years younger, following Azriel all through his teenage years. Like his little shadow, you were. But it was inappropriate back then. Was it any different now?
It was, Azriel told himself as he walked back towards your room. It was, because now he was following the faintest golden path towards you. No matter where he was he saw the thread flickering, leading him back to you, back home. Azriel hadn’t told anyone. You hadn’t yet figured it out. He wasn’t gonna rush you. Cause for all he knows maybe he had lost it after all. After Elain. After all of them. Leaving him heartless. Empty.
You reminded him of a kitten now. Curious for him but skittish to the touch. You had seen him tumbling into bed with Elain, had seen the desperate downfall. Cautious. He knocked on your door. One that opened almost immediately. Your big purple eyes looking up at him. “Hey”, Azriel mused, “Hi”, you muttered, leaning against the side of the door. And then you step aside and with a glance over his shoulder, Azriel slipped inside.
“Tell me again”, you muttered, gazing up at him. “Why are you so interested in it?”, Azriel mused, leaning in to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes. He had been lying in your bed, telling you about the past missions he had. What he was tasked with. How it all played out. And you drank it all in. To the point where without even being asked he has drifted to talking about how it had made him feel. What thoughts had been swirling through his head. “Because it tells me about you”, you shrugged, sitting up and breaking eye contact with him. “That I am a killer? A machine made to destroy?”, he let out a huff, throwing his head back.
“Do you see yourself like that?”, you asked softly, brushing your fingers over his chest. Feeling the heartbeat increase beneath your palm. He stayed silent for a moment, “I guess”, he added with a frown. “I think you are wrong”, you mused, leaning into Law on his chest, and glancing down at him. “You’re just lost and lived with your demons for too long. For too long without others noticing”, you added, watching how his eyes gleamed.
Azriel had merely opened his mouth when the door flew open. “Don’t know my ass”, Rhys hissed, his darkness pooling around his hands, “You take me for an idiot?” You looked among the two males panicked, “Rhys”, you muttered, “It’s not what it looks like”. You pleaded scrambling to crawl in front of Azriel to shield him from your brother’s wrath. “I think it’s exactly what it looks like”, Rhys mused bitterly.
“She’s mine regardless”, Azriel said so casually that it made your head wipe to him so face you saw stars. “I’m not yours”, you huffed, “Don’t put more fuel to the fire”, hissing you turned to him. “Open your eyes, Rhys, don’t you see it”, Azriel shook his head. Rhys’s nostrils flared as he narrowed his eyes, “No”, he huffed, “Absolutely not happening”, he reached for you dragging you away from Azriel. Azriel whose wings instantly flared at the sight of the tight grip of your upper arm. “What…”, you whispered, looking between them.
“What will you do? Change destiny? Play god again?”, Azriel growled. “Get her far away from you”, Rhys snarled, pushing you towards the door but you held your ground. “So turn to Temlin, fitting”, Azriel snorted. “What are you two on about”, you grunted, pulling your hand out of your brother’s grasp. “I’m your mate”, Azriel stated, “I didn’t say anything because I wanted you to find it yourself”.
Your body froze as your eyes fixed on his face. “My…”, you muttered. “Bullshit”, Rhys huffed. “Shut up”, you snapped back at him, “Just… go and… just go”, you turned to Rhys, pleading for him to just let you deal with it on your own. “He’s a man whore, you watched him sleep around for decades Yn”, Rhys huffed. “Who are you to judge”, your voice was low but audible enough for both of the males. Rhys nodded slowly, “When he kicks you to the curb, don’t come running to me”.
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Wildest Dreams - Part Two
Word Count: 4.1k
Themes: fluff, pining, tension
Summary: Ten years have passed since the events of Hogwarts Legacy and Y/N is invited back as part of a reunion to celebrate. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters are aged up and around 25/26 years old
Find Part One here
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Sebastian apparted them to a quiet hillside with a beautiful, large cottage resting at the top. Although it was dark out, the faint light coming from the full moon allowed Y/N to see the intricate stonework of the L-shaped house and the garden that lay outside that was obviously well taken care of. She couldn’t see it, but she could hear the gentle swell of the ocean and smell the salt in the air. 
“Where are we?”
“Ominis and Anne’s house.” He turned to hold his hand out for hers before guiding them forward slowly. “I moved in so I could help Anne with her pregnancy and the first few months with the baby. They live in that section of the house, but they’re hopefully fast asleep.”
“Trying to sneak me in like a late night conquest?”
“First, you would never be a conquest to me.” The look Sebastian sent her sent a flash of heat through Y/N’s body that warmed her all the way to her toes. “Second, is it that bad I want you to myself for a while before my sister steals you from me?” 
“Ah yes, the infamous Sallow charm,” she gave him a teasing smile as he led her inside, a hand on the small of her back as he guided her through the dark interior and into the kitchen. With a slight wave of his hand the lamps that were dotted around the room came to life, revealing a figure sitting at the table. 
“Fuck - Ominis!” Sebastian glared at his brother-in-law. “What have I told you about sitting around in the dark?”
“Is it dark?” Ominis tilted his head to the side. “I couldn’t tell.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his words despite her heart still racing and he turned his head in her direction curiously. “Y/N? Is that you?” He stood up and made his way over to them, one hand skirting along the table to help him navigate. 
“It’s good to see you again, Ominis.” Y/N pulled him into a tight hug before releasing him and taking a step back so she stood next to Sebastian again. 
“I’d say the same but…” He chucked at his own poor joke and held his hands out to her, a silent request to trace her features. Y/N took his hands and placed them on her face, her eyes slipping closed as his fingers moved over the scar on her temple. “Still starting fights?”
“Does it really matter who started it as long as I finish them?”
“No, I suppose not.” Ominis released her face and took a small step back. “Why are you back so early?”
“It got boring,” Sebastian shrugged and leant against the kitchen wall, his gaze not leaving Y/N. 
“So you decided to steal the guest of honour as you left?”
“I’ve got to be a bad influence on her somehow for old times sake.”
“Hm.” Ominis didn’t exactly sound pleased, but Y/N could see the smile on his face. “I’m going to head to bed. I assume you’ll be spending the night, so I’ll see you at breakfast, Y/N.”
“That’s a bit presumptuous.”
“Am I wrong, though?” Ominis offered her a wry smile before making his way up the staircase located in the back corner of the kitchen. Y/N heard a soft click as a door closed and Sebastian came to stand behind her. 
“Do you want to get out of this dress?” Y/N turned to look up at him with raised eyebrows and watched his face turn red. “I didn’t - I mean, I wouldn’t mind but that’s not…” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “What I meant was, do you want me to lend you something to wear?” 
“Yes, please.” Sebastian stopped to grab a bottle of firewhiskey from the cupboard, as well as two glasses, before leading her out of the kitchen and to the right, through what Y/N assumed was the living room. There was another staircase on this side of the house and Sebastian ushered her up and pointed her in the direction of his room. Y/N closed the door behind them as he walked over to his dresser and set their drinks down before rummaging through one of the drawers.
“I can’t give you anything of Anne’s without waking her up, is this alright?” Sebastian pulled out a long sleeved shirt and some pyjama bottoms for her. 
“Only if you help me out of this dress,” Y/N watched as Sebastian visibly gulped and his face and neck turned a brilliant shade of red. She turned her back to him and brushed her hair out of the way to show him the small buttons that ran up the back of the dress. “Please?”
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Save the theatrics for when I’m in your clothes.”
“Darling,” Sebastian groaned, his hands coming to rest on her waist from behind. “When I asked you to flirt with me I didn’t think it would be like this.”
“Like what?” Y/N brought her hands up to hold the bodice of her dress in place as Sebastian began to undo her buttons, his fingers brushing against every inch of exposed skin in a way that set Y/N’s nerves on fire. 
“Don’t play coy, you know exactly what you’re doing to me.”
“I did warn you,” Y/N laughed quietly as she felt him undo the last of the buttons.
“You did,” he agreed, voice low as he trailed a finger down her spine softly. “Is it later?”
“Give a girl the chance to get dressed first, Sallow.”
“Oh right. Yes. I’ll - hallway?” Sebastian stammered, one finger pointing at the door behind them. Y/N bit her lower lip to hold back a smile as she took in how flustered he was. It was a rare sight (in fact, she didn’t think she had ever seen it before) and it brought a sense of gratification knowing she was the one who had turned the charming man into a stuttering mess.
“Just turn around.” Sebastian nodded once before turning his back to her, resting his head on the wall gently. Y/N quickly shed the dress and pulled on Sebastian’s clothes, pulling a face as she tried to hitch the pants up as far as she could. “I feel like a child playing dress up.” Sebastian chuckled and turned back around to face her, his eyes darkening as they roamed over her. “I look ridiculous.”
“You look ravishing.”
“Oh shush,” Y/N turned her back to him so he couldn’t see her blush and poured out two drinks for them while he quickly changed as well. She picked the pins out of her hair while she waited for him and took a sip of the firewhiskey to steady her hands as she listened to him shuffle out of his clothing. She didn’t dare move until he came to stand behind her, his hand resting on her waist gently as he leant over to grab his glass. Y/N grabbed the bottle and her own glass before taking a seat on the bed and crossing her legs so she could face him. 
“To us,” Sebastian toasted.
“To later,” Y/N clicked her glass against his and took another sip of the drink. The liquid burned the back of her throat, but warmed the rest of her body and gave her the surge of confidence she needed. “You said earlier you always wanted to kiss me. How long have you felt that way?”
“Since fifth year.”
“Sebastian, that was ten years ago!”
“What can I say? I’ve always known what I wanted.” The look he gave her offered more heat than the drink and Y/N found herself drinking a little more to calm her nerves.
“Am I just a want to you?”
“No. Definitely not.” He brushed some hair from her eyes. “You are everything to me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“How long have you felt the same?”
“Since fifth year,” Y/N murmured shyly. She had assumed all of the under-the-radar flirting he had done back in school was just a part of his charm and that he was the same with all the other girls, but that hadn’t stopped her from thinking about him all the time. It had only gotten worse the more time she spent with him and she started to realise that not only was he charming to a fault, but he was also kind and smart and funny and flawed. 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Touché.” They sat in a comfortable silence, both absorbed in their own thoughts. “I wouldn’t mind either, by the way.”
“Mind what?” he asked. Y/N gave him a look and waited for the sickle to drop. It took him a moment to recall the words he had said in the kitchen, how he wouldn’t mind getting her out of her dress in a less than pure sense. “Oh. Oh.” He tilted her chin up gently, his fingers brushing along her jaw in a way that made it feel like every inch of her was on fire. “While I would love nothing more, we have all the time in the world for that later, darling. Plus, it would probably be better to wait until we don’t have to be quiet because my sister and best friend are sleeping a few doors down.”
“Silencing charms were invented for a reason.”
“And you call me the rake.” He took her empty glass and set it on the bedside table next to his, turning back around just in time to catch her stifling a yawn. “Oh I’m sorry, am I boring you?” Y/N nudged him and looked like she was about to snap back at him but instead let out another yawn before groaning dramatically and flopping onto the bed so she was laying down. Sebastian brushed some hair from her forehead, his fingers lingering on the mark on her temple gently. “Do you want me to leave you to sleep?”
“No, stay. Please?” The look on her face melted his heart and he couldn’t find it in him to say no. Instead he lay down himself and covered them both with the blanket before rolling over to face Y/N and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Get some sleep, darling. I’m right here.”
Sebastian woke up to the sunlight streaming in through a small gap in his curtains and looked down at Y/N, who was still fast asleep beside him. At some point in the night she had curled up to his side, her head nearly resting on his shoulder as she slept peacefully. He gently brushed some hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, his hand lingering on her cheek for longer than necessary. He watched as she began to stir and her eyes fluttered open to look at him.
“Morning.” Y/N smiled shyly and Sebastian was delighted to notice a faint flush on her face. He brushed her cheek gently, a teasing smirk on his face as her blush deepened.
“I could get used to this,” Sebastian trailed his fingers up her jaw slowly, moving round to the back of her neck before lightly running down her back. 
“Get used to what?”
“Waking up beside you.” He rested his hand on her lower back and gently pulled her closer. Y/N buried her face into the pillow and pulled the blanket up to cover her face. “Where have you gone?” he laughed, trying to tug the duvet away from her.
“It’s too early for you to be this charming.”
“I’m always charming.” He succeeded in getting the blanket away from her and was rewarded by her demure smile. “You, on the other hand, could do with being a lot less gorgeous first thing in the morning. How is that fair?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his response, her hand hesitantly trailing over his bicep. She watched his throat bob as she lightly traced her way over his collarbone and came to rest over his thundering heart. 
“Nervous?” she asked innocently, a coy smile playing on the edge of her mouth. “Pretty woman in your bed, and all that?”
“Darling,” his voice was considerably lower and he reluctantly removed his hand from her back to hold hers against his chest. “I thought we cleared up last night that you’re the only woman I want in my bed.”
“All you said was you wanted to kiss me since fifth year.”
“I’m pretty sure I followed that with telling you that you mean everything to me.” He narrowed his eyes at her playfully and tugged her closer, her body pressed against his in a way that set every nerve ending on edge. “Were you not listening to me?”
“My mind was occupied.”
“With what?” he asked. Her answering grin and raised eyebrow was nothing short of wicked and Sebastian felt his heart stutter in his chest. Y/N laughed quietly and wound her hand up his chest to play with the hair on the back of his head. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“I’d say I’m sorry but - ”
“Sebastian, are you awake?” There was a gentle knock on his door. Y/N froze, her eyes going wide as Sebastian groaned quietly, his eyes sliding shut.
“I’m up, Anne. I’ll be out in a moment.” His forehead came to rest on her shoulder and she could hear him mutter about his sister’s poor timing. 
“I’m about to do the washing, do you need anything cleaned?” Anne tried to open his door. “Why is your door locked?” Sebastian rolled out of bed, moving faster than Y/N had seen him before, waving his wand to unlock the door.
“Must have just been stuck,” he opened the door to greet his sister, his frame blocking her view of the room, and more importantly her still in his bed. “Nothing needs cleaning, I’ll be down in a moment.”
“Why are you being strange?”
“I’ve not long woken up, Anne, give me a break.”
“Is there someone in your room, Sebastian?”
“What? No. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Morning everyone.” Y/N felt herself physically cringe as Ominis joined the twins in the hallway. “Is everything alright?”
“Sebastian has someone in his room.”
“Anne,” he groaned and lightly banged his head on the doorframe, “no I don’t.” Y/N didn’t need to be able to see through doors to know Ominis was tilting his head to the side. 
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Morning,” she grimaced and climbed out of the bed to stand by Sebastian, attempting to tame her hair as she did so. Anne looked surprised to see her and although Ominis was looking slightly to her right, she could still see the smirk on his features that was meant for her. “It’s good to see you both again.”
“A bit presumptuous, was I?” Ominis chuckled and placed a hand on Anne’s shoulder. “Come, my love, Sebastian can show Y/N where she can freshen up for breakfast before we accost them.” He pulled her back down the hall gently, shooting a glance at the pair before they both went down the stairs.
“Well,” Sebastian let out a breath. “There goes my plan to pretend I asked you round for breakfast this morning.” His face flushed and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he looked down at her. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“No harm, no foul. Although, I feel like Anne is currently assuming the worst of me.”
“She would never.” Sebastian’s voice was full of conviction, as if it was a ridiculous notion that Anne would ever think of her poorly. “By the time we make it downstairs she’ll be over the shock and will probably be telling me I told you so over breakfast.” He led her down the hall, showing her where she could freshen up before shutting the door quietly behind her. Y/N moved as quick as she could, splashing water on her face to remove the traces of makeup she had forgotten to remove the night before and tying her hair in a simple braid. She made her way back to Sebastian’s room when she was done and walked in without knocking, her eyes going wide at the sight in front of her.
“Sorry!” Y/N’s face burned as she turned around and pressed her forehead to the cool wall as she covered her eyes. Sebastian laughed from behind her and stepped close, his finger running down her spine gently before he turned her back around.
“All of those flirtatious remarks last night and you go the colour of a Gryffindor’s robes when you see me without a shirt on?” Sebastian teased, grasping her chin gently so he could angle her face towards his. “You’ve seen me like this before.” Y/N couldn’t help but look back down at his bare torso, his shirt unbuttoned and hanging from his shoulders. The fluttering in her stomach that seemed to appear whenever Sebastian was around had turned into a full-fledged swarm as a kaleidoscope of butterflies ran amok within her. 
“No I haven’t.” She made herself look back up and above his head so she wouldn’t have to see the shit-eating grin on his face.
“Yes you have,” Sebastian chuckled and tried to meet her eyes again. “Or do you not remember the day I saved your life in the lake?” The confidence he exuded with the sentence made Y/N eyes snap back to his, a glare on her features as she flicked him in the arm. 
“I think we remember that day very differently, considering I wouldn’t have needed saving if you had just trusted me.”
“You were swimming into a whirlpool in the middle of the lake, you’re lucky you didn’t drown.”
“There was a cave there! If anything, what nearly made me drown was some buffoon clinging onto me as we both went under.”
“This buffoon pulled you out into said cave.”
“And right into a spider den,” Y/N laughed as he shuddered at the memory and belatedly noticed that her hand was on Sebastian’s chest, her fingers tracing over a raised mark on his right pectoral. “What’s this?”
“Oh,” Sebastian chuckled nervously and placed his hand over hers, hiding the mark from view. “You’re going to laugh.”
“Probably.” She swatted his hand away and stood a little closer, her finger moving along the curved line slowly. “Is this…?”
“Yes,” he sighed in defeat and gave her a sheepish smile. “Ominis and I thought it would be fun to try and give each other tattoos when we turned eighteen after leaving school. You can probably tell we didn’t do a very good job of it.” That was the understatement of the year. The mark held no ink, and if anything, it looked more like an old faded scar than a tattoo. Y/N tilted her head as she traced the shape again, a sly smile on her face.
“So you both decided that out of all the things you wanted permanently etched to your skin you wanted the snake from the Slytherin crest?” Her lip twitched as Sebastian nodded bashfully and she repressed the urge to laugh. 
“Does Ominis have a matching one?”
“His took a little better because of his pale skin - the prick - but yes, he does. It’s faint, but it’s there.”
“What did Anne have to say about this?”
“Oh, she was furious. Kept telling us how only criminals and people in the circus marked themselves like this.” Y/N finally let the laughter bubble out as she imagined Anne reprimanding the pair and they both more than likely stood there and took it like scolded school boys. Sebastian’s features softened at her laugh, his heartbeat picking up speed as Y/N began to subconsciously trace shapes between the freckles that covered his chest. 
“You know, I’ve always wondered how far that blush goes,” Y/N commented innocently, her finger winding its way down his chest slowly. Sebastian gulped as she came to a stop at the bottom of his sternum and gave him a demure smile. “I didn’t think it would be here.”
“Where did you think it would stop?”
“I’ve always pictured you with a full-body blush.”
“You’ve pictured me?”
“Mhm.” The light movement of her fingers on his bare skin burned as she slowly trailed between each freckle on his chest. He knew she could feel how embarrassingly fast his heart was beating in his chest but he didn’t care. He was enamoured by her and he didn’t care who knew it. He brought a hand up to rest on the back of her neck, gently pulling her forward until there was little space left between them as he tangled his fingers through her hair. “Seb?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Are you ever going to kiss me?”
“Would you like it if I did?”
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response.” He laughed as she rolled her eyes at him and wound an arm around her waist to pull her closer. Y/N cocked her head to the side, remembering that smile on his face from their fifth year. More often than not it meant trouble, but sometimes, like right now, he paired it with the same look on his face that he had right now. One that was almost soft. 
“Use your words, darling. What do you want?” He brushed his thumb across her lower lip as he leant towards her, his forehead resting on hers. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him and tried to close the gap between them to kiss him, but Sebastian pulled back fractionally, amusement sparkling in his eye as her frown deepened and a gorgeous pout fell on her lips. “Have I told you recently how beautiful you are?”
“Apart from earlier when you had me in your bed?”
“I believe the word I used then was gorgeous.”
“Well, if you want to be pedantic about it. Not since last night.”
“You did look beautiful last night,” Sebastian nodded thoughtfully, his nose bumping hers softly, “I think this version of you is my favourite, though.”
“What do you mean?”
“Right now, first thing in the morning. Barely awake and tucked to my side…” Y/N brought both of her hands up to rest on his chest as Sebastian’s grip tightened on her waist, her fingers brushing his collarbone delicately. “I meant what I said earlier. I could get used to waking up beside you. Every day.”
“For how long?”
“For the rest of our lives.” Y/N’s breathing stilled at his words, at the raw emotion and sincerity on his face as he spoke. She felt the back of her eyes burn and tried to look away but he held her in place and kissed her cheek gently. “Do you know what you do to me? How completely and hopelessly you enrapture me? You’re bewitching.”
“Was that a pun?” 
“Shall I use a different word?” he murmured. His thumb stroked her cheeks gently, her skin burning in its path. “You’re exquisite, flawless, downright ethereal.”
“From that very first day you smiled at me, you had me. I fell for you harder and faster than anyone I’ve ever met before. My heart was yours before I knew nothing more than your name.”
“My heart is yours too, you walnut. It’s only ever been yours. From the very first moment.”
“I adore you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
He finally closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers so gently that Y/N thought her heart would burst out of her chest. She wound her hands up and into his hair, pulling him impossibly closer as she kissed him back and he nipped at her lower lip. His grip on her waist tightened pleasantly, holding her body against his so every inch of them was touching, and Sebastian swore he had died when she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and ran her fingers down his back. They broke away as Ominis called for them from downstairs, both of their faces tinged pink as they took in each other’s swollen lips and tousled hair. Sebastian leant back in to press one more sweet, toe-curling kiss on her lips.
“I’m going to marry you one day,” he muttered against her lips, his mouth curling into a smile as he heard her breath hitch.
“I’ll be the one in white.”
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AITA for slapping my mother in law?
I (27F) am married to my husband Jay (26M) and we recently had our first child Lily.
Well the pregnancy was a very very difficult one. I was throwing up every day for over six months, suffered long bouts of insomnia, developed gestational diabetes, standing up too fast made me incredibly dizzy, my entire body just constantly hurt, Lily kicked me so hard I legit had tears in my eyes (which combined with full body pain was...not pleasant) and to top it all off Lily weighed ELEVEN pounds and I tore really really badly.
I love my daughter to death but never again. Ever.
Anyways after that literal hell of a pregnancy, I've been more or less bedbound for several weeks now while healing from that entire ordeal. Which means Jay has been taking care of pretty much everything, keeping the house clean, making food, taking care of me and Lily, etc. Its a lot I know and I wish I could do more to help but Jay has been insisting that I rest and recover and that he's got this. He's been handling everything like an absolute champ. Honestly if I didnt have him I dont know how I would be doing anything.
Well this morning Jay's parents came to visit and meet their granddaughter. So I was moved to the living room so I could introduce them to Lily and socialize a bit while Jay cooked lunch.
Now Jay's parents are very traditional. They believe that men make the money and that its the woman's job to take care of the house, the cooking, and the children.
You can probably see where this is going.
I introduce Mother in law to Lily and we get to talking. (Father in law went outside to go smoke)
Thats when mother in law asks why Jay is cooking. More importantly why Im NOT cooking. I tell her I physically cant even stand UP without help so how am I supposed to cook.
She only scoffed saying that I was just making excuses. I am very used to her bullshit by now so I just roll my eyes.
Then Lily started crying because she needed a diaper change. Mother in law tells me to go change her diaper. Again I cant even stand up by myself, much less get up to change a diaper.
I call Jay and he happily comes to get our daughter. Mother in law starts yelling, telling Jay no that I should do it because its my job. She grabs Lily and shoves her back into my arms and tells me to get up and go do it.
Jay, my wonderful angel, tried to tell her that I physically couldnt move for weeks and to mind her own damn business.
She then started yelling even more saying that I was making my husband do my job for me, calling me lazy and a slut (What that has anything to do with this? I have no idea) she went off on a complete tangent about how it was a woman's job to take care of the home and the children, that SHE managed just fine and she had five small children, that I was completely emasculating Jay, that I was a disgrace, etc.
She just kept going and going while not letting me and Jay even get a word in. Until eventually she said that my daughter will probably grow up to be a whore like I am.
I think it was a mix of pure exhaustion and hormones because somehow I managed to stand up for a moment and slap her across the face before immediately falling back on the couch.
Jay looked shocked, Mother in law looked livid. (Father in law was just watching from the doorway, equally as shocked.)
Mother in law started full on screaming, calling me every single name in the book until father in law physically dragged her out of the house by her arm.
Now hours later my phone has been blowing up with messages from my brothers and sister in laws, telling me that I was an asshole and that I had no excuse for hitting their mother.
Hell even my friends think I was in the wrong for hitting her (completely ignoring how she was yelling, calling me horrible names, in front of a newborn baby no less.)
What are these acronyms?
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riewritten · 17 days
in my head nothing absolutely bad happens in monster anime and they’re actually triplets in a family sitcom somewhere
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more headcanons under the cut ✂️
no child experiments. no kinderheim 511. their birth sequence would be Johan first, Anna second, and Nina the youngest. it doesn't actually materialize that much in their dynamics (given they're triplets) except that these two oldest are oooooover overprotective of nina. mama vera was forced to labor the three of them prematurely out of stress upon receiving the news of her husband's death. her brother-in-law, klaus poppe, who had helped vera with the kids after the hubby's death, tried to pursue her not long after. and not only that, klaus also tried to lure anna into this silly lil experiment about children which he claimed was for 'work' at the red rose mansion all the while their mother was out. vera almost killed the man when baby johan exposed him while crying. this event led vera to cut ties with the poppe family and valiantly raised her triplets on her own. vera wasn't able to squeeze any info out of anna (on what poppe had done to her specifically while she was out). worried that she might be traumatized, vera got her into therapy. in the end, only johan and anna knew of it, and whatever happened sure left wounds deep inside anna's heart.
SO, that said!
-ˋˏ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ANNA
would be sooooo villanelle-coded (minus the psychopathy of course). like she is the Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss but at the same time she could also be the Female Rage™️. i am absolutely whipped at the thought that she'd have a complicated relationship with johan despite being inseparable during childhood because she's astute enough to know the real him, without filter whatsoever, and she could notice things the naive nina couldn't. no, johan didn't have to be a murderer in this universe for anna to hate him, he just got The Attitude that anna despises. it's jus the typical sibling fight though no worries. it's like there's this modern family-esque interview segments of them talking shit about each other every episode (little do they know, if a war ever breaks, they would absolutely sacrifice themselves to save each other — of course after ensuring their youngest sister's safety first and foremost).
in @suusoh 's head which i claim to be the same as mine because susu is rie and rie is susu, anna is as queer as she could be. and, in my silly lil daydreams, she actually labeled herself queer for clout bc she wanna rebel against societal standards only for it to end up the truest thing she had ever said about herself years later. on top of that, she actually envies her twin brother for having a dick like oh my god girl what the hell is wrong with you. ironically, she tends to be an absolute man-hater sometimes (depends on her mood). she could be a little impulsive, too, especially when she reached the rebellious age. boyfriends here, girlfriends there, and out of curiosity she even tried polygamy that's absolutely not her thing but she did anyway to annoy her conservative christian stepfather.
there's this only moment anna had accepted johan's attitude, remorsefully so, and thats when some girl tried to maul nina at uni (thank god she's good at judo) after mistaking her as anna ㅜㅜ this stranger apparently had her boyfriend stolen by anna during one of her impulsive moments (jesus christ). nina assured them it was all good after anna cried. but johan was absolutely pissed, and anna had a hard time forgiving herself for putting her loveliest babiest angel of a sister in danger bc of her shenanigans.
-ˋˏ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ JOHAN
who is he, indeed, if red rose mansion wasn't that traumatic and kinderheim 511 never existed ? it's also hard to imagine for me, tbh, it's just that i think he'd be a chill lil guy who lives in his own head. nina has a hard time managing countless of confessions from different people in the campus—you see, anna is too wild to approach, johan is too absent-minded to care, and nina is the most amicable of them three. when nina opens her locker she'd expect a bunch of love letters addressed to three people: anna, johan, and then herself. majority of them is addressed to johan, tho.
if anna takes pride in her beauty and charisma while nina takes pride in her congeniality and physical prowess, johan keeps up with his brains. he is constantly the school's top one. he gets sent to other campuses for academic competitions. and back in highschool, a faculty even offered vera to have him accelerated due to his intelligence. johan denied the opportunity because he likes the fact that he's on the same grade level as his twin sisters. they have this sort of bonding where they do homeworks together as soon as they reach home. how would he do that if he's accelerated to a higher grade level? who would help nina manage anna's wild tendencies at school? who would help anna keep up with her acads if nina's too busy with her extracurricular activities?
vera is quite concerned johan is having a hard time connecting with people, but little does she know, her lil boy just doesn't want to. socializing is a chore the same way studying is. unless he has an ulterior motive, he chooses to stay at the corner with his books (boo. bummer. a nerd.)
-ˋˏ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ NINA
is their cute lil baby! she's everyone's favorite. i think her personality in canon monster (before her 20th bday) is pretty much the same in this one, except that it's more chaotic in her house because she has two sibs trying to kill each other here and there. if not for her extracurricular activities and side jobs (which johan and anna tirelessly demanded her to quit so she could have a rest, only to no avail because nina is the angel who wants to help), i think her academic excellence would be in par with johan's. she also has a lot of friends—that's the reason why johan and anna are protective of her. she could indeed defend herself physically, but she's too kind and naive for her own good it annoys the two. if someone makes her cry, they doubt nina would even put them in their place physically or emotionally because she is just that kind—that's when johan and anna enters behind her back. they could be sneaky little vengeful devils if need be for nina. maybe they got it from uncle klaus.
-ˋˏ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ☆ ༘⋆
cutting this before it gets longer lol. thank u for reading! i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did lmao. i had sooo much fan imagining and drawing them this way 🤭
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snowywolf1005 · 15 days
@ruanime34 : It's hard to pick just one, but my mind will probably like more wholesome young ASL x mother reader. @snowywolf1005 Or what if girls like Hancock who love her sons try to impressed the mother reader but they always fail ( ps the mother reader now her some of sons love someone)
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You got it! But let make it a real life, like the brothers go to school together.
Your son's is at school. You got a break from makino Restaurant. You live above the restaurant. It's an apartment.
As you sit on the table, staring at the person across the table from you. The person smiles awarded by your look of your eyes of bored holes into the soul.
It made you very sick when the person tried to be kind, and that person was none other than boa hancock. The most beautiful woman of the world.
Why are you angry at her? Oh, right, she's asking for your son's hand in marriage. YOUR SON, WHO WAS BARELY EVEN AN ADULT!!!! Luffy, she's talking about.
You're a single mother with three sons. You did good, take care of them, they grown into quite handsome you're proud of.
You knew about her reputation as being the most beautiful woman and having both men and women alike swoon over her, but you would not budge.
You had always felt that for one to be beautiful, beauty had to shine from inside first. Despite how angry you were at Hancock, you didn't want to harm her. She was a friend of Luffy's, and Luffy had all types of friends, and you weren't going to interfere.
However, Luffy had already rejected Hancock's proposal many times before. This changed things. It bothered you that an adult woman who was known for rejecting every man and woman would swoon over your teenage son.
"U-um... M-Ms. (Y/N)... would you... p-p-please... l-l-l-l-let me... m-m-ma..." Great, now she began to stutter out the question again.
You could hear her sisters Sandersonia and Marigold cheering her on, calling you a stingy old witch who couldn't rival her in beauty.
Are you gonna let hancock marry luffy? No. You knew her true nature, and before Hancock would blush feverishly from asking you to let her marry Luffy, you interrupted.
"No." You said.
Hancock face now all scrunched with in hate. "AND WHY NOT!! YOU OLD WOMEN?! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING TO?! LET ME MARRY YOUR SON!! I HAVE RIGHT!! I'M BEAUTIFUL!" hancock scream.
You sighed, "like I said. No. You're not married. My son. don't make me say it twice, I am not swayed by your beauty. That is nothing but conventional. Plus, you're too old for him. What's the media going to say about a thirty year old supermodel desperate for a teenage boy?" You ask.
"I'M TWENTY NINE!" She yelled, "Well, close enough..." You said. "EXCUSE ME!! HOW DARE YOU, YOU SCUM!" She yelled at you.
But you grabbed her shirt, which cost a lot of money to impress luffy, closer to you. In the look of fear of hancock looking at your eyes, like the prey is about to get killed by other prey.
"Have you gotten who you are talking to? I'm a single mother with three sons whom I'm very proud of. and if you want me as a potential mother-in-law, the first thing you wouldn't do is look down on me. You've done nothing but make my answer more solid and confirmed." You said,
She dramatically turned around, eyes big and doe-like with beautiful black hair swishing around her. You could've sworn that there were sparkles on her skin, too.
Then nyon came to stop the argument, "I am sorry." Elder Nyon said, made surprise you.
"I am truly sorry for Hancock's behavior. I understand that you are not happy with her proposal, and it is wrong to try and force the boy into something he didn't want at such a young age. I will not bother you again, and i will try to see to it that hancock will not bother you either." She said, you agree, but hancock refuses.
But you told her, you can't accept cause luffy is just a teenager and she has find a other man. And they left,
Not even five seconds later, you heard the honking of a car and groaned, the migraine in your head getting progressively worse. However, you slowly began to sit up as you heard a familiar chorus of cheers and whoops.
A big smile was plastered on your face, and you felt the incoming migraine fade. Kicking open the door, it was Luffy and his friends, the "Strawhat gang" as they called themselves. They all filed in, each smiling at along with a chorus of greetings.
The gang says hi to you. "Hey, mom!" said Luffy, already chewing on some of the food. You smiled brightly and went over to your youngest son, brushing back a strand of (h/c) hair. You didn't want to admit it, but you did spoil Luffy a little.
"Hi sweetie, where are your brothers? I didn't see them here earlier. Do you know where they went?" You asked, hugging Luffy. You let go once he brought up his hand to his head.
"What do you mean, mom? They're right over there." He said, jabbing his thumb towards the living room where you saw Sabo and Ace smiling at you sheepishly.
"Since you boys get here? You got me so worried!" You said, Ace tumbled over a bit in laughter as Sabo had a sweet smile on his face. "Mom, we've been here ever since we got back from school. There was no practice today." He said, grinning mischievously.
You realized that they had listened in on every word between you and Hancock. "Oh. Let's not talk about it. What you just heard, okay? " sabo and Ace nodded.
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beautifulbluejay · 1 month
Theon Greyjoy x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Robert’s rebellion and the extinction of the Targaryen house, House Stark decides it shall take part in one of its oldest traditions in which, on the eighteenth name day of the the eldest daughter of the Lord of Winterfell, a tournament shall be hell for her hand. Noble men from all corners of the seven kingdoms travel to Winterfell to compete, including your childhood friend Theon Greyjoy. However, anyone who believes that you are to let yourself be married off without a fight is in for a rude awakening. Loosely based off of the Disney animated movie ‘Brave.’
Warnings: Smut, MDNI (18+)
Part One
Word Count: 1,461
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“In accordance with one of the eldest traditions of House Stark, from the days of its sovereignty over the North of Westeros, on the eighteenth nameday of the eldest daughter of the Lord of Winterfell, a tournament shall be held. Any heir of nobility, affluence, and honor set to inherit their lord father’s seat is permitted to compete in the event for the daughter of Winterfell’s hand, of which shall be determined by she.”
The words of your father echoing out through the great hall made your heart drop into your stomach. In air in your chest escaped you, a tight pain replacing it, squeezing at your throat. Your lips parted as your law slacked in astonishment, eyes wide as all of the rest in the hall turned to you.
You wanted to scream, cry, argue, anything, but you found your tongue dry and your throat unable to utter a word. Your older brother, Robb, however, spoke for you.
“You cannot be serious, father? You wish to marry her to a random stranger!” He argued, shaking his head.
Sansa smiled at you, attempting to calm your nerves. “I find it terribly romantic,” she spoke.
“Then you do it!” You yelled out at her, finally finding your words. If you were able to think straight, you may feel guilty for yelling at your younger sister who was only trying to lighten your suddenly dark mood. You turned to your father, glaring and squeezing your fists. “I am not a prize to be won! I am the eldest daughter of Winterfell and I wish to choose who I marry.”
Eddard Stark looked at his daughter a bit solemnly, feeling a tad bit of guilt for allowing Catelyn to talk him into adhering to this ancient Northern tradition. It had not been utilized for decades, so he did not know why they needed to start it again now.
Except, deep down, he did. The North had given many men and resources to the rebellion that Eddard had decided to back. The rebellion had divided the seven kingdoms. Eddard knew that this competition would not only bring the noble houses together, but it would promote trade and investments in the North and House Stark.
Eddard didn’t want to use his daughter as a pawn, but he thought this could also be an opportunity for her. You had always loved Winterfell and the North, but you wanted to explore and see the rest of the seven kingdoms. You wanted to fall in love and live somewhere new, have a life of your own separate from your family and the North. This competition was the best way to explore all of your options.
“You will choose the tournament in which the men compete,” Eddard spoke, hoping that it would satisfy his daughter even if only the tiniest bit. He was very wrong, however, as your face grew more red.
“You wish for me to sit obediently and choose a game for stubborn, stupid men to play? A game that will determine the course of the rest of my life?” You yelled at him, even shocking your mother with your blind rage. You let out a huff, calming yourself to a light seething. “I will find a way out of this,” you promised, stomping out of the great hall.
You raced to the stables, grabbing hold of your bow and quiver that you had stashed outside of your horse’s stall from the day before. You saddled your stallion as quickly as you could, muttering angrily to yourself as you went. You then mounted the beast, patting his side with urgency to let him know you needed him to run as fast as he could, the two of you racing into the forests of Winterfell. You knocked an arrow on your bow, drawing back the string and aiming at your first target.
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Theon treaded quietly through the tall grass, his fingertips brushing the green weeds. You knew it was him coming up behind you without even turning. He was, in fact, the only person that knew of this spot. Your little clearing at the edge of the woods that looked out over a meadow which expanded for miles.
It had been only your spot for a long time, until one day you had been so upset that you had stayed there for a full day, sunrise to sunset. Your family had been so worried that they all went looking for you themselves. Theon had found you first, following your archery targets that trailed through the forest on its trees.
“I won’t do it, Theon,” you spoke, biting back the new round of tears that threatened to spill. You had just managed to stop crying. “I won’t let some pompous, shrewd, half wit marry me. I will find a way out of this.”
Theon sat down beside you in the grass, letting out all of his worries and stress out in a long breath as you leaned your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and leaving a soft kiss on the top of your head.
Your relationship with Theon had always been a complicated one, from the moment he was brought home as a ward-slash-prisoner by your father. You had never treated him as anything less than family, though, which created a very close and unbreakable bond between the two of you.
Sometimes you would fantasize about your father and mother marrying you off to him, becoming the Princess of Pyke and living on the sea. However, your mother made it very clear that Theon would not be marrying any Stark daughter. Catelyn barely tolerated him being your friend, she would die if she found out there was a hidden romance.
You knew that she had nothing to be worried about, though. Theon Greyjoy would never see you as anything other than a slightly younger sister. And you would never see him as anything more than a slightly older brother-slash-hostage, of a sort. Or so Theon told himself.
“Who knows, princess, you could meet the love of your life through this tournament,” he spoke, his voice sounding more sad than he meant it too. You did not notice, though. “All of the young, noble men of the seven kingdoms competing for your hand could bring you a bit of fun.”
You scrunched up your nose, looking at him. He hated how adorable he found your expression. You shook your head, pressing your cheek to his arm and staring up at him with wide eyes, lashes fluttering sweetly. He would die for you if you demanded it while looking at him like that.
“You know I hate it when you call me that,” you spoke.
“I know-” he smirked amusingly before leaning in to you closer, lowering his voice. “-princess.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing off of him with a scoff. Allowing your shoulders to rest against one another’s comfortably as you fiddled with the long grass.
A calm moment of silence passed between you two, the breeze dancing through grass, kicking up the sweet smell of spring Earth that you loved about the North so much. The South smelled much too floral for your liking. The North smelled like the real outdoors, the land you loved so much.
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” you spoke sadly, staring at your hands as they fiddled with a stem, frowning.
Theon looked over at you, watching as the wind blew around the wisps of hair that had escaped your messy braid, making you look exactly how you were always meant to: wild and free. He admired it, admired you.
“Me too,” he breathed out. “That place doesn’t really feel like my home anymore.”
“Don’t say that,” you frowned even more, feeling guilty for ripping this boy away from his home and his family, a thing in which of course had no hand. “Pyke will always be your home.”
Theon shook his head, picking a flower from nearby and tucking it behind your ear, smiling as you turned to look at him. “My home is right here,” he spoke, so softly that you wondered if you had imagined it.
Your breath caught in your chest and, for a moment, you could have sworn that Theon looked down at your lips.
“I will be back with you in a fortnight,” his voice seemingly cementing the statement in stone. “I promise, princess.”
Theon Greyjoy left for his home of the Iron Isles the next day. A fortnight passed and you waited at the gates for him, but he did not come. You waited each day for a week, asking your father about when he would return. However, you were met with silence every time.
Part two coming soon!!
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
Azutara #36 please
Hello, anon!! Thanks for the ask!
#36 - living in a society where their love is taboo AU
Thanks to @ragzonacamrencruise for helping me come up with a taboo idea for this mini fic.
Opposite elements didn’t mix.
It was a simple rule and one that had been around since before anyone could remember. Fire and Water didn’t mix and earth and air didn’t mix. Because of this, it was frowned upon, illegal in some areas, for those belonging to opposite elements to be in a relationship together. Some limited their views to only benders, but others were very vocal about their believe that if someone was born in the Earth Kingdom they should have no romantic relation with someone in from the Air Temples.
Fire Lords before Zuko all seemed to share this belief as well, advocating that no one in the Fire Nation should have any partner from the Water Tribe. Zuko had never cared much about the law, seeing as how his partner was from the Fire Nation, and he assumed Azula didn’t care either.
Yeah. He was wrong about that one. Zuko just wished he didn’t have to find out by accidentally seeing his sister and friend meeting up in secret in the garden.
It wasn’t uncommon for Zuko to move around the palace on the roofs. Sue him. He liked having the small bit of time to himself and to move freely instead of having at least five guards around him and two servants by his side. Those quiet and beautiful nights were some of the most peaceful moments he got. Then, one night, he heard Azula’s voice and, naturally, made his way towards her to see what she was doing out so late.
“If you keep talking you’re going to get us discovered.” Azula warned.
“Says the one who’s talking right now.” Another voice, a woman, added, laughing a little, “You’re sure no one is around?”
“Positive. Zuko’s asleep, the servants and guards have been dismissed and no one patrols the garden this late.” Azula promised, “We’re completely alone except for the turtleducks.”
Zuko’s eyes grew when he saw Katara step into his view, “They can stay. I don’t think they’ll tell anyone about us.” The waterbender smiled and wrapped her arms around Azula, kissing the princess passionately.
“Have I told you recently how absolutely amazing it is having you as my girlfriend?” Azula asked.
“Yes, but I always love hearing it more.” Katara leaned her forehead against Azula’s, “I love you, Azula.” Her voice was soft but Zuko definitely heard that.
“I…lo…I mean-“ Katara only giggled, kissing Azula again.
“I know what you mean.” That was too quiet for Zuko to hear but he decided to hide himself when their kissing showed no sign of stopping.
Zuko instantly hide himself from sight. His brain going a hundred miles an hour. Azula and Katara???? He would never have guessed. But…but Azula knew that was against the law. Fire Nationals weren’t allowed to be in relationships with people from the Water Tribe. Not that Zuko was about to go down there and bust them, but he was curious about what could have caused Azula to go against the law.
He’d have to talk to her tomorrow if he really wanted answers.
“Azula?” Zuko asked.
Azula turned from her seat at her desk, where she was working on some papers he has asked her to fill out, and looked up at him, giving her brother her full attention, “You okay, Zuko? You look nervous.”
Zuko shut the door behind him, “I am nervous.”
“Why?” Azula’s eyes narrowed.
“I saw you yesterday.”
“….Okay?” Azula was either playing dumb or he wasn’t being clear enough, “I saw you yesterday too. Did you hit your head, Zuzu? You know there is such a thing as too many hits to the head.”
“Azula, I saw you with Katara in the garden and heard you.” Zuko watched as Azula’s eyes grew only for half a second then returned to unmoved. Her face slipped, if only for less than half a second, and that was all Zuko needed for confirmation, “You and Katara???”
“Don’t say it so loud.” Azula snapped, grabbing him and dragging him out to the balcony where no one would hear them, “Do you want me banished?”
“What?! No! Why would I want that?!”
“I just assumed based on you announcing to the world that I’m in a relationship with someone from the Water Tribe.” Azula growled. Right. The punishment for breaking the law was banishment.
“Azula, I…”
“Think I’m a freak? Think there’s something wrong with me that I would choose a partner from my opposite element?” Azula asked. Her tone made it seem like she expected him to hate her now. All that did was make Zuko’s face drop.
“No. No, I don’t think that at all. I just want to make sure you know what you’re doing. You know how people will react if they find out-“
“No one will find out. Katara and I are careful. We only meet at night, away from everyone and, when we do meet up during the day, we’re incredibly careful to not be suspected.” Azula explained, “We both know the risk, Zuzu. The Southern Water Tribe isn’t as strict with this law as we are, but Katara is still facing banishment if people find out about us. Especially because it’s me.”
“What do you mean?” Zuko asked.
“If Katara had just met some random Fire Nation peasant girl on her travels and got together with her, the tribe wouldn’t have been pleased and she might have faced social isolation but they wouldn’t kick her out of the tribe or keep her from participating in activities. Since she’s dating the Princess of the Fire Nation, Katara not only has betrayed her element by being with me but all the people who lost their lives to the Fire Nation.” Azula leaned over the balcony, letting the wind gently hit her hair to calm her down.
“Katara can’t blame you-“
“Katara blames me for nothing. It’s the older warriors in the tribe, who have done nothing but fight their whole lives, who would advocate for her banishment.” Azula told him, “We’re careful, Zuko, and we know the risks.”
“Good. I just wanted to tell you that and…that you do have a friend now.” Zuko smiled at Azula, “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you, Zuzu.” After the two broke apart from their hug, Zuko took the opportunity for some fun.
“Now here’s my big question. How did you get Katara? Did you hit her over the head or bribe her or…”
“Ha-Ha. Hilarious.” Even with the joke being at her expense, Azula cracked a smile at her older brother’s antics.
“You must tell me your secret, Lala.” Zuko laughed, “You somehow got a girlfriend whose previous partner was the Avatar.”
“I happen to think I’m a better catch than the Avatar. Thank you very much.” Zuko winced and shook his hand back and forth, earning him a hit in the shoulder, "What happened to the friendly sibling relationship you promised the therapist you'd try at?"
"I'm no expert but I think this is a nice, normal sibling relationship. At least it's better than the days when you used to try and kill me."
"Hey! I never tried to kill you. I tried to capture you. There's a difference."
"Ah, yes, my mistake." Zuko chuckled, leaning against the railing and letting out a breath, "I'm really happy for you, Zula. You and Katara."
"Thank you."
"What do you mean Zuko knows?" Katara asked.
"Exactly that. Zuko knows we're dating." Azula repeated.
"What now? Do we have to break up? Do you have to leave the Fire Nation?" Azula shook her head, sitting down on her bed next to her girlfriend.
"No. He's actually okay with it."
"Really?” True Katara hadn’t expected Zuko to blow up at Azula and demand she leave—her asking before has really been a worst case scenario fear—but he was really completely okay with it?
“I was just as surprised as you are, but he really doesn’t have any problem with us dating. We just have to keep it secret.”
“So basically what we’ve been doing?”
“Pretty much except maybe a little more secret since Zuko did find out.”
Katara rolled her eyes, “Zuko is the Blue Spirit. I don’t think we have to worry about servants or nobles on the roof whenever we want a romantic night in the garden.”
“You mean you haven’t heard about how our servants travel on the roof all the time?” Azula asked, very clearly joking.
“I guess I missed that fact, but seriously, are we okay?” Katara asked, “I don’t want you to risk banishment for me, Azula.” Azula gave Katara a weak smile when her girlfriend moved her face away from Azula’s.
“I told you when we started dating. I’m okay with that risk.” Azula said, “I want to be with you. No matter what the possible penalty is.” She gently pushed Katara’s chin so that she was looking at her and kissed her girlfriend, “I…I lo…”
“I know.” Katara whispered, “I love you too, Azula, so, so much.” The collided in another kiss, sinking into the bed while the rest of the palace, even the guards outside, were none the wiser.
Two months passed after Zuko discovered them and nothing changed. Katara and Azula kept a low profile. In fact, many were sure the two hated one another which made Zuko almost laugh but he forced his laughter down. Eventually, the two decided to tell Mai, Ty Lee and Sokka about their relationship.
“You and you?!?” Sokka yelled, pointing between Katara and Azula, “Kat, you…you do know she’s-“
“I know she’s Fire Nation and I’m Water Tribe and I don’t care. I love her, Sokka.” Katara’s use of the word love made both Mai and Ty Lee’s eyes grow.
“Wow.” Sokka whispered, “So, how long have you two been together?”
“A year now.” Katara told him, “We got together shortly after the war when I went over to the palace to help heal her.” Azula took Katara’s hand in hers, “We both got to talking and realized we had a lot in common. Then, one night, Azula threw her face at mine and we kissed-
“I tripped!” Azula snapped, “You’re very messy sometimes, Tara.”
“You tripped? You tripped while we were both sitting on your bed?” Katara asked.
“I had gotten up to get something, came back, tripped and fell on Katara and, by accident, our lips touched.” Azula explained.
“Okay. Who were believes my story that Azula just stopped caring for long enough to kiss me?” Katara asked.
Everyone raised their hands.
“You’re all traitors.” Azula grumbled.
“But I’m very happy you did that, Zula. I don’t know if I would have been brave enough to make the first move.” Katara said, nuzzling Azula’s neck and making Azula practically melt.
“You certainly weren’t with Aang.” Sokka whispered, earning a hit of water right to the face.
“So, who all knows?” Mai asked.
“Just you guys but we’re trying to tell more people.” Katara admitted, “We just want to make sure we’re telling people we can trust first.”
“That’s a good idea.” Sokka nodded, “I don’t know how much dad could protect you if people found out about you and Azula.”
“Thanks for the confidence, Sokka.” Katara mumbled, “Don’t worry. Azula and I are careful not to be noticed. We made it a year and no one knew.”
“That’s impressive.” Ty Lee admitted, “How did you hide it for so long? I was sure you two hated each other.”
“We always just kept everything behind closed doors and, when we needed to fake an argument, we just found something random to argue about.” Azula shrugged, “And since Katara and myself are amazing actresses, no one ever suspect us.”
“You guys fooled me.” Ty Lee said.
“And me.”
“And me.”
“Not me.” Everyone looked at Mai.
“We fooled you.” Azula argued, “You just don’t want to admit it.”
“I’ve known for the past nine months that you two have been dating. I couldn’t sleep one night so I went for a walk and found you and Katara sneaking into the garden with food then you started kissing.”
“If you knew then why didn’t you say anything?” Azula demanded.
“Not my place.” Mai shrugged, “Plus, you two seemed really happy keeping it secret. I thought you’d be more comfortable if you kept believing that no one knew.” She calmly explained.
“Thank you, Mai.” Katara whispered.
“See, Zuzu? This is how you should have handled discovering our relationship.” Azula said.
“Not said a word and hope you two don’t get caught?” Zuko asked.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“A ridiculous person who can still kick your butt whenever I want.” Azula grinned.
“That’s not what the crown says.” Zuko said, standing up.
“The crown you only got because of Katara.”
“You fired at her!”
“You brought her!”
By this point in their relationship, no one was really all that scared when the two started arguing about the Agni Kai. They knew Zuko and Azula mostly did it for laughs and never really meant any harm when they started arguing about it. Over a year in therapy together really did do wonders.
“Let’s go. This could go on a while.” Sokka sighed.
“You guys feel like pig-cow for dinner?” Ty Lee asked.
“Oh! Yes! I know this great place in town!”
If only the group had noticed a pair of eyes that had been watching them during their entire conversation.
Azula’s eyes slowly opened, allowing her to take in the sight of her room covered in the morning light. Thanks to Katara, she wasn’t really waking up at dawn anymore but still got up early. That morning, like most mornings, she could feel her girlfriend’s arm around her body.
“Katara.” Azula whispered, “Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Katara yawned and stretched her body, “We should have a lazy day. Just you and me.”
“That would be perfect but you know I have meetings.” Azula said.
“Why do you have to be princess and Zuko’s advisor?” Katara asked, resting her head on Azula’s chest.
“I don’t know, but I do know that I have to get up. What will you do this morning?”
“Probably a walk around town, then I need to send letters to me father and-“
The doors suddenly slammed open. Katara and Azula, thanks to years at war, sat up quickly and got fire and water ready to use against the attackers but there were no attackers. Just Hakoda, who did not look happy.
“Katara?” Hakoda asked.
“Dad?” Katara quickly realized she wasn’t really wearing a lot of clothes and grabbed a blanket to cover herself with. Hakoda took his own light jacket off, which he always had with him, and wrapped it around his daughter, “Dad. What are you doing here?”
“I was told my daughter had something to tell me. I think I can guess what it is.” Hakoda growled, looking at Azula, who was also now pretty embarrassed to be caught in a situation like this but especially so wearing only the barest of clothing.
“Sir, we-“
Hakoda cut Azula off, “You stay away from my daughter! I don’t want you anywhere near her or I will throw you into the ocean!” Azula wasn't all that afraid of Hakoda but having a grown man yell at her did remind her a lot of Ozai. Involuntarily, she winced and backed up, flames dancing on her finger tips in case she had to defend herself.
“Dad! Don’t talk to Azula like that!” Katara yelled, “I love her!”
“No, you don’t. You’re confused and attaching yourself to the first person you could find after Aang. A few months in the South Pole will-“
Katara's face twisted into disgust at her father's words, “No!” Katara yelled, going to Azula’s side, “I’m not confused and I’m not just dating Azula because of connivence. I. Love. Her!”
“Katara, sweetie,” Hakoda’s voice changed to one that sounded more calm and understanding, “I came here because word has already spread to the Water Tribe that you and Azula are together."
"What!? How do they know?" Katara asked.
Hakoda only shrugged. It didn't matter how they knew now. All that mattered was that this did know, "The council is very upset by your choice to date the Princess of the Fire Nation and-
"Let me guess. They want me banished." Hakoda could only nod.
“I’d rather be banished than not stay with Azula.” Katara’s declaration made the room go quiet, but Katara continued and turned towards her girlfriend, “Azula, you don’t have to feel the same way. You can say whatever you need to to-"
“I love you.” Azula whispered, “I want to stay with you too. No matter what.” Tears of joy filled Katara's eyes when she went to kiss Azula.
"So what now?" Katara asked.
"Now you two should leave." Hakoda sighed, "Zuko is doing every he can, but it will probably be best if you both disappear for a while." The two nodded.
"You won't try and stop us?" Katara asked.
"I came because I thought there was a way to keep you in the Southern Water Tribe, a way to make this all go away, but...but you clearly love Azula. I know that when I lost Kya I never forgave the person who took her away from me. I'd hate myself if I was the person who took you away from Azula." Katara offered her dad a hug, feeling his arms wrap tightly around her.
"We'll send a letter when we find a safe place."
"Good. I'll tell Zuko about what you two decided to do. Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise."
Hakoda then turned his head towards Azula, "And promise me you'll protect her."
"I will." Azula nodded.
An hour later, Azula and Katara had snuck out of the palace and were on their way to the docks with hoods over their heads to avoid being recognized.
"Regret dating me yet?" Katara asked.
Azula only offered her girlfriend a smirk and a kiss on the lips, "Not for a second."
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The Imaginary Boyfriend
"I have a boyfriend."
Lan Qiren's knife slipped on the dinner plate with an ugly screeching sound. His brother let his piece of steak slip off from his fork, his mouth gaping at the sudden proclamation.
Lan Xichen thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't taken a sip out of his water yet. Looking at the murderous look his mother was casting towards her husband and brother-in-law, they were in for a lecture on proper dinner etiquette expected from adults the moment they got out of the restaurant.
Mrs Lan broke the awkward silence," That's great, A-Zhan. What's his name?"
Lan Zhan shifted in his high chair, "Ummm, his name is..... his name is XianXian."
"That's the name of your bun.. ouch! Honey!"
Mrs Lan, who did amateur theatre in her 20s, conveyed the promise of a slow, painful demise to her husband via a single glance. "That's lovely, darling. Does XianXian study in your school?"
Lan Zhan shook his head, "He doesn't study at all."
He used his fork to spear a piece of chicken before adding as an afterthought, " XianXian draws."
Lan Qiren opened his mouth before closing it abruptly. The rest of the dinner passed without any further interruption. Lan Zhan started to nod off as dessert arrived despite Xichen's best efforts to keep him awake and was fast asleep by the time he was secured in his car seat. Uncle opened his mouth again to say something but seemed to change his mind after catching Xichen's eyes in the rear view mirror.
Later, once Lan Zhan has been deposited safely in his bed, hugging his plush bunny and Lan Xichen has been permitted to stay up another half an hour extra because it's friday, the adults gathered in the living room for a drink before bed.
"He has gotten an imaginary friend," Lan Qiren winced into his drink. "Normal for his age. I wouldn't worry about it."
"An imaginary boyfriend, ha ha."
"I am not worried. And he could be a real friend," Mrs Lan sounded like she was trying to convince herself.
"A new boy? Starting in the middle of the school year? And A-Zhan making friends with him? He doesn't even get along with the Nie kid."
"They just got off on the wrong foot."
All three adults winced this time. It was a good thing the Nies were a close family friend who let bygones be bygones. If it were the Jins or the Wens...
"I just think he might become even more reluctant to get along with his classmates if he's spending even more time inside his own head."
Lan Qiren paused to mull his brother's words. "He'll grow out of it, I am sure. Kids forget things quickly."
Except Lan Zhan proved his uncle wrong. He came down to breakfast on Saturday morning with stories about how XianXian had a mother who was a fairy. In the afternoon, he plopped himself in front of the rabbit hutch and solemnly introduced the bunnies to the drawing of their new parent, a red and black round blob drawn with crayons. At bedtime, Mrs Lan had to kiss 'XianXian' good night as well.
On Sunday, Uncle took both of them to softplay. Lan Zhan took a look at the screaming children and promptly hid himself in a corner of the ballpit. He only mentioned XianXian on the car ride home. "XianXian can climb up the big slide."
At night, 'XianXian' was taken down from his perch on top of Lan Zhan's study desk and was laid down beside his pillow. On a brighter note, Lan Zhan didn't put up his usual resistance to brushing his backteeth once Mother told him XianXian brushed his teeth every night.
The next week, the family was treated with more stories of XianXian. XianXian could eat spicy food. XianXian could draw better than anyone (at this point, Lan Zhan cast a regretful glance at his brother). XianXian was an only child till Wednesday, but by Thursday afternoon, he had gained an older sister and a younger brother. XianXian had parents who were in America. And they would bring toys for Lan Zhan too when they came back. XianXian not only had an uncle, but he had an aunt, too. He was never made to eat bell papers. XianXian loved swimming. XianXian got along with everyone, even HuaiSang.
By week 2, even Lan Qiren was shaken. "He's trying to project his own aspiration on his imaginary friend."
Mrs Lan, who was told by her youngest son only this evening that she was almost as pretty as XianXian, looked slightly miffed. "I just hoped he'd at least be a teenager before he got a boyfriend, imaginary or not..."
They got interrupted by a jubilant Xichen who had wondered in with the cordless phone in his hand. "Mother, Da-ge and A-Sang are going to the beach this weekend. Can we go as well, please?"
Lan Qiren nodded, " We could all use some fresh air."
Xichen removed his palm from the receiver and started urgently speaking into it.
Lan Zhan took the news surprisingly well. Instead of his usual silent tantrum at the prospect of spending time with A-Sang and other children, he nodded sagely saying, "XianXian likes the beach too," before going back to his drawing of another red and black blob.
Lan Xichen was able to spot Nie MingJue and HuaiSang in the car park before their car came to a full rest. He ran towards the boys while they started waving at him. Lan Qiren followed him because leaving a pair of 10 years old in charge of a 5 years old in a beach is just asking for trouble no matter what Lao Nie said about self-reliance.
Mrs Lan yelled at them, " We will see you guys at our regular spot."
Except their regular spot was taken. A bronzed man carrying a baby in a sling was spreading his supplies on a purple beach towel. A girl slightly younger than Xichen frowned in concentration as she dug at the sund with her toy shovel. The man raised his head and smiled at Mrs Lan, showing a crooked canine. She smiled back in response and then started to spread her own beach towel. Lan Zhan solemnly put down his own baby bucket and started helping.
"Nice day, isn't it? I was worried it might get cloudy."
The baby squirmed in its sling and made a dissatisfied mewl. Lan Zhan scrunched his nose before moving to stand closer to his mother. Mrs Lan put her arm around his shoulder, " This is A-Zhan."
"Hello, A-Zhan. This is A-Li, and A-Cheng." The man pointed at his kids. "My wife has taken our nephew for ice-cream."
Mrs Lan opened her mouth, probably to continue with the pleasantries, but she was shocked into silence. Lan Zhan suddenly yelped out a short cry before breaking into a run. Before an aghast Mrs Lan could gather herself to give chase, Lan Zhan was met by a boy his size wearing red and black swimming trunks. The two boys were apprehended by a woman who herded them back towards Mrs Lan.
"A-Zhan, why did you run like that?"
"A-Ying, that's dangerous. Don't run..."
Both sets of parents started at the same time. But they got interrupted by A-Zhan, who proudly declared, "This is XianXian."
Mrs Lan continued to gape. The woman was the first to recover, "Oh my, you must be A-Ying's A-Zhan. He has been talking about you for weeks now."
Lsn Zhan nodded. The woman turned to Mrs Lan, " We don't know how to thank your little boy. You see, poor A-Ying had to move in with us because his parents are on a research trip. We were so worried he'd have a bad time getting along with his new classmates. But, it seems like A-Zhan here was a perfect angel."
Mrs Lan weakly smiled. " Yes, A-Zhan kept talking about his new friend, too. But why does he call him XianXian? "
The man extended a hand to ruffle the boy's already messy hair, "His courtesy name is Wei Wuxian. A-Ying is more of a nickname."
The boy jerked his head away but didn't release his hold on Lan Zhan's hands. The boys started to talk earnestly. Or more like Wei Ying talked while Lan Zhan seemed to absorb every word with his entire being. A-Ying's aunt offered to go get more ice cream to replace the ones she had dropped. Mrs Lan spotted her brother-in-law, leading the small team of children towards them. She relaxed her tense muscles and laid down on the towel; then jerked back up because of Lan Zhan's solemn declaration to the group, " XianXian and I are getting married."
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stxrrynxghts · 11 months
Facts about Subhadra
Subhadra is one of my favorite characters of the Mahabharata. I have a somewhat different perception of her personality than most ppl do, but that is kind of fine. So, I am here to share some facts about our Yadava princess :D
According to Bhagavat Purana, Subhadra has 45 LIVING elder brothers. Vasudev apparently had more sons apart from Balarama and Krishna.
She is also said to have a full blooded elder sister, named Tara.
Subhadra is 19 years younger than Krishna is, according to Bhagvata Puran
So she is probably 20-21 years younger than Balarama, and 18 and a half year younger than Arjun
The Northern and Southern recension of the Mahabharata have somewhat different versions of her love story with Arjun. The northern version shows him abducting her, and in the southern one, their love story is very much elaborated.
However, in both, her consent is there, in the Northern one, she doesn't say anything while abducted, but is actually smiling when she returns, so she is most likely happy
And we all know, she and Draupadi had a lovely relationship together #sisgoals
Subhadra is directly related to Nakul's wife, Karenumati, as Karenumati's grandmother and Subhadra's father are siblings.
Speaking of grandmothers, Subhadra's grandma is Marisha, a descendant of Vasuki, through whom Subhadra's descendants have Naga blood.
Subhadra's marriage paves the way for the full blown Yadava-Pandava friendship imagine the Yadavas and their 50,000 relatives spending summer in Indraprastha
Since Subhadra is so young compared to her brothers, her sisters-in-law must have been very present in her childhood. why am I imagining baby Bhadra sitting in Balarama's lap during his wedding
Subhadra is mostly known for sleeping during the chakravyuha thing, but it is mostly folklore i.e. not present in any authentic versions (Correct me if I am wrong)
She is very heavily worshipped in Jagannnath Puri , and is perhaps the most widely worshipped female character from Mahabharata (Draupadi is worshipped in some parts of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, Hidimbi is worshipped in parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttara is worshipped in some parts of Rajasthan).
In authentic versions, she has only one kid, Abhimanyu, though certain folk tales show multiple children of hers.
Subhadra's mourning is very much highlighted in the aftermath of Abhimanyu's death (Which is a normal thing, Vyasa loves to delve into the mother/wife's pain after someone's death).
After the war, Yudhishthira handed over the kingdom to Yuyutsu, but also requested Subhadra to "take care" of Parikshit and Vajra oh god, she is probably the only one from the elder gen left apart from Yuyustu at that point
A folktale suggests that Arjun drowned Subhadra before leaving for the Himalayas, and I am sorry to say that I hate it a lot. Why you making my man commit uxoricide?
She most probably retired to the forest after sometime, and passed there only.
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akitasimblr · 4 months
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i am sending you the twins david harper & ernest harper, queenie harper and alana west-harper for your legacy, let's hope they behave! more about them below.
david is a rebel. He does not have a determined direction; he goes where the wind takes him. It’s easy to find him crashing at his sister or twin brother’s house after some crazy night in san myshuno. He will settle eventually, just not sure when. He is not drawn to romantic relationships, it actually requires a lot of friendship and intimacy (and not strictly in the physical sense) for him to fall for someone. David does not believe in love at first sight, for him love has to be nurtured and cared for in the long run. He’s not a one-night stand kind of guy. Right now he still lives at his parents’ house in Britechester and after much parental pressure he finally got a part-time job as barista. You can say he is not the ambitious type. He loves a good laugh and a bit of mischief to color our lives. He is a geek for video games and he - might - indulge in some hacking as well. Which reminds me of a story he usually boasts about of when he got inside the landgraab’s system… oh! wait! that’s a secret!
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ernest is an acclaimed musician. He has an identical twin named David. He is a virtuoso pianist and violinist and plays in the worldwide known Simsonian Orchestra. Ernest loves all classic and baroque music and it’s hard to find anything he loves just as much. For an outsider, Ernest has an enviable life, he has achieved professional realization, he travels all around the simlish world with the orchestra, he does what he loves but Ernest Harper is a sad, unhappy soul. He had his heart broken and he has never been able to fall in love again. He has been a loner. Ernest has a timid, gloomy character. But Ernest’s gloomy soul hides the most tender, sensitive and loving character, if only one knows how to break his walls…
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queenie was born amongst the rich and famous society of del sol with both of her parents being renowned actors. she was always very pampered as a kid and everyone thought she’d follow her parents’ example and become an actor. but no. her tastes and talents led her to another branch of the movie industry: designs and wardrobes.  queenie has an exquisite obsession with anything fashion related and she is brilliant at what she does.  sweet queenie might be vain and perhaps too self-conscious of her public image; but she’s a kind soul with the patience of a saint. mark my words, this girl knows how to keep a secret, she’s the best confidant you’ll ever find, if only you show she can trust you. 
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alana west-harper is the mischievous kind. she got that from her dad, i bet! alana is an expert in all fandoms you can think of. even those underground, alternative, sketchy fandoms no one knows about? well, she knows! alana is the ultimate geek. alana went to foxbury university to study villainy and oh my watcher! she graduated with honors. i expect great things from this girl... like worldwide robery kind of greatness, you know? but don't get me wrong, she is not evil, okay? she just likes to do things her way. and sometimes 'her way' does not exactly mean lawful... but hey! she gets things done in the end of the day!
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renee-writer · 29 days
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Love Comes First Chapter 5
“Some lass.” The younger girl shrugs.
“That is all you know?”
“Tabby, let her be. She is only four. She can’t be expected to know everything about James mystery lass.”
“Da and mama are talking to him about her. It sounds serious.”  Leah continues to report.
“Serious. You don’t think?”
“No way!”
“What?” Leah tugs on Faith ‘s elbow.
“You’re to young to know.”
“Hmph. But not to young to spy. I am going to color. You can spy on your own.” She hurries away.
“We need to find out.” Their baby sister ‘s emotions are dismissed without a second thought as they slip out and head towards the stairs.
“Alright. Just make sure they are on their best behavior please.”
“We know this is important.”
“She could be our daughter -in-law. They will behave.” Mama adds. The eavesdroppers exchange looks before slipping back in their room.
“Oh my!” Faith whispers. Her eyes are wide and her hand partially covers her mouth.
“If they are getting married, that means…”
“It has too, right?”
Nothing like this has ever happened in their family. All the children are raised, from the cradle, to follow God’s laws. Sex is for marriage, period. The idea that their big brother has broken that rule and got… it is overwhelming.
“He is still in grade 12. How will he take care of a wife and baby?” Tabby wonders.
“Mama and da will help. They may even live here.” This thought brings excitement and trepidation. They are both old enough to remember having a newborn in the house. Leah isn’t that old.
“No matter what, we will help.”
“Right,” Tabby adds, “he is our brother.”
“What are you talking about?”
They were so engrossed  in their conversation, they didn’t hear them come in.
“You two should be in bed.”
Leah rolls her eyes at her big sister, who is always acting like a second mama.
“So, what are you talking about?” Peter asks.
“You’re to young to know. Go to bed.” The two youngest share a look.
“Alright.” Peter takes Leah’s  hand.
“No listening outside the door.” Tabby adds. They watch them deflate, their shoulders dropping.
“What do you think it’s about?”
“Boys.”  Peter is old enough to understand that his two big sisters are all about the lads. He doesn’t understand why.
“Maybe,” Leah grins knowing she knows something he doesn’t, “or maybe it is about James’ girlfriend. He was talking seriously with mama and da about her.”
“Really, hmm.  Maybe. He is almost a man grown and might be thinking about marriage.”
She pulls a face. “Why would be want to do that?”
He shrugs. “Beats me.”
“Mama,” it is the next morning and the other children are at school, “is James marrying his lass?”
Claire stops washing the breakfast dishes and turns to her.  “Were you sneaking around?”
“Some,” she shrugs, “Faith and Tabby asks me too.”
Claire sighs. She will have a talk with her older daughters. 
“Leah, it isn’t nice to listen in on private conversations.”
“Sorry mama,” she hugs her side, “is he?”
“Not right now.”
“Please God,” she adds in her head, “I know Jamie and I weren’t  much older when we were engaged still…”
She almost hears Him chuckling. Now she knows what her own parents felt, her in- laws.
“What is it Mama?”
“A funny thought. Would you like to talk to Mimi and Pops?”
The little girls face lights up. “Aye please!”
Her parents live in London. The children don’t see them as often as the Frasers.
She picks up the phone and calls home.
“Claire, darling!” She smiles at hearing her mum’s voice.
“Mum. Leah and I were just thinking about you and dad, decided to ring you.”
“What is wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, we just…”
“Claire Elizabeth, what is it?”  She has never been able to hide anything from her.
“I am worried about James. He meet a girl and has fallen head over heels in love with her. She is nice but…”
“You worry because this girl is a stranger to you, taking your son away. Am I close?”
“Yes. Is that how you and dad felt?”
“It was and we just had you. Still it all worked out.”
Leah tugs at her. “Mama, I want to talk to Mimi.”
“Thank you mum. Here’s Leah.” As she listens to her baby talk to her mum, she smiles. God has her son. It will all work out.
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icarusignite · 1 year
Before the Sky Falls | Prologue
A/N: lol the timeline has been shifted enough that Daenys and Aemond are basically the same age. I am kinda just lifting everyone's birth years from the ASoIaF wiki page and making adjustments.
Word Count: 2.1k
All chapters: Masterlist
AO3    |    Wattpad
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110 AC
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The springtime weather had finally arrived, bringing with it a sense of renewal and hope to the residents of King's Landing. The air was crisp and fresh, with a light breeze that carried the scent of blooming flowers and budding trees. As the days grew warmer, the castle's gardens came to life with vibrant colours and fragrant blossoms, and the sounds of chirping birds filled the air. The sun shone brightly in the sky, warming the stones of the castle's walls.
For the crown princess of Westeros, Rhaenyra Targaryen, who was heavily pregnant and due to give birth sometime in the spring, the change in weather brought both joy and trepidation. She felt the stirrings of new life within her, but also the weight of fear that came with giving birth. As the weeks went by, the princess grew increasingly restless and uncomfortable. The warm weather made her swollen feet ache, and the constant movement of the babe within her left her feeling drained and exhausted.
Her stepmother, and dearest childhood friend, Queen Alicent Hightower, had also given birth to her second son earlier that year and Rhaenyra couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as she thought about the queen's relatively unproblematic delivery. The maesters repeatedly told her that every birth was different, but she couldn't help but feel anxious about her own impending labour. Her mind was plagued by the sorrowful tales of her ancestors and each of the women who had lost their lives in the pursuit of serving their realm. If difficult pregnancies were genetic, Rhaenyra was sure she would have the worst of it. Her mother, Aemma Arryn, and even her grandmother Alyssa Targaryen. They had all died from the complications of childbirth.
Her mother's haunting words came back to her often these days.
You will lie in this birthing bed soon enough.
That was the last time she had ever spoken to her, and then she had died, stolen from her by the brother she never even got to hold. She also remembered her own words, her adamant resolution that she would rather die as a knight in battle. Oh, how the tables had turned and the restless babe in her womb made her take back every single one of her claims.
Rhaenyra Targaryen went into labour a fortnight too earlier, like her grandmother Daella Targaryen, much to the horror of the maesters. The midwives rushed around the room, trying their best to help the princess through her pains, but the stifling atmosphere in the birthing chamber only made her more ill-tempered. She forbade the maesters and all men from entering, and only allowed her sister-in-law, the Lady Laena Velaryon, to remain at her side. Lady Laena held her hand and tried to comfort her as best she could, but even she could not soothe the wailing heir to the Iron Throne. She had been in labour for almost two whole days, and the babe still showed no signs of coming.
As the labour pains intensified, Rhaenyra felt her body convulse with pain, causing her to cry out in agony. Her breathing became more strained and she could feel the sweat dripping down her forehead. With each contraction, she clutched Lady Laena's fingers tighter, her knuckles turning white. As the hours passed, the pain only grew more intense, causing her to feel as if her body was being ripped apart from the inside. She swore to the gods above, the old and the new, as fear rose within her. Something was wrong. The baby was not coming out as easily as it should have.
"I'm scared. What if I don't make it? What happens then?" Rhaenyra whimpered, tears streaming down her face.
Lady Laena smoothed the hair away from her face and dabbed a cool, wet washcloth on her forehead, "You will not die, princess. You will survive this and you will live to raise your child."
"But what if I do? Fuck, what if I don't survive this? It's too much, too much!"
"I will not hear you speak of such things! Just breathe Rhaenyra, you will be fine," Laena took deep measured breaths and motioned for the princess to follow along.
On the third day at dawn, a baby's cries filled the room, and after cutting the umbilical cord, the midwife finally held up a small, squirming bundle to the exhausted princess. Tears of relief and joy streamed down her face as she reached out to take the newborn child into her arms. The room erupted into cheers as the news of the baby's safe delivery spread throughout the castle.
Laena kissed Rhaenyra's forehead, "A daughter, princess. You did so well."
Rhaenyra held her daughter close, overwhelmed with emotion. The child was small and fragile, but she had come into the world kicking and screaming with unbridled energy. There was a smattering of silver-gold hair on her head and when she opened her eyes to blink up at Rhaenyra slowly, they were a deep violet. Rhaenyra exhaled in relief. She was beautiful.
Laenor Velaryon burst in through the door just then, a broad grin on his face.
"A girl, they said. And what a girl indeed, you can hear her from across the castle," he exclaimed joyfully. "Why she's got the lungs of a dragon!"
Laena laughed at her brother's words and vacated her spot beside the princess so that he could take her place. He sat at the edge of the bed cautiously, taking the wet cloth from his sister's hand and wiping Rhaenyra's brow with it.
"The lungs of a dragon indeed. She will not stop crying," Rhaenyra chuckled.
"It is a sign that she is healthy, princess," one of the midwives smiled.
The room was filled with chatter as the midwives cleaned up and the servants rushed to bring in fresh linens and hot water to wash Rhaenyra with. She smiled weakly, tears of happiness streaming down her face as she kissed the crown of her daughter's head and handed her off to Laenor. Only then did the baby stop howling, and blinked up at him with innocent eyes.
"Oh look, I think she likes me better," Laenor joked, nestling his daughter gently, and admiring her delicate features that were so different from his own.
"Thank you for being here with me, Laena," Rhaenyra murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't have done this without you."
Laena squeezed her hand, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Next to arrive were the king and queen of Westeros, along with Princess Rhaenys and her husband, Lord Corlys. King Viserys's face was filled with joy, but Queen Alicent's demeanour was more reserved and observant. She immediately sat down on one of the divans in the room, still recovering from her own labour a few months prior.
"I have a granddaughter I hear. Let me see her then, the future heir to the Iron Throne," King Viserys beamed.
Laenor handed his daughter to her and the king cradled her, proudly showing her off to her other grandparents.
"She has her grandmother's eyes, just look at them!"
"What will you name her?" Lord Corlys pondered.
Rhaenyra smiled at her father, "We were thinking that you might have a name for her, Your Grace."
Viserys gazed upon the child thoughtfully, and he couldn't help but tear up. She looked just like his beloved Aemma. The Targaryen family was filled with great characters from which he could have chosen his granddaughter's name, but it didn't feel right to give her the name of just another warrior.
"Many in our line have been dragon riders, but very few among us have been dreamers. Her name will be Daenys so that perhaps she may inherit her ancestor's gift of prophecy," he declared and handed the child to Lord Corlys.
"Daenys Velaryon, a fine princess, and the future heir to the Iron Throne," Lord Corlys looked forward to the day when someone with his name would finally sit on the throne. History remembered names after all, not blood.
Princess Rhaenys ran a finger across the baby's nose, "We have picked out an egg for her as well, from Meleys's latest clutch, to be placed in her cradle."
Queen Alicent nodded politely as everyone in the room continued to speak amongst themselves. When Rhaenyra reached for her, she went and sat by her side and held her hand, but she could not shake the feeling of despair that clawed at her from the inside. She wished that her husband had shown this much enthusiasm at the birth of his own children, as he did for his grandchild. She wished that he had taken this much care in naming their own daughter, then perhaps Helaena would have been named something else that reflected his passions this deeply. It was this bitterness that she just could not let go of, even as she congratulated Rhaenyra and wished her a speedy recovery. However, when she was finally handed the babe, she couldn't help but smile. The small blonde girl reminded her of her own little Aemond, and she couldn't bring herself to hold any animosity toward the child itself. If she noticed that the newborn's features bore great resemblance to those of the Commander of the City Watch, she kept it to herself. It was only one child, perhaps it was a coincidence that her colouring was nothing like Ser Laenor's, she told herself.
"You're beautiful aren't you," she cooed at the baby. "We shall let you get some rest Rhaenyra, you have had an exhausting few days."
King Viserys kissed his daughter farewell and ushered everyone out of the room, Queen Alicent taking the babe along with her to get her cleaned up. Only when they were all gone, could Rhaenyra truly relax. She took several deep breaths, her body still sore from her tireless efforts and her head slumped back against the headboard. There was a hesitant knock on the door and she croaked out for them to come in.
Ser Harwin Strong entered the room slowly, a bouquet of spring roses in his hand.
"Princess," he said, bowing respectfully. "I heard the good news, and I just had to come and see for myself."
Rhaenyra looked up from her bed, her face still flushed and sweaty from the labour. She smiled weakly at her sworn shield.
"Ser Harwin, it is good to see you. The child has been taken away to be tended to, she is not here."
"She is not the only one I have come to see," Ser Harwin walked over to her bed and handed her the flowers. "For the new mother."
"Thank you, Ser Harwin. They're beautiful."
"If I may Princess...?"
Ser Harwin reached toward Rhaenyra, and after a quick glance at the closed door, Rhaenyra nodded, allowing him to press a kiss to her forehead. Just as he was pulling away, Ser Laenor, walked in.
"While it is obvious that my little princess prefers my company, I thought she might like to meet another very important person," he teased, handing the baby to Ser Harwin and closing the door behind him once again when he left.
Ser Harwin held the child gingerly, his eyes full of adoration.
"She has your nose," Rhaenyra commented softly.
Ser Hariwn sighed, "I am glad that it is the only part of me that she has inherited. The rest of her is lovely like her mother and her grandmother."
"Do not say that."
"I speak the truth princess, but you should know that I love her with all my heart. What is her name?"
"My father has named her Daenys. I think he hopes that she will be a dreamer, although I doubt that will be true. She looks like a fighter to me."
Daenys Strong.
Ser Harwin tries out the name on the tip of his tongue, low enough for no one but his own heart to hear. His firstborn daughter. He would never call her by that name but for a single silent moment, she is his and he is hers.
"Daenys Velaryon," he finally says. "A wonderful name indeed. What makes you say she is a fighter."
"A mother's instinct. And she has got the blood of a warrior."
"A blood of a warrior hmm."
"You should have seen her scream when she came out, already so angry with the world, as if it had done her some grave injustice. Although if she is to be a woman, I suppose the world will do her a great many injustices. I just hope that I am able to protect her from the worst of them."
Ser Harwin kissed Daenys's rosy cheek as she slumbered in his arms, "I will protect her for as long as I live."
"May that be a very very long time indeed."
The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, gazing at their newborn baby and basking in the joy of the moment. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, they were content to enjoy these stolen moments where they could find them.
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fancyfeathers · 3 months
Albert really going, 'I did it for us', when there had never been anything between him and his darling in the first place; and then striking her in the face when she spits the truth that this prisonerhood disguised as marriage was all his decision and nothing of hers.
He probably knew, deep down that darling was 100% right but justified (not rationalized, because he knew that what he did was both illogical) it as protecting her. Saying that he could have a dreamed-of loving relationship, by proclaiming it as a rescue was a delusion that's likely embedded into his 'love' for her.
She could would have lived well without Albert but he couldn't stand that, and so chose to make put his desires above her happiness... so any platitudes or reasons he gives will always be unacceptable especially as he murdered her family afterwards. There is no affection or fondness he can ever win from her, in my opinion but it clearly hasn't fully sunk in for him. Or at least until after that escape.
The best he was ever going to get was cold treatment and disgusted resignation, and I think that's it's only now sinking in: by declaring she'd have rather been dead than be 'saved' by him, his darling's said she would never accept him like he had fantasized. Hence, why he lashed out.
I am curious though, if he would double down on his delusions by maintaining the previous status quo (getting her to behave pr concincing himself it was just a lapse of control on both their parts) or if she had cracked it broken enough that Albert would back off somewhat.
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
Albert is not really delusional, he falls more under manipulative. Of course he has to be a tad delusional to believe what he is doing is the lesser of two evils, it may be painful for her but it’s for the best. Her parents were horrible people and even if he let them live after marrying their daughter, she would still have to deal with their presence in her life and not to mention her little sister who is still in their custody until she finds a suitable match, and besides outside of how they treated their daughters their behavior was still very much unforgivable, an abuse of power, so it was only natural that they were taken care of.
He knows his darling would rather be with someone else from the day they were engaged and he is not going to force her to love him, not in the slightest. He makes her life comfortable and makes sure she is well provided for so at least they can be friends in their marriage, he will still maintain his attraction to her but will not act on it anymore than he has already since he knows how straining this must be on her mind. Now at the time comfortable marriages could still be happy, after all there are certainly worse circumstances to find yourself in, so she would eventually settle into her marriage with her husband, at least he is a good and honest man, that’s the least she could ask…
Well that’s what she thought…
Soon enough the blindfold is ripped off and her kind husband who she was content with unintentionally revealed his true colors…
It started with the strange behavior towards her asking about her parents death…
Then the changes around the house with the partners of her brothers in law, the locks on the door, the feeling of constantly being watched, but Albert never stopped behaving the way he always did as if nothing was wrong to keep her from paying much mind to the things happening around them…
Then it was the realization from the truths from the other two darlings of who her husband really was, and her whole reality shattered…
The man she laid in the same bed as, who she was content with, became a murderer, one of the faces of the Lord of Crime.
Meanwhile Albert thought she would never would run now, he thought she wants content with him like she had been but when she runs that small delusion shattered and reality was in full swing.
While he does isolate her after catching her, that does not mean he treats her badly, he will behave the same because the reality was already straining her and the isolation from anyone else but him was enough punishment to teach her from flying away again.
He does not expect her to love him or like him but the transition of her being happy enough with him to despising him was difficult, it felt like whiplash. Her behavior puts them both on edge and after her lashing out at him he cracks, revealing more of his true colors. After that incident he may be a bit colder to her as if that was the last straw in a way, distancing himself as a punishment because she is already isolated from everyone not in the house, the outside world, of course he never hurt her again unless she lashes out first.
When one method of manipulation fails with him being kind and gentle to her and keeping her blind from what he has done, he switches tactics to being cold and distant from her, letting the tension build up until she comes crawling back to him.
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celestedoesarttm · 1 month
hihihihi omg i heard abt u from @kip-has-fleas it said we'd get along well so hi here i am now please tell me everything about red sun omg i NEED to hear about it /lh (i'll be able to see and respond to stuff on here when i'm home alone so probably... next wednesday (unless u happen to have Sky: CotL or fortnite :3 /nf)
anyways yeah hi u can call me vio btw
i have tumblr (obviously lol /silly) and pinterest although u might have to get an invite link from me for that also i'm cloud_of_corvids on duolingo i think so do what you will with that lol /silly sooooooo yeah :3
Hello Vio!! I’ve heard some lovely things about you as well, and if there’s one thing I love it’s talking about my OCs for extended periods of time! I’ll try to keep basic Red Sun synopsis rather short, though.
Red Sun is set on a planet covered in a vast desert and lit overhead by a burning hot crimson star. There’s a City set up in a valley, a City so large that hundreds of millions of people mill about in some hundreds of thousands of levels every day. And outside of the City is the Wastes—the desert where nobody wise lives and anybody who wants to get away from civilization goes. Our protagonist, Gunhilde, is neither particularly wise nor particularly in love with her fellow man.
That’s why she and her newlywed wife, Annie, settle down in a cabin in the Wastes. And life is good and happy and lovely until their money runs out, and they can’t exactly just plant something lush and tasty in the desert. Gunhilde’s far from a stranger to her sixgun, of course, so she starts taking trips into the City every so often to do odd jobs that stray too close to the wrong side of the law for Annie’s liking.
The tension between them silently grows until, one day, Annie decides that damn it, she’s had enough. She steals Gunhile’s sixgun secretly and announces to her wife that she’s leaving, picks up her packed bag and her banjo case, and heads out the door. Gunhilde follows, protesting and pleading with her. Annie pulls out the gun to make Gunhilde leave her alone. Shock makes the sudden pain in Gunhilde’s right shoulder dull, but she doesn’t quite know if it’s shock from her body or shock at her wife—ex-wife, now, she supposes.
Gunhilde spends a sad few days alone in the house with a hurting shoulder before she decides to follow Annie into the City to find her. She stops at a sleazy bar at the very edge of the City, where she meets an interesting figure by name of Ivain Ray. Ivain’s rather interested in Gunhilde’s sorry tale, and they decide to stick with her and help her in her search. They bring her to their, ah, business partner Eloise Deorwine, the matriarch of one of the richest families in the entire City. Eloise offers Gunhilde money and resources for her search, as well as a place to stay and friendship. The cowgirl stays there for a couple of months, befriending Eilos (Eloise’s younger brother) and going to Eloise’s elaborate balls in between searching for her lover with Ivain.
Those lovely months filled with anticipation come to an end when, one day, Ivain and Gunhilde walk through an alley by one of Ivain’s bars as a shortcut and stumble upon the dead body of Ivain’s little sister, Ialde ‘Moray’ Ray.
Ivain is absolutely heartbroken, but once Eloise urges them to resume their life and stay away from drink, their grief turns into a wild desire for vengeance for whomever decided it was a great idea to shoot their sister. They start their own search alongside Gunhilde’s, and eventually their research reveals that a certain group killed Moray (on accident, it seems. At the very least she wasn’t a purposeful target) and that Gunhilde has previously worked for that group in the past, back when she was doing odd jobs for money. And apparently she’s still got quite a pretty little bounty on her head. And Ivain has lots of debts to pay.
Ivain takes Gunhilde out on a walk through the City, disguising it as another research trip. The moment they’re alone together, they pulls a gun on her and turn her in to the police for a hefty profit. (When they return home, Eloise greets them sweetly, then asks where Gunhilde is. They promptly break into tears.)
And so Gunhilde spends about a year in jail with an bullet wound to her shoulder that never quite received the proper medical care it deserved. That’s how, when Eloise finally ordered Ivain to go back and bail her out, Ivain found her with a badly amputated arm and a look of loathing in her eyes. They paid her bail and then paid an additional large number on getting her a new arm. (She tested it out by beating the shit out of Ivain. Since the arm was made of steel, it worked quite well.)
That’s currently where the story leaves off—Gunhilde staying with the Deorwines again, still looking for her ex-wife and adjusting to a new arm and new strained relationships; Ivain making deals with Eloise, being dismissive of Eilos, and avoiding Gunhilde; Eloise running the place, dealing with her vampirism, and keeping Ivain in check; and Eilos still struggling with his mental state, ripping up his paintings, and trying to remain good friends with Gunhilde. And, of course, somewhere deep in the heart of the City, you can still hear Annie singing and playing her banjo, the sound drifting out among the streets and looking for a couple of dollars.
And if some of the stuff I mentioned in that last paragraph seemed a bit out of left field, that’s because this is the HEAVILY ABRIDGED version. I’ve had to breeze past some set dressing details, Ye Miserable Bastards, the finer points of the Deorwines, the Rays’ backstory, and I’ve completely dodged the whole sorry tale of Azalai Belle and the Circus. (In my defense, that one happened a good twenty years or so before the story began.) but yeah!!
(Two last bits of promotion: Red Sun has a WIP website that I’m currently trying (and failing) to make! I also have a youtube channel where I’ve posted several animatics and songs related to Red Sun. They’re in a playlist on my channel, and the links to both my YT channel and my Neocities Red Sun website are in my bio.)
Thank you for sending in this ask, again, I love talking about my little guys and the stage show that’s dancing through my mind, so thank you for giving met he opportunity to do so. If you (or anyone else 👁 👁) have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask and I’ll elaborate!!! :D
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