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boulbilehibot · 2 years ago
hi uh for the whump bi go thing can you do bleeding out wit lancey Lance
Read all of my snippet/drabble fics from @badthingshappenbingo over on Battlefield on AO3 as part of my kiriban event. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed ♥  
Crimson Promises
Summary: There’s blood everywhere except where it should be, which is inside Lance. All Hunk can do is hold him as he shivers, respond to his confused, pained breathless words and pray that help arrives soon.
Hunk’s stomach desperately wanted to vomit out all of its contents.
He forced himself to hold it in.
The last thing needed here was more bodily fluids.
He risked another glance down and felt the bile tickle his throat.
It was not getting better.
And Lance was getting worse.
Such was enough to sober Hunk’s stomach and he reached out a shaking, blood-stained hand towards his best friend’s face, pillowed in his lap.
“Lance?” he whispered. “Hermano?”
Lance let out a whimper, hands twitching where they laid at his sides.
Hazy blue eyes blinked open. “Hunk?” he rasped.
“Right here,” Hunk picked up one of the hands in his own, squeezing it and trying to push heat back into it. “You’re doing great. They're… they’re almost here.”
Ten minutes out Pidge had relayed a while ago, voice tight.
Hunk didn’t know if Lance had ten minutes.
The shrapnel from the explosion that had sliced through his underarmor, ripping open his stomach, told a very different story.
It said they had maybe five more, if that.
It had already been almost twenty, but none of the other Paladins had been able to break away from the fight to come to their aid without drawing enemy ships after them and putting the two stranded and immobile Paladins on the ground in even more danger.
Based on the still growing puddle of blood surrounding them as Lance’s stomach continued to pump and send it gushing down his sides Hunk wondered if the enemy ships were really the true danger at this point.
“Who… who’s they?” Lance slurred, eyes already fluttering closed.
“No no, stay awake,” Hunk tapped the too pale cheek with his bare hand, his gloves long gone in a failed attempt to make a bandage of any sort for Lance. “C'mon, hermano… don't… don’t go to sleep.”
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boulbilehibot · 4 years ago
Max's boxing training turned badly
(Sorry for my English and incoherence :) thanks to read me :D)
Ribs had cracked a bit tonight. Max had fight a really angry guy at training.
After putting him on the ground to calm him down a bit, he had finished training like nothing happened. He didn't wanted to show that guy that his show off had successfully hurt him.
The return back home was getting harder and harder though.
He was feeling light headed, dizzy.
Hated hospital, so he decided to go straight back home.
Maybe his man will be home. Maybe he'll know what to do.
He arrived at the door without really knowing how he finally got there.
Thanks heaven the door is open.
Max entered and managed two steps inside before hearing a " Honey? " He tried to answer but that last effort was too much.
He fall knees on the ground.
"Baby? You're ok? " He heard Tom comming.
"Max! What's the problem?! " Tom asked while closing the door.
"I-I.... " Max tried before gasping for air.
Breathing. Breathing was the problem. It was hurting too much to breathe.
He gasped again "To- Tom air-" He tried before feeling himself slowly falling, caught and laid gently on his back.
It was hurting more. Breathing was impossible now.
"What?! What is happening?! You're turning grey! "
Max eyes fluttered and began to loose focus.
Tom open the jacket zip and teared Max's debardeur apart.
Max had an huge echymose under the left pectoral.
"Fuck babe. You broke some ribs? No no no stay with me " Tom pleaded, Max's head heavy in his hands. Eyes half closed and white; before sitting Max slightly in his arms.
This one had nearly stop breathing. His chest was bearly moving.
After a quick call to 911, Tom checked Max vitals again.
His heart was erratic and his breath too shallow.
" I'm gonna help you breath Max. I'll go slowly ok? "
He flicked Max airways well open, scelled his nostrils with his fingers and mouth with his own and slowly blew.
Max eyes opened in terror, soon remplaced by pain and betrayal.
" I have to honey, you're bearly breathing. Please relax. I swear I won't go far. "
Max opened his mouth limply and let himself handled by Tom.
No choice: no air.
Tom puffed air in little amounts in Max lungs until the medics arrived.
Keeping his brain oxygenated and his heart in a reasonable rhythm.
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boulbilehibot · 4 years ago
Stan and Kyle after high school
(Hi! Sorry for my English guys ❤ and the incoherence~ just wanted to let off some steam one night :) )
-"Stan? Stan?? Dude are you in here? Stan? " Asked Kyle while opening Stan's home door and running up the stairs.
He reach Stan's room and open the door.
Nothing. He run in every other rooms of the house and nothing...
It's worrying... Stan wasn't in high school today.
Yesterday, he was in school. But he was bordering on lethargy. Pockets under his eyes. A little pale. But hey, it was Stan. Probably one more existential crisis
... He had think yesterday.
But then, in the middle of the night, he had received a text from him saying:
"I'm not so well dude... "
When he had wake up and had noticed the text, Stan wasn't answering his phone or his home's phone.
He had then thought that he would see him in school but... Nop.
So he had left high school at the lunch break.
And here he was calling for his friend. Without finding him.
He return to his friend room and sit on his bed.
Thinking to the next place to look when he heard:
-"hn... yle... "
-"Stan? " Say Kyle while bending on the side of the bed where he had heard the little sound.
It's when he saw him. Laying on the ground like if he had fallen from his bed. Awkwardly.
Arms and legs positioned like as if it was a puppet that we would have left behind.
-"Dude?! What happened?! Are you hurt?! "
-"-Yle?... "
-" Yes, it's me, I'm here! Where are you hurt? Did you fall??"
-"O 'way"
-"what did you say? "
Stan tried to get on all four only to fall limply half-way.
-" Go. Go- 'way Kyle! "
-" Are you serious right now?! "
Stan tried to push on his arms.
"Yes, I don't want-" He begin before falling again. His head hitting the floor hardly once more.
-"What are you talking about?! You can't even get up! Come on I'll help you!"
-"No! " He snaps "I'm ~ mess! Gonna hurt you! Go! "
Kyle try to look around him to see what could explain such a state for his friend.
He found it... Multiple bottle. Of vodka, rhum... On his bed and floor...Fuck, Stan...
-" Stan... It's ok, you're not gonna hurt me... "
-" Just let me die will you?! " Said Stan
-" Woh! What the fuck did you just say?! You're not Kenny man! You don't come back if you die!"
-"'fuckin' know! It fucking hurt Kyle!...See, 'm hurting you! " Sobbed Stan.
-" No, you're hurting yourself. I'm just fine. You're wasted. I can help."
-"'m fine too! Go! " Stan say curling himself weakly on the floor at the opposite side of where Kyle his kneeling.
-" No, I won't. " Kyle say, gently touching Stan's shivering shoulder.
-"But I'm coming back. " Kyle added while standing up.
He comes back in less than five minutes.
Giving à little glass of foggy salty water. Barely hiding the basin in his back.
-"Drink." Kyle said.
-"No... " Stan mumbled curling even more.
Kyle grabbed Stan and sat him up.
Then sticked the glass of water on Stan's lips before saying:
"Don't be such a kid dude... "
Kyle knew this sentence was effective but not to this extent...
Stan drank the all glass, before realizing that something was wrong, and almost instantaneously vomiting all the contents of his stomach in the basin that Stan barely managed to place correctly.
-"Here you go dude. Let it all go. Sorry but I needed you to... Well, sorry. " Kyle said while rubbing Stan twitching back in ferme circles.
"You... -guh- you " Stan gagged before feeling himself very far away somehow. White filling his vision as his head was rattling.
"Stan? Are you ok? "
"Kyl'-" Stan blow before his eyes rolled in his head and his body fall limply. Only to be grabbed and gently head-laid on Kyle's laps.
"Stan? Hey can you hear me?! " Kyle shook him a little.
His friend was unresponsive. But the erratic, weak rising of his chest showed that he was breathing.
"I'm here dude... You're going to be ok. "
Kyle said, caressing Stan's sweaty hair out of his face.
Then he called 911, explaining them that his friend had probably drank to much.
Explaining that he made him puked and that he had indeed... A lot...
That now he was unconscious on his laps, breathing pretty quickly, and pretty pale.
Kyle stayed on the phone and tried to reassure his friend even if he wasn't sure he could here him.
" I'm here now Stan"
Kyle was gently caressing his face. Too pale face.
"Why didn't you came at my place? You know I'm here for you..."
Saliva started to run from the corner of Stan's mouth. Kyle sight from compassion and wiped it gently with the end of his own sleeve.
"You gonna be...physically fine Stan... The medics are coming..."
Stan eyeshadow began to flutter a bit.
"Dude... I'm sorry I didn't notice how bad you was...i thought it was just... You being you... "
Stan groans a bit before finally mid-opening his eyes.
"You're~an... An idiot."
"Well, glad to see you back" Kyle said with a chuckle, tears of relief rolled on his cheeks to land on Stan's ones.
" You're a- A great friend... Please don't apologize... Makes me feel so... Lame" He said before drifting off again. His head falling on the side.
The ambulance finally came and medics examined him.
The bipping machinery scared Kyle a little. They were putting an IV on him.
Stan was too out of it to even notice anything.
After saying that he wasn't in a to big danger to Kyle, they shook up Stan pretty hard...
"Sir, can you please open your eyes? Wake-up Sir! "
Stan forced himself awake and shook his head trying to have a clue of the situation.
"Do you know you're name?"
"Stan...Stan Marsh"
"Do you know where you are? "
" My flat... Think. " He looked around him before adding:
"Yes... We're in my flat. " He wanted to ask who they was but their outfits indicated to him their were medical staff. And the IV and little thingy on the tip of his finger too.
"What happened?... "
"I found you on the floor and I called them. " Said Kyle, who Stan just noticed was sitting beside him.
"Can you tell us what day it is? " Continued the medic.
Stan looked by the window... It was day so...
" The fourth December?... "
"Yep." Said the doctor to Stan. "We stay a little more, just the time we're sure you're hydrated properly. "
That's what they did.
Their was a blank after that. Stan broke it. They we're still on the floor of Stan's bedroom, but in the middle of it now. The medics have had to moved Stan to examine him.
"So you found me on the floor and call them hm? " Said Stan looking at the floor.
"That's what I just told you Stan. " Replied Kyle looking at his friend.
"Some... Details? "
" Well if you want details, I have called you all the morning. You wasn't in school so I came to see if you was OK. You fuckin' wasn't! Why did you drank that much?" Said Kyle between anger and sadness.
"Didn't mean to... "
"Anyway, after that you told me to go away, a lot, I made you vomit. And you fainted. Probably from dehydration; You moron... "
"Sorry... Why do you even care?... You should be at school. "
Kyle laughed cynically.
"No, I shouldn't be at school when my best friend intoxicates himself on purpose with too much alcohol for his liver to be able to filtrate! " He added.
Stan didn't look at him when he said " i'm truly sorry to worry you dude..."
"Ush now... I'm greatfull, you made me miss maths classes after all." Said Kyle with a smile.
Stan's eyelides began to drop slightly.
" C'mon, i think you need to sleep a bit."
"No !" Stan screamed without care before realising. "I...i have nightmare every time i fall asleep since a few month... I can't... I don't want to sleep..."
Kyle began to understand a little better.
" And you Dreams when you drink before ?"
" When i really explose my brain out? No. But it's all black. No nightmares" Stan voice was slurring a bit.
"Do you... Do you wanna talk about them?"
"No-not right now..."
"Ok then, if you don't wanna sleep or talk, we have two episodes of Walking dead to see."
"Yeah, that sound great"
"Ok, Get up then."
Kyle stood up, grabbed Stan by his armpits and helped him on his shaky legs then helped him make the few steps separating him from his bed.
"On the computer ?..." Asked Stan in a murmur as Kyle was starting the episode on Stan's pc.
"Yes. You're bed is far more confortable than the couch" Kyle replied " and i don't think we can both get downstairs in one piece in your current state" he though.
Once Kyle was on his Friend bed, he took him gently in his arms. Stan didn't fight him. In contrary, he leaned his head on Kyle's chest.
Before even ten minutes, Stan's breathing slowed down and he stopped vibrating. Kyle looked at his face. His eyes was closed and he seemed finally peacefull.
Kyle keept him on his arms a long time after the pc shut down itself. He dozed of too. Happy to hear and feel Stan's low and deep breathing.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
"Moony... Think I'm a little sick"
I really liked writing this one! First Sickfic I've done!!Hope that if you read you will enjoy and don't get to much hurt in your pretty eyes by my English fault!! ( i'll correct when i'll see one :D)
He hadn't been feeling well since five days. His throat and nose were burning and were full of mucus.
Each breath burned him, pulled him into his chest. His breathing hissed, snored; he was struggling to take his breath.
The fever had also fallen on him soon enough. his red cheeks contrasted with the rest of his pale face.
Pale with exhaustion , hunger and weakness.
He had been too tired to take care of himself for a couple days : to cook, to take medicine, to eat.
He just lay on the couch with several bottles of water to relieve his throat. He was too weak to make a good honey tea. And far too weak to shower; Yet he really wanted to ...
His mind was foggy and he was drifting in and out of a restless sleep.
Then, he heard keys on the lock. By Merlin's beard, finally! Remus was back! His work had kept him away from home for two weeks. But now, he was finally here!
He straightened up, his limbs full of aches. Sat on the couch, wrapped himself in the blankets and got up. His back, his legs, his whole body was throwing him but he didn't care a bit. He missed his best friend far too much and he couldn't wait to see him, to see if he was fine. He walked as quickly as possible, which turned out to be slow and jerky all the same.
-Pads? I'm home! Are you here ? I saw your shoes.
His voice was strong, playful. his mission must have gone smoothly.
All the anxiety left Sirius and he felt weaker than ever.
Remus had just stepped out of the corner of the hall and was finally in front of him. Sirius couldn't help but crack a week smile when he saw Remus's face and his radiant smile. However, seeing Sirius pale, shaky and curled up, the smile quickly faded on Remus side.
- Wow...Are you ok? You look awful... Asked Remus grabbing Sirius's shoulders.
- Feel...a little~off Moony... Replied Sirius. His legs were cotton. He felt like he was levitating away from the earth.
- Yes, damn... You look pretty sick Padfoot...
- I... I feel ... Dizz~ Sirius said babbling as he started to fall forward.
-Sirius! Gat you. Said Remus,
kneeling to accompany the fall of his friend gently. Supporting his back and his neck. Sirius was passed out.
Inanimate in Remus's arms. Eyes closed, breathing breathless and cluttered.
-Damn Padfoot... Why didn't you go to St mungo's?... Remus cupped Sirius's cheek with one hand and touched his forehead with the other.
-Merlin... You're burning up... Hang on Pads.
He grabbed him bridal style and picked him up.
As he entered the living room, The head of an unconscious Sirius, rolling and hitting his chest at the rhythm of his steps, really worried him. The floor was full of tissues and bottles of water full and empty.
He went to Sirius' bed and laid him there.
Then he sat down next to him, removing the hair from his damp face, detailing it.
His lips were white and cracked. slightly open. They was leting out chocked gasps of air.
Remus had to take his temperature and if necessary, take him to st mungo's.
He knew that his friend deeply hated being hospitalized and deprived of his freedom and comfort. If he could, he would avoid going that far. he got up and went to take their thermometer. It was a special model which indicated the temperature as well as the illness if it is one of the 5 included un the device.
He put water to boil and returned to Sirius. he sat down gently beside him.
- Come on buddy, i'm going to take your temperature ok? you're gonna feel something in your mouth.
He gently pushed aside Sirius' lips, pressing gently on his chin. then he slid the thermometer under his tongue.
Sirius didn't react a bit.
Damn ... 41.3 ° c " Flu"... He would cook himself internally if it continued! It was urgent to lower his temperature: immediately!
He grabbed Sirius without ceremony and lifted him into his arms again, without the blankets this time. Sirius head lolling on Remus Shoulder as he was carry him.
He took him to the shower. Let got softly Sirius's legs down while still firmly holding his back and shoulders with one arm. With his free hand, he poured cold water on his unconscious friend.
Panic kept him from being cold.
Sirius hadn't made a move when he was soaked in cold water. It was not reassuring. He sat down against the shower wall and gently accompanied Sirius to sit back to his chest.
He held his head straight in the corner of his arm. Stroking his hair with his hand. Keeping him straight enough to keep his aerial voices wide open, without them being inundated by the shower water.
He was limp in Remus's grasps. The werewolf rocking their bodies slightly back and forth in a comforting movement.
They were still in there clothes. Remus hadn't bother unclothed him or his friend before saving him from internal boiling. He took the time to undress them both now that Sirius was under cold water.
- Buddy? ... Come on Sirius, wake up... You need to wake up Pads... Damn...
Even after all the movement of them undressing, Sirius hadn't move.
He wasn't waking up... He was still so hot.
He tried to rub him. Tried to shake him a little.
Soon, his body temperature dropped.
-Padfoot! Come on! I need you to wake up! Wake up Sirius! He begin to yell trying to trigger him.
Sirius began to shiver intensely and his eyes fluttered open.
- Oh Merlin Pads! I was so scared! Remus muttered under his breath.
-c- co-co, his teeth were clutching too much and his all body was now to tensed to speak clearly.
- Yes, I know you're cold. I'm getting you out of here budy. Here we go. Remus said while taking him gently in his arms after standing up, helping Sirius pushing on his weak legs for a second before lifting him again.
-Re'... Sirius's voice cracked. Still tense. Anguish in his eyes. All lost.
- Yes, I'm right here. I got you Pad. Don't you worry. Soothe Remus.
Remus wrapped Sirius in all the towels of their apartment.then took him on the couch. Rubbing Sirius to dry him.
His eyes we're glassy, unfocused. Trying to lock on Remus without success.
-Monny... Sirius mumbled
- Right here. How are you feeling?
-Throat... Head... Body~Hurting me... Tried to whispers Sirius. He was more blowing each word without strength. A tear rolling on his cheek.
It broke Remus's heart... Seeing is friend so weak, sick...
- Ok buddy. You've got a bad flu... I'm here now. Going to take care of you.
-hmm... Sirius hummed before closing his eyes. His breath fast and a little erratic.
-Don't you move. I'm going to make you something.
-Honey tea?... Murmurs Sirius in his unshaved 3days beard. It was unlike him... He must had really feel bad for not taking care of his look.
- Yes, honey tea if you want,Said Remus. He was already up and opening their potions ingredients's locker.
He grabbed everything he needed to make him a "fever drop/sore throat helper potion" .
He know the taste his pretty awful but well... It is the mightiest mix he knows for helping with flu symptoms.
He add three spoons of honny when it's ready. It wouldn't be such a lie if he add what his friend asked he thinks.
He returns to Sirius with a large mug of hot potion.
This one his breathing more deeply now. Still really congested. God his so cute... He moved his head on the pillow and his hair are allowed over his face. Letting Remus see his pale skin and lips, his closed eyes. He feels the urge to hug him! But Sirius his really unwell. Right now, he need medicine, not hugging.
He sit on the board of the couch. Avoiding to disturb his sleepy, weak best friend.
-Wake up sleepy head... You need to drink this.
Sirius his in his restless sleep once more. He doesn't wake up. Remus put him on his back, shake his cheeks and his chest for the same result: none. His breathing is just more laborious thanks to all that freaking mucus in his airways.
"Fuck... He's so bad...I'm going to be forced to take him to the hospital... Gonna hate me..." Remus thinks.
-Wake up Sirius... Come on buddy... I know you're exhausted, but you need medication... You're fever his going to rise again soon. He says shaking him.
Sirius's eyelids flutters without opening.
He slowly made his head rolled on the pillow both side. Like if he was trying to shake it but was too weak to do so. His hands reach Remus's ones on his bare chest and remove them. Narrowing his eyelids and groaning.
-Hey, hey! It's me! It's Moony. Calm down, you're ok.
-Mère... Sirius started sobbing.
Remus knows very well that if Sirius calls his mother, it is out of fear. Not for comfort on her part. Except that he left his mother years ago.
Merlin... He's completely hallucinating...
-It's ok Pads. We're in OUR home. You're safe. Remus whisper while gently caressing his face, his hair, his arms, his chest.
-Stop... No... Beg you... Sirius was whipping.
-Sirius. I am here with you. You are safe. You know I will protect you from anything don't you? Remus said
-plea-se... Sirius voice was so broken, so afraid.
Tears continue rolling from under his closed eyes to his cheeks, then Remus hands.
He was to out of it to even hear him. to Notice Remus gentle soothing.
Took bye his fever rising up again.
He took Sirius by his armpits and sat him against him. Sirius side to Remus chest.
-Here you go Pad. You need to drink dude or I'll have to put you under a cold shower again... Come on. Remus was applying the mug on Sirius slidly opened lips.
Hot liquid dropped on his chin, his neck, his chest.
Making Sirius cough and hiss on discomfort, fear and pain.
-hnnno... Mumbled Sirius, trying to move himself from Remus grasps. Far to weak to even manage to move an inch.
-It's me Pads,Moony... Dude... Come on work with me a little here...
A lighting idea came to is mind.
He cupped Sirius cheeks, took a sip in his mouth and poured it in Sirius's one, slowly.
The liquid was thick... Bitter... Even with honey.
Maybe it was the taste, the feeling of hot liquid soothing his dry mouth and throat, or the feeling of Remus's lips, gently sealed on Sirius's ones; but Sirius finally, weakly opened his eyes.
Remus left his head and took another sip.
Repeating his gesture, seeing his friend still too weak even if he had calmed down a little.
-breuah-what'r u doin?... Asked Sirius still confused.
-Making sure you drink this... Tea. It will heal you. Said Remus before taking a sip, tilt Sirius head and make him slowly drink once more, before unsealed their lips again. Sirius had closed his eyes in the process. He had relaxed and was now limp in Remus holding.
-Gross... Whispered Sirius still completely out. Eyes closed.
-Well, you can drink on yourself now can't you?! Murmured Remus more to himself, blushing.
-Tea-s disgusting Moo~ny...
-Oh! That?! Asked Remus a little relieve. Yes... Sorry. It's a "make you feel better tea" A little gross it's true. But I put honey in it!
-Thanks... Thanks... Sleep now... Hissed Sirius
-Try to stay awake ok? You need to drink the all of it.
- hnn~ hummed Sirius. He was already dozing off.
It was a strong potion but ineffective if he wasn't drinking it...
-Padfoot... Do you think you can drink by yourself?
-Why~... Asked Sirius absently.
-What do you mean why? To get better Pads. I told you, you need to cool off... Literally.
Sirius opened one eyes with what seemed to be a great effort.
-What?... He asked
" Ok he is completely out... So damn cute... Poor Padfoot..." Remus thinks.
-Nothing... I'll make you drink, alright? Said Remus.
-'k... Moony... Sirius smiled a little and grabbed the shirt of Remus just against him.
Remus smiled back at him, even if Sirius had already closed his eye again.
He gently inclined Sirius head back to rest on the crack of his shoulder. Sirius lips were already opened. Remus take a sip and let it flow slowly in Sirius mouth. The times Remus was taking his lips off to get some potion, Sirius had time to swallow.
It was punctuated of wince, grin and jerking from Sirius.
Damn... He was in a really bad shape...
-We're finished Pad. Said Remus, shaking him a little.
Sirius opened his eyes terrorised. Trying to look at Remus one's.
-hn?! Why?! 'M sorry!
Remus bugged... Oh damn... He was truly sick.
-The tea. The tea is finished Sirius... Chill, everything is ok...
- u stay~ 'ith me?... Asked Sirius sleepy and limp once more.
-Of course I'll stay with you Padfoot. You're sick. And in top of that, well, you know? It's OUR flat? He said.
Remus started to gently, slowly lay Sirius down. Sirius wasn't releasing is grasp on Remus' s shirt.
-Hug me?... Sirius asked
Remus smiled. He put the couch in bed mode before fetching a large blanket and spooning Sirius.
When he wake up, he was finally seeing clearly... And he felt a hand on his stomach... He looked. Oh yes! Remus is here! Why are they in the couch?... He wasn't remembering Remus return. He was still tired, so he closed his eyes and lined in Remus holding. Humming a little. Torn between his dry, hurting throat and The softness of Remus skin and grasp.
His throat was a desert. A bit against his will, he decided to get up and get something to drink.
He managed to remove slowly Remus arm without waking him up.
It was cold... But he didn't wanted to take the blanket and leave Remus naked with this weather.
Why was their naked anyway... He couldn't remember a thing of that past couple days.
He tried to stand up, took a few unsteady step before collapsing. His legs and body still far to exhausted by his flu.
Before his knees had even touch the ground, Sirius felt Remus grabbing him by his waist. Then he passed Sirius arm over his neck. Holding his hand and his waist firmly, letting Sirius put all the weight he needed on him.
- s'rry.. u're awak'? Yu're okay? Asked Sirius with a raspy voice
-I should be asking that.
He guided Sirius back to the couch. Then checked his forehead.
-You're still pretty hot... A lot less though. Do you want some tea??
-'es 'lease, whispered Sirius with cracked voice. Smiling softly back at Remus.
He wanted to ask if his mission had gone well, if he was alright, when did he get home and, even if the view was nice... Why where they naked in the living room?!
- Moo- he stopped. He wouldn't succeed with his sore throat... He decided to quietly wait for the healing tea... Remus hadn't said it but Sirius knows him to well. Obviously, his going to make him an infusion of whatever medicinal herbs they got... He doesn't care.. He never truly liked potion... Boring... He lean on the sofa and day-dreamed a little.
Couple minutes later, Remus was back with a large cup of tea.
-Drink this Pads, it will help with fever and pain. Said Remus, rubbing Sirius Back with one strong hand, over the blanket he had enrolled Sirius in just before.
The smell was bitter... But there was a touch of honey. It made him smiled.
He took the mug, helped by Remus because it was heavy and his arms were shaky. He drink the all of it. Humming from the release on his tight throat and dry mouth.
The honey making a protecting balms on everything it was touching. He put himself on Remus Chest. The werewolf put the cup down and hugged his sick, hot friend.
-Thanks Re'! Breuah!... So bitter...Sirius blown
-How do you feel Pads ??
-Better now. You're mission had gone well? How are you?
-Yes, I'm not the one who whistle when he breathe... Said Remus.
-When did you came back?? Can't remember a thing. Why are we naked?
-You don't remember?... Well I guess that's normal, you were completely out of it.
Sirius keep looking at him in the eyes. Interrogated
-When I came home, you wasn't at work. I call for you and you were in the corridor, shaking, enrolled in your blanket, white like snow... You fainted on me.
-Seriously?... Damn... Didn't remember being so sick...
- I took you on your bed but you were burning up. I had to take you under icy shower to lower your temperature.
I was really scared... I hesitate to take you to St mungo's.
-Thank god you didn't!
- Yes, well... You would have hesitate too! You were all limp... Like a rag doll Pads... Merlin, I had never seen you so weak!
- Thank you, the shower seemed to have worked pretty well...
-The potion did.
-You've always been good at that... At everything.
-Shut up... I'm not. I just listen in class and use what I know.
-there was a little silence. Both enjoying each other touch. Each other soft movement of breathing.
-You kissed me? Asked Sirius by a whisper.
Remus stand quickly. Blushing like hell.
- I-I-No! I... I put my lips on yours 'cause you was far too weak and exhausted to drink by yourself! And you needed to get your fever lower so... I-I-No -didn't think... I'm sorry.
-Why?... It's just too bad that it feels like a distant, unreal memory...
They looked at each other in the eyes a moment.
Remus struggling to understand what he had just said. Did he just... Did he just asked him to kiss him right now?!
Like if he was reading in his mind, Sirius laughed a little.
-Well, I mean, not right now you know... When I won't be able to contaminate you anymore! Well... If it's tenting to you too...
Remus smiled. Damn... Sirius had never seen him smiled so happily. He was even more beautiful right now...
Sirius took Remis hand and pulled him against him.
He sigh of joy, and let himself fall into darkness. Surrendered by Remus Warmth... His sweet smell... The last thing he feel before falling asleep are the rise and fall off his cheek on Remus chest. In rhythm with the soothing beating of his soulmate's heart.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Sam and Tommy, a Villain/Hero friendship
Sorry for my bad writing and bad English!!!
Hero had always been proud of himself for not showing when he was having an hard time.
Always strong, always here to protect and help others. Protect the town. His town.
And tonight, when he heard about Big Villain terrorising people on the central place, he didn't think twice before going.
Even if he feels sick. Even if he's unsteady when he walk. Even if the fever is only rising. Even if the ribs that Big Villain had break at their last fight torture him as he walk.
Just showing may make the Big Villain leave and he knows it.
However tonight, Big Villain doesn't redraw just by seeing him.
Well, he should have expected that. He looks terrible. Not really frightening...
So he jump into battle. Assaulting Big Villain with his all arsenal of fire techniques. Only rising up his fever more and more. After about twenty minutes, Hero is just exhausted.
Big Villain his breathless and try to regain strength. His hands on his knees.
It's hero's last chance.
Hero focus, closing his eyes and after a couple seconds, let go a deflagration who encircle him. Touching Big Villain and his sidekicks.
Hero hear Big Villain scream something. But he can't find out what. Probably to finally redraw because everything become silent and calm after that.
Everything his fuzzy... Blurry... Fuck... He won't be able to make it to his base... He has to try so...
He limps awkwardly in some direction... He thinks it's the good one... Maybe... This little ally remember him of something... Maybe... Damn... He's awake enough to know that he's beginning to lose it but not enough to remember his way home...he must return to his base... Home... Anywhere safe and with some...
He freeze.
Villain, a childhood friend who had take a different pace his standing right in front of him on the ally... Hero tried to steady himself a little and stopped holding his chest like to protect his broken ribs.
He had never tried to fight him... Always avoiding him... So why now... They are always friendly to each other when they meet unexpectedly in their everyday life...
-What are you doing here? Ask villain rising an eyebrow
-Going home... Not today Villain... Need to-go. Answer Hero advancing towards him to continue his hard travel.
You're in my perimeter here Hero. I have a reputation to maintain you know it, we've talked about it. Said Villain.
-'M not! Let me go Sam. Hero half yelled, half mumbled , continuing to walk right in front of him.
-You are. And you'd better walk back in your district. Said Villain noticing the fact that Hero calling him by his nickname in this context was more than strange.
Hero continue to walk slow to keep it steady. He try to inspire deeply. He can't breathe well. It's bothering him. He shake his head, like if he could do something.
"Don't approach. Hero, I'm not playing here! I'm warning you! " Villain yelled toward Hero who just keep walking to his direction.
Well, hero his arrived to Villain side. He barely look at him. Villain had no choice, but he doesn't go on him to hard. Villain just put a low kick on him. Trying to stop hero and make him react.
It stopped him a little to well. Hero's knee give up with the kick and hero start to fall limply on the ground. Not fast enough to put his arms in front of him for protection. Instead, he managed to fall on his shoulder.
He wasn't moving after that. His helmet resting on the concrete. Turning his back to Villain.
Villain looks at that with round eyes.
He had noticed that something was weird, the kick he gived him was far to weak to make his former friend fall like that. He was supposed to be a strength of nature... Was he playing games? Had he had a problem?
Villain carefully kneeled behind him.
Slowly turning Hero to lay on his back. His helmet rolling on the ground as he switched position.
-Hero? Are you ok?
No answer. Hero's chest his rising and falling really fast, moving only inches each time. He noticed the few pieces of skin that he could see was too pale and sweaty.
Villain gently begin to took Hero's helmet off.
Hero raised his arm to prevent it.
-No~ don't.
-It's me, Tommy, I need to take your helmet off, you seem struggle breathing properly with it...
-Yes, it's me, no one else can see us, trust me. Said Villain soothingly.
Hero let go of Villain's arm, his own arm falling on the ground loudly.
Villain managed to slowly take of the helmet.
Hero's face was white as sheets. His cracked lips shivering like his all body. Sweat was literally dripping from his forehead.
His breathing was too fast, rattling, wheezing.
Their eyes sweeping everywhere, loosing focus. Blinking longer than it normally takes.
- Tom? Are you with me here? Villain asked shaking Hero's cheeks softly. He was getting more and more worried.
- 'Am? ~ Silberm'n... Hero mumbled.
Silberman? The high school nurse? What the fuck was he talking about?!
- What happen' to you?! What's wrong?!
- n'thing... Can't breathe...
- You idiot, you can't answer "nothing" And " I can't breathe " In the same sentence! Yelled Villain.
- 'op screamin'... Groaned Hero, grimacing and imperceptibly moving his head away from Villain.
- Look at me Tom. Said Villain while checking Hero's forehead's temperature after quitting his gloves. You're burning up! He added.
Hero's eyes couldn't stay fixed on Villain. They kept fluttering away.
- You're coming with me. I'm not letting you die in here. Said Villain, beginning to raise Hero's Back with one arm.
- 'ome... Hero blown, his head lolling limply with the movement of his upper body.
-Yes, don't worry okay? Try to stay awake, we are at my base in a minute. Tried to soothe Villain in hero's hear while putting his other arm under Hero's knees.
He stands up. Hero's eyes widen in agony with his moved wounds and broken ribs, before rolling back.
- hgn! No Sam 'lease, hff" Hero puffs before passing out. His head lolling on Villain shoulder as he began to walk towards his base.
- Who did this to you?... Gonna fuckin' murder them...Villain whispered in the night.
Hero doesn't wake up when Villain lay him on his table to undress him... Well more cut of his clothes off... He's now naked on Villain's table. Shivering and spamming against his wooden table.
Villain needs hero to wake up in order to assess his injuries.
He already sees a wound that looks infected.
As if he couldn't take care of it. It wasn't even stitched...
He moved a little bottle under Hero's nose.
"Hey, wake up Tommy. Come on, open your eyes." Villain say while shaking Hero's shoulder.
It work a little to well. Hero jerks and scream before sobbing, trying to touch his shoulder, only to scream again as his broken ribs are disturbed by his movement. His hand fall limply on the table. Hero gasps while his eyes are rolling back again.
-No, no! Need you to stay awake! Tell Villain while putting Hero's face in his hands and shaking a little.
-hur~ hurts... Hero say with broken voice.
- I know buddy... Villain bit his lips with compassion. But I need to know where you're hurt to fix you up...
-Just sleep... Sobbed Hero, tears rolling on his hot cheeks
- Soon Tom... Villain tried to soothed him by stroking his hair out of his face. Now, does this shoulder hurts? He asked while touching the shoulder on which Hero had fall earlier.
-Arg! Fuck yeah! Stop! Yelled Hero. This time, pain seemed to waked him up.
- I think it's dislocated.
- Sweet! Now get out!
- It's my place... Replied Villain teasingly before Parcouring Hero's Arms and legs with the tip of his fingers. Nothing except bruises.
Hero was only breathing faster and faster. Taking less air with each gasps. Stars dancing before his eyes. Sobbing and groaning between his teeth. Clenching his fists.
Villain moved to Hero's ribs. Applying a little pressure on every one of them.
At some point, Hero jerked and vomited bile before opening his mouth to scream, only to struggle taking his breath.
-Ngrbl~ 'top! Tried Hero
-Can't. Replied Villain softly, continuing to asses the number of broken and cracked ribs.
By the time he finished counting them ( 3 broken and 5 cracked on his left side) Hero wasn't really here anymore. He was babbling and sobbing incoherently. White and clammy skin. He seemed too much in pain to breathe or even think. Spasms jerking his body against his will. Hurting him even more.
-You're badly wounded... Whispered Villain more to himself.
- Sa~ Sammy, can't- 'nt brea- Hero's tried. gulping for some tiny amount of precious and unreachable air. Panic in his unfocused eyes who tried to fix his old friend.
- I know. I got you. You're safe. Villain said to him, gently applying an oxygen mask on his face.
Hero's eyes widen in surprise before closing slowly. His body beginning to fall limply again and relax as oxygen was filling his cells again.
Soon he was dead to the world and Villain begins to wash him gently with wet cottons and disinfectant, sew him up, put his shoulder back in place, bandaging him, and finally, applying fresh tissues all over him to make his fever drop a little.
When he wakes up again, bandages are all over he can see on his chest and belly... It's hurt...There is something warm in his hand... He looks. Sam?! Sammy is holding his hand while sleeping next to him... What happened?... Yes, Big Villain... He was sick and went for a fight anyway... He had lost? Sam had found him?
He try to move and regret it. Groaning in pain.
Villain wakes up too.
- Don't try to move... You're pretty messed up.
Villain say while scrubbing his eyes with his free hand. Once he noticed that he was still holding Hero's hand, he blushes and remove it.
-'t 'pen? Words comes weird from Hero's dry mouth.
Villain helps Hero to sit a little.
Hero his hissing and sight with pain.
-Here. Drink and swallow that up. Said Villain after giving him a glass of water and some pills.
Hero is far to weak to even rise his arm more than a few inches.
Villain sigh and put the pills in Hero's mouth without ceremony before putting the cup of water on his lips.
Hero struggle to swallow and cuffs a little before sipping the rest of the glass.
- Now, tell me who hurt you so bad? Said Villain with a sparkle of anger in his eyes.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Drinking in the snow
(Sorry for my English.)
Yoan had took the park way to going back home. It was pretty unusual but hey, it was a beautiful winter evening!
He was wondering slowly, taking mental pictures of the frosted nature. Enjoying the loneliness of the park.
His eyes land on a bench. He freeze on spot.
"What the fu-Matthew?! "
He move forward and shake the red, inanimate form in front of him.
"Matt'?! Is that you?! "
The man covered by a thin couch of snow is in foetal position. He can't see his face, the hood prevents him to. But he recognizes this coat, this body shape and this is a small village. Plus... It wouldn't be so strange knowing his friends passed habits.
The guy on the bench doesn't respond or move. Yoan move the snow out of him. Then shake the other person shoulder. He notice an empty bottle on the snow ground.
"Hey... Are you alive in here?... "
Yoan pull his shoulder toward him to have a look off the other person face. Concern growing in a storm on his stomach.
"Ma-... " Yoan blow before kneeling in front of the other guy head.
Fuck... It IS Matthew... His face and lips are white/ grey except for his cheeks and the tipe of his little noze who are red.
His mouth is half open and he doesn't seem to be cooperate opening his eyes even with the strong shaking of Yoan.
"Hey Matt! Can you hear me?! Please don't be dead! " He says putting two fingers on Matthew's neck.
He's so cold. His heart-beat his almost unfoundable, he has to sinks his fingers in Matthew's skin to find an irregular, slow rhythms.
"Come on dude don't do that to me!! Wake up Matt! " Says Yoan lifting and shaking Matthew by his collar.
Tears begin to rise in his eyes when he sees Matt's head lolling limply has he shake him. They are in a fucking lost village. No rescue around. And he doesn't know what to do!
In top of that, he just realize that his friends doesn't breathe. No puffs off steam coming out of him.
"No, no, no, no dude! Not even in your dreams! Your not dying on me!"
Yoan half yelled, taking Matthew's cheek in his palm before lifting him bridal style.
They had a childhood friend who lived near the park and had at least a first aid certificate to teach skiing.
" Matt', please, please breathe dude! Come on! I'm taking you to Léo, please, breath Matt! " Was yelling Yoan while running to Léo's house with his friends, dead weight in his arms. Matthew's hair so cold wiggling his neck and chin.
He literally smash the door open with one strong kick before yelling, entering Leo's home:
"Léo, Léo-"
"What did you just do you assho-" Léo freeze just like Yoan had did as he turn the corner of his corridor and see his two friends. One carrying the other one who's arms and legs are falling limply out off Yoan's grasps.
"Léo, he's not breathing! He's not breathing, do something!!" Keep yelling Yoan.
"Put him down" Say Léo trying to remain calm and focus.
He quickly and without management remove Matthew's coat, then check his vitals.
"He is breathing, just not enough. Step back. " Says Léo as Yoan obey. Léo pinch Matthew's nose before opening further his mouth and blowing slowly. Matthew's chest rise slowly too.
Léo let a pause before doing it again.
"He had been drinking dude... He tastes Apple-vodka... " Léo says before blowing again.
Yoan his face palming
"Breathe Matt'! Come on, breathe buddy, don't do that to us, Come on dude just breathe!" Says Leo between the blows.
It isn't before the eighth slow blow that Matthew jerked weakly and took a deep breath from himself.
His eyes was fluttering without opening.
"Hey, it's okay Matt' we're here buddy. Just rest. " Said Léo while nesting his friend's face in his palm. Then he rolled Matthew and put him on his side. Matthew's hand under his own cheek.
Léo securing Matthew's chin to keep his mouth well open.
Yoan making great and ferm circle on Matthew's back, trying to warm him, soothe him, encourage him to breathe while saying:
"Here you go Matt, just... Just relax and breathe dude... We are taking care of you. "
"He's freezing, help me carry him in my bathroom." Says Léo, an hand on Matthew's shoulder, rubbing him firmly.
In a slow process. Yoan help Matthew sit down, holding his back and back of his head. Léo squat and take his friends hands, putting them at the level of his own chest. Grabbing them firmly. Yoan accompanying their movement. Lifting Matthew by his armpits as Léo stands up and grab Matthew's tights
They go upstairs, Yoan behind Léo, securing both of his friends in case they'd fall.
They didn't. They arrived in the bathroom and Yoan helped Léo squatting again and hold Matthew's back, gently guiding him on the ground.
"Did you see how much he drink? Did you saw him puke? "
"No he was clean when I picked him up. The bottle next to him was empty. "
"I need him to throw up... " Whispered Leo. He sat Matthew in front of the toilet and without mercy, put two fingers in his mouth as far as he can put them.
The effect is immediate but doesn't wake up Matthew. Even if he is a little disgusted, Leo do it again. Both time, only bile mixed with the cocktail came out.
At the third try, Matthew gag but nothing left his body.
"I think his done... " Matthew was still limp as a rag doll, the back of his head resting on Leo's shoulder.
"Here you go dude.. Needed you to throw up all this vodka. It's over now. You're ok. "
Matthew's lips were open and he was shivering intensely. The smell of alcohol filling the room. Leo begin to removes the top of Matthew while Yoan was removing his pants and socks.
" Let's gets you warm and clean. " Said Leo as Yoan was making him an hot bath with foam.
Once the tub fill with warm water, Leo lifts Matthew's shoulder and upper back while Yoan his lifting his legs.
The put him gently, really gently on the water, his head put to rest on the white acrylic.
After a little while, the shivering reduces and Matthew is trying to open his eyes. They flutter a little.
"We'r am? " Matthew blow before trying to move and remove the hands who are forcing his body to remain at the bottom of the tub.
"Hey, hey Matt' stay still, it's us! " Said Yoan, trying to soothe him.
"Relax, we are here, you're ok bro" added Leo
Matthew looked like his was making an huge effort and half opened his eyes.
He take a look at his two friends. Red, glassy eyes landing on The water of the tub.
"What's ha'pning? Where 'r we guys... "
"Take it easy Matt'. " Said Léo while pulling hot water on the top of his shoulders who wasn't immersed.
"We are in Leo's bathroom. I take you here when I found you on a bench of the park, fucking unconscious under the snow. What was you thinking Matthew?! "
"I-I-I don't know, where? " Asked Matthew. He was starting to hyperventilate.
"Leave him alone for now." Said Léo to Yoan "It's okay Matt' just calm down. " He continued toward Matthew.
"In the park? Didn't go there! Freezing outside! "Matthew managed to tell between two quick breath.
" Hey seriously, relax Matthew. Deep breath. "Said Léo, caressing his hair. He threw a quick anguish look at Yoan.
He seemed totally lost and was breathing faster and faster.
"Matt'!" Yoan half yelled snapping his fingers in front of him "Come on bro, Just breath slowly!"
"I~I'm~sor~sorry" Matthew whispered between two inefficient gasp.
Léo grabbed one of Matthew's cheek and the back of his neck. Then he put himself right in front of him, making sure to have an eye contact.
"Matt', everything is fine. You need to relax or your gonna pass" He didn't had time to finish his sentence, Matthew's eyes are already rolling on the back of his head. His eyelid and lips twitching weirdly, before he starts convulsing for not even thirty seconds and fall inanimate. The full weight of his head on Léo's hands. He would have crash on the tiling without them.
"What's happening to him?! " Asked Yoan paralyzed by what had just happened.
"Hey come on, calm down or you gonna faint too! I think he's dehydrated. "
"I get you a glass of water. " Said Yoan rushing to the kitchen
"Take one of my little sport bottle. It will be easier" Yelled Léo so that his friend could hear him from downstairs.
It took Yoan less than a minute to come back. Tending a little bottle to Léo.
"Help me hold his head. " Asked Léo.
Yoan kneeled beside Léo and hold the back of Matthew's head and neck the way Léo had just told him. Léo shake a little Matthew's cheek.
"Need you to wake up just a sec' Matt'. " Léo said as Matthew didn't move an eyelash.
"We can't just wait... " Léo whispered to Yoan.
Matthew's mouth was already half open when Léo gently applied the bottle neck to Matthew's lower lips. He slowly leaked water on his mouth.
Matthew coughed a bit before swallow.
Between two coughing fit, Léo managed to make Matt' drink more than the half of the bottle.
"He would probably need an IV... Rescue can't come here before the snow calm down a little... We're stuck... "
"I'll try to call 991 to at least have some advice. " Said Yoan as he was leaving the bathroom and closing the door.
When he came back, they take Matthew out of the water and dried him with towels.
Then Yoan who were the strongest carried there unwell friend in the friends's bedroom.
They Wrapped him in a fluffy, heavy blanket.
Yoan sat cross-legged behind him and scrub Matthew's back in gentle circle over the blanket.
Leo sat in a comfortable armchair just in front of Matthew.
After a couple of hours, they took turn to get some sleep.
It wasn't before 3 in the afternoon that Matthew's eyes fluttered open once more.
Both of his friends were there. Growing really concerned as Matthew wasn't waking up.
"Hey, you're awake!" Whispered Yoan a big smile on his face.
"Hey... " Blow Matthew with a dry mouth and an enormous headache.
"How are you feeling bro? " Asked Leo, rubbing Matthew's shoulder trying to soothe him.
They gived him a deadly look.
"Can you drink that? " Asked Leo, giving him a big glass of water.
Matthew sat down, helped by his friends and drink the all glass. His shivering hand pouring a little amount off liquid on the blanket.
"Now: How are you feeling Matthew? " Asked Leo with a serious tone. The one that filled him with shame for his action each time Leo was using it.
"Fine, I'm... I'm...I'm a mess guys... " His voice cracked as he was finishing his sentences.
"You've been drinking again. " Said Yoan.
Matthew begin sobbing.
"I'm sorry, I snap. I'm so sorry... I haven't get drunk in the past two years. I didn't think it through. Buying a bottle in the middle of an anxiety crisis wasn't a good idea...i'm sorry to bother you so much guys, I to nothing..."
"Shut up, you're a good person whose bad thing happened. That's all, that happen to everyone." Said Yoan. Coming from him, it was really a gentle talk.
"You didn't remember going outside? " Asked Leo.
"No, i think I've drink to much, don't remember a thing after putting myself on the sofa with "Walking Dead" and my bottles... " Matthew responded.
"No? To much drinking you think? " Said Leo filled with irony.
"But why on earth would you drink that much, go outside in the snow and lay on a bench?! " Said Yoan.
"You know what you're not much of an happy drinker in top of that " Added Leo.
"Don't know! I'm sorry. Sometimes I just wanna disappear so freaking much. I'm afraid if I don't stop thinking I might actually be a little to much attract by my fucking window! " Matthew snapped. Busting in tears. Hiding his face in his hand.
Léo and Yoan tightly hugged him. Matthew's forehead resting on the crack of Yoan's neck and shoulder.
Until his breathing was slow and deep, he had fallen asleep. Deep dark circles under his eyes and he just looked so exhausted...
They gently, slowly guided him back lying down on the bed and covered him up to his chin.
Yoan caressing his hair with concern.
Leo holding one of his hands with the same look of anguish in his eyes.
After a pretty long time, when he wake up again, he smelled the hot vegetable and chicken soup before even opening his eyes.
He took a time to happily think about the fact that at least, he had some really good friends.
"Hey buddy, we've made you something to eat. "
"To drink you moron. " He heard. A smile Crept on his face as he opened his eyes.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Sirius's reopened wound
Sorry for my bad spelling had miss use of vocabulary... And verry bad grammar!!! Thank you and have a good day! :D( careful, it's getting a bit bloody)
"Need a space to hide, I need a space to hide, I need a space to hide" Sirius was repeating to himself when a door pops at his left. He can't walk anymore, his legs feels like cotton.Lips trembling.
He open the door, close it, take two steps and falls on his knees, letting out a groan of pain as he raises his T-shirt, soaked with blood. Seeing the cut on the side of his abdomen open again give him the need to throw up.
" No, no, no! Breath! Don't puke!" He tells himself taking deep inspirations
"Te" He cought to clear his throat. " Tergeo! "
The blood disappear from the bleeding wound.
"Damn..." He whispers seeing the gap on his side. This vision make him light headed. The sensation of floating begins.
"Ferula! " Bandages envelopes him but blood only soake them up.
"Fucking Bella! Fucking magic wounds!" He tells himself beginning to panic as he feels himself falling in darkness.
"-Piskey... " He murmurs pointing his wand on the gap as his eyes rolled back in his head. He falls on his shoulder, head landing violently on the carpet forming the floor of the room.
"Shit... Shit... Remus... James... Pe" He begged in his mind before loosing conscious.
"Need to find Sirius, Need to find Sirius, Need to find Sirius! " Thinks Remus in loops.
Sirius had left the dueling class in a hurry. Pretending need to use the bathroom, without coming back. Remus had noticed the frightened look on his friends's face and had decided to left the class as well to find him after about fifteen minutes.
"Need to find Sirius Black!" He tells himself one more time before a door pop in front of him.
"Please be there! " He thinks while opening the door. His heart skip several beats as he see Sirius lying on the ground in a pond of blood soaking the carpet.
"Sirius" Yells Remus kneeling; knees immersed in warm liquid.
"Hey! Can you hear me?! " Remus yell, shaking Sirius's shoulders.
No response.
Sirius stay still, face pale as sheets. Cold sweat on the forehead.
"No, no, no! Come on! " He says voice filled with panic.
He try to see from where the blood is coming from. Remus puts of Sirius's magical bandages.
" Tergeo! " Remus yell, wand pointing the blood on his friend body
He see the deep cut and panic only increase.
"Damn, damn! Hey Pads! Hang on! " Tears begin to roll on Remus's cheeks.
"Think! Think! Episkey! " He says pointing his wand on Sirius again.
"Fuck! Of course not! Feru- "he stopped before even finishing. It Wisibly hadn't work before so it won't work right now.
Remus is totally lost.
" Fuck! Sirius! Stay with me I beg you! Think you freaking idiot! Think! Think! " He pauses before spelling without conviction and with big anxiety.
"Vulnera Sanentur! " The blood clear from Sirius Body and seem to close the gap a little.
Remus can't believe that a spell he had heard Severys Rogue practice one day could save this one worst enemy's life.
"Vulnera Sanentur! " He repeats with more convictions. The wound closes a little more.
"Vulnera Sanentur" He spells again. The gap close himself letting only a thin scar on Sirius skin.
But Sirius chest barely move and his heart skip a couple of beats again.
"Please be alive" He beg in his head, putting his cheek over Sirius face. He feels a light, light breath on his skin and his body relax a bit.
He put Sirius head on his laps. Caresses his sweaty hair.
Remus is in shock. Sirius had loose far to much blood. A paddle of red liquid surrounding them.
He don't know if he should be taking his friend to Madam Pomfrey or not move him at all.
Sirius face his snow white. His parted lips are pale and let escaping little puffs of air.
"Damn Sirius what happened... James certainly couldn't do that to you..."
The door of the room open once more. James entering and quickly kneels beside them.
"Did you do that?! " Asked Remus angrily.
"That? That what? From where all this blood came from?! Asked James fearful and in total incomprehension.
" I found him with blood all over and a deep wound on his side..."
" You think... Fuck! He had lost too much blood! You think I hurt him?! I-I-I don't understand I only use expelliarmus... He fly away but... We all did more than once! ..."
" We have to take him to Pomfrey. " Say Remus, voice still full of stress.
"No" They heard from under them.
They look at Sirius who's eyes are only half open.
"Oh Merlin, Pads! " Say James
" You're awake! Thank good! How do you feel?! "
"Don't - know... "Whisper Sirius with shallow voice.
"Come on, we're taking you to Pomfrey, you're going to be ok. " Tells him Remus
"Said no... Don't want to...Can't-. "
"Are you crazy?! Why?! " Says James.
"- be worse..."
"How can it be worse? You loose so much blood, we don't ask for your opinion Padfoot. " Affirmed James
"She'll kill me... " Sirius begin sobbing. " Please guys... Please"
"Who?! " Asked James and Remus with one voice.
"She'll... " He can't finish his sentence. Eyes rolling back in his head again.
"Pads, hey stay with us! " Yell Remus, gently shaking Sirius's cheek.
"James, he's ice cold! What do we do?! "
James look just as lost as Remus is.
"We... We can't take him to the infirmary... Hold on, I'm getting my cloak. " James says while running out of the room.
"Come on Pads... Don't die on us, you can't. " Remus say tears rolling on his face again.
"You are strong, you will be fine hu?" Says Remus, mostly to reassure himself.
"I just need to warm you up" Remus whisper, scrubbing Sirius's chest.
As he say that, a chimney fire appears with several warm blanket.
Remus take of Sirius's soaked wizard dress, his shirt and pants before carry him in front of the fire. Carefully as if Sirius was made of glass.
His limp body make a dead weight on Remus Arms but adrenaline his to present for him to even think about it.
His cradles Sirius, one hand under his knees, one hand behind his back. Sirius head lolling on the crack of Remus's shoulder.
Sirius eyes fluttered while he was blowing " Re'... ". He's eyes closed again.
"I'm here. Here you go Pads, we are going to take care of you... " He says as he put Sirius down and cover him with one big warm fluffy blanket.
James comes back with his cloak
"What the f...How is he?! " He ask as he walk to them.
"Bad... We need to stay with him and look for him... He could stop breathing or go in shock and die, I think we should let him stay in here..."
Long hours later, Sirius eyes fluttering opens once more. He gasp and remove the blanket off him with a groan of dizziness.
" You're okay Pads, I managed to close your wound. "
"Sirius open his mouth weakly , raising an eyebrow.
"A spell I saw Snape practice in the park one day: vulnera Sanentur." Remus answered him, preventing him from even asks.
"What?! "Asked James
" Well, I didn't know what to do! Blood was dripping to much! I tried... And it work so... "
" How do you feel Padfoot? Here drink a little " Says James as he put a cup off water on Sirius's lips, helping him keep his head straight.
-hng... Hurts... Sirius gasped.
Sirius eyes began to loose focus again and he sink into darkness once more.
He moaned a bit before Letting the water fall on the corner of his lips and loose consciousness again.
Remus, James and Peter had take turn to stay with their injured friend. They was bringing some Broth and tea at each" turn off guard " In case Sirius would wake up.
"We can't take care off him! Didn't you see his condition?! " Had said Peter before taking his shift.
"If he go to madam Pomfrey, he maybe dead in the next summer holidays... " Had reply James, cutting Court to any further questions or guilt.
He had been only drifting on and off this last couple days. Never enough time for them to make him drink anything. His face was pale and his cracked lips too. They was cleaning his wound regularly to prevent infections. Material provided by the room.
His breathing was shallow and would stop for few seconds sometimes before Remus, James or Peter could shook him a little to make his mind and body react.
Remus was with him the second night after they had discovered Sirius bloody and on the ground off the room on request.
Sirius had begin to regain a little bit off color. His temperature had rise a little so Remus had carry him gently away from the fire.
It was past 2h when Sirius begin jerking violently, sobbing and screaming in his restless sleep.
"Hey, Sirius hey! Padfoot! Wake up bro, it's a nightmare! Pad's!" Remus tried to scream louder than him so he could hear him. Taking the upper body off his best friend in his arms. Putting him closer to him, holding him tight and shaking him more and more hardly.
" Come on wake up Pad's! "
Sirius finally open his eyes and stop fighting back Imaginaries attacks.
He was all wet with sweat. Eyes quickly passing from one place to another to assess inexistent danger.
"We-r we?! " He tried to ask, mouth dry as a desert, grabbing Remus shirt and putting himself as close as he could. He would have confounded himself with Remus if it had been possible.
"Shh, shh you're safe, you're in school. I'm here, shh" Whispered Remus in Sirius's hair, soothing him, caressing his hair and rocking his body back and forward in order to calm his friend.
"Sch-school? I - I-'m so scared" Sirius cried out.
"What happened to you? Who did this too you?Your Mom? Your cousin? "
Sirius only nod, sobbing in Remus T-shirt that he was holding tight, face on Remus chest.
"She was - she was doing it- again, to everyone in my dream... I was so so scared. Even you Moony... " Sirius's voice broke with the three last words.
"Hey, I'm here, everyone is just fine, you are the only one hurt here Pads. It was only a very bad nightmare. I'm right here" Remus responded him, tilting Sirius's chin so he would look at him in the eyes.
"Thank you... You- you hide me... "
"I really think you need to go to-"
" I can't Re'! My mother will kill me if I display our family stories. And if she doesn't, Bellatrix will. She told me-- to shut up. That's what I'm gonna do... " Sirius voice was weak but he was clearly certain off what he was doing. Yelling his arguments had tired him.
Sirius's colors quickly dropped. His eyes was fluttering again and he was loosing his grasp of Remus shirt.
"Ok, ok, but please stay awake a little. I need you to take a little strength. Accio bowl! Accio cup of tea! " Remus add with a movement of wand.
Sirius was getting all limp again against Remus chest. Lips slightly open.
This one tried to sit him a little, Sirius shoulder between his arm and ribs. Sirius's chin keep banging on his clavicle before Remus put his head little back to rest on the crack of his shoulder.
"Come on Pads stay awake just a little. You need to take a little vitamin and sugar... " Remus said, puttin the bowl on Sirius unresponsive lips. He was starring at Remus's eyes like if he was out of his own body. Like he wasn't hearing him anymore.
Liquid was drifting off his mouth and Sirius cought weakly. He hadn't take any broth in his organisms.
"Pads... I need you to drink dude...please... " Remus said a little bit desperate. He really needed him to take some strength in order to get better...
Sirius was only slowly blinking, looking at him like if he was empty.
"Ok, you give me no choice here..." Remus said before taking a little sip of broth.
He leaned towards Sirius's face before scealling his lips to Sirius's ones.
Slowly, very slowly, he let the hot liquid field with vitamin left his mouth towards Sirius's one.
Sirius jerked and his eyes widen before relaxing once more in Remus reassuring grasps. Dead weigh, like a rag doll.
He bearly had to swallow. Hot fluid dropping from his lips, to his tongue, to his throat slowly.
Remus saw his technique was working, to his great surprise. He gave Sirius half of the bowl this way. Making him drink "the bird way".
Sirius was sometimes jerking and coughing but he was now to weak to sip by himself and he needed strength.
He did the same with the all over sweet tea mug. Sirius was half asleep by this time. Eyes closed. Body completely limp against Remus.
He finally guided Sirius's back back to the mattress on the ground and let him take some rest.
It wasn't before noon the next day that Sirius's eyes weakly opened again. Remus was with him, hand on Sirius's hair
"Hello sunshine... How do you feel? " Asked Remus.
Sirius had regain a little color but still had large pockets under his eyes and his pretty face was emaciated from the few days he had past without eating.
"Fine... Better... Hungry... Ashamed.." Said Sirius like if he was trying to identify his feelings and needs at the same time he was telling them.
"You've got nothing to be ashamed of Pads..." Remus said, caressing Sirius's cheek. "And don't move, I'm taking you some solid food if you think you can handle it. " He added, taking their map.
"Thanks Moony... Thank you"
"Ush now... Don't worry, you've took care of me more than once, don't you remember?"
Sirius chuckled a bit and blush.
"Just try to stay awake, I won't be long. " Remus said before getting out.
He was right. Only minutes later, he came back with a plate of stew and little pastries.
"The elves made your favorites" Remus said sitting next to Sirius. "Eat up now. Then... You're going to take a bath my friend. "
Sirius smiled awkwardly and ate a little bit off warm, delicious stew and two pastries. Giving the other two to his friend after assuring him that it was too much anyway.
"I really wish to take a warm bath with bubbles! " Remus repeat two times closing his eyes strongly.
"Dude... You're okay? " Asked Sirius.
Almost at the same time, a large jacuzzi appeared besides them with hot towels.
"Cool! " Said Sirius with sparkling eyes.
"Yes! At least, we will have discovered something pretty cool thanks to your mortal wound" Respond Remus with an ironic tongue out.
Sirius put himself on his knees with difficulties and tried to put himself up and steady.
"Need help Pads? " Asked Remus concerned.
"Nah. Can do it... " Sirius said. But stars was already dancing before his eyes with the Incomesurable effort he was making. Even if he was trying really hard to not show it to his anxious friend.
He succeed to stand up and tried to take a step after few seconds trying to regain his balance.
He had bearly left his foot that the knee of his other leg gave up and he begin to fell on his side.
Remus grabbed him quickly before putting his arm around his shoulder.
Sirius looked at him full of a shame he didn't needed to feel.
"Hey... It's normal buddy... Do you know how much blood you lost? 'Cause we don't. But it sure was a lot... Like really a lot. Take your time... We have even made your work and imitate a fake note by the wizards hospital to explain your absence. You just need to get better and not be preoccupied by anything else. Get it?" Asked Remus
"Yes... Could you at list let me undress alone you perv'? " Asked Sirius at his turn, making Remus blush reddish .
He put one off the towel around his waist just like Remus had done and slowly sat to the bottom of the tub by the stairs in it.
The warm bath really helped and he was soon comfortably asleep in his red and gold pyjama.
It took Sirius two more days before being able to walk enough to get back to the common room and classes.
They helped him avoid any more flying and hard task for a little while, that said.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Asthma attack
( sorry for my bad English, trying to make efforts! :D I enjoyed writing this one. I've made research on asthma but please, let me know if there's incoherent things! :D)
His phone rings on the middle of the night.
He groans while taking his phone.
"Again?" He says half asleep.." I swear if she call to make me listen her concert I kill her"
He picks up the phone.
"What?!" He says between anger and frustration " I was asleep! "
"Eden?... " She whisper
"What?! "
"Need... Need help" She gasps
"What's happening? " He sit up quickly, now worried by the shallow voice of his friend.
"Asthma... Inhaler...Far" She whistle between two murmurs.
Fuck. He stands up hurrying and run to his door.
"Coming in a minute! Where is it? "
She whistle heavily before breathing
Why wasn't she taking it everywhere?! He run out of his flat. Her apartment his only two blocks away. He run as fast as he can. His pyjama flying with the speed of his run.
"Ok, try to relax, I'm here in a minute! Just breathe! " He try to soothe her while running but she ain't answering anymore.
"Ella? Talk to me. Hey! Okay I hang up and call 911. Here in a second! "
He calls help, explain what is going on and give Ella's address. They wouldn't be here before about ten minutes.
He finally arrive in front of her door. He never took less time to get to her home!
Locked of course. He surprises himself to have put her keys in his pocket while Leaving.
He's shaking and has difficulty unlock the door but he succeed.
He enter, picking her inhaler in her jacket's pocket directly.
"Ella? Ella? "
He finally find her on the ground. Her peignoir
Nonchalantly covering parts of her's pale sweating skin. Cheeks pinky and full of dry tears. Eyes closed and red.
Her lips are bluish and she seems to be struggling for ich tiny, Weezy inspirations.
"Hey Ella I'm here. Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes? "
She doesn't react.
"Hey come on, squeeze my hands a little. " He says putting his fingers on her two palm.
She stays unreactive. Unconscious.
"Damn it! Fuck, fuck, fuck! What must I do?! "
He lay her on her back and put his ear between her breasts. Her heart his way to fast . but beating.
While his style on that position, he feels her lungs congested weak movements decreasing to stop a second later. He raise off.
"Ella come on, breathe! " His panicking a little... A lot actually.
He look at her with no idea of what to do. She can't take the inhaler's drugs if she doesn't breathe! She can't breathe without the drugs on the inhaler!
He groans in frustration and confusion.
"Ok, ok calm down! I have to make her breathe while her heart's still beating! ".
He incline her head by gently pushing her forehead and chin. Then pinches her nostrils and open her mouth with two fingers on her chin. Finally he blows with strength and softness. Watching her chest rise and fall before doing it again. Two, three, four, five, six time before she jerks and take a deep whistling puff of air.
"Good! Good! Here you go! Keep going. " He says while sitting her up, her back against the half of his chest. Head resting on his shoulder.
"I got you. Now take a deep breath" He said putting the inhaler against her lips and pushing the button on top of it.
"Ok good, good girl, breath. "
He wait for her to take four little breaths before putting the inhaler on her lips again.
"Here you go, deep breath now- good, you doing great, continue. "
Eden himself go on. Counting her puffs before holding the inhaler on her lips.
She slowly seems to relax, her tensed body getting limp on Eden grasp.
After four time, he let her head rest on the crack of his shoulder.
She's still unconscious. Body traveled by little spasms between two breathing.
He hold her with one arm in a reassuring way while caressing and kissing her forehead and hair.
She had slowly regain a bit of color when medic's finally arrives.
They check her vitals. Breathing still to shallow to their taste but not enough to be taking to an hospital.
They inject her with some products before saying to Eden.
" Ok Mr, so we just give something to you girlfriend to facilitate her breathing. The crisis has passed so she should be alright, tired but alright. Just keep an eye on her and call us back if she's get some trouble breathing. Take her to her doctor tomorrow. "
"But" Eden tried to tell
"Don't worry sir, she had been treated. Asthma attacks can be impressive but She will, be fine." The guy ordered his guys to put Ella on the hard sofa in safety position.
Then they leaved.
Eden was a little bit lost but hell someone needed to shake on her and take care of her, that ,at least , he had understood.
He took one of her hand in his own, sat on the carpet just in front of her and put his head on the sofa next round her's.
Some hours latter, he was asleep against the sofa when he felt Ella's fingers twitching in his hand.
He rise his head quickly and see her eyes fluttering open.
"Hi... " Whispered Eden
"E-den... You've -came..."
"Of course..." He said raising an eyebrow
"Thank you... "
" How do you feel?
"Thirsty... Tired... Happy"
"Happy? " He asked surprised while helping her rise her head and putting a cup of water on her lips. She sipped the all of if.
"Well, thought I was gonna die and I'm alive. Pretty nice! And you are here" She said with a soft smile .
"You freaked me out... You wasn't answering, reacting...You stopped breathing for a while. "
"Really?... Close one... "
"Yes pretty close one! I really think I had lost you! Had to breath for you! " Tears begin to Pearl at the corner of his eyes.
"Sorry... " She said, realizing that he had just saved her life.
"Don't be. Just, why didn't you call 911? "
" Don't know, I imagine that I trusted you a lot more to be here in time.. But that was selfish. "
" Hn, hn, glad you did... Or you would be dead right now and... "
"And? " She asked
"And I love you... A lot... Since a pretty long time now... "
Her eyes sparkle and widened in surprise.
""I...I... Well I should have had an asthma attack sooner apparently... " She teased with a large smile.
His eyes widened at his turn. And a warm, gentle smile came on his face.
"Well apparently... But now if you could abstain yourself to do another for the rest of our life.... It would be just fine by me! "
She smiled in response. Her eyes slowly closing.
"Want an hug, do you want an hug" She whispered while pushing herself on the board of the sofa.
He insert himself between her and the back of the sofa. Hugging her softly, letting no weight on her ribs or chest to facilitate her breathing.
He felled her falling asleep, her head on his arm.
"Never frighten me like this again... Don't ever want to loose you." He whispered, dozing already.
"I swear" She whispered before sinking in welcoming sleep. Savouring his warm embrace.
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Lila's depression
Lila was depressed since a few months.
She knew why. She was good in psychology by career choice. She also knew that she needed help. Find the force to get some was another story.
Her natural zest of life had help for quite a long time. But no she was getting bland. Full of shame, guilt, anxiety, self-doubt. She used to be a really calm girl. Who liked sleeping, chilling... Now she was hyperactive. Always doing anything she could do to occupy her mind. Going to sleep when she was to exhausted to be over thinking in her bed.
Her friends wasn't fooled by her" Yeah I'm great! Have done this and that today!" / " Well you know, sometimes it's sting a little but it will all be okay!".
Shehad stopped sending texts for a while when Tom asked for news one day.
" Hey lily, how are you doing? What's new? "
He didn't get an answer so he decided to call two days later.
"Hey Lila what's up? So you don't answer me anymore? "
"Hey, s'rry... "
Their was a blank.
"So... What are you up to lately? "
"Really nothing, not even going to work... And you?"
Tom telled her vaguely what he was doing at work this week. She was normally really interested in his work off nurse trainer.
But today, Lila wasn't answering or humming at most. The conversation quickly dropped dead.
"Well... So see you later! Bye" He said a little uncomfortable.
"Hm, bye Tom".
He tried to text her the next week. Called her but was apparently being ignored.
All of this was weird... It was the opposite of her normal behavior.
He decided to directly go to visit Lila after three days and about ten unanswered texts and call.
It wasn't the next door but he was worrying to much. And after all, she would have probably done it for him.
He knocked on her door several time with no answer. He heard nothing while putting his ear against the door. But her bike was on the
landing. He tried to open the door and with great surprise, he managed to open it. Weird again. She was messy and disorganized but to paranoid to let her door open.
" Lily?... I'm coming in... Are you here? "
Once again, no answer. But he stop walking when he heard a slight moan. Coming from the bathroom?
"Lily?... " He asked while knocking on the bathroom's door.
"Lily are you in here?... Are you okay? "
"Hey i'm getting worry over here!! Answer me and I'll leave "
Still nothing.
"I'm warning you, I'm coming in if you don't tell me that you're okay! " He said more and more concerned.
Well, to much silence coming from a talkative friend. He decided to enter in the bathroom once again unlock.
What the fuck?! What a mess! The first thing he noticed are the drinks and bottles littering the ground. Ashtray full on a stool in front of the bathtub.
He feels the need to swallow before looking up.
Damn... At least it's not disgusting or horrifying... More like really sad and pitiful...
Her head resting on the White tub and... Face the same color and inexpressive has fuck. Almost unrecognizable for such an joyfully and expressive women.
He advance a little and see her limp members floating,shivering intensely. White Cheeks digged. Cracked blue lips slightly open, teeth clitching. Her all body emaciated. When he saw her like six months ago, she was still pretty curvy. Bumping... In a good way.
The movement of the water indicated him that she was breathing.
He checked it anyway. Almost putting his cheek on her naked chest while putting two fingers on her carotid. She was slowly, barely breathing. Her pulse was weak. It fricked him up. Loosing all knowledge for a brief moment. And taking her out of the water as he regained his senses.
"Fuck Lily what happened to you?! "
She was so light. Even with her hair and all body soaked in icy water. He quickly get to her room and layed her down in her bed.
He find a big towel and dried her a little before shifting her on the part of the bed who was still dry, in safety position.
He covered her and lined her in blankets before sitting next to her on her bed. He cleared the hair off her face before gently caressing it. Her cheeks was so cold. He laid down next to her and scrubs her back in great circle over the blanket, trying to insuflate some heat in her frail body.
Then hugging her tightly over the blanket has barrier for her nudity. He wasn't sure about doing it for warming her or reassuring him after the fear she did to him.
A couple of hours after, her eyes blinked and opened slowly. Facing Tom. She had stopped shivering.
She frowned a eyebrow.
"Hi" Tom said softly.
"Hey... " She said with hoarsy voice before looking a little around her. " What's happening? You were feeling lonely? " Lily said a little smile cracking on her face.
At least she hadn't lost her salty talking way...
She looked under the blanket and ask:
"Why am I naked?... "
"I found you in your tub... You were freezing. Here, put those on" Tom said, giving her a warm pyjamas he had found on her closet. He turn his head.
She did.
"Drink it all up. " He said more severely than he intended.
She raised her arm with difficulties and took the glass of water. She wasn't smiling anymore.
She drink it and look at him. An expression between shame and fear in the eyes.
"Are you going to explain to me? "
"Their is nothing to explain... Feeling depressed lately, it's going to be okay soon." She tells him, looking away.
"Hm hm soon... Magically? Yes of course. You will write to me the method to get better by taking cold bath, drinking and smoking pots. It will be a fucking best seller! " He said, letting in anger and anxiety show up against his will.
"Well... It was a warm bath when i went in it... " She said trying to make him smile.
He answer her by a murderer look.
"When did you last eat something? " Asked Tom.
"Don't know Mom."
"Alright can you just stop it?! " He yelled
"What?! " She snapped
"" That! Making jokes, not taking yourself seriously! "
The anger on her face twisted in surprise. Before melting in tears.
She was literally screaming. Tom had encircled her by his body and was soothing her, gently caressing her air. Pressing her tiny body against his.
"Here you go, cry until you don't need to. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. "
The screaming took a little time to decrease in subbing.
"So-sorry" She hooked
"Shhh you don't need to be sorry. Breath in, breath out. "
She did and calmed down slowly.
"Can you walk? " He asked
"Of course. To where? "
"Your living room. Going to make us something to eat.
" I'm not hungry" She said. Grabbing his shirt.
"Well I am. And I hate eating alone you know it. Now, come.
She wrapped herself tightly in the blankets and sit on the border of her bed. Then push herself up with her arms. A little to much perhaps because she trip over and begin to fall. Tom grab her by her shoulder before twitching her aside, put his other arm under her knees and lifting her up.
She looked at him weakly and open her mouth.
" Hn hn, shut you mouth. You don't have any choice. "
"Tom I-"
"Am to weak to even stay awake in my bath or stand up? Yes, I've seen that! "
"Am sorry... "
"Oh, then definitely shut up 'cause I've already told you that you don't need to be. "
His sassyness had always made her smile. Even now. He sat her on the sofa and went to her kitchen.
"Are you serious?!there is not even a single tin in here! "
She had already dozed off and didn't answer.
He return to her.
"Lily... Okay your coming with me. "
She didn't wake up when he lift her in his arms.
He sits her on the passenger seat.
She moan lightly when he cross a speed bump.
"Hnn... Wtf were am... Hi " She said, finally seeing Tom.
"We are going to the hospital. "
"But... " She begin to cry.
"What? "
"Don't wan~na go...Wanna go home" She subbed.
Her trembling bottom lip covered that of the top... Baby's way.
He had never been able to resist it.
"But you need... " He sigh heavily.
" Rah! Ok, ok. But you are coming to MY home." Tom said
"Why? She asked raising an eyebrow.
" I'm going to stop work a few days and take care of you. I'm a nurse, remember? I Can handle body care of my dehydrated, malnourished, exhausted silly friend... And I said body care. As soon as you can walk, I'm taking you seeing someone. "
"But... Your students... "
"Lila... Are you seriously.... You're my friend you idiot! You... Arf! You are fuckin' important to me! And by the way, what the hell did you had in mind not telling me how bad you were feeling?! " He was yelling a bit and tears begin rolling on her pale cheeks again. Mix of shame, sadness, gratitude and happiness of realising he really cared for her.
"Sorry... Shouldn't have scream... " Tom said softly.
"Sorry too"
But she smiled a little. She was so tired that stars was dancing before her eyes again. She put her head on the window and passed out again.
When she open her eyes, she was once again confused. He helped her sit up on Tom's sofa.
"Hey... Here you go : drink me that. " He was tending her a big mug of hot chocolate.
She had an hard time holding it. He helped her. He put a Star Wars movie on the screen and cuddle her, hugged her while caressing her hair and face.
"Their is a soup in preparation. Plenty of vitamins! Take some sugar while we wait. "
She was lining in his arms. Feeling the warm of his body and breath in her hair.
When she had sip an amount of liquid that he considered sufficient, he guided her down, head on his laps. Putting an heavy, warm blanket over her.
She looked up at him has if she was terrified to sleep.
"Hey... ''m right here and not moving. I will even sleep with you if you want. But I think you hadn't really rest for a long time..."
"You stay with me?... " She asked.
"Yea." He said
He carried her in his bed and begin to read, caressing her hair and shoulder the same time.
She was slowly regaining strength and colors. Smiles less and less faked.
Three days after he went to her home, she was in state to going fetching help.
Tom stayed with her five days before going back to work, as she was insisting on it.
So he insisted to keep her with him at his home the time she gets better.
Soon, it became more a sweet,fun colocation that a duty. Lila retrieving her joy fullness little pieces by little pieces
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Accomplices once more.
Sorry again about my bad english!Sorry for conjunction and vocabulary:D writing with dyslexia in an other language is not easy! ( Yeah no shit Sherlock, but I like it anyway!! :D)
It was bad. Really Really bad
They was trying to get out of the conglomerate of tunnels that formed "Big Villain" Base. By the natural light he was beginning to see, they were close to the exit. Finally.
They had been held captive without even knowing why. Since... They didn't known when!
The hero and the villain forced to be roommates between torture sessions.
Well, it's not like there never shared a lodgement before. But in this time, they weren't even twenty years olds. And they're room had a bed! Well, even two beds actually! Big luxury in the present time.
Villain had a hard time speaking to hero during the first week of their detention.
Since the night of the accident where they had loose their friend; Each one had take a very different pace. Only sending a birthday and a new year text twice in a year. " Only remnants of such long complicity since childhood. Villain couldn't take the goodness that Hero shows to the evil kind of human who can kill a teenager out to see a movie.
It wasn't there fault. But seeing their best friend get brutally murdered for no reason ,gived them a purpose in life. Stopping they're med school. One to kill every killer he would have knowledge off . The other one arresting them and calling the police.
-"so it's that kind of garbage that you're so proud to let alive? " Had shout Villain, going back from a really severe session. Bloody and sweaty, turning down the proposal of help from Hero.
-" If we play Gods, why would we consider ourselves better? " Hero had respond, putting some water next to him. "We wanted to save life when we were little the three of us. I just can't kill an other human myself... "
Torture had decrease for Villain. "Big Villain" Probably had what he wanted (whatever it was...). Or had deducted that he didn't interested him after all.
But for Hero, it had increased in double pain.
Communication finally coming back after Hero had once been thrown up in the cell. Face pale as a ghost, lips blue, choking in his bile. White foam forming on his lips in abundance. Convulsing a bit before falling inanimate. He had been heavily drugged. Wrong dosage maybe? 'Cause he was clearly overdosing.
Villain was then forced to interact with Hero. Clearing is airways. Putting him in recovery position. Assuring his breathing. Moving him when he puked. Putting whatever tissue he could find under his head. Trying to soothing him, reassure him when he was sobbing, groaning or ranting in his delirium. Forcing him to drink a little to stay hydrated.
Hero was better after two days and then, tortures retook. Harder than ever.
But while their relation had greatly improved, their was more capable to observe the guardsmen, thinking of a plan. Villain was a mess. Malnourished since weeks, showered with ice cold. And Hero was unrecognizable. An hamas of bruises, cuts, crusts... Way much thinner than usual. His face loosing his usual bright and large smile.
They had been fed the day before. Generally, it wasn't a good sign for Hero . It was often a way to make him stay conscious more time.
Their feelings wasn't wrong. This time, he had returned covered in blood and soft as a rag doll.
-I imagine that you prefer him alive to? Had said a bastard sidekick of "Big Villain". Throwing to villain the necessary to treat the gap way to deep and large that Hero had on his hip. Letting Hero fall of his arms freely and closing the door.
Villain had felt his guts twist and the urge to puke. He wasn't even sure that Hero was still alive... Pressed himself to kneel beside him.
Taking his pulse, pressing his ears to Hero's chest to check his breathing. The two, way too fast. Way to shallow. Blood flows abundantly, hero being unconscious.
-Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Villain says while he takes the material to wash his wound, sew it up, bandage it.
He go as fast as he can. By the greatest luck, Hero is still breathing as he finish.
He is shocked. Blood all over is hands and he doesn't even realize that he is doing himself a war paint on the face with it as he cover his face to scream in frustration.
-"Vi-Vill~t's ok." Manage to blow Hero, poking villain knees with the back of his fingers. " 'll be ok... "
-"Shut up! Scream villain. It's not ok! Your dying! Shut up and breath!"
Hero cough, moan and bit his lips from the pain coughing produced. Then crack a weak, trembling smile.
-" 'Ways so so-soft... Really goo-goodd car~r choice..."
-"shhh I'm serious. Don't talk. Breathe. Try to stay awake... Please Hero"
His eyes were blinking more and more longer. Villain trying to stimulate him by gently scrubbing the top of his naked chest.
-"holli-hollidays~'can sl-sleep...carry 'n my bed?"
-"What? "Asked Villain, putting his palm on Hero forehead. He was ice cold. And completely delirious.
- "Fuck... "
-" 'at? "
- "nothing, nothing okay? Come here. " He says as he cover him from their thin blanket and lay down behind him, trying to keep him warm by every means at his disposal.
- " If you go too sleep, who's going to debate with me? " He asked with an anxiety still verry audible"
-"mmm not long, tired"
The twenty minutes he had to wait to try to knock the guard with their key felt like an eternity.
Trying to keep is retrieved friend awake. Talking to him, gently shaking him as soon as he sinking into darkness. Caressing his hair.
But eventually it was time. Villain stand at the angle of the cell. He wait, wait, wait... And right when he passed to his scoop; he violently take him by the collar and slammed him against the cell's bars.
Quickly, he took the keys and try to find the gone one. He opened the door, taking the keys in the pocket of his pants.
Villain kneel again beside Hero.
-"I'm taking us out of here. "
-"where? " hero mumbles
-"Ush, just listen, need you to focus". He shook Hero's cheek.
"We have to be quick and silent. I'm going to carry you on my back, run and get us out of here. It's going to hurt like hell. And you need to shut up please. Know it's unfair. But if you scream, they will spot us and back to starting point. Just... Please, please try to be silent. Do you get it? "
-" Yeah... No scream noise... "
-"Good." Villain squats, tied Hero frail wrists and passed them on is shoulder. Before grabbing the two legs of his pants.
Hero's face twist weirdly.
-" Don't puke on me neither... And up we go. " Villain whisper as he stand and grab Hero's thighs.
-"Arg! Vi-Ugh~ unn " Hero groan while his head falls on Villain Shoulder. His shallow breath on Villain's neck. Head lolling limply as Villain begin to walk.
Villain knows that his friends his now completely passed out. Worrisome... But at least he while not make a sound...
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boulbilehibot · 5 years ago
Hard night.
( I apologize in advance, english is not my maternal language( sorry for the conjugation and awkward vocabulary!) , and it's my first... Fanfic?But I wanted to participate! :D hope some of you will enjoy!)
It was already pretty late that night. They had just return to Hogwarts after the summer cut. The marauders had gone to bed. Belly full. Exited to begin their new year.
A sound of thunder wake up Remus.
In the shining light of the moon, he could see that Sirius was out of is bed. Curtains open, leaving a view on his empty, and messy bed.
Remus knows that is friend was having hard time at home. And when they return to school, he need a time to adapt and retrieve his habitual joy.
He also know that Sirius is probably out with James's cloak.
- "I Sollemny sware that i'm up to no good" Remus whisper, with tired eyes ,over the parchment.
-"He's here... What the hell is he doing in the park?...
Remus put on his shoes and a coat and leave the room quietly.
Sirius doesn't move on the map, yet he doesn't see him as he arrive to is level.
Remus try to put his own name on top of Sirius's one on the map.
He's almost on it when he see an hand llying on the grass.
Carefully, he move his hand forward, and remove the tissue from Sirius body.
-"Fuck! "
He take less than a second to kneel by is friend, but it feels like an eternity where he notices:
Sirius eyes are closed and he got trails of his dried tears on his cheeks,
Who are thinner than usual and he can see from is shirt raised to is ribs that he's best friend is only flesh and bones;
Sirius lips are white/blue and his face, pale as paper;
Their is bruises on is chest, torso, back, arms;
But he is breathing... And shivering.
His breathing is fast and shallow.
... Why the fuck didn't he noticed any of this sooner?!
- "Hey, hey, hey, I got you buddy... "He whisper with a deep and wet voice as he carefully take the top of Sirius in is arms.
With one hand, Remus shake gently Sirius's cheek then shoulder.
-"Padfoot.... Pads... C'mon wake up... Sirius?!" He finish, his voice raising with his panic, seeing Sirius unresponsive.
-"Re... Hi." Expired Sirius With irritated voice. Eyes slowly blinking, befor weakly opening.
- "Oh pads... You scared me so freaking much! Are you ok? "
He cursed himself to dare ask this question to is friend that he had found unconscious on the cold, wet grass a minute ago.
-"Ye-yes. Sirius manages to whisper. What- What's happened?... He was shivering violently, teeth rattling . "
- "Well you tell me Pads...I found you lying here under the cloak... What's all that bruises and cuts?... "
Sirius looked away. Remus got the message.
-"C'mon, you freezing. Let's warm you up. Can you walk? "
Sirius nodded. He tried to push himself up, helped by Remus. But he was barely standing and instantly collapse on Remus.
-Gat you. It's ok Pads... Remus said softly as he catches him up by the Waist and passes his arm around his neck.
Sirius tried to swallow a sob. Only to explode in tears and cries.
-'m I'm such-a fa- a failure. Look at that. Can-can't even walk - by - by myself. She's right.
Last words chocked in is throat. But Remus understand what he had said only too well.
- ush now... Shhh, he kissed is forehead before going on
-... Sirius... You can't walk 'cause you have been starved and beaten and god knows what for weeks.
Sirius knees let go and he let all his weight fall on Remus shoulder.
-My fault. He blowned, barely audible.
Remus had put is other arm under Sirius knees and was now caring him, bridal style, to the castle. Sirius crying on the crack of is shoulder. Body limp and shaken with the spasms of is sobbing.
- "No, it's not! They can try to maltreat the Sorting hat if they're unhappy with your house! You are such a good guy padfoot... The kindest. You help me over and over, so many times. Being good IS good...You don't deserve that! Do you get it?! "
-"hmm, Sirius hummed. I'm c-cold... Is eyes closed
-"Don't worry, I'm taking care of you. A quick bath in the perfect bathroom, a piece of cake, and a good night and day of sleep. How does it sounds? "
- "Good, re'lly good... You never want me in this bathroom... " Sirius say has he's eyes closed slowly.
-"No. I don't want us to get throw out of Hogwarts. Not the same." He smiled gently
. "But here and now, the only thing that I care of, is you", he thought.
Remus had succeed to carry his armed friend to the prefect bathroom. Sirius switching conscious/unconscious until Remus begin to remove his clothes.
-"wht'p'ning?R you doin'? "He seemed totally lost but stop fighting as soon as he heard is friend say:
-"Hey, it's me. We are going to take you in a nice, warm, bubbly bath and then, I put you to bed . Is it still ok? "
-"k'. "Sirius whispered, a weak smile cracking on is face.
Once the werewolf had finely took off the wet and cold cloths( difficult task as the animagus was totally wasn't helping).
He carry Sirius on the gigantic bathtub.
Taking his friend under his back and neck, he let is friend sink quietly and only support his head out of water.
Body nicely enveloped in the hot water.
The boy was half asleep on Remus arms, and still, his muscles was so strained...
What the hell did Sirius had been through this time?
- "Can you... Talk?... "Asked weakly Sirius. Not even bothering opening his eyes.
-"Can I-? About what?" He interogates tenderly.
-"Donno... Whatever you wan..."
-"Yes, of course." Remus smiled gently.
And so he started Narrate all the things he could think of before telling him some fairy tails of is childhood.
Sirius was slowly relaxing on the soft voice. Totally trusting is friend's grisp. Color coming back on is face as he warmed up.
Sirius had fallen asleep. Arms and legs floating freely on the warm water. His head heavily inked in the werewolf hands.
Remus let is friend take some real rest for half an hour.
Twiddling is hair; Looking at is relax face. They never hurt is face. A son beaten wasn't really the reflection of a good and pure family...
He detailed Sirius body . He had some hematomas all over. Traces of fist, feet, belt, cuts...everywhere...everyehere a wizard's robe would cover up.
He felt so sorry, so powerless, angry and guilty for having fun this evening, not taking the measure of his best friend condition.
He needed Sirius to eat something, he barely touched is plate earlier and he was so thin... Not in a good way....
-"Hey budy... Wake up. Time to eat a little and a bed." He was softly moving Sirius's body in the water.
This one blench heavily. Head going under the water as Remus, surprised, hadn't the time to catch him.
Remus took him under the armpits and raised him over the surface.
He literally looked like a lost, wet puppy. Looking at him with incomprehension.
-"Sorry Sirius! Didn't mean to frighten you! "
Sirius stand up, scrubbing is eyes.
-" 't's okay... What are we doing here?" Asked Sirius after noticing were he was.
He seemed more awake and alert than Remus had seen him since he had find him.
-"What do you remember?" Asked Remus.
-"Gone out for a stroll and fall... I think. "
-"Damn, that's a lot of explanation to do then. "
He explain to him what had just happen as he helped him out of the water.
-"And you didn't think about bringing warm clothes? You disappoint me Monny." Quipped Sirius to play down what Remus had just tolled him.
Remus gently wrapped him up in his coat and the cloak with a soft smile. Sirius try to walk to the door. Unsteady steps after unsteady steps.
-"Gonna carry you on my back. Come on." He said as he lawer himself down in front of is friend.
The animagus hesitated. He really didn't want to disturb his best friend even more.
Remus advanced to him and pick is frail body to is arms, bridal style once more.
-"Hey!" Sirius rebelled weakly." It's hurts... "
he put him back down
-"Sorry! Where? Ribs?... "
-"Yes." Sirius nod has he was putting his hand over his floating ribs, without touching them.
Remus take is wand and exerced the spell that he had seen Sirius do to him after a full moon.
-Better? Remus asked.
-Yeah... Sorry to bothering you Re'... Sorry.
-"Stop it, will you? We are friends, aren't we? Now come here." Remus said has he was carry him again.
He didn't struggle this time and put his head at rest on of his friends. Remus holding him firmly.
They were back in the dormitory in no time. Sitting on Remus bed.
-"Not hungry... Stomach hurt... Sorry. " Said Sirius guilt in his voice has he was refusing a cookie that Remus's mom made.
-"Stop apologizes... Lord, now I get why you always tell me that! None of this is your fault so I don't need you to apologize... Need you to get better...'kay'? "
-" 'kay." Respond Sirius with an honest smile. Cheeks blushing a little.
-"At least put this on your mouth and let it melt. You doesn't even have to chew." Remus told him, tending some chocolates.
-"Thanks Moony..." He opened his mouth.
Remus smiled, cut 3 square and put them gently on is friend tongue. He wait and did it again. To the third proposal, Sirius shook is head tu refuse.
-"Alright then, time to sleep." Remus said has he gently guide Sirius back on his bed.
-"Don't... Don't wanna sleep alone... "
-"I know. We are in my bed... "Remus said has he pulled the curtains around them. He lied down next to his friend. Softly brushing and twiddling his hair
-"Now close your pretty eyes and get some sleep. You need to rest..."
"And so do I" He add, has Sirius had already fallen asleep. A sweet smile on his face.
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