#she is THE definition of a psychic vampire
cas---2y5 · 4 months
making my gfs roommate a sim so i can kill her slowly in a healthy and acceptable way :)))))
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gallierhouse · 2 months
I genuinely don’t understand how Lestat is likable. Charming, handsome, seductive, sure. But likable? Imagine being a vampire. You’ve presumably been a vampire for a while. You live in the sewers and do nothing but self-flagellation and worship Satan. Then Lestat appears, and he’s a stage actor, and he’s beautiful and he lives his life in the light, not hidden away in shame. He fraternizes with humans, he’s a part of their society. Then you find out that he was made by Magnus, the same Magnus that deserted your Satan-worshipping cult, the all-powerful Magnus who only ever made one fledgling, and then immediately fucked off and died, leaving Lestat with his blood, power, and money. Lestat is the ultimate nepotism baby of Parisian vampire society at this point. So your boss goes to put him in line, and despite your boss overpowering Lestat physically, psychically, mentally, in literally every conceivable manner, Lestat somehow wins. He does this not through vampiric thrall or physical power, but simply by waltzing into the sewer and giving an arrogant little speech and throwing crucifix on the ground. Any vampire there could’ve killed him in an instant. But they don’t, and suddenly he’s their new leader, and he makes them all move to a theatre and rejoin human society, put on plays, etc. Then he goes back to the sewer to hook up with your leader who he’s utterly humiliated, and he comes back with new powers because he’s got the blood of two ancient vampires now, and then he fucks your old leader in a theatre box for everyone to see. Then some sort of boyfriend drama occurs, someone dies, it’s unclear, which leads him to bury himself in the ground for sixty years, and the moment he wakes up he immediately leaves for America. No goodbyes, no here’s my new address for future correspondence, he just leaves. Then you don’t hear from this man who liberated then led then enslaved you into being a theatre employee all while fucking your boss so good it permanently rearranged his brain and made him kill that man’s ex-boyfriend for about a hundred years, and then when you do, it turns out he’s been murdered by a child. Not any ordinary child, but his child, and she’s also a failure of a vampire (see: the great laws). So that’s humiliating. But it turns out he’s not really dead and he’s been sulking and eating rats, so you have him shipped back to Paris, and then the most dramatic throuple argument of all time occurs, because did I mention that your leader who used to get fucked by Lestat is now fucking Lestat’s ex-husband? Then you and your friends set up a sham trial to get rid of Lestat’s terrible, ungrateful, misbehaving fledglings and to usurp your leader and Lestat’s ex-situationship, because he’s really gotten annoying and dickmatized by Lestat’s ex-husband at this point, and the trial goes alright, but then Lestat saves his ex-husband (who literally tried to murder him, mind you) and immediately fucks off post-trial. Simultaneously, while the trial is happening, it’s definitely possible that your maitre (well, ex-maitre) at this point is torturing him, possibly because they’re still working out the fact that Lestat ghosted him. Then more time passes and suddenly there’s a book about Lestat published, then another couple years pass and he sells our Madison Square Garden, whatever the fuck that means. Like, it has to be so annoying to be a vampire and to be stuck as nothing but a witness to the hurricane of Lestat. The world moves when he wants it to! It spins on his axis! And he’s done nothing to deserve any of that power besides what, having a cunty little bob?
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nightcolorz · 22 days
So you seem to be the Armand expert and I have a few questions!
So what are the clear differences between like the book and movie and show Armand like what facets of the characters remain and which facets changed?
Also which aspects of each interpretation do you like? (Like what show Armand difference do you like) and which aspects of book Armand do you wish they would include in a future season? (Hope I’m making sense!)
AHH TY!!! (Being called an Armand expert is my favorite thing lmao)
I assume when in comes to book vs show vs movie u are asking me to talk about the changes of the character that r less superficially obvious (so u don’t expect me to just list height and age and ethnicity differences and be done with it lol). But either way, to start out, book Armand is Ukrainian, 5’6, ginger, cherub like, was turned into a vampire at 17. Show Armand is Indian, 6’0, lean and muscular, turned into a vampire at 27. Movie Armand is Antonio banderas, lmao.
I think the change that most significantly alters the adaptations of Armand from book Armand is the age change. In the books Armand being turned into a vampire as a teenager is essential to everything about him, backstory and personality wise. To keep Armand the same while aging him up you have to do a lot of substitutions that justify why he is like that that don’t include “he has the mind of a teenager”. What they do with show Armand is kind of like, imagine if there was an adaptation where the writers wanted Claudia to have a similar core conflict as she did in the books but she was aged up to be turned into a vampire when she was an adult. How do u keep the essence of the tragedy that way?? And the what the show does is, it justifies Armand being 27 by in some ways reducing his maturity and prolonging his trauma so that a similar affect to being mentally a child comes about anyway. Show Armand isnt physically a child like book Armand is, but bcus of his trauma he thinks like one. Instead of an adult trapped in the body and mind of a child he’s a child stumbling around in the body of an adult, which is rlly interesting. With this, I get the impression that book armand is more mature, self reliant, and well rounded than show Armand is. Which is funny considering he’s the 17 yr old lmaoo. But rlly, book Armand’s emotional problems and his stunted growth come from outside factors, it’s almost like a psychical disability in a way. Show Armand isnt psychically stunted, so to make the character conflict work he is just extra emotionally stunted. So he’s less functioning, in a weird way, then book Armand.
book Armand is also an angrier character then show Armand. Book Armand has mountains of betrayal and hurt and anger stored in his 5’6 ass body. He has that teen boy spite streak, yknow. Book Armand is very psychically violent and confrontational. The way he preforms violence is often very methodical, he’s the ripping wings of a butterfly type. Show Armand has some of these traits, but his violent tendencies are seemingly more controlled than book Armand, who is genuinely unhinged. Show Armand has a stronger reign over his behavior and acts out of anger less often. He is more so just looking to survive than to kill and maim. I think one of the most book Armand scenes in the show was definitely Armand torturing Daniel in episode 5. Violent torture coming from a strange place of childlike curiosity and betrayal is a big thing with Armand throughout the book series.
But despite the violence, book Armand is genuinely more mature then show Armand. He’s more confident, self reliant, and adult by the 80s than show Armand is in 2020. While show Armand has been living with Louis for 77 yrs and hasn’t experienced life ever when he’s not clinging to someone else, book Armand is able to rebuild himself and develop into a functioning independent person. I do think show Armand will become more and more like book Armand as the show progresses, however.
movie Armand is a different character entirely lmao. He’s basically just Armand in the first book taken out of context and played by antonio banderas. He has as much individual character as an audio book narrator lmao. His lack of backstory and older casting that alienates Armand from his core traits and motives makes it hard for me to see him as anything but a watered down extension of book Armand lol.
my favorite part of show Armand is Assad’s wet cat performance, lol. I love how they keep Armand’s book backstory broadly the same and flesh out and add parts that make it more interesting. And I love how they made Armand a person of color, that is probably my favorite change made in the show in general. I love that book Armand is a teenager, and it’s a shame that I’ll never see an adaptation exploring what that means for his character, but I’m happy with how amc is re inventing the material to be just as interesting. I hope they start to include the nuances of book Armand introduced in queen of the damned (aka: the autism). The revelation that Armand is oddly whimsical, earnestly curious, and fascinated with being a part of human society is what I think is essential to humanizing and endearing him to the audience.
ty for the ask!
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indecisive-capricorn · 6 months
Yandere Cullens Family's Reactions to You Attempting to Escape:
WARNINGS: Yandere, running away, mature language, manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, etc.
SUMMARY: You tried to run away from your kidnapper lover but your attempt failed and now you have to face the consequences of your actions. Problem is, how will your beloved yandere react to it and what are the punishments that lie ahead for you?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: We had the Volturi guards and now, we'll have the Cullens! I guess, I'm in my active writing era for tumblr, so don't be surprised if I end up posting a whole lot more. It can be about Twilight or even other fandoms. I'll definitely be posting more for Miguel O'Hara too. Also, I was supposed to post this later on but it got put on queue and I didn't know how to put it out of the list, so I apologize if it seems a little rushed.
MASTERLIST & REQUESTS: Have some wine before you leave, or suggest a good brand to me. any form of messages are a delight.
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He's a mind reader. That is the only thing you need to know about him to know that it's useless to even try to escape because Edward is already reading your mind to see the potential plans of your escape. He'll do everything to ensure you won't escape and if you managed to find a single hint that could bring your hopes up to do so, he'll immediately eliminate it by fixing the problem. If you had somehow— no one knows precisely how —managed to find an escape, then just know that he'll find you soon enough. Not even just because of his abilities as a vampire since he can easily track down your scent with them, but also because well— he can read your mind. Edward will know where you desperately want to go to and he'll know about the decisions that you'll make as you try to escape. So, good luck but it's practically impossible, unless you managed to outsmart him by thinking of some sort of distraction. But yeah, it's almost impossible because he's constantly reading your mind! Very nosy indeed for a vampire but even worse as a yandere vampire.
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He would be disappointed. Carlisle isn't the type to get angry at people, but he would get disappointed in you when you try to run away because he thought you knew better than to do that. Honestly, out of everyone in the family, Carlisle is the yandere who gives the most freedom to his darling partner. Carlisle gives a lot of trust to you but after your attempt escape, which was most likely ruined because of another family member, he will definitely be keeping a closer eye on you. Carlisle will either give you a scolding after your escape or he will be quite silent while checking if you got any injuries while being outside. The latter is actually scarier than the first because it's unusual for Carlisle to be giving you the silent treatment and it would mean that he would be more cautious and give you less freedom from then on. However, instead of immediately locking you up in the house after your attempt escape, Carlisle will show you all the reasons to keep you in the house. It could be by showing you the wounds and deaths caused by a rogue vampire or even just by bringing you to the hospital to show you the potential wounds you could get by being outside.
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Same situation as Edward. She's a psychic. Alice can easily check through her gift when you feel even the slightest want to go against her. She'll immediately fix the problem and spend more time with you and be much more attentive too. However, if you decide to rebel against her far too many times, she might just let you attempt an escape. Under her watchful eye, of course, since she doesn't want anything to happen to her precious darling but Alice is sure she can make an accident or two happen around you or maybe worsen your day with some horrible mannered humans to get you thinking that going outside and rebelling against her isn't worth it. She'll be faking her worries when you finally decide to come back home to her and she'll fuss all over your health. Alice might hide it from you but she is strategic and quite smart, especially when it concerne you. Your attempt had also given Alice a chance to guilt trip you into being her personal dress up doll. Not that you already weren't before, but things are certainly much smoother if you follow her order like a sweet darling right?
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Rosalie would be scoffing at your attempt. She's definitely annoyed and angry at you, but she is also blaming herself for it. Rosalie should have known you would try to escape and she probably had a feeling on that as well, yet she still decided to trust her darling. You could say that she considered it as a test to see your loyalty to her, one in which you had failed horribly. After she has finally calmed down from her anger, which could take a few days, she will return to you with a sweet smile and continue treating you as her precious jewel like she usually does. Now, you can ignore her attempts to win you back over with her charms and even insult her for it, but do remember that Rosalie could be the sweetest person in the world towards her darling, constantly spoiling you with affection and cherishing you with her gentle words. Her actions causes you to be awfully conflicted about your want to escape because why would you want to get away from someone who loves you more than anything in the world? Your doubts could be added if you had terrible partners in the past.
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Jasper will definitely be hurt. I mean, which yandere wouldn't feel hurt at some point if their darling tries to escape? But out of everyone, Jasper is the one who shows it the most. He's trying so hard to adjust for his darling on everything. He had made renovations to his home, specifically to accomodate to your taste and comfort. He had to endure more trainings to keep his blood thirst under control because he doesn't want to hurt you, and so much more. Jasper doesn't expect you to return anything, not even your affections since he understands he needs to earn it, but you attempting to escape is almost like you were dismissing all of his efforts in one go or even worse, you didn't give a shit about them in the first place and that was what probably hurted him the most. Jasper will probably get stricter with you after that. He had tried to be fair and tried to respect your space before and to be quite honest, he is the yandere who gives the most freedom to you after Carlisle. His only rule was for you to not leave him. But you had to break the rule and now, you'll pay for the consequences.
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Esme has the same reaction as Jasper. She's hurt but she is also confused as well. Esme is really patient and she understands that you needed time and space to adjust living in her house, your new and sudden home that was completely foreign to you, and she's trying hard to get you adjusted and be as comfortable as possible. Like Jasper, she's doing everything she can for your comfort but unlike Jasper, she expects your acceptance in return. It's not as if she is expecting it in a cruel type of way with the mindset that she's doing something for you, so you should do something for her. No, Esme is nothing like that. However, Esme made sure she was doing everything right and she expected for your relationship with her to go more smoothly, not for you to suddenly escape. Your failed escape made her think she did something wrong, but she's confused because she had done everything right so far. Esme never forced you to return your affections, she wanted to slowly earn it, which is why after your failed escape, she had a talk with you and asked you why you tried to leave. Esme knows that she's flawed but she wants to improve herself and do everything she can to fix the problem but in no world would she ever let you go.
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Emmett is silent. He was so fucking silent that it actually scared you more than if he got angry at you and he had never gotten angry at you either but it's probably much better than the silent treatment you're getting. No teasings or even some bad jokes. Heck, not even his cheesy pick up lines. Emmett still takes care of you and spend time with you during his silent treatment though. He still cooks meals for you and cuddles with you while watching a horror movie, which is actually his favourite activity to do with you, but he still didn't say a single word. And it was starting to get to you as well. You had no one else besides Emmett in the house, sometimes his "siblings" would visit, but they don't talk much with you and you were beginning to slowly grow insane from the lack of conversations. It didn't matter how long it took but after some time, you broke down and begged for Emmett to speak to you because if the silent treatment continued on, you were sure you would go completely insane. Emmett was surprised when you begged him but he was pleased as well. He was silent all this time in order to make him more tolerable to you, but Emmett also knew that he would eventually break you and hoped it would be enough to get you to want to talk to him.
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buddierecs · 2 months
fantasy buddie fics
this list has different rated fics, so please look at the rating make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
both blade and branch by: daisies_and_briars "the chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but buck still manages to pull it off. during a double date with marisol and natalia, nonetheless. eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as buck recovers from yet another trauma, eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. he’s not quite sure what version of buck he got back." word count: 62k rating: mature important tags: paranormal elements, temporary character death, hurt!evan buckley, slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst even in winter there is eranthis by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "buck is supposedly a god. supposedly. but he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in olympus. when he meets christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. now bound to eddie, the god of the dead, buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. but even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die." word count: 45k rating: explicit important tags: greek religion & lore au, fairytale-esque, angst and feels, eventual smut
claim your ghost by: daisies_and_briars "after a near death experience on a call, eddie starts having strange hallucinations of people who have died. there’s definitely no way he’s seeing ghosts, right? because eddie doesn’t believe in ghosts…" word count: 32k rating: teen and up important tags: ghost au, established relationship, angst, grief, hurt!eddie diaz, worried!evan buckley say yes to heaven by: dylaesthetics "the one where evan buckley's heart never started beating again, but he came back to haunt eddie diaz anyway." word count: 17k rating: teen and up important tags: ghost!buck, loss and mourning, therapy, angst, panic attacks like when the sun came out by: spaceprincessem "buck can see ghosts au" word count: 39k rating: mature important tags: ghost au, TW: mentions of suicide, angst, hurt/comfort, angst, boys in love, getting together further than blood (or than bones) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "once, eddie chose to save a newly turned against his better judgment. five hundred years ago, buck was saved by a rescuer he thought was a hallucination. now they're together again and about to find out just how far either of them will go to try and deny what they are to each other." word count: 50k rating: explicit important tags: vampires au, psychic abilities, slow burn, mutual pining, blood kink, anal sex, blow jobs
all the stones and kings of old by: extasiswing "edmundo diaz, king of calder, does not want a husband. he had a wife, he has a son. he doesn’t need anyone to try and fill the void in his life shannon left when she died—he is perfectly content with an empty bed, with bobby and athena advising him, with household staff taking care of christopher when he can’t. but. apparently he doesn’t have a choice in the matter" word count: 36k rating: explicit important tags: royalty au, arranged marriage, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, oral sex, anal sex scorched earth by: lunarplayer16 "buck has been a dragon rider since birth, and he has hidden this fact for most of his life. everywhere he has gone, he's been chased or thrown out for being himself with his dragon. he has been hiding his dragon's existence since he joined the 118. what happens when eddie notices something?" word count: 95k rating: teen and up important tags: dragons au, TW: past child abuse, angst, hurt/comfort, injury, team as family mermaid au (series) by: princessfbi "the loft was dark and stilted like buck hadn’t even bothered to turn on the lights when he got home but the air was thick with moisture. maddie heard the shower first and then the pitiful, pained whimper next. “buck!” maddie moved in through the loft to the bathroom and pushed open the door. she was met with a face of trapped steam that seeped into her skin and made her lungs release a tension she didn’t know she’d been holding. but that tension returned tenfold as she flipped on the light. buck stared up at her, tired and scared, from where he was slumped in the corner of his shower." word count: 62k rating: mixed important tags: mermaid au, hurt!evan buckley, hurt/comfort, pre-relationship, found family why do all the monsters come out at night? by: princessfbi "Witch!Buck Vampire!Eddie" word count: 41k rating: mature important tags: supernatural elements, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, getting together, love confessions feels like magic by: 42hrb "an urban fantasy au where most things are the same, except there's magic and supernatural creatures!" word count: 47k rating: teen and up important tags: magic, witch!eddie diaz, psychic!evan buckley, mutual pining, idiots in love, slow burn
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barbwritesstuff · 20 days
HIIII HELLO i am falling at your feet and I would go on a lengthy, hopefully eloquent spiel about how much I love Thicker Than and how it absolutely tore me apart, but first. FIRST. I MUST SAY. I HAVE TO SAY.
MC'S BABY... MY POOR MC'S BABY..... My Dr. Blackwell chose not to reintroduce himself into his little kiddo's life after he escaped his surprise five year imprisonment, and. I'm falling apart I'm crying I'm screaming that choice absolutely tore him and me apart �� he'd done his best as a father, he really had — and then to have that torn away so brutally?? I'm just.
Suddenly I wholeheartedly, visceraly understood why so many parents in supernatural stories choose to leave their children (usually the protagonist who knows nothing about the supernatural world). It kills them. Leaving their kid kills them. But what would kill them even more is if their child was endangered because they had been too human selfish to let them go.
I just. That's my baby. That's MC's baby. I fucking cried. Five years. Half a decade. Gone, just like that. I skipped into this IF thinking I'd take a quick peek and slunk away with a critical amount of emotional and psychic damage. I love childraising stories, and I was so excited when the option to have a kid popped up at the beginning — I was so naive 😭😭😭
Anyway, all that to say that I love this IF and would, quite literally, die for MC's little kid. I'm just. My MC just wants them to be happy. They just want them to be safe. It's a flawed thought process, and one of my friends definitely said that she would kick me if I was her kid for being so stupid (JDSGLSDJK) but. I don't care. Just... be safe... I break down crying again.
I don't know what will happen in the future, and if MC's kid will ever find out the truth if MC chooses to avoid them, but — I'm definitely locked in for the ride! Thank you for making such delightful characters, and thank you for sharing such a wonderful story! I hope you have an amazing day!
I'm so glad you're having so much fun with Thicker Than. I love the kid. There's so much horror and drama in having a child grow up, change, etc, while the MC stays the same, a vampire, only ever able to come out at night.
You haven't seen the last of them.
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theredpharaoah · 4 months
Dare I say we give Giles too much. I think him not giving Buffy the Slayer Handbook was dumb and ignorant. The Handbook didn’t just have rules for the Slayer, it was the definitive guide to magic on Earth and its history. The fact they never pull it out again after the first episode irritates the hell out of me. How helpful would that have been for all the Scoobies - Willow could’ve picked up magic way quicker. It probably would’ve helped Buffy hone the psychic abilities she never really developed. Remember how she’s supposed to be able to sense vampires and stuff? And in the comics, Erin had access to all the Slayer memories(I’m pretty sure) because he inherited the psychic side of the lineage. Again, that could’ve been cool to see and very helpful.
I also feel - as stated many times before - Giles completely failed with Faith. People talk about how Buffy built up that rapport with Giles and her friends - that she made their relationship the way it was. But that’s irrelevant because the relationship was present and stable at the time of Faith’s arrival. We see when Kendra comes that even the Giles is a bit taken-aback to her very by-the-book approach to being a slayer. So when Faith came - who is extremely similar to Buffy - how did Giles not immediately feel that paternal instinct he has with Buffy, Willow, and Xander? That sort of instinct comes easier the more people you consider to be your “children”. I mean it’s crazy that The Mayor had to take Faith out of that nasty ass motel. A literal demon had to go “that’s no place for a young girl”. And sure he had a motive but the fact that none of the decent people had already said it? And the way they handled the accidental kill of the evil assistant to the mayor? First of all, the Slayer killing humans is frowned upon but it’s not a hard and fast rule. I’m not saying they should just go around killing ppl, but I’m not going to feel bad that Faith killed a man who was working for demons anyway. And compare that to how they reacted to Buffy Killing Ted(when they thought she had); completely different reaction. And Buffy had exhibited far more animosity towards Ted, than Faith had for some random who got in the way.
Giles as an adult - and something of an educator - should’ve immediately clocked that Faith did not have the same upbringing as the other 3, that the Scoobies were falling into their childish instincts and alienating her, and he should’ve gone out of his way to include her and impress upon the others why they needed to accept her. Especially after they found out about her Watcher’s death and saw how terrified she was of Kakistos. Why did Buffy and Angel have to be the ones to find out Faith needed to be fought for - that she needed help to deal with her trauma. I was really disappointed in Buffy as she’d lost her watcher and relocated just like Faith. She also understood how lonely and dangerous it is being a Slayer. But I can’t blame Buffy all that much cuz she’s a kid. And Giles willing all of his things to Faith in the comics and only the Slayer Handbook to Buffy did not move me. Giles considered Buffy to be the “One True Slayer” was not a gag. Everyone considers her to be that, giving her this handbook after she’s been a Slayer for damn near a decade is insulting. She don’t need that shit no more - she had to learn it all on the job. And giving Faith his money so she could retire from violence? Faith’s violence wasn’t the issue, her relationship to it was. The whole thing read as very melodramatic and self-absorbed.
Giles was very childish and we see it all throughout the series, but especially in the later seasons. I mean when you actually think about it, he’s so ridiculous. Buffy was 22 at the end of the series. 22 and she has to take care of a teen sister, pay mortgage, bills, etc. Could you imagine that amount of responsibility at that age? Our society still considers 22 year olds to be pseudo-teens for the most part. And he left cuz he “didn’t want her to become dependent on him”…what type of shit? She was already dependent on you - you’d been her Father Figure since she was 16 and throughout a boatload of trauma. You pretty much raised the girl. And you know that - that’s why you had a dream of taking child Buffy to the fair. He’s human, but that doesn’t excuse the level of cowardice he exhibited for me.
Also, I think instead of killing Jenny in Passions, they should’ve had her live. I think she would’ve been great as Faith’s mentor. And while she didn’t take the Scoobies to task for blaming her about Angel and alienating her, I definitely think she would’ve gotten them together for their treatment of Faith. I also think she would’ve pointed out Giles’ differential treatments of the two.
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avengerscompound · 2 months
Shared Experience - Chapter 2
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Shared Experience - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Canon typical violence and the usual vampire stuff
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Rose Astor
Word Count: 2346
Summary:  Rose Astor met her end in 1920, joining the ranks of the living dead two years after the birth of Steve Rogers.  A century later the two meet in battle - a beacon of light clashing with a creature of the night.  Despite their differences, the two bond over their shared life experiences.  Can a vampire become an Avenger?  Can two such different beings create a life together?
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Chapter 2
The cell was cold and sterile and lit far too brightly for Rose’s taste but lacked any natural light sources; under the circumstances, she was grateful for that.  She could feel dawn’s arrival nearing.  The urge to go to ground was clawing through her, making her skin itch and her teeth hurt.  Despite the fact she should be safe here, her body didn’t like being so far above ground without being encased with soil or a coffin.
When Captain America had caught her, she’d pleaded to be put somewhere dark.  The spinal injury had kept her incapacitated for hours, yet even still when he came close to her to help put her on a gurney, she’d tried to compel him to let her go.  There had been some device blocking her will, and she’d realized that the Avengers must have developed some technology to block psychic attacks.  Likely due to the witch in their company.   Not only had Steve Rogers been unaffected by her powers, but he’d been aware that she’d been using them and warned the crew that brought her to the Tower that she would attempt to use them.
They had unnecessarily treated her injuries and placed her in this metal cell lying flat out on a hospital bed.  When the feeling came back to her feet she’d gotten up and looked for a way out, and now that dawn was approaching she knew if she wasn’t able to compel anyone to let her go soon, she’d be unconscious and helpless in the midst of superheroes.
For a while she crouched by the door, hoping to ambush anyone that might come to check on her.  They might be impervious to compulsion, but they weren’t to being turned.  When it was clear that no one was coming, she tore the mattress and the blankets from the gurney and pushed the mattress under the metal bench that ran along the side of the room.  She hung the blankets over the side of the bench and crawled in.  It wasn’t ideal, but it stopped the itchy feeling from bothering her as she fell into unconsciousness.
Rose didn’t fall asleep or wake up like humans did.  She was awake and then she wasn’t.  It wasn’t even sleep in the way a human would experience it.  To any layman, the lack of heartbeat, brain activity, or breathing would indicate she was dead.  She didn’t react to external stimuli in any way.  If someone chose to take that moment to stake her through the heart, she would jerk up as the stake entered her, and then crumble into dust.
When she regained consciousness, it wasn’t slow or gradual.  She didn’t feel tired.  She was just awake where before she was not.
It took her a second to realize that she was no longer under the bench she’d hidden in, but now in a metal box.  She was much colder than normal, but it didn’t bother her.  What bothered her was that she was locked in a mortuary fridge.
It wasn’t the first time it had happened, once she’d hidden in one herself, but she knew they were nigh on impossible to break out of once you were in one.  It was strange though, despite her predicament, she was relieved.  She was relieved they hadn’t tried to do an autopsy on her.  She was relieved that whatever path they’d taken from her cell to the morgue, she hadn’t passed through sunlight.  She also seemed to be in most of her clothes.  Her shoes and socks were gone, as were her sunglasses and jacket, but she still wore the palazzo pants and turtleneck she’d been wearing last night.  It could definitely be worse.
She began to kick at the door beneath her feet, hoping to any god that might care about her, that she’d be able to break the hinge off the door.
After two kicks the door swung open and the drawer was pulled out, and she was face to face with Steve Rogers once more.  “Why did you lock me in there!” she shouted, pushing herself up and jumping down from the drawer.  She didn’t try to run.  Not yet anyway.  She knew if he had been waiting here with her, he must know what she was, so if she attempted to escape there would be something to take her out.  It was better to bide her time and look for the best exit.
“You were dead,” he said.  “That’s where we put dead people.”
“And you just hang out in morgues for fun, do you?” she hissed.
“I had my suspicions,” he answered.  “They found you dead, but you’d managed to pull a gurney apart despite having a spinal injury that left you paralyzed the last time I saw you.  There was footage from the security tapes of things being tossed around, but you were nowhere to be seen.  When I went in to speak with you, you were under a bench in what looked like a fort, and there were no signs of life.  They wanted to do an autopsy.  I told them to wait until tomorrow.  So tell me - what are you?”
She rolled her eyes. “I think you already know the answer to that question.”
“See that’s the thing,” Steve said, taking a seat on one of the tall metal stools at the autopsy table.  “I thought vampires were fictional.”
“I thought Norse gods were fictional, and then there were two smashing up my city,” she said. “The universe is big.  Maybe all fiction has a piece of reality in it.”
“Still,” he said.  “Thor was living on another planet.  I’ve been on this one for quite a while now, you’d think I would have come across one of you before.”
She stalked toward him.  Her bare feet padded along the cool steel floor.  “What do you want me to do?  Prove it to you?”
She moved lightning fast, one hand going to his hair and the other to his neck as she shoved him up against the table.  She yanked his head back and bared her fangs.  “I wonder what a supersoldier’s blood tastes like.  Do you think that serum will make me even stronger?  Maybe I’ll turn you.  That might get me out of here safely, Captain.” 
She didn’t mean anything she said.  It was all for show.  She’d never turned anyone, and she didn’t want to start now.  But he obviously wanted something from her and she wanted to see what he’d do.  She leaned in pressing her fangs against his skin, just above the carotid artery.  She could feel the blood pulsing through it under her teeth.  She could smell it.  There was something slightly different to the scent.  Something akin to ozone or smoke.  She didn’t have time to study it, as Steve reached up and pressed something to her collarbone, and it felt like her skin caught fire.  She scrambled back, hissing in pain, and moving as far away from him as possible.
Steve held up the crucifix he’d pressed against her skin.  To double down on the old mythos, it seemed to be made of silver.  “So it is true.”
“I told you it was,” she said.
“Those children, they said you saved them,” he said, putting the crucifix back into his pocket.
“I told you that too,” she said.
“I’m just trying to understand it,” he said.  “Why would you save those children when you’re … well -” he waved his hand at her, gesturing up and down her body.
“A bloodthirsty monster?” she asked.
“Something like that,” Steve agreed.
She sighed and leaned against the wall.  “I was human once.  I drink blood because I have to to survive.  That doesn’t mean I want to see children used as a human shield.”
Steve’s blue eyes moved up and down her body, assessing her, looking for any sign she was lying to him.  She folded her arms around her middle.  It had been a long time since anyone had made her feel this vulnerable.  Not since she’d been turned.
“Can I go?” she asked.
“No,” he answered.  “You still killed a man.”
“Oh, like you haven’t,” she spat.
“Of course I have,” he said.  “But never like that.  I try not to kill whenever possible.”
“Well, we can’t all be a perfect little golden boy,” she snarked.  “Can we at least not have this conversation in the goddamn morgue?”
“Sure,” Steve said.  “Follow me.”
He opened the door and she followed him back through the building to the elevator.  Her eyes darted around the space, trying to work out if there was a means of escape.  Steve was fast.  Fast enough to keep up with her if she ran.  Plus he was strong enough to match her hand-to-hand.  Then there was everyone else in the building.  If Thor was alerted, she didn’t think there would be anything she could do to survive an assault from him.  So she followed along placidly, hoping he’d show some mercy on her.
They caught the elevator up, Steve leaned against the wall and looked at her.  “You barely look eighteen,” Steve said.  “How old are you?”
“You barely look twenty-five, how old are you?” she asked.
Steve laughed.  “Touché.”
“What are you going to do with me?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he replied.  “I have never had to consider what to do in this situation.  You helped.  But the way you helped.  How many other people have you killed?  Are you going to kill again?”
“You can’t hold me for imagined future crimes,” Rose argued.  “And you can’t hold me without evidence of any past ones.  I thought you of all people should know that.”
He frowned and looked down at his hands.  She had gotten to him.  Not enough for him to let her go.  This wasn’t a case of a hypothetical danger to the world.  She was a monster and setting her free meant setting free a being that fed on humans.
The elevator opened and he gestured for her to go through.  Still, the perfect gentleman he was raised.  She walked through and he led her to his office, pulling out a chair at his desk for her to sit at.  When she was sitting he went to his chair and sat facing her.  The office was much more modern than she expected.  The desk was black formica and extremely polished, to the point that if she gave off a reflection she would have seen it on the surface.  It attached directly to cabinets that ran down the side of the room under the frosted windows that acted as a wall to his office.  There was a panel that, if activated, would create the holographic screen of his computer on the desk, as well as a keyboard and a landline phone.  The only personal objects in the room were a series of papers stuck to the glass above the shelves.  Among them were some pencil sketches on aged notebook paper, and what appeared to be his 4F forms.
“I fought in World War II, you know?” Rose said as she turned her attention back to Steve.
“On which side,” he asked suspiciously.
She laughed.  “It really bothers you to think I might not be evil, doesn’t it?  The Ally’s side.  I was there before you started fighting.  The US had a monster division.  Did you know that?”
He shook his head.  “I don’t even know if I can believe that,” he said.
“It’s true.  There were monsters on the other side too.  The monster hunters were sent after them, and we were told to take care of Hitler’s obsession with the mystic world,” she explained.
Steve sat back and pinched the bridge of his nose.  It was hard when your whole worldview had come into question.
“Maybe we should start at the beginning,” he said, opening up the holographic screen on his computer.  “What’s your name?”
“Rose.  Rose Astor.  Of the Manhattan Astors,” she said.
Steve raised an eyebrow and began to type something into the computer.  “I’ve heard of you.  The Astor’s daughter went missing around the time I was born.  My mom would always bring it up when I would go out to play and dad…” he trailed off.  “It doesn’t matter.  What happened to you?”
“This happened to me,” she said.  “It was the start of prohibition and I had reached the legal drinking age the year they banned drinking.  I went out to a speakeasy and a vampire got me.  He kept me with him for a while.  I got free and he returned to Europe.  I was glad to see the back of him.”
“So you’re from my time?” he asked. 
She smiled.  “A little older, but yes.  We were in the same city when you were growing up.  I’m sure we have a lot in common, Captain Rogers.  Possibly more than you do with your friends.  Well - aside from that one little thing.”
“It’s not that little,” he said.
“Ahh, yes,” she agreed.  “You signed up to have a foreign substance injected into you that made you superhuman.  I had it forced on me.  You get to go out in the sun.  I don’t.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve said.  “I’m sorry that happened to you.  And I’m sorry you’ve had to live like this.  But I don’t know if I can just let you go.  If you kill again, that blood will be on my hands.”
“So what?  You’re just going to hold me here forever as your prisoner?  You’re as bad as he is,” she said.
Steve shook his head almost imperceptibly.  “Maybe you could join the team.  Prove to us you aren’t a danger to the rest of the world.”
Rose sank back into her chair.  She hated this.  She was going to be a prisoner all over again being forced to do things she didn’t want to do.  There didn’t seem to be any choice.  She believed Steve Rogers was a good man.  Hopefully, he could prove that to her too.
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Yokovina: enemies to lovers
Imma do a one shot of this. And I’ll make another that was suggest by my babe Vani because I love that idea so much.
Here’s a really really REALLY short short one shot.
Wednesday, Enid and Bianca catches the siren and her vampire partner making out once again at the Nevermore fountain.
Wednesday: Im surprised you two can breathe through all that kissing.
Enid: It’s impressive! I’ve seen them make out for like two hours straight!
Divina, pulling away from Yoko: That’s not true…. It was like two and a half hours.
Yoko: We can make it to three. *pulls Divina back in for a kiss*
The raven, werewolf and siren sit next to them eating their lunch. Yoko already had her gallon of blood while Divina could go on for hours not eating as long as she’s with Yoko.
Wednesday: interesting that they can’t seem to keep themselves off each other.
Bianca: Which is funny because they actually hated each other.
Wednesday: Really?
Enid: Yeah! These two did NOT get along. Freshmen year they were at each others THROATS.
Wednesday: How did they even end up like this then?
Bianca begins to narrate:
They definitely didn’t get off on the right foot. I remember Divina and I were at this party where we were talking with the other students. Other sirens, psychics, werewolves and of course Vampires. Yoko was the popular vampire there because she came from a wealthy family. Apparently her great, great grand father was one of the founders of the Nevermore academy. Here and all over.
Anyway, Yoko was bragging because she said she’s the fastest swimmer here in Nevermore. And she could last the longest. Divina was our fastest swimmer so of course had to object. One thing led to another and suddenly we were all outside at night. Freezing cold but Yoko challenged Divina nonetheless. She bet that she could swim all the way to the island in the middle of the water and back faster than her. Divina accepted it.
While Divina was our fastest siren, somehow Yoko was the fastest swimmer in all of Nevermore. She beat our girl by a mile. It was no contest. Made Divina feel terrible. It surprised all of us. And of course Yoko loved to brag about it. It was from them on that the two would-
Enid, interrupting: Bianca, they’re fighting.
Bianca turns to see the siren and vampire at each others throats on the ground. Reminded about their rivalry hit them harder than a bus.
Yoko: I’ll fucking kill you, I won fair and square.
Divina: Fuck you, I know you cheated you bitch.
Enid: Oh my god?!! You guys were making out like a second ago!
Wednesday: And NOW this is more interesting!
Will I make a part 2? Who knows I’m not great at fics lmao
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panlight · 9 months
Here's my annual ask to see how the Actual Consequences Universe is chugging along. At this point Renee and Phil know, Bella's back in contact with everyone, the Volturi are becoming aware of the situation (IIRC). What goes down this holiday season? Does Bella have to explain herself Aro? Do any of Jake's kids phase? Does Leah ever reconcile with everyone?
So in 2022, Renee and Phil met the Denali coven, and Eleazar realized Renee's latent talent and how potent it is, and that if she became a vampire and could wield it intentionally, it would border on mind control (since MS retconned Renee to have this sort of mental beacon that compels people to help her). Cullens are worried that the Volturi may find out, and lo who calls during Christmas but Aro, but he's calling about something else: they have Joham and at least a few of his children in Volterra, and requires the services of the world's only practicing vampire doctor.
By 2023, Carlisle knows all about hybrids. He's been to Volterra and done physical exams, written up some papers, did whatever imagining and testing that hybrid physiology will allow.
But Carlisle spending any time in Volterra also means that Aro pretty much HAS to know about Charlie, Renee, Phil, etc.
But Carlisle is a favorite of Aro's, and for the moment he is useful to him as a vampire doctor, so Aro just sort of laughs it all off. Caius of course wants to murder them all for breaking the law but but Aro points out that the Cullens technically didn't tell anyone. Billy told Charlie, and Charlie told Renee and Phil. So they get a reprieve, at least for this year.
Christmas is the first time the family has been together in ages; they all agreed that Bella and Alice shouldn't be anywhere near Volterra or Aro might be too tempted by the powers and try to keep them somehow, but Carlisle has spent a lot of time there over the past year, along with Esme, Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie because she's also had medical training. Esme, meanwhile, has made it personal mission to befriend and cheer up Marcus. It's only sort of working.
It's just the Cullens in person this year, in Europe (but not Italy) while they check in with Renee and Charlie over zoom. They're happy to be together but everyone's lowkey exhausted. Carlisle and Rosalie from their studies of hybrids; Alice from watching out for the family as well as Renee, as she's definitely on Aro's radar now; and everyone from the way knowing hybrids are possible has just shaken up their mental health. Rosalie and Esme are especially haunted by this. THEY can't have children, but their husbands theoretically could. And the children would be half-vampire, so it would be safe to keep them and raise them, whereas adopting a human child would always come with risks. Edward is flailing between "omg I could have impregnated Bella with one of those creatures and killed her!" and "Bella and I could have had a CHILD!" Rosalie and Emmett talked about surrogacy but the conversation ended up in a fight they are still working through. Esme is pretending everything is fine and she isn't constantly daydreaming about raising a child with blond hair and blue eyes, but Edward knows.
The Cullens have not been in the Forks area for the last year, so Jake's really shocked when his teenage son phases. Quil is still phasing because of how young Claire was when he imprinted (sidenote: still hate this part of canon, but), so he asks Quil to look after Willy and try to figure out why the transformation was triggered. They can SENSE a vampire, smell him, but they can't SEE him. It's very strange. Jacob, VERY RELUCTANTLY calls the Cullens. "Can your psychic leech tells us if she sees anything? Is this something to be worried about?" Leah and Seth are with him for Christmas and she rolls her eyes to high heaven about this. She's glad the Cullens are in one of their castles in Europe or whatever this year, but--and she'd never admit this in a million years--she sort of misses Emmett and Rosalie. Doesn't miss her step-sister Bella at all, though.
Jacob's call is a welcome distraction from the hybrid and Volturi drama, so Alice spends Christmas afternoon scanning possible futures. She can't see the wolves, of course, so it's tricky, but eventually she has a vision of Edward and herself going back to Forks and Edward reading the mind of a vampire they can't see. Or, really, can't look at. Edward promises the vampire they won't hurt him, that they just want to help, and Alice opens her eyes in the present and says, "He's a survivor of Victoria's newborn army. His name is Fred."
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acheel-and-cat · 4 months
Alrighty guys, I’ve added more to Vampire Monty! We have part one and two if you haven’t read those. Thanks @eat-the-lemons for the idea and thanks @parathepineapple for proofreading! Here’s part three of four in the Vampire Monty Au!
“Well do tell us your theory Crystal.” Edwin grabbed his notebook to take notes.
“He can’t eat normal food, he goes crazy blood, he’s got sunlight sensitivity, and fangs. That’s textbook definition vampire!” she said, proud of her deduction.
“That makes quite a bit of sense Crystal, well done!” Edwin told her, snapping his notebook shut.
“Wait, wait! I can’t be a vampire, I’ve never been bitten!” Monty was gobsmacked. His mind was racing and he like he needed to sit down.
“Being bitten is not the only way to be turned,” Edwin began, “Charles can you grab-“
“Vampires Vol. 1: How They Came to Be? Way ahead of you mate,” Charles interjected, setting the book on the desk.
“Let us see,” Edwin murmured as he began flipping through the book, “do you remember anything about your death and resurrection?” Monty shook his head.
“No, I just remember falling to the floor and then waking up and being human again.” He shrugged, internally cursing his lack of memory of the whole affair.
“Hold up mate, you said you fell? What happened?” Charles asked, concern lacing his voice.
“When Esther was dragged away our witch-familiar bond was destroyed and I died,” he explained sadly.
“God, that fucking sucks!” Crystal exclaimed.
“Alright, you were a crow, you died, and when you woke up you were human? Or, a vampire?” Edwin asked, writing in his notebook.
“Um, yeah. Sorry I don’t remember anything, I feel pretty useless right now,” Monty admitted.
“Nah mate, you’ve been brills. Maybe we could use our lovely psychic to investigate where you died?” Charles suggested, looking at Crystal.
“I have some money put aside but I don’t think it’s enough to get me to Port Townsend,” Crystal said.
“Well I’ve got some money. Esther sure doesn’t need it anymore and I found a job at the library too,” Monty offered and turning towards Crystal.
“Oh perfect, thanks Monty!” Do you want to start planning the trip?” Crystal asked Monty and grabbed her phone to start planning.
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A Bad Summary of some of the Gothic Literature I've read
The Castle of Otranto: A definitely real medieval manuscript about a very complicated inheritance crisis over a small region in Italy where in several people die, a priest shockingly has a son even though he's not supposed to, and a Santa Claus is watching from the background.
The Spider: A quirky girl causes a bunch of men commit suicide.
The Great God Pan: A quirky girl causes a bunch of men commit suicide.
Carmilla: A girl tries to create a lesbian polyamory via the only means that is obvious enough for the women she flirts with to pick up (because apparently kissing them and saying she loves them isn't), which is of course by slowly draining them of their blood so they may join her in undeath as vampires.
Olalla: A very horny, very racist Scottish guy really wants to have sex with every member of this noble family but specifically only wants to marry the one within whom the effects of inbreeding are least obvious.
The Jewel of the Seven Stars: A group of people have to deal the understandably angry ghost of an Egyptian Pharoah who is quite upset her body was stolen from it's tomb, all her stuff got taken away, and she got dragged to the hellhole that is London. Eventually her kidnapper feels a bit bad about this and decides to help her out.
Dracula: I mean everyone on the site has read this one.
Lair of the White Worm: The worst of Bram Stoker's longer form gothic works, but also the last. An Australian guy who is very excited to be there realizes that maybe England is a little haunted. Meanwhile he gets himself a wife with psychic powers, and plots against the Giant Snake who is planning to marry into wealth to escape her debts.
Phantom of the Opera: An incel decides to cause problems on purpose and also attempts desperately to woo a girl by threats of violence and his excellent singing skills. After finally managing to get her to promise to marry him by leveraging her boyfriend he realizes he's not ready for the commitment and dies. Also there's a guy called the Persian who is rad.
Frankenstein: A college student realizes he is not ready for a kid, even one he made with evil science, and spends the next decade running from his problems.
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existslikepristin · 1 year
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I should keep this up. My writing output is insane. Has anyone noticed that none of these are edited? (Probably, because they're fuckin bad XD)
(Story Index)
Not a moral implication in sight
“So Joy,” you say.
“Yes?” she asks in the kind of tone that implies she already knows what you’re going to say as she wipes a tiny bit of spit from the corner of her mouth. Your dick already feels lonely.
“You’re great at this, but I’m really in the mood to fuck your pussy. Mind getting undressed?”
Joy scowls and takes a sharp breath. “Ooh, sorry. That’s not going to be possible.”
“The undressing?”
“Oh no,” Joy chirps. Her green bikini thing expands away from her body for a moment, then becomes wispy and fades away like smoke. Her jewelry remains. “That part is easy.”
Your breath hitches at the uninhibited sight of her body. Sure she was mostly already naked and giving you a blowjob, but the wonders of her parts previously obscured are incredible. You’d spend quite some time staring blankly at her top-tier titties if she didn’t continue speaking.
“No, it’s the pussy part. See, I don’t have one.”
“Excuse me?”
Joy stands up (a beautifully graceful motion), backs up against the table, and points between her legs. Good golly, she’s right. Where her pubic mound goes between her thighs, you see no cleft signaling the beginning of some labia. Instead, it’s just blank space.
“See, within the genie genre or supernatural literature as a whole, there always has to be something that makes the genies unique. Some unexpected twist that gives underlying tones of ‘not like the other genies,’ right? Like if vampires sparkled in the sunlight for example. It’s ridiculous and arbitrary. So, I have no vagina. Why would I need one? Genies obviously don’t reproduce in the same way humans do.”
You’re not sure if you were actively listening. Your hand is already hovering toward her… nether region? It’s unclear what it should be called. Joy simply watches with an amused smile as you touch the space you would normally expect a pussy to be. She moans loudly, sensually, shocking you into removing your hand.
“I’m kidding,” she says, “I don’t feel anything down there besides your touch.”
“Do you not feel sexual pleasure, then?” you ask, “Because genies don’t need to or something?”
“Oh, I definitely feel the same sensations you would associate with sex, but it’s like a psychic thing. The happier you are with me, the more of a pleasure sensation I experience.”
“So you’ll always cum at the same time I do or whatever?”
“Nope!” Joy takes your hand and places it back between her legs. “It’s more like a constant pleasure. Like, I don’t know what the human equivalent would be. Alcoholism, maybe, without the constant threat of death.”
You gingerly rub at the empty space, still having a hard time mentally piecing together what you see. “That’s weird.��
“Nah. It’s your humans’ genitalia that’s weird. I don’t know what the big deal is. It’s just awkwardly placed wrinkly stuff that you love touching. I love touching it because I get a lot out of it, but aesthetically, you’re kind of wonky.”
You raise an eyebrow, wondering if you should be offended on behalf of humanity.
“You know what though? You could totally wish for some good pussy. It’s entirely reasonable, even expected, that at some point during our time together you’ll build up a substantial harem. If you want to hold off on getting off that way though, I can definitely go back to the blowjob. It was giving me lots of happy tingles. Or alternatively…”
Joy turns, swishing her hair over her shoulder so you can see her entire, smoothly muscled back. She bends over at the waist, leaning on the table. Between her excellently sculpted ass cheeks, clearly inside her, is a familiar sight: The butt plug you brought home.
“You could fuck my ass.”
Options (I still haven't decided on the best format for these):
Nope. Too weird. Tell her you want to go back to the blowjob.
Go ahead and wish for some of that good pussy she’s talking about.
Oh hell yes. Pull out all the stops/plugs and fuck Joy’s ass.
Hold the fuck up. If she doesn’t need a pussy, why’s she need an ass, or anything for that matter?
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underpaidimmortal · 3 months
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all my oc refs gathered in one place!! they are all on artfight!!!
and now for a little info abt all of them since i never talk abt my ocs on here:
钟千鹤 (Zhong Qianhe): Dungeon Meshi OC, in an adventuring party with @consultingdemiwitch's OC Liuxiang. Their mother is a halfling and their father is an ogre/oni. The two parents met on a dungeon research trip and fell in love yet could not live together due to societal norms, so Qianhe spent much of their childhood being shunted around two homes over long distances. While both the ogre and halfling communities generally are tight-knit as both are quite discriminated against, a biracial child such as Qianhe attracted the ire of many people in both groups. After setting out on their own, they decided to learn magic despite their heritage leading to discrimination and a low mana tolerance. When they arrived on the Island, they met Liuxiang and ventured into the dungeon, seeking glory and a chance to prove themselves in the real world.
周 (Chow) or Brother Chow: Yet another OC created in part with @consultingdemiwitch, this time for an original story starring the Cantonese Triads. Currently a low level-grunt harbouring delusions of grandeur and an aspiration to be a powerful boss as the glory of the Triads grows weaker day by day. He's really bad at spending money, hence the fancy dress clothes that end up racking an exorbitant dry-cleaning bill when they get blood on them and the totally epic tiger tattoo on his back. He hasn't seen his family in years. He can cook awesome street snacks. 3. 张意秀 / Iseult Zhang: Former vamp(ire) opera actress, film star and current mercenary/receptionist. In her world, she rose to fame quickly with the help of her film star girlfriend, who then turned her into a vampire after being outshone by Iseult. Nowadays she does assassin/mercenary work and moonlights as the mercenary company's receptionist. She's also a total ladykiller (literally and figuratively) and DEFINITELY wants to marry Mercury's mom. 4. Retrograde: What happens when you take a shoujo princely bad-boy type character and give them assorted tons of shonen protagonist teen angst? After forcibly having freaky jellyfish psychic powers and awesome hair thrust upon them, Retrograde now spends a lot of time trying to keep their school uniform intact... to no avail. After meeting Mercury, they start to embrace their role as the story's "protagonist", but there are other secrets lurking beneath the surface... 5. 巫煌精 / Mercury Wu: The REAL protagonist of the story. A nervous-looking guy whose main problem at the beginning is the terrible stomachache brought on by contaminated egg waffles. Things get stranger very quickly as ridiculous fictional premises and tropes bombard their ways into his life, including: some cocky bad-tempered prettyboy yelling at them constantly, a MILF-adjacent vampire who really, REALLY wants him to go away and fuck his mom, a cute little robot with a tragic backstory heavier than its submachine bazooka and a girl whose arrival literally means the end of the world. Just great.
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
Pinky promise I will write more for the concept of turning homophobic dude into your puppy and breeding bitch as soon as I have time. I also wanted to write you something for your birthday but I genuinely don't have time at all 😔
Since my co-worker is on vacation and we only work one shift (aka mine) I am swarmed the entire day and I have cried from stress nearly every day this week and I basically never cry. Also I had customer yell at me and threaten me two days ago and I was certain he would attack me?? He might've if another customer didn't walk in and it was for his mistake too. And when I tried to tell him that and offer to correct it, he got worse. Thankfully my manager is really nice and he told me I could've called him and police and that I should next time.
I really miss being here and every day and interacting with people but like...I barely see my dog because most of them home is spent sleeping. And the play I'm in is in like two weeks and I didn't have time or energy to properly learn my lines yet and we're supposed that have rehearsals before work next week and ngl I feel like throwing myself off of the building. (And I didn't even start with my final paper for college). Also I had bit of a cold and hell of a sore throat, I could barely speak and it hurt to swallow :((
There was so much I wanted to talk about and comment on but I literally don't have energy to type and I wish I could psychically send my thoughts to my phone. I hope you're doing better than I am though ✨🫶🏻 I'm on a hunt for less stressful job, hopefully something online so I can do it when I start college again this year (after two years).
(and side note but I love the idea of period sex but in reality because of my pcos and other problems, I am in way too much pain to do anything irl which sucks. But there are fanfics and roleplaying 😌 and the anon who mentioned this and said they have vampire thing are so real, me too bestie. And thank you for providing links of my husband, trans Simon is elite)
Dw sugar bee!! You pop in whenever you have time!! And besides I appreciate the fact that you wanted to write me something sweet in the first place as we say down there it’s like you already did it so thank you lovey!
Sugar bee :(( that sounds absolutely horrible I’m so sorry angel customer service can be hell on earth especially down in the Balkans they really should have security work alongside cashier bc that’s what they do here you never know what can happen you know it’s okay to feel upset about it and cry it out just rmr that it was his fault and customers in general can be devils my cousin worked at a store for a short period of time and she says every time she passes it she gets physically sick bc ppl can be so nasty
And again like I said pop in whenever you can I understand you’re very busy rn and I hope things become less stressful so you can get some rest and spend time with your baby and of course to pop in here but I also have to say I admire you for balancing a job school and hobbies bc personally I wouldn’t be able to withstand this 😭
I also hope you get a much easier job so you don’t get burn out no offense but isn’t life crazy like you’re doing everything that’s expected of us have a job do school hobbies and you’re on the verge of getting burned out every day I am reminded of the hell on earth this is our society
Fanfics and roleplaying are definitely a good way to go about it! I mean might as well take the chance and have a vampire role play with your partner I mean who said that :/
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berenwrites · 1 year
Stranger Things Fanfiction
So I thought I'd do a master post of all my steddie fanfic so far. It's listed in my pinned post too, but I am shameless 😜.
Whole New Us: Trauma Bonded & Beyond - Steddie (COMPLETE) - ~57K wds (26 ch) - Teen (with mature options) - (also on AO3) Steve has been ignoring his own problems, he’s been busy. They’ve all been busy, preoccupied with fixing everything that was broken. Vecna has been defeated, but the Upside Down is still there, and the gates are not completely closed even though Hawkins has almost returned to normal. It’s been a couple of months and the aftereffects of Steve’s encounter with the demobats is about to come back to bite him. However, it also brings some unexpected hope.
Beyond the Battle: Action & Consequence - Steddie (COMPLETE) - PG13 - ~108K wds (46 ch) (Also on AO3) Steve hits things with a bat or gets hit depending on who you ask. He definitely does not have anything to do with the psychic stuff. That is El’s domain. However, as Vecna is defeated, the rules change.
Dreams in the Night: But Vampires Aren't an Upside Down Thing - Steddie (COMPLETE) ~18.5K wds (9 ch) - Explicit - (also on AO3) Steve has been having nightmares, seeing through the eyes of a vampire like creature in Hawkins as it hunts. He puts the dreams down to past trauma and too many horror movies at Family video. He’s checked and no one’s been hurt, so even Robin agrees. However, his world is about to be turned upside down yet again as the nightmares become far too real.
Sight: Now I See You - Steddie (COMPLETE) ~26K wds (13 ch) - PG13 The final battle with Vecna was victorious, but not everyone came out unscathed. Steve wakes up in the hospital high as a kite with something wrong with his eyes. Robin’s right there to assure him it’s nothing permanent, but something weird is going on, and he needs answers. That there appear to be two government factions in town, one of which is hunting El even though she saved the world, does not help. Neither does the feeling there’s someone watching him. It’s all a mess and Steve can’t sit back and let the others fix it by themselves.
Wolf in the Light - Steddie (currently POSTING) ~35K wds (will be 20 ch) explicit - only on AO3 Steve has been keeping a big secret: he’s a werewolf from a long line of werewolves. Only problem is, he’s a complete failure at it. He can’t even shift, but it does make him a bit harder to kill, so he thought he’d found his perfect niche keeping the kids and his secret safe after ‘83. With their plan to end Vecna only half successful and Eddie bleeding out, he has no choice but to reveal the truth and try and convince his friends that werewolves are real. That would be enough of a task for anyone, but to his shock, his heritage has an even bigger surprise in store, and of course, there’s Max to worry about too.
Secret Lover: A Vampire Eddie Short - Steddie - ~1Kwds - Mature - (on AO3 too) Vecna is dead and gone thanks to El and the party. Not all his creations are. Eddie is one of those creations. Everyone thinks he’s dead, but Steve knows better.
In His Kiss: The Trouble With Vampire Tendencies - Steddie - ~2.5K wds - PG13 - (on AO3 too) Steve could feel Eddie’s eyes on him. It was like he could tell, even without looking that Eddie was staring at him. Every time he glanced over, Eddie looked away, but half a second too late. It was beginning to drive Steve crazy.
So Sweet: Hard to Begrudge Love - Steddie - ~400 wds - G - (on AO3 too) Tooth rotting Steddie fluff from Robin’s point of view.
Connections: Voice from the Other World - Steddie - ~2K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) Steve hears Eddie voice in his head. At first he thinks it’s guilt, but that soon changes. Now all he needs to figure out is if it’s one of Vecna’s games or something else.
So Sorry: Through No Fault of His Own - Steddie - ~1.8K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) Bad things have happened to Steve, but Eddie is there to help – only it’s not that simple.
Freaks: What the World Sees - Steddie - ~1K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) The world knows a lot about famous guitarist and singer Eddie Munson, including things about his husband, but there is so much they don’t see as well.
Summertime Love - Steddie - PG - 311wds Written for steddiemicrofic prompt: CAKE | 311 words | rated: PG | cw: none
For Love - Steddie - PG - 548wds Written for steddiemicrofic prompt: CHARM | 548 words | rated: PG | cw: none
Guardian at the Gate - Steddie - PG - 387wds (on AO3 too) SteddieMicroFic November '23 - prompt: REST | 387 words | rated: PG Wayne rushes to the hospital when he gets news of Eddie. He does not expect what he finds.
Magnificent - Steddie - G - 508wds (on AO3 too) Written for prompt: PINE | wc: 508 | G | cw: none Steve has never ever wanted to see Eddie in a coffin, but this one looks absolutely perfect...
Reborn: Facing the Unexpected - Steddie - PG - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for steddiemicrofic January prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 The final confrontation with Vecna has come and gone, they won, but Steve can only focus on one thing...
Wake-up Call: An End or a Beginning? - Steddie - PG - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for January 2024 prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 When you're dead, you're not supposed to wake up.
Strange Relationship: Of Sex and Revelations - Steddie - Explicit - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for January 2024 prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 Steve is good at sex, but there are some things he hasn't been considering. Eddie is very happy to open his eyes.
Caring: Now It's Your Turn - Steddie - G - 593wds (also on AO3) Written for @steddielovemonth 2024 day 1 Steve has been looking after everyone, now it's his turn.
Still Oneshots - New list because Tumblr complained ;)
Revelation: A Heart-Stopping Reality - Steddie - G - 1396wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 3 Steve is just sitting by the pool watching his friends have fun when he comes to a stunning conclusion.
A Small Thing: The Truth Hurts - Steddie - T - 956wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 4. Eddie wants to know everything about Steve, and Steve has a confession to make.
Falling: Who Will Catch Me? - Steddie - PG - 509wds (also on AO3) Written for Feb prompt: EDGE | wc: 509 | PG | cw: PTSD, mentions of torture It's all over and Steve has nothing left to keep the horror at bay.
See Me: In the Silence - Steddie - G - 309wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 5 Steve always see what Eddie needs.
Quiet: But Far From Idle - Steddie - G - 627wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 6. Eddie loves when both he and Steve are in the zone.
Arms of Love: Whatever You Need - Steddie - G - 678wds (also on AO3) Written for @steddielovemonth day 8. It's July, Steve is having trouble sleeping, Eddie helps.
Closure: Rifts & Reactions - Steddie - G - 836wds - (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 12 The final battle is over, it's time to look forward.
Late Again?: Love Is Too Compelling! - Steddie - PG - 980wds - (also on AO3 soon) Written for steddielovemonth day 14. Eddie doesn't want Steve to go to work, so is trying to convince him to quit.
Always and Forever: Love Finds a Way - Steddie - G - 1237wds - (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 29. After their usual phone call while Eddie is on tour with Corroded Coffin, Steve is worried.
Best Present Ever - Steddie - G - 290wds Vecna was dead. Hawkins was no longer split open. It was time to celebrate.
Still Oneshots - New list because Tumblr complained again ;)
Half a Dream - Steddie - G - 510 wds (also on AO3) It took Eddie until he reached the top to realise he’d been chasing only half a dream the entire time.
The Giveaway - Steddie - G - 483 wds (also on AO3) It's not anything they would have guessed that give Steve and Eddie away to their friends and family.
With Both Hands - Steddie - PG - 838 wds (also on AO3) Eddie is having trouble figuring out how he got here and believing it's real.
A Simple Question - Steddie - PG-13 - 1155 wds (also on AO3) Eddie is a little tipsy, and he has a question for Nancy.
Through Your Eyes - Steddie - PG-13 - 943 wds (also on AO3) Steve wakes up and something is definitely not right.
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