#she has my moms name >(
claraoswalds · 16 days
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#mrs flood who are you: time lord edition
#dwedit#doctor who#mrs flood#fifteenth doctor#the master#jacobi!master#tenth doctor#jack harkness#martha jones#twelfth doctor#ninth doctor#*#okay here is my argument: mrs flood IS a time lord but her presence here has nothing to do with the doctor#instead she's here because of ruby. she's seemingly part of/related to the pantheon of discord & we know that ruby is connected to them too#so i think that she was deliberately placed as ruby's neighbor by the pantheon/oldest one/ruby's mom/? in order to watch over her#it also explains why she was there to check on ruby in 1.04. once she realizes she's on the phone w carla she says 'nothing to do with me'#and she leaves. which implies that it COULD have had something to do with her. if it had been something else going on#ANYWAY. to get to the time lordness of it all. rn i personally believe that she's a time lord that's been hiding on earth for 50+ years#bc i don't think she recognized the police box as a tardis initially. that first quote should be taken at face value.#instead picture this: she's watching over ruby as per usual. a police box is there - weird but nbd. then it dematerializes in front of her.#she drops her groceries. she's shocked. she kinda looks scared. if she already knew it was a tardis why would she react like that?#so imo she knows OF tardises. she DIDN'T know the police box was one. and she's worried the time lords have found her hence the fear.#but when nothing happens and nobody comes at her she realizes she's still safe#later when she sees the doctor she realizes the tardis is his/he must be a time lord. he doesn't identify her but that's happened before#so then when she asks him who he is i think what she's actually asking for is his title. WHICH time lord are you.#bc lbr if she knows abt tardises then she knows about time lords and if she knows abt time lords she knows what it means for ruby#to be joining him - and that's why she wishes ruby good luck. meanwhile this is clearly the outcome she WANTS (them to be together)#bc she gets visibly upset when the doctor seems to decide to leave without ruby.#and for once i'm not master clowning bc the list of names the doctor gives out is VERY interesting. some of them we've never heard before:#the bishop; the conquistador; later he adds the pedant and sagi-shi and reiterates the bishop AGAIN. so i wonder if she's the bishop.....
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daily-odile · 6 months
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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adeleine-everyday · 2 months
day 102
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no sabo kid
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tequiilasunriise · 8 months
When Steph and Cass get married they don’t take the last name Brown (Daddy Issues™️) or Cain (Daddy Issues Prime™️) or even Wayne (Steph absolutely REFUSES to become a Wayne nosirree), but a secret fourth thing (Gordan).
#BARBRA GORDON IS CASS’ MAMA AND TO AN EXTEND STEPH’S TOO OKAY#yes Steph still has Crystal but yall can NOT tell me she didnt lowkey look up to Babs as a secondary mom figure#the only one who is in on the jig is Kate bc shes officating the whole thing bc DUH and the way she fucken WHEEZZEEDDD when Steph explained#the way Kate would stand at the podium and anounce with such a smug grin#looking DIRECTLY at Bruce#‘I pronounce you…. MRS STEPHANIE AND MRS CASSANDRA GORDAN!’#the sheer fucken UPROARRRR#Steph LAUNCHES herself into Cass’ arms and kisses her senselessly as her now wife effortlessly carries her in a bridal carry#babs takes a second to process before instantly losing her NIND bc oh these crazy kids did NOT no no shes not crying#(she is. she so is. her date Dinah is handing her a hankerchief)#the batbros minus dami are hollering and cheering bc YEAHHHH STICK TO THE MANNNN#dami himself is dismissive and muttering about how could anyone throw away the wayne name like this#(on the inside he actually thinks this is pretty funny and must admit Barbra’s last name is a worthy rival to the Wayne name)#Bruce. Bruce is stunned. shell shocked. this girldad just lost his fav kid his princess#Jim is just having a damn good time bro is clapping Bruce on the back and having a good laugh over it all#also does this mean he has two honorary grandkids? no? well suck it bruce theyre my grandkids now#the other gothmanites who were invited like the birds of pret or the gotham city sirens are also all clowning on Brucie Boy#dc#stephcass#cassandra cain#stephanie brown#batfam
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Sosuke would be taking Mitsumi’s last name, full stop ✋🏽
Sosuke is coming into a large, interconnected, loving family, and that goes with him happily accepting the Iwakura last name 💅
He’s marrying UP
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jichanxo · 1 month
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redraw of an umineko piece from 2019 (original under the cut)
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this one was drawn/lined traditionally, then coloured digitally. the redraw is all digital.
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i hope persephone gets a certified #MomMoment where she mixes up zag and mel's names as she's calling to one of them. bonus points if she accidentally calls them cerberus first, then their sibling's name, then the correct name finally after exhausting all other options
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pastadoughie · 11 months
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scawwed and pafedic lidol beast
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creekfiend · 1 month
How did you/your family choose the dogs' names? And decide which kinds of dogs to get? I love all of them, please wish Moishe a happy birthday!
oh well it is different for each dog. Ella is from a private foster, Blue is from a breeder, Glimmer is from a breeder, Maisy is from a shelter/rescue, and Moses wound up on our property at ~7 weeks old after walking all the way across a huge cow pasture and fording a creek because he heard my mom and Lambchop in our pasture making noises. he's also from a breeder technically lol
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flareboi · 3 months
what if purple never calls him dad
#what if the word ‘dad’ is something purple doesn’t like.#what if it carries a bad connotation for them and a bitter reminder for mango.#family doesnt always have to look like one thing yknow? i dont think those two would have a traditional dynamic in that way#maybe purple does consider him their parent. they just dont call him ‘dad’ unless its in third person#and theyre fine with that and so is he#king is his father figure yes but he’s also a mom. a big brother. a sister. their dynamic just isnt captured in purple calling him ‘dad’#maybe his name is the best way they can say it. the best way they can appreciate him#because for purple a father is someone who hurts you. someone who leaves you#i think ‘purple calls him dad on accident’ is a cute idea#but honestly it would make more sense if they called him mom on accident instead. or if it happened when they were afraid. not comfortable#(this is presuming orchid is his mother and navy his father based on the pronouns used in the react vids iirc)#because why would purple refer to someone he sees as a parent with the title of the one that presumably did not raise them?#and on mangos end#i think u can kinda tell who in this fandom has never lost a loved one in how they characterize him#guys. grief doesnt leave. it never leaves.#you just learn to live with it!!!#mango is not okay just because he has a new kid to take care of. i would know this my bio mom passed and i have a stepmother!!!#she does not fill that void and i do not expect her to because it cannot be filled. but she brings a lot new to ease the pain and is a#wonderful part of my life#the same thing here#mango will never ever just .. go back to how he was#he will never be the same since gold died. and thats okay#purple will not change that. they will merely add something new#their dynamic can be beautiful and nontraditional and a showing of how grief can change you#it doesnt have to be ‘replacement dad and replacement son’#its so much more#oke. tag rant over#fett rambles#ava#uhh should i tag the chars
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gideonnah · 2 months
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laur-rants · 7 months
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A Starry-Eyed boy, who now lives amongst the stars...
First Pet Commission done: Jack, aka Starswift Unfinished Business.
This boy was a very special dog, and it was a very special privilege to get to draw him. An inspiring story, he was diagnosed with a liver shunt around a month old, and given a low prognosis for continued existence. But with a special diet and a lot of determination, that tiny puppy grew and grew and beat the odds multiple times, eventually becoming 90 lbs of lovely, happy, sweet puppy. An absolute joy to everyone who knew him, he had an instagram account and many followers rooting for his success. He was a fighter and even his registered name reflected this: Unfinished Business, because he was too young to go just yet. So full of life and vibrancy, he had one crucial message to give to the world: no matter how disabled you are, no matter your lot in life, never give up and live every day to its fullest. Jack unfortunately passed away in October, just a few months shy of two years old. He fought until the end, but his owners knew it was better to see him off, than to let him suffer. I'll spare the sad details here, but it was a hard blow on everyone who knew him. It's up to us to carry on his unfinished business, and to make the world a kinder, happier, and perhaps even a little bit of a bouncier place, than when we entered it. @starswift-borzoi
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random-lil-illing · 3 months
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coloured versions of the girlfailure <3
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izzyzalezbian · 1 year
Super Mario Bros Movie Headcannons
When Luigi was young, and learned about how the sun was destined to explode and destroy their universe one day, he would stay up at night crying, and worrying about it
Mario would read him the same statistics about how the sun wasn’t due to explode until they were both long gone, over and over again whenever this happened, to help him calm down
Mario has a tendency to over-worry about Luigi, because he knows that his brother has an almost detrimental anxiety disorder, but also hand no idea how to help him
Luigi has a tendency to over-worry about Mario’s over-worrying
Mario talks with his hands- he waves and flaps them around while he’s talking
Luigi also talks with his hands, but only really when he’s excited, or talking with Mario
Peach doesn’t talk with her hands- in fact no one in the Mushroom Kingdom does. The first time she saw Mario and Luigi talking to each other while waving their hands around, she thought they were going to fight
Whenever Bowser sees Mario and Peach flirting, he makes sure to make some sort of fuss about it. Every. Single. Time.
Luigi pretends to throw-up whenever he sees Mario and Peach flirting
Bowser appreciates this, and thinks they have some type of commorodority in hating their relationship
They don’t.
Peach loves to bake, but she’s horrible at the decorating part. She can never get the frosting through the pipping bad without a mess, and fondant is never smooth. The treats themselves are delicious
She’s too stubborn to ask for help, so her and her treats just suffer in silence
Luigi, the Penguin King, and the rest of the prisoners keep in touch after they escape, and sometimes they’ll all meet up to play cards
Luma is not invited.
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autism-alley · 3 months
alright sorry to be a bitch about casting, but i’m gonna bc i do think it’s important to illustrating the feel of a character (if you come to me to bitch and whine about black annabeth get the fuck off my lawn). myself and others have already talked at length about the writing of the series, so if you’re looking for more weighty criticism, just scroll thru the pjo crit tag, now is my time to be a stickler for details, and this is a live action show, a visual medium, the casting is important for reasons beyond an actor’s ability to deliver lines. embodying the character purely in an actor’s personality isn’t enough—they need to physically feel like they could be this person to really sell it (there’s also something to be said abt not having to cast someone who supposedly feels like the character they’re playing just as themself—it’s called acting for a reason, but i digress).
just. take in the official viria pjo art of sally jackson.
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look at this woman. look at her!! that is MOTHER. that is the woman who worked herself to the bone to single handedly raise perseus jackson, flaws and all. that is the woman who rocked up to the battle of manhattan with a shotgun and A WILL. that is the woman poseidon himself called a queen amongst women and offered a palace to. with warm lighting only outshone by her reassuring smile and the candle of percy’s blue birthday cupcake—that’s sally jackson. the composition of it, her pose and welcoming smile, makes the viewer feel like we are percy jackson, and it’s our birthday we’re being beckoned to join in the celebration of, a special moment between mother and child.
now look at this woman.
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i feel like i’ve had this english teacher before, asking me why my autistic ass was tweaking out in the middle of her lesson on iambic peranimeter. i’m sure she’s a nice lady in real life, it’s nothing against her as a person or her skills as an actress, to me she just lacks the warmth and gentleness crucial to sally jackson’s feel as a character. that is my own subjective take. she doesn’t make my shoulders relax at the sight of her. her smile doesn’t make the tightness in my chest go away. looking at this sally jackson, i feel everything her character ISN’T meant to embody. i start feeling stressed out. like everything is somehow a lesson and she has grand expectations of my answer. and the script does NOT do her any favors with lines like “you decide how ugly this gets” at VERY MINOR “outbursts” of percy’s. paired together, the script and the casting, we get what feels more like all the chastising teachers in percy’s life rather than his loving and patient MOTHER. and i don’t wanna hear another one of y’all defend this depiction as more accurate to parents of ND children or i’m gonna lose it.
now finally, look at this woman.
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we can bash the pjo movies for all their inaccuracies and adaptation flaws, but if there’s one thing they nailed, it’s sally jackson. the kind eyes. the welcoming and reassuring gaze. a tired yet inherently trustworthy face. she’s so open. she feels so special, so giving, even if she herself has little. i can see myself laughing in her kitchen, making seven-layer dip or blue cookies. i can see her handing me an extra few jelly beans after a long shift at the candy store. i can see myself as percy jackson, able to put aside another school expulsion because that’s my mother and she’ll never let me doubt she loves me. i can see why poseidon, god of the sea, would fall in love with her in a way he hadn’t in thousands of years. i can see him offering her the world.
i don’t know if this casting impacted the official art, it did come first, maybe that’s a well-known fact and i just sound like a jackass—nor is official art is the end all be all (looking the og official pjo art dead in the eyes)—but this woman just deeply strikes me as the same sally jackson as the one in viria’s art and the pjo books. she’s sally jackson in ways show sally vehemently just… is not.
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boilingrain · 1 year
There’s something silly to me about Bluestar x Yellowfang
It’s just “yeah Firestar’s moms should date”
Old women with tragic backstories and the very orange boy they separately adopted
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