#she kicks butt IN the hot pink dress!!!!!!
mechieonu · 2 years
gatekeeping princess peach bc some of y'all don't know how to behave
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yeeterthek33per · 24 days
Two's Company, Three's A Crowd, Four And Five Say Let Chaos Reign (Katrina Gorry x Reader)
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A/n Requested. Part three to Missing Toddlers and Mayhem :) Will Edit later, cause I'm at work atm y'all.
(Y'all this took me so long freaking long to write like 😭)
Content/Warning(s): mildly suggestive, warning you now, it does get a little itty bit spicy. Harper, Kyra, R, and Chacha ganging up on Katrina.
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"So do I get to know where we're going or are we doing a surprise again, because the last time we did this, I got my butt kicked on a public beach."
"If I recall correctly, that was your fault, Miss L/n."
"Also, no 😘"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"I don't recall going into this knowing you were a professional slide tackler😫"
"Could have left the gear in the boot and never mentioned it. You should know us footballers are legally obligated to accept rondo challenges 😜"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"Turn that frown upside down, Babe😊"
Hot Stuff❤️🥵
"But close enough."
"Just be ready by 12, I'll be there soon😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"Of course, see you soon, Gorgeous😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"What do I wear??"
"Hike meets cozy casual😘"
Hot Stuff ❤️🥵
"Got it, thanks, Cutie😘"
You'd been talking non stop in the days between the last time you'd seen each other in person.
Over the phone, via text, even a facetime at some point, where Harper managed to sneak in and say a very happy hello to you.
The little girl manages to bring a massive smile to your face every time Katrina talks about her.
There was always a smile on your face lately, or so your sister had pointed out just yesterday.
"I swear that woman's got you glued to your phone, dorky little smile and everything."
"Leave me alone, Ash." You whine.
A soft rap on your door lifts your head from your current position of smiling over your phone.
You really need to stop proving her point.
Ashley opens the door, a small smirk already on her face making you roll your eyes.
"Can I help you?"
"It's date time soon, why are you not ready?"
"How would you know what-"
"You told me yesterday, all dreamy eyed. Geez, she got you hypnotised too now?"
You huff.
"Whatever, why are you in here?"
"Because you're being awfully quiet about this Kat and I'm worried, because you haven't said a word about who she is or what she does."
"I haven't been murdered, I'm fine, you can stop grilling, nor are you grilling her when she gets here."
"I have to do my sisterly duties, now hurry up and get ready or else I'll have longer with her because you're running late for your date."
Glancing at the clock on your wall, she's right, it's about forty or so minutes before Katrina is due.
Standing up, you shoo the woman out of your room and quickly jump into the shower, grabbing out a pair of hiking pants, a simple short sleeve shirt and a light blue denim jacket.
By the time you're out of the shower dressed and touching up your hair, there's a knock at the door downstairs.
You fire down them, shoving your sister, who's racing you to the door, away.
As smoothly as you can, you open the door with a warm smile.
Katrina's warm smile greets your own.
She's beautiful as ever and you tell her as such, the long sleeve jacket almost matching your own except she's in shorts and sneakers and a light pink button up underneath it.
"Hey, Beautiful."
You step out the door to greet the shorter woman, arms wrapping around her, her leaning up into you, hands settling on your shoulder blades.
"Hi, Cutie."
You pout softly as she goes to pull away, and then she chuckles meeting your demands with her own lips.
Humming softly in appreciation, you squeeze her waist.
"You ready?"
Nodding, you go to shut the door behind you, keys, phone, wallet and water bottle already with you.
Of course, Ashley decides now is the perfect time to pop out, only, she pauses, surprise on her expression.
"Well... I was going to do the whole sisterly, bring her back by ten talk but... I don't need to. You two have fun!"
And with that, she slams the door behind you, giving you a loving tap to the butt.
Katrina looks confused, matching your own bewilderment at your sisters actions.
"I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what that was."
You cough into your palm, covering a half laugh.
"Anyway, continuing on. Are we good to go?"
She nods, grabbing you by the hand, leading you to the car parked in your driveway.
Clipping in, she reverses out and starts driving off in the direction of the northern exit from the outer city, a drive you know well enough, having gone this way quite a few times.
She leans over and hands you a black cable, winking at you from her spot in the driver's seat.
"Passenger princess duties are all yours."
The cheeky grin makes you roll yours playfully with a small huff.
"Sure, babe."
Switching to some music you'd both listened to that Saturday night, your hand settles in hers across the console as you hit the highway.
"So, do I get to know, yet?"
It's short, the little smile on her lips doing little to mask the amusement in her tone, her brow quirking a little at the pout on your face.
"Yes, Ma'am."
Making a joking salute, you start to hum along to the radio, thumb caressing across the back of her hand.
She huffs, shaking her head but gives your hand a squeeze anyway.
The drive isn't overly long, no longer than any of the trips you've taken, about forty-five minutes on the road.
You feel like you almost recognise the roads she's taking but a right turn far before anything else comes up on the forested roads throws you a curveball.
Normally you'd been one of the more observant travellers on these roads, however, it seems you'd never paid the tiny dirt road any mind before now.
The greenery, denser than when you'd entered the little driveway, started to part into a small dirt and gravel alcove, to which Katrina pulls in, parking in front a small wooden bollard that lines the alcove.
There's dense green directly in front of you that splits into a small dirt and gravel path which disappears off to the right in a slow curve.
Reaching across the console, she taps your leg with a small grin.
"Hope you brought your hiking legs."
Scoffing, you nudge the woman and basically bounce out of the car in the face of her challenge.
"Damn right I did."
It starts off fairly easy, a basic hiking path for anyone, not much change in altitude but then it starts to increase, and you find yourself falling into the familiar rhythm that you love when it comes to hiking.
If you'd said that to your teenage self, she would've cried at the mention of cardio.
Katrina, it seems, falls into the same familiar feeling, the mild sweat from the hike mixing but also the complete relaxation in her stance as she moves beside you, ahead of you in smaller sections of the path and behind you as you move ahead to crest the more difficult bits first as a precautionary.
It's the first time you really fall into an understanding that someone else gets.
There's a peacefulness to the area surrounding you, bird chimes and occasional cicada chirps as you pass by certain bushes and grass patches.
You think you even spot a small rabbit hopping off the path ahead of you.
Finally, the incline slopes downward again, and then leads down and off to the left, the faint smell of moss and running water becoming more apparent to breathe in, it's refreshing.
"God, I've missed this."
She sounds rightly out of breath as she steps onto a particularly tall rock lodged into the path.
"You've been missing out, then?"
"Far too much, between how cold it got in Sweden and just not really going too far from the city, it's been a good while since I've even gotten to take Harper on smaller hikes."
"Damn, life of an athlete, much?"
A small joking lilt.
"Ha ha."
You can practically see her eye roll from where you're walking in front of the woman.
"It's not that bad, just keeps our lives hectic if anything."
You hum.
"How's Harper feel about that?"
You miss the way her lips curl up at the mention of the mini-mini.
"She loves it if anything, sleepovers with Nonna three times a week and when the international break pops up, she gets to stay with the team and see all twenty-two of her aunties and siblings."
The closer you get to the running water, the less the trees hang over the both of you and the more the suns starts to bead down on your light blue shirt, the warmth very familiar as winter shifts into spring once again.
It's been about an hour or so since you'd started off on the track.
She moves in front of you, turning with a small nod and grin in the direction of the beginning of a large clearing.
"C'mon, we're getting close."
The sun shines through the light brunette hair around the tops and sides of her head that most likely refused to be tied down properly, but in a neat, casual setting.
Slowing to a stop near where she's starting to descend a slightly steeper part of the path, you look out into the opening, a large water not far off to your one o'clock, the green moss abundant around its edges and the dampened ground surrounding the flowing water and the small pool built up around its base.
The pool breaks off into a surpisingly sandy bay that opens into a much larger river, flowing from another path away from you and out into what you see is the beach.
You nearly miss the small misstep as she steps on a mossed up stone, grabbing her arm to stop her falling, alarm on your face.
"I gotcha."
You nod softly, hand squeezing her bicep, continuing jokingly.
"No hurting yourself, as much as I'd love to carry you back.."
She smacks you a little with a laugh before continuing down a different stone to avoid the same outcome.
"Real funny, Babe."
It's one massive secluded beach and it reminds you heavily of your first tryst together.
Only this time, it's much more private and less accessible, something you can almost appreciate with the nature of it all.
Another understanding between you.
As a public figure and known football player, Katrina knows the feeling well.
It doesn't come often, with media days a regular occurrence and spending near all of her time with teammates, club and country as well as with a two-year-old toddler at all hours of the day.
Of course, she wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
But privacy is a luxury that not even well paid athletes can afford.
So she understands the immediate droop and sigh of contentment when you see the vast empty beach and nothing but the sound of crashing waves and bird song behind you.
Letting your head fall back as you take in the cool summer breeze from the coastline, the smell of sea salt and damp greenery filling your senses, your head turns to look at the shorter woman.
She's already watching you, a small challenging smirk on her face that brings you back to the present.
"...What's up?"
"Nothing, I figured a nice walk and then a rematch would be a great way to start our day together."
"Rematch?... Wait-"
You're cut off as she suddenly pops out a soccer ball from behind her that she'd apparently managed to hide in her backpack the whole way, and tosses it towards you, darting off towards the beach.
"C'mon, I wanna see if you've learned anything yet!"
Jogging after her, you yell out.
"You mean that I'm not the professional footballer in this scenario and that I'm going to get my butt kicked again?"
"I'll make a baller out of you, yet, now get out here!"
It goes on like that for a while, how long exactly, you aren't sure but by the time you both land breathless onto the sand, mainly you, the sun is leaning more towards the other side of the sky.
"I hope you brought snacks, because I'm gonna need them after that last one."
Katrina giggles down at your dead flat form on the ground, chest heaving.
“You can’t give up on me now, to think you were just getting close to beating me.”
The teasing lilt to her voice makes you swat at her ankle lightly.
“Close, my ass. It’s like twenty-six to three.”
“Actually it’s about nineteen to six.”
She kicks you in the foot, tossing up a little sand in the air towards you in the process, landing near your face.
Darting up, surprising yourself you tackle the woman into the soft white sand, landing on top of her.
“That is so not allowed, that was a dirty play ref!”
You call out to the imaginary sideline ref pointing off into the distance with a fake angry face on.
She’s laughing underneath you, almost breathless because of your weight on her stomach, and her hands settle to grip your hips, as you look back down at the woman with a small pout.
“Aw poor baby.”
It’s a little mocking tone that you pout more at.
Poking her tongue out up at you, she sits up slightly to tug you back down towards her, your hands landing either side of her head and you shift to be more level with the woman’s head.
Grinning once again, you brush your nose against hers.
A small peck to her lips is all she needs to tug you further down, fully sealing yourselves together, lips locked.
The breeze blows over your back, and the sounds of the waves wash away as you sink fully into the shorter woman, lips sliding across hers.
A new but familiar sensation, becoming accustomed to having the air in your lungs sucked from you every time you kiss her.
Sighing softly into her mouth, you take the opportunity to let your hand wander over the crook of her neck, before shifting to rest over her collar and then over her neck again.
It’s not intentional when you do it, but your thumb almost caresses the column of her throat and it’s her turn to sigh into the kiss.
Pulling away for a small breath, she notes the way your fingers now rest just under her jaw, on her neck, sending shivers through her.
If you noticed it, you don’t say anything, instead diving right back into her, fingers squeezing the skin slightly.
It seems you notice the way she hums into the kiss, a small smirk crossing your face as you let up once more.
The effect you have on her is shown well and truly in the way her cheeks redden and the part in her lips as her eyes open to meet yours.
A warmth spreads through you at the smile she gives you once more.
Nudging you up once more, she pulls herself up, offering you a hand up.
Taking it, you stand close to her still, hands settling on her waist.
“So, what’s next then?”
Her hands grab yours and drag you over to where the bag lies in the sand.
“A little walk and wander and maybe a little bit more of that before dinner, hey?”
Grinning, you tug her towards the bag.
It’s just minutes back on the path that you tug her back into you for more.
You’d say you were someone who had quite the ability for self restraint, especially in previous relationships, but with Katrina, she’s just there, and it makes you want to kiss the daylights out of her every second you’re together.
Inevitably, it takes you both longer on the way back to the car, stopping every ten minutes to admire the scenery in a way only a couple making out against every tree can.
By the fifth time she’s resigned to let you do it every five minutes, more than happily letting the privacy you two have, consume you for the moment.
The way she tugs your neck down herself after an hour of this makes you well aware of the fact she feels the same.
Addicted to the way you taste.
Addicted to the way your lips slide so perfectly on her own.
By the time you get back to the car, you both look more than kiss-mussed, swollen lips, occasional purple marks over your neck when her teeth nipped at the skin.
Like love-sick teenagers.
But not that.
Not yet.
Pressed against the driver-side door, she looks up at you with a look you can’t describe other than pure and utter infatuation.
It makes your heart flip and twist like never before, the fact that someone can look at you like that.
It’s invigorating.
The brunette eventually lets go of you, and you pull back to let her off the car with a very content smile on your lips.
Opening the door for her, you gesture her into the car.
“Shall we go?”
A breathless nod and she’s in the car feeling as giddy as anything.
‘Breathe woman.’
She tells herself.
Settling into the passenger seat after packing the bags into the boot, you buckle in and the whole drive spent going to your next outing is one with clasped hands and small kisses pressed to the back of her hand and wrist.
When you pull up to a familiar club, it makes your heart swell a little.
She’d wanted to come back because the overall ambiance of the place was warm and welcoming and it made her feel comfortable in a place she wouldn’t normally spend any time going to.
Clubs have never been her thing but there was something about this one.
Maybe it was the fact you were involved in it. That it was attached to your first date together.
That would make sense.
You’ve been the deepest breath of fresh air she’s had in a long time. Even with the invigoration of her sport, her work, her home, her daughter. You’re new in her life and it makes her heart feel even more full.
The fact you adore every aspect of her life, her home, her family, makes it all that much better.
The fact that you ask to spend more time with her family without prompting when you both sit down for drinks makes her heart leap.
“Can we do the next one with Harper?”
There's a small sheepish smile on your face.
"It's just been a while since we've all had some time spent together and I miss her-"
Katrina cuts you off with a reassuring smile and a hand on yours.
“I was beginning to wonder when you’d ask again, of course we can, she’s been begging to know when she can see her new friend.”
You smile at the thought.
You had missed the little one quite a bit.
Her wide smile and nearly always happy personality brought so much light into your life that day.
When your drinks are sat down in front of you by a knowingly smirking Aiden.
“Whenever you ladies are ready, I’ve got you queued up with a classic.”
Taking a peek at the ipad in his hands, you see the song and roll your eyes.
It’s one you performed all the time for about three months straight because that’s all people would request from you.
Dragging the woman up with your drinks and a wink at the woman who’s just resigned to the fact she now has to sing every time she’s with you here.
There’s an adoration in her eyes as you step up onto the stage, keeping your eyes locked on hers and speak into the mic with a small wink.
“Hey everyone, we’ve got a good old classic today, it seems I’ve been requested of this one with my duet partner. Everyone thank Aiden for us.”
When the instrumental starts, Katrina half huffs at the song choice, half laughs.
Love Shack by The B-52
You start the song off, letting her get comfortable with the song first.
If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says "15 miles to the Love Shack"
Love Shack, yeah, yeah I'm heading down the Atlanta highway Looking for the love getaway
Bouncing to the beat slightly, you encourage her to move with you, gesturing down at the second mic that has been slipped into her grasp.
Headed for the love getaway I got me a car, it's as big as a whale And we're headin' on down to the Love Shack I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money
You almost have to laugh, she's better at this song than most would expect.
In fact, you'd bet she was better than you.
The love shack is a little old place where We can get together Love Shack, baby (the Love Shack, baby) Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Love Shack, baby, Love Shack (love, baby, that's where it's at) Love Shack, baby, Love Shack (love, baby, that's where it's at)
The pair of you yelling the chorus into the mic has a few people in the bar up and singing along as well, a few whistles and cheers as the pair of you keep making eye contact with each other.
Sign says (woo), "Stay away, fools" 'Cause love rules at the Love Shack Well, it's set way back in the middle of a field Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back
There's something about the way she dips and kisses you mid song.
You know you're screwed when she pulls you back up and there's a wink thrown your way as she turns to the crowd and starts hopping along to the beat finally, encouraging them to do the same.
You never thought you'd be up here, jamming along with a woman who's been matching your adventurous nature since you've met her.
Despite being someone who has somehow managed to calm your erratic nature, she's also had the more energetic side of her brought out that she normally only sees amongst the kids of the team.
Glitter on the mattress Glitter on the highway Glitter on the front porch Glitter on the highway
There's a small giggle she let's out as you step up and belt out the next verse.
The Love Shack is a little old place where We can get together Love Shack, baby (Love Shack, baby) Love Shack, that's where it's at Love Shack, that's where it's at
You don't miss the small shake of her head when you poke your tongue out between your teeth cheekily at her.
In fact your eyes stay on her for the majority of the song, every movement, every gesture, every expression, every grin while she sings with you.
The sweetest brightest laughter as you both duck off the stage panting is what seals the deal for you.
Her eyes glint with joy up at you and that's when you know she has you hook line and sinker.
"So he had to bail you out?!"
"I know right?"
"Babe that is so not-"
"Waitwaitwait before you judge me on it-"
She snorts and covers her mouth at the small glare you give her across the table, having to silence your own laughter to make it hold even a remote amount of sincerity, though she knows otherwise by the quirk in your lips.
Standing, you gesture to the door, wanting to get away from the loudness of the bar for a few moments.
You continue outside into the slowly cooling afternoon air.
"The dude had it coming, he was being way too touchy with this poor girl and security was not doing anything-"
"So you drop him in a trash can after throwing hot sauce in his eyes?!"
"It was well deserved, she was very grateful to not be harassed by that asshole anymore. Besides, the assault charges were dropped when I offered to show them the club footage of him grabbing where he shouldn't"
"Still, you shouldn't have risked going to jail over that-"
"I'd have broken his nose, too, but I literally just had a manicure done finally after like a year of refusing to go, I didn't feel like being made to go back, again."
An amused shake of her head as you both slowly walk down the path to the carpark.
"You're something else."
"That better be a good thing."
She giggles at the half pearl clutch gesture you make in response paired with an offended look.
"Of course it is, babe."
Giving your hand a squeeze, she can only smile at the grumpy look you give her.
"Hush you."
"Or what?"
"Or I might just do something about it."
"Do it."
A beat of silence, your eyes locked on the cocky smirk on her face.
She's baiting you, you know it.
Of course, you take it.
Two steps back towards her.
Three steps pushing her back into the building wall.
One more to find your place pressed against her.
None to press your lips into hers like they'd never separated in the first place.
The small hum she lets out as you do so makes the idea of the very public display suddenly leave your mind, wanting nothing more than to hear more from her.
It's when you pull away gently with a tug and pop that you both pull back a little breathless.
"That works."
She says, eyes still closed, breathing ragged.
You notice a flash of movement, thinking it was a stranger walking by until a small body crashes into the woman in front of you.
"Oh my god, Harper what did I say about running off like that? Especially across roads?! You can't do tha-"
A huffing, clearly scared looking Charlie practically sprints around the corner, bent over at the knees.
Her head snaps up at the realisation of who Harper's managed to run into.
"Oh! Mini, Hi!"
The brunette looks a little unimpressed at the blonde.
You get the distinct feeling it's less from the interruption and more the words of the woman who'd just been sprinting after her daughter.
"Charlotte Grant..."
"Wait. Wait. I didn't- She ran off. I promise I was doing everything to chase her down. It was a little road."
Katrina sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.
The tiny human being attached to her leg looks up at her with an innocent grin on her face.
"Harper, what did we say about running off?"
Picking up the smaller blonde, sitting her on her hip.
Suddenly very sheepish looking like only a toddler can, she looks in your direction in search of something to avoid the conversation.
Of course, with you being you, she does very quickly.
Practically jumping into your arms with excited squeal, the small child latches onto you out of the older woman's arms.
Giving her a squeeze, a few giggles leaving your lips at the affection from the little girl you hadn't seen in person since that first day, only catching some time talking to the little one over a phone screen.
"Hi Harper, whatcha doin here, huh?"
"Goin to the park."
"Is that right?"
You smile and wave to Charlie with an amused glint in your eye.
The twenty-two year old nods sheepishly.
Looking down at the little one in your arms, you raise a brow in her direction, too.
She nods enthusiastically, her little arms wound tight around your neck as she lays her head on your shoulder.
Katrina watches the exchange between her daughter and yourself with a hardly hidden heart eyes look.
She'd totally forgotten that the park they usually go to is only a couple blocks from where you both were, but it's on the other side.
Raising her brows in Charlie's direction, a small questioning look on her face.
"I can... explain.."
Another pair of footsteps come running around the corner, too, nearly bumping into the blonde, a mop of now very messy wind blown brunette hair.
"Charlie did you get her- oof!"
Nearly ending up in a tangled mess on the floor, Charlie catches the both of them from falling.
"Hey! You're the one that- Oh hey, Min', we were just- oh."
The mischievous look on Kyra's face that appears at the sight of you.
"That's what you were busy with today. Or who you were busy with."
She wiggles her brows at the older woman.
"I swear, do I need to start leaving you three with Nonna, again?"
Harper's head whips up so fast, you nearly clash heads and you're surprised she doesn't give herself whiplash.
"Nonna? Can we go see Nonna?"
"Sorry Harps', you can see Nonna tomorrow, it's just Kyra and ChaCha for now, alright?"
The little girl pouts for a minute before settling back into your arms.
"Oky, I stay wiv y/n/n, then."
You chuckle at her, before looking up at Katrina.
"Mind going for a walk to the park?"
She sighs softly, before shrugging.
"Alright, why not?"
You pass the little girl back to Charlie, much to her protests.
"One minute Harps, You can hop up again in a bit, I need to talk to mum first alright?"
She pouts before nodding.
You nod at the two to walk ahead, grabbing Katrina's hand softly.
"We can always continue later? You haven't got anything time sensitive?"
She shakes her head no with a small chuckle.
"Just a walk in restaurant, they're open late, though, it'll be fine."
You quirk a brow at her, and she makes the lip-zipping motion.
"C'mon, we've got a little girl waiting."
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, you both walk slowly behind the group, though quickly get dragged into carrying Harper for the remainder of the walk, still holding hands with the shorter woman beside you.
The pair of twenty-somethings ahead bickering only serves as a reminder of how chaotic this life is for the Footballer, yet it doesn't bother you.
In fact, it feels like something so much bigger for you, something you could get behind.
You don't want to commit yourself so early, but you don't fight the way your heart swells with a little love each and every word you exchange with both Harper and Katrina.
By the time you're both wandering back to the car, late after Kyra and Charlie have left, taking the little one back home to bed.
Late after having sat and eaten and discussed everything from Harper to thousands of kilometres away worlds of a sport you've never found yourself loving before now.
At least now, it seems you've found your favourite people entwined with it.
It's then you find yourself wanting to learn more.
"Hey, I know this is probably something you hear with your work a lot, but just, talk to me about football, anything you want, the rules, the games, anything."
She looks a little surprised that you bring it up, considering you've never personally been a big sports fan, at least, as much as she's known for the past couple weeks.
"I thought you didn't want to know about it?"
"Actually, I want to learn about it, if I'm gonna be showing up to my sister's matches, and maybe get to see you."
You pause, and the last bit is said with a little sheepishness behind it, though you don't miss the way her smile widens at it.
"I wanna know about the game. Or even just your experiences with it. What do you love about it? Tell me anything."
With that, she starts off on where she started with it, how much she loved it as a kid, how she always spent time playing it with her brothers, her time in the academy, in the beginning with the youth team in Mount Gravatt, to her start with the Melbourne Victory and everywhere after.
How she came to Brisbane Roar, her time in the US.
Her injury, her time spent trying to recover. Of course, she's told you the basics of how Harper came to be.
She talks about some of the bigger games she's played.
About the upcoming World Cup in July.
"You should come see us play."
"You'd want me there?"
"Of course I would."
It's said short and almost in an offended tone, but it shows so much more for you.
She wants you there at the biggest stage of her career.
You don't protest it.
"I'll be there, then."
"Good, I would hate to have to pack you into a suitcase to drag you to camp with us instead."
A laugh escapes your lips at that, head tilted back in laughter.
"Of course you would. You're cute. No but seriously, are you sure? I wouldn't be intruding?"
"Hell no, if eighty thousand other people can be there to watch it, why can't you?"
"Fair enough."
You continue like that, laughing, chatting, letting her rant on and on about everything and anything because you could listen to this woman go on and on for hours with no complaint.
Swinging your joined hands as you both wander along the boardwalk she'd taken you to, you look out on the slowly darkening skies over the water.
The colours are as amazing to witness as always, to the point where you both settle on a bench to relax a bit and watch it darken a bit longer.
The sparkle of the fading sun behind you warms your backs as you both settle into each other, the shorter woman contentedly tucked into your side, words starting to slow and you both quieten to enjoy the moment.
Turning your head to meet her gaze with the tips of her fingers.
"I like you. A lot."
You grin.
"I would hope so. Or this could be really awkward for- hey!"
She smacks your shoulder with a little roll of her eyes.
"Kidding. I really like you, too."
"Too? I only said like not really."
You guffaw at the woman.
She giggles.
"Okay, I deserved that."
Grinning, you lean down to meet her lips for the what seems like thousandth time today, though, neither of you mind at all.
It's soft, sweet and much less urgent than all of the ones earlier.
It's easy.
You find it easier and easier with each pass to kiss her.
There's a way she spends the time holding your face, caressing the skin of your cheek, that has you in an absolute whirlwind of just... her.
It's invigorating beyond anything.
Yet also, cathartic.
She tastes like home.
And who knows, maybe this is what you've been missing.
The cathartic parts.
A way to calm an already chaotic life.
Sure, she's a professional footballer, that gets chaotic more than a lot of jobs do but it's the way she handles everything. Somehow able to juggle the life of having a child and playing football across the country and internationally when called to.
But to be honest with yourself, there's nowhere you'd rather be than with this somehow new cemented person in your life.
You can't wait to see where this goes.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Ashley! Chill!"
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mrsluthordanvers · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022
I did write a couple one-shots for supercorptober2022 but never posted. Better late than never, right!!
I had hoped I’d have more to post but writers block is still kicking my butt. I’m gonna leave it as unfinished bc I want to try to keep doing prompts in hopes of breaking through this block. So in no particular order, here you go!
Day 1 - Summer
Read on AO3
Kara loves every season. In fall the air feels fresh and crisp and perfect for flying. There’s cozy drinks and cozier sweaters. There’s halloween and thanksgiving - the beginning of all Kara’s favourite holidays and the perfect excuse to get together with friends and family. In winter there’s a sense of quiet that blankets the city, everything sounds softer, more muffled in winter. There’s ice skating and hot chocolate, and the city lights up in all different colours the closer it gets to christmas. There’s a sense of hope and new beginnings that comes every year at New Year’s that Kara absolutely loves. Then there’s spring with all the new life starting to come back, and the sun starts to get warmer and Kara knows that summer is right around the corner. The season of sunbathing as she floats on the wind. Late night bonfires and camping and surfing.
Kara loves every season, but she can’t think of any season she loves more than summer right now.
Not when Lena came already dressed for their impromptu trip to the beach. Objectively, she knows they all agreed to leave first thing this morning so it was unlikely that Lena would have a reason to come dressed in her trademark skirt and heels. But it never occurred to Kara that meant Lena would come dressed in something else instead.
It never occurred to her that going to the beach with Lena would mean going to the beach with Lena in a bathing suit. That it would mean seeing Lena in a bathing suit.
The bathing suit in question is relatively modest - a black one piece with a scooped neck. It’s the stark contrast against porcelain skin and the sheer cover-up tied around her waist that has Kara slowing to a pause midway through pushing her surfboard into the back of the jeep. Her hands slip on the smooth surface as she takes in Lena’s loose waves, her fingers twitching with the desire to sink into the dark locks and find out if it feels as thick and soft as it looks.
She can’t pull her eyes away as Lena pushes her hair back with her oversized sunglasses to meet Kelly with a hug and a laugh. Her eyes dance in the morning sun as she laughs at Kelly’s antics as she tugs at Lena’s skirt, turning her cheeks a lovely shade of pink.
Kara’s so busy watching Lena she completely misses Alex trying to load a second surfboard around her until the end accidentally hits her in the head.
“Hey!” Kara pouts as she rubs the back of her head dramatically and scowls at her sister.
“Oh come on, you barely felt that.” Alex brushes her off as she gives the surfboard one more shove and dusts off her hands looking proud of herself as she inspects the trunk.
Kara sticks her tongue out at the back of her sister’s head, blushing when she catches Lena watching her with a raised brow. Kara helplessly shrugs a shoulder as she tries not to look too embarrassed, grinning when Lena chuckles and turns back to Kelly.
She manages to finish loading her surfboard before she's distracted again. This time she stares at Lena without really looking at her, her figure becoming a blur in the background as she imagines Lena stretched out under an umbrella thumbing through a magazine. Probably something sciency that makes Kara want to try to distract her. She's so caught up in her daydream of all the ways she could distract Lena that she doesn't see the real one approaching her.
"Kara?" Lena's voice bleeds together with her daydream.
"Kara." The sharper tone makes Kara blink, slowly focusing on Lena's concerned face."Alex asked if you're ready to go. Are you okay?"
"Yup. Yeah. Peachy." Kara freezes, her back ramrod straight and eyes wide. "Not pea- yes, yeah, I'm ready. We should go."
Kara wrenches the jeep door open and waits expectantly for Lena to climb in. She tries not to watch as her friend slides across the seat before she clambers in without a thought, leaving Alex standing on the driveway holding out the set of keys she had begged Alex to give her earlier that morning.
"I don't think she cares about driving anymore." Kelly whispers dramatically as she fails to smother a smile and gives her wife's arm a loving squeeze.
Day 10 - Ice Day 12 - Evening Day 6 - Leaves
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Fandom: Person of Interest, Careese
Title: Temptation
John couldn’t stop staring. Not thirty seconds ago, he’d sat on the couch cleaning his weapon when a light knock sounded at the door. Only Finch knew where he lived, and he’d call before he’d ever show up unannounced. With his gun in pieces, John readied himself for whoever stood on the other side of the door and checked the peephole to see...Carter? Something must be wrong.
He swung open the door, and in two seconds flat went from trained assassin to mush, and that included his brain. He hadn’t readied himself for her.
How had she found him? And why was she dressed like that, in that mostly maroon, leathery sheath she’d worn when she’d played bait for a supposed serial killer, the dress that had kept him awake more nights than he’d care to admit? Skin tight and just right to show off her muscular arms, trim waist, flared hips, and shapely thighs and butt. With so many others in the room the last time she’d worn it, it’d been easier to conceal his attraction, but now...why had she come here looking like that, all feminine and soft and enticing, her hair framing her beautiful face, those big brown eyes staring innocently at him, her cheeks flushed pink, her plump lips colored a glossy shade of rose, a sweet smile on her face? Was she trying to kill him?
He stared at her like an idiot, his mind turned off but the rest of him turned on.
Carter looked at him expectantly and, sounding more sultry than normal, asked, “Are you going to let me in, John?”
Into the hidden corners of his life he’d thought were untouchable? Already done. Under his skin, into his waking thoughts and sometimes his sleeping ones, throughout his fantastical dreams of the future that he wouldn’t allow himself to acknowledge in the light of day? All that had happened long ago. Oh, he’d let her in alright. She’d burrowed right into his heart and set up permanent residence before he’d realized it, and he didn’t dare try to extract her now, even if he wanted to. Which he most certainly did not.
But she must’ve meant into his loft, he realized as she briefly peered around him into the empty room before giving him an appreciative once-over. He’d removed his suit jacket a while ago and untucked his shirt tails from his trousers, rolling up the cuffs of his white dress shirt to reveal his forearms. The sensuous way she ate him up with her eyes shot the temperature in the room straight up, and he felt ridiculously under-dressed and altogether unprepared for this vixen who’d somehow appeared at his door tonight. Her gaze caressed his torso, lingering on the expanse of his chest and shoulders before her hungry eyes met his again.
He felt as hot as she looked, and, unable to form words, he shuffled a step back to allow her entry. He swallowed hard, the few brain cells still firing screaming at him to maintain control, to just find out what she wanted and escort her out before he made a fool of himself.
He stared at her as she advanced into the apartment...and turned directly towards him, the heated look she gave him rendering him speechless. She invaded his space, stepping right up to him, so close he could feel the warmth of her and, dumbfounded, he let her.
John wanted to match her intensity, wanted her. Ached to pull her to him and set a fire in her to rival the one blazing in him, but he didn’t move, scared to break whatever spell had her coming on to him like a fantasy he’d conjured. His breathing kicked up, but he restrained himself from reaching out and touching her.
“John,” she whispered, peering up at him for all the world like she was ready to devour him.
She set her hands on his forearms, his skin burning where she touched him, and slowly slid them up his biceps to his shoulders, draping her wrists over them. The satisfied smile she gave him as she seductively pulled his head down for a kiss left him helpless.
And kiss him she did. Purposeful and intense, the woman knew what she wanted. And the way she pressed against him, her tongue moving against his, she wanted him. He was willing, desperately so, and he tried to show her with his mouth, but the shock of her brazenness hadn’t worn off yet. He feared any movement from him would break this delicate dream of Joss, here, with him, touching him, kissing him. So he let her have her way.
Her lips were soft, her kiss hard, persistent and passionate, everything he’d ever imagined kissing her would be. Her hands raked through his hair, sending shivers down his spine, and she pressed herself erotically against him, moaning into his mouth. John had been rigorously trained in restraint, but he’d never worked so hard to control himself as he did in that moment. She seemed feverish, needy, and she was burning him alive.
Her hands trailed back down his arms, and she took his wrists, setting his hands at her hips. “Touch me, John,” she whispered against his lips.
It was all the invitation he needed, and he only stayed stunned for an instant before desire flooded him, knocking down the barriers he’d tried to keep erected. He firmly gripped her hips, pulling her flush against him. He could feel her smiling against his mouth, but he was so fevered by her seduction, he didn’t have time to revel in the moment. As it was, it took everything he had not to rip that distracting dress off of her and give her exactly what she’d come here looking for tonight.
Joss pushed against him, slowly forcing him backwards, and he shuffled into the open room as she steered them towards the bed. He briefly glanced over her shoulder to check the door. She must’ve kicked it closed while she’d been seducing him, but when had she locked it?
“Too many clothes,” she murmured, her hands slipping from his shoulders to undo the top button of his shirt, even as her mouth hovered a breath away from his.
John growled soft and low in his throat, and she purred an amused breath back at him in response and kissed the edge of his mouth, his check, his jaw, trailing kisses down to his neck as her fingers continued their work. She didn’t move nearly fast enough for his liking; with his undershirt and her dress still on, there were entirely too many layers between them.
When she finally undid the last button, she set her flat palms against his ribs and slid them up his chest, her tortuously slow pace making him wild with need. She pushed the shirt off of his shoulders and down his arms until his rolled up sleeves stopped her, effectively pinning his arms at his side.
He didn’t like being physically restrained (hazards of the job and too many narrow escapes) and instinctively knew at least six ways to free himself, but he let her do this. She’d never hurt him—unless he counted dragging this foreplay out too long—so he’d surrender to this game of hers.
Then her mouth was on his again as she slowly took his bottom lip between hers, her nails scraping shivers along the back of his neck and her breasts pressing against him, and he couldn’t remember why he wanted to be free. She kept guiding him backwards, but he moved at a snail’s pace, not allowing any space to come between them. She nipped at his lips, slow pecks that made him crave her, teased him into a frenzied state.
“Joss...my hands…please,” he managed between kisses. He didn’t care that it sounded like begging. He just wanted to touch her, to bring her to life the way she was doing to him, wanted her just as helplessly aroused as he felt.
She withdrew far enough to stare up at him with a sultry half-smile. “Alright,” she conceded before walking around behind him, one hand trailing across his chest as she moved. She gripped his biceps and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades. He felt the heat of it even through his undershirt, and he closed his eyes, calling on the last vestiges of his restraint before he did away with every scrap of clothing between them.
“Joss,” he growled out a warning.
“Mmm,” she hummed, then pushed the shirt down his arms to finally free him. He whirled around and moved into her this time, kissing her hard, his hands roaming her body as they both stumbled the few remaining feet to the bed. He tumbled down first, and she followed him, propping herself up on her left knee and hovering over him, her hair a soft curtain around them.
He reached to pull her down to him, but she resisted. “Almost,” she promised. “Wait right here.”
“Don’t leave,” he implored, desperate.
She smiled like a Cheshire cat, fully aware of her effect on him. “I’ll be right back.”
It physically hurt when she withdrew from him, and John closed his eyes, sighing deeply to try to cool the boiling in his blood. If she wanted to spend all night seducing him, he’d try his best to accommodate her. Hell, he’d done everything he could to refrain from speeding up the process so far, but she was killing him with her kisses of fire and touches soft as silk. And that tempting dress he couldn’t wait to peel off of her…
Where had she gone anyway? “Joss,” he called out.
John rolled onto his side, blinking awake, his arm reaching out and finding only empty space beside him in the bed. He glanced around the darkened room and by the city lights that filtered in through his floor-to-ceiling windows saw his handgun on the bedside table. He nearly called for her again just to be sure but knew the futility of it.
It’d been a dream, a damn good one, and one that’d linger for how real it’d felt, for how badly he wanted her. A sharp ache filled his chest and disappointment overwhelmed him at the realization that she hadn’t sought him out tonight, wasn’t coming to his bed.
He rolled onto his back again and sighed heavily in frustration. He could lock away everything while awake, but the vulnerability of sleep allowed his emotions to get the better of him. He hadn’t realized until now how strongly he felt about Carter, how much he cared about her, desired her. Loved her.
It didn’t matter, he reasoned, trying to shove those feelings back into Pandora’s box. Joss would never come to him like that. Never throw away her career for a criminal assassin who didn’t exist.
It didn’t stop him from wishing it though. Or apparently dreaming it.
Damn, but he was in trouble. And he had no idea what to do about it.
Also on Ao3 here
A/N: When I started writing this, I wasn't expecting it to end like that. But it's what happened; I'm sorry!
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Superheroes with Secrets: Mission Accomplished (Fic Part 179. Set in 2001)
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Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places. Please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts.
Tags: @tantamount-treason @piratewithvigor @thedollmaker16
Reference Posts: ‘Giantess’/‘Blacklight Bandit’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ’Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
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"You really think so?"
"Yeah, she'll be a little more of a mix of us in her looks, but she'll be just like her daddy personality wise."
"Unless she's just like you."
"Are you suggesting our little girl may be a mini version of me? A tiny version of her Mama?"
"I'd like that."
"You know what that makes me wanna do?"
"Tell me."
"Makes me wanna get to work making Lilith a brother so there's a little you running around as well."
His cheeks get a little pink, "a little me?"
"Mmn hmm, a little you, mon mari… a perfect little boy to match his perfect daddy." Kirby whispers.
"Can hardly imagine that…"
"I can imagine it, you holding your son in your arms, being the perfect father that you already are, mon amour, you were made to be a dad, there's no point in denying it."
"You really think so?"
"The universe tells me so and I believe it."
"I hope the universe is right. I want to be a good dad."
"Mon ange, stop worrying about it for now, relax, talk to your daughter and just, chill for a day." Kirby suggests.
"I'll do my best."
"Seriously though, talk to Lilith before she decides you're neglecting her and kicks me."
He chuckles softly as he situates himself across her lap, laying right beside her belly, "you wouldn't do that, would you, munchkin? You wouldn't hurt Mama like that. You're Daddy's good girl, and when you come out, everyone's gonna love you. The Hardys, their girls… even Uncle Shannon if Mama decides to forgive him. But that's not for you to worry about. Cause no matter what happens, Daddy's gonna be here with you and Mama, loving you both to smithereens."
"I'll forgive him eventually, just need space for a while, and he needs to find someone else to love because he makes me nervous about him stealing you away." Kirby whispers to herself.
"He needs to find a prince charming of his own."
"Exactly, so he doesn't try and steal my one true love, because I'm a strong believer in true love and I don't want to lose my soulmate because somebody got jealous and for once it wasn't me."
"He's not getting me, no matter what he says. Uncle Shannon hurt Daddy's feelings a long time ago and decided he didn't want to be with Daddy, and now he's lost his chance."
"And Mama knows that, but Mama's mind makes her doubt that she's good for Daddy, Mama always thinks she's the worst person in the world for no good reason."
"But she's not. Your Mama is beautiful and kind and sweet and strong and has a butt that won't quit." He grins cheekily.
"Oh, so Daddy really likes Mama's butt, perhaps he forgets how fine his own buttox is, and how much Mama wants to grab it every day and give it a good squeeze." Kirby whispers, sliding her hands down Helms' back.
"In short, babygirl, you're gonna be turning heads when you get older."
"Yeah, turning heads and kicking butt, like a Helms should."
"Oh plenty of butt-kicking."
"A family full of superheroes, how lucky are we, mon amour?" Kirby purrs, kissing him deeply.
"Damn lucky."
Kirby smirks, kissing his neck and jawline, nipping at his skin softly and moaning against his skin.
"Trying to get me hot 'n' bothered while I'm being all soft and paternal?"
"Mm, very mean." He grins.
"I just want to get you a little riled up."
"Mission accomplished."
"We don't have to actually make love, I can just tease you."
"I'd like to make love to you. If I can."
"I won't stop you, mon mari."
"Wanna take down your pants?"
Kirby shifts herself slightly, pulling her dress up and her pants down, "that good enough for you, mon amour?"
"Gonna slide in or are you gonna tease me first?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
"Oh, mon mari, I am yours to toy with for eternity, my love." Kirby purrs.
"Perfect." He grins.
Kirby settles back against the couch, spreading her legs for Helms. He straddles her hips gently, rubbing his bulge against her pussy. Kirby moans softly, her head falling back against the arm of the couch.
"So wet…"
"tout pour toi mon amour."
"All mine forever."
"Oui, mon mari."
"Wonder how all this wetness tastes…"
"N'hésitez pas à me goûter."
He grins and slips to his knees, pushing her thighs apart to plunge his tongue inside her.
"Oh mon Dieu, mon amour." Kirby moans in ecstasy.
"Like the nectar of the gods…"
Kirby blushes a deep red, immediately going to hide her face in her hands.
"Don't hide like that…" he murmurs softly, "you're too pretty."
"Sorry, Shane." Kirby murmurs as she takes her hands away.
"You're just so damn beautiful…"
"You really think so, even at sixteen weeks pregnant, I'm still pretty?"
"I think if anything, the motherhood glow has made you even more pretty."
"You are the best husband any woman could ask for, mon mari, and I'm so glad you're mine."
"You're the best wife a man could ask for."
"You're kidding about that, there's so many people much better than me."
"Not a single soul."
Kirby's about to speak when the gate bell rings, "the Hardy's aren't coming over, right?"
"No, I called them to tell them we needed a little more time alone…"
"That might be the mail then, but it's gotta be important for them to actually deliver it and not leave it in the p.o box."
"Expecting anything?"
"Aside from Lilith next year, nope."
"I'll go check it."
"Because you're dressed, or do you want to surprise me?"
"Because I'm dressed and you're comfy."
"Then I'll reluctantly let you get the mail." Kirby sighs.
"I'll be fast, I promise."
"That's something you don't usually say when we're like this."
"You ol' goof." He chuckles.
"Just trying to-" the gate bell interrupts Kirby, "go get the mail, hon."
"I'll hustle, don't fret." He grins, kissing her before getting up to head outside.
A young postal worker is waiting by the gate with a box the same height as him, looking like he's bored of his job.
"Hey, man. Thanks." Helms smiles, opening the gate to accept the package.
"Merry Christmas or whatever." The dude murmurs as he moves the package over to the porch before leaving.
"Merry Christmas."
Kirby can't help but get up and go to the front door, opening it just enough to poke her head out, "so, what's in the box, mon ange?"
"Haven't opened it yet. Want the honours?"
"I can open it, ooh, lemme get some scissors."
"Go right ahead."
Kirby disappears for a moment, coming back with scissors and opening the box, inside is a crate on it's side with a note saying 'for my favourite niece' in Vince McMahon's handwriting, on the back of the note is a list of things inside the crate, from old memorabilia from her dad all the way to toys and clothes for the baby.
"I know you have mixed feelings about Vince, but you can't deny this was really sweet of him to send."
"This is so nice, but how do we get it inside the house?"
"Take it piece by piece?"
"Or maybe you lift one side, I lift the other and we take the whole thing in?"
"Only as long as we get it inside. Once it's inside, you set it down."
"Deal, this looks heavy enough to hurt even your back by lifting it, so be careful with yourself, mon amour, please?"
"I'll be careful. But me throwing out my back is a price I'm willing to pay to keep you and Lilith safe."
"Okay, you ready, one, two, three." Kirby and Helms lift the crate, carefully moving it into the house and putting it down, Kirby instantly goes to hug Helms before stopping herself, "you alright, mon mari?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm fine." He assures.
Kirby sighs before pulling Helms into a gentle hug, kissing his neck and jawline before pulling away, "love you."
"Love you too, sweetheart."
"Would you like to go back to eating ice cream and fucking?" Kirby asks gently.
"Absolutely I do."
Kirby leads Helms back to the couch, finally opening the tub of ice cream and getting it on her boobs by accident, "I think we might have left it out a second too long, mon amour."
"Just means I get to use my tongue more."
"You sexy beast, mon sauvage," Kirby smirks, pouring some of the ice cream on Helms' lap, "there, now we're even."
"Ah, Jesus, that's cold!"
"Now ya gotta remove those nice shorts I bought ya, haven't you, mon amour?" Kirby teases.
"Yeah, seems like I do."
Kirby smirks, placing the tub of ice cream on the coffee table, which was potentially a mistake to do when she's teasing Helms.
"You're so damn pretty."
"You keep saying that, mon ange."
"Cause you are."
"You aren't just saying that to get my defences down, right, because I swear if you pour ice cream on me, I won't suck you off for a week."
"I won't pour it on you. I may try to smear some on you."
"Oh really, you and what army, cause there's no way you're stronger than me, and if you try it, I'm grabbing ya."
"We'll just find out."
"Bring it, short stack." Kirby teases.
"Can't exactly warn you when I'm gonna do it, can I?"
"Don't be evil to your wife, pity me, I'm pregnant."
"I'll be… a turd. Not evil."
"Shane, don't, you are my angel, my sexy little superhero, mon mari."
"I can still be… a naughty scamp."
"You can, but it comes at the cost of seeing me naked, you cover me in ice cream and you don't even get to shower with me, and I'll wear pyjamas when we go to bed."
"Damn, I guess I'll stay good."
"There we go, now lemme take those shorts off you and warm you up… if you, uh, get where I'm going with that."
"Oh, I get where you're going."
"Are ya gonna be a good boy and let me warm you up, mon amour?" Kirby teases as she unbuttons his shorts.
"Yes, ma'am."
Kirby smirks, pulling down his shorts and underwear, kissing and licking the length of his dick.
"God, you're good at that."
"Feel free to grab me, mon mari, but only if you want to… I don't want you getting too rough with me." Kirby whispers before slipping the tip of his dick into her mouth and slowly taking him all the way in.
"Good call. Don't want to see that ice cream again."
Kirby moans against his dick, moving her hands to his thighs to hold herself steady as she feels herself getting wet. He takes her hair gently, just guiding, but not forcing. Kirby moans louder, her grip slightly tighter on his thighs but not enough to draw blood. He's groaning softly, slipping deeper into ecstasy. Kirby pulls away, needing to take a breath before going back to sucking him off, moving one hand to massage his balls.
"Ain't gonna last long if you keep this up…" he hisses softly.
Kirby moans as she takes him all the way in, swallowing every last drop of his cum before pulling away, "you taste like heaven." She whispers breathlessly.
"Somehow, I don't quite believe that."
"Alright, you actually tastes like heaven and last night's dinner, my love."
"Works for me." He laughs.
"I'll be back in a couple minutes." Kirby whispers, excusing herself to go to the bathroom and clean up.
He's nearly collapsed onto the couch, still breathless from her skills. Kirby takes slightly longer than needed in the bathroom, but denies her urge to get herself off, walking back to the tv room in just her underwear, the dress already in the wash pile.
"My turn?" He smiles
0 notes
drakenology · 4 years
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the yakuza wife - yakuzaboss!bakugo x housewife reader - inspired by @hanji-is-life ‘s sexy ass. 
yakuza au
tw: violence, sadism, mentions of blood, smut, cum, cussing, daddy/ddlg kinks undertones, mentions of guns, very much harley quinn and joker only joker actually loves harley in this ya know?
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“where the fuck is my money?” bakugo asks this bludgeoned man tied up to a metal chair in some god forsaken warehouse god only knows where. 
“please sir, i’ll get it to you as soon as I can! please stop!” the man pleads, flinching when bakugo raises his fist to land a mean left hook into his jaw with a dark chuckle. 
“you know you shouldn’t borrow from people if you have no intentions in payin’ em back. it’s fuckin’..” he pauses before taking a crowbar and bashing the man in both his knees, blood curdling screams filling the empty space. “rude!”
bakugo smirks as the man begs for mercy, pulling a set of pliers of his pocket and holding them up to the man’s face to tease him, grabbing by his neck to make him meet his intimidating gaze. 
“shoulda thought of that before trying to playing me for a fuckin’ fool.. hey, I wonder how many teeth I can pull outta ya before your weak ass passes out.” he grunts, waving the plier in his face until the sound of his phone ringing stops him from doing anything.
“you’re lucky I gotta take this.” he mumbles, taking a piece of dirty cloth and shoving it into his mouth to keep him quiet.
bakugo turns away and rolls up his sleeve, setting up his tools for torture as he answers the phone. 
“hi baby!” you chime, at the mall having the time of your life with his credit card. 
“hey. ‘m workin’ whaddaya want?” he says, holding up his pliers and sitting them down on the table as his hostage screams in the background. 
“just checking on you, dummy! whatcha want for dinner, hm? i know you haven’t eaten yet.” you say, holding up different dresses to your frame to imagine yourself in them. “hey, pink or powder blue?”
“pink. and ‘m not hungry. you’ve got security with you, right baby?” he asks, kicking the man onto the floor with a loud thud. 
“of course. you won’t let me leave the house without them.” you respond, not even paying attention to the muffled screams you hear in the background. you’ve learned not to ask too many questions when it comes to being a yakuza wife. 
“gotta keep my baby safe, right? listen, princess I gotta go. i’ll be home before 9 okay?” 
you suck your teeth and roll your eyes, “fine. be careful okay?”
“always am. love you baby.” as he hangs up and returns to his task. 
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the difference between you and katsuki was night and day. everyone knew you to be so sweet and kind; unbeknownst to them all how you ended up with a cretin like Bakugo. even though Katsuki was immoral in many ways, he knew marrying you was the right thing to do. who else would want to dress his wounds and pick out his suits for the day?
katsuki demanded you quit your job. in fact he came with you to put in your two weeks notice, tough scowl staining his features as your boss signed the approval with shaking hands.
from that day on he ensured you were well taken care of and that marrying him and becoming his housewife came with many perks.
for starters, your husband was loaded. all those years of extorting and money laundering paid off every time you come home with a couple shopping bags from the mall.
katsuki loved lavishing you in the finest of everything, adoring how you look in designer. so much so, he fucks you by the bay window of your luxury penthouse, the Chanel dress he just bought you hiked up over your ass as his calloused fingers make way into your mouth. you’re pinned to the glass, bare breasts pressed against the window as he railed you from behind. and he wonders why you turned out to be a spoiled brat.
your gifts always made you stand out above the rest. many men fawn over you and he knows this. just a small price to pay for having a fine ass wife. but if anyone ever forgot their place, if anyone ever got to close. well. that’d be the last time you’d ever see them. course you have no idea why. but even though katsuki loved you with all his heart, you could be a real pain in the ass. you were so bratty, especially when he was busy. 
one day you came trotting into his office in the middle of some business deal. whatever. your jimmy choos popped and you needed a new pair before the yacht party you were attending started. 
“daddy’s taking care of business right now, okay? go wait outside.”
“no! you promised we’d go shopping! I need new shoes what the fuck am I supposed to do with these?” you whine, pouting like usual to get your way. bakugo’s brow raised, walking towards you and gesturing for the meeting to continue without him. his hand rested on your lower back as he escorted you out.  
he fucked your brains in in the next room for disobeying him, panties around your ankles, your charm anklet jingling as he picked up your legs. 
“spoiled fuckin’ brat. told you to wait didn’t I? hm? or did you make a scene ‘cause you wanted my dick?” your head hangs back as your hips are held down by him, thrusts brutal as you cry for him to slow down, face turned away from his. he grabs your chin and turns you around harshly with his scarred and calloused hands, bruised knuckles turning white with a tight grip. 
“look at me when i’m fuckin’ talkin’ to you.” 
he came inside you when he was done, pulling your panties up for you as it dripped down your leg. 
“now.. back to what I was doin’. tell the driver to take your ass home.” he huffs with a zip of his pants and a shake in his sleeves to fix them. bakugo leaves you on the desk, leaving the door cracked for you to leave when you got yourself together. and when you did you could hardly hold yourself up, holding your high heels in your hand as you limp to the car waiting outside for you. 
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having a yakuza boss as a husband was always exciting. something in you liked the danger; the thrill.
you tell this tale to your other socialite girlfriends and they almost never believe you.
you were out with bakugo on a date when work called. to your dismay, he had to get up and leave. you insisted on being brought along, hating being left alone in that big house that was often empty without him. he agreed but only if you promised to be quiet like a good little girl. 
when you arrive at some warehouse (the same one mentioned earlier), a man was already hog tied on the ground, muffled screams behind a piece of duck tape as bakugo ripped it off. you sat by a table, legs folded in annoyance. this interrupted date night? you scoff and fold your arms. 
“ah. good seeing you old friend. remember me?” he asks, taunting him a little with a gun in his hand pressing it against his jaw as the man let out muffled pleas for him not to shoot. 
“you tried stealing from me. fuckin’ idiot. my boys caught you in some hotel with your little girlfriend. did you think you were gonna have a victory fuck after you made off with my money, hm?” bakugo asks, hitting him upside the head with the butt of his pistol.
you jump at the sound of the blow, a small part of you turned on watching your husband beat the crap out of a complete stranger. your pussy starts to ache when you peer over at bakugo’s strong tattooed arms as he flung his jacket aside, rolling his white sleeves up to ensure his expensive suit doesn’t get soiled. 
“oh fuck, where are my manners? this is my lovely wife, y/n. say hi baby.” he coos at you, a switch from rough to gentle when he spoke to you. you smile and wave, the hostage sobbing out a weak greeting when bakugo demands him to. 
“anyways. what’d you do with the money, asswipe? gonna tell me or are you gonna make me fuck you up in front of my pretty wife. god, look at ‘er, ain’t she gorgeous? you know I was about 30 minutes from railing her before you had to go along and ruin our night. I should kill you right here.” bakugo turns his head towards you with a sick look in his eye. 
“whaddaya think, princess? what should I do to this motherfucker, huh?” he asks. 
“smack him again. he ruined date night.” you grumble, folding your arms. 
“he sure did, baby.” bakugo says, punching the hostage in his jaw. he gestured for his men to crowd around him, all of them taking turns kicking and beating him with metal bars. katsuki walks towards you and pulls you into a passionate kiss, a bit of blood on his knuckles as he pulled your hair. god, this whole situation was sick. but why was it so hot?
bakugo carries you away to the car, tells the driver to fuck off somewhere while he rails you in the back seat, knowing his men will take care of the rest of what he started inside the warehouse. you straddle his lap, bouncing up and down on his stiff cock as the car rocked back and forth. the car windows fog up as your body heat commingled throughout the space, your hands pressing against the glass to gain to balance as you rode his fat cock. 
“fuck, daddy. you’re so hot when you’re handling business. ooh, you’re dick’s so hard.” you purr, bakugo’s hand pinching and playing with your breast as his hips thrust upwards. He smirks at you, almost a bit shocked you got as turned on as he did from the pain he inflicted.
“hmm, I know baby. god, you’re sick. getting this wet from watching me beat up some punk. dirty fuckin’ girl.” he huffed into your hair, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck followed by harsh nibbles.
truth is even though you were so sweet and caring, you had a dark side no one knew about. I mean why else would you marry into the yakuza? 
you were both fucking insane. 
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t4tails · 2 years
ive gone on before about how sega hates women in a very specific way. I feel like a lot of unused characters people keep asking for back is women, and sega refuses to deliver. the most they get is into sonic speed battle if even that.
ive noticed a pattern in these women, think about sally, sticks, shade, tikal, cream, marine, etc. (all of which they have full rights too. sega has rights to shade. at least from what I've seen and heard) (also im counting cream bc she hasn't been in a game in 10 years, despite being part of the main character line in X when shadow wasn't)
The female characters i consider used are Amy and Rouge, lesser so Blaze and Zeena
The first visual thing I noticed that's different is that none of these characters are pink or purple. The characters used have this, even if Zeena is primarily green she still had to have pink on her.
Next is the unused characters don't dress the most stereotypically feminine, cream and tikal are the most.
But the thing i noticed most about the unuseds is that most don't act stereotypically feminine.
Since she's my blorbo ill use marine as an example. She's oranges and greens. Her character starts as just an annoying little girl until you learn more about her and understand her more. She wants to be a captain, is hot-headed and easily distracted, but surprisingly clever in the heat of the moment. She's introduced as Blaze's Tails and hasn't been used in 15 years. None of her aspects are stereotypically feminine, if she was a boy, her personality wouldn't change.
The only thing feminine about Sally is the fact she's a princess (and you cant have bunnie without sally so even tho she'd fit in what they have she's also been kicked). Sticks is so feral I don't think she knows what gender is and Dark Brotherhood doesn't even make a big deal that the fact that their leading warrior is a woman, they were focused much more on the fact that she's an echidna.
Tikal and Cream are the most used of the unused, and I always saw this as that they are the most feminine. Tikal is the helpful dead girl princess who belives in peace and love. Cream is a little sister character, who is nice to everyone has tea parties and makes flower crowns.
The used ones, are girlish however. Amy is clingy and hot-headed and previously seen as possessive, she's been seen enjoying many feminine activities. Rouge, although not sexualized by the camera, is obsessed with jewels and shiny things as well as speaking in a stereotypically feminine femme-fatale fastion. i didnt mean for that f thing. Blaze is the least femanine of the four however has the more modern steryotype of the closed off badass who is more open and sweet and kind when gotten close too, maybe even a love intrest which was hinted at in the beginning, also her deisgn makes up for that lack where she is very femanine. Zeena is the girl one of her group. she worries about her nails and looks and shit, the most femanine of the four.
Having a femanine character isn't bad. i fucking love rouge and blaze, it's just on it's own, give me a minute.
I'm going to go into the difference between Sonic Lost World's women and Sonic Boom (show)'s Women.
Sonic Lost world TECHNICALLY has multiple women However Amy is in like... 2 cutscenes. The most prominent one is Zeena, who is the only woman in the deadly six. This could have been fine if done right but it wasn't. Part of me wondered why she was so much better in the IDW comics, and part of it is writing and not being the butt of a joke for being a girltm, but also, she's with other women. She's pitted against Cream, one of the more used unused, and it's fucking excellent, their scene together is the best deadly six scene ever.
This is what my sister calls "the b99 effect" Rosa doesn't represent all hispanic women if you have another hispainic woman who acts completely differently. captain holt doesn't represent all black men if you have another black man who acts completely differently. Gina doesn't represent all women if there are a whole crew of other women, you get the picture.
This effect was very well used in Sonic Boom. Amy, is a stereotypical girl character and we know this. However, Sticks is not at all. They have a whole episode about this when it's just the two of them it's great. Sticks acts like the rest of the boys, reckless and messy. It's a perfect dynamic because when Amy acts the way she does it's clear she acts like that because she's Amy, not because she's a woman. Amy has multiple moments where she's separated from the rest and it's because she's being Amy. When Sticks is separated it's because she's paranoid, not because she's a girl. Even the boys have their separation moments. Because of writing and this effect, Boom Amy is probably my favorite Amy I've seen outside of IDW.
If Zeena had been less stereotypical it might have been better, but being the only girl on the deadly six automatically made her "the girl one." if there was another girl or they just made another one of them a woman and not changed anything Zeena would have been infinitely better, which is why she was amazing in the scene with cream.
Sega, in their love for only using feminine girls, never sees this. Despite the fandom being in love with Tangle and Whisper who have no pink or purple and don't have feminine personalities, unless you count Tangle looking stereotypically lesbian (she has the same hair as my lesbian sister legit) They keep asking for Sally, they keep asking for Sticks (especially since she was in an olympic games game and has been the only non-mainline character in sonic channel art) they keep asking for cream to be in the GODDAMN GAMES and they don't
only reason i can think of? sega hates women.
this ask was way too long but enjoy.
holy shit i dont have much to add this it is all so so true. the only thing i really disagree with is re boom amy because i have problems with her personality in that show being made into the Most Responsible one when i already have a dislike for sitcoms using girls as straight men (not common nowadays but old shit like mash, and early seinfeld and iasip) but thats just a personal gripe on where id prefer her character to go; she is written the most consistently in years in it and youre right she plays GREAT off sticks. this is all really interesting like i didnt make the femininity and pink/purple connections myself so its very eye opening. loved reading this
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twilitty · 2 years
Do you think the Cullens would like amusement parks?
I think it depends on the Cullen. Let's discuss it!
his children (*cough cough* Emmett + Bella) use it as an excuse to bully Edward
Edward doesn't deserve that treatment. He is so good and kind and wonderful
one time watched Edward fall three stories from the top of a ride and had to run to the hospital so he could use his Doctor Influence to get him out before they tried to put an IV in him or take his pulse or something
loves to watch Reneneneneneneenenenenesme have a good time
loves to watch Emmett and Bella bonding
she doesn't know why Emmett and Bella enjoy the amusement park so much, but she's happy they're happy
loves to hear the children giggling and having a good time
loves to watch Edward die of humiliation
loves to watch Renenenneneenennenenenennenenenenenensme have a good time
goes on the kid rides with Esme so they can watch the children have fun and laugh
hell yes
he is truly chaotic
one time unbuckled Edward while on a loopty loop
that was the seventh best day of his month
one time convinced Edward to eat a corndog
one time witnessed Edward lose at every arcade game... even those scam ones.
convinced Alice that dresses are suitable amusement park attire. then watched her buy sweatpants from the park gift store and walk around with dare devil on her butt the entire time. the pants were hot pink. she was not happy.
broke those punching bags at the arcade in front of a bunch of little kids then blamed it on Edward
Edward got kicked out of the park
doesn't enjoy the rides
one time had to wear hot pink sweatpants with dare devil on the ass because Emmett convinced her she could wear a dress
one time had a vision that Edward yacked up a corndog behind a food truck... she tried to warn him but was too late
yes and no
he enjoys the excitement and feeling all of the happy emotions of the humans
there are a lot of humans... when he does go he can't go for long because he tends to get a little hungry
no, he's a killjoy
he doesn't feel like he deserves to feel happy or experience anything enjoyable (he thinks he's like satan reincarnated or whatever, we all know this) so he sits stoically
one time Emmett and Bella unlatched his buckle on a loopty loop and he fell three stories
it was humiliating
he now refuses to go on roller coasters
Only if she's going with Emmett.
not a fan of crowds or loud noises so, by default, she doesn't like it
when she and Emmett go she truly goes full chaos twins
one time helped Emmett unlatch Edwards buckle on one of the loopty loops and watched Edward fall three stories to the ground
he had to act injured to not blow their cover. had to go in an ambulance to the hospital and everything
Yeah. it makes her feel more human and she likes to feel like she has some connection to her mortal side
she will occasionally go with her school friends, and even tho it's not very scary for her (she's raised w vampires and met the Volturi at like 3 weeks/8 years old) she still pretends to be super scared
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jacscorner · 3 years
RWBY Smut; A Maid's Work 2
[Art by Iesupa]
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"Welcome home, Master."
Winter Schnee gave her master a curtsy, a smile forced upon her face. There was no greater humiliation, at least so she thought. How could her father arrange for her to work as a maid? Her eldest daughter!
'It'll be good for you to know how to act like a proper wife'.
What nonsense! But, Winter kept herself in check. She couldn't allow her temper to get the better of her; not when her father was holding every advantage over her head.
For the moment, at least.
"Why thank you, Winter." Jango chortled as he walked in, lightly waving his hand against his face. His jacket was hanging off of his shoulder as he walked in, his tie loosened and dangling from his neck. "Sure is a warm evening, isn't it?"
"Yes, Master." Winter said, Jango's words flying into one ear and out the other. "Would you like a drink? Since it's so hot?"
"Thank you, but I think we need to address something first."
Winter cocked an eyebrow. "And what would that be, Master?"
"Why, how could you forget?" The older man smirked as he walked to his study. "It's Sunday."
The white-haired maid grit her teeth. That's right; Sunday was Maintenance Day.
[WARNING: Spanking, Maledom, Femsub]
Jango opened the door and said, "come now, let's get this over with while the night's still young."
"Yes...Master." Winter forced the words out as she followed Jango into the study. Most maids who entered here left with their bottoms hot, red, and sore. Winter Schnee was intimately familiar with the study. Despite her reluctance, Winter had never done anything to warrant a punishment of any kind. In fact, far from it; she was highly skilled and exemplary! A model employee! But Jango firmly believes that a good maid needs proper discipline every once and a while; a reminder of what will happen when they begin to slip up.
The older man grabbed a chair from behind his desk and began to set it in the center of the room. As he worked, Winter began to raise her dress. She was unfazed by flashing her employer her white panties and the garters holding up her stockings. Jango took a seat, and like clockwork, Winter draped herself over his lap.
His gloved hand began to lightly tap Winter's bottom as he said, "ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
Jango chuckled, "oh don't be gloomy now, Winter! There's nothing to be ashamed of about a young woman being spanked."
Winter sucked her teeth; how the hell was that supposed to reassure her? She hadn't done anything to deserve such a fate! But, she held her tongue.
She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Jango raised his hand into the air before-
The first smack landed across her cheeks! Winter grit her teeth, keeping her groans down as Jango's heavy, calloused hand began to slowly start spanking her upturned bottom. Winter was quite athletic, her butt was firm and tight. It flattened against Jango's palm before regaining its shape.
Her right cheek stung, followed by a short pause before a second swat struck her left cheek. Pause, and the cycle repeated again as waves of heat went up her spine.
Winter couldn't see his face, but she knew Jango had a dumb grin on his face. It made her furious; how could anyone be expected to remain stoic under such a punishment.
Another swat, Winter let out a painful hiss as her legs began to tremble. She hated to admit it, but Jango had a strong arm and her ass was well acquainted with this fact. Her nails dug into his pant leg as the smacks began to slowly pick up in speed and tempo.
Hot smacks echoed within the room as Jango chuckled lightly. "You're taking it very well, my dear. We'll finish up soon."
Thankfully, these maintenance spankings were short-at least, so long as Winter took them with some semblance of dignity and grace. Her cheeks were starting to turn a rosy shade of pink as her face was equally taking color. Jango's hand landed sharper, faster smacks that left Winter gasping for air. She couldn't help but lightly kick the floor with the toes of her heels.
She wanted to scream. She could feel tears starting to form, but her pride wouldn't allow her to cry or whimper.
And then, nothing.
"Alright, Winter. I think that's enough."
Winter let go of the air she didn't know she was holding. Her legs were shaking and her ass was now a bright, red color behind her white panties. Even if she didn't want it, she took Jango's help as he guided her off of his lap and furiously began to wipe away the tears that had begun to decorate her pale face.
"Th...thank you, Master. For disciplining me." Winter forced herself to speak as she put down her dress and adjusted her.
Jango chuckled, "good girl." He lightly patted Winter's hair, much to her annoyance. "Since you've been such a good maid, take tomorrow off. I think you deserve it."
"Yes, Master. Thank you." Winter nodded, "will there be anything else before I retire?"
"Not unless you mind giving me company." Jango chuckled, but watched as the blue-eyed woman turned to leave his study. "Why, how cold of you." He said, but while his teasing made Winter huff, she knew she was free to walk away.
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writteninkat · 3 years
Kitten | Nanami x Reader
summary: Nanami smiles, manhandling you to flip you around. His gold plated name on your neck glistens under the red light. He parts your legs, watching as your cunt oozes out greedy amounts of slick.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: name calling (kitten, daddy), clit slapping, ass slapping, deep throating
a/n: here's a little gift to all my Nanami sinners out there lmao
<500 follower event>
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Nanami noticed that you've been ordering online too much already. Just this week he found eight average sized boxes from kittenbasics. Were you planning on getting a cat?
Today has been very tiring for him. Not only has he been stabbed on his side but he also came home to an empty apartment. You had sent him a message saying you were going out with some friends tonight.
Just as he was about to close the door behind him, something caught his eye. He turns to his side and sees three more brown boxes on the floor. Frowning, he picks them up, already knowing they're uour orders. He takes them to the kitchen counter, setting them on it as he grabs a quick glass of water for himself.
As he gulps the water down, his eyes doesn't look away from the packages, curiosity getting the best of him when he sets the empty glass down and walks towards the boxes.
What shit had you been buying online that it has you glued on your computer screen almost every night?
He reads the package's description, frowning when it doesn't explain the contents inside the box. Only your address, name and contact number. Did she buy this from somewhere illegal or something?
He takes a small fruit knife from one of the drawers, pushing the blade through the packaging tape and swiftly running it across the box, cutting the tape open. He proceeds to cut the redt of the sides, softly placing the knife on the counter when he's finished.
Long, slender fingers open the covers of the box and digging through the packing peanuts, looking for the item. Alas, the pads of his thumbs and index fingers touch a velvet-like box. Nanami takes it out, furrowing his brows when he reads the intricate cursive writing on the top of the box.
Kitten basics.
He opens the box slowly, careful as to not damage what was inside. The product his gaze sat on had his heart dropping to his stomach. On a silk-covered miniature pillow inside the box rests a pink collar with his name, Nanami, sculpted in uppercase letters in gold. He takes the collar out, his member already stirring in his pants as he runs his thumb across his name.
A smirk tickles at his lips as his eyes move towards the other two boxes. After opening them both, he finds that one box had cat ears and knee socks in it while the other had a butt plug in a form of a cat's tail.
You definitely knew Nanami likes cats. And you definitely knew he loved it when she begged for him.
You come home to a dark apartment. Guessing your husband hasn't come home yet, you kick off your shoes rather drunkenly, stumbling your way to the kitchen where you gulped down a glass of water. You turn off the lights after placing the glass on the sink.
You stumble your way to your shared bedroom, furrowing your brows when you see that your led lights have been turned on and your actual lights off. Your eyes scan at the items on the bed; cat ears, a cat's tail buttplug, and- your eyes widen at the sight of the special pink chocker with your husband's gold plated name on it.
You feel strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back to his body as he breathes into your ear. "I was wondering what you've been buying online since I've been receiving many packages throughout the week." He runs his hand down your side, fingers teasing the hem of your short, black, bodycon dress.
"Care to explain what these are, kitten?" He whispers into your ear, fingers hooking under your dress, pulling it up to reveal the pink lacy thong you have on. "Leaving the house with such lewd underwear on? Were you planning on showing this to someone else?" He asks, pressing two fingers against your cunt. You press your thighs together as you shake your head, "No, daddy. All of you." You moan loudly, letting him push you on the bed.
"If you won't explain to me what these are..." Nanami picks up the buttplug, shoving it in your mouth before pushing you to lay on your back. He pulls your legs up, slender fingers hooking themselves onto your panties, pulling them down. He brings your underwear to his nose and he closes his eyes, unshamedly breathing in your scent as he looks down on you.
He pulls the buttplug out of your mouth, pressing it against your hole, teasing you. You bite your lip in anticipation, closing your eyes as you feel the plug slowly enter your ass.
"Sit up." You follow his command, pulling your legs back to sit on your heels. He takes the cat ears, putting them on you before taking the collar in his hands. "Why'd you buy this one specifically? Hmm? Kitten?" He asks, padding his thumb over your lower lip.
"Cause I belong to you." You answer, your tingue slipping out of your mouth as you sucked on his thumb, your eyes looking up at him as you hallowed your cheeks, showing him exactly how you'd suck his dick.
He growls, pushing you back down on the bed. He takes the collar, quickly putting it around your neck. He takes his time appreciating the masterpiece that is you, on his bed like this, all for him.
Slowly, he slips your dress off of you, skilfully unhooking your bra with one hand as he peppers sweet kisses all over your neck and chest, slowly traveling them down your breasts. He plays with your nipples with his tongue as his fingers twist and tug at your other one.
His tongue laps up your hardened nipples, taking them in between his terth before sucking red and purple splotches all over your soft skin. Slowly he gets up, pulling you along with him. He sits back on the bed and pushes you down onto the floor where you kneel obediently for him.
Nanami unbuckles his belt, taking it off of the hoops of his pants. He takes your hands, placing them on your back and using the belt to keep them there. He looks at you with such lust-filled eyes, his thumb playing with your lower lip.
"Put that mouth to good use, kitten." He says, leaning back as he lets you do what he asked. You look down at his pants, still buttoned and zipped up, however on the side you could see just how hard he currently is.
You lick on your lips, swallowing as you bite on his pants, undoing the button of his pants. You tug on it, pushing the button back with your tongue to take it out of the hole. You then continue to bite the zipper, your nose poking on his pelvis as you pull the zipper downwards.
You didn't want to wait any longer, you buried your face on the area where the zipper exposed your husband's boxer briefs, inhaking his musky sent as you lapped your tongue on his clothed and erected cock.
"Mmmmm so impatient I see. You want daddy's cock that bad, hmmm?" He teases, his voice so low you feel your cunt clench around your slick and nothing else. You nod your head, looking up at him with meedy eyes.
"Mmmff-fuck, okay kitten. I'll give you your reward." He takes his cock out of his underwear, his tip an angry red. You watch as he strokes his member a few times before pulling your head closer to him. You stick out your tongue, starting from the base, you like the underside of his cock, as you reach his tip you wrap your lips around it and start taking as much of his length as you can. Your fingers begin to tingle, wanting nothing more than to fondle and play with his balls at this very moment but the belt keeping your hands restrained is preventing you from doing so.
"Oh yeah baby, oh yeah... Just like that... Taking daddy's cock like the good little cockslut you are..." Nanami growls, tangling his slender fingers through your hair, tugging on it as you hear him suck in a breath.
As soon as you feel his tip press the back of your neck, you shake your head and get on your knees, pushing yourself even lower, making it your goal to reach his pubic hair with your lips. Nanami moans loudly as his cock pushes through the walls of your throat, feeling as you swallow around him. Once you feel you've taken his entire length inside your mouth, you pull away, gasping for air.
Once your lungs stop feeling like they're burning, you take him in his mouth once again, hallowing your cheeks as you bob your head up and down. Nanami throws his head back, moaning loudly as you feel him start to buck his hips upward. You push yourself lower like before a few times, when you swallow around him this time, he bucks his hips up and pulls your head down, creaming inside your throat and mouth.
You waste no time in swallowing his load. He pulls out of you and parts your mouth open, checking and then smiling to see it empty. "Such a good kitten. Love daddy's cum so much? I don't see a single drop in your mouth." He chuckles, pulling you up and throwing you on your stomach. He pulls your hips up, slapping on your ass, his eyes watching the slap causes a ripple. He slaps your ass again, and again, and again and doesn't stop until both your cheeks are a fiery red color and tears are running down your face.
"Does it hurt kitten?" He asks, rubbing a hand on your swollen bum. You shake your head, looking at him through your side. "Then why are you crying?" He sounds as if he were genuinely concerned.
"It feels too good," You sob, "Daddy."
Nanami smiles, manhandling you to flip you around. His gold plated name on your neck glistens under the red light. He parts your legs forcefully, watching as your cunt oozes out greedy amounts of slick.
Nanami lowers his face in between your thighs, his eyes trained on you as he dips his tongue in between your wet folds. You moan loudly at the feeling of his hot tongue finally against your needy cunt. You roll your hips impatiently, causing Nanami to pull away and slap your cunt.
"So impatient, kitty. Good kittens wait for their daddies to finish their meal. Now stop moving and let me have my dinner." He goes back to your cunt, lewd slurping noises fill the room along with your loud moans and mewls.
Nanami pushes his tongue in between your walls, teeth grazing against your clit, taking you by surprise. Your walls clench around his tongue, squeezing it as he furrows his brows at your orgasm.
He pulls away, scowl evident on his face as he pulls his underwear and pants down. "You came without my permission, kitty." He begins working with the buttons of his shirt, undoing them. "And you know what happens to bad kitties right?" He lines his cock against your hole, hands on each of your thighs. "Tell me, what happens to bad kitties?"
"They don't get to cum." You answer, moaning loudly at the feeling of his member entering your wet and greedy cavern. You've been married with and have been getting fucked by this man for years, and yet your tiny cunt still couldn't get used to his size.
Everytime the two of you fuck, he always stretches you open and has you feeling so full. And your little cunny always squeezes around him, making him feel every inch of your walls.
He pushes his entire length inside you, his pelvis pressing against the back of your thighs. He thrusts inside you slowly a few times to get you at least a little bit more stretched out before his pace increases and the bed is creaking.
Nanami's hands slowly run up from your stomach to your tits, playing and fondling with them before his left one retreats back to your thigh while the other creeps towards your neck. He runs a few fingers over his name before his eyes look at you- your expression.
Your eyes are glassy and your face is flushed, you have a shit eating grin across your face with your tongue lolling out of your mouth. "I feel that good, kitty?" He asks, his thrusts becoming slower but much deeper. You nod your head, unable to use proper words.
"Use your tonge, kitty. Come on. Answer daddy. Do I feel that good?" All the comes out are mashed up words and slurs, making Nanami laugh loudly. He thrusts deep inside you, feeling your walls clench around him.
"I'm fucking you so dumb right now aren't I?" He asks, frowning when you don't reply. He slaps your clit and it takes every single atom in your body for you to not cum right then and there.
"Answer me. I'm fucking you so dumb right now, aren't I?" He growls, his balls slapping against your ass, creating lewd noises. You nod your head and your response encourages him, he slaps your clit just a few more times before he's reaching his own orgasm.
"Don't you fucking cum." He creams inside you, your toes curling as you try your best not to cum. He pulls out, the satisfaction leaving your body along with him.
He watches his cum drip out of you, his fingers teasing your folds, dipping into his white release, pressing his fingers inside your mouth. You suck on his fingers, licking them clean.
He pulls out his fingers and presses his lips on yours, his tongue pressing against yours, tasting himself. He hums in satisfaction, nodding his head. "Okay, you've been a good kitty. I'll let you cum under one condition." He pushes himself inside you once again, "You cum together with me."
His thrusts this time are a bit harder, much more maddening. He rolls his hips as he thrusts deep inside you, his head pressing you g-spot again and again as you cry out how good he makes you feel.
He leans his body towards you, his hips snapping as he presses his lips on your neck. "Who do you belong to?" He grumbles, licking your jaw. "Daddy..." You moan out, closing your eyes as you feel your orgasm slowly creep up to you.
"Mmmm-mmmm. That's not my name. Since I'm fucking you so dumb right now, I'll give you a little clue. The answer is what's written on your neck." He mumbles, hips never ceasing.
"Mmff- Nanami!" You moan loudly, your orgasm already so close to you. "That's it!" Nanami roars loudly, pushing away from you as he slaps your clit, "Who do you belong to?"
"Fuck, Nanami!"
You clench around him milking him as he rolls his hips while insde you, helping you ride out your rogasm. You press your head against the soft pillows, his name coming into view as he cums inside you once more, painting your walls white.
The two of you stay silent for a moment, your heavy breathing the only thing that can be heard. Slowly, Nanami pulls out of you making you whimper, the overstimulation causing your body to become more sensitive than you wanted it to be.
"Shhh, shhh... It's okay baby, I got you..." Nanami coos, skillfully undoing the belt from behind you, pulling the restraints away from your hands. You pull your hands from behind you, immediately pulling Nanami closer, breathing in his scent.
Nanami presses soft kisses all over your face as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. He carries you in his arms, walking over to the bathroom where he has already prepared a bath with your favorite bathbomb.
He sets you down on the water, carefully taking off your catears and your choker. "Okay baby, I'll take off the plug now okay?" You nod, wrapping your hands around him as you hiss as the plug is slowly being taken out of you. He continues peppering kisses all over you as he washes you hair and face, he doesn't stop even as he's pulling you out of the tub and walking you back to your bed.
He walks away towards the closet, coming back with the comfortable panties, sweats and one of his shirts. He helps you get dressed, drying off your hair and combing it soft as he constantly kisses you, whispering praises as he does so.
Once he finishes, he sets you down on the bed and he leaves to wash up himself. When he comes back, he joins you on the bed, pulling you into his arms as he presses one last kiss on your forehead.
"I love you baby." You mumble out.
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
Nanami tightens his arms around you, burying his nose on your hair, "I love you most."
383 notes · View notes
chiwhorei · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭
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cross-posted to Ao3!
pairing: issei “horse cock” matsukawa x fem!reader
genre: smut, 18+ mdni
word count: ~4.4k
tags: stripper!issei, stripper!seijoh, roommate!oikawa, tendoukawa (bc @heauxzenji said it an it’s now the only ship in my head) dry humping, lap dance, a little corruption, spitting, public, alcohol and recreational drug consumption (weed and coke), spanking, degradation, hardly edited
a/n: howdy! this is my contribution to the smut pile’s western collab and it is so incredibly late but what the hell else is new. the masterlist for the collab can be found here! @messwriting and myself, in true chaotic duo fashion, built an absolutely depraved multiverse of seijoh strippers: the lawbreakers. lee, i love you so much. this journey we’ve been on the past few months has been chaotic and beautiful, and there’s plenty more to come. 
the multiverse: hanamaki || iwaizumi || kyoutani
hymn: save a horse (ride a cowboy) by big & rich
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and all the girls say— save a horse, ride a cowboy
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A fog of smoke burns in your eyes. The room around you feels like it could curl in on itself, four walls marked sparsely with dusty furniture, the smell of weed and cash. 
You fix your gaze onto a long, diagonal tear in the leather couch across the must and g-strings, the rip in upholstery is stuffed with wrinkled one dollar bills. 
It feels like observing an exhibit at a museum, or a zoo. Lines of coke, random dustings of pot and discarded swisher tobacco, too many open handles of liquor. Sitting on an end table is a bright pink teddy bear with a cowboy hat on it’s head.
How the fuck did you get here?
You shift your weight on either foot, arches aching already. The pair of jeans and top you had planned on wearing tonight were all but ripped off of your body, casual boots thrown down the hallway with sadistic glee and replaced with heels that are taller and a dress much too short.
“Damnit, you’re walking too fast.” Your appointed captor turns around dramatically, stopping in his tracks to watch you catch up. The cigarette pressed into his mouth cards in two fingers and extended towards you as a peace offering. You take the half gone stick and bring it to your lips.
Tendou’s mission was simple, drag his boyfriends roommate and best friend-- possibly kicking and screaming-- out for a night she won’t soon forget. 
“Were those really necessary, Satori?” You point with the remnants of his cigarette and he feigns a kicked-puppy expression, looking down dramatically at his all black outfit contrasting drastically with a flashy pair of brownish-red cowboy boots. 
“I am being a supportive partner. Plus Tooru and I wear the same shoe size.” His hair is bright outlined by the neon sign above the building.
You inhale smoke and nicotine, eying him over once again before continuing. 
“Does it bother you when he’s dancing on all of those horny women?” The cigarette butt falls to the ground, you snuff it out while exhaling remnant smoke from your nose, the bachelorette party walking towards the door in a parade screaming emphasizes your question.
Tendou pulls you close, mouth pressing against your neck to bite against the skin. You jerk away from his embrace, with a feeble push against his chest to match the scoff scratching against your throat. The tall red head above you, currently leaned into the dip on your neck, always has an air of vulgar humor and zero personal space. 
“Watching my pretty little boyfriend grinding on women that would never stand a chance with him,” he pulls away just in time to catch another eye roll before grabbing your wrist to pull you inside, “I think it’s hot as fuck.” 
You stumble behind him, the doorman recognizing your friend immediately and lets the pair of you through tacky saloon doors. You catch a glimpse of the tattered sign standing right next to the entrance. 
Lawbreaker’s Presents: The Guys of the Wild West
The club is drastically warmer than outside, the chill in your barely covered limbs thaws in a mixture of stage lights and body heat.
 You sigh deeply as the sound of country music fills your ears, seemingly in rhythm with the squawking of drunken hens sipping on tall flutes of champagne. Thinking back briefly to when you first signed the lease with Oikawa, you remember he wore glasses and a sweater vest. 
He said he worked as a “fitness instructor.”
“Ah, my two favorite people in the whole world,” Tooru’s ears just have been burning at your recollection, as your roommate appears in front of you in nothing but white spandex shorts and a pair of shiny boots to match, a tray of drinks is placed to the side on an unoccupied table. The white cowboy hat on his head gleamed in the low light of the club, rhinestone star shimmers-- you want to shy away from the bright refraction hitting your eyes.
He looks in his element, completely confident and cocksure as he walks around in only underwear and body oil. 
“Aren’t you glad you came out tonight? I promise, you’re going to have a great time.” Oikawa melts into Tendou’s side, he looks just as content in the current atmosphere. Tendou seems at home in any ecosystem he wanders into.
“The show starts in 15, go get yourself a drink and try to pull the stick out of your ass. I’m going to, uhm, wish Tooru an extra special good luck.” 
“I really didn’t need to know that, thanks. Tooru, break a leg.” You turn around at the sight of the wandering, tattooed hand on it’s journey south on Oikawa’s abdomen and retreat to the bar. You aren’t shocked by the display, not hardly, not with the two of them using almost every surface in your apartment as a debauched playground.
The space around you is emptier than you imagined it would be, but there is still time before the night actually starts. The bartender approaches just as you sit down on one of the wooden stools, every fixture around you is designed to look like an old saloon-- save for the strobing lights and dj booth.
You order something strong and amber, partially to stay in-theme, partially for the nerves settled in your stomach that draft beer wouldn’t be able to curb.
The woman smiles brightly and turns to pour your liquor, leaving you to pick at a cocktail napkin and await your friend’s return.
“You’re Shittykawa’s roommate.” A stranger's voice is deep and bellowing, sounding high above your ear. You swivel in your seat, gaze meeting a tanned chest instead of a set of eyes. Trailing upwards past thick black tattoos and an unavoidable pair of silver nipple rings.
You can feel the muscles in the back of your neck as they strain to meet his chocolate brown stare, he looks amused as you all but gawk at him.
“Yes, uh, I am. And you’re, uhm--” the train of thought you try to hang onto derailed completely by a devastating smile, “one of Tooru’s co-workers?”
If his smile wasn’t enough, his laugh could level the building around you. Your new friend taps the black Stetson against the bar top before putting it back on his head. He gestures broadly to his attire, or lack thereof, with another disarming and smooth chuckle. 
“What gave that one away, darlin’?” You realize how stupid your question sounded, mentally kicking yourself but trying desperately not to show it on your face.
Long, thick legs are wrapped in a pair of leather chaps, the tight fabric hides nothing even if it covers most of his lower half. A matching vest hangs open on his chest, the muscles in his arms look bigger than your head. He seems huge in presence and physique, your own form is a shrinking violet below him.
“Your drink, dear. Double Jack n’ Coke.” The bartender slides a glass towards you, and you accept it with a gracious smile. The distraction is definitely appreciated, any excuse to break the eye contact that has you dissolving like lye.
“Jack n’ Coke, a gal after my own heart.” You choke, a coupling of small coughs break out of your chest. You curse your bodies reaction, you don’t even know--
“You’re name, uh, w-what’s your name.” Casual conversation seems like the best option, because it’s only been two minutes with the almost-naked Casanova and there’s a gnawing feeling that you don’t want him to walk away.
You blame it on the alcohol not yet even running through your veins. 
“Call me anything you want, pretty girl, but my name’s Issei.”
A smile creeps from one end of your mouth to the other. His presence is jarring to say the least, but there’s something about the way his teeth peek out past curled lips that makes you want to lean in instead of away.
Tendou calls your name, effectively pulling you out of Issei’s orbit and reminding you where you are. Heat flushes in waves on your face as Tendou wraps his long arms around your shoulders from behind. Acknowledging your new friend with a pointed, “Howdy partner,” before turning to order his own drink.
“Something sweet please, and strong.” You hear his voice singing to the bartender but still face Issei, having his attention is more intoxicating than whiskey. You want him to talk to you, to ask you questions, to grace you with that smile over again.
You feel the ability to breathe escaping when Issei leans into you impossibly close, his hand enclosing around your back and pulling you in so slightly you could swear you imagined it.
“It was nice to meet you. Make sure I hear ya’ out there, darlin.”
You’re left almost falling from the bar stool, watching as Issei strides toward the back. The way his hips sway is unfair in every--
“Hey,” Tendou’s fingers come up to snap in front of your face, “Didya hear me? Let’s go take our seats.” 
That’s right; you feel like you’ve just run a marathon, heart beating erratically at the briefest interaction, your night hasn’t even started yet. 
You’re dragged directly towards the front of the stage and sat in a small two person table. You agreed to the night out between gritted teeth, hauled to the uber with absolute defiance; but most of your protest has fizzled away-- definitely not due to a pair of deep brown eyes and planes of perfectly tanned skin-- as you get comfortable next to the boisterous bridal party. You can hear their idle, drunken chatter at your back. 
“I heard they call one of the dancers ‘Mad Dog’. Apparently he’s totally feral.”
“One of them is nicknamed the ‘Big Tease’, he really likes the pretty little brides~” 
“Oh yeah? Well there’s one dancer called ‘Horse Cock’. I’m going to go home with him.” 
The women behind you howl with laughter, enjoying their friend’s last night of freedom. The straw in your drink twirls idly, thoughts drifting with each turn of the plastic against your liquor. Surely, Issei had just intended a friendly introduction, he wouldn’t be raking in tips by being unapproachable.
Friendly, you decide, repeating it to yourself until the lights drop and a black curtain is pulled up, he was just being nice. 
* * *
The show starts out mostly how you would expect. Through a few sets, toned, beautiful guys take their clothes off and fling articles at the screaming, panting crowd. The table next to you gets the most attention, bridal parties, you assume, would be the prized cash cow.
Oikawa comes out in the most obnoxious, white and teal outfit and strips into nothing but a thong and boots. Every inch of his skin sparkles, the cause becoming obvious when he jumps down to the audience and swivels his hips and ass right into your lap. Your hand comes up to his hip reflexively to brace yourself-- of course, body glitter.
You watch on at the sweaty writhing of the most beautiful men you have ever seen in real life. The atmosphere around you is absolutely contagious, it’s impossible not to fall into the rhythm, losing inhibitions with every stray piece of fabric as it’s tossed into the sea of women.
Just as you lean over to Tendou to admit that you’re enjoying yourself, the next song blasts loudly from the speakers. The beat vibrates your table, soaking into every nerve, but is almost drowned out completely by the shrieking from every patron around you. They must know what’s coming. 
 Looking back up front, you realize why the crowd is losing their minds. The man that commanded your attention at the bar is even more alluring now. His strut to center stage is deliberate, flashing smiles and winks to no one in particular and hypnotizing every person in his reach.
Issei is stunning in his element, soaking in the reaction with a humble tip of his hat. You could swear, though you’re sure that it’s just your imagination, that he’s looking right at you.
His performance starts out like the rest of them, but each movement of his tattooed hands as they travel over his chest is spellbinding. 
Issei discards his leather vest and tosses it to the side, it feels like you’re watching him in slow motion. He’s gorgeous, skin tanned and tight over thick muscle, arms wrapped in black ink and shining with sweat.
His chaps are next, ripped from his legs just as music behind him picks up. The wedding party next to you so loud you swear the laundromat next door can hear.
 All that’s left is a thong that’s barely covering his cock. You try desperately not to, but all your eyes can focus on is the bulge under a tiny piece of black leather. Your thighs rub together in search of any relief to the feeling growing hot and slick in your stomach.
He moves like liquid platinum, every long, deliberate swivel of his hips and overt palming over his crotch is enough to cause delirium. He soaks in every whistle and shriek of his name, vibrating on the high of squelching attention. 
Issei is a natural. He’s a wild animal, and, along with every other woman there, you wish he would tear you apart with his canines. 
He descends the short staircase with a quick stomp of his boots, now making rounds through the crowd. He stops in front of tables at random, invading the space between strangers and collecting wrinkled one dollar bills.
Why does something so blatantly performative feel voyeurous?
All you can do is gawk, ignoring how every time another woman’s hand runs down his abdomen you heat with envy. As he turns away from the bridal party neighboring you, your blood turns ice cold.
Issei has you, unmistakably, in his sights. His eyes pin you, holding you down tightly in your chair as he struts forward. Tendou whistles loudly as the brunette approaches your table. You wonder, in your last moment of cognizance, if Saroti and Tooru had planned your evening in more detail that you originally thought.
“Long time no see, darlin’,” Issei stands over you, and all you can do is stare dumbly up at him, “do ya trust me?” 
You don’t answer, not with words, not like he would even hear your quiver over Big & Rich booming through the speakers. His question is stupid, to trust someone you just met so vaguely?
You do. Against any better judgement, you do. 
He doesn't give you the chance to ask what he means, stuck in the gooey feeling of his attention. Issei reaches behind you, picking up your half empty glass. He swirls the drink with an almost evil smile before bringing it up to his lips and draining the last bits of whiskey and coke. 
Your face reads confused, not putting his intentions together until you feel his thumb pressed against your chin. Issei’s eyebrow quirks, eyes trained on your reaction. You’re options are to shy away, turning back in your seat, running for escape in the bathroom, or--
The gloss on your mouth is sticky as your lips part in obedience. Issei tries to hide his elation, but it’s difficult to remain aloof as your tongue lulls out and your eyes beg him.
Issei’s hold on your chin tightens, nudging you to lean in so he’s only inches away. Your eyes shut lightly, the shouting surrounding you sounds little more than a whisper with the blood rushing in your ears.
You swear you can hear him groan above you as the sharp taste of liquor hits your tongue. Willing your body to cooperate, you swallow the drink with only a small cough. 
His face dips down, it seems like a habit now, to brush his promises against the shell of your ear once again.
“You’re an agreeable little thing, I think you can take it.”
His hands are on either side of your chair in a flash, lifting you up with trained, bulging muscles. You fall forward in your seat, bracing against Issei’s chest. Every cell in your body is tight with tension, if you lift your head up to meet the audience’s eyes, you’re sure you’ll crack like glass.
He steals you from relative comfort, shifting your weight in his arms as he ascends back onto stage. You’ve gone limp in his hold, pliant to his will. The unfamiliar presence at a dusty bar top has turned into more than a front row seat to depravity.
You’re thrown off balance as he sets you down, eyes adjusting to the white hot stage lights. You’re exposed to every set of eyes in the building, even if you can’t see him-- you know Satori is smiling from one sharp cheek to the other. Wherever Tooru is, he’s most likely sitting in the same satisfaction.
Aren’t you glad you came out tonight? I promise, you’re going to have a great time.
Issei rounds the back of your chair so his actions are hidden from your view. The brim of a leather cowboy hat breaches your field of vision, much too big for your head.
His hands come down onto your shoulders, snaking down your bare arms. His touch leaves a scorching fleet of chills. Issei runs his finger tips upwards, tracing against your collarbone before wrapping his grip lightly around your neck. 
He can feel it, he has to, the racing pulse right under the surface of your skin.
The music transitions effortlessly, going almost unnoticed. The next song, still sharp with a cheesy country twang, is slower, deeper.
Issei’s thumb brushes against your cheek, your body wants to relax into the touch before it remembers how public the gesture is.
You hold in a shaky breath as he comes to stand in your eyeline again, you might as well be bound to your chair with rope. He looks larger than life-- in both stature and presence-- in front of you. His skin is glistening, refracting from the harsh lights with sweat and oil. 
He is an unstoppable force against your will. Your desire to hide from the blinding attention is nothing compared to the desire to please. To please a stranger, to please the man you met only an hour ago. 
To please Issei.
He flashes you another wink, taking a moment to rake his stair down your body. He memorizes the outline of your cute little dress, red is definitely your color. 
Issei slides across the smooth surface of the stage to meet where you’re perched. The barreling, almost naked body now impossibly close to where your knees are pressed together.
He starts at your ankles, tracing the soft skin of your legs until his palms press flatly against your lower thigh. Issei savors the moment for a beat longer before prying your legs apart.
The crowd below you is loud and hollow in your ears, the shame bubbling up against your cheeks and nose is nothing compared to the pressure between your legs. 
Issei’s hands wander up and under the hem of your skirt, scratching his nails on the vulnerable skin before they find his prize in the form of thin lace.
The “Wait” and “Stop” sitting on your lips shrivels up and dies as your panties are ripped off. You see the bright color, the last remnants of opposition twirling around his pointer and middle finger.
The crowd goes wild, watching as your body is made a fantasy that they can all live vicariously by. all you can do is watch as the fabric is stuffed into the side of his thong to accompany fistfuls of singles.
* * *
You’re still in shock by the final dance, still under a trance as Tendou pulls you towards the back. Stumbling behind him to catch up, you’re given no time to think about what you’re about to walk into. 
A fog of smoke burns in your eyes. The room around you feels like it could curl in on itself, four walls marked sparsely with dusty furniture, the smell of weed and cash. 
You fix your gaze onto a long, diagonal tear in the leather couch across the must and g-strings, the rip in upholstery is stuffed with wrinkled one dollar bills. 
It feels like observing an exhibit at a museum, or a zoo. Lines of coke, random dustings of pot and discarded swisher tobacco, too many open handles of liquor. Sitting on an end table is a bright pink teddy bear with a cowboy hat on it’s head--
“I didn’t go too far did I?” Snapping back into reality, you hear Issei call to you. You’re vaguely comforted by a familiar voice before remembering the man attached had spat whiskey into your mouth and stolen your panties just 30 minutes prior. You heat up at the tips of your ears at the recollection of two things you had let him do, that you had wanted him to do. 
Your eyes find Issei sitting on the couch on the opposite end of your freshly showered roommate, seemingly unbothered as Tendou flops down against the middle cushion and drapes both arms across the back. 
“Don’t worry partner, our girl doesn’t startle easy.” Oikawa laughs, adjusting to sit across his boyfriend’s lap.  Issei’s all leather outfit is replaced with a pair of grey sweats. He looks relaxed, effortlessly handsome. 
What was it like, you wonder, before you knew how it felt to look at him? Life past the single night feels grey around the edges. 
When was the last time you felt this alive? 
He takes a sip of a water bottle, wiping off his chin with the large rose tattooed on his hand. You can’t stop staring at them-- the ones that roamed your body in front of a club full of drunk bachelorettes, the ones that traced your skin like he already had the map. 
And now you watch those same hands, so new but so inviting, as two fingers curl inward. They pull you as if tightening a rope around your waist. You wade past tall sweaty men and freshly caught audience members as they tangle across dusty furniture.
You scoot by your best friends from where they sit next to Issei, ignoring the slap to your ass and the following laugh from Oikawa in between loud, sloshing kisses.
“Well, little one,” He pats his thigh, inviting you to the spot on his lap rather than the empty seat next to him, “you’re not gonna run away are ya?” 
Every nerve in your body is twitching, you’re not sure if you could run if you wanted to.
You don’t.
Issei takes in your small nod of confirmation, pulling you into his hold. The position is awkward at first, perching on his knee as you try to keep your balance. He laughs, his arm snaking around your back so you relax into him. You fidget with your fingers as they lie against your lap, watching the bustling around you. A cloud of smoke settles in the air, you wonder if it’s a permanent haze of tobacco and pot-- the scent is probably painted into the walls. 
“Is this what you expected?” Issei’s voice is low and close to your ear, you can feel the smile curled into his question. Your eyes are fixed forward, watching as Tendou pours a small white line into Oikawa’s collarbone and dives in nose first.
“Honestly,” you adjust, kicking your legs up over his other knee, “I’m pretty used to this kind of stuff.”
Even if your usual scene doesn't include a drug filled almost-orgy, you can’t say you’re fazed much. Not with the company you keep.
Even with the circus revolving around you, Issei is the only thing you can see. Everything else falls away but the smell of his body wash and the soft material of his sweats where they meet your naked legs.
His hand rests against your thigh, fingers just above then short hem of your party dress. The metal rings on each digit are cool against your burning skin. You’re sure Issei can feel the heat rising in your stomach as it spreads through your blood. 
You feel him lean back, fishing something out of his pocket to set in your hands. You feel every hair stand on edge as the thin cotton drops into your grip, heavy as an anchor.
“You know what I think, darlin’?” Your breath hitches, the room around you squeezing tight against your shoulders, “I think you’re a natural on stage. I bet you would have let me do anything up there.” 
A hand wanders down the path of your spine, rough fingerprints stroke past each vertebrae. You arch at the feeling, his skin is like a narcotic. The liquor still swimming in your mind is no match to this, to the heady smell of sex and sweat as it cuts through your senses. 
Issei’s right, you’ll let him do anything to you. You’ll beg for it like you’re trying to pass the gates of heaven.
Your body moves of its own volition, legs swinging to straddle his waist. The material of your dress bunches over the curve of your ass, completely exposed to the room around you before being eclipsed by steady palms.
You would be, should be, embarrassed by the display of public depravity. No one around seems to notice, half naked is still more modest than most everyone else. Tendou and Oikawa have dissolved into a pile of spit and clashing teeth next to you, saving you from any snide quips. There’s nothing but Issei, face an inch away from you and lips tempting you to lean forward.
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I don’t usually do this?” 
Glassy eyes flick dumbly at the man below you. He sees the wobble of your lip, the glaze in your stare as you memorize every feature on his face. Any reassurance sitting on his tongue dies when you crash your lips against his, hips rolling down into him and knocking him off guard.
Your kiss is searing and drips with finality. You’ve decided what bed you’ll wake up in the morning with your tongue tracing against his molars.
“No, not really.” Foreheads pressed together, it’s your turn to laugh. If you’re honest, you probably made this decision while still sitting at the bar.
You dip back in, emboldened with the bruising fingers digging against the fat of your hips. The feeling of your cunt pressed against his crotch could bring a man to his knees.
He’s not opposed, he’s just gotta get you home first.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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691 notes · View notes
calculated ii, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You pride yourself in being cool, calm, and collected... and then Jeon Jungkook knocks you down a peg. Well, you’re still the head Calculus I TA. The noona. The responsible one. The one who would definitely not misunderstand a situation and then end up fucking in a stairwell... right?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; intense smut (fem reader, semi-public sex, nipple play, tit slapping, fingering, wall fucking, dirty talk); jealousy; fluff; non-idol!AU - university!AU; dom!Jungkook x sub!noona!reader, ft instigator Jimin again, lol
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv
You weren't a jealous person by nature. 
Mostly because you had no tolerance for lying, dishonesty, or deceit. In the off chance an ex cheated on you, you dropped them like hot coal and moved on, easily, without so much as a text. Was that the best way to end a relationship? Definitely not, but you did it anyway. 
It got you a notorious reputation, to say the least. 
So, why, as you're collecting the latest Calculus I exam and students are rushing down the steps to run to their next class, were you absolutely fuming as you spy Jeon Jungkook, tongue between his teeth, talking to a girl who looked like she was going to pass out from arousal by being in his vicinity? Why was your blood boiling, knuckles turning white as you clutch the obscenely thick stack of paper, your only thought being, I'm going to fail this fucking punk ass bitch, just you fucking wait–
"Do you need help?"
You turned your head sharply, missing Jungkook's teasing gaze as Kim Namjoon held his hands out, giving you a sheepish smile. Namjoon was the head Calculus III TA, but he was helping out today since the other Calculus I TAs couldn't make it. 
Namjoon's smile faltered. 
"Last time I let you carry these, you dropped them all."
Namjoon laughed sheepishly. "Ahahaha, yeah that did happen, huh?"
You felt bad for snapping at him. It wasn't Namjoon's fault Jungkook was an asshole. It was not Namjoon's fault Jungkook was looking like a goddamn meal in his untucked black dress shirt, ripped black jeans and heavy black boots, his long dark hair half-pinned back with a wispy curtain of black partly obscuring the right side of his face. Not that you cared. At all. You two fucked one time. One, very hot, very intense, very wild time during Calculus I office hours in this very math department building, a few floors above, just last week.
Did you have dreams about it?
You shook your head roughly, breaking out of your thoughts. "Come on. Let's go get some coffee. I'll buy," you said, softening your tone this time, grabbing your bag as you hoisted the stack with one arm. You began to walk out, Namjoon following you with his extra-thick backpack.
"I can help you grade. I have some time before my next class."
You laughed. "You, Kim Namjoon, double Literature and Music major and head TA for Calculus III and Physics II, have time?" you teased, seeing his ears turn red. 
He chuckled awkwardly as you two made your way to the vending machines. "Okay, I don't have the most time, maybe an hour, but there's a key, right? I'd like to help," he added cheerfully. "Since you're carrying it all."
You smiled and stopped in front of the vending machine, struggling to grab your wallet from the back pocket of your black skinny jeans. Your hands kept getting caught in the long sleeves of your cream sweater. You frowned, trying to balance everything. 
"Need help?" Namjoon asked, seeing your brows furrow. He reached for the stack of exams, but you pulled them away from his grasp. 
"No, no, I just can't get my wallet. It's in my back pocket."
"... Uh, I could pa–"
"Namjoon, it's an ass. Just take it out. I won't call the police."
He gave you a hesitant look, but you jerked your head impatiently.
"Fucking do it. You're making it weirder," you muttered.
He shrugged and yanked your black bifold wallet out of your back pocket. 
"Whatchu want?" You looked into the lit-up shelves, scanning. "Get me a green tea."
Namjoon opened your wallet to grab some bills. He raised his eyebrows. 
"I use the same brand myself."
You turned your head to see him snickering, pointing to the condom in your wallet. You rolled your eyes at his immature reaction. 
"People get laid; get over it," you remarked coolly, but you were smiling anyway because Namjoon had cute dimples that made you laugh too.
He fed some money into the machine. "You should change it out every once in a while, though. Body heat can cause the latex to break down over time."
"I put it in there last week," you said absentmindedly, watching the green tea and the hot coffee Namjoon ordered plunk down. He raised his eyebrows again, but you gave him a pointed look and turned around, presenting your jean-covered butt.
"Put it back."
"What if I need a condom? Can I have it?" Namjoon sniggered.
"Put it back before I kick your ass," you shot back, turning your head to glare at him. A blur of black rushed past in your peripheral vision. Your eyes flickered to the direction of the movement at the same time Namjoon jammed your wallet in your pocket.
You turned back around, cocking your head into the direction of the offices. Namjoon carried the drinks, laughing behind you. 
"That would have been weird if anyone was around," he remarked to the deserted hallway. 
You shrugged. "Who hangs around the math department besides nerds like you and me?" you muttered, somewhat bitterly.
"You said you needed a ride," you muttered, watching Park Jimin stretch his legs out. It was already completely dark outside. Jimin always practiced such long hours that you often wondered if he slept. Did he even know what sleep was? The fine arts building was empty besides you two. 
"I do!" Jimin protested, going into a split that made your own crotch hurt, at least mentally. "But I have to cool down first. It's important!"
You sighed and slid down to the floor as Jimin did his routine. He hummed along as you stared at the bright lights on the ceiling. Your backpack was in the car. You played with the pink bunny keychain on your keys as you waited. 
"How did Jungkook go?" Jimin teased, tone playful.
You scowled in response.
"Ouch, that bad huh?" Jimin's head popped into your vision as he bent over backwards. "Does he have a bent dick or something?"
You rolled your eyes. "He's fine," you mumbled. "Just an asshole."
Jimin sat down, placing the soles of his feet together and pressing on his knees. They went all the way to the floor. You winced as you watched, but he seemed fine. 
"What'd he do?" 
You twisted your mouth to one side. "Doesn't matter. Don't care."
Jimin looked up. He gave you that look mothers give their children when they know they're lying. You relented, grumbling.
"Flirting around right in front of my face."
Jimin blinked at you. "I thought you guys were just fucking?"
You looked away to the mirror of the dance studio. "... We are just fucking. Did, rather."
"Are you jealous?" Jimin gasped in disbelief, scooting over to you gleefully, forgetting about his cool down. "You are!"
"I am not, Jimin. Shut up."
Jimin giggled. "Wow, one fuck and you're in lo–"
You spun around sharply and clapped a hand over his mouth, glaring at him. Jimin's eyes widened at your sudden reaction, blinking at you. You climbed to your knees, towering over him.
"Shut up, Jimin."
"The fuck is going on?"
The clear, silvery voice thundered across the dance studio practice room. You froze, whipping your head around to see Jungkook, in all-black, his pretty features twisted in rage, glaring at you and Jimin on the hardwood floor.
Or flight?
You scrambled to your feet and ran. Straight up bolted, right past Jungkook, not hearing him shout at Jimin, completely forgetting you were supposed to take him home.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jungkook roared, advancing, shoulders shaking. 
"Nothing," Jimin snapped, getting to his feet. "Just like you, apparently. Look how fucking fast she ran from you!"
Jungkook grabbed Jimin's collar, shaking him forcefully. "The fuck are you talking about?" he growled, nearly spitting in Jimin's face. "She doesn't even like me, you idiot."
"You're the idiot," Jimin spat back, shoving him hard in the chest. "She literally just admitted to liking you right in front of me!"
Jungkook froze. "W-what?"
"She just now told me she was jealous because you were chatting up other girls," Jimin hissed, looking at him disdainfully. "I would have never helped you if you were going to treat her like a piece of meat."
Jungkook's face fell, anger crumbling into sudden comprehension. "I-I didn't..."
He turned away from Jimin, dropping his car keys as he chased after you, steps much faster and lighter than your erratic stumbling though the fine arts building, nearly tripping on the stairs. You were running so fast that you were making yourself winded, chest so tight you couldn't even breathe. 
Jimin sighed and picked up the fallen car keys. 
Jungkook jumped over the stair rail, making you recoil and spin around, running back up the stairs. He took them two at a time, slamming a hand against the wall to cut you off. You turned the other way and he stopped you there too, so you ducked under, trying to run. His strong arms grabbed you by the waist and dragged you back, struggling for dear life, hands clawing at the air. 
"Stop, stop," Jungkook was panting, but you started squirming against him instead, flattening your torso to try to slide out. He forcefully grabbed your shoulders and shoved you into the wall. You hissed in pain, seeing stars from your lack of oxygen and panic. He held you there, wheezing, grip so strong it almost hurt, as if he was afraid you would run away again. 
You felt wetness on your face. You started, touching your cheek. Tears blurred your vision. Jungkook lifted his head, his long black hair tousled and wild from chasing you and, even now, he was handsome. Even now, he made your heart stop. 
And then you realized that he, too, was crying. 
"J-Jimin..." Jungkook gasped. "Asked me to d-drive him home..."
You sobbed, trying to blink your tears away. "M-me too..."
Jungkook chuckled wetly despite the situation. 
"Hah... that bastard..."
You tried to twist away, but Jungkook pushed you into the wall with his chest. 
And now you were really crying now, so pathetic, so dumb, so stupid you wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, hide your face and your feelings and pretend they didn't exist. 
Jungkook's deep voice vibrated your torso as you furiously wiped your face with the sleeves of your cream sweater, stuffing your eyes with the fluffy material, trying to press them away.
"Don't cry, noona... I can't take it..."
And then he was kissing you, soft kisses on your tears, dripping his own onto your cheeks, and then your lips were on his, so full, so nice, so right, your arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer. Everything way too fucking wet, but it didn't matter because his tongue was against yours and you were sucking on it, shivering, whimpering his name, trying not to be pitiful, but what were you supposed to do when he made you feel this way, like you wanted to die in his arms right now? 
He whispered your name too, so softly, so desperately that you thought it was just a dream, but he had you against the wall, hands sliding up your sweater, onto your skin, so warm, stroking it and pressing his fingers into your waist, so familiar, teeth nipping at your lower lip.
"J-Jungkook..." you choked out. "We're in the middle of the stairway in the fucking f-fine arts building..."
"Don't care," he murmured, unhooking your bra, his dark hair brushing against your face. You gasped as his palms covered your already hard nipples, his moan against your lips. "Have to remind you you're mine."
He kissed your face again, massaging your breasts, resting his cheek against yours, letting you feel his smile. You closed your eyes, trying to even your breathing.
"Hah... I'm so ugly right now," you mumbled, cursing your weakness, frustrated that only a single meeting with Jeon Jungkook could turn you into this. You didn't believe in stars aligning or any of that romantic bullshit. But the instant Jeon Jungkook pressed his body against yours, you fucking knew. You absolutely knew there was no other body for you, no other body you wanted to dream about, no other person you wanted to touch, no one else you wanted but Jeon Jungkook to force you to your knees and make you look at him, pulling on your nipples, whines leaving your throat as he yanked on them, your own hands pushing your sweater and bra up so he could stare at your body and watch how he ruined you, turning your nipples pink with abuse.
Were you crazy? Probably. 
Jungkook spread his legs, leaning down, dark hair half-obscuring his face, lips parting.
"So beautiful, noona..." he breathed, swallowing hard. "You're the only one for me."
You scoffed at his words, hastily wiping your eyes. He pulled at your nipples hard, twisting them and making you yelp in pain. 
"Look at me when I speak to you," Jungkook commanded, raw and deep. Voice strained from crying, but his eyes remained dark, flint-like, shaded by his long hair. His eyes traveled down your body, to your knees against the floor, to your nipples straining in his fingertips, to your shaking hands holding up your sweater, to your face, your icy glare rippling through your drying tears. He drew in a long breath, making you wait for him. 
"There is no one else," he growled firmly above you, staring into your eyes, right at your soul. "Absolutely no one. I don't care if they're ripping off their clothes and throwing themselves at me, I will always pick you over them. I will always want you over them. I will always, always desire you under me above all others."
You chuckled darkly, feeling his grip tighten. 
"We fucked once, Jungkook. Once," you muttered bitterly. He pinched your nipples sharply and you sucked in a breath, wetness pooling in your panties. 
"Once is enough," he replied firmly. "Once is enough to know there is no other human being on Earth for me."
Maybe you were both crazy. 
He yanked your nipples harder this time. Your body jerked in pain, pressing your thighs together to get some relief. 
"Get up."
You got up shakily, with his gentle pulls in your nipples, wincing. Jungkook removed his hands and you sighed in relief, only to be silenced as he pushed up the sleeves of his black dress shirt, breathless as you saw his shapely forearms, the right covered in tattoos. He pressed his right forearm against your collarbone and you released your sweater as he held it up.
"Hands on the arm."
You placed your hands on his forearm, one on his wrist and the other just under his elbow. 
"Look at me."
Your eyes flickered up at him. Part of his hair covered his right eye. The rest of his forehead was exposed, brows furrowed, brown eyes intensely on you. His chiseled jaw clenched, lips so pink and pretty you wanted them on you. Your chest was completely exposed, your red nipples hard and poking out in the cold air. 
Then he slapped your tits with his own palm. 
You gasped sharply, skin stinging, nails digging into his skin. The sound rang in the empty staircase. Your knees shook, panties wetter than before. 
"Who is he?"
You swallowed, blinking rapidly. Your nipples prickled with pain but all you could think about was wanting more. "Who?" you croaked.
He smacked you again, right on the other nipple, and you bit your tongue, head pushing into the wall behind you, hissing. Fuck. He wasn't hitting you very hard, but he had a huge palm, expanding the surface area of the sting.
"The guy who touched your ass without my permission," Jungkook snarled, flicking your nipple hard. 
Your eyelids fluttered, knees buckling. Fuck. So good. You clutched into Jungkook's arm, panting. His arm was like iron, unmoving. 
"Namjoon?" you replied, confused. "H-he was just getting my wallet."
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. Then he raised an eyebrow and his hand, slowly spanking your tits, making sure to hit your swollen, aching nipples each time, getting you wetter and wetter with each slap. 
"He wants to fuck you," Jungkook hissed into your face. 
You were moaning far too loud, rubbing your knees together, your soaked panties bunching up in your jeans as Jungkook continued, his nails gazing your flesh, leaving red marks and pink skin in his wake. 
"B-but I don't want to fuck h-him..." you managed to get out in between your moans.
Jungkook pressed his palm flat against one of your breasts and rubbed hard. Your eyes rolled back in your head, nipple throbbing with pain as he forced it around and around. 
"Really?" he sneered, putting his face close to yours as he released your breast and moved to the other, placing his nail on it, scratching lightly. Your hips bucked and a desperate whimper fell from your lips. "Who do you want to fuck then?"
Your eyes locked with his, his impossibly dark, reigning eyes. 
"Only you."
He pinched your nipple, hard. You wailed, almost falling, but he held you firm. 
"Say my name."
So deep. So in control. 
"Only you, Jungkook."
He dropped his right arm and roughly pinched both your nipples, silencing your scream with a suffocating kiss, his clothed chest ramming into your torso. You groaned into his mouth as the rough fabric of his dress shirt touched your sensitive nipples, whimpering as he removed his hands to hold yours. Held them tight as he shoved his tongue into your mouth, thrusting into it, fucking it as if it was his cock. You took it all, fingers intertwining with his, whole body shivering. 
He pulled your hands up to his chest, breaking apart for a second. 
"Take it off," he panted impatiently. "Need your skin on mine."
You fumbled with the tiny buttons, far too small with how hazy your head was right now. You were rapidly losing your temper, finally just shoving your fingers into the placket and ripping it apart, causing the black buttons to fling everywhere. You pushed the sides of the dress shirt aside, sucking in a breath seeing his toned chest and abs, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him to you, pressing his hot skin against yours, moaning as your abused nipples touched his chest. Jungkook was chuckling, looking at the fallen buttons.
“Are you going to pick those up later?” he asked, amused.
“No,” you snapped.
“Someone will know.”
“You obviously don’t care.”
Jungkook laughed, rumbling and sexy and so very wonderful. “I most certainly do not.”
He let you press your cheek against his collarbones, hands splayed on his back. Tracing his muscles, chest heaving from too many emotions and too much running. You ran your nails down his back. His breathing hitched and he placed a large hand on your head.
“Were you jealous?” he purred, petting your hair. “Because I was talking to that girl after class? Is that why you ran off with that Namjoon guy? To make me jealous too?”
“No,” was your haughty, tight reply.
He hummed. “Really?”
His hand slid down, down your shoulder and to your bare skin. He dug his nails into the small of your back, raking them up. You whimpered, clinging to him tighter. His head dipped low against your ear, voice dropping several octaves.
“Because I was very, very jealous,” Jungkook growled, teeth snapping, every word rousing your lust. “All I could think about all day was how to punish you. My beautiful, slutty noona.”
You sunk your nails into his back, snarling right back.
“It’s your own fault for being so fucking hot that every single person who encounters you has a full-blown orgasm every time they see you, you punk ass bitch.”
You didn’t have to see his face to know he was grinning. “You didn’t. You told me to leave.”
“You didn’t know what was going on in my pants,” you shot back.
“I found out, didn’t I?”
Was it possible to want to choke someone while also wanting to be choked by them? Because that’s how you felt right now, listening to Jeon Jungkook’s stupid, sexy, smug voice in your ear.
“Shut up.”
You felt Jungkook’s body stiffen. Slowly, slowly, he backed up, out of your grasp, his hands leaving your back. You frowned, narrowing your eyes. There was a darkness in his, glaring down at you through his lashes. His lips were slightly parted, no longer smiling. You didn’t waver. His hand came up and took your chin, grip tightening into your cheeks until it was uncomfortable, tipping your head back into the wall. Lips hovering over yours, so close that he could kiss you, but he wasn’t doing it.
The affirmation made your blood run cold with his unforgiving tone. He placed his lips on yours, but instead of kissing you, he breathed into your mouth, a hot, erotic stream right into the back of your throat, forcing yours back, making you inhale him. You moaned softly, but he retreated just as fast, hooking one arm around you, arching your back forcefully.
“J-Jungkook, what–”
Then he latched his lips onto one of your nipples, flicking it with his tongue, his hand around you rubbing the other as the other gripped the button of your jeans, popping it open. You cried out, hitting your head on the wall, bruising yourself as he yanked the zipper down, shoving his hand under your panties into your tight-jeans. Your nipples for far too sensitive to take more pain and yet Jungkook gave it to you, sucking and rubbing them simultaneously as he shoved one, two fingers into your slopping wet pussy, your moans echoing in the stairway as you stared up, head throbbing. Shocks of pain and pleasure traveled throughout your body, and still he shoved a third finger into you. Your body jerked, trying to spread your legs to accommodate him but your jeans were too tight and he was fucking you too hard, each thrust raising you to your tiptoes. He didn’t even have to stimulate your nipples anymore – they were just rubbing against his teeth and hand by the sheer force of him fingering you.
“A-ah, J-Jungkook, please…” you groaned, grinding into his hand, biting your lower lip hard to try and be a little quieter. “P-please, it’s t-too much...”
His eyes flickered up to you, glaring. You told me to shut up, they said.
“I’m s-sorry…” you panted out, gritting your teeth. “P-please…”
Jungkook detached his mouth, curling his lip. Hand leaving your nipple, tangling into your hair. “Are you really sorry, noona?” he drawled, yanking your head back and exposing your neck. “Are you?”
You whimpered, nodding tightly, his hand still in your hair, forcing you to tug on your own.
“Y-yes, Jungkook,” you breathed, feeling him release your hair. “I’m sorry…”
He smiled at you, an icy smile.
“That’s good.”
You felt him yank your pants down with his free hand, shoving them down to your knees. You almost tripped, but Jungkook grabbed your ass, fingertips digging into you so hard you were sure they would leave marks. He yanked you up, shoving a knee between yours and forcing your legs open. Your eyes went wide, his three fingers flexing inside you. His dark eyes boring into yours, a slow smirk forming on his lips.
“I’m still going to put another finger in you.”
He shoved a fourth into you, forcefully, and now nearly his entire hand was fucking you, pounding you into the wall. Your arms flew up to wrap around his shoulders, desperately holding on as he filled you, pushing his fingers against your walls. You gasped, clenching around his fingers, and Jungkook grinned, watching your face as he pushed you to the edge, feeling so stretched out, so embarrassingly wet that the sounds of your pussy were louder than your noises.
“Fuck, your pussy sounds so sexy,” Jungkook groaned. “Listen to that dirty pussy suck in my fingers, so fucking desperate for my cock.”
You shoved your head against the wall and squeezed your eyes shut, legs straining as you came, muscles spasming and the moan of his name racking through you, your throat already hoarse. He ripped his hand out of you and slapped your clit. Your knees buckled and you whined loudly as he gripped your ass with one wet and one dry hand, spreading it forcefully, pressing you against the wall.
“Take one leg out of your jeans,” Jungkook snarled.
You winced, pussy throbbing, giving him a what-the-fuck look.
“Do it.” He was not going to repeat himself.
You awkwardly kicked one of your sneakers off, untangling your right leg out of your pants. Now you were mostly naked in the fucking stairway with an almost shirtless Jungkook towering over you. Your poor sock fluttered to the floor, lost due to the tight ankle of your skinny jeans.
Jungkook grabbed your calf and pushed it up and out, effectively forcing you to stand on one leg.
“Jungkook, what–”
He hissed, staring at your glistening, puffy, red pussy lips, your hole opening and closing from the aftershocks of your orgasm.
“Fuck,” he muttered. “Fuck.”
Jungkook leaned you back into the wall, snaking his hand between your legs, moaning with you as he touched your swollen clit. Slow, languid, deliberate, rubbing your clit in circles, melting you, your eyelids fluttering closed at his sudden sweet movements.
“Wanna fuck you just like this,” Jungkook breathed, inhaling your scent. “Just like this, against the wall, in this fucking stairway, your leg around my waist.” He pressed harder, earning a wretched whimper. “Want someone to find us and see you bouncing on my cock, fucked out and screaming my name.”
Your legs trembled, trying to close, but he held them open, teasing you, drawing your next orgasm out of you, slow this time, building you into a frenzy.
“Just do it,” you gasped. “Just fucking do it.”
“I want to,” he hissed back, rubbing faster. “I didn’t bring a fucking condom.”
You chuckled despite yourself, hips shuddering into his hand. “Didn’t think you were going to fuck Jimin or something?”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you and pinched your clit. Instantly you yelped, your standing knee buckling, but his own slammed against yours, locking it in place. You gasped at the pain, your pussy clenching around nothing as he furiously rubbed your clit. Your insides curled and you gulped for air, feeling the pain and pleasure rise into a crescendo.
“What if I stop, noona?” Jungkook barked sharply. “Since you’re being such a fucking brat.”
You clenched your jaw, trying to push back your own orgasm, relishing in his anger.
“I have a condom,” you panted, giving him an open-mouthed smirk. “Keep one in my wallet now, j-just for you, Jungkook.”
You saw something in his eyes change, something between an amused sparkle and an agonizing lust.
“Is that so?” Jungkook purred, bringing his face close to yours. His breath lit your skin on fire, the tense knot closing in on you fast as he rubbed you even faster, so fast that it felt like a vibrator on your aching clit. “So, you can always be prepared for me? So, I can take you wherever, whenever I want?”
You bit your lip, nodding, eyes glazing over as the first wave crashed on you.
“Fuck yeeeeees, Jungkook, whatever you fucking want,” you moaned, back arching, legs shuddering, letting him rub you as your hips jerked. Viscous liquid dripping down your thighs, pussy pulsating wetly, hands flat against the wall. He was going to be the death of you, making you agree to such crazy things in the middle of your fucking orgasm.
Jungkook let go of your leg. You leaned against the wall, trying to catch your breath, pretty sure all this was going to get you expelled. Even if there was no one in the building, someone down the street probably heard you by now with how loud this was becoming. You heard rustling under you, Jungkook going through your pockets on the floor to find your wallet, pulling out the condom.
“You’re actually insane,” you panted, blinking slowly as you watched Jungkook unzip his jeans, shoving them down. “I can’t even stand.”
Fuck, even just him pulling out his half-hard cock was already getting you wet again. Jungkook smirked at you, seeing your eyes on him. He stroked the length slowly, running his large hand over it. You frowned at him, tapping your hand against the wall in annoyance.
“I’m giving you a break,” he murmured, staring at your body as he gripped his cock, pumping once. He gasped, breathing your name.
“At least let me touch it,” you pouted, not even sure how you were still upright. Just pure lust, apparently.
Jungkook looked at you through his lashes, lips parting, tongue darting between them. He thrust his hips into his hand. You stiffened, seeing his wanton, arrogant expression. He wasn’t going to let you touch it. He was going to make you watch, frustrated, as he stroked himself to full hardness.
He cocked an eyebrow at you, rolling his body into his hand, moaning softly.
“Jungkook, please…”
His tongue danced between his lips, moving his hand up and down slowly, rocking his hips into his cock, enjoying your pleading tone, your hands clenching into fists, your body heaving at the loss of him.
“Jungkook, come on,” you whined, spreading your legs, watching the angry red head disappear and reappear in the curve of his fingers. “I want you. Please.”
He took a step towards you, still stroking himself. “Yeah?” he breathed. Another step. And another. He still didn’t tell you that you could touch him yet, so you kept your hands at your sides, switching between his dark, lustful eyes and his rapidly hardening cock thrusting into his hand. “You want me, noona? You want to touch my cock?”
And now Jungkook was right next to you, still jacking himself off, the velvety, thick head rubbing against the smooth skin of your thigh. You moaned as you felt his pre-cum smearing onto your skin, adding to his lubrication.
“Y-yes,” you whispered, eyes glued to his cock rubbing against your fucking leg. Fuck, you wanted it in your mouth so bad. “Let me touch you, Jungkook.”
He leaned forward, lips brushing against your ear, his dark locks brushing against your cheek. His voice was a deep drawl, low and teasing, breath hot against your skin.
“Tell you what,” Jungkook purred. “I’ll let you put the condom on.” You whimpered, disappointed. “And then I’ll fuck you against this wall, nice and hard and fast, not stopping until I cum because of that delicious, sweet, tight pussy of yours.”
If you had any sanity left, it rapidly disappeared as you nodded hastily, wordlessly holding out your hands as Jungkook dropped the condom in your palm. He calmly removed his hand, his thick, fully hard cock erect as you slid the condom down, moaning as you felt the traces of his veins and muscle pulsing under your hands. Once you were done, Jungkook pushed your hands away, not giving you a chance to disobey him.
You pouted. “You’re a jerk.”
He grinned at you, lifting your leg and pinning it to your chest. “And you’re about to get fucked.”
In less than a second, Jungkook thrust his hips up and into you, tearing a gasp from your throat as he rapidly entered you, peeling apart your soaking, abused walls. You bit your tongue, grabbing his dress shirt as he rolled his hips into you again, groaning as he felt you clench around him.
“That’s it, noona,” he exhaled, slamming his hips into you. “You better fucking hold me tight. If I slip out, that’s all the fucking you’ll get from me.”
You whined, feeling him start a bruising pace, hands clamped onto your ass. Whether he was lying or not didn’t matter because you were squeezing your pussy for dear life, crying out as he thrust into you over and over, so full and overstimulated you didn’t know whether to focus on your aching, raw pussy or his cock periodically throbbing inside you, swelling against your walls.
You hooked your leg around his waist, changing the angle, instantly feeling him ram his cock into a deeper, more pleasurable spot. You tipped your head back, eyes rolling up into your head as your mouth opened, tongue sliding out. He pounded you relentlessly, your shoulder blades smacking the wall. Your swollen clit rubbed against the base of his cock repeatedly. Your body was going to ache all over tomorrow, but you still rose your hips to meet his, so drunk on the feeling of his cock stretching you out that nothing else mattered. You came suddenly, wailing Jungkook’s name, pussy spasming and squeezing him but he set his jaw and fucked you even harder, using every ounce of his energy to keep his own orgasm at bay.
“Who owns this body, noona?” he ground out. “Tell me, who owns this fucking body?”
You had to claw for your words, throat so strained your voice was thin. “Y-you do, Jungkook, oh fuck, oh fuck…”
“That’s fucking right,” he growled. “If you cum, it’s for me and only me. No. One. Else.” He punctuated each word by slapping his hips into you, sliding you up into the wall so gravity crashed you back down onto his cock. You moaned, helpless, as he hissed, shoving his face into your tits to moan hotly into your chest as he came, violent, thick jerks of his cock shuddering into you. Quickly, he gripped your hips and pulled up, hissing as half of his cock slid out, cum leaking out of the bottom of the condom and splatting onto the floor.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “Fuck.”
You could barely register anything as he hoisted you onto his shoulder, cursing loudly. Jungkook leaned against the wall with one shoulder, panting, the other half-carrying you, arm wrapped around your waist. The only thing that brought you back to reality was the fact that your bare ass was in the air and your pants were hanging off one leg.
“Jungkook,” you croaked. “Let me down.”
He lowered you, still leaning against the wall, trying to catch his breath. His hair covered almost his whole face, sweaty and glistening. He wiped some sweat off his chin with the back of his hand, flicking it away carelessly.
You pressed your back flat against the wall, using at as leverage to pull your pants back up, wincing at the now familiar cold feeling of your soaked panties meeting your abused pussy. You crouched to collect your sock and your shoe, wincing as pain radiated up your back.
Jungkook chuckled, watching you struggle with your sneaker. “Want help?”
You grunted, shoving it on. “Can we stop fucking in random ass places at school?”
“You said I could fuck you wherever I want, whenever I want,” he teased, giving you an open-mouthed smirk.
You readjusted your bra, putting it back on. You found the two bits of condom wrapping, shoving it in your pocket. “I did, but I want to see you fully naked for once, you punk.”
Jungkook laughed, rich and full. “I support this idea if you’re also fully naked.”
You made a face as you got up, trying to keep your steps steady so you didn’t seem like a drunk idiot. Or someone who just got railed by Jeon Jungkook.
“Give me the condom.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “I was going to drop it here. Mark my territory.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and took it from him as he extended his hand out. “Your buttons did that for you already,” you remarked, tying it up.
He smirked, zipping up his jeans. “You owe me a new shirt.”
“And you owe me new panties, again,” you shot back. “Where are my replacements?”
He shrugged, running a hand through his hair to push it back. Fuck. Open shirt, half-exposed forehead, smug-as-fuck Jungkook got you wet just by looking at him.
“Guess we should go shopping sometime.”
He smiled slyly, patting his pockets. His expression abruptly changed to confusion. He pulled out his wallet and phone, frowning. “Where are my car keys?” He furrowed his brow, looking at his phone. You found your keys and wallet still with you, surprised that they didn’t fall out of your pants. You phone was in your backpack, still in your car. He swiped at his phone, reading his messages.
Jungkook groaned. “I dropped them and Jimin took my car. Bastard.”
Fuck, his fucking deliciously toned and tan chest was distracting you. “I still have my keys,” you muttered, staring at his abs. Suddenly you started, realizing he was advancing on you.
“Oh?” Jungkook purred, opening his shirt wider. The fabric tumbled off his right shoulder, exposing his tattoos. His long dark hair covered part of his right eye, brown orbs glimmering with mischief.
“Wanna take me home, noona?”
part iii
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wondersofdreaming · 3 years
Sex on Fire - 3
Co-written with @radaofrivia​
Characters: AU Captain Syverson - Gynaecologist, dr. Syverson x female reader
Word count: 7.601
Warnings: NSFW! Overthinking. Talking to a dog. Flirting. Nervous energy. A little awkwardness. Smut. 69. Making love. Love. Fluff. The end.
Author’s note: This story was co-written with the lovely @radaofrivia​​ - who wrote the beautiful smutty parts.
The dividers are made by @firefly-graphics
This story is dedicated to all the women who struggle with pain. It doesn’t matter where that pain is, but know that you are not alone.
Please go enjoy her stories here:
Rada’s Masterlist
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Sex on Fire Masterlist
Feedback is appreciated.
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“What have I gotten myself into?
You stood in front of the mirror, having changed into the fifth dress, but nothing you had tried on was good enough for a date with the hottest doctor in town. A loud groan left your lips, making your sister peek inside your room.
“Everything alright in here?” she asked, looking over the room. Clothes were spread everywhere, shoes thrown all over, and you pacing in front of the closet, desperately trying to find something fitting to wear. “Looks like a tornado went through.”
“I have nothing to wear! So please, either come help me or get out,” you snapped. You heard the angry tone in your voice and turned around to face your younger sister, who looked mildly annoyed at you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch.”
“Care to tell me what’s going on? I thought you were excited to go out with the dashing doctor?” She asked and went to sit on the only available space on the bed.
You picked up the five discarded pieces of clothing.
“This,” you held up the first dress, “is too short. He’ll think I’m a whore.”
“Then wear leggings underneath it. Do I need to remind you, sissy, that he has already seen you butt-naked?”
You glared at your sister, feeling she didn’t understand your situation that this date had to be perfect.
What if our attraction was a fluke?
“This,” you showed the second dress, “is too long. He’ll think I’m a prude.”
“Then cut it to the right length.”
What if he thinks I was an easy prey? I was. I practically begged him to fuck me. Fuck!
You were starting to sweat as you held up the third dress.
“This shows too much cleavage. He’ll think I’m trying to seduce the entire restaurant.”
“Wear a shirt under it.”
What if he isn’t taking me to a restaurant? What if we’re going to his place?
You kept rambling about the fourth and fifth dress, and your sister retorted with solutions to each of them.
“Sissy, your thoughts are so loud I think even he can hear them.”
You threw a dress in her face.
“You’re thinking of every possibility that this could go wrong, aren’t you?”
“No…” you mumbled, but a good death stare from your sister made you change your mind from lying, “Yes, I’m scared, Pat. What if he isn’t the man he made me believe he is? What if he’s a serial killer disguised as a vaginal doctor? What if he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing? What if I’m walking right into grandma’s house and get eaten by the big bad wolf?”
“Stop, stop, you’re making no sense whatsoever…”
“And what if he doesn’t like me? What if we don’t have any chemistry? What if… oh my god, what if he only wants me as a fuck-buddy?”
You were pacing around your room, walking through the clothes, kicking the shoes away from your wandering path. Your sister grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on the bed.
“You are overthinking,” she booped your nose, “You are a gorgeous human being, very pretty too, if I have to say so myself. If he was only going to have you as his fuck-buddy, then you either say yes, because God knows you need a good fuck, or you say no because you’re looking for something deeper. And he wouldn’t have asked you on a date if he wasn’t into you! Take a deep breath with me.”
You both inhaled and exhaled, again and again, until your heartbeat wasn’t about to gallop right out of your chest.
“Now that you’re nice and calm… eh, ish, let’s put on some music and get you ready for your date. I have the perfect dress for you to wear tonight, just promise not to spill wine on it.”
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Lucas walked out of the steaming shower, wrapping a large fluffy towel around his hips. His dog, a German Shepherd, was lying on the carpeted bedroom floor by the door. Her brown eyes were staring at him intensely like she knew that he was going somewhere.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can, Aika. And I promise to bring your favourite treat from the restaurant,” he told the dog. Mention of the treat perked her ears up.
Sy chuckled as he started grooming his beard. Then a light went off in his mind.
Fuck, what if she doesn’t like dogs?
He looked apologetically at Aika, who was drooling on the carpet, already tasting the treat on her palate.
Lucas finished in the bathroom and went to his spacious walk-in closet.
“What should I wear, girl?” He asked as if Aika knew what was hot in fashion. She walked over to where he hung his trousers, sniffed a few before picking a grey pair down from the hanger. She then managed to trot over to him with a pair of brown leather shoes.
“Well, thanks, girl, these are perfect. So what do you think, a white shirt or a black shirt?” Sy held each piece up to Aika, and she barked happily at the white shirt, her tail wagging excitedly. The dashing doctor also chose a matching grey suit jacket. He looked himself over in the mirror.
“I really want this to work, Aika,” he mumbled to his dog, who cocked her head to the side. “I think she’s amazing, and I hope she likes dogs because if not, I would be really sad… to say goodbye to you.”
Aika growled at him, making Sy laugh out loud.
“Sorry girl, I’m just kidding, I’m kidding. You belong with me, forever and always,” he scratched her belly. “What do I do if I make an ass out of myself?”
Aika rolled around and let out a loud ‘woof’ as if she was saying that he should just be himself.
“Okay, I’ll do my best. But what if she’s not who I think she is? What do I do then?”
Aika let out a deep rumble from her chest. I’ll bite her sorry ass if she isn’t.
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You walked down the pavement looking for the restaurant Sy had texted you the address of. Sy was standing out front, waiting for you, he looked so handsome in his grey suit, and now you felt you might have been under-dressed. His face lit up in a warm grin, and his eyebrows arched when he saw you moving towards him. You smiled shyly back.
As Sy leaned down to kiss her cheek, you were going for his lips, ending in an awkward angled greeting.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you whispered at the same time he said: “Sorry!”
You stood there, looking down on the pavement, red-faced and suddenly very shy, not knowing what to do next while he was staring at you, not being able to take his eyes off you.
Lucas chuckled and presented his arm.
“Shall we go in?”
He was smiling at you, trying his best not to make your encounter awkward. You took his arm and was led into the restaurant. You looked around at the warm and comfortable atmosphere of the room. Chinese lanterns were hanging down from the loft, casting a soft light over space. The wooden tables had an induction heating plate for the hotpot that could contain either one, two or four different soups. The couple were seated near the covered fishing pond that was placed in the middle of the restaurant, a glass wall surrounding the pond, so no one could fall and get wet. The koi fish were swimming around, showing off their orange, red, white, and black scales. It was a soothing and calming sight and helped you relax in the presence of the handsome doctor.
A waitress came to take your drink orders while you looked through the menu.
“Oh, I don’t know what goes well with anything here,” you said, suddenly feeling so out of place.
“May I suggest one of their beers? They’re really good,” Lucas smiled at you warmly as he gave his drink order. You ordered one of their light and refreshing beers.
You looked down at the menu again. Not knowing what to pick as everything sounded delicious.
“There’s so much food,” you commented with a giggle.
“Do you want to try one of their special menus? That way, you can try a little of everything,” Sy suggested.
“I’d like that.”
The waitress came back with their drinks, and Sy rambled away your order. He ordered the four soup hot pot, various meats, seafood, vegetables, and an enormous amount of different types of noodles.
“How did you come by this place?” You asked, taking a sip of beer.
“I was walking around the neighbourhood one day with my sisters, and one of them wanted dumplings, another some noodles, and the third wanted some soup. I searched for a restaurant that had all three things, and this place popped up. It has become my favourite restaurant in the entire city,” he was a vivid storyteller that doctor.
“You brought me to your favourite restaurant?”
“Well, yes. I know it’s not the most traditional place to have a first date, but the food is amazing,” a pink blush crept up his neck and reached his cheeks.
“I think it’s the perfect place for a first date. I like trying new things,” you assured him, watching as a boyish grin of pride spread on his lips. God, how you wanted to kiss those lips.
“I hope you mean that because here comes the food,” Sy nodded towards the three waiters walking with an extra table full of food and the pot filled with the four soups.
“Oh dear,” you watched as they set the plates full of meat around you. “Are we feeding an army?”
“Trust me, darling, this might not be enough when we first get started,” Sy smiled. He reached for his chopsticks, “Have you eaten with chopsticks before?”
You gasped, pretending to be offended.
“I will let you know, doctor, that I was trained by the best to eat with chopsticks,” you showed him your hold, “My sister loves to get Chinese takeout when none of us feels like cooking, and there’s a restaurant that makes the best potstickers and chow mein.”
“Maybe we can order from there one day,” Sy suggested, his voice soft and full of promises.
“I’d like that. So, how do we do this?” you asked.
Lucas told you about the four different soups. They ranked from not-so-spicy to hell’s gate spicy. He talked about all the different cuts of meat, how to just put the ingredients in the soup, advising that you put in the lotus root first as it took a long time to cook.
While the doctor was talking, you were watching him. Your sole focus was on the way his lips moved and his tongue darting out from time to time. That tongue, that godly tongue.
His voice was rich and deep, so smooth and velvety you wanted to hear him talk forever. He caught you ogling at him.
“Everything alright?” he asked, looking a bit confused.
“Yeah, I was just thinking how amazing you look out of your white coat,” you blurted, making Sy laugh and blush an even deeper shade of pink before turning red.
“Why thank you, but I think the real showstopper tonight is you. You look beautiful,” he complimented.
“You’re just saying that because I complimented you first,” you giggled like a teenage schoolgirl with a crush.
Sy shook his head as he reached for the pieces of meat he had put in the soups. He picked one out and moved the chopsticks closer to your mouth.
“Try this,” he recommended. You closed your mouth around the chopsticks, letting the meat fall on your tongue. The sweet umami flavour of the pork was melting in your mouth, and you let out a soft moan.
Lucas was watching your mouth closely. The mouth that had been sucking him off a few days earlier in his office. The pretty mouth that swallowed his seed. His pants were suddenly feeling very snug around his groin area. Fuck, not now!
Thankfully his horny thoughts were interrupted by your suggestion.
“My turn to feed you,” you dove into the spiciest soup and picked out a dumpling. Why does he look so good? Lord, what is he thinking? Why is he looking at me like that? Something on my face?
Your hand was shaking a bit as you leaned over to give the dumpling to Sy, and then you dropped it, watching in slow motion as gravity did its thing, making the dumpling land on Lucas’ crisp white shirt and then down to his lap it went.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You quickly stood with your napkin and went over to clean the mess you had made. Lucas had picked up the fallen dumpling, not even thinking about the stain the red soup had made. He was having sinful thoughts of you sitting on your knees trying to wash off the red colour with your napkin.
“I ruined your shirt,” you sighed as the stain became worse, and it started to spread the more you rubbed the fabric.
“You’ve made it a habit to ruin my clothes, sunshine,” Lucas chuckled, but his laughter died quickly as you dabbed the napkin on his thigh, moving closer to the hard-on he was willing to go soft, but too late.
Oh, ooooooh.
“Maybe I don’t like that they’re hiding what nature has so gracefully given you,” you smirk up at him, giving him a sultry look.
Lucas swallowed hard. You could see his throat tensing as his Adam's apple bopped up and down. He’s looking you straight in the eyes, trying his best to restrain himself from taking you right then and there.
“God, I love your boldness,” his voice was low, soft, almost velvety, as if he was trying to tell you with the tone of his voice alone how much he wanted you. The smoothness of his voice was sending shivers down your spine, and some part of your brain was signalling that now was the time for you to attack him, rip his clothes off, ride him right there in the chair, not even caring about the people around you.
“Is everything okay?” A waitress asked, interrupting the moment. You snapped out of your lust-filled haze and went back to your chair. Sy coughed, masking his even dirtier thoughts.
“Yes, everything is good. The food is amazing. Can we get two shots of baijiu?” he asked, suddenly in need of something strong to stay put during dinner.
The waitress came back with the shots. Lucas held up his glass.
“Cheers,” he said and downed the clear liquid in one go, but you took a small sip.
“Oh shit, it’s burning my throat,” you gasped, putting the shot down.
“Believe me, you’re going to need all of it until we’ve finished eating,” Sy hinted at something more.
You inhaled the shot, letting the fire spread throughout your chest all the way down to your thighs and throbbing core. Your brain was slowly getting fuzzier, giving you the courage to ask him what had been on your mind since he asked you on the date.
“What are we, doctor?” You blurted, not thinking about how loud you actually were. You continued as you watched confusion spread on his handsome face: “What are you looking for in a partner? Are we going to be a no-strings-attached kind of thing? Casual hookup?”
You stopped and took a deep breath, waiting for his answer. You watched his lips, trying to avoid his eyes. If he wanted a ‘friends with benefits’-relationship, you would be devastated.
“There’s nothing casual about you, buttercup,” Sy was surprised by what you had just told him. He couldn’t deny the connection there was between the two of you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt it deep in his guts that there was something more, and he wanted to be more for you. “I want to get to know you. I want to explore the deep connection that we have and see where it leads us. What about you? What are you looking for?”
“I… I want that too. Because to me, this. What we have is too good to be just an emotionless thing,” you started, “I feel safe around you, Lucas. I don’t know why, but I do. Do I make any sense? Because I feel like I’m just sitting here rambling…”
Lucas grabbed your hands across the table, avoiding the soups. He caressed the soft skin over your knuckles. His protective instinct was on overload, he wanted to protect you, and his heart was racing from hearing you say that you felt safe around him.
“You make sense to me, bug.”
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Your first date had been perfect, so were the following dates afterwards. Lucas Syverson was the perfect gentleman and taken it like a champ when you had asked to take things slow, especially with you not knowing if it was still going to hurt when having sex. You wanted to have your ‘problem’ solved before you took that all-intimate next step with Sy. You built a beautiful relationship and a strong friendship from your attraction.
Lucas had invited you out for lunch one day. He asked about how it was going with the new gynaecologist he had recommended, a woman, as he wasn’t keen on knowing another man touching you in such an intimate place. You told him that you had been referred to a physiotherapist and was going to see a specialist in vaginal diseases.
With time you hurt less and less, and it was with the support from your sister and Sy that you continued the different treatments the doctors gave you. You stretched out muscles in your abdominal area. You used soap that was for intimate use only. You even started using an anaesthetic gel to relax the nerves in your vagina by Sy’s recommendation. You had cursed him all the way to hell the first time you’d used it, even as far as telling him that it burnt worse than the alcohol shot he made you drink at the Hot Pot restaurant. You were walking like you’d ridden a horse all day long until the burning stopped after a few minutes, and Sy had kept his laughter to himself, not wanting to hurt your feelings, but when you had started giggling from looking at yourself in the mirror, he couldn’t stop the roaring laughter either.
Sy was very helpful when you were exercising. He had made the stretching into a game of some sort. You might not be having sex, but you could still tease each other, orally or with your hands, anything to build intimacy between the two of you. He was determined to make the process sexy and fun, not dull and boring.
You asked him to penetrate you a few times but had to tell him to pull out because the pain became too intense. Sy was extremely understanding, and he helped you through the crying afterwards, as you felt that you were never going to heal again. He loved that you were comfortable enough around him to tell him to stop, and you felt so safe with him.
It became your goal not only to have sex but to be penetrated without the pain. And you would get there eventually. For now, you would just bask in the afterglow of a good make-out session with Lucas on the sofa.
You had always felt that there was a part of you missing, a vital part, and now, with Lucas, you felt whole. You couldn’t go a day without at least texting him, saying you missed him, or when you were together, and he went to the bathroom, you missed him. When you had to go home the following day after a night of cuddling, you missed him the minute you walked out the door. Both of you felt like you were addicted to the other. It was almost becoming an obsession.
Life with a boyfriend like Sy was amazing, incredible, fantastic. He was everything you needed without having known it. And Lucas loved to have someone he could take care of, protect and maybe even love. Sy had never felt this way about anyone before. It was a fantastic feeling to have this wonderful woman he could call his girlfriend. His.
Not only were you an extraordinary human being: you also loved animals just as much as he did. If you were allowed animals in the apartment you lived in with your sister, you would have filled it already. Sy had let out a breath of relief when you’d told him. You and Aika had become cuddle buddies whenever you were visiting Lucas. The German Shepherd would completely ignore Sy and follow you around instead, and Lucas was only happy to share his girl with his other girl. The sense of having found you excited him, completed him and made him so happy.
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There are two kinds of tired: one that needs a good night's sleep and one that needs so much more. Lucas fell into the second category. He was both physically and mentally exhausted from a long and hard day at work, and he also had to face the guilt for ruining your plans for a quiet dinner.
“Plans are made to be changed,” you told him when he called you to cancel your dinner plans and suggest grabbing something to eat and spend the evening at his place instead.
"And I really like the sound of staying in and just cuddling with you, big bear," you whispered in your phone so your colleagues wouldn’t hear you.
"Big bear?"
"Yes, you're massive, hairy and just like a big cuddly teddy bear," finishing the phrase you noticed that one of your colleagues, Rita, was looking at you, chuckling at your big bear comment. You cleared your throat and with all the seriousness you could muster you told Sy: “I can’t talk right now. Call me when you get here,” and quickly ended the call, turning to her, “he’s an activist for the conservation of big brown bears.”
“Yeah, right,” she laughed. “Have fun with your bear-man, girl, you don’t need to explain yourself.” She winked at you and went about her work.
To your dismay, Lucas didn’t follow your instructions and decided that would be the day he showed his face to your work coming into the library to pick you up. He walked into the place, standing tall, his long strides and posture showing a sense of confidence and ease. He was as handsome as always, in his dress jacket, white shirt and jeans. Upon entering the library, he took off his sunglasses revealing his cobalt blue stare that made people stop in their tracks and this time was no different.
“Oh my God!” You heard your colleague gasping next to you when she laid eyes upon him. A small grin formed on your face to her reaction. You watched your man getting closer, noticing that his face looked tired, something only you would notice. The moment your eyes met a warm, sweet smile spread on his gorgeous lips, lighting up his face.
“Do they accept new members in the bear conservation club?” She asked not too loud, but loud enough for Sy to hear, who was standing right in front of you now. You blushed from embarrassment and broke eye contact with him. His soft laughter brought your eyes back on him.
"Sadly all positions have been filled up," he countered looking directly at you with a lopsided grin. “Ready to go home, sunshine?” You nodded excited, picking up your things quickly and moving on Lucas’ side, looping your arm around his offered elbow.
“Have a good evening, Rita,” you said giddily, looking back at her as she was fanning herself trying to cool off to the sight of Sy’s behind.
"What would you like to eat for dinner?" Sy asked as he opened the car door.
"You," you whispered silently.
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In the shower, the water came down warm and soothing, washing the weariness and bad energy of the day off of Lucas’ body. He took some time for himself to relax and find his balance again. But the thought of you sitting on the other side of the wall made him impatient. He needed to be close to you.
Aika whimpered at you, licking your fingers and begging for another treat. You were lying on Sy’s bed, flipping through channels, nibbling at the leftovers of your Chinese takeout, with a comfortable, fluffy pillow behind you, soft and crisp sheets underneath you and Aika laying across your lap, sharing the guilty pleasure of eating in bed with you.
“Shhh, girl! Do you want him to hear us?” You whispered at her, feeding her another bite of the delicious potstickers you had for dinner. She gulped the treat and then licked your hand in gratitude. “Eating in bed is the best, right Aika?” You told her in a colluding way, scratching your accomplice behind her ears. You knew that Sy didn’t approve of eating in bed nor sharing food with Aika, so you both were on the lookout for when he would finish his shower. You didn’t want him to find out the ‘magic tricks’ you had used to gain Aika’s trust so fast.
The moment you heard Sy turning off the water, you both jumped up, Aika taking her usual place at the foot end of the bed acting all cool, and you ran to hide the evidence in the kitchen and wash your hands from the grease. In a minute, you were back in bed pretending you were watching TV. Of course, you had no idea what was on.
“What are my girls doing?” The bathroom door opened, and Sy came out with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. He leaned lazily on the door frame, smiling in all his wet, half-naked glory, making you choke on your own drool. Quickly, you gathered yourself trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“Nothing special, just sitting here and relaxing.”
Sy walked across the room heading for his dresser that was on your side. Your eyes followed every move he made, studying even the tiniest dent and bump his muscles formed. At the view of his butt, a very unladylike sound escaped your throat.
‘Everything ok, sweetheart?” Lucas asked absentmindedly while looking for his underwear.
“Mh-mm,” you nodded, turning your eyes to the TV. There was a short pause after you heard him close the drawer.
“Babe, is there something you want to tell me?” You craned up your head to meet his eyes. His face was serious. The only thing that kept you from worrying was a small twitch of a smile on his lips. Oh, his lips.
“Huh? Like what?” You asked puzzled.
“I don't know, maybe you want to confess something?” Your mind started racing, a hundred thoughts per second: you are so hot, take off that towel, take me now, how lucky can a girl be, you are perfect, I love you. What? Where did that come from?
“Uhh, no. I don’t think so,” you mumbled trying to hide the instant blushing on your face.
“Don’t you think that trust and openness are important, darling?” He leaned over you, his hand running over your jaw. So busted! But how?
“Of course!” You gulped, readying yourself for the revelation.
“Then can you tell me, why are there crumbs on the bed, bug?”
“What?” That was not what you were expecting.
“Aika?” Sy turned to the German shepherd. She whimpered, hiding her snout in her paws and quickly left the room.
“Traitor,” you muttered.
“I thought we had an agreement on this,” Sy spoke softly, putting on his underwear and sweatpants and headed to his side of the bed.
“I want her to like me,” you confessed in a small, guilty voice.
Lying down, Lucas let a deep sigh out, finally being able to relax and cuddle with his girlfriend. He pulled you closer letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Baby, you don’t need to buy her off. I’m sure that Aika loved you the first moment she met you… just like her owner.” Sy’s voice drifted off as he started zoning out, feeling so relaxed in your arms. Your breath caught in your throat, gazing at him like you saw the sun for the first time after an eternity of darkness. You wanted to say so many things but couldn’t find the words to bring out of your head. The only thing you could utter was:
“Wrap your arms around me,” you felt the need to be close to him, lost in him.
“How’s that?” He murmured with his eyes closed.
“Perfect.” He brought his face in your hair, inhaling deeply from your scent.
“Mmmmm, you smell amazing.” This felt so right to him, holding you and being held. He tightened his arms around you. Being in his embrace felt so soothing, calming and safe to you, that you let out a soft purring sound.
“Did you just purr?” He opened his eyes, a huge grin forming on his face.
“I think you did.”
“Uh-oh,” you said lazily, burying your face into his neck.
“Alright. But in case you did, I find it really cute.’’ He let you know in his deep, soft and gentle voice.
“I might have…” Your admission made you both dissolve into laughter allowing you to release all the pent up energy. Once out of your laughing fit, you were both left gazing into each other’s eyes. It was you who made the first move, bringing your hand on his cheeks, your fingers idly playing with the curls in his beard before you kissed him, slowly at first, lips tracing lips, becoming deeper, bolder and more intense as your tongues danced in a passionate rhythm. The moan that escaped his mouth when you finished the kiss, gently biting and tagging his lower lip set you on fire.
Sy felt he was on cloud nine. His head was spinning with giddy happiness. The way your body was moulded to fit him like a puzzle piece. His heart was galloping, his mind was going crazy, his feelings were all over the place with joy and love, he felt loved, so loved. But the minute you moved to sit in his lap, grinding against him as if you were riding a horse, his mind was transported to another place, only thinking about how good the friction between you felt, he wanted so bad to make love to you, to make you feel as good as you were doing to him at the moment.
He was still lost in your kiss, basking in your touch with his eyes closed as you kissed your way from his neck to his ear whispering:
“Baby, I think I'm ready.”
He opened his eyes, blinking lazily. At first, he didn’t understand what you were talking about. He looked straight into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed with question. You caressed his face softly, waiting for realisation to hit him. The smile on your face, the feeling in your eyes soon let him in on the meaning of your words. His heart had skipped a beat as he truly grasped your words. You saw the surprise register on his face, his breathing quickened, his lips parted ever so slightly, his hands stilling on the lower part of your back and a faint wrinkle showed between his eyebrows. And then immediately his short-lived surprise gave its place to happiness shining through his eyes, fueled with desire as the colour of his blue orbs turned to a dark navy ring around his full-blown pupils.
His arms wrapped around you and you felt him pulling you onto his chest. You could feel the urgency in his movements, there was raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around the fabric of your dress. He claimed your lips once again, kissing you deeply, absorbing every detail of the moment, your scent, the weight of your body against his, all the feelings that were washing over him, raising a wave of heat inside him.
The taste of him stripped you from all your thoughts, fears and senses. His kiss, hungry and intense, ignited a fire inside you. Your palms were flat on his chest, your fingers were trying to dig into his skin as if wanting to hold on for dear life before you let go of all inhibitions and get lost in him. His hands trailed down your neck, never releasing your mouth from the hot, wet kiss he had you captured. Your body reacted to his touch, sending shivers down your spine and making you moan. You brought your hands to his deep brown curls, carding your fingers through them, tugging at his roots, to feel a little bit of control as your sanity was in the balance of tipping over. The little pain that he experienced made him exude more lust, he loved how you took control, as he could unwind and let you loose.
With one strong arm around your waist, he gathered you up and moved you both to a sitting position, letting you sit astride his lap. His fingers dug into your hips and pulled you closer to him, pressing your core to his straining bulge. You couldn’t help but grind against him, letting your instinct take over. Your kissing grew more passionate, more urgent, muffled moans and gasps filling the room. Sy brought his hands on your breast, kneading the soft flesh over the light fabric of your sundress and realising that you had no bra on. A throaty noise escaped him as he broke the kiss, looking at you with blazing eyes.
“You had it planned all along, you little minx!” he growled, his thumbs tracing your perky nipples through the thin layer, weakening your core, making you lean your forehead against his for purchase. He could feel the warmth coming off your skin through the lite fabric, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to touch you, he wanted to see the delicate, subtle flesh of your breasts.
You could feel the feral animosity inside him, as you kept grinding your core to his groin. You had never seen him like this before. His hands were eager to touch more than just your dress. Before you could think about taking the dress off, it was ripped from your chest, the fierce action kicking the breath out of you. Buttons flew in every direction and landed on the soft carpeted floor.
“That was my favourite dress,” you said in a shuddering voice, watching him take in the image of your naked body like a starving beast.
“Payback time,” he snarled. He studied you, running a finger over your breastbone slowly down to your stomach, his eyes following the invisible trail his touch burnt on your skin. He left a wet kiss on your chest and licked his way to one of your nipples, taking it into his mouth, torturing it with his tongue and tugging it with his teeth making it even harder. Although his moves were slow, you could feel how aroused and ravenous he was, his breathing shallow and fast just like yours. You closed your eyes, burying your face in his hair, feeling him everywhere; his lips on your breasts, his fingers pressing into the flesh of your lower back, his erection stirring between your legs. His scent and taste defined your reality now.
Sliding your hand between your bodies and pressing firmly on his arousal made him growl like a wild animal against your skin. He looked up at you with lustful eyes ordering you to take off your clothes. The demand in his husky voice stole your breath for a second. He commanded and needed you at the same time. You stood up obediently, let the dress fall down to your ankles, slowly peeled off your panties down your legs and stepped out of them with small moves while watching him watching you.
You crawled back onto the bed languidly, wrapping your fingers at the waistband of his sweatpants, removing them slowly along with his black boxer briefs, revealing his throbbing manhood and his muscular thighs. He stared at your face through half-lidded eyes with desire, taking in how you ran your tongue over your lips at the sight of the glistening precum that oozed from the top of the head, showing your eagerness to taste him.
He pulled you against his body, holding you close, feeling the warmth of your body skin on skin, your breasts pressed into his chest and his erection straining against your body. His lips captured yours in a deep passionate kiss, owning your very existence.
“The things I wanna do to you, right now,” he moaned in your mouth, locking eyes with you.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to make you come. Hard.”
“Mmm, how?” you purred, biting your lower lip to the suggestion. His eyes fell on your lips again and a small wicked grin appeared on his.
“Ride my face and I’ll show you,” his voice low and heavy with desire. His words sparked an adventurous excitement inside you, making your heart start racing. A bold smile appeared on your face taking up his challenge and the look of awe in the doctor’s eyes gave you the courage to move over, stride his beard, facing towards his body. His strong hands guided your knees on either side of his head and then trailed over your body, adoring every inch of it.
The beautiful close up of your dripping core mere inches from his eager mouth made him salivate, yearning for the taste of you. His tongue started tracing the inner of your thighs, writing small circles on the sensitive skin, lazily finding his way to your lips, licking, sucking, and making them beautifully wet. But his hands on your butt cheeks, kneading the round flesh with fervour showed you that he was impatient to dive into the main course immediately.
A warm, coiled tension started building up inside you, feeling your muscles quivering in anticipation. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding on the soft bristles of his beard, the variation in textures making you weak. You leaned slightly forward, putting your hands on his stomach to hold on, the small change in angle intensifying the sensation and giving him more space to navigate. You couldn’t tell the difference between his lips or tongue. All you could feel was just a nice, sloppy warm mess. A loud gasp escaped you when you felt his tongue run over your opening, lapping your juices.
“You taste like honey,” he grunted into your core, the vibration of his bass hitting you hard. He didn’t wait for you to answer, he went on with his smooth, wet and warm stimulation. When he hit your clit, your whole body shuddered in his tight grip. The effect he had on you made his cock jump. You leaned lower, putting your mouth on him, your fingers wrapping around the base of his shaft. You felt his body jerk upon contact and he tried to drown a curse clenching his teeth, causing you to laugh around him. But you didn’t stop, taking him deeper, giving him the attention he needed.
For a moment, he let himself get lost in your ministrations, having your eager, soft tongue wrapped around him, eyes closed, moaning deep, feeling he was growing bigger and harder in your mouth. You took advantage of his openness and brought your hand over his sack, massaging it softly, accelerating the pace, your tongue twirling around his glands every time your lips were around his head.
His hips thrust up involuntarily, searching to go deeper into the wetness of your mouth. You felt like you had the upper hand, loving the power he granted you over him, the naughty side of you wanting to make this a race of who was going to come first. But you should have known better, Sy wouldn’t let you have this one. He pressed his tongue flat on your core, intensifying the sensation and then ran it over your opening and sliding it inside you. You couldn’t keep the needy moan from escaping, feeling his tongue teasing your moist entrance and penetrating you.
Your focus was lost and so was your balance. You leaned your forehead on his pelvis, concentrating on all the pleasure he was giving you, stroking him slowly with your hand.
"Don't stop,” you whimpered, feeling the warmth of your orgasm spreading all over you. He pulled you closer against his face and shoved his tongue deeper inside you, fucking you at a frantic pace while his beard set your clit on fire. Your legs started trembling, his firm grip not allowing you to move away from him, the light tremors of your orgasm building into an earthquake, making you shudder and scream.
“God, Luc! Your tongue is magical,” you gasped as you collapsed on the bed, panting with your eyes closed. You heard his deep chuckle and felt the bed shift as he moved over, lying next to you. His arm wrapped around your waist and he scattered small kisses on your shoulder and collarbone, his beard wet from your nectar left a cooling sensation on your skin. You turned to face him, bringing your hand on his jaw, guiding him into a deep kiss. His kisses were always a delicious treat but now that you tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, it made you feel amazing and aroused again.
Never breaking your kiss, Sy laid on top of you, his weight spreading your legs apart. You couldn’t stop your hands from tracing his taut body, relishing in the texture of his muscles. You could feel he was tense, his strength, his heat increasing as he was taking over you and you couldn’t get enough of it. You needed this. You wanted to watch his face as he came inside you, to have his sweat all over you and you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. And neither could he.
He fought to control his movements and the urge to claim you hard, pouring all his passion on you. He needed his mind to take over the primal, animal instinct he was feeling at that moment. He was too far gone by now, his whole body aflame. Your voice brought him back.
“Lucas,” you whispered more breath than voice.
“Say it again. Say my name,” he said in your ear, his voice a low groan.
“Lucas, do it.”
His expression was one of intense concentration, replaced by wide sensation, as he eased slowly inside you. His thrust was slow, gentle, allowing your body to get used to his size and open up for him. You took in a deep breath as your body prepared for that familiar feeling of pain to come and tensed up but his kisses, his bites, his touch, his fire engulfed you, making you relax and forget about everything. Without even being aware of it, your pelvises touched and there you were, one deep inside the other. The realization alone made you both gasp, staring at each other with awe.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sy murmured, the overwhelming feeling choking him.
You paused for a moment, running a mental check before nodding faintly and breathing: “More”.
Sy took a moment trying to catch his breath and allowing you to catch yours. Eventually, your bodies unwinded and your breaths almost synced. With slow, soft thrusts he started moving inside you, claiming your mouth at the same slow, languid pace. Your bodies now were the closest they could be. The intense feeling of your tightness made him moan against your lips.
“I can feel every muscle inside you moving,” he gasped, “and it feels fucking incredible.”
"I love the way you feel inside me," you said, your voice giving away a slight hint of breaking, feeling a lump in your throat. You just needed to say it, tell him before your heart burst.
"I love the way I feel inside you," he let out a low content groan, not picking up your emotional overload.
"I love that I can trust you," you went on, closing your eyes trying to contain your feelings, trying to find comfort in his motions, rocking back and forth inside you.
The tears in your voice were more evident, making Sy stop and look at you with worry on his face.
"Baby... Look at me."
You couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes, you didn't want to ruin this moment for both of you.
"It's OK, bug. I'm here for you. Open your eyes."
"I love how you are always here for me," you gasped an intense sob ripping through you. "I-I love... you."
His eyes travelled from your lips forming those three words to your eyes, gazing inside them, finding your soul and claiming it as his own. He saw you, really, truly saw you and loved what was there. He tenderly caressed your face with his fingertips, wiping away the trail of your tears. He placed a feathery kiss on your lips and whispered:
"I love you too."
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This is going to be so CUTEEE!!
Their Favorite Memory With You
Character x !fem reader, everyone (you and the characters) are aged up!!
(h/c)= hair color, (l/n)= last name
Tenya Iida-
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Tenya's favorite memory with you was your guy's wedding day. You and Tenya were inseparable, ever since you two got together in U.A. You two have been together since you both were around 15 and 16 years old, you're currently 24 and 25. It was always known that you guys were probably going to get married, which you always loved the idea of.
It was spring, your wedding day was quickly approaching. The cherry blossom leaves were falling, all different shades of pink and white. It was warm but not too hot, everything was perfect. The beautiful forest behind the venue, there were white benches and the front had this wonderful rock half-wall. The wedding was started, Tenya was at the front with his hands by his side, his brother Tensei as the best man standing next to him. Everyone was seated and waiting, then the melody started playing. It was being played by a piano, and it sounded beautiful. Everyone stood up, then he saw you. He could feel his heart stop, you were wearing a white wedding dress, a ball gown silhouette, and lace towards the bottom. Tenya had a wide smile, he could feel his heart race. Your (h/c) hair was pulled up into a tight bun, with a long veil with lace.
You got to the altar, and the ceremony went on. As it went on, you would sniffle every now and then and you would hear him choke up some. Whenever it got to vows, you almost broke. "Tenya, I'm so glad that I can marry you and spend every day with you. Whenever we first met I didn't realize how much I would love you, but now I know I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. I love you so much and I'm so happy that I can be your wife." You say, tearing up with joy. "(y/n), you motivate me so much to become a better person and hero. I'm so happy to have you in my life, and even happier I get to marry you. You're the love of my life." He said, wiping away a quick tear. Then it finally got to the end, you said your "I do"'s and you were officially married. Whenever you heard "you may kiss the bride!" Tenya immediately grabbed you and kissed you.
Katsuki Bakguou-
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His favorite memory would have to be bringing home your first child. Whenever you and Katsuki first moved in together, you never imagined getting married and let alone having a child together. You guys were around 26 and 28, Katsuki being older, and were engaged.
Then you found out you were pregnant, Katsuki was excited but scared. With him being a pro hero he knew that it would be a bit tougher, but honestly, the pregnancy was a breeze, well kind of. Of course, there was the morning sickness, the swollen feet, but you wouldn't trade it for anything. 9 months passed and your sweet baby girl was here, she looked like a mixture of you and him but his genes definitely showed up more. She has a lot of his facial features, his classic red eyes, but had your (h/c) hair and nose. The day you brought Hazuki, meaning leaf and moon, home you both were a nervous wreck. "Babe you can move a bit faster than that." You say laughing, your fiance was currently moving like a sloth, trying not to wake her up. He rolls his eyes and starts going towards her nursery. It was decorated with blush pink curtains, a white crib with a cute flower baby blanket hanging on the side, and her name above the crib. You were making some hot tea, to help with your headache and body aches, and you overheard Katsuki.
"This is your crib, your mom worked really hard to paint it. I know it's a boring color, I suggested something close to explosions but we made a comprise." You smile, he was talking to Hazuki. "Daddy loves you so much, and any boy, or girl, or anyone in general, tries to pick on you or mess with you, I'll kick their butts." You giggled and walk in there, he was rocking her slowly back and forth. "Babe? Put her in the crib so she can sleep, you can talk about kicking butt later." You say while smiling, he frowned, "dumbas- I mean dumb butt, were you listening?" You nod and kiss him. "You're already an amazing father Bakugou." He smiled, like one of those really big smiles full of joy and not destruction. "She's going to beat every kid, and she's going to have an amazing quirk!" He exclaims, you quickly shush him, as Hazuki started to coo slightly. "Now come on, let's go get some lunch and sleep while we can." You say whispering, and giggling a bit. He nods and puts her into her crib gently, and follows you into the living room.
Shoto Todoroki-
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Shoto's favorite of you two was definitely when you two first met. It was around 5 years ago, you were at a coffee shop ordering a hot cup of coffee. It was winter, there was white, fluffy snow everywhere. "Here you go ma'am, have a good day." The barista says, you smile and nod, taking your coffee.
You pulled out your buzzing phone, it was your mother calling. She found this puppy in her old neighborhood so she's been updating you all about it. You sigh and start typing, when you do, you run into something. You and the man flew back, coffee went everywhere, and you landed on the floor. Before you look up at see him, you're already apologizing. "I'm so sorry! I should of been paying attention!" You exclaim, embarrassed about not paying attention. You can hear a slight chuckle and see him extend his hand out. You grab it and stand up, you look at him and focus on all of his features. He had half white and half red hair, one brown eye and one icy blue eye, and a big scar on his cheek. You frown, "I'm sorry seriously, I should of been paying attention." You say as you look at his shirt, you gasp. His shirt, his poor white shirt got ruined. "No it's fine, I should of stopped and paid attention." He says, you sigh. "Can I at least buy you another shirt? Or pay for dry cleaning?" He laughs, "no, no it's fine. I have others at home." You laugh a bit and put your phone back into your purse.
"Can I treat you to another coffee?" You ask, trying to make it up. He pauses for a second, "you know what? Let's go get a hot tea, I know this tea shop." He doesn't even give you a second to answer and he starts to walking, you quickly following behind him. At that tea shop you both talked about your lives, you found out his name is Shoto Todoroki, you found out more about his quirk, and even found out he was a pro hero! "It was awesome talking to you Shoto," you say while holding out your hand, "hopefully we can hang out more!" You say with a smile. He smiles and shakes your hand. "Here let me give you my number, and then we can text each other at first." He starts writing his number down and gives it to you smiling, "maybe we can have another day like this." You nod, and from that day on you've been close! A week later you guy's actually went on a date to this restaurant downtown. Now five years later, you both are dating and living together in your cozy apartment. You also have a cat named Gizmo!
Denki Kamanari-
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You are Denki have been together for around four years or so. His favorite memory has to be how he recently proposed! The day was hot and you were by the ocean. There was kids laughing, sand castles everywhere, and people surfing.
You and Denki were sitting by the ocean on a light blue beach towel. You were wearing a light green, wrap one piece swimsuit. "Babe come on! You have to go surfing at least once in your life!" He exclaims, you roll your eyes and laugh. "Calm down, calm down let me make sure our stuff doesn't get washed away." You say, standing up. "Hey babe, actually can you do something for me?" You turn around, looking at him. "Can you go and buy a cooler? I know I seen some in the gift shop." You looked at him confused, "a cooler?" He nods, "remember ours broke and plus we have drinks to keep cool!" You sigh and grab your beach bag, "fine, I'll be back." You say as you leave for the shop. As you went shopping, Denki set up and went through with his perfect idea. He has been planning on proposing to you, he even has the ring with him. He's been carrying it around for months trying to plan the best proposal ever. Denki wants everything perfect, just for you. He drew out the words "will you marry me (y/n)?" on the beach.
Whenever you got back, you were furious. "Cooler in the shop my ass, all they had was cringey shirts." You mumble to yourself. You saw his yellow hair and frowned, not seeing the words drawn in the sand. Before you took a step closer, Denki yells out "look at the ground!" It's obviously confused but you didn't really question it. "Huh?" You say while looking down, and then that's when you see it. Your eyes fill with tears of joy, and Denki comes up to you. He kneels down on one knee, holding up a ring. "Will you make me the happiest man and marry me (y/n)?" He asks, you nod your head yes. He smiles and puts the ring on your finger, standing up. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He says while you hug him tightly. That was the best day for you two, soon as you could and got to your phone, you told everyone.
I hope you liked this! It was so cute to make!
I hope you have a great day!
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Let me spoil you, baby
Y/n’s Pov
Dating Vinnie wasn't what I expected I never was a big social media person but everyone and their uncle has tiktok. Chances are if you have tiktok you have seen Vinnie so needless to say I had a major crush on him. After seeing all the seemingly “Perfect” girls he hung around with. I never thought I had a chance, ya know besides the fact that I was a nobody. However living in LA is never boring and it never disappoints I saw Vinnie's cute ass on melrose, I'm not what you would call a “skinny” girl I have relatively small breast and a pleasantly plump butt as my mother would say. I'm not ashamed of my less then flat stomach either I don't need anyones approveal to be happy with myself. However back when I first met Vinnie that was a different story I was too shy to come up to him and say hello so I just admired him from where I was standing before walking away right passed him and his friends.
I walked into the nearest store and began to look at clothes picking out a pair of nice mom jeans and a vintage Cheech and Chong shirt. I heard the bell attached to the top of the door jingle as I walk to the jewelry part of the store I began to look at the earnings and necklaces. “How’s your day been so far beautiful?” I look up towards the voice ready to tell them to fuck off but I look up to see Vinnie Fucking Hacker. I quickly recover and Smile pulling myself together “I've had a great day! how has your day been?” I smile at him “it was alright but like 10 minutes ago I think I saw the most beautiful woman in my life walk into this store so I had to pray and hope that she didn't leave.” I widen my eyes looking around seeing no one “Did she leave?” Vinnie let out a laugh “No I'm actually talking to her, if you have time I would love to grab coffee or lunch with you, right now, on me of course!”
I drop my mouth a little before looking around for the cameras “um I would love too... My names Y/n by the way, I won't lie to you I know who you are Vinnie.” I say with a sad tone half expecting him to cancel “good now I don't have to explain why people are taking pictures of me” he says as he holds out his hand “are you ready to check out or are you still shopping?” he says with a small smile “Oh yea I'm ready I can always come back anyway” I smiled back at him as I grab his hand and walk towards the cashier setting down my clothes and jewelry she quickly rings then up “That’s gonna be $357.45.” I smile and start to take my card out when suddenly Vinnie hands her 400 hundred dollars I turn to him with my mouth wide “Why did you just do that please get your money back” Vinnie laughed at me grabbing his change and the receipt “you can pay it back to me by going to dinner with me again tomorrow?” I look at him we haven’t even gotten food yet and he’s trying to schedule another date “your not paying for my food this time or next though you just lost those privileges” I say with a sassy attitude grabbing my bag and walking out Vinnie following close behind.
Fast forward to now we never really tried to hide our relationship we just let it grow naturally and didn’t speak on it. Everyone has recently been hating on me jealous girls calling me ugly and fat, at first it didn't even affect me. I know Vinnie love me but in the back of my mind it bothered me it hurt my feelings. I didn't tell Vinnie, I don't want him to feel bad or worry there is nothing anyone can do to make them stop so I just lived with it. It's been 3 weeks since I've been getting hate in my DMs on every platform everyday I wake up and it keeps piling up. I look at them again before clicking my phone off and getting in the shower to release some tension and stress.
Vinnie's Pov
“Alright ill see you guys later!” I yelled at the boys running up to my door step we just got back from the skate park and I was so Gross and sweaty. I open the door and make my way upstairs as I walked into Y/n and I’s room slipping off my shoes and stripping myself of all my sweaty clothing except my boxers I fall flat on the bed. “Ouch” I said as I felt my forehead connect to a hard surface “what the fuck” I said in a soft voice holding my head I look down and see Y/n phone a smirk spreading across my face. I'm gonna tweet weird things off her twitter I think to myself as I open her phone I see her DMS are open and people are saying some pretty nasty things I look at the other social media platforms. I'm shocked and I'm pissed how could they even say such thing about Y/n the sweetest, most humble and beautiful person I have ever met or seen for that matter. I click off the phone and place it on the bed side table hearing the shower turn off quickly I pick up my clothes off the floor and shut the door I watch as my beautiful girlfriend comes out “boo.” I say behind her seeing her jump in the air slightly “fuck baby you scared me” she said turning around kissing my lips before turning and grabbing her lotion. Now usually when Y/n gets out of the shower she drops her towel and puts on lotion before getting dressed this time she picks it up along with her clothes and speeds off to the bathroom quickly shutting the door. “What are you doing sweetie?” I ask softly before tapping on the door “n-nothing...just getting dressed”
I bit my lip slightly “baby this doesn't have to do with what I saw on your phone does it?” no reply so I tried the doorknob and it was locked “baby let me in please” I hear sniffles and shuffling “let me g-get dressed fir-” I growl slightly not even noticing “now princess” I once again her shuffling before the door clicks. Pulling the poor open I rushed in seeing Y/n naked and basically covering herself looking at the ground “oh no baby look at me” I say softly walking over to her “please beautiful” she sniffles before looking at me I see tears are running down her face. I simply kiss them away “please don't hide yourself from me baby” I kiss her cheeks and her forehead “I love you and I care about you I think you're perfect” I say before kissing her lips. Slowly she dropped her arms kissing me back harder I take my hands to her thighs picking her up which we usually don't do she would always complain and get uncomfortable. This time was no different “mmm no vinnie put me down” I kissed her lips squeezing her thighs “i got you I promise baby just to the bed” she finally wraps her legs around me her arms leaving the wall going to my hair. She wasn't even hard to lift let alone carry 20 feet I wish she didn't think and feel this way about her self. I walked her straight to a wall completely skipping the bed.
“I'm gonna show you how beautiful and amazing you are my sweet girl” I began kissing her lips and grinding against her my hard shaft against her bare clit moans spilling out of her mouth immediately. I grab her full breast in my hands playing with her soft nipples as I kiss down her neck whimpers coming from her mouth. My hard cock grinding harder against her as my mouth attacks one of her nipples my hand attacking the other pinching and pulling. Her moans get louder as I switch nipples I leave little hickeys on her boobs and chest making my way up her neck. I could feel her legs gripping onto me and her hips thrusting against mine “oo-ooh shit Vin... I'm gonna cum” she says in a hot breathy tone I kiss her lips pulling one of her knees up onto my shoulder and gasp leaves her mouth letting me enter my tongue I grind faster as I abuse her sweet mouth with my tongue swallowing her moans and pants. Her thighs shaking slightly pulling away I kiss her cheeks grabbing her other leg tossing it over my shoulder so her full body weight was against me and the wall. Her sweet pussy staring me in the face I could smell her and I moaned spreading her legs wider hearing her gasp I smirk “you smell so good baby mind if I have a taste?” she just whines and kicks her legs slightly “mmm I'll take that as a yes baby.”
I say with a smirk dropping my head slightly my nose poking around her clit and my tongue plunged as deep as I could possibly get in moans spilling from my mouth as her taste fills my mouth. Clouds cover my brain all I can think about is making my baby cum. I was making a deep growling sound in my chest and didn't even notice it everytime she tried to pull away from my mouth and nose it got louder almost like a warning to stay still. “Ahh Vinnie baby please” I started to get curious and before I know it I feel my tongue swipe across her pink button and load moan and gasp along with her grinding her hips into my face I assume she likes it. I do it again this time swirling around it making it known I'm doing it on purpose “Vinnie why are you doing that?” she say grinding against me “Do you want me to stop?” I answer her question with a question she throws her head back and moans “noooooo please more!” I pull her from the wall walking to the bed I drop her. Y/n spreads her legs apart looking up at me “butt in the air Princess spread your legs as far as you can get them.”
She flips over her hands and elbows holding her up that's not exactly what I want tho “spread your ass and pussy for me baby” I say with little smirk she lays on her face and knees as her hands pull her butt cheeks apart with a little moan. I look down admiring her sweet little holes staring at me I let out a wolf whistle “damn beautiful....i can't wait to taste you again” I grab ahold of her soft asscheeks in my hands as hers fall to her sides. I lick a thick stripe over her clit all the way to her button slightly entering my tongue before licking around it again “please daddy” I look up at her pushing my thumb in to her greedy pussy “yess daddy more please” I chuckle “what more could you want baby?” she slightly blushes turning her head the other way “mmmm baby Daddy isn't a mind reader if you want something you have to speak up.” I say with a smirk “p-please ea-” she shakes her head and takes a deep breath “please eat me” I chuckle she's so cute “eat what baby?”
I rub her thigh with my other unused hand and kiss her squishy butt cheeks definitely enjoying myself “God I love your bubble butt princess it's amazing If I had my way I would sleep on it, roll on it, and most definitely eat it” I say giving her the ok to ask biting down on her ass “YES YES DADDY EAT MY ASS PLEASE” I laugh before spreading her open and I lay a kiss on her wet hole as a moan leaves her mouth I lick around for a second before slipping my tongue in slightly before pulling out. Her moans and whimpers music to my ears I repeat this a few times till I think she's loose enough to put my tongue fully in “ready my dirty little girl” she moans in response and I slip my tongue fully into her as both my thumbs attack her clit and slit “FUCK DA-ADDY MORE PLEASE” I eat her like crazy shaving my tongue in between both holes as I slap her ass and clit “OOOOH FUCK IM CUMMING” she yells as I feel wetness on my chin and fingers.
I pull away dropping down next to her before turn my head to meet her gaze “sit on my face Princess” I say as I pull her hand she slowly moves over to me with wild eyes I pull her over me before pulling her hips down to meet my face she was completely sitting on my face with all her weight as I dive my tongue in for a third time occasionally slipping it in her butt making her moan and grind against my face “Daddy I'm coming already” she says humping my face with her hands in my hair “MMMMM” she gasps as she cum on my face for the 4 time “fuck princess you ready”
I say as I pull my boxers down she nods as she lays down spreading her legs for me “such a good girl for Daddy” I pick up one of her legs wrapping it around my hip tossing the other over my shoulder before slipping into her. I grunt as her walls squeeze around me I hear her moan “shit daddy your so big” I give a breathy laugh “i think your just tight baby” I say before I thrust into her. Moans leaving both of our mouths as I pound into her I pull out flipping her over and push back in “AH” she groans “you good baby” I say as I thrust softly “ye-YES” I smirk pushing into her as deep as possible “can I put my babies inside of you baby” she gasp and turns her head to look at me “i wouldn't want anyone else to spend my life with and I can't think of ayone I would rather raise my kids with then you baby” she drops her head moaning as she thrust her hips back in to me “flip me back over so I can hold it in Daddy we might not get lucky the first time but it's worth a shot.” Y/n moans grabbing my hand I flip her over putting her legs on my shoulders fucking into her “mmm baby I'm gonna fuck my baby into you honey” I bite and suck at her neck “would you like that?”
She moans and throws her head back moaning “hold it princess please just a little longer” I pant kissing her neck quickly I grab my pillow and shove it under her ass before stuffing my entire length inside of her moaning. Releasing my load deep inside of her before pulling my hips out almost all the way fucking my cum inside of her till I couldn't feel it sloshing around anymore. “Do you wanna cuddle baby” she nods her head I turn her to her side putting her under the cover getting up to turn the light off climbing back in behind her “stay still princess I wanna make sure nothing comes out tonight” she smiles holding out her hand. Knowing she was going to be sensitive I grab it kissing her shoulders and back as I slowly slip my limp cock inside of her before it hardened back up “oo-oh shit Daddy I love your big cock” she says sleepily I pull her close to me kissing her lips “well we love you too” she opens her eyes “ew” she laughs making me laugh too “go to bed brat I love you beautiful” “I love you to handsome I'm very excited to have a mini you running around”
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nicolewoo · 3 years
Pairing: Dom Roman Reigns X Sub Reader, Dom Dean Ambrose X Sub Reader
Warning: SMUT. Sharing. Double penetration. Whipping, spanking, riding crop,.. Just know it’s smutty. You’re warned.
Requested by: Startwithaheart. Thanks for the great idea. I hope I did it justice.
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“Where’s Y/N?” Dean asked looking out over the ocean from my back deck.
I handed him a beer and opened my own. “She’s upstairs doing something.”
Dean took a big swig of the beer I’d handed him, letting out a loud burp after. “You two still doing ok? Isn’t her contract about up?”
I shook my head, intentionally looking at the ocean to avoid looking at him. “Yeah yeah. Things are going great. We’re both eager to re-sign.” This was the time. I had to ask before second guessing myself. “But there is one thing....” I let the sentence trail off when the awkwardness of this conversation hit me again.
Dean looked at me, motioning for me to continue. “What kind of thing?” He turned toward me a bit. When I wasn’t quick to answer, he continued. “Run it by me. Maybe I can help.”
I took a deep breath before turning to him. “Y/N has one fantasy that I can’t fulfill on my own.”
Dean processed the information quickly. “Ah, your baby girl wants a three-way?” He nodded as if the information didn’t surprise him. “You want some help pickin out the right girl?”
“The thing is, she wants another guy, another dom to join us. She wants both of us to dominate her.” I paused hoping he’d just volunteer, but he didn’t. I couldn’t look at him for the next part. “She wants you to join us.” Dean was stunned into silence. I knew Dean preferred open relationships. That was no secret, so why didn’t he just agree?
“Ro, man. This is YOUR baby girl. I know how much you love her, and I know how jealous you can get.” He looked back out at the ocean. “This is a bad idea. I’d be worried our friendship couldn’t make it through this.”
I looked Dean in the eye, letting him know I was serious. “I’ve thought about this a lot. She told me about this fantasy when we first got together, so trust me, I’ve thought about how it’s going to feel. Hell, she and I have talked about it a ton. It boils down to this. We wouldn’t trust anyone BUT you.”
He took another swig of his beer. “You guys talked about me specifically?” His eyebrows raised on surprise.
“Yes, and we both agree on a one night thing.... just a special re-signing gift. Will you help us?” I practically begged.
I came down the stairs freshly showered and wearing a sundress. I’d fixed my hair and makeup both to look my best and to give the guys time to talk. Now, I was shaking with nerves as I descended. Both men looked at me. When I looked at Dean, I couldn’t tell how the meeting had gone. His stoic face hid any emotion he felt. It only made me more nervous.
Dean stood and met me at the base of the stairs, blocking my path. Standing one step higher than him, I was slightly taller than him. He reached his hand out and I took it. Did this mean he agreed? Lifting my hand up to his lips, he kissed my knuckles lightly. The simple little kiss answered my question. “Y/N. Is this what you want?” His stare was smoldering, his eyes taking in my whole body as he waited for me to answer. I couldn’t speak so I nodded yes. “Not good enough princess. You have to say it out loud.” He stepped closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I nodded again, and tentatively said yes.
Dean pulled me harshly against him, and I felt his hard dick against my thigh as he pushed a knee between mine a fraction of a second before he pressed his lips to mine sweetly and finding me willing, he slid his tongue in my mouth. His taste flooded my already lustful thoughts. My body yielded to his dominance, pressing desperately against him as my hips rolled against his thigh trying to find relief from the desire building in my core. When the kiss ended, Dean stared into my eyes.
“You got a playroom Ro?”
Roman neared us now, and I scanned his face for any sign that he wanted to stop this. Instead, he looked ready; the tent in his pants showing his desires. “Take him upstairs baby girl. Show him where we play.”
I turned quietly, but Dean kept his arm around my waist. He pulled me tightly, roughly against him, rutting his cock into my ass as he locked his lips on the back of my neck. I moaned at his touch, but he pulled away much too quickly, giving my ass a swat almost hard enough to knock me over. I yipped at the pain, and quickly recovered.
The closer we got to the play room, the harder my heart beat. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this. I was actually going to fulfill my deepest fantasy. I was as scared as I was excited.
I led Dean and Ro upstairs, and I could feel Dean’s eyes following my every move. My mind spiraled out of control for a minute. Do I look good in this dress? Is Dean going to like my body? How harsh would he be? Would he like the way I taste? As we neared the door I waited for Dean to enter first while I lagged behind to be reassured by Roman for a second.
“You can still stop this, baby girl. Is that what you want?” I shook my head no. “Then what is it? Tell daddy.”
I cast my eyes down to the floor, knowing he wouldn’t like my next answer, but I still needed to tell the truth. “What if he doesn’t like me?” I had tried to whisper, but as soon as I said it, Dean turned around.
“Ah, Doll. Look at me.” He took my face in his hands forcing me to look at him. “You’re a knockout baby. I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw ya, but Ro doesn’t like to share.” He kissed me passionately, snaking his arms around me and pulled me against him so I could feel his rock hard cock. I melted into his kiss. His kisses were tougher than Roman’s. There was an urgency to them, like he needed to devour me soon or he’d explode. Roman was never in a hurry. He took great pride in making me wait until I begged him to fuck me. What other surprises would this night bring?
“Take your normal place, doll.” Dean said and motioned me to come into the room. I did as directed and stood in the center of the room. “Clothed? Standing?” Dean asked Roman.
Ro shrugged. “I like undressing her.” He walked over to a table with a couple of glasses and the whiskey Roman liked. He filled them, handed one to Dean. “Have a seat,” he said, and they sat, both of them just openly leering at me. Roman knew just how uncomfortable I was the first few times he did this. He knew that having Dean here would stir up that discomfort and heighten my arousal.
They sat quietly, sipping their drinks for a few minutes before Dean downed his drink with a hearty “Ah” before he stood. “Enough of that. Mind if I....?” Dean trailed off but motioned to me.
“Yeah. If you’re ready to play, go ahead.” Roman said it so nonchalantly I was surprised. He had promised that he was ready to accept this, but I had expected a little hesitation at sharing me. Before my mind could process the thought, Dean was kissing me so roughly, so passionately it wiped the thoughts out of my head. He grabbed and pulled at me roughly, my arms, my waist, my ass. He was everywhere. Just as fast as he started, he stopped. My head was spinning trying to process everything.
“Let’s get this dress off.” Dean pulled the dress over my head, dropping it on the floor and pushing it away with his foot. He wolf whistled as he surveyed my matching bra and panties in a pale pink. “Look at you, doll.” He walked around me, drinking in the sight of me as he trailed two fingertips over my body. When he reached my bra, he trailed his fingers over my already hard nipples. I inhaled sharply as a pang of need caused my core to clench looking for relief. “You’re just perfect. Bet you’re already wet for me. His hand flattened now, sliding toward my pussy and finding my underwear soaked. “I thought so.” He kissed me again as he brushed his fingers over my clothed clit. I gasped and bucked my hips toward him. “Good girl.” He grumbled between the kisses he was trailing down to my neck. I couldn’t help but smile, and noticing a change in my body language, he glanced up at me before turning to Ro. “A praise kink huh?” He looked amused. “I can handle that.”
He slid an arm around me, pulling me close as his fingers toyed with my nipples, squeezing and pulling lightly at first then harder and harder. It hurt so bad, I squeaked out. He immediately stopped the pain but ran the tip of his fingernail over my sensitive nipple. Need roared in me again, shooting straight to my pussy. I was panting now. Dean bent to lick my nipple. Even through the fabric, his tonged was hot and wet, and I didn’t want my bra in the way of it anymore. I whined with need and pressed my thighs together tightly. “Did you want something pet?” He slid his hand into the back of my underwear, grabbing a handful of my butt cheek.
He pressed his thigh between mine. I couldn’t help rolling my hips trying to get friction where I needed it the most. “What’s the matter, baby girl?” I hadn’t noticed Roman get up, but he came up behind me, brushing my hair back and kissing my neck. Dean started kissing the other side as his hands grasped my hips, guiding my pussy across his thigh. I moaned and rolled my hips again. “Oh doll, you’re just a needy mess, aren’t you?” Dean asked and laughed when I moaned out a yes. “Let me see.” His hand slid into my underwear and between my mound and his thigh. “Ahhhh you’re all wet” he exclaimed as he started circling my clit with my fingers.
 I couldn’t help my reactions. I panted, whined, bucked my hips. They’d barely started, and I was already craving a much needed orgasm. Roman kept his lips near my neck. “Baby girl, are you ready for more?” I nodded overly excited.
It took Roman a fraction of a second to open the clasp of my bra, and Dean trailed kisses from my neck to my shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses as he slowly slid the straps off me. The bra fell to the floor and was quickly kicked out of the way. Dean turned me around before sliding his fingers inside my underwear and pulled them down to the floor too.
Roman picked me up easily, freeing the cloth from my feet and placed me back down. He knew I loved when he manhandled me, and I let out a little squeak of excitement that made him chuckle.
Dean peeled his shirt off letting it fall to the floor. “Where’s the toys?” He kicked his shoes off.
Roman motioned to the dresser. “The 3 drawers on the right.” He scooped me up and dropped me on the bed so hard I bounced.
I giggled as I sat up on my knees and held my arms up to Roman. “Again!”
“Not right now.” He started to turn away, and I quickly frowned.
“Again.” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted at him.
He turned back to me brows raised. “Now you’re going to be a brat?” The word brat caught Dean’s attention, and he turned to watch us. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
I looked from Roman’s stern expression to Dean’s amused smirk.
Looking defiantly into Ro’s eyes, “Again.”
In a fraction of a second, Ro had flipped me on my stomach and spanked me HARD: right cheek then left. I screamed out with each searing stroke. He hadn’t spanked me this hard since he’d tested my limits when we first got together. He grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking my head up to see him. “Do you have anything to say now?” He growled down to me.
“No daddy.” I said quietly and politely.
He released my hair. “I didn’t think so” he huffed out.
Dean approached me from the other side of the bed. He grabbed another handful of hair, causing my already sore scalp to sear in pain. “See ya later, doll” he said just before Roman slipped a blindfold over my eyes.
Dean flipped me now, without the fun bounce, and both men started to shackle me to the bed frame. “Too tight?” Dean asked as he tightened the strap on my wrist.
My inner brat now subdued, I answered “No sir.”
“That’s more like it.” Ro said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.
I felt Dean sit on the bed next to me and stroke my hair softly. “That’s a good girl.”  He slid his hand over my body finding my breast and playing tenderly with my nipple. He leaned down, taking my tit in his mouth, his tongue licking furiously over the nipple. I moaned and tried to press my legs together for relief from the desperate need inside me, but I couldn’t with my legs shackled to the bed.
“Dean, she’s ready.” Roman’s comment wasn’t meant for me, but I wanted to know what he meant.
“Ready for what?” I moaned.
“Shhhh. Just relax baby doll.” Dean whispered to me. “Daddy Dean is gonna take care of you.”
I felt as he moved to the foot of the bed trailing his hands down my body as he went. As his hand slid over my mound, I bucked my hips and mewled out in need.
“What’s the matter baby girl?” Roman’s amused voice whispered in my ear.
My response was more of a pant than an answer. “I neeeeed….” Dean’s hands slid from my feet slowly up my legs. He peppered kisses over my thighs as he went. I couldn’t finish my sentence, a whine interrupting me.
“You need? What do you need?” Ro teased.
“Daddy!!!” I cried out as Dean’s finger slipped over my clit.
Roman shushed me while he ran his hand over my hair. “Is Daddy Dean making you feel good?” I knew he could read my body language. He knew just how horny I was getting. I needed relief. My daddy wouldn’t make me wait too long for relief, but what would Daddy Dean do?
A split second later, Dean licked a strip across my folds eliciting a moan from me. My head swam in desire. I bucked my hips up to meet him, and I heard him moan when I did, the vibrations making his licking even better. He grabbed my hips hard, holding me mid-air to get me exactly where he wanted me, and then, he devoured me. I wanted to help hold myself up, but his talented mouth was the only thing I could focus on. His mouth and Roman’s tender kisses. We fell silent, Dean focused on my pussy, Roman teasing my nipples and kissing me and cooing out praises to me.
Minutes later, an all-encompassing orgasm racked through my body. Dean slid a finger into me, easing a bit of the clenching as he brought me gently down from my orgasm. “Whoa Whoa Whoa!” Dean stopped his ministrations. “I didn’t tell you you could cum, did I?” He pulled the blindfold up so I could see him.
Shit. “I’m so sorry Daddy Dean. I couldn’t help it. You were making me feel too good.”  Roman would have been flattered and let me off the hook, but the look on Dean’s face told me he had other plans.
He turned suddenly and went back to the dresser, grabbing a couple of things from the drawers before returning and putting the blindfold back on… with one hand behind his back hiding what he picked. Suddenly, a terrible pain radiated through the skin of my chest. It was a cat -of-9 tails. Normally my favorite toy, but Daddy Roman never hit me this hard. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t. I was ready to call yellow when the next hit came. The third though was not as hard, and relief washed over me as I realized the worst was done. “You gonna cum without permission again, doll?” Dean’s menacing voice growled in my ear.
“N…no… no sir.” I stuttered out as a tear ran down my temple.
“I didn’t think so.” Dean kept his mouth close to my ear, taking the lobe in his mouth and suckling sweetly before biting down hard on it, which made me cry out in pain.
Roman grumbled. “Hey, not so hard.” He was telling Dean.
The cat of 9 hit my chest again, but much lighter than before. This was closer to what I was used to. “She’s ok. Aren’t you?” he asked me.
Ro lifted up my blindfold a bit. “You ok?” he asked.
I nodded as I swallowed. “Yes daddy. Just not used to it.” He looked worried. “I’m good daddy. Just need a few more orgasms.” I smirked up to him, which made him chuckle.
“She’s fine.” He laughed as he put the blindfold back on.
Dean grabbed a handful of my hair and lifted my face up to kiss me roughly before tapping the soft head of his cock against my lips. I opened obediently and stuck my tongue out as far as I could. “Fuck! You look so hot like that.” He said before sliding his cock slowly in my mouth. The moan that escaped his mouth comforted me. He liked how I sucked his dick. He wasn’t as long as Roman, but his girth was daunting, and I struggled a minute to adjust. As I fell into a rhythm, he released my hair, allowing me to take him as I wanted, and damn he tasted so good.
Roman kissed a trail down my body, stopping to lick and suck my nipple gently on the way. The tender touches from both of my daddies was so opposite the harsh punishment I’d just gotten that it made my head swim even more.
The lower Ro kissed, the more desperate noises I made with my mouth around Dean’s dick, and I knew the vibrations had to be pleasing him, but I couldn’t see him. I could only judge the effect I was having on him by his hands, the praises he cooed down to me and the throbbing of his dick in my mouth.
Roman’s finger slid into my pussy, moaning when he felt how wet I was. Sliding another finger in, he went straight to my g-spot. He knew it would make me cum. I knew it would make me cum too, but I had no way to stop it. I started tapping feverishly at Dean’s thigh, trying to get him to pull out of my mouth, but he didn’t stop right away. He thrust a few more times into my mouth while tears steamed out of my eyes.
Roman must have interceded because Dean finally pulled out. “What’s up doll?” he asked.
I gasped air so Roman answered. “She needs to cum.”
“Again?” There was a hint of amusement in Dean’s voice.  
Ro laughed back. “In her defense, the g-spot is the fastest way to get her to cum.” He continued to stroke inside me just the way I liked as I cried out desperately.
“Please. Daddies! Please! May I cum?”
Dean laughed at my desperation. “She’s so fuckin cute when she begs.” Ro agreed.
“Should we let her?” Ro asked.
A sudden strike to my stomach made me yip. Ah, the riding crop. Another of my favorites. Either Dean and I had similar tastes or they had discussed toys earlier. “If only you’d asked before you came last time.” He teased evilly. “No. Not yet. You’re gonna have to wait a while baby.”
Roman stilled his fingers before pulling them out very slowly. “No! No! No!” I cried desperately as my core clenched trying to find some friction, some relief.
“Yes,” he said firmly.
“Darlin’, The next time you cum is gonna be on my cock.” Dean said before kissing me and playing with my nipples. He grabbed my hand, pulling it to his hard dick. I didn’t need a command to start pumping him. I was rewarded with a long low moan from him.
Ro began peppering kisses over my legs, my thighs and my hood, but he never touched where I needed him the most. I whimpered and tried to buck my hips, but he held me firm.
The men fell silent for a second, and I wondered what was happening when a faint sound from Ro clued me into the fact that they were whispering…. Planning what they were going to do. I focused on stroking Dean, knowing he wasn’t going to let me cum until I earned it this time.
Dean removed my blindfold and both men un-shackled me. “Come over here.” He laid down beside me and pulled me on top of him. “You’re gonna ride me now.”
They didn’t give me any time to think before four hands grabbed at my waist and hips and guided me down onto Dean’s dick. Being shorter and thicker than Roman, he filled me in a way I wasn’t used to, and as he was sheathed to the hilt inside me, we both moaned in relief.
“So fucking tight!” Dean pulled me down until I was face to face with him and kissed me passionately while I began to rock back and forth. “That’s it Doll. Ride me good.” It didn’t matter what Dean said now. I was so lost in the feeling of him inside me, I could hardly think of anything else.
Once I’d found a rhythm, I sat up, reveling in the feeling of him being so deep. Roman came behind me, holding my hips to control my pace. He pulled my hair back and began kissing my neck. “How is my baby girl doing?” He purred in my ear. My moan was the only answer I could give. “Good girl.” He wrapped his arm around me and started playing with my nipple, twisting and pulling it gently. The combination of the sensations drove me over the edge. I came with a wild scream; my entire body went limp as waves of pleasure rolled through my body. Roman began cooing praises to me; telling me how good I was doing, how sexy I looked, all the things he knew I wanted to hear.  
As the lustful haze in my head faded, I noticed that Dean wasn’t making a sound, and he wasn’t moving. I looked down to see him staring at me, eyes glazed in desire. “Dean? Are you ok?”
His huge smile answered before he could. “I’m wonderful, doll. Wonderful. Just enjoying that tight pussy squeezing my cock.” He pulled me down to him and kissed me passionately before starting to move his hips again. I wanted to roll with him, but my legs were like jelly. “Just relax. I’ve got ya.” Dean grabbed my hips and began bucking inside me. He was rough and fast and my body was already sensitive. He was all I could concentrate on.
I knew Roman was still in the room, but he wasn’t near me. A few minutes later when I felt his hands massaging my ass cheeks, I knew where he’d gone. A well lubricated finger slid in my ass gently. My head snapped up at the feel. Full. So full, and I knew I was going to get fuller. Dean pulled me in for a long kiss that made my head spin. “Look at me.” Dean said, and I did.
Roman slid a second finger in after the first. This. This was what I wanted; what I craved. What I was both excited for and scared of. Dean held my gaze as Roman pulled his fingers out. “It’s time for you to cum baby girl.”
“Wha…?” Before I could finish my sentence, Dean flipped me on my back, pulled my legs over his shoulders and started pounding mercilessly into me. He was fast. He was rough. He bit and grabbed and pulled and pounded into me like a wild beast.
“You heard Ro. It’s time for you to cum.” Dean’s voice took on his dominant tone as he wrapped a hand around my neck. “Cum all over Daddy Dean’s cock.”
My ears started ringing, my eyes going dark around the edges. I exploded the second he removed his hand from my throat. Relief rolling over my body in a warm tingly wave of pleasure. Dean didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down. Another orgasm started just seconds after the last. “That’s it doll.” He cooed to me.
He slowed down now. Like someone hit a switch, he went from mercilessly fucking me to making love to me. He kissed, nipped, sucked and caressed. After a few minutes, I saw him look over at Ro and nod. He grabbed my waist and rolled us until I was on top. Roman’s hands grabbed my hips. “Did Daddy Dean fuck you good, baby girl?” I nodded. “You ready for more?” I nodded again. “Ok baby, I want you to just relax. Dean and I will hold you up. All you have to do is relax.” He kissed my neck before sitting up and pressing the tip of his cock to the entrance of my ass. Dean stopped all movement, letting me adjust as Roman slowly slid in. “You’re doing great baby.”
Dean kissed me deeply as Joe slid further and further. It got so quiet in the room, all of us holding our collective breaths to see if I could handle both of them. Before I knew it, Roman said “That’s it. I’m in. Are you ok, baby girl?”
“Yes.” I said. “You can move now, Dean.”
“You sure?” he smiled up at me. I was only ½ way through a nod when he bucked into me. “Fuck! That just makes her tighter” he said to Roman who chuckled.
“Like she’s not tight enough as it is?”
Dean laughed softly, staring at me the whole time. “No kidding.”
Dean moved slowly, gently while Roman stayed still sheathed inside my ass. After a few minutes, Roman started moving too. The sensations were overwhelming, and I came again and again. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. I became a being made of pure sensation. Dean’s face turned red, spots of sweat dotting his forehead, and the groans from my Samoan daddy told me how good he felt.
Dean came with a loud roar, bucking into me so hard that Ro pulled out of me on one thrust. Roman waited a minute and then pulled me off Dean, who turned to face me. Roman left and I heard the shower turn on for a few minutes while Dean and I laid silently kissing and caressing. “You did it. You did so good for us.” He whispered as he kissed my forehead.
“I did it.” I sighed out. I could feel my eyes drooping. I needed sleep, bad.
“You’re almost done.” Roman said as he climbed into the bed behind me. He smelled clean and wet and like my daddy. “How do you want me baby?” He kissed my shoulder as he pulled me tightly against him.
“Just like this.” I could fee his hard dick pressing against my slit, and realize that like this, I might be able to find the energy to move my hips to meet his, so at least I’d be contributing something. I tried lifting my head off the pillow but couldn’t.
Ro slid into me with great care. He kissed my neck now as he started to move. I tried to help but ended up being all off rhythm. “It’s ok, baby girl. You don’t have to do anything.”
Dean returned after his shower, climbing into the bed in front of me. He smirked mischievously at me as he reached up to play with my tits. “Is your daddy making you feel good?” he teased me. I nodded at him, feeling another orgasm building.
“Can I…?” I started, and both daddies said yes at the same time.
I fell, slowly slipping into the abyss of ecstasy as both men touched me, kissed me, praised me. Roman came a couple of minutes later. I laid on Dean’s chest recovering while Roman regained his breath.
“I know you guys said this is a one time thing, but if you EVER change your minds, I’ll be happy to do this again….” Dean kissed my forehead, leaving his lips there as he said “and again and again and again.” We all laughed. 
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole​
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