#she is now lying down in her crate
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
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ddejavvu · 1 year
currently thinking abt like maybe poly!marauders w innocent!reader but instead of like 🥺👉👈 innocent she’s like 🤔🧍‍♀️ innocent yk what i mean? sorry if that’s too vague this is my first time doing a request lmao
i know what you meant in your request and i tried to convey it here but i can't tell if i did it right? i hope it doesn't come off as too cutesy i tried to just make her confused 😭 putting a keep reading just 'cause they act like total dumbass teenage boys here and it might give some of you the ick if i'm being honest
James peers down at the sticky note that had been shoved into the lockbox on the garage door of the cabin you're renting for the weekend, instructions from the owner on how to get inside.
"She says the code is 6, 9, 6, 9, pound," James reads, pausing to snicker before he finishes his sentence, "And she'd prefer if we came in the back door."
Sirius lets out his familiar bark of laughter, mumbling, "That's what she said."
"She's a woman that knows what she wants," James's face is glowing with a perpetual grin, his skin rosy from the cold. Even Remus chuckles from where he's standing behind you with your bags, and you're not sure why they all seem to be so delighted by the homeowner's request.
"It's probably 'cause her bush blocks the front entrance," You muse, pointing at some roses that have grown over the pathway to the front door, but are far too beautiful to contain, "I wouldn't want to trim it either."
Somehow, you've missed the mark.
Their eyes brighten with even more of the amusement that's typically shining in them, and their chests convulse as they try biting their tongues to stop from laughing.
"What?" Your brow furrows slightly, "Why's that funny?"
"It's not," Remus clears his throat, but he's lying, and you know he is because his mouth is twisted into a poorly-concealed smirk, "I think you're right, darling. It's the bush."
"S'always the bush," Sirius chimes in, grin far too wolfish to be talking of roses, "I mean, y'forget to garden for a week, and bam, it's out of control."
"Alright," Remus chides lightly, though he's still tight in the chest as he tries not to laugh, "Might I remind you that you haven't trimmed in a month? It's almost as long as the hair on your head."
"It clogs up the shower drain, mate," James concedes regretfully, "I can't back you up on this one."
Your brain is swirling with scattered concepts, your train of thought rapidly switching between tracks. Roses, bush, hair, trimming, gardening, showering, you feel like you've dropped two crates of words and now you need to sort them back into their original piles again. Surely roses goes with gardening and bush, but what have they got to do with showering?
"Whatever," Sirius scoffs good-naturedly, slinging his bag over his shoulder and punching the code into the door. He presses the final key, mumbling pound as he does so, then holds it open for you, "C'mon darling, inside, let's go to pound town."
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Lucky Break Chapter 4
Yandere Straw Hats x Fem!Reader
5.8k words
Beginning / Previous / Next
The longest chapter yet, but at least this arc is finally wrapped up!
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Just as you thought, you could hear them before you could see them.
“Sounds like they’ve got this covered. I don’t know what you’ve got planned, but I need to go get something that belongs to me. Bye!” Nami slapped you on the shoulder and then diverted from the path you were following.
“Wait, I don’t have anything planned! What am I supposed to do about any of this?!” You called out after her, but she paid you no mind, the woman was on a mission. The light jog you were doing trickled down into a standstill. 
What were you supposed to do?
There isn’t exactly a guide for this, and even if there was, you can’t remember having read it. 
There was yelling and the sound of weapons clashing no more than a block away from you. Wait- That’s it! Weapons! You need a weapon! You can’t just charge into battle and help your new companions empty handed.
But where would you find one? Well, this town is something of a war zone, maybe there’s a weapon lying around? You would settle for even just a kitchen knife at this point. Literally anything to give you some semblance of protection.
Hoping that Luffy and Zoro will be okay until you can help, you scurry down an alleyway. “Come on, come on, give me something,” you mutter under your breath. Your eyes dart around wildly, scanning the surrounding area. There are some stray bricks and broken planks of wood from the buildings being destroyed. That could work potentially, but you decide to look around a little longer.
A structure catches your eye ahead of you. Scaffolding next to a house that hadn’t been finished  yet. A relieved grin spreads across your face. Construction tools! You could use a saw or a hammer or something like that!
There were some crates and tool boxes lying on the ground, all open. The boxes have what appear to be blueprints and building materials. The toolboxes are damn near empty. Some nails and screws litter the bottom of it, plus a couple of tools that won’t help you like a tape measure. 
“Shit!” You kicked the nearest toolbox in anger. What were you supposed to do? Bare knuckle box some armed super-powered pirates? Feeling crushed and frustrated, you drop down into a squat and put your head between your hands, pulling on your hair.
This was so stupid and unfair. You can’t even remember your own name, and now the only people willing to help you are having to fight on their own while injured and you’re helpless to do anything. Why are you even here? For what purpose? What happened to get you to this point?
A rush of air, followed by a clanging noise right in front of you startled you. The shock made you fall onto your ass, scared that you were under attack. A quick once over of the alley revealed that you were still alone. What was that?
Then, a piece of paper flits to the ground just ahead of you. It lands on a coiled piece of metal that you don’t remember being there before. Is that what made the noise? Hesitantly, you reach out to grab the paper. There’s something written on it.
What an interesting event
Losing your memories was not my intent
To aid in your journey
Please take this urumi 
Next to the letter “A”, was an ink stamp. One you recognized. You fished out the necklace from under your shirt, and sure enough, the stamp matched it. A jolly roger with a wand clenched between its teeth.
Where did you get this necklace from initially, and how did “A” know about your new nickname? How did they know where you were? You look up at the rooftops, but see nothing and no one. You hadn’t heard anyone approach either. It’s like these things just appeared out of thin air.
Much like you did according to Luffy.
A loud explosion rang out and shook the ground. Oh right! You’re supposed to be in a battle! You clamber onto your feet and pick up the so-called urumi by what you believe to be a handle while stuffing the note into your satchel. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you have no idea what an urumi is supposed to be. You assume it’s a weapon, but why would a weapon be so… limp?
The “blade”, if you can call it that, unraveled and drooped to the ground. It was like some bizarre love child of a whip and a sword. How was something like this supposed to help you? Is it even sharp? Gingerly, you stroke the edges of the blade. 
“Ow! Okay, yeah, that’s sharp,” just lightly touching in was enough to draw a couple drops of blood. You bring the finger to your mouth, feeling a little dumb now for managing to cut yourself within seconds of getting your hands on this thing. You have no idea how to use any weapon, much less one so unique.
Experimentally, you hold it out and flick the blade away from you. It cuts through the air and cleanly slices through a leg of the scaffolding like a hot knife through butter. The structure shifts slightly, but remains standing.
You can’t help but eye the weapon warily, this thing seems extremely dangerous. Great for dealing with enemies, bad for you if you aren’t careful and don’t know what you’re doing. Which you don’t.
It would be good to go and help your companions now that you’re armed but you want to get a better feel for this thing before charging into battle. Swaying it back and forth is helping to get a better feel for the weight of it, but the method in which you could safely wield it is still beyond you.
“There she is! The liar that tricked and made a fool of us!”
You were so focused that you hadn’t even heard the small band of enemies approaching. Their clothes were torched and skin burned, and they looked furious. With swords raised, they ran right at you, bloodlust in their eyes.
A shriek emitted from your throat, and your arm flailed as you panicked. The urumi’s blade struck the scaffolding again, effortlessly going through several legs before wedging itself into the brick wall. The structure pitched forward and groaned. Your attackers looked up just in time to see the whole thing come down on them. All of them were pinned under the weight of it plus the supplies that had been piled on. Some of the people were knocked out by the falling material, while one was left awake.
He was trapped, but could move his head just enough to scowl at you. “I bet you think you’re really clever! Well you won’t get away with this, Captain Buggy never loses! It’s only a matter of time before he takes your head for this trickery!” Venom dripped from every word, his loathing so tangible that you think you could cut it.
“Not really, I’ve just,” you yanked on the urumi, trying to dislodge it, “got a lot of dumb luck it seems.” And some magical note and weapon giver, but that’s hardly something to bring up in casual conversation. Damn, that thing was really in there. You readjust your grip and pull again. There’s a creak, and then it breaks free. It came loose so suddenly that it made you stumble as the blade flung around you, narrowly missing that one guy’s head.
The man screamed, pulling his head back into the rubble like a turtle retreating into its shell, “Are you trying to kill me?!”
“Weren’t you trying to kill me?!” The double standards up in here were insane. They could gang up on you, but you almost accidentally hit him and now you’re the bad guy? Ridiculous. He fell silent and didn’t answer, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get going.”
Realistically, you don’t think it’s a good idea to be slinging this thing around, especially near Luffy or Zoro, but it was comforting to at least have something now. You examine the urumi closely, contemplating the best way to carry it. There’s a loop on the handle, and you get an idea. 
Carefully, you wind it around your waist and feed it into the loop. Sure enough, it fits together snugly, and now it looks like you have a strange belt on. Alright, you’re feeling a little bit better now, hell you even stopped a few attackers (albeit accidentally).
Now it’s time to actually join the fight.
Well… Maybe you’ll assess the situation first. You just needed to figure out how to do so without being caught unprepared. Getting onto a rooftop could work. The house in front of you had a pretty low roof, climbing onto it shouldn’t be too hard. 
You kick a crate close and hop on. It takes some effort, sure, but you’re able to pull yourself up. The shingles dig into you through the clothes, but it’s hardly the worst thing you’ve been through today. Finally, you can see what’s going on. It looks like there are only four people involved in this fight. There’s Luffy and Zoro, of course. Buggy is also there, seemingly unharmed from the cannon fire earlier. You suppose that isn’t too surprising considering his weird powers. Then there’s also some guy on a unicycle because, sure, why not? 
Zoro and the unicyclist are fighting each other. Zoro is fighting hard, but it’s clear even from your perch that he’s struggling to fight with his injury. Luffy is too preoccupied with Buggy to be able to help him, and you’re positive that you would just hurt him more if you were to charge in with your unwieldy weapon of not-choice.  
What else was there to do? You’re scanning the area for ideas, seeing lots of rubble and injured pirates strewn about. One of which being Richie, who was currently licking his wounds. 
Hang on, you might know what to do now.
A hand digs around in your pants pocket and pulls out the laser pointer you put in there earlier. You don’t know what the range on this bad boy is, but hopefully it’s going to be strong enough for what you’ve got planned. 
Pointing it in the direction of the white lion, you click it on. Lucky for you, it reaches, and a red dot is just ahead of Richie. He doesn’t seem to have noticed it, so you wiggle it around. His head snaps up, and you rejoice on the inside.
He reaches a paw out to it, but you move it away. At first, he’s startled, but then he’s up on his feet and in pursuit. You keep moving it away from him, zipping it around to keep him interested. If you could get him a little closer, you should be able to help Zoro. You doubt that unicycle boy is going to be able to fight well if there’s a lion on top of him.
You risk a glance over to them, only to notice something else. Buggy is using his powers for a sneak attack! Shit! Change of plans, you need to throw him off instead!
Hastily, you move the dot onto his back and pray that Richie goes for it. The lion sees it and pauses, but then he crouches and creeps closer. Yes! Just a little bit more! Come on, Richie! His tail flicks wildly, and he then pounces.
Buggy hits the ground with an indignant shriek. He’s kicking and screaming, “Mohji! Get your damn lion under control!” 
You did it! You helped! Taking another look at Zoro, you see him land a finishing blow to the unicyclist. This is going much better than you would have thought! With that guy out of the way, everyone can focus on taking down Buggy.
Luffy was first to take this opportunity. Buggy had barely gotten back onto his feet after being pounced on by Richie, only to get punched by the rubber captain. The blow sent him tumbling head over heels away from him. Luffy wasn’t about to let up and continued the assault, but Buggy was able to get onto his feet and scramble out of the way of the next blow.
They engaged in a back and forth, each using their unique powers to try and get one over on the other. You tried to use your laser pointer again, but Mohji had Richie’s full attention while he was scolding him for attacking the captain. Well there goes that idea. At least you got it to work once.
You army crawl backwards so you can climb down from the roof, but stop when you notice something red flying right at you.
Oh shit, that’s Luffy!
There isn’t even enough time to brace for impact before the human wrecking ball crashes into the building and brings everything down on top of him, you included. You yelp and fall directly on top of him, disoriented but otherwise fine.
Luffy, entirely unbothered by the whole affair, helps you get up off of him, “Oh hey, Lucky! I was wondering when you were going to get here!” He stood and pulled you with him while readjusting his hat.
“Sorry, I just needed to pick up something first,” your hand drifted down to your new weapon, still getting used to even having one. The presence of one feels so foreign that you can’t imagine you ever carried one in the past.
He waved off your apology, “Don’t worry, it’s basically over already! I’ll finish this here and now!” Luffy bounced out of the crumbled building and got ready to do just that.
“Excuse you! Don’t underestimate me! And why are you talking to my crewmate?!” 
What? No. How could this guy still think you’re still on the same team? That’s not possible. He saw you run to Luffy’s aid with the key you stole from him. Maybe that cannonball did hit him after all and knocked his common sense right out.
“Huh? Lucky is your crewmate?” Luffy’s head tilted to the side, genuine confusion on his face.
Several of Buggy’s pirates piped up, “She obviously tricked you, Captain!”
“No one can trick me! Be nice to our newest member!” Buggy whirled around and actually started scolding them. Is he stupid? What is happening?
“I’m not in your crew! I lied to you so I could try and save him,” you clarified while pointing at Luffy, amazed that this even needed to be said. Luffy immediately accepted this explanation, nodding and winding up to take a swing at Buggy.
“Lucky, please! I know we got off on the wrong foot but-” Buggy’s pleas were interrupted by Luffy resuming the fight.
Carefully, you work on stepping out of the collapsed building, still a little baffled by that exchange. Whatever, no use in overthinking it. There are more important things at hand.
The sound of something heavy being dragged across the ground caught your attention, it was Nami toting a couple of massive bags behind her. She met your gaze and motioned you over, “Oh, good timing. Help me move these!” 
What? No please? Whatever, this is another thing not worth worrying about in the moment. You catch up with her quickly and take one of the bags. The second you do, you stumble. My god this thing is heavy! You do your best to pull it along, “What did you put in here? It weighs a ton!”
“It’s all of that clown’s treasure!” Nami answers happily, eyes sparkling. 
“Why do you need all of this? What would you even do with it?” You’re huffing from the exertion of hauling your bag.
“That’s my business, thank you very much,” she said dismissively. Well then, you guess that’s the end of that conversation. 
“Hey! I see you! How dare you steal from me!” Buggy screeched. A hand holding several throwing knives was flying right at the both of you. Nami screamed, but refused to let go of “her” treasure. Your hand hovered over the urumi, but you hesitated. You really don’t think you possess the skill to slice his hand out of the air.
Fortunately, you don’t have to try, because Luffy’s own hand rockets towards Buggy’s and snatches it out of the air before he can make contact. Your shoulder slump in relief, good thing he’s so on top of this! 
Luffy’s victory doesn't last long, another hand comes up from behind and steals his straw hat. You would think that he would just be happy that he wasn’t stabbed, but no. He looks enraged. You haven’t known him long, but the anger on his face feels wrong.
“Give that back! That’s my treasure!” His voice was so authoritative that you didn’t even question how something as simple as a hat could be considered treasure. Whatever reason he has, it must be a good one if he’s that mad about it.
Buggy begins on some tirade about the previous owner of the hat. Some dude named Shanks? Weird name. Well, to be fair, a lot of the people you’ve met have had strange names. 
You don’t get to listen in on this long, Nami taps you on the shoulder and indicates for you to follow her. You barely take a step before she tacks on, “Bring the treasure!”
After the oh so precious treasure is dragged into the nearest alley, she starts rifling through some boxes. Since she doesn’t appear to be planning on explaining herself, you pipe up, “So… Are we looking for something in particular?”
Nami doesn’t look up from her search, “We need something to stop that guy from coming after us or else I’ll never be able to leave with my treasure.” The explanation was simple and to the point. You pitch in and start looking, too. A net would probably work, but what were the odds of some nets just so happening to be here?
“This’ll work!” Nami springs up and tosses a bundle your way. You catch it, and it’s a coiled up length of rope. You nod, this is a nice alternative to your net idea. She strolls to the entrance of the alley and pokes her head out, “Next time this circus freak splits apart, you and me will tie up the pieces. Got it?”
“Got it,” you conceded. Sounds doable, especially if Luffy is keeping him busy. Sure enough, Buggy splits into a bunch of parts in hopes of confusing his opponent, but you’re not about to let him succeed.
You and Nami spring into action, grabbing airborne limbs and wrapping the ropes around them as tightly as you can. They’re wriggling wildly, and it is admittedly disturbing to be holding disembodied arms and legs, but you don’t give up. Unfortunately, both hands and feet evade you as well as Nami. You can only hope that the two of you were able to apprehend enough parts to make a difference.
Buggy attempts to put himself back together again, and the writhing piles of limbs try to fly back to him, but Nami acts swiftly and throws both into a box and seals it shut. The box rattles, but the body parts are unable to escape. The both of you smile triumphantly.
“What happened?! Where’s the rest of me?!” 
You look over to him, and immediately snort out a laugh. Which then escalates into hysteric laughing. Nami looks at you questioningly, before seeing it too and joining in with her own laughter.
Buggy the clown, the fearsome pirate that’s been talking mad shit since you met, was now nothing but a head with hands and feet. Absolutely nothing else.
Even Luffy was laughing, a pleasant sight after his previous expression. Buggy was still trying to act tough despite the situation, but Luffy was having none of that. He took a couple of steps back, then ran at the incomplete clown and kicked him. He didn’t just go sailing down the street, no, he went clear into the sky and vanished.
“Team Rocket blasting off again,” you mumbled. Then your face scrunched up. Where did that come from?
“Did you say something, Lucky?” Nami asked.
“N-No, that was nothing. I’m just glad that’s over with.”
“You and me both, I hate having to deal with pirates,” she agreed.
The sound of flip flops slapping against the ground was your only warning before being pulled into a group hug. You and Nami were squished against each other and unable to move when Luffy’s arms coiled around you both. He cheered and hopped up and down enthusiastically, “We did it, good thinking guys! We already make such a great crew!”
“I am not part of your crew,” Nami wheezed.
Luffy stopped, loosening his grip a little but not enough for either of you to escape, “Huh? But you said you’d be my navigator.”
“All that I agreed to was a temporary alliance, that’s it,” she clarified while trying desperately to get out of his clutches.
“Are you still gonna sail with us out of here?”
“Okay, that’s good!” Luffy was content with the answer, however unpromising it may be.
“Where’s Zoro? I haven’t seen him in a while,” you were craning your neck around to try and spot him. Now that you thought about it, you haven’t seen him since his fight with the unicyclist. Was he okay? Did he succumb to his wounds after the fight?
Mercifully, Luffy let go and pointed to where he was, “He’s over there, he said he needed to sleep some more after fighting.”
“What, right in the street?” You asked, thinking for sure that you’re misunderstanding. Obnoxious snores cut through the now silent air, and you realize that you understood perfectly. There he is. Out cold in the middle of the street like it’s the comfiest mattress he’s ever experienced. You know what? You’re not even surprised now that you’re looking at him. This checks out for him.
“Hey, guys, I think we should leave,” Nami threw out, handing the treasure bag you had been hauling to Luffy.
“There’s a mob and they look mad.”
A mob?! Sure enough, rounding the corner of the almost leveled street you were on was a massive angry mob of people. They’ve got torches and pitchforks and everything. They aren’t dressed like the pirates, you think these are the missing townspeople! That’s fine then, you guys just defeated the clown that had been terrorizing them. By all accounts, they should be happy with you. Right?
“Mayor Boodle! What happened to you?!” One of them cried out and ran to him. Oh wow, you hadn’t even noticed him being there. The mayor was currently sprawled out on the street. Unlike Zoro, he did not appear to be sleeping peacefully. If the knot on his head was anything to go off of, it looks like someone knocked him the hell out.
Damage control, you need to do some damage control! And quick!
“Oh him? I punched him,” Luffy interjected, looking rather proud of himself.
“You what?!” You and the townsfolk yelled all at once. Good lord, does Luffy just enjoy concussing people?! Should you be more suspicious about what happened to you?
“Hey! That girl stole my clothes! And paired it with a hideous coat!” An absolutely furious woman in the crowd pointed at you. Oh come on! How many people are going to call you out for wearing their clothes today?!
Luffy laughed, amused and unbothered, “Let’s go!” He reached for and yanked Zoro to his side and motioned for you to support his other side, and the second you picked him up you were running.
“Don’t let them escape!”
The mob surged after you all and were hot on your heels. You’re not sure that you’ll be able to lose them at this rate. 
Luffy took a hard right, leading all four of you down an alley. In the middle of it was a dog. Wait, not just any dog, that’s Chouchou! The dog he helped. You leapt over him, and the second the crowd approached, he switched from quiet guarding to aggressive barking.
Despite their numbers, this did make the people hesitate, buying you enough time to get ahead. Luffy called out a ‘thank you’ to the dog over his shoulder, much to the bewilderment of the crowd. 
The docks were just ahead, you were almost home free!
Nami leapt into her own boat, not wasting a second, and began to set sail. Luffy all but threw you and Zoro into yours. Both of you landed with a thud and Zoro groaned, opening his eyes groggily. He looks around lazily, “Where are we?”
“Back on our boat, we got chased out by an angry mob,” you explained, gently shifting him off of you.
“Because Luffy attacked the mayor,” you shot the assailant in question a dry look, not that he was paying attention.
“He did that to save him, why are they mad about it?” Zoro yawned and tried to make himself more comfortable. You didn’t even know how to respond to that. How do you save someone by punching them?
“Hey, you ruffians!”
Everyone looked to shore and saw the mayor standing there. Well he sure made a quick recovery since you last saw him two minutes ago! You waited anxiously to hear what would be said next. Would he curse you all? He probably doesn’t even know how the final battle went.
“Thank you!”
He’s… thanking you guys? 
Luffy laughed boisterously and waved, “You’re welcome, old man!”
“Wait! Luffy, where is the bag you were carrying?” Nami interrupted the moment, looking around frantically. “Did you forget it?!”
“No, I left it behind for them. They need it more than I do!” Luffy smiled innocently and pointed to where it was left on the docks. The locals were already investigating the bag to see what it was.
Luffy, a pirate, abandoned treasure because he thought the people who chased him out of town needed it more? What kind of a pirate would do something like that? What kind of a person would do something like that? The answer was obvious, you suppose.
A good one.
You looked over at him again, only to see Nami actively trying to drown him. 
“Nami, no!”
It took some time to ease the tensions between Nami and Luffy after the whole treasure incident. Time, and Zoro keeping them separated. Fortunately, Nami did eventually relent and agreed through clenched teeth that maybe the townsfolk did need the money.
Luffy had no problems to reconcile on his side, he had somehow already forgiven the attempted murder by the time Zoro pulled him above water.
Nami had set course for some nearby islands with the goal of acquiring a better ship as per Luffy’s request, and after that it didn’t take long for night to come. Nami offered to stay awake to make sure you didn’t go somewhere you weren’t supposed to, which was nice of her.
Getting some sleep sounded nice. At least, it sounded nice in theory. The small boat that you, Luffy, and Zoro were all crammed into didn’t offer much room for stretching out or having personal space. That, and Luffy had chosen to sleep by sprawling across you and Zoro in lieu of a bed. He wasn’t particularly heavy, but he wouldn’t stop moving.
You doubt you had slept for more than a couple of hours before being awoken by Luffy biting your arm, murmuring about meat in his sleep. You awoke with a start and roughly shoved him off of you on instinct. He barely even reacted and simply latched onto Zoro in your absence. Better him than you.
Sleep was unlikely to come to you again tonight. You carefully scoot yourself away from the two, with plans of stargazing until morning. The action didn’t rouse either of them, but it got someone else’s attention.
“Who’s awake?” Nami called out.
“I am, Luffy bit me,” you answered back.
She snickered, humored by your suffering. “Come over here and keep me company,” she yawned, “I’m getting tired.”
Chatting with Nami doesn’t sound like a bad way to pass the time, so you agree and shakily get to your feet. The two boats are tied together to keep them from drifting apart, so the distance isn’t far, but the instability of being at sea made it feel much more challenging than it should be.
Rather than help you by keeping the boat steady or even just offering a hand, Nami merely watched you struggle and didn’t even attempt to hide how funny she found this. Luckily, you were able to get over onto her boat without going overboard. 
“You’ve got some great sea legs under you, huh?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. 
You stumbled over to where she was seated and plopped down next to her, “I hope you know that I’m staying over here now, I’m not doing that again.”
That got a chuckle out of her, “That’s fine, I told you to come keep me company anyways.” The conversation lulled and you glanced over at her. She was focused on mending Luffy’s hat, carefully stitching the holes that had been put in it during his fight with Buggy. You hadn’t even known it had gotten damaged until you saw him fiddling with it after the little disagreement with Nami. It was surprising to see her offer to repair it considering how mad she had been only minutes prior, but Luffy agreed to let her anyway. 
“So, I’ve gotta ask: How did you end up with those two?” Nami broke the silence, “You don’t really seem like the type to be a pirate.”
“That’s… It’s a funny story, I guess? A short one, too,” you started. “According to Luffy and Zoro, I fell out of the sky, almost drowned, and when Luffy was pulling me over to their boat I hit my head,” you pointed to the bandages on your head for emphasis. Nami had stopped working on the hat and was instead gawking at you.
“I woke up a little while later, and couldn’t remember a damn thing. Not how I got there, what happened, or even who I was. Luffy got the idea into his head to try and help me remember everything, so now I’m traveling with them for the time being,” you finished the explanation. The whole situation was insane, but it felt good to talk about it a little bit.
“What? When did this happen, how long have you even been with them?”
“Since yesterday. I had only woken up a couple of hours before we got to that island back there,” saying that made you realize how much had happened in such a short period of time. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.
Nami was visibly horrified by your story. She spared a glance to the other boat, then lowered her voice and spoke to you in a hushed but urgent tone, “How do you know they’re telling the truth?! For all you know, they took you hostage and are hoping to ransom you!”
This was a good point, you had considered the possibility of foul play already, but you couldn’t fully commit to the idea of it. They didn’t seem like bad people to you. Unhinged, yes, but not evil by any means. You mulled over your next words for a minute, “I’ve thought about that, but I think they’re being honest. I mean really, I don’t think Luffy can even lie.” You laughed a little upon remembering the chaos he caused by telling the townspeople about what happened with Mayor Boodle, “Besides, if they were so concerned with getting money from a ransom, why would Luffy have left behind a giant bag of gold? That seems pretty counterintuitive to me.”
Nami still looked unsure, but not as freaked out as she had been. She shot another look at the other boat, a highly suspicious one, but ultimately sighed and went back to working on the hat. “I don’t like that story at all, but I’ll let it go for now,” she muttered.
You fell into another bout of silence. There wasn’t exactly a whole lot to do out here, so you settled for watching her put the finishing touches on the hat. After the last stitch, she pulled the string taut and tied the knot. She cut it and held the straw hat up to her lantern to admire her handiwork. It looked great, she had done an excellent job repairing it. 
“I’m guessing Lucky isn’t your real name then?” Once again, she had been the one to speak first.
“It’s not. Since I couldn’t remember it, Luffy came up with the nickname. He decided that I was “lucky” because he rescued me, so that’s how he chose the name.”
Nami scoffed, “I don’t know that I would call you “lucky” for that, but whatever.” She put the hat aside, and glanced at you briefly before choosing to look up at the stars instead. Her fingers drum against the wood of the ship anxiously for a moment, “Um… If you need to get away from them just let me know. I can drop you off at another island. Those idiots can’t navigate so they definitely won’t be able to find you.”
“Thank you, but that’s okay. I think I’ll stick with them for a while yet,” you answered honestly. They were some strange people, but you couldn’t deny that you found yourself liking them already.
“Suit yourself,” she said. Her disdain for the situation was palpable, but she seemed willing to drop it for now.
The only sounds now were the waves splashing against the boats and the wood creaking with each hit. It felt so quiet, unusually so, as if you weren’t used to it. The place you were before all this must have been very noisy if this makes you feel uneasy. 
But, this was a good opportunity to think over what happened today. Well, yesterday. Falling out of the sky was weird enough, having basically nothing from before this happened was weirder, but the weirdest thing of all was the note and weapon that seemingly manifested out of nowhere.
What was that? Who left it, and how did they know about your amnesia? If they knew you, why wouldn’t they come and collect you? What is there to gain from throwing a weapon at you and leaving you be?
You have so many questions and zero answers, but there is one question that stands out against all the others.
Who is “A”?
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featherandferns · 1 month
daylight - epilogue
jj maybank x fem!reader | the final part of the daylight series | read part 12 here
content warnings: mentions of sex; alcohol
word count: 1.6k.
blurb: life is pretty beautiful in Kildare but nothing comes anywhere close to the beauty of your boyfriend.
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An arm loops over your shoulder. You jolt, caught by surprise, and come close to dropping your camera. Thank God for neck straps. You’re so used to the feel of JJ around you that you don’t need the smell of his cologne to identify him. 
“Hey you,” you say, smiling up at him. 
“Hey,” he replies, smiling just the same. “Pretty good turn-out, huh?”
“I know,” you beam, looking around. 
With some help from the Pogues, you’d managed to organise a fundraiser for Barry’s garage. It came following the photos you’d posted on your Instagram gaining traction in the local community. They were shared in Facebook groups and around group chats, with people rallying to help Barry’s struggling business. It seemed the garage had been a staple in Kildare County for as long as most people could remember. Kiara was more than happy to organise the bulk of the fundraiser, having done her fair share for environmental clean-ups, and Pope had managed to rally his dad to provide food, free of charge. John B and JJ did most heavy lifting: they assembled stalls and tables and seating; strung lights and bunting; hung up balloons and signs; and carried crate after crate of soft drinks and beers. 
Your eyes fall on Barry, laughing with a local who you’d seen working at the docks. It makes you smile. For once, it seems he’s at ease. 
“This is a real nice thing you did for him,” JJ gently says. 
“Well, he’s a real nice guy,” you reply. 
JJ leans down and plants a kiss to your forehead. It feels nice, having him do it in front of others: even if nobody is looking. He’s unashamed to show you off and to show his affection for you. Interlocking your fingers with his, he guides you towards Barry. 
“Let’s go say hi,” he says as he leads the way. 
As you pass a group of local teens, JJ shares a quick word, accepting a bro-hug from one, but his hand never strays from yours. Perfectly timed, the fisherman who was talking to Barry departs towards Heyward’s stall just as you and JJ arrive. Barry turns to find you both and grins. 
“You kids having fun?” he asks. 
“Yes, sir,” JJ replies. 
Barry brings his beer can to his lips slowly, making a show to glance down at your interlocked hands. “See things are going good still.”
“I guess they are,” you return with a sheepish smile. 
Since the day at the Chateau, you and JJ no longer held back. There was no need to, the fear of being too much now gone. Movie nights were a weekly staple, with half of the film ignored as the focus switched to each other’s bodies. Hang-outs with the Pogues were riddled with teasing and berating from the group from the smallest signs of P.D.A. At work, JJ distracted you, finding any excuse to approach. Drives home were lengthened by sloppy make-outs and take-out stop offs. Mimsy was used to JJ’s company despite being back in Vancouver, thanks to him lying in your bed or lounging on the couch whenever you’d facetime. She’d once remarked ‘you might not be at the wedding, but I will’ in a gentle threat to remind JJ where he stood in the hierarchy of your affections. But you knew it was tongue-and-cheek. Thanks to Mimsy, he too had been educated on the serial killers and stalkers of America. What took you by surprise was how invested JJ was in it. 
You’re happy, though. JJ made you feel held, just like you’d asked and just like you’d always wanted. 
The squeeze of JJ’s palm against yours pulls you back to the conversation. 
“You enjoying yourself, Bar?” JJ asks.
“Hell yeah,” Barry jovially replies, making you both laugh. Tipping his beer can to you in thanks, he says, “your friend Kie really knows her stuff.”
“She’s pretty great,” you hum in agreement. 
“Your old man didn’t show up, I see,” Barry says to JJ. 
“He, uh, got wrapped up in something. He’d probably just cause a scene anyway, right?” JJ lightly says. 
Since starting your official relationship with JJ, you’d spent more time at his house. You’d gotten to know his history the same way he had yours, and you knew about his absent mother and nightmarish father. He’d got himself in trouble with prescription fraud and was serving a short stint in prison. JJ hauntingly joked that it was his ‘second home’. You’d held him all that night to help him fall asleep. 
“You know how much you’ve raised so far?” you ask, diverting the topic. 
“I’m told it’s somewhere around seven grand, so far,” Barry replies. “Shit. That’s enough to fix that damn roof.”
“That’ll save you a job after the next hurricane, then,” JJ notes. Hurricane Agatha had been building gradually. Everyone was preparing for her arrival in the near future, summer now in full swing. 
“Damn straight. Look, you kids go enjoy yourself. You don’t wanna be trapped with an old dog like me,” Barry urges with a tired smile. 
You roll your eyes. “I like being trapped with an old dog like you.”
He was used to your company at the garage. Surprisingly, you’d taken to learning some handy work in mechanics. Even more surprisingly, you weren’t half bad at it. JJ had also picked up extra shifts at the garage. You don’t think Barry liked when the two of you were there together though: the amount of work that got done seriously depleted. 
“Let me get a photo of you two, at least,” you add, lifting your camera. 
JJ sighs like it’s a burden but you know how much he likes being in front of the lens. Your memory cards were saturated with photos of the blonde haired boy, as was your pinboard and Instagram. He’d claimed the polaroid photos of you and shamelessly kept them by his bed, as well as a framed photo of you and JJ from the beach that Kie had taken with your camera. It was of the two of you, wading in the low waves, the mid-day sun high in the background, casting shadows on your frames. He was splashing you and you were screaming with laughter, trying to dart out the way. The moment JJ spotted it as you flicked through your gallery after a day at work, he’d begged for you to print it. Now it stood by his bed, proudly displayed like a Van Gogh original. 
JJ settles beside Barry and hooks an arm over Barry’s broad shoulders. The two of them smile - JJ’s brighter and beaming - and you snap several shots. Barry holds out his hand for your camera. 
“Let me get one of the love birds,” he gruffly says. 
You comply with a small roll of your eyes. JJ takes his spot by your side, his arm comfortably sitting around your waist. One of his calloused hands plants firmly at the top of your hip. You lean into his hold slightly, eased in his company like a reflex, and the two of you smile at the camera, squinting through the sunlight. As you go to move away and retrieve your camera, JJ’s spinning you around and dipping his head, planting a chaste kiss to your lips. Your eyes close on reflex, smile easily, and you hear your camera shutter click. 
Later that night, after the fundraising is long over, you and JJ are lounging on his sofa. He said something the other day about being home alone and how much he disliked it, when his dad wasn’t around. It was strange to you that he felt that way given the hell his dad brought, but then you’d remembered Barry’s comments from what felt like a lifetime ago. How JJ was loyal to the bone, even when it might not be in his favour. You suppose love is never lost when perspective is earned. So, instead of questioning it, you’d decided to stay with JJ. It was nice anyway, playing house. 
Your feet are in his lap, back lent against the arm rest, and one of JJ’s hands absentmindedly rubs at the palm of your foot. His other hand nurses a bottle of beer and his eyes are trained to the grainy TV. Every now and then he laughs, engrossed in a rerun of an old episode of The Simpsons. As you flick through the photos you’d taken that day, one makes you pause. A smile creeps onto your face. It’s one Barry had taken: JJ’s head dipped as he kisses you. You hold the camera out for JJ to see. 
“JayJ,” you mumble. 
He reluctantly pulls his gaze from the TV. “Yeah?”
He does as you ask, eyes flitting down to the camera. Taking it from you to see it better, his smile mirrors yours. 
“Cute, right?”
JJ nods, almost bashful, and passes you back the camera. 
“Send me that,” he says, looking back to the screen.  
“I wanna post it,” he shrugs, as if the answer is obvious. Your giddy smile that follows makes you drive your teeth into your lower lip. Nodding, you go about transferring the photo to your phone. Placing your camera on the dusty coffee table, you shift so you can cuddle into your boyfriend’s side. He gladly makes room for you, tucking you into his body, and you steal his beer for a sip. 
“Quiet you fool, it can be yours,” Homer’s inner thoughts say.
As JJ chuckles, his body shakes against yours. You look up at him, smiling to yourself at his beauty. Eventually he catches on to your staring. Looking down at you, his eyebrows raise. 
“What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, “you’re just really fucking pretty.”
Chuckling almost soundless, JJ smiles down at you. Then he’s closing the gap, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss.
One more and - yes, perfect. 
The End
@princessuki21 | @psyches-reid | @heybank | @avengersgirllorianna | @rrosiitas | @yourmumstoy | @jjsfavgirl | @void21 | @fictionalcomforts | @gsp420 | @redhead1180 | @wearemadeofstardust0 | @mrs-jjmaybank | @ifilwtmfc | @heybank | @lilyw1235 | @belle101200 | @maybankskiss | @lillell467 | please tell me if any tags aren't working - I've never done taglists before!
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nanamisflowerfield · 7 months
First Meeting (Dick Grayson x f!Reader)
A journalist meets the one and only Nightwing in a creepy warehouse. But they didn't know that this was their first of many encounters.
Blüdhaven. The one city that the vigilante named Nightwing called his home. But he wasn’t the only one who sees the city in New Jersey their home. Many people did that, including (y/n) (l/n). It was her new home. Leaving behind the bustling and bright streets of Metropolis, she had begun a new journey and life an investigative journalist in her new home. It had been a year since she moved to the city, and her life was now-.
“- Super boring.” You mumbled, holding your phone to your ear, while hearing your best friend chuckle on the other side.
“Ohh, come on, (y/n). I’m sure that Blüdhaven is pretty interesting. You have been living there for a year now and the way I know you, you probably haven’t seen the best of the city!” You rolled your (e/c) eyes at her. “Have you already seen Nightwing?”
You could only sigh at her question. Nightwing? You really hoped to see that idiot, but the dark-haired vigilante was like a damn ninja and always disappeared, once you were nearby! Even though you only needed one interview with the masked hero!
“Who cares about him? The better question is; is Clark late again for your little date?” You smirked, walking through the dark alley and past smelly trash bins, as a rat ran tried to eat something out of there.
You heard a loud “No!” and some shuffling, knowing that it surely was Lois’ husband Clark, who tried to put on his smoking as fast he could. The Clark Kent. A great journalist, best friend and also Superman. Yes, you knew that already. Not because they told you their big secret, but because you were pretty good at your job and figured it out by yourself and when you put the proof onto the table in front of your best friends and the sweetest couple on earth, they told you everything.
Your footsteps echoed in the silence of the street, engulfing your body with its darkness, while you walked near to the warehouse. The place that might help you with your next article, as you heard that there might be some information about a street gang, called Crimson Vipers. “Alright, Lois… Have fun at your date night, greet Supes from me and don’t do any funny business, if you know what I mean.” – “Yeah, yeah. And could you do me a favor and babysit little Jon next week?”
You told her that you might have some time, before you clicked on the red button on your phone and turning on the flashlight app. Time to investigate!
Your hand slowly turned the doorknob down, sneaking into the big and dark warehouse. At first, it looked like many other ones. The moonlight revealed neglected pallets and boxes. Only you and some abandoned objects were lying here. That was a good sign. A very good one. So, you could easily get some information about the gang!
Turning towards a corner, you found a door, opened it and saw some plans scattered around the room. Some were hanging on the walls, others on the ground. Perfect.
The door behind you closed with a soft click, as you walked through the room, trying to take as many pictures as you could, until you heard some loud voices behind the door. Probably some Crimson Vipers members?
Your heart raised, as you ducked down, trying to find something, anything to defend yourself, until your eyes gazed over a crowbar. That could work…
Tightly you held the dirty and rusty crowbar in your hands, hiding behind some crates while your breath shallow as the voices grew louder. You heard your heart beating loud and fast. Gulping your fear down, you looked towards the door, waiting for the right moment for you to beat them up.
The door creaked open, revealing a group of masked and buff individuals. One laughed sinister at the joke his friend and colleague did, sending shivers down your spine. But you tried to forget your fear. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, as you clenched the crowbar tighter and tighter, trying to figure out a plan. If they won’t see you, you could perhaps climb up the boxes and go through the window, but they were pretty high up.
But when three members suddenly gathered up and stood around in silent, one spoke up, pointing towards a map and explaining their next plan. Realizing the situation, you thought that this was your chance. Now or never!
You can gather some valuable information, which might make a sensational article! Your heart pounded louder, as you snapped some pictures and even tried to record it all. You needed to capture every single detail.
Your instincts told you to dash away and flee as fast you could! If only Superman could be here. He could easily save you, but you were now in Blüdhaven. “Damn…” You mumbled to yourself, preparing your nerves to make a quick exit.
But the gods might have heard your prayers as they left the room, making you sigh out of happiness and relief. But you still had one problem.
How should you leave this place? There were probably some gang members out there. The moment your feet slowly moved away from the crates; you heard a window above you open. Your (e/c) closed. You hoped that they didn’t find you and if one might grab you, you surely will beat them up with your new weapon.
And that’s what you did, when a hand grabbed your wrist. With your eyes closed, you swung your weapon in the direction of the stranger, narrowly missing them. “Woah, woah, calm down.” You heard the person say.
Your eyes widen. Was it not one of the Crimson Vipers?
The person in front of you, who stood there gracefully in unmistakable dark clothes and blue emblem on his chest told you who it was.
The vigilante’s hands went up in surrender. “I’m not here to hurt you, okay?” He tried to calm you down. But you ignored his words, as you asked him rushed; “Why are you here?”
The dark-haired man only rubbed his neck, shaking his head with a small chuckle. “Well, I’m here to, you know, stop these bad guys. But what are you doing here?” – “Uhhh… Investigating?”
“Hey! I forgot something, I will be back in a sec’!” You heard a voice behind the closed door and as it opened with a loud bang, the criminal looked at your direction. The bald guy grabbed his gun, pointed it towards Nightwing, who looked at him surprised. The vigilante probably tried to find a plan to safe you, while kicking their butts, but before you could hear the gun shooting, you stepped in front of Nightwing, crowbar in hand and adrenaline rushing your body.
Your hand swung once again and this time, you didn’t miss. The buff guy fell down and (e/c) orbs moved back to the tall guy behind you.
“Uh… Thanks.” He whispered, disarming the guy on the ground and turned his head towards you. “You shouldn’t be here. It’s pretty dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” You scoffed. “I just saved your masked butt with a crowbar.” You smirked at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest with a proudly, while Nightwing rolled his eyes. You swore that he coughed to hide his little laughter just now. He genuinely was amused by you.
But before any of you could say anything, you heard loud voices again. The criminals! How could you forget them so easily again? They might wonder where they friend was and why it takes him so long to get something back. Damn it!
Their voices growing louder, as they ran towards the door. Nightwing stood up, pulling you towards the crates. “You need to go. Now.” He whispered, glancing towards the window. You silently nodded, getting out of the window with Nightwing’s help, who guided you with ease. His movements were fluid, every step calculated. He was amazing.
When you reached the window, your hands gripped the ledge, while the handsome man boosted you up. “Go.”
You looked down to him, hearing the loud shouts of the criminals that were now aware of your presence. “Aw, come on, guys. Do you really want to hurt a lady? Focus on me.” He turns to them and with a swift kick, he engaged the bad guys, giving you the opportunity to hoist yourself up and through the opening.
When you took deep breathes in and out on the fire stairs, you looked through the large windows, seeing Nightwing holding his own against the criminals. His movements were mesmerizing, as if he dances around the criminals, kicking and punching them several times, as they fell to the ground. You took one picture of the fight, before climbing down the bright fire stairs. Sirens of the police wailed in the distance, signaling their approach. Their lights bright, just like the blue emblem of the chest of the Blüdhaven’s vigilante.
Back at your apartment, you found yourself running towards your desk, typing the newest article. and thanks to your bravery and skills, you found out that The Crimson Vipers' failed operation had become a headline. Your editor was very pleased to even see a picture of Nightwing and the city? Well, the city might have been a little bit safer now.
And you weren’t the only one who flipped through the pages of the Blüdhaven Bulletin. A young man’s ocean-blue eyes widened at a headline that read, “Nightwing Thwarts Crimson Vipers' Plot.” Curiosity piqued, as he read on and discover that the article was written by a (y/n) (l/n). That must have been the brave stranger he saved that night.
The same day, you found yourself at a crime scene, hoping to gather more information for your next big story. You approached the crime scene, your camera dangling around your neck. A police officer seemed to recognize you, as he left his colleagues alone with three handcuffed criminals that had tried to rob a bank.
“You know… I read an article about Nightwing and the Crimson Vipers. Impressive work.” You glanced towards the officer, who leaned on the wall next to you, while you were a bit surprised at the dark-haired man. “Oh, really?”
“Yeah. That must have been you, huh? You seem like a courageous person.”
You chuckled at the stranger’s words. Yes. Some might call you like that and others called you an idiot. “I’m just doing my job.”
“So… You are back for more? Trying to solve the crime before we do?” He teased, his blue eyes twinkling. You shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Someone's got to keep you guys on your toes.” He chuckled. “Well, keep up the good work. Maybe one day, we'll get to see an exclusive Nightwing interview.”
Dick's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer, and then he straightened up. “Keep it up. Blüdhaven needs more journalists like you.”
As he walked away, you couldn't help but smile. Maybe Blüdhaven wasn't as boring as you thought. And perhaps, the masked vigilante and the police officer were both part of a wonderful story waiting to unfold.
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Reblogs, plot ideas, comments and a ko-fi are appreciated. ( ‘ω’ ) © nanamisflowerfield. Do not repost, rewrite, plagiarize my work.
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fxlling13 · 10 months
Because Of You
Part 2.
Dh!Master x fem reader
Part 1
Synopsis: you finally get away from the doctor.
Warning: bad language. Blood. Pain
(A/N: so I decided to write part 2 haha. And in a different pov. Just ahead of this weekend obviously)
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After another harrowing adventure, it was safe to say you were exhausted. And now the master was banned from tagging along. Apparently he’d become dangerous again. In reality, you knew the doctor was still bitter over your bond. Plus, it gave him alone time to plot an escape. He knew where his tardis was, it was just getting there. Before you had chance to find him, the doc stopped you and announced she had somewhere else to take the two of you. Yaz was thrilled, smiling as the blonde began to ramble.
“I’m tired.” You spoke softly, hoping for some understanding. At that moment, all you wanted was your bed. After spending the past five hours constantly running, that’s exactly what you needed. That and a bath. Instead, the doctor rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“I’m not stupid (y/n). I know that you’re just going to find the master.” You sighed tiredly, rubbing your eyes. Not having the energy to argue, you just shrugged.
“I wasn’t but never mind. Let’s go.”
Oh how you wished you could have stood up for yourself more. As you were hiding behind a large stack of crates, your heart was pounding and your ears ringing. The doctor and yaz were nowhere in sight. They had fled without a second thought. So here you were, listening as heavy footsteps grew louder and you knew you had to get out. Pulling yourself up, you dashed for the door and found a padlock. Great.
“Human life sign detected.” A robotic voice echoed around the metallic room and your blood ran cold. Having no other choice, you smashed the lock with your fists and ran through the door. Sadly, there were armed guards ready which meant your legs carried on. On the other hand, their weapons were knives so easier to evade. Saying that, one managed to snag your shoulder as you rounded a sharp corner. Quite literally. Seeing the tardis, you threw yourself inside with urgency and slammed the door.
“There you are!” Yaz yelled, but not with relief. Turning round, you gaped for air as your lungs were burning.
“The hell did you go! We’ve been waiting here like idiots. Couldn’t you keep up?” The doctor was almost screaming, storming over to you with purpose. Now confused, you rested against the wooden doors to steady yourself.
“We had the right to just fly off and leave you there!”
“Then why didn’t you? It’s not my fault, you abandoned me. I told you I was tired.” You spoke through heavy breathing, adrenaline wearing off. Once again, the doctor rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“You love to make excuses up huh? I hate liars.” Everything caught up to you, your anger becoming too much. Harshly, you shoved the blonde back.
“You think I’m lying? Look at me!” Yaz was quick to go to the doctor, holding her close.
“I’m covered in blood! Because you left me alone with a set of killer robots!” You shouted in a fit of rage. And you were right. Your hand was balled up, each knuckle wounded. Your shoulder had a large gash to go with this, the pain becoming more apparent each second. Huffing, you pushed past them weakly and began to walk up the stairs before stopping. Turning back to the two women, you pressed your lips together before speaking.
“He would never let me get hurt.” Your words hit the doctor hard and Yaz had to keep her restrained as you left. Once around the corner and down the corridor, your lip began to tremble and your body grew weaker. Suddenly, you felt hands land on your shoulders and gazed up only to instantly relax. The master peered down at you with worry. You succumbed to your needs and fell into his chest with ease. Your body wracked with sobs and the man holding you tightened his grip.
“Hey hey. It’s okay sweets.” Hooking his hands under your arms, he picked you up effortlessly. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you clung on weakly.
“I’ve got you now.” The masters voice was low and gentle, his hand running along your back. You faintly heard him mutter ‘hold on’ before your head began to spin. More than it already was. Everything was hazy, falling in and out of consciousness. You barely registered what your body was feeling. But you could make out the press of the masters lips to your temple. Then everything went black.
The doctor stood in the console room, messing around with the controls. She could feel eyes boring into the back of her head and sighed.
“What do you want?” She sounded bored, turning to face the master. He strolled over, jacket long gone and hands tucked into his pockets.
“You haven’t noticed.” Was all he said, standing right in front of her. The doctor furrowed her brows, casting her eyes around.
“What?” He just chuckled at her not knowing and aimlessly walked around the console.
“You and (y/n) had a pretty heated fight I see.”
“Only because you have corrupted her.” Scoffing, the male leant against a pillar and tilted his head.
“No I haven’t. And you know I haven’t. That’s what’s driving you mad.” He slowly took a step towards the blonde with a smile on his lips.
“You can’t stand that she chose me over you.” He chuckled, running his tongue along his teeth. Pulling his hand out, he twirled it round in the air with expression.
“And to make things worse for your overworked brain, it kills you that she loves me. Doesn’t it?” The doctors nostrils flared with rage, nails digging into her palm as the master continued on.
“And I love her. The one human you can’t have. Because she’s mine.” He finished, smiling smugly.
The Doctor went to slap him but he grabbed her wrist with force. They stared each other down, him finding intense joy at her upset. Laughing, the master moved away and head up the steps.
“What is it then? What haven’t I noticed?” The doctor spat, halting the man. Smirking, he turned and looked at her with pity.
“We’ve been gone three days.” He whispered patronisingly, waving at her before pulling out his TCE and disappearing. Leaving the doctor to wallow in her own feelings.
When you awoke, you found yourself in a room you didn’t recognise. What you did know, was you were lying in the most comfortable bed you had ever been in. Purple silk sheets surrounded your body, your head resting on two perfectly fluffed pillows. Gazing around the room, you saw how nicely it was decorated. In front of the newly found four poster bed, was a cracking fire. A beautiful grey tiled mantelpiece encased it with intricate galifreyan carvings. The wall to your left was lined with dark book shelves with the most luxurious books imaginable. There was also a desk slotted between. Slowly, you sat up and looked down at your hands. They were neatly wrapped up, as was your shoulder. Then you realised you were wearing only your bra and a pair of very loose pyjama pants.
“You’re finally awake.” The masters voice greeted you warmly, the door clicking shut behind him. Coming to your side, he perched on the edge of the bed.
“Where am I?” You asked, voice horse. Smiling, he placed his hand in yours and you relaxed immediately.
“On my tardis. In my room to be more specific.” He told you, happy to see the relief on your face.
“You got us out?”
“Of course I did, love. I couldn’t let her treat you like that any more.” Gently, he reached up and stroked your cheek, thumbing the skin with care. His eyes raked over your figure, fingers tracing the bandages.
“I hope you don’t mind your attire. I wanted to make sure I could clean everything.” Blushing, you shivered under his touch but shook your head.
“I don’t mind. How long was I out?”
“Three days, I put your mind in a deep state of rest.” The master moved closer, almost caging you against the pillows. But you didn’t complain, instead you felt comfort. He rested his hand by your waist, your own hand came to hold his arm securely. Almost hugging it.
“I went back to the doctor. Gave it to her straight. I should have hurt her but, I couldn’t leave you for that long.” Smiling at his words, you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed.
“How about my room? Do you like it? It’s much better than the doctor’s tardis right?” You almost giggled at his need of approval.
“I love it. It’s a lot nicer so far. Plus your bed is so comfy.” Leaning back against the pillows, the master helped you to sit straight and get comfortable. Inching closer, the man was still facing you but practically sat on the bed beside you. His hand landed on your clothed thigh, smoothing over the fabric tentatively.
“She hadn’t noticed, by the way. We’ve been gone for three whole days. And the doctor didn’t notice a thing.” He laughed, simpering as he lined the pattern on your pants with his finger.
“Why would she? I’m not important. You on the other hand-“
“Don’t say that ever again.” He spoke sternly, eyes looking straight into your own. Frowning, you cast your gaze down to his hand on your thigh.
“But I’m not important to her. And I don’t care.”
“Well you’re important to me. And I’ll destroy whole galaxies to prove that.” Your heart sped up, swallowing thickly and hoping he couldn’t tell how flustered he was making you.
“Really?” You questioned, causing him to hum in confirmation. Sucking in a breath, the master trailed his hand along your inner thigh and up to your waist.
“Yes. I will burn heaven and earth for you.” His eyes flicked down to your lips briefly, the blush on your face spreading to your ears. You looked up at him shyly, lashes fluttering.
“Stop looking at me like that, (y/n).” The master groaned, leaving you confused.
“Why?” Smirking a little, he cupped your jaw with intention. Without saying another word, he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours. Heat filled your body. You kissed back instantly, ignoring the initial shock. Your arms wrapped around his neck to tug him in closer, the male practically hovering over you by then. He pulled back with caution, smiling down at you.
“That’s why.” Gleefully, you rolled over, successfully pinning him beneath you. The master grinned, holding your waist. He looked proud at your tactical move.
“Hah. Got you.” You giggled playfully, resting your elbow down to get closer to him.
“Only you can get away with man handling me, dear.”
Delicately, he traced along your face before trailing down and leaving his hand to cup the side of your neck. Placing your own free hand on his chest, you sighed.
“How do we get back at the doctor? You must have a trick up your sleeve?” You wondered out loud, hearing him cackle slightly.
“Oh of course I do. And with you by my side? It’ll be easier than ever to get her exactly where she deserves to be.”
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navstuffs · 1 year
headcanons of leon adopting a dog (gn!reader)
warning: none, pure fluff, leon with dogs
Leon never shared your interest in adopting a dog. Despite every dog you met gravitating towards him, having a dog wasn't on his wish list. Due to his job, he didn't want to leave all responsibility in your hands.
So when your sister begs you to take care of Bowie, her brown labrador, you think it won't be a problem. Leon is away on a mission, you work from home and have been feeling pretty lonely. Besides, it is an emergency, and your sister will return soon. You just have to make sure there was no evidence of a dog in the house before Leon comes home. Which could take days, weeks, or months.
So you will be fine.
When your sister asks for a few extra days, you get a little nervous, thinking you might take the dog to a hotel. Bowie seems comfortable around the house like he belongs there, so you delay it.
When Leon finally comes home, exhausted, the only thing on his mind is relaxing in your arms after a shower, he hears taps on the floor in his direction and sees Bowie looking directly at him, his tail wagging excitedly.
Leon doesn't say anything, staring down at Bowie. Wasn't that your dog's sister? What is he doing there? 
Bowie slowly approaches him, sniffing his pants and looking up with cute brown eyes. Leon knows anyone would have fallen immediately, but he doesn't, calling your name.
You run downstairs, watching Bowie tangle on Leon's legs. Your boyfriend looks astonished, and you have to muffle a laugh. 
"I am sorry, I am sorry! My sister needed someone to take care of Bowie, and I offered. I thought he would be gone now, but she needed a few extra days."
Leon notices you are nervous, rubbing your hands together, anxiously awaiting his answer. Leon sighs, letting his bag on the floor, Bowie sniffling it. He walks toward you, pulling you into a hug.
"It is alright, sweetheart. I am not mad. It was an emergency. All good."
You let out a deep breath, hugging him back tightly. You were so relieved he was back in your arms and not angry. You two feel Bowie trying to join in on the hug.
You do your best to keep Bowie out of Leon's way the next few days, but the dog is obviously drawn to him. If Leon gets up, Bowie follows. After returning from your usual walks with him, Bowie immediately returns to Leon. You try to lure Bowie with treats, but after he eats them, he returns to Leon again. 
(some part of you is getting jealous since you have been taking care of Bowie for quite some time and he chooses Leon like this. but can you blame them?)
One day, you have to run some errands. You tell Leon you can leave Bowie in the crate so he doesn't disturb him, but Leon says it is all good. 
You try to finish as fast as you can. Before you go home, you get a pizza, drinks, and special doggie treats from Bowie. You don't hear Bowie taps to welcome you when you arrive home. After dropping everything on the kitchen counter, you call Leon.
You find both of them napping on the sofa, Bowie lying on top of Leon, his head comfortably on his chest. They look peaceful, Leon's features calm as his hand holds Bowie.
You don't know who you are more jealous of if Leon or Bowie, almost melting with how freaking cute they look. Leon looks so peaceful as well. You get your phone to take a few pictures before leaving them both to sleep.
After that, Bowie gets even more attached to Leon and vice-versa. Leon starts to join you and Bowie in walks, takes him on morning runs, and even suggests taking Bowie to a dog park. Leon feeds him, gives him baths, and suggests Bowie might need a toy.
If Leon is lying down on the sofa, Bowie always jumps on top of him. Leon would stroke Bowie's head and body until they both fell asleep.
The day Leon goes grocery shopping, he finds a toy for Bowie. Not a squeaky annoying one, but one he could throw for him.
When Leon returns home, he looks for Bowie. He finds you on your laptop in the living room. When Leon asks you where Bowie is, you scratch your head telling him anxiously your sister picked him up earlier. 
"I am sorry you couldn't say goodbye. She was in a rush."
Leon doesn't reply, simply nodding and taking groceries to the kitchen. He doesn't speak much for the rest of the day, looking like the past depressed Leon.
One month pass until Leon has to leave for a mission again. You are sad to see him go, not knowing when you will see him again. At least you have enough time to prepare a surprise for him.
When Leon returns, he is surprised to hear the taps against the floor.
A mixed-breed puppy comes running to check on him. You follow close behind, watching Leon hold the puppy in his arms.
"His name is Prince. He is here temporarily if we don't want to stay with him."
"He stays." 
"He stays then."
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 7 months
Can you please make an Kenny Omega X Fem y/n story fluff
Reader had an hard/tough week at work and no off day to recharge and he's makin sure that she feels loved and that he's always there for her?!
Kenny Omega X FemReader
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Kenny Omega Masterlist Main Masterlist (Word count 1.1K)
I didn’t hear Y/n come in last night. I didn’t even know she took a red-eye home after revolution. I woke up this morning to find Y/n lying next to me. In a peaceful slumber, catching up on much-needed rest. As much as I was happy that she was home I couldn't imagine how tired she was. I knew more than anyone how hard Y/n had been working to ensure the upcoming PPV would be perfect. I had grown so used to traveling with my wife over the years that it was weird not having her at home with me. I didn’t even care that I wasn’t able to wrestle, I missed traveling from town to town and watching from a backstage monitor all the young talent in AEW. Y/n hadn’t been home in two weeks, I knew she must be exhausted. That is why I wanted to plan a little something something for the 72 hrs Y/n would be home. I decided I would make breakfast in bed, surprise her with a spa day and even go out to dinner. 
“Good morning beautiful,” I said to my wife as she walked down the stairs tiredly. “Morning” “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed” “Aw, that’s so sweet”  “Well since you’re up why don’t you sit down and we can have breakfast?” I poured Y/n some coffee and layed out the variety of goods I prepared for her. The two of us sat in a comfortable silence for a while until Y/n broke the silence. “What did you think of the show?” She asked “I thought it was good. I can’t believe they had Sting lose his retirement match to the Bucks. I wasn’t expecting Flair to cost Sting the match either” “Yeah, that was not my decision. In my eyes that creates a rivalry between Sting and Flair that doesn’t need to be there. As long as I live I will not let Ric Flair wrestle in an AEW ring. I don’t want to be held accountable for that trainwreck. Plus, Sting is retired now. We did all of that hard work for him to have a good send-off. Why would he retire for five minutes just to come back and wrestle Flair? It doesn’t make sense!”
“Sounds like you have a lot on your plate” 
“You have no idea. Like, I thought I would be okay not wrestling anymore Ken. I thought being a Vice President would be fine, writing storylines and doing all that Jazz was fine. But- I don’t think I can take it anymore. I’m going insane! Why do we keep signing talent left right and center when we have SO much talent we don’t use. If you want new talent, fine, but release some people then. I know how hard that is but it has to be done. It’s not personal It’s business. It’s like we can never win. People bitch and complain about using the same talent every week but when we use different people they complain they don’t get to see their favs. If we sign someone great! Then people complain we have too many wrestlers, then it crates a rift and everyone gets fucked. Like Jay White for example. Remember how HARD I had to work to get him signed, You and I had to do so much for that to happen. He is an amazing wrestler who deserves to be doing so much more than what he is doing now. He was supposed to be the new Champion after MJF who by the way should have NEVER broken your record for the longest reign, But then of course no one likes to listen to Y/n anymore and that never happened. If you wanted MJF to win, fine but why randomly drop the title to Samoa Joe, I know Max is injured but that is why I said to drop the title to Jay! Now everything is fucked and everyone is complaining and I don’t know what to do because all my ideas aren’t being used and everyone is pissed off!” 
I didn’t say anything, I just sat in peace across the table listening carefully as Y/n got everything off her chest. She needed this. 
“Don’t get me wrong I like Bullet Club Gold but did Jay really leave NJPW and Bullet Club just to be back in this new version of Bullet Club? The Bang Bang Scissor gang is absolutely ridiculous. He should be a world champion not in this super faction. I just can’t Kenny! At every press conference, I get asked when I will make my return and when I will wrestle again. They know I won’t wrestle again and it makes me feel like I’m disappointing everyone.” I saw the tears start to form and then fall during that last sentence, god how I hated people. 
“Y/n you're not disappointing anyone. You don’t owe it to anyone to go back to wrestling. They need to learn to let it go, your mental and physical health is more important.” I told Y/n as I went over to comfort her. “How about we move somewhere more comfortable?” I asked. The two of us moved to the living room, continuing our conversation as I held Y/n in my arms.
“I’m really sorry you have to deal with this baby, I wish I could help.” I told her sincerely. “It’s not your fault. I’m just under a lot of stress right now. I just really missed you, It’s been hard without you.” I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I knew none of this was my fault but I wished I was able to be there with Y/n so she didn't have to go through this alone. She flew in at 4am just so she could get a day at home before the next show. 
“Is there anything I can do for you? I can book a spa day. A nice massage is always good!” I hated seeing her like this, poor thing looked so tired. 
“No, I just want to stay here. Can you just hold me? Can we spend the day cuddling in bed,  eating chocolate?” Y/n asked, her face buried in my chest
“Whatever you want my love,” I told her “Maybe later you can give me a massage?” “Of course baby. I love you, so very much Y/n” “I love you too Kenny”  "I'm always going to be here for you. I'm just one text, one phone call, one plane trip away. If you ever need me I'll be there"
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fonulyn · 2 months
@kreonweek Day 4: Revenge (also sorta Loyalty) (warnings: MCD)
“He is dead,” Krauser growled, the sound rumbling from his chest like a warning, more animalistic than human in nature. It was kind of fitting, with how he was coated in blood, his mutated arm pulsating next to him as if it had a mind of its own. The keratinous blades that once were his fingers had cut and slashed through all of Saddler’s bodyguards, unable to quench it thirst for blood once it had first tasted it. Krauser had massacred everything on that island, everything that moved he’d killed.
Except now he was standing face to face with Saddler. He was aware of Ashley Graham, tied up and stashed next to the wooden crates as if she was another piece of luggage instead of a human being. Krauser didn’t give a shit about her. He didn’t care if she lived or died, he wasn’t moved by her sobbing or the weak pleas to let her go. There was only one thing on Jack Krauser’s mind right at that moment, and that?
That was revenge.
Slowly Saddler turned around, that infuriating smile like stuck on his smug lips. “Oh, is he? Good,” he said, as if he was complimenting a preschooler for a job well done. As he went on his façade cracked ever so slightly, suppressed anger vibrating in his voice. “But why is everyone else dead, too? I don’t recall asking you to kill my beloved parishioners. Were my instructions unclear?”
“What did you put in that dart?” Krauser demanded, his voice odd to his own ears.
Saddler scoffed. “It doesn’t matter—”
“You killed him,” Krauser growled.
This time Saddler laughed. “Oh, no. I just helped you do what you would’ve been too weak for otherwise. In a way, I saved you. In a way, I saved you both.”
There was no answer Krauser could give to that. Blind white hot rage filled every little bit of him, consumed him, took over his entire world. On paper, he probably wasn’t even nearly a match for Saddler in strength, not when they’d both let the mutation take over completely. Yet adrenaline was a strange thing. Rage was a strange thing.
When Saddler was lying dead on the ground, Krauser spat on his corpse.
Then Krauser walked over to Ashley. She looked at him, eyes big and scared, lip wobbling as she expected for him to finish her next. She’d been crying, tears streaked down her face, her eyes rimmed red. And still Krauser felt nothing. He grabbed her arm, roughly yanking her up onto her feet. She whimpered, too scared to even scream, but somehow she managed to breathe out one single question. “What’s going to happen to me?”
Krauser closed his eyes. He could almost feel Leon’s skin on his, Leon’s breath mixing with his own. For a brief second, Leon was right there next to him, smiling at him as if he was worth something in this world. As if he mattered.
Then Krauser took a deep breath.
“You’re going home.”
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Joyride Part 2
Summary: Can you talk your way out of trouble or are you going to go head to head with Cad Bane? Will you get that shower with Hunter that he promised???
Pairing: Hunter x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, Angst, Unprotected P in V (wrap it up friends), shower sex, Fluff AND Smut AT THE SAME TIME???? Romantic!Hunter.
WC: 4.5K
A/N: Sorry this took a hot ass minute. I hope I made up for it though. I've been thinking about this man literally NONSTOP.
Part One │ Taglist Form
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Six months ago.
“Kriff… There’s no way out…” Hunter grunts, shining his flashlight throughout the room.
You put your hand up to shield your eyes as he shines it in your direction, turning around and then notice something you’d all missed.
“If there’s no way out of this building, then where are they headed?” You ask Hunter as you nod toward the large womp rats scurrying through the room behind some crates.
You quickly walk over and start pushing them out of the way, Wrecker quickly coming to move the heavier ones for you. You smile up at the large man, pleased, when you find a large enough opening that’s definitely going to be your way out. 
“What, do you want a cookie?” Hunter asks and you shoot him a glare. 
“Asshole.” You mumble under your breath, knowing he can hear you anyway.
“Ignoring that.” He whispers in your ear, as he walks past to inspect the opening. 
You ignore the slight warmth that runs from head to toe from his low, gruff voice. Ugh. Hunter truly irritates you so much, it's a wonder either of you get anything done.
“Let’s get moving.” Hunter tells the group and once everyone goes through the opening down into some sort of sewer system, Hunter offers his hand to help you down, tilting his helmet at you. 
You bat his hand away and jump. But you can’t help but wonder what his hand would feel like in yours.
Present, Lower Levels of Coruscant
“If you touch her, I will rip your throat out.” Hunter’s voice brings you back to the present. You’re still on the garage floor, you realize, your muscles still not strong enough to pull you up just yet. When you try to open your eyes, you feel a cool finger trace down your bare neck and you understand now that Hunter was speaking to whoever the owner of the finger was. 
“I told you, one wrong move and I’ll blast her, didn’t I?” A low drawled voice speaks, evenly and calmly. “Now, you’re going to tell me where Cid is and I’m gonna let this pretty little thing go and then you two can be on your way.” 
You know that voice… And with knowing that voice, you know you’ve met your match. 
Cad Bane… Of course. Why not make your life harder? Maker, you really hate being stunned. 
“Nevarro.” You finally open your eyes, looking up at him. “She’s on Nevarro.” 
“Ah, little lady’s awake.” Cad Bane pulls you up by your dress strap and Hunter struggles against the two men holding him back. 
“Relax.” You whisper quiet enough that Cad can’t hear you but you know that Hunter can.
He stops struggling and settles, looking at you with an expression of concern. 
“Proof?” Cad asks.
“She’s making a trade deal with Arua Stullie. Something about Imperial weaponry.” You lie as coolly as you can. 
“And what does Arua Stullie want with Imperial weapons?” Cad holds the blaster to your neck and Hunter looks like he’s seriously about to run for Bane and rip his teeth out. 
You’ve never seen Hunter look so furious. Hunter isn’t a good liar though. It’s definitely one of his biggest flaws. In fact, none of the Batch are good at lying. Almost humorously so. Except right now. 
Lucky for you, Cid taught you how to lie, steal, cheat, gamble, etc. Basically anything that a morally good person wouldn’t do, you were taught the opposite.
“Arua’s planning an attack on some Imperial vessel. Cid came into the weapons yesterday from some rogue Mandos. Don’t know much more than that.” You shrug, keeping your voice steady.
“That true, handsome?” Cad asks Hunter.
Hunter nods, still glaring, and Cad’s quiet for a moment before letting your dress strap go and dropping you to the floor. 
“Alright. I believe you.” Cad sighs. “You can go.” 
“Wow, thanks so much for your incredible hospitality.” You glare up at him as Hunter rushes to you.
“Next time you plan on crossing my path, don’t.” Cad warns you.
It’s not that you’re necessarily afraid of Cad Bane. He’s just serious about his money and you probably should count yourself lucky that he let you go. 
“Yeah, no worries.” You grunt. 
Cad and whoever these thugs are make out like bandits and Hunter looks at you for a moment, searching your eyes as he gently cups your face. His hands are so warm against your skin. Or maybe your cheeks are warm from the way he’s looking at you so softly right now. 
“Are you alright?” He whispers.
You nod. “I’m fine.” 
“You ever lie to me like that?” He smirks. “You’re scarily good at it.” 
“Not necessarily.” You grin and he rests his forehead against yours. “I have no reason to lie to you, sarge.”
When he stands up, he helps you up and then leads you into the Marauder, shutting the hatch and locking it. You look at him curiously as he guides you back toward the shower. 
“You’re so brave, it never ceases to amaze me.” He pushes you up against the durasteel wall next to the fresher, nuzzling his nose against your neck, breathing you in.
Your breath hitches in your throat as he places a soft kiss to your neck and he lets out a breathy laugh, smiling. 
“Can I admit something?” He asks, quietly.
“Of course.” You whisper, afraid if you move, this moment will go away.
“When we’re in tough… or scary… spots on missions, I listen to your heartbeat to calm myself. It’s rarely ever above 65 beats per minute… You’re always so calm in tricky situations.” He admits, pulling away to look at you.
That’s funny because you feel like your heart is beating right out of your chest. “And now?”
You place his hand over your heart and he kisses you. You rest your hand on his neck, pulling him closer as his free hand grips your hip.
“One-ten.” He smiles against your lips.
“Yeah, that checks out.” You laugh.
Hunter grins and then opens the fresher door, pulling you inside. 
“Permission to take this off?” He whispers, trailing his fingers down the silk material. 
You nod, looking up into his warm brown eyes. “Please.” 
He smiles and then turns you around so you’re facing the sink, looking at yourself in the mirror with him behind you. 
“Pretty dress, by the way. I regret not telling you that before the casino mishap.” He smirks at you in the reflection of the mirror. “You look absolutely beautiful.”
“Thanks.” You feel yourself go warm in the face. “Earlier… my dress slid up my thigh a little bit and you walked away.”
“Yeah, I got fucking hard and thought I was gonna lose it…” He whispers in your ear, kissing just below it.
Goosebumps trail down your entire body as his fingers slide your zipper down. He notices as he runs his fingers down your bare back and a full shudder ripples through your body.
“Nervous?” He murmurs. His eyes stare into yours in the mirror.
You shake your head and he lets the fabric fall to the floor. 
“And here I was thinking you were a good liar.” He turns you around and lifts you up, sitting you on the sink. 
“You caught me.” You whisper, smiling softly.
His lips capture yours again and you moan against his. Hunter’s hands grip your thighs in the most delicious way and you find yourself never wanting him to let go of you. 
“Don’t be nervous, cyar’ika. I’ve got you.” He promises you, softly.
“I trust you.” You promise him back.
Trust is a big thing for you. You think he knows that. 
“You’re too clothed.” You murmur against his lips. “You’re right.” He agrees, pulling away to unbutton his shirt, revealing his gold chain and the continued skeleton tattoo that travels down his torso, disappearing into his pants. 
You gulp loudly, even to your own ears and judging by his smirk as he looks down while undressing, you know he heard it too.
“I knew it.” You gasp when he starts to pull his pants down, revealing the femur tattoo that descends into a fibula tattoo and down to his foot. 
“Knew what?” He looks up at you finally, his brown eyes making you go hot all over.
“That the skull tattoo wasn’t just a skull. I figured that it probably-” You start babbling but he cuts you off by crushing his lips to yours. 
You moan softly against his lips and he starts to pull your underwear down. The moment they hit the floor, he inhales and grips your thighs roughly.
Oh… he smells you, doesn’t he? Fuck… why is that so hot?
Oh fuck, can he always smell you when you’re-
“You have no idea what you do to me…” His lips find your neck, breaking you out of your thoughts, and then your shoulder, and then he’s pushing you back slightly so his lips can latch onto your pert nipples, begging for attention. 
With one hand still gripping your thigh, he reaches into the shower and starts the water. Honestly, you didn’t know the man could multitask so well. The thought makes you chuckle and he lets go of your nipple with a ‘pop’ and looks down at you with a quirked eyebrow.
“What’s funny?” 
He nods, clearly unconvinced, with a mischievous look in his eyes. “Right.”
His hand that was gripping your thigh moves over slightly, down toward your bare warmth and your breath hitches again. 
“Mmhm?” His fingers slide further down and his eyes are still watchful of yours.
“What are you doing?” You smile softly.
“Tell me what’s funny.” His fingers slide slowly over your wet folds, barely entering you, but enough to make you clench around nothing.
“It was nothing.” You try to tell him, knowing if you tell him the truth, he very well might stop. 
“Suddenly… You’re a very,” His finger grazes your clit. “bad liar.” 
You whimper, biting your lip, trying to hold out. For what, at this point, you don’t know. What’s he going to give you for telling the truth? 
“I was just entertained by your ability to multitask.” You gasp when his thumb presses against your clit harder. “W-with turning on the shower while-”
“Oh.” He chuckles, his eyes darkening. “I can show you other ways I can multitask, cyar’ika.”
Before you can ask him what he means, he pulls you up against him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picks you up and pulls you into the shower, pushing you against the wall as the water falls over the both of you. 
“How about this…” He smiles with a knowing look. “I’m gonna fuck you while I wash your hair and clean you up, so that what happened earlier is out of both of our minds for what I have to show you later.” 
“Ah, yes. The surprise.” You smile. 
He captures your lips softly this time. “How does that sound?” 
“Pretty good, honestly.” You shrug, nonchalantly, making him let out a genuine laugh. 
Hunter’s laugh does something catastrophic to both your heart and your core. Have you always been this attracted to him? Suddenly, you find yourself needing to know what his hands feel like while they wash your hair. What his face looks like when he’s caring for you. 
Why did you waste so much time arguing and fighting when you could’ve had this the whole time? 
Hunter reaches around you, lining himself up with you before pushing in, making you gasp against his lips, loudly. He groans just as loud, if not louder, and you’re suddenly so fucking thankful you’re planets away from the rest of the Batch. 
“I want to be buried in you every day.” Hunter admits, his voice full of need and desperation. 
To be the cause of that desperation is such a satisfying feeling, you can’t help but smirk, looking down between the two of you where your hips meet.
“Whenever you want it, let me know.” You kiss him again and a low rumble in his throat pulls your attention to his face. 
“You can’t just say things like that to me unless you mean it.” He rests his forehead against yours. 
“I do mean it, though.” You whisper. “Pull me into this fresher whenever you want and fuck me like you can’t live without this.” You clench around him and his grip on your ass tightens.
“Cyar’ika…” He pulls out slightly only to slam back into you. “That’ll be every day.”
“Then let it be every day. Every night. Every hour. Whenever.” You promise him. 
With a final groan, he starts thrusting into you and you swear that you see past all of the stars in the Galaxy. This angle is something else entirely, something you’ve never had and don’t think you can live without ever again. 
“So fucking good.” You whisper between pants and whimpers, the sound of skin against skin filling the small fresher so much it’s making you wetter than before. 
When his hips slow against yours, you look at him, confused, and he chuckles, pulling your shampoo down out of the net that everyone keeps their shower stuff in so that it doesn’t get thrown around while on intense missions. 
“Oh, you were serious.” You laugh.
“Dead serious.” Hunter keeps one hand ahold of you, and you genuinely didn’t know he was so strong. 
He flips up the cap and pours the shampoo over your head a bit, the aroma of fresh fruit filling both of your noses. He closes his eyes, clearly enjoying the scent as he caps the bottle shut and puts it back. When he opens his eyes, he starts gently thrusting while simultaneously massaging the shampoo into your hair.
“This… is new.” You smile, softly.
“Good new?” 
“Mmhm. You do this with all your partners?” You chuckle.
“Only you.” He admits, while still soaping up your hair, making sure to get all of it. “I’ve never been this… personal with any other… partners. In fact… It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone.”
“Since before Omega?” You guess.
He nods, pulling you under the water to rinse out your hair, still massaging your head. It feels incredible. You’ve never been given this much attention before, though, so you’re almost not sure what else to say. 
He stills, still inside you, and you look at him softly.
“There was just never… time, I suppose? No one ever caught my eye either.” He explains, his voice so soft, so gentle that you feel like you’re almost in a trance. “Until we met you.” 
Your cheeks go warm under his stare as you realize the weight of what he’s telling you. 
“Anyway.” He clears his throat, awkwardly, as he reaches up for your conditioner. 
You watch each other as he conditions your hair, smiling ever so slightly at the understanding between the two of you. You’re it, for each other. There’s no one else.
When he finishes conditioning your hair, he rinses it out just as he did before. And then, you reach up for his shampoo, pouring a bit into your hand, rubbing it between your hands before reaching up into his locks. He groans at the feel of your fingers against his scalp. 
“I swear I can feel how tense you are just in your scalp.” You smile, making him laugh.
As you get his hair nice and soapy, you can feel his cock grow harder inside of you, you think. When you tug slightly on his hair, his eyes flutter shut and he groans, pushing further into you. 
“You like that?” You murmur, seductively.
He nods, lips parted. “Yeah.”
You guide him under the water a bit and let it run through the soap and your fingers, making it travel down both your bodies, and you realize his shampoo doesn’t have a scent to it. 
“It doesn’t smell like anything.” You murmur.
He nods again. “A lot of scents are overwhelming.”
“Oh… I’m sorry if mine-”
“No. It’s just me, being stuck with my own hair 24/7, you know? I love the way you smell. My favorite smell.” He assures you, grinning. “In fact… you’re my favorite everything to my senses… My favorite smell, my favorite taste.” He kisses you. “My favorite touch.” He runs his hand up to cup your jaw. “My favorite sight.” His eyes run down your body and a shiver runs up your spine. “And your laugh is genuinely my favorite sound. I’d do anything to hear it for the rest of my life.”
“Oh… Hunter.” You get an unfamiliar lump in your throat and you struggle to look him in the face, but he pulls your face back toward his. 
“I love you. You definitely don't have to say it back. I just want you to know.” He rests his forehead against yours again. “I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like I hated you.” 
It’s right this very second that it’s obvious to you. Why it wasn’t obvious to you before, you don’t know… 
“I love you too.”  You grin. 
His eyes widen for a fraction of a second, clearly surprised that you said it back. But then his lips find yours and you're pressed back up against the cool wall. Both yours and Hunter’s hands are in each other’s hair and something changes between you two. Something passionate and all consuming. 
This is only the second time fucking but it feels like the hundredth or more. It’s obvious that the two of you are more than whatever this is the start of. Is there a word for something more than a partner? 
Hunter’s cock pushes into you repeatedly, coaxing the most perfect moans from your lips. It’s obvious that the desperation between you is bubbling up, threatening to push you over your edge. You reach down and rub your clit, wanting so badly to cum for him again. 
How is he reaching into you like this? How does he already know your body so well?
“Fuck…” You groan, your head resting back against the wall and Hunter’s eyes never leave your fingers between the two of you.
“That feel good?” He whispers and you can only nod, your words failing you. “You gonna cum on my cock, mesh’la?”
You whimper and nod, pathetically. 
“Atta girl. Cum for me.” Hunter breathes and you curse again, loudly this time, as you clench around him, cumming even harder than earlier and you bury your face in his neck. 
His grip on you tightens as your pussy coaxes his own release from him, filling you up so full that his cum slides back out over his cock and down into the floor of the shower. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this.” He kisses your neck. “In fact, I know I won’t.”
“You say that now. Just wait til we get into our first real argument as a couple.” You tease.
“Oh, is that what we are?” He teases back and you playfully swat him, making him laugh. “So Cid was right, I guess…”
He said your laugh was his favorite sound but you’re pretty sure that his laugh is the best sound in the Galaxy. It’s so strange that this is how your night ended. But you’re definitely not complaining. 
“We don’t have to put a label on it if you don’t want to...” You tell him, brushing your fingers across his cheek.
“Well, I’m all yours and I’d prefer it if you were all mine.” He smiles.
Your heart does an entire flip at his confession. You’d prefer it that way, too. 
“Couple just seems so… I don’t know. Small? We’ve been through so much together… And your family feels like my own…” You babble slightly, unsure if you even make any sense.
“We clones have a word like that… that’s more than a ‘couple’. Riduur. It’s like a partner or spouse. But it means more.” He explains. “You mean more…”
You grin up at him as he pulls out of you and puts you down gently, still holding onto you. The both of you stay in comfortable silence, between kisses, as you wash each other’s bodies. Your eyes continuously roam over his tattoos and he smirks down at you as he notices. 
“I like you like this.” You shrug. 
He hums, caging you against the shower wall. “I bet you do. Once we get back to Ord Mantell, I’ll show you just how much I like having you like this too.”
Hunter’s lips brush against yours and then all of sudden, he’s guiding you out of the shower and wrapping a towel around your shoulders.
“So, what’s the surprise?” You ask him.
“You’ll see.” He winks, drying off quickly to go grab a pair of fresh clothes. 
You do the same, settling on a sweater and leggings, going for comfort. He looks at you the same way he looked at you in that dress earlier and the realization that he truly does love you, sets in and you know right this very second, you couldn’t go back to what you were before even if you wanted to. 
“Mesh’la.” He kisses you on the forehead before settling into the pilot’s seat. 
You settle into the co-pilot seat next to him as he starts up the ship flying it out of the garage and up the tubal fly lane back to the surface. When he reaches over to take your hand, you look between the two of you at your intertwined hands. 
“I could get used to this.” He squeezes your hand.
“Too bad Tech would never let you.” You chuckle. 
He chuckles and leans over to kiss your hand. “I just meant this… You know? Us.”
When he reaches the hyper lanes, he takes off toward the west. You look at him curiously and he winks. You’re still not a fan of surprises, but you don’t say anything. You just continue to smile at the handsome sergeant. 
“I can feel the tension in your neck from here.” He teases you.
Within ten minutes, you see a mountainous region next to a giant body of water. 
“Is that an ocean?” You let go of his hand to lean forward, looking out of the window. 
He chuckles. “It is.” 
“I didn’t know Coruscant had anything other than cities…” You tell him, amazed. 
He brings the ship down onto the beach, and offers his hand to you when he stands up. Smiling up at him, you take it and he leads you to the hatch, opening it. As soon as it comes down, your mouth drops. You’ve never seen an ocean before. 
Hunter leads you down the steps of the Marauder and you step into the sand. It’s squishier than you imagined it would be. You’re tempted to take your shoes off, but you know that with this job, there’s always the threat of some sort of danger. So you keep your shoes on for now. 
Looking out at the sea, you breathe in the salty air, feeling at peace, the threat of earlier long gone from your mind.
“I overheard you talking to Echo once about how you’d never seen an ocean before.” Hunter tells you. “Once we got on the ship, I knew it’d be a perfect opportunity.” 
You look at him. “Earlier back at Cid’s… you seemed like you didn’t want to go on this job with me.”
“I was just nervous, mesh’la. That’s all.” He kisses your forehead and then leans down in front of you.
Curiously, you watch him as he unlaces your boots and then slides them off your feet, sitting them on the steps of the hatch. The cool sand seeps between your toes and you can’t help but laugh. 
“Feel funny?” He asks and you look up at him, nodding. 
“In a good way.” You shrug. 
He leads you toward the water and you look out at the sun starting to rise. It’s so beautiful here. A little piece of peace in a hellscape. You know right away, you’d like to come back here.
“How’d you find this place?” You ask him. 
“Tech mentioned it during a mission here a while back. After Echo left the squad, I brought Omega here before we went back to Ord Mantell,” he tells you.
He wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. It feels so natural like this. So easy.
You rest your hands over his. “I don’t remember that.”
“This was before you came back to Ord Mantell yourself.” He tells you. “I like it here. It’s… different from Kamino’s raging seas… It’s calmer…” Hunter murmurs, looking out at the sea at the rising sun.
“I’m sorry I was such a raging sea in your life before…” You take his hand and bring it to your lips.
“You weren’t a raging sea.” He chuckles, his voice low and calming as you both watch the sunset. “You’re the sunrise. Fiery, bright, beautiful… and something to look forward to seeing every morning.” 
Your chest tightens at his sweet words. You didn’t know before today how much of a romantic Hunter is. You love it, though.
“That was really cheesy.” You laugh, pulling away so you can wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him.
“Doesn’t make it less true.” He kisses you.
The sun glows against his tan skin and you can’t help but be even more enamored. How did you not allow yourself to appreciate his beauty before? How did you not allow yourself to just fall in love sooner?
“Do you want to camp out here today?” He offers. 
“Really?” You ask, softly, with hope. 
“Yeah. I’ll send a transmission to the others and update them about Cad Bane and tell them we’re just exhausted from running into trouble.” He smirks. 
“They’re definitely going to be suspicious.” You smirk back.
“Just Echo.” He shrugs, with a chuckle. 
That’s true. But you think Echo already knew about your feelings before you did. 
“When I get back, we’ll set up camp. I’ll make you something to eat and then we’ll take a nap. And maybe when we wake up, I’ll take you swimming.” He promises, letting go of you with one last kiss. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You sit down in the sand. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He takes one last look at you in the glow of the sunrise and he nearly says “Fuck it.” and just let the squad figure it out on their own. Except he knows Omega will be worried, so he tears his eyes off of you to go send a transmission to them. You sit and bite your lip, trying to keep the excited giggle inside as you think about what a future with Hunter could be like. It’s still crazy to think that you started off the night by arguing with him… and now… you’re on some sort of date. And… you’ve figured out you’re in love. What a wild turn of events.
TAGLIST: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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mercurygray · 28 days
Hey Merc! I’d love to read about some girl bonding time for your MoTA OCs - how do they spend their down time? Have any of them bonded over other interests besides aviation/their occupations? - @softspeirs
Katie, I'm ashamed to say you gave me this prompt in April and I'm just now getting around to filling it. I'm also combing it with a prompt from @shoshiwrites for 'sunbathing' - they seemed like a natural fit together.
If you closed your eyes, it was almost like the beach.
It wasn't really anything like the beach, not really - just a freshly mown infield and a sunny day. But if you changed into a swimsuit, and laid down on a blanket, and closed your eyes, and no planes flew overhead, it was possible - just possible - to believe you were somewhere nice and swanky like Havana, or the south of France, lying on white sand with nothing but warm blue water in front of you.
"I'd kill for a cocktail right now," Tatty said, from underneath her sunglasses. "A daiquiri, with fresh lime juice and a chilled glass."
"And a nice boy to pick up the tab afterwards?" Mary asked, obviously fishing. They were all due leave, in various amounts, but since travel passes seemed to be hard to come by and one never seemed to know what would be waiting at the end of the line once you got there, sunbathing in the middle of an airfield in Norfolk seemed like a more reliable option. So that's what they were doing with their afternoon off - imagining better vacations in more exotic locales.
"It wouldn't hurt," Tatty replied, the shrug implicit in her voice. "We'd better be somewhere with a dance floor, too." She thought about this for a moment. "The Army and Navy Club has good daiquiris. And plenty of nice boys, too."
"I don't think they'd let us into the Army and Navy Club, Tatty." Helen was being more practical about the whole thing. It was one thing to be Katherine Spaatz and quite another to be Helen Owens, whose parents weren't anything special and whose going-out dress, by her own admission, left something to be desired.
"Of course they would."
"Not a lot of beaches in DC, though," Mary pointed out.
"Fair enough. But plenty of boys. And plenty of dancing."
"How about you, Fred?" Mary asked, changing the subject. "Any beach you'd like to be on right now?"
"Not a lot of beaches in Madison," Fred replied, eyes still closed, enjoying the sunshine. She was borrowing one of Mary's summer tops for the day, a halter in a red and yellow print, and trying to make the most of a few hours "I think I'd like to be right where I am. Field of flowers with a lot of sunshine and a book and no one to bother me. No students, no parents, no club room - just me."
Mary looked back towards base and sighed. "Don't hold your breath on not being bothered, Fred. I think we've been spotted."
A male voice came booming across the airfield. "Mary Boyle, are you having a party without us?"
"And what if we are, Everett Blakely? It's gotten to where a girl can't hear herself think if she doesn't go off into a field for a few hours."
"We thought about putting out a sign on the club that said No Boys Allowed," Tatty added, with a catty grin, sitting up and taking off her glasses so she could see just what they were up against. "But we didn't think any of you hooligans could read."
"Now, that's just mean, Miss Spaatz," Blakely replied, sitting down on the blanket with a semi-dramatic huff. Work must have been done for the day - the crowd with him was Douglass, and Hambone Hamilton, John Hoerr, who was carrying a large packing crate, and John Brady, all of them cool and loose in sunglasses and shirtsleeves, soaking up the sunshine.
"We're not going to let you stay unless you brought something to share," Tatty said archly, neither confirming or denying that she was mean, watching as the rest of the group made themselves comfortable on the picnic blankets.
"Does a case of cokes and a pack of cards count?" Blakely asked, pointing to Hoerr's box like he thought it would win him favors. "Jim thought we could play Crazy Eights."
"My ma also sent a box of cookies," Douglass added, looking hopefully in Mary's direction, his hand tight around the tin. "Shortbread - like my grandma used to make."
"Did you all lose Major Chatterbox on your way over?" Tatty asked, reaching straight past for the tin of cookies and helping herself to a piece without being asked twice. "Bucky Egan isn't one to miss a party."
"He said he had some business at the Control Tower," Hoerr reported, setting down the box and passing around the bottles, and an opener on a ratty piece of ribbon.
"Is that what they're calling that now?" Douglass asked with a grin.
"Hush, you," Mary chided companionably, taking the tin and her own piece of shortbread. (Douglass, for his part, looked happy to be so ordered, and did as he was told.) "I think it's sweet. She's good for him. Brady? Fred? Who's in for Crazy Eights? "
"I'll pass," Fred said, closing her eyes again and tucking her hands behind her head.
"I'm good watching," Brady added. His hand was close to her elbow, and after a few minutes, she could just feel his thumb caressing her skin, the tiniest gesture with the biggest meaning. Eyes still closed, her smile grew wider, and she went right on enjoying the sunshine, perfectly content. After all - who needs a beach?
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Pairing: Loid x Female!Reader x Yor
Prompt: 6 I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
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This week felt like it refused to end,you kept getting mission after mission. You were exhausted and felt you haven't spent any time with Yor and Loid or Anya,it made you feel sad to lose time with them. You had gotten so attached to them and wanted to spend as much time as you could with them,in fact your new life with them made you realize how much time you wasted working,but you couldn’t exactly stop now. All you could do was try to finish up as quickly as you could and get back to your family.
The mission was simple: take out the CEO of some company,you didn’t care to ask questions as long as you were getting paid. You had gotten your hand on info that told you he’d be meeting someone at a warehouse on the harbor late at night. Turns out that info was right,since you saw his car pull up next to one of the warehouses. You snuck in and hid behind one of the massive shipping crates,but it turns out you weren’t the only one. Across from you you saw a man who was knocked out and tied up. You soon hear a man talking to your target,you assume this man must’ve been the one to knock out the man in front of you. Staying hidden you listened in on their conversation,but something about that man's voice sounded familiar. You peaked out to get a better look,he didn’t look familiar but you swore you knew that voice. And when he spoke again you realized
“Loid” You whispered his name without realizing the shock paralyzing you,causing you to take a step back but you ended up knocking into something,making a lot of noise. Suddenly your target pulled out a gun,aiming it at Loid. 
“I told you to show up alone!” He yelled,your instinct kicked in and you sprinted to protect him,not thinking about yourself. You ended up getting shot twice in your arm and shoulder,but you managed to shoot him in the leg. You were aiming higher but you couldn’t lift your arm further. Thankfully Loid caught you before you fell to the ground,taking your gun but he was stopped by Yor.
“Keep an eye on her,I’ll take care of him” She ran off,leaving you there with Loid holding you. He took off his mask and for once you saw fear on his face.
“What are you doing here? Why did you do that?” He tried to stop your bleeding,but he was clearly panicking.
“Because I couldn’t let you get hurt” He just sighed before putting his hand on your cheek,it was a moment when he let his walls down but only for a moment. They came back up just as quickly, as he focused on your wounds. 
“You shouldn’t have done that”
“I’d do it a hundred times over for you,Yor and Anya” His walls crumbled back down in seconds and he kissed you. You could hear the sound of Yor’s heels clacking against the ground,the sound getting louder as she got closer. 
“Y/N,are you okay?” She didn’t let you answer before turning to Loid “Loid is she going to be okay?”
“She’ll be fine,we need to get home. I have the stuff I need in my room,but we need to hurry” Loid picked you up,holding you close to him. 
You didn’t really spend much time in Loid’s room,it was organized but void of personality. You were sitting on his bed,your back facing him as he patched you up. Yor was waiting outside,making sure Anya didn’t find out. Once he was done,you turned to face him. He took off his glasses and set them aside,he still looked worried but he suddenly said.
“So you’re an assassin?”
“So you’re a spy?” You asked back,you sighed “Listen I did what I had to survive,but this is what I’m good at”
“It was the only thing I was good at too” Yor had walked in without you hearing her.
“So were all lying to each other” Loid added
“Not exactly” They both looked at you confused “I wasn’t lying about how much I love both of you,and I want to be with both of you despite you being a spy” You turned to Loid and then to Yor “And you being an assassin” Suddenly Loid hugged you,he wasn’t very physically affectionate so you were caught off guard but Yor quickly joined you. “Loid,Yor I love you both so much” Yor kissed you on the cheek. 
“We love you too”
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sunandsstars · 2 years
i’m so in love with zdinarsk can we pretend like she didn’t die and instead gets saved by a pretty na’vi lady and eventually they fall in love and zdinarsk changes her ways and they live happily ever after 😩
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Recom!Zdinarsk x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: She expected to die that night, she got close to it too, but she didn’t expect to wake up in the arms of a pretty Na’vi girl. Warnings: Swearing, Wounds, Death, A little suggestive Word count: 1.5k A/N: Anon, I love that idea. My thirst for Zdinarsk rn is mad crazy. She needs more content 😫 Also i’m so sorry this is late! I’ve been thinking about how to put this story into action. It’s a bit short ngl, but I have another Zdinarsk fic in the works 💪
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Her side was in agony, searing white hot pain flooding the lower end of her body. Zdinarsk did not expect to live from that, Sully’s crazy bitch shot a long arrow into her and yet she still stands. Barely. All the soldier could think of is whether the rest of her team is ok, she knew not all of them survived, seeing one of her comrades just a few feet from her, lying on his front and a puddle of blood surrounding his body proved that.
Her heart quickened and her breath became shallow, these where her brothers. They fought together on Earth, they shared memories of each other that not many people get the pleasure of. They laughed together, cried together, and now they die together.
A small thump sounded behind where she sat, slouched against some crates by the edge of the SeaDragon. Zdinarsk had no energy to fight, her gun long forgotten by her feet, turning her head at the sound and glancing behind part of the crate she saw a woman. A Na’vi woman. She was checking the pulse of one of the recoms a bit further down. The savage was teal like the other islanders, with the weird tail and funny arms. Z-Dog thought to grab her gun and shoot her but she decided not to, seeing the alien move around towards some humans and doing the same.
What was she doing?
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___ glanced around the ship checking for survivors, she wasn’t in Tonowari’s clan. She didn’t live in Awa’atlu but another island more further away, her Tsahìk knew of this attack against the people and like any other Na’vi she was angry, but Eywa has spoken, talked of redemption in blue demons. She was one of the best warriors in her clan and was sent with a few others to look for these strangers, to help guide them and see.
The Metkayinan saw movement in the corner of her eye and shot her head towards it, seeing the quick turn of a head. Creeping towards it the woman looked around the hard box, at first she saw an arrow, it was long and had yellow and green feathers sticking out the end. She could only assume it was from one of the Omaticaya people since the Metkayina only use spears. But upon closer inspection her blue eyes landed on blue skin, a darker shade than her own green with different markings and thinner limbs. Looking at the face she was caught off guard by bright golden eyes, slightly dimmed with lost life but marked out by the bioluminescence freckles that dotted the skin.
___ went to grab the arrow, she had to pull it out or it would cause more trouble for both of them but a growl made her pause her actions. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” the sky person sounded angry, her thin tail swishing and smacking on the hard wet ground below them, her forehead creased and teeth bared.
“Oe srung nga” the Metkayina woman blinked, her extra eyelid getting the excess water out from her eyes. She went from looking at the other woman’s face towards her hovered hand, then to the arrow piercing her side.
Zdinarsk groaned in annoyance, of course they wouldn’t be able to understand one another. But at this point she didn’t care, if she where to die here, on this ship with her comrades. She’d be happy to. Not to mention the woman next to her wasn’t half bad looking…
While the soldier was distracted ___ grabbed the hilt of the arrow and pulled. A gasp forced its way out of the forest Na’vi’s mouth and a choked scream refused to come out. Z-Dogs eyes widened, her hand immediately left her side to grasp the strangers wrist, clamping it in her grip and turning it slightly purple. “syeha si, just breathe, you’ll be ok” ___ reached into a little pouch on her side and brought out a few long pieces of seaweed, pressing it into the woman’s side and wrapping them around her torso. She held the hand that was connected to her wrist onto her chest and breathed deeply to instruct her.
Zdinarsk felt the slightly wet chest of the woman and in any other circumstances a smirk would’ve etched its way onto her face. Maybe she would’ve said a few sly comments too, but instead she listened to the slow beat of her companions heart and followed it. Breathing in deeply and slowly pushing the breath out. “Oeng zene hum” ___ pointed to the water and moved her hand slowly across the sea, telling the recom that they must go back to her home and away from this fight. The soldier got the point and nodded, she figured that the Na’vi woman wasn’t a threat to her, she would have killed her by now if she were right?
___ helped the recom up onto her feet with great effort and as soon as they both stood up she noticed a height difference between them. The sky person was a few inches taller, the tip of her head only reaching just below her shoulders. The Metkayinan heights usually differ from person to person, but a female would typically be smaller than a males, being tall isn’t something valued in the sea like in the forest. Both woman walked (or limped) closer to the edge of the ship and ___ did a series of clicking sounds from her mouth, calling out her tsurak. She helped Z-Dog get over the banister and into the water, luckily the boat was tilted far enough to do it without struggle. Then she dived in herself and linked with the creature, staying above the surface while they swim back to her home.
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Zdinarsk can’t remember the last time she got to relax.
It’s been a few months since the fight broke out and her wound has fully healed, the flesh however was scarred and tender to the touch. But she has never felt more free, her clothes have been changed to those of the Na’vi and she has learnt the ways of a warrior, being a soldier it came easy to her. That and she had a great teacher.
___ has looked after her, cleaned her wounds, made her food, taught her the customs and the language. She also comforted the recom when she woke up from sleep, sobbing out for her comrades and experiencing that of extreme stress. War does that to people. The Metkayinan always rubbed her shoulders and sang comforting songs to ease her back into slumber before dozing off next to her, they were never too far from one another.
Currently Zdinarsk was feeling her hair, she kept the shaved sides but the mohawk grew out, it being put into little braids that would make it easier for her to have in the water. “Do you like it?” ___ softly whispered out, her tail flapping on the floor nervously, “if you would like beads i can add them, i know the forest people use them”.
“Oe tìyawn fi’u”
___ grinned and grabbed her companions hand, placing it onto her chest where her heart beat can be felt. It was pacing fast. Zdinarsk couldn’t help but tease her “I thought that a fast beating heart is bad for the water” she chuckled as her tail swung in glee, they knew of the feelings they held for one another, but it was unspoken and whenever approached words where shy. She wanted to change that.
“It is, but you are not water” ___ looked at her through lowered lids and Zdinarsk couldn’t help but take a breath. She was absolutely beautiful, eclipse was near and the sky’s where filled with pinks and oranges, it reflecting sweetly onto her teal skin and shining off her blue eyes. The recoms eyes drifted to her lips where they sat plush on her skin, they were soft and kissable, a cute shade of pink.
___ caught the other warrior staring and grinned, fangs slightly poking out “What is it you say? See something you like?” Z-Dog choked on her own spit. I guess ___ caught more onto English than Zdinarsk with Na’vi. The Metkayinan chuckled at her expression, the atmosphere went from playful to calm, blue eyes met yellow and it was like the world stopped.
Z-Dog cupped her face and leaned in, lips meeting each others in a sweet kiss. Both faces flushed in a scarlet, tips of the ears becoming darker. Zdinarsk would never have thought she’d be here, in the enemies home learning their ways and falling in love with one of them.
“The way of water connects all things” ___ broke apart from the kiss to exclaim, “from your birth and after your death” she whispered. “A part of you died on that ship, the human side. Now you are Metkayina. You are one of us now” she rested her cheek on Zdinarsk’s shoulder, looking towards the setting sun. The other warrior couldn’t help but agree, she found a new life, a new home, she knew that the sky people will be back, but unlike her old life, this time she’ll fight amongst her people. With her mate by her side.
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rezwrites · 6 months
Shin hati brainrot
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Shin Hati/Reader
Summary: Shin gets injured on a mission, luckily you’re there with her.
Warnings: injury, blood
a/n: slight au where shin gets off of peridea, and works as a mercenary instead of joining thrawn.
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The wind harshly blew through the forest trees, crisp, dry air biting at your nose and fingertips despite the thick furs covering you. Snow crunching under your footsteps, muffling any sound coming from you and your blonde companion.
A few moons ago, she boarded your ship, seeking your services for her mercenary work. She rarely spoke, but you soon found solace in the quiet late-night games of holochess or cards; enjoying the way her eyes danced across the board, strategizing her way to win.
Her work took you across the galaxy, from the Outer Rim Territories to the lower levels of Coruscant. This current mission brought you to Kijimi, where Shin was returning spice to some Pykes in Kijimi City. Usually, Shin would leave you on the ship, but this time she handed you a small blaster and insisted on backup. Despite having seen her skillful handling of a lightsaber, disbelieving she needed help, you followed her up the mountain.
Unexpectedly, backup was needed. At the drop-off point, you were ambushed by thieves and heavily outnumbered. As you were fleeing, a stray bolt ricocheted off of a crate hitting Shin’s torso. Carrying her through back alleys, you finally reached the mountainside and descended to the ship.
Shin's ragged breathing and the blood dripping onto the snow were worrying. Wind picking up as she fell to her knees. "We're almost to the ship, Shin. Just a little bit longer," encouraging her, yet, she collapsed.
As you finished bandaging Shin, she startled awake.
"We're in the ship, you're safe now," you assured her, gently stroking her arm. She took in the familiar surroundings of the ship.
“Where are we?” She attempted to sit up, but halted when you lightly grazed her shoulders. Her face flushing as you laid her back down.
Upon her query, you explained, "I landed us on Kinyen for safety, in case anyone was following us." As you disposed of the bloody bandages, Shin relaxes and covers her eyes with her arm, both of you breathing a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry about your mission,” Sitting on the edge of her bed, you covered her with a blanket.
"There will be more." As you started to leave, she lightly gripped your wrist, hesitating, "please stay with me." Her plea touched you deeply, her eyes holding much pain and vulnerability, it broke your heart. Lying down she rested her head next to your shoulder, hand softly brushing yours. You both soon fell asleep together in the comforting silence.
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Faust from lords of chaos. During a black circle meeting reader and Faust go upstairs and do something’s (smut if you want or they could just be cuddling) in Euromymous bed. 🖤🖤
Hello my dear anon thank you fore this cute request (I'm sorry that it took longer but it's finally done). So I hope you like and everyone has fun reading :)
Cuddle Concert
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warning : just big fluff and comfort, reader is female, cuddling
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
At night in Oslow, in the part of town that wasn't the best, the party was in full swing in the basement of Mayhem founder Euronymous's record shop. After a successful concert and finishing the new album, they had all come here to party and not too hard.
Loud, fast, hard and dark death metal music came from Mayhem who gave a small live performance for the black circle. Actually it was a simple meeting, a meeting to discuss new albums and just find new ideas with a small concert well almost. Which was only enhanced by the compressed space.
And when Death Metal fans meet, the meeting was forgotten faster than anything else. Besides, the third beer crate was already opened and one or the other had already fled to the sink to empty his stomach.
Pizza was lying everywhere on plates and tables and one or the other piece of clothing had already been torn off the body. Not to mention the cigarettes and joints that were lying and being squeezed out in the drinks and ashtrays.
In the chaos of the singing band, the drunken people dancing and shouting along. Faust and his girlfriend sat together on the old sofa which had seen better days. Both had a beer in their hands and were watching their mutual friends partying around them.
Whether it was the wild roar of Occultus' song or the dancing of Varg who had already blown away one or the other with his guitar. ,,The private concert is always the best," she heard Faust murmur as he put his beer on the already overcrowded table and put his arm around her again.
Nodding in agreement, she grinned at her friends and snuggled up to Faust as she slowly began to feel the effects of the many hours of partying.
Whether it was physical exhaustion, a slightly scratchy voice from the roaring, or just the slight headache that came over her. Putting down her own beer, she ran her hand over her sleep and sighed lightly. A little quieter roar would be nicer she thought, watching Euronymous as he seemed to push his guitar to the limit with his solo.
She felt Faust take his arm away from her and let his gaze wander over her. Before he rose and pulled her with him through the group towards the stairs. ,,What's wrong?" she asked, looking back and forth between Mayhem and him, slightly confused, as she slowly walked up with him.
Not only did she instantly feel air that hadn't been breathed ten times already enter her lungs, her headache lessened and she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. ,,Is it better?" he asked with a grin and climbed onto the bed, which was surprisingly soft. ,,Yep, actually," she replied and came to lie down next to him on the bed. Really soft she thought and adjusted her pillow and was about to lie down again when she felt Faust pull her towards him.
So that she was now lying on top of him and had a warmer, softer, more loving surface to lie on. ,,That's even better," he quipped and chuckled as she pretended to shake her new pillow before lying back down on him. His hands went to her hips, holding her on top of him and tracing small relaxing circles on her body.
Which were more pleasant than Mayhem screaming and singing for hours. ,,I know when you're feeling bad...let's just stay here," he decided and sighed with pleasure before hugging her like a pillow and closing his eyes to give his equally exhausted body a rest. ,,Let's do this until the morning, my heart," she repeated and did the same. She sighed too and made herself more comfortable on top of him before resting her head on his torso and closing her eyes.
The small circles he continued to draw were almost like hypnosis which was disturbed by the quiet heartbeat she heard. As if she were being lulled to sleep by the heartbeat that reflected nothing but peace and love. There was nothing more soothing.
@mayhem-things , @beldamama , @bvg-w1res
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kickingitwithkirk · 6 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Word Count: 917
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, non/con, dub/con, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death, murder conviction, parental dominance, trafficking
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnkinkbb -DeanJohnSam @anyfandomdarkbingo -Free Space
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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GIF by 1x20
Sam found himself in the warehouse's back area that had been altered, now a mixture of original storage on the left and prefabricated rooms to the right, with the loading dock straight ahead, where his wolf was leading him. The scent of home was strongly intermingling with blood where cursing and bodies impacting each other were echoing down the hallway, drawing Sam in.
A quick look-see around an open door revealed fluorescents bathing everything in washed-out colors: a very pretty, weeping, leashed O kneeling next to an expensively attired Alpha, passively observing two other Alphas engaged in a fight when one abruptly spun, spraying blood across the back walls not far from another lying in a pool of their blood on the floor. Enraged, the remaining Alpha redoubled their efforts to restrain a naked, blood-covered female who was, holy fuck, an O! 
Sam watches, astonished that, while tiring, the O wasn't giving up when another Alpha wielding a blackjack shoves him out of the way, bludgeoning and knocking her to the floor, repeatedly striking to ensure she stayed down grabbed her collar and dragged the dazed O towards a line of heavy-duty dog crates stuffing her in one. While blackjack hauled out the bodies, the banged-up Alpha grabbed a hose washing blood down the floor drain, then turned it on the caged O when Sam’s brother rushed in, grabbing him.
“Sammy! What the fucks the matter with you!” Dean, visibly distraught, dragged him down the hallway, flashbacks to when Sam disappeared for two weeks after turning sixteen on his watch and when their Alpha returned, his atrocious reaction. “You promised me you’d never disappear like that again!”  Right now, Dean wishes Sam was still unpresented and could discipline him when John, appearing relieved, quickly reverted to norms. “Sam, you ever do that again,” admonished his pup in a tight voice. He wasn’t expecting Sam’s I found the O response questions, “What are you talking about?” Sam pointed towards the room and exclaimed, “She killed two Alphas!” 
“Are you sure it was an O?” John sounded doubtful when the palatable taste of the blood and the scent that led Sam back here hit him, making his wolf jolt at his overloaded senses and his canines elongate. John wrestled back control to his hunter intellect when his eldest growled, bolted back down the hallway, followed by Sam on his heels, and yelled, “Dean! Sam! Get your asses back here!”  
Helms appears out of nowhere and sees Dean arguing with the suited Alpha. “Winchester, you have no right to be back here!” The suit stops arguing with Dean and turns on the Dealer. “You think you can sell me misrepresented goods, Helms?” Pointing to the cage rages, “I paid you an exorbitant price for twins. But you lied! Look at that thing!!” John peers back at the cage and sees the leashed O reaching into a wire cage, shaking the other one’s arm as Sam knelt next to her and, oh, holy shit, laid a hand on her shoulder. 
John rushed over before the suit realized the young Alpha was touching their newly acquired property. “Step away from them, Sam.” Sam reluctantly got up as John squatted down to inspect them. The caged one curled up in a fetal position is larger than her sibling, but one can still see her full, pink lips and cinnamon-freckled skin, and she smells nothing like the other. Helms thought he could pass off these O’s as twins? No wonder the suit is pissed. The O whimpers, opening her uninjured, fox-tilted eye to reveal the iris’s unusual mosaic, and upon seeing Sam, a faint ring of gold manifests, and his wolf reciprocates.
John knew only one thing could override rut suppressants snapped, “Dean, get Sam out of here this instant!”  Dean comes over, green eyes widening, and doubles-over groans out, “Sonuvabitch!”
 “Dean! I gave you an order!” 
Dean hobbled to his dazed brother, “Come on, Sammy!” They stagger for the door, using each other as a counterbalance. John returned his attention to the suit, still arguing with Helms about some contractual blah blah blah, felt a touch on his leg peers down at the O, whispering, “Alpha, please don’t let them kill her!” 
John watches the caged one reach a shaking hand through the bars, stroking the other’s arm comfortingly. She has strong protective instincts, like Dean when Sam has one of his nightmares. John’s thoughts are interrupted by the suit hollers. “Hey! What the fuck you are doing over there?” 
The suit stomps over, and John’s hackles go up, expecting an altercation. Instead, they take the O’s leash, leading her across the room to tether her to the doorknob before addressing him. “I understand you need an O to keep your son out of jail, so I’ll make you a deal. You can have that thing,” they point to the cage, “for a dollar. Save me the effort of getting rid of it.”
“You can’t make side deals in my establishment!” Helms screeched. The suit uses their status to dominate the Beta Dealer. “You lied about the product, and since I’ve signed all the contracts and a deal being a deal, as you keep pointing out, I can do whatever I want with my property.” The suit addresses John again, “Are you interested or not?” John gazes at the now unconscious caged O, then back to her twin, whose eyes plead for help.
“You have a deal.”
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Part IV
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine  @ladysparkles78  @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm   @strawblueberrys
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